#GOD I love Bluey. I fucking love Bluey
shima-draws · 10 months
Currently listening to the Bluey soundtrack and feeling The Emotions
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erionlextib · 1 year
Fantasy Children’s content brings me so much joy and comfort. They make me feel feelings tbh
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planned-obsolescence · 2 months
god-tier sydcarmy fics
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no one asked but i'm suddenly overcome with gratitude that fic writers just drop these gems for FREE. we are so lucky. these are the ones i constantly reread because they make me feel so much.
all of these are rated M or E because if they ain't fuckin, i ain't reading.
five times at a simmer; once boiling over by seh28 my kink? emotional intimacy. that's what these two need more than any bullshit stars. this fic serves it up like it's a floor donut and i'm carmy straight up eating that shit.
friends, partners, and intimates by sashafiercer i'm always here for it when syd gives carmy what he deserves. and i'm DEFINITELY here for it when the dialogue between the two is so on point it gives me whiplash. written by an all time 🐐.
forget about your house of cards by minecrafter42 i love reading about how carmy can't get it together in sydney's presence. this fic presents their dynamic so viscerally that the slow burn is more like a slow simmer. i needed a cigarette after i finished this one.
temper, temper by malariamonsters have you ever read anything so beautiful it made you cry? yeah, this fic. it's at the top of the tag for a reason because it captures carmy's consuming love for syd so perfectly. i want to live inside this fic.
child with a child pretending by emilybrontay sydney has a baby before she starts working at the beef, and carmy knows what bluey is. i'm done. i am very picky when it comes to stories set in sydney's POV (my girl is a complex masterpiece, you better get her right), and this is one of the greatest, most thoughtful.
Mise En Place by badcircuit love fics that present syd and carmy as partners in every sense of the word. beautifully written, hot as fuck. another one that gets syd right. again, i take portrayals of my girl so seriously and this one is gorg.
Take Care by oysterknife oh boy. this one literally came out last week but i already read it upwards of 10 times. i will read anything oysterknife writes but GODDAMN. this one changed my brain chemistry with the emotional intimacy between the two. i love longing and yearning and this one is like a masterclass in it. the literary references made me kick my feet and giggle. as a brooklyn girlie, THIS is the nyc i wanna see: flushing, crown heights, greenpoint minus the condos, shitting on the residents of murray hill, i want it all. also the ending made me sob. not joking.
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norrisleclercf1 · 9 months
Nando/Carlos is 😍😍😍
Have you listened/seen the interview with Nando where they at some point talk about having a family, and he is kind of sad not having that? So you think Carlos/female would bring it up some time during a quite date night, that they want to give Nando the family,with kids and everything - and how would Nando react? 😊
A/N: I never once thought about Fernando and Carlos together but now I can't unsee it. They're oddly perfect for each other
You knew it was the one thing he really wanted, but racing was his life. His back was broad as he leaned over your niece playing with her. She would be staying with you three for a couple of days. Carlos was in love with her, loving the way she was attached to Fernando the most.
She gurgles a mess of sounds, Fernando nodding along as he helps her play with her little blocks. "Yeah, that's it." He kissed her head as she smacks her hands. "Help me with dinner?" Carlos asks, poking your side. Smiling you turn around nodding as you take one last glimpse of your husband and niece.
It's silent for a little bit, the sound of Bluey soon fills the room making Carlos and you giggle. "Do you think?" You start but Carlos just turns, nodding his head. "I'm ready, I'll always be ready for you two. But it's you that needs to be ready." "I think I am." Carlos smiles.
"What are you two doing?" Fernando asks, voice high pitched as he bounces your niece who giggles. "Fuck, give me the baby." Carlos groans taking the sweet girl from him. "What? I didn't do anything wrong." Shocked, but Carlos wouldn't admit that his own metaphorical ovaries were bursting at the sight of Fernando and the baby.
"Fernando, Carlos and I have been talking." His face falls, straightening up, clearing his throat. "Okay, about what?" You can tell he was growing anxious, he kept fiddling with his facial hair. "Do you want to start a family? We can move back to Spain and have children. With us?" Fernando stops, you can see everything run through his head trying to find the words.
"Yes, god yes. I'll always say yes." He bursts pulling you into him, hugging you. "Carlos had to take the baby away from you because," "You looked fucking good and like what is it fans call him?" Calros asks, unable to find the word. "A DILF?" You laugh, Carlos nodding at that.
"Well, I figured I already was with you two. My babies." He teases pinching both your cheeks. You niece squeals, practically flinging herself out of Carlos's arms to Fernando. "Now, let me get some practice in. Yes that's right little one, you'll have a cousin. Mhm." Fernando baby talks, heading back to the living room.
"Yeah, he's going to be killing us." You mummer but Carlos smiles. "But, he'll look fucking hot." You burst into laughter going back to cooking dinner. "If you could, you'd be the pregnant one wouldn't you?" "In a fucking heartbeat, babes."
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ripleyresonance · 6 months
Sweet Enough to Eat
Sugar Mommy Rhea! x OC
Part 2
Happy Holiday's Mosherz. I hope you all made it on the naughty list this year. This is part 1 of a sugar mommy Rhea fic idea I had. Let me know if you want more...it might be ready already...
Cali had always enjoyed the finer things in life.
Her favorite perfume was Vanilla Diorama by Dior. Her favorite weekend getaway was Nicè, France. And she had even had her favorite sakè flown in from Japan on a bi-weekly schedule.
The best part was that she didn’t spend a dime on this lifestyle. It was all thanks to her sugar mommy.
Cali smiled sitting at her vanity and looking at a picture of her “mami” on her vanity. Cali was unsure which state or country she was in right now. Being an international WWE superstar meant she was gone most of the time. And with past sugar mommy’s, Cali had never cared as long as they bought her what she wanted she was happy. But something about this one left this empty feeling inside of her when Rhea left.
It all started a few months ago. Cali was down on her luck in a major way. Her last sugar mommy had ghosted her and she was running low on perfume. It had even been three weeks since she had her nails done. It was a dire situation.
To take her mind off it she went to her favorite bar from college. She knew they had cheap drinks so she put on a baseball cap and sunglasses and just tried to keep your head down and drink the sadness away. By the time she left, she was understandably pretty fucked up. Maybe she was a little too fucked up as she was bent over throwing up on the brick wall next to the building in the ally. She went to sit on the cool pavement as she felt a strong arm hold her up.
“Woah woah easy there beautiful. Don’t want you to sit in this puke puddle.” An Australian accent said to Cali.
Cali giggled as she stood up facing the woman.
“Y-you sound like bluey.” Cali burped.
The woman laughed.
“You would be surprised how often I get that.” She smiled.
“Can I get you an Uber love, you look like it’s been a rough night?” She said frowning a bit.
“Oh, you wouldn’t even believe the half of it! I mean first, she ghosted me and didn’t even leave me enough money to get my nails done last week now look at them.” Cali cried showing the woman her nails.
“Who could ever let such a pretty thing let their nails go undone?!” She said playing along with Cali.
Cali smiled at the woman as her drunk brain thought someone finally understood her problems.
“What’s your address honey?” the woman asked propping her against the wall to grab her phone.
Cali frowned at the woman.
“I don’t wanna go home. It’s not like anyone will be waiting for me.” Cali said making the women pause for a moment. “Did you want to go back to my place?” She offered.
Cali gasped dramatically.
“Are you trying to kidnap me!?” Cali said loudly.
The women panicked.
“NO NO oh god you just looked sad and sounded like you-“ the woman stuttered.
Cali laughed loudly playfully pushing her shoulder. “I’m fucking with you. A sexy buff lady just asked me to come back to her house. I’ll happily be kidnapped.” Cali said putting her hands out in front of her acting ready for cuffs.
The woman chuckled rubbing the back of her neck.
“You going to be a real handful huh?”
“I could be two handfuls if you wanted..” Cali said grabbing her chest and making the woman laugh.
“C'mon then my car is around the corner she said grabbing Cali’s hand to guide her. It was warm and grounding, enough for her to realize.
“Wait wait wait,” Cali said making the woman stop to face her.
“I’m about to go home with you but I don't even know your name. I mean not like I haven't hooked up with someone before not knowing their name” Cali said.
The woman thought for a moment before touching Cali's chin lightly.
“ We are not doing anything tonight in the state you are in besides getting you a new outfit. You can call me Rhea…what can I call you?” Rhea said her voice low.
“Shit with that voice you can call me whatever you like.” Cali felt her face heat up. “But my friends call me Cali”.
“Well…Cali, shall we go home?”
The next thing Cali knew she was opening her eyes to a bull terrier licking her face.
She shot up in a bed that was not hers as a woman ran in the door.
“Oh shit I am so sorry I wanted to let you sleep in. Barry DOWN off the bed.” the woman snapped as the dog ran off.
Cali looked at the woman momentarily as last night flooded back to her. She remembered her picking her off of the sidewalk, going back to her place…throwing up on her-
“Oh, my god.” Cali said “I just remembered…I am so sorry!” She went to move from the bed until she realized she had no clothes on.
Cali looked mortified as Rhea quickly reassured her.
“We didn't do anything! After you threw up on me I went to go shower and I came back to you naked and laying on my bed so I threw the blanket on you and went to sleep on the couch” Rhea said frantically.
“I- oh my god.” is all Cali could say putting her head in her hands.
“Hey hey we all have had those days, trust me,” Rhea said leaning down next to her and placing a glass of water and ibuprofen on the nightstand.
“You have woken up naked in a stranger's bed after she picked you up out of your own puke?” Cali said peeking out of her hands.
“Well…no,” Rhea admitted causing Cali to groan and fall over.
Rhea laughed going to her closet to grab Cali some clothes.
“Here you can take a shower real quick and throw on these clothes, I will make us some coffee.” Rhea smiled before leaving Cali alone.
As Cali showered all she could do was die of embarrassment remembering the night before. Did she call A total stranger a “sexy buff lady?”. On top of that strip naked and lay on her bed. Cali had to get out of there quickly but after walking out to the kitchen she was hit with the smell of toast.
“There you are sunshine, I got coffee and some toast, the hangover breakfast of champions.”
Rhea sat the food on her kitchen island before Cali as she just stared at the woman.
“Why are you being so nice to me…” Cali said quietly. Rhea looked at the woman with soft eyes.
“Last night you told me you didn't want to go home…you said no one was waiting there..and I don't think anyone should feel that way…especially not someone as beautiful as you are.”
Rhea mumbled the last part as Cali blushed taking a seat and drinking a sip of coffee.
“So did you just break up with your partner then?” Rhea questioned as she leaned against the counter sipping a cup of her coffee.
“Oh no, I haven't dated in…a long time.” Cali laughed
Rhea cocked her eyebrow.
“Sorry you mentioned someone was paying for your nails and perfume so I assumed,” Rhea said
Cali groaned internally thinking how she was about to explain to this kind stranger that she just gets sugar mommies to buy her things. She should have just lied but the ibuprofen was taking longer than she wanted to kick in.
“I uh…people like to buy me those things sometimes,” Cali said avoiding eye contact.
Rhea had a devious smile across her face.
“Are you a sugar baby?” Rhea questioned.
Cali signed looking at Rhea.
“Okay okay let me explain I started back in college and it was super easy and I started getting used to all the gifts and attention and-” Cali rambled.
“Hey hey, no judgment from me..It's not like you are scamming people. They just like giving you what you want, and I see why.” Rhea smirked.
Cali looked confused as Rhea set her cup down standing in front of Cali grabbing her hand. “You were right last night. I cannot believe someone would let you have your nails grown out this much. I would let you change them multiple times a week if that was what you wanted.
Cali stared at her shaking her head and laughing.
“Okay okay poke fun of me all you want thank you for the breakfast,” Cali said getting up as Rhea as Rhea pulled her hand again.
“I’m being serious…Cali.” Rhea said.
“My job has me flying everywhere, I am rarely here at home and it would be nice to have someone to come home to when I am back Maybe even fly out sometimes.” Rhea smiled.
Cali blinked a couple of times trying to process what Rhea was saying.
“… I’m sorry but do you remember me puking on you less than twenty-four hours ago? Why in the fuck would you want to be my sugar mommy.” Cali said highly confused.
“Because Cali I find you…interesting, and I want to find out why,” Rhea said lightly kissing the inside of Cali’s wrist making her blush.
As the offer hung in the air Cali’s mind raced at the unexpected turn of events. Rhea offered to go get her nails fixed she couldn't help but feel a sort of tension in the air…Cali did not know if it was all in her head or what but she could have sworn that kiss to her wrist was more romantic than transactional.
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wreckham · 1 month
opinion on the cancelled Beverly Hills Chihuahua series?
it was the predecessor of the recent cult classic Bluey but with gender stereotypes, romantization of the high class "realities" and basic plots. and also Tad Stones was the creator.
no fuckin way man roflmao you don't know what you've done by sending this message
i love shitty talking dog movies. i love lost/cancelled animation. i love the first Beverly Hills Chihuahua and i intend on watching the rest as soon as i have more booze in the house. i love jack saint's video essay on how fucked up films like this are when you deconstruct them. and every miserable day of my pointless life i writhe in agony on the floor bc this series never came to be
i swear there's more concept art of this show out there, like hand to god i have memories of more, perhaps by stones himself? (tho that could be the dog-related neurosis talking). anyway i've known about, and wanted more of, this DOA show since 2014 when concept artist Genevieve Tsai shared some of her work on the BHC Pilot:
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my opinion is disgustingly, unreasonably positive
and thanks to this anon i now know THE PILOT ITSELF WAS FOUND VERY RECENTLY. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE GOT EM. the 10 year old in me is qwacking in his boobs. i am beyond happy
and just to throw it out there bc when the fuck else am i gonna have an excuse to discuss it none of this is even scraping the surface of my love for the OG film's development
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Breakfast for Three // J. Todd x f!reader
Requested? Yes!
Warnings: reader has a kid, swearing, talks of poverty (if u haven’t been able to figure out, I am a leftist and I am tucking my lil handkerchief into my collar and preparing to eat billionaires)
Summary: Being a single parent is hard. Being a single parent in Gotham feels impossible sometimes. Two people change things for the better. 
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Listen, raising a child on your own was a test on its own. But being a single parent in Gotham? You had to be absolutely out of your mind.
But you loved your kid. You wouldn’t go back and change your decision. Every morning, you woke up to the giggles and shrieks of your four year old climbing all over you. Lucy was always up before your alarm and while you needed every minute of sleep, you would miss these moments whenever she became too cool to hang out with her mother. So you just bundled her wriggling body up into your arms and peppered her head with kisses as she laughed and wrapped her little octopus limbs around you.
Breakfast had moved from a coffee and a granola bar as you rushed out the door to work to Bluey pancakes for Lucy and even more coffee for you before you rushed out the door to get her to preschool and you to work. Every day felt like it was flying by too quickly.
Her birthday was quickly approaching and that’s how you found yourself out on the fire escape of your apartment with the baby monitor clutched between your hands and sobs escaping you despite your best efforts to stifle your cries.
You couldn’t afford any of the popular toys or games that kids were obsessed with. Hell, you could barely afford rent this month. Living in Gotham wasn’t as bad as other places in terms of rent but raising a kid was expensive and you were struggling to make ends meet thanks to work being slow. God, she was going to be so disappointed. Maybe you could start eating only one meal a day? That would save some money on groceries…
“Are you okay?”
The voice came from the shadows and the subsequent heart attack you received practically launched you into the air. The person cursed and then stepped out of the shadows. Okay, less scary but still pretty fucking terrifying. Red Hood stared down at you, or at least, you thought he was looking at you. The helmet made it difficult to figure out what direction he was facing.
“I said, are you okay?” he repeated in a gruff, no-nonsense voice. You nodded quickly and swiped away your tears with the back of your hand.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Don’t you have skulls to bash in or something?”
A huff of laughter escaped the vigilante’s helmet and you cocked your head to the side. He could laugh? He was capable of humor? Surprises were all around tonight.
“Already did that. And then I heard someone sounding like they just watched Marley and Me three times in a row and figured I should come check.” He eased himself into a crouch next to you and you admired how large and imposing he was yet he didn’t seem terrifying when he was next to you. You weren’t his target so there was no reason to fear him.
“Gonna tell me what’s wrong?” he asked.
“It’s stupid,” you muttered. You turned your attention back to the baby monitor to see Lucy fast asleep in your bed. The one bedroom apartment you rented didn’t have space for another bed so the two of you shared one. Luckily, she was a deep sleeper so she never stirred when you crawled in a few hours after her bedtime and got up early in the morning to get ready for the day.
“Nothing that makes you cry is stupid,” Red Hood retorted. “Hit me with it.”
“My kid’s birthday is coming up and I don’t have the funds to pay for anything. I can barely keep our heating on. She’s going to hate her birthday and I’ll have ruined it forever. I’m already working sixty hours a week, but I can’t ask Mrs. Hayes to watch her longer. Fuck.” You scrubbed a hand down your face and bemoaned your rotten fucking luck. Fuck your shitbag ex. Fuck the system that prevented single parents from succeeding. Fuck it all.
Rustling beside you made you look up to find Red Hood rummaging through his pockets. He let out a triumphant hum and then outstretched his hand. A stack of bills rested in his gloved palm and your eyes widened at the offering.
“Absolutely not,” you blurted out. “I’m not taking blood money from you. Who knows where that’s come from? And what if you show up in five years demanding the money back with some huge fucking interest rate?”
He chuffed out another laugh. “Christ, your mind is an interesting place. It’s legit, I promise. And it’s not a loan. It’s a gift. Take it. I’ve got enough cash.”
You watched him warily as you reached out and grasped the money. Your lips moved as you counted out the values silently and inhaled sharply once you got to the end. Three thousand dollars. That would pay rent for two months, leaving your paycheck to cushion you.
“Holy shit. Thank you. Thank you so much,” you gasped. But when you looked up, there was no sight of Red Hood. He had simply disappeared into the shadows once again. Only the rough paper of cash in your hands made you realize that it wasn’t a dream.
You spent the rest of the night going over your finances and figuring out where you could use the cash and how much you could spend on Lucy. With enough to bolster you for a bit, you decided to take her by a bakery on her way to pre-school. With her dinosaur backpack firmly settled on her back, Lucy bounded towards the bakery with you hot on her heels. Where the hell did she get all this energy?
“Woah,” a man exclaimed as Lucy tripped on a raised edge of the sidewalk. He caught her before she went sprawling onto the pavement, saving you from a torrent of tears and skinned knees.
“Gotta be careful there, kiddo,” he said as he righted her. You caught up to her finally and kneeled down to check her for injuries. Unscathed, thanks to the stranger. You raised your head to meet his eyes and thank him and found yourself captured by searing teal eyes.
“Thank you,” you blurted out. “I should really get her one of those backpack leashes.”
His full lips curled up into a grin and your heart stuttered at the sight of it. Small scars littered his tan skin, but it only added to the handsome rogue look he had going for him.
“I get it. The cinnamon rolls at this place are fu-” His eyes darted towards the squirming child in your hands. “Freaking amazing. I practically run here every morning to get one.”
Lucy gasped. “You like cinnamon rolls?”
The man shrugged. “Well, yeah, who doesn’t?”
“Sad people,” she replied wisely. You burst into laughter at the solemnity of her words and leaned down to kiss her cheek.
“I love you, kid,” you announced.
“Love you too, mommy. Can we go now?”
You stood up to your full height and the man did the same, but he was much taller than you. He offered his hand and you shook it.
“I’m Jason. How about I buy you two breakfast?”
“Oh, you don’t have to do it. If anything, I owe you.”
His smile grew and you marveled at the slight dimple in his chin. “Yeah, but this way I can be a gentleman before I ask you out.”
There was no way this exceedingly handsome, Adonis-like man was asking you on a date. No fucking way. You had toothpaste on your shirt and a four year old currently clinging to your leg. No man had even looked at you since your ex knocked you up and left.
But he was kind and genuine and there was some kind of soft emotion in his eyes that made you want to ask him how the world had hurt him. And Lucy seemed to like him from just their first meeting.
“Okay. Breakfast sounds nice.”
If only you knew how a simple breakfast would change your life forever.
tag list: @mcrmarvelloki​ @gone-batty-fics​ @someoneimsure​ @perpetual-fangirl900​ @visagebrise​ @cursedandromedablack​ @alexxavicry​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @raging-trash-of-mind​ @kat-nee​ @khaylin27​ @igotanidea​ @princessbl0ss0m​
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closurechilde · 7 months
Welcome to my TED Talk
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Cw: f.reader, FLUFF. PURE FLUFF. Time-skip!Suna
FUN FACT OF THE DAY! Energy drinks make my fingers feel all tingly.
This is how your Friday nights developed since your second year in Inarizaki.
Popcorn, Onigiri, loads of sweets, cans of soda and energy drinks over your coffee table, two blankets on your sofa and, in this case, him beside your TV, holding your laptop as he introduced the badly designed PowerPoint he made with the saturated audio of 'Hotline Bling' by Drake as background.
"Welcome to my TED talk." He started, making you laugh already. "I'm Rintarō Suna and today's topic is..."
He pressed the space bar. "Reasons for why you should marry me.
"Oh, interesting topic. Let's see if you convince me." You chuckle, grabbing a can of soda and a gummy bear.
Suna and you had been dating since mid-term of the second year of high school and PowerPoint nights became a little routine of yours to spend time with each other at home and get out some laughs.
He chuckles and presses the spacebar. "One, I'm a pro athlete." He says, a photo of him in the gym appears and you cheer and clap jokingly. "Two," he continues, trying to contain his laugh. "I can blackmail you if you say no." A photo of you sleeping with your hair all over your face and drooling is on the slide.
"Oh, my God, Rin! Why do you have that?!" You gasp, looking at him.
"You look cute, okay?" He answers nonchalantly before going to the next slide. "Three, I'd literally do ANYTHING YOU WANT just for you to say yes."
You raise an eyebrow. "Anything?"
"Anything." He answers. "God, I'm willing to... to watch tangled and bluey with you whenever you ask just for you to say the word." He mumbles and your jaw goes slack before you laugh. "And... that shitty show you like."
"OH, MY GOD. Dude, you're soooo fucked up." You laugh. "By shitty show you mean Riverdale?" He nods and you gasp. "IT IS NOT a shitty show."
He raises an eyebrow and looks at you with a straight face. "Really?"
"...Okay, maybe they over-exploited it. BUT the first three seasons are great."
He rolls his eyes and goes to the last slide, which is totally blank and without sound"Four..."
He leaves the living room and goes to your bedroom. You hear the rummaging in the closet before he comes back, making you sit up on the sofa and look at him with wide eyes when he gets on one knee and opens the little black box.
"I love you... so fucking much. You're the only one who could -and can- read me like an open book. You're the one that has been with me every single moment of my life. No matter if it was the best or the worst. God, you even moved to Tokyo with me leaving everything and everyone you loved and grew accustomed to behind..."
If you weren't a waterfall by then, you are one right now.
"Rin, I-" He cuts you off.
"I'm not finished." He says, smiling. "So, sweetheart, my one and only, THE love of my life." You smile at the last nickname. "Will you marry me?" He asks.
"Yes..." You whisper nodding excitedly and he gets up and puts the ring on your finger before kissing you deeply. "I love you so much..."
He smiles and leans his forehead against yours. "Thanks for coming to my TED talk." He jokes and you punch him playfully on his shoulder.
"We were doing so good..." You chuckle. A few minutes later, with him laying on top of you, you speak.
"Hey..." You call him.
"Would you believe me if I said my tonight's PowerPoint was about the same topic?" He raises his head and looks at you. "What? You were taking your sweet time!" You say and he rolls his eyes before he kisses you again.
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shima-draws · 10 months
I started watching Bluey and when I say I was absolutely fucking ENLIGHTENED.
Me: Bluey’s such a popular show and even my adult friends like it…but why?? Isn’t it just a show for preschoolers
Me, after watching one (1) episode: OH….I UNDERSTAND NOW…..
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 2 months
Tea for Two
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Amelia Shepherd x g!nreader* Warnings: some explicit language, just hella fluff, seriously so much fluff, mentions of hospitalization (duh) Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: You go to Grey-Sloan Memorial once a week to hang out with the kids on the pediatrics floor, but more and more you find yourself going there for one particular doctor: Amelia Shepherd. But can you work up the courage to make a move? And if you can, will she reciprocate?
*Reader & Gender. Gender is a slippery, tricky thing. I feel like I kind of straddle the line between being a girl and being nonbinary, so my x reader perspectives will shift depending on which I'm feeling more that day. But please feel free to insert whatever pronouns/gender identity fit you best! I try to keep descriptions of the reader to a minimum so you can see yourself in them regardless. <3
You checked in at the front desk of Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital and pressed your guest-pass name tag onto your shirt. You had your instrument case on your back, and several familiar nurses waved at you as you made your way to the elevator and up to the pediatrics floor. You were there for your weekly music hour with the kids. It had started last summer, when your brother had open heart surgery and spent a month of the pediatrics floor. You'd often brought your instrument to play and sing his favorite songs for him and, more often than not, other kids on the floor would crowd his room and request songs and sing with you.
By the time your brother had gone home with a clean bill of health, you'd gotten attached to the kids, to the nurses who wheeled patients into the rooms you played in. You went home with song requests and learned how to play Encanto and the Bluey theme song and Simon & Garfunkel for them. It had quickly become one of your favorite parts of the week.
And not just because of the kids. Of course, there were always doctors around, but most of the time there was one particular doctor around, and you both loved and hated it.
"Dr. Shepherd," she'd told you, on the third or fourth post-concert elevator ride which, for whatever reason, you almost always ended up on together. "Or, well, Amelia. I'm not your doctor."
"Y/N," you'd replied, shaking her hand like an idiot businessman. God, she was pretty. You hoped you didn't look as flustered as you were.
"Are you on Spotify?" she asked.
You laughed loudly, eyes crinkling shut. "No! No, it's just for fun."
"Well, you're really good at it," Amelia finished, as the elevator opened on the floor before yours.
"Thanks," you said, trying your very hardest to make eye contact.
"See you next week?"
"Yep," you nodded.
"Cool." She gave you a double thumbs-up and walked out the elevator doors.
"Oh!" she exclaimed, turning back to hold the door open. She pointed at you. "Pronouns? Mine are she/her."
A bright smile flashed across your face. "They/them. Thanks for asking."
"You got it." Another thumbs up, and she was gone. You sighed. Pretty and asked about your pronouns? It was gonna be really hard to convince yourself you didn't like her now.
Amelia was there next week. And the next. And the next. Always in the back. Always in the elevator with you afterward. And you just talked. Never for more than a few minutes. But those few minutes added up after a while. You learned that she was Chief of Neurosurgery. That she'd grown up in New York. That she lived with her sisters and her nieces and nephew. That she loved boba tea and cats.
One day, in a moment of reckless confidence, you stopped at Seattle Best Tea on your way to Grey-Sloan and picked up two boba teas, one for you and one for Amelia. As soon as you stepped through the doors of the hospital, you knew it was a mistake. Fuck, you thought. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Friends don't bring boba tea. Especially elevator friends.
But then, of course, you had to give it to her. Because otherwise it'd look like you brought two bobas for yourself, and that was even weirder.
She was already in her corner of the pediatrics lobby when you walked in. Trying to act casual, you approached her and held on the tea.
"Hey," you said. "Do you, uh... do you want this?"
She looked at you, surprised, and took the cup. "You brought me boba?"
"No." You shook your head and shrugged. "I had an... extra?" It was a stupid excuse. You knew it the moment it left your mouth.
A smile crept at the corner of Amelia's lips, and she raised her eyebrows at you. "You had an extra milk tea?"
"No," you admitted, flushing slightly and running a hand self-consciously through your hair. "It's for you." You felt like you were digging your own grave.
"Well, gotta get up there," you said quickly. You avoided her eyes and headed quickly toward the little stool they'd set up for you at the front of the room.
You'd never been so distracted during a set, especially with the Grey-Sloan kids, who usually took up all your attention. At first you tried very hard to not look anywhere near Amelia, but then you thought that might be more suspicious, so you just tried to look in her general direction.
As you packed up your instrument, your heart pounded. You knew, you just knew, she was going to be on that elevator and that she knew. Your damn little boba gesture had almost certainly given you away. And she was going to say, Sorry, I'm not into women. Or kind-of-women-kind-of-not, which is where you usually landed. Even worse, she might say, Sorry, I'm not into you. Or the very worst of all, she wouldn't even be in the elevator, and your time at Grey-Sloan would be unbearably awkward from here on out.
Your heart sank as you got onto the elevator and Amelia was nowhere to be seen. You puffed out your cheeks and exhaled. You'd fucked up. You were glad the elevator was empty this time because you were sure the disappointment showed on. your face. You were not good at hiding your emotions, and you'd prefer to be left alone with this one.
The doors had almost creaked shut when a hand shot out to stop them. An out-of-breath Amelia stepped in, smiling, and leaned against the wall.
"Wow," she breathed. "Almost missed you."
You shuffled your feet and tried to act normal, even though your heart was in your throat.
"Thanks for the tea," she said, nudging your shoulder.
"Yeah!" you replied, probably a little too enthusiastically. "Yeah, no prob."
"So... do you buy boba for all the girls or just me?"
You felt blood rush to your cheeks. "Uh..."
"Because I really hope it's just me."
You glanced at her in surprise and found her grinning at you, a little embarrassed, a little self-satisfied.
"Really?" you asked, not quite believing what you'd heard.
The elevator door opened on Amelia's floor, and she slipped a business card into your hand, her fingers lightly grazing yours. It felt like a bolt of electricity shooting through you.
"Call me and you can buy me dinner, too," she said, before stepping off the elevator, giving you a little salute as the door closed.
You looked at the card in your hand. On the front: all the usual business information. Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital. Amelia Shepherd, M.D. Chief of Neurosurgery. On the the back: a phone number, scrawled in messy doctor's hand, with a little heart beside it.
Your heart swelled and you couldn't help but smile, bouncing on the balls of your feet. It worked! The boba worked! Seattle Best Tea didn't know it yet, but they'd just made you a regular for life.
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themoonchildwhofell · 18 days
all my ghosts
pairing: Farleigh Start x reader
content/warnings: fluff (im so sorry guys), pretty fast paced lol
summary: HC of a healthy farleigh x reader relationship (thank fucking god)
note: really wanted to write farleigh finding a nice partner that helps him with his trauma lol. possibly post saltburn. I'm so sorry my dudes. I really am a sucker for fluff! still based off of a Lizzy Mcalpine song.
"'Cause I hate all of my habits but I happen to love you."
Farleigh met you at a 7/11 near the place he works at. He's pretty bummed about not having to go to Oxford as well as fully disconnecting from the old life he had.
It was exactly July 11th. He remembered because you got a free slurpie at the convenient store.
You looked good for someone who was staying up due to an exam. You finally decided to claim that free slurpie they had since sugar wakes you up.
Farleigh, on the other hand, was just exploring the place. He didn't really want to stay at his mum's place. So he decided to get his own place.
He didn't really want to go out that night. It was a not-so-impulsive decision due to the fact that his case of cigarettes were all out.
The fluorescent lights weren't really giving you justice. As well as the bags under your eyes but who cares? You really need to pass this math exam tomorrow.
He approached you being the extrovert that he is and asked for your name and number. His excuse was to tour him around since it was his first time back at the States. (he was already living there for 3 weeks)
You agreed to tour him around. Praying that he wasn't a murderer of some sort.
You two went out the very next day to "tour" him around. At the end of the day, he did ask if this was a date.
"No. But maybe we can set a proper one?" you suggested.
He liked that. It means he gets to see you again.
Months pass and you both seem to connect really well.
The relationship progresses to you both being a couple.
Everything felt great. There was the usual fights, of course. I mean Farleigh is kind of a diva. You expected him to be annoying at times.
But most of the time, he's the loveliest.
It's the same with Farleigh as well. He loves your company. You make him feel good and sane. Especially after all the loss he experienced.
There are times that he feels like you're too good for him especially with all the baggage he has. All the trauma from Saltburn and his cousins passing.
These trauma did manifest some bad habits that he's actively fighting. But it helps him when he thinks that he might have a lot of ghosts with him haunting every piece of him left in Saltburn; He still has you.
Dates with him are always unpredictable. You both tried to do cocktails once at his apartment but failed. You both decided to just drink the wine and eat all the fruit.
You also tried cooking. Which was fun and messy. But the mac and cheese was good. He was really convinced that he could make a better mac and cheese than Gordon Ramsey. You giggled at how adorable he was and agreed. That night ended in a sink full of dirty dishes, slow dancing to Master & A Hound by Gregory Alan Isakov and tiny sweet kisses.
Sometimes, you both try clubbing. But end up going home early to just drink at home and watch some movie or have sex.
You both tried to finish two bottles of brandy one time.
"You really think you can beat me at drinking?" Farleigh smirked.
"Fuck! I'm 3 shots deep, my boy. And I feel sober." You we're not. You both didn't finish the bottles of brandy. And he had to carry you to bed.
"You know... I'm pretty drunk right now. But I really love you, Farleigh. You and all your ghosts." You passed out right after. He did say he loved you too. But he'll probably just repeat it once you both are sober. That was the first time you both said I love you.
You had the realization that you'd want to spend the rest of your life with him one Saturday morning. You both we're on the couch watching Bluey. You made him watch Bluey because at first he didn't want to since it's a kids show. But he saw the one episode with Chili and it really stuck with him.
He was laughing at a particular scene when he said. "I think we're like them. Chili and Bandit."
You stared at him. "Yeah. I guess so." It kinda dawned on you how compatible you both are. How you can live like this for the rest of your life.
He had the realization that he wanted to marry you the time you we're at his mom's home celebrating Christmas. You were helping with decorating the tree. He decided to quickly grab the star at the top of the cupboard in the hallway. While going back to the living room, he saw you sweaty, with your tongue out and concentrating on placing the lights on the tree. He realized he has never felt happier than that exact moment. He would love to spend every christmas decorating trees with you.
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hoedamn-eron · 3 months
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Nathan discovers your son’s favourite show.
Warnings: As always, Nathan is a warning. No offence to Miss Rachel or anyone who uses Miss Rachel (I’ve personally never watched her, just needed Nathan to be a dick). Hints of infertility (from this episode of Bluey). Teeny tiny mention of parental anxiety of meeting milestones (from this episode of Bluey). Not proofread this time. Word count: 1,238 F!Reader, no use of Y/N.
Yet another self indulgent fic about dad!Nathan. Set in the same universe as Shut Up, Kid, but can be read as a stand-alone. This also was only meant to be a quick one shot but it turned out to be over 1k 😂.
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Nathan Bateman was a fucking genius.
He built the code for Blue Book when he was thirteen years old.
He used to think himself a God. He could build realistic androids, for Christ's sake (not anymore, not since ‘The Incident’).
And because of this, he finds it hard to ‘switch off’. His brain was always moving a million miles a minute, constantly filled with thoughts of how to improve the company, and now that he’s a dad, it just added another thing to think about. And he isn’t complaining about having to think about Silas – he loves the kid, would do anything for him – but at the same time...it is just another thing to keep his brain busy.
Like today.
You come walking into his office (the door is open most days now), holding Silas on your hip, his favourite pacifier in his mouth, and carrying as many toys as you could in your other hand.
“Can you watch him for an hour, please?”
You see Nathan’s shoulders slump before you’ve even finished asking, and you ignore the spark of irritation that sits uncomfortably in your chest as Nathan turns his chair to look at you. You know he’s busy, but you’re busy too; you’ve been called in for a virtual meeting, on your maternity leave, no less, with the department heads – you know they wouldn’t appreciate a noisy baby in the background (despite the fact you want to make a point that they requested you...on your maternity leave).
Besides, Nathan doesn’t have any tight deadlines right now. He’s the CEO, he can push anything back whenever he damn well pleases anyway.
“Nathan, he’ll just sit and watch his TV show for a bit, it’s only an hour.”
Nathan sighs, and you tense at it.
He makes a mental note to make up for it later.
“Okay,” he says, and without looking at him, you walk over to the rug in his office, sitting Silas down on it before placing the toys around him, in easy reach for him.
You turn on the TV and place Bluey on, before walking over to Nathan’s desk and placing the remote on it. You give a swift, “See you in an hour,” before hurrying out to make your meeting.
Nathan gives a quick look to Silas, who – in your defence – was still, watching the TV, sucking away on his pacifier. Satisfied, Nathan turns back to his computer, his eyes drifting over to Silas every now and then before turning back to his screens. The noise from the TV fades into the background, until one particular line jumps out at Nathan.
“Magic Claw has no children. His days are free and easy.”
Nathan huffed a laugh through his nose. He couldn’t agree more. He glanced at the TV then back at Silas before turning back to his computer.
After a while, another line came through, causing him to chuckle again.
“Can I help you?”
“I wish you could, mate.”
Eventually, when he hears the characters talking about – what he thinks is – wanting kids and being unable to have them, he turns his full attention to the TV.
“What the fuck are you watchin’?” Nathan asks before standing and slipping his hands in his pockets as he saunters over to stand behind Silas.
Nathan stands and watches the family of cartoon dogs; Bluey and her sister, Bingo, and their parents, Chilli and Bandit. He watches with a furrowed brow for a moment, wondering how this was his son’s favourite show (it was probably all the colours). And he guesses the theme tune was a little catchy. And sure, Silas didn’t quite understand it, but the dialogue was funny.
“This is better than some of the other shit you watch,” Nathan said, bending down and picking Silas up, without taking his eyes off the TV. “That whiney black bunny you watch? Hate him. The Teletubbies? Also awful. I don’t understand why your mom thinks it’s a classic.”
Silas made a small noise around his pacifier and pointed to the TV.
“Yeah, she your favourite?” Nathan asks, looking at Silas. “What’s her name again? Bingo?”
Silas makes another noise, almost as if confirming with Nathan, still pointing at the TV.
Nathan nodded anyway. “Okay, okay, gotcha.”
After a moment, Nathan stood holding Silas, the two of them watching Bluey together.
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Your meeting overran.
By nearly 45 minutes.
Nathan was going to be pissed.
You speed-walk to his office, ready to blurt out an apology (even though it wasn’t your fault the meeting went over), but you stop mid step when you hear Nathan say to Silas, “I think she’s sleeping with the neighbour.”
Your brow furrows in confusion as you hear him, then Silas babble back.
“Oh yeah, you agree? They’re too friendly, right?”
You slowly walk into the Nathan’s office, seeing him standing with his bank to you on the rug, holding Silas in his arms as they watched Bluey together. Nathan was lightly swaying, almost as if he didn’t realise he was doing it.
You sucked in your lips, holding back a laugh. You didn’t want to ruin the moment.
“You better not turn out like Muffin, she’s insane,” Nathan said. “I’ll love you regardless, but still.”
Your heart skipped a beat, like it did every time you heard those words come out of his mouth. It wasn’t as if Nathan had never said ‘I love you’, but he…struggles…to express his emotions that aren’t irritability or exasperation. But with Silas, it came naturally to him. He never failed to say ‘I love you’ to his son (of course, Nathan does say it to you, but he understands you’re a ‘full-grown adult who can identify acts of love’; his words).
You’re brought out of your reverie as a new episode of Bluey started, the theme music kicking in. Your eyes widen and you laugh quietly as Nathan starts lightly jumping around to the music, Silas laughing and kicking his legs excitedly.
“I’m watching the footage back to this,” you say.
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ,” Nathan says, jumping as he whirls around to look at you. “Announce yourself, would you?”
“You, uh…” you say, still grinning. “You watching Bluey?” you look at Silas, who smiles at you and kicks his legs in excitement. “You watching Bluey with dada? Does dada like Bluey?”
“This is fuckin’ great,” he says, giving you a pointed look. “So much better than that Miss Rachel, or whatever her name is. She’s fuckin’ annoying.”
“Excuse me, she’s very educational!”
“She’s overdoing it. The kid will learn to talk fine with just us.”
“His first word will probably be something inappropriate,” you say. “Like fuck. Or asshole.”
Nathan doesn’t reply as he turns back to the TV. You come and stand next to him, watching the episode with him. It’s the one where Chilli was telling Bluey about how she was worried that Bluey wasn’t going to meet her milestones, but Coco’s mom had told her she was doing an amazing job. It was one of your favourite episodes.
“I’ve been stood here for an hour watching these,” Nathan said quietly. “It’s nice.”
“Just standing and swaying with him?” you ask gently.
“Yeah,” Nathan said simply, not expanding.
You nod, before leaning against him a little. You feel him push back at you.
You stand together and watch a few more seconds of Bluey before you ask, “So you think Chilli and Lucky’s dad are going at it?”
“Oh they definitely are.”
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moonpascaltoo · 29 days
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╰┈➤ 18+ none of these stories belong to me! this is a masterlist of all nathan bateman stories i’ve read and reblogged! just thought it would be nice to have them all in one spot! (if your fic is on here and you wish not to be, let me know <3)
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☾ @missdictatorme
       ☼ the beauty of imperfection
               ⭒ Nathan figured having a personal assistant wouldn't hurt. He was wrong. She was a pain in the ass. Also she was so different from his robots (he no longer have because one tried to kill him). But she was also... fascinating.
       ☼ influencer!reader
☾ @spacecowboyhotch
       ☼ in plain sight
               ⭒ for someone who’s all about AI, blanks stares and obedient droids, your likeness to them is driving him crazy. 
☾ @hoedamn-eron
       ☼ shut up, kid
               ⭒ You awake to your first Mother’s Day with baby Bateman.
       ☼ bluey
               ⭒ Nathan discovers your son’s favourite show.
☾ @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
       ☼ ebo
       ☼ piano s/o
☾ @reallyrallyauthor
       ☼ assembly required
               ⭒ Nathan Bateman is maybe the smartest man in the world. But that doesn’t mean he has the common sense that god gave a can of green beans.
☾ @youvebeenlivingfictional
       ☼ accidental kiss
       ☼ fake dating
       ☼ by definition
               ⭒ “To what extent are we culpable? If there is forethought, is it traceable  through code? At what point are humans no longer responsible for their  creations?”
       ☼ magnetic
               ⭒ Now that you’ve met him in person, Nathan Bateman is everything and nothing like you’ve expected.
       ☼ rubber ducky, you're the one
               ⭒ The last time he got roped into one of these celebrity auctions, Nathan wound up spending six stupefying hours with a Kardashian, trying to explain why they couldn’t launch their own crypto, ‘K-Coin’, without plans for a public exchange. This? This is way more interesting, but just as mystifying.
       ☼ that algo is fucking scuffed part 2
               ⭒ It’s Nathan Bateman’s business card, with all of his contact information on it. But there’s a small hand-drawn → on the bottom. 
You flip it over and read: Thanks for the fix. Your rate seems reasonable. Looking for a job? -NB
       ☼ the logical progression part 2
               ⭒ Maybe it was better that you didn’t meet Bateman until you were further along in your time at Blue Book. By the time you did, you were much more self-assured, knowledgeable, and far less afraid to challenge authority. You hadn’t gotten to where you were by being a shrinking violet.
       ☼ this didn't happen
               ⭒ Had you gone to the conference planning to sleep with Nathan Bateman? No. Had you? Yes. Were you regretting it? Absolutely. 
☾ @leoluved
       ☼ chase and pull
               ⭒ nathan likes when you get jealous, but he gets upset when he gets a taste of his own medicine. 
☾ @writefightandflightclub
       ☼ dear diary, i met an asshole
       ☼ uninvited
               ⭒ Nathan attends the Met Gala, but there’s something missing. That’s you.
☾ @leiakenobi
       ☼ post script
               ⭒ It took nearly a month after the company funeral for a pair of suits to show up at your door and say, “We’re here to discuss the Bateman estate.”
☾ @softboywriting
       ☼ almost lost you
               ⭒ It takes Nathan nearly dying to realize he loves you, but he needs to know you feel the same and will take some unnecessary steps to find out instead of just asking you.
hopefully all links work, let me know if not <3
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jackmanbj · 9 months
mommy mode
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urban and yourbestfriend just dropped off their son you and jack promised to watch him for the weekend.
you had to run to the store, the boys didnt want to go so they just stayed home while yu went to the store for about thirty minutes, but you didnt exactly trust jack’s with ezqual by himself.
jack loved giving kids whatever they wanted, even though it was sweet it wasn’t always helpful
once you got back from the store ez was running around with candy in his hand, he was so fast even jack couldn’t get him.
“hey! whats going on?” ez ran to you getting candy dust on your clothes “aunty aunty!!” “yes ez?” “uncle jack gave me this many candies !” he help up eight fingers “it was yummy!” he started jumping up and down and you glared at jack ‘im sorry’ jack mouthed to you and you quickly rolled your eyes
“uhm auntie baby..how about we watch bluey and be calm while aunty and uncle have a talk in the big room ok?” “ok auntie! ill be good!” “ok sweet boy i trust you!”
you took jack by his hair dragging him to you “owww! baby im sorry!” “shut up.”
once you both were in the room you let go of jacks hair and he started rubbing his head “jackman thomas.. you have thirty seconds to start explaining and it better be the best damn reason in the fucking world.” “baby he was hungry and you weren’t here so i gave him a little candy and he kept asked for more and i couldn’t tell him no!”
“jackman, you could’ve called me, and asked me how much candy you could give him!” you rested you hand on your belly, something you often did when you were tired or stressed “oh my god!! your dragging it, you’re acting like your his mom!” “you know what, im not his mom jackman, so since your “uncle jack jack who lovesss to give out candy” go put him to bed your self and you can sleep on the couch”
“fine. its not hard to put him to sleep anyway” “ok then go jack.. no ones stopping you. leave”
jack walked out the room while you got in the shower, after three hours you finally heard buley turn off and as you thought ez was sleep you heard screaming “IM NOT TIRED !” “ez go to bed! i jst tucked you in!” “I WANT AUNTIEEE!” jack sighed and brought ez to you and you let them in “yes boys?” “auntie!” eq tried to get out jacks hands falling into yours
“auntie can i sleep with you?” “only if you promise to go straight to bed bug” “promise!” once you laid down jack sighed and walked out “i want uncle jack jack to!” “jackk! come here, come sleep in the bed!”
jack came back to the room smiling and laying down next to ez and cuddling your waist “im sorry baby, it wont happen again” “its fine jack, goodnight i love you” “i love you more” jack gave you a kiss
“hump. i love me to! and ew!” “we love you most not go to bed!”
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gennyanydots · 11 months
This is an official distress call, over
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Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x f! Reader
Part of the Spitfire Universe. Can be read as a stand-alone but best enjoyed if you have some background.
Summary: Unca Wooster is having such a great day, especially since his favorite nephew is having an extended sleepover at his house. His girlfriend is even calling him in the middle of the day which she hardly ever does! Such a great day…… oh no.
Bradley was having such a great day.
He made pancakes for breakfast.
He got Eli to school on time.
He got to see his girlfriend for a minute or two at drop off.
He made it to work on time.
He got to fly.
Just such a great day. He’s been loving all of the extra Unca Wooster time he’s been getting in. Jake and his wife wanted to go away for an extended weekend for their anniversary and Bradley was first in line to watch his favorite nephew. He might have thrown some elbows to beat out Coyote but nobody needs to know that. (He’s not sorry)
Penny, Mav, and Amelia have Ellie for the weekend. Mav made sure to pull Bradley aside and let him know that if he needed help with Eli to just let them know.
Pshaw! Why would he need help with Eli? He’s the best kid ever! Bradley still wonders how Hangman could have made such a great kid. Must have been all his wife’s genes because he definitely doesn’t see Jake in the kiddo at all.
Bradley was on his lunch break when he noticed his phone vibrating in his pocket.
A surprise call from his girlfriend! See?! Best day ever!
“Hey baby, to what do I owe the pleasure?” He says as he answers his phone.
“Bradley, what the f word did you do?!?!” His girlfriend scream-whispers to him on the phone.
Huh. He wasn’t expecting that at all. What could he have done? He’s been having the best day ever so clearly it had to be nothing.
“Ummmmmm nothing? What are you talking about? What’s wrong, honey?”
He hears you sigh, “What did you watch last night with Eli?” He can hear some sort of commotion where you are but can’t quite make heads or tails of it. Probably in your classroom, which you shouldn’t be, you should be on your lunch break right now.
Bradley thinks back, they watched a lot of stuff, “Umm Paw Patrol, we watched some Bluey, threw in some Wild Kratts for educational purposes, and then I think Jaws was on when he was falling asleep. I put him to bed once it was over.”
“You let a baby watch Jaws?!?!” You scream-whisper at him again.
“Hey! He’s not a baby! He’s a big boy. He barely watched it. He fell asleep after like 20 minutes.”
“I’m gonna beat your a word. I really am. Is Phoenix there? Let me talk to her.”
“Why the violence, honey? I’m sure he’s fine,” Bradley assumes.
“Oh my sweet naive and dumb boyfriend. You think he’s okay? That’s cute. That’s really cute. Super cute. He’s definitely not clinging to me right now sobbing and telling me he’s never going in the ocean again because he’s going to get ‘eated by the scary gray shark in the water.’ and he definitely isn’t refusing to lay down because what if a shark gets him in his sleep,” you say exasperatedly.
Ohh. Fuck. Shit.
“I shouldn’t have let him watch Jaws,” Bradley said as he hung his head.
“Ya think?! Oh my God. I can’t believe you let him watch that. You’re never getting him to sleep tonight. It was a miracle the rest of the class went down for naps because when one overtired kid cries then they all cry. And they were all asking me why Eli won’t go in the ocean anymore and why sharks are scary.”
Bradley winces. Maybe he could wear him out a little when he picks him up. Let him play for hours at the playground.
He hears his girlfriend sigh then hears a kissing noise that he assumes went onto his nephew’s head. Poor little guy.
“Before you even ask I already told him I would come over and help protect him. He’s clung to me all morning and if his parents aren’t home and it’s just you then he clearly needs a responsible adult.”
“Hey now, I’m a responsible adult,” Bradley grumbles.
“But are you? Because you let him watch Jaws and I don’t think you’re allowed to be in charge of the tv anymore,” you say. He can hear you mumbling something to Eli.
“That’s….. fair. That’s a fair choice. You are in charge of the tv.”
“Okay I gotta go. I’ll see you in a bit. I’m gonna google some shark week stuff that shows sharks NOT eating people to help this little boy out.”
“Okay I’ll see you in a bit. Bye honey. Tell Eli I love him and that I would never let anything happen to him,” Bradley said with a sigh.
“You got it. Bye Bradley,” you say before the call disconnects.
Bradley runs a hand down his face.
“Why so glum?” A voice asks, walking up from behind him.
“I did something stupid,” Bradley explains while he turns to look at Phoenix.
Phoenix laughs, “What else is new? So what’d you do?”
“I traumatized Eli.”
Phoenix smacks Bradley’s arm, “Why the hell would you do that?! That poor sweet boy!”
Bradley pulls his arm closer to him then rubs it, “Ow! Don’t hit me!”
Phoenix leers at Bradley, “Don’t do stupid things. What. Did. You. Do?”
Bradley sighs, “I let Eli watch a little bit of Jaws last night and now he’s terrified of the ocean and won’t nap because he’s scared a shark is going to get him in his sleep. Don’t worry, I already got yelled at over it.”
Phoenix gasps, “You should lose custody. Like immediately. No more Eli for you.”
“My girlfriend said she’s coming over tonight because Eli needs a responsible adult,” Bradley explains.
Phoenix laughs, “Only you would get yelled at and then essentially grounded by your girlfriend.”
“Jake’s wife grounds us all, all the time.”
Phoenix shakes her head and points at Bradley, “No, she grounds you all. She’s never grounded me. I don’t do stupid stuff like this.”
Bradley grumbles.
“Well let me know if your girlfriend can’t stay the whole weekend and Eli needs a different responsible adult. I’m happy to help,” Phoenix smirks at Bradley.
“I got him. I won’t do something like this again. Promise.”
“Suuuuuure ya do,” Phoenix says as she shakes her head at Bradley.
When Bradley went to pick Eli up that afternoon Eli raced into Bradley’s arms, scrambling to get picked up.
“Woah buddy! Slow down! I got ya,” Bradley says as he scoops Eli up to gently set him on his hip.
“I can’t be down, Unca Wooster, I can’t!” Eli said as he hid his face against Bradley’s chest.
It was then that it hit Bradley just how bad he messed up. Poor kiddo. He felt so bad.
He watched as you walked over to the two of them holding Eli’s backpack, “He can’t be down, Unca Wooster, he can’t.” You shook your head as you handed Bradley Eli’s backpack.
Bradley holds Eli close as he leans to speak to you, “I’m gonna fix this.”
You shake your head, “No, I AM going to fix this. Don’t worry. I got a plan. You’re taking us to the aquarium tomorrow by the way. I’ll see you in a bit.” You wink at Bradley as you walk back towards the rest of your students.
Bradley sure hopes you have a plan because he sure as hell doesn’t.
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considerablecolors · 9 months
so anyways thinking about Muriel trying to learn more about humans and watching TV and such and how they would absolutely undeniably be OBSESSED with Bluey once they discovered it. how they would immediately feel connected to characters that are also learning more about the world around them everyday and being proud of themselves for slowly picking up on jokes for the older audience and such. which is a fun thought by itself. BUT THEN.
this brings to mind Muriel wanting to show Bluey to Crowley and Aziraphale (this takes place sometime after season 3 where they're all a family again), and Crowley's like "yeah everyone Below tried really hard to stop it from getting distributed in the US, big blow for us" to which Aziraphale replies "oh yes I spoke with the angel that worked on it, they got quite the promotion!"
anywho both of them try to get out of watching it because "it's a bloody kids show" and "I'm really not too fond of modern television" but Muriel is making puppy dog eyes so OBVIOUSLY they're gonna cave in eventually.
and at first they're not really paying TOO much attention, Aziraphale is charmed by the soundtrack and animation and Crowley does snort at "this isn't the eighties anymore" but like obviously they're not INTO it, they can just admittedly see why Muriel likes it. and then. AND THEN. THE BLUEY EFFECT.
pause. we all know of the Bluey phenomenon. like oh it's this kids show for babies like peppa pig to -> oh there's some fun jokes for the parents here the teachers really like it to -> oh god I'm a 22 year old mentally ill queer person who's been sobbing my eyes out on tiktok for ten minutes why didn't my dad ever love me.
something something the soft gentle tone of the show and its lessons combined with how honest and blunt they are about things combined with the kind and powerful parenting displayed by the main family. it breaks people. it heals wounds. it gets through to those repressed issues. we all know the bluey effect.
literally centuries worth of repressed trauma, NO emotional intelligence or awareness whatsoever, every mental barrier you can think of, literally mommy issues from GOD, and on top of it all, they're an angel and a demon right so obviously they don't need to worry about petty human things like "therapy" and "coping skills" and "talking through issues" and "boundaries" and ""self-worth"".
like oh yes this is a charming show but I'm not sure it's quite for me and then BOOM. Aziraphale gets hit with "there's something going on with me" "does your outside voice sometimes say yes when your inside voice says no?" "I don't think I know how to relax" "I just... felt like I was doing everything wrong"
like wow angel are you actually crying over cartoon dogs you're so emotional and then BOOM. Crowley gets hit with the "you don't need to keep coming back to this place" "he should take care of himself because I still need him" "now you've got all that upset and angry in your hands- do you want to keep it?" "why can’t she just have the thing she wants?"
i'm just saying if aziraphale and crowley had been blueypilled before then maybe there would've actually been some fucking nightingales ok.
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