#Debbie Salt
behindthescreamz · 6 months
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behind the scenes photos and a “scream 2” fun fact!
the original ending included a shot of ghostface lurking at the windsor college tower (pictured above) to further play into the iconic franchise saying “they always come back…” but it was ultimately cut in an attempt to give sidney some peace after the events of the film.
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I never understood why people hate on Amber and Richie's motive when it's far from the worst in the franchise, in my opinion. So here's a little rant of my opinions on all Ghostface motives. Billy Loomis: his motive literally makes no sense to me but because he's one of the original Ghostfaces, everyone puts him on a pedestal. He kills Maureen because she's sleeping with his father, Hank, causing his mother, Nancy, to leave them. Makes sense, he could have stopped there. Instead he targets Sidney for literally nothing. Just simply because she's the daughter of the woman who broke up his family. It would have made more sense to go after Sidney while Maureen was still alive to make her suffer before killing her. Therefore, making his motive one of the dumbest in the franchise for me.
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Stu Macher: his motive is simple yet affective; he has none, or at least as far as we know. Most real life murderers probably don't have much of a motive either so while it's realistic it's not exactly the most creative motive but really, how creative can you really get? There's only so many reasons to want to kill someone especially when the main target is the same unproblematic person just trying to live her life in peace.
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Mickey Altieri: I love Mickey but he has one of the dumbest motives in the franchise and no one says shit. He literally just wants to get caught and blame the movies. Nancy did the right thing shooting him.
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Nancy Loomis: one of the better motives, as Nancy herself says, good old fashion revenge. It's the first time in the franchise that the motive is revenge (no, I don't count Billy's motive as revenge. Maybe when it came to Maureen but not Sidney) so it's a fresh motive in these movies.
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Roman Bridger: another motive I particularly like. I think of his motive less revenge and more resentment. No motive is good enough to kill but his is one of the ones where you could understand how someone who's mentally unstable could snap. Being abandoned by your mother just for her to have another child she loves and cares for and then turns you away once you try to reunite with her? I'd be upset too. I mean...not enough to kill but you get my point.
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Charlie Walker: another dumb motive that no one talks about. As a matter of fact, does he even have one? We know he's a "Stab" fanatic and a simp for Jill so what I get from this is he was easy to persuade because he was already a fan of the movies and a horny teenage boy. I don't think he could've given a fuck less if he got famous from it.
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Jill Roberts: her motive is one of the best and aged like fine wine. In the world we live in today, some people would quite literally kill to be famous. I know some people have complaints about it but it's really not that farfetched, people are mad crazy these days and kill for the stupidest reasons.
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Amber Freeman: like Charlie, I don't know if we really get a motive for Amber. Richie seems so much more passionate about the "Stab" movies and their killing spree becoming a movie then she does (he literally doesn't shut up about it and barely lets Amber give her motive or intentions.) What I got from watching the movie was that Amber was a fan of horror movies in general (she very clearly likes "Psycho," "Halloween" and "Friday The 13th") but she claims she's been obsessed ever since her parents bought Stu Macher's house, where the first murder spree took place, implying she didn't care as much before moving in. She also says her and Richie had similar ideas, not the same. I think her motive was more like Stu's and was to just kill for the fun of it. If her and Richie's motives were in fact the same, it's still a decent motive and original compared to the Ghostfaces before. If her motive was similar to Stu's, it's still a decent motive just unoriginal.
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Richie Kirsch: his motive is a lot more crystal clear than Amber's. As I already mentioned above, he doesn't shut up about it. He hated the recent "Stab" movie and thought creating a new killing spree would provide new source material to make a better movie than the last. Considering how upset people in the "Scream" fandom got about this movie (and how other fandoms get with their respective franchises) just proves that his motive isn't that dumb. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if something like this happened in real life, especially when you take into consideration that these movies inspired real life murders already.
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Jason Carvey: his motive wasn't great but it wasn't terrible. He was just another fanatic (which is repetitive of the last movie) wanting to continue "Richie's film" (fuck Amber, I guess...I hate how this movie down played her when she carried Richie) but since he was an opening kill, his motive probably wasn't meant to be all that great. Had he gotten further with his plan though, I wouldn't have hated it. PS: if you were expecting a Greg Bruckner paragraph, sorry but his bitch ass was killed before the plan was meant to be put into motion so therefore, he wasn't officially a Ghostface in my eyes. His motive would have been the same as Jason's anyway, as far as we know.
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Wayne Bailey, Ethan Landry and Quinn Bailey: I'm going to include them all in one paragraph since their motives are all the same: good old fashion revenge. As Richie's father, brother and sister their only goal was to seek revenge on anyone who was involved in Richie's death. Nothing suggests that any of them had any additional motives. The motive itself is fine, I literally mentioned it was one of the better ones in my Nancy paragraph. The only problem I have with it is now it's become repetitive and unoriginal. It's basically just a knockoff of "Scream 2" with an extra killer. From my point of view, it's the only movie that straight up reuses a motive. To summarize: pansy ass mama's boy who's sad she abandoned him, psycho who was peer pressured, psycho who wants to get caught and taken to trial, mother seeking revenge, son who was abandoned by his mother and has resentment against his sister, simp horror fan, psycho who wants fame, horror fans who want a better installment in their favorite franchise, horror fans who want to continue the last Ghostfaces plans for a better installment in their favorite franchise and a family seeking revenge; notice how only one of these are almost exactly the same to another. (I guess Billy and Roman's could be categized as similar, being abandoned by their mothers, but they're different enough for me and Roman's motive was better and made more sense. Amber and Richie have the same or at least similar motive but because their partners in the same movie I'll allow it. Jason and Gregg's motive was meant to continue what Amber and Richie sought out to do but they were opening kills so their motive was kind of a throwaway and irrelevant anyway.)
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Quote by: Amanda Lovelace
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polifandom · 5 months
when i first started getting into scream i felt extremely gaslit into thinking the 2nd and 3rd films are actually good and that the 4th one is the bad one. like WDYM???
yes the second has a banger opening scene but the killers are completely irrelevant to the plot, i literally had to watch the second one 3 (THREE) times to be able to tell apart mikey and derek bc they're literally both tall brunette standard cis guys to me and the reporter being billys mom is just a lazy plot twist to me
if dewey was the killer in the second one the movie would be SO much better, like!!!! dewey had motive (sister was killed meanwhile 2 of her friends survived, gale's book thing, he was badly hurt, etc), he knew how he to do it successfully bc he lived through it, and idk i just wanted him to be!!!
so yes, 2 is average at best and boring at worst to me. meanwhile, the third movie is simply a train wreck i hope we can all agree on. there's simply no way roman would be able to pull that off alone, plus they reused the same family relative plot twist (tho i do admit this time it was slightly better, but it doesn't make it any less lazy). if im being very honest with you, there was no point i was truly invested in the story while watching 3.
while 4 i was literally kept on my toes the ENTIRE TIME. best killer reveals since the 1st (charlie included, he is SEVERELY underrated)!!! a killer kills another killer!!! jill motive was sounhinged and im living for it!!! they managed to make the killers have some form of chemistry like stu and billy did without redoing their dynamic!!! it was sidney more interesting plot by far since the first movie!!! jill literally almost got away with it!!!! like dude, that movie is a BANGER!
to me, scream 4 is a very close 2nd in ranking, following the first one (obv)
anyways, i felt like everyone kept telling me 2 and 3 were masterpieces when they very clearly arent. i absolutely love the franchise, but every time i rewatch i have to power through 2 and sometimes skip 3 altogether bc its very clearly the weaker movie out of the 6 out.
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amberxfreeman · 7 months
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ibtravart · 1 year
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Saw #ScreamVI and really loved it!!!
Here's a panel from the #scream2 #moviecomicadaption featuring the shocking killer reveal & motive!
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jokersbatmanboxers · 2 years
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What’s your favorite scary movie?
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pinkrifle · 1 year
Debbie realizing her mistake once she ‘kills’ Mickey. But instead of taking the blame for it, she blames mickeys dead on sidney as well
and once again YES. mrs loomis cannot accept her own wrong doings, as much as i love ‘er it’s gotta be said 🤭
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Headcannons for a(nother) dumbass au
(I may or may not be watching scream 5 and thinking of the absolute shit-show of what would happen if I just ploped a bunch of ghostfaces((+ Sidney)) in with the RE crew. and I may or may not be on a roll tonight and gonna write that shit)
this is just bcs I love the scream movies lmaooooo
(this blog has become the land of the stupid and impossible AUs)(might turn into a series and add more good guys like Gale and Dewey and Randy, bcs I can bring back whoever I want in my own dumb au)
I mean, if its all current ghostfaces then there's some geeking out from the Scream 5 ones about the others(but im not here for that, im here to stick them in with zombies, so we can all just imagine them freaking out about one another and get straight to the au stuff)
Also, gonna ignore the Stab movies and just say we dropped the ghostfaces and Sid in a universe where that isn't a thing.
Sidney is involved how? I think im going with current Sidney from 5, so she's being chased about by the 9 killers she thought were all dead, so im just sending her to the RPD for help.
so yeah, like in the AvP au, the STARS crew is pretty busy. but someone saying that they are being attacked by serial killers might be taken more seriously that someone talking about aliens. so ima say they believe her.
they still might not have time though.
I would say they put her in a safe house or something, but that's boring. so to the mansion she comes
she's survived enough to know how to follow horror rules, so she may surprise them with how good she is.
that being said, there's a huge difference between klutzy teens in costumes with no peripheral vision and a fucking hunter.
she's not gonna let herself trust anyone because of her previous problems being part of a group.
even so, she probably gets attached to the STARS crew pretty quick. especially cause Dewey was a cop(and she married Mark from scream 3, also a cop) so she is used to trusting them
so it's gonna hit hard when Wesker turns on them.
she's used to it, and knows it wasn't aimed at her(probably very refreshing for her, it always seems to be targeted at her) but she's mad bcs she really has decided she likes the STARS crew
she thinks Rebecca is the most wholesome smol bean and wants to kill Wesker for shooting her.
when the Tyrant does its thing she's like 'fucking n o p e'
she fully understands that they always come back, so she rlly wants to go shoot Wesker in the head to make sure, but what can she do while being chased by the Tyrant. (if I make a series out of this, there will be a lot about how she's finally gonna face an actual semi-immortal villain after so long of just humans and tons of talk about supernatural monsters like Jason and stuff, blah blah they always come back, and now she's gonna wish she'd listen to Randy a bit better)
oh yeah, I forgot the ghostfaces
lmaoooooo. this whole thing was kinda about them, and I forgot about them.
(off topic as shit, but Richie was right. thinkin about having to address hate comments and yeah. how can fandom be so toxic when its about love?)
ok, back to the ghostfaces.
Wesker wants Sid out of the picture bcs she might fuck up his test data or something.
that's just an excuse for me to have him bribe all the ghostfaces to help him in return for him capturing Sid for them.
if they all came to the mansion I think we lose Amber, Charlie and Stu right away. they might be the weakest of all the ghostfaces
Richie is sticking to Billy[scream] in such a way that it might become a problem. after they both lost their partners right away they might just decide to hang out
Jill[scream 4] isn't really upset about losing Charlie, but she's gonna die next.
its possible that Wesker killed her bcs he's sick of her drama queen bullshit.
Roman is like 'wtf ok mr corrupt cop man' - I also think Roman might last longer than most
Chris or Jill runs into the group of bumbling idiots and I think we lose Mickey and Mrs. Loomis (she tried to offer him up and they both got shot)
so that leaves us with Billy[scream] and Roman and Richie
im thinking bcs they r my favorite 3 ghostfaces they get to live by just kinda dipping after that.
If this becomes a series I might retcon other deaths I stated here.
Ima imagine a funny scenario where the 3 I let live knew Wesker got stabbed by the Tyrant and he shows up and they freak the fuck out.
omfg ghostfaces in a full on outbreak is such chaos.
stay tuned for more bullshit
holy shit that was long
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blackacre13 · 1 month
We all miss you. Are you coming back to writing soon ✍️.
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Awww hi @mrsmillerocean I miss you and everyone too🥹 a long explanatory post to come at some point once I know what’s going on. In all honesty, I’m going through some major health mystery investigating which has me running to specialists, getting tests done, and spending all my spare time and money in medical offices which is part of it and the other is that I sort of fell off the face of the fic writing earth when I focused on writing my manuscript for nanowrimo in November.
I’ve been neglecting Lou and Deb for some mysterious other characters 👀 as I try to wrap up two manuscripts and try to push them out into the world. Sooooo if you or any readers here would like to be beta readers, most definitely stay tuned.
I still love writing prompts and am hoping life will settle a bit so I can get back to updating her and on ao3 more consistently but still don’t have a plan or official update!❤️
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behindthescreamz · 6 months
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wes craven with the cast of “scream 2” (1997)
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samularsaber · 11 months
Debbie Kang And Alya Journalist Integrity fanfic prompt (Alya salt)
A story prompt where Debbie Kang give Alya a wake up call in regards to Journalist.
there's an exchange program between Norisville and Collège Françoise Dupont (or whatever event that would bring the students of these schools to meet each other)
Alya, the creator of the ladyblog, learns that Debbie Kang, Norrisiville high's youngest news journalist, called the her blog a tabloid. 
Angry, Alya confronts Debbie about it and defends that her blog was not a tabloid. 
Debbie told Alya that the lady blog was full of misinformation, before tearing into alya the importance of checking your facts.
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nkotbblockparty · 9 months
What a perfect tune for Throwback Thursday! 😊❤️🎶
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amberxfreeman · 2 months
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confettieparfait · 1 year
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more confetti treats
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