#Hong woojin x reader
luvxkdrama · 9 months
— promises
pairing : hong woojin x reader
warnings : mentions of wounds and blood
word count : 1.4k
summary : you stitch him up after yet another fight where his life could’ve been taken away and you confront him about it
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The sound of the door unlocking made you snap to attention from your hours on the couch. You'd been eagerly awaiting any news from your boyfriend —Hong Woojin — who had been away for yet another mission with Gunwoo.
You immediately rushed towards the door and winced at the sight of Woojin covered in bloodstains. After exchanging a few glances with him and without saying anything, you made your way towards the bathroom in order to grab the first aid kit and clean his wounds as much as you could.
“Babe…” Woojin started but you cut him off by asking him to take his shirt off.
Even though he had a few wounds here and there, they thankfully weren’t deep so you could easily put a bandage on them to make them heal properly.
While you were cleaning up the small cut on his left cheek, you could feel Woojin’s strong gaze on your face, pleading you to talk to him.
“You promised you won’t put your life in danger again.” You stated truthfully, reminding him of his words from not even a week ago.
“Babe, I can’t leave Gunwoo alone in this and you know that. We just have to get rid of Myeonggil.” He sighed, leaning his head back on the couches’ arm.
“I’m just worried about you, Woo.” You put the first aid kit down and sat down on the couch next to him. “I can’t handle seeing you like this, always beaten up and leaving without giving me the certainty you will come back.” You said, feeling your heart ache every time he comes back home with his body filled with wounds and bruises.
Woojin carefully listened to your words, understanding that the situation was also taking a tool on you. As much as he hated to see you worried, he couldn’t give up now that he and Gunwoo were so close to put an end to this mess.
“I promise that once we’re finished with this affair, we’ll take a long vacation where I’ll be all yours.” He gently caressed your cheek with his thumb and placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I’m holding you to your word.” You sighed, the corner of your lips unconsciously turning upwards at the sight of your boyfriend’s bright smile.
The warmth of Woojin's lips connecting to yours momentarily eased your worries, but the concern still lingered in the back of your mind. You knew that their mission against Myeonggil was far from over, and it meant more danger for Woojin and Gunwoo. However, you also knew you couldn't change Woojin's mind once his determination was set.
After the tender moment, Woojin rose from the couch and headed towards the kitchen. “I will quickly eat something and we can go to sleep, I can see you’re as exhausted as I am.” he said with a weak grin.
“Maybe you should take a shower, Woojin,” you suggested. “It might help you relax, I can get you some clean clothes and make you something to eat while you’re there.” You suggested.
“Only if you join me.” He playfully wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned in to land a soft kiss on your neck.
You chuckled at his words and playfully slapped his shoulder, turning him around and gently pushing him towards the bathroom. Woojin groaned at your behaviour but raised his hands in defeat and entered the bathroom, leaving you to fetch a fresh set of clothes for him.
When Woojin returned from his shower, he looked a bit more refreshed. He changed into the clean clothes you had prepared and joined you on the table.
You put the food on the table and smiled at how eagerly Woojin was eating and complimenting your cooking skills.
You took a deep breath and decided it was time to address him something one last time. “Woojin, I know you can't back out of this mission and I won’t annoy you about it again, but promise me you'll be extra cautious and that you’ll come back home to me no matter what. I can't bear the thought of losing you.” You fidgeted nervously with the promise ring that Woojin has given you at your five months relationship anniversary.
Your boyfriend placed his hand over yours on the table, his thumb gently stroking the palm of your hand and his eyes filled with a mixture of love and determination. “I promise, Y/N. I'll do everything in my power to come back to you in one piece. And then, we'll have that vacation we talked about. Just you and me, no more danger.” He smiled, winking at you reassuringly.
You smiled through your worry, leaning in to kiss him before letting him enjoy the rest of the food.
The night wore on, and you and Woojin talked about the mission, the challenges he faced with Gunwoo, and your plans for the future. Despite the danger that loomed over him, you cherished these moments together, knowing that each one was precious.
As the first light of dawn peeked through the curtains, Woojin's exhaustion finally got the best of him and you both decided it was time to head towards the bedroom.
Although Woojin was tired, he couldn’t help but playfully pick you up and lead you towards the bed where he gently laid you down, before falling down next to you.
He breathed out in pleasure once the soft bedsheets came in contact with his skin, something he very much needed after a hard and painful day.
Woojin turned on his side to snuggle up to your back, holding you close to him to make sure you felt safe and loved. (And because, he just couldn’t fall asleep without feeling you by his side.)
“Goodnight, love.” He whispered and planted one last, gentle kiss in the crook of your neck before drifting off to the well-deserved sleep.
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prettymita · 11 months
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KIM GUN-WOO - 6/10 on the jealousy scale
♡ gun-woo trusts you sooo much
♡ he knows you'd never cheat on him, so whenever you're talking to another guy, he wouldn't think much of it. he would keep an eye on you, though.
♡ it only really affects him if you start flirting with another guy. he thinks you're wayyy too good for him, even if that's not true. (no, bcuz this man only has eyes for you. he thinks you're the most beautiful girl in the universe) so when you start spending more time with another man and prioritizing them over him, he would get so sad :(
♡ poor baby wouldn't even tell you. he would try to act fine and tell himself that he was just being stupid and overthinking, he'd probably blame himself for it 😭
♡ when you start to notice how he seemed down, he would finally open up and admit that he was jealous. he's so cute i can't
♡ even if gunwoo isn't very extroverted or talkative, he's actually good at communicating his feelings with you. when he's jealous of a guy you're talking to, he would shyly pull you aside and have a conversation with you about how he felt about you hanging out with another man. "hey, can we talk?"
♡ and when you reassure him that he has nothing to worry about and shower him in kisses, he's a timid, smiling mess.
♡ he's so babygirl omlll
♡ when it comes to possessiveness, it's leaning towards less possessive. sure, if a guy is making you laugh and all, gun-woo will join the conversation, linger his hand on your back or waist innocently and pretend nothing is wrong. but he isn't too over the top, there is a healthy amount of possessiveness.
♡ he doesn't care what you wear, you are your own person, and he knows and respects that. so if you catch the gazes of men, it doesn't make him jealous. i mean, you were so beautiful, how could they not stare, right? besides, he could fight if he needed to. (he will subtly glare at a guy if their gaze gets too explorative, though. not even glare, to be honest. its more of a disappointed look LMAO)
♡ if a guy is making you uncomfortable, that's a different case.
♡ he would notice and act immediately. gunwoo doesn't like to resort to violence, even if he is mad. he would gently pull you away from the person and step in front of you, politely (but sternly) telling the guy that you weren't interested. he wouldn't pick a fight, unless the opponent swings first. even so, he'd stick to defending only, not throwing any life-threatening punches. cause damn, he is strong asf. you're kind of glad he is so non-violent and gentle bcuz if he wasn't, he might've killed someone already.
HONG WOO-JIN - 8/10 on the jealousy scale
♡ woojin does trust you, but the twisted knot in his stomach can overtake his sense of rationality sometimes
♡ he is very clingy. so if he sees you talking with another guy, he will try to join the conversation because he doesn't want to feel left out.
♡ if he's jealous, he'll often wrap an arm around your waist or sling it over your shoulder, or making it very obvious that the two of you are dating. "Oh, how's my precious girlfriend doing?" and then pecks you on the lips. its a little embarrassing sometimes but its woo-jin so its okay
♡ its funny because sometimes he completely ignores the guy's existence and continues to talk to you until you glare at him for being rude
♡ if you ignore woo-jin and continue to focus on the other guy, he will do anything to get your attention. and i mean anything. he will start telling the most unfunny jokes, physically get on the table and do something goofy to make you laugh. this man cannot be stopped.
♡ also, he will not admit that he is jealous. even if you know he is, he wouldn't say it unless you really pry at him. "Okay, fine! I'm jealous, is that what you wanted to hear?"
♡ and then he'll sulk around like a sullen puppy lmaoo
♡ so when it comes to you wearing revealing clothing, i'm sure he loves it the most, to be honest. but he's a little cautious of you wearing it outside, he just doesn't want you to get hurt. he might've tried to get you to wear something else or bring a jacket a couple times. he isn't really fond of others seeing what's his. (!!!)
♡ he's possessive, but he doesn't like to admit it. he'd rather show it through actions, being superrr clingy
♡ if a guy's staring at you and his gaze begins to wander, woo-jin will wrap a hand around you possessively. he might even snarl at the guy.
♡ if anyone makes you uncomfortable, he makes sure to get you out of there, probably threatening the guy a little. he might shove him lightly and get a little aggressive if he's really mad. then afterward, he would make sure you're okay and shit-talk about how the guy was an absolute ass.
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gunwoos · 10 months
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woo-jin x reader x gun-woo poly headcanons
sorry this is kinda short! also i've never written anything poly before so it might not be the best. i procrastinated finishing this all week cause my brain ran out of ideas but anyways enjoy 🫶
ok hear me out
u either meet them and they're already in an established relationship OR u guys r all best friends and they both realize how much they like u and how much they like each other and eventually u guys all start dating
ur guys relationship is such a fun dynamic. like ur dating both of ur best friends it really can't get better than that
u have a spot permanently reserved in between the two of them
whether ur walking down the street, taking the bus, ur in the middle of them
they lowkey fight over u (playfully) (woojin starts it 100% of the time)
like woojin asks u to come watch him at practice but u and gunwoo have plans to go somewhere and woojin is just like ??? "ur hogging her!!!"
he then proceeds to go on this long rant abt how sad and lonely he's gonna be at practice all by himself while u two have fun without him (jokingly)
all jokes aside tho u guys have a really secure relationship and are able to do things in pairs rather than all 3 of u being together 24/7
like u and woojin, u and gunwoo, and gunwoo and woojin all have ur own things u like to do in pairs and it's nice for whoever doesn't go to have some alone time
they (try to) teach u how to box if ur interested
or if ur a boxer urself even better! all 3 of u can practice and compete in tournaments together (ur gonna be rich from all the prize money u guys win together)
practices with all 3 of u usually ends up with u guys just messing around but it's fun while it lasts
trying to go to sleep with these two is chaotic to say the least. u guys all eventually end up moving in together and apartments r expensive so u guys thought it would be a good idea to just have one bedroom with a singular king sized bed in it
news flash it's not big enough for u and ur two tall ass boyfriends
like u guys try cute cuddling positions to start off but it just ends with u guys laying on top of each other and it's a mess but u guys r comfy so
woojin likes to fall asleep with his head on your chest and geonwoo likes to have your head on his chest
u usually end up with your head on geonwoo's chest, cuddled into his side with woojin behind / kind of laying on top of u or hugging the both of u. whatever position u guys fall asleep in doesnt last tho and by the time u guys wake up it's just a tangle of limbs
HOLDING HANDS. whenever u guys go out together , and especially if wherever u are is crowded, all 3 of u are linking hands
they're both protective of u. they're overprotective when it comes to danger and stuff like that considering what they went through with kim myeon-gil , but they're not super overprotective if ur talking to other guys or smth
they also don't get jealous easily. there's so much trust in ur relationship and u guys communicate really well , so they really won't get jealous unless they actually have good reason to be
if someone is like over the top flirting with u and getting touchy tho, they're both by u in an instant scaring whoever's bothering u away
they know u can handle urself but will step in if they need to
like just imagine ur at a bar or smth, u leave the table to go get the three of u more drinks and some guy starts getting flirty with u while ur waiting. ur ignoring him but the guy wont take a hint, the next thing u know both of your boyfriends are on either side of u, one has an arm over ur shoulders and the other wraps one around ur waist
the guy looks terrified and is out of there in seconds
playfighting. it's mostly just u and woojin unless gunwoo is in playful mood
like u guys start bickering about something unserious and next thing u know u guys r on the floor wrestling (he barely uses any strength obviously) and gunwoos just rolling his eyes and watching
u guys honestly have such a great relationship. u got so lucky to have not one but two amazing boyfriends who love u more than anything
nsfw under ⬇️
again, they're both tall and strong as hell so expect to get manhandled a little bit (gently tho)
like holding down ur hips while going down on u, moving ur body into different positions
the sex is GOOD. like hands down it's amazing
another thing, even tho they're both boxers, you're much smaller than they are and they're so SO gentle with u
i honestly don't think either of them would like it rough they're just so sweet and don't wanna hurt u in any way
i also don't think they'd wanna like.. be in u at the same time unless ur into that, like if u suggest it and confirm that ur 100% ok with it they'll be hesitant at first but they're just like "ok! ^-^"
like i said in the sfw hcs, u have a spot permanently reserved in between the two of them and yes that includes in the bedroom
this can go so many ways too
gunwoo behind u, leaving kisses along ur jawline and neck as u lean back onto him while woojin goes down on u
eiffel tower. (i'll write a fic abt this i promise)
with the 3 of u, the possibilities are endless
they're both so giving and like pleasuring u better than receiving (not that they don't love when u pleasure them too)
they're both obsessed with eating u out
they're both athletes, they're competitive and wanna learn and become the best they possibly can at whatever they're doing , including pleasing u.
the first few times u guys do it they'll pay attention to every detail, what u like and don't like, what u really like, what things turn u on the most, etc
by the time u guys are a few months into the relationship they know just how to please u
like the sex was already good but it's just so much better once u guys learn more about each other in a sexual sense
it also doesn't have to be all 3 of u every single time, if one of u is tired or isn't in the mood but 2 of u are, u guys can go off and do ur own thing without the other feeling left out or jealous
u guys have such a trusting relationship including in the bedroom which makes the sex even better
like i said in their separate headcanons, woojin is prob a little bit freakier than gunwoo
like i know this man at least has a pair of handcuffs and i swear by this
woojin probably brings out a more adventurous side to gunwoo (and u if ur not usually adventurous) in the bedroom and it's so interesting to see
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sluttywonwoo · 11 months
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love the heat || h.wj
pairing: hong woojin x reader
summary: you indulge your boyfriend in his biggest fantasy
warnings: swearing, blood mentions, smut (18+ ; minors dni)
additional warnings: a lil exhibitionism, oral (f receiving), face sitting, cumming untouched, absolute pussy fiend woojin
word count: 3.2k
“Hey, Champ!” 
Your voice echoing throughout the empty gym makes Woojin perk up and turn around, eyes searching the arena for you. He spots you by the door and his face lights up. His trainer, on the other hand, looks significantly less enthusiastic about your unannounced appearance. Woojin doesn’t seem to notice, though. He beckons you over, lifting the ropes so you can duck into the ring with him. 
He wraps you into a hug, despite your protests of him being sweaty, and only releases you once you return his embrace. 
“Don’t call me champ when you know I got my ass handed to me yesterday,” he mumbles. 
“You’re my champion. Doesn’t that count for anything?” you ask.
“Of course it does,” Woojin surrenders momentarily, swooping down to kiss you chastely on the lips. “But ranking first in your heart doesn’t do much for sponsors.”
You put your hands on your hips, trying to look stern. “Weren’t you only practicing yesterday? What’s with the dramatics? It’s not like it was a televised fight.”
“And even so, Geonwoo still hit me so hard I blacked out for a couple seconds.”
“He what?”
Woojin hadn’t mentioned that part last night in the debrief of his day he always gives you when he calls to say goodnight. 
He shrugs it off. “It was an accident. He didn’t mean to hit me that hard.”
You frown, cupping his face to get a better look at the damage. “And he split your lip? Jesus, Woo, do I need to have a chat with him?”
“No, no. It’s fine, babe. It happens all the time.”
“Still, he needs to be gentler when you’re just sparring. I don’t want to taste blood every time I kiss you.”
“I guess only one of us doesn’t mind the taste of blood,” Woojin quips with a smirk, pulling you closer to him by slipping two fingers into a belt loop on your jeans. 
“Woo!” you scold, shoving him away. You nod in the direction of his trainer who is still standing less than ten feet from the both of you.
He holds up his hands defensively. “What! I was talking about my own blood.”
“Yeah, ok,” you mutter before turning to the other man in the ring. “Hi, Jimmy.”
He nods. “Always a pleasure.”
You manage to keep yourself from snorting at the blatant exaggeration, if not flat-out lie, and nod politely back to him. 
“I’ll be over on the bench until you’re finished,” you say. 
“I can be finished right now,” Woojin blurts.
“No, you can’t be. I heard Jimmy saying ‘three more sets’ when I walked in. And you have to cool down after.”
Your boyfriend’s smile wanes but his trainer mouths a silent thank you to you behind his back. 
“I’ll make them quick, then,” he promises. 
“I’m not in a rush.”
“Well, I am,” Woojin murmurs, pulling you close again. “You smell nice, by the way.”
You drop your voice to a whisper and will yourself to take a step back. It’s so tempting to just yank him out of the ring and drag him to your car but you’re the one with more restraint between the two of you so you have to keep it together for both of your sakes. “Keep it in your pants, Hong. I’ll be over there.”
He pouts. “You’re not going to give me a kiss for good luck?”
“Isn’t this just practice?” 
“Wow, so you hate me.” 
“Yes, that’s exactly the conclusion you were meant to draw from that,” you deadpan. 
“Can I get a kiss or not?” 
“Yes, you can. But next time just ask for one. Don’t use luck as an excuse.” 
Woojin opens his mouth, you predict to argue back about how he had done no such thing, but you kiss him before he can get a word out. He lets out a surprised “hmph!” before relaxing his lips against your own. You pull away before he can take it any further, smiling only a little at the whine that escapes him when you do.
“Good luck, Champ.”
Woojin does fight better when you’re around. He’s always called you his good luck charm, and honestly, you thought he was full of shit at first. He was just a good fighter, period. His talent didn’t have anything to do with you. But then you had to take a trip overseas for a few weeks a couple of months into your relationship and you changed your mind. 
His matches were televised so you watched all of them, setting your alarm for ungodly hours or simply pulling all-nighters to be able to tune in live. 
The first fight you weren’t able to go to went horribly. You almost had to stop watching because of how bad Woojin looked by the end of it. You still remember crying to him over the phone about it afterward. 
You thought it was a fluke. Everyone has bad days. Then the pattern continued. The other matches weren’t as bad as the first one, thankfully. Woojin even won some of them. But he was off his game the whole time. 
Geonwoo told you he had never seen anything like it. He had never seen his best friend so... distracted before. 
Both boys begged you to come home as soon as possible. And when you did, his streak of bad luck immediately ended. 
He won the title of the first tournament you were back for. It was the first and only time he’s beaten Geonwoo, who tackled him in a hug as soon as the ref called the match. Woojin had to physically push his best friend off to get to you. Geonwoo was almost offended until he saw you standing behind him, waiting for your boyfriend’s attention. It was not the first nor would it be the last time Geonwoo forgot about your existence. You don’t mind, mostly. It’s only ever for a second and he always apologizes profusely. 
Your presence hasn’t affected his performance that dramatically since then, but he does fight better when you’re there cheering him on. It’s proven when you hear a punch land with a resounding “oof” from Jimmy, and a comment from the trainer about how he’d finally gotten past his block. Jimmy lets your boyfriend off a couple of minutes early, evidently tired from the beating he was taking. Woojin rounds the benches where you’re sat, grinning at you like he’s just won the lottery. 
“Ready to go?” you ask, handing him a towel.
“Just about,” he answers as he wipes the sweat from his face. “Gotta hit the showers first. Wanna join?”
You scoff, peeking over his shoulder to make sure Jimmy hadn’t heard him. “This is a public space.”
Woojin checks his watch and smirks. “Only for about seven more minutes. Then it’s closed. It’ll be all ours.”
You roll your eyes. “Except you’re not the one with the keys to lock up, Jimmy is. Do you really think he’ll want to hear that?” 
“He won’t mind.”
“He most definitely will.” You push Woojin’s thigh with your knee. “Now hurry up. The faster you shower, the faster we can get out of here.”
You picked up takeout on the way back to the apartment Woojin shares with Geonwoo. There was enough food for all three of you and now the empty containers lay on the coffee table, long forgotten as the credits to the movie you’d put on in the background roll. 
Geonwoo had already gone to bed. He left halfway through, claiming to be too tired to watch the whole thing. You knew he had probably looked up the ending on Wikipedia and decided he’d rather play games in his room instead but you didn’t question him when he dipped.
“What do you want to watch next, babe?” Woojin asked as he gathered up all of the plasticware and rinsed it out in the sink. 
“Whatever,” you answered noncommittally from where you were laying on the couch. 
“Are you feeling tired, baby?” Woojin asks once he’s returned from sorting the containers for recycling. He kneels by the couch, petting your hair gently.
You shake your head. “Not really.”
“What’s on your mind, then?”
“Something like this.”
You lift your head from the sofa’s armrest and lean forward, meeting Woojin with a kiss. He hums against your mouth like he’s pleasantly surprised and deepens it without further question. You let him slip his tongue into your mouth, moaning as he cradles the back of your head with one of his hands. It gets heated fast. One second you’re laying down on the couch making out, the next you’re on the living room floor with your boyfriend who’s working a hand down your pants. 
“Wait, wait, wait- Geonwoo is home, babe,” you whisper after breaking away from his embrace. 
Woojin looks mildly miffed, curls in disarray as he pouts at you. “So? He’s in his room.”
“Yeah, and his room is right there,” you hiss, looking over your shoulder at his door.
“He’s asleep.”
“We don’t know that.”
“He said he was going to sleep,” Woojin points out. “Are you uncomfortable out here? Because we can go somewh-”
“No, it’s not that, I’d just feel bad if he suddenly walked in on us.”
Woojin shrugs. “He’s seen worse.”
“That’s not the point. You know that’s not the point.”
“It’s not like he doesn’t hear us going at it when we’re in my room. We share a wall.”
Well, that was a slightly mortifying bit of information that you had not previously been aware of. You knew they shared a wall, obviously, but you hadn’t thought about the way sound traveled through said wall. And now that you were thinking about it, you could hear Geonwoo yelling at his game sometimes. Fuck. 
You scramble to your knees and push yourself back onto the couch. Woojin puts a hand on either of your thighs and spreads them apart, looking up at you 
“It’s a little hot if you think about it,” he says. You purse your lips. “Look at you, you can’t even deny it!”
“Just get up here.”
You don’t give him a chance to make another snarky comment before you’re yanking him up by the collar of his T-shirt and kissing him again. Woojin doesn’t protest. He simply makes a sound of satisfaction against your mouth, like he’d won. 
There’s a bit of push and pull. You trying to tug him up onto the couch, him trying to drag you down back onto the floor. But the game of tug of war persists for just a moment before your boyfriend overpowers you and pulls you onto his lap. You knew he had only been humoring you for the sake of the bit.  
“Baby?” he asks when you start to kiss his neck, sounding a little breathless. 
“Will you sit on my face?”
You pause and sit up properly to look him in the eyes. “What?”
He swallows thickly, looking desperate. “Sit on my face, please?”
Woojin loves your pussy. Loves the taste of it, to be more specific. He loves the feeling too, of course, but he’s spent hours with his head in between your legs making you see God over and over again. He eats you out every single time you have sex. He eats you out even when you don’t have sex sometimes, just because he’s craving you on his tongue. 
But you’ve never sat on his face. In all the months you’ve been dating it just hasn’t come up. He’s had you in practically every way possible except for this one. 
“Please, baby. Don’t make me beg.”
He was kind of already begging but you weren’t going to point that out. You looked towards Geonwoo’s door again and then back at Woojin.
“Yeah, right here,” he pats the spot on the floor. “Just get on top of me.” 
“Alright, help me get my pants off.”
You’re still in your outfit from work because you don’t like to change before you shower and you don’t like to shower unless you’re going to be in bed for the rest of the night. You’ve argued about Woojin eating you out after a full day of work before but he insists that he could not give less of a fuck about the state your pussy is in as long as it’s in his mouth. 
You only let him do it because you know he means it and he makes you cum so hard that you can’t even find it within yourself to be self-conscious. 
Your work slacks are tight but Woojin manages to get them off in record time. He folds them neatly and places them on the couch before getting into position and motioning for you to join him. 
You wiggle out of your underwear and set them on top of your pants. Woojin’s already on his back but he props himself up on his elbows to get a better look at you. He smirks as you step over him, straddling his waist with your ankles instead of your thighs. 
“You look so fucking hot like that,” he mutters. “Kind of just want to watch you stand there and look disappointed in me all night.”
You scoff. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Ridiculously in love with you.” He winks and clicks his tongue.
“You’d really rather do this instead of... the other thing?”
“I never said that! I’d rather do the other thing. Definitely the other thing.” You snort and shake your head at him. “But we can file this away for another day?”
“If that’s what you want.”
“It is what I want.”
“But what you want more...”
“Is for you to sit on my face, yes. So come here.”
Woojin knows you’re not teasing him on purpose, but it definitely feels like you are. You’re still out of reach, hovering hesitantly above his mouth. You seem nervous so he doesn’t rush you but he’s dying for it. 
It also seems like you don’t quite know what to do with yourself. He thinks about asking you if you’ve ever done this before but then he decides he would rather not know the answer to that question. 
“Here, baby,” he murmurs and puts his hands on your hips to guide you down onto him. 
“Remember, tap me twice if you can’t breathe or something,” you remind him. 
He won’t need to do that but he nods in acknowledgment to ease your mind if nothing else. 
Woojin coaxes you down a little further, close enough for him to taste you if he cranes his neck so that’s what he does. He lifts his head and sticks out his tongue to trace the shape of you. Immediately, you shudder and Woojin uses your clumsiness against you. He raises his shoulders as soon as he feels your legs begin to shake which makes you lose your balance and fall onto him completely.
Your boyfriend moans into you, making you whimper in turn. He’s instantly convinced this is what heaven feels like. All of his senses have been overtaken by you. All he can taste, smell, see, and feel is you. And all he can hear are the sweet sounds of pleasure he knows you’re trying to hold back. 
You’re sort of just sitting there on his face, and to be fair that’s what he’d asked you to do but he knows it would feel even better for you if you moved a bit so he encourages you to rock your hips by pushing on your ass. You get the message and start to grind down on him, earning praise in the form of a thumbs-up.  
“Fuck, so wet,” he compliments, hoping you can understand him. 
“Yeah, well you know what watching you box does to me,” you sigh defensively. 
Woojin tries not to smirk because he knows you’d be able to feel it but he can’t help himself. You smack his shoulder in retaliation. Yeah, that’s pretty much what he thought would happen.
“Taste so good, baby. Thank you. Than- mph!”
You’d threaded your fingers into his hair and yanked him by it, using your newfound control to push his face even deeper into your cunt. 
“Fuck yes... does it feel good?”
“Feels fucking incredible, Woo. How are you so good at this?”
Woojin doesn’t want to admit that it’s all he’s thought about since he met you. Doesn’t want to share the fantasies that have kept him up at night with a hand around his cock, sometimes with you sleeping right next to him. He’s wanted you to ride his face since before you started dating, and once he’d actually tasted you, it was over for him. Just like it’s over for him now.
He doesn’t think he’s ever been this hard in his entire life. It hurts and he’s been thrusting into nothing for several minutes now, and he’s almost certain his sweats are already ruined with the amount of precum he’s leaking. 
He loses the ability to speak when he starts fucking you with his tongue but he figures his mouth is being put to better use like this anyway. Besides, you do enough talking for both of you. You’re still trying to keep your voice down since Geonwoo is in the next room but it ultimately doesn’t matter because the most obscene sounds in the room are coming from Woojin making out with your pussy.
His nose nudges your clit over and over each time you glide over it like it’s a credit card, and it makes him wonder what it would feel like for you to ride his nose. He’s gotten a few compliments on the shape of his nose so he’s confident that it would feel good for you but in order to do that you would have to turn around and he’s enjoying having his tongue inside of you way too much to give that up. 
“Woo, fuck,” you gasp suddenly.
Your thighs squeeze tighter around his head and he whines, wishing it were somehow possible for you to crush his skull and still live.
“Yes, I’m right there, don’t stop...”
He holds you down as you cum, absolutely drowning himself in the arousal that gushes from you as you do. He laps up as much of it as he can, but he can’t quite get all of it and what’s left runs down the sides of his face onto the rug beneath him. He can’t find it within him to care, aside from being slightly jealous of the carpet.
You’re saying something but all he can hear is white noise as his body goes taut and then relaxes. When he comes to, you’ve already climbed off of him and are laying on the floor spent. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he sighs.
You lift your head curiously. “Did you just-”
He grimaces and sits up to assess the damage. His sweatpants have a dark wet spot right over his dick. Predictable. He hadn’t wanted to cum like that but it was simply unavoidable. Anyone in his position would have done the same thing. Probably. 
“The rug,” you groan, staring at the stain.
“I’ll send it off to be cleaned,” Woojin assures you. 
“You don’t have rug cleaning money!”“Then I’ll clean it myself. There’s a twenty-four-hour convenience store down the street. We can go there to get the stuff. After we do that again.”
finally finished this bad boy ;-; lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
bloodhounds tags: @sluttywoozi @kimanniexxx @icyb3rry
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make-me-imagine · 5 months
Confession + Relationship Headcanons {K.GW & H.WJ}
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Confession + General Relationship Headcanons with Kim Geon-Woo and Hong Woo-Jin (Bloodhounds)
Pairing: Kim Geon-Woo x Gn!Reader; Hong Woo-Jin x Gn!Reader + Geon-Woo x Reader x Woo-Jin headcanons because why not lol.
Requested By: Anonymous
Warnings: Some headcanons revolving around physical affection and kissing. Poly-Headcanons; listed separately and labelled so avoid if you're not into that.
Words: Geon-Woo: 0.5k ; Woojin: 0.4k; Poly: 0.7k Total Word Count: ~1.6k
A/n: Me coming back from hiatus with content for a show no one follows me for? It's more likely than you think!
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Kim Geon-Woo
Geon-Woo is fairly reserved until he gets to know someone, so even if he was attracted to you he would keep it to himself until he got to know you better.
He is a big believer in needing to be friends with someone first before starting a relationship.
Even though he waits until you form a bond of friendship, he is head over heels for you, and it is obvious, even to you eventually.
Caught staring at you too often not to notice.
Always offers to help you, or does random things for you.
You make him blush pretty easily, and smile all the time.
Like, giggling and kicking his feet kind of guy if you do something he finds cute.
You would worry you assumed wrong though since he never said anything, but then finally he does confess.
He does it in a reserved and shy way after he walked you home from having dinner with him and Woojin.
He will struggle to keep eye contact at first, but then he will finally get a hold of himself and tell you how he feels.
He will list the things he loves about you, how long he a felt this way, and how much he wants to be with you.
Geon-Woo is ecstatic when you confess you feel the same.
He asks to hold your hand, and is all cute and smiley when you say yes.
Geon-woo loves holding your hand, especially when you are walking around together.
If your hands are a lot smaller than his?? LOVES to engulf your hands in his, especially if you are cold.
Totally the type to give you his jacket when you are cold, even if he is too.
Surprises you with flowers and food to make you smile.
His giving love languages are Acts of Service, Quality Time, and Gift Giving.
His main receiving Love Language is Quality Time, but he enjoys physical touch as well.
He loves hugging you, often from behind so he can rest his head on yours or on your shoulder (depending on the height difference)
He also loves kissing, especially slow kisses when cuddling, you but all of that stays in private.
When you say goodbye to each other he often gives you a kiss to your hand, or forehead though.
And if you kiss him (mainly in public or in front of others) he gets all shy and cute.
Since he loves spending time with or around you, you two go on a lot of cute dates.
Going to the movies, arcades, walks, hiking, short road trips, picnics, museum dates, anything that involves just the two of you is amazing to him.
He is very caring and gentle, and is quite protective without being controlling.
He will always give you space when you need it, and will always be here when you want comfort or company.
Ride or Die, simp, giant green flag, he is all of the above. When he loves he loves with his whole heart and nothing less.
Hong Woo-Jin
Woojin is more bold than Geonwoo so he wouldn't really hide his feelings, or beat around the bush.
Once he meets you and realizes he is very much into you, he is ready to test the waters.
Flirts immedietely.
If you reciprocate and flirt back, he is surprised yet ecstatic.
If you are shy and bashful about it, he finds it adorable and it only makes him want to flirt more just to see you blush.
It took you some time though to realize he was being serious.
He saw someone else showing interest and panicked because he feared he would lose his chance to actually be with you.
When he confessed, his boldness seemed to vanish and he grew shyer than you had ever seen.
He showed up with flowers, a jittery demeanor and a lot of rambling.
But it was honestly adorable.
You were admittedly, a bit surprised to learn he had not just been flirting but had truly been trying to pursue you.
So when he asked you on a date, you were more than happy to say yes.
He is very fun to be in a relationship with. He is down to do pretty much anything and nothing, as long as it is with you.
His love languages, both giving and receiving are Quality Time, Words of Affirmation and Physical Affection.
He is perfectly open to PDA so it depends on how you feel about it.
If you are fine with it, he will be all over you whenever he wants (which is often), if you do not like it, he will stick to an arm around your waist or his hand in yours until you are alone together.
If you initiate PDA he gets giddy he loves it.
Loooves kissing, doesn't care if there are others around to see it (again this depends on you - he wont do things you are uncomfortable with.)
When it is just the two of you he loves being close to you.
Dates with Woojin are often fun and involve some form of activity, and usually food.
Arcades, bowling, mini golf, theme parks, etc..
The dates often last for hours or even a whole day because you enjoy being with each other so much.
He is clingy so even if you want some time alone it is often that he is nearby. He will give you your space, but the second you are fine with him being there he appears like a puppy that had been waiting for you to get home from work.
Will cook for you and take you out to eat all kinds of food.
If you cook for him, he will help you or clean up afterwards.
Will go to the ends of the Earth to protect you and make you happy. Definitely a ride or die kind of boyfriend.
Geon-Woo + Woo-Jin (Poly Relationship)
Being in a relationship with both Geon-Woo an Woo-jin would happen slowly.
Geon-Woo an Woo-jin do not have romantic feelings for one another, but they are so close that being with the same partner poses no issues for them.
In a way they prefer it, they spend so much time together and are so close that having the same partner makes sense in a way.
When they first realized that they both had strong feelings for you thy both backed off, not wanting to steal the others desired partner.
But then, they figured out you had feelings for both of them as well.
Woo-Jin was the first to bring up a possible poly situation to Geon-Woo.
Geon-Woo admittedly was thrown off about this at first, not sure if it would really work out.
But there feelings for you were so strong, and they were so close he couldn't really find any issues with it.
And the idea of one of them being with you and the other not didn't sit well with them, so it was a both or neither situation.
But they were both worried you would hate the idea, and they didn't want to lose you completely so they were cautious about it.
First they both made their feelings for you known, and in a way courted you equally.
You noticed it immedietely and withdrew a bit, because the idea of choosing one and the other being hurt was something you could not do.
Noticing you were running they decided to admit they both had feelings for you and both wanted to be with you.
You were thrown off, confused, and worried it was something they actually didn't want but said it solely to appease each other.
They took the time to explain to you their feelings and how much they both cared about you, and each other.
Every question you had, they had an answer or solution for, and eventually you couldn't really find any issues with it.
You decided to try it out slowly at first, but it quickly felt so right and normal that it became a real relationship pretty quickly.
Everyone who knew you knows the three of you are super close, so none of them really suspect you are in a relationship.
They could see them hugging you and playfully flirting with you and not bat an eyelash.
There is rarely a day the three of you aren't together or around each other.
If you work out, you work out with them - two free personal trainers, and they're hot? If you don't work out you still get to watch them work out. Its a win win situation.
Some days you go on individual dates with them, doing something one prefers over the other.
Then the three of you often go on a group date. Either to the movies, out to eat, a picnic, bowling or activity dates etc. Often having small competitions between the three of you to see who pays.
You are always between them. When sitting, standing, sleeping, cuddling. It's like having two constant teddy bears.
Once your relationship got more serious, Woojin convinced everyone to get giant beds so it didn't matter whose house you were at, if you wanted to sleep over, there was room for all three of you.
Group chat called "Sunshine Protection Squad" because they are basically your body guards. (You are sunshine if that wasn't obvious)
Anyone bothering you? Creepy guys hitting on you? Dangerous situation? They are there ready to protect.
They teach you self-defense and how to fight for times they are not there.
Woojin calls you sunshine and/or sunflower, while Geo-Woo calls you babe/baby or flower. (And also Princes if that matches your pronouns). You are passenger princess no matter what btw.
They like taking care of you, even if it can be overwhelming or stifling. Though they do give you space and alone time when you need it.
They get very good at being able to tell what you want or need even before you say anything.
You are always fed, hydrated and taken care of because they will never let anything bad touch you if they can help it.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
-Taglist Form- *Bloodhounds has been added to form
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parkersgarage · 11 months
a/n: loml. went a lil overboard (not really) for the anon that wanted woojin, this is very much only the first of many 🫶
warnings: very dialogue oriented, lots of cut scenes. lots of longing, mentions woojin’s injuries and scars near the end.
Hong Woojin x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned) 1289 wc.
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“How much longer until you come home?” You ask quietly, clutching the fabric of his hoodie you’d started wearing when he left. “I miss you.”
Woojin sighs over the phone, tapping a coin against the metal payphone. “Don’t talk like that, please.” He whispered, looking to the side when he saw movement.
Hyunju taps on her wrist, signaling for him to wrap it up. He waves his hand, slipping in another coin for more time. Hyunju rolls her eyes, stomping away to the car.
“I’ll be home soon. Could you wait for me? And don’t ever open the door for anyone. I don’t know if these guys know about you, and I can’t risk you getting hurt.” He says, looking down as he speaks. “Be safe. I love you.”
You hum, picking at the fabric of his blanket. “I love you more. Come home soon.” He hums in agreement, nodding his head despite the fact you couldn’t see him. “I'll treat you to ribeye, and gunwoo too. I’d say everyone, but I don’t think I can afford it.”
He laughs quietly, opening his mouth to retort but is cut off by the dial tone from the phone. He lowers his head, sniffing lightly as he puts the phone back. “See you later.” He whispered, pinching his fist against the phone.
You sigh at the tone, falling back onto the bed with a huff, tears swimming in your eyes. “See you later.”
It’s not until two weeks later that you get another call from Woojin, and you swear you can hear the bustling sounds of a train station.
“Hey, sweetheart.” At the sound of his voice, your heart stops, tears brimming in your eyes when he clears his throat, trying to rid the rasp in his voice. “I’m sorry, but I won’t be home for a while.”
“How long?” You ask, blinking tears away. “If you know, I mean, I just– I’ll wait forever for you, woojin, but I miss you.”
He lowers his head, feeling tears creep up from his throat. “I know. I miss you too. I’m going crazy without you.” You chuckle, smiling against the phone. “I promise it’ll be over soon. Just give me time.”
“Okay,” you whispered, “Okay, I’ll see you when I see you.”
He hums in agreement, “I’ll keep calling, so answer when I do, okay?” You hum. “Wear my clothes, spray my cologne everywhere, put up pictures of my handsome face in every room.”
When you laugh, Woojin feels accomplished, smiling at the sound. “You’re ridiculous.” The speakers in the train station announce an arrival, Woojin sighing in response. “Call me when you get to wherever.” He laughs. “I love you.”
“I love you most.”
The phone dial rings in your ear, a sound you’ve grown accustomed to since he’d left. It brought more pain than comfort, knowing your time with Woojin was always stuck on a timer.
Four-hundred calls later, and six months have passed, Woojin finally calls you from a payphone for the last time.
“I’m coming home.” Was his greeting, laughing lightly when you’d stumbled over your words. “I’ll be home today.” You let out a sigh of relief, grinning widely when he laughs. “I’ll see you soon. I have to go. Go see Gunwoo’s mom at the orphanage.” You hum in agreement, rushing to get ready.
His heart races as he waits to see you, growing antsy each minute that passes. Gunwoo assures him you’ll be here soon, making a passing joke about him waiting for you instead of vice versa. He responds by rolling his eyes.
“Hong Woojin!” He breaks out into a smile at your voice, turning around, beaming when he sees you in his sweater. He runs towards you, gunwoo watching with his mother from across the field.
Woojin clasps his hands around yours when they reach his face, whispering out assurance that he was okay and that they would heal. “Did you miss me?” He asks cheekily, lips turning downward when he sees tears in your eyes.
“Of course I did,” you whispered. He could feel your hands trembling and held onto them tightly. “I couldn’t sleep without you.”
Woojin takes in your appearance, tracing over the new bags under your eyes to the discoloration beneath them. He holds you tightly to his body, rubbing your back lightly. “I’m not leaving you again.”
“You better not,” you laugh, “I can’t live without you.” He sighs at your words, pressing you closer to him. “But woojin,” he hums, pouting when you pull away. “You really smell.”
He gapes at your words, pulling his shirt to his nose. “Gunwoo, I told you we should’ve taken showers first!” The latter holds his hands up in surrender, looking at his mother with wide eyes when she slaps his chest. “It wasn’t really on my mind when I got back,” he says. “I just wanted to see you first.”
“When we get home, we’ll take one together.” He nods quickly, smiling like a dork. “Not like that, woo,” you add. His smile falters for a second but he nods again. “I just wanna be with you.”
He’d forgotten what state he left his place in, but it certainly wasn’t as pristine as you’d left it. His clothes were stacked neatly in his drawers for one, they’d usually be hanging halfway out and thrown on the floor.
Woojin looks behind himself when you wrap your arms around his waist, kissing his shoulder lightly. “Are you okay?” He nods, letting you lead him to the bathroom.
He stops your hands when they move to lift his shirt, sitting on the toilet lid. “There’s–” he cuts himself off when you look at him, his eyes casting downward as he gestures to his stomach. “There’s something new I couldn’t tell you about, and there’s no way around it.” His tongue feels heavy in his mouth as he talks, fear building in his gut at the thought of you being weirded out.
When you nod and sit in front of him patiently, he reaches for the hem of his shirt, hands shaking as he lifts the fabric over his head. Your mouth falls open at the scars on his stomach, fingers trembling as you reach to touch them.
Woojin hisses at your touch, not because of pain but because your fingertips send chills down his spine from the cold. “Did I hurt you?”
He shakes his head, “No, never. Your hands are just cold.” You laugh lightly, finger tracing along the longer scar down his abdomen. “I'm sorry I kept this from you.”
“Don’t be sorry.” You tell him, kissing his cheek. “If I knew, I probably would’ve killed the bastard myself.” He lowers his head as he laughs, holding your hands as he looks up at you. “He’s gone now, right?” He nods. “Good.”
You hold his hand as you step in, smiling softly when he immediately holds you.“You must be tired. After this, we can go to bed.” He nods, leaning against your body as you wash his back.
“I was promised a ribeye meal.” He murmurs softly, smiling when your hands stop massaging his back.
You hum, hands trailing to his waist. “You want to eat now?” He shakes his head, pressing messy kisses to your skin. “No?” He hums, resting his weight against you. “What do you wanna do?”
He snorts lightly, coughing slightly at the water that goes up his nose. “You.” He says, laughing when you pinch his waist. “Hm, maybe some other time.” You hum. “Just wanna be next to you.”
“Okay.” You whisper, smiling when he looks at you. “I love you.” He beams, resting his head against yours, softly whispering it back. “Welcome home.”
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geonwooz · 10 months
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bf!woojin x gn!reader | wc : 0.3k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, fluff, established relationship, angst if you squint | loki's lines — i had to make an entire new blog bc ik i’m gonna be posting a lot for these boys ToT
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“what do i do without you?”
you frowned, watching as woojin packed his bag for another mission.
woojin’s pace slowed as he heard your tone, knowing the waterworks were on their way. 
“y/n, come on,” he softly pleaded, too scared to look at you. “don’t do this now, baby.”
“can’t i come with you?” you asked, pouting as you looked at your boyfriend. “please?”
woojin sighed. “we aren’t having this conversation again, love.” he shook his head. “you know exactly why you can’t come.”
your shoulders slumped at his words, knowing there was no way you could win that argument. 
once upon a time, you too were a part of the squad, but your life as a vigilante was short-lived after you were stabbed during a mission.
now that you look back on it, the injury itself wasn’t serious, but the scare woojin got when he saw all that blood was enough to beg you to never go on missions again.
and not wanting to worry woojin anymore than you already had while you were hurt, you complied with his wish, staying at home instead.
plus, your grandfather, president choi taeho, would probably have your head if you ever went back.
“i’m going to be super careful, babe.” woojin crouched near the bed, holding your hands as a way of assurance.
i’m gonna be fine, i promise; the unspoken words were conveyed through the simple touch.
“but what am i gonna do when you are gone?” you asked quietly, intertwining your hands together. 
“what do you usually do when i’m gone?”
“wait for you to come back.”
hong woojin’s expressions softened, pulling you into his embrace as he hugged you tightly, tears pricking in the corner of his eyes.
he smiled as he pulled away from the hug, cupping your face in his hands as he placed a small peck on your lips.
and another, and another, and another.
you couldn’t help but giggle, cheeks still squished against his palms, your gaze holding nothing but adoration as you looked at your boyfriend.
“i’ll come back home safe, y/n. i promise.”
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Your eyes rolled back as your boyfriend drove his hips against your ass his thick cock penetrating your gushy pussy, and the big blanket muffling the squelching of your cunt as your grip on your other boyfriend's white sleep shirt. "shush, Jagiya. We don't want to wake Gunwoo up would we?" woojin cooed mockingly, pulling on your ear with his teeth as his thrusts sped up. Making it nearly impossible to stop from moaning
Your mouth dropped open in a silent scream as your boyfriend rubbed your clit between his fingers, the knot inside tighten. "W-woojin," you whined his name, throwing your head back to rest against his shoulder as he drew his hips back before shaping them, his tip slamming into your cervix, officially pushing you over the edge.
Woojin groaned quietly, his pounding became more rapid, as he soon followed, his seed filling your sore cunny.
"had fun, Nae sarang?" Gunwoo asked sleepy, looking at you with hunger in his eyes.
Oh no.
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sweetandabitspycho · 9 months
hong woojin dating hc
Hope you enjoy.
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10/10 would be an a gentlemen, opening doors for you and getting flowers everytime you go on dates. Which is every Friday at 9:00pm. he will always show up no matter what, if he has a boxing match on a Friday he will still take you out.
If you are a Marine too, he will die. Exactly if you are higher up then him, he loves to call you by your rank. He loves it more in bed tho.
He is romantic but he kinda doesn't know what to do. He is a bit touch starved. He needs praise, he wants to know he is worthy.
Will love to teach you how to box, if you want to learn.
He knows how to cook, he is a every good cook.
He loves when you play with his hair.
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bisousbabe · 6 months
─── ─── ─── ☽ ◯ ☾ ─── ─── ───
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─── ─── ─── ☽ ◯ ☾ ─── ─── ───
Pairing: woojin x reader
Rating: 18+
Warnings: detailed smut. small fluff parts if you squint.
Author’s Notes: again, this post and anything on this account is for the 18+ community. MDNI. Also, it’s not proof read, so there’s that, lol. Hope you enjoy this one too.
A: Aftercare
He’s a talker. Sometimes he doesn’t know when to stop— but after sex and aftercare, he says the sweetest things and praises you to no end. Followed my face kisses. He truly adores you and these are one of those times he’ll show you everything.
B: Body Part (favorite body part on you)
There’s no other way to say it. This guy is 200% a boob lover. He can’t stop staring at your breast, especially when you’re getting dressed. Doesn’t matter how you think they look. He loves them and can’t keep his hands to himself.
C: Cum
Messy, boy. Woo-jin loves cumming on your breast. For whatever reason, it just turns him on knowing that he’s made a mess on you. And when you become an even bigger tease and smear his cum over your breast, he absolutely loses his mind.
D: Dirty Secret
This man can’t keep a secret to save his life. He’s completely open about what he does and doesn’t like and what he’s done.
He’s asked before doing them and when you’ve given him the green light, he’ll jump right at the chance. He even allowed you to go through his phone —smirking the entire time as you scroll through it— you dound pictures of you. Well.. what’s under your skirt. The second you’re in a skirt or dress, he’ll snap one or two pictures. It’s even to the point where he’d tell you how pretty it looks and if you’re not wearing panties, you’re not leaving the house.
The whole ordeal makes you blush, but knowing that’s what he has in his phone turns you into a flustered little mess of shyness and arousal.
E: Experience
Somewhat experienced. He’s had a few partners here and there, so he knows what to do and where everything is, but when you two first slept together he’d always want you and only you.
F: Favorite Position
Now, although he’s obsessed with your breast, he can’t help but fuck you from behind. Backshots is the way to go.
Most of it has to do with how pretty you sound to him when screaming his name. First time he got that reaction from you, he knew he’d never be able to get enough.
G: Gentle
When he’s making love to you. That’s when he’s the most gentle with you and that’s how you both love it. He’s a strong man who has complete control over himself, so knowing he’s holding back to caress every inch of you makes you fall for him even harder.
H: Hair ( how well groomed they are )
Woojin shaves completely. It’s not that you nor he has a problem with hair, he just sweats a lot and thinks it’s best if there’s none there.
I: Intimacy
Extremely passionate— regardless with how easy it is to dominate you in bed, whether it’s mindless fucking or making love. There’s passion in everything he does to and for you.
J: Justification (reasons they give to have sex)
He’s horny for you. The more domestic things you do together, the more he wants you. Cooking dinner together— he’ll find someway to fuck you against the table after. Doing laundry? You’re pressed against that old, vibrating washing machine, taking everything he’s giving you.
K: Kinks
There’s a few. Both of you can’t help but to want these things equally.
• katoptronophilia- you both have come to like watching yourselves have sex in front of a mirror. it happened when you were picking him up late at night from the gym and neither one of you could take your eyes off your reflections.
• impact play- he’ll only spank you. you secretly loved it and when he first did the lewdest moan left your lips. now you two tease each other about you getting “spankings” and him just slapping your ass always seems to get you two started.
L: Locaation (their favorite place to do it)
At the gym— AFTER HOURS— because there’s big mirrors where you two can watch yourself go at it like feral fiends.
M: Masturbation
When he can’t be around you for a few days because of business or training for the boxing championship, he’ll take care of himself but there’s just something about mutual masturbation. Letting you watch him stroke himself to the thought of you just as you rub your clit at the sight turn him on. He doesn’t understand how you can be so sexy.
N: No (things he will not do, turn offs, etc.)
Woojin is quite adventurous. He’ll try anything once and as long as you’re okay with doing it. If it’s not something one of or neither of you like, then it’s an absolute no.
Sex is intimate and should be enjoyed and consensual with both parties. That’s all there is to it and he wants you to feel safe and comfortable just as much as you want the same for him.
O: Oral (giving or receiving, skills)
Mister can’t stop talking has the mouth of a god. First time he even went down on you, it was the most quietest you’ve ever seen him been— apart from the moans and whines that slip from his full mouth.
He’s pussydrunk and could eat you out for hours. If you don’t stop him— you’d be a tremble and babbling mess from the sensitivity from orgasming repeatedly.
P: Possessive (how possessive is he)
Woojin is very possessive. 100/10.
If he sees another man in your vicinity, he’s watching like a hawk. If they get too close or touch you, he’s right there wrapping his arm around your waist or placing his hand on the small of your back.
When you’re alone, you tell him that he doesn’t have to worry and he doesn’t. He completely trust you but he wants to hear how you’re his and his only.
Q: Quickie
If there’s a bathroom, you two are sneaking off. It might not always be sex in itself— it can be oral, handjob/fingering or even basically dry humping each other til you cum.
He wants you just as much as you want him and sometimes you just need to help each other release to focus.
R: Risk
He’s very respectful, with the light praise when you two have sex but.. dirty talk is a risk he wanted to take. He wondered how you’d react to it.
You both have spoken about it before but never paid much attention to doing it, so with enough courage and blinded by complete lust and want for you he started to dirty talk. It caught you off guard but once he started it was mind blowing.
It started off as teasing, but then it became filthy and detailed. No man has ever made you feel so aroused. Commenting on the lewd sounds of your moans, how wet you were and how you covered his cock in your arousal. He even ordered you to orgasm and just like that, you came on demand.
You guys don’t do it all the time, but somehow he knows when to talk to you in such a way.
S: Stamina
Woojin can go all night. If not the same amount of stamina, he has more than you and will wear you out. Leaving you completely fucked out and satisfied, something no other man has even been able to do for you.
T: Tease ( how likey they are to tease, etc. )
Tease is Woojin’s middle name. He LOVES to tease you verbally and through text. It always catches you off guard and he knows that. You feel your face heat up, your mind begins to wander and the next thing you know, you’re becoming a shy mess.
When we you two see each other, he repeats and does everything he teased you about, with that smirk you love so much.
U: Unique ( any unique marks on their bodies. scars, birthmarks, etc. )
After being stabbed multiple times, it definitely left scars in its wake. At first he was a bit insecure about them. But the more you caressed them and told him how handsome he was regardless of them, he’d have his shirt off in front of you.
Feeling the tips of your fingers brush and lightly scratch over them always makes him shudder in pleasure.
V: Volume ( how loud they get)
Loud. He doesn’t care how loud he is or who hears him. Woojin wants you to know that you make him feel good, that you feel good wrapped around him. Deep and breathlessly, moaning your name as he takes you in any and every position.
W: Width (how big is he)
Thick. When you first seen it, you were more than sure he wouldn’t fit and when you both tried to have sex for the first time, it didn’t.
It took lots of prepping and he made you cum more times than you have in one setting but still as he slowly pushed into you, he had your thighs trembling. You were definitely a mumbling and whiny mess.
X: X-Ray (underneath their clothes)
Tall, sunkissed, slim, lightly muscular and fit. One simply can’t keep their eyes off him.
Y: Yearning ( how high is their sex drive, how much do they want you)
High. Woojin has never wanted anyone as much as he wants you. Sometimes he can’t even explain it and all he can do is profess his love and desire for you and worship you completely. He’s doesn’t care who’s watching.
Z: zzz ( how quickly they fall asleep)
Woojin can go for hours and follow up with aftercare but once your hand finds its way into his hair he’s out like a light. You’ve always had that effect on him.
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scarletttries · 9 months
Woo Jin Fluff Alphabet (Bloodhounds)
Pairing: Hong Woo-Jin (Bloodhounds) x Reader
Rating: Pure Fluff
Word Count: 3.2k
Author's Note: After a little gap last week while I was on my Honeymoon, I'm back with another double bill of the Bloodhounds boys, starting with Woo Jin in this fluff alphabet :)
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a -affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
Woo Jin is anything but subtle in his affections toward you. His obvious adoration will be constant, whether that's in the form of him walking with his hand in yours everywhere the two of you go, searching out your lips any moment you're alone, or calling you endless pet names that you only respond to for him. He'd definitely want to have almost matching outfits whenever you two go out together, so there's no doubt in anyone's mind that he is completely and utterly yours. Woo Jin's mouth is always running so he'll always be trying to make you laugh or tell him how special you are to him, his charming nature so over the top once he's in a relationship with you.
b - beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do you think is beautiful about them?)
Woo Jin thinks you are beautiful inside and out - he was immediately captivated by your looks, but what he really falls for is your personality and the way you treat the people around you. He feels immediately better whenever he's in your presence and when you speak to him and listen to his answers, he feels like he's the most interesting and important person in the world.
In the same way, Woo Jin is obviously an incredibly good looking guy, but what really shows off his beauty is his loyalty to those around him. He doesn't need to know someone for very long before he really cares about them, and is willing to do anything to help them out or look after them, even if he sometimes comes on a bit strong! When he starts to look for any way he can take care of you, putting in so much effort after only days as your friend, it's very hard not to fall for him.
c- cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
Woo Jin will cling to you like a koala trying to weather a storm in the high up branches of an unstable tree, like his very life depends on keeping you within his grasp. From the first time you let him wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you snugly against his chest where you seem to fit just right, he knows he'll never find anyone else that makes him feel quite so warm. He loves pulling you onto his lap and curling up with you on a couch in the evenings, or cuddling up with you in his bed after a long day of training. Even when you're out in public together, sitting in a restaurant or cafe, he'll drag your chair across the floor towards him until your knee brushes his and he can feel you close again.
d - dates (what are dates with them like? do they plan them out or are they spontaneous?)
Woo Jin's not much for planning ahead, but he doesn't want you to feel like he isn't thinking about you all day, everyday, so he'll try to make a plan for you. He doesn't know a lot of places to go so it's lots of eating at his aunt's restaurant, because he loves to see how well you get on with his family, knowing you'll be a permanent part of it one day. And if he feels like getting a bit more dressed up, he'll ask his good friend the Lil Group Heir to set you up in a VIP room at his club, or maybe a high end karaoke room where the two of you can serenade each other all night.
e - ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Woo Jin would hate hurting someone's feelings, having been on the receiving of a lot of rejection in his life, so he'd try his best to be very direct and straightforward - that wouldn't necessarily be how it actually ends up happening, he's very prone to rambling, but after ten minutes of telling the person how great they are he would finally let them down very gently and insist on staying friends.
f - fiancee (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
Before he met you, he never thought much about commitment or marriage, so focused on establishing his own life that he didn't really think much about his future beyond taking it one day at a time. Once you come into his life though, he realises you might be the missing piece of the whole puzzle, his entire future making a lot more sense if he imagines it by your side. He'd be incredibly quick to start looking into rings and picturing the proposal, literally only week's into being your official boyfriend, but luckily it would take him so long to decide on what he's doing that you'd be more than ready to say yes when he finally asks.
g - gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Woo Jin would be so so gentle with you emotionally, always so kind and friendly and wanting to pick you up when you're feeling down. He'd be constantly telling you what you mean to him, all the ways you are special and perfect, and telling you lots of silly jokes too, making sure you're never worried about him even when he's out on dangerous work missions. Physically he's not that gentle with you, only because he's not scared of using his strength with you - he loves that when he pulls you in for a hug he can lift your feet off the ground and sit you on the counter so he fits between your knees. He loves that he can always win when you start a play-fight and that he can squeeze one of his arms tightly around you when you two are walking together and know that he makes you feel safe.
h - hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do if? what are their hugs like?)
It's constant hugs with Woo Jin! He loves hugging you so so much, he feels so happy that he gets to do it every day, and there's never a day that goes by when he takes that for granted. His hugs are so warm and tight and firm, and you can truly feel every ounce of love pouring out of his body when he takes you in his arms. He absolutely craves being pressed close to you, and after any time apart he will race back into your arms and need to stay in them for as long as humanly possible. Your hugs recharge his battery <3
i - injury (how would they act if they got hurt?)
When he's hurt, Woo Jin is pretty used to it, but he loves the way you fuss over him so he'll be a little bit more pathetic than he needs to be. He'll brag about how many guys he fought and lean in extra close so you can see all his cuts and bruises as you gently wipe over his face and cup his chin and tell him he's very brave.
Oh my god when you get hurt, Woo Jin is looking for revenge. Even if it's just period pain, this man is ready to burn down half the city just to try and make you feel better. He doesn't think you should ever be in pain, but he will do anything you say with a panicked look on his face, being there for you every step of the way.
j - jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
Woo Jin has a lot of insecurity from being told he wasn't quite good enough to be the best, time and time again in his life, so when he sees you talking to someone else that would definitely overcome him. He would assume this guy was better than him in every conceivable way, and that it was completely obvious to you just from looking at him, and that you would be falling out of love with him with every passing second. He'd barge over and wrap an arm around you, making forced friendly conversation with the guy until he got the hint and you were left alone to remind Woo Jin that you think he is the best of the best and there's no one that compares to him in your eyes. And if anyone tried to flirt with Woo Jin, he would tell them about his girlfriend before they finish the first sentence, wide panicked eyes at you ever feeling that fear of losing him that he feels occasionally for you.
k- kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to be kissed?)
Woo Jin kisses you like a man who's never been kissed and never thought he would be. The first few times it's soft and timid, but as you start to get more comfortable together that just builds until every time he sees you his hands are in your hair and his tongue is in your mouth and somehow he's now pinning you beneath him while you make out until you're gasping for breath. If you start to trail a kiss over his neck and along his jaw, his eyes will flutter shut and he'll sing your sweet praises, but his lips will always find yours again, never more at home than in your kiss.
l - love language (what is their love language?)
Woo Jin definitely shows his love through his words, whether that's the endless compliments he showers you with for the second you open your eyes until the moment you drift off to sleep, or through his bizarre sense of humour, finding every opportunity to make you laugh.
Physical contact is also a big deal for Woo Jin, every time you weave your fingers through his it sends warmth rushing through his veins, a physical reminder that you are here and that you chose him, and keep choosing him every day.
m - mornings (how are mornings spent with them?)
Woo Jin is so not a morning person. When you have to get up early for some reason he will be a whiny baby, begging you to stay there for ten more minutes and let him hold you while he sleeps. If it's a morning where you can start a bit slower and stay cuddled up in bed a little longer, well those are some of his favourite memories with you. Getting to watch you slowly wake up on your own and seek out his arms, his lips, his chest, Woo Jin pulling you tight against him and thinking of nothing else but how wonderful it feels to be here with you.
n - nights (how are nights spent with them?)
Woo Jin's much more lively at night, used to doing a lot of his work in the evenings and now excited that he can put that energy towards you. If you're not going out for a date he'll blast some upbeat music in his little apartment while you cook together, dragging you away from whatever you're doing so he can dance with you. When he finally accepts it's time for bed he'll want to spend hours telling you his every thought, and talking through the randomest stuff with you, just to make you smile and feel like slowly you're learning everything about each other. Sometimes he'll fight to stay awake a little longer so he can keep the conversation going and to watch you finally doze off, looking so perfectly peaceful that it warms his heart.
o - open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Woo Jin will tell you a lot about himself early on in the relationship, preferring to be an open book because he knows he forms the best friendships and connections that way. As you get even closer he'll start actively trying to think of things to tell you that he's never told anyone else, wanting you to know that this is no longer just a friendship to him but something deeper and more intimate. He loves when you share your history with him too, feeling so privileged to be the person in your life that gets to hear all your thoughts.
p - patience (how patient are they usually? what tends to wear their patience thin?)
Woo Jin's pretty used to things happening quickly around him, but you don't get through the marines without being reasonably patient and disciplined. That said he definitely gets wildly impatient when he has to be apart from you, his missing you so achingly intense he'll do anything to see you again sooner!
q - quality time (how do they like to spend with you?)
If he could spend every single second of his day wrapped up together on his couch doing nothing, Woo Jin happily would. He's very much the kind of guy where it doesn't matter what you do together, as long as you are together then it's a date, and it's time he considers incredibly precious. He loves being lazy with you in the mornings, and then heading out when it's dark, to get some food together somewhere he loves, so excited to show you all the places that matter to him.
r - remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
Definitely your first kiss - it had taken him longer than he would have liked to finally ask you to go out with him for a meal, and then he spent the whole day worried you didn't realise he meant this to be a date, trying to flirt with you but worried his usual flirty banter made it hard to tell that this was a new level of flirting. He spent the whole walk back to your apartment stuck in his own head about whether he needed to ask you on a first date again, the nerves taking over as he considered not admitting it at all. Luckily for him, when you got to the door you immediately turned to face him, not wasting a second before you leaned up on to your tip toes and planted a soft kiss on his lips, finally breaking him out of his worried inner monologue, the widest possible smile spreading across his cheeks since he could finally stop worrying you didn't know how we felt.
s - security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
He would be the absolute most protective a guy can be, knowing exactly the kinds of dangers out in the world and that he is one of the few people strong enough to keep you safe. He would hate any time he wasn't around you for a lot of reasons, but part of it is because he wouldn't be able to stop himself worrying about you, wishing he could just walk with his hand in yours everywhere you have to go.
t - try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He would absolutely give his everything to your relationship - he knows how it feels to not be able to afford nice things, but he would save up all his spare cash to treat you to anything he thinks you might want. Don't be surprised if he also gets himself a matching version of whatever gift he gets you, loving nothing more than having corresponding outfits or accessories when you two are together. He'd also put in a lot of effort just every day; he is at his core a fantastic friend, and that would make him an incredibly thoughtful and caring boyfriend.
u - upset (how do they act when you're upset? how do they act when they're upset?)
When Woo Jin's upset, it's immediately obvious. It's one of the only times he's not talking endlessly, the tell-tale silence that something is on his mind and he doesn't quite know how to bring it up. You'll have to sit really close to him, pulling both his hands into your lap, gently running your thumbs over his tense skin until finally he'll relent and tell you whatever's on his mind. When you're upset Woo Jin is just there for you, not forcing you to tell him what's on your mind, but being nearby for whenever you're ready, knowing the two of you can face anything together.
v - vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
It's not that Woo Jin is vain in the traditional sense of wanting to be the most attractive person he can be, but he cares alot about fashion as a way to showcase his personality, so he puts in a lot of effort in the way he looks so that he can feel the most like himself. And if you happen to like the way he looks, well, he certainly doesn't mind that too.
w - wildcard (a random headcanon for them.)
Even though it's inevitable that sometimes you have to spend a little bit of time apart, Woo Jin views missing you as completely unacceptable. So whenever he has to be away from you, he'll start a video call with you and just talk to you all day while he's out living his life, like a little one person vlog. He just wants you to see everything about his day and know exactly what you're up to, even if the call has to last all day. Any time he's in his little apartment alone and you can't come over he'll get you on his phone, propping you up so he can see everything you're doing and vice versa.
This call gets so constant that Gun Woo gets in the habit of waving at Woo Jin's phone every time he sees him, just in case you're there on the screen already.
x - x-ray (how easily are they able to read you?)
Woo Jin's got a lot of people skills, so he'd know quite quickly if something was bothering you, usually so captivated by your warmth and light that if something was dampening your spirits it would be really obvious to him. He might spiral for a bit and assume you're upset about something he's done wrong before he gets up the nerve to talk to you about it, but he'll always be there for you when you're feeling down, trying to cheer you up with his endless smiles and jokes.
y - yuck (what things do you do that they hate?)
If you are a morning person, who likes to get up with the sun and head straight out for the day, that would definitely not be his favourite thing about you, wishing he could just curl up in bed and do nothing with you forever.
z - zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Woo Jin would definitely wake up to find himself fully wrapped around you. Like one leg over your hips, an arm under your neck, your whole body pressed to him while he's sleeping, never letting you get an inch of space from him in the night. If you wake up and try and wriggle free in the night, he'll always find his way back to you. Even asleep his forehead would crease with a frown, a little pout forming on his lips until his hands find you again, clinging to you like a child to their favourite teddy bear.
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lala-lolly · 9 months
Kim Geonwoo x Gn!Reader (anyone can read, no race/color/ethnicity, age, gender or physical appearance specified)
Argument with Kim Geonwoo (Gunwoo) as best friends
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We all know Geonwoo is a very nice and respectful man
We all also know Geonwoo is very protective over his loved ones and that includes his friends
What happens when he gets into an argument with one of his best friends?
It all started because you felt that Geonwoo kept blowing you off to spend more time with Woojin
You two were suppose to hang out but he kept saying the same thing every time, "Sorry Y/n, Woojin and I already have plans. Sorry."
Like okay maybe two times is fine but FIVE?!
What was so important about what him and Woojin had planned that he couldn't make time for you?
When you confront Geonwoo about it, he doesn't say anything at first, just makes uncomfortable noises
He may know how to handle himself and stand up for himself and others but you are one of his best friends
After you finish rambling about how he's been making you feel, he finally says something
Geonwoo would feel guilty and apologize for making you feel that way because obviously that wasn't his intention
He wouldn't give you a clear explanation as to why he's been spending so much time with Woojin but he keeps saying that it's safer that way and that it will be over soon
This would make you more frustrated because what does that even mean, right?
You would keep pushing until he told you what he was talking about but all that made him do was snap
Geonwoo has always been known as a calm and collected person even when faced with confrontation so when he started to raise his voice it made you scared
When he seen your face, he realized what he did and immediately started to apologize profusely
You walked away to catch a break and get some air. That break lasted three days
You finally decide to talk to him and he explains everything to you and apologizes again
Woojin also ends up apologizing for stealing him away from you and keeping you in the dark about everything that had been going on
When you all finish making up, they offer you to treat you to some pork belly and kimchi fried rice at Woojin's aunt's restaurant
A/N~ I'm so sorry if this is bad or not what you wanted. Remember this is my first time writing something like this so if you feel I need to or should change something let me know. Hope you enjoyed. Also if you a story version of this where there's more context or in depth then let me know.
Keep dreaming~~💚💙
~ Lala-Lolly 🌆☁️��
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prettymita · 11 months
"love language"
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KIM GUN-WOO - acts of service
♡ gun-woo is the biggest gentleman ever
♡ will hold the door for you, push your chair out, open your car door, the list goes on and on
♡ this also means he loves doing things for you. whether its doing your chores, cooking your favorite meal, or carrying something for you, he will happily do it
♡ gun-woo isn't very expressive with his words, so he shows his love through his actions.
♡ he won't listen if you protest either. even if you insist that he doesn't need to do things for you, this man will find a way to achieve it one way or another.
♡ one day you were carrying some really heavy boxes. when you saw gun-woo approaching you, you insisted it was fine and they weren't that heavy. of course, he paid you no mind and gently grabbed the boxes out of your hands, smiling cheekily at your expression. he doesn't think you're weak, of course. he just likes doing things for you and putting you at ease. (chivalry at its finest)
♡ he remembers anything you tell him and will remind you to do things, like running errands or taking your meds.
♡ calls you frequently to ask if you have eaten or drunk enough water. if he hears that you haven’t eaten anything, he’s rushing straight to buy/cook your favorite meal for you
HONG WOO-JIN - physical touch
♡ clingy asf
♡ istg this mf is a goddamn leech. he will not leave your side for as long as he can, following you around like an innocent puppy. you think it’s kind of cute, though.
♡ your touch comforts him, but he’ll never admit that to your face. often when you guys spend time together, he’ll sling an arm over your shoulder, place his chin on your head, etc.
♡ loves giving you kisses on the nose because he thinks you’re so cute. he loves it when you kiss his cheek and lips
♡ always says goodbye with a hug and kiss (and an ily, of course.)
♡ likes to hold hands with you in public and swing your arms.
♡ will put you in a chokehold (playfully) and pat your head with affection. you pretend to be super annoyed but you secretly love it lmaoo
♡ I can see you and woojin being like one of those couples waiting in a line for a theme park ride. hugging each other, swaying back and forth, embarrassing gunwoo.
♡ will get very pouty and sulk if you refuse to touch him. like c’mon, he loves how warm your hands are and how soft your skin is, do you really blame him?
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gunwoos · 11 months
hong woo-jin relationship headcanons (sfw + nsfw)
a/n these r also disorganized and messy but enjoy ! <3
this man is goofy,, but i feel like in the show we mostly saw his unserious side but we also saw how dedicated he was to his friends and he'd be exactly the same if not more dedicated in a relationship
ur his good luck charm. even if ur not super into boxing he just loves that u show up and support him and he definitely fights better (and shows off more) when ur there cheering him on
he's so funny. he's also very loud and extroverted
if ur also loud and extroverted, perfect! he loves dating someone who perfectly matches his energy
if ur more introverted he loves that too,, every introvert needs their extrovert! (and look at how perfect him and gunwoo's dynamic is like)
gun woo would love u. if u weren't already friends with him before u met woo jin, when woo jin introduces u two he thinks you're so sweet and honestly he's just happy that his best friend is happy
u never have to worry about not having anything to talk abt, he's always got something he wants to say even if it's one of the most random things you've ever heard
like he'll talk for hours if no one tells him to shut up
he'd be really good to talk to and have deep convos with as well. like u guys can talk about anything or nothing for hours, serious topics or not
he's very romantic but he's like,, less serious about it? idk does that make sense
like not that he takes it less seriously but he just kinda does "romantic" things without giving it much thought
like he's really cheesy but it's so sweet
his love language is probably physical touch and gift giving
he LOVES when u wear his clothes. especially his jackets
like i said with his love language being physical touch he loves being close to you/touching u.
he's literally a leech
he's always got an arm around ur shoulders or waist, is hugging u
he likes pda tbh. nothing major tho,, he likes to save most of the super touchy feely stuff for when u guys are in private but he loves holding ur hand, having an arm wrapped around u or stealing quick kisses from u
hugs from behind. he loves hugging u in general but he'll literally come up and hug u from behind no matter what ur doing. cooking, cleaning, brushing ur teeth, etc. he'll just come up and wrap his arms around u
if ur shorter and smaller than him especially hell just randomly lift u up in a hug, twirl u around or throw u over his shoulder
he loves cuddling too. like even if u don't go to sleep cuddling, you're gonna wake up with him wrapped around u like a sloth
he loves being the little spoon
he's definitely not a big fan of waking up early
he'll do it if he has to but .. let's be real if he has a choice he's hitting snooze immediately and going back to sleep
if u have to wake up early for work and he's sleeping u literally have to fight for ur life to get out of the embrace he has u wrapped in
u finally manage to peel his arms off of u and get out of bed and he's laying there like 🙁
he's so clingy but it's ok cause he's cute
this man ADORES u. if u guys don't live together yet he's got drawers reserved for u, closet space for u, he'll get u whatever u need to keep at his place for nights that u stay over
i feel like he'd like playfighting. he doesn't take it seriously tho unless ur a boxer too and are roughly the same height as him, cause this man is strong and he doesn't wanna hurt u
like ur over here using all ur strength trying to win and hes not even trying.. he thinks it's so funny
he's ur passenger princess. i feel like he either doesn't have his drivers license or just isn't a big fan of driving
once him and gunwoo get their gold exchanged into money (idk how that stuff works bear with me) he buys u guys a car and makes u drive him everywhere
like u always ask him if he wants to drive since he's literally the one who bought the car and technically it's his and he's like "no 😊" and just happily sits in the passenger seat
he likes watching u drive and being able to control the music (he 100% listens to kpop)
he loves showing u off. like especially when u guys first start dating he'll literally tell everyone he meets so proudly that u two are dating
he lowkey embarrasses u but it's also so sweet so u can't be that mad
he's SO supportive of u in everything that u do and won't judge u whatsoever
he's just boyfriend goals honestly
nsfw under ⬇️
ok now for the good stuff 🤭
he's always up for sex
he's an athlete and has lots of stamina and his sex drive is also just really high i feel like
like compared to gunwoo hes a lot more suggestive ig ?? i cant think of the right word for it
but he's definitely more upfront about it too
u guys r hanging out and ur like "so what do u wanna do?" and he's like "you"
but if ur not up for it he completely forgets abt it tho and wont take offense
this man is obsessed with eating u out. also fingering u like he's just obsessed with pleasing u
it's not that he doesn't care abt his own pleasure but he gets off on pleasing u
he could literally do it for hours too like he just loves how u feel and how u taste and he's happy to keep going for as long as u want
he's really good at it too . his tongue and fingers know all the right places to go and what to do it's just soooo
he also loves when u give him head tho, like this dude is in absolute heaven. he'd rarely ask u for head i feel like, but if u suggest it or ask if u can he's just like "hell yeah"
he worships u. he doesn't understand how he got so lucky like
ur everything to him and he wants to show u that in every way that he can
he's honestly just obsessed with u and ur touch / touching u
it's big. but let's be real we knew that already
like the first time u guys did it, he whipped it out and ur just kinda like 😯
like gunwoo he's also really gentle and i don't think he'd be into anything super rough
he will manhandle u (gently) if ur into that 🙏
he's def kinkier than gunwoo too like i don't see him being into anything super weird but he'd be down to try a lot of stuff
likes when u scrape ur nails down his back and likes getting his hair pulled. not too aggressively but like,,
this man probably has handcuffs .
will not be elaborating more on that (let's unpack that another day)
he's a boob man bc i said so.
he's definitely playful during it too and doesn't mind joking around/laughing while u guys mess around
sorry this section is kinda short but im working on a fic for him that i'll be posting later this week and wanted to save some ideas for that! 🫶
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make-me-imagine · 4 months
Jealousy Headcanons {K.GW & H.WJ}
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Jealousy headcanons for Kim Geon-Woo and Hong Woo-Jin
Pairings: Kim Geon-Woo x Gn!Reader & Hong Woo-Jin x Gn!Reader
Requested By: Anonymous
Warnings: Nothing of note
Words: 610
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Kim Geon-Woo
If Geon-Woo ever gets jealous its out of insecurity.
Even though he is an amazing boyfriend, he is always afraid he is not good enough for you.
In his eyes you deserve the world and more and sometimes he fears someone else can give it to you better than he can.
He does't fully realize that you think these things too.
If someone else is flirting with you, you can feel Geon-Woo's eyes on you at all times.
He is watching out of a mix of insecurity, and protectiveness.
Geon-Woo always feels a rush of relief and love when you excuse yourself from the conversation, set your eyes on him and they light up as you smile and make your way over to him.
This simple unconscious action at the sight of him reassures him more than you know.
When you can turn away from someone who is interested in you, and yet be more excited to see him, he knows you still only want him.
He get's pouty if someone has your attention for too long, or if someone asked for your number/we chat/etc.
You find it cute and tease him back about being jealous.
But you find ways in between to make sure he knows no one could ever replace him.
No one could ever mean as much to you as he does.
He does the same for you, though you don't have to worry because he can't even tell when someone is flirting with him in the first place.
And even if he does notice it, he does not acknowledge it and makes sure to bring you up in any situation.
Okay, this has nothing to do with jealousy, but I can't help but picture Geon-Woo being every boyfriend in those golden retriever bf tiktoks where he loses sight of you and looks worried, and then see's you again and his eyes light up as he grins. AHH
Hong Woo-Jin
Woojin is confident you would never flirt, cheat or even consider another man when you are together
His problem is with the ones that are flirting with you.
He finds a way to slide into the conversation, or just places his arm across your shoulder or waist.
The look he gives whoever is flirting with you, is almost always enough to make them back off.
You find this amusing and attractive.
The kind of situation Woojin actually get's jealous in is when you are spending time with other's more than him.
Going out with your friends or family? Why is he not invited??
Why did it take you so long to come back? He missed you?
Like a dog with separation issues lmao.
So, he only really get's jealous when others get to spend more time with you than he does.
Or if you experience something fun or exciting without him, he get's jealous in the sense that he wants to be the one to see you happy or excited in those moments.
If someone approaches you asking you for your contact info he does get annoyed, but he makes it cute.
He will act annoyed and pouty, until you playfully ask for forgiveness.
Or you must pay the price (i.e. hugs and/or kisses) until he feels better about it.
However, if someone flirts with him he teases you about it too.
"Did you see that?" "Are you jealous? Huh??"
He does not want you to be jealous, but he thinks it's cute when you are. And he knows it means you just love him.
But on a more serious side, he will never let you think he would leave you for anyone or anything.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry,
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parkersgarage · 6 months
an old fic I never posted
hong woojin x gn.reader (no pronouns mentioned) 323 wc, hurt/comfort sort of
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“It’s raining.”
Woojin’s eyes flicker to you. Sat on the opposite side of the couch, away from him, and he wonders why you decided to talk now when you’ve been silent for hours, ignoring him. He hums in agreement, repeating your words as he looks out the window. “It’s raining.”
“I don’t like the rain.”
“You used to,” he says quietly, shifting so his body faces yours. “You loved the rain.”
“It was raining,” You said, nodding your head. Were you trying to stop the tears clouded in your eyes from falling? “It was raining when i almost lost you.”
Woojin takes a deep breath at your words, letting it go when you look at him. “I’m still here.” He says. He keeps his voice low, “I’m still with you.”
His hand reaches for you, hesitating before you reach for him in turn. Your hands are cold when they slide onto his; his palm rests against yours, and he smiles softly when you slot your fingers between his.
“Let's go sit in the rain, like we used to, hm?” He proposes, looking out the window to see the stream of rain run down the street. “I’ll take care of you if you get sick.”
“What if you get sick?” You ask. Woojin sighs at the sight of tears running down your cheeks. He’s quick to wipe them away, but he feels that burning sensation in the back of his throat when you look at him.
He doesn’t say anything further. He wouldn’t be able to reassure you anyhow. His hand wraps around yours and tugs, gently guiding you to the back door. The rain got heavier, but Woojin didn’t mind.
He pulls you into him, guiding your head to his shoulder as he wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly against himself.
“I hope you’ll love the rain again,” he whispers. It’s barely heard. “Just like you taught me to love it.”
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