#Hidden Beaches
govassist · 2 months
Hidden Beaches: Discovering Secluded Paradises
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Welcome, fellow travelers, to a journey beyond the beaten path, where hidden beaches beckon with their pristine sands and tranquil shores. In this blog post, we'll delve into the allure of hidden beaches and uncover the secrets of these secluded paradises that await discovery.
The Charm of Hidden Beaches
Hidden beaches possess an enchanting allure that captivates travelers seeking solace and tranquility amidst nature's embrace. Unlike their bustling counterparts, these secluded paradises offer a sanctuary of peace, where the rhythm of the waves lulls you into a state of serenity. Here, the sand is untouched, the waters pristine, and the landscape unspoiled by the footprints of mass tourism. It's a place where you can escape the crowds and immerse yourself in the raw beauty of the natural world, forging a deeper connection with the earth and its untamed wonders.
Characteristics of Hidden Beaches
What sets hidden beaches apart from their more popular counterparts? It's often their remote location, tucked away from the beaten path and accessible only by those willing to venture off the grid. These secluded gems may be nestled within hidden coves, sheltered by rugged cliffs, or ensconced within dense forests, their beauty shielded from the eyes of the masses. With limited accessibility and minimal tourist infrastructure, hidden beaches retain an air of mystery, inviting intrepid explorers to uncover their secrets and bask in their untouched splendor.
How to Find Hidden Beaches
Discovering hidden beaches requires a spirit of adventure and a willingness to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations. Start by researching lesser-known coastal areas, scouring travel blogs, forums, and guidebooks for insider tips and recommendations. Local knowledge is invaluable, so don't hesitate to ask residents or fellow travelers for their favorite hidden gems. Embrace spontaneity and serendipity as you embark on your quest to find these secluded paradises, allowing yourself to be guided by curiosity and the allure of the unknown. And remember, sometimes the most rewarding experiences are found when you least expect them, so keep an open mind and be prepared to be surprised by the hidden treasures that await you.
Exploring Hidden Beaches Responsibly
While hidden beaches offer a serene escape from the crowds, it's essential to explore them responsibly to ensure their preservation for future generations. Respect the local environment by adhering to Leave No Trace principles, packing out all trash, and refraining from disturbing wildlife or delicate ecosystems. Stay on designated trails and paths to minimize your impact on the landscape, and avoid removing shells, rocks, or other natural souvenirs. Additionally, support local conservation efforts and sustainable tourism initiatives to help protect these pristine shores for years to come.
Hidden Beaches Around the World
Hidden beaches can be found in every corner of the globe, from the rugged coastlines of the Pacific Northwest to the remote islands of Southeast Asia. In Hawaii, discover secluded stretches of golden sand tucked away on the lesser-visited shores of Molokai or the Big Island's secluded Papakolea Beach, renowned for its unique green sands. Head to the Philippines to explore the pristine coves of Palawan, or venture to Mozambique for a taste of paradise on the secluded beaches of the Quirimbas Archipelago. Whether you're seeking solitude in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, or the South Pacific, hidden beaches offer an escape from the ordinary and an invitation to discover the extraordinary.
Hidden Beach Activities and Experiences
While the allure of hidden beaches lies in their tranquility and seclusion, there's no shortage of activities and experiences to enjoy on these pristine shores. Dive into crystal-clear waters for a snorkeling adventure among vibrant coral reefs and tropical fish, or paddle out into the surf for a thrilling day of kayaking or stand-up paddleboarding. Explore hidden sea caves and rocky tide pools, or simply soak up the sun on the soft sands with a good book in hand. From beachcombing and birdwatching to picnicking and sunset strolls, hidden beaches offer a wealth of opportunities for relaxation, recreation, and rejuvenation in nature's most idyllic settings.
Planning Your Hidden Beach Adventure
Embarking on a journey to discover hidden beaches requires careful planning and preparation to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. Here are some essential tips for planning your hidden beach adventure:
1. Research Your Destination:
Before setting off, conduct thorough research on your chosen destination. Learn about the local geography, climate, and any specific regulations or restrictions that may apply to visiting hidden beaches in the area.
2. Choose the Right Time of Year:
Consider the best time of year to visit your chosen destination. Avoid peak tourist seasons if possible, as hidden beaches are often most tranquil during off-peak times. Be mindful of weather patterns and seasonal changes that may affect accessibility or safety.
3. Pack Light and Smart:
When packing for your hidden beach adventure, prioritize lightweight and versatile clothing, sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, and plenty of water to stay hydrated. Don't forget essential beach gear such as towels, swimwear, and snorkeling equipment if desired.
4. Plan Your Transportation:
Determine the best mode of transportation to reach your hidden beach destination. Some secluded shores may require a hike, boat ride, or off-road vehicle to access, so plan accordingly and be prepared for the journey ahead.
5. Secure Accommodations:
Research nearby accommodations and book lodging in advance to ensure availability, especially if you're traveling during peak seasons or to remote destinations with limited options. Consider staying at eco-friendly resorts or sustainable lodges that prioritize environmental conservation.
6. Be Flexible and Open-Minded:
Keep an open mind and be flexible with your itinerary. Hidden beach adventures often involve unexpected discoveries and spontaneous detours, so embrace the opportunity to explore new paths and uncover hidden treasures along the way.
7. Respect Local Customs and Wildlife:
Familiarize yourself with local customs, traditions, and wildlife regulations before visiting hidden beaches. Respect local communities, wildlife habitats, and cultural heritage sites, and adhere to any guidelines or restrictions to minimize your impact on the environment.
8. Leave No Trace:
Practice Leave No Trace principles by packing out all trash, minimizing your environmental footprint, and leaving the beach as you found it. Respect the natural beauty of hidden beaches and help preserve them for future generations to enjoy.
As we conclude our exploration of hidden beaches, we invite you to embark on your own journey of discovery and exploration. And remember, whether you're planning a trip to a hidden beach or navigating the visa application process, GovAssist is here to help every step of the way. With our expert guidance and assistance, you can turn your travel dreams into reality and uncover the hidden treasures that await around the world.
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hiddengemsreal · 5 months
Discover California's secret places! Watch our video to see the special and beautiful parts of California that many people don't know about. We'll show you quiet beaches, pretty forests, and small towns in the mountains that are not famous but are really nice. Join us to find out about the secret places in California that are amazing. 🏖 Find hidden beaches with clean sand. 🌲 Walk in quiet forests that are very peaceful. 🏞 Visit small towns in the mountains that are not crowded. 🌅 Watch beautiful sunsets in places not many people know about. 🛤 Explore paths with great views that not everyone knows about. Come with us to learn about the secret and wonderful parts of California that you might not have seen before. It's time to see something new and special in the Golden State! #HiddenGems #DiscoverCalifornia #SecretPlacesCA #ExploreMore #QuietBeaches #HiddenTowns #BeautifulSunsets #EasyExploration #CaliforniaAdventures #NewDiscoveries
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ecoharbor · 2 months
📍Algarve, Portugal 🇵🇹
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majianguo · 1 year
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Finally got the chance to explore the beach area west of Pantai Tanah Barak at low tide.  I was able to find a few hidden beaches between Pandawa Beach and Melasti Beach.
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cherrirui-official · 2 months
"You know... You didn't have to take that with you."
"But I promised him I'd take him out to see the ocean one day."
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#for context uhmm how do i explain this#so around a few weeks after Jd arrives Bruce is like “Hey... where are the others?”#and Jd is like “ooooh 🤪🤪 he doesnt know...”#Since at this time JD believes that the entire tribe is dead. including his brothers and grandma#so Jd has to take Bruce to the now abandoned troll tree and give him the bad news#Bruce doesnt believe it at first. even if the tree is abandoned they cant be dead? right?? they cant be#so he rushes over to their grandma's pod. thinking that theyre just in hiding and waiting for them to return#and all Bruce is able to find in the empty pod is Branch's old stuffed toy Croco#which solidifies to Bruce that everyone is dead. their friends their family. everyone#Bruce is obviously devastated by the news. he doesnt show it a lot but he doesnt take it too well#he ends up bringing Croco with him back to Vacay Island and patches Croco up#since Croco is a bit worn out due to being left in the pod for years#and since then Bruce always keeps Croco hidden in his hair. both as a memoir of his baby brother#and also a reminder of how he failed as an older brother... ouch#ofc the others arent dead. its just that now both Jd AND Bruce believe that the rest of the trolls are dead#also King Trollex is there bc i wanted to put him there. I like Trollex :]#a knee ways more bb au art i promise the next bb au art will be lighthearted#tho now im gonna work on the next violet gijinka batch bc ive been starving my friendlocke audience for too long#sorry friendlocke fans ill feed u next dw#cherris canvas#trolls#trolls band together#trolls john dory#john dory trolls#trolls bruce#bruce trolls#king trollex#beach bros au#sorry for rambling in the tags i hope u dont mind ahaha
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usarmytrooper · 5 months
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shelovesplants · 5 months
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Beautiful sea glass 🙌🌊 the longer it tumbles around in the sea, it gets bluer and bluer 💙✨️
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reality-detective · 12 days
Some History from my neck of the woods 👇
He talks about the Fairchild Tree which I go to a lot for peace. There's things I didn't know about the Daytona Beach Florida area. 🤔
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blackcherryvelvet0909 · 7 months
Snowcone Comfort (Neige x GN!Reader)
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Content Warning: Mild angst, hurt/comfort, mild stalking, predatory behavior from unnamed minor character, harassment, celebrities being taken advantage of, mentions of past abuse and victim blaming (if I missed any let me know)
Note: This is over 5k words, I don't know what possessed me. I guess it was my feelings on the behavior of certain fans of celebrities that got me going. I also just really, really like what I did with Neige's banner. I hope you do as well!
You leisurely strolled past the various stores and eateries, briefly peeking into each window. Every other second someone passed you by, whether it be a single person or an entire family, on their own merry way to somewhere you didn’t know. A few entered one of the many buildings lining the sidewalk, while others disappeared around corners of the little township. Little, yes, but no less expensive and elaborate. Most of the objects and treats that were advertised in every shop window cost way more than you could afford. Honestly, you’d be lucky to find something in your budget. Purchasing something wasn’t your reason for coming here, however.
Earlier that morning, you and Ace made a bet: If you beat him at air hockey, he would watch Grim for the rest of the day so you could relax. If he won, you’d have to do his homework for a whole week when you returned to the college. Guess who won out? Ace was shocked, to say the least, as was your audience, Deuce and Grim. Lucky for you, Ace was the type to get real cocky when he thought he was going to win. That attitude had been prominent since you began your game; it was fairly easy to use it to your advantage. So now here you were, taking a much needed break from babysitting your monster cat. 
You saw this little township on the bus ride into the resort when you and your fellow classmates arrived at the beach. Again, you had little money in your pocket, but it was just nice to get out and look around. See what could be seen in the quaint little tourist trap. You briefly wondered if Azul had struck up any business during the trip; if a certain fox and cat duo you’d met a little while ago had swindled a rich tourist or two when he’d possibly made port here. Your smile twitched up a little more as you saw the familiar face of Vil on a poster advertising a certain fragrance in a shop window. That must be where Vil stopped in to pick up that cologne for Rook and Epel. While the latter hadn’t been too keen on the (forced) gift, both men now smelled rather nice - nicer than usual, anyway. 
Just as you were about to turn a corner, in a direction where you remembered Malleus mentioning there being a really nice ice cream shoppe, you were nearly sent backward. Someone smacked into you, which made you both stumble and gasp out. Your hand reached out and held onto the closet windowsill to stabilize yourself. When you looked up, you recognized the face of the person who ran into you: Neige LeBlanche. The man Vil hated (a bit of a strong word, but what other term was there for the man’s feelings towards the celebrity?) with all of his being. The last time you saw the young man - at least in person - was during the VDC, smiling away as he congratulated your friends for their performance. Now, though, his expression was troubled, almost frightened. 
It wavered for a brief moment as he stared at you. “You…you’re [Name], right? One of Vil’s friends?” 
Well, you weren’t sure if you were friends, per say, but… “Y-Yeah,” you replied. 
Neige glanced behind him, that look of paranoia fresh in his eyes again. He turned back to you and grasped your hand, words hushed and urgent. “Please, help me hide! There’s a man after me and he - he’s not very nice.” 
You couldn’t see behind Neige, his body blocking your view. Even so, you could feel the atmosphere change around you as you heard someone call out for the celebrity. It was friendly, but wrong at the same time. Without a word, you gently, yet firmly held Neige’s hand as you turned around and bolted down the sidewalk. You led Neige back the way you’d come; your head turned this way and that as you tried to find a place to hide him. You hadn’t entered any of the businesses yet - you weren’t sure if they were good places to hide. The shrubbery and other plant life around weren’t very good options, either. 
“Hey!” You and Neige quickly glanced back to see a man hurriedly walk after you both. He was dressed sharply, in the fashion that was common for the locals here. You got the sense he wasn’t a local, however - maybe just a guy trying to fit in. The vibe from him wasn’t good, either. The smile he wore…it sent a chill down your spine. Neige shivered so strongly you could feel it trail down to his hand.
“Where’re you going, Mr. LeBlanche?” He held out his arms as though he wanted a hug. “I just wanted an autograph.” 
Neige didn’t have to ask you to hurry - you tugged him forward again, this time in a sprint. You frantically searched for a place to hide, just until the guy was out of sight. As you turned another corner, exiting the town, you found yourself at the edge of the beach. Golden sand spread out before you, the blue waves crashing onto shore a mile away. Suddenly, you had an idea. Your gaze landed on the small snack stand Sam had set up for the trip. “C’mon!” you whispered yelled to Neige behind you as you pulled him towards the little building. 
The pale boy followed you without question, scared eyes peering behind him every other second to see if the man had found you both. As you reached the snack stand, you quickly threw up the little door that separated the counter from the store space. You rushed Neige inside before you shut it behind you both. You then directed Neige to sit below the counter, just out of sight. You followed close behind him, legs crossed and back flushed against the wall. Neige was in a similar position, the only difference being his knees were tucked up under his chin. 
“Unless you two are looking for a summer job, I’m going to ask you to leave.” The two of you looked up at Sam, who now stood in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest. His expression was stern, yet the quirk of his brow showed his confusion about your sudden appearance. “As I know your status, Mr. LeBlanche, I know you are not strapped for cash. As for you, little imp-” 
“We’re hiding from this creep,” you interrupted. “He won’t leave Neige alone.” You glimpsed Neige nodding his head in agreement, too afraid to speak. It seemed what you’d garnered from the situation was correct. 
Sam’s gaze fleeted upwards and over the counter. Without breaking his gaze from the outside world, he asked, “Who? The one with the brown hair and last year’s bootlegged designer sandals?” 
Sam could tell what designs were forgeries? Of course he could. Why did you even think otherwise? “Yes.” 
The shopkeep was silent for a few seconds as he examined the man. He must be approaching the snack stand - Neige let out the faintest whimper. You reached how to hold his hand again and gave it a squeeze to try and comfort him. To your surprise and relief, the boy returned it. Finally, Sam spoke in a hush whisper of his own. “Stay as long as you like. I’ll take care of this.” 
Before either of you could express your thanks, you heard someone approach the counter. You didn’t think Neige’s complexion could get any paler…poor guy. He scarcely breathed as Sam addressed the man - neither did you. “Hello there! Welcome to my little snack shop. What can I get for you?” 
Your assailant didn’t respond at first. His shadow stretched over the counter and onto the floor in front of you; you thanked whatever god there was that you and Neige’s shadows were obscured by the counter. “Have you seen two kids running around?” the man asked, completely ignoring Sam’s question. “You know Neige LeBlanche, right?” 
“Who doesn’t?” Sam answered rhetorically. 
“I was supposed to get a picture with him, but he disappeared before I could get my phone out. You wouldn’t have happened to see him come by?” 
“Hm…can’t say I have.” Sam’s lie was flawless, amplified by the little shrug of his shoulders. “Last time I saw him, he was on TV. He’s here at the resort? Huh, news to me.” Sam leaned forward. “How much does he charge for pictures, anyhow? I figure it must cost a pretty good few madol.” 
The man’s snicker made your stomach churn. “I’ve got a few ways around that. I rarely get a no with my face, y’know?~” Gross. 
“Well, I’m sorry to say I haven’t seen him.” You barely glimpsed Sam gesture with his thumb towards the small town where you and Neige had come from. “Though…I did see someone kinda like him get into a cab just now. It looked like it was turning towards the city.” 
The creep hummed in thought, satisfied by his answer. “Thanks for the tip,” he said. He then placed something down onto the counter. “For your trouble.” 
“Much appreciated~” Sam gave the man his signature salesman wink and smile. “Come by next time you’re craving something cool and sweet. I’ve got everything you need.” The man said something in return, but the two of you couldn’t make it out. For several long minutes, not another word was spoken - the only sounds to be heard were the wirring or the large freezers, fridges, and other kitchen contraptions situated about the floor. Finally, Sam took a step back and peeked down at you two. “Alright, the coast is clear now. Guy won’t be back for a while.” 
Neige breathed out a long sigh of relief. He brought his hand up to slip the black sun hat he’d been wearing off his head, the red ribbon adding a pop of color to the accessory. Aside from the hat, he was almost dressed like a sailor boy. “I like your outfit,” you commented, trying to lighten the mood. “It looks really good on you.” 
Neige, despite still looking a tad shaken, gave you a smile. “Th-Thank you. I bought it shortly before myself and the rest of my classmates came here to the beach. I thought it’d be better suited for the hot weather.” 
“Well, no sense in getting it dirty then.” You crawled out from under the counter and stood up before offering a hand out to Neige. Your smile was encouraging, despite the previous situation. “C’mon, let’s get out of here. Where were you heading before, uh…he came?” 
Neige followed your lead and got out from under the counter. Even after he stood up, however, he didn’t let go of your hand. Perhaps it provided comfort for him. “I was heading back to the resort - the one beside on the other side of town, I mean, not the one you’re staying in. I promised Che’nya I would meet up with him to go swimming. I just stopped in town to pick up a bottle of the perfume that Vil was talking about on his Magicam.” 
“Really? Were you interested in the scent?” 
“That’s part of the reason, yes, but I really just wanted to support Vil. He seemed so happy about the sponsor.”
‘That’s fucking adorable’, you thought. 
“I’ll have to get some later.” He timidly glanced out towards town, where the guy had surely disappeared off to. “I…I don’t want to go back in there right now.” 
“Just so you know, he took a cab out to the city.” Sam shot you two a grin as he sorted through a large freezer under the left counter of the store. “Pretty good lie, huh?”
“It’s not good to lie,” Neige gifted the shopkeeper a tiny, shy smile, “but I do appreciate you doing that for us. Thank you, Mr…?” 
“Sam’s fine,” Sam chuckled. 
Neige nodded. “Thank you, Sam. Is there anything I can do to repay you?” 
Sam seemed to think the prospect over for a minute as he shuffled around a few white paper cones. His answer was not what you expected. “Nah, it’s alright. No favors needed - I was just doing what’s right.” He scooped some shaved ice into two paper cones he held in his other hand. “Though, if you’d like, I can get you that perfume.” 
“Really?” Neige’s pupils were as big as saucers. “You can do that?” 
“Mhm.” Sam placed the cones into two circular plastic holders in front of several colorful pumps. He then reached behind his back - when he brought his gloved hand back out, he was holding a small, luxurious pink paper bag. “Anything to please a customer~” 
Now Neige’s eyes were almost bugged out of his head. “That’s-! How did you-?”
“I have my ways.” Sam offered Neige the bag - the celebrity delicately took it. He looked into the bag in wonderment. You couldn’t help but sneak a peek yourself; sure enough, there was the bottled fragrance you’d seen in that advertisement earlier. It was really pretty, its body a crystal dark purple bottle with a small black, glass cork. Very much a product Vil would be associated with. “For the trouble you went through today, I’ll even give you a discount,” Sam offered. 
‘Damn, why can’t he be this generous all the time?’ you wondered. 
“Thank you so much!” Neige beamed. His eyes sparkled in the sunlight…man, no special effects needed for this man. “How much do I owe you?” 
“With the discount, it’ll be 30,000 madol.” 
You almost choked on your own spit. Holy shit that was a lot of money! And he gave Neige a discount? How much was it full price?! Did you even want to know? Without a second thought, Neige reached into his pocket and retrieved a cute wallet, its dark blue leather decorated with embroidered blue birds. Man, Neige’s aesthetic was pretty consistent, huh? 
In the next instant, the exact amount was in Sam’s outstretched hand - and there was still a good bit left in Neige’s wallet. Seven, you wondered if you’d have half that much if Crowley actually paid you for all the things you did for him. As Neige zipped the little pouch back up, Sam briefly counted the bills before folding them and putting them in his pocket. “A pleasure doing business with you, Mr. LeBlanche~” He then swiftly turned around back to the cones filled with shaved ice. “What flavors do you two prefer?” 
“Um…strawberries and cream are always a delight for me, but I also like any other kind of fruit.” Neige replied. 
“[Favorite flavor(s)]” you answered. 
Without a flourish of fast hands, Sam pumped colorful flavored syrups onto the small domes of shaved ice. In no time, there were two snowcones in his hands, one held out for each of you to take. “On the house,” he said. “For many, sweets are just the thing to cheer someone up after something so scary.” 
While you eyed the frozen treat was suspicion, Neige took it without complaint. “Thank you so much, Mr. Sam! You’re too kind!” 
“...what are you getting out of this from me?” you asked. How many times have you accepted something for “free” and it backfired on you later? 
“No tricks or schemes here, little imp,” Sam promised. His smile wasn’t deceiving, nor did his eyes hold any devious plan. The shopkeep looked genuine - proud, even. “Take it as a reward for such a selfless act, saving Mr. LeBlanche the way you did.” 
You hesitated for a moment longer, then finally took the snowcone. As you expected, it was your favorite flavor, just as you’d said. For once, a good deed of yours had led to a prize - with no strings attached. 
“Now, you two run along.” Sam strode past you two and opened the little door you’d entered a little while before. “No doubt you two have other things to do. That, and I’ve got my shop to run.” He shot you two another playful wink as he added, “Don’t eat those two fast, now.”
“We won’t,” Neige giggled. He held up his hand and waved as he and you began to walk away from the snack stand. “Thank you again, Mr. Sam. Have a good rest of your day!” 
“You as well, little imps.” 
Before you both could wander too far though, Sam’s voice suddenly echoed in your head. “Get your friend home safe, little imp. Don’t worry about the guy; remember, I’m taking care of it.” You could only imagine what that meant. Despite the ominous implications, you did agree with the shopkeeper: You needed to make sure Neige got home safe. 
“Let me walk you back,” you offered. “I don’t want something else like that to happen.” 
Neige’s expression was timid again, guilty even. “You really don’t mind?” 
You shook your head and smiled. “Not at all! I’d want someone to do the same for me if I’d been in that situation.” 
“I’m sure your friends would jump at the chance to do that for you.” 
‘Yeah, I hope so too,’ you thought. 
As the two of you walked back to the resort, munching your snowcones along the way, you couldn’t help but ask the question that’d been on your mind. “Who was that guy, anyway? Do you know him?” 
You almost regretted the inquiry the moment it passed your lips. Neige’s face fell, head tilted downwards as he stared down at his feet. “I…don’t know. I never got his name, actually. He said he was a fan and asked for a picture - I was happy to oblige! I don’t mind whenever someone asks for a picture of me. But,” he stalled for a moment to take a deep breath - when he exhaled, he continued, “But I could tell he wanted more than a picture.
“He kept asking where I was staying, if I was doing anything that night, if I came to the resort alone…and he wouldn’t stop touching me.” Neige mildly gestured to his waist and chest, though was careful to not jostle the small bag clasped between his fingers too much. “I-In intimate ways, I mean.” 
You hadn’t noticed how much you’d been neglecting your snowcone until you felt the cold, syrupy water drip down your fingers. You hastily lapped up the tiny streams before you spoke, eye contact solely focused on Neige’s big brown doe eyes - which, you noticed, were now slightly darkened by that fear you’d seen earlier. “He had no right to touch you like that.” 
“I know!” Neige seemed almost relieved to be validated. “I’ve always been told that by Headmaster Ambrose, and my other teachers…and yet there are others who disagree. That man isn’t the first to handle me in such a manner. Thankfully he wasn’t the most forceful; there have been others who have told me I owe them such attention because of how much they support me. Pay to see my movies, buy products I endorse - things like that.” Neige looked like he was about to cry, and you felt like you were about to join him with what he said next.
“Even some people I’ve worked with - past managers, photographers, etc - have even said I’m selfish for denying my fans what they want.” 
“And they’re all wrong.” Your words were so matter-of-fact that the boy almost appeared surprised. You stopped in your tracks, feet away from the entry gates of the resort where you knew Neige and other RSA students were residing for their trip. As if in tune with your steps, Neige stalled in turn. “Just because they support you and do all that stuff doesn’t mean they have the right to do that. They don’t own you. You’re not their property.” 
You briefly threw your hands in the air. “I don’t know where people get that kind of audacity, entitlement, but they’ve gotta be batshit cra-!” You gasped as the flavored snow to atop your paper cone went crashing to the concrete path below. A hushed ‘aww man!’ breathed past your lips as you glared down at the colored frozen heap quickly melted from the heat of the asphalt. When your gaze flicked back to Neige, you saw he was equally as shocked and disappointed. You must look like two kids who just dropped their ice cream…that’s exactly what it was, really. You wouldn’t call yourself or Neige kids, however. 
“Anyways,” you said, under a sigh of frustration at your blunder. So much for your only free treat of the trip. “Never, ever feel like you have to sit there and take what horrible things someone dishes out. You can walk away at any time - if someone faults you for that, fuck ‘em!” You watched as Neige’s hand flew up to cover his mouth, dainty bag crinkling in his hold. Oh yeah, Neige didn’t really curse, did he? Not that you knew of, at least. 
“Sorry, sorry! I shouldn’t have cursed like that. Guess I’ve been around the guys too long.” 
“N-No, it’s alright.” What you didn’t expect to hear was the smallest, most adorable giggle erupt from the young man’s throat. “You would be surprised how many of my classmates curse. Che’nya nearly outdoes them all! He just keeps it down around our professors.” Well, you seemed to cheer him up from his previous depression; that was good. “That isn’t what I’m laughing about, though.” 
“What’re you laughing about, then?” you asked, genuinely curious. 
“Well…you reminded me of Vil when you said all those things. We don’t talk very much (though I wish we would talk more often), but I have heard him give such a speech to others in the past. Beginning actors, mostly, but sometimes stage hands, assistants - many people he comes into contact with. He’s such a strong, inspiring person - one I wish to be one day.” Neige’s smile was so kind, so pure, you suddenly understood why Rook held such a fondness for the actor. The fact it was directed at you, not a fan or camera or something, gave you butterflies. “And now, I wish to be as strong and brave as you, [Name].”
You quickly grew flustered under the man’s adoring gaze. A blush crept its way up to your cheeks as you fumbled with your empty snowcone. “I mean, I’m not that brave.” 
“Untrue!” Neige’s protest was so cute you couldn’t help but smile a little. “Che’nya told me that Trey told him how you helped Riddle come out of his overblot. That takes a lot of courage! I could never dream of facing such a thing!”
“It is pretty scary,” you admitted. “There were points in time I thought I was going to die, or at least get hurt. Sometimes I did get hurt…but I had friends to help me get out of those troubles.” While that blush stubbornly remained on your face, you met Neige eye-to-eye once more. “And that’s why you should tell a friend whenever that happens. Never be afraid to call out for help. Whether a celebrity or just a student, everyone needs it at some point.”
Your smile quirked up into a smirk. “If someone thinks otherwise,” you balled your free hand up into a fist and held it in front of you, “fuck ‘em.”
“Yeah!” Neige cheered, more enthusiastically than you thought he might. “Fuck ‘em!” The moment the naughty phrase left his lips, Neige let out a squeak and covered it again. His eyes darted in every direction, looking to see if anyone heard him. For once, to your luck, no one was about. As relief washed over the RSA second year, he went into another fit of giggles.
“Sorry!” he laughed. “I got too carried away.”
You shrugged away his apology. “Fine by me.” You shot him a wink as you pressed a finger to your lips. “I’ll never tell a soul~” 
Neige tittered so sweetly you almost thought you heard it wrong. “I very much appreciate it.” The pretty boy glanced down at the wet patch of concrete where your icy treat once lay. “I’m sorry about your snowcone…” 
You were also sorry, very disappointed, but you didn’t want to add another worry to the poor guy’s mind. So, you shrugged again and said, “Eh, it’s not that big of a deal. It’s just a snowcone - not like I can’t get another.” Partly a lie, as you didn’t know whether or not you could afford one with your extra tight budget. Maybe you could manage to convince a friend or professor to get you one in the future…
A little flinch jolted your body as a snowcone was thrust into your face. “Here,” Neige’s eyes practically glittered with determination, “take mine.” 
You shook your head and put your hands out in front of you, one still partially clasping your now crumpled paper cone. “N-No, you don’t have to-”
“I want to.” Neige’s frowny pout morphed into yet another angelic smile. “Like you said, there will be more opportunities to get a snowcone. Che’nya talked about us and some of our friends getting some later - so, I want you to have mine.” Something popped into the boy’s mind, which caused him to falter in his resolve, but just a tad. “I-I hope you like strawberries and cream. That’s the flavor. It’s artificially flavored-”
“How can you tell it’s artificially flavored?” you asked, actually curious. 
“My tastebuds are a little sensitive. Artificial strawberry tastes a bit different than actual strawberries do.” 
Huh, cool talent. Whether or not you enjoyed the taste of either the fruit or the cream didn’t matter at the moment; Neige’s gesture was too sweet to pass up. That, and how many times would you receive such a selfless act? At Night Raven College, likely as slim a chance as you not encountering another overblot in the next month or so. You took the snowcone from the boy’s fingers - which were very soft to the touch, you now noticed - as your smile widened in gratitude. “Thanks.”
“Of course.” Neige’s nod was so endearing you were starting to feel how Rook might have felt when he came face to face with his idol months ago. You were also beginning to see why Vil envied the man so much. He was irresistible! Neige folded his hands in front of his naval, fingers fidgeting with the handles of the pink bag as he spoke again. “Well, I best be going. Che’nya will grow worried if I don’t show up to the pool at the time we set.” 
“You’re the punctual type?” 
“Yes, very much. I wouldn’t want to be rude.” 
“I don’t know,” you mused. “I think a little rebellion would look cute on you.” Well where in Wonderland did that come from? Since when were you a smooth operator? You watched as Neige’s pale face took on a pink tinge around his cheeks and nose, and a little at the tips of his ears. Did he…like that? For the way his voice came out a little shy, he must have. 
“W-Well, I might have to take lessons from you on how to be rebellious later. I’ve never really thought about it…” 
“Che’nya hasn’t dragged you into trouble yet? It seems to be a habit of his at Heartslabyul.” 
“It is, yes. I could ask him, but I wouldn’t want to get into trouble at school, nor would I want to make Glynda angry-”
“Who’s Glynda?” 
“My current manager.” 
“Although…” Neige peeked up at you again, an equally timid smile across his face. “I don’t have much scheduled for June. School will not be in session then; maybe, when we’re out for the summer, you could teach me a bit then?”
Wait…was he…? Nah, couldn’t be. THE Neige LeBlanche would not ask you on a date. With a cheery lint under your tone, you replied, “Yeah, sure! Just send me a te-” You thought about your dinosaur age, crap phone Crowley had graciously given you over winter break. You decided against your previous suggestion. 
“Actually, just send me a letter or something. My phone’s…broken.” 
“I’ll be sure to do so the moment the time comes.” Neige took a few steps back, about to take his leave. He lifted his hand and gave a little wave. “Well, goodbye, [Name]. Thank you for helping me. I hope we can spend more time together soon.” 
“Yeah, I hope so too.” 
In minutes, the man was gone, disappearing through the glass doors and into the hotel lobby. You stared after him for a few seconds more before you turned toward the front gates, making your way back to your own resort. It’d be quite the walk - you couldn’t afford a cab or bus, or whatever transport they had in the area. By the time you’d get back to your hotel, it’d be close to dinner time. No need to have someone send a search party out for you. So, you took a bit of a speedy pace as you walked out the open gates and down the road. 
All the way back, you thought about the promise you made to Neige. You two hadn’t really talked before then; now, it seemed, you two were forming a friendship. To think your first hang out would be you teaching the good boy how to rebel! Just what would you teach him, you wondered. Maybe you could get Ruggie to teach you how to pick a lock…that would be a good start, right? And it’d be useful in sticky situations the young man might run into one day. The beauty couldn’t always rely on someone to come and save them!
Beauty…yeah, yeah Neige was really pretty. Your heart fluttered as you recalled how those big brown orbs beheld you as though you were the most wonderful thing in existence. Your own pupils trailed down to the snowcone in your hand. The icy crystals, bright red mixed with pale cream, twinkled in the sunlight. Little bites had been taken out of the treat by Neige earlier; to eat the shaved ice that’d graced the celebrity’s lips would almost be like giving him an indirect… With a heavy heart and a pang of guilt, you tossed the snowcone into the nearest garbage can. You just couldn’t do it - it felt too intimate for a boy you barely knew. 
For now, at least. 
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