okbluejays · 1 year
so sorry to my mutuals / followers who aren’t hockey fans. something incredible just happened and i want everyone to experience it
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blairpfaff · 28 days
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PRIDE (2014) dir. Matthew Warchus
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itsalrightmeow · 1 year
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Haunted by the past...
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nightfayre · 8 months
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bad influence
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casiavium · 6 months
Actually the worst thing to come out of the new pjo series is people deciding Annabeth's dad was 19-22 when he was given her by Athena (and therefore "just a kid at the time" so it's not his fault, he was in debt and couldn't afford it) He was in the middle of/nearly finished with his PhD, the Chase family was rich and he was probably a legacy (college not demigod wise) so no, he was just a shit dad. And she was also like 7 when she ran away and he was already married to her stepmom who was half the problem. Characters can be 30+ actually it's okay I promise
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rinisdrawing · 5 months
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fav friends + family 🫶
(also, it’s my birthday today!! here’s some doodles of characters that make me very happy <3)
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loppiopio · 9 months
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just some 🥥 related sillies i've made for that fic we all know.
#durarara#izaya orihara#shizuo heiwajima#shizaya#a cheap imitation#i made a thing#i've been holding off on posting these here for so long whoops#i'm so shy... check out my lemonade guys#i've been very motivated to make various things for this fic as a result of this book club i've been hosting for my friends#i actually made the first image (not the video) like two years ago?#back around when i first read the fic and started being annoying about it to my friends#never posted it though because the shizuo i drew was ugly!!!#and the shizuo i drew for the second image this time around is still ugly!! unfortunately :(#well anyways if it isn't clear the images are both for chapter 19 while the video is for chapters 28 to 29 and a little bit of 30 lol#also i know izaya's actual problem isn't fucking shizuo but kissing him lol but it was funnier to keep it like this#you can check out more of this deranged behaviour over at my twitter of the same name#i know not everyone wants to go there though especially with the current situation...#so i'll try to bring over the more memorable stuff to post in batches over here which i think is the stuff i did any art for#since i've made a lot of multimedia type things dedicated to particular chapters as “marketing” for my friends#but i'm not sure they'll make much sense out of context so#my plan is to compile all of everything i've made for the fic during the book club into a powerpoint that i'll try to keep for posterity#because ngl i feel i went kinda hard with certain things that maybe only two people will appreciate#but i'll do it for those two people out there#also it's a whole book club for aci!!#*i'd* want to see what some random people have been up to with a book club for this fic#be the change you want to see in the world#side note i wonder if having so many fucking tags on your own post is a bad look...#idk it's so much clutter but i have too many things to say!!#i look back at my own previous tags and i physically can't bring myself to read them ahhhh#i hope anyone's enjoying them anyways
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delusional-mishaps · 1 year
How would error and nightmare react to their S/O who doesn’t celebrate their birthday?
well... they don't get the whole birthday thing ANYWAY so it's... not really a big deal?
they also don't celebrate their birthday. i mean, they don't exactly remember when they were born... so they just. don't celebrate?
maybe a little confused. they thought birthdays were... important to humans? are they not?
their telenovelas make birthdays out to be better than they are 9 times out of 10
overall, doesn't really matter all that much to them. they may get/make you something small if they know what day your birthday is on, but otherwise they don't do much about it
nightmare also doesn't celebrate his own birthday.
he sees no point in doing so. it only brings up bad memories from when he was young and naïve and weak. brings up bad memories of his brother.
so, he doesn't pry why you don't.
you are the partner of a king. a very powerful king. he likes to spoil you in luxuries and gifts.
of course, if you dont want that, he won't push. he'll make you two a nice dinner, as he often does, and may treat you to one or two of your favourite indulgences, but that's it.
however, if you would let him...
man, you'd be rolling in expensive gifts.
he already gives you nice things on a regular basis, he'd jump at the chance to shower you with things.
giftmas always leaves your house cluttered until you figure out what to do with everything he gives you
however, if you strictly tell him to not give you anything, he wouldn't. he may be a little sulky about it, because he loves to spoil you, but he won't go against your wishes </3
he does still make a point to make himself free for the day. you know, in case you want to do something.
he knows you treat it as just another day, but he sees it as a reminder that you'll age out of existence some day. it's a reminder that he's fallen in love with a mortal, and he doesn't have eternity with you.
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 7 months
“Being a pirate is all about going your own way.” // “Come with me, Buggy!!”
is this post totally redundant after the similar post i made last week? idk. i guess the main difference is that this time i’m looking at the same topic in an unambiguously romantic light? the shipper goggles, as they say, are on, and i want to talk about these scenes in that context. so, if you’ll forgive me for repeating myself a bit, let’s talk about this again:
as much as i enjoy the heartbreak of “they always thought they’d be together but miscommunication tore them apart” takes on shanks/buggy, the very first flashback we get about them—the first things we learn about them at all, really—tells us this isn’t true.
and i think what we get is more romantic.
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Chapter 19, Pages 12-13. i know last time i said they’re at most 12 here, but looking at these lanky-ass teenaged designs that’s nuts. i fully believe oda hadn’t thought through their ages/the timeline at this point, and they were originally supposed to be about luffy’s age when buggy got his devil fruit. which is not relevant to this post in any way, but it’s my post so i get to go off-topic if i want.
Shanks and Buggy have their own goals as pirates, and at this time they understand them to be mutually incompatible. Buggy thinks Shanks’ travel-and-adventure-oriented take on piracy is soft and foolish; Shanks doesn’t care for Buggy’s exclusively treasure-focused take. They’re sometimes friendly, sometimes not, they’ve fought side by side, but they know this time as allies and crewmates is temporary. (Buggy plans on taking his treasure map and the Devil Fruit and leaving the crew immediately.) Maybe they’ll become friendly rivals, ‘fighting to the finish’ when they run into each other like Roger and Whitebeard do, or maybe the next time they see each other they’ll literally fight to the finish. Who knows?
“That’s also what being a pirate is all about.” It’s very sensible behavior. Smart planning for the future.
Which means the contradictory ways they act later—Buggy secretly deciding to follow Shanks, Shanks bluntly asking Buggy to come with him—are not about these characters thoughtlessly clinging to the status quo. They are not in a “we were always together and I never thought that would change” situation. Deciding to stick together is a considered, emotional decision: “I know we don’t make sense together but I don’t care, I want us together anyway.”
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Chapter 1082, Pages 8-9. i was cursed the moment i saw these pages with Unable To Stop Thinking About It disease; only time will tell if seeing it animated makes it worse or cures me.
This argument is a codependent breaking point. Buggy’s pinned all his dreams on Shanks, hoisted that poor boy up on a pedestal, and it all falls apart when Shanks reveals thoughts and plans that don’t match Buggy’s perception of him. He can’t bear to be around him now that the false image has been revealed. (Shanks, poor thing, seems to have had no idea any of this was happening.)
But if Shanks hadn’t said no to Laugh Tale in this moment—or maybe if he’d offered a soft no of, idk, “okay, sure, once we’ve got a strong enough crew”—Buggy would have gone with him, still projecting wildly onto Shanks. He’d convinced himself that being a member of the Pirate King’s crew was enough for him, that he didn’t need to be Pirate King himself if Shanks got the title and he was with Shanks.
…but would he have actually liked being a member of that crew?
Like, looking at the things the Red-Haired Pirates do, would Buggy have enjoyed being one of them? Wandering East Blue, hanging out in friendly port towns, collecting treasure here and there but spending a lot of time getting drunk and making friends with the locals? Eventually becoming famous for having a large, weak fleet of subordinate pirate crews Shanks has to sometimes physically step in and protect?
God, no, he’d’ve been miserable. Just seething with thwarted ambition, furious at the perceived disrespect. A real power hungry first officer stereotype, the kind of character that makes you think, Why’s he working for this guy if he hates him so much?
And Buggy must have suspected it would go something like that. But if Shanks hadn’t rejected Laugh Tale, he would’ve gone with him anyway.
(Better to be miserable with you than a loser on my own.)
Or say Buggy agreed to come with Shanks. Obviously his presence wouldn’t change the crew makeup significantly enough to skew the Red-Haired Pirates towards his way of thinking, but for the sake of argument: if he had convinced Shanks to do things his way, would Shanks have enjoyed the kind of piracy Buggy engages in? Taking over and destroying East Blue port towns, ordering your crew killed on a furious whim, single-mindedly hunting down treasure maps and single-mindedly hunting down treasure chests and paying no attention to anything along the journey? Eventually becoming the boss and administrator for a bunch of bounty hunters and mercenaries?
No way; most of that behavior is totally repellant to Shanks. If he let Buggy do that kind of thing under his banner, you’d be left wondering What happened to his morals? Why does he let this guy walk all over him?
And Shanks knew the kind of pirate Buggy was and wanted to be. But he asked Buggy to come with him anyway.
(Better to be miserable with you than have fun apart.)
It’s hard to see a way to make these very different styles of pirating work together. It’s probably doable… with a lot of compromise and honest conversation. The younger Shanks and Buggy had a point, when they said each going their own way was the obvious choice! It was certainly the easier one. Was it the happier one? Who can say.
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autumnalmess · 1 month
Have you or a loved one been left devastated by: "Yes," replied the Bishop, "you are called my brother." ?
Well you could be entitled to compensation.
At LesMisDamage International, we're here to help. Our trauma and serious injuries unit wants to remind you that this accident was not your fault, and there is support out there for those suffering at the hands of Volume 1, Book 2nd, Chapter 3.
Text HELP to 080024601 to receive advice on how to receive financial compensation, support through this trying time, and guidance for your journey to recovery.
For compensation regarding: "Il m'a dit que j'avais une âme", see our website
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mattodore · 1 year
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how did you two meet?
she offered me her hand.
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mishy-mashy · 1 month
En was killed by being cut in half by AFO. It wasn't that he couldn't handle OFA, but that AFO just decided to nuke him
All Might says using One For All with an untrained body would make your limbs fly off. But
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This isn't his limbs? Yes, that's his arm, but that's HALF OF HIS BODY
Yes, there's also the argument he could've used it on his whole body and that's the consequence but there is a small cut on his thumb. It matches the line in which he was cut in half, and blood spurts from his hand.
The translation hides it, but his thumb got cut too from the slice. His thumb wasn't the focus, but still got hit. It at least shows when En passes on OFA to Nana
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Since Banjo's arms got wrecked by using OFA, maybe En used it in one leg and that's why his leg is differently-colored and looks more beat up. En probably couldn't handle the Quirk either.
This means that En was being logical and saw OFA as a tool, and only used it in a leg so he could run.
All Might specifically says an unprepared vessel's limbs will fly off. Even if En used it on his whole body, that means only his arms and legs; but that's his torso. His leg didn't go flying either; at least until they both went flying cuz he was severed.
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quietcontradictions · 10 months
I realized that Gawyn, Aviendha, Tuon, Egwene, Elayne, and Faile are all 19 at some point in the series and honestly that explains so much.
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hinnypottter · 3 months
I have a friend who had never watched or read Harry Potter before.
She started watching the movies a few months ago and today we saw the last one together because I wanted to see her reactions to the plot twists, to Snape being in love with Lily, to Harry being a Horcrux, to the character deaths and so on...
It was all very fun, but when we reached the epilogue it was the absolute PEAK of the evening.
The way she GASPED and nearly CHOKED with popcorn when her brain grasped the fact that Harry's son name is Albus Severus Potter will stay with me forever.
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 3 months
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A special colored version of one of my all-time favorite Destiny Bond panels to celebrate Eusine day :} 🎀💕✨
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jmflowers · 2 months
prompt #25: picky eater
There's a reason I wrote baby Bea as always being handed fruit... This one is in my 'destined to be expanded' collection for AO3 because there's still more I planned to say on the topic.
More of Hygge Universe can be found on tumblr and AO3!
January 2025
"Your son is an American," Carina declares loudly as she storms into the station beanery.
The team is still mostly corralled around the table, remnants of a dinner they were actually able to sit down and enjoy spread across the kitchen and on a few abandoned plates.
Vic and Ben have already risen to begin on cleanup, rinsing dishes and packing leftovers into containers at the island. Vic, though, halts her movements immediately when she spots Andrea in Carina’s arms.
“Baby A!” she cries excitedly, hands thrown up in the air in delight.
It draws everyone else’s attention, a chorus of greetings called out to the littlest Deluca-Bishop – just as they do each time Pru or any of the other firefighters’ kids enter the station.
They don’t seem to zero-in on Carina as sharply as Maya does, though.
Carina looks frazzled. Her hair has started falling loose from the braid that trails down her back and her cheeks are flushed with her obvious frustration. There’s a stain on her shirt that Maya isn’t entirely sure Carina’s even aware of, spread across her stomach in a shape oddly reminiscent of a tiny, greasy handprint.
She unceremoniously deposits their aforementioned son on the table in front of Maya. “He will not eat real food,” she proclaims, apparently ignoring the raucous of joviality around them.
Andrea, as serious as ever, grins only when he recognizes his mommy. “’Mee,” he whispers, gently patting her hand.
He’s not great with noise, Maya knows, nor very accustomed to being on the receiving end of his mama’s true Italian fury. He might be the only person on Earth who’s never gotten one of her looks.
But then again, he’s not yet two.
“He will not eat fruit or bread or cheese or –” Carina continues, listing off the entire contents of their kitchen as she rambles angrily, foot stomping as though it’s keeping tempo. She swaps from English to Italian and back again as the momentum of her frustration rises.
Andrea eyes her warily, clearly out of his depth.
Maya doesn’t blame him – even the firefighters seated around them seem unsure of what to do. Other than disappear, which they quietly start doing, depositing their empty plates on the counter before slipping through the doors behind Carina’s back.
Except for Vic, who swoops in to lift Andrea off the table, cradling his head as she takes him into the lounge, away from the line of fire.
“All he will eat is ketchup! And chicken nuggets!” Carina finishes. “Che non è cibo. Come si può sopravvivere con il ketchup?” (That is not food. How would one survive on ketchup?)
“Okay,” Maya nods, recognizing the end of the onslaught of angered information. She gets up slowly, hands outstretched as though she’s surrendering.
Or approaching a wild animal.
Carina huffs, wiping at the hair that’s fallen across her forehead.
“Why don’t you feed him chicken nuggets and ketchup then,” Travis pipes up from the through the window in the lounge. There’s an audible thump and then an ow! as Vic apparently smacks him and then he disappears from the line of sight again.
Completely missing the glare that Carina throws in his direction. “We do not coddle the children!” she yells after him.
“Child,” Maya corrects quickly, “We don’t coddle the child.”
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