#Doll!Junior Wheeler
barclaysangel · 5 months
Just saw this and thought of Doll!Junior and Jake in the background XD
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fairchilds-glasses · 13 days
Ok so I reread our thread involving Miss Fairchild finding out about Doll!Junior and my mind went spiraling
I began imagining an AU of my AU on what happened to Doll!Junior kinda what was happening to Chucky in the first Child’s Play movie. Becoming more “human” the more he was in the doll. That doesn’t happen anymore to Chucky but it’s different with Junior since this was his first time possessing a doll. So I’m just imagining him becoming more human in the doll to the point where Junior almost resembles a human toddler but with still the same attributes of a doll, the bright blue eyes and shiny plastic skin, even having a little more of a doll voice. Over time, it’s almost as if Junior is “reborn” as somewhat of a doll and it’s a shocking transition Rachel ends up seeing over the course of weeks or months.
Omg I love that! That would be such an interesting concept and it would make it more of a challenge for the kids to hide the fact that Junior’s alive because the doll is beginning to look more human, I love it XD
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chuckystar · 2 months
first post,,, check out my chucky animation meme i did not long ago!!
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rainbowdelicgalore · 2 years
About Jake and Junior being adopted by The Rays since I never made it's own post about it and all my OceanBerry posts are over a year old now:
In my OceanBerry AU and my overall interpretation of the Child's Play franchise: Junior's Mom was Tiffany's sister and she died shortly of cancer after Junior was born and Jake's parents died as well in the car crash when he was born a couple months later
When Junior's dad couldn't handle raising two newborns by himself,
He just, drove up to where he heard his wife's sister was, left Jake and Junior in a basket at the front door, knocked and quickly ran and drove off never to be seen again
Tiffany was the first to find them and took them both in, Chucky came home from "hunting" around an hour later and he was pissed to say the least when he heard what happened to the infants, but they took them in as their own all the same!
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gaiaxygang · 2 years
i still think its crazy that i decided to get into a franchise around the start of mfen event only to find out one of the characters is weirdly similar to mafuyu (wants to do music despite what their parents want them to do, shapes themselves into what their parents want)
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the-carlos-cow-eyes · 9 months
Incorrect quotes & Rp's based around the relationship between Junior Wheeler and my OC, Lydia Wheeler. Otherwise known as the ‘Chaos Cousins’ (( @losersclubisms ))
*Anyone In Hackensack, New Jersey could say that Lydia Wheeler was a troubled kid. Hell, all three of the Wheeler kids were troubled. All of them had lived In broken homes before a murderous little doll had come Into their lives and fucked things up for them. However, although all of their parents were gone, Andy Barclay and his sister, Kyle, had come along and taken them In. The same could be said for the Evans kids, the Cross kids, and even the murderous doll's children were all taken In by Andy and Kyle. But even after It seemed to be relatively peaceful now, the Wheeler kids fought constant depression, anxiety, and PTSD from what had happened during the doll's rampage. Lydia had already fought with some demons before the doll had even come along to make things worse for her. Those demons had left some horrid scars on her. Both physically and psychologically. Jake already knew about these said scars, but had promised Lydia not to speak about It to anyone, not even Junior. But what neither of them knew was that their cousin was about to find out anyway as Lydia was In a bit of an Isolated and depressive state at the moment. It was 1:00 In the afternoon and she hadn't even gotten out of bed despite the fact that Jake had tried to get her up. He knew exactly what was going on with her, but had decided to leave her be for a few minutes as he was currently cooking a late breakfast In the kitchen, planning on taking some of It up to her*
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blkgirlsreadfanfic2 · 12 days
CHAPTER ONE: The Vanishing of Will Byers
series masterlist chapter warnings: potentially inaccurate 80s references steve harrington x sinclair!oc
“Thanks, doll.” Jaz said, handing the pre-pubescent pizza boy a $20 bill.
“No problem.” He replied, walking back to his bike.
Jasmine Sinclair closed the door to her parents’ home in Hawkins, Indiana. 15-years-old and the oldest child of Charles and Sue Sinclair, Jasmine (or “Jaz”), carried herself with confidence. Her brown curly hair was pulled into a pineapple updo, and her tattered AC/DC shirt fell loosely over her shoulder. It was a Tuesday night, and while her brother Lucas was playing D&D at Mike Wheeler’s house, she was hosting band practice with two of her best friends, Amelia Rose and Katherine Brown.
“Was he cute?” a voice called from the kitchen.
Jasmine rolled her eyes as she set the pepperoni pizza down on the counter. The voice belonged to Amelia (or “Lia”); Lia’s orange hair glowed in the pale-yellow light of the Sinclair kitchen. Her hazel eyes gleamed with mischief and 12 freckles were grouped along her nose and cheeks.
“He was like 13, Lia. Way too young for you.”
“Hey, I was asking for Kat.” Lia defended.
“If he’s 13 then he’s definitely too young for me.” Kat said.
Katherine Brown was the oldest of the trio, a junior in high school and the unofficial leader. She popped open a Coke bottle on the kitchen counter, her perfectly manicured nails catching in the light. She had wavy black hair that came down to her shoulders and jet black eyes that often seemed to gaze into the depths of your very soul. It was fitting, she was also the most observant of the group.
The three girls had met during Lia and Jaz’s freshman year and Kat’s sophomore year. The three of them tried out for the school’s band but were told that their instruments were not needed. Frustrated over their rejection, the trio decided to start their own rock band. They named it the Bikini Roses which, in retrospect, probably wasn’t the best name they could have come up with. However, they had become attached to the name and used it when applying for gigs at the few clubs that would allow them in. Band practices were frequent in the beginning of the school year; the time where the summer air still lingered and teachers were more concerned with get-to-know you questions than whether or not your paper followed MLA format.
Jaz grabbed a paper plate from the stack and grabbed a slice of pizza, sitting on the stool next to Lia.
“Hey, what time was Lucas supposed to be home?” Kat asked.
“Like an hour ago. He never finishes on time though, I’ll call in the next 30 minutes.” Jaz answered.
In reality, Jaz would have been happier if Lucas just slept at Mike’s. She loved her little brother with all her heart, but his D&D nights meant she could have longer band practices with Lia and Kat. Erica was a heavy sleeper, so she was never bothered by the loud sounds of drums smashing in the garage. The band was Jaz’s ticket out of Hawkins for good, and the better they sounded, the better their chances of being famous.
“We should probably get going, Kat. My mom wants me home early tonight.” Lia said.
Kat nods and chugs the last of her Coke, placing the bottle down on the counter and wiping her mouth off. Kat and Lia finished their slices of pizza and exchanged hugs with Jaz. Once she head Kat’s car pull out of the driveway, Jaz made her way over to the phone, dialing the number to the Wheeler’s house. The line rang for a few seconds before Karen Wheeler’s voice was heard through the speaker.
“Wheeler residence.”
“Hey Mrs. Wheeler, it’s Jasmine. Is Lucas still there?” Jaz asked, using her best “talking to someone’s mom” voice.
“Yes, the boys are still downstairs. Do you want me to put him on the phone?”
“No, it’s all right. Can you just tell him that he needs to start making his way home?”
“Of course, Jasmine. Say hello to your mother for me.”
“Yes ma’am!”
Jaz hung up the receiver and began putting the pizza away, making sure the paper plates and napkins were stored properly. She closed the garage, made sure the porch lights were turned on, and grabbed her song book before settling down on the couch and turning the channel to MTV. They were still playing Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” music video. After about 20 minutes of waiting, the front door clicked and Lucas came into the house.
“Hey, Lucas.” Jaz greeted. “There’s pizza in the fridge if you’re hungry.”
“I’m okay.” Lucas told her, grabbing some water from the sink instead.
Jaz knew that Lucas had gone to bed after she heard a clink in the sink and the creak of the stairs as Lucas walked to his room. She got up and turned off the lights inside the house before turning in for the night.
the next morning…
“Jaz! Kat and Lia are here!”
Jaz jumped down the steps two at a time after her mother’s shouts. She kissed her parents on the cheek and jumped in the backseat of Kat’s Toyota Corolla. Lia reached back and handed Jaz a donut, and the trio began the drive to Hawkins High. Once they got there, the three separated and went off to their respective lockers then first period classes. Jaz’s first period was English, one of her favorite classes. Mrs. Jefferson was sweet; she picked interesting books for the class and allowed her students to choose almost any topic for their papers. English was also Jaz’s favorite because it was one of the few times she got to see her best friend - Jonathan Byers.
Jaz and Jonathan met at a thrift store in the city when they were in the eighth grade. With her birthday money in a small green wallet, Jaz wandered between the aisles before finding what she was looking for: cameras. She stared at the assortment of cameras, sticking to the used ones that cost $150 or less. As she was searching, a gangly boy with brown shaggy hair approached her.
“Um…hi.” He said, rocking back and forth on his heels with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
“Hi?” Jaz answered, unsure of his intentions.
“Are you new? To photography, I mean.”
“Yeah…I don’t know which camera to get.”
He looked at the cameras on the shelf before picking one up and inspecting it.
“This is a Chinon CE4. It’s uh…it’s pretty banged up but it should still work.”
“How much is it?”
The boy checked the tag before handing Jaz the camera. “It’s $120.”
“Cool.” Jax looked at the black-and-silver camera, turning it over in her hands. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
Jaz and the boy awkwardly stared at each other for a bit before she spoke again.
“What’s your name?”
“Jonathan. What’s yours?”
“Well um…I was gonna go…check out the cassettes section.”
“What are you looking for?”
“The new Phil Collins album.”
“Oh my gosh, I love it! My parents got it for my birthday but on vinyl.”
“Wanna help me look for it?”
Jaz smiled and nodded, following Jonathan to the music section. They looked around for 15 minutes, coming up empty.
“Sorry we didn’t find it, Jonathan.” Jaz apologized, feeling bad for her newfound friend.
“It’s okay, Jasmine. I can come back next month.”
“Well…do you live near Hawkins?” Jaz asked nervously.
“I actually live in Hawkins!” Jonathan answered excitedly.
“You can borrow my vinyl, you just gotta promise to bring it back.”
Jaz extended her pinky and Jonathan wrapped his around hers. The two of them smiled as Jaz walked to the register and Jonathan walked back to his mother’s car. As the years went by, their shared love of rock music and photography caused them to grow even closer.
As Jaz took her seat, she noticed that Jonathan was missing. Odd…he was always insanely early to English class. Jaz didn’t have a chance to think on it much though; Mrs. Jefferson was about to start class. The rest of school went by in a similar manner. Even in her classes with Kat and Lia, Jaz noticed Jonathan’s absence more and more. He wasn’t a straight-A student, but it wasn’t like him to skip all of his classes - unless something was going on. Once the final bell rang, Jaz made a beeline for Hawkins Middle, searching for her brother. She found him getting on his bike alongside his friends Mike and Dustin. Oddly enough, Will Byers was also missing.
“Lucas!” She called as she rushed across the parking lot.
“Yeah, Jasmine?”
“You seen Will or Jonathan?”
Lucas opens his mouth to give some excuse, but his face gives it all away. Something is wrong.
“Lucas, where’s Will?”
“Will is missing.”
The words bounce around in Jasmine’s head, the weight of them unbearable.
“Go straight home, you hear me?” She tells Lucas, not waiting for him to respond as she runs back to the high school.
She finds Lia in the parking lot, talking to some of the D&D kids by her car.
“Lia! Lia!”
“Yeah Jaz?” She asks, pausing mid-conversation.
Jaz takes a second to catch her breath before continuing. “Can you give me a ride to Jonathan’s?”
“Yeah sure.” Lia turns back to who she was talking to. “I’ll find you at the Hideout later, Eddie.”
“’K.” Eddie Munson replies, shoving his hands into his pockets. “See you around Lia. Bye Jasmine.”
“Bye.” Jaz said. She watches as he walks off, turning back to Lia after he disappeared behind the building.
“You can’t be serious.” Lia scoffs, rolling her eyes at Jaz.
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re not still harboring a crush on Munson?”
“I never had a crush on him.”
“I saw diary entries that would beg to differ.”
“It’s whatever. He’s like 80.”
“More like 19. Come on, let’s go.”
Jaz rolls her eyes and gets in the passenger seat of the car. Lia starts the car and the two of them begin the drive to the Byers’ house.
later that night…
After arriving at the Byers’ residence, Jonathan and Joyce catch Jaz up on the situation. They tell her how Will had been missing since the night before and how the chief had found his bicycle on the side of the road. After a bit of time, Jaz and Jonathan agreed to get some pizza for dinner. They got in the car and Jonathan began driving.
“So how are you really feeling, J?”
“I dunno…I feel like it’s my fault. I should’ve been there for when he got home; I shouldn’t have taken that extra shift.”
Jaz places a hand on Jonathan’s arm. “It’s not your fault. There’s no way you could have-”
“If Lucas had gone missing that night and you weren’t home, how would you feel?” Jonathan snapped.
Jaz sighed. “Probably the same as you.”
Jaz crossed her arms and looked out the window, unsure of how to continue. After a bit of time, she spoke up.
“So…Joyce mentioned a phone call? Are you sure it was Will?”
Jonathan visibly tensed at the question. Backtracking, Jaz said, “We don’t have to talk about it if-”
“No, it’s fine. She said she heard breathing, and she’s sure it was Will.”
“You don’t sound so sure.”
“Well I didn’t hear it. And how could she know? I mean, it’s just breathing. How does she know Will’s?”
“She’s a mom, Jon. She knows her son’s breathing, the same way she would know your scream or your voice.”
Jonathan goes silent for a moment before speaking up again. “Maybe you’re right. But I don’t know, she just seems…out of it.”
“Well her son is missing. She’s allowed to be a little out of it.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Jaz gives him a small smile and places a hand on his knee. “Hey, I’m sure he’ll turn up soon. I made Lia and Kat join the search party.”
“Thanks JJ.”
“Anytime Jon.”
Jonathan grabs Jaz’s hand as he continues driving. It’s moments like these where the pair are grateful for each other. They’ve been there for all the big milestones - good and bad. Jonathan would always have Jasmine, and Jasmine would always have Jonathan. No matter what happens, they’ll always have each other.
i hope you all enjoyed! this is my first time trying to make a series like this, so I hope this worked! - z
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krueger4eva · 8 months
Top 12 LGBT Horror Characters
9. Jake Wheeler (played by Zackary Arthur) from Chucky
TW: mentions of homophobia, bullying, child abuse, death, murder
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*spoilers for Chucky TV Series*
Moving on to another television series based on a popular horror franchise, we are now discussing “Chucky”, which premiered on Syfy and USA Network in 2021, created by Don Manicini, who originated the entire franchise.
After seven movies, the iconic foul-mouthed killer doll continues his path of bloodshed on the small screen, with his targets sighted on a new generation of kids to terrorize.
One of those kids is middle schooler Jake Wheeler.
Before Chucky came into his life, Jake was already living in a horror story.
After his mother died in a car accident, Jake’s father Lucas became alcoholic, he is bullied mercilessly at school over his sexuality, and his perfectionist cousin Junior wants nothing to do with him.
At home, Lucas’ anger is compounded by the jealousy he felt toward his twin brother Logan’s more successful life he shared with his own wife and son. Plus, he is also not very accepting of Jake’s sexuality once he came out to him. All of this brewing rage led to Lucas punching his young son in the face after a heated argument. 🥺
The only solace he had was building those bizarre, morbid sculptures in his bedroom. (A hobby that he apparently outgrew after season 1, cause it’s never mentioned again.)
Then, Jake crosses paths with the red-headed doll at a chance encounter at a garage sale. After discovering his supernatural secret, Jake becomes slowly influenced by Chucky through after sharing his problems with him. Chucky uses false empathy to sway Jake into believing that he cares about his personal issues and wants to help him out. Thus, Chucky proposes a solution to make Jake’s emotional pain go away: MURDER!
What makes this so fascinating is that we see our lead character contemplating on going through with murdering someone. There are scenes of Jake buying weapons, chasing after someone, and even willingly gives Chucky to his tormentor Lexi, knowing that she would get murdered. Even though he has a change of heart and chooses to stop this plan, part of me actually worried that Jake would’ve succeeded in giving in to Chucky’s psychopathic manipulations, becoming another Charles Lee Ray in the making. It is terrifying, yet heartbreaking to see how easy it is for a child from a broken home could be influenced to do horrific acts by a stranger.
Yet, the damage was already done. Jake’s actions have still led to many deaths around him, including classmates and family members.
Now, Jake has to take responsibility and make things right. Now, everyday him and his friends have to spend their teen years facing danger at every turn.
Evil therapists. Psychotic nuns. Sociopathic children.
And to top it off, Chucky can be anywhere…and ANYONE!!
I can’t tell you if Jake will survive Chucky once more, because season 3 hasn’t premiered yet by the time this post has been published.
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marvelmaniac715 · 11 months
It’s @losersclubisms birthday (or it was at the time of writing) so here’s a short Junior Wheeler fic and a Picrew recreation of him! I’ve heard about this thing called a Golden Birthday; it’s where the age you are matches your birthday, like turning 8 on the 8th of your birth month for example, so an extra big congrats is in order for your Golden Birthday, I hope it was the best day ever :). I’ll put the fic first then the Picrew will be under it, I hope you like it, it’s set in the ‘Final Family’ AU where the Chucky survivors are all hanging out together as a big happy family, because the survivors deserve happiness, and it explores Junior’s relationships with the other survivors, because I thought that would be fun.
When Junior helped to vanquish Chucky, he wasn’t expecting anything positive to happen for him afterwards. Both of his parents and his uncle were dead, leaving no other potential guardians except for the foster system, and he didn’t want to do that. So, when Andy Barclay (with heavy coaxing from his sister Kyle who, at one point, physically pushed the man in front of Junior so he couldn’t back out) offered to let him stay in his cabin with his cousin and the other Chucky survivors, he couldn’t believe his luck. Of course, he said yes.
The other survivors were certainly… interesting. Of course, Junior knew all of them, he knew his cousin Jake, his sort-of-ex-friend Devon and his friend Lexy very well, but Andy Barclay, Kyle Simpson, Nica Pierce and the Ray-Tilly twins were still a total mystery to him.
Andy Barclay was initially slightly cold and distant, which made sense considering his childhood trauma, but the more Junior got to know him, the more the man warmed up to him. In just under a year, Andy went from half-heartedly referring to Junior as ‘kid’ without making an effort to really talk to him, to frequently cracking jokes with him and willingly being his running partner. The big emotional breakthrough took a lot of effort on both Andy and Junior’s parts.
One day, on the anniversary of his mother’s passing, Junior just broke down, and Andy just happened to be passing by. The man admitted that although his own mother was still alive, he couldn’t really just go and see her whenever he wanted, and he missed her terribly. It was a fragile connection that they shared, but Junior had a theory that Andy recognised him as a traumatised child, the same sort of traumatised child that existed inside him.
Nica Pierce was, simply put, a badass. When Junior first met her, he’d expected a broken woman, because surely anybody would be broken after what she’d been through with Chucky. But instead, when he tentatively apologised for any stress caused by Chucky, Nica laughed and said:
“Kid, you didn’t do anything to me, you’ve got no need to apologise, besides, he’s dead so there’s no need to just cower in fear anymore.”
With these words, Nica struck up a fast friendship with Junior, who admired her courage and inner strength, as well as her incredible ability to dominate Mario Kart. She and Junior would often spend hours hate watching the Chucky movie with Jenifer Tilly in it, angrily yelling corrections to inaccuracies at the screen and just generally roasting the killer doll that had ruined their lives, deciding that it was their own special way of taking back the power Chucky had stolen from them.
The Ray-Tilly twins were a pleasant surprise, Junior found. They were both so vastly different, and yet, exactly the same as their father. Glenda was mean, and they sometimes would tease the other Chucky survivors, even the adults weren’t safe from mocking or scrutiny. But they were fun, and they loved making TikToks (a hobby that Junior had quickly discovered to be one of his favourites whilst staying in the cabin) and many times a week, the teen would be confronted by an excited Glenda who’d say something like:
“C’mon, there’s this new TikTok audio, we gotta dance to it, grab Lexy, Devon or your cousin and let’s do this!”
However, Glenda had a slightly explosive temper. One time, for example, Junior had made the mistake of innocently pointing out a similarity that their friend shared with their father Charles Lee Ray, and he had almost immediately had to dodge a kitchen knife that was aiming right for his left eye. He wanted to point out that this act made Glenda even more like Chucky, but he also wanted to keep both of his eyes, so he refrained.
Glen was nice, a bit too nice sometimes, in Junior’s opinion. The teen would carefully nurse injured birds back to health, and they’d preach about the values of a vegan diet. One time, Junior questioned Glen’s relation to Chucky because the two were so incredibly different, and they cried. But when they were in a good mood, they were a lot of fun to hang out with. Glen was great at Uno, and despite always insisting on playing as the dog, they were fun to play Monopoly with. Junior didn’t expect to make friends with Glen, or Glenda for that matter, but despite who both of their parents were, the twins were incredibly friendly, so Junior decided to bury the hatchet (both metaphorical and literal, he had a knife on standby just in case he was betrayed by anyone around him) and befriend them.
Jake, Devon and Lexy had taken a while to forgive him and be his friends again. For a few months, the three of them just didn’t believe that Junior was sincere when he tried to make amends. Lexy accepted his apologies first, because she still believed there was good in him, whilst Jake decided that because they were family, he had to be his friend, although the cousins’ ‘friendship’ was slightly strained. The same could be said for Junior’s relationship with Devon, who didn’t really trust him yet at the same time was comfortable enough to let him hold his drink if he had to rush off somewhere then come back in about ten minutes. It was slow and difficult, but Junior was making progress.
Junior didn’t know Kyle all that well because she didn’t live in the cabin with the rest of them. But whenever she visited, it became apparent that she was the ‘mom friend’ of the group, and every time she left Junior felt a longing for his own mother, because only she had comforted him and been kind to him in the same way that Kyle would every time she visited. Nobody else would admit it, but Junior noticed that most times when Kyle went back home, Andy would call his mom, so that counted for something.
Life in a cabin with seven other Chucky survivors (discounting Caroline who mostly kept to herself or spent time with her sister) was strange and unusual, Junior never knew when he was talking to someone if he was going to get an invitation to play Nintendo Sports or if he was going to get a knife in the thigh, but after the terror inflicted by Chucky, he was happy to have a group of friends - no, a family - that would always be by his side and support him, no matter what.
Okay, here’s the Picrew, again, Happy Birthday @losersclubisms!:
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years
Barclay Wheeler Family AU Incorrect Quote for @losersclubisms 
(brainstorming it on a post before i could forget what i thought)
Kyle: Aren't Chucky's plans becoming increasingly more insane at every moment?
Andy: Yeah, at this point is like fighting Pinky and the Brain.
Junior: Gee, Chucky. What are we going to do tonight?
Jake: The same thing we do every night, Tiffany. Try to take over the world with Good Guy Dolls.
Jake and Junior * singing the Pinky and the Brain intro song*
Andy: So, you watched the cartoons i left you at home.
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vintage1981 · 2 years
Jennifer Tilly Tours Tiffany's Murderous Mansion | Chucky TV Series | SYFY & USA Network
Join Jennifer Tilly as she guides us through her palatial estate, complete with a very special closet that is perfect for storing up to three bodies (and probably at least one curse!) Also, lots of pink, booze, and diamonds. This house is truly a home! Chucky Season 2 premieres October 5 at 9/8c on SYFY and USA Network.
About Chucky:
CHUCKY is a continuation of the iconic film franchise chronicling the murderous escapades of the notorious killer doll. In the TV series, Chucky crosses paths with archenemies, old allies and new prey, as he seeks to inspire fear and mayhem wherever he goes. After his diabolical plan to invade America’s children’s hospitals was foiled in season one, Chucky now seeks revenge on those he holds responsible: surviving teens Jake (Zackary Arthur), Devon (Björgvin Arnarson) and Lexy (Alyvia Alyn Lind), along with his ex Tiffany, now his sworn enemy. Meanwhile, can “Jevon” make it as a couple in the face of adversity at their new Catholic school, not to mention a brand-new onslaught of terror from the demon doll?
The series is produced by UCP, a division of Universal Studio Group, and executive produced by Don Mancini, Nick Antosca, Alex Hedlund, David Kirschner and Jeff Renfroe.
Zackary Arthur as Jake Wheeler | Bjorgvin Arnarson as Devon Evans
Alyvia Alyn Lind as Lexy Cross | Teo Briones as Junior Wheeler
Devon Sawa as Lucas Wheeler | Lexa Doig as Bree Wheeler
Jennifer Tilly as Tiffany | Fiona Dourif as Nica Pierce
Alex Vincent as Andy Barclay | Christine Elise as Kyle
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barclaysangel · 10 months
Hypothetical Scenario: Junior was stabbed by Chucky, but instead of Junior dying, Chucky pulled that switcheroo spell, resulting in the real Junior to be in the Good Guy Doll while Chucky was in Junior’s body
Oh I love this...
I actually did have a fic involving Doll!Junior but damn I love this kind of scenario instead...
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missnyla1224 · 5 months
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Season 1 ep 1 part 2 jake wheeler x reader
Forever Together
I was at the bus stop waiting on the bus. I turned around and I saw Jake he did say he was going to a garage sale so I decided to ditch school and hang out with Jake instead.
Your pov:
“BOO!” I shouted into Jakes ear as he nearly dropped the doll he was holding. “Jesus fuck you scared me” jake said I just smiled in his face as he was still trying to calm down. “Do you wanna ditch school and go to my house?” Jake said obviously I wanted to go it would be better than seeing junior and lexy making out in every class “fuck yeah” I said with another dumbass smile of mine
We got to Jakes house. I was just laying on Jakes bed while he was breaking every bone in his hands trying to take the head off that doll. I didn’t really like the doll bc it looked like the one out of the Chucky movies like one of the ones they used filming the movie yk. As I was thinking to myself I head Jakes dad shout “jake I’m home!”
Jakes dad Lucas opened Jakes door. “Jake, I’m sorry I don’t think you can go to that art camp” Jakes dad said sounding kind of hurt for once “what why not?” Jake said back to his dad, “it’s a 1,000 bucks jake” Jake just sighed in response. “Oh and plus you wouldn’t wanna leave me and y/n for a month would you?” Jakes dad perked up “I wouldn’t mind..” “oh and Jake your cousins coming over” Jakes dad said completely ignoring me. “Shit..” jake said “shit is right jake, did you take your pill?” Jakes dad said “yeah I’ll do it the now” jake said that as he swallows the pill.
I think I ate that one🤗
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dragcnbreak · 3 years
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sattelite-of-love · 3 years
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aaronsinferno · 3 years
Jake: “And what are you gonna do about it?” 🤨
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