#Danny makes his own stickers :3
stealingyourbones · 1 year
Short DPXDC Prompts #723
Danny is in Gotham and smacks a sticker on the batmobile, not knowing what car he just vandalized. Now he spends his free time at night trying to 'tag' batfamily with stickers. The Bats also make it a game to collect as many stickers as possible
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theskit · 1 year
Stickers AU
Direct linking gets rid of the readmore cuts!
If you came here via direct link, or wish to use the direct links to another part of the story, and DO NOT want to spoil the surprise stickers, please click on my blog name to go to the actual post after using the link.
Part 9
《Prev Next》
Danny wasn't sure what he'd expected when he put Bludhaven into his phone's GPS Sunday evening, but finding out it was only 30 minutes away was still surprising. He'd somehow thought it was farther away than that.
Shrugging it off, Danny found an out of the way alley to go invisible and intangible for the short flight. He'd already picked out which of his stickers he would be gracing Nightwing with tonight, now the only thing would be finding him.
Taking a rather scenic route along the coast, Danny got some interesting pictures of the rocky coastline and the water. The light pollution was still pretty bad, but it was a little easier to see the stars outside the city limits.
Reaching Bludhaven, Danny flew around randomly for a while before hearing a shout. Going to investigate he saw three guys cornering a young lady in an alley. Just as he moved to intervene, Nightwing dropped down from above, landing between the men and the lady.
"Mind if I cut in?" He asked as he hit the closest guy with an escrima stick, sending him to the ground with a crackle of electricity as the lady turned and ran. "It's just shocking how quickly I can go through dance partners, sometimes."
Turning to the other two, Nightwing fluidly exchanged punches before grabbing one guy's arm and throwing him over his shoulder into a nearby trashcan, "Sorry, you've been canned for inappropriate behavior," he quipped cheerfully.
The last guy took the chance while Nightwing was busy to pull out a knife. Smoothly dodging the first few swipes, Nightwing flipped over the guy when he overextended himself with a lunge, landing with a crouch and a leg sweep, taking him to the ground too. "Let's not get swept away in all the excitement, now!" He tossed out as he made sure all three guys were secure before calling it in to the police for pickup.
Danny practically sparkled with glee. The cool entrance! The flashy moves! The puns! He just might have a new favorite hero! Well. After Robin, of course. Teen hero solidarity and all that.
Danny landed, waiting to make sure the escrima sticks were put away before approaching Nightwing. He *definitely* didn't want to get hit with those things. Getting electrocuted was *not* on the to-do list this evening, thank you!
Coming up behind Nightwing, just as he finished contacting the police Danny smacked a sticker to the small of his back, yelled "Tag!" and took off running.
It was only after hearing Nightwing shout in surprise and then call out after him, beginning to give chase, that Danny realized he had dropped his invisibility. Whoops. At least he was in his hoodie. It was still a little bloodstained from yesterday, but it wasn't really *that* noticeable. Neither of his parents had mentioned it, and Jazz only gave him a small, searching look before he held up his bandanged finger to show her it was no big deal. It was also the only hoodie he'd remembered to pack.
Nightwing ran after the surprisingly quick child, teenager? they were kind of short... "Hey, kid! Hold up a second!"
The kid laughed, "No can do! Sorry, Nightwing! I needed one last number for my vigilante bingo card and you were it!"
The kid, a boy going by the voice, was dressed in jeans, sneakers, and a slightly oversized hoodie with what looked concerningly like bloodstains at the side. He took a quick left into another alley, one Nightwing knew to be a dead end. Turning the corner as well, Nightwing slid to a stop, glancing around the empty alley. "Kid? Hey, it's ok, I just wanna talk." He called out, doing a quick check behind the dumpster, which was the only thing large enough in the alley to hide behind.
Nothing. Scratching his head, Nightwing looked around again in confusion. There wasn't even a fire escape down this way. Where did he go? And what did he mean by vigilante bingo?
Deciding to check in with the others, he called Tim, unsurprised when he heard the rapid-fire clack of a keyboard in the background when he answered. "Hey, Dick, what's up?"
"Hey, Baby Bird! So, I just had an interesting run-in with a disappearing kid. He mentioned something about vigilante bingo, and I wondered if any of you had as well?"
The keyboard noises stopped abruptly, "He spoke to you? You actually saw him?"
"Well, yeah? Chased him down a dead-end alley, but he went poof. Gone. No sign of him anywhere."
Tim sighed heavily, "Of course. Can you head in to the batcave? We could use some insight into this. So far he's gotten you, me, Batman, and Robin, but no one has gotten a good look at him."
Already heading to where he had his motorcycle stashed, Nightwing agreed, "Sure. You need 5 numbers for a bingo though, and he said I was the last. Heard anything from Hood?"
Tim groaned, "No. Of course he wouldn't tell us if something like this happened to him."
"No worries, Baby Bird. I'll check in with Hood first and then swing by the cave to debrief, how's that?" He asked, swinging a leg over the motorcycle and starting it up.
"That would be great, thanks. If you're the one asking, he might actually tell you what happened," Tim replied, relieved he wouldn't have to try getting information out of Jason himself.
Saying goodbye and then punching in another number, Nightwing revved the engine and took off for Gotham as he waited for Jason to pick up.
"What do you want, Dickiebird?"
Nightwing laughed, "What, no hello, how you doing?"
"Nope. I'm busy," Jason said with a grunt and what sounded like gunshots.
"Well, I had an interesting little encounter tonight, and I have it on good authority you might have had one too. With a certain disappearing boy? Want to meet up at Batburger, get something to eat and tell me about it?"
A few more gunshots echoed down the line before Jason answered, "Fine. I'll meet you at the usual place in an hour."
"Awesome, I'll see you there."
After ordering the food, Dick made his way up to the roof, "Hey there, Little Wing!"
Jason took off his helmet and smirked at him as he accepted his portion of the food. "So, where'd you get stickered, then?"
Dick stared at him in confusion, "Stickered? What?"
Jason frowned, "You said you had a run in with the kid. He came up behind me, scared the hell out of me by yelling 'boo', and slapped a sticker between my eyes when I turned around." Jason paused as he stuffed a few fries into his mouth, "Shorted out my helmet cameras too, though not permanently. Didn't get a good look at him, but he had a funky echo to his voice."
Dick shook his head a bit, "He came up behind me, gave me a smack on the back and yelled 'tag' before running into a dead-end alley with no way out and disappeared. Didn't notice a particular echo, but we were already in a kind of echoey alleyway."
Jason grinned and made a little circle motion with his hand, "Give us a twirl then, let's see."
Turning his back to Jason, Dick heard a loud laugh and a camera noise. It made him happy to hear Jason laugh, even if he *was* apparently the butt of a joke. "Okay, what happened? Why are you laughing?" He asked mock petulantly as he turned back around.
Jason just grinned and showed him his phone, "Kid gave you a tramp stamp, Dickiebird!"
Dick burst out laughing as he looked at the photo, Jason joining in as he wailed overdramatically, "Little Wing! I drove all over Bludhaven *and* Gotham, *and* just ordered food with that!"
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Editing this: apparently only the bitchy mobile app has a tag limit. I mostly use mobile. Guess who get to be my guinea pigs on the next installment?? 😁
@mygood-bitch99 @stargazer-luna @easily-broken-by-emotion @dolfay @britcision @cyber-geist @is-this-even-relatable @alcorbearson @fisticuffsatapplebees @thegatorsgoose @my-mom-calls-me-rat @some-rotten-nest @crystalqueertea @meira-3919 @wandererofthestars @seraphinedemort @bjurnberg @blep-23 @stargirl1331 @bianca-hooks123 @addie-lover-of-stories @pickleking8 @iconicanemone @sarina-elais @mur-ururu @sailor-goddess @dragonfirefeather @nutcase8691 @ravenpainter @liandrin @jaguarthecat @russetfur1128 @purefrickingspite @oakskull @vythika96 @molasses-being-slow @satisfactionbroughtmeback @serasvictoria02 @tkiesai @breesperez139 @dhampir-princess @redhoneysugarorange @gildedphoenix @iglowinggemma28 @f4nd0m-fun @therandomartmaker @mandyne-1001 @learning-to-fly-on-my-own @solarisaetherlumine @zeldomnyo
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yetanothergreyjedi · 1 year
Ghosts of Our Past: Part 5
Dp x DC crossover
Damian Wayne and Danny Fenton siblings AU
Part 1&2 Part 3 Part 4. Part 6
Damian could barely see his brother, who was alive, from this vantage point. He had not picked the table initially, and even if he had, he likely wouldn't have faced that large group of teenagers anyway. There were many things to say about hindsight, but for now he focused on legibly writing out all of their family's contact information on a piece of sketchbook paper. Drake and Grayson were writing the same thing less legibly on napkins with crayons they'd procured from somewhere, and Drake kept arguing that Damian should give him a piece of paper because it's was his idea, and Grayson kept adding points both for and against both of their arguments instead of picking a side.
Damian didn't know if they were attempting to distracted him, or themselves.
He focused on keeping the pen steady, avoiding the occasional grab for the book, and lifting the pen away when Drake did manage to jostle him. He’d chosen pen, not pencil, a fine liner with waterproof ink something that wouldn’t smudge if folded and stuck in a pocket. Was it a mighty enough pen? The sword had done enough damage, and it hadn’t even been a full sword:
He'd kept the blade. At first only because it would've been foolish to disarm himself, then because Grandfather had been so proud of him. Then his training got sticker and under a closer watch and no one spirited him away for secret games. He would say it was the dagger he'd dispatched a traitor with, but he'd kept it because all other gifts from his brother had given him had been disappearing— his mother clearing away the evidence of her failure. He'd brought the blade when he'd come to Gotham, intent on using it. Now it sat on his wall, a reminder that actions had consequences.
For the first time, he felt the need to get rid of it. What would Danyal—no, Dany, who'd chosen to go by the name Damian had called him as a child— think to see it hanging on the wall like a trophy?
Dany was alive. Dany had run from him.
Damian had tucked the name Dany Fenton away in his mind. He wanted to run a search, to know where his brother had been, what he'd been doing, to know why he had hid from Father in addition to the league. But he would not, could not? He feared the tiny thread of trust they'd restrung would be severed if he did.
It didn't help that he'd butchered his own apology. How many times had his brothers told him he needed to improve that skill? How many times had he ignored the advice? Now come to face with his biggest regret and he had not even said the word 'sorry.'
Dany was alive. Dany was afraid of him, and he had every right to be. Damian had killed him. How does someone make up for that?
Dany would receive 2 napkins and a sketchbook page of identical contact information. It was a pitiful offering, but it put the choice in Dany's hands. And if he never wanted to see him again, Damian would find a way to live with it.
The group of students began to rise from their seats. Damian tore his page from the book and gathered the napkins. It would not be difficult to push through the teens, but he waited.
As he'd hoped, Dany trailed along the outskirts of the group; unfortunately, watched closely by the teacher to prevent him from running off. Damian scoffed at that, like the older man could really prevent Dany from doing anything. Maintaining civilian identities was tedious and this would be simple if they did not need to.
Dany gave him a little wave, more subdued than the kind he gave when they were younger.
"Our contact information," Damian held them out. "Since you have... other obligations..."
It was not what he wanted to say. What did he wish to say? But before he could open his mouth—
"Mr. Fenton," the tired sounding teacher reminded.
"Thanks, Dami... I'll see you around..." Dany slipped back into the group. He sounded so genuine? Was it an act to keep him from following, or did he mean it? He stood there like the fool he was until his phone buzzed.
A new number, with a single text. "👻"
Damian was struck by a new fear; that his brother may have the same sense of humor as Todd.
“Is it kinda bad I hope this Damian suffers a little??” @itshype asked me, and I thought: You know what, fair.
Then I looked at what I wrote for this section, It looked back at me. And I said, "No. itshype is right, Damian is not suffering nearly enough in this section.”
So I rewrote it, and it’s better now. I hope this satisfies the bloodlust, Love.💕
@phantomskeep have another fish for the aquarium in your stomach. This one is specked.
Tag list:
@spectralstardustandphantomnights @avelnfear @idfk-man10 @blackroserelina @candeartist422 @mur-ururu @luer-mirin @insufferablecatenthusiast @skulld3mort-1fan @alonedustspeck @voidbornposts @meira-3919 @marshmello @aethernorwood @mimilikey @undead-essence @cloudminder @markus209 @everything163 @latheevening226 @roman4517 @moobloomrights @battybatbat @lumosfeather18581 @werv @ahyesanerd @pyramaniac @lexdamo @princessbelix @bun-fish @deeannthepan @edgyboi10000 @thatrandomsarahchick @busterkeel @aconitewolfsbane @spoopyspoony @bright-shade @spidey29phangirl @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @keimiwolf @u-a-wizard-jamie @gay-puff @bicerise @itshype @blackfoxsposts @icanneverdecide @lolottes @chubbypotato @jovialherringtacoghost @saltyladynightmare
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rosepinksky · 3 months
Pay For My Time (pt. 6)
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female reader
In which Ghost's neighbour drags him in for dinner, and then ruins his life.
Warnings: alcohol use, implied dub-con due to alcohol use but it's stopped in its tracks!, ghost being a possessive mess and i am FOAMING AT THE MOUTH FOR IT
word count: 2.5k
ao3 link
part 1 (smutty!)
Ghost had sat there, perched on the stairs outside her floor with his leg jerking in anticipation, for upwards of an hour. He rested his chin on his knuckles, breath misting in the November chill of the stair close. Another glance at his phone- 1:40am- and he rose, storming down into the street. He slipped past the raucous crowds milling outside the pub across the road, his hands clenching in his jacket pockets to keep warm.
The club Lucy danced in was on a side of the city far shittier than the one they lived in, and that was saying something. He could feel the passersby’s eyeing him up as he walked, sizing him up. None approached.
It was sort of understandable, the way this demographic of patrons flocked to this street in particular. The kind of place where everybody implicitly understood to not discuss their activities there in the office the next day. A fucking rural Westworld, tucked away in a northern English city. A casino with its bright neon signs spilling a rainbow onto the chipped pavement, a pub advertising £3 pints- Christ, he’s been in London too much- and the Black fucking Lace, cartoonish vinyl stickers of women on poles plastered to the frosted windows.
He can hear her before he sees her; a cackle of drunken laughter around the back of the building. He heads toward the sound, and there she is; scantily-clad form draped in a man’s suit jacket that hangs on her like an oversized coat, stumbling a little on her ridiculous heels. She’s leant against the railing of the fire exit stairs, eyes glittering and hazy as she grins lazily up at the man spouting shite at her. He laughs, wrapping his arm around her waist to draw her closer, and she lets him, responding with her own bright little giggles.
The bottle of beer in his hand sloshes in his grip, droplets splashing onto her exposed skin and she takes it, taking a long drink as she holds the man’s gaze.
Ghost’s fists clench even tighter in his pockets as he watches the stranger’s eyes light up at her contact, his pig hands sliding up over her lower back. Creepy fucker, touching up the woman practically swaying on her feet in front of him.
He clears his throat as he approaches the pair, Lucy’s head turning to face him. Her smile wavers but doesn’t drop, her eyes taking him in from head to toe. He’s sure he looks the picture of wrath, all squared shoulders and hulking black mass, but tries to keep his expression composed.
“You alright, Vi?” He does his best to keep his tone soft as he keeps his eyes on her, yet to acknowledge the greasy little man with his hands on her.
She nods, taking another swig of the beer. “Never better, John. Did you need something?”
He bristles. “Looks like you might need someone to walk you home. Long night, huh?”
She smiles, and he swears it’s cruel, and she turns her attention back to the man attached to her. “Yeah. Danny here’s got it covered, don’t worry.”
He finally lifts his eyes from her to the man. Danny.
“Danny here looks like he has a bit more on his mind than just making sure you get home safe. Isn’t that right, mate?”
The man rolls his shoulders back, appearing to calculate the risk Ghost poses right now. More than you know, mate.
“You her boyfriend or something, man? Hey, I don’t want trouble. She seemed pretty fucking available to me.” Oh, so he’s a big man now?
“Not her boyfriend. Just don’t appreciate little shits like you taking advantage of vulnerable women.”
Lucy scoffs, stepping between Ghost and the man. “I’m not fucking vulnerable, I’m a grown woman. Back off, Ghost.”
Danny laughs sharply, pulling her back against his chest by the waist. “Ghost? What sorta fucking name is that?”
Ghost’s glare hardens. “Callsign. Counter-terrorism, SAS.”
There’s a moment of tense silence, and Lucy’s eyes are locked onto his. He swears he can see her pupils dilate in the pink glow of the buzzing neon lights.
She shoves the beer back into the creep’s hands without so much as a glance back at him, the liquid frothing and spilling onto his sleeve. “I’m tired. Let’s get a taxi, Smith.” She brushes past the both of them, ignoring the disgruntled calls of protest from the sleazebag behind them. Ghost nods, shooting the bloke a smug grin hidden beneath his balaclava.
He follows after her, resisting the bizarre urge to wrap a protective arm around her waist.
More than protective, actually.
He ruminates on the way he finds her so much easier to digest when she’s sitting quietly in the back of the taxi next to him, her features lit up every so often by the passing lights of the city. He’d always gone for quiet girls in the past, even if he’d never admit out loud that was something he sought out.
She’s not quiet. God, she’s a bona fide wreck, if anything. Her entire being reeks of substance abuse, of nymphomania and likely some deep-rooted parental issues to boot. She is a walking red flag, the kind of person who’d lead you astray and chip away at your morals with her siren-like smile.
He knows this; he’s no stranger to dangerous vices, makes no claim to innocence. Still, while he may not be the top subscriber of the on-base psychology facilities, he’s sat through enough mandated sessions to recognise self-destruction when he sees it.
She doesn’t turn to face him when she speaks. Her voice is lowered, cognizant of the driver separated from them only by a thin plastic screen.
“I know why you came to get me tonight.”
He hums in response, fingers adjusting their grip on his elbows.
“…I’m not going to play the sweetheart just because you wanted to play the hero.”
A pause. He takes a moment to stare at the blur of streets and lampposts outside the window before answering.
“You told me the first night we met that you’re selfish- and I don’t take you for a liar.”
She does turn to face him then, eyes swimming with an emotion he can’t quite place yet. Gratitude. Pride, maybe.
There’s another pause, and she clears her throat. “So- SAS, huh? Anti-terrorism.”
Ghost chuckles then, his expression softening. “You seem surprised.”
She shrugs, smiling softly. “I don’t know. Sort of had you pegged as a preening Coast Guard rookie.”
He laughs again, a little heartier this time. “The Coast Guard do good work.”
Her smile widens. “I know. My brother used to volunteer, when he was in high school.”
His posture stiffens in surprise. “You got a brother?”
Lucy doesn’t move. It’s like she’s gone somewhere; he wonders where. “…Yeah. Two, actually. And a sister.”
Ghost- well, on further introspection, this is Simon talking- raises an eyebrow. She hiccups, and he has to fight to hold back a smile.
“I had a brother.”
She’s quiet for a moment, long nails picking at a loose thread on the sleeve of the suit jacket. The image of Danny the Prick shivering as he heads back inside to settle his bill without it amuses Ghost to no end.
“Had?” She asks, voice gentler than he’d heard from her before.
No, actually, that wasn’t true. Her voice was soft that first night they’d spoken, her hands running along his thighs as she knelt between his legs. He hadn’t seen her like that since; all docile and tone filled with a sincerity that had him believing she actually cared about what he had to say.
He nods, and debates elaborating. She probably wouldn’t even remember this in the morning- God, I wonder how much of her life she’s lost to drunken blackouts. Does she still feel 19 because she can only remember 19 out of however many years she’s lived?
She doesn’t press for more anyway, hazy eyes starting to droop. He thinks, just for a second, that she’ll lay her head against his shoulder, but she shifts her weight to lean her forehead against the condensation-coated window with a stifled yawn.
Her eyes flutter back open, and he feels the twist of regret in his stomach as he takes in the patch of smeared foundation of her forehead now.
“Huh?” She frowns at him, the drink and the sleep muffling her hearing.
With his voice still barely above a whisper, he repeats himself. “Simon.” He clears his throat, crossing his arms over his chest. “My name.”
It takes her a second, but a smile spreads across her smudged lips. “Simon.” She chirps back, seemingly pleased with the way his name sounds on her tongue. She chuckles to herself, pressing her knees against his. He doesn’t press back, but does keep his legs in place, feeling the chilled skin of her knees through his trousers. He holds his breath.
He had to practically herd her up the stairs when they pull up to the building, his hands hovering over her waist in fear of her tripping and tumbling down the long flights of stairs. She looks up at him as they stop outside of her door, her fingers curling around the collar of his jacket.
“Are you gonna come in?”
“No, Lucy. Not tonight.” His response is quick, anticipating her question. He untangles his fingers from him, bringing them back down to her sides.
She shakes her head, eyes flickering over his broad chest. “Not to fuck. Just…stay.”
There’s a long pause, and she keeps her gaze down. He furrows his brows, keeping his gentle grasp around her wrists.
“To just…sleep?”
Another fleeting moment of silence, and she nods. He grunts in response, shrugging his shoulders. A flicker of a smile creeps across his lips at the sight of her own, and he’s once again grateful for the privacy mask he’d grabbed before leaving his flat earlier.
She unlocks her door, tripping over her entrance rug as she fiddles with the clasps on her shoes, tossing them in the vague direction of the hallway cupboard. He clicks his teeth at the sight of her numerous lamps and lighting fixtures still on despite her being out for the past few hours.
“Fucking fire hazard, Luce.” He chastises, and she snorts out a drunken laugh.
“Better than cracking my head open trying to fumble for the light switch in the dark.”
He hums at that, an unconvinced allowance at her logic. He follows her through to the bedroom, smirking at the haphazard piles of clothes she’d pulled out of her wardrobe earlier she’d neglected to pick up.
“You were gonna bring that Danny bloke home with your place a tip like this?”
Lucy rolls her eyes at him, shoving the crumpled heaps of lace and satin into a drawer. “Didn’t particularly care about his opinion of my homemaking capabilities.”
She strips off the flimsy material of her dress, tossing it into a hamper. He eyes the intricate straps of her lingerie, clasps tucked under layers of overlapping silk. She brushes her hair over one shoulder, and by God is he tempted to press a kiss to the bare skin exposed.
“Help me out of this?” Her tone is light, innocent, but that woman knows exactly what she’s doing. Ghost complies with a grunt, thick fingers brushing against her back as he undoes the knots, the bows and the little buckles holding the garment in place. He lets it drop to the floor unceremoniously, and revels in the way her breath hitches as he kneels to the floor behind her and hooks his fingers over the hem of her underwear.
He keeps his eyes on the side of her face turned towards him over her shoulder as he lifts the bottom of his mask and presses his lips to the back of her thigh, smiling against her skin as the touch makes her jolt forward on her unsteady legs.
He curls one hand against her knee to still her, keep her in place as he trails his lips upward, breathing in the heady scent of her. It’s a mixture of smells that has him nosing against her, rain and sweat, stale beer and sweet perfume and her. Lucy, not Violet.
He tugs her underwear down, over the curve of her hips and past the flesh of her thighs, letting the scarlet piece of lace fall to the floor next to her bra. He keeps his gaze down as he lets his finger travel up back towards her core, pinky finger extending out to swipe across the swell of her ass.
He stands, pulling her hair back over her shoulder to fall down across her back. “Let’s get you into my shirt again and into bed, princess.” He whispers close to her ear, biting the inside of his cheek to stop himself from grinning at the way she shivers.
“Uh-huh.” She nods, turning to face him again. Her hands drop to his belt buckle, glancing up at him for permission. He nods, watching her closely as she gathers the coordination to pull the leather off of him, undoing his trousers too and dropping to her knees just like he had done to pull the hem down to his knees. She stares up at him for a second, pupils blown, before turning her attention towards his boots. She mumbles a soft curse as she struggles with the tightly-knotted laces, acrylic nails too long to let her undo them with any sort of ease.
Ghost chuckles, but doesn’t move to help her. He watches from above as she bends forward to tug and pull at his shoes, doing nothing more than lifting his foot slightly to let her take the shoe off. He throws his jacket over her door, pulling his shirt off over his head and offering it to her.
She leans back on her heels, donning the soft cotton tee. “And the mask?” She asks hopefully.
“Not tonight, Luce.” His words echo the ones he’d spoken outside of her door as he cups her jaw, his hands large enough to take her entire cheek into his palm. “Bedtime.”
She sighs, pouting just slightly, but acquiesces and crawls underneath the floral-patterned sheets. He follows, grabbing at her waist and pulling her onto his chest.
She whines. “The light, Si.”
He raises an eyebrow, lifting his head off of the pillow to look down at her. “Si?” He asks incredulously. She just waves off the question, arousal quickly dissipated by her body’s need to pass out into a drunken sleep.
He chuckles, drawing her in tighter. He tucks his mask back down over his jaw, but not before pressing a chaste kiss into her hair, drawing in one last greedy breath of her scent without the fabric in the way.
Rain. Sweat. Booze. Something pretending to be cherry. Cinnamon- real cinnamon.
(tag list! <3 @simpxinnie)
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
Death by Exposure
Written for the Phic Phight Prompts: At first Danny had been worried sick that Wes had figured out that he was Phantom, but when no one believed him it had sort of become funny. Still, after the anti-ecto act, and the GIW, and his own parents very public very violently vitriolic screeds against ghosts, Danny had to wonder what he'd ever done to Wes that the guy would risk exposing Danny to all that. (from @hpwotters-blog, or at least I think that's you're tumblr.), and Wes Weston wakes up to find an injured Phantom on the fire escape. (from @half-deadmagicperson)
Other prompts that will be included in later chapters but aren't in this one:
With how much time he spends on basketball and his delusional conspiracy theories, no one would ever suspect that Wes Weston has another secret hobby… (from @kadziduo)
And Wes has been spending more and more time around Fenton and Co. lately - hey! he’s only trying to get some much-needed evidence against them, not trying to get all buddy-buddy with them. And anyway, they’re an entirely annoying bunch, so he wholeheartedly blames them for the fact that he’s currently being monologued at by the ghost holding him hostage. (from @a-closet-emo)
Chapter 3: Expostulate
AO3 Link
[Warnings for blood (ectoplasm), severe injuries, implied abuse]
Danny was desperately clinging to consciousness when Wes' window slid open and the redhead poked his head out with a yawn. "Can whoever is making a racket at three in the goddamn morning kindly shut the hell up!?" he shouted. He started to pull his head back in and Danny, worried that Wes might not notice him, choked out his name.
"Wes," he said weakly, but it was enough to catch his attention.
The moment those green eyes landed on Danny they widened with utter horror. He looked like he might be sick. "Fenton?" 
"little... help?"
"Fuck! Yeah, okay, gimme a sec!"
Wes disappeared into his room, and Danny heard rustling like fabric. A moment later, Wes returned and climbed out onto the fire escape. Mindful of his wounds, he hoisted Danny up and got him through the window. He laid Danny on his mattress, which he'd completely stripped. Blankets, pillows and sheets were wadded up on the floor.
"I'll be right back, I gotta get the first-aid kit."
Danny didn't have the strength to respond, but now that he was safely out of danger where the G.I.W. wouldn't find him he could feel his healing kicking in. Without flying and hiding using up his energy, he was already beginning to recover somewhat. He laid back and tried to focus his eyes, taking in his surroundings. Wes' room had light blue walls. Unsurprisingly, one of them had a cork board covered in pictures of Danny, articles about Phantom, evidence that the two were linked, that they were the same. If the G.I.W. started doing home raids and saw that, Danny would be screwed.
There were stickers on the ceiling, old and peeling, some with neon colors and unicorns, skateboard stickers, a rainbow flag, price tags from fruit, a bumper sticker that said "My other car is a Maserati! Ha ha just kidding! I'm dirt poor," and another one that said, "baby on board," with a picture of a baby wearing a backwards baseball cap riding a skateboard. Danny might've laughed if he thought he could do it without choking on ectoplasm.
"I found it!" Wes returned with a red metal box and some towels. He stopped in the middle of his room staring at Danny. "Uh... so does the jumpsuit, like, come off?" he asked.
Danny let out a weak huff of laughter. "You've already got me... in your bed and now... you wanna get my clothes off, too?" he asked teasingly, the words slurring together slightly. "Don't you think... you're moving a little fast?"
"Very funny," Wes said flatly, rolling his eyes. Although, the joke seemed to shake him out of his terror somewhat, which was good. That, or he was really good at compartmentalizing. "At least you're not too badly injured for sarcasm. Now if you could phase off that butt-ugly jumpsuit so I can stop you from oozing all over my mattress, I'd appreciate it."
"Grab it and pull," Danny told him. Wes gripped the front of the jumpsuit and tugged while Danny made himself intangible so it could slip right off, leaving Danny laying there in ectoplasm soaked briefs on Wes' bed. Just that much exertion however was too much for him, and white rings of light flickered around his middle. Wes gasped when he finally saw the extent of the damage.
"What the hell happened to you?" he asked breathlessly.
"Was helping some... blob ghosts," Danny answered. "The Guys 'n White caught up to me... on their patrol."
"They did this to you? Why?"
"'Cause they want me dead," Danny answered, scowling. "You were at that assembly a while back; you've... you've seen the propaganda posters. Did you think they were... running a catch-and-release program? A rescue shelter?" Wes got to work on Danny's leg first, mopping up the ectoplasm there with a towel so he could get to the wound.
"I didn't think they'd do this," he said quietly.
"What did I ever do to you?" Danny asked. He didn't want to piss off the person helping him, but he couldn't stop himself from asking. "What made you start this... beef with me?"
"I care about the truth. I think it's important."
"More important than my life?"
"What life? You're a ghost."
"I'm not a normal ghost," Danny said. "I thought you, of all people, would've... figured that out by now." Wes didn't respond, just opened up an alcohol wipe and started cleaning the wound on Danny's leg.
Danny didn't flinch even once while Wes patched his leg up, disinfecting and pressing gauze over the wound and wrapping it in bandages. He did so very calmly, his hands surprisingly steady, like he'd had a lot of practice. 
"I wasn't thinking about what would happen afterwards," Wes admitted as he finished securing the bandage. "I just wanted people to believe me."
"I don't think you were thinking at all," Danny said as Wes propped him up to clean the wounds on his back. "I mean, fuck, one of your theories is that... I'm like this because my parents experimented on me. I'm pretty sure everyone... in town has heard them threaten to rip me apart molecule by molecule.... What do you think would happen to me if they found out?"
"Okay, but that theory was low on the list," Wes defended, "and the more likely theory was that they were in on it and hunting you was a cover."
"They shoot at me any time they see me!" He tried to turn to glare at Wes, only to get a smack on the head.
"Quit moving!" Wes snapped. "I gotta disinfect." Danny clenched his teeth as he felt the sting of alcohol in the wounds on his back.
"How d'you know how to do this, anyway?" Now that the worst of the bleeding, from his leg, was stemmed, Danny was recovering even faster. His body could regenerate blood and ectoplasm without immediately losing it. He was able to speak more or less clearly now, and he didn't feel like he was about to pass out.
"Kyle skateboards, and he's an idiot," Wes answered. "I used to, too, but not so much anymore. He still bribes me sometimes to patch him up before Dad finds out he's injured, so that he won't get grounded for being reckless."
"Who's Kyle?"
"My twin brother."
"You have a brother?" Danny's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He had thought he knew Wes, after all the time they'd spent antagonizing each other, but he was realizing that he didn't really know anything about Wes outside of his constant insistence on outing Danny as a ghost. "How come I've never seen him around?"
"I have two brothers, actually," Wes told him. "And you probably have seen him around. You just didn't realize because we're not identical. The other one's off at college in New York."
"Are you the older twin, or the younger twin?"
"What does it matter? We're twins."
"So the younger twin, then." Wes smacked his head again.
"Maybe stop being such a dick when I'm patching up your nasty ass ghost injuries, yeah?" Soft gauze pressed against on of the wounds on his back and Wes started wrapping bandages again. Halfway down, Wes put down more gauze for the second wound and kept wrapping. "Why did you come to me, anyway? Something happen to your actual friends?"
"They're both out of town for spring break," Danny responded. "Trust me, you were not my first choice. I wouldn't've come here at all if I wasn't completely desperate." Wes scoffed and finished bandaging the wounds on Danny's back, repositioning him to get better access to the last wound, on his side.
He cleaned it up in silence, and as he was applying disinfectant, he asked, in an uncertain voice, "Do you get hurt like this a lot?"
"I don't know about 'a lot'," Danny said, although Jazz's voice in his head told him often that if it happened more than once in his life, that would probably be considered a lot to most people. "It's been known to happen."
"G.I.W. patrols, ghost fights, my mom's aim is actually pretty good, and sometimes I don't dodge fast enough," Danny said with a shrug, then winced at the way the movement tugged on his injuries.
"I told you not to move," Wes scolded, then, in a softer voice he asked, "Your parents have done this to you before?"
"Do you think I keep my identity a secret for my own entertainment?" Danny asked. "Most of the ghosts I fight know who I am already. They're obviously not the ones I'm worried about."
Wes finished disinfecting and pulled out another wad of gauze. "Fuck." Wes breathed out emphatically.
"What? Outta bandages?"
"No, it's just... this is making me realize just how much of an asshole I've been," he said, starting to wrap up the last wound. "I mean, I knew that I was being an asshole, honestly, but I didn't think it was this bad. It was what I had to do to get the truth out there."
"I guess maybe I should've called you out earlier, huh," Danny said. "In my defense, you were smart enough to figure out who I was, I thought you'd be smart enough to realize why I hid it in the first place. Seriously. Again, my parents shoot at me all the time."
"I thought it was an act!" Danny snorted. "Anyway, I guess," Wes glanced over at his conspiracy board. "I guess it's probably time to take that down, huh?"
"Wait... you mean you're actually giving up?" Danny couldn't help turning around to face Wes in his surprise, and cringed when it irritated his wounds. "Gah!"
"I told you to stay still!" Wes griped again, having to unwrap and re-wrap a section of bandages to keep them tight. "And no, I'm not giving up. One day, I'm personally gonna make sure everyone knows you're Phantom. But I never actually wanted you to get hurt, so... I'm revising my method."
"What's that mean?"
"It means my three step plan to expose you is more like a twenty-step plan now," Wes said with a sigh. "First, I gotta get the Guys in White out of here, then prove ghosts are sentient, and convince the government to repeal the anti-ecto acts, then convince the paranormal science community at large that ghosts aren't inherently evil, and eventually, when it's safe, I'm definitely gonna convince everyone you're Phantom."
Danny chuckled, then grunted in pain. "I'll tell you what, Wes," he said. "If you can change the world to that level, I'll show everyone I'm Phantom and prove it to them for you."
Tying off the last bandage, Wes nodded. "Deal," he said. "For now though, go to the bathroom and clean the rest of that gunk off you. I'll let you borrow some pajamas. It's the door at the end of the hall. Try not to get your bandages wet."
"Thanks, Wes," Danny said as the red-head handed him a gray t-shirt and some plaid pajama pants.
"Don't thank me yet," Wes said. "You're sleeping on the bed, on your stomach, and you don't get bedding."
"Why'd you strip your bedding anyway?"
"You think I'm gonna subject my poor dad to ectoplasm-stained sheets?" Wes scoffed. "No way. I'd be doing everyone's laundry for a month."
"Right, of course." Danny stepped out of Wes' room and into the hall, smiling.
Hearing about normal problems like that was kind of refreshing. When Danny didn't want to do chores, it was because they were dangerous for him, like cleaning his parents' lab. When his parents were mad at him, they threatened to dissect him, not to make him to the laundry. In comparison, Wes' problems sounded so trivial, and yet, Danny could still relate. He didn't like doing laundry either.
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gvftea · 6 months
Okay, so a girl on Instagram keeps telling me out of nowhere that Jake is gay. Somehow I want to believe her, because everything she tells sounds so real. She says that Jita hit Jake and that's why he's kind of afraid of women now. The sticker "Vaginatarian" was from a good friend of his. She said that Jake is dating Jamal and that she saw with her own eyes that they kissed (or her friends saw it, I don't remember exactly). In addition, Jake also plans to make a rainbow on his instagram, just like Josh did. And she thinks that Josh is unsure about his sexuality… So she says he's bi. Annnnd she says that Jenny is not dating Danny and that she likes women and is just a good friend of Danny's.
I just wonder all the time how she can know something like that?! She knows about the emotional state of Jake, Josh and Danny, about their sexuality, who they date and who they don't, what they think about… You know it just doesn't make sense! She has insider information that nobody knows about and it kills me because I don't know if I can believe it all.
I don't know if anyone can help me, but I need explanations!!!
Love you all <3
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
It's almost upon us...
Morning there!
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I'm beat but here I am ready for my personal double header of the weekend: FP2 and FP3 one right after the other, plus Quali at lunch time.
For now I'm watching FP2 while I get my breakfast ready. I'm still processing the comments against Spendstappen and RBR yesterday, because Lobato was adamant that what happened at Interlagos last weekend was not okay at all. Impressed.
Not much going on, as usual in this session. Mick having some problem with the floor, Lewis coming too close with Kevin, a slippery patch at the McLaren pit stop point, Giorgio getting into some traffic, but that's about it for now.
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Poor Charles can't have a decent weekend nowadays apparently 😩 I truly hope Binotto gets replaced, a team like Ferrari can't have such a useless Team Principal who can't even see a problem that his own team has created and therefore won't even seek solutions. Because all that's happened has been all Ferrari's doing, not Charles' or Carlos'.
Now I'm watching FP3 quite a bit late, I thought it started at 12pm but apparently it started a while before so I'm just starting it.
First thing I notice is Charles' Danke Seb sticker on his helmet 🥹
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Antonio Lobato is still on fire today criticizing Fraudstappen again for not being as good as a person with all the excuse and lies. Amazing, seriously.
Nothing up until the point Pierre lost some piece of the car and the session gets Red Flagged. Now apparently Lewis overtook Norris and a Haas (not sure which one) while on a Red Flag, but if you check the images the light panel doesn't really show a Red Flag, it looked like a double Yellow Flag, at that point until the actual Red Flag is waved by a Marshal. And some time ago it was stated (obviously, when it came to Costappen) that the waving of the actual flag took precedent. So I don't truly see the problem, and he apparently braked considerably when he saw the double Yellows.
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It's ridiculous that they investigate it after the session when there's not really proof that the Red Flag was being shown at that point.
Even the Spanish commentators that it's NOT a Red Flag, and these people are all happy to go against Hamilton, but it's too clear to pass up.
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Many drivers are having trouble around the track today too. Time's up in FP3 and now I can go do my life until Quali in less than 2 hours from now.
Let's see what Quali brings us on the last race weekend of the season.
Good thing to start Quali with the news that Lewis isn't getting a penalty because the stewards for once saw no wrongdoing.
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Daniel and Yuki are there too, this is amazing. So happy I made it to watch it on time 🤩
I'm truly enjoying this while having lunch for a change. Checo's fired up this weekend, I see. Understandable, but I hope it comes to nothing, I need Charles in second.
I don't know what's going on with the cars stopped on track, Jesus Christ and again with Sebastian. STOP DOING IDIOTIC THINGS!!!!
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FFS, 3 tenths to Checo? What's this guy on today???? And Seb is on fire, he's enjoying this!!!! And again with fucking Checo stopped on the last corner!!!! The FIA really should penalize this.
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It's a shame Mick didn't make it through on his last weekend 😩 Danny and Seb did so it's something...
I had forgotten about Fernando's helmet. Similar to Seb's and this weekend Mick's also. Nice gesture from him, honestly, I have to give it to him.
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Finally, turn for Q3 let's see what's cooking.
SEB GOES P7 AND DANIEL P8!! And of course the illegal cars will come out first. No surprises. Without penalizing Costappen when he very clearly put the car off the track limits, but whatever, nothing new.
Anyway, so happy for Seb for making it today into Q3, I really hope he stays up there too to finish properly.
We'll see what the final lap brings us.
Peace out!
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unknwnxquantity · 3 months
Yesterday was cool in terms of synchronicities. It was one of those days so I’d like to share/document while it’s still fresh in my mind. Early in my afternoon shift, there was a guy named Danny who ordered his drinks. He had two drinks, and one food item (3 in total). I noticed while making his drink, there were a lot of 3’s in his order for one drink. 3 shots, 3 pumps of this, 3 pumps of that, 3 raw sugars. I’m making it like huh.. interesting. Maybe I should say something. He’ll probably shrug it off but it’s lighthearted small talk and it’s fun to keep challenging my brain and have small talk/be outgoing. So when I finished I called his name and was like “hey is 3 a lucky # for you or something? lol” and he’s like “actually… it’s been following me for the past two weeks now that you mention it. I haven’t really told anyone about it. I also do/finish things in 3’s, like I’ll tap in 3’s” etc. and I forgot if I said it or he did, but how things like that are important to note. I tell him 3 is a number connected to mind body and soul (333), and I tell him to look it up when he gets a chance to see what the universe might be trying to tell him. I show him one of “my” numbers that I have tatted and he’s like “wow that was my jersey number on all my jerseys growing up” and I’m like :O He then looks up what 3 means (this is all happening while I’m making his second drink btw) and he’s like “wow that really hit a nerve for me” and I’m like “yay! I’m so glad to hear that!” And then I finish and give him his drink and I’m like “and on the sticker it says you order 2 drinks 1 food, 3 items in total” and he’s like wow. The convo finishes after and he’s like I hope you have a great rest of your weekend and I’m like you too!
Then shortly after there were two orders I’m doing. I do one before the other. There’s one girl standing pretty close to where I’m at and the pickup area. Her name being “K”. She gave off a sweet energy I picked up on after my one coworker was leaving from her shift (also sharing my name just a different spelling, and she’s also a drag king, I’ve gone to a couple of her shows I love them) says her usual “aLrIgHt GuYs sTaY cAfFeiNaTeD” in a scratchy voice as she exits. And the girl laughs and smiles at her. Most would just ignore it, be in their own world, or judge almost. So anyway there was another drink coincidently right before (or after? I wasn’t ringing) and the name was Kamisha. I finish Kamisha’s drinks (bear in mind I’ve never heard this name before and I wanted to pronounce it right.. maybe it’s not the rarest of names but rare enough). And I call out the name and she’s like “oh that’s not what I” and then a girl behind her comes to get the two drinks and then the two girls bond over having the same name. It was almost like a sigh of relief or solace/rejoice to find someone with that name out and about. I was like “aw that’s cute”. They talk for a few seconds and then the first Kamisha sits down with someone I’m assuming is her mom. I finish K’s drink and she’s like “yeah I never say my full name bc people don’t know how to spell it right.” I thought that was a nice wholesome moment.
Meanwhile throughout my shift I’m seeing angel numbers way more than usual. 111 777 333pm, 444pm, 555pm on the dot by accident. Usually I kinda search for it lol. But it was just back to back to back.
Then right before I go on my break, im making drinks and I hear “hi excuse me?” And I turn around and I see a kid showing me his phone case, which is the same number I have tatted that I bonded with the first guy about. Im like oh wow that’s my number! Lol and then I’m like is that your jersey number?? And the moms like “yes that’s his baseball jersey number!” And I think I said “wow that’s a lucky number”. In my head I was like damn I should’ve asked the first guy what sports he played to have made a greater connection of synchronicity. Two separate guys, one that seemed kinda my age or at least close to it, and then this young boy, probably 9 or 10, share that same jersey number. Granted people rarely say anything about my tattoos. But it’s nice when they do or it’s brought up and you find this common ground. There’s ALWAYS a common ground with every single person you will ever interact with, it’s about *maybe* finding it in your interactions with them. That’s why I love this job (love is a strong word… I really like this job*… iii think I like this little life✨🎶). The small talk is encouraged and just happens. Yes this job is repetitive as fuck and very overwhelming, but it’s taught me adaptability. It’s taught me a lot about teamwork. Its taught me to be confident in my movements. It’s taught me MULTITASKING and not freezing when feeling overwhelmed but instead push yourself in autopilot and just do.
This reminds me of the other week, there was this one middle aged guy with his teenage daughter, named James (kinda gave bill nye vibes lol) and he was telling me all about galaxies, solar eclipses, two comets that were visible that he saw in 1993, and about the biggest solar eclipse to happen across the US ever is gonna happen on April 8th of this year. You can tell the daughter loves hearing his stories bc she was looking at him from her chair with enthusiasm as he’s talking to me and my guy coworker. Maybe I’ll make another entry about that. That was another day where i was having deep convos with my coworkers and others, like one of those days that the energies are heightened and there’s more synchronicities than usual. It really makes me appreciate life more to have those moments.
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 months
Deck the Halls (2006)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
Deck the Halls is knit from the same wool as the disastrous Christmas with the Kranks. Ridiculous, pointless, unfunny and filled with lame developments that’ll have you asking countless questions, it takes 93 minutes of your time while offering nothing in return.
In Cloverdale, Massachusetts, self-proclaimed Christmas expert Steve Finch (Matthew Broderick) is preparing for his favourite season when new neighbors move in across the street. Soon, a rivalry forms between Buddy Hall (Danny DeVito) and Steve when the newcomer decides to go all-out with his Christmas lights and build a display you can see from space.
While technically, the film is about Buddy’s attempt to put together the Christmas display to end all Christmas displays while Steve sabotages his efforts, that storyline doesn’t come in for a long, long time. It's the like the film doesn't know what it wants to be about and who should be in the wrong. Buddy and his too-hot-for-him wife Tia (Kristin Chenoweth) immediately make a strange impression upon Steve and his wife, Kelly (Kristin Davis). This makes you think that the Halls are the problem. A few scenes later, it's made clear anyone who calls themselves an expert on Christmas is a bit of a jerk. From there, characters change depending on the scene.
Director John Whitesell's non-comitment to a villain vs. hero story means the film is filled with inconsistencies. We see that Buddy doesn’t have the money needed for a package of Christmas lights that would make Clark Griswald blush. His solution? Steal electricity from across the street. Later on, we see that Buddy is a car salesman superstar that could sell ice at the North Pole. Does he have money, or doesn't he? You think we're building up to something when it’s established that Buddy is the kind of person that doesn’t understand jokes or sarcasm (so much that his ability to sell anything would be questionable), that his twin daughters (played by Sabrina and Kelly Aldridge) are dumb as rocks, that his wife doesn’t know the meaning of “inappropriate”, that Kelly (Kristin Davis) feels like a failure because all she writes are cookbooks composed of pre-existing recipes given slight twists (as opposed to brand new recipes that come out of nowhere?) but then… nothing.
It’s like writers Matt Corman, Chris Ord and Don Rhymer came up with the title and then didn’t know what to do next so they just scribbled a bunch of holiday pratfalls onto a piece of paper. From there, the studio asked the director (responsible for such “gems” as Big Momma’s House 2 & 3, and Holidate) to squeeze this lump of coal until it turned into a diamond. The foreshadowing is as elegant as a fat man sliding down a chimney and the logical holes keep piling up. Buddy’s light show keeps getting bigger and bigger. Obnoxious lights and music are on full blast until 4 in the morning but the only people to have any problems with it are Steve and his wife. Maybe his son for one scene. His daughter played by Alia Shawkat is gone for such long stretches of the picture you practically forget she exists. Later, Buddy's boss scolds him because “his numbers are down”. He’s been there for less than three weeks and on his first day, he sold a car to the boss at sticker price. Which one is it? Is he a selling machine, or incompetent at his job? When it comes time for Steve to complain to the police, he realizes the Sheriff (Gary Chalk) is wearing women’s underwear so he runs away in terror. Why doesn’t just come back to fill in the proper paperwork later? Or is he so triggered, he has no choice but to take the law into his own hands? As we near the mandatory forced sentimentality of the conclusion, displays that would take an entire team a week to put up are done in the blink of an eye. Even if it were possible, what are they being powered by? Magic?
More frustrating than all of these unanswerable questions is knowing you’re wasting your time thinking about them. The people who made Deck the Halls didn’t care. They just looked at their calendar and realized that if they started filming a movie at that time, they’d be done and ready to release it in theaters come November 2006. (December 19, 2021)
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fureliselost · 3 years
Chapters: 2/3 Fandom: Danny Phantom, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Danny Fenton & Vlad Masters, Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley & Sam Manson, Danny Fenton & Sam Manson, Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley, Dash Baxter & Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton & Mr. Lancer, Danny Fenton & Kwan Characters: Danny Fenton, Kwan (Danny Phantom), Mr. Lancer (Danny Phantom), Danny Phantom Characters, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Vlad Masters, Dash Baxter, Chiron (Percy Jackson), Hecate (Percy Jackson) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Percy Jackson Fusion, Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson), Tired Danny Fenton, AU, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Son of Hades! Danny, Son of Hades! Vlad, Son of Ares! Dash, Son of Hephaestus! Tucker, Daughter of Demeter! Sam, Son of Hermes! Kwan, Kwan Hong, Quests, Pre-Quest, Zeus Being an Asshole (Percy Jackson), Zeus Being an Asshole (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Danny is bitter, I mean, can u blame hi, vlad is sus, Spoilers, Ares isn't the god who turned in this au, that part didn't even make sense, because ares unturned after the first book, so I'm taking a god who actually turned during the war, hecate - Freeform, Hellhounds, Vegetarians & Vegans, Fights, but they're not graphic, which is why I didn't tag it as such, the trio regrets their life decisions Series: Part 5 of DP PJO AU Summary:
“I see you’re all here on time! You as well, Mr Fenton, what a pleasant surprise." "Hey, I'm telling you, the lunch lady had a cat-snake thing in the kitchen!" Tucker snickered, "Yeah, we know there was a *Chimera* in the kitchen, we were just smarter not to shout at it." "Well, you could've told me that!" "I was gonna! But you were already shouting like a crazy person. By then the damage had been done." "And you decided to let me keep doing it?" "Yep. That was way too fun." "Tuck, you're a terrible friend." (PJO! AU, they be questing)
Chapter 2 summary:
River Styx Market seemed like your average market/convenience store/beer store/whatever, it was a normal store. With a sign in front of the porch that said “YOU CAN BE STUPID RICH, POWERBALL [insert number]” and another that said “TRUMP, SHIRTS HATS, BUMP STICKERS, […]”, which made Danny think that the first sign should exclude the powerball information as well as the word “rich” and leave only the “YOU CAN BE STUPID” part facing the sign that said “TRUMP” on the top. But he also knew that if he left the “rich”, the phrase would still fit with the first word of the sign it was facing, so he just shrugged it off and walked inside.
The store was crowded with typical road-side store merchandise, and Danny decided to just keep walking when he saw confederate flags for sale in the corner of his eyes. He went straight to the registry, where an old man was slouching over the counter as he watched a flat screen tv on the other side of the store, hung on the wall.
“Uhm,” Danny started, fiddling with his hands, “Hi, sir, I’m waiting for my friends to come pick me up, but I heard something about an accident nearby. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”
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altomer · 4 years
Kuuipo Chapter 1
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Paring: Steve Mcgarrett x reader
Fandom: Hawaii 5-0
Warnings: none that I can think of.
Song: American Woman - Lenny Kravitz
Request: None
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I gripped the steering wheel, watching as my knuckles turned white. I sat outside the palace. My nerves were on edge. I didn’t understand why I was so nervous. It was completely stupid. I took a deep breath and swung the door open. The gravel crunched under my boots. I tugged at the blue air force t-shirt that hung on my shoulders. I glanced at my watch. 10:15, perfect. I smiled to myself as I made my way to the door.
“You're late.” A man said not even bothering to turn around.
“Actually, commander, I'm 15 minutes early.” I didn’t even try and hide the frustration in my voice. He was the SEAL I was sure of that much, The man swung around as the rest of the team looked at me. His eyes widened for a second before he raised his eyebrows. He was attractive, I couldn’t lie. He has green eyes and dark hair. He was tall and well built. The black shirt he wore hugged his arms
“You're the OSI Agent?” The disbelief in his voice didn’t go unnoticed. Any attraction to him went out the window.
“Is there something wrong.” He shook his head. “When they said OSI I thought of someone more-”
I didn’t know if I should be more offended or less offended. I shook my head letting out a sigh. I passed him to the rest of the team. I held my hand out to the closest person.
“First Lieutenant L/N.”
“Danny Williams.” I let out a sigh of relief. They weren’t all stuck up assholes.
The rest of the team was nice enough. Definitely not as bad as Mcgarrett. I looked to Danny
“So what do we have?” He went to hand me a file only to have it snatched out of his hand. I clenched my jaw. This was going to be harder than I thought.
“Lets see what you’ve got Princess.”
“Is this really time for your pissing contest Steve?”
“No,” I said, snatching the file from him.”I’ll do it.” I flipped open the folder 4 pictures sat on top. I set the file down, spreading the photos out. 
“The girls are all around the same age, brown hair, blue eyes.” I thought aloud. I moved the pictures looking to the Missing persons reports instead. “They all went missing around the same area at the same time.” I continued deeper into the file. I furrowed my brows bringing my hand up to my mouth. I chewed on the side of my thumb thinking. “Sex-Trafficing? No-” I shook my head.
“Why not?” Steve asked, crossing his arms. I could tell that’s what they were thinking. “There wouldn’t be a pattern like this. I tapped the map that was in the file.
“Could be a coincidence.” Danny said.
“No,” I said “Me running into you at the store is a coincidence.” I grabbed the map and the girls pictures and walked to a cork board. “This,” I pinned the pictures up “This is a pattern.” I turned to face the team. “I think you have a serial killer.” I crossed my arms waiting for a response. Danny clapped slowly, before pointing to Steve. 
“You my friend just got your ass handed to you.” The SEAL grumbled grabbing his own copy of the file. He slid a gun and badge across the table to me.
“Kono, L/N go talk to the first victims' family and see what you can find.” he said without looking up from the file. I nodded smiling to Kono as I pulled my keys out of my pocket.
“I’ll drive.”
As Kono and I pulled into the driveway a man ran out of the house screaming at a teenager who now stood on the grass holding his hand up.
“It’s your fault she’s gone!” He yelled pointing at the boy. The man whipped a gun out of his waistband. I heard a woman scream from the house. I snatched my gun and jumped out of the Bronco.
“5-0 drop the gun!” I yelled. the man stood pointing the gun. The boy was on his knees crying.
“He’s the reason my Jamie is dead!” The man’s hands were shaking. I holstered my gun and take a step forward holding my hands up.
“I can only imagine how you’re feeling.” His eyes flicked to me. “You're an Airman right.” I said pointing to the two flags flying in his yard. “I am too brother.” Tears flooded his eyes and he dropped the gun. I rushed forward and kicked the gun towards Kono. I turned to the man, tears were rushing down his face. The pain from his loss over taking him. “I promise I will find who killed your daughter.” His eyes met mine and he brought his hand up to a shaky salute. I gave him a sad smile before returning the salute.
Once we finished talking to the family Kono and I climbed into the Bronco. I leaned my head against the steering wheel.
“That was amazing!” She said looking at me.
“It was nothing.” I said my voice low. It tore me apart to see the way that man was hurting. Maybe I wasn’t ready to work again.
“That was some of the best deescalation I have ever seen.” I hummed pushing myself up. I turned the key starting the Bronco. I pulled out of the driveway as Kono’s phone rang. I watched the road but all I could think about was that man’s face. He lost his little girl, his daughter.
“They need us back at base.” I nodded flicking on my turn signal.
“You did your best.” I nodded again, swallowing the bile in my throat.
As we walked back into the office, all eyes were on us.
“How’d it go?”
“Ask Y/N?” I knew Kono was trying to get me out of this shell I had reverted into but that definitely didn’t help. I turned on my heel storming out of the hall. I heard heavy footsteps following behind me. Cursing under my breath I pushed a door open. Tears ran down my cheeks. I ran a hand through my hair. I remember when the C-17 landed. It was just me and a coffin. The girl who I was sent to save. The way her family looked at me. The anger. The pain. It was the same way that man looked at that boy. Who was I to survive when their baby girl wasn’t coming home. I heard the door open and quickly wiped the tears. The door closed and the light above me flicked on. Steve stood in front of me. Well as far as he could stand since I had chosen to hide in a closet apparently.
“Why are you crying in a closet out of all places?” His voice was calm and smooth unlike earlier and I wanted a hug so bad. No. Get yourself together. I leaned my head against the wall.
“I know why you were discharged.” My head shot up. No one was supposed to know that it had been cleared. “Are you ok?” His voice wasn’t pitiful. “If you can’t finish this case it’s fine.” I looked into his eyes and I remembered my promise to the father.
“The father,” I said clearing my throat, I swiped my hand across my cheek catching the stray tear that had escaped my eye. “The pain of losing his daughter.” I shook my head.
“How often does this happen?” He asked. I looked at him, narrowing my eyes. I shook my head.
“The survivors' guilt, the panic attacks.” I shook my head.
“I’d hardly call this a panic attack.”
“Answer the question.”
“Not as often as you think.”
“That's not an answer.”
“Why do you care?”
I saw a look cross his face. I couldn’t quite place it. It bugged me how easily he could read me. He grabbed my arms gently.
“My team is my family,” He paused. “And even if you’ve been here for less than a day you are a part of that team, that family.” I looked into his eyes. I let out a shaky breath. I was on the edge. One push and I’d be over it. “What happened was not your fault.” His words hit me like a brick. No one had told me that since it had happened. No, no one really believed it enough to say it. Even if they would have I wouldn’t have believed them. But from him it was different. That was the push. I felt myself falling, not literally but I was spiraling. My shoulders shook as I let the tears fall. Steve pulled me to his chest.
“She shouldn’t have died.” I cried my voice barely a whimper. “He killed her to taunt me.” Steve shushed me, rubbing circles into my back. “This is so similar.”
“I know.” 
Something inside me clicked as my sobs slowly quieted. I stepped away from Steve, rubbing my hands over my face. At this point I was really glad I had decided not to wear makeup. I had made up my mind. “Let’s get this bastard before he hurts anyone else.” I saw Steve’s face fall. I shoved the closet door open and ran back into the office. All eyes were back on me.
“So?” I asked, Danny pointed to the corkboard where a fifth picture was pinned next to the map.
“They found her body 3 hours ago.” I grabbed her missing persons report.
“A new girl goes missing every two days.” I looked at the pictures. “Can you find me every missing person’s report for anyone who matches this description?” Kono nodded and moved to her laptop. Steve had resumed his place at the head of the table. I felt his eyes on me.
“Has anyone talked to the vic’s family?” I asked, Steve shook his head. I nodded.
“I’ll go.” I started towards the door. Steve followed behind me. I didn’t question it. I had a feeling there was a piece we were missing. I pulled myself up into the Bronco. 
“This is yours?” Steve asked, amused. I grinned as the engine roared to life.
“Yep, My baby.” I ran my hand over the steering wheel. A chuckle escaped his throat. The feelings from earlier were nothing but a memory at the moment.
“You got something to say commander?” I nudged his arm with my elbow. He shook his head a smirk on his face. That smirk was something else. It could make anyone weak in the knees.
As soon as I saw the marine bumper sticker I realized what we were missing. My stomach fell.
“Mcgarrett.” I said. He looked at me as I pointed out the bumper sticker. He looked at the sticker and back to me.
“You don’t think.” I nodded. He was targeting Military families.
“I’ll call Kono.” I mumbled pulling my phone out of my pocket. I was glad the woman had the foresight to put her number in my phone. Steve jumped out of the car.
“I’ll go talk to them,”
I pressed the call button and held the phone to my ear.
“Hey It’s Y/N, I need you to check if the other vics are military brats.”
It didn’t surprise me when Kono gave me the news that the girls were in fact from military families. Steve climbed into the Bronco, his mood solem. He looked at me expectantly. I nodded.
“Shit.” he grumbled. His phone rang in his pocket as he answered it he put it on speaker phone.
“Another girl was just abducted from Monoa Park!” Danny’s panicked voice cut through the speaker. I threw the car in reverse and flicked on the newly equipped sirens. Steve looked at me.
“Thank the governor.”
I shot around a corner.
“Danny did she have her cell on her.” I asked
“Kono’s working on that.”
“Car description.” Steve asked, his eyes wandering from car to car.
“Black SUV, either a chevy or a ford.” I spotted one ahead. I hit Steve in the arm. He turned the siren off as I pulled up behind him.
“We got a hit!” Kono’s voice echoed through the phone. My phone buzzed in the cupholder. I reached for it as the light turned green. The SUV shot forward. Steve grabbed the phone from my hand as I trailed them.
“That’s them.”
I nodded as I backed off.
“We’re on our way.” Danny called hanging up. My hands were shaking against the leather of the steering wheel. I turned down the road that the SUV had taken a few seconds prior. Shots rang out from the car. They bounced of the hood of the car.
“Get down!” Steve yelled. I ducked down snatching my gun and stepped on the gas. Steve returned fire. I flipped on the siren. “Fuck it!”
The SUV swung around a corner into a dirt trail. Gravel flew as I slammed the accelerator. Their bumper was inches from the hood. I growled as I slammed into their bumper. They fishtailed on the trail struggling to regain traction.
“Back off.” Steve said as he reached over the seat to grab a ballistic vest he had thrown back there earlier.
We flew into a clearing bullets racing toward us. I slammed on the breaks. I heard sirens racing up the trail behind us. Steve jumped out using the Bronco as cover. I crawled across the seats. I fell to the ground sending shots in the direction of the SUV. I looked around the front of the Bronco as they pulled two girls out of the back.
“They have two!” I yelled. I brought my gun up and shot two of the three goons. One of the girls ran forward.
It felt like everything slowed as the last man brought his gun up and aimed it towards the girl.
I watched as the girl crumpled to the ground. Steve whipped around and shot twice. The last girl ran towards me, throwing herself into my arms. I hugged her but couldn’t tear my eyes from the girl on the ground. Two cars flew into the clearing. Danny jumped out of the car and rushed towards us. I stared at the body. I felt the girl let go only to be ushered away by Danny. I felt Steve place his hand on my back and lead me to the side of the Bronco as the officers covered her body. All I could think about was her scared face. If I was quicker, If I was smarter, If I was… If I was…
“Y/N” I felt someone’s hands on either side of my face. I looked into a pair of green eyes. They were full of worry, full of sorrow. I closed my eyes. “Don’t do this to yourself.” His hands were still on my face. Why was he touching me? Why did I like it? “You saved her.” he took a deep “You saved one person that is not failure.”
Steve drove back to the palace.
“I’ll be back.” He jumped out of the car slamming the door shut. I stared out the windshield. The glass was cracked in the bottom corner. I leaned forward running my fingers over the splintered glass. I’m thoroughly surprised that the entire window wasn’t shattered. My body felt numb but my mind was racing. I pushed my back against the seat pulling open the glovebox. I pulled out the pack of gum and popped two sticks in my mouth. Chewing on something calmed me down.
The drivers door opened and Steve pulled himself up.
“Gum?” I offered. He nodded and took a stick. Which surprised me he didn’t seem like a gum guy. I looked out the window as we drove, The ocean sparkled under the moon. I didn’t recognize where we were but I didn’t bother asking. Hawaii was beautiful at night.
He pulled into a driveway before making his way to my side of the Bronco.
“Where are we?”
“You’re staying with me.” He held his hand out for me. I didn’t argue. Any rational thought went out the window as he led me inside. His house was nice. As soon as I walked through the door I saw the ocean on the other side of the house. He led me up the stairs, my feet grew heavy. “You can sleep here.” he opened the door to a bedroom. “There is a shower in there.” he pointed to a door on the opposite wall. “I’ll find you something to wear.”  I nodded and started towards the shower.
“Hey Steve.” He turned to look at me. “Thank you.” He gave me his signature smile.
“Your welcome princess.”
I woke up surprisingly comfortable. A ray of sun shone through the blinds. The smell of the ocean and bacon pulled at my senses, I groaned as I opened my eyes. Where was I? The clock read 10:35. I pushed the comforter off and set my feet on the hardwood. I opened the door and stumbled through the hallway and down the stairs. I heard muffled voices from the kitchen so decided to start there.
“Did you hear what happened when she was with Kono?”
“No, I’ll ask her about it.” Steve’s voice cut in. I rounded the corner to see Danny sitting at the island, he raised his coffee.
“Morning Babe.” I raised my eyebrow at the nickname.
“He calls everyone babe.” Steve cut in.
“Nice shirt.” I looked down to see a SEALS shirt. I pinched it and pulled it away from my skin.
“What did you do to get me in this?” I muttered in fake disgust. Steve looked at me and laughed. The skin around his eyes crinkled as he smiled.
“You put that on yourself princess.” I dropped the shirt and slumped into the stool next to Danny.
“In all seriousness,” I started causing Danny and Steve to look at me. “I won’t be like this after every case.”
“We know.” Danny said, bumping my shoulder with his.
“It was too much too soon.” Steve said, setting a plate of pancakes in front of me and Danny. 
“But you were amazing.” Danny said stuffing pancakes into his mouth. “We need you on the team.” I looked across the island to Steve who smiled.
“Welcome to the team princess.”
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theskit · 1 year
Stickers AU
Anyone linking here from the previous posts or wanting to use the links on this post to go back/forward to the other parts and not wanting to spoil the surprise stickers, after using the link, click on my blog name to go to the actual post, as direct linking takes away the readmore cut. I'll take this out and fix it if I can find out how. Sorry!
Part 6
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Danny floated along as he caught his breath. Okay, so jump scaring the Red Hood *might* not have been the best plan he'd ever come up with, but man, was it funny!
It was getting kind of late, though. He should probably start making his way back to the hotel. Any more vigilante pranks would have to wait for another time. Good thing the conference was on a long weekend. He had one more night to try his luck before they left Monday afternoon for the drive back to Amity.
Pulling up the map on his phone, Danny started making his way back. Just over halfway there, he jolted to a stop, catching sight of a rippling back shadow. Batman's distinctive silhouette was marked briefly against a building wall before being almost lost again in the perpetual dimness of the city rooftops at night.
Well, well, well, looks like he might have the chance to bag all the bats and birds of Gotham in one night, leaving tomorrow to hunt down in Bludhaven for Nightwing.
Eeeeexcellent. Danny pulled himself straight in mid-air, steepling his fingers and druming them together in classic Evil Villian style, grinning in a manner that would have shown entirely too many teeth had he been visible.
Now, this would require *true* stealth if he wanted to both get a sticker onto Batman's utility belt, as well as help himself to a batarang or two. Because Ellie was right, there would be no greater souvenir from his time in Gotham than a batarang from *the* Batman himself.
Choosing a sticker and prepping it, Danny sidled up to where Batman was staring down at a building that was probably not as vacant as it looked if it called for that much concentration. All the better for him if Batman was distracted though.
Moving by inches, carefully controlling his breathing so as not to make a sound, Danny made it to Batman's side. Batman was... probably? right handed, most people were, so he was gunna make an educated guess that the sharp throwing objects would be on the left side of the belt.
Getting ready to make the grab and stick, Danny nearly jumped out of his skin as Batman moved his arm and draped his cape over the space where Danny was standing intangibly right next to him, in a gesture that seemed more ingrained habit than conscious thought.
O-KAY! Time to go before Batman had a chance to recognize that there was no one where he very obviously expected someone to be. Robin, maybe?
Thoughts to think another time! Moving with all the speed and precision he could muster while his heart was still attempting to leave the city without him, Danny swiped one hand through a series of belt pouches while the other oh-so-gently tapped a sticker to the front buckle.
Not even stopping to see what it was he'd swiped, Danny made a quick exit, stage left, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Batman was jolted out of his concentration when he felt a nudge at his belt as his cape settled against his side once more. Whirling to the left, he scanned the rooftop but saw no one.
Which was entirely unexpected as his instincts were *sure* a small presence had been snug up to his side, like a young Dick or Tim when they got tired or a bit overwhelmed while on patrol and wanted to hide in his cape.
But neither Dick nor Tim, or even Damian (though Damian had never actually done so) was small or young enough to have done that in *years*.
A quick inspection found his belt pouches missing a handful of batarangs, some candy he kept on hand to help soothe distressed children, and the extra just-in-case comm unit. As well as the addition of a glowing sticker, much like the one currently decorating the batmobile, somehow placed on the buckle despite him neither seeing or hearing anything.
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@mygood-bitch99 @stargazer-luna @easily-broken-by-emotion @dolfay @britcision @cyber-geist @is-this-even-relatable @alcorbearson @fisticuffsatapplebees @thegatorsgoose @my-mom-calls-me-rat @some-rotten-nest @crystalqueertea @meira-3919 @wandererofthestars @seraphinedemort
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lanamemories · 5 years
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crash lands a giant animatronic john travolta (wild hogs era complete w a receding hairline n leather jacket) onto the dash n dismounts frm his back without any explanation as to my vehicle...... helo........ nw tht i’ve made the world’s most unsettling entrance i wil? introduce myself. i’m nai n i’m 23 n live in Manchestoh (typed w a fitting n blood curdlingly british accent). my pronouns r she/her n i currently want a pet baby yoda i can feed strawberries to n tuck into a tiny baby yoda sized bed. anyway. lana’s pinterest can b found HERE n more abt her is under the cut!!
KRISTINE FROSETH / CIS-FEMALE — don’t look now, but is that lana jameson i see? the 21 year old dance student is in their sophomore year and she is a rochester alum. i hear they can be exuberant, alluring, childish and impulsive, so maybe keep that in mind. i bet she will make a name for themselves living in murphy’s beach homes. ( nai. 23. gmt. she/her. )
aesthetics: scalding your fingers in shower water until they glow like rudolph’s nose, cherry red gym socks tugged high and nothing else, stepping out into a cold breeze in just spaghetti strapped silk, a red lightening stripe painted over your eye like a new take on the scarlet letter, crowning each finger with a miniature raspberry, hugging a knee close to lick a stripe of fruit juice off the bruised cap, doodling penises in condensation instead of sitting still, a water pistol topped with rum and covered in glittery pin-up stickers, believable smiles that feel more like baring teeth, playing where’s waldo with your lipstick in the crowd of a party and finding red smudges on at least six people’s mouths, a bumper sticker on the back of a convertible cadillac that says ‘SCRAPPY DOO IS A FILTHY SLUT’, prancing around in your underwear to a vinyl record with the curtains open.
lana grew up in a big house in albany, NY. i picture it w dark oak floors n lots of light furniture. albums framed on walls. mayb some rolling stone covers too frm way bk when of the bands her dad’s label signed. kind of like… a rock star palace w no evidence of children at all. i think i described it best in one of lana’s self paras once when i said the garden ws “as big as it was unloved”
lana’s mum victoria (vic) ws a music journalist w a pretty fruitful career ahead of her when she met lana’s dad richard (rich). his record label ws jst starting out, founded on the coattails of his rich best friend’s (jensen peters) investment w his other best friend (who he jst calls knoxville). it rocketed to success when they signed poppy injects, a rock band w an electric stage presence, n victoria ws drawn to the glitz n glamour of a man tht ws at the helm of his aspiring industry. their love ws very impulsive, all or nothing right frm the start, n it ws almost like she ws mre in love w his accomplishments n what he represented than him. jst a leetle bit Fractured in its intentions.
anyway so jameson records repped a few big rock bands bk in the eighties, altho poppy injects r who they’re mostly known fr, namely bc of hw brightly they crashed n burned. they were a big chart success bt the lead singer hd quite an intense struggle w heroin (wsnt rly subtle abt it either while he ws in the public eye as u cn probably imagine frm such an on-the-nose band name) n he ws always in n out of the papers. it eventually brought down his career n it ws a big publicity nightmare
lana pretty much… grew up around figures like this throughout childhood. rly troubled characters who wld kind of… b extremely volatile n destructive abt their troubles. the jameson house was kind of an open one as welcoming clients went n a lot of parties took place there. a lot of the time musicians wld b snorting lines in the kitchen when she wnted to grab a bowl of cereal fr breakfast n it was just. a very strange environment fr a child to grow up in
her parents always kind of jst… didn’t like her much. her older brother caleb ws unplanned bt they sort of welcomed the surprise more bt… quickly realised they weren’t cut out fr parenthood n then when lana came as another surprise 3 yrs later they didn’t even try to hide their resentment abt the situation. her mum ws actually booked in to have an abortion bt cldnt go through with it at the last minute. once when lana asked her why shes so cold towards her she jst turned her head frm her dresser, looked at her, told her abt this n said “idk why i didn’t go”. lana didn’t kno wht to say to tht so she jst left her room n closed the door
(dissociation tw) bc of this growing up lana adopted this weird like…. she didn’t rly kno what it ws bt it ws a delusion of sorts where she thought she ws a ghost. she’d jst sort of… drift around the halls w noone acknowledging her n sometimes she ws jst convinced she wsnt actually there or they cldnt see her n she ws jst haunting the house frm a previous family
the one saving grace tho tht sort of?? gt her thru this n made her feel Seen ws caleb. lana quite genuinely hs always thought the sun shines out of her older brothers ass like she jst thinks. hes the best person in the entire world. wld b rly bewildered if anyone questioned tht. he wld always look out for her in the zoo they called a home n cut the crusts off her sandwiches (he’d cook fr them most of the time bc their parents were too busy/didn’t care to) n sometimes wld even sleep at the bottom of her bed curled up like a guard dog. it ws always lana n caleb n his best friend tommy against the world in tht house (tommy lived next door n was always over bc he had very strict parents including a military father tht he found suffocating)
SO when caleb n tommy announced tht they’d signed up to the army lana ws understandably…….. completely blindsided. she ws rly upset tht they were leaving bt she tried not to b mad at them n made them promise theyd b safe n back as soon as possible. she even asked if they cld somehow take her w them n they were jst like :/ it doesn’t work that way luv x
(death tw, ptsd tw, grief tw, trauma tw, hospitalisation tw, drugs tw) anyway caleb ended up getting discharged under grounds of severe ptsd when he witnessed tommy die in an explosion tht took place in a shock raid. caleb returned home sans tommy bt he was never the same after tht. he’s been in and out of hospital twice nw n he’s currently dipped off the radar after starting to use. lana kind of felt like two of her brothers died out there in a way n jst like tht it wasn’t them vs the world any mre, it was jst her. she doesn’t talk abt this tho. when she feels the urge to cry she usually jst smiles
ANYWAY whew tht rly…. took a dark turn there….. chuckles nervously at hw sad lana’s life is bt it’s fine it’s all fINE!!!!!!! ok. so on a mre lighthearted note the jameson family r pretty well off n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. mostly kids of celebrities n stuff like tht. she amassed kind of an instagram following mainly fr her style (v penny lane-esque in some aspects aka lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst…. a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, flame red cowboy boots, pink fishnet tights n glitter used like highlight Everywhere) n bc she’s undeniably very pretty
(trauma tw) after caleb got back he was rly withdrawn n depressed. he shut lana out n was kind of harsh to her a lot of the time, always telling her to leave him alone or pushing her away. it didnt help either tht lana had a rly traumatic experience w some of her dad’s colleagues at the label when she ws 16 n he was away n she cldnt even tell him abt it once he was bk bc of his own traumas. she kind of jst shut it all in n kept it to herself
this obviously?? made her spiral a lot. she was already a girl tht loved sex (she’d only rly done foreplay before tho) but since her trauma it got…. completely out of hand. it got to a point where she couldnt rly go 2 days without it, probably not even 1. her lowest point has probably been scrolling thru craiglist for anonymous encounters n meeting up w strangers on there fr a quick fuck jst for the thrill even tho it’s insanely dangerous n she cld wind up getting herself killed. it’s v clear at this point tht she has a sex addiction whether she’s ever admitted it or not. it kind of… almost mingled w tht same feeling she used to get when she ws younger of being a ghost?? like she jst. only rly feels Real when she’s being touched
(violence tw) a mre recent point of history is her involvement w danny nielsen (an evil npc of mine who is possibly the antichrist??? pending investigation). he attended lockwood n lived in a house w a group of other guys. it wsn’t a registered frat bt he essentially…ran it like one it ws kind of a weird set-up where he ws the King Of The Roost. essentially he found out tht lana n zeke van doren (full name it’s official business Babey) slept together n he ended up beating him to near death in front of her bc his pride ws rly bruised since they were meant to be dating (if u can call it tht bc danny’s idea of dating is very Warped). ANYWAY he ws found guilty n sent dwn bt the trial ws only recent so. it was just intense all around. crosses my fingers across my chest to ward off his Evil
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. knew everyone n everyone knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once. she has this magnetic way abt her tht is kind of hard to find in real life. it’s something ud only rly expect out of a movie character n she like. deliberately puts tht on sort of. kind of…. is always playing A Role of the person tht she wants to b seen as. chameleons to situations. feels like she’s performed as the vivacious n fun loving Lana Jameson fr so long tht she doesn’t rly kno who she is beneath tht bt she isn’t too keen to find out
she’s always been rly spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand stories tht always earn a laugh or a gasp over how ridiculously absurd they r
uncontrollably flirty. boundlessly confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n her comedy is sometimes surreal / absurd. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine. always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s sour haribo cherries or strawberry lollipops. she adores david bowie n prince n madonna n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think. daisies n poppies r her fav flowers bc daisies r wild n overlooked n poppies r the first thing u look at in a green field. she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n none of them hav lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them. i dnt think she’s actually been w anyone she hasn’t cheated on in some form or another
exes tht lana’s fucked over hideously. she’d probably cheat a lot and it’d be a whole…mess. mayb someone tht flipped the switch and cheated on her? a cousin plot cld b fun too. a friend tht lana fel out w bc she slept w their significant other. someone tht’s getting lana into drugs?? she’s kind of impressionable/down for anything so tht’s a likely scenario she’d get into tbh. an unrequited crush!! (either way is cool). someone tht is just hanging out w her/using her bc she has a lot of instagram followers or they want to b signed to her dad’s label. someone in a band!! she’d probably make like penny lane n b their groupie/sleep w them all fgjkshgkh. umm a good influence too mayb? oh and a past summer romance/fling tht cld either have meant a lot or not have meant anything at all. bonus points if both of them hav a diff viewpoint on it. honestly?? anything is fine i cld ramble for days. mayb even one of the high profile kids she grew up hangin w idk. worlds our oyster fellas!
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wastefulreverie · 6 years
Going Angst Week: Horror
Words: 4629
Portal!Danny is one of my favorite AUs and I hardly ever see it, so I decided I’d write something for it. Also idk about trigger warnings, but the title is horror so be warned.
He didn't really realize what had actually happened to him until about a week after the accident. At first, he was hesitant to tell his parents anything as well, but that was before... the symptoms. And he ended up admitting everything to them, in a fitful of tears, holding his stomach in, watching Jazz's apprehensive stare out of the corner of his eye.
He had only wanted to fix his parents' ghost portal, not become the portal.
It had started when his parents' 'greatest work', what was supposed to be the Fenton Ghost portal, hadn't turned on. They were devastated, and no matter how many times they examined the schematics, his parents couldn't figure out what had gone wrong.
“We've opened a portal before!” Dad had grown frustrated at the blueprints. “Why won't it work this time?”
Ah, yes, their infamous college project, that had inspired the construction of the new portal. For years they were satisfied with the tiny portal, which had settled inside the metal frame they'd built for it.
“I think it's gutsy that you're trying to redo the same experiment that killed your best-friend,” Jazz had said offhandedly.
“Jazz, sweetie,” Mom said, her eyes masked behind her goggles, “I know what we told you, but that's... that's not what happened. Vlad was... we didn't exactly follow the correct safety procedures. He got caught in the start-up, and got put into a coma. But that's not the case this time! We've internalized the portal's start-up so that there's no way it can hurt anybody. Hell, you'd have to be standing inside of it, for it to hurt you!”
“If you've internalized the start-up, then why isn't it working?” Jazz deadpanned. “Hmm, I don't know, maybe because ghosts aren't real, and Vlad died because of eventual radiation poisoning! I don't blame you for his death, but there's no denying it! What you've done to our basement is absolutely crazy-”
“It's perfectly safe, Jazz-”
“No, no,” Jazz rolled her eyes. “There's no such thing as ghosts. You two are delusional, and when your silly portal doesn't work, you'll see that I'm right!”
His sister had stomped up the stairs, angrily, leaving him and his parents in the lab with a nonoperational portal. His parents didn't acknowledge his presence and talked to each other.
“Jack...” Mom started, pulling her hood off of her head. “She's really upset. And she... she might be right. I don't see any errors in our work, so for now I think we should probably just take a break.”
Dad sighed, “For the day, or for a while?”
“For a while,” Mom clarified. “We can revisit the portal after the school year starts. That's just a few weeks from now, and once they're both gone in the daytime, we can start over, from scratch.”
“I'm tempted to argue with  you,” Dad said, “because I've put so much work into this portal, but you make good points. Besides, I wouldn't mind a few days to just breathe.”
His parents left the lab, far too engrossed within their own resolves to notice him lingering.
Danny understood what they had said; they were going to start over in a few weeks. And quite honestly, it seemed like the best course of action. Except... this wasn't like Jack and Maddie Fenton, they usually never gave up. He heard the undertones in their voices and recognized it for what it was: depressed content. After all, it still felt a little soon for them to give up. There had to be something they overlooked, right?
Sure, Danny wasn't the smartest kid when it came to engineering or anything, but sometimes looking at something with a different pair of eyes did the trick. And, he'd also feel guilty if he knew that he hadn't even tried to help out his folks.
So, with years of lab safety lectures drilled into his head, Danny had the mind to slip on a spare FentonWorks Hazmat suit. He peeled off the sticker of his Dad's face, and threw it in the trashcan. Next, he stood at the portal's entrance, staring at the back of the wall, where his parents had created a garden of wires, crisscrossing and creating some sort of functional diagram to tear a hole in the fabric between dimensions. The wires filled every available surface in the portal, even the metal floor.
Carefully, Danny put one foot inside the portal, avoiding the wires, and placed his other foot in the portal. He still couldn't see much, so he walked down further, hoping that something out of place would catch his eye. And something did.
It was a small panel, but it was different than the other metal surfaces that intertwined with the wires. It had two buttons on it: a green button (“on”) and a red button (“off”). Surely, his parents had known to press the on button, right? Hell, his Mom had a doctorate in engineering! So, with an eager mind to make his parents happy, he put his hand on the green button.
And, for a moment, nothing happened. He frowned, disappointed again, and released the wall.
Then, there was a sudden whirring sound around him. He couldn't see anything happening, until he felt it. There was a fire inside of him, ripping his body apart from the inside. It was burning, evaporating his blood and touching every skin cell, and his eyes felt open but he had gone blind. There was nothing anywhere, no sensation, except for the amplification of pain – everywhere. The pain caressed him, and he could feel the fabric of reality his parents had talked about, and for many moments he was the fabric. Things were being cut where things shouldn't be cut and tearing and shredding and a thousand souls looked into one soul (what did a soul even feel like?).
And through this abstract experience, Danny understood even more what was happening to his body. His mind was overloaded in a way a human shouldn't be overloaded, but he still could feel the sharpness of electricity rattling his bones and how it felt like he'd experienced a million years in a freezer condensed into one second, burnt by cold and heat. He felt the ordinary dryness of his limbs and mouth and how his tongue was trying to stuff itself down his throat because his vocal cords were locked because of the electricity and – there was nothing in his lungs anymore!
Agony. He'd heard that word used before, and this was it's definition. Poets, philosophers, they didn't know a damn about agony. This was true agony, a million different hurts and pains all at once with no end and he couldn't understand why he was dying right now. What had he done wrong? He'd just wanted to help his parents, not to be torn into shards and molded into a four dimensional shape between two literal dimensions.
The brush of death was just out of reach, he could see it. It was so light, so merciful compared to this. He needed it. He needed the fire in his chest to be put out. He didn't care about his life, he just needed an end to this pain.
And death touched him, but it did not embrace. It teased him, and then it left. And he was left, and everything didn't exist in his head anymore. Unconscious.
When Danny awoke, he was still in the portal, and his HAZMAT suit clung tightly to his body. He felt... normal? Maybe a little cold, but pretty much okay. Was that experience before only a vivid dream full of abstract concepts his brain had constructed? Because surely, that level of pain didn't exist, and it wasn't real. Because if it had been real, his body would still be feeling some pain. And all he felt was the discomfort of lumpy wires underneath him, in the same, broken portal.
Still confused, Danny sat up, and staggered out of the portal, far too disoriented to care about stepping on the wires anymore. His throat was dry, and his hair felt wrong, but other than that, he felt more or less the same. Which is what finally convinced him that what he had felt before was just a stupid nightmare.
And since nothing had happened to him, he had to get out of his HAZMAT suit quickly before his parents came down the stairs and started questioning him why he had been inside of the portal. Because, it was clear from his weird nightmare, something bad could've happened inside of the portal. And Mom and Dad knew that, and if they knew he'd been messing around, he'd be in so much trouble!
So, Danny unzipped the white and black suit and relished in the freedom his shirt and jeans gave him. The suit had been so tight on his skin, he was just glad to get out of it. Next, he hung it back up on it's hanger, but something weird happened when he tried. For a moment, everything in the world turned dizzy again and he could feel the remnants of pain from his nightmare (feel... reality?) and the HAZMAT suit turned a transparent blue and he could see the wall through the material.
In a panic, he threw the suit on the floor, and watched as it regained opacity. Danny brought his hand up to his neck to relieve some stress, and was bewildered when he couldn't feel himself touching the back of his neck. He brought his hand in front of his face and let out an audible scream when his hand was also blue and see-through.
What was... why was his hand going through everything! What was going on with his body! He honestly had no idea what to do, so he started shaking his hand frantically, trying to get it back to normal. Please work, I don't know what it is happening! This is wrong, something like this isn't real! Please work! Work!
Without any bravado or significance, his hand turned back to normal. Just – BAM! It was a normal hand again and there was nothing out of the ordinary.
Was his brain still trying to play tricks on him? Was this a concussion or something?
A concussion! That made sense! Everything was a hallucination.
“Danny?” Jazz's voice wafted down into the lab. “I heard a scream? Is everything okay? Why are you down there?”
“I uh – everything's fine, Jazz!” he lied. “I just...” he gulped, “how do you know if you have a concussion?”
“Have a WHAT?” There were footsteps down the stairs in an instant.
They took him to the doctor to test if he had a concussion. He'd told his parents that he'd just slipped on the floor and had fallen unconscious for a few minutes. He didn't dare tell them that it was inside of the portal.
And what the doctor had said, unnerved him. They had done a scan of his brain to see if he had any damage, and there was none.
“These things can be difficult to diagnose,” the doctor said. “Your insurance will cover the scans, no worries. It's good that you got him checked anyway, after all, it's better to be safe than be sorry.”
That night, Danny tried to go to asleep, and no matter how many blankets he buried himself inside, he still felt cold. The sensation hadn't gone away since he had awoken inside of the portal. His sleep was restless, but he kept waking up, tossing and turning, unable to keep an hour of sleep down at a time. He also somehow kept getting out of his blankets, no matter how tightly he tucked them around himself. It was an eerie night, filled with bits and pieces of sleep not long enough to form a coherent nightmare. That freedom of having no dreams was oddly comforting after his last nightmare.
The next morning, he ate breakfast. But no matter how much food he ate, he still felt a hollow feeling inside his stomach. His stomach rumbled unhappily, urging him to binge more, but after his third bowl of Fruity Pebbles, his Mom put a stifle on the cereal.
“Danny, I have to save some milk for my recipe later. You've eaten enough this morning.”
His body argued otherwise, but he knew that she was right. Three bowls was a lot compared to his usual one. So he stopped eating, and immediately felt worse until he was able to stuff himself again at lunch.
But between breakfast and lunch... even though the doctor had confirmed he didn't have a concussion, he had another hallucinogenic experience. He had floated. Or so, it felt like he was floating. He was up in his room, alone, messaging his friends, Sam and Tucker on his phone. He didn't really much else to do since it was summer, and neither of them could hang out because Sam was grounded for sneaking out and Tucker was away at some programming camp.
Sam had texted a funny meme, and Danny had laughed so hard that before he knew it, his bed was five feet below him and his hair was brushing the ceiling. His eyes widened in shock before he felt himself falling and his knees crashed into his mattress.
He knew that it couldn't be real, but it had  felt so real.
Throughout the next two days, odd things like that had started happening, and he held his tongue from confiding in his family. He had turned invisible in the bathroom, his eyes had glowed green in the reflection of his phone, objects were falling through his hands left and right, and there were two more isolated instances of levitation. Not to mention the incurable hunger that plagued him, never going away and forming a permanent, empty place in his stomach. There was also the cold that hadn't subsided, and Danny was starting to wonder if he'd ever feel warm again.
And then, there was the final incident that convinced him, that maybe all of this, wasn't just his mind. That maybe, the nightmare he'd had inside of the portal had been real all along.
Talons. They twisted around his internal organs, roughly stabbing him in the lungs and kidneys and so many things he'd never felt individually. He could also hear... not a voice, but some kind of resonance? Something that was outside of his mind, something that was separate to himself, but was trying to come inside of him.
It felt a lot more real than the other experiences he'd had, and he didn't like it.
All of this was happening while he was sitting on the couch, watching TV with his family, and he had a bad feeling something weird was going to happen, so he made an excuse to leave for the bathroom, and ran.
At this point he wasn't oblivious as had been. The things that had been happening to him were not in his head, and he had screwed up, and messed himself up in the portal. The pain that he'd felt that day was real, and there was a ghost dimension, because for a moment, he'd been stuck between it. And now, there was something that was trying to get in his head, or something, and didn't know what to do. He wanted to fight it, but he didn't know how because he didn't know what was happening, and he was still just, so, so confused.
Once he was alone in the bathroom, things got weirder. His eyes started glowing green, again, and the empty feeling in his stomach was expanding throughout his entire body. Everything felt numb and colder and he didn't like this, this was bad. He clung to his hair, and he could feel that even his nervous sweat was freezing, and the talons in his organs and brain were not helping his anxiety!
There was dizziness now, and the room was tilting. (He wasn't floating, right??) And then something snapped, and the emptiness that was in his stomach before turned into another feeling... something indescribable. Something powerful, scary, but it was also him at the same time, which didn't make sense because Danny wasn't powerful or scary.
He turned to the mirror and there was a sharp jet of light that came out of his body, illuminating the bathroom in colors that weren't supposed to be there and then he changed colors, but also changed inside. He watched his reflection, the light flowed over him and took away his clothes, replacing them with a black suit HAZMAT suit that he'd never worn in his life! He gave an involuntary gasp as his hair turned white and his eyes opened up to become glassy pools of green light. His sclera had completely vanished, yet somehow he was seeing with these frighteningly alien, green eyes.
This wasn't natural. This didn't feel good, this was wrong, and what the hell was he?! He didn't want to be doing this, he wanted this to be not real! But he couldn't stop any of this because he didn't know how, and this was going way too fast for him and–
He didn't have any time to question the million things he was questioning about himself and the grim talons scratched him, and he understood what they wanted. They wanted to come through him. They called him a 'gate'.
Below his heart, the previously empty spot ripped open (unzipped?) and the talons were physically inside of him, and it felt so much worse. The talons belonged to some kind of bird, and there was a bird inside of him and this isn't good, get out get out get out geT OUT GET OUT
The bird was squished inside of his body, which he had realized wasn't a human body anymore, because the familiar presence of organs was missing. (Holy shit do I not have organs anymore how am I alive what is-) Then, the bird starting squirming, looking for a way out of him and something else shifted in him and the bird started coming up. By some sort of reflex, his body acted on its own, and his jaw opened up to a wide proportion that wasn't supposed to be physically possible.
And then, there was something familiar. Something that every human knows how to do, and utterly hates. He started vomiting.
The talons scratched his throat as the muscles in his body pushed the bird up in an unpleasant, erratic pattern. He couldn't even breathe while this was happening, and there was nothing he could do to even stop it! Danny wanted to start crying, because he didn't know why any of this was happening and he hadn't done anything. Was throwing up a living bird with some sort of alienated body the price of being torn between realities? Was this this price of disobeying his parents' safety procedures?
Finally, the bird was in his mouth and he could taste it: fowl, slimy, and a weird combination of battery acid and rotten meat. It was still gagging him, but it was almost out, and he could see it in the mirror and this horror was almost done.
Realizing that it had escaped Danny's body, the bird started moving again and had uncondensed itself, stretching out to full size. Now that he could see it, the bird was a dark green, had red eyes, and had flown out of his mouth, but hadn't used its wings. Danny stared at it, terrified, and it squawked at him. They weren't connected anymore, so he couldn't hear the pull of it's demands in his head, as he had been able to hear earlier. Finally, the bird flew up through the ceiling and vanished.
Seconds later, Danny's world came falling down as the light that had changed him returned, bringing him back to plain old Danny Fenton. Normal clothes, normal hair, normal eyes.... And he could feel the normal demanding gargle of his stomach and faint pulse again.
He fell to the bathroom floor in shock, defensively pulling his knees to his chest.
It was hard to believe... that he wasn't human. Because after that experience, it was obvious that he wasn't. Humans don't have ghost birds (was that actually a ghost?) appear in their stomach, go all glowy, and then vomit up the ghost!
Danny, in a way, was started to piece together what had happened to him. He'd been able to see it for a moment when the bird passed through him. The bird had called him a 'gate'.
Danny, had been inside the Fenton Portal when it had turned on. But... the portal formed inside of him instead of in the metal structure it was supposed to. Danny had accidentally turned himself into a living, breathing, portal. And from what he had looked like earlier, he was also starting to wonder if he was a ghost, too.
This was all too much for him. He couldn't live like this! He couldn't just... live his life falling through things every few minutes, floating, turning invisible – who knows what else! – and also acting as some sort of humanoid gateway for ghosts to violate whenever they wanted! He couldn't hide this, he couldn't even fully understand this the more he thought about it. He didn't even know what he was! He felt like Danny, but... at the same time, he could feel the presence of something unnatural in his veins. The thing that was a door inside of his stomach, that caused him to turn into that freaky thing!
He was a freaky thing. That freaky thing was entirely him.
The more he tried to deny it, the worse he felt. A few minutes later, Danny was sobbing before he knew what he was doing.
His family was still downstairs, none the wiser to the kind of monster he'd become. He couldn't hide this from them. He wouldn't be able to if he tried – because when the bird passed through him, he felt it's soul for a moment. He felt how happy the bird was to find him, and that others would find him too. It wouldn't be long before other ghosts came for him, there was no preventing it. So that meant, that his parents were going to find out about him eventually, and it'd be a whole lot better for him to tell them rather for them to see it first.
Shakily, he brought himself to stand again, and slowly turned the bathroom's doorknob. Every step down the stairs felt like a burden, but he knew that he had to tell the truth. There was no stopping this confrontation.
“Mom, Dad?” they were still in front of the TV, captivated by whatever show was on. Jazz sat in the corner, lost inside of a textbook.
“Yeah, sweetie?” Mom said absently, eyes still focused on the screen. She didn't notice the look of fear plastered on her son's face, his tear-stained resolve, and the way his hands were shaking.
“I – I,” he whispered. “I screwed up. I really screwed up. I didn't... I didn't know that-” he choked, “this would happen.”
Both of his parents looked up, and Jazz questioningly abandoned her book to pay attention to her brother. Dad hit pause on the TV.
“What're you talking about, Danny-boy?”
“I... I don't know how to tell you,” Danny admitted. “But it's bad. I don't know what I am anymore.”
Even that simple confession felt way too personal and invasive. How could he tell them everything else that he had learned?
“What do you mean?” Mom was getting more concerned.
“I'm sure he's talking about psychologically how he feels-”
“Shut up, Jazz!” he snapped. “That's not... that's not it, I... it's something I have to explain. And it's really hard.”
“Do you want to sit down and talk about it?” Mom asked.
Danny didn't say anything, but took a seat next to his Mom, directly across from Jazz's chair.
“The other day, when I told you I fell,” he started. “I didn't. I went into the portal-”
“You what?” Dad whispered
“-and I accidentally turned it on,” he blurted the last part far too quickly.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Jazz interrupted. “You're trying to convince me you turned that fake thing on?”
“Wow!” Dad's demeanor changed. “You turned the portal on? That's great! Why didn't you say anything? Why isn't the portal working now?”
Danny was taken aback by his Dad's outburst and bit his tongue. His blood had a weird taste (a little like the bird), and he tried not to think about it.
The next three words came easier than expected, since he forced himself to say them without thinking. But they still sounded bad. “I was electrocuted.”
Silence. No one dared a word.
“A – are you okay?” Mom ventured, daringly. “You look fine, though. Electrocution isn't something to joke about.”
“I wish I was joking,” Danny looked down at his feet. “At first I thought that it was only a nightmare, that's why I lied to you. But... things have been happening and I know it's real.”
“Danny, people don't just walk off being electrocuted. You're just confused,” she reassured.
“Jazz, will you just stay out of this?” he protested. “You don't... don't know anything.”
She rolled her eyes, and he knew that she still thought he was a liar.
“Is it... possible,” Danny continued, bracing himself for the hardest confession, “for a portal to bind to a person, instead of the doorway that you built?”
“I think the portal opened up inside of me,” Danny continued, “and I think it's still there. Since I was inside where the portal was supposed to open, it opened up in me, and it's stuck in me.”
“Danny... things don't work like that,” Dad tried. “If they did, then-”
“Things have been happening to me ever since the electrocution. And not normal side effects, trust me. I've been going intangible, invisible, floating... and just now, I...” this was the peak of his embarrassment, “a ghost used the portal inside of me to come from the Ghost Zone to our world.”
He looked at the wild stares every member of his family was giving him.
“You have to believe me!” both of his parents gasped, and Jazz recoiled away from him in her chair. They looked... afraid?
“Danny... your eyes,” Mom's eyes were saucers.
He immediately squeezed his eyes shut. He'd forgotten that they could turn green on demand now.
“I think I might believe you,” Dad admitted.
Danny opened his eyes. “Really?”
“I don't really understand how it could work, but green eyes aren't....”
“Normal?” Danny finished, shame washing over him as he finished his Dad's sentence.
Dad nodded.
“If this is all true, then how are we going to fix this? The only time the proto-portal stopped working was after...”
“After what?” Danny asked, scared by her ominous tone.
“After Vlad died,” she said, grimly.
Everyone shared a few glances, clearly afraid of the thing that now resided inside of Danny and what it meant for them.
“We'll figure this out,” Dad declared. His voice was devoid of it's usual optimism.
By the look in his parent's eyes, Danny knew then that they wouldn't be able to fix his problem. At best, they'd only be able to figure out how to control it. It saddened him that this was permanent, and he didn't have the mental resolve to think of the implications this was going to have on the rest of his life. But, at the moment, any control was better than none.
Especially if he was going to have to get used to throwing up ghosts.
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pluckyredhead · 6 years
Thanks for doing the RAICES fic fundraiser! It's inspiring to see people making art for good causes. Receipt: imgur(.)com(/)oGHPVPE Ok, so, Iron Fist was a mess but I love your Danny, you do a great job with him. So I'd like to request Danny-centric Defenders mini-casefic or team found family good-natured sass? Otherwise, if you're not good with that, I could go for some fabulous Pride lawyer silliness. Thanks!
I love writing Danny, thank you! (And thank you for donating!) This got…real silly, and ended up being as much about Jessica as Danny, and also Danny steered HARD into the goofball curve, but it was fun to write. Hope you enjoy!
Jessica had not been thrilled to be woken up by a phone call from Danny. Sure, it was two p.m. when he called - but on the other hand, it was Danny, and that didn’t seem worth getting up for any hour of the day.
But Danny had been insistent that she come over now, and so Jessica had pulled on her least stained jeans from off of the floor and sulked her way across town in a cab she fully intended on making her own personal Ralph Macchio pay for.
Now, as she stood between Luke and Matt, gaping at the thing Danny was holding in his lap, she was starting to understand his urgency.
“Is that…” Matt started to say, closed his mouth, opened it again, and shook his head.
Colleen, sitting on the couch, put her face in her hands. She looked tired.
Matt tried again. “I’m assuming that my senses are letting me down right now and that is not, in fact, a dragon?”
“It’s totally a dragon!” Danny said, beaming up at them. The green, slinky thing in his lap stretched and yawned like a cat before burping out a puff of fire. “Isn’t it awesome?”
“Sweet Christmas,” Luke said.
“Where the fuck did you get a dragon, Rand,” Jessica said, once she’d found some alcohol in Danny’s fridge - Mike’s Hard Lemonade because he was an actual child, but better than nothing.
“Farmers’ market,” Danny said, scratching the dragon under the chin.
“What,” Matt said.
“It wasn’t a farmers’ market,” Colleen said with a sigh. “I told him to meet me at the farmers’ market and he got lost and wound up at some weird street fair instead. With dragons, apparently.”
“You can buy dragons at a street fair?” Luke asked.
“No,” Danny said, in a tone like Luke had said something ridiculous. Well, like Luke had been the first person in the room to say something ridiculous. “I bought a dragon egg. I’ve had it for months.”
Jessica and Luke looked at Colleen. Even Matt pointed his chin at her.
“Don’t blame me for this!” she said, throwing her hands up. “This apartment has ten bedrooms! I don’t check them all on the regular for mythological beings.”
Danny shrugged. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I figured it was a scam or a dud, or just, you know, a really cool paperweight. It’s really hard to get dragon eggs in this hemisphere. But it was only a couple thousand dollars…”
“Oh, of course,” Luke muttered.
“…and even if it wasn’t a real egg it was so cool looking. You guys didn’t see the shell, it was neat. And the guy who sold it to me kept winking, like, hey man, this is the real deal. So I thought I’d stick it in a spare bedroom, crank the heat up in there, and if it didn’t hatch in a few months, that was that. But…” Danny gestured to the dragon as if anyone else had been able to stop thinking “HOLY SHIT THERE’S A DRAGON IN HERE” the entire time he’d been talking. “It hatched!”
“And then it peed everywhere,” Colleen added.
“And then it peed everywhere!” Danny agreed. Jessica had never seen him so happy.
If Jessica was good at anything, it was finding out weird shit on the internet. She sat down in Danny’s “office” - more like a sticker collection room than anything, honestly - and opened his laptop. “This is too nice of a computer for you to use for nothing but Neopets, you know,” Jessica muttered.
“I needed to make sure my little dudes were still alive!” Danny protested. “I was away a long time.”
Jessica rolled her eyes and started searching. “Are you going on the dark web?” Danny asked, craning over her shoulder. She put a hand on his face and pushed him away.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Luke said, then glanced at Jessica. “Are you?”
“No,” she said. “There’s this forum, Strange Tales dot com. People talk about weird stuff they’ve seen and heard, try to get confirmation of it. These days it’s mostly people debating whether it’s Avengers shit or not, but sometimes there’s sightings of, oh, a man in black backflipping off a roof. A guy punching his way out of prison.” A flying, super-strong woman, too, but she’d done her best to discredit those sightings with the several identities she’d created on the forum until she hadn’t been able to hide any longer. “If anyone knows how to get rid of a dragon, these nutbars do.”
“But I don’t want to get rid of Shou Little!” Danny protested, hugging the baby dragon to him. It bit him. “Ow. I love her!”
“Shou Little?” Matt repeated.
“The dragon I got my powers form is named Shou Lao. She’s much smaller, so…” Danny shrugged like it was obvious. “I just shrugged, sorry, Matt.”
“I know,” Matt said.
“How do you know she’s a she?” Jessica asked. If mystical kung fu monk training involved studying dragon genitals, she officially quit.
“I don’t, not really, but she’s pretty tough, so I just assumed,” Danny explained. The dragon - Shou Little, apparently, bit him again. “Ow!”
Okay. Maybe Jessica wouldn’t quit just yet.
“If dragons are real, what else is real?” Matt asked.
“My disinterest in this conversation?” Jessica asked, glancing away from the computer for a minute. Matt and Colleen were stretching side by side in matching and frankly implausible looking poses, while Danny lay sprawled on the floor beside them. Luke at least knew what furniture was for, and had commandeered the office couch.
“I’m asking Danny, not you,” Matt said. “Okay, we have dragons. Does this mean…unicorns are real? Pixies? Demons?”
Luke raised his eyebrows and lifted his hand. Shou Little hung determinedly from his finger. She had been gnawing on him for ten minutes, ever since he’d offered himself as a more durable chew toy than Danny. “Worried you’re going to get in trouble for biting the underworld’s style?”
“Look, we’ve already dealt with resurrection and now dragons. I’m just wondering if mermaids are next down the pipeline,” Matt said.
Danny shrugged. “Unicorns and pixies are western mythology. Shou Little’s a Chinese dragon. I have no idea if that means the European ones are real, too.”
“Okay, so what else is in Chinese mythology?” Luke asked.
“K’un-Lun isn’t really part of China per se, but, uh…fenghuang,” Danny said, glancing at Colleen.
“Nian,” she added. “Fox spirits. Spirits in general.”
“And mermaids?” Matt asked.
Jessica turned all the way around. “What is it with you and mermaids? You really into clamshell bras or something?”
Matt gave her that annoying deadpan look that meant he could be joking or just that weirdly intense. It was harder to read when he was upside down. “We live on an island! It seems like pertinent information.”
“I’d worry less about mermaids and more about water dragons,” Danny said matter-of-factly.
“Water dragons?” Luke repeated.
“Grawr,” Shou Little added.
It took Jessica thirty-eight minutes to sort through all the tinfoil-hat selfies and conspiracy theories to find rumors of an honest-to-fuck dragon sanctuary in Ghuizhou Province, eleven minutes of Danny and Colleen having two separate phone conversations in Mandarin to confirm that this place was apparently somehow for real, forty-seven minutes for Matt and Luke to go to the nearest grocery store with Danny’s gold card and buy all the fish they could carry to feed the little monster…
(“She likes gummi worms too,” Danny had assured them. “I checked.”)
…and going on two and a half hours trying to convince Danny that no, he could not keep a dragon in a midtown Manhattan high rise.
“It’s a big apartment!” he insisted, clutching at her. “She’ll have plenty of room!”
“Didn’t you say Shou Lao filled an entire mountain?” Colleen asked.
“Maybe Shou Little won’t get so big! Her name’s only Shou Little, not Shou Big!”
“You named her that! Today!”
“You have neighbors,” Matt pointed out. “Neighbors who will notice weird noises and floors shaking and the fact that you’re covered in blood from dragon bites all the time.”
“Says the guy who crawls half-dead into his own apartment four nights a week,” Luke muttered. Matt frowned. “What? You think Claire doesn’t tell me all your business?”
“Matt’s still right, even if he is also stupid,” Jessica said. “Do you want to be stupid like Matt, Danny?”
“Hey,” Matt said.
“No,” Danny admitted.
“She doesn’t belong here,” Colleen pressed. “She was stolen. She needs to go home.”
Danny was clearly weakening, but he still clung to Shou Little. “But she loves me!” Shou Little bit him. “Ow!”
“Look, man, we can just get you a puppy,” Luke said.
“I’m a millionaire. I can have both.”
“Dragon might eat the puppy,” Matt pointed out.
“Dragon might eat you,” Luke added.
“Come on, Jackie Paper, give it up,” Jessica said. “We’ve been here for hours and I have paying clients to meet with…” Malcolm had her schedule. “…eventually. Probably.”
Colleen sat down next to Danny and put a hand on his knee. “Hey. Danny, talk to me. What’s the actual issue here?”
Danny frowned at her, then dropped his gaze back to the dragon in his lap. His eyes softened. “Look, I know she doesn’t belong here,” he admitted. “I do. But…I get what that’s like. Not to belong. And I thought that maybe if the two of us didn’t belong with anyone else…”
Matt’s eyebrows shot up. “That’s what this is? You’re looking for another fish out of water?” Shou Little raised her head at the word “fish.” “No, you had your dinner. These are metaphorical fish.”
“Stop arguing with the lizard, Murdock,” Jessica muttered.
“There wasn’t anyone like me in K'un Lun,” Danny said. “And there’s not anyone like me here.”
“You think there’s a lot of bulletproof dudes walking around this city?” Luke asked.
“Or people who can hear heartbeats?” Matt added.
“I carry a sword around a crowded metropolitan area,” Colleen pointed out.
They all looked at Jessica - well, except Matt.
“What?” she asked. “I’m completely normal. You four are the weirdoes.”
“See? And then there’s Jessica,” Matt said. Jessica flipped him the bird. “I know you did that.”
“That’s why I did it.”
“You’re not the only freak around,” Colleen said. “So why don’t you let Shou Little go back to where she belongs, huh?”
Danny sighed. Then he looked up at them and grinned. “Only if Jessica says she loves me just the way I am.”
Jessica crossed her arms. “Looks like we’re keeping the dragon.”
This whole dragon thing was unutterably stupid, but Jessica wasn’t going to pass up a free trip to China if Danny was willing to cart all of them there. She’d take a week’s vacation in China over snapping dirty photos of cheating spouses any day. Even Claire and Misty and Matt’s fluffy lawyer friend had managed to get themselves invited.
Of course, it was entirely possible that Danny had invited them all because the kid was terrified of flying. He’d been deathly pale the whole way to the airport, and clutching the armrests of his seat long before they even started taxiing. Jessica was no good at comforting, so while the others kept Danny distracted and soothed up at the front of the plane, she sprawled sideways across some seats in the back, staring out the window and working her way through a few of those tiny bottles of hooch.
A scratching noise made her look up just as Shou Little - who Danny had given free run of the plane because he had a brain like a Hostess snack - clambered up onto her seat. Jessica sat still and wary as the baby dragon picked her way up over Jessica’s legs, her tiny claws poking through the denim. Shou Little sniffed at the bottle in Jessica’s hand, sneezed, then sat down and looked up at Jessica with shiny black eyes.
“What,” Jessica said.
Shou Little stared at her.
“Go on, go cuddle up to Danny,” Jessica said. “Or Nelson, he lost his mind over you.”
Shou Little didn’t budge. Jessica thought about dumping the thing off her lap, but…oh, fuck it, she wasn’t a total monster. And when was she going to get to chill with a dragon again?
“Fine, stay there if you want,” she said. “We’re landing in less than an hour anyway.”
She turned her head to gaze out the window again at the unfamiliar landscape far below. Shou Little inched closer, up over Jessica’s thighs and belly until she could peek out the window herself.
“What?” Jessica followed the dragon’s gaze to the ground. “That’s where you’re from. Whadya think?”
Shou Little stared blankly at Jessica, and Jessica realized belatedly she was talking to an animal like it could understand her. On the other hand, it was a magic animal. Who knew what the rules were?
Still, she dropped her voice so that the others couldn’t hear her. Well, Matt could still hear her, but if he tried to make fun of her for it later she had a list of burns as long as her arm that would probably make Lawyer Boy cry.
“Come on,” she said to Shou Little. “You didn’t want to stay in New York. It’s basically a pit. Way too many people and way overpriced. Plus you’d have to live with Danny and he’d probably make you do Mommy and Me yoga or something. You don’t want to sink to that level.”
Shou Little sank down against her and rested her head against Jessica’s stomach.
“Oh no,” Jessica said. “Don’t try to get around me. Better babies than you have tried. Malcolm…” Who she had eventually befriended and hired. Bad example. “Okay, Danny…” Who had convinced her to fly around the world on the silliest escapade she’d ever been a part of. “Whatever. Bambi eyes don’t work on me. And neither does cuddling."
Shou Little let out a tiny squeak of a yawn.
“…Ah, fuck it,” Jessica said, and gave in to the urge to pet the little monster, right behind her frilled crest. Shou Little closed her eyes and rested her head on her front claws.
“You’ll be okay,” Jessica told her. “Apparently there’s other dragons at this place. I guess even freaks of nature can manage to find each other.”
Something made her look up. Back up at the front of the plane, Danny was facing her, looking less pale than he had before, and Claire was leaning in saying something low and probably extremely sensible to him.
His gaze flickered to the dragon in her lap and then back up. Jessica scowled at him.
He grinned and gave her a thumbs up.
Jessica rolled her eyes and looked back down at the sleeping Shou Little. “See?” she whispered. “Even that dope. Even me.”
She looked out at the green, terraced landscape beneath them, growing closer every minute. “Yeah,” she said, running a finger down Shou Little’s spiny back. “You’ll be just fine.”
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antiquatedfuture · 5 years
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