#He also kept throwing glitter much to everyone else's annoyance
fractiflos · 7 months
Yoichi would definitely have the other users do a group costume for Halloween.
There's only so many group costumes for 9 people though, so they did a Wizard of Oz theme:
Yoichi is Glinda the Good Witch. He enjoys bopping people with the wand.
Second said he didn't care, so Yoichi made him dress up as the Wicked Witch of the West. Look who cares now. Too late. He refused to put on the makeup, but the others tried anyway, so he just has random streaks of green paint on his face.
Third saw what happened to Second and chose to be the Wizard of Oz, since it didn't look to bad. It is also a multi-layered joke that not even he fully gets.
Hikage is the Cowardly Lion. Banjo forced the costume on him, but it was actually really comfortable and he uses it to sleep.
Banjo is the Tin Man. No reason for it, he just thought the costume looked cool.
En was voted to be Toto since he's the shortest. He then went feral and bit Banjo for laughing, further convincing everyone they made the right choice.
Nana is a flying monkey. Everyone was surprised she picked it and was prepared to laugh at her, but she pulled it off really well. She also kept grabbing people and floating them up, then dropping them (not high enough to hurt).
Toshinori is the scarecrow. I think we all know why. Don't worry, he had a lot of fun, and as a bonus, no one recognized him. No one was scared of his face either since they assumed it was part of the costume, so he enjoyed being able to make children smile instead of flinch away in fear.
And finally, Izuku is Dorothy. Yoichi had him do it because he's clearly MC material. "Just ignore him," says Second. That, and he already has the red shoes.
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eureka-its-zico · 3 years
Irrevocably Yours
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Request: hey! can i request a scenario of jungkook being a rich kid who has ome of his legs is leg failure , basically can't walk without a cane , And he falls in love with a normal girl , and they end up running away , happy ending plz , also if u can , LIT IT Up with smut ' thank u ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
A/N: So. This request was sent to me a long ass time ago. I mean a LONG time ago, and I spent so much time working on it...it became too long. So I broke it up in half. Just to see if anyone actually becomes interested in how this ends. Just to see if anyone still reads anything I write. So if you end up enjoying this, please let me know and I’ll post the last of this. I have so many things buried inside my google docs that need to be set free from hibernation. 
Also, I’m sorry if this isn’t any good. I’ve rewritten this a thousand times trying to fix it, and I’ve done all I can for now. I hope someone out there enjoyed this craziness. And to the original person who asked for this, if you ever see this, I’m sorry it took so long. P.s. I also took creative liberties and changed it up a little. Much love, Jenn
Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 13,756 (yeah I know, it was longer before I halved it. Sorry!)
Genre: fluffy/Smutty(later)/First Love drama sorts mess
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A part of you would always remember the first day you’d met Jeon Jungkook. His presence standing in the doorway to the classroom held every single one of your classmate's attention along with yours. Jungkook silently demanded to be noticed, even though in a way he wanted no one to notice him at all. The classroom felt louder than usual, or maybe that was just how you recalled it. Maybe it's what caused the ringing in your ears when the room was swallowed up in silence. The sound of his cane hitting the stained linoleum; ticking like a time bomb with every step. 
At first you couldn't see why he necessarily needed it. Jungkook was a master of hiding things. Even pain. It wasn’t until he’d reached the teachers desk, his hip moving to rest against it to ease the extra strain off his good leg, that the stories of his accident became true.  Not one of you were willing to look too long at the challenge in his face. Defiance turning his soft features bitter as he glanced out across the room. Jungkook wanted to appear strong; to dare anyone to mutter even a word that he wasn’t. That he wasn’t the same person he was before the accident. 
He must have been able to fool your home room teacher into forgetting. His eagerness to introduce Jungkook only caused him to accidentally come too close to his legs in passing. The teachers’ waist moved and harmlessly bump against Jungkook’s bad leg. A small movement that was enough to change Jungkook’s entire demeanor for just a second. 
The whole room collectively took a breath; waiting for him to scream out in pain. To turn savage and yell or curse at the stupidity of the teacher. Jungkook did none of it. He continued to look out into the room with his chin held high. 
You could see, however, through the crinkle by his eyes and how heavily he now leaned on his cane that it’s caused him a great deal of pain. A brief moment in showing what he tried to hide and if you weren’t staring so hard at him, you were sure you would’ve missed it.
An infamous legend among other schools as his face showed up on Sports articles that featured proud features of parents beaming excitedly at cameras. Taekwondo and track metal’s around his neck by the dozens. Grades to match the intensity of his athletic drive with a rumor that if he tried something for the first time, Jungkook would still be phenomenal at whatever it was. 
Even without ever actually meeting him - everyone in that classroom knew who he was. Jeon Jungkook was a hard man not to hear about. 
In the beginning of the year there’d been a different headline for him, however. He’d been the passenger in a friend's car that was struck by a drunk driver. The ferocity of the impact leaving the car looking like a bow. Jungkook lost a friend that night, and part of the mobility in his left leg. The driver himself died instantly and you weren't sure if that was justice enough for the two boys who’d lost so much in a matter of three seconds. 
And with so much, yet so little known about him you found yourself unable to join the others in measuring up the boy in front of you. 
Jungkook was taller than you thought he would be, or maybe you’d silently been hoping the universe wouldn’t be so cruel to give someone talent and every single attractive feature known to man. He’d been played up like he was a god among the rest of you feeble mortals. You figure’d girls were overacting, I mean it happens. Imagining after listening to all their swooning, you’d somehow shockingly find out he was nothing more than your average - ordinary - boy. 
Jungkook was anything but ordinary. 
His lean frame still retained years of training that wasn't so easily hidden, even under the layers of the school uniform. You could see the care he still placed on his outward appearance. The rising star who was still handsome, even underneath all his brooding. His school uniform strained against tight muscles in his arms and, worse, was his legs. Your cheeks heating into an embarrassed blush as his eyes landed on what seemed like your desk. It was silly to think he’d caught you gawking. Everyone was gawking at him, but even a millisecond of his gaze made your cheeks light up with embarrassment at the idea of being caught. 
There was gossip of him not wanting to go back to his old school; his old life. You didn't really blame him. Why be stuck in a place where there were millions of memories of a time you had with a close friend? Of having the ability to walk down the halls without everyone looking at you like you were damaged goods. 
“Everyone pay attention!” Mr. Choi shouted. 
It all seemed unnecessary. Your attention was already on him whether he wanted it or not. 
“I’d like to welcome our transfer student, Jeon Jungkook. I expect you all to be on your best behavior.”
“I don't need you to defend me,” he snapped. 
He started moving his way down the aisle towards the only empty seat in the room: the one next to you. 
You quickly turned away from him and started cleaning up your space. Jungkook got to the desk faster than you thought and dropped his backpack down on top of the desk. His long body slumped down into the seat, placing his cane next to the window seal. 
“We’re going to continue with our previous lecture from yesterday. You can share with Y/N until you get your own books.”
You flipped to chapter eighteen with your many notes scattered inside. Your eyes giving him a sidelong glance before sliding the book neatly between the desks. Jungkook didn't bother to look at the pages: his gaze was locked elsewhere. Somewhere outside the window with the freedom far beyond the gates of the school. 
The enter class you’d spun a hundred different sentences in your mind. Each one playing out in your head as pure idiotic or unnecessary. You just couldn’t shake the feeling that it felt wrong letting him sit there like no one cares. To be a part of the prying gazes of the class; to know his name and him not knowing yours in return. You weren't sure why you gave a shit so much, anyways, but you did. 
At the sound of the bell he was the first one to hop back onto his feet. His hand instinctively taking hold of the cane to keep him propped up as he moved to situate his backpack over his shoulders. You’d followed close behind him and gathered up your things. 
You didn't see him again until fifth period. His brooding presence in the back of the class hung like a dark cloud you couldn't shake. You knew you weren't necessarily the most cheerful person in the room, but even Jungkook’s sour puss attitude was making you want to throw glitter at him. 
He didn't acknowledge you when you came to your usual seat at the window, and it didn't bother you. No one usually acknowledged you anyways. What did bother you was that he was sitting in your window seat. Statistics was by far your least favorite subject this year, and the one thing that kept you sane was that window seat.
“That's my spot.”
Your voice didn't hold any hint of malice. It was just definitive: you wanted your seat. Jungkook didn't look at you straight away. His eyes still daydreaming through the window and the world beyond. When he did finally look at you, you were sure the annoyance in his face was meant to send you packing. Too bad for him you’d seen worse. 
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“Is that look supposed to scare me? It doesn't change the fact you're in my spot.”
“I don't see your name on it.”
Your laughter turned to a scoff; cut short by your disbelief. 
“What are we in middle school? If you want to get technical, it was assigned by the teacher aka my name is theoretically on that seat. So -” 
You acted like he was a pet you could shoo off your bed. The hand motion earning you his brow to raise in return. 
“You’d really make a cripple get up?”
“Is that what we’re calling you? A cripple? Because it looks to me like you’re still capable of doing things, oh say, a paraplegic can't.”
The anger rolled through him suddenly like storm clouds. All the possibilities of playful mischief disappeared as he regarded you with so much hate, it was as if he’d struck you. 
“Oh, really? I didn't realize that they were giving away M.D titles in high schools now.”
Your mouth opened to - to what? Apologize? The sensitive part of you told you that you should. His accident hadn't been a full year yet, and here you were badgering him. Yet, you knew if you continuously babied him like everyone else it was only going to do more harm than good. Your next choice of words were cut short when your teacher walked in and asked why you were still standing. 
“He’s in my spot.”
God, now who sounded like they were in middle school? Your teacher seemed to draw a blank. His gaze moving from you to Jungkook then back to you. 
“Just sit down, Y/N.”
You did so with a huff. Your arms pulling your backpack you’d sat down on the desk closer to you like a pillow. Just so you could rest your chin on top of it and tried to ignore the smirk that was now on Jungkook’s face. 
After you’d gone to your next class you couldn't stop thinking about your exchange. It  turned your mood sour the rest of the day, and you couldn't understand why. A part of you wondering if it was because of your choice of words or the defeat that shown all too bright in his doe eyes. 
The end of the day couldn't have come fast enough. You just wanted to get home and out of your uniform and maybe get a chance to go take some photos before your parents got home. You were too preoccupied with thoughts of where you wanted to go, and what coffee shop you wanted to stop at, when you collided into the back of someone else. A loud curse followed suit of the sound of a cane dropping on pavement making your eyes shut tight and your throat constrict around a groan. 
“Jesus, can't you watch where you’re goi- oh, it's you. Enjoy attacking cripples, do we?”
You opened your eyes to see a less than amused smile on his face. He acted more like a judge at your hearing and whatever sentencing he was giving out, it wasn’t in your favor. 
“I’m sorry I wasn't paying attention.”
You moved to pick up his cane for him when his hand angrily swatted yours away making you jump back a step. 
“I don't need your charity. I can do it myself!”
“No one said you couldn’t! I was only trying to be nice.”
“Yeah, well, go and be nice somewhere else.”
He situated his weight on his good leg and bent at the knee low enough for his hand to reach out and grab his second form of support. The movement so graceful that it left you stunned, but not as much as his words did. 
“You know, just because something bad happened to you, it doesn't give you the right to be an asshole. You aren't the only person to lose someone or something important. Get over yourself.”
With your hands latched underneath the straps of your backpack you stomped around him. Not caring that you left him standing stone still. His mouth slightly agape as he watched you take your exit. 
During your walk home, somehow, Jungkook plagued your thoughts. Your mind unable to comprehend why you were still thinking about him. It was the first time you’d met, and yet, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. If you were being honest with yourself you knew from replaying the last thing you said to him.The look on his face saying plainly that you were an asshole.
Everyone’s pain mattered. Grief and loss wasn’t measured by anyone else’s pain but the person who experienced it, and to diminish it in any way was unfair. Regret was building inside your chest and it was all you could do to keep your feet from sprinting back in his direction. 
When you got home you went directly to your room, throwing your bag on the bed, and sulked to your desk. You had more pressing matters to attend to than a boys’ possible hurt feelings. No matter how many times you tried, however, you weren’t able to write out theories on government history or explain anatomical questions.
The only thing your brain appeared to focus on was how to apologize. 
You thought about Jungkook while you showered and brushed your teeth. You thought of him when you laid in bed and struggled to find a way to sleep. Your mind playing out the million different possibilities of how your apology would be taken from him. You didn't necessarily understand what it felt like to have your dreams stolen from you. To be forced to cope with a new life you hadn’t asked for and the emptiness of losing someone you loved all in one go. 
If the tables were turned and it was you, wouldn’t you feel equally as bitter? 
The following morning in between toaster cooked waffles and fixing your uniform in the mirror, you’d resigned to apologizing to him. No matter how much thinking of it made your teeth grind and a growl rise in your chest at the thought. You imagined him sneering and replying with smart remarks and it caused your mind to waver, but you were better than the pettiness swelling in your chest. You were okay with knowing his prickled exterior came from something you couldn't ever understand. 
You made sure all the time you had while you walked to school was used up by mumbling the speech you’d made up the night before. At crosswalks practicing the best stance that didn't appear threatening, was friendly, but wouldn't be misconstrued as flirting. 
That was by far the last thing you wanted to happen in his eyes. Sure, Jungkook was undeniably attractive...as much as you would've loved to laugh sarcastically in his perfectly sculpted face that his obviously very masculine features did nothing to make you weak in the knees. That you hadn’t noticed when his elbows, still clad in his jacket, moved to rest on the desk it’d caused his biceps and shoulders to equally fight for whatever was left of the fabric. Or that small scar on his cheek caught your attention when he became annoyed; his tongue poking out at the side of his jaw. 
No, you hadn't been paying an embarrassing amount of attention to him at all (or at the ridiculous outline of his thigh muscles in his school uniform)  with every step he took. 
So, since you hadn't personally taken notice of any of physically appealing traits, why would you flirt? You were well aware of the vast difference of not only your social scale, but also of your class ranking, and looks overall. You were lightyears away from ever being able to consider being more than a female acquaintance he happened to get stuck next to at school. He wasn't the first boy who was out of your league, and Jungkook wouldn't be the last. Why it bothered you so much was a child's thought you refused to entertain. 
When you finally got to school you hurried up the steps and briskly made your way down the hall. Not stopping even after Jenny cursed after you for nudging her as you went by. As soon as you swung open the door for homeroom, your eyes landed on Jungkook’s position. His cane leaning against the desk, hands tucked inside the pockets of his uniform slacks as he leaned back against the chair. 
His gaze was focused somewhere outside the window, completely blank and motionless, and you wondered if he could've been having a thought at all. He was close to being marked as unreal in your book when he blinked and turned his gaze towards you.
You hadn't realized you’d been staring until that moment. Your gaze dropping to the worn linoleum as you briskly made your way down to your desk. A mumbled, “Good morning,” falling like a bad habit from your lips while you came around the side to slid into the desk chair. Nervous hands clutching tightly to your bag as you stared straight ahead, unwilling to glance in his direction. 
Somewhere between cursing your awkwardness and staring out the window like an escape hatch your teacher started the lecture. None of it to which you were paying attention too, which was probably why you heard him call your name. You jerked in your seat as he yelled it a second time. Your eyes no doubt wide from giggles that sounded around the room. 
“Y/N, since you're listening, you can go ahead and answer number forty-seven in the workbook.”
Panic sent your eyes wide as you stared back at his expectant face: waiting for you to fail. You hadn't even taken your book out since you’d sat down, finally moving to do so, when you felt a light tap against your bag. It was enough to jerk your gaze away from the teacher and down to a completed book of all the problems done by Jungkook. 
He cleared his throat and tucked his hands back inside the pockets of his trousers easily not understanding the severity of how his actions had left you wide-eyed in surprise. You were still taking too long, causing your teacher to prompt you with a grunt and Jungkook to casually reach out and tap the answer again. Your eyes trailing over the written answer before standing up and clearing your throat. The answer rolling off your tongue as easy as breathing; as if you didn't just steal it from a notebook. 
You made a silent prayer the teacher didn't notice the sweat threatening to break at your temple. The nervous ticking of your feet tilting from spot to spot. A rush of relief escaping your lips when his response to your answer was to continue class. 
You took your seat next to Jungkook; unable to acknowledge him just yet for saving you from whatever punishment your teacher would've no doubt thought of. The realization that Jungkook himself was the reason for your lack of concentration making your cheeks flush an embarrassing pink making your arms wrap protectively around your backpack. 
You’d never even brought out your textbook. Never dropped your bag from your desk and no doubt Mr. Choi knew you were given the answer. You buried your mouth against the coarse nylon in a weak attempt to stifle your embarrassment. 
“Thank you.”
Your eyes caught the soft tilt of his brow as it rose at the muffled words. You could make out his left shoulder leaning him down towards your huddled position, making your hands involuntarily tighten into your backpack. 
“What was that?”
The husky whisper of his words weren't anything you’d heard before, and they resonated up your spine to leave you staring starry-eyed.
“Th-thank you. For giving me the answer.”
He didn't respond. His gaze fixed solely on your face until you forcibly struggled to keep from fidgeting under its weight. After what felt like a small eternity, Jungkook nodded his head and faced forward. The sudden ghost of the death of your conversation causing you to blink at his profile. 
The rest of the class was spent with your focus lacking on taking notes. How could you focus with his presence commanding your attention? A small army of ants creeping along your nerves demanding to acknowledge him. It was so strong, when the bell rang you jumped up from your seat to try and escape into the freedom of the school’s hallway, only to end up with your knee connecting straight into the hardwood of the desk. Jungkook’s snort at your misfortune was enough to remind you how much of an arrogant pain in the ass he could be. 
“Wow - good job doofus.”
Your head snapped back in his direction; tongue rolling in your cheek as he hopped up from his seat. A hand snaking out to grab his bag and sling it over his shoulder as the other reached for his cane. You held your head high despite how awful your knee was stinging, and stood up adjusting your bag. 
“Seriously? That's all you've got? Doofus? Next time let’s try harder.”
Jungkook didn't seemed miffed by your retort, actually seeming more amused than anything, and for some reason it only bugged you more. Did you really want to get into another argument like you were in primary school with him? You discarded the thought as you tightened the strings on your backpack and decided to take the mature route and leave him behind. 
The hallways mass of bodies rushing to get to their next period giving you comfort; until you remembered you shared the same economics class. Today was also a field trip to a farm to learn the process of making soy products. It would take up the last few classes of the day. You’d been excited to spend the day out of class and enjoy the rustic scenery out of town. Your only hope was that he hadn't been able to get his parental slip signed; he’d just started the day before. How could he?
When the teacher walked in and asked Jungkook for his permission slip you wanted to howl. Why was the universe so cruel? But why did you care so much? 
It was a question you didn't bother to think about; you just grumbled the whole way to the bus. Your teacher standing at its entrance to put a check by your names every time one of your classmates passed him by like lined up cattle. You were the last checkmark: the last person to find an available seat. You rounded the final step and your stomach sank down into your shoes. The universe seeming to play a sick joke of musical chairs; your only options being Jungkook or Amber, the girl who actively struggled to make sure your life was a living hell. 
You’d rather be eaten by dogs than even attempt to sit with her. Jungkook it was, then.
Your hand clasped tighter around the strap of your bag as you moved it farther up your shoulder. A large sigh accommodating your steps as you side-stepped down the aisle ending with you in front of his seat. His cane taking up what was left of it. 
Jungkook didn't seem to register your presence or he just decided to pretend you weren't there. Either way you felt your annoyance grow as you cleared your throat to grab his attention. His chin barely leaving the perch of his fist as his head turned; gaze intimidating in a way that left your fingers pinching the fabric of yours clothes just to make sure they were still there and he hadn't stared straight through them. 
“Can I help you?”
“I need a seat.”
He looked back and no doubt noticed the open spot next to Amber. Jungkook’s giving the slightest nod as he retorted, “There’s one right back there.”
“Come on, Jungkook. What do you want?”
“You're bribing me now?” 
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His smile was so bright, borderline adorable, and you hated how it threatened to make you retaliate with your own. 
“Stop being a brat and just tell me,” you snapped instead. 
Jungkook shot a quick glance back at Amber’s giggling figure. You were sure most people thought she sounded like wind chimes or something else cute and feminine, but to you it just sounded like a cat dying. When he looked back at you, Jungkook checked you out one last time. His eyes stopping at the lone earbud that sat against your chest. For a moment, you thought he was actually staring at your breasts making your cheeks burn and your gaze to look anywhere else but at his smug face. 
“Let me listen to your iPod there and back on this trip, and I'll let you sit with me.”
“What am I supposed to do?”  
Jungkook did a lavish hand sweep at the window. The motion reminding you of the showgirls on The Price is Right, making you believe maybe he’d somehow watched it, and one too many times. 
“You get to use your imagination while you look out the window.”
“No way. Joint custody.”
“Fine. Joint custody, but I get to pick the music the whole way. If you have shitty taste the deal's off.”
He stuck out his hand for you to shake and there was a moment, a minor second, that it felt like you were making a deal with the devil. However, the sound of Amber’s laughter practically had your hand bolting into Jungkook’s. You shook it harder than was necessary before dropping it and shooing him to move. 
Jungkook removed his bag and cane from the seat. Your legs giving out moments later so you could plop down in it, only to be greeted by his outstretched hand. The smile that spread across his lips shining brighter than the mischief in his eyes. 
“As per our agreement: the iPod.”
He wiggles his fingers and you wanted to smack him. Your own squeezing tighter against the metal until, reluctantly, you chose your fate by placing it into his hand. Jungkook didn’t seem to mind your current look of displeasure while you watched him begin to scroll through your assorted music collection. 
At least the seat was warm. 
The first few seconds were somehow more awkward than you thought possible. Eyes locked in a fifty-yard stare so intense a soldier would’ve been envious. The only movement you caught of him was from your peripherals. Jungkook’s thumbs picking up speed from the leisurely way he scanned through the artists you’d offered. And no you did not, whatsoever, happen to notice the way his bottom lip would dart inside his mouth just to be held gently between his teeth. All the while his eyes focused on the task in front of him.
Nope. You weren’t paying attention to him. Not even a little bit. So how he was able to make you jump twelve inches out of your skin, while you were most definitely not embarrassing yourself by gawking over a beautiful man, was beyond you.
“Ya!” Jungkook clicked his tongue in distaste. His hand wiggling the ipod in your direction, as if it had caused some great offense. “What is this?”
Your neck tiled as you regarded him like he’d grown two heads. You were also positive if your eyebrows knitted together any harder you’d end up with a unibrow. 
“Ugh, a mystical device that plays music.”
The look on Jungkook’s face faltered from frustration to annoyance. It was so sudden it ended up sending a bark of laughter in his direction. And just like that, the annoyed look was back again. 
“I mean, what the hell do you have on this thing. Who is The Dead Weather? City and Colour? Joji?”
“They are artists I enjoy.”
“They’re shit.”
You rushed to try and snatch it back from him. Jungkook’s reflexes proving to be faster than your growing urge to smack him.
“Excuse me, little miss,” he began. “What do you think you’re doing?”
He used his index finger to push gently against your forehead, but with the current level of irritation, he still proved faster than you. Your failed attempt to swat his hand away meeting only empty air. Earning you a smirk of smug satisfaction. 
“I’m trying to get my things back.”
“That wasn’t part of our agreement.”
You tried one last time to take him by surprise. Your right hand shot out too hard to grab at the object clasped in his large hands. The momentum carried you forward to land shoulder first against his chest. Leg nudging against his with enough force that it caused his cane to move an inch. It took everything you had to keep your head down to hide your flaming cheeks. 
“And now you’re assaulting me.”
If your eyes were capable of rolling back any father you might've seen brain cells.
“I was only trying to get my property back. Since the only thing that’s coming out of you is complaining.”
“I’m not complaining,” he snapped. “You’re acting like an Indian giver.”
“Is that all you know how to do: complain?” You continued, completely ignoring him. A slight smirk now etching your lips. Jungkook’s eyes flicking down to notice your amusement at his expense. “I believe they call it, ‘trying something new.’” 
His eyes narrowed on you and for a split second your pulse began to race. Sure, the agitation on his face at your teasing was obvious, but you could’ve sworn...maybe...just maybe he was smirking. Could you have possibly been able to make him smile? 
“I should make you go sit with Amber.”
The smugness in his voice and the cocky smile that joined it instantly made whatever fun you were having come to a complete halt. Jungkook was so pleased with himself he had the audacity to shimmy his shoulders like he’d already won. The rolls had reversed. It was your eyes turn to throw daggers in his direction. 
“Now who's the Indian giver.”
Even though he played up on what he felt like was a win, you could tell he was not as amused. His non-injured leg bounced to an incredible rhythm that he could only hear. Probably a furious count to a hundred to keep himself from saying anything else to continue your usual thrilling conversations. So when he handed over one earbud, and the iPod, but placed the other into his ear, it was fair to say it left you baffled. 
You were waiting so long for him to give an explanation, but all he did was continue to stare at you. It was starting to make your pulse race again. Why did he constantly have to feel so intense? Everything about him. Not even his current state made him seem any less notable. It just didn’t seem fair. 
It wasn’t until he cleared his throat did you realize you’d been staring. For god knows how damn long. 
“You gonna play something or not?” he asked. 
His hand motioned towards the music while his fingers adjusted the earbud he’d kept. 
“I’m so confused.”
“You look it,” he retorted, causing your earlier thoughts to remember, although handsome, he was an incredible pain in the ass. 
“Ten seconds ago you complained about my music. Now you want me to play it for you.”
Jungkook turned his gaze away, his body relaxing back against the hard foam of the seat. His eyes still cast outside the window as if he was trying to find some way to escape. 
“Either I can spend the next couple hours listening to you talk, or “try” out some new music. If I have a choice, I’ll pick the music please and thank you.”
Oh, how you wish you could’ve shoved him out that tiny window. But as much as you hated to admit it, Jungkook was right. Music was the only reasonable escape from possibly having either of you commit murder. 
It was your turn to try and get comfortable. This time your thumb scanning down the list of artists until your eyes caught sight of one he’d mentioned. Without giving him warning you pressed play. The haunting melody of Joji’s “Dancing in the Dark,” flooded the earbuds. His voice melancholic as he began to sing a sad tale of not wanting to be the hidden second option. 
The song choice was enough to finally get Jungkook to look back at you. Somehow already having enough with the song choice before it’d barely even reached the chorus. 
“Just listen.”
It was the only advice you could give him, and hopefully the reassurance you’d tried to ease into your tone was enough. Whether it was or not, by the time the chorus began he seemingly relaxed again into the seat. His arms moving to cross lazily against his chest. He seemed to actually be taking in the song while he watched out the window. The passing of the steel and concrete that was Seoul into the rural areas of green and forest. 
The music itself was calming. It was enough to let yourself fully relax back against it and close your eyes. With your eyes closed you could easily fade out the sounds of the sporadic conversations on the bus. Even though you only had one ear bud, all you needed was to concentrate on the music to drown out the world. 
It took a few seconds for you to be pulled into a Joji’s song about terrible longing and being left behind by a lover. I mean, you didn’t really know too much about the latter, but hey, a girl could daydream. His voice was seconds away from heading into the second verse of the chorus, when you heard the sound of the melody being lightly sung beside you. 
The voice was beautiful. The most startling part, not the fact of its softness, or the way it swelled in perfect harmony with the song, was that it came from Jungkook. Your eyes flung open with your head snapping to gaze at his serene expression. He continued to face the window, daylight playing along the profile of his face, and his gentle voice singing perfectly in tune. 
It wasn’t loud enough that anyone else could’ve heard it over the dozens of bursting conversations being spoken throughout the bus. That the only conclusion you could come up with to why he would be singing at all. He thought no one would be able to pay attention. You probably would’ve stayed gawking at him if his eyes fluttering open didn’t send you crashing back against the seat and clutching your eyes shut. You needed to pretend you hadn’t noticed. Or else he would stop. He would hide this part of himself that showed he was more than what he tried to portray. 
You didn’t have to open your eyes to know he was glancing in your direction. To see his eyes gaze over you with suspicion before settling back and listening to the next track. Khalid’s intro of “Talk,” beginning to play into your earbud. 
You spent the rest of the trip staying beside him, close as you could get without looking creepy, just to hear him gently sing. He breathed a gentle version of each one he knew, or came to like, and made it his own. Even being a few times were his nerves got the better of him. His voice rising ever slightly when he drew too deep into the song. He would quiet after each outburst, but to your pleasure Jungkook would start back up moments later. 
After all the bickering, you could definitely say the trade was worth it. You were so taken with listening to him that when the bus came to a stop, you didn’t realize it until your earbud was yanked from your ears. Your eyes heavy from sleep fluttered open and closed a few times before they focused on Jungkook’s face. 
“Ya, didn’t you hear them call us off the bus?”
Your response came in the form of slow blinks and a mouth half-hung open. You wished more for a nap than going out to explore a farm, but your limbs were screaming to be stretched. You went to answer him when, instead, Jungkook grabbed his bag, cane, and started to try and scoot over you.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?”
“Trying to get by! So excuse me!”
His backside rubbed against your arms and, to your horror, your chest. Without thinking, your hand lashed out to smack across his bottom causing both of you to go as still as the dead. Your heart was thundering as you looked at your hand like it’d just finished committing murder. Maybe it had. But the only person it’d murdered was you with your eyes roaming up to see a shocked Jungkook gawking down at you over his shoulder. 
“Did you really just smack my ass.”
“It was an accident!”
“An accident?” He questioned.
Jungkook tried to hide the amusement your no doubt panicking was causing him. His mouth struggling to keep the frown that was tilting ever so slightly at the top of his lips. 
“If anything needed to be defended, it was my honor. Over here just smacking people’s ass’s without a warning.”
You knew by now your face looked like a fire hydrant. 
“Self-defense from you dragging your ass all over me! I’m not a seat, ya know.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
This time Jungkook didn’t try to hide his smile. To your surprise, it wasn’t a malicious one that showed he enjoyed your embarrassment. No. This one decorated his face in something softer that made your heart thunder to a different rhythm entirely. 
“Oh, look you guys. Shit Stain and The Cripple are flirting.”
Amber’s grating voice was one you’d grown painstakingly accustomed too. The sinister way she spoke impossibly loud just so everyone was forced to hear her. Whether they wanted to or not. You were used to her coldness and the constant way she harassed you. What you weren’t so used to, was having Jungkook as part of the punchline. 
Immediately, you felt his legs tense where they touched you. The muscles ramrod straight and flexing under the skin. The lighthearted tone you’d heard seconds before in your banter was now replaced with an aloofness that made you stiffen in your seat. Jungkook’s jaw held tight as he regarded Amber as if she were no more than a pest buzzing at his ear.
“Ya, fix your nose before you bother talking to me. I can see half the planet up there.”
Amber’s eyes flashed hellfire as she glowered over her shoulders to stop the giggling that ensued. When all grew quiet enough to where she felt like she would be heard, a harsh smile spread her lips. Her legs began to take a step to move away from the two peasants who’d held enough of her attention. 
“Whatever, Cripple. Try not to get your stick in any holes.”
She was passing the front of your shared seat when, suddenly, Amber’s legs gave way. A tumbling mess of shrieks, bleached hair, and her arms flapping rapidly a solid indication of her mysterious attempt at taking flight. The only thing that moved to catch her was her face. The minute the laughter began to bubble up inside you, you quickly placed a hand over your mouth. Least the she-devil hear it escape. 
You took a second to inspect what could’ve possibly taken down the ice queen. Even when she wore ridiculously high heels, Amber walked with a grace you knew you’d never pull off. Not without looking like a newborn giraffe, that is. Glancing down you noticed Jungkook’s cane strategically placed right where her foot would’ve landed. The culprit in making Amber a freshly minted carpet on the bus’s floor. Somewhere on the bus you knew she was up from her tumble and huffing a few choice words. You were sure she knew, just like you did, that Jungkook was the one who’d done it. You paid no attention to her tantrum and kept a transfixed gaze on him. 
He’d finished scooting the rest of the way to get to the middle of the bus and was situating his cane and shoulder bag. His hand suddenly reaching down into view and patiently waiting for you to take it. 
“Come on, Y/N. Let’s go.”
You knew you looked like a fool. Your eyes mirroring the thousands of silent questions that threatened to make you ill. A part of you hoping he understood your dumbfounded look simply begged him to find some way to answer you. You’d stared starry-eyed up at him for so long you half expected the patience of Jungkook’s open hand to fall flat. Instead, he continued to surprise you. His gaze gentle, and hand openly waiting for you to take it when you were ready. 
With eyes wide and mouth agape, your body rejected your stunned silence and placed a small hand in his. His own quickly enveloped yours perfectly and gave you the added support you needed to find stable footing beside him. Jungkook finally looked away from you to stare at the remaining goons. 
The moment you stood beside him you became painfully aware of the noticeable height difference. Your gaze moving up inch-by-inch until your eyes were locked onto his face. The stubbornness of a hard set jaw and eyes that dared anyone to speak enough to make your heartbeat pick up in your chest. When he appeared to be finished making sure his presence was known, Jungkook’s eyes turned back to you. A silent request of reassurance to know you were alright making you answer with a quick nod. 
Your cheeks blushed furiously as you struggled to look away from his gaze. No longer were you so worried about Amber; your mind trapped on a repeat of questions. Did Jungkook always smell like Calvin Klein cologne? Could it be considered weird how you felt undeniable comfort pressed up against him? Or really weird if in your head you suddenly imagined recreating this scene a million times later with you being braver beside him, instead of being the damsel in distress.
He didn’t seem at all perplexed with your case of sudden shyness. His strong legs pulling you both forward and past the horde of Amber and her lackeys without missing a step. His head held high while the other hand helped him keep his balance without using his cane. For the small world that was high school, Jungkook showed them he was still that once popular boy who was known for not taking shit from no one. A demi-god amongst mere mortals that were somehow honored by his presence. 
And here you were. So close to the orbit of his sun and walking away unscathed.
Your train of rushing thoughts kept you from paying attention. It was something you soon were going to regret when he led you off the steps of the bus and onto the dirt road. Jungkook’s exit was obviously graceful while yours in comparison was a train wreck. Instead of your feet stepping off the last step and landing like a normal person, you lost your footing. Your clumsy feet sending you struggling to find a balance with the earth before you crash landed on the floor. Luckily, Jungkook’s back was there to catch you. 
The momentum of your fall sent his feet skittering to correct you both before you fell into the dirt. A few choice cuss words leaving his lips and crimson flaring up on your cheeks to make the dance of falling even more entertaining. You could practically hear the cackling of the witches echoing out of the bus like a cave. 
Jungkook made quick work of righting you both; his good leg furiously hoping to support the weak one. His cane dug into the earth a good inch to add some more stabilization. You let go of his hand and moved away from his side where you’d previously been planted. You weren’t worthy of being there. This boy who saw your distress and helped you. Only for you to ruin it in the process. 
“Well that’s one way to ruin an exit,” he huffed. 
He glanced in your direction and you could’ve sworn he was smiling. Or was that a smirk? Whatever it was, it was quickly washed away as his eyes took you in. “You okay?”
“I’m sorry!”
Your words rushed from your lips with your back snapping to bow a perfect ninety-degrees. Your hair a curtain to try and hide your embarrassment. 
“Ugh...for what?”
“For bumping into you like that. I should’ve been paying attention.”
A soft laugh bounced from between his lips and you were willing to beat his face lit up like pure sunshine. You moved to stand upright just in time to see you were right. Jungkook was either oblivious to the way you were looking at him, or was simply unfazed. His shoulder hiking the backpack where it’d begun to fall as he adjusted himself to get ready to move to join the rest of the class up ahead. 
“You did ruin one hell of a stylish exit.”
“I don’t know how stylish you can be stepping off of a school bus, but...thank you.” 
The both of you locked eyes with one another. A large part of you hoped Jungkook was able to see the sincerity or at least hear it. Maybe he wasn’t that much of a pain in the ass after all. That soft smirk you’d grown accustomed to etched back on his lips as he took the first step towards your waiting classmates.
“No problem. Plus, I figured I owed you for letting me listen to your music.”
You felt your brow shoot up in mock surprise. Your legs falling into step beside him. 
“I thought you said I had terrible taste.”
“I never said terrible,” Jungkook corrected. His eyes danced with a playfulness that lifted a smile to your lips
“You could’ve fooled me.”
“Well, it wasn’t the greatest, but thank you. I actually ended up liking most of it, at least.”
“Oh, what a sweet way of insulting my musical taste.”
“Hey! I said I liked most of it. It’s like a win-win. Kinda.”
You wanted to be snappy. Give him some more hell for always playing up on being a condescending moody jerk. In reality, walking next to Jungkook while the silence swelled around you without the awkward pressure; you knew that wasn’t all of him. He’d proven how sweet he could be at the memory of how easily you’d felt protected by a simple stretch of a hand. The look in his eyes while he waited for you to take his extended hand a plea to know you could trust him. Strangely, a part of you already felt like you could. 
You snuck a look over in Jungkook’s direction, and felt a smile begin to sweep up the corners of your lips. It was a different, but nice, change to have someone come to your defense. Yeah, most of the time you wanted to throttle him for seeming like he could care less. In that moment, however, he cared enough to help. That had to mean something.
“You’re welcome.”
You hoped your words conveyed the gratitude you felt in that moment. Prayed that Jungkook could hear it. When he looked at you, you made sure to give him a quick smile before you looked away. Your eyes struggled not to look back at him; to tell him all the things that were racing through your head. It took every ounce of your will to stay focused on the group of classmates that were growing closer. Somewhere along the way, you’d hoped Jungkook would’ve replied with his usual smart ass remarks. It worried you how sad a small part of you felt at his silence. 
Now, you worried maybe you were going a little nuts.
Instead, you came to the edge of the group in silence. Your ears struggling to grasp on to the middle of what your teacher gave out for instructions for the day. 
So what if that insane part of you didn’t receive a smart ass remark in return for your gratitude. You were more than happy with the fact Jungkook stayed by your side. The close proximity just enough to convey what you were both feeling without unnecessary words.
For the past hour the farmer -Kim Sejung - had shown the class around his vast property. The beginning of this magical tour starting with where he manufactured the tofu once it was fermented then sent down to be processed for packaging. He was a man who took immense pride in his work. The next room where the fermentation took place and, his overeager explanation, spelled out how devoted he was to his craft. 
The whole entire backwards presentation was something your teacher decided became a chance for everyone to write down everything you’d been shown. A punishment you knew was coming when Kim Sejung lost half the class to their own conversations long before you’d hit the second part of his speech. 
Now, anyone could be wondering why all of you were taking the longest stroll of your life out in the middle of the farm. A fair question you’d been asking yourself since you realized your shoes were completely covered in mud. You’d been trying to understand why this hadn’t been the first place Kim Sejung would’ve taken all of you. Your only guess being he just enjoyed showing the process backwards. Or maybe he was secretly a  mastermind at torture. It was the only logical conclusion you could come up with at having the entire class now out in the muddy acres of his farm.
And sure, maybe your attention was being sent over your shoulder every five seconds. A certain boy with exhaustion creased in his brow making it harder for you to ignore. You were looking back so often you felt like you’d end up with whiplash at any minute. Really, it was all Jungkook’ fault for causing you to worry; becoming painfully aware with each glance at Jungkook’s struggling frame. 
How Sejung -, or anyone else for that matter, hadn’t noticed he was falling further behind the group with every step left you completely perplexed. You’d gave up listening to whatever the farmer or teacher talked about or what questions they were throwing around. You could bet it had to do about soil. 
If everyone else could ignore him why couldn’t you? It’s not that you hadn’t tried, cause of course you’d done exactly that. Your bottom lip now held a semi-permanent indent from your teeth. Whenever you felt that tick in your neck to look back to check on him: you bit down. When you felt like drawing attention to him by saying something: you bit down. A part of you willing to bet Jungkook would never forgive you if you did. 
Your solution? It was ingenious, really. 
You fell back behind every classmate. Patiently, you waited for everyone to pass you up. Your feet dragging in the muddy dirt until you were sure no one would notice when you inevitably stopped. 
With a soft count of three under your breath, you came to a halt at the back of the group. Your small count continued for another round before you were comfortable with the distance it’d placed between the group, Jungkook, and yourself.
You let out a huff of satisfaction as you turned around to give Jungkook your complete attention. Your neck thanking you for the small favor. What you found, however, greeting you was far from what you’d hoped to find. 
Jungkook’s current location became a solid five feet behind the group. His feet finally coming to the large puddle of mud that you and the class had easily maneuvered Jungkook had not. His struggle coming to a standstill at the muddy puddles edge. Jungkook’s face etched itself in harsh determination to no doubt allow him from moving forward. You told yourself you would stay back and wait for him. 
Just wait, You kept telling yourself over and over. A broken record having nothing on what you felt capable of standing there. Your pulse bonding in your veins and feet bouncing with anxiety as he assessed his options. All you were supposed to do was hang back to walk with him. That was it. You weren’t his nanny. You knew how he felt about being pitied, and yet, when he took his first tentative step out into the mud and his cane sunk deep and his bad leg followed suit, your feet deceived you. 
It appeared Mother Nature had her own way of pushing you past your reserved good intentions. Your feet sprinted forward fast enough that you were embarrassed at their quickness. The expected movement bringing Jungkook’s frustrated gaze up from his current dilemma to you.
“What are you doing here, Y/N?”
The annoyance held in his question didn’t go unnoticed by you. If it was you in his position, you’d be annoyed seeing you standing there too and not offering to help. 
“I came to help you.”
The words just streamed out with your running thoughts. Your feet willing to move forward back into the mud to help him. Jungkook noticeably began to struggle to remove his foot that submerged quickly underneath. 
“I didn’t ask for your help.”
“You didn’t have too, Jungkook. I want to help.”
“Let me rephrase myself.” His irritation was pure fire in his eyes as his words hurled in your direction. “I didn’t ask for it and I don’t want it.”
You wish you could say you handled his dismissal with grace. That you understood he was only being a jerk because he was embarrassed and angry at his current predicament. You really wanted to be that bigger person. Well...that most definitely wasn’t what happened. 
Your eyes narrowed in on him. Your previous desire to help evaporated as you watched his leg sink deeper. His other foot soon joined the first in a poorly calculated attempt to release the other. Your arms crossed over your chest as you took in the scene before you. 
“Well, Jungkook, I’m not sure if you noticed but you’re slowly heading towards being buried under that mud.”
“Thank you for that astute observation. Anything else you’d like to add?”
“Why are you being such an asshole?!” you snapped.
Your arms came loose down at your side and turned to clenched fists. You weren’t exactly sure what you expected his reaction to be. You knew Jungkook held a hatred for being pitied. Hell, you would too if it was the other way around. You knew he wasn’t helpless, but you also knew he couldn’t do everything alone. No one could. So what was so wrong with offering to help him?
You weren’t sure how you looked. Maybe crazy? Or did the desperation of not knowing how to handle the situation have you appear sad? Whatever it was Jungkook saw, it was enough to look away. His eyes dropping down to his covered feet. 
The space between the two of you swelled with tension. His hair perfectly covering his face, and kept you from being able to steal any glance. It was enough to make you unsure if you should prepare yourself for a verbal battle with him or if you should simply walk away. What if you’d made a mistake thinking Jungkook would want to be bothered at all with help. Especially from you. 
“God, this is embarrassing.”
His words were so light you weren’t sure at first if he’d spoken. A part of you wondering if you’d made up the sound of his voice as Jungkook’s face continued to be hidden by layers of hair. But, lord help you, you knew you weren’t imagining things. The sound of his voice is something you’d come to recognize with ease. You knew without a doubt it most definitely was him. And the sadness that reverberated from his words made your anger dissipate instantly. 
Could you have picked a stupider response? When Jungkook lifted his head up to look at you, you knew he silently agreed.
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“It’s embarrassing!” His hands motioned to take in his current predicament. The hurt shown on his proud features made your heart ache to comfort him. “How pitiful can I get? It’s so damn frustrating! The cripple unable to get himself out of some stupid mud.”
“Jungkook, you are literally the least pitiful person I’ve ever met.”
“And yet, it doesn’t make me any less stuck.”
You took a step forward and began to try and edge around what you could of the puddle. You knew there was no way you weren’t getting more mud on your shoes, but the purpose was worth it. 
“Why didn’t you just go around it?” Your question earned you a dead stare. One that reminded you of your mother when she felt like you’d asked the silliest question. You held your hands up in surrender and said, “Hey. It’s a fair question.”
“If I just go around it, it proves that I can’t do the simplest thing, Y/N. It proves…”
“That you aren’t like everybody else,” you finished for him.
You could’ve kicked yourself. How could you not have noticed it sooner. Jungkook just wanted to prove to himself that he could still do things like he did before his accident. Because even though he showed people bringing up his disability didn’t bother him, it did. He still hadn’t come to terms with what happened, and believed the current state of his leg deemed him less worthy. 
He looked away from whatever he saw in your eyes. His own fighting not to show the sadness that threatened to spill down his cheeks. 
“You aren’t like everyone else, Jungkook.” Your words tore his head back in your direction. His shoulders quickly squared up to take whatever verbal blow you were about to hurl in his direction. You were happy to convince him otherwise.
“You don’t need to prove anything to a single person. Yeah, you aren’t a hundred percent who you used to be, but it doesn’t make you any less you. You aren’t defined by a damn leg and if another human being does treat you differently because of it: fuck’em. Now, get your shit together and hand me the end of your cane.”
The both of you stared at one another for what felt like an eternity. Jungkook’s face unreadable as his eyes took you in making you squirm just the slightest bit. Whether he was looking for a hint that you were deceiving him; that something hurtful laid underneath, he wouldn’t find it. You made sure with your hand this time open and waiting for him, that he could see just how much you meant what you said. 
After what felt like a baby size eternity, Jungkook answered you in a way you’d grown to expect. In one swift motion, he picked his cane out from the mud and placed it, dirty end first into your waiting hand. Your face scrunched up in disgust, as the leftover mud squished between your fingers. The action enough to break the coldness of Jungkook’s blank expression into the smirk that was all too familiar. 
“Oh my god! You would do that.”
The amusement on his face was enough to tell you he’d most definitely done it on purpose. Of course, you’d already known that. You didn’t need his raised eyebrow or that devilish smirk to inform you of that.
“Oh, so you think you know me now.”
“I know enough to know, without a doubt, this is something you’d do. Brat.”
You saved the last word for good measure and it was met with a bark of surprise laughter. His reaction was not something you’d expected, but a welcomed one as his face instantly lit up brighter than you’d ever seen. Jungkook’s laughter and smile was genuine and good god, was it breathtakingly adorable. 
Who knew calling him a brat led to so many heart stopping possibilities? Like no longer having a permanent scowl. 
“Alright smart ass, how about we settle this for when I’m not stuck in the mud.”
“You got yourself a deal. Only if you stop pouting.”
“I was not pouting!”
It was your turn to laugh wholeheartedly while your other hand moved to secure itself to his cane. There was no way you’d be letting it slip free from you. Mud or no mud. 
“Tomato potato: pouting is pouting.”
Jungkook’s head tilted to the side. His brain noticeably trying to comprehend what it was you just said.
“That makes absolutely no sense.”
“It makes perfect sense, Jungkook now grab a hold of yo-“
Honestly, you should’ve seen this coming. He’d already given you a muddy end of a cane. It was the perfect foreshadowing moment that was leading up to this, and yet, somehow you were surprised when he pulled with full force. You figured he was strong - not freakishly. Not enough to send you flying face first toward the large mud puddle with the sound of a squeaking bird of surprise that you could only assume was yourself. 
The only thing that kept you from going face first was a split second decision to ruin just the lower half of your outfit. 
The impact with the mud was squishy and came with the weirdest sound effects that reminded you of pushing your hand into a container of slim. God, was it squishy. An immediate, “Ewww,” dragging out from your lips as your hands lifted up from where they’d been buried. Your eyes taking in the full extent of your lower half now resembles the Swamp Thing. 
Jungkook’s laughter brought you back to reality and flinging what was left of the mud on your hands in his direction. It only earned you another bark of laughter. 
“What in the hell was that for?!”
“Now whose pouting?” He teased.
You wanted to hit him but you knew you couldn’t reach. So you settled for flinging another round of mud. 
“Are you kidding me? You pulled me in here cause I said you were pouting!”
“Unbelievable. You’re a child.”
“I thought you said brat?”
“That too! Ugh! Jungkook! You’re such a pain in the ass. I’m not helping you anymore.”
You moved to try and pull up one leg and found it way more difficult than you’d imagined. Seriously, was this shit superglue? No matter how many times you struggled to pull up either leg it wouldn’t budge; producing an agitated groan to seep from your body. 
You wanted to murder him. 
When you glanced up at him at least Jungkook had the decency to appear worried.
“Do you need help? I didn’t think it’d be so hard for you to pull yourself up.”
“Oh, so you’re worried about me not being able to pull myself up, but not about me covered in mud.”
The shrug Jungkook gave as an answer made you want to throttle him. You wanted to tell him to shove his help up his ass. Realistically, however, you knew there was no way you were getting unstuck without getting dirtier from crawling around. For a second time, his hand appeared, like magic, in front of you. 
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Your eyes trailed up his hand to that devilish grin of his and found your earlier agitation disintegrate. What you hated the most, was how his eyes lit up to match his smile. This warm version of Jungkook wasn’t someone you were used to. You’d seen the cocky jock who knew he was good at everything. Experienced the real asshole Jungkook that made you want to rip out chunks of hair. But this side of him...was worth a heartache or two. 
Without another thought you reached out and took his hand and allowed him to start lifting you up. It wasn’t until you were half way you came up with your own plan. A devilish grin of your own spreading your lips wide as the idea grew into something worth doing . 
Jungkook had a moment to be confused before your free hand shot out and took fierce hold of his forearm. You made sure it was locked in place before your body went completely limp, and sent his body into an unbalanced mess. 
“The fu-!”
Jungkook’s descent, at first, made you feel like you’d accomplished a victory. One you didn’t get to relish in for long. Jungkook may not have been able to finish his earlier sentence, but you easily made up for it. A softened, “Fuck!” came pressed from your chest as he landed sideways on top of you. The angle reminded you of an awkward pair of scissors: if one part of the scissors was ridiculously muscled for a student. 
You’d had little time to move your hands up to brace yourself against his weight. The air from your lungs whooshing out in laughter with your body struggling to recover from underneath him. And no, no you weren’t painfully aware that your hands could feel every well lined muscle under the fabric of his t-shirt. And no, you were not blushing. Not even a little. 
You were sure when Jungkook lifted his head up to look in your direction, he’d see the sinful glee you took in your awkward positioning. Instead, your lungs erupted into laughter. One side of his face perfectly smeared with mud making one eye remain closed and his right doing most of the work. He looked ridiculous...and cute. 
“You think this is funny?”
“I think-I think it’s the best thing I’m going to see all day.”
It took a few tries to speak through your laughter, but when you finally got the words out you couldn’t have been more proud. Jungkook on the other hand, seemed to struggle to keep the annoyance on his face. The first sign of a smile cracking into the mud that began to dry on his face. 
Jungkook moved to prop himself up - the action giving you the room you needed to wiggle out from underneath him. You were about to call it a success, a retort to an unspoken comment he’d yet to make. All of it came crashing down, however, when Jungkook’s mud covered hand rose from the depths and placed a long streak down your nose with his thumb giving an artistic sweep across your cheek. 
The marks he gave reminded you of those old western movies you’d seen. Warpaint covered faces of men getting ready to square off to defend their home from invaders. The thought seemed to match perfectly with the beat of your heart thundering like a drum inside your chest.
It wasn’t just because Jungkook touched you - on purpose - in a playful way. It had nothing to do with the fact his muddy hand was currently resting against your cheek. Or from the denial that it brought out a spark of mischievous happiness to ignite inside you as your mouth fell open to expose the sound of laughter. No, your heart pounded against your chest purely for the look that passed behind chocolate eyes and the soft smile that followed close behind. 
So, sure. In that instance it could’ve just been a plan old look. You weren’t a hundred percent sure it wasn’t more than just a look though, either. There was that one boy in first grade, however, who did give you an aggressive teeth-clacking peck on the lips during recess, but this was completely different. 
And because you were so uncertain of what it all meant, your only reaction was to lift your hand up from beside you and slam it palm first against his face. 
Jungkook’s face lit up in shock and you couldn’t stop the eruption of laughter that spilled from your lips. It was an immediate rush of joy at seeing his handsome face marked by your small muddy handprint that streaked itself across the plains of his face. Normally, you’d be mortified: waiting patiently to be scolded and made to feel small. Instead, the shock wore off his face in an instant. Jungkook’s eyes lighting up with childlike excitement as a giddy, “Oh yeah?” rushed between his lips. 
You didn’t have a chance to wonder what he meant before he reached into the mud and brought up a snowball version of the earth. 
“Oh, no you don’t!” 
Your eyes went wide and frantic giggles exploded free as your body struggled in vain to get out from under him. The previous joy of being pinned by his weight dissipating when that large mud ball found its new home smeared on top of your head. 
His own laughter rose up around you as your body began to move in earnest to get out from under him. When you finally realized it was pointless, another bright idea overtook you. If Jungkook noticed the renewed mischievous glint in your eye, he didn’t show it. 
He continued to smile obliviously down at you until the two fist fulls of mud you’d taken in both hands came crashing down on top of his head. It didn’t matter that your face caught some of the aftermath: the face he made was priceless. 
You didn’t get a chance to enjoy your tiny victory before the two of you were a mess of arms and limbs rolling feverishly around; the two of you playfully wrestling for dominance. The mixture of your laughter rising up until you weren’t sure where Jungkook’s ended and yours began. By the end of it, you were both resembling the pigs you’d seen earlier on the farm. Bodies fully covered in wet earth and lounging beside each other in exhaustion. Every few moments random fits of giggles overtaking the two of you until you realized you both needed to get back. 
This time, instead of the two of you refusing help from the other, you eagerly took it. The both of you worked together to reach the edge of the mud pit and, without further incident, pulled each other out. 
The walk back to the main barn was done in silence. In other circumstances, you would’ve been consumed with a need to fill it. The impending weight of anxiety would’ve flared across your skin until you would’ve blurted out anything. Small talk was never one of your strong suits, but a comfortable banter had somehow formed between the two of you. You knew if you started talking, Jungkook would respond. It was still a fifty-fifty on whether or not it would be a smart ass response or a real one, but a response nonetheless. 
You didn’t try to start a conversation. You chose to enjoy the reassurance that he was beside you. Your mind running through what exactly just happened and how you both ended up looking like bad impression art. You’d spent so much time stealing glances in his direction that you could’ve sworn you caught him doing the same. But who were you kidding. No one had stolen glances at you since middle school, and that was only to steal the answers off tests. 
There was no way Jeon Jungkook would be the one to break that trend. No matter how flattering the thought. So when you felt that knowable itch of being watched you found yourself surprised that Jungkook was indeed staring at you. 
“Are you cold?”
Jungkook’s question jolted you from your train of thought and sent you reeling into another. He was closer to you now. Close like you’d been while sitting on the bus with your shoulders brushing with every movement. Every bump helplessly sending you lightly banging into the other. 
On the bus you could easily play it off as something out of your control. But now? Now there was no good explanation that you could find to why Jungkook decided to walk so closely beside you. There was no way to explain away the way his gaze drew across your face like he’d save it to memory. 
“Well I am covered in freezing mud water.” 
You’d tried for sarcasm but your voice barely carried over a whisper. It made Jungkook’s head subconsciously dip lower just to hear you. The devilish smirk he was infamous for spread like wildfire across his lips. 
“I would offer you my jacket, since it’s the gentlemanly thing to do, but you see some crazy person pushed me into the mud.”
A scoff escaped you as your hand playfully whipped out to slap his shoulder. 
“Ya, Jungkook! You? A gentleman? That’s funny. What is also funny is the fact you got yourself stuck in the mud first. I just came to rescue you.”
“Rescue me?” He asked with an eyebrow coyly cocked. 
“I’m like your knight in shining armor.”
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A throaty laugh came from between his lips; sending his head back exposing his face to the sun. You were mesmerized watching him as the sun kissed down across his face and weren’t at all ashamed at being caught watching as he brought his attention back to you. A smile of your own growing to match the one he wore along with your mind fluttering in wonder of how he was even real. 
“If you’re my knight, Y/N I’m in a lot of trouble.”
You feigned hurt but couldn’t hide the grin happily splayed on your face and, crazy thing was, you didn’t want to. It felt impossible that the two of you were so giddy with each other. A strange familiarity brewed heavily between you to the point it felt like the two of you joked like this for years. 
Jungkook’s own smile enough to warm the chill that began to creep up your arms to expose goosebumps on your skin. The two of you fell into a shroud of companionable silence and continued to make your way back to the main entrance of the farm. Your heart skipping a helpless beat every time you feel Jungkook’s fingers graze across yours. Your mind hopelessly wanting to believe maybe, just maybe, he was tempted to reach out and hold it. 
You came back to the main farm and found your teacher and classmates impatiently waiting. The immediate shock your teacher showed at your appearance seemed to grow more intense until he came storming over: hysterical at your current condition. 
“What on earth have the two of you been doing?!” 
“They’ve been rolling around with pigs.”
You knew that tart voice anywhere and wasn’t surprised it was Amber that spoke. What did surprise you was how much you didn’t care with Jungkook standing like an equally filthy calm current by your side. 
“We’re sorry, seonsaegnim,” Jungkook began coolly with a bow. When he realized you were still standing a hand shot out to the back of your head to bring it down. You quickly slapped it away but kept yourself in a bow. “We got lost from the group and found ourselves stuck in a giant mud pit.” 
“It seems to me like you were playing in it,” the farmer chuckled. “I could hose them off before they get back on the bus.” 
His offer left heat rising to your cheeks. The sound of a sea of giggles making your stomach ache in embarrassment. You used the curtain of your hair to hide and hoped they’d come up with a different suggestion, but with a small shrug of his shoulder, Jungkook brought your heated attention back to him. A soft smile cracking the now dry handprint you’d left across his cheek. 
It was ridiculous. You both looked ridiculous, and yet, he was still handsome. You probably looked like a troll. 
“Hey Knight in shining armor,” he whispered. “It seems we get to take a bath together.” 
The sun couldn’t be anywhere near as hot as your face felt. The heat spread from red cheeks and down your neck until the butterflies in your stomach were out of control. Jungkook knew what he had done. He could see it plainly on your face and he loved it. 
You, on the other hand, wanted to hit him. 
And just like divine intervention your teacher did it for you. His curled up pamphlet struck down on top of Jungkook’s head, but it only made his smile grow impossibly larger.
“Ya! I don’t think so! We’ll have you go one at a time to clean up. I’ll look for something for you both to change into.”
Jungkook went first to be hosed down. The farmer actually allowed him to have his privacy so he could get into his more...private areas in peace. The clothes that were found for both of you to wear were old gym clothes thrown in a box in the storage bay at the bottom of the bus. You imagined they must have been thrown there for a reason. The colors were sad and faded down to a color that resembled the mud you’d fallen in. An even sadder rim of yellow wrapped around the sleeves the only hope of color in the terrible outfit you were now forced to wear. At least it was warm with the added bonus Jungkook somehow ended up with the shortest shorts in the box. 
After the two of you dried off and changed you were shepherded onto the bus. The place that held Amber and her minions now vacant due to the teacher demanding you sit exactly in the far back in their spot. He must have imagined it would be like putting two naughty kids in time out. The only effect it really had was giving you the chance to breathe and enjoy the solitude. 
Jungkook dug around for your earbuds inside your bag. Finally finding the small container and lifting it open. His fingers pulling out the left and surprising you by placing it gently in your ear. Your face must have shown this but Jungkook paid you no mind. He was busy placing the other bud into his ear; flipping the case shut and throwing it back inside to forever be lost until you practically tipped out your bag to locate it again. Oh well. A problem for another time. 
“Put on something for the ride home, Y/N. I trust you to be dj again.”
You wanted to tease him. To joke about putting on the YMCA or Macarena . The only thing that stopped you was the relaxed features of Jungkook’s face. The lazy way his neck rested back against the seat and his head languidly gazing in your direction. You tried to squish back all the butterflies that look gave you and a hushed, “Alright. Lady Marmalade it is,” embarrassingly came from between your lips. 
Your eyes were too focused on your music list. You didn’t allow them to look as he chuckled beside you. The sound light and rough all at once - demanding you give it attention. 
“Don’t make me regret it,” he joked. 
You kept scrolling until you found Deans’ “D (Half Moon)”. The soft piano and tone of his voice quickly filled the ear buds and by the soft hum of the voice beside you, you knew you’d pick a good one. 
You allowed yourself to relax beside him. Your right hand placing the playlist down between the two of you. Your body was so relaxed you didn’t think about moving your hand anywhere else. Your eyes falling comfortably closed as you continue to listen to the acoustics of the song and the even softer, and equally pleasurable, song of Jungkook singing along. 
When his left hand found its way down beside yours, you didn’t question his reasoning. The music held between the two of you and maybe he wanted to change the playlist. You let your mind continue to think that even after his finger gingerly grazed yours and found a home beside them. Both of your hands stayed this way the entire ride back to campus. Neither of you moved to change positions; lost to the sounds of the melodies of the playlist.
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Owen hosts Couple tag
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Artist Fem Reader
Summary: We play pretend world guys✨ (I missed them, I’m SoRryyyy.) So, Charlie wants some reassurance after starting to prepare his proposal to Y/N and makes this “genius” plan with Owen to find her answers without being suspicious. (She totally knows tho) also a lot of friendship fighting between Owen and Y/N because I had to, I made myself laugh a lot so I’ll hope at least makes you smile🤧🤣Anyways, have fun!
This is also my weird and nonsense way of doing sweet @marvel-ousnesss request of the we play pretend couple to do a couple buzzfeed quiz 💖
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The blonde takes a deep breath before picking up his phone and heading to the living room, where his couple of friends and roommates are on the couch. Charlie is lying down watching television and Y/N is lying on top of him with her face snuggled into his neck, he hugging her around the waist while gently running his fingers down her skin.
The plan was simple, to help Charlie plan the perfect proposal and give him an idea of what she expects from her wedding, they were doing a “Couple tag” video. That way the questions wouldn’t be as suspicious. Of course, there are easier ways but we are talking about Charlie. They convinced Kenny to call her and tell her that it was to promote the second season that is currently being filmed, and she agreed.
Charlie mentioned many times that someone else had to ask her the questions because she reads her boyfriend like an open book, so his improvisation had to be perfect to keep his best friend’s clever girlfriend out of the hook.
He decided to start the live from his room so as not to give the singer the opportunity to think much about it, so he sits in the living room and focuses the image on his friends who are not affected in the least by their positions. After all, everyone already knows that they are a couple and that they live together.
“Hello, I’m Y/N Y/L! And yes, that sexy, beautiful, adorable and talented man is my boyfriend, Charlie Gillespie.” He blushes as the memory of their first night back as a couple invades the mind of the Canadian, who had his girlfriend in exactly this position when she was, as she said, 'practicing' her introduction. Sadly, this time it will not end like that night because his best friend and about 500,000 people are watching.
“Welcome to my first edition of the Couple tag everyone! Here's my first guest couple, I know it’s not much, but I promise to find someone worthwhile next time, this is just for practice." Charlie laughs but looks nervous. Instead, his girlfriend sits down and rolls her eyes.
"I can't believe you chose him over a puppy or a hamster." The girl says to her boyfriend while laughing at her friend's offended reaction.
“I'm going to write that down in my long enemies list, but for now I have a live to lead. Okay guys, so basically I will ask them questions and I will also choose who answers them because I’m the only one hot enough to call the shots here."
She laughs and sticks out her tongue. Charlie sits down too and she takes his hand to fiddle with it. She keeps arguing for a few minutes with Owen but shows no signs of not wanting to play the game so he starts before she regrets it.
“Okay, first one is for Charlie. How did you guys met? This is actually a good one because a lot of the fans think you met on set and are like this really intense couple who started to date the very first week without even knowing each other’s last names.”
They both start laughing at the comment. The truth is that they have seen multiple posts and comments online from people judging their relationship and how fast they were going, especially when they did that last interview together and Y/N said that Charlie was taking his sweet time to ask for marriage, since for the fans they only have one year and months of knowing each other.
“We have known each other since forever. Our moms were best friends and we were born only a few weeks apart so we've always been together. We grew up as best friends and were dating before Y/N moved to New York to play Daniela on Stardust." Charlie tries to shake off the memory of the last tearful kiss before Y/N got on the plane. Hopefully he’ll never have to part from her for so long again. Sometimes he can't even understand how he managed to get through those 5 years.
"So no, we don't know each other for just one year, but 22." She adds, kissing his nose.
"Y/N, honey. I didn't ask you, don't be rude and wait for your turn." Owen says teasingly, the girl laughs and throws a pillow at him.
“Okay, rude again. Y/N, What is the first thing that he ever gave you?”
“Oh my, this beautiful valentines card! We were like eight I think. The paper is red, and it is filled with gold and silver glitter stars. Inside is a big star that has written in the middle, “My bright star, happy valentine’s day. I love you. And a lot of doodles of my favorite things, like my guitar, a microphone, chocolate, and a little Charlie. Just adorable, I still have it and to date it is one of my favorite gifts.”
The emotion with which she responds makes Charlie's heart melt. That was the first time he called her bright star, and he kept saying it to her during every audition, every performance, every practice. The exact reason not even she knows, but maybe one of these days he'll tell her.
“Rude and a liar. The 22-year-old Charlie's handwriting is horrible, the 8-year-old Charlie handwriting could only be close to a squiggle, nothing more. Oh, and probably only you had the ability to read it. I very much doubt that was beautiful."
She opens her mouth in surprise and wrinkles her nose, feigning annoyance. “I liked you more when you had a crush on me. You were nicer.”
Owen's eyes widen and he turns to see Charlie looking for help but he just starts laughing. “Wh- What are you talking about, mean girl?”
“Oh c’mon, you totally did, Ohio.” She smiles at the camara while showing a superiority face.
“Really? I already told you a thousand times, I'm from Oklahoma. But hey, how funny, forget about Stardust and audition for Funny Girl!”
“Jokes on you, I would nail Fanny Brice.”
“Man, defend my honor!”
“Bro, I can’t. You totally did, I even got worried for a second there.” It is incredible to think about how their friendship has grown and matured over time. They went from Owen fangirling every time he saw her to being really good friends. All these fights are more of a show than anything else, the truth is that when nobody is recording they tend to be very cool around each other and the three of them have quite a pleasant dynamic now that they are living together for the show.
“I won, Idaho. Now, please continue.”
“Well, my friends embarrassed me on my own live. I can already imagine the headlines tomorrow. Anyways, Charlie, Would you let yourself in danger to save her?”
Charlie starts laughing as he drops his head on the girl's shoulder. "I think she's not going to let me lie, I always have and will continue to do so. For me it's always her safety first."
"Which has given me more than a scare but he's so freakin stubborn." She adds while looking stressed and Owen can't help but imagine all the situations Charlie must have put himself in before.
“I prefer you scared than in danger, beautiful.” He grins and kiss her lips, her facial expresions relaxing at his touch.
“Gross. Y/N, do you prefer a small wedding or a big wedding?” She can feel Charlie tense at the question, so she leans her body back to support it against him and give him a lowkey reassurance.
“I hadn't really thought about it, but I know that my almost mother-in-law has been planning it all her life so you should check with her.”
His mom. Y/N is right, as always. His mom is their biggest shipper and the wedding is probably something she’ll want to be an importart part of, maybe way more than with his brothers since she adores the girl as much as her own kids, and the fact that his girlfriend is even more aware of that fact than him makes him smile.
“Do you love it when someone refers you as ‘her boyfriend’?”
“Always. Especially if it's her. She has that little knack of saying it whenever she can and it’s the most adorable thing in the world.”
“Oh I thought she was just showing it off to me because she was intimidated by our chemistry. I don't feel so special anymore.” Charlie chuckles and sends a secret air kiss to his friend, who just smirks and fakes to blush.
“How would you handle it if you thought another man was hitting on her?” Owen asks the guitarist raising an eyebrow.
“She usually takes care of that situations, her method is to take me by the shirt and kiss me hard on the lips. I’m never going to complain about that.” Charlie says smirking and blushing.
“We are a celebrity couple, for better or for worse. I’m not having him in a fight when I can just kiss that beautiful lips and solve the problem.” Charlie smiles as he wraps his girlfriend in his arms, so she can't see his face with the next question.
“What do you dream of your marriage? Mmm, let’s go with Y/N.”
“Anything will be perfect if I spend it with the man of my life. My Char is my everything and my biggest dream is to live my whole life laughing by his side.” Owen pretends to vomit as Charlie fills her with kisses under the ear, clearly moved by her answer.
“Let’s get to someting less cheesy because I really can’t with you both anymore. Has anyone ever tried to break your relationship?”
Charlie rolls his eyes and thinks for a moment. “Yes. We were like seventeen, and this guy from hockey had this big crush on her, so he tried to flirt with her many times even though everyone knew she was my girlfriend, until one day that he made her too uncomfortable and things escalated between him and me. Luckily my brothers intervened before something else happened because he was much bigger than me. I would have totally lost.” He chuckles while his girlfriend turns to see his face and gives him another sweet kiss on the corner of his lips.
“Yes guys, they are this annoying all the time. How do I survive? A lot of yoga. Next question, If three guys are standing, and you have been blindfolded, then how would you recognize him? Guys we actually did this like three days ago on set.”
“It was awesome! We put my bandana on her eyes and since it had my smell she couldn't be guided by that to choose.” Charlie explains excited.
“We got the three of us, first Jeremy then Charlie and then me in front of her, then she began to lightly touch Jer's hand. Then she went to Charlie's, it didn't take her a minute to recognize him and she took him from the hair and draw him to her lips, it was actually a pretty smooth and risky move, I’ll give you a point for that, prodigy brat.”
“Char's body inadvertently reacts to mine. It was pretty easy to tell the difference, especially after touching Jeremy's hand.” She turns her head to give Charlie a soft kiss on the lips and then Owen starts laughing like crazy and telling her to come see a specific comment.
She gets up and goes to sit next to him, Owen changes the camera so that now they are the ones in the image and she begins to read aloud. “Charlie I could give you my... Oh my god!” Owen continues laughing, resting his head on his friend who simply watches the screen in shock.
“Thank god Charlie doesn’t know how to read.” Owen, who was just recovering from his giggling fit, laughs again as Charlie giggles and sticks his tongue out at his girlfriend.
"Who needs to read when you look this hot with sleeveless shirts." He jokes while winking at his partner, which seems to melt in front of the camera that is still pointing directly at her.
“The man has a point. Okay, Y/N move your ass back there I’m still in charge of this show. Would you prefer a silver or gold ring?”
She makes sure to move off the screen and sticks her middlefinger at Owen before heading back to her place with her boyfriend. “Good and really random question.” She smirks, not making contact with her boyfriend. “I don't have a preference, but I would love Char to design it. Obviously with the correct guidance, but yeah he choosing every detail and then explaining to me why he choose it would be the dream.”
Charlie smiles. He was already imagining something like this after so many years of gifting and has already been visiting the jewelry store several times to make sure he designed the perfect ring for his girl, a slight feeling of pride filling him.
“Which series does she thinks resembles your relationship?”
“She loves Boy Meets World and see a lot of us in Cory and Topanga. I can totally see it too, after all they too have known each other their whole lives and have a bond as strong as ours.”
“Well that explains why she’s always telling me ‘Life is though, get a helmet’ instead of actually help me.” She grins at the memory of Charlie’s last prank on Owen a couple of days ago, it was really good since she secretly helped him plan it.
“Man, It wasn’t personal. I do the same with Char. I’m not going to be known for being the one ruining prank war. Take it to the end of the road, if you need me to take you idiots out of jail I totally will... eventually.”
“My girl, everyone. Isn’t she awesome?” He watches her adoringly and she blushes in response, buring her head on his neck.
“She always has this enormous energy and personality but all it takes is for you to see her for her to melt, that’s... kind of cute actually. Okay next question Stardust, What about If Charlie tells you to marry him tomorrow?”
For the thousandth time that night Y/N can feel Charlie stressing out. The fact that he planned together with Owen and Kenny all of this just to make sure he was on the same page with her is the most adorable thing in the world.
“I’m pretty sure he knows I would always say yes. He could have gotten on a plane when we were 18 and told me ‘I don't want to be without you, let's get married.’ And I would have said yes. He’s my person, I have nothing to think about, I have always known it’s him."
Now it's Charlie's turn to melt, and Owen himself can't help but smile.
Charlie's confidence in what he has planned is higher than ever, and the day when he can finally make it official is near. He has been dreaming of this day with his Y/N for years and he will finally get it.
“Well guys, that was it, give it up to my favorite couple of dumbasses and please stop asking obvious questions. Will I be Y/N’s maid of honor? Of course I will. Oh, and tune in next week to see me becoming Kenny’s new favorite after I challenge Y/N in a dance duel with I got the music. Golden star is GOING DOWN."
Thank you for reading✨
Taglist: @writerinlearning, @ghostofmgg @strangerthanfanfiction713, @thebloodthirstyvampress @kinda-really-lost, @kcd15, @magnet-girl, @aliandthephantoms, @stxrkspidey, @pinkrockstar19, @s0uz4s, @shycupcakealissa @cookiebuba, @fangirlangioma, @sageellsworth05, @twist3dtinkerbell, @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve, @caitsymichelle13 , @ifilwtmfc, @luckylouiebug, @bibliophilewednesday, @totomoshi, @siennanoelle01, @lunashadow6955, @bookfrog247, @morganayennefertyrell, @kiss-themoongoodbye, @rachelle3musicals, @imsydneywalker, @really-dont-forget-it @agentstarkid @talksoprettyjjx @kaitieskidmore1 @lukeys-giggle @katie-navarro @crybabyddl @cocopuffs0211 @marvel-ousnesss @blackhood5sos @dpaccione @tuttigunner
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Summary: Although a witch, you weren’t the one to really summon demons, but your friends had insisted that you could use an extra pair of helping hands to help you with your run-down hut. After fixing the mess of a first attempt fail, you were expecting to summon a lower gremlin. What or who you didn’t expect, was to summon the demon king of hell, keeper of souls, in searching for something that only you could do perfectly.
In explanation of the fic: Each powerful demon has his/her own hell, and in each hell has layers, like onions. So although reader didn’t summon Lucifer, she summoned a pretty powerful Japanese demon who’s element of hell follows close to that of Greek mythology because Rita liked the Persephone vibes. As for the soul thing, those are the souls who just...wind up at his place.  
Title name: Lilies are a flower that represent not only unity, love, and devotion, but also the flowers are most often associated with funerals, they symbolize that the soul of the departed has received restored innocence after death. Persephone held lilies in her hands/arms as she was take away by Hades, the flowers turning white as they fell to the ground. Ancient(?) Romans would stuff pillows full of the flowers, the fragrance perfect for love-making ;)  
Notes: @youtubequeens, or Rita, requested the beautiful idea of Tai-chan being a demon king in need of something that only the reader can do, and we brainstormed together on the setting and the plot, so the credit goes to her, go ahead and check her on Tumblr <3
Warnings not in order: Cursing, hand cutting for rituals (so blood), being void of a soul (cause, demons), summoning demons, minions, souls of the damned, smut, deals with the devil, having your soul taken and turning into a demon, and hellish stuff.  
Tag: @youtubequeens
   “I mean, look at this place, Sister! It’s a dump! C’mon, pleeeease!” Your friend begged. She, along a few others belonged to a nearby coven. Although good friends, they delved into the darker aspects of witchcraft, such as demon summoning, as you stuck to herbal remedies, readings, and a little bit of scrying. Although not against the art, you weren’t well acquainted, and a little nervous.
“You don’t even need a contract! Just bind whatever poor little goblin or gremlin to you, and...you know, have it help you collect your herbs! I know, binding seems a little much, and it’s difficult to get out of one, but they can’t hurt you when bound to you.” Another friend piped up, trying further to convince you. Your gaze fell onto the chalked-up pentagram within your home, surrounded by salt and melting red candles, looking innocently out of place, almost.
“Alright, fine.” You huffed, causing squeals of victorious joy from the gaggle of girls. It wouldn’t hurt, you thought. You lived in the outskirts of the village, within a rugged hut that you called a “store”. Although it was a popular little town, you weren’t doing to well. Your place was falling apart, herbs were harder to find, and although tolerated, your witchy status had alerted and unnerved everyone, except your little coven of friends, who had hidden themselves away deeper into the forest.
Your life sucked, and with your pet familiar, the two of you kept to yourselves as you brewed supper more than potions and remedies, your Sisters popping in from time to time, checking up on you.
Your little orange rabbit snuggled into your lap as you repeated the words in Latin, trying to spark hellfire into the pentagram. No such luck.
“Aw! Is it not working? I’m suuuure my aunt gave me the right spell!” Your main friend huffed into a pout, the two other girls following her example of disappointment.
“Perhaps another time? It’s getting late, girls.” You admitted. Truthfully, you didn’t want to have to deal with more pressure, and your familiar was getting unnerved by the whole thing.
“You’re right. It was fun hanging out with you, Sis! Wish we could do this more, but you know, coven stuff.” The sweet friend smiled softly as she hugged you tightly.
“We’ll be busy, you know, coven stuff. Auntie wants us to clean out the nasty pots, restock the potions, and go on a wild, exciting adventure of grabbing rare herbs, so we don’t know when that’s going to take. Ugh, I’m not leaving, yet, and I miss you, already!” The leader of the girls whined, dramatically throwing her arm over her eyes. You couldn’t help but giggle.
      “Stay safe, okay? We’ll visit to check up on you. Give Lottie some extra treats for us!” The third one grinned, petting the rabbit. With further words, they left, leaving you warm, yet saddened and alone.  
 Many times, the fellow women of the coven had offered a place for you, so that you wouldn’t be so alone, and you appreciated that, but you knew that the coven wasn’t one for you. Although not evil, you didn’t want to join for a multitude of reasons. They had strict rules and regulations, following their leader without question as they sacrificed time and energy for reasons that the girls, although close, didn’t tell you what for.
You couldn’t help but feel that it was rather sketchy. Your eyes laid upon the pentagram as the thought crossed your mind. You weren’t fully against summoning things from the underworld, it was an aged old practice that was held with reverence from generation to generation. You held Charlotte close to you, the rabbit sniffing at the air, scenting out scents that your human nose could not deter.
“I smell nothing out of the ordinary. The salt is too strong.” Her voice echoed in your head, and you nodded your thanks. You were curious, you admitted. You didn’t really have much things to do, other than clean your stew pot, tend to the moon water, and pluck the petals off of the dried out roses.
“Something has to give, in order for you to receive.” You said aloud, the wheels turning in your head. A certain flower could help, you thought suddenly, looking at the container of dried out white lilies. You opened the jar spreading out the white funeral flowers among the edges of the Celtic symbol. The scent was almost too pure for such a deed, you couldn’t help but think.  
Carving a fool-proof plan to mind, you placed Charlotte down, and grabbed a small blade used for cutting fruits from your kitchen. The little rabbit opted to say nothing, trusting you as her witch to do what you think was best.  
You winced as you sliced a small cut into your palm, letting the little blood droplets to drip onto each flower, avoiding the salt as best as you could. Picking up a slip of paper in which had the summoning spell, you began reading the Latin out loud as you channeled your energy at the edge of the pentagram, instead of in between it.
Your breath hitched as bright orange hellfire sparked, not going past the salt as it crackled at the precious crystals and parts of the flowers. You continued speaking the verses, watching in awe as the odd underworldly flames refused to consume, instead it burned brighter at each verse.
As you finished the last sentence with a final quip, you jumped in surprise as the flames reached almost as high as the ceiling, whirling dangerously as it let out smoke and sparks, fizzling as a tall figure behind the flames seemed to crawl from the little circle, you couldn’t see who or what it was, but you were coughing as the unnatural smoke outweighed the dying fire, floating heavily away as you looked up to see your first summon.
You were choked up, not knowing what to say as your eyes beheld the sight when the smoke finally cleared from the deadened flames.  
 A demon, and not just anything in the ordinary of what you knew about them. He was tall, as tall as the men in your village, and almost resembled a human. His pointed ears were adorned with little ringlets of gold, matching the glittering bracelets and bands that were worn upon his ankles, horns, wrists, arms, and a swishing pointed tail. His attire was something you’d never really seen within your village, but you knew what it was due to your books.
He wore dark orange attire that almost resembled a Doric chiton, except the one he wore, hardly left anything to the imagination, but you weren’t focused on that, right now. What you were focused on, was the demon’s scowl of frustration and annoyance, aimed at you as his tail swished and thumped angrily at the ground, reminding you of an angry cat.  
“This fuckin’ circle’s too small! And the hell do you want? I’m a very busy man, ya know!” He growled out, taking in your smaller frame with displeasure. You were surprised by his accent, it was gruff, yes, but it was new, something that you’ve never heard, before.
“I was trying to summon something else.” You stammered, and he faltered in an angry shock, before narrowing his eyes at you.  
“Tch! Who do you think you are, summonin’ a king of hell, tellin’ me that you were tryin’ to summon somethin’ else?” He bared his teeth, and you could see little tusks peeking out from underneath his bottom lip. You gave him your name as you found yourself blurting out who knows what.
“I need a um...helper. I needed somebody to look after my hut while I collected herbs...make sure that the villagers don’t torch down my shop.” The excuse slipped out as you stood your ground. It was partially true. His stance relaxed a bit at your words.
“A magic user, huh?” He asked slowly, behavior sharply and swiftly contrasting from his angry tone, as he rested his chin onto his hand in processing the thought. Then his eyes moved onto yours. He unnerved you.
“What about it?” You asked, and he indulged you.  
“Normally, mortals such yerself can summon us with ease, only because ya need a contract. You, lil’ witch, were trying to find a binding partner, which uses magic. I may have use for you, yet.��� His attitude shifted, and you couldn’t help but relax a little at the honeyed tone. What was with this demon?
“What are you talking about?” You bit out. He let out a victorious grin.
“Yer magic was so strong, it summoned me. A king of hell, a keeper of souls, n’ lord of demons. Bindin’ magic can only get ya so far, it’s pretty much unheard of a mortal summoning somethin’ greater than an ogre, or an oni.” Rolled off of his tongue, eyes now glinting with something that you couldn’t pinpoint. You were surprised. A king of hell? It did explain his jewelry and finery, you silently pinpointed. Despite the shock, you still needed to ask more questions while he was in the mood to be generous with his answers.  
“So...you’re needing me to summon demons up for you from the surface?” You offered, and he looked at you with surprise.
“No….I need you to give up your soul, and live with me in hell.” He grinned at the tight atmosphere that he was causing, you froze.
“Tell me, why would I ever want to do that? What do you even want?” You grounded out the last bit, still confused, and getting weary. Your summon had taken a toll on your body, and now you were feeling the lull of sleep due to sapped magic.  
“I have two main underlings who are like sons to me, but the three of us can only do so much in carin’ for the undead. Ya see, hell’s a very powerful place, in which it can supply a witch’s magic with ease. Ya know where I’m getting’ at?” He drawled out, and you nodded a little.
“I think somebody of yer stature could really hold the forte down. All you have to do, is just be there, n’ yer magic can calm down n’ soothe the restless dead, making this job a lot easier. Since yer magic is powerful, it’ll be extra helpful n’ dosing the souls an’ lesser devils, down. You give me what I need, an’ I can give you what you need.” He purred at the end.
The thought of being useful did appeal to you, it’s what you ever wanted. Yes, it was a terrible decision and you’ll probably end up being burned, anyway, but you remembered that a bound demon or devil cannot hurt you, no matter how powerful they were. If they hurt you, they hurt themselves.
“I’m not going to give up my soul to burn forever, to live with a demon that I’m not bound to.” You countered, and his eye twitched
“First of all, Sweetheart, my realm is in layers. Where you, I, an’ my boys live, is an environment that resembles your realm, but better. Secondly, you will be bound to me, but not as a servant or master, but as an equal. Somethin’ akin to…” He let the sentence hang as he smiled smugly at you, brows furrowed with cockiness, leering at you from his height.
“Akin to?” You egged him, and he let the rest rolled off of his tongue without hesitation.  
“My queen.”
Your brain screeched to a halt.
He laughed at your stunned expression.
“What? Ya expected me to make ya my lil’ minion? No, no, Honey, somebody with yer power, and the sheer gall to stare into my face while arguin’ with me, has already earned my respect. Yeah, you’ll have to turn into a demon, but you’ll be immortal, n’ you can visit yer friends n’ family as long as you like, if you’re powerful as me. Which, you will be.” He threw in his own bait, trying to lure you in.
Understandably, you were stunned. You just summoned a devil. Who wanted you to rule hell with him.  And to become an immortal mistress of the night who can help rule over the undead while living forever with him in his realm.
It was tempting, yes, but you were not one who really chased power. You told him, and his eyebrows furrowed, as if thinking further ways to lure you in, and to be honest? You found that you didn’t mind being swayed by a literal handsome devil.  
“Well, think about it this way, Princess, I don’t know you well, but you live in a run-down hut, the peasants fear you to the point of possible violence, and you’ve turned your attention to demon summoning. We’re both desperate for somethin’.” He looked at you thoughtfully, tail swishing as you processed it. Hell.
“What about my familiar?” You were caving in, and his gazing expression broke out into a victorious grin as his eyes slide to your rabbit.
“Sure, the lil thing can come, too. Familiars exist in hell, too, but not the cute lil’ rabbit ones. Might be a nice change to have one. Wipe away the salt, n’ we can get started.” He acted as if he had already won, and to be honest, he did.  
It was too good of an opportunity to really pass up, and you didn’t really have anybody, and good decisions in your tired state were lacking. You wiped away the salt, and he sighed with relief as he stepped out.
“Man, that tiny circle was exhaustin’ to be in. Now, let’s take you home.” He tucked a fray hair behind your ear. Smiling a devil’s smile, he held you against him, and you tried to keep your cheeks from flushing as he began a mantra of a spell in his native tongue, leaving you awed that it wasn’t the usual Latin. You couldn’t keep your eyes open as a wave of exhaustion and tiredness wafted over you, and your eyes slid shut, darkness over-taking you, but not before hearing a dark chuckle.  
Warm. You were so warm. You opened your eyes, only to be greeted by a bare chest. Your eyes widened as now you were fully conscious, furiously wondering on what the hell was going on.
“So, yer finally awake.” He hummed, and you jolted slightly, looking up at his face with pure surprise, he smiled at you as he held you close to his chest. It didn’t take you long to realize that this was his bedroom, and your mind whirled, vaguely remembering prior events. Sitting up, he whined at the loss of contact, but you paid no mind.
The room was lit up by the flickering familiar orange flames emitting from the white candles slowly melting on top of his dresser, creating a safe, sleepy, and an almost romantic atmosphere. The bed was huge, and took up a good portion of his room, but there was still enough space for some furniture such as the dresser, and a large cage. You sighed with relief, seeing the familiarity of Charlotte within, the little rabbit’s eyes now glowed with luminescence, as if she were something else. It would make sense, your familiar was no longer a normal familiar, since she was in hell, with you.    
You looked down, feeling warmed metal against your skin, and that’s when you’ve noticed your new attire. It was a chiton, like his, although a little looser, and you wore the same amount of matching golden jewelry. Your ears stung a little at the newer piercings, but you didn’t pay that much mind as you couldn’t help but think that he went out of his way to undress you and doll you up to match him. You gave him a dirty look, and he grinned in retaliation, enjoying the flushed and guffawed expression that marred your face.
“If ya’re gonna be the part, might as well look like it. I didn’t undress you fully or touch you too inappropriately, if that makes ya feel better.” He shrugged. Although you admit that he sort of have a point, still!
“What happened to me?” You opted to say instead, and he sat up along with you, you jumping slightly as his tail curled around your waist, acting as a small comfort.  
“You’re a demon. I took yer soul, and bound it to me. Wish ya could’ve seen it, ‘s so pretty an’ pure, an’ it fizzled nicely within me. Was the only way for ya to come down here, sorry.” He hummed, rubbing his cheek against yours in seemingly affection, eyes glittering as he let you process the words and his bizarre behavior.  
Demon. Were you dead? You had no heartbeat, did you? You let your hand rest against your pulse point, surprised by the soft fluttering. You looked at him with question.
“Demon, not fully dead, but not fully alive, either, an’ yeah, you’ll look forever like a human, since ya weren’t born like us. I took yer soul, and gave you one of the multiple that belongs to me. ‘S how we tie our lives together fer eternity, as if exchangin’ rings. You’re mine, and I’m yours. Romantic, isn’t it?”
“I have so many questions.” You murmured, instead. He smiled.  
“We have an eternity together, I’ll answer all of ‘em. For now, c’mon. Lemme show ya what yer magic is doing right now at this moment.” He stood up from the bed, offering you his hand, pulling you up to him as you accepted it. He opened the drapes to his balcony’s windowed doors, revealing an ashen gray sunlight that paled in comparison to the candles. Letting you take Charlotte out of her cage, he opened the doors as the two of you stepped outside.
You looked on in awe.
The balcony to your new home, an ashen gray-stoned castle, had a short amount of steps that led into a gigantic garden. You stared in amazement and joy at the flowering plants and trees that grew in your former realm. There were so many plants, you couldn’t name all of them, but you didn’t mind as you looked on in the neatly organized forage of a garden, enjoying the array of greens and different colors of flowering foliage. Your familiar squirmed, wanting to enjoy the plants and be free, and so you let her, knowing that she’ll be smart enough to stay within eyesight.    
“Beautiful, ain’t it? It didn’t look like this ‘fore you were here. Sure, some plants such as pomegranates n’ ferns grew, but since it’s such a deadened place, nothin’ really grew. I tried for centuries, n’ no such luck. It’s so beautiful ‘cause of yer magic.” His voice broke out of your thoughts, and you listened carefully as a hint of sorrow passed over his features.
“Pomegranates…?” Your mind raced to the odd familiarity of the setting. Greek clothing, the underworld, and now pomegranates? He leaned down and smirked at you, bringing your hand to his lips.
“Heh, because, ya know…” He grinned, enjoying the way you stared up at him in disbelief.
“You’re unbelievable.”
“Can’t say that I don’t have a sense of humor.” He chuckled, and you felt yourself relax, thinking of ways to steer the conversation into another turn.
“You really like this place, don’t you...um?” You wanted to curse yourself. You went through a psychological loop in becoming a queenly wife to a stranger, no less a king of demons, and you didn’t even know his name. How forgetful were you?
Ignoring your inner dread, he grinned as he held your hand within his, rubbing his thumb over your palm.
“Taishiro. Yeah, I rarely visit earth ‘cause all the shit I have to do, n’ so this is my favorite place to relax. Thanks to you, it’s blossoming quite well.” He admitted, pecking your cheek, tail flicking with delight at the prospect of your face pink with the affection. Oh, you were so cute, he crooned.
“What about the dead, Taishiro?” You wondered as you tried out, the foreign language rolling off of your tongue. He looked at you with interest, liking the way his name melded to your own dialect.  
“I’ll take ya on a little tour, how about that? Show ya what’s happenin’ and yer new home. N’ later, we can relax in our garden, take a lil’ break to enjoy our Honeymoon.” He purred, and you felt butterflies flutter nicely within your stomach and chest as you nodded.
“Yer familiar can stay outside. It never rains here, an’ she’s not really...alive, anymore. She’ll be fine.” He looked at the little rabbit that was chewing on a blade of grass, absentmindedly paying attention as you agreed, knowing that she’ll be safe.  
Without further ado, he took you back inside of the castle, beginning the day.
       It was obvious that you were still in shock, and that this wasn’t a dream. He opted to say nothing about your state, as he introduced you to the castle, and the many rooms within. Of course the first thing he had offered to show you, was the dining room, stating that you were probably hungry, and a nice breakfast had been made for you. You blushed furiously, not acquainted with such treatment, and he grinned, pinching your cheek and you huffed at him.
“C’mon, Sweetcheeks, the staff’s all here, n’ they’ve been waitin’ to see what’s been in my bedroom fer about two days.” The sentence had surprised you.
“Two days?” You looked at him owlishly, and he shrugged.
“Turnin’ a human into somethin’ else, takes a toll on the receiver. I’m surprised that it was that short, to be honest.”  
 You walked along side him as the interior looked unique and odd, nothing of it that you’ve seen before. Colors of orange, gold, and red melded into a comfortable, royal setting as the hallways twisted. Each one sported different types of framed pictures and paintings of animals, spirits, and demons of which were new to your eyes.
 Taishiro smiled at your awed and innocent wondering as he began talking, introducing you further into his world, entrancing and entrapping you into the Greek and Japanese themes that he so loved, and you couldn’t help but feel fitted in comfortably within your new home as the two of you continued on-wards towards the dining room, your stomach feeling empty.  
You talked along with him, trying to learn and get used to the idea that yes, this was your husband. Your demon husband who was oddly being affectionate with you, despite his earlier, snappish attitude. Although, you were not minding it, preferring the brushing of hands, eyes meeting yours, and little touches, rather than the first thoughts of possibly burning in hell for eternity. He intrigued you, leaving you to wonder on how were you this lucky and yet foolish. All too soon, however, he had guided you into his favorite place that was second to the garden.  
 The room was beautiful and spacious, with multiple dining ware, vases of freshly cut flowers, and cloths laid neatly upon the long table. The staff were well dressed in their own lesser version of Ionic chitons, small bands of gold littered their collars and wrists, but nothing too extravagant like you and your husband’s. He sat you down, the smell of bacon, eggs, and biscuits wafted deliciously to you from the silver plate sitting in front of you. You could feel your mouth all but water as your stomach grumbled with an awakening realization. Taishiro sat next to you, chuckling at your eagerness.  
“I know that yer not human, anymore, but we demons can live on an’ indulge on such human foods. Thank our chefs fer goin’ out onto the earthen realm, n’ huntin’ down the stuff.”
“Thank you.” Came out, and who you guessed were the chefs, bowed with gratitude. You tried not to shovel the food greedily into your mouth, paying mind to try to eat with grace. You blanched, feeling a bit of the egg yolk dribble down your chin, and you jumped as Taishiro didn’t miss a beat in taking the opportunity to swipe it from your face with his forefinger, eyeing you with a dark look mixed in with a cocky smirk as he began suckling on said finger, rolling his tongue around it, and pulling it out of his mouth with a wet pop.
You felt as if your face, chest, and ears were burning as he then groaned.  
You weren’t burning in hell with actual fire, so you guessed he had to come up with other ways, you guessed.  
The two of you finished in silence, him grinning with knowing want at your expressions, liking the way how easy and fun it was to just tease you. After saying your formal thanks to the staff, the two of you continued onward.
 Most of the rooms, other than the main bedroom, that he had led you, were guest rooms, and the others were sleeping headquarters for the staff and his underling sons. Speaking of which, it did not take you too long to be introduced to them. Cue in bright laughter, oddly mixed in with a rather gloomy aurora caught your attention, and lo and behold, down the hall is where they stood.
“Oooh! Is this her, Tai-chan?!” Noticing your presences, a red-haired young man turned his attention towards you. He nor the other young man were dressed as glamorous as the two of you, but they were unique. The red haired boy, along with the black haired one, both had pointed ears, but that’s where the line was drawn. Red had scaled, burgundy wings, furled neatly behind his back as his reptilian tail wagged slowly, he sported a sharp-toothed grin and radiated sunlight.
The gloomy man had a crystal ball within his clawed hands, cape and hood cloaking his figure as he stared at you.
“Who else would it be?” He muttered slowly, sarcasm lost on the other.
“Eijirou’s the dragon, an’ Tamaki’s the sorcerer. Boys, this is yer Queen.” Taishiro made a short introduction.  
“Nice to meet you!” As well as “Hello.” Greeted you, and you mimicked their greetings, surprised by the welcome. You replied your own greetings, feeling a bit nervous.
“Tamaki, would ya show ‘er the souls? I’d like for her to know what’s on the lower layer.”
“Sure.” Without further question, the scryer demon began murmuring his own spell as you stared into the crystal ball, watching with amazement at the sheer focus that was being put into it as it began to reveal answers to your questioning mind.
“See what yer magic’s been doin? Told ya, Nightingale, yer magic’s one of a kind, an’ yer not focusing on it, right now, but see what it’s doin’?” Taishiro gestured towards the mass of ghostly shadows within the ball. They seemed still, as if time had stopped them.
“Rather than deafening screams, wailing, and clattering of chains, we have this. They’re calm, awaiting to be reincarnated. It’s the most quiet that we’ve heard in centuries. None of us has yet the need to intervene and waste our time.” Tamaki opted to explain for you, a small hint of a smile graced his features, while Eijirou smiled warmly.
“It eases their suffering, too! Your magic to them is like a lullaby! You can’t hear it, but others can! It’s why Tai-chan’s been so calm-
“Anyway! Let’s go to the garden, yer not too tired, right? We can continue this later.” Taishiro interrupted swiftly, ruffling each boy’s heads as he gripped your hand rather gently, tugging you along back towards the familiarity of the garden, as you swore you heard two chuckles behind you.
         “There is a teeny, tiny detail that I need to explain.” Taishiro dragged you further into the depths of the green foliage, slowly but surely darkening out the sunlight as you couldn’t help but shiver a little due to the anticipation. Where was he leading you? You guessed that he could see in the dark, but you couldn’t, feeling yourself stumble a little.  
“Taishiro, I can’t see.” You offered, and you heard a chuckled huff.
“Guess I gotta carry you, hm?” The sentence was your only warning. You let out a shrill yelp, feeling him lift you up with little to no effort into his arms. You liked the way how he gripped you, and seeped into his warmth as he continued walking to who knows where, and oddly enough, you trusted him.
“In order to fully complete the bond,” He startled you, as he finally broke the silence in what had seemed minutes. Setting you down, he snapped his fingers. Orange floating, flickering lights that resembled candles appeared right after, dimly illuminating the area around them. Your eyes adjusted, taking in the scenery that the lights were willing to show. It was a spacious area of smoothed down grass, white lilies and red roses crowned around it, giving it a magical, romantic feeling.
“you need to finally receive part of my power. Sure there’s multiple ways of sharing a mate’s essence, I just thought that this would be more fun.” He gave you a wink, and you felt your heartbeat quicken with a little nervousness. Yet, you found yourself not really surprised. He was your husband, after all. The thoughts of you becoming a demon, him being your mate, and that you ruled souls along with your new family, had been whirling around your head silently. It was only natural to continue, right?
“Only if you take the lead.” You offered, and he smiled, leaning down to finally mesh his lips upon yours in a secured kiss, tail swishing wildly as if joyed. Although a little snappy, he was also sweet and devilish in a teasing, fun way. You guessed that he was probably stressed from working and worrying too hard, thus you didn’t really hold it against him.
“Alright.” He led you to the clearing, laying down as he pulled you down on top, you basically straddling him, heat creeping up to your neck and ears as his clothed hardness poked at your equally clothed entrance. Not bothering to take any clothes off, he rocked his hips, groaning with guttural want as you let out a whimper, feeling the silk cloth of your clothing stimulate your clit as he rutted lazily up against it. His eyes focused up at you as he held your waist tightly, helping you rock your hips in sync with his as his tail rubbed itself against your sensitive, itching to feel you.  
“Can ya smell yer own arousal? Mixin’ in nicely with our flowers? Ya can cum anytime ya want too, okay?” He brought you down to kiss your clavicle and neck, your hands gripped his hair as your fingers threaded though the soft tresses and horns, keening as his own teeth latched onto the juncture of your throat as he suckled, minding his bottom tusks as he bit harshly, kissing the bruising skin with tenderness. You choked out a whimper as your hips bucked a little more roughly at his actions, causing him to groan.  
You could feel yourself clench with want as his precum and your wetness soaked through your undergarments, creating a slicking friction as the wet squelching noises echo through the dimly lit darkness. You looked down at him through lidded eyes, eyebrows furrowing as you bit your bottom lip, noticing that he mimicked your expression, if it wasn’t for the gritting teeth, You liked this side of him, too, you thought through your itching need to cum.  
He could tell that you were getting desperate, hell, he was, too. Yet, he wanted you to come before he did. Taking both hands away from your waist, he placed one underneath your ridden up clothing, and another cupped one of your bouncing breasts, thumb rubbing roughly over a nipple. Taking pleasure in the way that you were staring down at him, swallowing thickly, he let his hand slip into your soiled undergarments, making sure that every time your hips bucked forwards, you could feel his fingers brush against your clit.  
“T-Taishiro~!” You gasped, and he moaned, slipping two fingers in as he continued bucking, envying the digits as they stretched your tight and wet heat. Your juices were now dribbling down, creating more of a mess as his now four fingers pumped in and out of you, crooking them and stretching your walls with a gentle fervor as his dick slid between the folds of your labia, continuing to rub against your clothed clit. He ate up your desperate expression, knowing that he was no better as the both of you were about to cum. He picked up his pace as your face was buried in his shoulder, panting loudly and letting out breaths of need.  
“Y-ya know, I haven’t done this in centuries. ‘M gunna fuck you so good. Would ya like that?” He nipped at your ear, and you whined wantonly as you felt yourself tighten around his fingers, gripping them like a lifeline and he hissed as you came, cum soaking and dripping everywhere as you stilled, fingers grasped in his hair tightly, and damn if he loved that feeling. He stilled, awaiting for you to recover as you panted, lying against his chest as tears and a little bit of drool temporarily stained your flushed face. He kissed you softly, removing his soaked fingers from your fluttering heat, lust boiling within him as he imagined his cock in there.
“How do ya want this? Missionary and doggy are pretty good positions for first timers, either way, I’m going to claim you, Sweetheart.”
You looked at him through your wet lashes, as if contemplating on what you want.
“What do you want?” You asked instead, and the question caught him off guard, but he grinned.
“You.” He didn’t hesitate.
“Then have me.” You felt a blush at your own statement, but you really wanted to continue.
“Ya sure?”
“Anyway you can, Taishiro. I trust you, you’re not going to hurt me.” At this, his expression softened as he then kissed you with such a tenderness.
“I won’t, but my instincts are screamin’ at me to take ya right here on the ground.”
“Then do so. We have an eternity together, right?” You pondered, and he frowned a little.
“For your-
“I trust you.” You interrupted, looking at him dead in the eyes, as if challenging him. He couldn’t help but smile at your spitfire attitude.
“As my Queen commands.” He kissed your cheek.
It was the only warning you really had, but your blood was on fire with heat and want, and truthfully, if he wanted to hurt you, he had every opportunity to after you wiped away the salt from the pentagram.
Shedding off the both your clothing, the both of you stared unabashed at each other, a red flush tinted his face, and you were blushing furiously. You weren’t really acquainted with seeing an angry-looking cock, veins visible as a drool of precum leaked onto the ground, but here it was, twitching slightly at your intense gaze. The golden glints caught your eye, and your eyes widened with surprise.
“Y-you have piercings-!” You guffawed as he laughed.
“Oh! You’re so cute! Easy to reach’n stimulate, Babe.” He winked and you swallowed thickly as he then decided that enough time was spent staring, and now he wanted to touch you, more.  
 He placed both garbs neatly on the ground as he gently maneuvered you onto them, your stomach and breasts were cushioned as you gripped the clothing, knees on the cool grass as you basically laid out bare for him.  
 You jolted as you felt his hot, fat tongue lick a long stripe along your leaking sex and clit, his hands gripped your thighs, squeezing them gently as he decided to make a meal out of you, first. You could only lay there, whining and panting, trying to move your hips in his tight grasp as he licked you with fervor, taking extra time to suckle at your clit, chuckling as he also sopped up the extra slick running down your thighs, kissing them gently and you moaned.
“Taishiro!” You whined at him, silently pleading for him to get to the main event.
“Oh? Ya wanna be fully tainted by the devil?” He purred, and you nodded. You knew that he had to take care of his need, too, and he didn’t admit it, but he was getting a little impatient.  
“Easy there, Hon. If anythin’ bothers you, say somethin’, and we’ll stop, m’kay?” He finished, getting an affirmative from you, as he then grabbed his dick, leading it to your sopping entrance, and pushing a little bit in. He was amazed on how the muscles to your opening were loose, letting the head of his dick catch the rim, slipping a little inside.
He froze when you froze at the sudden prodding, opting instead to move his hips rather gently, not going further as you got use to the feeling of what’s already inside you. He decided that rubbing your clit was a good idea, and was rewarded as he felt you loosen up a bit, knees spreading out further as you bit your lip, feeling the gentle rubbing of calloused fingers.
“C-continue.” You murmured, feeling the other piercings now slide past the muscle. It was a delicious feeling of being stretched and stimulated, feeling yourself loosen as you took more of him in.
“Almost in, Sweetheart.” He murmured gently, his other hand rubbing soothing circles between your shoulder blades. Finally, he moved the last couple of inches inside of your burning heat as he refused to move, letting the both of you take in the feeling of being joined together.
“Ya alright?” He grunted, silently pleading for you to give your affirmative for him to move. He was relieved when you nodded, amazed at himself for gently rocking his hips as you were basically sucking him in. You were in a daze, feeling every inch, vein, and piercing churn your inside walls as your breasts rubbed against the silken clothing, clit still being stimulated as he took care of you.
“Y-you can mo-ve fa-faster, T-Taishiro.” It sounded more needy than you liked to admit, but he didn’t seem to mind. He leaned down, resting his chin against your shoulder as he basically enveloped you from above, one hand rubbing your clit, and the other holding himself from fully crushing you as he let his hips buck with more fervor, both of you seeing each other’s needy expressions.
“Takin’ me in-oh! So well, Darlin’. Ya’re s-suckin’ me in so-damn! Nicely. Don’t know ya that well, but ‘m so fond an’ proud of ya.” He kissed your cheek tenderly, contrast to his hips positioning themselves in a new angle in a snapping motion. Your head spun with stars as you felt the piercing on his tip, hit something inside you, letting out a “do that again!”. He would chuckle, if that statement didn’t turn him on so much.
“Y-you’re doing such a g-good job, too! Ah! Like y-you a lo-ot!” You admitted, trying your best to return such actions of affections. He rested his cheek against your cheek, taking his free hand to interlace his fingers with yours as he felt you tighten when he rolled his hips, aiming for the spot that kept making you clench.  
���’C’mon, cum fer me, Baby. Lemme feel ya milk a century’s worth dry.” He growled into your ear, eager at the prospect as much as you were as you suddenly stiffened, your walls tightening around him desperately as you let out a whine, chasing the fleeting feeling as you reached down and gripped his fingers onto your clit.
“T-Taishiro! O-overstim-ula-t-ed!” You cried out, tears pooling around your eyes in frustration as your body kept clenching around him and the electricity of your high was going haywire, consuming you into a mess.
“J-just a lil! More!” He tore his hand away, sitting up as he gripped one hand on your waist tightly, and the other pressed down on your back, snapping his hips, churning your sensitive walls with an animalisitc frenzy. You could only whine, laying there and taking it as your mind was in a blank state as you felt him get bigger, suddenly. To your relief, he gave one final thrust.  
A hot warmth coated your raw insides, mixing in with your own cum as you felt him still. You whined softly as you felt full. Moments passed as the two of you huffed and panted, letting the cool air chill the two of your sweaty bodies down. He pulled out of you gingerly, you whimpered at the loss as you felt cum and slick leak out. He paid no mind, plopping down to the side of you, and pulling you back onto his stomach as the two of you took each other in, cooling down from intense highs.
He cupped your face, and began trailing soft kisses wherever he could reach, and you couldn’t help but rasp out giggles, the fog clearing from your head as you descended back towards your normal mental state of closure.  
“Beautiful. Mmm, ya took me so well, an’ ya looked so pretty n’ debauched. Don’t care, I’m gunna say it, Princess. I love ya.” He admitted so softly, hands smoothing down your back as you felt your heart softened as you gazed down at him.
“I love you, too. I know for sure that I will love you more when time passes.” You kissed him tenderly, letting your own growing affections seep into the kiss, and he let out an odd guttural of purring, enjoying the fulfilling feeling of a partner doting on him. The lights flickered, as if trying to lull you to sleep, but you weren’t sleepy, yet.
“I want to talk. What’s your favorite color? Why do you purr? How did you meet your sons? I want to know every bit about you.” You murmured into his chest, peeking at him through lashes, enjoying the surprised and pleased look that you were receiving. You didn’t care about the time, letting him ramble at each question you had, enjoying the way his heartbeat quickened as his breathing chest fell up and down, him talking excitedly as he threw in his own questions, pleased to know about you, more.
“Ah~! I don’t think ya can’t get any cuter~.” He rubbed his nose against yours in affection, and you were surprised to hear the familiar purr echo through his chest.
“What about your purring?”  
“Yeah, happens now an’ then when I’m truly happy.”
“That’s wholesome and cute.” You admitted truthfully, liking the way his eyes danced with light at your confession.
“I wanna go again.” He said suddenly, and you flushed, realizing that he was stirring to life, again. You didn’t mind. You told him, and he smiled, kissing you.
“We’ll take it a lil’ more slow, this time. Face to face. Preferably ya kissin’ me, more.” He smiled, pinching your cheek playfully. You kissed him in false retaliation.
“Yer still a lil’ wet, so ya wouldn’t mind if I just-?” He asked, and you nodded, feeling his member catch onto the rim of your used entrance, the both of you moaning as he slid in easier, this time. You were wet and loosened, and instead of focusing on chasing your highs, the two of you paid attention to each other.
 Not many words were said as you did what you pleased, kissing, touching, and enjoying his softened expression at your inquisitive hands as he held onto you, returning your affectionate gestures as the atmosphere resonated with the flickering candles: soft and romantic as the two of your hips met in a slow, sensual pace, not racing against time as you felt him continue to purr, much to your satisfaction.  
You were still satisfied from earlier, but he still managed to make you cum again, this time it wasn’t as intense, but it didn’t matter, for your head cleared a little more quicker, getting to enjoy his desperate look as he quickened his pace. He looked debauched and desperate, eyebrows furrowed downward, pools of wetness gathering at his eyes as he bit his lip, only to open his mouth and call out your name as once again, he came inside of you.              
   “Damn, I think that I can forever make love to ya.” He panted out, sweaty chest rising and falling as one of your hands soothed circles around his waist, the other bringing his own to your lips as you kissed the back tenderly.
“I feel the same.” You admitted truthfully, and he let out another set of purrs.
“Oh my goooooood! Oh my god! Sister! Where have you beeeeeen?! It’s been like, a year since we’ve last seen you!” Your friend hugged you tightly, relieved tears threatened to spill. Taishiro and you had decided to take a visit on the earthen realm to collect the rest of your things, if the villagers hadn’t destroyed your hut, that is. Luckily, your place was left untouched, and you came across the wondering group of girls, fretting over you, your state of dress, and looking at Taishiro with concern.
“Sis, did you finally summon a hireling? He doesn’t look like a gremlin?” One asked. You had to keep in your laughter as your husband’s eye twitched with annoyance.  
“Um, I used a different method on the summoning spell. This is my husband, Taishiro.”
“King of hell, keeper of souls, blah blah. Look, me an’ my Queen are going to go, now. Yer all annoyin’.” He griped, snapping his fingers as the portal to your home had opened, not giving your friends time to wave their goodbyes as he dragged you home, and oddly enough, you didn’t mind.
          Your eyes glinted in the moonlight as the juice from the pomegranate seeds stained your lips red as you eyed the stunned man. Centuries had passed, and you and your husband had lost track of time, not aging as your magic grew in power, melding perfectly with his. Your adopted sons had moved on, finding their own mates, bringing them to your realm to visit regularly, and your love for Taishiro grew immeasurably.
  Unfortunately, since he was an ancient demon, he had to reincarnate once every one thousand years, letting his soul reset into a body although resembled his own, his memories were long gone, leading you onto a twenty-nine year old man-hunt for your reincarnated lover.
“I may have a use for you, yet.” You let the words soothe over the young magic user, his eyes widened in something akin to recognition, although confused.
“Alright, Dumplin, What’dya need?” His accent was the same, except it belonged to a young man, this time, and not a demon.
“I’m Queen of hell, lady of the lost souls, and I’m in need of a king.”
 “So familiar…” He gripped his head, eyeing you with confusion, yet there was a hint of your husband’s glint within those eyes.
“It’s because you know me. Very well.” You hummed at his confused expression.
“Alright, I’m curious. Lead me.” He gave in.
You smiled. It wouldn’t take long for the two of you to be reunited, after all.
End! Give Thanks and Credit to Rita, or youtubequeens on tumblr for the idea and us brainstorming! I tried to fix any plot holes, I fell in love with the setting and mythology and other things, so I’m pretty proud of this fic :3
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Guiding Stars
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Ezra x Reader
Words: 3653
Summary: After nearly three years of surviving on that shithole planet, Ezra escapes with Cee and the two journey to the planet he once called home in hopes of starting a new life. You have been living in hope that one day, the man you love will come home despite everyone telling you to move on. When Ezra shows up at your door with a teenage girl and one arm, both of you wonder just how much has changed. 
Notes: Again, I’m writing for a bunch of Pedro characters, so please please please leave a review or send in a message to let me know what you all think of them! Also, I just really love the idea of mixing Ezra with Wicked Game by Chris Isaak, so there’s one in here.
“Do you want to lock up, or should I?” Your coworker, Ella, drew you out of your thoughts. Your eyes were trained up at the sky, studying the glittering stars above. It was a critical part of your nightly routine. Every night, before you closed down the shop, you looked up at the sky. Your apartment didn’t have any windows, so it was your only chance to just take in the vastness of space above you. 
“I’ll get it, thanks El.” You came away from the window just as a ship passed overhead. The robotic repair store that you worked at had had a busy day and you were relieved to be heading home. You punched in the lock code and waited for that familiar click before you hoped on your ratty old hover-bike and rode home. 
The city was dirty and the air was filled with smog, but you couldn’t bring yourself to leave, even now that you had made a little more money. You had every opportunity to get on a shuttle and fly off to some new and exciting planet, but you remained in your tiny apartment on that sad little lump of rock just as you had for nearly a decade. Many of your friends had moved off, started families, continued their lives. They all asked you the same question whenever they visited. 
“Why don’t you get out of that place? You have so much potential.”
You gave them all the same answer. If you left, he wouldn’t be able to find you. 
You slid your key-card through the slot and your apartment door squeaked open. It was dark and barely big enough for one person even though it once housed two. You cleaned off the grease from your hands and arms and broke off a piece of stale bread for dinner. It didn’t matter whether or not the shop was bringing in more money; real food was a luxury anywhere on the planet. 
You sat in the dark, the obnoxious glow of artificial lighting giving you a headache.You said your prayers, though you could hardly remember who or what you prayed to anymore. Whoever could bring him home. 
 You would hold out for one more day, you told yourself. Tomorrow, you would pack up and get off this shitty excuse of a planet and make a name for yourself. Somewhere sunny. Somewhere with real, living trees, not the plastic imposters that lined the city streets. You couldn’t count the amount of times you’d promised yourself that. Every night, probably. You knew you would never leave. You couldn’t. 
They had told you he was dead. That he got sick on that godforsaken green planet and that they had to leave his body behind because it was ‘contaminated’. They told you to move on. Everyone else that had known him did. All of his friends mourned him for a few weeks and then went on with their lives, most of them moving away. But his crew all had a look of guilt. Even without their lying eyes, you felt in your soul that he was out there, somewhere, trying to get back to you by the hands of the guiding stars. 
You hadn’t seen him in four years, but sometimes, when you were stuck in that place between awake and dreaming, you could feel his arms slip around you. You could feel the bed shift with his weight. And you could feel his lips graze yours just before you finally fell asleep. 
“Are you sure this is the right place?” Cee huffed, looking up at the shabby sign. Ezra blew out a breath. 
“This is the one.” He recognized the chipped paint and the smell of burning metal from the smelting works down the street. Mel’s Robotics. He’d been back here many times in his dreams while he was stuck on that planet. Cee wrinkled her nose and he chuckled. “If you wish for better accommodations, Little Bird,  you are free to search for it yourself.” His sweet drawl in his voice had annoyed her when they first met, but  she had grown used to it, finding it almost comforting. “That apartment building should be just around the corner.” 
While the air was polluted and smelled of smoke, he couldn’t help but revel in the sensation of walking outside without a cumbersome suit inhibiting his every move. He felt free for the first time in three years. 
“You seem cheery.” Cee noted with feigned annoyance. She was just as happy to be off that planet as he was. “Who is this woman anyway? How do you know she’s even still here?” Ezra sighed. 
“I don’t.” 
The two entered the apartment complex wearily, Cee checking around every corner they turned. She shook her head at her own paranoia. This was a residential planet. Disgusting and over populated, but residential. There were no monsters or toxic particles in the air here, unless you counted the smog. But hey, at least she wouldn’t have to cut off any more arms. 
He led her up a flight of stairs, searching for door number 416. As soon as he found it, he pulled on the chain around his neck, revealing a small metal key. Cee pointed at the card reader next to the door.
“I think you’ve got the wrong kind of key.” Ezra chuckled. 
“It would appear so, little bird, but you see, when I lived here, I used this,” He held up the old-fashioned key, it’s teeth glistening in the light. He’d kept it in pristine conditioning, hoping that he would have a home to return to one day. “I never was very skilled with technology, so my lovely partner had this put in for me.” He pressed a notch on the knob of the door and a piece of metal slid away, revealing a lock. 
Ezra put the key in, but stopped before he turned it, the impact of the situation suddenly hitting him. What if you weren’t here? What if you were here and you didn’t want to see him? What if you had forgotten about him? 
“What are you waiting for?” Cee asked, a slight trace of fear in her voice. Was something wrong? Ezra closed his eyes and took a deep, calming breath and turned the key. 
It was as if he was stepping into one of his dreams. Everything looked the same. The same beat-up leather sofa. The same smell of ink from your blueprints and the earthy aroma of your favorite tea. For a moment, he thought he would cry, falling to the floor of the home he’d been desperately trying to get back to for four years. Cee could see his emotional state and didn’t say anything for a while, letting him drink in the memory. She was almost jealous. She never really had a home to miss. 
“It doesn’t look like she’s here.” Cee noted after he started to roam around. He stopped in front of a shelf, picking up an old photo. It was taken the night that they had moved in together. A group of friends had surprised the two of you with a party and snapped the photo as he carried you in, bridal style. 
“She stayed.” He whispered to himself almost in disbelief. He didn’t notice that Cee was next to him. 
“You look happy.” Cee gave him a half smile, examining the photo over his shoulder. He quickly put the frame back on the shelf. 
“She should be back soon. If I remember correctly, and I believe I do, the shop isn’t open on weekends.” He motioned for her to sit on the worn-out sofa. He should have felt awkward, waiting around on the couch for her to come home. But it was his home too.  Besides, he’s the one that bought the damn thing. He didn’t think his heart would ever stop beating so fast until he heard the door open and it stopped all together. 
You had seen him so many times in your dreams that you didn’t even stop when you saw him out of the corner of your eye. You went straight to the small kitchen to put away a few groceries. It wasn’t until you turned around, seeing him standing there looking at you with those big brown eyes that you could have sworn were filled with tears. 
“Hello my Dove,” He greeted, his voice catching in his throat. He never thought he would get to call you that again. You never thought you’d hear it. You slowly stepped towards him, worried that if you moved too fast he would vanish. 
“E-Ezra?” You felt like all of the air had left your body and only he could give it back. “T-this is…. Am I dreaming?” You weren’t sure if you could handle waking up to an empty room again. Ezra chuckled, a single tear spilling over as he shook his head. 
“No, sweetheart,” He stepped towards you and placed his hand on your cheek. Just feeling his rough, warm skin made your heart leap. “I’m here.” 
You weren’t sure which happened first; throwing your arms around his neck and nearly tackling him in a hug or the endless amount of tears that poured down your face as you cried into his chest. His hand cradled the back of your head and he wished that he could hold you properly. But you didn't even notice. 
“I knew it.” You sobbed. “I knew you weren’t dead. They all told me to leave, but I knew that you would come back to me.” When you pulled away so you could look at that face you’d longed to see for four years, you noticed his injury. His right arm was gone, the empty sleeve of his shirt hanging loosely by his side. Ezra knew what you were looking at and was suddenly uncomfortable. 
“It’s a long story.” He muttered. You collected your thoughts, thousands of questions swimming around in your head, and you took his face in your hands. 
“It doesn’t matter.” You beamed. “The only thing that matters is that you're here.” You pulled his face down to yours, colliding your lips together. Your body ignited. It felt like this was the first breath you’d taken in the last four years. Ezra was sure that he had been dead up until this moment and you brought him back to life with the soft touch of your lips. It wasn’t until he felt the annoyed tap on his shoulder that he pulled away. 
“Oh, one more thing.” He stepped aside to reveal a young girl standing behind him. “This is Cee.” 
“Hi.” She greeted awkwardly, her arms crossed over her chest as she tried to read your expression. “I guess I’m part of the long story.” 
“Don’t be modest now.” He smirked. “I wouldn’t have made it off of the Green without her.” If it wasn’t for her, he would still have an arm, Cee thought. You smiled at her brighter than anyone had ever smiled at her before. 
“Thank you.” 
Cee felt an odd, warm feeling in her chest and Ezra could have sworn he saw a small smile grace her lips. He cleared his throat and turned back to you. 
“Now, I know it’s quite a lot to ask, but I was hoping that I may take residence here again. And Cee would be with us too, if that’s alright.” They had talked about her staying with him on the journey here. Seeing as she didn’t really have many options, she said if they could make it without killing each other that she would give it a chance. You shook your head with a laugh, running your hands through his hair, curling that blonde streak around your finger. 
“This is your home, Ezra. Always and forever.” You pressed a gentler kiss to his lips before looking at Cee. “And please stay. This apartment is small, but I’d be more than willing to make room for you.”
“That would be very nice.” Cee said as politely as she knew how. She wasn’t used to people being so kind to her. Hell, she wasn’t sure how someone like you could put up with Ezra, but she was glad that you did. You put a hand on her shoulder and ushered them both into the kitchen. 
“Come on, I’ll fix us some dinner.” 
For the next few days, the sun shined a little brighter every morning and the stars glittered more each night. It was as if Ezra was all the light you ever needed. And Cee was wonderful. She became interested in the shop after a few visits and asked if she could help out. You were more than happy to have her join you and Ella loved her too. You started a special project while Ella showed her the ropes of the robotics business. Everything was perfect… until it wasn’t. 
It wasn’t until you came home late with Cee from the shop that you realized that Ezra wasn’t the same. Sure, he was your sweet and loving Ezra with that sexy southern drawl. But he was also the Ezra that was stuck in the Green for four years, alone except for the mute creature he kept for company. 
“You didn’t tell me you were going to be late.” He whispered, sitting on the couch and staring at the wall.  
“Yeah, sorry, we just got caught up in some work.” You laughed, draping an arm around the younger girl’s shoulders. You put down the large case containing your work. “Cee’s got real talent.” 
“I don’t like not being informed of your extended absence.” Usually his well-though wording turned you on, but when he finally turned his head to look at you, his eyes were dark. “I’ve been sitting here, worrying about you for a long while now.” 
“I’m sorry, honey.” You walked towards him, a confused and nervous smile tugging at your lips, hoping to calm him down. His whole body was tense, like stuck gears about to break. “Ezra, what’s wrong?” 
“What’s wrong?” He scoffed. “I have been pacing here for hours not knowing when the two of you would be coming back.” He stood up and loomed over you, his eyes glaring and his mouth in a snarl. “I’m not a patient man, Y/N. You know this. Waitin leads to worryin and you know how I get when I worry!” His voice was a booming growl now and his face was inches from yours. 
It only took him a moment to come back. When the green faded in his mind, he saw only the frightened look in your eyes. He hadn’t realized that his hand was gripping your arm. You tried not to show how much his tight hold hurt. Ezra’s face immediately softened and he dropped his hand to his side. 
“You can put that down little bird.” He sighed, not taking his eyes off of you. Cee put down the screwdriver she had been holding, ready to attack if he did something to you.
“Ezra…” You stepped away from him, backing towards your room. 
“Sweetheart, I-”
“Maybe you should sleep out here tonight.” You said, more of a demand than a suggestion. You knew that he would never hurt you. Of course he would never hurt you. But Ezra was different.
 His shoulders slumped a little and he looked at the floor. 
“No, of course.” His defeated expression nearly broke your heart. He mustered a small smile. “My apologies, ladies. I hope you both sleep well.” As calm as he tried to appear, his heart was pounding in his ears. 
Cee went into her room while you lingered in the doorway of your own, watching Ezra grab an old quilt and lie down on the couch. You just needed some time to think. You could feel his sad gaze upon you as you closed the door. 
You had grown so used to the silence of an empty home that almost any noise in the night woke you up. The sound of quiet, painful groans and mutterings stirred you from your sleep. You opened your door as silently as possible, peaking out into the living room. Ezra was still asleep, but he was thrashing back and forth, his face contorted with fear. 
“I have to get back…” He whispered, his voice filled with suffering. “I have to get back to her…” 
“Ezra?” You said softly, walking towards him. 
“No.” He winced. Whatever was haunting him was getting worse. “I have to get out. I have to get out!” His whispers had turned to terrified screams and you couldn’t bear it any longer. 
“Ezra, baby, wake up.” You put a hand on his cheek, hoping that your gentle touch could soothe him, but he kept fighting. His hand clutched his chest and you saw the angry red scar. 
“I’m going to die here.” He cried, his voice cracking. “I’m going to die.” 
“Ezra, you aren’t there anymore. You’re safe. You’re with me.” You shook him and he shot up, breathing heavily as his eyes adjusted to the dark living room. You ran your hand up and down his back. 
“I’m not there.” He said in between pants, his eyes frantically scanning the room for whatever villain plagued his dream. “I’m not there.” 
“You’re home, Ezra.” You couldn’t help the tears that fell. Seeing him so afraid tore at your heart. 
“Home,” He slowly turned his body around so that he was facing you. A small, crooked smile formed on his lips. “That’s right. Home.” You pulled him to you, resting his head on your chest as you ran your fingers through his hair. 
“What happened to you out there?” You whispered, more of a sad statement than a question. You wished that you could soothe every bad memory from his mind, but you knew that you couldn’t erase the past four years. He held onto you as tightly as he could and you were reminded of what you and Cee had been working on for the past few days. 
You stood up slowly, grabbing his hand. 
“I have something for you.” You guided him to the case that you had set on the kitchen counter and you unlocked the mechanisms. Inside, was a long, robotic arm. “I don’t know if it’s something that you want. I don’t want to pressure you or anything, I just thought it would be nice to give you something. It was actually Cee’s idea.” 
Ezra examined the device with a look of awe. You lifted it out of the case and showed him how it worked. 
“You wouldn’t even need an operation. You just strap it on and this,” You held up a small neurotransmitter that would adhere to the back of his neck, “Would be able to transmit your brainwaves to the device, making it function like a regular limb.” 
He didn’t know what to say. He knew that you were brilliant at what you did, but this was beyond what he could have imagined. All he could do was smile and you bit your lip nervously. 
“Do you want to try it?” 
He nodded and sat down, allowing you to work. You fastened the straps so that it rested comfortably against his side. Then you put on the transmitter. Looking to him for permission and receiving it, you finished prepping the device. 
“Is it… working?” He asked, raising a brow. You sucked in a breath. 
“You tell me.” You started to walk, but your foot caught on the leg of the chair. Before you could fall, you felt his hand grab your arm. His right hand. 
“Incredible.” He gasped, tears springing to his eyes. He didn’t fight them. Instead, he let you kiss them off of his cheeks, leading him back into the living room. 
“Do you like it?” 
“Do I like it?” He lifted you up into the air, twirling you around and looking at you like you were the sun. He set you down again and crossed the room to the small music-device in the corner. “Well, my dove, it’ll make it a whole lot easier to do this.” He pressed a few buttons and that familiar guitar intro. As the song began to play, he walked back towards you, his movements steady and invited. 
The world was on fire and no one could save me but you
“Our song.” You grinned. It was the song that had played when you met. He had played it when you moved in together. And now it played when you found each other again. He took you into his arms, the cool metal of the robotic arm pressing against your skin. You didn’t mind. It felt nice in contrast to the hot air around you. 
The two of you began to sway, dancing slowly in the warmth of each other’s embrace. You were sure that you had died and this is what your heaven was. Ezra forever, his lips never leaving your own. 
“What a wicked thing to do.” He whispered in your ear along with the lyrics. His lips grazed your ear. “To make me dream of you.” You brought his face to yours for a deep and passionate kiss, stilling dancing in the middle of the living room. 
Cee smiled slightly as she peaked from her room. She had forgotten what it was like to see two people love each other, if she even knew to begin with. She quietly closed her door again and went back to bed, leaving the two of you to enjoy your moment. 
In the following weeks, the three of you decided to move off of that lump of rock and search for a better place. But you knew that it didn’t really matter. Wherever you ended up, as long as you were with Ezra, and now Cee, you knew that you would be home.
@rae-gar-targaryen​; @jnniferjreau​; @ladamari68​; @libellule2001​; @c-ly-g​; @themandjalorian​; @pascalisthepunkest
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secret-engima · 4 years
So - in the female!Ardyn 'Taur 'verse, how does the romantic relationship between Cor and Ardyn develop? (Nox, meanwhile, is having - slight hysterics in the background, because The Immortal and the (formerly) literally Immortal Accursed? It's like a bad joke). And, for that matter - how does everyone *else* react to that relationship? (Regis is. Not sure how to feel. On the one hand, Cor is going to be *literally his brother*, squee! On the other, Cor is *dating his sister*.)
*cackles evilly* oh THAT’S easy-
They start dating out of Pure Spite.
See, Cor has been doing everything he can to get out of formal events WHENEVER he can for years because he’s the Marshal and the Immortal and all the widows and older bachelorettes seem to think they can win him over with enough makeup, perfume, primping of their fur, and fluttering of their eyelashes and Cor HATES IT. Always has. Regis has told him that if he actually GOT A DATE with someone maybe they’d back off, to which Aulea just rolls her eyes and says that they’d turn into sharks and shred whatever poor soul Cor tried to take as a plus one. Cor agrees, he’d have to find a Plus One that was even more deadly in the political and verbal arena, as well as one of high enough status to survive the gossip, and frankly it’s not worth the effort to look for such a wonder woman.
Then Ardyn happens. Then Ardyn is revealed as female in private, and after much discussion agrees to be revealed as female in public as well and the bachelors start calling. Cor watches for like- a year at least, probably closer to two as Ardyn deals with the same issues he does only in male form, as she tears them apart with a smile and leaves them thinking they’ve been complimented and not mocked to death. He watches, and knows that Ardyn is watching him too.
Then one day, on the cusp of YET ANOTHER Gala (okay there aren’t that many but they ARE annoying and Cor dreads each and every one with a passion), he comes home to find Ardyn IN HIS APARTMENT, lazing on his couch, all four paws in the air, and staring at the ceiling as she plays with her hat. “How did you get in here?” Cor scowls.
“Picked the window lock and opened it enough to shove my knife through, then I warped.” She says casually like that isn’t the most impressive form of warping there is, to be able to slide through a space that her mind should have told her was impossible to fit through and thus prevented the warp. Before he can demand she leave, she rolls off the couch and lands on her belly and paws on the floor like she’s the felinedaetaur and not him, “Court me,” she says with a manic gleam in her eyes, so manic her blue eyes are now bright gold.
Cor wonders if Regis will forgive him if he ends up drawing a sword on the king’s half-sister because this is like all of his worst nightmares in one, minus Gilgamesh being there, “No.”
“I’m not interested.” He manages past stiff lips.
Ardyn hisses, low and feral, tail lashing in annoyance and wings mantling there on the floor before she settles with bland, “I’m not either, obviously. Come now, Immortal,” he growls at the hated nickname, “I thought you were the smart one of my brother’s troupe. The Gala is three days from now and we both know what that will mean, you’ll spend all evening choking on rote niceties to all the female nobles you can’t insult without it reflecting on your king and I will spend all evening wasting time verbally shredding all the male idiots who come with dreams of being a prince instead of letting me drink my fancy wine in peace.”
Cor senses one of Ardyn’s mad schemes on the horizon. Unlike Clarus and Titus, this actually makes him relax. Ardyn’s schemes are usually brilliant in a brutally unorthodox way, and if she has a plan to get them out of the Gala... “So?”
“So,” she parrots as she frisbees her hat to him, making him catch it on instinct, “court me, and we’ll have the perfect excuse to tell each other’s crowd of respective blithering stalkers to go skin themselves.” Cor’s eyebrows shoot up as he finally lets himself stalk into the living room, tail swishing in thought as Ardyn grins, her fangs glinting in the light, “Think about it,” she purrs low and seductively, tail waggling like she’s making a proposition and not plotting to help him out of all his propositions, “No woman will have a prayer of competing with me in status or prestige, I’m the king’s sister, a dragontaur and former Chancellor of an empire. At least half of them will leave you alone knowing they have no chance and the other half will be easy for me to scare off.”
Cor’s mind begins working overtime as he unthinkingly settles on the carpet in front of her, paws tucking under his chest as he crosses his arms, “And your suitors will thin enormously as well rather than compete with me, the King’s favored and Marshal of the Crownsguard.” And the famed Immortal, he doesn’t say, because he hates that nickname with a passion.
Ardyn’s grin grows bigger, “Exactly,” she rumbles seductively, looking far less like a mortal Taur and fare more like a tackily dressed succubus trying to talk him into selling his soul for a night’s pleasure, “So? What do you say? Want to give all of Lucian high society a nice heart attack?”
Cor feels his lips twitch and passes her ugly old hat back to her, a deal as good as made in blood, “We’ll need to match clothes and be seen entering the Gala together,” He says after scrounging in his brain for all the things Regis did to announce his courtship with Aulea. He paused, then held up a finger and padded off to his room. A few minutes digging through his chest of knickknacks and junk found on missions and he returns with a glittering tail-band of gold, engraved with lions and with sapphires for eyes. A prize found when wandering through old ruins, he’d only kept it out of boredom. Ardyn smiles viciously as she accepts the “courting gift” and slides it onto her tail, then pulls a shimmering ebony foreleg bracelet out of her armiger, engraved with the symbol of Lucis and with rubies set in the eye socket and outline of the skull. Cor raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t question where it came from, just slides it on to make sure it fits. It does, perfectly, and he suspects she had it commissioned for just this scheme.
He expects the tailors to throw a fit over having to provide matching outfits on such short notice and in secret, but instead they start crying for joy (“No checker patters or plaids!” one sobs as he carefully cuts out the silk pattern, “Only three layers!” wails another for joy as he alternates between taking a bemused Ardyn’s measurements and dabbing his eyes with a handkerchief).
They don’t tell anyone else in the Citadel, and Cor just tells Regis and Clarus that he’ll be a bit late for the Gala (Regis eyes him suspiciously, like he thinks Cor is going to play hooky, but Cor just blinks solemnly and Regis lets him go with a sigh).
The utterly dead, stunned, horrified silence that falls over the Gala when the frazzled goattaur herald announces, “The Marshal Cor Leonis and the Princess Ardyn Izunia Caelum.” and everyone watches as they stalk slowly, languidly down the stairs in matching finery, Ardyn’s short hair done up with tasteful gold ornaments, hat nowhere in sight, the golden lion-engraved band on her tail glinting like an executioner’s freshly sharpened axe while Cor’s foreleg band of black and rubies stands out sharply against his golden fur.
They don’t have to announce a thing or say a word. Everyone present knows what this means. To bear each other’s colors and symbols, to arrive openly together, Ardyn’s arm linked delicately through Cor’s, to be wearing matching attire-.
Cor decides instantly that this entire charade is worth it when he sees several of his more annoying stalkers straight up faint and Clarus choking on his wine while Regis gapes.
 (Of course, after gloriously and shamelessly fake-dating for three months, Ardyn gets bored and asks Cor out to coffee somewhere public, to really sell the whole courting thing. After that, Cor, as thank you for the help against all the harpies in his life, drags a willing Ardyn off on a prolonged mission out in the wilds where there are no people and no rules, just him and Ardyn hiking through the wilds, spying on the Nifs (blowing up the base like Regis expressly told them not to do without backup) and pushing each other into the nearest body of water when one or the other gets too cheeky/sarcastic and-
You can see where it spirals from there. XD. Nox is losing his mind a little because his Uncle and his Aunt are DATING. But also yay? They’re dating? Regis is a Crisis because how do you Shovel Talk Cor? You can’t! And he can’t Shovel Talk Ardyn either because that’s his sister dating the lion Regis raised as a little brother figure and oh no think of what those two will get up to Clarus. Think of the chaos. Aulea, literally the only person other than Nox and Titus to realize this is fake dating, is very gleeful in carefully nudging them into REAL dating with Titus’s help. By the time Cor and Ardyn realize the trap it’s too late).
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
1/3🔥Hello!! Congrats on your 300 followers!!! That’s amazing!!! :)))) You absolutely deserve it, your blog is just so hfkfjskalhdksla AnYwAy, I’d like to request a matchup please? I’m a female & prefer male & anyone whether it be a hero, villain or class 1-a is fine!! I’m 5’8 with long dark brown hair, light brown eyes (ok but I love my eyes) & a well-built body. My thighs r like low key thicc coz I have so much muscle(I do highly physically demanding sports) & kinda self conscious abt them—
2/3🔥I’m reserved when u first meet me but once u know me for a while I’ll be more open but it takes me a while coz I don’t trust people easily. ✨extroverted introvert✨ I like to hang out with people & I can be very loud & friendly but I need space as well coz my social energy depletes. I have a dark & sarcastic sense of humour & you’ll find me laughing at inappropriate times :P I’m analytical & don’t like it when people r unreasonable. I love watching people & studying them coz humans r just 3/3🔥so interesting. Love mountain climbing & rock climbing but also can be lazy, watch anime. Creative & spontaneous. Favourite colour is blue maybe lavender. A tomboy but love just dressing up fancily coz it’s just so fun^^; Not touchy feely but low key touch starved so yes pls cuddles but won’t be the one to start them. (But little spoon coz I’m always the 1 caring for everyone else T^T I just want love) Zodiac sign is Aquarius. Words: leaves, bonfire. Hope this wasn’t too long!! Stay safe💕
You reminded me of a certain character when you said you like to watch and study humans lmao (Izaya Orihara, is that you!?). I like to do the same! People watching can certainly be entertaining. Also, I just want you to know you are a precious bean. I love reading about all of your guys’ personalities and hobbies and favorite colors and everything. Y’all are so cute. <3 
I match you with: Dabi!
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-Okay. So your best friend Twice introduced you to the league at some point and convinced you to join, and that’s how you met Dabi. Dabi doesn’t tend to say much anyway and since you’re super reserved around people when you first meet, you guys didn’t really hit it off right away. You even got into a couple spats. They were never too bad and it never turned physical, but you would both annoy the shit out of each other.
-That is, until the day you found out that the both of you shared the same sense of humor. Someone (let’s be honest, probably Toga or Tomura) said something slightly suggestive, and you made a twisted joke in response without really thinking about it. Dabi was sitting next to you at the bar at the time and immediately burst out in laughter, which made you laugh too. From then on he was more friendly towards you and actually tried to get to know you.
-A favorite pastime of yours is roasting people together with your sarcastic sense of humor. He thinks it’s absolutely hilarious when you reply sarcastically to something someone said, and he’ll constantly egg you on because of that. He especially loves it when you get sarcastic with Shigaraki. He could watch that all day.
-He also really likes to human watch with you. You guys play that game where you watch people conversing and try to imagine what sort of crazy conversation they could be having. The two of you have come up with absolutely crazy things, and it makes for a good laugh. But other times he’ll take it seriously if you want, and he’ll listen to you while you tell him about how these people are, what you think their personalities are like, and so on. Dabi is pretty sure you’re spot on 99% of the time.
-The more you spend time together the more he realizes he really likes you and everything about you, including the fact that you mountain climb and watch anime. He never knew nature could be so relaxing. The first time he goes rock climbing with you, he feels so alive. It’s so relaxing and freeing for him- please make him do this more. But he’s also just down to watch anime with you if that’s what you want. His favorite physical trait of yours is your eyes. They’re just so...light. He likes to watch the emotions in them, likes to see them glittering with happiness while knowing he’s the one who’s causing that. Of course, he would NEVER say that out loud, but you can see it in that smirk of his.
-Dabi is smart enough to know when you want and need cuddles, and he also knows that you probably won’t ask for them because you’re just not the type to. Which is perfectly fine, because he would much rather give cuddles than receive them! He definitely wants to be the big spoon all the time, and he’s happy to hold you for as long as you want. Honestly, both of you are touch starved. He cuddles with his arms wrapped around you tight and you like to snuggle into him which makes him feel secure. It’s a good balance.
Fall Drable: Leaves/Bonfire
“I wasn’t expecting it to be this cold already.” You shivered and scooted closer to Dabi, your arms wrapped around yourself in an attempt to keep in any warmth you could.
“I told you to check the weather before we went on this mission, you know. That’s your fault entirely. It’s not exactly Summer anymore.” He gave you a side glance before returning his attention to the fire in front of the both of you, orange flames dancing in the reflection of his eyes. 
For a moment it seemed he was just going to sit there and leave you to freeze- you hoped he wouldn’t, but he sure could have his moods sometimes. However, a few seconds after the fact he sighed and wrapped an arm around you to pull you closer, swaddling part of his leather jacket around your frame as he did so. It was hardly big enough for the both of you, but it was all you had; both of you were guilty of under-packing for the weather, and neither of you had thought to bring a blanket or anything warmer than your sleeping bags. The mission wasn’t supposed to last longer than a few days, and the rest of the week had been warm, so you didn’t really think anything of it at the time.
“Can’t this fire get any warmer?” You pressed further into his side, relishing in the small amount of warmth from his coat. “It’s so small, it hardly makes a difference...and I’d rather not get hypothermia and die.” Your breath came out as an icy puff of air as you spoke.
“If you find me something that will burn for a while, we could make a bonfire. But there weren’t many sticks or trees around here...” As he trailed off, he glanced into the small tree row at the edge of the clearing. “We could probably scavenge some wood from that way, but it’s pretty far off.”
“Remind me again why we can’t just use your quirk?”
“Because it’ll burn everything within seconds. Do you want me to light this whole campsite on fire?”
“No thanks, I’m not in the mood for arson right now. Try me again tomorrow though, you never know,” you quipped back, your eyes rolling as you shook your head. You had already known why you couldn’t use his quirk to start the fire, but it didn’t change the amount of annoyance you felt after hearing him say it out loud.
You took a quick look around as well trying to see if there was any garbage or debris that you could light on fire, but you found nothing. Nothing but the large piles of surprisingly still-colorful leaves on the ground, the wind rustling them every time a breeze blew by. Somehow they managed to seem vibrant even after leaving the trees bare by falling to the ground and nestling into the dirt for a while. You leaned down and picked one up, absentmindedly throwing it into the fire.
“Don’t do that, you’ll smoke us ou-” Dabi started to chastise you but quickly stopped as he watched the orange maple leaf smolder in the embers of the fire without drowning your campsite in smoke. “Hey, it’s actually burning.” Maybe... “I’m gonna go see if I can find some larger sticks by the row of trees. You stay here by the fire and gather up a couple piles of leaves. If we can burn up enough dry leaves with the sticks, then they’ll catch fire to the logs and keep it going.”
“I’ll do anything if it means this fire gets even slightly warmer.”
A half hour later you had four different piles of leaves and a couple of nice sized logs stacked to the side of the pit, thanks to your and Dabi’s efforts. Dabi set up a few sticks and two logs in the middle over the embers of the previous smaller fire, and then the two of you grabbed a handful of leaves each to throw on top. They caught fire almost immediately, and you kept piling them on as they burned up, the sticks eventually following suit. Next came the logs, and before you knew it, you had a sizable fire in front of you, warm flames licking at the wood and providing you both with heat.
“Finally...” you sighed, relaxing into your partner’s side once more.
“What a pain in the ass.” Beside you, Dabi returned to wrapping an arm around you, though he must not have felt like sharing his jacket anymore now that the fire was stronger.
“Me, or the fire?” you laughed, though you already knew how he would reply.
“Both.” He gave you that trademark smirk of his. 
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Time to move on
Warning: Angst. One hurting prickly porcupine warlord in modern au. 
Time to move on
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Every fibre in his being was screaming at him, telling him that and yet he still couldn’t move. The pale lilacs and delicate daisies adorned the seating for the simple ceremony. The soft waves lapping at the shore were drowned out by his hammering heart. He watched expressionlessly as she walked slowly towards the arch of white roses.
Her hair was flowing free, her usual style had been altered for today and he couldn’t prevent himself from looking at her. A couple of thin braids had been twisted together to create a crown on her head, small pearl accessories settled in them like sea foam. The pastel shade of her gown complimented her blushing face. She was a vision in all her blissful happiness and with each step she took, it felt like another dagger plunged into his chest.
The previous night…
Everyone had finally arrived at the small hotel and in typical Nobunaga style, a celebration party was being thrown. He called it “one last night of freedom” but it boiled down to any excuse to drink when he could finally gather everyone in the same place.
Mc had been in her room but appeared after a few hours encouraged by a slightly drunk Hideyoshi and a grinning Mitsuhide. She looked just the same as the day he’d met her. 6 years… had it really been that long? She looked a little uncomfortable glancing around the room at the men, something he couldn’t help but empathise with.
“Don’t just stand there blocking the door.” He called out to her his tone a little harsher than he had meant it to be. When she turned her big eyes in his direction, he felt instantly guilty for it. “There’s some room over here if you are looking for a seat. Or not, it’s up to you.”
“Thank you, Yasu.” She gingerly took a seat next to him at the bar and received a brightly coloured cocktail from the bartender. She looked tense. He was never very good at getting people to relax, but then again, he was never bothered by such a thing until now. She had always had this way of throwing him off his game to the point where he was at a loss at to what to do with himself.
The new semester had started and he had managed to rush out of the house forgetting to pick up his thermos. The coffee he had brewed was nowhere at hand so he had gone to the student café and that was when he met her. She was laughing and joking with ease behind the counter with the other students and when she looked at him he thought his heart had stopped.
That was the first time he saw her but It wasn’t the last. He kept going back for coffee but only on days, she was working. Never before had he been so interested in someone. They had slowly opened up some dialogue with each other that he didn’t find as frustratingly exhausting as he had thought it would be. She somehow wasn’t like other people and he was silently drawn to her.
His reluctance to admit how he felt directly ended up costing him dearly. Mitsunari had followed him one day to return some textbooks he had borrowed and in a clumsy display of short-sightedness, he had bumped into Mc as she was wiping down a table. He watched as she exchanged words in complete freefall with the smiling annoyance.
The conversations he had had with her seemed to pale by comparison as he watched the effortless grace with which Mitsunari gained knowledge from Mc and even managed to shamelessly offer to attend an exhibit at a museum with her. The coffee in his mug had lost its flavour that day and he was convinced the strawberry tart was made from ash.
Several drinks later he became more aware of the woman next to him. She had spoken to the others on and off but remained seated at the bar almost as if she was hiding. Not surprising given the fact it was the night before her wedding and she probably didn’t want to be here. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye noticing how flushed her face looked. Counting the glasses lined up next to her he made the connection quickly.
“Come on.” He got to his feet and grabbed her hand, giving it a small tug.
“Huh? Where are we going?” despite her confusion she was already moving to join him.
“To get some air, you’re drunk.” He pointed out what should have been obvious rolling his eyes attempting not to notice how warm her hand was in his.
“I am not.” Mc grumbled cutely with a pout causing him to sigh in exasperation. Everything was complicated enough in his head without this on top. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to her, his emerald eyes communicating the unspoken concern for her.
“Look either you walk out there or I carry you out. Either way, you are getting air. It is going to be a pain in the ass if you collapse in here. You will worry everyone and I will have to treat you for being a drunken fool.” He still hadn’t let go of her hand and just stood there watching as she swayed slightly on the spot letting his words sink in as the gears in her mind slowly clicked round.
“Ok, I’ll walk.”
“Good” He turned away from her again and began waking not noticing the soft smile playing on his face.
“You know for a Doctor you have a terrible bedside manner.” Her complaint from behind him almost made him laugh.
“I might be a doctor but I’m mostly dealing with research. You don’t get many Petri dishes complaining about your choice of words and attitude.”
Outside the building, the moon was high in the sky sending rays of white light down onto the surface of the water. It was a beautifully serene place which made how he was feeling all the more frustrating. He didn’t want to admit the place was great, that she looked fantastic even in just her normal clothes. He certainly didn’t want to remember that tomorrow she would be marrying one of the clumsiest and oblivious geniuses that he knew. Hell, he didn’t even want to admit he thought that Nari was smart. He dropped her hand and let her lean on the balustrade her eyes travelling out to the ocean and gleaming as they reflected the dancing light on the water.
“You know I can never get a read on you?”
“What?” Her small voice was like a whisper but he caught every word none the less.
“I could never figure you out. One minute you seemed like the most disinterested guy I’d ever met but then you could do something so thoughtful just a few moments later making my heart race that I was always thrown off by you.” Fuelled by her drunkenness her uncandid honesty made his jaw drop. How long had she felt like that? His mind reeled as it tried to grasp on to something stable. He had never said anything to her, he always wanted too but it had just never happened.
“You weren’t the only one thrown off.”
“What?” She turned to him and he could see himself reflected perfectly in her eyes. He wanted to remain there but there was something else bubbling away inside his chest now. Guilt. Along with the regret and unconfessed affection he had developed a sensation of guilt for everything.
“Well you weren’t difficult to talk to but you were always making an effort and it was a little distracting. It used to throw me off sometimes.” He tried to play off his previous comment like it was nothing. Her face contorted into an uneasy smile and he felt his heart twist as he saw it. Why couldn’t he just be honest even now?
“I see. Well, I’m not sorry for doing that. You are a good guy Ieyasu… A good friend.” Her last word hit him like a truck. Friend. Yes, that was all he was now. All he could ever be to her and the reality of that suddenly took all the colour out of the world. All of the sound and light vanished until he was alone in the dark with his ‘what ifs?’.
The wind picked up, pulling her hair loose from its tie and without hesitation, he took his hand and tucked it back behind her ear. Her eyes were again fixed on him. He was close enough now, closer than before to catch the scent of her shampoo on the wind. He heard her breath catch in her throat just as his had. It felt like they were in their own pocket of time.
A hand patting him on the shoulder broke him from his memory.
“She looks happy doesn’t she?”
“Does she?” Ieyasu glanced to the man next to him and felt the desire to suddenly pull away but held still. Carnelian eyes and a knowing smirk told him that once more Nobu had seen easily through him and he hated it when he did that.
“Sometimes it's better to let things go and accept it than to hold on to things and watch it destroy everything.” Nobu returned his gaze to the happy couple at the altar. That pale cream tux and lilac blazer complimented the dress, making them look picture perfect. As much as it made him feel sick to his stomach he also couldn’t deny that what he was being told was true.
“You think you are always so smart…” Ieyasu gripped quietly and the hand on his shoulder tightened its grip for a fraction of a second before pulling away.
“You don’t need me to tell you the rest. But she is happy Ieyasu. There is some solace to be found in that for you even if right now it is the furthest thing from your mind.”
The ceremony was over and the happy couple could be seen laughing with a carefree attitude to the rest of the world as they spun around on the sand to some music. The sunlight caught sections of her hair and glittering lace embellishments making her shine like a star.
He hated this. He hated that he had let the chance slip past him. He hated ho he couldn’t say what he wanted too. He hated even more that she was in the arms of another man smiling like that for them and not him. But most of all he hated himself. He turned away from the dancing and made to slip away unnoticed back to the hotel, hoping to find some release from his on condemnation at the bottom of a bottle somewhere.
His feet stopped as he heard his name. He snorted at his own inability to even do something as simple as leaving unhindered.
“Shouldn’t you be dancing? What are you doing chasing after me Nari?” Ieyasu turned to notice that the silver-haired groom was not alone and bit back every other harsh comment he had.
“We just wondered where you were going. We saw you leaving and…” Mc did indeed look genuinely concerned and he couldn’t help but think she was unintentionally cruel. Bitterness flowed through him leaving a nasty taste in his mouth but he forced himself to act normally.
“Can a guy not go to the bathroom in peace anymore?”
“Oh! Of course… sorry, we were a little worried that maybe you weren’t feeling well.”
Ieyasu maintained his gruff appearance as he watched them return without him. Never before had he been so thankful that Nari was so oblivious to things. Deep down he knew Nobu had said what he did because it was true and he cared. That knowledge didn’t help him right now though.
“Time to move on…” He muttered to himself before continuing to head back to his room. He didn’t know how long it was going to take but he was certain of one thing. He wanted her to be happy. He closed his eyes and held a deep breath for just long enough his body almost forgot how to breathe.
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lil-blue-one · 7 years
The Definition of Insanity - Chapter Nine
Elfman was leant on the fence which surrounded Fairy Hills, tapping his foot on the pavement in front of him. He hadn't brought any bags, they hadn't needed it the last time so he assumed they wouldn't need it this time either. He heard Evergreen's footsteps come down the path, and turned around slowly before having to take a moment to digest what he saw in front of him.
Evergreen was wearing sports leggings and a fitted crop top, her hair scraped back into a ponytail as she walked up to him. He took a moment to collect his thoughts as he handed her the coffee and sausage roll he had brought with him. They had opted to get an early night and a good rest the night before, and neither trusted the other to allow them to rest properly if they shared a bed.
"You look… different."
Evergreen scoffed, taking a bite out of the roll as she started to head towards the docks.
"You know, if you weren't so dense it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that my normal attire isn't actually the best for fighting in. I thought I would get as much as an advantage as possible."
Elfman nodded. It was a pretty good idea, if he came to think of it.
"Did you sleep well, at least?"
She nodded, starting to drink her coffee as they walked side by side along the street.
"And your magic reserves? All filled up?"
Elfman himself was brimming with magic, and he could feel it darting across his skin like a cool breeze. Then again, he hadn't used much in the last week. He watched as Evergreen's wings materialised, unfurling slowly and flapping on the breeze although she didn't take to the air. Elfman watched them, almost mesmerised as they glittered softly in the sunlight. Even in these more conservative clothes she was still shockingly beautiful. He was pulled out of his thoughts as she began to speak, slowly as if she was considering her words.
"Not as high as before, but still good. We may make it through the first round after all."
She chuckled slightly, but Elfman felt the tension underneath it. He could see the boat up ahead, and while they weren't the last to arrive it was still full of their guildmates, both those competing and those seeing them off. He grabbed her arm, maybe too roughly by the yelp she gave and turned her to face him.
"Evergreen. Before we go."
She looked at him in annoyance, before turning her attention back to her coffee.
"Whatever happens out there, it doesn't matter. I am so so proud of you, and I know everyone else is too."
Her face softened slightly, but she still refused to meet his eye as he bent down to place his forehead on hers.
"Whether we come home S-Class or not, I still love you."
"I just don't understand why we have to be on a boat, Luce! Can't you have Virgo just take us there or something?"
Lucy glared at her partner so she could keep from laughing, his pitiful whining as funny as it was annoying.
"I've told you, Natsu! She can come anywhere I am, but I'd have to be ON THE ISLAND in order to call her!"
The Dragon Slayer groaned, turning green just from looking up at the boat next to them. They were still standing on solid ground, but his stupid motion sickness was already acting up. Suddenly, he brightened, grabbing Lucy's shoulders and staring into her eyes.
"I know! Call her and make her stay here with me! When you get to the island, you can call her again and she can bring me!"
She tried. Really she did. He looked so hopeful and scared at the same time, she really didn't mean to laugh so loudly. Natsu wilted, his hands dropping to his sides before he just gave up and sat down in the middle of the street.
"I really am sorry, Natsu. I don't know that I would be able to do that and still have any magic power left afterwards. I don't ever have my spirits summoned for that long, or at such a great distance! I'll see what I can do though. The other Dragon Slayers all seem to have a plan, maybe I can get someone to share."
Lucy reached down to run her hand through his hair as she looked around, a soft smile on her face. Her partner just sat there pouting, his arms crossed over his stomach as if he was already nauseous. Maybe he was. As she looked towards the ship, she saw her best friend jumping over the side, waving at Juvia. Lucy ran forward quickly, coming together with the bluenettes in a warm hug, all three of them beginning to babble excitedly about the upcoming trial. She had a few minutes to catch up before asking Levy, everyone else wasn't here yet.
Carrying Wendy was so much easier than carrying Gajeel. It wasn't just the weight, either. Wendy had cast a support spell on him, which was useful, but also she didn't wriggle as much as Gajeel did. At least, that's what he told her when he insisted he didn't mind carrying her to the docks when she had overslept.
In all fairness, it was probably his fault. He had probably been training her too hard. They had amped up their training towards the end of the week, and although he had let her go early the night before she was probably so exhausted from the week in general the early night hadn't done much. An idea came to him to give the girl a little bit of fun, and he grinned as he worked out how to do it.
"Hang on, I'm going to drop us down."
Lily muttered in her ear as he started circling the boat. Once she nodded so he knew that she'd heard him, Lily lined them up over the center of the foredeck, circled a little lower, and then just closed his wings. Wendy let out an excited shriek that devolved into giggles as the boat rushed up at them. As they came even with the mast, Pantherlily snapped his wings open again, leaning back to toss the girl above him, which of course made her shriek again. He immediately shifted to his larger form, landing on the deck with a THUMP and throwing his arms out to catch her. Wendy settled into his arms as if they'd planned and practiced the maneuver a hundred times, still giggling uncontrollably.
The Exceed smiled at her before setting her on the deck, preparing to shift back to his smaller form. He paused though, when her happiness faded almost instantly, one hand flying to her stomach.
"The boat isn't even moving yet! Why?"
Her voice was so pitiful, he scooped her up again, settling her onto his shoulder and walking towards the gangplank.
"Why don't I fly above the ship once we get going? I can carry you at least most of the way, it won't be a problem. I'm sorry, I should have remembered that you have the same sensitivity as Gajeel."
Wendy patted his head, scratching slightly as she smiled at him.
"That's alright, Lily! You shouldn't waste so much energy flying!"
The Exceed settled her on the dock before finally changing back to his smaller form.
"It's nothing, really. You're very easy to carry. I'm just going to talk to Gajeel for a bit, and I'll come grab you when we're ready to go."
The Dragon Slayer nodded to her partner before heading over to sit next to Natsu.
"Good job, cat. Try to show off an' end up makin' yer partner sick."
Lily rolled his eyes as he walked up to his friend, ignoring the dig.
"I was just trying to entertain the child. Not show off."
Gajeel just snorted, leaning against the railing of the ship and crossing his arms over his chest. Lily silently hopped up next to him.
"So. How'd the kid do?"
Juvia was practically skipping as she made her way along the sea front towards the docks. Gray hung back slightly, perfectly happy to simply watch her as she danced along the sand. The training had gone well, despite the few acid burns that still adorned his skin. Meredy had told him Juvia had excelled, nudging him with an elbow and whispering in his ear that it might be best not to wind her up too much anymore. But the sun was shining ahead, as good an indicator as any that Juvia was in high spirits.
They got to the end of the beach, and Gray had to make steps in order to get back up onto the docks. He held his hand out to Juvia, even though he knew she could hold herself steady perfectly well, and kept a hold of it even when they were back on solid ground.
They had barely made it to the boat before Juvia was barrelled up in an embrace with Lucy on one side, and Levy on the other. Gray couldn't help but smile as Juvia giggled, wrapping her arms around each of their shoulders as they were whisked up onto the boat, Wendy following along not far behind. Something creeped at the back of Gray's mind that he really fucking hoped she would be able to fight them when the time came but he also knew that at the end of the day, when all this was over, they would all need to fight as a team again. Juvia would give it her all, if not for herself then for him, and that's all he could ask for.
"How has your training gone?"
Erza's voice came from his left and he turned around to look her in the eyes before crossing his arms in front of him. The redhead was in her bikini already, but Gray couldn't complain as he did a quick stock check of his body and realised he was currently shirtless.
"It's gone… well. We focused on Juvia, I guess. Went to visit Jellal actually."
Erza hummed, and Gray instantly realised that she already knew that. It wasn't the biggest secret on the planet that she spent many a night talking to the man on the lacrima, he supposed it wasn't too much of a stretch that he would have told her. He just hoped the man hadn't said too much, it was entirely possible the two of them would come up against Erza in the trials and he didn't want to show all of his cards just yet. Not that Juvia probably wouldn't tell everyone as soon as she was asked.
"Well, I'm happy for you Gray. You both deserve S-Class you've worked so hard for it. Just remember you need to keep your cool and Juvia needs to… lose it."
It was an odd choice of words, and Gray was almost certain Jellal had let the cat out of the bag. Erza didn't elaborate though, simply smiling again as she walked off, probably to bother someone else. He sighed, glancing around the assembled guild members before deciding it was probably best to just get on the boat.
"There. That should keep you settled. Oh! There's Juvia! I'll be right back!"
Gajeel opened his mouth to say something as the bluenette took off across the deck of the ship, but he just snapped his mouth shut again. There was no stopping the woman when she was on a mission, and apparently that's what she was doing. He'd just have to thank her when they got to the island again. He wasn't really going to mention that he wasn't motion sick, he didn't want the bunny girl asking Levy for help. There was a very real possibility that she'd help the other Dragon Slayer, and Gajeel didn't want her wasting any more magic than she had to. Besides, watching the Salamander's struggle was going to be hilarious.
Across the boat, the females had huddled together, catching up on their weeks. Each of their training partners had been so focused and kept them too busy for much time with each other. Eventually, after a few minutes of pleasantries and realising they still had some time Lucy dropped her voice to a whisper to try and keep it a secret.
"Levy, I need to ask you something. How are you planning on combatting Gajeel's motion sickness?"
Levy smiled, she always loved talking about her magic and the new things she had learned. She pulled a notebook out of her bag, and flicked through a few pages until she found the one she wanted. Lucy saw a few runes written on the page in a handwriting that definitely wasn't Levy's.
"I… borrowed... this notebook from Freed a couple of weeks ago, and these runes should stop the motion sickness. Seems pretty long term too, it should last until we journey back so if there are any vehicles on the island we won't need to reapply them. If I give you this you can…"
She was halfway through handing the book over when a large body shoved in between them, snatching the book up in his hands before holding it above his head.
"I'll take that, thank you…"
Both girls looked up as Laxus walked towards the back of the boat, waving the notebook in the air as he did and Lucy swore. Maybe they had all underestimated just how sensitive the Dragon Slayer's hearing could be.
"It's okay, Lu-chan, I can still remember how to do them it just means I will have to do it for…"
"No, you won't. You need all your energy for the trials."
Of course, if Laxus had heard their conversation Gajeel would as well. He stood behind Levy with his arms crossed and Lucy deflated. Obviously, this wasn't going to work. Levy shot her an apologetic look, Juvia covering her own mouth as she began to giggle, and she knew that the smaller girl would not be helping her out. She would have to find another way.
Freed and Cana were down in the hold of the ship, Cana studying her cards while Freed drew various runes across the two of them. Each symbol tingled as he drew them with his fingers across her skin, and if she was honest it made concentrating fairly difficult. He had already written many of them throughout the week, trying to spread out his use of magic power, but he insisted that these didn't take up too much of his magic and they absolutely had to be done last minute. Cana allowed herself a slight smile. She had gotten herself the only person who could prepare this much for the trials, and there was a chance that she could actually win this year. And she was taking Freed with her.
He had already drawn a number of runes across Laxus' bare stomach, when they had been the only ones there along with the S-Class wizards. It had been hard to subdue a chuckle as the rune mage settled in between the Dragon Slayer's legs to do it, and even harder to bite back a sarcastic comment but she had managed it. Freed insisted he was the leader of Laxus' body guards first and foremost, and that included protecting him from motion sickness. He had, however, explained to Cana that he had temporarily waived all of the runes that usually covered his teammates, with their permission of course. In the interest of fair play he had also removed ones that would have benefitted him, such as the tracking runes on Evergreen or the runes that alerted him whenever Bickslow got too close. Cana decided not to ask too much about that one. She tried to ignore the twinge of sadness when she realised she had no one like that. Sure everyone in the guild were family to her, but she had no teammates. No one to watch her back. Which had become starkly apparent when the time came to choose a partner for the trials.
"Do you know why we have been delayed so much?"
His voice was a low whisper, obviously still trying to hide the fact he was down here from all of his competitors. And Gildarts too, come to think of it. Cana gathered her cards back into a deck and allowed her magic to flow through her fingers as she shuffled them, finding the cards she needed and throwing them onto the table in front of her.
"It looks like Lisanna and Bickslow haven't made it here yet. Master is waiting for them."
Freed chuckled quietly as he moved to her back, drawing larger runes across the skin there.
"You know, I don't know what I was expecting."
C'mon, Bickslow. Even if you don't come yourself don't drag her down with you.
He had thought Bickslow had gotten over this. He never would have nominated him for S-Class if he didn't. But the hurried conversation he'd had with Lisanna a couple of nights ago told him different. Maybe Bickslow wasn't ready? Maybe he was that terrified little boy again.
Laxus chewed his bottom lip as he paced the deck of the ship, hoping that no one else noticed. He was the Thunder God! He shouldn't be affected by this, by anything! But he was, and he hated to admit it. His three closest friends, and by extension their other halves, genuinely meant the world to him.
"Can you not keep closer grips on your little pets?"
Laxus growled as he looked up to see Gildarts stood in the middle of the boat, careful not to touch anything around him at all. Good. Can't have the clumsy old fool destroying the ship before it even set sail.
"Shut up, old man."
Laxus wanted to send him packing to find Cana, but he didn't want to give Freed any trouble. He wasn't even sure if Gildarts knew who she had teamed up with, the two of them had been almost non contactable since the nominations were announced.
"He is kinda your responsibility, isn't he? You don't see my kid being late, do you?"
Laxus growled, but it hit him hard. The Raijinshuu were his responsibility, and without Freed to keep him in check Bickslow could be halfway across the country by now. When was the last time anyone had spoken to him? Maybe he should go and find Freed… Gildarts must have seen the worry on his face because he stopped teasing the Dragon Slayer and even had the humility to look kind of sheepish at what he had done.
Laxus took a deep breath in order to fight back, when a very familiar scent started to fill his nose. He sniffed again, sure that he had got it wrong. The air smelt overwhelmingly of the sea, along with the assorted scents of all of the guild member's around him but he always had been better at smelling out the Raijinshuu for some reason. But… that shouldn't be right. He shouldn't be coming from that way. Laxus turned slowly, looking over the side of the boat and out across the sea before sighing heavily.
His nose hadn't been lying. Out in the distance he could see two figures slowly getting closer and closer, one stood across what looked like a column and the other flapping two wings. What the fuck had they been doing for them to be coming from that direction? After a few minutes Natsu started whooping and hollering when he caught a hold of their scents as well, and soon everyone was waving at their guild mates as they made their way over to the boat, Bickslow starting to show off as he got closer. The Sieth started to jump from totem to totem, flipping in the air each time and getting bolder the closer he got before he finally jumped free of his totems all together, dismounting and landing upside down on top of the sails. Usually, he knew people wouldn't bother applauding but there was already just an excited atmosphere and he could just as easily pretend it was all for him.
Lisanna touched down gently next to Laxus, who looked down at her incredulously.
"Where the fuck have you been?"
Lisanna just shrugged, smirking up at him before tapping the side of her nose.
"That's our little secret, isn't it?"
Laxus sighed, about to say something more before his grandfather shouted that they were about to set sail, and his attention was taken up by laughing at Natsu as he was dragged almost screaming onto the boat by Lucy.
Droy looked over at Jet as the two of them stared at the horizon that the boat had disappeared over a long time ago. They had stayed in a comfortable silence, both sat on the edge of the dock as the rest of the guild had slowly filtered away and left them alone. Droy made a questioning noise, not really feeling like asking anything further.
"That's how old we're gonna be when she comes back this time."
Droy suddenly knew what he was talking about. It was a concern that had rippled around the guild in the last week, and it hadn't evaded those who were on the boat either. He didn't think either Makarov or Macao knew that he heard the two of them talking about provisions that would be made if the boat never returned. He didn't think he would ever be able to stay if Levy was gone for almost a decade again.
"It probably won't be…"
"We thought that last time, Droy. We thought it would be a week, tops. Then no longer than a month. Or a year. We were wrong then, and we can fucking be wrong again."
Droy didn't know what to say, looking down at the choppy waves in front of him as they hit into the side of the dock. Maybe they should have gone with her? But what was the chance of hiding on the boat with all the Dragon Slayers there? His hand moved over to where Jet's rested on the stone, encompassing it in his in what he hoped would be a comforting way. Jet simply squeezed his fingers for a second and didn't speak again.
A/N This chapter was so much fun! Starting out the trials, here we come! As always, we love your opinions, and your theories! Theories as to what is coming next sometimes even give us ideas, so keep them coming! Much loves!
Fanfiction.net - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12460904/9/The-Definition-of-Insanity
Archive - http://archiveofourown.org/works/10706709/chapters/25110132
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