#Grape Growing Youtube
awolgina · 3 months
grape ape x afgoo in my 4x4 hum ho 2 left of 5 boomer learning to grow s...
grape ape x afgoo in my 4x4x80 tent said with a bit of impatience & disgust, 38s short video, show & tell. I didn't realize photo period plants take soooo much longer! 6+ months from seed, 3 in flower now!
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planefood · 2 months
Something I think about a lot is when I was a kid growing up I was a huge fan of astronomy and space travel so I read a lot of books (that were American mind you) about the space race and despite that I was always pro soviet as a child because I viewed it like a sports game.
To me as a child growing up in Japan now living in New Zealand the only thing America was good for was littlest pet shops, YouTube, grape Fanta and maybe French fries but the name suggested European origin. What had the United States ever done for me outside of that?
I wonder how much trouble I would’ve gotten into if I was ever a child in the states getting sad that the USA had the first moon landing and not the Soviet Union, I just didn’t like how cocky the Americans were in my space race books
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calidrisminuta · 9 months
Botany of Orsterra (From CotC)
The list of foods and cuisines is proving really useful in my writing, so I thought I'd do the same with the plantlife of CotC's Orsterra, too. I'm missing quite a few because I can't review certain Traveller Stories, but I've got a few from notes and the like, and there's a fair bit from NPC dialogue in the various towns.
This is very much a work in progress!
There isn't as much as I thought there would be, since I was only wanting to include Orsterran-specific plants, rather than generic ones like roses or pine trees, unless a specific variety is mentioned in the story.
I haven't checked the memoirs yet either, but I'll be adding to this post every time I find some (or I find Traveller Stories to review on youtube), so thank goodness for the ability to edit here!
Anyway, without further ado, the list:
M = Medicinal B = Botanical E = Edible
Various: Blue Hydrangea {Master of Fame}, Crimson Devilbloom (M) {Ashlan's Tale} A presently illegal medicinal herb, and no-one knows where it grows, although it's been studied in Atlasdam so it may originate there. Thanks to @hazelgatoya for that one! Also, thanks to @theynanigans again for finding the mention in Isla's letters, too: "Day 361: Crimson Devilbloom - "The sickly secretions of that plant cause thinking to take meow-mentous ef-fur-t."
Theatropolis: Lapisleaf (B) {Eunice’s Tale}. Contains a pigment that creates a vivid blue, used in painting. (Edited to add) According to Isla: “When the nectar of these flowers is mixed with pigment, it changes into a striking blue colour. This was a closely guarded secret among painters of old, but researchers eventually discovered this characteristic fur the whole world to know.”
Theatroshroom (E) {??Can’t remember where this one came from??} Apparently, they're very tasty. Edited to add - they're from Adelle's Tale. Thank you, @theynanigans!
Atlasdam: None mentioned.
Rippletide: None mentioned.
Grandport: Quatrait blooms (NPC Woman from Quaragosa) (E) Apparently this can be stewed with fish to create a tasty dish.
Emberglow: Embershrooms (E), used in a variety of dishes. Frostfern (M) {Miles’ Tale}, a compound for a remedy used by the Knights Ardante. Snow Crystals (B) {Sofia’s Tale}, Grace Mushrooms (M) {Rodion’s Tale}, the spores of which are used in a remedy. Cave Mint (M) (E) {Shelby’s Tale}. Shelby's favourite herb, and apparently it can be brewed into a tasty tea. More info from Isla's Letters again: "Day 286: Cave Mint - "Do you know which herb can grow in even the darkest caves, and is useful as an ingredient in both food and medicine? Why, it's cave mint, of course! Hmm… I think next time I have afternoon tea with my cait fur-ends, I'll use cave mint to make tea." Thanks to Theynanigans for finding this!
Frostlands: Züsbaum (E), Per one of Isla’s letters, it grows in the Frostlands and its leaves have a sweet flavour. A tea made from them has a taste distinct from sugar. Many monsters love them, so picking the leaves is a monumental challenge, but many say it is worth the risk.
Also from the Frostlands: Snowstalks (B), a plant that grows in the plains near Emberglow. By soaking cloth in their sap, it can be used to make clothes that are warmer and better against cold conditions. Soaking cloth in the sap of Snowstalks makes it very soft, and will keep people dry. It’s also Lulu’s favourite.
Cathedral of Tytos: None mentioned.
Cragspear: Adorablooms (B) {Main Story}, Apple Blossoms (M) (B) {Therion’s Tale} Spoilers for Therion's Tale, but IIRC Apple Blossom was used in a perfume that helped to control/charm people. Might have different properties in Orsterra.
Valore: White Grape Blossoms (B) {Main Story} A flower sold in Valore, and of great significance to Bargello. Has no medicinal properties that we know of. Wyrmwood (M) {Millard's Tale}, a plant that grows around Valore, and is used in medicine.
Also Valore: Vermiliweed Blossom (B) Features in the main story. "A flower that flourishes in the Woodlands. Contrary to its adorable appearance, it is poisonous and used to hunt wild boars."
Sufrataljah: Drizzleshrooms (M) {Soleil’s Tale}, King Cactus Meat (M) {Soleil’s Tale} Both used in remedies. Drizzleshrooms were boiled with something by a Sunshade tribe to create a remedy, and King Cactus meat is bitter but can bring down Desert Fever.
Victors Hollow: None mentioned.
Sunshade: None mentioned.
Shepherds Rock: Nothing in the area is poisonous, according to Merrit's Tale. Antidock grass grows in the Highlands, and is medicinal (used to make antidotes for poisons.) Also known as Noxroot in other areas of Orsterra. Ephemera is a plant with distinct leaf patterns and purple flowers, and the use is medicinal. (powder from the stems can be used in first aid, and it can be dissolved in hot water to make a cold remedy.) Info again from the wonderful @hazelgatoya!
Flamesgrace: None mentioned.
Berecain: None mentioned.
I’cirlo: Panacea Herb (M) (E) {Former Edoras Ambassador}
Clearbrook: Bellflower (M) {Rita’s Tale} Possibly contains different properties in Orsterra, but I need to review Rita's Tale to see if anything different is mentioned. From Isla's Letters: "Day 312: Bellflower - "Have you ever seen an herb with bell-shaped petals blooming by the riverside? Its characteristics change slightly depending where it grows, so only ex-purr-ienced botanists can identify them!" Credit to Theynanigans!
Redleaf Grass (M). {Penny's Tale} Has bright red leaves, and grows along the rivers in Clearbrook. Waterweed (M) {Rita's Tale, but also mentioned in Hayes' Tale}. Grows along the Clearbrook Traverse, and has bright blue petals. Used in medicinal salves. Isla's letter mentions it as well, as something to use if you get hurt. Laurel Seed Oil (M) {Rita's Tale}. Alfyn uses it to take the scent of tallow away from his salve. "Laurel leaves have a pain relieving compound, and the oil made from their seeds can cool down feverish patches," Rita says.
Donescu: None mentioned.
Edit: From Largo's Traveller Story, we have Blue Poppy (B), a flower that is highly attractive to monsters, Slumbersage (M), a plant with a sedative nature, and Sungrass (B), a plant that Shaggy Meeps like to graze on.  From Isla’s letters: Slumbersage is purr-fect for making medicine to help people sleep, but it’s difficult to get the dosage correct, so don’t try without an apothecary present.
SPOILERS! Edit 2, from Miza's Journal in Bestower of All Ch.5: Marisnows (B), Rosettes (B), Scarletseeds (B).
Arte Shrooms (M), from Dorothea’s Traveller Story. When processed, they are both the cause and cure of an illness in Shepherds Rock. They are both tasteless and odourless.
From Cornelia’s Traveler Story: Snowrosea (M), found in the depths of the Cave of Laments. Can be used as a remedy for Frostlung when infused into a tea. Stilldrop (M), "a powerful herb that grows near the village of Stillsnow. A small dose has the power to cure all sorts of illnesses, but frequent use can lead to a condition similar to Frostlung." It has a sweet scent.
River Beans (E) Phaseolus Lunatus - Lima beans!
From Lemaire's Traveler Story: Phantom Flowers. (B) They grow on the North Theatropolis Plains, and appear a dull grey colour until it rains, when they gain a sheen similar to that of a rainbow.
From Ogen's Traveler Story: Mugwort. An actual plant with many uses, from culinary to medicinal.
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broken-everlark · 7 months
Okay so one thing people don't know about me.
Josh hutcherson is my all time favorite actor and was until Peeta mellark & now with Mike Schmidt.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of Josh. He was my childhood crush and favorite actor. My two favorite movies growing up were bridge to Terabithia & Journey to the center of the earth. I absolutely loved those movies.
The only reason I kinda faded was Burn & Futureman sucked so bad🤣 I can't. Especially with shows that use over the top, not funny, sex jokes. It's really.. I hate using this word. More of cringing to watch than funny.. hardly see how it's a comedy. Like sex jokes & shit can be funny, but it just wasn't.. Burn was just... drawn out and so boring, he gets graped by a weird ass girl who likes to burn herself for literally the weirdest reason.. yeah, I'm not a fan of those two.
Peeta Mellark, HOWEVER. is literally perfect. In every way, shape, or form, Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark is perfection, and I love every moment. He truly tried hard with this character as with his recent ones such as futterman & Burn.. yeah, it wasn't great.
But DAMN Josh, as Mike Schmidt brought back my slightly faded love for him. I mean, he's great and all, but he truly tried his best with this role. Even asking youtubers such as Dawko, 8bit-ryan, Baz & Razz about how his character should act. Or how they'd imagine his character would act. It's exactly like he did with THG. He actually tried with these two roles. I mean, he was great in Burn, just the graped part, really.. wasn't necessary, and the one girl was just.. terrible. Her character was plain and wasn't intimidating at all, and the entire movie was quite boring. Usually, I love movies that are slow, but this one was terrible.
Then Futureman came to life.. worst show I've ever seen in my entire life. I gave it a chance but man, it was so bad. I love Josh hutcherson so fucking much and then seeing him like that.. just idk..
Anyways, never mind that. Him as Mike Schmidt was absolutely perfect, and he nailed what I wanted for his character. The entire cast did a fantastic job, and I absolutely love how much work Scott, Emma, and Jason put into this movie. It was fantastic, and I'll forever love this movie
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witchercommentcrawl · 2 years
Crawl Call 01: Autumn Fanworks
New to the Crawl? Check out our event guide! Our commenting window will last October 21st - October 30th. This is our community coming together at the same time to enjoy amazing fanworks, but you're welcome to comment whenever you have the time.
Here is your list for the first Witcher Comment Crawl! These are all fanworks that have few comments or are more than a year old and have not received many new comments in that time.
Spreadsheet View of Fanworks - (optional) save a copy to your Google drive. Contains ratings, notes, canon & color coded for fanwork type.
Use this form if you don’t have an account on Twitter or YouTube or if you want to comment anonymously, and we'll pass on your comment to the creators!
Have fun commenting! 🍁💬❤️
Ard Skellig Village - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt  by Isac Saleh (3:53). Guitar arrangement of the Witcher 3 soundtrack.
Apples - by coffee_mage (5:49). Podfic. Rated G. Geralt/Jaskier. Geralt is jealous of Roach. 
Autumn Hunting by mina_bloody. Ciri hunting in the woods. 
The Lodge of Sorceresses edited by Blue Crystal Works. (4:53). Cosplay Music Video featuring The Lodge of Sorceresses.
The White Wolf and the Swallow by Princess_jordan_hh. Carved pumpkin of The Witcher Netflix logo.
Jaskier and Geralt dolls by JBcrochetwizard. Jaskier and Geralt sitting in front of an autumn tree. 
Lambert's Halloween Mishap: Pumpkin by Saintly_Bovine. Lambert and wolf witchers at Kaer Morhen. 
Gaunter O'Dimm dancing with a skeleton by @eredins-a-king-aint-he.
Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer Stomping Grapes in Toussaint by @handwrittenhello.
Please, Tissaia?! art by  @sentientpinkfrosting and fic by: @little-merigold Yennefer/Tissaia necking (vampire AU).
Hansa Halloween Costume Idea by @abi-kamikakushi. The Hansa dress as Regis for Halloween!
Halloween Rita by @uselessfanboy. Margarita Laux-Antille dressed as a Halloween witch on a pumpkin.
Dettlaff in higher vampire bat form  by @northernolddragon. Fanart edit.
Geralt/Yen with pumpkins and sunflowers by @witcheringways Mod edit. 
Knocking on Forbidden Doors by Astrarian. 1309 words. Teen. Gen. Fringilla and Yen at Aretuza, hints of necromancy.
across and over the fire by galactic_roses. 1347 words. Teen. Eskel/Tomira meet at Saovine.
Festival by Flawney. 1710 words. Teen. Geralt/Dandelion celebrating harvest in Oxenfurt.
I shut my eyes and the whole world drops dead by WitcherSexual. 1803 words. Mature. Jaskier, Geralt & creepy child...
There Are Poppies Growing Over Where My Lover's Lying by Holliday_inn. 3953 words. Explicit. Margarita and ghost!Tissaia at Belletyn/Saovine.
Silence Lay Steadily by DolBlathanna. 17679 words. Gen. Geralt takes a contract for a wraith at Lady Breta’s estate. 
The Smell of Autumn - Jaskier's Ballad by RDH Development (1:29). Hexer fanvid to Jaskier's ballad 'The Smell of Autumn.' Features Geralt on the Path. [Lyrics translation - scroll to 'Episode 11 - Jaskier']
Tiny Witcher | Tilt Shift by Flurdeh (3:18). Mod edit. Witcher 3 game environments miniaturized.
Disturbia by @krystal280791 (2:40). Mature, physical trigger warning: flashing effects. Detlaff and Regis from Blood & Wine DLC.
Wordcount: 28,849
Audio: 9:42
Video: 12:20
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jow99 · 3 months
We’re seeing 20 😎
Thursday morning we went for a lovely ride. It was a beautiful sunny morning though a bit chilly. Unfortunately Marjolein was busy with work so it was only 3 amigos. I headed home after Monells and left the boys to go and do some climbing. They seemed to enjoy themselves as it was after 2pm by the time Jose got home.
After lunch I left Jose doing Narrabeen work and I went to get some groceries. We were both pretty tired so a quiet evening watching cycling YouTube programs.
Friday we finally managed to get to the new winery in Perelada, something we wanted to do last year but never managed to pull it off. Charlie and Cathy picked us up and we headed off for our tour.
The winery opened in 2023 and it has been beautifully done. The family own 5 fincas where they grow grapes (they actually make a quite nice red called 5 finques) and this winery is a new addition. They have owned the castle in Perelada for 100 years.
Naturally at the end of the tour we had a tasting. Generous pours plus they also left bottles of the last (and best) wine we tasted which we naturally finished off. We joined their wine club and a small box of wine came home with us.
After all that wine we went for a stroll around Perelada which is a lovely town with lots of history. It was then time for lunch. We found a nice place where we all had the menu of the day which was 3 courses and wine for A$26. A fabulous day concluding with a longer trip home when Jose directed us onto the wrong road. No one minded, it just added to the days adventure.
Once home that was it for us, Jose snoozed and I read before watching some cycling on the nebula.
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zoologica42 · 9 months
I've been watching Pointy Hat on YouTube for a while now, and His videos inspired me to re-write a race for D&D that I think was done dirty- yes I'm talking about Kenku. tdlr: they have some Inca empire vibes, and are mutualists with dwarves
A wingless, often silent avian race of cliffs and mountains, Kenku are said to resemble ravens in their form and face.
Sans flight and voice, Kenku have adapted to alternate modes of life, and present a dauntless resilience unrivaled in other folk.
Strange speech:
The most striking thing about Kenku, other than their avian appearance, is their mode of communication. Kenku cannot communicate with their own voices beyond hisses of anger, squawks of surprise, whimpers of fear, and other, similar, animalistic vocalizations. Instead of trying to get by with such limited communicative means, Kenku have developed a sophisticated sign language that rivals spoken tongues with its elegant vocabulary. Almost all Kenku can sign and understand this language, and it is the dominant form of communication within the species. From marketplace haggling to governmental decrees, Kenku life is conducted in sign. Visitors to Kenku settlements who communicate orally are often struck by how alien their own form of communication is to that of their new avian neighbors. When communicating with other races and cultures that may not understand their language, Kenku often use simple spells that can communicate their ideas through written words or images. A Kenku in a foreign city might ask for the location of a tavern by conjuring up an arcane image of a mug of ale, or a simple written question such as “Where is tavern?”. Many Kenku can understand the spoken languages of other humanoids and are able to write in their scripts through physical or arcane means.
Alpine Adepts:
Kenku settlements are often built in alpine areas, since Kenku, being avians with gripping claws and strong lungs, are uniquely suited to life at high altitudes. These settlements are structured as an urban hub surrounded by agricultural and defensive rings. The second ring outside the city is usually made up of farms that grow crops such as mountain grapes, cliffbarely, terrace grains, and edible lichens. The next ring is also agricultural but is more focused on livestock such as alpacas, which are prized for wool production. Outside this is a final barrier of watchtowers and forts to defend against raiders, such as the greatly feared roving tribes of goliaths.
Kenku settlements are often built near those of dwarves, with Kenku living on top of a mountain, and Dwarves living underneath. The two societies often become mutualistic, and even codependent, with Dwarven populaces importing food, wood, and cloth from the above-ground Kenku, and the Kenku importing metals and other subterranean materials from the under-ground dwarves.
In some cases, a Kenku-Dwarf alliance can become so strong that the two societies merge into one. Kenku and Dwarven armies may fight together to protect a shared mountain range, or mixed Kenku-Dwarf parliaments may be a staple of government.
Kenku also trade with other above-ground societies for their unusual crops, and Kenku slopes are well-renowned for producing fine wool, and some of the best wines that money can buy.
Myths, culture, and religion:
According to legend, Kenku once had wings and the ability to speak, but after angering their patron god, their wings and voices were taken away. The verisimilitude of this legend is understood differently by different Kenku. Some believe it to be completely true, others an allegory, and others think it a total fabrication. No one seems to remember winged, speaking Kenku- or at least, no one mortal. Many Kenku worship the patron Deities of the mountains they live on, Gods and Goddesses of cycles of life, death, and the harvest, and the unique Kenku Deity Sha’ath, a patron spirit of creativity, clever thought, and art. 
Kenku arts are composed highly of weaving, orchestral music, and silent theater. Kenku clothing is comprised of elaborately decorated warm woolen outer layers, often coats, cloaks and ponchos, and flax underlayers. Instead of shoes, Kenku wrap their feet in flaxen bandage-like cloth that allows them to both protect their feet and retain their ability to grip rocky slopes. They may also cap their talons in metal in order to increase the strength of their claws while climbing, and to reduce the likelihood of them breaking.
Kenku have developed their own musical instruments to suit their own uses. A Kenku shepherd might use a modified viola to call their flock in from the field, and a Kenku who is a professional musician might modify a flute to be played more easily with a beak.  
In some cases, the arts of the Kenku are combined. One such example is “panel-plays”- theatrical productions with elaborate costumes and tapestry backdrops “narrated” by an orchestra.
Kenku families are often large, with parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and children all living together and caring for each other.  A Kenku family may occupy a single large manor or complex of smaller houses, with all family members sharing duties and often resources. 
Kenku names:
Kenku names are not gender specific and are usually signs for natural features or materials, modified to indicate they are a name, sometimes combined with another noun or adjective.
Example names:  Shining Cloud, Cricket, Blue Creek, Mulberry, Great Violet, Howling Wind, Star Stone.
Kenku traits:
Ability score increases: Your wisdom score increases by 2, and your dexterity increases by 1 
Age: Kenku pairs lay 1-2 eggs that hatch after careful tending in about two months. Hatchling Kenku are nearly featherless and unable to move much more than raising their head. After a month, the chick grows a fuzzy downy coat of feathers and can crawl, and after their first year, have a full set of feathers and are able to walk. Kenku become adults at about 17 years old, and usually live into their eighties 
Size: Your size is medium. Kenku stand around 5 feet tall, but due to their hollow bones, only weigh 60-80 pounds.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet
Strong sight: Kenku are highly visual creatures, and have a nictitating membrane (clear second eyelid) that protects their eyes. Because of this, Kenku have advantage on all saving throws in which failure would mean blindness, and all attacks attempting to blind a Kenku have disadvantage.  You also have advantage on all perception Checks. Climbing Claws: Due to your avian claws, you can climb rough or cracked vertical surfaces including rough stone walls and trees at a speed of 5 feet.
Cold resistance: The dense, warm feathers of a Kenku gives them resistance against cold damage.
Communicative spellcasting: You can instinctively cast minor illusion and silent image as  cantrips to spell out words or create pictograms in order to communicate with other creatures. 
Languages: The Kenku language is a complex sign language used by your own race as well as others who wish to communicate silently and or visually. Written Kenku is formed by loopy, delicate characters and often makes up musical scores and scripts for silent plays. Signs in the Kenku language can be used as the verbal components for spells. You can also read, understand, and write in one other language of your choice.
Roleplay and meta notes:
When “speaking” as a kenku, you might want to preface your words with “I sign this” or “I write this in the air using a spell”. If you wish to play a Kenku that can speak normally, use this outline, but remove the communicative spellcasting feature.
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snips-n-clips · 2 years
Interacting with Language: Humor
I, like many people, spend a lot of my time on the internet. It is the main medium in which I socialize and also interact with language. In particular I think the way that irony and sincerity is used for comedic purposes through posts on this website, which I have been a part of since 2012 has really affected my sense of humor and language in casual spaces. CJ the X on YouTube has an interesting video essay about the language of internet memes, and the evolution of the structure of that language– from the first macro image format to the more modern memes which often deconstruct and subvert their established setups. On Tumblr memes often manifest themselves through original text posts, often one post acting as a catalyst to spawn others similar in nature or as subversion. There are also many posts or memes that play around with irony and sincerity that I find very interesting. Irony here being defined in its colloquial usage and not as the dictionary definition. This understanding of irony being “an attitude of detachment or subversive humor” (courtesy of LitCharts.com).
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The post above plays with sincerity, humor, and meme language. An anonymous person confesses to user exitwound about how they have influenced their life by introducing them to eating frozen grapes, and follows with a sincere statement of “thinking about the web between us all”. This is then followed by a softening and couching of the sentiment with “yknow”. “Yknow” used here as a sort of buffer between the genuine sincerity of their original statement. This reminds me of something I do in that often times I will state something vulnerable and personal, and then as an acknowledgement of the ironic and humorous tone of Tumblr as a platform, punctuate the statement with an ‘lmao” or ‘lol’. In addition exitwound has answered this ask with a meme, two images of grapes with the text, "frozen grapes got me thinking" on the top image of frozen grapes, and "about the web between us all" on the bottom image of fresh grapes growing on the vine. with an additional caption "you’re so (expletive) real for this anon".
The meme image format and the use of the expletive are both important in reinforcing the dialogue between ironic humor and genuine sentiment.  By including “you’re so (expletive) real anon” user exitwound acknowledges the sentiment behind Anonymous’s confession being genuine and open about how that simple act of Anonymous eating frozen grapes because exitwound (a user that the Anonymous user presumably follows and therefore in a sense sees and interacts with regularly) eat frozen grapes connects them to another person. These frozen grapes therefore symbolize a human experience that is larger than Anonymous' own individual existence. They connect Anonymous to exitwound and also to anyone out in the world who has ever eaten a frozen grape. As a side note, I happen to be an enthusiastic consumer of frozen grapes, and so now I am personally involved in the fibers of this web as well. In addition to echoing the sincere sentiment, by specifically including “so (expletive)” in this sentence exitwound also reflects the tone of Anonymous' language here. The expletive softens the sentiment of “you’re so real for this” with an irony tinged humor.
The specific image used of freshly grown grapes to illustrate “the web between us” is also meaningful here. In these sorts of internet meme formats typically only one image is provided. In this post there are two images of grapes, one of frozen grapes on the top, and one of fresh grapes growing on the vine below. Tumblr user exitwound could have provided only the single image of frozen grapes, a literal illustration of the subject matter. But instead they provide two which I believe further acts to point out an understanding of the dialogue between irony, humor and sincerity. To meme using only the single image of frozen grapes would be to approach this jokes as only ironic. The frozen grapes being a mundane, consumer product and within the culture of ironic humor on the internet that image alone would be simply reduced to "funny" and "ironic".
However, including the grapes in a more “natural” setting and thus framing them not only as the end product that we consume but as the plant that grows and flowers and bears fruit once again brings sincerity and "sentiment" back into meme. It brings to mind not only the idea of grapes as food and as a product but as a cultivated, living plant. As if we the viewer are meant to be thinking about the greater experience of grapes in connection to humanity. To think of all the people working and tending to the plants throughout their life cycle. To think of the harvesting of the fruit. To think of all the ways grapes are used and enjoyed by people– to eat, to process into wine and juice, to turn into jams and jellies, to stick in a freezer before consuming. A dialogue of casual irony and humor, and the sincere sense of feeling connected to the world around you.
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prep4tomoro · 1 year
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Edible Landscaping - What Is It, How to Design It and What Plants to Choose:
Edible landscaping refers to mixing food plants in with your ornamental ones, to create a setting that is not only visually appealing, but productive as well. This post will provide suggestions for How to Design It and What Plants to Choose. Edible landscapes are nothing new, with the Ancient Egyptians being one of the first to create gardens featuring flowers, grape vines, and fruit trees, mixed with seating areas where one could enjoy the scenery. In the 10th century, the rose gardens that were sprinkled with fragrant herbs became a signature creation of Benedictine monks. Examples include:
Using different types of loose-leaf lettuce as border plants
Creating a hedge from blueberries or currants, rather than unproductive shrubs
Replacing non-edible trees with fruit trees
Using tomato plants or grape vines, instead of conventional climbing vines to cascade over a trellis
Having pots and baskets of colorful, fragrant herbs, rather than non-edible flowers
Incorporating striking vegetables, such as Swiss chard and pak choi, into flower beds
Using strawberries, thyme and mint as ground cover
Resources: Design Suggestions and What Plants to Choose YouTube Videos Edible Landscaping by Rosalind Creasy 20 Plants to Grow for Calcium [Reference Link]
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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awolgina · 8 months
lazy tent talk tokes oct 2023 pt 1 of 2 boomer learning to grow series
a lazy Sunday toking while talking tents, growing, identifying strains, musty smell vs grape 🍇 lol 😆 4m hangout pt 1 before I got off my flat a$$$$
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fishthegenderwitch · 1 year
Stuff I learned June 3-23
so I fell asleep earlier after posting about my scrushy crawlnut migraine times, and woke up a lil bit ago, still migrainily.
I took some Advil, Tylenol, water, and now I can tell you guys about the day I had. (Might be a contributing factor to a hurty brain. i took in a lot of information.)
Under the cut: what I learned today about the uses of kudzu (it evolved to be used plentifully by humans, which is why it grows so quickly and abundantly!), plastic upcycling, and the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Poland.
I learned a great deal about the uses of kudzu, in the process of educating a friend about it. Kudzu has been used as a form of erosion control and to enhance the soil. As a legume, it increases the nitrogen in the soil by a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. It’s used in many food dishes, including as a jelly from the flowers (which apparently tastes like grape jelly), a starch, and a tea. The starch is flavoured as a summer drink in Vietnam, and used as a thickener like cornstarch.  Nearby bee colonies may forage on kudzu nectar during droughts as a last resort, producing a low-viscosity red or purple honey that tastes of grape jelly or bubblegum. (I want to try this so bad!) It’s used in traditional medicines, and has a lot of food nutrition. It’s used as a fibre for baskets. Clothing, and paper usage. Soap, lotions, and ethanol. It’s super duper useful. This was before I even got to work, I learned all this knowledge.
At work, a coworker rushed out of the donation centre to show us a book about the tour at the the Wieliczka Salt Mine in the town of Wieliczka, near Kraków in southern Poland. Holy heck you guys! The sculptures! The art carved directly into salt! The history! Never in my dreams would I have imagined that humans had created this as a thing, without being shown. I did not take photos of the book, but I will add them tomorrow when I’m back at work. There’s a historical tour of how the first miners mined the salt, the tools and structures for support they had, there’s a green lake! :D
THEN, there are the carvings and the grand halls and the tunnels. Finally, the WAYS that the salt erupts from the walls and surfaces: in stalactites, stalagmites, King’s Hair curls, crystals, and amazingly geometric shapes. When you think “salt mine”, most people think of the salt deserts in the US (or at least, the three customers in the store that I pestered to look at the book all said this.)
ADDITIONALLY, today I talked with a customer who comes in every weekend about cleaning up plastics from the Great Lakes. He’s a photographer, and doing a work right now based on that, so we discussed the uses of plastics as recycled/upcycled products, which I’d watched multiple videos on last night and in the morning. Brothers Make, a southern UK based business run by brothers Jonny and Matt, gather plastic trash from the beaches (and have it collected by friends and family) and turn it into furniture, jewelry, and useful tools.
“In 1950, 2.5 billion people produced 1.5 million tonnes of plastic. In 2016,  7 billion people produced over 320 million tonnes of plastic.
- sas.org.uk (2020)“
Their YouTube channel has a ton of videos on the things they’ve made along with the fascinating process of cleaning, shredding, melting and molding plastic, along with how you can do it at home!
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yerbamansa · 2 years
i need to eat breakfast and go on a little walk and think about what i've done, but may i offer the uh... idk, 5 of you who are sometimes interested? a snippet of roach in progress?
wip wednesday - roach pov revenge ranch #15
As the weeks went on, Roach folded research and brainstorming into his days. He’d asked Lucius to quietly pass along any specific art inspiration only, as a jumping off point. He spent time on art blogs and gallery archive sites, getting a better sense of composition and elements to draw from for the actual dishes. He watched several episodes of some godawful Food Network Halloween-themed baking competitions, mainly for things that definitely didn’t work. That spun off into other baking shows, then chocolate shows, then YouTube videos on decorating and molecular gastronomy, then an endless stream of blogs and forums for the very obsessive. It wasn’t that he had no ideas or experience of his own to drawn on, but it was a new challenge in some important ways, and Roach loved little more than a weird cooking challenge. It set his brain on fire.
Over the summer, Roach started recipe-testing some of the things he wasn’t quite sure of. How to get the glaze just right on the cream puffs so they shone like ripe apples. Experiments with making hard candy that really looked like grapes. Decorating practice—so much decorating practice. No one questioned his sudden splurge in purchases. Edible paper didn’t grow on trees.
When he was fairly confident of the plan, he made his presentation to Stede, Lucius, Oluwande, and Jim. Jim wasn’t a usual part of these proceedings, but their role as resident mixologist (among other things) meant they’d need to collaborate.
Lucius looked suitably impressed. “You can pull all that off?” he asked, only the faintest whisper of doubt in his voice.
Oluwande’s face, however, looked scared. Secretly, Roach enjoyed that feeling, the feeling that he’d bested someone at a game they didn’t know they were even playing. “Looks like an awful lot of work,” Oluwande finally said.
“Don’t worry,” Roach said, half-reassuring, half-challenge. Oluwande’s brows furrowed deeper, and Roach swallowed a chuckle.
Stede hummed and furrowed his brows, studying Roach’s notes carefully. “May I?” he asked, holding up a blue pen.
Roach was familiar by now with his boss’s approach to feedback. In fact, he’d encouraged it. He wanted the questions and concerns in writing. He held out his hands, palms up. “By all means.”
“I’m not sure about this one in particular,” Stede muttered, drawing a question mark alongside Roach’s description of Roadkill Cat [nb: a dish that will be described in a callout section]. “Do you think it’s perhaps too gruesome?”
Lucius and Oluwande both scoffed. “No, man, it’s ideally gruesome,” Oluwande insisted, flashing a smile at Roach. “Fucking hilarious, even.” Roach knew Jim would be grinning at Oluwande over that, and he chose to hold in any reaction to those two being cute or whatever.
“Hm, well, if you say so…” Stede finally allowed.
Via negotiation, the still life elements of the menu were locked in, with a promise to pad out the offerings overall with some more traditional hors d’oeuvres and buffet-friendly dinner items.
When it was Jim’s turn, they simply studied the notebook, jotted down a few notes in their phone, and said, “Cool. Think I’ll experiment with making my own bitters.”
Jim’s competence with a knife and specialized skills had earned Roach’s respect long ago. He nodded. “We good here?” He had dinner to prep and experiments to begin.
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burning-basilisk · 2 years
Fully accepting the fact that I’m actually a very emotionally sensitive guy is turning out to be one hell of a trip.
Growing up in an insular, patriarchal satellite culture steered me towards the default role of logical problem-solver... which I got pretty good at, actually.
And it turns out, for males, it’s really easy to hide stunted emotional development behind logical competence. People have always forgiven me for being painfully inconsiderate or not being able to read the room, or being absolute garbage at maintaining relationships.
In traditional patriarchies, the only person a man is allowed to be emotionally vulnerable with (if anyone) is a romantic partner. In the wake of being married to someone who, to this day, seems incapable of any kind of remorse, I have started actively seeking emotional support from others in my life, like my sister and my closest friends, and holy fuck is it revolutionizing my whole identity.
Literally everything about me. All of my interests, habits, hobbies... I used to have Perfectly Logical Reasons(tm) for my likes and dislikes. Made it really easy to be an elitist prick about my tastes, and “sour grapes” at everything else by using very eloquent language to describe why activities that make me uncomfortable, like team sports, are just inferior activities anyway.
But now, I see WHY. I can connect the dots between the things I have always loved or disliked throughout different points in life, and the shape that emerges is... me. My passions, insecurities, strengths, weaknesses... I’m less of an amorphous ghost haunting a bunch of sparkly fat inside of a suit of meat, and more of an actual being, with experience and agency and depth.
I’m allowed to be angry. I’m allowed to need others. To know these cognitively is one thing, but to feel them is entirely different.
I watched a video today where my absolute favorite YouTube psychiatrist (yes I know how that sounds, but I fucking love Dr. K and HealthyGamerGG) guided a short meditation that involved attending to inner fear and anxiety, and showing compassion to myself. And I fucking wept.
I see myself more. I feel myself more. But more important than any of that is how I now better trust myself to actually be able to make others happy. To accept my own sensitivity is accept that of others, and to understand them better.
I don’t need to be able to explain WHY I enjoy creating or experiencing a piece of art. I can just enjoy it. And so can anyone else. But sharing our love with each other makes our lives more worth living.
And now I’m preparing to do a task that I have been putting off for months because of how emotionally difficult it is. No more rationalizing my procrastination.
I see, in my head and in my heart, an anxious, scared little boy who I have whipped and beaten and abused for decades whenever he underperformed or was too vulnerable or acted in a way that wasn’t consistent with what my ego or identity demanded of him... I need to apologize to him. He needs someone to comfort him, and tell him that he is kind and lovable, despite his mistakes and shortcomings.
He needs someone to hold him and tell him that he’s going to be okay.
I’ve never been very good at giving comfort or affection... but I have to try.
I have to.
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122 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
controversial opinion but I think fruit should stay local. everyone can get citrus apple and grapes but if you can't grow a cherry nearby you don't get them. go out and see the world. meet people and taste their peach cobbler. animal crossing was so right
152 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
Do you ever think about all those other trees full of new syrups out there?
233 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
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4,734 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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7,077 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
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lampmanliveblogs · 7 hours
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So RayRay just learned that King’s a titan, but more importantly, confirmation that the heart in Belos’ throne room was the heart of the Titan.
And, like… I know that’s the obvious theory to make, and I’m sure that’s what everyone has been saying ever since we first saw it in Agony of a Witch. But for me, I was always hesitant to say that because, well… it’s so small! Yeah, it’s a big heart, but it’s not island sized! Take that heart and compare it to the Boiling Isles. It’s tiny! It’d be like King having a heart the size of a grain of sand!
For my sanity’s sake, I’m gonna go ahead and assume that the heart has shrunk down or shriveled up over time.
But this being me, I can take it a step further and make up some overly complicated theories. Maybe the heart is actually a vestigial organ for Titans. Or maybe the heart starts out with a function in young Titans, but once they reach a certain age and size, it stops growing as their body develops some other mechanism to transport blood around their body.
But yeah, the fact that the heart is still beating this many years after the Titan’s death is pretty metal. Call it The Tell-Tale Heart.
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”You know, I just had an interesting idea…” -Me when inspiration for a new fanfic I’ll never finish hits me at 0:16
Ah… is this ”interesting idea” of yours the ”intriguing concept worthy of exploring further” kind of interesting or the ”wow, this grape and mustard ice cream sure is an interesting flavor combination” kind of interesting?
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So RayRay’s advice is that instead of throwing his toys at the people he wants to make friend with, he should go talk to them instead and ask them to play. That’s nice. And I’m only a little sarcastic; while The Collector probably won’t listen immediately, all they need is for the Prince of Plastic to actually hear them out for a bit. If King can get it through to them that he actually wants to be their friend, they just gotta stop treating people like toys, then it’s pretty much over for RayRay/Belos/Philip.
The problem is that like I said, The Collector probably won’t listen right away, which gives RayRay here here the time to do… whatever it is he’s gonna do. Not sure what the plan is, but since it was brought up… it might include the Titan’s still beating heart in Belos’ castle.
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”Oh, that’s a shorter story.”
Did. Did Eda just make a freaking pun about losing her arm?
Queen shit.
”Oh this? Well, Raine said they were gonna put a ring on my finger no matter what, and you know how competitive I get. Admittedly, I probably took this one a bit too far…”
”But hey, you gotta ’hand’ it to me, I took this loss like champ!”
”So Lili was cutting my hair, but she didn’t have her glasses on, and well…”
”You know the expression ’cost an arm and a leg’? Well, these shoes didn’t cost quite that much, buuuut…”
”New radical weight loss surgery.”
”Sorry about all these jokes, I was just trying to ’disarm’ the tension!”
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Eda: ”Wow! Your new palisman is so cool and cute! But why is it a snake though?” Luz: ”I don’t know. If only some smart and preferably but not necessarily handsome liveblogger had made a post talking about the symbolism of snakes and how it applies to my character and palisman, I might’ve known.”
Speaking of palismen, I have another theory. You know Doctor Snuggle’s talking umbrella? That’s actually his palisman.
(and if you don’t know what Doctor Snuggles is… how does it feel having failed at having a childhood? Go look it up, all thirteen episodes are up on youtube and lemme tell you, it is WILD. The fact that the titular Doctor Snuggles has a talking umbrella which is also a pogo stick is the tamest thing in the series. My favorite episode is probably The Turn of Events With the Unwelcome Invaders, that one always freaked me out as a kid. The Fabulous Mathilda Junkbottom is also a good one.)
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timetraveltasting · 1 month
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My first Roman dish, the historical dish from Tasting History I tried today was Ius Diabontanon In Pisce Frixo, known in English as Sauce with Herbs for Fried Fish. While this dish, likely from the 5th century De Re Coquinaria of Apicius (a collection of Roman dishes), is fairly specific in preparation, it does contain the much-loved Roman herb 'silphium', which is said to be extinct nowadays (or perhaps growing in little-known places in the wild). Max suggests replacing the silphium with asafoetida, an herb which might be in the same family. This is one of those dishes that Max seemed to really enjoy, so I just had to make it. See Max’s video on how to make it here or see the ingredients and process at the end of this post, sourced from the Youtube description of the video.
My experience making it:
I made a change or two from the modern recipe below. I left out the asafoetida completely, partially because Max said it smells bad to store, and partially because it's hard to find. Further, I intended on frying the fish like Max suggests, but my largest frying pan wasn't wide enough to fit the length of fish I had, so I baked the fish instead. I also made two fish instead of one, without halving the rest of the recipe (turns out there was still plenty of sauce left, so this wasn't really an issue). In terms of other specifications, I used white wine vinegar, dried oregano, dried rue, fish sauce in place of garum or Colatura di Alici, and I reduced my own grape juice instead of using defrutum or Mosto Cotto. The type of fish I used was rainbow trout.
Having never made a whole fish before, I was a bit nervous for some reason, but they were actually very easy to season and cooked great in the oven (200 C/290 F for 20 mins). The herbs smelled absolutely amazing while I was crushing them together, and the grape juice reduced well to form the base of the sauce. The recipe took me about 30 minutes to make, and the sauce was one of the fastest parts. It didn't combine super well and there seemed to be too many dry herbs in there (which you can probably see from my photos), but upon serving, it didn't make a difference too much and seemed to dress the fish quite nicely. I did add an extra tbsp of olive oil to thin it out a little, as the white wine vinegar was quite pungent, and I wasn't sure if the German type I had bought was perhaps stronger than the ones in Canada I'm used to (and which are probably closer to Max's). Overall, I was super happy with the result - the fancy, well-dressed fish looked like Max's and, more importantly, looked pretty Roman!
My experience tasting it:
I served the fish with some boiled carrots, partially because I thought the carrots might go nicely with the sauce. My husband and I began the interactive adventure of carving the bones out of our fish. They were tiny and I definitely got a few mouthfuls of bones! The fish was delightful though - cooked perfectly and complimented so well by the sweet and sour herb-wealthy sauce. The sauce had a few chunks of dates, which balanced out the salt and pepper on the fish really well. I was quite worried the sauce would be too sweet, as there were several very sweet ingredients (honey, dates, and reduced grape juice), but the vinegar and fish sauce must have done a lot of work to balance that out. Max mentions that Roman dishes have some flavour combinations that are unexpected and unlike many modern flavours, and I definitely agree. It was a unique sauce, but in the best way. I will definitely make this dish again, and I can imagine it going especially well with red meats or perhaps stir-fried veggies. If you end up making it, if you liked it, or if you changed anything from the original recipe, do let me know!
Links to harder-to-find ingredients:
Mosto Cotto
Colatura de Alici
Cumin Seed
Coriander Seed
Dried Rue
Ius Diabontanon In Pisce Frixo original recipe (c. 5th century)
Sourced from De Re Coquinaria of Apicius
Sauce with herbs for Fried Fish: Whatever fish you like, clean, salt, fry. Pound pepper, cumin, coriander seed, silphium root, oregano, rue, pound. Moisten with vinegar, add dates, honey, defrutum, oil, liquamen. Pour into a pot, let it boil, when heated pour over the fried fish. Sprinkle pepper and serve.
Modern Recipe
Based on De Re Coquinaria of Apicius and Max Miller’s version in his Tasting History video.
1 whole fish or filet
salt for seasoning
½ tsp ground black pepper
½ tsp cumin seeds
½ tsp coriander seed
½ tsp optional asafoetida powder
1 tsp fresh oregano, add only half if you want to use dried
½ tsp dried rue, add twice the amount if you want to use fresh rue
3 tbsp red or white wine vinegar
3 minced dates
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp Mosto Cotto or reduced grape juice (reduce by half)
2 tbsp olive oil, plus more for frying
1 tbsp fish sauce or Colatura di Alici
Clean and gut the fish, then make several diagonal slices on each side and season with salt.
Add 1/2 an inch of oil to a frying pan and heat it over medium high heat. Then set the fish in and fry on one side, undisturbed. Then flip and fry the other side. Once browned, place on a wire rack to drain.
For the sauce, grind and mix the herbs, then add the remaining ingredients.
Transfer sauce mixture to a small saucepan and heat over medium low heat until boiling.
Serve hot and sprinkle with pepper.
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