#Hathoric Capital
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Hathoric capital from the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut.
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whoxohm · 2 months
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For Here ON out.
#The Passenger Pigeon Party.
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suetravelblog · 1 year
Cairo and Luxor Egypt
Colossi of Memnon – Egypt Tours Portal I temporarily lost my sense of humor in Cairo. It was a challenging cultural change. Although I’ve acclimated and grown accustomed to other Muslim countries, like Turkey, Cairo was tough. The Adhan (Muslim call to prayer) is especially prominent in Cairo. It wakes you up in the morning, and is broadcast throughout the day, even inside restaurants and…
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the-cricket-chirps · 7 months
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Hathor capital, c. 874-850 BCE. Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 22, reign of Osorkon II. Temple of Bastet, Bubastis, Egypt. Red granite
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arjuna-vallabha · 2 years
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Hathoric capitals in Hathor temple, mutilated face is due to Christians in their iconocrasty, Dendera, Egypt
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bronzegods · 8 days
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Hathor, goddess of love, sexuality, music, and the sun
Hathor is the middle child in Ra’s brood of sun goddess daughters (and the twin to Sekhmet) and one of the famous wrathful Eye Goddesses, but from the way she behaves, you’d think she was the youngest. Hathor tends to flip between behaving very cutesy and speaking in a high-pitched voice and snarling at and threatening other deities, and because of her powerful nature, those threats are pretty potent. She’s independent, goal-oriented, and ruthless in her pursuit of what she wants. Nobody can get in the way of her desires, no matter who they might be.
She has long disliked the fact that her eldest sister, Tefnut, was the one who gained access to the queenship. Hathor has tried her best to weasel her way into power, but the fact that the royal couples tend to result from married twins has made her efforts difficult. It’s not until Heru is born—alone, without being the twin of a goddess—that Hathor sees her opportunity. When Heru comes of age, Hathor swoops in and easily becomes his royal queen, finally achieving the goal that she had her eye on after hundreds of years of yearning. This causes a lot of drama with Aset, but Hathor doesn’t care what Aset wants or what she approves of. She has Heru wrapped around her finger, and now the Kemet pantheon is in her hands.
But what to do with it? Well, she has some ideas, and they involve capitalizing on her popularity among foreigners. Hathor has long had contacts outside of Kemet stretching into Sinai. Her close relationship with Baalat Gebal in Gubla (Byblos) makes her a powerful trade negotiator and has given Kemet a strong foothold in Retjenu. And as the goddess that oversees the turquoise mines in the Sinai peninsula, she has access to rare and valuable trade materials, allowing her influence to stretch even further north and east. Hathor is a force to be reckoned with, one that Aset grows ever more cautious of as her son slips further and further away into the realm of Hathor’s influence.
Highlights in her life include:
- Getting very, very close to seducing Hor the Older, which was why she felt her right to queenship was snatched out of her hands. When her father and sisters planned to go to war with Hor the Older, Hathor tried a more… alternative way of solving the problem. But when she found out Hor had aspirations for marrying Neith (who had zero interest in that arrangement whatsoever), Hathor lost her temper and switched tactics back to violence.
- She has one son with Heru, Ihy, the god of music and joy. Hathor has struggled to get pregnant again and Heru seems uncomfortable about passing the kingship to a god without some sort of war or sun divine aspect, so Ihy seems out of the running as the next king. (As for the “Sons of Horus,” they are his sons in name only and not related to him or Hathor, but that’s a story for another day.)
- Starting quite the rivalry with her family members. She and Aset do not get along in the slightest, and honestly it’s understandable why. She and Tefnut don’t have a very good relationship either due to her jealousy over Tefnut’s firstborn daughter position. She and Sekhmet developed bad blood when Hathor hit on Sekhmet’s husband Ptah at a family gathering. Her youngest sister Bastet mostly ignores her, and Hathor returns the same.
Commissioned lines from Argenemartwork
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saklasnabal · 9 months
I posted an insanely bullshit theory when I got lost in the Wikipedia labyrinth that I soon deleted after coming out, regaining my sanity, realising it was far more bullshit than bullshit.
Here's some stuff I salvaged from the shit because it's interesting:
Marina is a western name. Marina holds the Changeling soul. Changeling is a being that replaces someone's identity. Primarily they steal bodies of children, making the myth of the stolen child. The difference between a doppelganger and a changeling, is that a doppelganger completely replaces the person, but exists as a separate double, meanwhile a changeling imperfectly replaces a person, resulting in deformities, and desires to steal the identity of the chosen human completely. That may be the reason why she's born with a male body instead of the correct body, the female body.
Changeling takes identities like skin-wearing:
"Interesting note on Gro-Goroth - he is curious kind. More so than many of the other older gods. To relieve the feeling of fear, Gro-Goroth wears bodies and skin of men and women alike. He might still be walking among us, masked under the skin of people and hanging bodies, blessing us with his blood magic."
Is Marina Grogoroth? Honestly it's fucking funny if it is.
"Some stories tell of changelings who forget they are not human and proceed to live a human life. However, in some stories, changelings who do not forget return to their fairy family, possibly leaving the human family without warning. The human child that was taken may often stay with the fairy family forever. Feeling connected to a changeling's fate, some families merely turn their changeling loose to the wilderness."
"Pericles and his crew arrive in Myteline, and Lysimachus goes out to meet the ships. Helicanus explains that Pericles has not spoken in three months, and Lysimachus says he knows someone in his city who may be able to make him talk. Marina is brought to the ship, and she tells Pericles that her own sufferings must match his. He asks her about her birth, and she says her name is Marina. Startled, Pericles asks her to continue, and to his surprise finds that everything Marina says matches the story of his own lost Marina. They are reunited, but Pericles is exhausted, and in his sleep the goddess Diana tells him to go to her temple in Ephesus and tell of his experiences. When he wakes, he promises Marina to Lysimachus, and they set off for Ephesus."
Marina's moonscorched is a cocoon, a desire to shed her skin to wear a fitting one.
Marina's appearance is in opposite of Samarie. Note about changelings: "Beauty in human children and young women, particularly traits that evoke brightness or reflectivity, such as blonde hair and blue or silver eyes, are said to attract fairies, as they perhaps find preciousness in these traits.[8]"
Samarie's appearance is the opposite of Marina, monotone and sharp.
Samarie is an eastern name. "Samaria's biblical name, Šōmrōn (שֹׁמְרוֹן), means "watch" or "watchman" in Hebrew.[7] The Bible derives the name from the individual (or clan) Shemer (Hebrew: שמר), from whom King Omri (ruled 880s–870s BCE) purchased the hill in order to build his new capital city (1 Kings 16:24).[8]In earlier cuneiform inscriptions, Samaria is referred to as "Bet Ḥumri" ("the house of Omri"); but in those of Tiglath-Pileser III (ruled 745–727 BCE) and later it is called Samirin, after its Aramaic name,[9] Shamerayin.[10] The city of Samaria gave its name to the mountains of Samaria, the central region of the Land of Israel, surrounding the city of Shechem. This usage probably began after the city became Omri's capital, but is first documented only after its conquest by Sargon II of Assyria, who turned the kingdom into the province of Samerina.[11]"
Samarie's moonscorched form may be based on the Eye of Ra, Hathor, The Goddess of Love. Samarie is depicted heavily on the right side, her right hand is completely different from her left hand, her right hand has four fingers and an eye in her palm which may be a reference to "Hathor of the four faces" and "Eye of Ra"
"As the goddess of motherhood and childbirth, she was called the ‘Mother of Mothers.’ As the goddess of sexuality and dance, Hathor was called the ‘Hand of God’ or ‘Lady of the Vulva.’ These were both supposed to refer to the act of masturbation"
Samarie holds the radiant soul, could it connect to the Zagmuk Festival:
The first New Year’s tradition came from the southern Mesopotamian city of Ur (sometime around 2500 BC), where they worshipped the moon god Nanna as city god. In this light it is not surprising that the New Year’s festival was celebrated at the spring and autumn equinoxes: at that moment, sun and moon are equally long visible in the sky. At the autumn equinox the moon triumphed over the sun and this was ritually re-enacted by taking the god out of the city after which he returned in a triumphant procession; thus the moon god almost literally took possession of his city again as victor. At the spring equinox the same thing happened, possibly to counteract reality. The most famous New Year’s festival is the one celebrated in Babylon for the city god Marduk. Related to the rise of Babylon as religious and later also political capital, Marduk was worshipped throughout the empire, often together with his son Nabû (god of scribes). In Babylon the New Year’s festival was connected to the myth Enuma Elish, the Mesopotamian story of creation in which Marduk conquers the old gods and creates the world. The exaltation of Marduk in the New Year’s festival of Babylon is very explicit because we know that the myth was recited then, and most researchers agree that at this time the festival was a representation of the story.
Zagmuk (Sumerian: 𒍠𒈬, romanized: ZAG.MU, lit. 'New Year' [1]), which literally means "beginning of the year", is an ancient Mesopotamian festival celebrating the New Year. The feast fell in December[2] and lasted about 12 days.[3] According to the Scottish anthropologist Sir James George Frazer in the second edition of his study "The Golden Bough" (iii. 181, 182.), the date of the festivity of the beardless one was "the first day of the first month, which in the most ancient Persian calendar corresponds to March, so that the date of the ceremony agrees with that of the Babylonian New Year Festival of Zakmuk".[4] It celebrates the triumph of Marduk, the patron deity of Babylon, over the forces of Chaos, symbolized in later times by Tiamat. The battle between Marduk and Chaos lasts 12 days, as does the festival of Zagmuk. In Uruk the festival was associated with the god An, the Sumerian god of the night sky. Both are essentially equivalent in all respects to the Akkadian "Akitu" festival. In some variations, Marduk is slain by Tiamat on the winter solstice and resurrected on the vernal equinox.[5]
In Babylon, the battle was acted out at the royal court with the king playing Marduk, and his son-rescuer as Nabu, the god of writing. Once freed from the powers of the underworld, the king would enact the rite of hieros gamos on the 10th day of the ceremony. During this rite, the king (or En, as he was known in Sumer) would perform sexual intercourse with his spouse, normally a high priestess who had been chosen from among the naditum, a special class of priestesses who had taken a vow not of celibacy precisely, but of a refusal to bear children. The high priestess was known as the entu, and her ritual act of intercourse with the king was thought to regenerate the cosmos through a reenactment of the primordial coupling of the cosmic parents An and Ki, who had brought the world into being at the dawn of Time. If an eclipse of the sun fell on any of the 12 days of the ceremony, a substitute for the king was put in his place, since it was thought that any evils which might have befallen the king would accrue to the substitute instead. On the last day of the festival, the king was slain so that he could battle at Marduk's side. To spare their king, Mesopotamians often utilized a mock king, played by a criminal who was anointed as king before the start of Zagmuk, and killed on the last day.
Sacred sexual intercourse is thought to have been common in the Ancient Near East[2] as a form of "Sacred Marriage" or hieros gamos between the kings of a Sumerian city-state and the High Priestesses of Inanna, the Sumerian goddess of love, fertility and warfare. Along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers there were many shrines and temples dedicated to Inanna. The temple of Eanna, meaning "house of heaven"[3] in Uruk[4] was the greatest of these. The temple housed Nadītu, priestesses of the goddess. The high priestess would choose for her bed a young man who represented the shepherd Dumuzid, consort of Inanna, in a hieros gamos celebrated during the annual Duku ceremony, just before Invisible Moon, with the autumn Equinox[5] (Autumnal Zag-mu Festival). In astronomy, the new moon is the first lunar phase, when the Moon and Sun have the same ecliptic longitude.[2] At this phase, the lunar disk is not visible to the naked eye, except when it is silhouetted against the Sun during a solar eclipse.
Hieros gamos, hieros (ἱερός) meaning "holy" or "sacred" and gamos (γάμος) meaning "marriage," or Hierogamy (Greek ἱερὸς γάμος, ἱερογαμία "holy marriage"), is a sacred marriage that plays out between gods, especially when enacted in a symbolic ritual where human participants represent the deities.
The notion of hieros gamos does not always presuppose literal sexual intercourse in ritual, but is also used in purely symbolic or mythological context, notably in alchemy and hence in Jungian psychology. Hieros gamos is described as the prototype of fertility rituals.[1]
Maybe it also connects to Berserk's eclipse:
The Eclipse (蝕; literally "occultation"), also known as an occultation ceremony, is a rare sacrificial ceremony occurring once every 216 years, during which a new member of the God Hand is to be born.
Griffith's occultation is alluded to in a Holy See prophecy which states that the appearance of a red lake when the sun "dies five times" heralds the birth of an angel signaling the beginning of an "age of darkness".[10] In a fierce battle with Guts and Griffith, Zodd recognizes Griffith's importance after noticing the young man's Crimson Beherit and so spares him.[11] The Eclipse occurs a year after Griffith is rescued by the Band of the Falcon from his crippling imprisonment in the Tower of Rebirth.[12] 
It may be referencing to Mirrai Nikki as well? After all it's the Termination Festival. Interestingly, Samarie wasn't included as a participant at first:
You’ll surrender now, we are sure of what we see….
Thee can’t resist this fantasy!!!!!
Consentes: Juno, Jupiter,
Minerva, Apollo, Mars, Ceres,
Mercury, Diana, Bacchus,
Vulcan, Pluto, Vesta, Venus.
Deep in the abyss of light slumber, we sway with half-closed eyelids.
Smiling, the gods of dreams and fantasy elegantly impart death,
while the chains of karma, which dictates time and space, are becoming tangled.
It's a fantasy program bestowed by the gods.
Saa eins zwei drei! We shall become one.
Saa eins zwei drei! We shall evade death.
We'll snatch away the miracle that's thirsting for a survival game of annihilation,
just like a spiral.
Consentes: Juno, Jupiter,
Minerva, Apollo, Mars, Ceres,
Mercury, Diana, Bacchus,
Vulcan, Pluto, Vesta, Venus.
As though to rewrite the transient foam-like future,
the noises of reincarnation, which holds the fantasies together, are resounding.
Time is distorting, while the melodies and laws of karma are crumbling away.
It's a succession program bestowed by the gods.
Saa eins zwei drei! We shall become links of one chain.
Saa eins zwei drei!We shall shake ourselves free of death.
We'll contend for a miracle that will fight against this eraser game of annihilation,
just like a fantasy dream.
It's a puppet program bestowed by the gods.
Saa eins zwei drei! We shall become one.
Saa eins zwei drei! We shall evade death.
Saa eins zwei drei! We shall become links of one chain.
Saa eins zwei drei! We shall shake ourselves free of death.
We'll snatch away the miracle that's thirsting for a survival game of annihilation,
just like a spiral.
The bystanders, while pitying us,
were even farther away than the life or death we longed for.
In a tiny garden at the end of the ends,
I believed that there would be a boundless miracle.
Resurrection by Erection? Termina Festival is 3 days after all:
When purgatory's waiting the girl immaculate
The highest of commandments dictates to copulate
No grave is animated, you're buried all alone
So let her work a wonder and wake your flesh and bone
Resurrection by erection
Raise your phallus to the sky and you never die
It's resurrection by erection
Raise your bone up to the sky and you never gonna die
Hallelujah, resurrection
The funeral is calling the mortuary blow
Between my legs I'm waking, I rise from down below
Why do you think, believer, God gave you carnal lust?
So pray to get a hard on before we turn to dust
Resurrection by erection
Raise your phallus to the sky and you never die
It's resurrection by erection
When you wake up from the dead, and the angels give a head
Hallelujah, resurrection
Now I want my resurrection
Oh, I long for resurrection
All I want is resurrection now
(Resurrection!) Now!
The devil and the maiden prepare for going wild
The new messiah calling the purgatory child
Before my flesh is fading the virgin has a turn
The third of days we're climbing the point of no return
Resurrection (resurrection) by erection (by erection)
Raise your phallus to the sky and you never die
It's resurrection (resurrection) by erection (by erection)
Raise your bone up to the sky and you never gonna die
Hallelujah, resurrection
Maybe Prehevil will be the new Maha'bre? Will Samarie be the new replacement of Sylvian? Will Marina replace Grogoroth's position? A rebirth reunion for the two? Marina being Griffith and Grogoroth is fucking absurd that it's too goddamn funny, I want it to happen.
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zaktours · 2 months
Ancient Egyptian Gods: A Pantheon Wrapped in Mystery
Ancient Egyptian Gods: A Legacy of Divine Influence
The land of Egypt stands as a timeless testament to a civilization deeply immersed in a world where gods and goddesses reigned supreme. Amidst the golden sands and monumental pyramids, the Ancient Egyptians cultivated a rich polytheistic tapestry, serving an array of deities that shaped every aspect of their existence. The epoch of polytheism thrived save for Pharaoh Akhenaten's fleeting call to monotheism, which ultimately returned to the traditional worship of a multitude of divine entities, roughly totaling 2000 recognized gods and goddesses.
The Divine Hierarchy and Their Influence on Society
In the lives of the Ancient Egyptians, the gods were ever-present. Interacting with the divine was a part of daily life, influencing everything from fertility to the passage into the afterlife. The divine hierarchy was tiered with local gods associated with specific towns and national gods revered across the empire. Rituals of adoration and grand festivals honored the deities, seeking their favor and goodwill.
Deities of Renown: The Core of Egyptian Belief
Among the revered, Amun stood tall as a creator deity, ascending to the status of a national god when Thebes rose to capital prominence. Merging with Ra, the sun deity, he formed Amun-Ra, embodying creation, wind, and hidden mysteries. Ra, with his falcon head, fathered the pantheon, a ruler amongst gods.
Geb: Geb, the god of the earth, was a pivotal figure in the Ancient Egyptian pantheon. Revered as the husband of the sky goddess Nut, he represented the fertile lands and was often depicted with green skin symbolizing vegetation. Geb could be both a benevolent provider, offering the nutrients necessary for agriculture, and a destructive force during earthquakes. He was a key player in the grand cosmic order, forming the foundation upon which the gods, humans, and all of creation existed.  
Ihy: Ihy was a youthful deity, a god of music and joy within the Egyptian pantheon. He was often celebrated as the son of Hathor, the goddess of love and beauty, and Horus, the god of kingship and the sky. Ihy was depicted as a child with the sidelock of youth, playing a sistrum. He brought merriment to the gods and humans alike, symbolizing the vivacity and pleasures that music and dance bring to life.  
Nut: Nut was the goddess of the sky, her body arching protectively over the earth. Every day, she would give birth to the sun in the morning, swallowing it again at dusk. As the mother of Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys, Nut played a central role in many of the Ancient Egyptians' most sacred myths. She was often portrayed in tomb paintings as a star-speckled woman, offering the souls of the dead safe passage to the heavens.  
Sobek: Sobek, with his commanding crocodile form, was a deity of strength and power. His influence was dual-natured; he could incite fear due to the crocodile’s natural ferocity yet was also seen as a protective force, warding off evil and providing guidance for the Egyptian army. Sobek was honored in regions where crocodiles were prevalent, seen as both a creator and guardian deity.  
Anubis: Anubis was the jackal-headed god of mummification and the afterlife. His presence was key in the process of death and burial, presiding over embalming and guiding souls to the judgment hall of Osiris. Anubis was also a protector of graves, ensuring that the spiritual journey to the afterlife for the deceased was secure.  
Seth: Seth, also known as Set, was the god of chaos, storms, and war. As the embodiment of discord, he murdered and dismembered his brother Osiris, only to be challenged by Horus, the avenger. In spite of his malign associations, Seth was also revered as a defender against outside forces, suggesting an appreciation for his strength and the necessary balance of chaos within the order.  
Osiris: Osiris was revered as the god of the afterlife, resurrection, and fertility. This benevolent deity was central to Egyptian mythology as a symbol of rebirth, and he presided over the judgment of souls. The cyclic nature of his story, mirroring the rise and fall of the Nile, established him as a paramount figure in the understanding of life, death, and the promise of eternal life.  
Ma'at: Ma'at personified truth, balance, and cosmic order. She was the foundation upon which society and the universe were predicated. Ma'at was not just a goddess to be worshipped but a principle to be lived, her feather symbolizing the criterion against which the hearts of the dead were weighed. Justice and harmony were her offerings to the world of gods and mortals alike.  
Isis: Isis, known as the goddess of a thousand names, was venerated for her magical prowess and her role as a divine mother, wife, and healer. She was pivotal in the story of Osiris, aiding in his resurrection, and was a protective figure for Horus. Her worship transcended borders, and she became one of the most widely revered deities in the Mediterranean world.  
Horus: Horus, the falcon-headed god, was the epitome of kingship and the sky. He was the son of Isis and Osiris, and his battles against Seth to avenge his father's death underscored the theme of rightful rulership and balance. Pharaohs identified themselves with Horus in life and with Osiris in death, signifying the perpetual role of the king in Egyptian ideology.  
Hathor: The cow goddess Hathor was a multifaceted deity of love, motherhood, and music. As the Eye of Ra and the celestial mother of the pharaohs, she held a nurturing aspect. Temples dedicated to Hathor celebrated her benevolence and her aspects as the patroness of women, fertility, and the festivities that were integral to Egyptian social life.  
Ra: Ra was the sun god, the supreme deity of the Egyptian pantheon. Each day he sailed across the sky in his solar boat, a journey fraught with battles against the serpent Apep, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness. Ra was a creator god, his eminence unrivaled, as he brought forth life with his very tears, a testament to his generative power.  
Amun: Amun, initially a local Theban deity, rose to national prominence, eventually merging with Ra to become Amun-Ra, an emblem of ultimate authority and the creative force. His hidden nature stood in parallel with his visible power and might. As the "King of the Gods," Amun held a central role in state rituals and the articulation of royal power throughout the New Kingdom period and beyond.  
Divine Representations: The Gods in Art and Culture
The depiction of gods in Egyptian culture was distinct, a blend of human and animal traits that embodied their divine roles. Common symbols like the ankh, the atef crown, and the double crown communicated the traits and authority of the deities. These icons defined their divine narrative, each a visual testament to their presence and power.
The Creation Saga and The Cycle of Day and Night
The genesis of the world began with Nun, from which Ra emerged, bringing forth existence itself. The saga unfolded with tearful reunions and the birth of the first humans, setting the stage for the daily dance of the heavens as Ra traversed the sky.
Devotion in Everyday Practices
The average citizen engaged in daily rituals, giving offerings at temples or home altars. Festivals were communal celebrations where gods paraded and devotees received a share of the sacrificial bounty. Votive offerings left by worshippers were tangible petitions for divine favor, while familial piety was expressed through gifts to the deceased, made in hopes that Osiris would extend his benevolence to souls beyond the mortal coil.
Intercession and Ritual Authority
Oracles served as a bridge between the mortal and the divine, as prayers and hymns permeated temple walls, uplifting the deeds of the gods. While the king was the principal ceremonial figure, high priests and powerful priestesses like the 'god’s wife of Amun' assumed roles of ritual importance, sustaining the intricate web of worship that ensnared the hearts of Ancient Egyptians.
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mid0o · 6 months
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Hathor column capitals. Temple of Hatshepsut (1508-1458 BC), 18th Dynasty.
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echoes-of-kemet · 2 years
Groups of Gods
For sake of reference (and informing as I see some people using "Ennead" to refer to the pantheon as a whole), here's a list of some groups in Ancient Egyptian mythology. Note: I'm only mentioning the ones employed in my writing, but there are absolutely others. Mostly familial triads, but there's a few exceptions.
The Great Ennead: nine deities worshipped at Heliopolis. This includes the sun god Atum (commonly conflated erroneously with Amun and combined with Ra), his children Tefnut and Shu, grandchildren Geb and Nut, and great grandchildren Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys. Occasionally, Horus the Younger was included, as well as extended family members such as Anubis, Hathor, and Thoth.
The Memphis Triad: centered in Memphis, the once capital of Ancient Egypt. This group consists of the city's patron deity Ptah and his family, wife Bast (or sometimes Sekhmet) and son Nefertem.
The Ogdoad: eight primordial deities worshipped in Heliopolis, tied to the Ennead. This includes the male and female counterparts of Nu, Hehu, Kekui, and Qerh. Sometimes, Amun (and his feminine counterpart Amaunet) was included in place of another, but Nu was the most consistently featured.
The Theban Triad: most popular in Thebes, this group consists of husband Amun, wife Mut, and son Khonshu.
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egyptologylessons · 1 year
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Counterpoise with Horus in the Marshes 📸 1. Horus 𓅄 “ḥrw” wearing the double crown of Egypt - Peshent 𓌂𓐍𓏏𓋖 “sḫm.ty” ‘The Two Powerful Ones’ (Double Crown) standing in a palace (kinship) and in serround by papyrus plants 𓇅𓏤𓆰 “w3ḏ” from the marshes 𓋴𓐍𓏏𓇏𓈅 “sḫ.t” of the Delta of Lower Egypt/North 𓇾𓇊 “t3-mḥw” from where he was born 𓄟𓋴𓁒 “ms”. 📸 2. Aset 𓊨𓏏𓆇 “3s.t” is breastfeeding 𓋴𓃀𓈖𓏏𓀔𓁐 “sbn.t” the child Horus. She is standing and wearing a tripartite wig of vulture motif representing the goddess Mut 𓏏𓅑𓁐 “mwt” and with disked horns of the goddess Hathor 𓉡 “ḥw.t-ḥr” ‘The Temple of Horus’ l. She is breastfeeding Harpocrate (the child Horus) who is standing naked 𓇇𓄿𓇌𓋳 “ḥ3y” and wears the pschent crown and holds the ankh 𓋹𓈖𓐍 “ˁnḫ” (symbol for life). A chapel of papyriform columns, from the hathoric capital, serround the pair. 📸 @museelouvre 𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬 @egyptologylessons 𓋹𓊽𓋴𓆖𓎛𓇳𓎛 © 𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁 #Ancientegypt #ägypten #egyptology #egypte #egitto #egipto #이집트 #horus #counterpoise #egyptianjewelry #aset #marshes #mythology https://www.instagram.com/p/CnuYMAFuQVQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whoxohm · 2 months
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# The Passenger Pigeon Party. (Now inc)
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khaire-traveler · 9 months
Hathor and Venus for the mythology asks!
Heyo! Yes, yes, here we go.
Hathor: What brings you joy?
My pets, my friends, sharing things I love with others, roleplaying, writing, photography, playing Baldur's Gate 3, taking a long drive while listening to good music, singing, waking up from a cool ass dream, watching cartoons, watching anime, dismantling capitalism, dancing, telling stories, being mischievous, making people laugh, amusement park rides, and many other things.
Venus: Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes, many, many times, but recovering from such hardships is a part of life. It teaches us about ourselves, and we can form a closer relationship with who we are as people. Within these hardships lies an opportunity to grow, for even the sunflower couldn't bloom without a storm first. Eventually, there will be sun.
If you want to participate, here's the link to the ask game!
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lailaessam2910 · 2 years
Luxor’s Governor discusses preparations for the winter tourism season
Minister of Tourism and Antiquities for Tourism Affairs met with the Governor of Luxor to discuss a number of files that would contribute to pushing the incoming tourist movement to Luxor that will participate in Egypt Travel Packages.
she also met with a group of investors, owners, and managers of fixed and floating hotel establishments in the governorate to discuss preparations for the winter tourism season, stressing the need for all hotel and tourist establishments to adhere to all procedures and requirements for health and food safety standards that can be offered through Egypt Classic Tours and also one of the most unique tours that exists in Egypt which Egypt Nile Cruise Tours that allows you to discover the historical monuments in Luxor and Aswan sites that can be visited during Egypt Luxury Tours that offers high standard services in addition to the adventure that you can try during one of Egypt Cheap budget tours that can be easily accessed for people who suffer injuries through Egypt Wheelchair Accessible tour packages or while having fun during your Egypt Christmas tour which also can be done at the fresh air in April during Egypt Easter tours.
Only Luxor Governorate contains a third of the world's monuments that you can discover during the Luxor day tour to the east and the west Bank on both sides of the river while visiting the magnificent temple complex of Karnak and the Luxor temple on the east bank, before moving to the west bank to visit the valley of the kings. You'll take many tours and excursions in Luxor, visiting the western and eastern banks of Luxor, as well as in Aswan, where you can visit the High Dam and the Temple of Philae during the Luxor Aswan Cruise with Abu Simble tour. Experience the hot air balloon ride in Luxor which takes place over the largest open-air museum in the world it also overlooks the clear blue water of the Nile River and the green gardens of Luxor through the Luxor Hot Air Balloon Ride. discover the attractive antiques of the Egyptian Museum, the churches, and the mosques of Cairo you can have a Day trip to Cairo from Luxor by flight. Spend an unexceptional day Tour to Edfu and Kom Ombo temples from Luxor to enjoy the site where the kings of ancient Egypt built their palaces and temples. Enjoy fantastic nighttime that can never be ignored on the fascinating laser data show during the Sound and Light show in Karnak temple. Dendera and Abydos tour from Luxor is the way to discover the temple of Abydos which is dedicated to the god Osiris, the god of the underworld and death together with the temple of the cow Goddess Hathor at Dendera. Luxor West Bank tour will make you able to watch the impressive wonders of the west bank such as the Valley of the Queens and the Ramesseum temple of king Rameses II. Take the opportunity and visit Luxor East Bank including the temple of Luxor and Karnak temples. an Overnight tour to EL-Minya from Luxor is a chance to discover the secrets of upper Egypt where the ancient capital of King Akhenaton is at tell el Amarna. Banana Island Tour in Luxor can attract you with its little banana plantation, where you can know more about how they are being kept.
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@cairo-top-tours @sohilaesam @hagerkamal @travelegyptinstylewithme
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Columns With Hathor Capitals In The Outer Hypostyle Hall
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reglupin · 2 months
Um dos melhores exemplos da magnitude e esplendor de Alexandria na Antiguidade é o seu farol, construído na ilha de Pharos a mando de Ptolomeu ii. Idealizada pelo arquiteto e engenheiro grego Sóstrato de Cnido, a obra tinha 150 metros de altura e foi considerada o único arranha-céu do mundo durante muitos anos. Um terremoto no século xiv teria destruído o que sobrara do farol original.
Até hoje, os pesquisadores divergem sobre o funcionamento do sistema de iluminação utilizado pelos construtores, avançado para a época. Provavelmente, a luz vinha de uma tocha alimentada por madeira e era refletida por um complexo sistema de espelhos a até 50 quilômetros de distância, orientando a navegação.
O farol tinha vários pavimentos assentados sobre uma base quadrada, tudo construído em granito e revestido por mármore e calcário. No topo, ficava uma estátua de Zeus, o deus grego guardião dos mares. A parte de baixo era usada para os serviços administrativos, já que cerca de cem pessoas trabalhavam no farol para mantê-lo aceso constantemente.
Apesar da modernidade da capital helenística, o Egito era um país rural e agrícola. A maioria da população egípcia vivia em vilas e trabalhava nas terras dos reis e dos nobres. As vilas estavam sob administração de um monarca regional, indicado pelo rei, a quem cabia representar o governo, cobrar impostos e decidir disputas locais, como um juiz de pequenas causas. Havia ainda os sacerdotes, uma espécie de casta responsável pela manutenção e funcionamento dos templos e monumentos religiosos.
O politeísmo dominava o Egito. Os ptolomeus, como Alexandre antes deles e os faraós, se esmeraram em deixar claro que respeitavam as crenças, os deuses e os ritos religiosos locais. Mandaram reformar templos e construir novos, participavam de festivais e atividades religiosas, aceitavam a adoração e o sacrifício de animais. Com esse tipo de atitude, esperavam conquistar apoio e veneração popular.
Uma das grandes contribuições dos ptolomeus à religiosidade egípcia foi a construção do templo de Dendera, dedicado à deusa Hathor, mulher de Hórus (filho de Osíris e Ísis), e voltado para tratamentos curativos. Cleópatra visitou-o algumas vezes com o filho mais velho, Cesário. Trata-se de um complexo de edifícios numa área de 40 mil m2 que passou por várias reformas e ampliações, inclusive durante o período romano. As origens do templo podem ser até mais antigas, da era faraônica.
A religião egípcia, de qualquer forma, requeria a existência de um rei porque ele era o canal com deus e a representação viva do próprio deus. Sem um rei, mesmo estrangeiro, os fiéis sentiam-se desamparados. Os ptolomeus nunca foram tão amados quanto os antigos faraós, mas certamente alcançaram o respeito do povo. Eram mais conhecidos e populares em Alexandria, onde se concentrava a comunidade de origem grega.
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