#Eragon and Saphira
lunamond · 5 months
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Eragon and Saphira facing Murtagh and Thorn on the Burning Planes 🫠
I remember this used to be one of my favourite moments when I was younger. I used to reread this and a couple of other moments obsessively 😅
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glbtrx · 15 days
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cbarc · 17 days
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Been returning to old books and old methods
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unibat · 6 months
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Saphira: “You can thank Brom for the saddle.”
Eragon was one of those movies I was exposed to before I knew anything about the books. Of course, after the backlash the movie received (typical) I decided to go ahead and read the books too.
Of course, the books were better. They always are. Books explain things more in depth and also fill in the gaps with information movie media is limited to (usually because of budget)
I enjoyed Saphira’s design in the movie. I enjoyed the movie. Had I not seen it, I wouldn’t have known anything about the books.
I enjoyed working on this piece. There were so many different things I played around with, especially with the textured brushes in CSP.
I hope you like it!
Sai/ CSP (16 hours)
Eragon (c) Christopher Paolini
Art (c) Me
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yourlocaldragondealer · 11 months
Do you ever just think about saphira? like she hatched out of her egg and immediatly had the responsibility of an entire world placed upon her shoulders and had to hide like half of the first book and after that, still a child, she had to fight and claw her way through life bc she was made a war hero before she even started pecking on her eggshell. her time in carvahall is a dusty memory. she needs to learn and train and learn more and train more and then fight and fight and fight. dragons are born for fighting. they are not born for war. do you ever think that maybe after they leave Alagaesia, shes flying over the talita the entire day but shes restless at night because shes so used to flying and clawing until her muscles burn and her tongue doesnt taste bloody enough and she wakes up because eragon is having a bad dream or a flashback and his fear is her fear. dragons dont get flashbacks, when they win they just carry on with more pride. but for a moment shes back on the battlefield and sees somebody wounding her rider and thinks hes going to die and she freaks out. and when she collects herself she feels ashamed because shes a dragon. shes wiser than that.
Like i feel like theres a whole part of her character that never got explored bc she was always so "wise" and collected and this really strong, emotionally unbreakable character (theres very few scenes she actually seems devastated and its when somebody dies). We always only see her comforting eragon but nobody comes out of war that unscathed, theres no way she isnt traumatized. but its never addressed - similar to how there are very few scenes with eragon openly struggling/being overwhelmed with the responsibility of having to save a kingdom and fight a war at sixteen. but that kid is so emotionally detached it actually kinda makes sense. Saphira is more aware of her emotions but she still never seems to struggle with a lot of internal conflict (except for being the last female dragon which i get but its only one of many topics that i feel like should have been addressed). we see her even kind of enjoying fighting and in a way i get it, dragons like hunting and have a lot of bloodlust and stuff but theres just no way eragons moral dilemmas never got to her. shes still a more than decent person and i wonder if she ever feels ashamed for her nature but knows she needs to be strong for eragon so she just doesnt tell him.
idk i just think it would be very interesting to know whats going on inside her head, since we only got to see it like once or twice.
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enduring-reality · 10 months
do you want time travel fix-it eragon fic? well do I have the link for you! updating weekly on mondays, join Eragon as he returns to the beginning of his journey and changes his fate.
ft. bros being bros, #letbromsayfuck, and a healthy amount of shenanigans
7/25 chapters posted already!
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You find some really fancy looking rock that is actually a dragon egg for you, holding your own dragon inside, and you decide to sell it for some meat.
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magicandmundane · 1 year
Saphira: I’m trapped.
Fírnen: Just push Eragon off of you. He won’t wake up.
Saphira: Absolutely not! I’m not a monster.
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Relatabpe character #2: Eragon.
The thing people forget about Eragon when they judge him for doing/saying stupid/creepy shit is that he's a kid from BFE nowhere. He goes from farm boy to demigod in, like, six months and by the end of the series he's, like, 19. He's a bundle of hormones given godlike magical powers along with a superintelligent flying lizard and a magic sword. Of course he's gonna be horribly cringy to the MAGICALLY ATTRACTIVE ELF PRINCESS!!! Of course he's not gonna think before he acts!
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artistryevie · 10 months
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Smaugust Day 10 Journey
Day 10 was a little bit difficult to draw since it's a little hard to get Saphira's colors right from the live action movie and used a little bit of the book colors which kind of helped! I was aiming for more of the live action Eragon that I used to see parts of when I was a kid which brought some Nostalgia. I have not read the book about it, but maybe I will someday! ^^ (I prefer Graphic Novels since visuals help me understand a bit more ^^;) But Eragon is riding Saphira on this sunny but partially cloudy day! 
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triggerblaze345 · 1 year
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lunamond · 7 months
I have a problem 😬
I might be working on two more fanart for the inheritance cycle...
It is really impressive how quickly reading Murtagh revived the love for this series, little ten year old me used to have.
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glbtrx · 6 months
Saphira: You need to eat healthier.
Eragon: Why?
Saphira: The last person who didn't eat healthier after I told them to died.
Eragon: Oh my gods.
Saphira: In a fire storm.
Eragon: That sounds unrelated.
Saphira: I cast the fire storm. Do not disobey me.
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years
Murtagh Morzansson x Reader: Comparisons
Word Count: 1,073 Summary: An elf speaks cruelly about Murtagh, the Reader overhears and is ready to ‘throw hands’ with them. Will Murtagh let the Reader beat the elf to a pulp? Warnings: No explicit language, but a somewhat crude phrase used toward the elf. Also, teasing Eragon from a distance, and the usual fluff.
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  The training grounds. Essentially, a plain span of open field that was deemed suitable for practicing to use weapons. Particularly swords, but no limited to. It was there that you looked on as Eragon and elves were training a few new Riders how to handle a sword without injuring themselves. Their dragons were likewise sitting around and keeping a close eye on their companions.    Usually, you would find yourself gathered with the rest of the Dragon Riders who would like to oversee the others’ progress on the grounds. However, this time, not that it was a new occurrence, you stood beside Murtagh.    Another usual sight, was to see the various races of teachers carry their preferred weapons with them. With absolutely no kind of threats within the community, or miles in either direction, you thought it odd. The thought had crossed your mind before, and your dragon and yourself had concluded that with the lives they had been living, it was normal. They had their reasons. And after progressively learning Murtagh’s story as your trust and relationship grew, you never questioned why his sword rested against his hip.    “If I were to tell you that Eragon’s hair is sticking up in the back…could he hear us?” You whispered out of the corner of your mouth.    Murtagh’s light laugh turned into an audible chuckle as the two of you saw Eragon swipe a free hand over the back of his head.    “I think you have your answer.”    You laughed with him at the sight. Teasing his half brother was rare and harmless. And if it resulted with Saphira laughing as well, it made for a more memorable moment.    The laugh bubbling out of you slowly lessened. Your attention shifted as your ears picked up on a collection of words.
   Off to your side were a pair of elves talking amongst themselves. You were well aware that listening in on other people’s conversations was beyond rude and disrespectful, but you could not stop. The use of the Forsworn and Morzan’s name was particularly jarring. They were not even necessarily trying to hide the topic of their conversation. If Murtagh had heard it too, he gave no indication that he had.    You remained silent, trying to readjust your focus, but it was not to be when Murtagh was clearly the subject.    “—a betrayer, a killer…like his father.”    When you heard the horrid assortment of words leave the elf’s mouth, you involuntarily sucked in a breath. Beneath your skin, the blood boiled and a raging warmth encompassed your body.    You could hear the air move sharply as your dragon whipped their head in your direction.    That is not the wisest decision, they warned, sensing your need.    Tell that to them, you said, your internal snarl striking outwardly in the next moment. “How dare you!”    “How dare we?” The volume of your voice startled them far more than your words.    “Yes,” you said, your voice as hard as stone. “How dare you speak so poorly of Murtagh.”    The expressions on their faces hardly altered, speaking so dismissively. “Perhaps you should mind your tongue, youngling.”    “As should you.” It was then that you felt Murtagh’s hands on you, saying your names with a soft firmness, wanting to lead you away.    “Don’t bother…it’s not worth it,” Murtagh said, pulling you away from the elves.    With your focus chained onto the elf, it was only through your dragon’s sight that you saw the alarmed face of Eragon jogging over. He likely wanted to diffuse the tension.    What sense you had lingering left let Murtagh steer you away from the growing number of curious eyes. You could feel the anger lessen under his touch, but even when you turned away from the elves, they felt the hierarchal need to say more.    “You have much to learn Shur’tugal!” They called after you.    Murtagh’s gentle hold tightened as you spun back around, fire returning to your eyes.    “Yeah, and you know exactly where you can shove that lesson!”    In only a split second did you manage to witness the elves’ and Eragon’s faces. Their eyebrows were nearly lost in their hairlines when Murtagh yanked you back to him.    Striding quickly out of earshot, Murtagh did not slow his pace or release his hold on you until his dwelling was within reach.    “I appreciate what you said,” his voice lower than before, “…but maybe don’t antagonize the elves…considering they know where we sleep at night.”    Grabbing ahold of his hand, you shrugged. “People do crazy things…when they’re in love.”    He smiled, dipping his head down for a moment. “Please don’t turn people against you for me,” he gave your hand a squeeze.    “I will do what I think is right and what is good for me. I will not conform to how people want me to be…I left that life behind.”    “Let’s get inside,” he said, his voice just above a whisper as he reached for the door.    Once you were both indoors, Murtagh turned to you and held both of your hands close to his chest. “I will never ask you to change who you are…I’ve been through that, and it’s certainly something that I would never want you to experience. Anything against your will, magically or not is awful. And whatever comes our way, like those egotistical elves, I’ll take what they want to throw at me. I know who I am. What they say can’t change that. For what you said, defending me…I could not be more grateful to have you in my life.” He let out a breath of a laugh. “It’s times like these where I feel like you would go up against every last person in Alagaësia and beyond just to prove that they are wrong about me.”    “I would, because you deserve all of the kindness in the world,” you said, slipping your hands out of his to hug him around the waist. The feeling of his arms around you was like nothing else. The love and security that radiated within his embrace made all of the problems of the world disappear.    “Would you like to stay here with me for a while?” He asked, kissing your forehead. “And wait for everything to settle outside? I’m sure Eragon has his hands full.”    “As if I would say ‘no’ to time with you,” you laughed, nuzzling your face into his chest.
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Thank you for reading!
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nightowl1556 · 1 year
"To while away the day contemplating evils that might have been is to poison the happiness we already have..."- Saphira, Brisingr Page 222
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Arya: Hey, wanna help me commit arson? Saphira: what in the stars, arya? Arya: oh, sorry, my bad Arya (whispering): you wanna help me commit arson? Saphira, whispering back: yeah of course girl what do you need bonus: Eragon: Saphira, why is my tent on fire? Arya, hiding matches behind her back: wouldnt you like to know
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