#Having to survive as a literal child by herself during the end of the world
athingfromtheforest · 9 months
who else thinks bear is possibly the most traumatised character in sweet tooth
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hoyotournament · 2 months
Quarterfinals: Bronya Zaychik vs Collei
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(Propaganda under the cut)
Bronya Zaychik:
revamping this bc i feel like it could be better: i love her so so bad <3. canonically disabled lesbian who has trouble with feeling intense emotions BUT HER ENTIRE CHARACTER REVOLVES AROUND LOVE!! whether it be from her romantic love of seele in the early game/manhua (it being the primary motivation for her to take care of herself and a partial reflection of her initial goal of saving seele from the quantam space no matter what); familial love surrounding her (her inheritance of the legacy of reason from welt yang who lost his own father, her guardians love for her being the only reason shes survived for so long even after their death <- many examples of that but the most obvious one being alexandra trading her own life for bronya via misteln, cocolia's relationship with bronya being emphasized as complex in part because of the real love they do feel for each other alongside all the other resentment from cocolia's betrayal of her), literally just. the core of reason and its 300,000 minds being representative of welt joyce's decision to fight for humanity because he loved humanity from that. and all of this from (again!!!) a canonically disabled lesbian! who's character and marginalized identities have been dehumanized over and over again in real life and in the plot! this isn't even mentioning how her entire arc exemplifies honkai's theme of agency!! which makes me sob my eyes out bc bronya hasn't really been allowed agency since she came to cocolia's orphanage!! she was a child mercenary who's lost her home and guardians over and over and over again and forced to care for herself when she was young. her first true point of domestic stability was in cocolia's orphanage (which even then wasn't perfect!! cocolia, for how much she loved her children, still asked them to participate in dangerous experiments!) and when that was threatened because of her loss of seele and her trust in cocolia, she chose to leave. her agency is also exemplified with cocolia literally taking over her body in the early chapters of the game and ofc the parallels w wendy. AND DO YOU SEE HOW THIS CONNECTS TO WELT JOYCE, HUMANITY'S ADAM, WHO CHOSE TO FIGHT FOR HUMANITY AND EMBRACE HIMSELF AS A HUMAN INSPITE OF HIS ORIGIN AS THE CURRENT ERA'S FIRST HERRSCHER AND HOW THAT ALSO EXTENDS BACK TO ELYSIA'S SACRIFICE? she's so important to me everyone watch cyberangel rn.
MY DEADALIVEGIRL!!!!!!!!!! i genuinely don't even know where to start. collei is such a beautiful beautiful character who's entire story revolves around a girl who's been dehumanized and exploited for her entire life, healing through compassion and a recognition of her own humanity. first of all, when we meet collei in the genshin manhua, she is full of vitriolic anger and hate at both the world and herself. she's been dehumanized over and over and over again and because its a repetitive experience, she fully believes that her lack of worth is something innately true. this only changes when someone (amber) shows her unrelenting compassion and trust. amber goes against everything that collei believed about herself. amber tells her that she is not only capable of good, but she is good. amber reinforces this novel idea that collei deserves goodness. and that realization is the moment that collei begins recognizing her own humanity, and thus, recognizing her own potential to grow, heal, and be the good person that amber knows she is. every moment thus forth is a demonstration of her attempts to grow and be kind!!!! she decides to go through with cyno's sealing ritual even with its conditions! she asks lisa to help her write a letter at the end of the manhua! she mends amber's tattered clothes like she promised! she decides to go to sumeru, a land of wisdom! it's so pertinent to her character that she gains her vision (representative of her ambition) during a show of compassion (protecting a child during a dangerous storm)! it's even in her symbolism with the way she's constantly referred to as a sproutling. NOT EVEN MENTIONING HOW THE REBIRTH METAPHOR THATS APPLIED TO HER CHARACTER (re: sprout of rebirth, revived serval, cyno and anubis and their ritual) IS SO DEEPLY CONNECTED TO SUMERU (her being the first sumeru character we know of and having that rebirth metaphor hinted at in the manhua! that rebirth metaphor carrying over to the actual sumeru plot w nahida! the rebirth metaphor tying in with the snake and cat symbolism that she and the archon residue complete!!!!!!) she's just such a loaded character!! AND collei's one of the few genshin characters with canonical cptsd who has identifiable and realistically common triggers. most importantly, the game acknowledges that its there and in spite of that, shows her resilience in still trying and healing!!!! my disabled deadalive mummygirl i love her so bad.
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nordickies · 8 months
I'm curious, how do you view Åland in your head? Are they Sweden and Finland's kid or something else? How about Faroe, what is their relationship to Denmark? Or Greenland (I know for a fact that Greenland's relationship with Denmark isn't good)
Sorry for the long ask ;w;
Hello anon! It's not a long question! I just don't really know how to introduce these guys, so let's start with an oversimplified relationship chart, I guess?
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Quick explanation under the cut. I don't know why it is so scary to talk about my OCs publicly, aah
Åland isn't Sweden and Finland's kid, but she's significantly younger than them, and they did end up practically raising her together. I've been going back and forth on whether I want her to be their "kid" or not - but in the end, I decided to apply the same logic I use with Denmark and Iceland; it's some kind of guardianship.
To me, guardianship means person X is looking after person Y and being responsible for their upbringing. In these instances, we're talking about significantly younger Nations that have been juveniles for most of their lifetime; someone has needed to take the custodian responsibility over them. But because the relationship can be interpreted as parental or siblinglike (with a significant age gap), I just prefer to use the term "guardian."
Faroe, just like Iceland, was raised by Denmark. Except unlucky for him, he's still stuck with the old man. Faroe just tends to get forgotten a lot. He's a friendly young gentleman, the "easy" child in a messy household, if you will. Though he wishes he made more of a noise about himself - to remind everyone that he exists and show that he's indeed an individual. Well, at least he has Åland to keep him company, since they're both doomed to sit at the "kids' table" during family gatherings. And yes, they're the same age as Iceland
While Denmark has been Greenland's "guardian" on paper, they never developed that kind of relationship. She doesn't feel particularly close to him and for various reasons, she never adjusted to her "adoptive" family. The relationship is rough but they still try to make it work somehow. Nowadays, she's happier with home rule, slowly making her way toward potential full independence. Greenland, Kalaallit Nunaat, has been inhabited by indigenous people for thousands of years. But this isn't the same Greenland that would have been around during the Viking Age. I'm just basing that on the fact that the ancestors of the modern people of Greenland, the Inuit, came to the island from the east in the 13th century, referred to as the Thule culture, which replaced the former Dorset/Tuniit culture.
Sápmi is the oldest Nation of the bunch by a long margin. Because of this, she has acted as a mentor figure to the Fennoscandians in their youth and is often referred to as their "aunt." Sápmi's relationship with her neighbors has been extremely turbulent. But still, she remembers them as hopeless little kids getting lost in the wilderness, whom she taught survival skills. She sees them as her unruly boys but feels especially bad that Finland had to grow up so soon. She still finds herself scolding Sweden, who to this day acts like a little kid around her. Norway views her in high regard, someone he goes to with his worries and feelings. She's a nation with no state, but tries her best to represent her people and culture to the world.
Karelia is an older Nation as well, perhaps older than the Scandinavians. Karelia is a Baltic-Finnic nation extending from Lake Ladoga to the White Sea. She has longtime connections with Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Ingria, Sápmi, Russia, and Ukraine. But she has always been a nation between East and West, being literally split between them even to this day. Karelia's borders have changed constantly throughout history, making the region extremely diverse. Because of this, and her people being broken apart multiple times in recent memory, her identity feels a bit shattered. Yet it's incredibly strong, with colorful culture, traditions, and language - being unique from the other Finnic groups.
I personally think that Nations and their relationships with each other don't have to be 1-1 adaptations to their real-life counterparts, where every single historical event plays out exactly like in a textbook. History, culture, politics, and, most importantly, people's personal experiences and relationships with their country will always be individual even to people from the same group. But we also shouldn't completely ignore and sugarcoat history, thus downplaying or, in the worst case, contributing to the ongoing harm. So, as rich as the source to create OCs is in this fandom, it's also an endless loophole with no clear answer to anything. But as long as we're ready to be respectful, be willing to learn, and keep an open mind, I don't see a problem with it <3
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bohemian-nights · 9 months
In defense of Nettles innocence 🐑
Unpopular opinions coming through, Nettles is one of the most innocent characters during the Dance.
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Every account of her being “less than innocent” comes from biased sources(the chroniclers) that don’t think that a lowborn girl, especially a homeless Black lowborn girl with a prostitute for a mother who’s had to steal for her supper, can be innocent. She’s simply not allowed to be innocent(other than acknowledging that the execution orders for her were wrong) based on the boxes that she’s been put into.
When you are dealing with a character like Netty you can't take one action in a vacuum. You have to cipher through the biased accounts and take into her entire life story to see who she is. When you actually look at her you have a girl who still possesses a great deal of empathy and compassion despite everything she’s been through and she’s been through a lot.
We never see her harming innocents. During the Battle of the Gullet, we see her defending her home(Driftmark) from the Triarchy:
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The civilian casualties came from the Triarchy’s end, not Nettles and Sheepstealer who had come in to attack their ships at sea after they(the Triarchy) had already attacked Driftmark. Nettles never rained “fire and blood” down on the innocent people of Driftmark. She had only come in to protect them.
Furthermore, she shows great empathy when Jace a boy she barely knew was killed before his time during the battle. She mourns for his loss and sacrifice(in conjecture with witnessing the overall destruction of her home).
When the Blacks take the capital, shes not raining down fire balls, she literally just lands her dragon on Visenya’s Hill:
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She isn’t a warmonger, or a war criminal, and while she’s technically a soldier, we don’t see her harming any civilians or instigating any fights. She sees very little combat and she’s not terrorizing everyday citizens.
Now onto her “innocence” or lack thereof. If she was forced to prostitute herself(aka if you believe that she’s not a maiden) then it’s most certainly not because she wanted to:
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Her losing her virginity isn’t an empowering moment. It’s not a moment we should look onto to show she’s got agency or control or God forbid that she’s a wanton Jezebel. It’s a moment where we see just how dire her circumstances were. We can see how Westeros society harms girls like Nettles and leaves them vulnerable to abuse.
Nettles isn’t willingly having sex(we’ve got no indication of her having normal sexual relations with a lover, with the exception of Daemon, only that she potentially trades sex to feed her belly).
She's not some liberated medieval woman who because of her low status in society has sexual freedom. She’s not choosing to f*ck. That’s not what is happening here. It’s about survival plain and simple. In a world where women do not have many options and lowborn women even less, this is her only option. The option being rape(because again this isn’t something she wants).
She’s potentially a victim of pedophilic rapists. She would’ve forced herself to endure rape when she was a child as young as 9 all to feed herself. The act of losing her innocence is a sin on her abusers and not on her.
Let’s talk about her relationship with Daemon Targaryen. The most “villainous” thing she does is sleep with a man, Daemon, in an open marriage:
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A man with whom she finds some amount of happiness (and she’s gotten so little of that). A relationship that hurts no one except her when it’s cruelly ripped away from her (and leaves her reeling in the aftermath because unfortunately, she’s the innocent who suffers from loving a man like Daemon).
In her other sexual dealings(her rape) she isn’t willingly choosing the course of action she’s taking. She’s doing so to survive, but with Daemon for the first time in her life, it’s not only about survival. It’s about her joy. This is what she wants and she puts herself and has someone who is willing to put her needs first.
As far as her slaughtering sheep and symbolism go, the sheep are more so a metaphor for herself. The sheep are her, not her victims or her sins. She's the lamb for slaughter. She's the innocent who is destroyed and transformed by others' sins to
Slaughtering the black ram(which symbolizes strength, determination, and triumph over one’s enemies) when she leaves Daemon marks her final transformation, because up until then I think she had hope and had found some happiness/peace in where she was. She is still a seed sprouting.
However, the last shred of what was is taken away with her execution orders. She therefore grows as a person. She’s overcome what has been thrown at her to come into her own. She is not beholden to anyone. She's her own woman. Yet at the same time, she’s still the same empathetic fearless Netty that she was. Those demons who sought to destroy her did not break her spirit. She's just been freed from them.
At the end of the day, Nettles is just a young woman who’s been dealt an unfair hand in life but still manages to rise above it all and never impart harm on a world that has harmed her.
She’s a scrappy girl who has to do what she has to, but she's not a “bad girl.” She hasn’t done anything reckless or harmful enough(any time she attacks, or steals, or whatever it’s in self-defense) to be considered a “bad girl” (which is why I find the accusation that she is downright untrue when you look at her character's actions) or that she’s even “morally gray” or a “wayward girl.” I think she’s an all around good person who hasn’t done anything fundamentally wrong especially considering the world she lives in.
Nettles is well within her rights to exact some vengeance on a world that has shown her nothing but cruelty and contempt, but when it’s all said and done what does she do? She chooses to lead a quiet life away from it all. She isolates herself and shuns polite society. She chooses peace and solitude rather than violence.
Does Nettles have to be an innocent character? No, but leading with the argument that she’s somehow a deeply flawed character who’s not a innocent to prove a point that you can do bad things and still deserve sympathy which is an important point to make, but it isn’t telling her story. There are plenty of characters throughout the Dance who are less than innocent that you can sympathize with, Nettles, however, isn’t one of them.
I think it’s a cop-out to say that Nettles isn’t innocent because that’s how the world, both ours and in universe, sees her. She’s not a mother whose innocent child has been unjustly murdered right before her eyes, or a little girl who witnessed her family killing each other, and she’s not one of the faceless victims of the Dance. She doesn’t have blonde hair or pale skin.
Physically, she’s not what we think of when we think of “innocent” and that blinds our own opinions of her and her story despite who she’s shown to be.
It takes more to see past our biases, to take off the goggles, and to truly recognize that she’s not a corrupted person than to say that she’s innocent because that is what we see when we look at her.
We don’t recognize that someone like Nettles is one of the innocents whose life was almost destroyed by the destruction around her. We don’t see that she is unquestionably a good girl who has a lot of garbage thrown her way but manages to rise above it and not sink into its depravity because that is not what we have been taught to see.
Instead, we see the less-than-innocent girl who while she did not deserve to be murdered, she still has something about her that leaves one feeling like she is tainted.
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cosmiclion · 4 months
An egg in the process of cracking 🥚
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A design of younger Grell from my AU (she's about 20 here). I changed almost everything from her backstory since I first came up with this AU, notes (that I've been working on for months lol) under the cut.
(Also yes, I hid the hands behind the body because I didn't wanna draw them, don't mention it ☠️).
-Born in February 17th, 1863 in England, in this universe she's not a reaper but she's still not human.
-She's a werecat (I explored the concept for the first time in this post and I liked it so much that I ended up using it for my main AU). While werebeasts have a human form they are 100% nonhuman as the curse that turns someone into one fully alters their DNA. Adults are immune to the curse, which means if an adult gets bitten and survives they won't turn. However, cases of teenagers and younger surviving an attack aren't enough to properly determine up until which age a person can be affected. A child can also be born a werebeast as the curse can be passed to a fetus if a pregnant person gets bitten. The latter is Grell's case, as her mother got attacked during pregnancy.
-While she didn’t actually transform until her early teens, she did show feline traits from the beginning, such as a desire to hunt and chase small animals and moving objects, climbing trees or other structures, hiding in narrow spaces, etc.
-A homeschooled and pretty sheltered only child, with dead maternal grandparents, a dead father, an emotionally distant mother who eventually bailed on her and paternal grandparents who loved and spoiled her but didn’t really understand her on a deep level, Grell grew up angry and frustrated. She had always felt that something wasn't quite right with her, and when she slowly started to experiment to try to figure herself out she had no one to turn to. As a teenager she decided to just run away from home and leave everything behind. She knew she was leaving her grandparents to die alone but she didn’t care, she had never genuinely loved them anyway.
-She chose her own name AND surname, the first after a nickname her German grandparents often called her and the latter after a character from a book she liked.
-Struggles a lot with internalized misogyny thanks to a mix of her mother’s neglect and eventual abandonment and her grandparents only talking shit about said mother whenever they mentioned her, which greatly contributed to shape her views on motherhood and womanhood in general. Would love to have a child of her own but deep down that’s just because of her dysphoria, in reality she has very little patience for kids and is probably not the best parent material.
-Went through a phase of compulsive heterosexuality both when she thought she was a man and also after she realized she was a woman. Figuring out her orientation wasn’t any easier than figuring out her gender but she’s probably bi with a slight preference for men and masculinity in general.
-I still haven't come up with a story for what she does after leaving her home and before the main events, I only have some ideas. Like she's young when she goes out into the world, she's passionate and adventurous but also full of pent up anger. Also there's the small issue of her being a beast with a huge prey drive, being a trans girl in the middle of self discovery is harder when you're also learning about and trying to gain control of (or at least cope with) your literal wild side ☠️ I know that werebeasts' main driving force is hunger, and the longer they go without eating the more they revert back to a feral state. I'm tempted to make her go the serial killer route but in this case she doesn't have much control of her actions 🫢
-Her werecat form is based on a maine coon. When she first starts showing signs of therianthropy she doesn’t have much control of it, and transforming and becoming that big and rough looking makes her more dysphoric (even more so because “male” maine coons are bigger). Over time she starts accepting it and, as she discovers how powerful it makes her and all the things she can do with it and gains control of it, she fully embraces it as an important part of her.
-The only part of her feline form she cannot hide in human form are the teeth, no matter the form she takes she always has sharp fangs. This is a common trait of all werebeasts, some of them are self conscious about it and avoid smiling or opening their mouth at all while others are proud of it and will take any opportunity to flash their teeth at anyone (guess which one is Grell’s case lmao).
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dragonairice · 4 months
LOWKEY BEEN INSPIRED BY @not-sure-what-im-feeling s AWESOME OCS AND LORE (Go check them out)
And it inspired me to talk about MY ocs :D
I mention in passing that I am in fact writing a novel, but I try to avoid saying too much to prevent spoilers buuuuut I think I can keep it vague enough while still rambling <3
The novel (technically a novella) is called 'The Shadow Walker' and here's a draft of a blurb:
With no friends, an absent mom, an abusive dad, and a shadow that inexplicably went missing; Nicholas Walker is convinced his life couldn’t possibly get any worse. But everything changes when he meets something (or someone) who may or may not want him dead.
(Not the best but again it;s a draft)
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He's 12 years old and a selective mute and my scrungliest little blorbo who experiences the horrors™. He doesn't have any friends, is neglected by his parents, and all in all has a bad time before the book starts :(
The only source of healthy food in the house (he borrows money from his dad and goes to the store alone) but is severely malnourished from eating nothing more than reheated takeout his dad left in the fridge. Nick doesn't talk verbally unless it's to his dad (out of necessity) and otherwise converses in ASL (which I'm learning for this book <3). Loves pretty buildings and stargazing, has a dream of visiting things like Notre Dame and the colloseum some day and is fascinated by architecture. I just realised that this kid would adore Minecraft but anyway after things get better for him he's given Lego models of like the eiffel tower and he loves them :)
Gonna stop before I spend the entire post talking about my boy and move onto
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You know that thing that's like, "Not a bad person, just a bad parent"? Yeah. That's her. She ran away from her abusive boyfriend and left Nick behind out of fear, since she didn't know if she could survive by herself, much less with a child in tow. She ends up leaving with her best friend and they travel around the world a lot for their job. They're a musician who plays back up for bands in different places and Rachel ends up learning to play some stuff too after watching them for so long. The two end up dating at some point and they've been together ever since. Rachel still sends Nicholas a postcard every time she travels to a new place, but she doesn't have the courage to actually see him in person yet. Also fun fact. She's descended from a woman who was killed for being a 'witch' during the salem trials. This is relevant to the story :3
Do I have to talk about his dad??? Ughhhhh fine
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This is Gregory Walker. I hate him. bye.
Not but fr, he's a terrible father. Works at a convenience store and his co-workers fear him. Lives off of take-out and instant ramen, never checks on his son. Spends all his money gambling and buying alchohol. Literally would not notice if he missed an entire month of his life (*cough* foreshadowing *cough*)
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Lexi is a single mom who grew up kinda spoiled and is still figuring out how to raise a kid. Her parents are kinda helpful about it but also she doesn't want to raise Chelsea how she was raised so hgjhrj. Chelsea was orignally planned to be autistic since this entire book is a transparent cover for neurodivergent rep but the version of her in my head is so very ADHD instead. They only show up near the end of the book so I'm still experimenting with them a bit but Lexi is a huge book worm and Chelsea loves unicorns, like, I mean in the 'mythology is cool way' not the 'stereotypical girl behaviour' way. She does love pink things and sparkles though
(It's a sentient shadow, that's- do you get the pun in the name- there's three references in it-)
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go-against-fate · 2 months
tged oc info dump because ive got fuck all to do
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Frédéric-Ange Robillard
He's a painter who came from a noble family of Seers. The future is revealed to him through his paintings. As if his hands has a mind of its own, it illustrates the reality of what's to come. He doesn't have visions of it and he never knows if the future that's revealed to him would be good or bad. He just knows that his paintings has never been proved to be false
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In TKOBAI he was executed via decapitation for not obeying Alicia's order to use his Seer ability to predict the actions of her enemies. His blood would paint the ground red. And it would be his final art piece.
In TGED, a lot his paintings involved a certain brown hair civil engineer. He gets a bit tired of being shown the same guy over and over but hes glad to know that this man is trying his hardest to bring peace to the world. He eventually retired and lived a quiet life with his family
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Hailing from a small village in Sortino Barony, she's a self taught... mage? She wouldn't exactly call herself one. But either way, she can manipulate the mana around her. She always had a fascination of its correlation with life. Too bad that same fascination is also what lead her to lose her home village.
One day she was just attending the village gathering to welcome the autumn season. Then she felt a sudden surge of power roaming inside her, gradually increasing in volume. Her small body couldnt handle this huge abrupt supply of mana inside her and she could feel herself coughing until her lungs hurt, until her throat burns, until red liquid poured out. She could hear muffled screams before she blacked out. Something happened in between that and she couldnt remember. All she knows is that when she opened her eyes, everyone (but her) in the village lay lifeless and cold; her parents not excluded.
She spent the next years trying to survive by herself. It's just a good thing she had plenty of knowledge and crafty hands to aid her
In TKOBAI she would spend the rest of her remaining years alone in the forest, isolated from any human interaction. The feeling of impending doom lingers in the air. Her forest companions whisper of death and despair outside the woods, yet she's not concerned anymore. She only wonders when the sunlight would finally peek through the dark clouds. After all, her plants need sunlight to grow
In TGED she wandered north and eventually arrived to the Frontera Estate. She was given a warm welcome by the people that she met and they even gave her a place to live, food to eat, and.. a job. She doesnt complain much about it though, she's glad that her ability to help plants grow is more useful than ever now
I created Kalei before Fred, but her lore is still unfinished compared to Fred whose story I felt is already pretty solid. The one i kinda struggle to figure out with is how exactly did she absorbed the life out of the people in her village ತ⁠_⁠ತ
I was thinking maybe.. she picked up like an ancient relic when she was playing in the forest near her village thinking it was another pretty rock for her collection. And the celebration triggered the relic to activate. Basically a pebble sized life absorption relic used in ancient times during a war or somthn
Im not rocking (🥁) with her outfit now tho:/ i want to redesign it
But anyway, random facts about Kalei:
Shes that weird kid who would torture bugs by slurping their mana out of them, watch them writhe, and when theyre in the brink of passing away, she would return their mana. Shes done this to plants too. It's rather cruel but shes literally just a morbidly curious child (⁠・⁠–⁠・⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ Guess she had a fascination with how abrupt a being's life could end (funny how that is considering her backstory lol) She has done the opposite of if this too tho! Sometimes, she would give them (specifically plants) a piece of her mana and watch as they grow a teensy bit faster than before
She likes collecting rocks that she thinks looks cool. There's a corner in her room dedicated to them
She has a cane because she has a limp in her right leg. It developed after The Incident™ she tripped and sprained her ankle. Never bothered to treat it because she thought that it'll just go away on its own. It never did tho. Instead, it got worse. It's to the point that she couldnt bare to put pressure on it. In TKOBAI she straight up just amputated her leg and crafted a handmade prosthetic. However, in TGED, she did get it treated but the damage has already been done
She had to fight a squirrel for acorns once. It was not a fun memory. And not only that, she had to fight with a lot of forest critters for food. Ate a lot of dubiously edible food. I think her taste buds are dead at this point. In general tho, she was dubbed a menace to the forest creatures and they made sure to stay away from her path
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soramystic · 6 months
The actual Plot of Kingdom Hearts
Okay so here’s something that’s been bothering me that I haven’t seen anyone talk about; the macro story of Kingdom Hearts. Because it’s easy to point and kind of laughingly go “what is the plot of Kingdom Hearts anyway”, and with all the talk of Darkness and Light and Keyblades and friendship and Hearts it’s easy to lose track of so okay. Let’s take a look at what we got. The overall, actual plot of Kingdom Hearts.
So let’s zoom out. Let’s zoom all the fucking way out. The biggest scale we can go to; the two fundamental forces of Light and Darkness.
Kingdom Hearts is, fundamentally, the story of Light persevering. Let me explain.
We start with the Chi-saga. It’s the Age of Fairy Tales, the realm of Light is thriving, and as someone once so succinctly put it, everyone and their grandma has a Keyblade. This is Light at its peak. I’d even go so far as to suggest that this is the only point in the story where Light and Darkness are fully balanced. The Master of Masters does mention a before-time where he and others waged war on Darkness, so maybe not a perfect balance, but the percentages are pretty much even.
But Darkness starts to creep in, do what it does best and corrupt from the inside out. Then Daybreak Town is gone and the Keyblade Wielders are greatly diminished. The ability becomes less common, and those who possess it are to be trained carefully. Missing Link isn’t out yet so we can’t assess the state of the Light during that period, but we don’t need to, because we have Dark Road.
Keyblade Wielders are pretty much entirely limited to Scala, Daybreak Town’s descendant. (…Theory that Daybreak Town/Scala Ad Caelum is a stronghold for the Light, but that’s for another time) From what we see in Dark Road, there are still enough people with the ability to justify setting up a school for, but by the end? Darkness has struck again, and Odin is no longer accepting students, leaving himself, Xehanort, and Eraqus as the last Keyblade Wielders (not counting Luxu and Yen Sid for obvious reasons.)
Which then leads us into Birth By Sleep. How many Keyblade Wielders do we have aside from Xehanort and Eraqus? Well, there’s the Wayfinder Trio, Vanitas, and Mickey. That’s five people. Five. From the thousands upon thousands that we started out with.
And they fall. Eraqus dies. Ventus is seized by sleep, taking Vanitas with him. Aqua seals herself in the Realm of Darkness. Terra is both literally and metaphorically ripped to shreds. They still live, but they are in no condition to protect the Realm of Light, and even if either Ansem or Xemnas had the ability to wield a Keyblade, they wouldn’t want to. Arguably we still have Mickey, but let’s count: that’s ONE. PERSON. One. One person against the Darkness that has broken and corrupted so many worlds, so many people. The Realm of Light is in danger. The Realm of Light is dying. The Light is dying.
So what does the Light do? One last-ditch attempt at saving itself – it takes its Keyblade, and finds a suitable Wielder. And it finds one. A child, bequeathed even, with the overwhelming desire to protect those he holds dear. And the Light thinks perfect.
But Riku chooses the Darkness. The Darkness could grant his wish, and due to the darkness already inside him – jealousy and arrogance, he accepted its offer. So where does this leave the Realm of Light? Any potentional Wielders have either abandoned the path of the Keyblade, or were taken off of it thru no fault of their own. The Realm of Light is done for.
Except it’s not.
Because you can argue that all of this came later, this giant macro story. All this history, this context was added by the later games. Right?
Except it wasn’t.
Because they say it. They tell you outright. They say it in the very first game: the story of Light fading, and how it survived in the hearts of children.
In the face of overwhelming darkness and despair, worlds crumbling and without his friends, without his weapon at one point even, Sora didn’t give up. Even traveling to the End of the World and seeing the shards of the worlds that already fell, that couldn’t hold out, he stared Ansem in the face and told him he was wrong. That the true nature of all things was not Darkness. That Kingdom Hearts is Light.
And so it was Light.
Light persevered in his heart - literally, even; he sheltered Kairi, a Princess of Heart. A heart of pure Light.
Light survives in the hearts of children.
And from there the tide turns. The Light is back, it has a foothold again, it has defenders.
Because that’s the thing. Kingdom Hearts wasn’t threatened by Ansem. If it were, Sora would likely have been given the X-Blade. But he got the Key of Light. Called the Kingdom Key, yes, but still the Keyblade for the Realm of Light. Because the Realm of Light needed his help, the Realm of Light was in danger.
So yeah, after that there are more Keyblade Wielders. Of course there are; the Light is finally able to fight back, once again trying to achieve a balanced state.
The fight against Darkness is never over, and it never will be. That’s how this universe works. But if this series has taught us anything, it’s that no one is ever wholly evil and no one is ever wholly good. Everyone has a little darkness, just as everyone has a little light. You simply choose for yourself which one to nourish.
The Light is not inherently good – we see this most prominently in Eraqus, who believes Darkness must be defeated and that if anyone possesses any darkness, they are evil. But the Darkness is not inherently evil either – as showcased by Riku.
Light and Darkness are two forces who need each other as much as they hate each other, and the power they grant is just that; power. Power is power, it’s just a tool. No morality attached.
The heart is a mess. Not fully good, not fully evil. Not fully light nor fully dark. One cannot exist without the other, and full dominance from either side is no good. The greater the light, the greater the shadow, right?
There must be balance. And balance takes hard work, and dedication, and no easy way out.
And the Hero of Light works harder than anyone else.
That’s why Sora is special. Not because he’s “the only one who can wield a Keyblade” (also who even said that? Riku? Literally what the fuck does he know he was being manipulated by Ansem and Maleficent), but because he was literally the least qualified person in the room and still made it work. Because of who he is. That’s why the Light chose him.
Light perseveres.
Sora perseveres.
That is the plot of Kingdom Hearts.
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morfanerina · 10 months
Watched the Last Voyage of the Demeter, slept on it and I'm still severely disappointed by it, both as a horror and as an adaptation.
Actually especially disappointed as an adaptation, they had what? 6 paragraphs to follow and all the freedom in the world and managed to screw what little constraints they had?
Rant with Spoilers below:
So, I don't have anything to say about the beginning. Wonderful views, everyone was appropriately spooked by the symbol, we have a child on board and the first mate was finding new crew members. Three of them, on of which ends up being our POV character.
Cool so far though isn't that ship far too big for a crew of only 10 (including the captain)? It's faithfull but, ya know.
And then we get Anna. Now Anna was in one of the boxes of dirt to be fed on by Dracula as a snack until the boat reached high water wherein Dracula would feed on the crew. That didn't work because that box opened up and the crew discovered Anna was on board, sick. To save her our heroic doctor does some blood transfusions. With his own blood. Daily (?). Pretty sure he would get woozy but Sure why Not.
This brings conflict with the crew since many of them are supersticious or just feel she is too much of a stoaway. It doesn't matter as her function in story is:
A: conflict bringer
B: exposition about the monster
C: i think we are supposed to assume the doctor and her have romantic feelings for each other at the end?
Also she has badass scenes and brings heart as a victim and willingly sacrifices herself by burning at the sunlight #girlboss
Oh yeah. Them burning in sunlight is bitten and turning into a mindless slave. If you haven't read Dracula, this will be: yeah makes sense. If you have, I hope you are pissed off by this change. And also by the change that religious symbols such as crosses do not affect Dracula.
I guess that's why Anna says that somehow Dracula has no one to feed from in her country. He must have eaten them all (directly contradicted by the fact she is a literal sacrifice to him) because it certainly weren't the crosses and so on to defend themselves that did it.
With this let's go to what this change actually implies in story. See, the characters actually eventually disciver where Dracula sleeps, the specific box even (it was literally the more embellished box.
Yeah.). And they know he only attacks at night and have literally seen on of their crew dying in flames implying Dracula would stay during the day in the box.
So they plan to ambush him at night and not use the knowledge of that box ever. Even Jonathan in the book whacked the vampire in the face while he was sleeping.
I will cut the ranting a bit to now talk about the end.
First: the doctor survives. This is stupid especially as the last scene is he looking super cool while promising himself he would end the blight of Dracula, hunting and finishing him himself.... which won't happen as we literally have how the story goes and he is not at all involved.
Second: master of disguise Dracula doesn't have a human face. Yeah, I was expecting to see his human face but no, it's just the design they created with fancy clothes. Are you joking.
Speaking of jokes Olgaren got possessed and I literally turned to my friend who has read Dracula and said: Mina Harker would never. And it's true, biting doesn't mean turning into vampire unless that person dies and... something. Dying is an important step however.
I'll finish by talking on how disappointing the horror aspect was. There was no actual psychological horror, Dracula played with the religious crewmember sailing away once and the rest he was a beast. It was basically jump scares and gore.
All in all: you could have done so many things, so much freedom and you did this? Truly disappointed.
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wolfbetweenrivers · 1 year
Thoughs on RWBY V9C2 (Spoilers)
In C1, Team RWBY found themselves on an island in another world after being thrown into the void by Cinder when trying to save the Kingdom of Atlas. They were quickly reunited and caught up on what happened as far as Weiss knew, as she was the last of the 4 to fall. As they went deeper into the island, with help from a talking mouse that Ruby named Little, they found a collection of otherworldly biomes, with a giant tree in the center, prompting Blake to conclude that Team RWBY are in a Fairy Tale.
In this chapter, despite Weiss’ attempts to find a more logical explanation, all the evidence supported Blake’s conclusion that they were in a fairy tale. Specifically, they were in the Ever After, a world that was famously mentioned in a Remnant children’s fairy tale, The Girl Who Fell Through The World. So they agreed that the best way out was by following the path of the story, which would now lead them to Jinxy Peddler, a talking raccoon that stole Yang’s arm and was selling it at an auction. The auction ends in an altercation between the team and the soldiers of a character known as the Red King, as the soldiers originally wanted Yang’s arm to gift the King for his birthday. During the auction, Ruby also found one of Penny’s swords and took it with her as they escaped with Yang’s arm as well. When the soldiers catch up to them, Ruby decides to continue following the path of the story, and convinces the soldiers to take them to the Red King’s birthday party, by offering Penny’s sword as a gift with a description of the sword that doubles as a eulogy for Penny. The soldiers agree to lead Team RWBY to the Crimson Castle, where the Red King lives. 
First of all, I love how meta this Volume is proving to be with regards to how the series is known to allude to fairy tales and literary tropes while also subverting them. In this Volume, Team RWBY have found themselves in a literal fairy tale and have to use their knowledge to try and get out. I love that Blake is further stepping up as someone leading the group and being the most hopeful as she tries her best to follow the path of the book. We see the instances of the show getting meta about it, with Yang pointing out the immorality of the story’s protagonist, Alyx, while Weiss responds by pointing out that it was only for survival, scoffing at the simplistic nature of these old stories’ morals. 
Were also getting more Bumbleby moments! Blake is proving to be so goofy when flirting with Yang, but she’s speaking the latter’s language with the use of puns. Also when their hands brushed up against each other. Nice to see that even Weiss has been waiting for this. But poor Ruby is too caught up in her own despair to notice, let alone celebrate. 
But Weiss is still in a lot of pain over what happened before they fell. She lost her home Kingdom, and she feels she couldn’t do enough. And on top of that, she had to deliver the news of Penny’s death to Ruby. I’ve also noticed that every time the topic of the events at Central Location are brought up, Weiss’ face is hidden, either facing away from the viewers or her head off screen all together. It feels like there’s more that’s bothering her about what happened. 
Despite that, Weiss still ended up being one of the most comedic things about this episode. She is trying so hard to give a logical explanation for a place where logic is out the window. She’s constantly in the background muttering about how much she hates this place when something insane happens. This is the most animated she’s been so far, and it’s great. She’s so done with it all.
As I guessed from the previous Chapter, the main characters are gonna be forced to confront the issues that hold them back the most. Yang, is a girl who suffers from abandonment issues, and has only recently found love in Blake. She also has a lot of self-sacrificing tendencies. Ever since she was a child she has always put others before herself because of her circumstances in her broken family. She has only recently found love in Blake, the one who came back to her. When she lost her arm, it was because Adam saw how much Blake loved her. And to be loved was all Yang ever wanted. But when she tried to get her prosthetic arm back from Jinxy, he charged her with the feeling of being loved, something that Yang could not leave. I feel like this is gonna be relevant again and brought up between Yang and Blake.
At the auction, Ruby saw a green marionette and was drawn to it for some reason. She later found that the marionette was an illusion and that it was actually Penny’s sword. But before that, when Ruby wanted the marionette, Jinxy charged her with enough hope to fill a jar. Ruby was once a hopeful girl. But she lost all that hope when Penny died. Ruby has had a problem, which is that she would often avoid the feelings that troubled her in favor of being hopeful and trying not to let anyone down. But with everything that’s happened now, it’s gotten harder and harder to commit to that emotional avoidance. She feels as though she’s failed and she’s lost everything. Her final line about no longer pretending to know what they are doing, hit very hard. Even the rest of her team seemed to noticed a shift in Ruby’s demeanor after she delivered a heart-wrenching eulogy for Penny. 
So now, Team RWBY must meet the Red King, and “beat him at his own game” according to Blake. We don’t exactly know how it will go. Despite Ruby’s eulogy for Penny, she’s still missing an important piece of the story of what happened after she fell; the fact that Jaune was the one who helped Penny sacrifice herself. And Jaune is still nowhere to be seen, and is the only person who can tell Ruby. But he himself is suffering from the guilt. Blake mentioned having to encounter a Rusted Knight at some point. There is a Rusted Knight in the opening, and his armor resembles Jaune. But if the Rusted Knight existed before Jaune, then why do they have similar armor? The Jabberwalker is still out there and we still don’t know exactly why Yang was going after it before she reunited with her team. Neo is also still out there and is also a major threat to the team, wanting to kill Ruby. 
Things are starting to pick up in this Volume and I’m looking forward to what will happen next. One thing’s for certain, it’s gonna be the heaviest Volume so far, emotionally.
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MGSV - The Boss
There are many debates, arguments and analysis regarding Metal Gear Solid V, and how it pertains to Big Boss’s final descent into villainy.
And how it doesn’t, or how its a little late to the party on Big Boss’s villainous nature.
But what if I said, that it actually does do as described, but we simply missed it?
Its about here where you expect, “Oh but we’ve not been playing as the real Big Boss, its just his double!” And yep, not doubting you there, we’ve been screaming it since the game came out. It can’t seemingly be about Big Boss’s descent if we haven’t been playing Big Boss.
And maybe about here, you expect, “But Big Boss already descended into villainy far earlier!”, and well, yeah to that too. Kidnapping and Brainwashing Soldiers, recruiting Child Soldiers, building a Metal Gear, lying about having Nukes... Yep, yep, yep.
But lemme tell you what we missed.
MGS:V... is about the Boss’s Virtuous Mission, in reverse.
Everything regarding Venom Snake’s story both prior and during MGS:V mirror the Boss herself. Its a step by step rehash of her story, through the eyes of someone who never met her (though probably knew of her).
From the traumatic brain injury (Boss received it on mission / Venom received it protecting Big Boss), to being in a literal explosion on a failed mission (Boss and the Mercury Project / Venom and the attack of MSF and the failure to save Paz).
To the resentment from close allies (Boss and the CIA / Venom and Kaz and other surviving MSF).
... to giving up everything they ever stood for, to someone / something that continued to screw them over time and time again. (Boss and the US / Venom and Big Boss). Ultimately resulting in their death (Boss and MGS3 / Venom and the first Metal Gear game).
The reason this is Big Boss’s descent into true villainy, is that no matter his honey’d words to us in the end... He effectively put Venom through the same thing the Boss herself was put through-- Big Boss became the very entity that he resented in tricking him for pulling the trigger on the Boss.
That, is his descent into villainy.
We were simply seeing it from the perspective of the Used.
ADDENDUM: - Parallel narrative implications would say that the Boss didn’t resent being used, just as Venom didn’t resent it. They both had all the power in the world to back out, and then didn’t. Perhaps this wasn’t necessarily loyal to a nation or cause, but simply Loyalty to Themselves. That by their Will, they needed to see this through.
- Just as Venom, the Boss saw no need to stop the mission because of injury.
- And just as the Boss, Venom probably felt that he had “ nothing left inside [him] now. Nothing at all. No hatred, not even regret.” And as the game tells us about Phantom Pains, he likely can “still feel the pain creeping up inside... Slithering through [his] body, like a snake.”
- Its probably because of these parallels that Ocelot isn’t quite as theatrical or hostile to Venom as he would be to others. Ocelot doesn’t even end up betraying Venom at all, where in any other game Ocelot definitely betrays his “Boss”.
- The inclusion of Parasites seems off, just as MGS4′s Nanomachines are, but they are telling us how the Cobra Unit did everything (mostly). There is a chance that missions Venom was sent on, were purposeful in mimicking missions the Cobras were sent on, which were “Snatch” missions and “Black Ops” so terrible that the Cobras had quite a bit of infamy. ... Funnily enough, same with most of the story of MGS:V.
- A Cobra is a Venomous Snake.
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Asgard según El Cadejos
Asgardian Society
As an overview, I divide them in royalty, nobility, and commoners.
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By classifying Asgard as a principality, it means that “Princess” is already the hightest nobility rank within it, so Hilda is the current ruler of this land, not awaiting to be crowned. Asgardian Royalty is expected to be generous with their people, ensuring food, clothing, and shelter is available to all. In episode 77, Hilda apologizes to Thor for not being able to fulfill this by herself.
Since ancient times, the firstborn is always a girl, and given the name of a valkyrie to honor their ancestor. She receives vast training in both combat (with and without cosmo) and priesthood, since the Princess of Asgard is also Odin’s Representative. Younger siblings receive this training too, but less intensely. They are commonly focused on becoming ambassadors for the realm, and frequently handle political matters with foreign countries.
Characters: Hilda, Freyja
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Nobility (jarls)
Old families (some wealthier than others), descendants of the God Warriors from ancient times, that oversee the different Asgardian regions. Ideally, they assist the Royal family looking after the people living there, though this is not always the case. Most prefer to just live comfortably till the end of their days between balls, tournamens, and other social gatherings.
Per law, neither they nor the Royal family have slaves. All members of their staff must receive a living wage and appropriate housing/clothing/tools to perform their tasks. If there are children in the household that serve as the noble’s child’s companion, they must have strict, defined schedules that include school, (their own) household responsibilities, and personal time. It also not uncommon for nobles to send their heirs for a season or two to other noble households for them to learn from and grow with their peers.
Characters: Siegfried, Sigmund, Syd*, Hagen, Alberich, Mime, (Fenrir), Folkner, Frodi, Utgard
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Commoners (karls)
Bourgeois: those who are wealthy, but do not belong to a noble family. This group is very interested in bringing Asgard closer to its Nordic neighbours (in several fronts like technology and transport) and have ocassionally found like-minded nobles to help them.
General: those who don’t have wealth to spare, and might or might not be able to sustain their lifestyle.. Most of their jobs focus on direct needs like woodcutting, hunting, fishing, masonry, blacksmithing, baking, butchery, etc. This leads to tightly knitted villages where it is essential to support each other in order to survive the harsh life in Asgard.
Characters: Thor, (Bud), Sannfrid (Bud’s adoptive father), Artica and her family
Slaves (þræll)
Like other Norsemen, Asgard did have a history of raiding and trading during the Viking Age. However, it has long been outlawed and in the present age, there are no slaves in the Asgardian Principality.
Gender roles
There aren’t any. Life in Asgard is already hard enough; people will be allocated where they are useful, and that’s it. They aren’t immune to the influence of foreign individuals, but Asgardian society itself doesn’t enforce any particular gender role.
Perspective on sexuality
Open (literally not an issue in my Asgard).
*Syd and Bud’s family seems to have a higher status than other nobles. The way Syd dresses is more similar to how Hilda and Freyja (and Alberich having world domination dreams) dress than to how the other noble characters do so. It is also curious to note that Syd, Bud, and Folkner are the only characters to use a cape, even though the others are also recognized as Asgardian warriors. For reference, the characters that belong to commoner backgrounds (or don’t even belong in human society, like Fenrir) wear simpler clothes.
Sources: http://www.hurstwic.org/history/articles/society/text/social_classes.htm
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neorukixart · 2 years
Did you like Miyuki because she has a Renamon?
That fact was just the last drop of the glass for me to stan her (ง ื▿ ื)ว
But if I’m being honest, I love the fact that my new daughter has “the same” partner as my Digimon Queen so yes, maybe it had to do with that :3c
Look, I barely kept an eye on Survive news that involved the plot and important details because I love to enjoy the experience and it felt great to see everything for the first time uwu but I do remember seeing an scan that had Garurumon and Renamon.
SPOILERS AHEAD!! Because I literally cannot explain my love without addressing the plot. Consider that I've only done the Moral route and the true ending route (that is also the Moral route... I think? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
When I first saw the prologue movie (4 years ago????) I thought “those kids” were ghosts or entities like Gennai but to be honest, didn’t give them much of a thought.
Just beginning the game, I knew Miyuki would be the one I was going to adopt, even when she wasn’t really having an “important” role during the first 5-ish parts, just with their intro was enough, I knew she was a kind and sweet child I mean, she clearly saved Akiharu by pushing him into the portal right when she was being trapped by the Kenzoku fog, but if I’m honest, didn’t payed too much attention to Renamon being there xD and still I found myself looking forward for the moment I would encounter Renamon and Gabumon later in the game.
It was part 8 that made me love Miyuki, but first we had Renamon going rage mode killing a good amount of Dokugumons just to save her (which was pretty badass) and I knew that if they were willing to murder just to save Miyuki, then I must too~
Right when Piemon abducts Miyuki, I was very desperate to go and save her and then well, part 8 came and we could see a “full” Miyuki once again, this time with the chance of interaction with Takuma and watching her true sweet and kind self. I can’t even count the amount of times I wanted to cross the screen whenever she begins to realize that the time she spent in the “isekai” wasn’t mere hours, but 50 years but what broke me the most, is exactly when Takuma says that they are in 2020 and she cries (I cried too), I just couldn’t stop imagining what was going on with her mind; friends and family are likely gone (except Akiharu of course xD), her house might not even be there anymore and if it is, there must be other persons living there, the landscape and people being too different, just imagine the shock of a little 11-ish girl.
But what I loved the most about Miyuki, was her determination to go back right to the evil being that wanted her to be a sacrifice and not just to save her friends but the world, she goes big! And when you choose the bad end, she goes back anyway! And right at the very end of the True ending route, she does not wishes to defeat the master/Haruchika, but to save them despite all the awful things she and Renamon had to endure.
For once, I worry how Renamon was able to keep her alive for 50 years like, they got enough food? There was food for our protragonists worth half a year, right? Did Renamon feed Miyuki with that food or went to search for more? Obviously it seems that Miyuki was barely able to do something for herself aside walking and mildly comunicate so, Renamon bathe and dress her this whole time? Honestly, this devotion is something I loved in this Renamon and I can’t just stop crying ;w;
What also broke me, was in the Moral route when the Kenzoku fuses with Miyuki (Master-controlled) and Renamon sacrifices themselves to protect Akiharu (and you get Omegamon yay) because I totally thought there was no way for Renamon to go back geing a digitama (since I thought this was also a permadeath) so I cried, thinking that Miyuki would never see Renamon again but jokes on me because after the fight, thanks to Miyuki’s tears “fusing” with Renamon’s data, a digitama is made and I couldn’t stop screaming “give me back the tears I cried for you!!” and I loved how Miyuki was thinking on a life in the human world with Renamon. Plus the moment she realizes she was never alone and that it was Renamon who was always beside her, that melted my heart.
Anyway, the reason I love Miyuki is about that, but also I bet it’s because I always fall for the one chara that suffers and somehow is the “voice of god” just like how Hikari and Himekawa-san were possesed by Homeostasis which, speaking of them, and knowing that Survive is an homenage to Adventure, I think Miyuki and Renamon resemble Hikari and Tailmon so yeah, I guarantee you that this also helped into me falling in love with them uwu
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m0mmyracc00n · 1 year
Okay so... Imma ramble.
I watched this and I have so many words to say.
OKAY SO hes complaining that 'miranda shows up at the end, the writing is so fucking dumb, we barely see her during the show, so why does she wait until all of her 'children' are dead to show up and create her kid?'
DID YOU EVEN PLAY THE GAME?!?!?!? They literally say that she hated all of them, she just used them and she knew that Ethan would get rid of them for her!!!
'Oh ethan killed himself uselessly, it was a remote detonater bleh bleh bleh' He is made of mold. HE IS MADE. OF THE MOLD. THAT HE IS DESTROYING. He wouldnt have survived the Megamycete being destroyed, and knew that seeing him die would destroy his fucking wife. He literally gave his own life up because, with him alive, the fucking megamycete would carry on.
GOD he compares it over and over again to RE4, and yeah its similar. It's less horror than 7, which is one of the main issues that had people not being able to finish 7 (i should know, i am one of them). But its not resident evil 4! Its not! Yeah, its referenced and yeah its compared a lot, but its not 4. Its a good game. The story is good when you put effort into figuring out the lore. Yeah, Ethan fucking sucks. Everyone hates ethan. He's a horrid fuckin dude, hes boring, hes so so fucking stupid. But hes connected. His 2 games link the entire franchise in a really amazing way! It's the best way to appeal to a new generation! the first re game i played? Biohazard. And that game, even though i couldn't finish it, made me go back and play others! Comparing a game like RE8 to game that came out in 200fucking5. GOD.
He's a dude who puts effort into perfecting the game mechanicals, specifically the fighting. He didn't search for the hidden things, he didnt look for the detail, he made comments on the fact that lady d is hot and apparently thats bad writing? Yeah, she was overused for advertisment for how long she was actually in the game, but she fits! she has a backstory!
She is based off the fucking original vampire, Carmilla! She has backstory, as do the rest of the lords, if you bother to fucking look.
Lady D was raised as nobility, but she has a blood disease. She travelled the world with her jazz band, because she was ignored by her family. She met miranda, and believed she found a place where she wasnt going to be ignored. But then she was, so she was given her daughters. She, out of all of them, have something to lose.
Beneviento lost her family and, when she was infected, took out parts of herself to put into her dolls because she didnt want to be alone anymore. She asks you to take care of 'our Little Rose' because she understands what its like to lose those you love.
Heisenburg was taken from his family as a child, experimented on, and told that the people who helped torture him were now his family. Hes trying to destroy miranda, but his mind is so twisted from that torture as a child that he has no empathy for children. he tries to use rose, because shes a child who can do what he couldn't.
Even Moreau is so fucking sad. He was sick, riddled with cancer, and getting infected extended his life, yes, but it didnt get rid of the cancer. Hes riddled with tumors, is in constant pain, and hes so thankful that he doesnt care. he wants to be loved, he wants to be useful to the woman who 'saved him' but his brain is so messed up from an illness he cant control that he struggles to speak, to plan, to do what she wants right. He watches tv with happy families, and wishes he has that.
You won't find any of that fighting the zombies, or trying to speedrun the game. If you dont look at the story, you dont get the right to complain about the 'lack of story'.
Sorry for rambling but GOD
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tarnishedxknight · 2 months
"Do- do you want to- to stay with me to-tonight?" Carter tilted her head as she glanced at Ashelia. "Or me with- me with you?" Perhaps she was reading too much into it, but... something about Ashelia's behavior worried her. She seemed nervous, almost, when Carter said goodnight to her. Was she having a hard time with nightmares? Was it something else? Nothing?
Or did it have something to do with being alone?
That was something Carter was all too familiar with, and... why she wasn't sure if she was seeing something that wasn't even there. But, regardless, she wasn't going to ignore it. She wasn't going to go with her doubt and leave her girlfriend alone if she didn't want to be.
((about the fears hc post!))
Ashelia had a lovely evening with Carter, watching movies and talking and just spending quality time together. She didn't want it to end, but not only because she was enjoying herself. In recent years, Ashelia had developed an increasing fear of being left alone. It wasn't so literal as being afraid to be in a room by herself, but rather, it was a more existential fear.
She'd seen her mother die as a child, and then each of her brothers fell to the plague and the war. Then, her father. Then, Basch, although... she did get him back in the end. And finally... her whole world had disappeared in an instant. Everything and everyone, gone forever. With each loss, that fear that she'd be left behind, left alone after everyone else she cared about was gone... had intensified to the point of her thinking about it often... especially at moments like this.
Carter would be alright if she left. Right? It wasn't as though they were parting forever, only for her to return to her own quarters where... where there was nothing and no one but silence. Even little Sunny was sleeping at this hour. It had made her a bit jittery, to suddenly begin thinking about... what if something happened to Carter? What if the gods had some design to take away everyone she loved? What if she could have helped or protected her, but no, she-... She went back to her own room and slept through it.
Of course this was utterly ludicrous, and on some level Ashe knew that. She understood that she was obsessing over something out of grief and perhaps a bit of survival's guilt, but that didn't help her feel any less anxious about it. Maybe she had said goodnight to Carter one too many times. Maybe she had lingered awkwardly and mentioned random things to be able to stay just a little while longer. She wasn't... afraid to go back to her room alone, not really. She was afraid there'd be no one to come back to if she did.
"Hmm? No, no, don't be silly," Ashe replied with a nervous chuckle. "No, why- I- No, I'm fine. Not that there is any reason why I should not be. You need your rest and all." There was a long pause, during which Ashe fidgeted with the hem of her shirt a bit. She cleared her throat, looking as thought she didn't know what to say. "Unless... you wouldn't mind... if I stayed..." she then said, looking suddenly a bit more vulnerable than before.
The tears came faster than she could hold them back for dignity's sake, and soon she was crying outright. "It is just that... I keep losing people around me... All those I love... and... I detest returning to my quarters at night and lying awake in the wee hours of the morn, alone, wondering... what if it happens again... and I am not there to stop it?" Her voice trailed off into a shaky, strained, whisper as she brought her hand over her mouth.
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vergencescatter · 8 months
What did Ahsoka learn? #1
The parable at the heart of Ahsoka’s story, which culminated in episode five, is really the same one at the heart of the entire Star Wars saga.
Baylan Skoll said it at the end of episode four: Ahsoka’s legacy is one of death and destruction. Why this statement is so loaded for Ahsoka is because of the trauma she carries from the Clone Wars, and the unrelenting fear that she must face. We have to remember that Ahsoka was just a child during the Clone Wars. She was a child forced to survive on the battlefield, forced into a warzone with all its death and suffering. It is quite clear, I think, that Ahsoka carries a lot of trauma from these events. It was literally fight or die, as Anakin reflects. This was the situation that the Jedi were forced into, due to the mastermind manipulations by Palpatine. (One could argue that, perhaps, if the Jedi council didn’t become so complacent and over-confident, the start of which we witness during the time of the High Republic, maybe they would have been able to avoid the many traps designed by Sidious to corner the Jedi. But this is a discussion for another time).
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The reality was that the Separatists were ruthless; they would obliterate entire innocent Republic worlds. They would intentionally cause so much unspeakable suffering to innocent people, and constantly threat annihilation – in many ways, to provoke the Jedi to abandon their ways – the Jedi eventually had to choose: fight or die. One could argue that to fight became a moral imperative. In these conditions, even the most stringent pragmatic pacifist would be left with no other choice than to do the same. But this also meant that the Jedi were forced to transform themselves from peacekeepers, much like the role we observe them fulfil in the early High Republic for example, to warriors. One can speculate that Sidius foresaw that at somepoint down the causal chain the Jedi would be forced to abandon their ways. We sort of see this in the padawans of the time of the Clone Wars; Anakin indeed had to train Ahsoka to be a warrior and a soldier first, simply to survive. Ahsoka was trained on the battlefield by the greatest fighter of the Jedi Order, and she became a great warrior of remarkable legend in her ownright.
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Of course, the Jedi also made many mistakes in a situation that was quickly spiralling into chaos, and with grave consequences. In episode five we see Ahsoka relive the Battle of Ryloth, for example, which was especially gruesome compared to others in the history of the Clone Wars. We see her struggling with the images before her, just as we saw her at times contemplate the realities of the war during the actual events of the Clone Wars (especially in later seasons of the series). There is a moment when she sits next to a severely injured soldier, surrounded by many other presumed dead. It is unmistakeable that she carried so much guilt and sorrow that some of her mistakes resulted in the death and suffering of others. What is heartbreaking about this scene and others closely related in episode five, is that we can almost picture Ahsoka as she is now looking back at the horrors witnessed when she was a teenager. It is like staring directly into the dark pit of trauma, not knowing what might stare back. Anakin makes light-hearted joke, and Ahsoka is visibly disgusted. It is almost like, as a viewer, we are seeing from the older Ahsoka’s perspective how the young Ahsoka is reliving the pointlessness of the war and the unspeakable suffering it brought. 
To understand the lesson Anakin teaches Ahsoka, we have to consider the full weight of her experiences and her character. Seeing this perspective, and allowing oneself to really sit with it, is heavy; but it gives so much depth to understanding of the older Ahsoka that is almost somberly introspective. Her stoicism is as much out of fear as it is out of pensive reflection, almost like every action is questioned out of mistrust in herself. These themes speak deeply, and I’m sure a lot of us can sympathise in our own ways.
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