#He did that for 12 consecutive weeks
a-nemoiia · 4 months
Hating on Cillian's new photoshoot because he's wearing pink or saying "It looks feminine" when you know that he plucked his eyebrows, did his own make up and shaved his whole body right before his wedding to play a trans woman at the ripe age of 28 is just insane...
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solarmorrigan · 19 days
54 + 12 for steddie!
Okay, I know the prompt list says I'm supposed to describe how I'd use the tropes in the same story, but I got.... carried away. I just really love outsider POV
Fanfiction Trope Mashup prompts: 54. Secret relationship + 12. Roommate AU
cw: allusions to period-typical homophobia
Gladys hadn’t been sure what to make of her new neighbors at first.
She didn’t like the idea of them, to be certain: two young men living in the apartment across the way, who would probably come and go at all hours, noisy and inconsiderate as anything – especially the long-haired one she’d spotted carrying a guitar case.
A month in, however, her initial assessment doesn’t seem to have proven true; she does see them come and go at all hours, but they aren’t noisy about it, and she hasn’t heard any kind of raucous guitar playing. They seem to keep to themselves, and that suits Gladys just fine.
And then grocery day comes, and Gladys is trying to jog from the front door to the elevator before it closes, both arms loaded with bags. She spots her long-haired neighbor already in the elevator, and he spots her, and he holds the door for her before she can even call and ask him to.
He then offers to help with the bags, and Gladys unloads both of the heavy paper sacks on him with a relieved sigh; she tries to keep in shape, but she doesn’t have the strength she did when she was younger, and her joints sometimes ache like mad.
“I’m Eddie, by the way,” the man says into the silence of the elevator as they ride up to the fourth floor. “I don’t think we really introduced ourselves when we moved in, but I live across the hall from you.”
“I recognize you,” Gladys says. Then adds, “Gladys Gaines.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you officially, Miss Gladys,” Eddie says with a grin. “I’d offer to shake, but my hands are otherwise occupied.”
He shifts the grocery bags demonstratively, pretends for a moment that they’re weighing him down, though he’d been having no trouble with them until then, and Gladys finds herself smiling. “Never mind that,” she says. “And it’s nice to meet you, too.”
Eddie helps her put the groceries away, and she finds him to be charming, in an animated sort of way, bursting with energy and humor.
The sink gives him pause, though, after he ducks beneath it to put away a bottle of dish detergent as directed. He watches it drip for several consecutive seconds before asking, “Is the faucet giving you trouble?”
“It’s been driving me up the wall for weeks,” Gladys huffs as she stashes a loaf of bread in the breadbox. “But of course maintenance is taking their sweet time to get to it.”
“Huh. Y’know, Steve—my, uh, roommate—he’s pretty good at home repair stuff like this. I could get him to come take a look at it, if you want,” Eddie offers.
“If he can get that awful drip to stop, I’ll be in your debt,” Gladys says.
Eddie wiggles his eyebrows at her. “Madam, that’s a dangerous thing to declare.”
“Oh, hush.” Gladys slaps at him with a dish towel, and the boy pretends to be mortally wounded.
Laughing, Gladys finds that she quite likes Eddie.
She likes Steve, too, when he shows up at her door the next afternoon with a bag of tools and a little wave ‘hello.’
“Eddie said your faucet was leaking?” he offers. “Oh– I’m Steve. From across the way.”
“I recognize you,” Gladys says, and she shows him to the kitchen.
Steve is a solid, steady presence that Gladys can imagine compliments Eddie’s high energy well; he’s boyish and sweet, but there’s something sharper underneath that reminds Gladys of her own Avery’s cutting wit.
Gladys finds out from Steve that he and Eddie are from a tiny, rural town; they’re new to city life, but they’re enjoying it even in their adjustment period. Eddie works full time while Steve works part-time and attends classes – he’s hoping to become a guidance counselor.
“That’s an unusual arrangement for roommates,” Gladys comments. “Eddie doesn’t mind taking on most of the bills?”
It’s a bit of a prying question—rude, some might say, but Gladys doesn’t see the point in getting old if you’re not allowed to be blunt—but Steve only ducks his head and smiles.
“No, Eddie’s– he’s a great guy. Helping me out like this,” he says before turning back to the sink. “Here, try it now.”
Gladys turns the faucet on, then turns it back off, watching as the flow of water comes to a complete stop, not a drip to be seen.
“Dear, you’re a miracle worker,” Gladys declares.
“It was nothing,” Steve says.
He turns away to pack up his tools, but not quite quickly enough to hide the smile on his face – pleased but a little bashful, like he isn’t used to being complimented like this. It’s a nice smile, Gladys thinks, and both Steve and Eddie are nice boys. She decides that yes, she really does like them.
Offering to pay Steve for his services seems a little tawdry, so Gladys invites the boys over for dinner, instead. They end up staying well into the evening, talking and laughing with her. Steve eats up all the gossip about the other building tenants that Gladys can dish out, and Eddie eggs them on.
When they say that they’ll have to have her over for dinner next, Gladys braces herself for the worst: the apartment of two busy young bachelors, Lord have mercy.
She’s pleasantly surprised to find, then, that it isn’t so bad at all. It’s a bit cluttered—particularly the desk shoved into the corner covered in graph paper and what appear to be tiny plastic figurines—but it’s quite clean.
After she’s offered to help with dinner and been politely denied, Gladys spends time looking at the photos they have pinned up on the wall. There are over a dozen, a collage of smiles and laugher featuring the same cast of teenagers in varying stages of growth, often posing with Steve or Eddie. There are quite a few of just Steve and Eddie together mixed in, and Gladys is warmed to see two such good friends.
Steve does most of the cooking that evening, but Eddie is a capable sous chef, anticipating Steve’s every request before he can even voice what he needs.
“Hey, can you hand me the, uh–” Steve snaps his fingers, searching for the word, and Eddie opens a drawer and presses a slotted spoon into Steve’s hand. “Yeah, that.”
Eddie grins and goes back to cutting vegetables.
Dinner is nice.
It goes on like this – trading favors here and there, dinners at one apartment or the other, evenings spent talking and laughing. Gladys finds that Eddie is an excellent opponent when playing cards, and Steve shares her fondness for Murder She Wrote.
Gladys and Avery never did get around to having children. At first, they hadn’t had the money, then they hadn’t had the time, and eventually – well, it had been too late. She’s never really regretted it—her maternal instinct isn’t a strong one—but she does find herself starting to think of these boys as hers. She even starts in on knitting some sweaters; the weather it’s getting cold, after all, and it’s the sort of thing you do when you want the people you care about to be protected from it.
It does strike Gladys as a little odd that she only ever sees them with each other; they’re both attractive young men, after all, and she can’t imagine why they don’t seem to go on dates. She’s never seen two friends as content in each other’s company as they are, but she supposes that’s really all that matters – that they’re content.
Things become clearer, however, one sleepless night months after the boys move in.
Insomnia isn’t new to Gladys; she’s dealt with it since she was young, and it seems like age has only increased the frequency of those nights she lies awake, staring at her bedroom ceiling.
She’s found her own ways of coping, over the years; she’ll fill the time with a good book or do some word puzzles or get some knitting in. If she’s feeling particularly restless, she might clean the apartment or even bake something.
She’s just considering whether or not the boys would appreciate some cinnamon rolls come morning (and whether or not it would top that loaf of cinnamon raisin bread Steve had made last week, not that Gladys is keeping track) when she hears the very subject of her thoughts come giggling down the hall.
The boys aren’t being loud, precisely, but they aren’t quiet, either, and there are fewer sounds in the night to swallow up their noise.
They sound happy – they must have had a late night out, coming home a little goofy and tipsy, talking and laughing and then shushing each other as they come to a halt, sounding close enough that they must be outside their own door, just across and to the left of Gladys’.
There’s a moment of indecision, and then Gladys is rising from her chair and crossing to the door. She feels a little silly, but the sight of a friendly face on a sleepless night can sometimes do wonders to soothe her nerves.
She’ll just pop out and say hello, a fellow after-midnighter, and then let them go.
She’s barely opened her door, however, just catching a glimpse of the boys, when something– unexpected happens.
Eddie is fumbling with his keys as Steve leans further and further into his space, and Gladys wonders if he’s drunker than he sounds, but then–
“Hey,” Steve murmurs, waiting for Eddie to look up, and it’s all the warning Eddie gets before Steve is kissing him full on the mouth.
Eddie drops his keys entirely, but it isn’t in shock so much as it is his apparent eagerness to get his hands on Steve, cupping his cheek in one and grabbing his hip with the other, pulling him closer.
This isn’t drunken fumbling – it isn’t even something new, Gladys realizes. The kiss is slow and gentle and lingering, the love in it so evident that for a moment an ache of longing, of missing Avery, rises up in Gladys’ chest.
Then, though he’d been the one to encourage the kiss, Eddie is the one to break it, and when he speaks, he’s properly quiet this time. Gladys can just barely hear him.
“Someone’s gonna see, baby.”
“Let ‘em,” Steve says, just as soft.
Steve sighs, pressing his forehead to Eddie’s. “I wish I could show you off. Tell everyone how much I love you.”
Eddie in spite of his own warning, holds Steve close for a moment longer, swaying him gently. “No one else matters. I know you love me,” he says. “Come inside and show me how much?”
Glady’s can’t see Steve’s grin from this angle, but she can hear it when he says, “Yeah. I can do that.”
Then Eddie gathers his keys from the floor and actually manages to get the door open, pulling Steve in and shutting it after them and–
Gladys stands alone now, her door still cracked open, showing her the empty hallway, and–
Actually– well, actually, certain things make quite a bit more sense now.
“My, uh, roommate,” indeed.
Gladys closes her door, wandering back towards her easy chair as she thinks.
The only thing that doesn’t make sense is the two of them having the idea that they have to keep this from her. Utter nonsense.
Gladys will show them, though; her boys—and their secret—will always be safe with her.
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bearterritory · 5 months
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Bears Upset UCLA 66-57 at Westwood
Cal Goes Wire-To-Wire for Big Win at Pauley
LOS ANGELES (AP) –Jaylon Tyson scored 17 of his 22 points in the second half, Fardaws Aimaq had his 10th double-double of the season and the scrappy Golden Bears beat UCLA 66-57 Saturday night for its first win in Pauley Pavilion since 2010.
Cal led wire-to-wire as it snapped a 16-game road skid to the Bruins, the defending Pac-12 Conference champions. Oregon had managed to beat mighty UCLA a week earlier, 64-59, but that was in Eugene. The Bears from Berkeley managed to do it on the Bruins homecourt, and by an even bigger margin.
Aimaq finished with 13 points and 14 rebounds and Jalen Cone scored 12 points – including a critical 3-pointer that pushed Cal's lead to nine with 1:17 remaining in the contest – for the Golden Bears.
Aimaq converted a three-point play to open the scoring and UCLA trailed the rest of the game Tyson, Cone, and Aimaq each made a 3-pointer to give Cal a 12-2 lead with 13 minutes left in the first half as the Bruins withered under the Bears press, started the game 1-of-9 shooting with four turnovers.
"We really tried to pack the paint, knowing they haven't shot it as well lately," Cal head coach Mark Madsen said. "We said let's take one thing away – we decided to take the paint away."
The Bears led by as many as 13 points in the first half and UCLA's 23 first-half points were their fewest allowed in a single half this season. Tyson scored six points in a 9-2 spurt that made it 45-31 when he scored inside with 14:50 to play. UCLA scored 11 of the next 15 points – going 7 of 8 from the free-throw line – to trim its deficit to seven. Tyson answered with a three to push Cal's lead by to double figures and it was at least a two-possession game the rest of the way.
Tyson's 22 points came on 9-of-12 shooting from the floor and marked his fourth consecutive 20-point performance since Dec. 29. He's the first Cal player with four straight games of 20 points or more since former Pac-12 Player of the Year Allen Crabbe did so between Dec. 22, 2012 and Jan. 5, 2013.
"We're learning each and every game, and this was a good one to get over the hump," Tyson said. The Bears were coming off a tough loss to conference leader Arizona State, where they were leading by 16 points in the second half but lost in a heartbreaker, 71-69, at home. Madsen reminded them it was a learning opportunity, and they could be better every game. This victory proved that.
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gracegrove · 10 months
So I'm still working on dismantling that one giant post from that one user, but I wanted to walk you guys through (and anyone reading this) how I and any mental health professional would go about reaching a diagnosis @martyreasemymind can chime in too as they are going to be familiar with this process.
So first off, these images are cut straight from the DSM-5-TR which is the most recent edition of the American Psychiatric Association's, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed. (DSM-5-TR)Textbook Revised, published 2022.
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Now a tad bit of explanation, I have underlined in red the keywords to pay attention to when diagnosing. This goes for any diagnostic criteria, not just this disorder in particular. Things that one must always pay attention to are phrases that have to do with 1. onset (when did it start/how long ago did it start), 2. duration (how long has it been going on for/how long have their been symptoms/are there periods with none? etc), 3. frequency (how often is it happening?) & depending on the diagnosis you can also argue a 4. severity/impairment (to what degree does it affect the person's life/level of functioning?)
Now, the biggest things to keep in mind:
*I am only speaking for the American mental health and psychological diagnostic approach, in which I am being currently trained. I am peripherally aware of how some other English-speaking countries approach mental health diagnosis, but I am not versed in it, and it is not my place to make broad generalizations from the American approach to the British, Australian, Canadian, or other approaches, and so on. I am especially not well educated on how non-English speaking countries approach diagnosis. I can only speak to what I know.
Firstly, unlike the other user who was mistakingly relying upon Robert Hare's three-domain model of psychopathy as a basis to diagnose Conduct Disorder, the DSM should be used to diagnose mental health conditions. Not empirical journal articles, handbooks, or manuals on psychopathy that are designed to measure and assess for psychopathy rather than Conduct Disorder. Mental health clinicians can also diagnose using the International Classification of Diseases, 11th ed., (ICD-11) which to my knowledge tends to be the more widely used diagnostic standard outside of the United States.
Secondly, in order to diagnose, all criteria areas have to be met. That means that criteria in categories A, B, and C all have to be met. They each have to be independently be met. You can't just meet criteria for one section and call it a diagnosis. A, B, and C are the lead sections, they each have their instructions of how to meet minimum criteria. If minimums can't be met across all three sections, there is no diagnosis.
Thirdly, this particular diagnosis has some complex language for section A. On a lot of other diagnoses section A is usually more simple and just describes duration of symptoms (ex. Depression section A. person has experienced a period of low mood for at least two consecutive weeks.) Conduct Disorder's section A is very compound so let's break it into smaller bites. 1. repetitive - happens multiple times, but no specified number of how many times, 2. persistent - happens constantly, *note the OR in there 3. age-appropriate social norms - are these things that someone their age would be capable of doing/or do?, 4. rules - are these standard age-appropriate rules that someone this age would break/violate or does it go far beyond that?, 5. need at least 3 (or more) on the list below, 6. has to have been happening for a minimum of 12 months, 7. 1 of the present criteria can still count even if it's manifested only within the past 6 months.
What does this all mean in the plain man's English? Let's use Johnny as an example, let's say he's 15/16. Johnny has been experiencing repetitive and persistent difficulties concerning his conduct with peers and adult educators and staff at his high school. Over this past school year, Johnny has received three suspensions related to starting fights on school grounds, and he is currently facing expulsion after a pair of brass knuckles were found in his gym locker. He was described by his homeroom teacher as, "difficult", "defiant", and "a bully to others". When asked if he had friends, Johnny stated that he had some, but proceeded to describe his friendships in transactional terms. "Carlos is ok... He's my friend. He knows how to get the good weed. I still haven't paid him for it *laughs* loser..."
Johnny is currently involved with child services. A case was opened after he was found multiple times by the local police hanging out in local parks beyond curfew getting high. His parents have tried to talk with Johnny about this matter and that repetitive police interactions will not be good for his future, but Johnny laughs at them and tells them to "fuck themselves."
Just from this blurb alone I have had him meet all three main criteria A, B, and C. Can you decipher which pieces for A? Which parts of B does he meet and why? C I took care of for you, because he's under 18, and no one below 18 can meet that diagnosis...
Regarding specifiers: This usually can be completed with reviewing client history through their files or by interviewing them and/or their parent.
Do I think Billy meets criteria for Conduct Disorder?
No. I believe he can account for maybe 2 (running away, lying to obtain things) criteria total in section A, if I had to pick a 3rd (staying out late). But I would attribute those 2 rule-violating behaviors as avoidant behaviors that then happen to violate rules. It's something that people with heightened anxiety and trauma-related disorders can venture into. (ie getting so stressed/worried about avoiding a test that one avoids school entirely; a rule violation). The lying is a maladaptive coping skill which probably does fall within conduct lanes, but 3 guesses where he learned it...
It cannot be said that he often bullies or often initiates fights because if this were a true client under consideration and we are using actual canon examples... One example doesn't equate to often. Often is typically considered as three instances or more.
A lot of Billy's behavior is arguably age-appropriate and it doesn't violate social norms or rules. It just violates Neil's rules... or those who are grossly misinformed about what teenagers are. 👀
His behavior has not risen to any heightened degree that it is getting in his way at school (suspension, detention, etc), it's not costing him friendships (tommy, carol, heather, whoever the mystery date was), it's not having any occupational impact (he got hired and he's personable enough that his boss is letting him do kid's swim lessons).
He does not meet criteria. At all. Not A. Not B. And not C.
*drops mic and walks off*
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trashbag-baby666 · 1 year
Heart Of Glass-Rooster Bradshaw
Chapter Five.
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WC: 2,053.
C/W: Angst.
HOG Masterlist!
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The group sat in the classroom again Warlock standing at the front to deliver some news.
"The uranium enrichment plant that is your target will be operational earlier than expected. Raw uranium will be delivered to the plant in ten days time. As a result your mission has been moved up one week in order to avoid contaminating the target valley with radiation." He spoke. Phoenix and Storm shared a concerning look there was no way they could be ready by then they didn't even have the path and terrain figured out. Storm sighed and turned looking at Rooster.
"Sir, no one here has successfully flown a low-level course." Coyote spoke up.
"Neverthe less, you've been ordered to move on. Captain." Warlock nodded and walked back to the side letting Maverick walk to the front.
Storm sighed and crossed her arms, there was no way her father was going to let her fly this mission and she didn't want that to be true. Because he wanted to protect her but yet it was holding back Phoenix and Storm.
"We have one week left to focus on phase two. It's the most difficult stage of the mission. It's a pop-up strike with a steep dive requiring nothing less than two consecutive miracles." Mav held up two fingers and Phoenix and Storm shared another look both of their eyebrows furrowed as everyone wondered how this was going to be possible.
"Two pairs of F-18s will fly in a welded wing formation. Team work, precise coordination of these aircraft is essential to both the missions success and your survival. As you know the plant rests between two mountains. On first approach you'll invert directly into a steep dive. This allows you to maintain the lowest possible altitude and the only possible attack angle. Your target is an impact angle point less than meters wide." Mav went on about this damn near impossible mission.
All of the pilots sharing worried glances with each other, who would be the ones who were able to fly this?
"Egress is a steep high-G climb out to avoid hitting this mountain." Mav clasped his hands together.
"A steep climb at that speed you're pulling at least eight G's," Storm spoke up looking at her father.
"Nine. Minimum." Mav corrected her.
"The stress limit of the F-18's airframe is 7.5." Rooster looked up at him.
"That's the accepted limit, to survive this mission you'll pull beyond that. Even if it means bending our airframe. You'll be pulling so hard you'll weigh close to 2,000 pounds. Your skull crushing your spine your lungs imploding like an elephant sitting on your chest. Fighting with everything you have just to keep from blacking out. And this is where you'll be at your most vulnerable. This is coffin corner." Mav pointed as he began going on.
Storm sighed as she bit at her knuckle a thing she did when she was nervous.
They were going to fly a model track of it after and she was scared and excited. She needed to prove herself. The plain idea of even dog fighting with SAMs seemed impossible and terrifying.
Once Mav finished Phoenix opened up.
"Sir is this even achievable?" She raised her eyebrows.
"The answer to that question will come down to the pilot in the box." Mav looked over the class of pilots. All of them turning heads and glancing at others.
    Finally they were up in the air practicing, "Talk to me Storm?" Phoenix called into the radio.
"We are 12 seconds late on target. We gotta move!" Storm replied looking at the radars and around.
"Copy! Try to stay with me!" Coyote responded.
"Huh? Wait who's that?" Storm looked at the radar as another air craft came into view.
"Blue team you've been spotted," Mav came over flying above them.
"Shit it's Maverick." Coyote sighed.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Storm raged.
"I'm a bandit on course to intercept. Blue team what are you gonna do?" Mav came into the radio.
"He's 20 miles left. Ten o'clock. 700 knots closer." Storm watched him.
"Your call. What do you wanna do?" Coyote asked Phoenix.
"Continue. We're close stay on target!" She responded.
"He’s swinging around to the north.” Storm called into the radio.
“Stand by for pop up,” Coyote called.
“Be ready on that laser, Storm.” Phoenix glanced back at her.
“Copy. I’m on it.” Storm looked down at her laser joystick pressing it.
“Blue team, bandit is still closing.” Mav flew above them.
“Popping now!” Coyote yelled pulling up.
“Talk to me Storm where’s Maverick?” Coyote asked.
“He’s five miles out. He’s coming fast.” Storm watched the radar. Storm grunted at the pressure filling her as the G’s overtook.
“Targets in sight.”
“Where’s my laser Storm?” Coyote asked a little harshly.
“Deadeye! Deadeye! It’s not good. Sorry I cant get a lock.” Storm responded.
“We’re out of time I’m dropping blind.” Coyote responded. He dropped and instantly missed it.
“Damn it,” Coyote grunted. The G force now really taking over the three as the exited the practice mountain.
“That’s tone.” Mav got a missile lock.
“Mavericks got a missile lock on us.” Storm sighed.
“Shit! We’re dead.” Phoenix groaned pulling away from the imaginary climb.
“Blue team that’s a fail.” Mav called, “Level out Coyote.”
“Coyote do you copy?” Mav called again into the radio.
“Coyote come in?” Storm called into the radio a sense of panic washing over her as his plane started making weird movements seemingly no control.
“Coyote. Level wings!” Mav yelled, “Oh god. He’s in G-LOC.”
“Coyote!” Storm called again. Phoenix glanced out the canopy as it happened.
“He’s gonna burn in!” Phoenix yelled.
“I’m going after him,” Mav pulled down, “Come on. Give me tone, give me tone, give me tone. Snap out of it Coyote come on!”
“Coyote come on!” Storm yelled as her heart began to beat faster heat washing over her face. She wasn’t very close with him but she had gotten to know him. Coyote snapped out of it last minute pulling up coming out of the canyon.
Relief washing over everyone.
“Coyote are you okay?” Storm and Phoenix asked at the same time.
“Are you okay?” Mav asked.
“I’m okay. I’m good.” Coyote took some deep breathes.
“Good. Good. That’s enough for today.” Mav sighed.
“That was close,” Phoenix came up next to Mav.
“Too close,” he responded. A bird hit Mavs windshield flying back.
“Bird strike! Bird strike!” Mav called panicked once again. It hit one of Phoenix and Storms jet engine a whole new thing flooding over everyone.
“Bird strike!” Phoenix yelled as they got a fire warning on the jet.
“Phoenix,” Storm called her voice full of worry, “Left engines on fire!”
“Climbing!” Phoenix pulled up trying to get the fire to go out.
Mav felt the pain and scarcity wash over him. Not this.
He couldn’t lose his own daughter the way he lost his best friend.
Bradley couldn’t lose her. What would he do without her.
“Throttling back. Shutting off fuel to left engine. Extinguishing fire.” Phoenix called as she did the tasks they were taught.
Mav watched panicking. No. No. No.
“Right engine is out!” Storm yelled.
“It’s still spinning! Trying to restart it!” Phoenix responded.
“Phoenix and Storm it’s on fire! Don’t start-“ Mav yelled.
“Throttling!” Phoenix called.
“Oh my god.” Mav panicked. No. No. No. this couldn’t this couldn’t be happening again. Not to Mazy. He needed her, Bradley needed her. She was the only family both of them had.
“We’re on fire! We’re on fire Damn it!” Storm screamed panicking lacing her voice as they began spinning down.
“Extinguishing right engine!” Phoenix yelled.
“Phoenix! Mazy you need to punch out! Punch out!” Mav yelled. He didn’t want to use her name while flying but he was not just their instructor he was Mazy’s father.
“Warning lights everywhere! Hydraulic failure!” Storm shouted. Her eyes wide her face washed over red. This couldn’t be how it ended. He had heard about the stories of her father and Goose. She couldn’t leave Bradley not like this.
“Flight controls! I cant control it!” Phoenix panicked.
“We’re going down Phoenix! We’re going in! Tell Rooster I love him!” Storm screamed panic flushing every single part of her body. Her heart ached, fuck her whole body ached as she felt tears pricking her eyes.
“You can’t save it! Eject! Eject!” Mav yelled.
“Eject! Eject!” Phoenix screamed as both her and Mazy pulled the levers ejecting themselves. Their plane burning into the side of a canyon exploding.
Bradley sat in a conference room alone. Silent.
He watched it all happen listened to it on the radio he couldn’t do anything about it. Once Phoenix and Mazy were brought into the bases hospital he couldn’t see her because he wasn’t technically family. A simple, “I’m really sorry sir you can’t go see her.”
Mav said she was going to be okay but they were keeping them both overnight. Bradley didn’t know who to be mad at. Mazy? Maverick? Himself?
He bit his lip as he kept a tight grip on his own hands. He stared down at the simple silver band he wore. It was a small gift Mazy had gotten him on their one year anniversary. Something for them to have when either one was deployed to know that they were with them even if it wasn’t physically.
He couldn’t go home.
He couldn’t go home to an empty house without the light and love of his life.
Mazy lit up the darkest of rooms for him always.
Every night of mourning. Every night of PTSD. They were there for each other. Now Bradley was alone. She wasn’t gone but they couldn’t be together on possibly the hardest moment of their lives.
The door opened and Maverick walked in taking a few steps towards him.
“Like I said they’re keeping Phoenix and Mazy overnight for observation but they’re going to be okay. I promise you that. Mazy said she wants you to not worry about her. I know that’s damn near impossible but she doesn’t want you worrying. She wants you to go home and sleep.” Mav rambled.
“That’s good. I’ve never lost a wingman. I couldn’t imagine losing her.” Bradley sighed looking down at his hands again before running them across his face, “I don’t know what I’d do without her.”
“You’re lucky. We both are. I don’t know I could never forgive myself. I want to blame myself for this but I know there’s no holding Mazy back.” Mav sighed, “If you fly long enough though it will happen.”
“Easy for you to say.” Bradley responded, “No wife, you neglect Mazy. Nobody to mourn you when you burn in.” Bradley let the harsh words flow.
“I know I wasn’t always a good father for Mazy. Bradley go home.” Mav sighed, Mav knew growing up he neglected her but he did love Mazy. He loved her so much that he couldn’t bare to look at her when he left for missions incase he didn’t come back, “You need to get some sleep you can see Mazy in the morning.”
“Why’d you pull my papers at the academy?” Bradley yelled at Mav as he was leaving, “Why did you stand in my way?”
“You weren’t ready.” Mav shook his head.
“Ready for what?” Bradley charged at him, “Huh! Ready to fly like you?”
“Ready to forget the book. Trust your instinct don’t think just do. Mazy knew how to do that you didn’t.” Mav turned stepping up to Bradley, “You think up there. You’re dead. Believe me.”
“My dad believed in you,” Rooster said above a whisper, “I’m not gonna make the same mistake.”
“Maverick.” Warlock stepped in to get the other man.
“Just go home Bradley I’ll tell them to let you go see her in the morning.” Mav turned on his heals and followed Warlock out.
Bradley stood there dumbfounded. He had just been compared to his fiancé. He had just been told the truths of his life. He just wanted to hold Mazy. Run his fingers through her soft brown hair, gaze into her green eyes.
He needed her he couldn’t just go home in a mental state like this.
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
Kelly list of events | Part six
(idk what else to call this 😭)
Anon: Anon please!
18. August: Kelly releases a vacation dump. Including a video, which would meme Max for several weeks
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24. August: Another blocking spree. Several people say they have been blocked by Max's account and his fanpage
28. August: Spa GP. Sophie and Jos are there to support Max. Kelly is in Croatia on vacation from her 1 month vacation. Her life is so hard y'all
29. August: Nelson Sr. donates half a million dollars to the Bolsonaro campaign
01. September: Before the Dutch GP Max was honored by the Dutch Government. Jos had Covid and couldn't attend. She made sure to sit next to him with Sophie and Victoria on the other side of the room. Later she celebrated with a photoshoot in the lobby she used for a "Special day". No mention of Max who had the special day.
04. September: footage of Max and entourage arriving at the airport after the GP. Kelly her usual lively self.
05. September: A Dutch magazine captured Kelly in all her beauty at the GP
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06. September: Kryptic messages are back. Insect only attack the light that glows.
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08. September: Kryptic message number 2. Trouble in paradise?
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11. September: Monza GP. Max and Kelly arrive separately from each other. She is seen in the box yawning. Rumors she's been at a festival the previous night in Milan. Probably celebrating that she finally bought enough followers to reach 1M. Max won the race and he completely ignored her and did not walk over to where she stood.
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12. September: an exposing wtf1 and stepponme tumblr exposing account was created on IG. Only issue they have are that the tumblr accounts don't kiss Kelly's ass but still love Dilara. Meanwhile Max was sighted alone in Ibiza and Kelly finally "officially" started following Sara aka kellypiquetsource
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12. September: "Penelope" shot 4 consecutive pictures of Max and Kelly on a boat. Annie Leiboviz would be proud of that achievement
13. September: Kelly starts following a pseudoscience account. We sometimes forget she is a scientist and wellness guru y'all. Coffee enemas, literally shitting worms during full moon and other weird stuff they talk about, they also promote this treatment called microdosing. Each dose is made of psychedelics. Fans freak out because the account advises to ditch every form of birth control
16. September: confirming once again she checks everything about herself online. People mentioned the picture she posted is old. Not to worry. She saw the criticism online and quickly edited her caption
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idiotic-b-gilson · 1 year
Do you remember when I made a poll? Well I do! And I want to talk about it finally (it's gonna be a long one)
On Sunday, April 23, 2023 I asked tumblr a question: when, in their opinion, was Asriel Dreemurr going to make his first appearance in Toby Fox's Deltarune (other than any potential flashbacks, which Chapter 2 showed us can happen). I've always personally felt that his potential appearance is one of the most important things that the game is building up to (plus he's my favorite Undertale character), so I wanted to gauge the UTDR community's opinion on when (or if) they thought it was going to happen
After leaving the poll open for a week and advertising it on Discord and DeviantArt (for free, if I wanted to throw money at it I would've just blazed it) I got 85 votes + my own 86th (and I also got two new mutuals from it. Shoutout to @eggylad and @ranpulsar, follow them too). The options I presented were:
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
A potential epilogue chapter after Chapter 7
I think Asriel is dead in Deltarune
I think he's alive, but he won't make a live appearance in the game
(show results)
(There is an obvious weakness in the poll, in that it doesn't have an "Other" option. For some reason I was genuinely convinced back then that I'd covered every possible option, but looking back I was probably wrong, as, for example, whether or not he arrives might depend on what ending we get. Feel free to suggest other alternatives)
From day 2 of the poll I wanted to write an analysis of the results, and try and figure out what people who voted for each option thought. I didn't ask anyone about why they voted the way that they did, not even my mutuals, so obviously that's another weakness. But it's also an excuse for me to theorize on Deltarune, and if I'm wrong as to why you voted the way that you did, feel free to correct me
I'm gonna ignore the (show results) option in my analysis, which I hope everyone will understand. I also hope the 7 people who chose it won't mind either. Aside from that, the results break down as follows:
Chapter 3: 4 votes
Chapter 4: 12 votes
Chapter 5: 8 votes (9 if you count my vote)
Chapter 6: 6 votes
Chapter 7: 32 votes
Epilogue: 4 votes
Dead: 4 votes
Alive no show: 8 votes
As we can see, the vast majority of people agree with the broad assumption that Goatbro will appear in-game at some point, though they disagree when
Most seem to think that he'll only first show up in Chapter 7 - and I can see why, for a long time I subscribed to that idea too. After all, Toriel says in Chapter 1 that he's coming home "next week." As long as the game sticks to having each chapter be a consecutive day, Chapter 7 would be just about right time for Asriel's return (same logic extends to the epilogue option, but we don't even know if there will be one, plus the way I phrased the question further helped 7's case, more on that later). Simple. However, I have since come to disagree with this whole theory
Chapters 3-5 being released together as a singular, paid package (hence my name for it: The Paid Package) indicates to me that they will constitute a "Deltarune proper" of sorts, and Chapters 6 and 7 will be the epilogue to provide final closure for the game. More specifically, I believe that The Paid Package will give us An Ending to keep us engaged in the 2-3 year wait, providing some closure to some things, but also building anticipation for the True Ending. A better way to phrase it would be a comparison to Undertale where, when you do a True Pacifist run, you first get a Neutral Ending (The Paid Package), and then play through extra content to unlock the path's true ending (Chapters 6&7)
This of course largely depends on what role Toby wants Asriel to play in Deltarune once he shows up, but I think there is so much about him that could be explored, about his personality, how he might've changed in college, about his relationship with Dess, and so on. I think Toby would want to introduce him sooner rather than later, so he has the time to do all this, and the final two chapters will probably be about stopping The Roaring, so they might have a more urgent feel to them, focusing less on character exploration and more on solving the big crisis. Not that there won't be any character exploration there, just that it'll not be a priority. And for that reason Toby might want to insert Asriel before Chapter 7, so that we get to know him better before he (probably) has to help us stop The Roaring
Which brings me to the Chapter 4 and 5 options, both of which (I think) rely on logic similar to what I described above to conclude that Asriel will feature for the first time in Deltrarune in the Paid Package Ending, although with slight differences enabled by my exact phrasing of the question, and I quote:
Dialogue spoken by him without his body or face being shown count
This is because when I made the poll I imagined that Asriel would make a brief appearance at the Chapter 5's ending cliffhanger, setting him up as a participant of Chapter 6's Dark World adventure, and I wanted for that to make it clear that that would count as Asriel being introduced in Chapter 5. And to me personally it seems that the Chapter 4 voters thought in much a similar way, but a chapter earlier. In other words, they thought that the Dark World adventure with Asriel will be in Chapter 5 rather than 6. And I'm just, incredibly furious that I didn't see that line of reasoning when setting up the poll (or rather, was furious when I wrote this post's original draft back in early May). I only included Chapters 3 and 4 in the poll for completeness' sake, and me not seeing that under my logic Chapter 4 makes just as much, if not more sense than Chapter 5 was a major source of anger for me about the poll. And I think in hindsight, the instant-gratification-seeking part of me would make me vote for Asriel appearing a chapter earlier than I originally voted for
As for Chapter 6, I imagine that the 6 people that voted for it worked under a similar cliffhanger assumption that I described above, and that Chapter 7 would see Asriel in the Dark World for the first time, but if I'm wrong feel free to correct me
The epilogue option, as I said, seems to rely on similar logic as to what I described about voting for Chapter 7, buy 1. not knowing if it'll even exist, and 2. the whole cliffhanger assumption probably led most people considering it to vote for Chapter 7 instead in the end
The Chapter 3 votes got me completely stumped though. Since there were only 4 of them, the only explaination I've got is "trolls and misclicks" but that's probably unfair. Still, I don't see any other logic, so I would appreciate feedback on this
And that brings me to the last two options: Asriel is dead, and Asriel is alive but won't show up. The latter got 8 votes, which indicates to me that it's a relatively serious idea, if less so than him showing up after all. But I can see a kind of logic that would lead to such conclusion, sort of. Kris' arc in Deltarune is probably in no small part about letting go, accepting change (which may incidentally tie into Undertale's message?), and Asriel failing to show up, be it because he's dead, or because other circumstances prevented him, might help with reinforcing that change? Although on the other hand, it would mean that Toby failed to deliver proper payoff to something he set up all the way back in Chapter 1, and has been feeding into with Chapter 2, fueling the intrigue of what happened to Asriel. If he doesn't show up due to a contrivance, I don't think it would make for a very satisfying conclusion to the story, unless handled very carefully. There's also the option that while we don't see Asriel come back to Hometown, it's heavily indicated that is happens off-screen just after the game's end. But I think that would be the worst of both worlds, and Toby wouldn't do this to us
As for Asriel being dead... my first reflex is to say that Toby wouldn't lie to us in such a majorly plot-relevant way. He said Asriel's coming back, and we've got no reason to think he's lying about this. Any potential clues that might say otherwise may well point to there being something more about Asriel, but surely the intent is not to contradict what was said earlier in clear text. Except, there's a good chance that Toby did lie to us in a majorly plot-relevant way. Not about Asriel, we have no way of knowing that, but about choice. After setting up in Chapter 1 that our choices don't matter, in Chapter 2 he did a complete 180 and gave us the Weird Route, with a radically different course and ending to the Normal one. And even if Snowgrave's description as "Fatal" turns out to have been hyperbolic and Berdly's fine actually (which I don't believe, but it is possible), there's still a ton of other, minor choices that still have a lasting impact on the world, such as what NPCs we can bring over to the Castle Town. So, do our choices in Deltarune matter or not? And if Toby did lie to us there, could he lie to us again? I personally think that there is a non-zero chance that, if Deltarune will have two (or more) endings, the one resulting from doing all the Weird Routes might see us, the player force Kris to kill Asriel (or force Kris to force a teammate to do it) But it is way to early to tell, and for now, as long as consensus among the Lighteners appears to be that Asriel is coming back, I'm trusting them
It bears mentioning that I never actually interacted much with the "Asriel is dead" theory, so I don't know all the evidence for it, so this is more of a gut instinct what I just said
But besides. Asriel is waaaaaaaay more interesting alive than dead. So much more potential to tell stories with him in the Deltarune universe. Would Toby really let all that potential go to waste? No. It's his big passion project, the game that he always wanted to make, and the best video game of the 2020s (yes, I'm calling it now. No video game that's better than Deltarune will come out this decade). Asriel is alive because it makes for a better story
So, what do you think? What was the actual reason you voted one way or the other? Do my theories make sense to you? Please engage with me i beg you
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tenjokisamaaaaaaa · 2 years
Tenjo Kaito, a timeline
A summary on Kaito’s timeline leading up to the event in Zexal. I will leave more personal thoughts for another post. 
Tenjo Kaito, 18 y/o. Birthday/Birthplace: unknown. Deck:photon. 
The above is taken from the official profile projected during WDC. It's reasonable to suspect that the birth-related info was redacted for all Underground duel trainees, since we know that Gauche/Droite were taken in by Mr.Heartland in Spartan City and can assume that's where they were from. So far there are two possible locations suggested for Kaito's birthplace: 1)Heartland City, 2)the cabin next to the forest. It is unclear when/how long it took for Dr.Faker to design/construct Heartland City, but it's worth mentioning that from the anime, Haruto lived in Heartland Tower when he was a baby (the windows behind Orbital taking care of baby Haruto showed somewhere like the City skyline. The interior design also looked similar). Kaito was also seen taking baby Haruto to somewhere like an urban park. 
The timeline thus looks something like this: Kaito, ~12 y/o: - finished building orbital ('Orbital: I have served you for six years, one hundred and fifty-one days, five hours and thirty minutes' -ep. 135) - Some time prior or later to this, Haruto was born. It is unclear why neither parent was present and Kaito and his robot was tasked with taking care of Haruto, even if only part time (but full time for Orbital it would seem) - orbital was shown to be taking care of Haruto by himself, as well as going outside with Kaito and Haruto
Kaito, ~13 y/o: - According to V (who himself was working at Faker's lab alongside his dad then), Dr. Faker was having trouble locating the entrance to 'a different dimension'. - Later they sourced Kazuma's help, and later they were able to narrow down the location and travel there. - Throughout this time, Kaito and Haruto were thought to be living in their cabin away from Heartland City. 
Kaito, from 13 y/o to 18 y/o:      - Haruto was taken away by Mr.Heartland and his subordinates      - Kaito moved to Heartland City. Haruto was 'treated' with some kind of Barian technology      - Kaito met Chris and learned dueling from him. At this point Kaito was using D-gazer and was not wearing the trainee uniform when dueling.      - Chris was shown looking at the Tenjo sibling from upstairs at some point post Haruto's 'operation' (judging from the way his eyes were drawn and that he was in a wheelchair)      - Chris dueled with Kaito for a consecutive week in an experiment to 'test out the survival instinct of a duelist', at this point Kaito was wearing the trainee uniform and using a D-gazer.      - Chris discovered the truth behind his father's missing and left Faker's lab. Kaito chased after Chris in the train and was pushed away      - Kaito training with Gauche and Droite in the facility. Kaito helped Droite out but also told her 'not to rely on others/縋るな'      - Kaito now used photon transformation instead of a d-gazer when dueling. This transformation was shown to be detrimental to his health.      - Kaito started operating as a number hunter under Mr.Heartland. 
What is unclear in this time period:      - When did Kaito and Haruto (and orbital ofc) move to the Cabin. Was there anyone else living with them (hello mOM???) at that time?      - How old was Haruto when he was taken away.          - I don't want to comment TOO MUCH on the art direction of the episodes bUT yOU cannot tell me the Haruto back in the cabin days was one to two years old. Actually I take that back I have no idea what human kids look like.      - How long did it take for Dr.Faker, Bryon and Kazuma to figure out the location of the entrance           - Maybe a clue was the change of season from when Kazuma got picked up to when they left for the canyon. Hard to say, tho.      - How long after Bryon's disappearance were IV and III taken away to an orphanage.           - Maybe not long, since Chris was waiting by the helicopter and potentially returned with Faker           - Faker might even be the one who suggested that IV and III should be sent to an orphanage, who knows. If Kaito could take care of Haruto by himself and his robot I don't see why Chris couldn't do the same with his brothers... ofc we don't know how the law in the City works, but still.      - How old was Chris when he met Kaito, and when he left the Faker lab           - Chris was shown to have grown significantly, both his height and his hair. The shot of him looking at a sleeping Haruto looked just like Byron.           - It is unclear whether this event happened prior or after Kaito's conversation with Droite. I can see it working out both ways.      - At what point, and what kind of operation did Kaito undergo to be able to use photon transformation. Had all people not needing a d-gazer to duel been artificially enhanced? (The Arclights: power of the crest; Droite and Gauche? Perhaps they were also enhanced but not to the same extent as Kaito were?)
It is interesting to note that Kaito's appearance was not shown to change significantly (vs Droite/Gauche/Chris). Since the episodes involving Kaito's past were overseen by many different art directors, it is reasonable to conclude that this is not just a result of the preferred styles of the team handling the episodes (But Yoshita wrote a lot of the episodes featuring Kaito (with the exception of the Tron fight and Jinlong fight...I knew it I can smell you from 10 years into the future YOU GENIUS MOTHERFUCKER).  See the table of all the screenwriters/art directors for every episode here (in Japanese): https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%81%8A%E2%98%86%E6%88%AF%E2%98%86%E7%8E%8BZEXAL#%E5%90%84%E8%A9%B1%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88 
Another reason also is that Kaito did look visibly younger when he was making Orbital. Maybe people theorize that this could be due to photon transformation suppressing his growth, which is very likely. The photon transformation operation could have started early on, or it could be a one time only surgery once he’s demonstrated his ability. But the procedure should be finished by the time he no longer wore D-gazer for dueling. Also considering the questionable training they were shown to receive, it is easy to imagine the duel trainees not getting enough rest/nutrients when they were still teens.  
Therefore, at first Kaito was not given enough sunshine/food so he couldn't grow, and later he started using photon transformation so now he won't.
Another more meta reason could be... it'd be hard to coordinate poses with him, Yuuma and Ryouga if Kaito were a lot taller.
No wonder why he didn't hang out in Zexal II. 
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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RAF Typhoons intercept three Russian aircraft flying near Estonia 🇪🇪
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 22/06/2023 - 12:00 in Interceptions, Military
The Royal British Air Force (RAF) mobilized its fighters in Estonia to intercept Russian military aircraft flying near NATO airspace, the RAF said on Wednesday (06/21).
“The RAF Typhoons of the 140ª Expeditionary Air Wing (EAW) in Estonia were scheduled to intercept a Tu-134 and two Russian Navy Su-27 Flanker Bs flying near NATO airspace,” the British air force said on Twitter.
The RAF added: “Russian aircraft did not comply with international standards by not establishing contact with regional airspace control agencies.”
The Russian Tu-134 is a twin-engine jet aircraft of the Soviet era and the Su-27 is a twin-engine air superiority fighter made in Russia, known for its exceptional maneuverability and advanced air combat capabilities.
The British air force shared photos of a Typhoon jet following the nearby Russian Navy aircraft. He said that the photos of the jets are clear enough to see the words "Baltic Fleet" written on the side of the Russian Tupolev Tu-134 aircraft in an old Cyrillic fountain.
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The British air force said that, for three consecutive weeks, RAF fighters were triggered to intercept Russian aircraft flying near NATO airspace.
On June 14, the Typhoons struggled to intercept a Russian Air Force Ilyushin Il-20 Coot-A and two Su-27 Flanker B flying near NATO airspace over the Baltic Sea. Earlier this month, RAF Typhoons intercepted several Russian aircraft twice in less than 24 hours.
On June 9, Typhoons were triggered to intercept an AN-12 'CUB' and an AN-72 'COALER' traveling to southern mainland Russia in the direction of Kaliningrad Oblast. On June 8, Typhoons and Gripens of the Swedish Air Force were sent to intercept a Russian Air Force spy plane, being escorted by a Sukhoi Su-27 fighter flying close to NATO and Swedish airspace.
The increase in tensions between Russia and NATO, in the context of Moscow's war against Ukraine, led to an increase in cases of Russian military aircraft being intercepted while flying near NATO airspace over the Baltic region. These meetings have become a recurring pattern, as Russian military planes often approach or enter the airspace of NATO member states such as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
These incidents highlight the ongoing geopolitical tensions between Russia and NATO, highlighting the importance of maintaining vigilant defense measures and ensuring the security of NATO airspace in the Baltic region.
Tags: Military AviationInterceptionsNATO - Air Policing MissionRAF - Royal Air Force/Royal Air ForceRussia
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work around the world of aviation.
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thatmutantcat · 10 months
I may have made a tf2 oc after only getting interested in it about... like a week ago? Anywho
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Here's The Druid, named after the DND class since he suited the vibe of "unhinged dnd character" pretty well I think
That and the nature thing going on with him lol
Some details about him under the cut so it's a reasonable sized post to someone just scrollin' by
So! Some of this will just be elaborating on what I already wrote on his ref but whatever lol
He was born and raised in Ireland, but, when he was very young, he got orphaned in a nasty car crash...
He had it rough for a while because yeah of course he did, but he wound up getting adopted into a family of raccoons. Because yeah fuck it.
So, he became an increasingly feral kid as time passed, as well as being able to effortlessly communicate with his furry family, and any other raccoon for that matter.
Life in the wild, and thus learning how to heal injuries and illnesses with what there was available in the forest, became how he got as well-versed as he is in herbal medicines, as well as poisons since he had to also learn what not to use for such purposes... as well as what not to eat.
How he wound up in the fray, I'm not 100% sure tbh, but what I do know is this:
He was first found gnawing on some Blu team guy's femur
And as soon as he had access to more urban-accessible chemicals, he just about immediately managed to make mustard gas.
I'd imagine he'd get along with his peers decently well (maybe not Spy tho LMAO), but his "penchant for being irritating" sure would be something to navigate. Like having some type of vermin around but the vermin's on payroll with you so what can you do about it, eh?
Also you could probably smell him from like a mile off. Eck.
Aaaaaaand now I go into his weapons a bit:
The Snakebite crossbow adds poison chip damage onto the damage of the initial hit, naturally.
His little homemade warcrime canisters would deal more substantial chip damage, with no "initial hit" damage because well that doesn't make sense methinks. The area of effect would be visible only to yourself and teammates, and both teams, upon entering the area of effect, have their vision blurred, which upon exiting the area of effect (either by walking out or it just disappearing on its own bc well it would be a bit much if not lol), the blurring will last another 7 seconds before clearing up. Pyro having some immunity to this would make sense eh?
Actually looked the stuff up to figure out the hypothetical gameplay mechanics for an oc lmao. That's on my search history now.
The "Nature's Vengeance" whip stacks damage, with a maximum damage cap at 3 consecutive hits on the same target (resetting if you hit someone else or don't get another hit in within a certain amount of time, maybe 15-20 seconds?)
And the dubious medpack is an item Benji can leave around on the ground, and anyone can pick it up, teammates (and the guy who put it down ofc) get a small heal and a gradual heal of, 12 hp over 30 seconds, so (unless I fucked up basic math) that should be 2 hp per 5 seconds, yeah? Something like that. Doesn't sound like much but hey if you want bigger heals go to the Medic darnit!
Anyway if the enemy team picks it up the effect basically reverses, all the same numbers but it's damage instead of heals
That's just about everything I've got for him lol
Oh yeah I almost forgot biting and scratching is on the table too 👍 of course it is cmon now
Did my best for what I know after getting the interest only such a short time ago ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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f1 · 1 year
Hamilton: Allisons return as technical director will only strengthen Mercedes | 2023 Azerbaijan Grand Prix
Lewis Hamilton is pleased with Mercedes’ decision to return James Allison to the role of technical director in a straight swap with Mike Elliott. Mercedes confirmed last week the two most senior members of its technical team have exchanged roles. Allison, who joined Mercedes in 2017 as its technical director and remained in that position until 2021, has returned to the role. He has swapped places with Elliott, who took over as technical director when Allison became chief technical officer in 2021. Having dominated the seasons which followed the introduction of the sport’s V6 hybrid turbo regulations in 2014, Mercedes has suffered a downturn in performance in recent seasons. It won an eighth consecutive constructors’ championship in 2021 but Hamilton was narrowly beaten to the drivers’ championship by Max Verstappen in controversial circumstances. Mercedes produced a strikingly original design when F1 introduced new technical regulations for the 2022 season. But the car proved unsuccessful, the team spent much of the year labouring to work out why it did not perform as expected, and they only scored a single win at the penultimate race. The team remained faithful to its ‘zero sidepod’ design this year, but when the season began it discovered it had fallen further behind world champions Red Bull. Early in the year Mercedes accepted it would have to change aspects of its design philosophy in order to become competitive. Allison’s return to the role of technical director will move his focus more onto their current car. He had previously invested more time into preparing for the next generation of F1 rules which are due to arrive in 2026. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Hamilton, who hasn’t won a race since December 2021, believes the team’s change at the top of its technical division is the right move. “James has always been a part of the team, obviously he was focused a little bit on another area before,” he said in today’s press conference at the Baku City Circuit. “Having him step back in to support and work alongside Mike I think is only going to strengthen the team moving forwards.” Allison, who is 55, had two stints each at Ferrari and Renault (the latter also competing as Lotus and Benetton during his time) before he joined Mercedes. “He’s obviously got an amazing amount of experience,” Hamilton continued. “So I think moving forwards it’s just going to be great for the team. Particularly with all the things we want to achieve, not only on-track but off-track, I think it’s going to be good. Bringing the F1 news from the source RaceFans strives to bring its readers news directly from the key players in Formula 1. We are able to do this thanks in part to the generous backing of our RaceFans Supporters. By contributing £1 per month or £12 per year (or the equivalent in other currencies) you can help cover the costs involved in producing original journalism: Travelling, writing, creating, hosting, contacting and developing. We have been proudly supported by our readers for over 10 years. If you enjoy our independent coverage, please consider becoming a RaceFans Supporter today. As a bonus, all our Supporters can also browse the site ad-free. Sign up or find out more via the links below: Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free 2023 Azerbaijan Grand Prix Browse all 2023 Azerbaijan Grand Prix articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
re: lone star and ratings. I don’t know where the other anon is getting their info but, as someone who follows LS’s spoilers, it’s all but confirmed that the wedding is not happening in the first half of the season. people are speculating ep 12 based on something ronen said, but it could also be later. I think they want to keep this big thing for later in the season which is probably smart. anyway I agree that it’s going to be tough going agains fbi and the rookie this season, but something to consider is that, due to starting so late, LS will air 18 consecutive episodes with no breaks (or maybe one 1-week break at most), while fbi and the rookie only have about 8-10 eps left, so they will have breaks, even of several consecutive weeks, so LS might get better ratings on the weeks it’s not up against them
Tbf, as someone who doesn't follow the inner workings of LS, I would have also thought (sorta already assumed) the Tarlos wedding was in the first half of the season because Ronen did his best to call these first handful of episodes "big" deals (which is what he's basically done for 4x12, hence the speculation). I lowkey find his behavior cringey, ngl. Tarlos fans are his target audience, but telling people to tune in for THOSE episodes makes it look like he wants to prove a point re: their popularity (we know he's now bitter about Buddie because they're not actually canon and yet remain more intriguing to viewers).
I agree with you about the timing of LS premiere allowing for some weeks where it doesn't have any competition - probably part of the strategy when on Mondays, too, since NCIS and whatever else weren't always going to be new episodes. What's going to be most interesting (IMO) is how the season finales line up. If FOX is smart, wouldn't they want 4x18 to air on a Tuesday when at least one of those shows is already off air?
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zerodaryls · 1 year
tagged by @jazzandpizazz, thank you!
1. Are you named after anyone? I named myself, and no, not really, lol. though I did have partial inspiration from Riley from National Treasure because he was the nerdy comic relief character and I was like "that's me". So. Sort of?? But not really. I was just looking for examples of guys named Riley to make sure it wasn't all women. aND THEN DISNEY CAME ALONG WITH THEIR STUPID EMOTIONS MOVIE AND EVERYONE DECIDED TO NAME THEIR DAUGHTER RILEY AND NOW IT'S NOT AS MASC/NEUTRAL A NAME AS IT USED TO BE AND BARISTAS KEEP SPELLING IT "RYLIE" WITH LITTLE HEARTS OVER THE "i". >:(
2. When was the last time you cried? ummm over a movie probably but I don't remember what. Jurassic Park III, I think lol.
3. Do you have kids? yes, a cat and a rabbit.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? ehh an average amount probably
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? idk, appearance probably? like before I know them.
6. What’s your eye color? blue
7. Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings. but like, if it fits the narrative and makes the point of the story more powerful then a good sad ending is nice. (see: A Single Man)
8. Any special talents? er... no? maybe being able to say "llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobyllllantysiliogogogoch". though that's probably not as impressive to Welsh folks, lol.
9. Where were you born? California (in the boring middle part)
10. What are your hobbies? thinking about fictional characters, writing about fictional characters, watching fictional characters... walking, playing dress-up in my room lol
11. Have you any pets? a cat and a rabbit. they are my children.
12. What sports do you play/ have played? none currently. played softball for two non-consecutive years in elementary and middle school. and now I'm queer and trans. slippery slope, y'all. /j
13. How tall are you? like 5'6.5" (~169cm)
14. Favorite subject in school? ASL or art. maaaybe math but definitely not when it got complicated like pre-calc lol.
15. Dream job? I do not dream of labor. (lol, but genuinely... I wish I could just be paid to volunteer with various causes. like, 3 days a week I would volunteer at an animal shelter, 2 days a week I'd help elderly people, etc.)
Tagging anyone who wants to do this, just say I tagged you :P
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strictlyfavorites · 2 years
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Team photographers David Silverman and Eric J. Adler present their favorite photos from the Patriots 38-15 win over the Cleveland Browns at First Energy Field on Sunday, Oct. 16, 2022. 02
A little known fourth-round draft pick who played at Conference USA school Western Kentucky, Zappe — pronounced ZAPP-ee — was pushed into action two weeks ago when starter Mac Jones and veteran backup Brian Hoyer went out with injuries. He now has now won two games in as many starts.
On Sunday, he threw for 309 yards and two touchdowns as the Patriots buried the Cleveland Browns 38-15. It was the 324th career win for coach Bill Belichick, who tied George Halas for second on the NFL's career list.
"We're just playing football," the 23-year-old Zappe said. "It's what we've been playing since we were 5 years old, so it's fun to play with these guys."
Zappe, starting for the second consecutive week, threw second-half TD passes to Tyquan Thornton and Hunter Henry as the Patriots pulled away from the anemic Browns.
Zappe finished 24 of 34 passing a week after throwing for 188 yards and a touchdown in his first start, a 29-0 win over Detroit.
"He has pretty good instincts, but again, there's a lot for him to learn," Belichick said of the young quarterback. "He saw some things today and he learned from them, he was able to take advantage and make a couple plays, so it was a solid performance."
The Patriots' offense took a while to get going in this one, and the Browns (2-4) never really did.
Late in the first half, Rhamondre Stevenson broke through, bounced left and tore down the sideline for a 31-yard score.
Early in the second half, Zappe hooked up with Jonnu Smith for 53 yards to get down to the Browns 20, and a 13-yard completion to Henry set up first-and-goal at the 2. Three plays later, Thornton grabbed Zappe's short toss in the end zone.
Later Patriots linebacker Ja'Whaun Bentley hit quarterback Jacoby Brissett as he was throwing, leading to a pick by Jalen Mills that gave them the ball at the Cleveland 40. Three plays later, Zappe found a wide-open Henry, who ran untouched for a 31-touchdown and a 24-6 New England lead.
The Browns' offense produced only a pair of field goals by Cade York in the first half.
Cleveland's Nick Chubb, who entered leading the NFL in rushing, didn't have a double-digit gain until late in the third quarter. He had 23 yards rushing and 14 receiving on that drive, but again the Browns stalled — and York came on for a 51-yard field goal.
Chubb finished with 12 carries for 56 yards, both season lows.
Brissett, who finished 21 for 45 for 266 yards with two interceptions, threw a 15-yard scoring pass to Amari Cooper in the fourth quarter but a 2-point attempt failed, leaving it a two-score game with 6:22 left.
New England sealed it with a 19-yard end-around for a touchdown by Thornton. Brissett fumbled the ball away on the Browns' next drive, leading to Stevenson's second TD, a 6-yard plunge with 3:40 left.
It was the most points allowed by Cleveland this season and its most lopsided loss.
"Every way you can get beat — offense, defense, special teams, coaching — we got beat," Browns coach Kevin Stefanski said. "They beat us, and we also beat ourselves a few too many times."
Defensive end Myles Garrett said Zappe caught the Browns off-guard when he came out throwing.
"The plan was they were going to run the ball, based on what's happened the last two weeks," Garrett said. "But we shouldn't have made it so easy on him."
Belichick, who is 324-159 including the playoffs, has a chance to pass Halas next Monday night at home against Chicago — the franchise with which Halas won all his games. Don Shula tops the list with 347.
"You can't win games in this league without good players, so I've been very fortunate to coach a lot of great players and have a lot of great coaches through the years," Belichick said. "A lot of those guys have gone on to great coaching careers and the players, obviously, some are going to the Hall of Fame."
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ahopkins1965 · 1 month
Home Come a Person Have Problems That They Can’t Solve?
        This is an essay that ask a very important question.  How come a person have problems that they are not able to solve?  The reason why I ask this question is because I have a mental illness for going on 22 years now.  My primary diagnosis is Schizoid Affective Disorder Bipolar Type.  I will admit that earlier in my life, I did not have a mental illness.
        Next, I want to inform everyone that mental illness does not run in my family.  How come people have problems that they cannot solve is because of pride. 
        Further, I will also admit that I have always wanted to solve my own problems; at least try.  I know that God is the ultimate problem solver.  It is God that is doing for me more than I am doing for myself.
 I also will say that I have to allow God to solve my problems for me.  I will say that I am not perfect.  How come I am hearing voices that normal people do not hear?  The answer is I really do not know.  According to 2nd Corinthians 12: 8-10 says: (8.) for this thing I besought the Lord thrice; meaning 3 times: that it may depart from me.  (9.) And He said unto me.  My Grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness.  Most gladly therefore I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  (10.) Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. I say that to say this, what makes me weak physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically makes me strong.
In Addition, I will have to admit that I have experience a great deal of physical and mental trauma throughout my life.  When it comes to these voices that I hear every single day of the week, I have to admit that I was involved in a car accident on April 18, 1984.  I was riding inside of a car with someone that I did not know, and we crashed the car into a trussle.

I also experienced whiplash during the accident.  The next thing that happened to me is that I had a stroke on November 8, 2008.  I was not able to use my right side of my body for 3 days.  This occurred during the time that I was living in Charlotte, NC.
Moreover, I also suffered from grandmal seizures from July 25, 1982, April 5, 1985, October 8, 2009, January 24, 2010, and on February 6, 2010.  My very first seizure occurred during the time I was playing an arcade game at my grandmother’s house.  My life was completely messed up.  I also endured sports injuries as well as concussions.  I would like for everyone to please keep me in your prayers.
James 5:16 says confess your faults to one another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.  The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.  I also admitted to telling the doctor to prescribe me Risperdal for 4 years.  I was not hearing voices during that time.  I had visual hallucinations from contracting the scabies.  I suffered from the scabies for a total of 49 days.  If I did not receive Quell Shampoo treatments, I would have died from dementia.
        Currently, I am hearing voices from the same people who scammed me out of $16,977 dollars in western union funds.  Obviously, these individuals did something bad to hurt me.  I have been hearing voices since November 5, 2009.  I have asked God to remove these voices over and over again, but nothing has not happened yet.  Therefore, this is not a laughing matter this kind of things exist online.  I have not erred from the truth because this really happened to me. 
        Also, I recently had a total of 5 consecutive abnormal EEGs.  During the past 10 years, I have had an abnormal EEG and it is simply because there is something wrong with my left frontotemporal lobe of my brain.  I have problems with my left side of my brain.  I have been trying to request for a MRI of the brain to find out what is really going on.  My neurologist called it a dysfunction of my left frontotemporal lobe of my brain.  I am trying to resolve this before I die.
        According to 1st Peter 4:16 says: Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.  How come people have problems that they cannot solve?  There are times that current sins tend to get in the way.  I might be suffering physically and mentally as well as emotionally, but spiritually I am intact.  I am trying to find out where these voices are coming from.
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digitaltariq · 2 months
On the Masters, Champions Earlier, Present and Future
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Seventy-five years up to now this earlier week, Sam Snead acquired the Masters Occasion and have change into the first champion to acquire one amongst Augusta Nationwide Golf Membership’s inexperienced jackets. Until he died in 2002, the jacket was his to placed on every time he returned to Augusta. As of late, it is a sartorial picture of how, previous a freighted historic previous and marvelous azaleas and golf’s geopolitical machinations and gallery roars that ripple from Amen Nook to the clubhouse, Augusta Nationwide is additional enchanted by champions than most areas. Given that start of the month, Lottie Woad has captured the Augusta Nationwide Women’s Newbie. Eight children have been named champions of a junior golf rivals after participating in at Augusta. Higher than 30 earlier Masters winners gathered for dinner to honor Jon Rahm, last 12 months’s champion, and Jack Nicklaus, Gary Participant and Tom Watson hit tee images to begin out this 12 months’s occasion. Lots of their brethren carried out afterward, because of they're allowed to for all instances. On Sunday, Scottie Scheffler, who was already accustomed to the locker room reserved for earlier champions, acquired the 88th Masters. There is also no place in males’s golf the place hope, dazzle and ambition are as ample as Augusta. Nonetheless this earlier week, the whole potentialities gave the impression to be on greater present than common. There was the photograph voltaic eclipse on Monday, when followers peered skyward, merely as Ben Crenshaw and Nick Faldo did proper right here, too. Shortly, Tiger Woods, 48 years earlier and two years away from the ultimate time he accomplished a critical occasion, made his doc twenty fourth consecutive Masters decrease. Nonetheless he pale on Saturday. Bigger up the leaderboard all through the third spherical, avid gamers like Ludvig Aberg, Nicolai Hojgaard, Max Homa and Xander Schauffele hunted for his or her debut primary title, whereas Bryson DeChambeau, Collin Morikawa and Cameron Smith regarded to assemble on the magic that had made them champions elsewhere not all that approach again. Scheffler usually stumbled, nonetheless on Sunday, he dominated and locked down his second Masters victory sooner than the beginning of his first child. Golf lovers usually regard a go to to the Masters as a result of the stuff of targets. It undoubtedly is for avid gamers. The Masters represents a shot at becoming a type of champions written into historic previous, with the inexperienced jackets and the potential for endlessly enchanting Augusta. Read the full article
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