rumikoremembrances · 10 months
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solarsnapp · 1 year
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[ID: A three panel black and white comic featuring Lee Seolhwa, Yoo Mia, and Yoo Joonghyuk from Omniscient Reader in a restaurant. The first panel is Seolhwa cupping her face with her elbows on the table, seeming pensive and disappointed.
Seolhwa: Damn, I wish I did like women, then we could date, right? Too bad I’m not gay...
The next panel has Mia stand next to her table, very confused and befuddled. Joonghyuk is sitting at the table with her hand on her own face. There is faded text next to her which says “Oh my god-”
The third panel is a closeup of Mia turned away from Joonghyuk.
Mia (muttering to herself): Wow, she is just as clueless as Unni was about her own femininity...
Joonghyuk shoots an annoyed glare in Mia’s direction.
Joonghyuk: Would you shut up?
End ID.]
more stuff for my seolhyuk romcom au
they were made for each other
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mari-lair · 2 years
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Just realized the reason Aoi looks surprised Akane was holding her hand is because she didn’t notice.
She truly can’t feel anything in that hand, not even Akane’s own hand.
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coffee at midnight
chapter five: He Drives
the girls interrogate emily.
read on ao3.
join my taglist
taglist: @hopefulfangirl24 @thebejeweledwatercat @platypus-whit-boots @luhwithah @cvtsbutcut3 @acetheticlytired @ccmattis-22 @duchessass @lucreziaq2001 @scorpiofangirl1109 @natasha-barton @lil-koala @themetaphorgirl @sequinsmile-x @emobabeyy@my-mummy-dust @section-chief-prentiss @psychicmuffinpandasludge @loriprentiss @unauthorizedaaronhotchner @smollro @dontemilyyyyme @daffodil-heart @hctchniss
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lexithwrites · 3 months
gonna try to upload the next chapter of wwdwld tonight but my cat currently wont leave my lap and typing is hard lmao, plus i need to go back and edit here and there because this chapter is a BEAST and its v important! james pov hehe
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majorproblems77 · 6 months
Chapter 15 baby! - Let's do this! :D
He had many names Link Sky Sleepy head Godslayer
Hyped spoilers if you aint on 14 yet below cut
Demise fight! Demise fight! Demise fight! :DDDDDDDDDD
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velnica · 1 year
Singing Along Ch 10 - Can't hide it, can't fight it
Fandom: FFXIV Ship: Sanson/Guydelot Tags: Modern AU/University, Falling in Love, Meet Cute Rating: Explicit
Having to wait an entire day to meet again was a torturous exercise, and neither Sanson nor Guydelot could hope to withstand the onslaught of longing. The rest of Heresy, however, seemed to enjoy their adorable misery just a little too much.
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mydaylight · 1 year
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Can we talk about how the chapter with Marisa’s face-off against McPhail begins with this quote
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arataka-reigen · 8 months
One of my favorite chapters got adapted i might die happy now
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It had been ten days since he'd last seen Michael.
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blackbird-brewster · 10 months
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JJ never broke her eye connection with Beck as she motioned over her shoulder towards the back of the room, "How about that round of darts you owe me?"
"As long as you won't hold it against me when I win," Beck retorted.
"Oh, I look forward to watching you try." JJ laughed. She knew Beck had no idea what she was getting herself into, but she tapped her finger to her lips while she came up with an idea to make things a bit more interesting, "Since you seem so confident in yourself, how about a little wager?"
"Depends on what it is you have to offer." Beck's tone was heavy with genuine intrigue, she leaned back in her chair, one arm slung across the back of it casually while she tried to work out JJ's intentions.
JJ turned to Tara with a smile, she leaned in to Tara's ear to check-in, cupping her hand to hide her words from Beck. "What would you say if the winner gets a kiss from you?"
[Read the Full Chapter on AO3]
Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) is a queer rom-com AU that celebrates coming out at any age or stage, polyamory, found family, and above all else, the love shared between JJ/Emily/Tara.
Read the whole series: [PART 1] || [PART 2] || [PART 3]
Listen to the series soundtrack on Spotify: Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) OST
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pumpkinmetaphor · 9 months
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he's so
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llycaons · 2 years
‘he blocked him by handcuffing him to a pigeon’ is already an incredible series of words but the full context is even better. the handcuff WAS the pigeon
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somekndofnature · 2 years
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Continuing to upload my older Doctor Who stories. This is the reunion and the idea that started this whole mess. If you want a tag when I upload a new chapter, drop me a line.
This story follows Rose Tyler and her unexpected return to the TARDIS during the year that never was. It has been a long separation for Earth's defender and she is not the same girl she once was. She is having a difficult time coming to terms with some major changes to her physiology, as well as battling her personal demons, while hiding from the Master. Against all odds, Rose needs to find her Doctor and reverse this hellish year before it is too late.
Prologue| Chp1| Chp2| Chp3| Chp4| Chp5| Chp6| Chp7| Chp8| Chp9
Chapter 10: Without You Ever Being Seen
The Doctor looked through the bars of his gilded cage and surveyed the chaos of the world below from the window of the Valiant. He shivered and tried to shake off the dogged feeling that something had irreversibly shifted in the last few months. Let’s just say that things hadn’t gone exactly to plan. Changes were taking place that even he didn’t anticipate. His connection to the TARDIS was gradually strengthening with every passing day. She wasn’t strong enough to communicate but he got the vague impression that everything was going just fine for her. She was pleased with herself even. Yet, when he tried to question her about this, all he received was the equivalent of a dismissive shrug. That wasn’t good. The Doctor never liked it when she meddled. For now, he didn’t know what to make of it, other than to say, it was unexpected.
He regarded his small, wrinkled hand and scoffed. Unexpected? That was an understatement. He hadn’t expected to be aged to near death. With his ability to regenerate suspended, the Doctor was facing the real possibility that it could be his final dance in this miserable universe, if he wasn’t careful. It wouldn’t be a bad way to go but, if he failed to stop the Master, he would leave Martha, her family, and all of the humans left on Earth at the hands of his oldest enemy. That was unacceptable. But after…oh after…when the Master was taken care of, then he could surrender to that ever elusive peace…or maybe not.
He thought about the mysterious Private Smith with a small amount of curiosity and guilt. How could he think about leaving her? She was an obvious part of his future (a future that he wasn’t sure he wanted) but she was also a friend who seemed to know him well. She helped lift his spirits. He couldn’t just abandon her. What if it caused a paradox? After maintaining the current one, he wasn’t sure this universe could support it. The Doctor sighed, resigned to his fate. Once again, he was forced to continue on for the good of life everywhere, forced to continue through a universe that took so much from him and offered very little in return. Then again…it was possible that he wouldn’t have to.
Smith disappeared from the flight deck of the Valiant over a month ago in search of Jack. He assumed from the Master’s following tirade that she succeeded. Jack was nowhere to be found and Smith seemed to fade into a fever dream. He didn’t see her for week, and then two. When it reached a month with no contact, the Doctor’s hope of finding her alive ran out. It was a pity; she represented a rare flare of curiosity in this weary universe. She was an interesting companion, both enigmatic and strangely familiar… a mystery waiting to be solved.
Sighing, the Doctor collapsed onto the floor with a satisfying rattle and idly probed the, now dormant, telepathic presence in his mind, once again. Yet another mystery that tempted him to give this wretched existence one more shot but once again, he was rebuffed. Huffing in frustration, he reluctantly moved on, leaving the mind of this mystery guest player alone, for now. Whatever this telepathic being was, it appeared months ago (to his great consternation) as a soft pulse of golden light through his dreary mind. No big deal, right? Other telepaths exist. But appearing on the same night that a shift in timelines woke him from sleep? That was a flashing mauve sign of bad. At the time, he saw it as a dangerous annoyance that he couldn’t afford but, as the months passed, it became a begrudging comfort.
It never reacted aggressively, even when he lashed out in frustration. All he ever received was a gentle, calm, barely-there push against his mind, as if saying, “don’t you have something more important to do?” And yes, of course he did, but figuring out this little mystery seemed like a way better use of his time. It was just too intriguing. And, whatever this being was, it made him feel...safe and secure at a time when his environment was anything but. It never demanded anything and yet it was there to lend extra support during days when he felt so weak and exhausted, from his mental gymnastics with the Archangel Network, that he was sure he would never make it through. It bolstered him, like the gleam of a lighthouse in a storm and enticed him to unwrap the mysterious entity behind it. In his good moments, the Doctor thought that these conundrums gave him a reason, a desire to carry on, but those were few and far between.
A whole year he sat, watching as millions of people died. It damn near destroyed him but fortunately, if Martha was still alive somewhere down there, this could all be reversed like it never happened. Unfortunately, this past year of sitting around gave the Doctor an excess time to think which, for a Time Lord such as him, was anything but a blessing. So much time to sit and think over his nine hundred years, to recall all the loss and heartache and great failures of his tedious, long life. So many people he loved that were gone, forever. Gallifrey, Susan, Barbara, Ian, Jamie, Zoe, Adric, Ace...Rose.
Oh, he thought about her more than all the others combined, remembering every tiny moment, every smile, every laugh, every touch, and every word both said…and unsaid. Gods but he missed her like a limb, as if his fightin’ hand had never grown back. He called himself lucky that day. He didn’t feel it now. So much death around him, so much loss, and all he could think about was one pink and yellow girl. Oh, maybe not so much yellow…but golden. His bright, shining, golden girl as she always was in his favorite memories of Game Station. It was still so vivid; Rose stepping out of his TARDIS bathed in golden light like an angel, crying gilded tears for him.
It baffled him every time he thought about it. Rose did that for him…and he shouldn’t be surprised really. That’s why he always chose them because every one of his companions was brave and selfless, ready to lay down their lives for anyone… especially him. And how the Doctor wished they would stop. They always saw him as some sort of god, someone of profound significance, someone who was worth their lives, but not Rose. It never had to do with some form of hero worship with her. The Doctor assumed (hoped) that Rose’s sacrifice originated from genuine, abiding, love and that was…overwhelming. He couldn’t understand it, couldn’t understand what she saw in him that was worth her forever.
When she came back to Canary Warf, leaving behind her friend and all her family in Pete’s World, he acted cross with her only to keep from falling to his knees in relief. Imagine, the Oncoming Storm, brought to his knees by a twenty-year-old woman. The Master might scoff at the idea but it was true. He just about crumpled to the feet of this woman who gave him everything…all that she ever was or could be…who chose him over everything else. It was so damn humbling.
And then he lost her anyway…
The absolute grief the Doctor had felt as he pressed his face to that stark white wall, just able to feel Rose on the other side. It crushed him even now. He visited that wall a handful of times in the year that followed. He pressed his face there trying to get a faint hint of her again, but he was always disappointed to feel nothing. More than once he ended up balled up on the floor, crying like a child against that wall, mourning her loss. There were so many things the Doctor wanted to tell her, show her and he’d never get the chance now.
His mind tried to take him to the memory of Bad Wolf Bay but the Doctor halted it in its tracks. He couldn’t endure that again. Watching those tears pour down Rose’s beautiful face had torn his hearts out. Hearing her say those words and not being able to kiss her breathless had been torture and not being able to say them back? The Doctor would forever, through the rest of his years and regenerations, regret that moment above many others.
He was so scared to say those words to her. Oh, he felt them, for sure, but saying them, acknowledging them, would mean putting his hearts in her hands and trusting her when Rose promised a forever that she could never give. In the end though, he realized the words didn’t matter. She had his hearts anyway and she took them with her to Pete’s World. He was left a broken shell of a Time Lord who dared death to snatch him and end his pitiful existence without her. Maybe this time, he would be granted such freedom.
One of the Doctor’s ears perked as the door opened. It was likely Koschei coming to torment him again. He continued to stare out the window, caught in his morose thoughts, until he heard a familiar whisper.
He tensed, stood, and turned from the window of the Valiant to survey the darkened room. His old eyes could just make out the vague shape of private Smith, crossing the floor to him. He smiled. Her visits always put his overwrought mind at ease. It wasn’t easy; telepathically hacking the Master’s signal had tested his already meager skills. Coupled with the rapid aging, the Doctor was in a bad way. He was exhausted and lonely after a year with nothing but the Master’s torments. Smith’s visits became a rare bright spot of comfort for him. Seeing her now lifted his spirits and he wished she would come closer but she remained rooted in place, refusing to move. Although he couldn’t see her face because of the strong perception filter that she wore, he could tell by her shaky breaths that she was upset.
“Smith, is everything alright?” he asked with genuine concern.
“No,” her voice quivered. “I saw what the Master did. I thought…”
His brow furrowed. “Oh well I’m fine, as you can see."
“Fine,” she scoffed.
He shrugged. “I’m alive. Where have you-“
“Doctor,” she interrupted. “I need to show you something, okay? And I need you to not freak out or be angry with me for lying.”
“What do you mean?”
She dropped her ever-present weapon against the wall and whipped something over her head, knocking her black cap off with it. His vision cleared and the Doctor's hearts stopped as the telepathic presence in his mind flared to brilliant life. Dark blonde waves of hair tumbled around a face that he knew better than his own. Rose. She was here as if his very thoughts summoned her from across the Void. The Doctor's old knees gave way and he collapsed on the cage floor with a rattle.
Rose flew forward, anxiety pulsing off of her in waves. “Oh god, are you hurt? I didn’t mean to startle you its just I-" She wrung her gloved hands. “I couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted-I needed you to see me. Dammit, Jack said this was a bad idea. I’m sorry that I lied to you. I didn’t want to but I just- ”
He stared at her, uncomprehending. She didn’t mean to startle him? Rassilon could have appeared in her stead and it wouldn’t have startled him more. And what on Earth was she waiting for? Why had she waited at all? How had… No! His rational mind shouted at him. This isn’t real. It can’t be.“I must be going mad,” he whispered. “I must have finally gone round the bend.”
“Doctor, no.”
“Be quiet!” he shouted as loud as he was able and then covered his eyes with his tiny hands, trying to block out this image that tortured him so. “You can’t do this now. Keep your mind together, old man.”
“Doctor,” the apparition said in a soothing tone.
“No, no,” he screamed, tormented. “She’s not here,” he reminded himself even if it pained him to do so. “She- she’s not- she’s not here.” His voice broke on a sob.
The room went quiet and his hearts dropped. He was right. It was just the product of a troubled mind, but then he felt her gloved fingers on his small arm, drawing his hand away from his eyes. The Doctor stared for long moments at the spot where her fingers reached through the wires of his cage. Summoning courage, he followed the line of her limb up to amber eyes that shone with unshed tears.
“Hello,” she whispered.
She nodded, sending a tear racing down her cheek.
The Doctor's mouth worked without sound until he cleared his throat. “How?”
She bit her plush bottom lip. “The short answer is the TARDIS. She brought me back.”
“How?” he whispered again at the risk of sounding daft.
She shook her head, waves of hair dancing around her pale face. “Does it matter?”
No. No, it didn’t. Rose was here, she was home and not only could he see her with his eyes, but he could feel affection flow off of her in unregulated pulses that made his head swim. The Doctor's mind boggled. The telepathic presence he felt all these months was...Rose? How was that even possible? But he couldn’t deny what was right in front of him. She was a telepath...an untrained one, as evidenced by the full flurry of emotions that radiated from her. She was projecting everything to him, the complexity and depth of her emotions in this moment made him dizzy.
Rose gave him a gentle smile and he whimpered with relief. “It isn’t often that I can leave you speechless,” she said with a giggle
“You always accomplished that feat with greater frequency than anyone else,” he replied, eyes still wide with disbelief.
She gave a watery chuckle. “It is fun. I’ll admit.”
An awkward silence settled between them, as if neither really knew how to proceed. The only thing he wanted to do was wrap her in his arms but…the Doctor was reminded of his current state and turned from her, mortified. Rose had never seen him so weak.
“Doctor?” she asked, her voice wavering. “What’s wrong? Are you in any pain?”
He shook his head, unwilling to admit to the severe ache in his ancient bones.
“Doctor, look at me…Please.”
It was the “please” that got him to turn and face her. It sounded as though Rose was crying again and her tears always destroyed him. He made her cry so much. It was one of the many crimes that could be laid at his doorstep. The Doctor took in her beautiful face, trying to imprint every detail into his memory just in case this was a hallucination. He reached out a tiny hand to touch her gloved finger, thinking that she couldn’t be real. The Doctor hesitated right before contact, wanting to prolong the illusion. For surely that’s what this was…a dream…the product of an overwrought mind. He might be as insane as the Master now. But if insanity produced such beautiful visions as this one, then bring it on. He reached the rest of the way, expecting to pass through this apparition and meet the metal bars of his cage. Instead, the Doctor was met with a very solid figure. Beneath the fabric on her fingers, he could feel her warmth and vitality in the flickering beat of her pulse.
“Yes Doctor. I’m real. I promise you. I’m here,” she said with tears in her eyes again. “I told you.”
Joy burst like a living thing inside the Doctor’s hearts followed by an onslaught of questions that he could not voice. He could feel both her joy and sorrow, mirroring his conflicted emotions. He opened his mouth to ask one of the million questions circling his head but Rose cut him off with quick efficiency.
“Doctor, I know you must have thousands of questions and I will answer them all in due time but, for now, I need you to know something.”
He nodded for her to continue, still struggling with how to absorb this development into his current reality. How could he grapple with the idea that Rose, so lost to him that she was effectively dead, appeared, out of the blue, in his weakest moment? How could he accept any of it as true?
“You are not alone,” Rose said, voice cracking at the end of her sentence.  
The Doctor sucked in a sharp breath as the Face of Boe’s words echoed in his head again. Was he wrong all along? Was this occurrence part of the enigmatic creature’s true message? Had he known all along of Rose’s eventual return?
“Doctor,” she whispered past trembling lips. “I know that you’re feeling lost and rudderless. I know that you’re grappling for a reason to keep going and I just wanted you to know that I’m here. I’ll be here when all of this is over. I’m yours if-if you’ll have me.”
He was awestruck and frustrated. If there was ever a more inconvenient time to be the size of a predatory bird than the moment he wanted to kiss the love of his life until her knees were weak, the Doctor couldn’t think of it. Several shouts from outside the doors froze them in their spots. The Doctor’s blood turned to ice in his veins. Rose straightened and made her way to the door, cracking it open as she peeked out. She pressed it closed and rushed back to his cage.
“Someone’s coming, I have to go.”
The Doctor shook his head, panic drawing tears from his eyes. “No, no, no. You can’t. I just got you back. Don’t disappear again.”
Her brows drew together and her lip trembled. “I can’t stay. You know I can’t. I’ve been told by too many people how much the Master would love to get his hands on me.”
The Doctor’s face fell and his change of opinion was immediate. “Go. Go now. You can’t let him find you. I don’t think I could bear it. Please go.”
Rose nodded. “I will but first, I have something for you.” She pulled a long dark blue cloth out of her pocket and ran it between her fingers. She glanced at him with sheepish brown eyes. “When I first came back to this universe, I had a hard time believing it was real. It was hard to believe that I had escaped my wretched circumstances and that I was home. Sometimes, the thing that grounded me was the smell of the TARDIS, especially the jump seat because I could smell you there. I know that sounds a little creepy but it really did help. So, at risk of sounding completely mental, I brought you this.”
She passed the silky blue cloth through the bars of his cage and he accepted it with a question in his eyes.
“I wore this to sleep last night,” she explained with twin patches of pink heating her cheeks. “So, when I walk out that door and you inevitability try to convince yourself that this was all a dream or hallucination, I want you to look at this and know that you’re wrong. You can see it, you can touch it, you can smell it. This is real Doctor...and so am I.”
He looked at the soft material pooled around him and brought it to his nose, filling his lungs with her scent. A small happy sob burst from his lips and he wondered if it would look pathetic to wrap the entire thing around him. He looked up with tears of joy in his eyes. “Thank you,” he croaked past the lump in his throat.
The sounds in the corridor grew louder and the moment was broken as they both looked up in panic.
“You need to leave, Rose.”
She looked back at him with her brows drawn in sadness. “I don’t want to.”
“I understand, trust me I do, but-“
“I know.” She bit her lip as if waging an internal war to get her feet moving. “You remember what I said, alright?”
He nodded.
“See you later?”
“You better,” he replied with a watery smile.
Steeling herself, Rose kissed the tips of her gloved fingers and pressed them to the door of his cage. She snatched up her weapon and draped her necklace around her neck as she rushed to the door. Rose looked back at him once more before she walked through with a whispered, “Love you.”
The door closed behind her and the Doctor tried not to panic. Rose was gone as quick as she came. It was hard to believe that she wasn’t an apparition but he looked down at the gown around his feet. The Doctor gave in and pull it around his shoulders, wrapping himself in her scent. Rose was home, she was real and she was his...for now that would have to be enough.
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elilovesu · 2 years
Chapter 5~
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Miles’s POV
I’m going crazy.
Gracie Abbott what have you done with me?
The day after we got kicked out of their room was… interesting to say the least.
At breakfast she was whispering and muttering something profusely to Ames but immediately stopped when Theo and I arrived at the hall.
The usually snarky comments and glares were no more at literature which was unfortunate because that was the only thing getting me through class. 
The worst of everything was how I got zero reactions every time I made a playful comment about her. I used to revel at her red face and deep calming breaths but today all I got was indifference. If anything, she seemed to avoid me. 
“And that my friend is how my masterplan will end,” I said as I crossed my hands behind my head and leaned back on my seat.
“That’s a terrible plan,” Theo said in a monotonous pitch as he flipped another page of his book.
“Oh come on, it’s a great plan,” I said, feeling defensive of my brilliant plot.
“Aren’t you dating that girl- Breanna?” Theo said, finally looking up to look me dead in the eye.
“Yeah no, that didn’t work out, busy schedule”
“Your excuses are getting lamer by the day,” Theo replied, going back to reading.
What the fuck-
“What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” I said, feeling very confused and in the dark.
Theo looked at me, this time in annoyance and it made me furrow my eyebrows as I waited for an answer expectantly. 
He simply sighed before flipping another page.
My face screwed up even further in confusion at the random throw of her name into our conversation.
“What has Gracie got to do with any-”
The realization set in mid sentence and it made me want to barf my intestines out.
“You know what Theo? Your humor has gotten stronger, kudos,”
At the lack of response I felt the need to defend myself, even when knowing very well that I do not have a reason to.
“Are you kidding me? Gracie?”
“Theo, do you hear the words coming out of your mouth? You sound insane, that's what you sound like,” I nod to reaffirm what I said to myself. 
“I would never ever in a million years find someone like Gracie worthy of cutting off my relationships for, and besides, have you seen how she looks? Like, have you really seen how-” 
I was cut off mid-sentence when I looked at the open hallway surrounding the courtyard during my spiel. There she was, the very topic of our conversation, holding her books to her chest as she walked backward, throwing her head back in laughter at something that Amelie said.
I felt my eyes following her path and my lips morph into a barely-there smile.
Happiness looks good on her.
But of course, Theo likes to ruin moments so he snapped his fingers in front of my face, succeeding in getting me out of my trance-like state.
When I looked back at him, he was wearing a cocky smirk on his face.
He’s been hanging out with Ames too much.
“Shut up,” I said, shoving my books into my bag.
“Listen, mate, I’m just saying-”
“Don’t,” I said, getting up from my seat.
“You still carrying out your plan?” He said with a small chuckle as he went back to his reading.
Oh, you cocky mother fucker.
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I am,” I said firmly to which he replied with a thumbs up, still reading his book.
“Good luck mate,” he said with a soft laugh as I walked away.
I flipped him off hoping he was still paying attention, a small smile of amusement slowly creeping onto my face.
Gracie’s POV
“No, Camille, I don't see it,” I said after letting out a deep calming breath.
“Oh but I do, everyone does,” She said and pointed to ‘everyone’ that consisted of the girls in our class who had gotten some ludicrous information about what Miles was doing in our dorm yesterday.
“But he seems so infatuated with you Gracie, and you looked so cute today, trying to avoid him, didn’t she?” She asked looking around once again, everyone following through by nodding their heads in agreement.
“Please, as if he and I cou-”
“Just tell us what you two did, it isn’t that big of a deal,” Camille said, leaning on her arms that were on my desk.
“We did nothi-”
“Jesus Christ, he spent the night over ok? He does that sometimes. There, are you happy now?” Amelie said with a roll of her eyes, finally breaking from her silence beside me, making everyone get into pairs and groups as they giggled and whispered.
“Ames!,” I said in pure shock as I tried desperately to retract their ideas from what Amelie said.
“W- we did not-do… anything-,” I said hoping to diffuse the rumors I can already imagine getting out of hand.
But alas, it only led them to get more excited with their whispers and giggles as they left the table, ganging up with other pairs and gossiping profusely.
I could only stare at them in fear while Ames let out an amused chuckle beside me.
I turned my head slowly to glare at her as she showed a full-blown grin. I tilted my head in accusation and she followed with a shrug.
“ Hey you wanted them gone, I got the job done,” She said as she crossed her legs and arms in her seat.
I showed her a sarcastic smile in return.
“Sure hun, of course, you did, and made them think I slept with him too!”  I said with a sarcastically cheerful smile that dug daggers into her eyes.
Her smile slowly disappeared as the realization set in.
“Oh fuck-” she said in a whisper and I nodded while shoving my books into my bag.
“Mhm, mhm, oh fuck indeed,”
“Where are you going?” She said as she followed my movements.
“The library, I was hoping to get some shit done there anyway,  it’s also somewhere he will never be, which is good it would be too much if someone saw the two of us even crossing paths today,” I said as I swung my tote bag over my shoulder.
“Oh, do you want me to do something while you’re gone?” Amelie said, slowly getting up from her seat, looking regretful.
“Yes, make sure to shut up any rumors, and please make sure Miles does not hear anything,” I said to which she raised her hand in salute.
“Yes ma’am,” She said in an attempt to get me to smile which she succeeded in.
“Thanks, love,” I said as I placed my hand on her shoulder and left a small kiss on her cheek. 
Ames looked back at me, flustered, muttering a soft ‘no problem’ before rushing out of the room.
It had been about three hours since I had become well settled into my work when I heard the loud boisterous presence I had been dreading to hear all day, making my senses heighten.
I looked up from my assignment research and let my eyes roam around, hoping that my worst nightmare wasn’t coming true.
But remember? God hates me.
Because when I turned my head to look at the library corridor, there he was. Miles, in all his annoying glory.
What the heck is he doing in the library?
“What are you doing here?” I asked in a hushed shout, leaning forward so that he clearly heard me.
He looked around with a smile as he picked up a random book from the cupboard beside him.
“Studying,” He said, waving the book as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
I felt my face heat up in frustration before I took a deep breath to calm myself.
“Ah, the lady finally wakes from her slumber,” He said as he walked over to my once peaceful spot before dragging a chair out and sitting on it, backward.
“You've been very un-Gracie-like today,” He said pointing at me in reply to my face that was scrunched up in confusion to his previous comment.
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” I said quietly as I went back to highlighting my research.
“Why is your face so red?” He said, tapping on the table obnoxiously loudly and I could just hear the smirk in his voice.
“My face is not red,” I said, trying to subtly cover my blushing face with my hair because it was indeed, quite red.
“Whatever you say, Gracie,” He said as started to tap on the table with his other hand as well, finally getting a rise out of me.
“That’s it I’m leaving,” I said, packing up my things.
“Oh but why? This is so much fun, just you and me hanging out,” He said with an awfully cheerful smile, turning around in his seat, his eyes following my walk out of the hall.
I stopped in my tracks, ready to throw some snarky comment but stopped, letting out my signature calming breath instead.
“I’m tired,” I said as I continued to walk towards the door.
Unfortunately, Miles is dumb so he didn’t get the hint asking him to leave me alone, instead opting to follow me out.
“Milady, “ He said as he did a stupid bow and placed his hand on the doorknob, turning it around.
I watched as he struggled to open the door, jerking it back and forth.
Jesus Christ, what a baby.
I let out a frustrated sigh and shoved his hands away.
“It’s just a fucking door you dumb baby,” I said as I jerked the door backward, almost falling back at it not opening.
“Dumb baby huh?” Miles asked from beside me, crossing his hands across his chest as my panic started to creep in.
“Jesus Gracie, you shouldn't commit too soon to your snarky remarks if you don’t-”
“What’s the time?” I said as I quickly turned to face him.
“Huh?” He replied, caught off guard by my interjection.
I muttered a ‘Jesus’ before gripping his hand and turning it around, looking at the time on his watch.
Maybe it was my nerves trying to comfort me but his mouth immediately shut and I could hear him gulp at my actions.
“What is it?” He asked, his voice quite a few decibels down than normal.
“It’s 11:05,” I said, slowly letting go of his hand.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“The library closes at 11:00,” I said equally as quietly.
“Holy fuck,”
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velnica · 2 years
Singing Along Ch 3 - No Chance, No Way
Fandom: FFXIV
Ship: Sanson/Guydelot
Tags: Modern AU/University, Falling in Love, Meet Cute (emphasis on cute)
Rating: Explicit (later chapters)
Accepting the VIP tickets to Heresy’s concert was just the start of Sanson’s troubles.
Mentions of drink spiking
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“Vodka?” The Hyur nodded. “I didn’t put you down for someone who drinks.”
Sanson frowned, “I’m not so ‘stiff’ that I don’t partake in enjoying alcohol, Guydelot. I just don’t drink often, and only with friends usually.” The Elezen just shrugged, though he kept this little info firmly in his memory bank.
“Well Sanson, I don’t see anybody here except you. Didn’t want to dance?” Again his friend became quiet, the little scrunch of his eyebrows telling Guydelot that he was blushing again. He cursed the darkened room for making him miss out on the full visual.
“It’s no fun dancing when you’re nearly fifth-wheeling… Um, where are you going?” Sanson watched confused as the keyboardist slipped out of the booth before turning around and extending his hand towards him.
“I’m taking the fifth-wheel out for a spin,” Guydelot replied cheekily, thoroughly enjoying yet another fluster. He’d lost count by this stage.
Sanson looked at the proffered hand warily, like he’s listing all of the pros and cons of this offer. With a mischievous grin, the Elezen wiggled his fingers, snapping the Hyur out of his reverie. He saw Sanson take a deep breath, looking up at him with hesitant eyes for a moment before taking his hand.
“You’re incorrigible… This better be worth my time!” Guydelot grinned wider as he yanked Sanson out of the booth and onto the dancefloor.
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