#solar wrote
solarmorrigan · 8 hours
Saw someone mention how Steve tends to get defensive when he's anxious and it stuck with me, so here's my take on the "Steve breaks a dish and has a panic attack about it" trope
cw: descriptions of nonstandard panic attack, implied/referenced child abuse
The distinct sound of shattering porcelain is followed by a vehemently hissed, “shit,” and then silence.
“Steve?” Eddie calls from the couch into the kitchen. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Steve calls back, but his voice sounds tight in the way it does when something definitely isn’t okay.
Eddie pushes himself up and moves to the doorway, looking in to see what the trouble is. The kitchen of the house he and Wayne had been “gifted” by the government isn’t exactly huge, and he has a straight line of sight to where Steve is standing by the sink, eyes squeezed shut as he pinches the bridge of his nose, and to the red and white shards of porcelain on the floor by his feet.
“Hey,” Eddie says, but Steve doesn’t look up; if anything, his posture only gets tenser. “You’re not cut or anything, are you?”
“No,” Steve says, and his tone is still a little off, but he doesn’t sound like he’s lying.
“What was that, anyway?” Eddie asks.
Finally, Steve takes a deep breath in and opens his eyes, looking down at the mess on the laminate. “Mug.”
As soon as he says it, Eddie recognizes the colors for what the design must have been. “Shit, the Campbell’s one?”
Steve doesn’t say a word, just gives one sharp nod.
Eddie sucks a hiss of breath in through his teeth. “Shit,” he says again. “That was Wayne’s favorite.”
“I know,” Steve says tersely. “I’m sorry.”
His tone is definitely weird. “I mean, I’m sure it was an accident, Steve–” Eddie starts.
“I’m sorry,” Steve says again, almost snapping this time. “I’ll clean it up.”
“O-kay,” Eddie says slowly, watching as Steve jerks into motion and moves over to the corner where they stash the broom and dust pan.
“I’ll apologize to Wayne when he gets home,” Steve says as he starts sweeping up, even though Eddie hasn’t said a word.
“He gets home at, like, six in the morning.”
“I’ll make sure I’m up,” Steve says shortly.
“Steve, you can just tell him what happened later, he’s not going to stand around demanding an explanation. I mean, seriously, you think Wayne is gonna be pissed if you’re not there, immediately scraping at his feet when he comes through the door?” Eddie scoffs, but Steve remains silent. Eddie watches as he finishes sweeping in short, sharp motions, brows pulling together as Steve apparently fails to pick up on the joke. “…he won’t be, y’know.”
Steve shrugs. His expression has gone eerily blank, and he takes the dustpan over to the garbage can to dump it.
“Hey, don’t–” Eddie reaches out, and Steve jerks to a stop just in time. “You don’t have to toss it, man, we might be able to glue it back together.”
Steve sends Eddie a sharp look. “I’m not gonna be able to hide that it was broken, Eddie,” he says slowly, as though this should be painfully obvious.
“I’m not suggesting we hide it, I’m just saying we might still be able to use it,” Eddie answers in the same slow manner. “It’s not junk until you’re sure you can’t fix it.”
“Right,” Steve snaps, dropping the dustpan on the counter so sharply that the shards of porcelain clink against each other. “Can’t even clean up right.”
Eddie frowns, stirrings of defensiveness rising up in his gut at Steve’s continued sour mood. “I didn’t say that. I just said we might be able to fix it.”
“Fine. We’ll try to fix it,” Steve bites out, turning away from Eddie so he can put the broom back in the corner.
Eddie shakes his head, unwilling to engage with whatever snit Steve’s got himself worked into. “What happened, anyway?” he asks instead.
Apparently, this is the wrong tactic.
“What happened is, I’m too stupid to even do the dishes right,” Steve declares as he whirls back around. “Is that what you want to hear?”
“What?” Eddie is baffled, suddenly caught in the middle of an argument he hadn’t even realized was happening. “No! Why would I want to hear that?”
Steve throws his arms up, a demonstration of giving in. “Well I already said I’m sorry, and I am, and I don’t know what else you want from me!”
The heat of Eddie’s own temper is beginning to flare, but he does his best to shake it away because he still doesn’t know what the hell is going on and he doesn’t think getting angry will help. “I don’t want anything else from you! Why are you acting like I’m yelling at you? I’m not, I’m not even upset about the stupid mug, so what the hell is your deal?”
He takes a couple of steps into the kitchen, reaching out for Steve, hoping just to touch some part of him. Physical contact has always been grounding, has always been a comfort for them both; it almost seems like they can communicate better if they can just be in contact somehow. Instead of reaching back, though, Steve tenses up; it’s not exactly a flinch, but it’s as if he’s bracing himself, as if he’s waiting for Eddie to–
Eddie takes in the painfully blank expression on Steve’s pale face, the way his chest is rising and falling in quick, shallow breaths that he can’t quite seem to control, the way he’s angled himself just slightly away from Eddie, and suddenly Eddie feels cold.
It’s as if he’s waiting for Eddie to hit him.
Eddie wonders how the hell he hadn’t realized he was walking through a minefield until he was already standing in the middle of it.
(It still takes him by surprise, sometimes, that Steve’s anxiety, his panic, tends to look more like anger. That he tends to lash out like a wounded animal when he feels backed into a corner, hurt too many times in moments of vulnerability to do otherwise.)
(It takes him by surprise, but he’s learning.)
“Steve,” Eddie says softly, dropping his hand slowly back to his side, “I’m not angry.”
Steve stares at him, almost confused, like Eddie’s not doing it right, like this isn’t what’s supposed to come next. Eddie sort of wants to break something (he thinks, briefly, that he’d like to start with the fingers on Mr. Harrington’s right hand, and then move on to his left).
“It’s just a mug, Steve, it’s okay. No one’s upset about it,” Eddie says. “I’m preemptively speaking for Wayne, because I know he’s not gonna be mad at you. Seriously, getting upset over a broken cup? Does that sound like something Wayne would do?”
Slowly, once he seems to realize that Eddie is waiting for an answer, Steve shakes his head.
“Does that sound like something I would do?” Eddie asks.
Steve shakes his head again, though he’s still watching Eddie with something approaching trepidation.
“I promise it’s fine. I’m not angry,” Eddie repeats, and chances a couple of steps closer to Steve.
Steve doesn’t react this time, no tensing, no flinching, no verbally lashing out, and so Eddie lifts a hand again, reaching slowly for Steve’s. Steve lets him.
When he gets his fingers wrapped around Steve’s own, Eddie can feel how cold they’ve gone, can feel the fine tremble of adrenaline working through them, and can’t quite choke down the noise of sympathy in his throat. He tugs on Steve’s hand.
“C’mere,” Eddie says, invites him by lifting his other arm, but leaves it up to Steve.
It only takes a moment for Steve to step in close, and when Eddie lets go of his hand to wrap his arms around Steve’s shoulders, Steve reciprocates by cinching his own arms tight around Eddie’s waist. He takes one sharp breath, and then another, and Eddie can hear the way they shake going in and out.
“There you go,” Eddie says quietly, rubbing Steve’s back.
“I just dropped it,” Steve says, his voice a little hoarse. “It was an accident.”
“I know it was,” Eddie assures him. “It’s okay.”
“It was an accident,” Steve says again, and Eddie wonders how often someone has believed him – how often he’d ever even been given a chance to explain.
“It was an accident,” Eddie agrees. “You’re okay, Steve.”
Steve lets out a little noise, like maybe he’s trying to laugh, but then he pulls in another shuddery breath and rests his chin on Eddie’s shoulder. “Okay.”
In a little bit, Eddie might lead Steve to sit down on the couch, or maybe just take them both up to bed, because fuck doing the dishes after this anyway; he’ll make sure to leave a note for Wayne about the mug (ask him not to bring it up until Steve does, to not even jokingly make a thing about it), but for now, he concentrates on holding Steve close.
He’ll stand with him as long as it takes for the shaking to stop, for his breathing to even out, for him to relax even just a little against Eddie, and he'll promise, as many times as Steve needs to hear it, that it’s okay. Things will be okay.
[Prompt: Embracing your partner]
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“hey, you,” apollo mused with a cheesy smile, allowing his sunglasses to slide down his nose so she could see his eyes, “i think you’re blocking my view.”
“ha ha. just as funny as ever, brother,” artemis hissed with a roll of her eyes.
“you’d die of boredom without me,” laughed apollo, leaning out of his car to be closer to her chariot.
“surely,” bit back artemis, a softness settling into the corner of her eyes that only apollo ever saw. his smile softened as well but never dimmed.
“same time in twenty years?”
“i wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
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betweenlands · 6 months
Impulse thinks he might've started seeing things early this time.
It happens at least once a season at this rate, so it's not really a surprise on that side of things. And it's not as bad as the boogeyman clock-ticking he's heard twice now, so, he'll take it, just... it hasn't even been a full session yet?
He'd like to say it started when he ended up tag-teaming with Gem and Scott, but the truth is, that's not quite it. It started when he got his task and ended up in the cherry grove up there, and that little part of him he knows is basically a ghost detector went this task isn't so bad -- maybe people will actually trust me this time! There's never been a bad guy who built with cherrywood, right?
Really weird thing for a ghost detector sense to say. But then Gem and Scott caught up, and they sort of just fell into a natural alliance, and yeah -- Impulse looks at their location-in-progress and thinks we're gonna be the good guys this season, and for a split second feels this headache.
Then it's gone.
It happens again when Skizz visits, which is probably part of a task, but all Impulse knows is... he walks up to Skizz while he's saying "I've been that guy, that all I do is tell the truth, and I'm a loyal sword -- I think I might be the guy that just wants to lie to everybody and just be a jerk!"
Knee-jerk response: "Nah. Don't love that idea. Hate it."
Internal ghost-detector response: I mean, who says those things are mutually exclusive?
Impulse has to stop himself from whipping around fully at the voice, which sounds almost like Scott, except Scott isn't behind them right now -- just Jimmy, and past that the cherrywood trees. He thinks for a second there might be a flash of red among all those pink blossoms. He shrugs it off as Grian skulking around, even though he knows Grian doesn't have pink hair.
A few minutes later, he knows it definitely wasn't Scott, because the guy shows up to immediately point out a zombie villager appearing on the mountain -- there's a librarian, right there, aggroed more or less directly on him. They scramble to get it in a boat and cover its head. Some part of him suggests they should bury it underground, just in case. They only need one more.
Next sighting is a bit more difficult to ignore, mainly because Impulse knows when he's being made fun of, and when a goat smacks him while he's trying to wrangle it into a boat, he catches sight of someone with long blonde hair cackling like a maniac about it from the other side of the border wall, and before he can do anything more than think huh, how'd False get past the border? they're gone.
False is not in this season. He tries his best to put that behind him and inform his teammates of the real issue, which is:
"YOU SAID THAT GOATS WERE NOT A PROBLEM," Impulse yells, trying to pretend the panic is about the loss of a half heart. "I JUST GOT GOATED." He can see the campfire Gem and Scott set up over their shoulders. Someone wearing red is sitting at one of the seats. Impulse resolutely ignores the fact that he hasn't seen Grian at all so far.
That's it for the ghosts for a while, enough to lull him into a false sense of security. Maybe it is just Grian sneaking around. (Maybe the guy in a red poncho he sees in the distance in the badlands Scar has based just outside of is just Grian reliving his glory days.)
"By the way, this is Traitor Scar's!" Scar says brightly.
You think his partner's Grian again? a voice says wryly. It's not either of their voices. It's not the voice of anyone Impulse even knows, for that matter. It sounds like it came from over by the badlands.
"Trader Scar's," Impulse repeats, realizing he's misheard what Scar actually said.
Eh, the voice says. Like recognizes like.
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solarache · 3 months
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gojo satoru is a book character from your favorite series set in ancient times that accidentally ended up in your (very modern) world, he discovers electricity for the first time and becomes an ipad kid (289-ish words)
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"so what does this one do?"
"that's a remote. it controls the television and helps you switch before channels" you explain patiently, watching him furrow his eyebrows
"your world doesn't even have sorcery or magic, how you come up with this stuff is unbelievable" he says, mildly impressed "how do these even work anyway??"
".......you don't know do you" gojo snickers at your embarrassment as you try to come up with an excuse, and smirks when you give up
"if you wanna know so bad I'll just pull up a YouTube video for you and it'll explain everything"
gojo raises an eyebrow at you, and shrugs "pull it up then"
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you're awoken at 4:30 am when gojo starts rapidly shaking you "gojo fucking satoru it is"  — you look at the digital clock on your bedside table  — "half past four in the morning what the fuck do you want"
he stares at you unblinking "I watched all the videos I can find about electricity. show me the history of this entire world next"
"also you should be nicer to me! just because I'm not from this world and barely have my powers anymore doesn't mean I can't kill you"
"I'm getting a priest I can't do this shit anymore" you get up reluctantly and grumble, holding out your hand in the air as gojo states at it confusedly
"why are you giving me your hand"
"give me my damn iPad back so I can type it"
"oh!" he perks up and watches in excitement as you type out the words to spell 'History of the Entire World' in YouTube, purposely picking the longest one
"now don't make a peep and let me sleep"
"yes ma'am!"
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smolbonbon · 3 months
Whether you like it or not you're stuck with me
Solar/Moon fanfiction (but can be read as platonic)
⚠️TW: past abuse, panic attacks, fever dream (But a lot of comfort and bonding)
I hope you enjoy it <3
It's already been a week after Solar and Moon rescued the smaller jester and as always, Solar was glued to the computer.
He and Moon made a lot of progress on their project, but it's not finished yet. It's one of Solar's top priorities, to make sure Lunar is safe at all times, he has to make sure nothing happens, and that Eclipse won't get their bloody hands on them again.
But for some reason, he couldn't just focus.
He felt a heavy feeling in his body like everything was just pulling him down. Also, he keeps sneezing even though he cleaned his fans a few days ago. Then there was the sore feeling in his joints.
His hands also seemed not to be able to stop shaking. It wasn't unusual that the dark Sun animatronic had problems with his body, but it was worse than usual.
Was it stress? It couldn't be. He dealt with worse, and unlike the past, this was nothing. He even has way less on his plate than before.
Actually, when was the last time he slept? Perhaps it's the need for rest that is causing this.
Solar would normally drink coffee right now, but drinks or food just don't sound appealing at the moment.
The grumpy bot shook his head and tried to focus on the monitor. It needed to be done but when he blinked at the monitor he couldn't make anything out of the numbers, and before he knew, his head was already on the desk.
Oh whatever, a little nap wouldn't hurt. Maybe sleeping for an hour will do, then he will finish it. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.
When Moon was entering the daycare, he had a feeling that Solar was on the security desk.
Moon squinted his eyes and saw Solar was sleeping, but the grumpy solar bot wasn't alone.
The smaller jester was just standing in front of the security desk.
What was Ruin doing? As Ruin could feel the stare bore into him, he suddenly turned in Moon's direction and waved with a smile.
Moon would be lying if that didn't make him feel unsettled. He might look innocent, but Moon knew better than to judge a book by its cover.
Before he knew, his legs moved faster and when he opened the door, Ruin was walking towards Moon.
"Erh hello Moon! I was just about to look for you." Moon raised an eyebrow and instinctively moved to Solar.
"Yes, I'm here. What's up?" Ruin gave Moon a worried glance.
"Y-You see I was looking for Solar first and when I did, I couldn't help but notice that Solar.. uh fans are very loud. And normally, when an animatronic is in standby modus it's not usually that loud."
Moon put his hand on Solar's arm, and he noted how warm the Solar animatronic felt. Moon crouched down and softly nudged him.
"Solar wake up."
Solars fans blasted as he woke up. He groaned as he pulled himself up, and he held his head, everything was spinning.
Moon rubbed his arm gently. "You're doing alright there buddy?" 
Solar blinked at him and then looked at Ruin. "I guess."
Moon moved his hand to Solar's cheek before he knew Solar leaned in. Then Moon moved closer to him and scanned him.
"You're hot." To Solar's response, he only let out a strangled noise and blinked at him confused. 
"You're overheating! Did you overwork yourself again?!" Moon hissed, Ruin fidgeted with his hands and just watched the interaction between them.
Solar leaned back into his chair. "No, I'm sure that I didn't. Also, I was just taking a nap." Solar rasped out.
Moon didn't ignore the fact that Solar's voice sounded strained. Moon let out a sigh as he realized what was happening.
"I think you caught the virus Ruin and I had." Solar raised a brow.
"But I didn't touch the barrier like you two did." Moon opened his mouth but didn't say anything. He was right. Solar didn't, so how did he catch it? 
Ruin cleared his throat to get their attention, with success. "Gentlemen, I don't mean to interrupt, but I have a theory about how Solar did catch it,"
Ruin looked at them with a nervous smile, as if he was embarrassed to mention it.
"perhaps the cause is through the sleepover you two had when Moon was sick."
Solar let out an embarrassed sound and Moon pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh.
"That explains it. Viruses can spread through electricity." Moon spoke softly, ignoring the heat growing on his faceplate.
"C'mon let's get you to bed." Moon said pushy while grabbing his hands.
Solar let out a huff as the Lunar bot pulled him up.
"Alright, alright give me a second." Solar mumbled grumpy, he knew he wouldn't be able to work, he couldn't even stand without holding on to something. 
"Ruin, Earth will be here any second. Can you tell her that I'm with Solar in his room?" Ruin stood straight and saluted. "Will do!" He replied enthusiastically.
Moon and Solar made their way to the room. Solar bumped into Moon every now and again. He tried to focus on walking in a straight line, but it didn't help that his sight was blurry.
"Want me to carry you?" Moon teased, and Solar chuckled.
"What, don't you want me to return the favor from last time?" Moon nudged Solar and rolled his eyes.
"What favor? I only carried you to your room when you passed out. It's the last thing I could've done." Moon shrugged.
"I would rather carry you before you pass out."
"I'll let you know if I want to be carried." Solar said playfully, and when they reached the theater he placed his hand on Moon's shoulder.
"But if you don't mind, I will put my hand on your shoulder, so I can walk straight."
"Sure things will go ahead." 
Solar sat down on his bed and leaned against the wall. The cold feeling of the wall made the Solar bot sigh, he closed his eyes and stretched.
There was a silence for a moment.
"You want to sleep?"
Solar thought about it. Yes, he was tired, but he didn't really want to be alone either, so he shook his head.
Asking him to stay while he sleeps sounds stupid. Moon is a busy guy, and the last thing he needs is to nurse him back to health. Even if he did that for him. Moon is not obligated to do the same thing for him.
The feeling of the mattress sinking under a new weight pulled him out of his thoughts. Solar opened his eyes a bit and saw how Moon crisscrossed next to him.
"You know you don't have to stay here if you're busy." Solar rasped out, but he felt tense at the thought of being alone.
"Nah, I'm good it can wait. Whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me."
Moon simply replied, Solar softly smiled and rolled his eyes.
"Terrifying." He said sarcastically as he felt more heat creeping into his faceplate. Moon chuckled quietly as he leaned back.
Solar felt an annoying ache in his body and his joints were stiff. He pointed to the hip flask next to Moon and Moon handed it to Solar.
"Not drinking alcohol, where are we?"
Solar barks out a laugh.
"Moon, you know there is no alcohol in this thing. But it wouldn't be such a bad idea for the pain." Moon grinned and shrugged.
"To be fair, this thing is not meant for oil."
Solar popped open the flask and dumped oil on his stiff joints. "I don't care for what it's made, as long it's handy." Moon nodded to his response.
Moon started to fidget with his hat. "Honestly, my first thought when I saw Ruin was that he did something to you. He stood in front of you and stared at you menacingly until he realized I was at the entrance of the daycare."
Moon continued to explain.
"He told me he was looking for me, but it didn't look like it." Solar frowned.
"I don't know what to think of that guy. Maybe he is just socially awkward, you know?"
Moon shrugged and glanced over to Solar. "Let's just be careful around him." Moon vocalized.
Solar nodded, and the conservation changed to a lighter topic. Solar doesn't need more to worry about at the moment.
Moon scanned him every now and again. He had to make sure Solar didn't overheat. Despite that Solar didn't tell him anything about how he felt, he could tell that he kept feeling worse. His faceplate was glowing, it almost looked like his old body and his voicebox kept glitching out.
"So that's when I told Lunar 'Soon.' " Solar chuckled at the memory, he explained to Moon what happened that made Lunar so jumpy around him.
"Take off your clothes." Moon bluntly spoke. Solar's eyes widened again, and his orange faceplate turned red.
"Solar, you have to take off your shirt and pullover, so your processor doesn't overheat."
"How about you form full sentences and don't blurt out random things?"
Moon then realized his poor choice of words and let out a little 'sorry'.
Solar shook his head as he took off his shirt and pullover.
Solar grimaced at how vulnerable he felt, even though the most glamrock barely wore any clothes. Glamrock Freddy doesn't even wear pants.
Solar saw that Moon was scanning him again and let out a relieved sigh. He supposed his fans weren't going to blow out any time soon when Moon is around.
"So you're just going to do nothing to get back to Lunar?" Moon asked, remembering the last thing Solar told him about.
He shook his head and smiled, there was a twinkle in his eyes.
"Now I didn't say that, someday I will."
"Oh that's cruel. I love it, what do you have in mind?" Moon's curiosity showed as he got closer to him in the hope he'd tell him.
"To bad I won't tell you." Solar rasped out with a mischievous smile.
"Aw c'mon, I will keep my mouth shut." 
Moon frowned when Solar shrugged and stayed silent. Moon frowned.
"Believe me, when I prank him you will hear him." Solar smiled.
"That's boring." Moon pouted and Solar chuckled. "You're just impatient."
Solar doesn't recall that he fell asleep until he opened his eyes, but he doesn't recall being in another room.
When he looked around, Sun sat next to him and then the busk animatronic realized he was wearing his old clothes.
"Did you hear what I said, Eclipse?" The bright animatronic asked with a soft smile.
"I think you spaced out there." He snickered. Solar blinked at him and cleared his throat.
"Sorry what did you say?" Sun smiled and leaned back into the orange couch.
Solar realized Sun made their mindscape look like the living room.
"Well, I said Moon and I played this weird game about babysitting a baby that is actually a demon." Sun told him excitedly and Solar smiled softly.
Why is this so familiar?
"So your plan to spend more time with Moon is working?" Sun nodded enthusiastically. "He doesn't seem to mind." 
When was the last time he saw Sun so.. happy?
"He still doesn't know about me, does he?"
Sun smile faded, and he fidgeted with his hands while he looked up to the darker Sun. 
"Erh no not yet. But I promise-, pinky promise I will! I just um don't think it's the right time yet."
Solar nodded and looked to the side.
Was he forgetting something?
Sun jumped up and held his hand out to Solar.
"I know you're worried, but I'm 100% sure everything will be okay." Solar took his hand and got up. He could tell Sun was nervous about telling Moon about him simply by his body language. But who was he to tell him that?
He is forgetting something.
"Come on, I want to play this game with you as well!"
"More like you play and I watch?" Solar spoke amused.
"Like you mind!" Sun blew raspberries to him and he chuckled.
"Very mature of you Sun." Solar said, amused.
Sun skipped to the door but when Solar followed him through the never, ending hallway. Sun was already going out through the door. He started to run, but the room was moving with him.
"Sun wait! Wait for me." He rasped out, the panic rising in his chest. When he finally reached the door, everything went dark.
"Sun?" Solar looked around and couldn't see anybody. 
It looked like he was inside an old laboratory. But why was he in there, and where is Moon? Did his processor give out, which is why Moon moved them to fix it?
Solar noted that he was lying on the cold table in an abandoned lab. Wasn't he just in Sun's room?
While he was looking around he noted that the lab had tubes that seemed to be very dirty and dusty. There was a singular bulb hanging right above him, but despite that, the room was dark.
The roof was leaking, spin webs in every corner and the tools which were laying on the table were way too rusty to use.
The room he was in looked way too familiar than he would have wanted.
What was he forgetting?
He started to feel his panic rise and when he sat up, his head was buzzing and there was a icky feeling in his body, like something was missing.
The bask animatronic could see something moving in the back of his eye corner. Solar turned around quickly.
He felt something touching his shoulder and he gasped as he stood up from the table.
"Who's there?!" Solar yelled out, regardless of the feeling of dizziness catching up, he was ready to fight whatever was in there.
Trying to make any sense out of this, he silently waited for some response.
"Are you happy now?" A scratchy voice asked. Solar flinched, he knew exactly whose voice it was.
"Are you happy with the life you have now? After everything you have done to us, Eclipse?" he asked in a sickening voice.
Moon.. his moon but how? He killed him, he couldn't be alive!
Solar backed to the corner as he saw a shadow walking towards him.
"You sick parasite, first off you took my brother from me, and then you shot me! And now you're just living your best life, huh?!"
"Moon.. I'm not-"
Solar's vision blurred when his Moon pulled him down to look directly at him.
Solar wanted to push him away, but he couldn't move his hands. He wanted to scream, move or anything else! Why couldn't he move?
"I should rip you apart, tear every single wire out and make sure you won't come back." Moon's voice was filled with hatred and rage. His eyes were glowing red and his pupils were turning to pinpoints.
Moon pushed him to the corner as he towered him. Solar could only see his glowing red eyes.
"I'll make sure you suffer until your last breath." Moon spoke low and with rage as he forcefully packed Solar's arm and tore him into the working tube.
"Moon- please I'll help you-"
"Shut up!" Moon interrupted him as he closed the tube.
"I'll make sure that you get what you deserve."
Solar panicked as he watched Moon walking towards the computer.
"Please, Moon, don't do it. Please!" Solar yelled with a hint of desperation.
Moon turned to him while he was pressing the button.
Solar screamed as he woke up. His hands were shaking and everything felt cramped.
Solar clutched his chest while he was hyperventilating.
"Hey, hey Solar, look at me." Moon spoke concerned as he got closer to him. Solar turned his head to him.
"Look at me, everything is okay. You are safe."
Solar's breath got slower as he slowly calmed down. Moon is stunned by how fast the sunset animatronic calmed down.
"I tried to wake you, but you wouldn't budge." Moon explained, concerned while reaching out for him. Solar flinched and Moon pulled his hand away.
"You're doing okay?" Moon asked carefully and kept his space.
Solar told him some things that had happened in his old location.
It was more his Moon that caused all the problems. Sure, that British Monty wasn't good either, but his Moon is another story. He also met that guy, when Moon stayed there to build the satellite with Solar.
"I'm.. not good." Solar sat up straight and wrapped his arms around his legs.
"I figured.. Um, you want to talk about it?" 
Solar shook his head and there was a silence. The whole cheering up wasn't Moon's thing. He didn't know how he could cheer up his friend.
Thinking about it, Earth would ask for a hug or something like that, but that involves touching and Solar doesn't seem to like that a lot.
Lunar cheered Solar up with a little puppet show last time, but there was no way he was going to do that. Solar would never let that go and tease him for the rest of his life.
Perhaps showing memes? But that wasn't really suitable at the moment.
Moon thought about it and then an idea came to his mind. Solar's drawing tablet. Maybe he would like to draw or something? The blue celestial animatronic remembered that Solar left it in the drawer by the security desk.
When he got up and walked towards the little tunnel, Solar grabbed his hand.
"Don't leave!" He yelped out and that startled the blue animatronic.
Moon focused on him and noted how panicked he looked. Moon never saw him that scared, he held his hand.
"Do you mind if I sit right next to you?"
"I don't mind."
Moon sat down next to him and watched the darker Sun animatronic.
"I actually just wanted to get your tablet." Moon spoke softly.
"Sorry. I don't know what's with me. I have been sick before, but I have never acted like that."
Moon shook his head. "You're fine. Remember when I had the virus? I couldn't be alone either and you know, normally, I even prefer being alone."
Solar nodded and when he remembered, he let out a soft laugh. "You held onto me like your life depended on it." Moon frowned and felt his faceplate heaten up.
"Shut it."
"You didn't even let me go when I took you to your bed." Solar softly teased and Moon jabbed his shoulder.
"I honestly never guessed you were a cuddle bug." Solar continued.
"I could say the same about you. When I woke up you were the one holding me."
Solar shrugged and smirked. "Well, at least I was the big spoon of us both."
Moon let out a strangled sound and covered his faceplate.
Solar laughed softly and leaned back.
"You are so easily to tease." Solar said amused, and Moon just rolled his eyes.
"If it wasn't for you being sick I would already have shoved the pillow into your face." 
"Oh, horrifying." Solar sarcastically vocalized.
Moon gave him a wry smile and hesitated to move closer to him. Solar huffed and moved his elbow to his.
"I'm not afraid of you." Solar blurted out and Moon tilted his head.
"I was just so caught up in my dream that I didn't realize it was you." The bask animatronic tried to explain.
"Do you often dream about your Sun and Moon?"
"No, just sometimes, but not all of them are nightmares. Believe it or not, I actually have a few nice memories of that place."
Moon nodded and glanced at him. Then the blue celestial animatronic drew circles in Solar's hand and closed his eyes. 
Solar smiled softly at him and then slowly leaned his head towards Moon's.
"I had many dreams about that damn Gator." Solar admitted, and Moon raised his brow.
"I'm pretty sure that Gator had a way to get in dreams because they kept trying to sell their things."
Moon barked a laugh. "How? That British Gator can't even tie a knot. Remember when.."
"Moon that Gator was smarter than they let on."
The blue crescent animatronic chuckled. "Actually you're right, our Monty is similar when it comes to that."
There was a comforting silence and slowly Solar's hand intertwined with Moon's.
They stayed like this for a while and eventually Solar felt sleepy again.
Moon noticed that Solar was about to fall asleep, so he slowly moved him to lay down. When he tucked Solar in, he was about to just sit down on the floor and wait for him to wake up.
Solar grabbed Moon's hand and looked up at him with a slight panic.
"Are you going to leave?" Moon shook his head.
"No, you are stuck with me, remember? I just didn't know if I should lay with you."
"If you don't mind?" Solar mumbled.
Moon smiled softly at him and laid down next to him.
The blue celestial turned around, his back facing Solar and Moon felt Solar's hand move to his chest. He pulled Moon towards him and held him close.
"Calling me a cuddle bug, huh?" Moon mumbled silently and laid his hands over Solar's.
He was happy to have someone like Solar.
It didn't take Moon long to fall asleep, but then again, he could sleep anywhere if the crescent animatronic wanted to.
Hours went by, it was closing time and the celestial siblings, Lunar, Sun and Earth were carrying cookies and drinks.
Moon texted Sun and the other two that Solar was sick and should come if they had time.
Sun and Moon developed a habit of watching movies if one of them is sick. Since Earth, Lunar and even Monty came along, the habit of stuck to them as well. And they had to make sure that solar is also involved in this.
Lunar was the first to zoom through the tunnel and jumped on Solar's bed.
"Solar wake up!" Lunar yelled, that startled Moon and Solar.
Lunar let out a little gasp when they realized that Moon was also there.
"Jesus Christ Lunar. Do you always have to scream when you wake us?" Moon mumbled while sitting up.
Lunar muffled his laugh while jumping off the bed.
"Hey Sun I found Moon! He was with Solar the whole time." He yelled through the tunnel.
Solar groaned and covered his faceplate in his hands.
"Can you not scream? My head is killing me." Solar mumbled grumpy.
Lunar let out a little sorry, then Sun and Earth was climbing through the tunnel.
"Moon, have you been here for the past couple of hours?" 
The bright animatronic asked while holding chips and popcorn.
"Yep here the last few hours, why?"
"Well, we actually needed your help since we had another problem with code.. blue." Sun explained and Moon groaned as he let himself fall in bed again.
"Not dealing with this now, tomorrow." He mumbled while closing his eyes again. Solar rolled his eyes, trying not to be amused by this situation.
"How are you feeling, Solar? Any better?" Earth questioned him.
And Moon seemed to be interested in the question as well, since he sat up straight and waited for his answer.
Solar thought about it and he actually felt better. His body didn't ache, and his fans were also way quieter than in the morning.
"I'm actually feeling better."
"Did Moon nurse you back to health?" Lunar asked with a teasing tone.
Moon threw a pillow at him and when it hit Lunar he let out a little 'oof'.
"I mean if it wasn't for him, I would probably still be passed out on the security desk." Solar joked, but the other celestial animatronics didn't seem to find that funny.
Solar let out a nervous laugh before a pillow hit right in his face.
"What the heck, Lunar?"
"You deserved it." Lunar simply mumbled.
"Well, I'm glad Moon found you before that happened." Earth spoke while placing the cookies down on Solar's desk.
"Actually, Ruin found him first." Moon explained and Earth tilted her head.
"I see, I mean he did tell me you both went upstairs to get some rest."
"Do you guys know where he is?" Moon asked genuinely.
Earth shook her head. "No I wanted to, but he was kinda just gone when I was looking for him."
Moon hummed.
"You look awful by the way, Solar." Lunar shot right out and Solar sighed. "Thanks, Lunar."
Lunar was about to jump on his bed again but stopped himself.
"Wait, are you contagious?"
Solar grinned at him. "Oh, very." Then he started to pretend to cough into his elbow. Lunar seemed to be unimpressed and they jumped on the bed.
"He is kinda contagious," Moon said to Lunar, and he stopped jumping and gave Moon the death stare.
Solar chuckled, as he watched Lunar stepping away from him.
"Wait, is he actually contagious?" Earth asked genuinely and Moon nodded.
"Yeah, if you touch him while he sneezes or is glitching out, the virus can spread to you," Moon explained and turned his gaze to the amused animatronic.
"Is that how you got it from Moon, Solar?" Sun asked while Lunar was stealing a cookie from Earth.
"Yep, I'm very contagious. You better watch out." Solar said sarcastically.
"So why are you sitting right next to him, brother?" Sun asked while keeping his distance. 
"Well, actually me and Ruin are now immune to it since our bodies have already experienced it and know how to kill the virus the second it gets in our body. Similar to the human immune system.. more or less." Moon interpreted.
"Soo what are we watching today?" Earth tilted her head as she glanced at Solar.
"It's my turn to pick the movie?" He questioned and Moon nodded.
"If you're sick you can choose."
Solar felt his faceplate heat up, it was just picking a damn movie. Why did that make him feel so embarrassed? Perhaps because it made him feel like he was currently the spotlight of this room.
"I don't know. I don't care what we watch." Solar mumbled.
"I mean if you don't know, we could give you some recommendations," Earth added while smiling softly.
Solar shook his head. "I know what we could watch. But, um are we going to watch it here?"
"Well, we wanted to see if you feel well enough to watch it in the theater?" Sun explained.
"Why did you bring the food in here then?" Moon questioned while watching Lunar eat the cookies.
"Every time we leave the food alone in the theater, Vegeta just steals it." Earth told him.
"You mean that creation of Monty?" Moon cringed while asking.
Earth nodded and Solar got up slowly.
"We can go to the theater." Solar rasped out while holding on Moon's shoulder.
"But I'm not going to deal with Vegeta if they come around." Solar clarified.
They brought blankets and cushions to the theater. The snacks and drinks were lying on the table and Solar watched how everyone got comfortable watching the movie.
Solar glanced over to Moon when he was sitting down next to him.
"What? I told you were stuck with me." Moon nudged him playfully and Solar smiled softly at him.
He wouldn't want it any other way.
Homies just cuddling
..and they were roommates
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disasterousduo · 20 days
What my brother would name TSAMS characters (he has never seen TSAMS)
Sun- Scary for no reason
Moon- Me
Earth- Ms Planet
Lunar- Hatsune Miku
Eclipse- Cheeeeeese dust
Solar- ‘I’m not like other girls’
Gemini- Caveman Chest
KC- Momo
Bloodmoon- Santa x Satan
Ruin- Sleepy Boy (btw ew British)
Jack O Moon- Dirt Ball
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vanivanvanilla · 6 months
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lifestealtober2023 day 20 - breakdown
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twottie-m8 · 8 months
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 months
Hot Take:
I feel like, if Eclipse fans weren't just labeled as simps, there wouldn't be as many Eclipse fans being so incredibly defensive of him.
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thesockghost · 4 months
Earth feels a bit odd in the sun and moon show…
A side from the gender obvious difference with her being one of the three girls on the show (earth Pollux and nebula) she seems a bit….misplaced so to say…..im not saying that she’s weird or bad or anything, I love earth in all her Barbie loving glory! But….she just feels odd……and I think I know why that is.
Earth doesn’t know true suffering.
She HAS suffered, but she doesn’t know what it’s like for your life to truly be a living hell.
Everyone else on the show is there because of suffering, and is in this mess because they wanted to find some way to escape it.
Sun and moon? Separated because of the suffering they had while together. Eclipse? Is constantly hunting for the star in hopes that he can make a life where he’ll never be alone or uncounted for again. Lunar? Helped eclipse take over the channel in hopes of a happy life as a family with eclipse. After that? helped sun and moon take down eclipse for the same reason. Even solar. While you might think that the reason he fits in so well is because he’s basically just a redeemed eclipse, and while that probably contributed to that, the whole reason he came there was to escape his moon and live a happier life.
All of these people have been promised a happier life, but ended up in a worse situation then before.
And you may be wondering “but what does this have to do with earth?”
She was never there because of suffering. She just came there because her dad told her to.
And you might be saying “oh but earth probably suffered when she was with the creator!” But you forget WHY she’s so sensitive about him. (Well one because of forgor) but secondly because she’s actually been treated pretty well. We’ve seen how much of a master manipulator the creator is, and if he’s smart, then he’d probably know that mistreating earth will only lead to problems. So what does he do? He keeps her happy and safe and most importantly, naïve.
So I think that the reason why earth sticks out like a sore thumb is because she doesn’t know what it’s like to suffer (well at least suffer to the s.a.m.s standard.) she was given everything on a Silver platter right up until she went to go live with sun and moon. AND EVEN THEN SHE HAS THE UPPER HAND IN THIS SITUATION.
She was programmed with therapy stuff in mental health HELL. So it’s odd to see her handle such traumatic situations so well, when we’ve gotten so used to seeing characters completely break when something terrible happens. And I’m not jumping on the “earth is a marry sue” train, she’s definitely had her idiotic and dicky moments. But the fact that she Handels it all so well ironically makes her the most robotic in the show.
So basically what I’m trying to say is that while the other characters have been to hell and back and still show scars from it, earth was basically given a “get out of jail free card” and actually knows how to deal with that kinda shit, and is almost the exact same personality wise as the day she debuted.
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planeoftheeclectic · 6 months
Trick or treat!
For you, a magical trio of images!
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These are three pictures showing Saturn's ultraviolet aurorae over its southern pole! Here on Earth, our magnetic field is relatively weak, so auroral storms only last for a few hours. On Saturn, the aurora never seem to stop! The aurora on both planets are caused when the planet's magnetic field meets the solar wind - a stream of charged particles from the Sun. Even though Saturn is almost 10 times further from the Sun than Earth, its magnetic field is so much stronger that its auroras are much brighter and energetic! We can't see them with the naked eye, but with the help of UV instruments like the ones on Hubble everyone on Earth can marvel at the dancing lights above a planet very far from home. That's my favorite kind of magic!
These images were created using Hubble's ACS camera and STIS spectrograph in 2005!
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solarmorrigan · 1 month
Steve who absently touches his face a lot + Steve who wears glasses = Steve whose glasses are constantly smudged
He does his best to wipe them off, but most of his shirts aren't made from a good fabric for it, and they mostly just end up smudged in a different way
Eddie, on the other hand, is almost constantly wearing soft-worn t-shirts and flannels. He starts offering to clean Steve's glasses for him when he notices him struggling with it. After a while, it just becomes habit to take Steve's glasses and wipe them off when he sees they've gotten smudged. Like he just. Sort of plucks them right off of Steve's face, cleans them, and puts them back on for him. Without asking or saying anything. And Steve just lets him
No, they are not dating
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fioweress · 2 months
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i want kinder chocolate too..
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amalgamationink · 13 days
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NAPOWRIMO24 #15: Occultation
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solarache · 5 months
(>。☆) love and rot
ruggie bucchi x reader. reverse comfort. graphic descriptions of violence
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it is almost sweet, the way he softens his harsh edges around you, as if to protect you from the potential hurt, the way he keeps the parts he deems rotten away from you.
you see him be harsh around others, condescending at times but showing affection almost aggressively to his friends, which they reciprocate but it stops the second you enter his field of vision, running to you with a soft smile on his face and holding you gently as he 'traps' you in a hug, insisting on carrying your things and either listens to you talk about your day and everything that happened or babbles about his own, complaining about his teachers or dorm mates.
he avoids certain topics like his childhood with a grimace on his face, even though you assure him that no matter what he was like or had to do to survive, you'd still love him all the same, but you switch topics that he gladly talks about instead, still with a certain look in his eyes that slowly disappear as you assuredly hold his hand, squeezing it tight while still listening and engaging in conversation.
you can hear people, your classmates that you've seen struggle with potions in crewels class or fall face first during PE, call him names as if he is lower than they are, as if he isn't better than them in multiple aspects, even when he glares at them and bares his fangs in warning, they talk still.
they can't talk anymore when the same fangs he was bearing at them earlier are stuck in their throat, blood spilling everywhere as tears stream down that person's face, begging him to stop as if they weren't calling him a lowlife that will never make it in life earlier, begging him to stop as if they weren't talking all high and mighty and acting like they're better than him, a haunted look in their eyes after ruggie is finally pulled off, still crying.
ruggie is looking at you now, being dragged to his housewarden's room (since the headmage obviously can't be bothered to deal with this) with his ears drooping low and staring at you scared, as if you'll be disgusted by him and decide he's not worth keeping around, even though you desperately want to hold him in your arms, and assure him that what that person was saying isn't true and that they aren't any better than him.
you aren't able to do that, so you text him to come to ramshackle, since Leona will obviously be letting him off easy once he hears the reasoning behind ruggie's actions, and wait until you hear the familiar knock on the door.
he looks awkward, standing there as if he's a stranger, so you pull him inside and lead him to the privacy of your room, as grim is away with ace and deuce and the ghosts won't bother you there. ruggie looks more scared by the passing second once you enter, so you wordlessly open your arms to invite him into a hug, and say "we don't have to talk, if you don't want to"
he stares at you in disbelief, but you still have your arms out even as they're getting numb and wait.
he dives into your arms, head buried in the crook of your neck as he shakes, alternating whispering apologies about you having to see him like that, and saying that he will get to the top, even as you whisper sweet nothingness into his ear consisting of assuring that you still love him and agreements and encouragements about his goal, saying that you believe in him because you truly do. ruggie bucchi is someone that can achieve anything as long as he puts his mind to it, and he's never been more serious about anything as he's been serious about his goal before.
he falls asleep like that, in your arms, as you run your fingers through his hair, a motion he cheekily admitted to liking when you do it, and fall asleep doing so, the low vibrations of his purrs soothing and lulling you to sleep.
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solarcas · 1 year
Okay I'm no fic writer and I don't usually post story ideas like these but i'm currently in sicko salami mode and I obvs need to cope SOMEHOW so have this Dean 200-new-neurosis-at-once-type fic idea that won't stop plaguing me:
Dean and Cas get their happy ending, they finally get to settle down, quit hunting, get a house in some nice small town and be in big ol gay love w each other all that. And OFC they want to get married ofc they do they're sappy old men in love and when Dean proposed they cried a shit tone but that's not the point the point is that obviously one of them is legally dead and the other rly never much existed so actually getting legally married is kinda off the plate, and neither of them are big fans of the church for.... Obvious Reasons. So instead they plan a big party at their place, planning to invite everyone they know and just force one of their lucky guests to play priest for a bit and pronounce them married etc etc and actually thats STILL not the Point™️ the Point™️ is Dean gets so so so into planning the whole thing
I'm talking he studies the meanings of flowers in depth to get just the right ones for their table arrangements. He makes Cas practise dancing with him every day so they can be perfect at it and Cas can twirl him around on the dance floor without him crashing into the snack table (Cas as angel obviously knows all the moves and performs them perfectly even before, but there's no way he'd pass on any chance of dancing with Dean). He makes sure every guest gets their invitation weeks beforehand so that no one would end up missing. He prepares a closet with demon traps in case they need to trap Crowley should he try and interfere with the ceremony. Cas regularly catches him lost in daydreams about The Day (not that Dean admits that's what he was thinking of). The guy is PREPARED and he's EXCITED like. Neither of them had much chance or reason to celebrate in their life. So he wants to use this to the fullest.
Then one day one of their friends is over, maybe Charlie idk, and they talk abt everything they've planned so far and what they're still missing when Charlie points out "Oh what about suits? You guys gonna dress the part right?" Cas pulls a very affectionate face like he knows what's coming bc boy if there's anyone on earth that likes dressing up more than Dean. So they both turn to him expecting an answer and meanwhile Dean's brain has just turned off because. Ah. Yes. Yeah yeah the suits. Suits we should get. Suits to wear at our wedding. Because we're grooms. And grooms wear suits. Those suits. Right. And that's when he realises for the first time that all this time as he'd been visualising their perfect Happiest Day In Their Lives he had been thinking. Had been picturing himself. Not in a suit. But in a dress.
So obviously he panics and not knowing what to do with this information, he runs off mumbling something about having heard the washing machine beep and man if he doesn't put that all up right now it'll end up all wrinkly sorry- leaving behind a very surprised Charlie and an even more worried Cas.
Anyway not sure where this goes from here but ofc after much Fighting The Represso, much reassuring from Cas and probably a trip to another state to find someone willing and capable of making a wedding dress that fits a guy, Dean gets his dress and he's the prettiest groom a guy could wish for and he gets to twirl around in it all night. And ofc he has a matching white lingerie set underneath, for Cas to explode some lights over later.
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