#HP au
calmlyerratic · 20 hours
Encounters of the Future Sort
Flashback from Ch 14
wc: 620 | rating: t | cw: full moon aftermath
(a sweet wolfstar moment, no context needed — read the whole fic here on ao3 :)
March 4th, 1976
The Shrieking Shack
Sirius' voice was soft and out of place amidst this absolute horror of a cage—a sentiment much too kind for its broken floorboards and peeling wallpaper.
Remus opened his eyes. He remembered dragging himself to the bed in the corner, eternally grateful for the cushioning charm on the dingy, old mattress.
The sun was peeking through a dark curtain, light spilling into the far end of the room where Sirius stood in the doorway. He looked worried.
"What—" Remus winced as he sat up, far too quickly. He scrunched his eyes shut from the pain that shot up his left arm. "What happened?"
Sirius billowed a white sheet that Madam Pomfrey had left neatly folded on a chair, the scent of fresh, clean cotton filling the dusty air. He softly draped it around Remus' shoulders, then swiftly and gently took his hand.
"I think your wrist is displaced." Sirius murmured, asessing the damage. "Episkey should work, unless you want to wait for Madam Pomfrey?"
She would just insist he spend the night in the hospital wing. Remus would much rather spare her the fuss.
"No...go ahead."
"Okay," Sirius gingerly moved to sit beside him on the bed, breathing in. "Ready?"
Remus nodded, closing his eyes.
Sirius flicked his wand and Remus gasped as the bones fell back into place, feeling sharp pain followed by instant relief.
"Beautiful," Sirius murmured, gently rotating his mended wrist.
Sirius was beautiful, Remus thought, exhausted from the night and comforted by the care and attention. He silently admired a little pale scar above Sirius' eyebrow and the ridge of his upper lip.
"What happened?" Remus asked tiredly.
Sirius slowly bent each of Remus' fingers, checking his work.
"We pissed off a hippogriff."
"Oh," Remus breathed out. "Prongs and Wormtail—?"
"Prongs hurt his ankle...Wormtail helped him up to the castle."
Remus swallowed. "Did I—?"
"It wasn't your fault." Sirius squeezed Remus' hand, yawning. "Apparently hippogriffs and stags don't get on...much too thickheaded."
Remus cracked a smile, despite himself. "Thought I was the scariest thing in those woods..."
"Well," Sirius knit his eyebrows. "It was more like a herd of hippogriffs."
"What d'you mean?" Remus asked slowly.
"I just thought it might be fun to take a different route back from the forest—"
Remus leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes in frustration.
"Don't tell me it was the paddock near Hagrid's hut."
"All right, I won't—"
Remus' heart jumpstarted.
"Sirius! What if he'd been outside! What if I'd caught his scent! What if I had—"
"But you didn't." Sirius said quietly.
"It's not like becoming Padfoot, Sirius—you know I can't control it—"
"But you can, and you do. I've seen it." Sirius insisted firmly.
"It's not worth the risk!"
"Being in control would mean less risk," Sirius pointed out, tracing the divot of Remus's wrist with his thumb. "I trust you, Moony."
Remus felt a shiver run up his arm at the touch. His anger melted away as he realized he was close enough to count Sirius' eyelashes.
"And I believe in you." Sirius whispered, meeting his eyes, slowly leaning towards him.
The rest happened in a blur.
Before he could think, Remus closed the small gap between them and their lips met with tranquilizing warmth, noses brushing. Remus forgot how to breathe.
The floorboards creaked and a door below groaned open.
Sirius pulled back, smiling. A wonderful, earth-shattering, irresistible smile. Then he reached under the bed for the invisibility cloak and quietly concealed himself.
Remus felt dazed and exposed, drawing the cotton sheet tightly, wishing he too could disappear.
Before Madam Pomfrey came in, he heard Sirius whisper,
"I'm glad you're okay, Moony."
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yendts · 3 months
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wands + headcannons for the heroes at hogwarts au i drew here
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kazuza-art · 2 months
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Ok I change the art to be more It runs aligned (not everyone should be subjected to my albus obsession after all xD)
So dadsirius and baby Harry
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
How about slytherin!Reader and gryffindor!charles😭or the other way around idc but I need this in my life
reader is a verstappen bc drama and hp au masterlist to come
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She was supposed to be the bad guy, the enemy, the one trying to stop him at every turn. Her father was the guy that wanted him dead, after all.
So why was he laying in her bed with her, his arms around her. He had been in the Slytherin common room once before, in second year, when Pierre had brewed the poly juice potion that had he and Esteban looking like Lando and Daniel (Hufflepuffs, but still Max's closest friends).
Charles loved being in her bed with her, even if he couldn't sleep. He had his fathers invisibility cloak at the end of the bed, allowing him to slip in and out of the portrait hole beside her.
He kissed the top of her head as she stirred ever so slightly. Charles knew she only slept a little better than him; ever since her father had come back in their fourth year her nights had been restless.
One of the other girls in the room stirred slightly, and Charles grabbed his invisibility cloak. He gently shook her shoulder, waking her up before he slipped it over his head. She groaned as she rolled towards him, eyes opening slowly. "Is it time already?" She asked through a whisper.
"Can't risk anybody seeing me, chérie," he said and grabbed her hand, helping her to stand.
She grabbed a jumper and slipped it over her head. Her bare feet slipped into her trainers and she led Charles out of the girls wing. He followed her light, careful steps to the portrait hole.
Every little sound in the dungeon had him turning his head in panic. Him being caught by the Slytherins would be bad enough, but being caught by Max? Charles couldn't imagine anything worse.
There was a time when he and Max were friends. Max, the son of the man trying to kill him and his girlfriends brother. It was a recipe for disaster. At first, Max despised his father and everything he had done. But then Jos came back and Max was at his side, loyal as a dog.
To anybody on the outside, so was she. She was a Verstappen, after all. But she played the part beautifully. Did it panic Charles every time she went home for the holidays? Definitely. Who knew what they would do to her if they found out.
She walked through the portrait hole and kept going, taking him a safe distance from the Slytherin common room. As soon as she was sure they were safe, she lifted his cloak and kissed him. "I'll see you in potions," she answered and kissed him one more time.
They parted ways, Charles heading to to the Gryffindor common room as she went back to the dungeons. She just hoped it would be as empty as she left it.
Just her luck, it wasn't. Her brother sat on the sofa, lifting his head as she walked through the portrait hole. "I thought that was you," he said and she froze. He played with his wand, throwing it up carelessly and catching it again. "Dad is going to love this."
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anzukero · 6 months
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Cat Draco AU
so i may have drawn an AU where harry finds draco who has been hexed as a cat, adopts him, and tries to figure out how to undo what’s happened to this poor boy 😙
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kitgeometri · 5 months
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Snape raises harry in hogwarts AU
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coldemergency · 28 days
Harry: So Tom, I was thinking, I can call you Tom right? Anyways, we could just like stop this whole war thing and just get a bite to eat yeah?
Voldemort: That original killing curse did a lot more damage that I initially thought
Harry: Don’t be like that. I’ll pay!
Voldemort: You are clearly missing some very vital brain functions
Harry: Great, it’s a date then. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 6~
Voldemort: could we do 7 instead? I have a meeting
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frukmerunning · 3 months
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Doodles I did for various friends :)
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ijuvian · 2 years
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harry potter au with byler and elmax!
hc mike chose slytherin even though he had a penchant for gryffindor.
max - gryffindor
eleven - hufflepuff just like will (twins vibes)
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hashtagartistlife · 9 months
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bonus submission for irmonth2023 day 5: i solemnly swear I am up to no good
(This AU is tagged HP AU)
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yendts · 3 months
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studying up in order to defeat the dark wizard gaea✨
their wand designs and other hcs
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rubusart · 11 months
The Unspeakable.
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
In Bloom
Max wasn't like other Hogwarts students. He was having to live with the terrible things his father had done. Everybody expected him to turn out like his father, but he was the furthest thing from. He just needed two people to see that
Lestappen X Reader
Okay so this follows the basic plot of the Harry potter books (from memory), with some major differences to fit our drivers.
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Character/driver sheet
Chapter One
Chapter Two
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gods-graveyard · 3 months
"No one can tell the Weasley Twins apart" may be true, but with a few key exceptions.
McGonagall- She's iconic, and also how dare you imply she cannot tell two of her students apart, thats just blasphemy.
Lee Jordan- His best mates (and they told him)
Elisen Nott- Her best mates (and they didn't tell her, she learned out of spite)
Percy Weasley- They're his brothers, he really can't understand why no one else can tell
Oliver Wood- Quidditch, no elaboration.
Marcus Flint- Oliver & Percy told him how, and Quidditch.
Harry Potter- The vibes (Their freckles)
Theo Nott- The vibes (Magical signature)
Luna Lovegood- The vibes (but actually)
This is all based on my fic @yellow_sprouts on ao3 called "Navigating the den of snakes" and with the twins being introduced next chapter I thought I would go ahead and give a lil fun snip (although Theos is a minor spoiler)
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kitgeometri · 7 months
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If they were born in the 2000s…If there was an environment with less discrimination...Still, I don't think this will happen.
This is just my dream. it’s my mirror.
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coldemergency · 6 months
Voldemort: You give the absolutely worst advice
Harry: It didn't work?
Voldemort: No Harry, showing up at Hogwarts with a cake that says "I'm sorry for killing all those people" did not help
Harry: Weird. Dumbledore loves cake...
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