quirkwizard · 9 days
Lock Down and Foldabody? BTW I LOVE YOUR BLOGG!!
New Quirk Name: Unfold
This Emitter type Quirk activates whenever the user touches an object and presses down on it. When they do, they can cause the object to flatten and become two-dimensional. This can affect anything from handheld objects to large objects like motorbikes to short ranges of space from the point of contact, letting them alter the terrain itself. While in this state, the object becomes like a light cloth, letting the user bend and fold whatever they interact with. Whatever the user applies to will have the same durability, however, such as steel being just as tough. This gives the user a good mix of defense and utility, able to bend and fold the area around them to their advantage. The user can release the object back into its original state or it will naturally return to normal after a period of time. They can tie their foes up in the terrain, completely undermine enemy defense, fold and hide items on their person, wrap themselves in tough objects to defend themselves, or simply use it to make moving easier. Though this does require the user to make contact with the target and will only work on objects. This is more difficult to use with larger objects as the user has so much more to move and fold.
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themotherofquirks · 2 years
Uhm...I don't like this, wtf >:/
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battydora · 8 months
y'all remember chronostasis right?? the guy from shie hassaikai?? yeah, well, I was on my daily search of edgeshot content -because I adore him- and using google lens on a screenshot of him DO YOU KNOW WHO APPEARED INSTEAD? MF CHRONOSTASIS. and the second my eyes spotted him I came to the realization of how similar they were, PLEASE LOOK AT THEM
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like, no shit sherlock I'm not blind and neither are all of you, I KNOW you see the similarity and it's almost RIDICULOUS
and you know what? I'm not done, I have a ton more to say.
say what you say but in less than a minute I made a theory that these two are related by blood. first of all, their appearances, they are almost identical and secondly, their quirks are similar to a point.
Edgeshot's quirk: Foldabody. "Allows him to make his body and limbs extremely thin and long, effectively allowing him to transform himself into a razor-sharp string. (...)" (Shinya Kamihara Wiki)
Chronostasis' quirk: Chronostasis. "(...) Allows him to slow down the movements of anything he hits with his clock hand-like hair. The minute hands slows a targets movements for one minute and the hour hand slows a targets movements for one hour. Hari can extend his hair, but only if he is not moving." (Hari Kurono Wiki)
Edgeshot can control any part of his body and make it as thin as he wishes and Chronostasis can slow his contrincants down by hitting them with his hair. Their quirks revolve around using their/part of their bodies, I don't know about y'all but I do see the similarity.
I believe they're cousins, we don't know about Edgeshot's parents (none of the pro heroes' actually) but imagine his uncle/aunt are Chronostasis parents.
Ngl I've mistaken Kurono with Edgeshot in Kurono's fanart 😭. Anyways that's all I've got, here's my proof
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Actually they're so similar, they can be siblings
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pikahlua · 8 months
I keep on thinking back to AFO saying quirks have the 'remnants' of a person, and he said it was similar to organ transplants (because he can see those remnants and with organ transplants the person may get 'memories'/habits that the original donor had).
So, by that logic, with Edgeshot giving up his body to form Bakugou's new heart...wold he inherit Foldabody? Or, would he be able to see Edgeshot as a 'vestige' like Deku can?
Did...was this a thing back when that chapter came out with Edgeshot sewing up Katsuki's heart? Was this a thing people were theorizing? I forget now. If it was, it's been a while since I thought about this, that's for sure.
I guess I can't quite rule it out because of the "find a quirk in the afterlife" line. But I assume the answer lies in what Edgeshot's quirk factor is. His cellular tissue? The pun certainly is there since the kanji for quirk in Japanese means personality. Huh. Goodness that's an interesting one to think about. I guess we'll see? Kudos for the theory.
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27thbam · 8 months
It's been almost a year?more than a year? Since we've seen bakugou -im happy abt him being back but will all might die? Also how can bakugou catch up with smone like izuku-quirks for days-midoriya?
Will it be a dual quirk kind of thing? Will he get foldabody now?
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jollysunflora · 1 year
I was browsing the My Hero Academia wikia and got curious...
As for me I'd have an emitter quirk but I'm still hammering out the details.
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epickiya722 · 9 months
It's just too funny to me that Edgeshot's quirk name is called "Foldabody" and he literally folds his body and figuratively be folding bodies. 🤣
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whensaturnfalls · 1 year
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Ah, forgive me for being a little nervous to post. Firsts are always difficult. Anyway, these are my takes on some edgejeanist fan children. This might be a little long…
First up is Tsuki Hakamada-Kamihara (top left), the oldest of the kids. Her quirk, Tangle, allows her to manipulate her hair as if it were another limb. It’s not particularly powerful but what she lacks in quirk power, she makes up for with her sheer skill at wielding a sword. She is known more simply in the world of underground heroics as the Blade-Wielding Hero: Excalibur.
Next is Shina Hakamada-Kamihara (top right), the second oldest. Through sheer luck, she inherited Foldabody. She’s mostly known for her looks— she’s pretty and people like to let her know that fact. But her personality makes people think twice about approaching her— she can be rather standoffish and even aggressive. In the day, she’s known as the Pinprick Hero: Acupuncture. But in the night, she’s known as the vigilante called The Blue Needle.
Second to last is Junya Hakamada-Kamihara (bottom left), he’s the second youngest and the older of the twins. He may look nearly identical to Shinya but don’t let that fool you— he inherited Fiber Master. However, he doesn’t exactly want to be a hero. People expect him to, especially with a quirk like that, but he doesn’t feel passionate when it comes to heroics. What he really wants to do is create hero costumes.
And last but not least, Tsumugi Hakamada-Kamihara (bottom right)— the younger of the twins and the youngest overall. Their quirk is called Flatten, it allows them to flatten themselves like a piece of paper. It’s not flashy nor powerful but they don’t need it to be— they don’t feel drawn to heroics so a powerful quirk is not necessary for what they want to do. They’re a star when it comes to making support gear, easily one of the best when it comes to making weapons and other things.
I hope you enjoy them! I spent way too long on every minor detail about them. There’s more to them but this is just meant to be an overview of their characters.
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The figure lunges, and Shinya stumbles backwards into Tsunagu's arms.
Popcorn spills everywhere. Screams from the television. He chances a look up- yep, Tsunagu is also pale, face white as a sheet. They're clinging onto each other. He looks down at Shinya. "What the fuck," He mouths.
Shinya looks back at the movie playing. There's two sprawled figures, one trying to get away from... the weird sewage monster. Thing. Person? Yeah, he really doesn't want to know- oh god fucking shit what the fuck-
He makes a horrified noise and buries his face into Tsunagu's chest. "Tsunagu," Shinya says into denim fabric. "Who's idea was it to rent this movie?"
"Yours." His voice has shifted up an octave. "Shinya, husband-mine, I told you this was a bad ideA-" They are both swallowed by their denim couch (Jouch?) and spit back out the other side, stuffing all around them and with the television hidden from Shinya's sight, but much to his mutual fear and disappointment, not his hearing.
Screaming. Begging. He shares a look with Tsunagu. Then Shinya uses Foldabody to turn off the television. The silence, somehow, is even louder.
Tsunagu is still sprawled on the floor, arm over his eyes. "This," He announces to the world at whole. "Was a horrible idea. Shinya, I love you, but we are not ever watching... that again." He shifts.
Honestly? Shinya agrees. "Agreed." He casts a look at the mutilated couch. Some parts of it were just... weirdly fused together with the stuffing. There's a welded-together-part of fabric, melded with the stuffing. "I think you killed our couch, Tsunagu."
"An acceptable casualty," Tsunagu deadpans, pulling himself off the floor. "Let's go to our room and watch that gameshow you like... the one with the improvised musicals?"
Oooh. "Brilliant idea. I'll clean the popcorn up and get a new bowl-"
"-and I'll get the blankets. We can make a nest and cuddle while to watch it." Tsunagu yawns, stretching. "Tomorrow's an... vacation day, isn't it? We can break out the wine, make tonight fun."
inspired by your fluff post- please enjoy!
-story anon
ougghhsjdhfgsdfj I love them so damn much-
also, the imagery of them getting swallowed up by the couch actually made me cackle, I love that omg
I think they'd better stick with gameshows and musicals, definitely-
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grailbot143 · 2 years
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Quirk: Foldabody
He can stretch his body paper-thin.
I like Rice Balls too.
I've definitely not seen this one before. The name of his quirk makes it sound like it's going to be terrifying. Foldabody. Then it's just like, oh yeah, that means super stretchy.
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incorrectmyhero · 2 years
Top 5 Quirks?
Valid question. I'm gonna rank this by how cool I think it is, how unique it is, and how interesting it is! I'm avoiding our main characters. Their quirks are awesome, but I'll be a little more creative than that.
5. New Order (Cathleen Bates/Star and Stripe). I think as of now she's only in the manga? (im not caught up on anime). Applying 'rules' to anything is so cool and such a unique power. It's just plain awesome and so interesting. Cool as hell.
4. Erasure (Aizawa Shouta/EraserHead). It's one of the most obvious quirks to have been created, but it's so awesome. It's actual function and its limitations are really cool and I wasn't expecting them. Plus I love Aizawa.
3. Foldabody (Shinya Kamihara/Edgeshot). Never would've thought of a quirk like this. Awesome and really really versatile. Plus I love Edgeshot.
2. Stress (Rikiya Yotsubashi/Re-Destro). What a freaky awesome quirk. I mean if I got to compile my stress into raw power I'd have destroyed the world by now.
1. Overhaul (Kai Chisaki/Overhaul). It's cool ok??? Being able to break stuff down and rebuild it?? Plus, his final fight??!? Dude, that man was No. Joke. Awesome quirk.
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quirkwizard · 23 days
Yo Wizzy. Can you make QM between Foldabody and Razor Sharp? I mean... what's a ninja without a sword? In this case, multiple of it.
New Quirk Name: Fold Steel
This Transformation type Quirk allows the user to flatten and fold parts of their body. This process turns the user's body into edged sheets of steel, moving around like gray ribbons. The user can still move while like this, becoming somewhat more flexible and letting them move into thinner spaces. The true power of the Quirk comes from the user folding their body. By folding the steel, the user can refine it, making it sharper and more precise each time they fold it, going from barley being able to cut into flesh to being able to cut through steel. The user can fold the metal into various simple shapes, like turning their arms into large shuriken's or tying them up into a shield. This gives the user a surprisingly versatile power, their sheer control and flexibility with the metal giving them plenty of options. They can form their body parts into various weapons, bend themselves out of the way of enemy attacks, fold in on themselves to make a protective layer, move their body through narrow spaces, or make little metal sculptures out of their body parts. Though this Quirk is heavily based on the user's skill, requiring them to train their ability to flex and fold the metal to improve it and to have it take on new shapes. The steel's capabilities heavily rely on this to function as well, being far weaker unless the user refines it and slower to pull off.
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glittermemories · 5 years
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Shinya Kamihara or pro hero Edgeshot. He is the number 5 pro hero and his quirk is Foldabody. Foldabody allows him to manipulate the thinness of his body as well as stretch his limbs. It can allow him to flatten his body so he can fit into small spaces and of course fold his body, sort of like Origami! His quirk grants him increased mobility, striking precision, and flexibility. He’s a really cool hero! (original pic is not mine, artist found here: https://www.storenvy.com/products/28422770-bnha-inktober-collection-prints ) If you are the original artist and wish for me to take the post down please let me know.
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invisiblejune · 6 years
Edgeshot’s voice
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I’ve heard exactly 8 seconds of Edgeshot’s dubber and I already love him.
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 365 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 エッジショット"個性" エッジショット"こせい" EJJISHOTTO "kosei" Edgeshot's quirk
2 紙肢 しし shishi Foldabody
3 体を薄く細く引き伸ばせる からだをうすくほそくひきのばせる karada wo usuku hosoku hiki nobaseru He can stretch his body thinly and finely.
tagline 助ける覚悟‼︎ たすけるかくご‼︎ tasukeru kakugo!! The resolve to save!!
4 O年月の研鑽を重ねた彼の身体は OOOつきのけんさんをかさねたかれのからだは OOtsuki no kensan wo kasaneta kare no karada wa With years of dedicated study, his body (Note: Some kanji here are illegible but the gist is about right.)
5 更に細く さらにほそく sara ni hosoku can [stretch] even thinner
6 流血も止まる程に引き締まり りゅうけつもとまるほどにひきしまり ryuuketsu mo tomaru hodo ni hiki shimari and tightly enough to stop bleeding
7 更に薄く さらにうすく sara ni usoku and finely enough
8 蜘蛛糸の如き姿となる くもいとのごときすがたとなる kumoito no gotoki sugata to naru to become like a spider's thread.
9 ウォッシュから譲ってもらった"バブル"で ウォッシュからゆずってもらった"バブル"で WOSSHU kara yuzutte moratta "BABURU" de "With this bubble handed to me by Wash"
10 体を洗い からだをあらい karada wo arai "I will wash his body."
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1 体内に忍び込む‼︎ たいないにしのびこむ‼︎ tainai ni shinobi komu!! Sneak inside this body!!
2 縫合糸レベルにまで細く ほうごういとレベルにまでほそく hougou ito REBERU ni made hosoku [Stretched] thin enough to the level of a suture
3 引き伸ばされた身体はしかし ひきのばされたからだはしかし hiki nobasareta karada wa shikashi [his] body, however...
tagline No.365 No.4とNo.5  堀越耕平 ナンバー365 No.4とNo.5  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 365 No.4 to No.5   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 365 No. 4 and No. 5   Kouhei Horikoshi
4 ジーニストが縫合しているが ジーニストがほうごうしているが JIINISUTO ga hougou shite iru ga "Jeanist is stitching him, but"
5 まだ血は流れている中が損傷している まだちはながれているなかがそんしょうしている mada chi wa nagarete iru naka ga sonshou shite iru "he's still bleeding, and his insides are damaged."
6 肺も傷ついている はいもきずついている hai mo kizu tsuite iru "His lungs are also injured."
7 この身体で各器官の内と外を補修しつつ このからだでかくきかんのうちとそとをほしゅうしつつ kono karada de kakukikan no uchi to soto wo hoshuu shitsutsu "While repairing the inside and outside of each organ in his body,"
8 心肺活動を補助‼︎ しんぱいかつどうをほじょ‼︎ shinpai katsudou wo hojo!! "I will support his cardiopulmonary activity!!"
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1-2 内からの心肺蘇生‼︎ ないからのしんぱいそせい‼︎ nai kara no shinpai so sei!! CPR from within!!
3 足掻け! あがけ! agake! "Struggle!"
4 ジーニスト!ミルコ! JIINISUTO! MIRKO! "Jeanist! Mirko!"
5 傷がつく以上あいつには効いてないわけじゃない きずがつくいじょうあいつにはきいてないわけじゃない kizu ga tsuku ijou aitsu ni wa kiitenai wake ja nai "It's not like this won't work even if it injures him."
6 全部獲るんだ ぜんぶとるんだ zenbu torunda "Catch all of it."
7 意識を取り戻せ いしきをとりもどせ ishiki wo tori modose "Return him to consciousness."
8 動いて うごいて ugoite "Move..."
9 極限状態故に自身の生命を徐々に磨り潰していく きょくげんじょうたいゆえにじしんのせいめいをじょじょにすりつぶしていく kyokugen joutai yue ni jishin no seimei wo jojo ni suri tsubushite iku ...due to the extreme conditions, [doing this to his body] will gradually destroy his own life.
10 くれ‼︎ kure!! "...for me!!"
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1 それは sore wa "That..."
2 僕がもう壊したんだよ? ぼくがもうこわしたんだよ? boku ga mou kowashitanda yo? "didn't I already destroy it?"
3 壊そう こわそう kowasou Let's destroy
4 一旦 いったん ittan all at once
5 全部 ぜんぶ zenbu everything
6 俺が おれが ore ga "I"
7 壊さなくちゃ… こわさなくちゃ… kowasanakucha... I must destroy...
8-9 痒いのなおさなきゃ かゆいのなおさなきゃ kayui no naosanakya I must heal this itch
10 もう! mou! "already!"
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1 壊したんだよ! こわしたんだよ! kowashitanda yo! "Destroyed it!"
2 だらあ‼︎ daraa!! "DARAA!!" (Note: This is an attack cry.)
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1 そんなに捻り潰されたいか そんなにひねりつぶされたいか sonna ni hineri tsubu saretai ka "Do you want to be twisted and crushed that much?"
2 ああーー⁉︎ aa---!? "AAH---!?"
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1 なんだ…⁉︎ nanda...!? What is this...!?
2 フラついただと…⁉︎ FURA tsuita da to...!? I've gotten frustrated...!?
3 この身体で…⁉︎あり得ないダメージなど感じーー… このからだで…⁉︎ありえないダメージなどかんじーー… kono karada de...!? arienai DAMEEJI nado kanji---... With this body...!? It's a feeling like impossible damage...
4 いや…待て… いや…まて… iya...mate... No...wait...
5 ミルコォ‼︎ MIRUKOO!! "Mirko!!"
6 なんだよおい…‼︎ nanda yo oi...!! "What the hell is this, oi...!!"
7 優しいなァ大魔王‼︎ やさしいなァだいまおう‼︎ yasahii naA daimaou!! "You're so gentle, Great Demon King!!"
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1 最後に食らったアレ… さいごにくらったアレ… saigo ni kuratta ARE... The last blow I took...
2 どこ見てんだあ!!? どこみてんだあ!!? doko mitendaa!!? "Where are you looking!!!?"
3 人間死ぬときゃ死ぬけどよォ‼︎ にんげんしぬときゃしぬけどよォ‼︎ ningen shinu to kya shinu kedo yoO!! "When a human dies, he dies, but!!"
4 僅かに わずかに wazuka ni slightly
5 ヒリついた HIRI tsuita stung me.
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1 ダメージがOOされて…⁉︎いいやそう多くは…ならば… ダメージがOOされて…⁉︎いいやそうおおくは…ならば… DAMEEJI ga [illegible] sarete...!? iiya sou ooku wa...naraba... Did I take damage...!? No, for that much...then... (Note: There is an unreadable word, so I'm guessing about the verb "take" here.)
2 ……ありえん ......arien "......impossible."
3 あの時の焦り……あれはーー あのときのあせり……あれはーー ano toki no aseri......are wa--- The impatience at that time......that was---
4 "脅威"を感じていたというのか⁉︎僕が!一般人に‼︎ "きょうい"をかんじていたというのか⁉︎ぼくが!モブに‼︎ "kyoui" wo kanjite ita to iu no ka!? boku ga! MOBU ni!! That was the feeling of a threat!? By me! From an extra!!
5 全獲りだっつーならそーするぜ ぜんとりだっつーならそーするぜ zen tori da ttsuu nara soo suru ze "If you catch all of me, then I'll do it." (Note: She's basically saying: "I'll only die after you've caught every last bit of me.")
6 ミルコォ‼︎ MIRUKOO!! "Mirko!!"
7 足掻け‼︎ あがけ‼︎ agake!! "Struggle!!"
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1-2 後悔残して死んでらんねーからなァ!!! こうかいのこしてしんでらんねーからなァ!!! koukai nokoshite shinderannee kara naA!!! "Because I'm not going to die with regrets, you know!!!"
3 満月 ルナ RUNA Luna
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1 乱蹴!!!! ラッシュ!!! RASSHU!!! Rush!!!
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1 壊したのに こわしたのに kowashita noni When I destroyed,
2 もう mou still
3 壊れてない僕には誰も こわれてないぼくにはだれも kowaretenai boku ni wa dare mo to me, when I wasn't broken, no one
4 手を差しのべなかったくせに てをさしのべなかったくせに te wo sashi nobenakatta kuse ni reached out their hand to me.
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1 内に蓄積された"個性"群や多様な外的環境に見合うよう うちにちくせきされた"こせい"ぐんやたようながいてきかんきょうにみあうよう uchi ni chikuseki sareta “kosei” gun ya tayou na gaiteki kankyou ni miau you “The more it counterbalances the set of accumulated quirks inside and the diverse external environments and such,“
2 身体が最適な形態を模索しているんだ からだがさいてきなけいたいをもさくしているんだ karada ga saiteki na keitai wo mosaku shite irunda “and so the body is searching for its best form.”
3 誰も だれも dare mo [Even though] no one
4 僕を見てなかったくせに‼︎ ぼくをみてなかったくせに‼︎ boku wo mitenakatta kuse ni!! looked at me!!
tagline 更なる脅威が襲う‼︎ さらなるきょういがおそう‼︎ saranaru kyoui ga osou!! A further threat strikes!!
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sunshineszn · 3 years
*Sees Shindo in the latest chapter*:😁😏
*Sees Miss Good-for-nothing Turtleneck next to him*: 😐😒
So Hori couldn't have given him a bad bitch like he deserves?
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