#I bet most of you are confused on who is who so uhh asks are open ig??
max-the-silly-guy · 2 months
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That one scene from the pilot redrawn with my craftworld hotel AU
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lcandothisallday · 1 year
Request: Jeremy promised he’d be home in time to go grocery shopping with you but he completely forgets about it and when he gets home you give him the silent treatment. 🫢
Silent Treatment - Jeremy (WMCJ) x f!reader
gif by the wonderful @harlowgifs
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“Jeremy,” you call out to your boyfriend who was fidgeting around the living room, throwing items into his gym bag. “Jeremy did you hear what I said?”
He lifted his head up and looked at you confused. “Sorry what?”
You groan. “I asked if you’re joining me for grocery shopping later today.”
“Uhh yeahhh,” he dragged out while still looking around. He was too distracted for his own good. “We can go at like 7?” he suggested.
“Yeah sounds good,” you confirm with him. “Are you okay, Jer?” you pout, your arms wrapping around his neck to get him to focus back on you. “Seem distracted.”
Jeremy nodded. “I’m fine, baby,” he smiled, his hands falling to your hips. “Do you have a hundred though?” he asked with a mumble.
You furrow your brows and pull away. “What do you need a hundred dollars for?”
“I just need it—”
“Jeremy we can’t afford non-essential expenses,” you sigh.
Jeremy ran a hand through his hair in stress. “The guy who owns the gym won’t let me use the court to train my client if I don’t pay for a month’s membership—and the rest is for gas,” he lied.
Truth be told he was using the money in pick up games here and there to help Kamal come up with money to play in a competition together. While most of the time they end up winning said pick ups, there have been the occasional ones where they lose and have to give up their bets— and he wanted to avoid any incidents if possible.
The only issue was, he was lying to you. You didn’t know he was playing basketball again. The both of you had agreed he’d stop for fear of his health and to focus on building a life together.
Of course you didn’t know any better and his excuse was one that made complete sense so with a sigh, you walked over to your purse and pulled out a one hundred dollar bill from your wallet. “Try not to use all of it up…maybe then we can buy ourselves some wine as a treat,” you giggled, insinuating that it was a luxury, as you handed him the bill.
Jeremy grinned and leaned his head down to press a kiss to your lips. “Thanks, baby. I’ll see you tonight.”
You sat on the couch with your arms crossed and an annoyed expression on your face. It was now nearing 9 o’clock and Jeremy still wasn’t home. You had called him maybe 4 times to remind him of your plans and to see where he was but he never answered, forcing you to go alone.
Something felt off the entire day but you weren’t in the mood to find out tonight.
9:40 is when Jeremy finally unlocked and walked through the front door. He dropped his bag onto the ground and plopped down next to you, his hand moving to rest on your thigh. “Missed you, baby,” he hummed, moving in to press a kiss to your cheek but you swiftly moved away, ignoring his entire presence.
Jeremy looked at you offendedly before he scanned the room and noticed the grocery bags still laid on the kitchen counters. You hadn’t put them away in pettiness. You wanted it to be loud and clear that he messed up.
His eyes finally widened in realization. He had blown off your grocery shopping plans. “Shit y/n I’m sorry—I totally forgot.”
You continued to stare ahead ignoring him. He deserved the silent treatment. “Baby come on—talk to me,” he groaned.
Instead of replying and speaking your mind, you get up to finally put away the groceries with him following behind you hopelessly. “Y/N,” he called out sternly. When you didn’t show any response, he stopped in front of you and snatched the bag of bread out of your hand to stop you in your place. Now he was getting annoyed. “We don’t give each other the silent treatment,” he reminded you as he stared you down.
You couldn’t help your scoff, your arms crossing over your chest in defence. You looked away and Jeremy clenched his jaw before his hand came up to redirect your gaze back onto him.
“Where were you?” you finally speak up, gazing up at him.
“At work—you know that.”
“Jeremy I’m not stupid!” you exclaim, throwing your hands up in exasperation. “You blew me off completely! If you were busy then you could’ve just said that—I asked you for a reason,” you pointed out.
Jeremy shrugged. “I didn’t think training would run this late,” he mumbled, but you only shook your head. You weren’t having it anymore.
“You’re lying to me,” you say accusing him. “You come home later than usual every day—you’re always tired—always looking for extra money—you stopped caring about your drinks all together—not to mention I’m like pretty sure you’re back on the pills--so what’s going on?!”
Jeremy shook his head in denial. “Nothing is happening, baby. I just genuinely forgot. The training session like I said went on a bit longer cos the kid needed work— then I hung out with Kamal. It’s just groceries,” he muttered under his breath. “No need to get all worked up.”
You’re in disbelief. “I know it’s just groceries! It’s the thought, Jer. You’re keeping something from me! Are you cheating or something?” you ask softly, looking down in fear of the answer.
“Woah woah woah! How did you get that I’m cheating from all of this?!” he yelled, clearly offended at this particular accusation because he would never hurt you like that.
“Well what other conclusions should I draw?! Jeremy—you’re acting different,” you whisper, your eyes gathering with tears. “I just want you to be honest.”
“I’m not cheating,” he reiterated sternly. “I really was with Kamal—we…I started playing ball again with him…been doing pick ups to make enough to enter a competition,” he sighed, finally spilling his big secret.
His honestly was a relief. “Jeremy—baby your knees,” you say softly, your hands moving to hold his. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“But baby if we win we’ll be set,” he says hopefully, his eyes lit up with a passion. “I’d be able to take you on that Hawaii trip you’ve always wanted to go on—we could finally buy a new mattress—I’d…I’d buy you a nice fucking ring,” he whispered.
“I don’t need any of that, Jer. I just want you,” you whisper back, your arms wrapping around his waist. “I want you to be safe and healthy…and happy. So if playing basketball will make you happy—”
“You make me happy,” Jeremy interrupted but you laughed and shook your head.
“So does basketball and I don’t wanna be the reason you have to lie and sneak around to partake in your passion,” you sigh. “I love you too damn much,” you mumble against his lips before kissing him softly.
Jeremy kissed you back, his hands moving up to cup your cheeks to deepen it. When the two of you had to pull away for a breather, he rested his forehead against yours and smiled. "How are you so perfect?" he mused.
Your cheeks flush and you shook your head. "I'm not--"
"Nah you are," Jeremy said again. "Any other girl wouldn't have been so understanding."
"I think you underestimate just how down bad I am for you," you giggle, your fingers now playing with his beard. "I only see my life with you in it and I don't want it to be filled with lies...I wanna be able to support you, wherever or whatever it is you choose to do. It really is that simple," you shrug.
Jeremy felt like his heart could burst at your words. "Exactly why you're perfect," he smirked, giving you another soft kiss. "I really am sorry for forgetting about our grocery run."
"Kinda worked out...I didn't have to get your weird vegan substitutes," you teased, causing him to laugh. "But you definitely need to make it up to me..."
"How so?" he mused, a playful smile dancing on his lips as his hands moved down to massage your hips.
You shrugged, your own smirk growing on your face. "Hmm...I'm thinking maybe something that involves a bed...and your mouth..."
"Bet. Let's go."
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wosowrites · 1 year
I Can Be Your New Home (Jessie Fleming x Reader)
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Warnings: None
A/N: how cute is this gif!! it’s a long long fic so settle in. based off this request:
Prompt: In which Jessie is homesick so during a training session, you make sure to do a bunch of little things to make her feel better.
You and Jessie had clicked instantly. You were bubbly, smiley and outgoing off the field, and on the field you took a new role. The one of the stone cold, rough and slightly reckless player. However Jessie was more reserved, quiet and introverted off the field, she really found herself on the field. Jessie had been with Chelsea for a month now. It was the middle of August and London was as rainy as always.
Jessie arrived to training at 9:20, as an on field training session would start at 10:00, while a recovery gym session would take place for an hour from 11:45-12:45. Most of the team was on the pitch, hiding from the rain under the sheltered benches. "Jesus. I was really hoping to have a sunny session today." Sam groaned, slouching down lower in her seat.
Jessie was looking around the field, searching for you. She did that every day, even though she knew you always came a little later than you should. Jessie’s hood was up and her hands were hidden under the long sleeves of her coat. "I bet you’re missing sunny California now, Jessie." Erin said.
Her comment was harmless, absolutely innocent. But the thing Jessie had failed to mention to anyone on the team, was how horribly home sick she was. She missed London, Canada, but she also missed LA, where she had spent years playing soccer under the sun. The only time she felt good, the only time where she forgot how far from home she was, was when she was with you. Jessie’s eyes welled up, tears streaming down her cheeks, causing the players she was close to (Sam, Erin, Magda, Pernille and Niahm) to widen their eyes in panic. "I didn’t mean too-" Erin started saying. "No. No. I’m sorry." She sniffled, quickly rushing into the interior of Cobham, leaving a confused group of blues.
You were driving peacefully in your car. It was 9:25 and you were jamming out to music, singing to yourself loudly. You were a horrible singer, and any time you wanted to annoy your teammates, you would sing them a song. Your music was annoyingly interrupted by an incoming call from Magda. You answered it. "Hey, Mags." You said to her. "Y/n. How far from Cobham are you?" Magda asked. "Uhh… like 10 minutes." You answered, switching lanes. "Damn it." Magda said, and you heard mutters from around her. "Why? What is it?" You asked. "It’s Jessie. I don’t know what happened really. One minute she was looking around and the other Erin mentioned California and she started crying and rushed inside. No one wants to go talk to her because she’s so… well she’s shy. You’re the only person who can get her out of her shell." Magda said. Your heart raced as you heard Magda say there was something wrong with the Canadian. "Okay. I’ll be there in five." You said to her, entering the highway. "You said you were ten minutes away." Magda said. "I will be there in five." You said sternly.
You hung up Magda’s call and quickly pressed your foot on the gas.
As promised, you were there five minutes later. You rushed out of your car, grabbing your bag and hurrying towards the field in your slides. "Where is she?" You asked a group of the girls, they all pointed towards the door leading to the Cobham changing rooms. You nodded sternly and tossed Millie your bag. "Catch."
You didn’t waste time looking to see if she had caught it or not, instead, you pushed open the doors and walked towards the changing rooms. There were two, you chose the left one. You were right. Jessie was sitting on the bench, her head in her hands. She was still wearing her wet raincoat. "Jess?" You said gently. Her head shot up and you saw her bloodshot eyes. "Hey. Sorry, I’ll be out in a minute." She said, her voice shaky. "No, it’s okay. And you can take all the time in the world. Can I sit down?" You said to her, ending towards her slightly trembling frame.
She nodded and you took a seat beside her. "What is it?" You asked her. "And don’t say nothing because I can be really annoying and I’ll get it out of you." You told her. "You aren’t annoying." Jessie said. "I am. Magda made me promise not to be annoying to you for the first three months. It’s been really hard." You told Jessie.
She let out a laugh and you subconsciously smiled wildly. "Did she really?" Jessie asks, looking up from her feet to look at you instead. "Yep. Payed me twenty pounds and everything. I get twenty more if you don’t complain about me by the end of the three months." You added. "Well i’ll make sure not to complain then." Jessie smiled. "Thank you."
There was a pause between you both, broken by you repeating your question. "What’s wrong?"
"Im homesick. Like… really homesick. And it’s so stupid because I’m a grown adult and I was barely homesick when I went to university but now… I don’t sleep, I have trouble eating. Everything is unfamiliar." Jessie confessed to you, looking back down at the ground. You took a minute to think, wanting to say the right thing. "Jess, it’s normal. You just moved to a whole new continent in the middle of a pandemic. You can’t go see your family, and they can’t come to you. And that… I can’t relate and I don’t know how it would feel but your obviously close with your family. I don’t blame you. You have a sister, right? Elysse?" You asked. Jessie’s head shot up at the mention of her little sister’s name, and her brows furrowed in confusion. "How do you know her?" Jessie asked. "She followed me on instagram. The last name caught my eye. Some wild fan probably talked to her about me." You joked. "That would be me." Jessie said. "Really?!"
Jessie laughed again, when she laughed, you felt good. "Jessie if you miss your family that much, if you miss your friends from UCLA then that means there’s something to miss. And that’s good. It means you have people back home that love you. When I moved to London I was 19. I’ve been playing for Chelsea for 3 years now and not once have I missed my family. We were never close and they were never good to me. So moving here was a relief more than anything else. When I go back to the Netherlands, it’s to see my real Dutch family. Viv Miedema, DVD, my international teammates. And you… you have your family and all the Canadian team. I know missing them hurts, but it’s just a twisted way for your mind to tell you how much love you have for them."
Jessie seemed deep in though and the tears were back in her eyes. "Shit. Fuck I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you cry again. I-" You started saying in a panicked tone. "No, no it’s not you. It’s me. You’re just right. You’re really right." Jessie said.
There was a knock on the door but it didn’t open. "Wait a second." You told her.
You slipped out of the room to find Magda on the other side. "Could you tell Emma we need a couple more minutes. Oh and tell the team that if anyone looks at her weirdly I will kick the ball at them so hard that they’re organs come pouring out of their mouths." You threatened.
That was a genuine threat, your shot was incredibly strong, you had once broken a net by shooting it at the post so hard, and during practice penalty kicks, Emma didn’t let any keeper go in net for their own safety.
Magda nodded to you. "She’s okay though?" Magda asked. "She’s fine mom." You teased her. "You’re funny." She said sarcastically before heading back outside, pulling her rain coat over her head.
You walked back into the changing room where Jessie seemed to be sorting herself out. She had re done her hair and splashed water on her face. "I wanna do something with you." You told Jessie, patting the spot next to you on the bench. She sat down and looked at you. "Okay, go ahead." Jessie said.
"I’ve heard that one of the hardest things of moving somewhere new is that you don’t know anyone. There are no other Canadians here, and I get that, there are no other dutchies that play for Chelsea, so you don’t really really know anyone. So get to know me. You tell me a fact about you, and i’ll tell you one about me. No follow up questions aloud." You told her.
She seemed to contemplate the idea, having always been a reserved person, but eventually she gave in. "Okay. You go first." She said, bringing her legs up on the bench and sitting in a criss cross position. "I love skincare. Like I have so many products and I spend all my money on it." You told her. "Hmm. I still hold the record for fastest 5K race at my high school." Jessie said. "When I was nine, my dream job was to be a trophy wife. I just wanted to marry a rich man." You told her, making her laugh. "I’ve had four dogs, all of them golden retrievers." Jessie told you. "I’ve never told anyone this… but on my first cap for the Netherlands, right before we walked out of the tunnel, I was so nervous I threw up. And then I went on to play 90 minutes." You told Jessie. "Didn’t you score like two goals on your debut?" Jessie asked. "No follow up questions!" You grounded her. "Okay one last thing from both of us because we need to go to training." Jessie said. "Deal."
"I hate being in front of the camera. It gives me so much anxiety." Jessie said. You had noticed that. She would often hide behind you while walking out of the team bus or in other situations with photographers. "Hm. Well, I’ve been cheated on twice and one time by Sam’s teammate which is extremely awkward." You told her. "Really? That’s horrible. But who?" She asked you.
You stood up and extended your hand for her to take. "Jessie Fleming. Have you learned nothing? No. Follow. Up. Questions." You said.
She groaned and you laughed, opening the door for her and letting her out. "You’re okay though. Right?" You asked her, grabbing her hand and gently rubbing your thumb over the back of it. She looked down at it before looking at you for a second. "I am now." She said.
You walked out, your heart racing and not letting go of her hand. You only dropped it when you guys made it outside. The rain was still coming down heavy but as promised, the girls weren’t looking at you. You ditched your jacket and threw it to the side of the field. "You’ll be cold!" Jessie told you as you both jogged towards the group who were doing a rondo. "I won’t."
You trained for a bit less than two hours and then you went inside for a gym session. Everyone was given a quick fifteen minutes to dry up and that’s when you regretted taking off your coat. Everyone was soaked but you… it was a whole other story. You and the girls changed, and when you took off your shorts and your shirt, you realized how the rain had soaked your underwear and sports bra. You groaned loudly as the wet fabric, making the girls look at you. "Holy shit you’re soaked." Guro laughed at you as you slipped on another pair of shorts. "Thanks, Guro. I noticed." You told her. "Urgh the material is sticking to my skin this is gross." You groaned. "Should have worn your coat." Jessie said as the teamed looked at her shocked. "Is Jessie Fleming being cocky?" Sam asked, walking up to her and shaking her shoulders, making her laugh. "I learned from the best." She said, nodding towards you. You took a bow and then walked into the washroom to stand under the hand dryer to try and dry your bra. You were in an awkward position, trying to get under the dryer when the girls walked in, phones out and filming you. "You guys are assholes!" You yelled at them, flipping them off. "Oh this is gold." Magda said. "I would expect better form you Eriksson!" You told her. "C’mon, the captain needs to have a little fun too."
Due to the material of your sports bra, it did not dry, but you went to the gym anyways and did your sessions. The photographers were there, taking pictures and videos of all of you. The camera man came up to you and you jokingly flexed your bicep, earning wolf whistles from the team. The media team was filming one of those videos, he had been filming your workout, along with other players. You saw him heading towards Jessie’s direction and you stopped your reps to walk over to her. You stood behind the camera man who was about to start filming and ushered her towards you. She got up from rolling out her muscles and walked towards you. You put your hands on her shoulders and spun her around so that you were standing between her and the camera.
The camera man panned around the room and he didn’t get a shot of Jessie as you stood in front of her. "Thank you." She said. "It’s all good, but you should get used to the camera, it’s a big part of our job." You told her. She nodded, understanding and smiled at you adorably. "Hey, spot me?" You asked her. "Of course." You guys headed towards the bench press section and you put the weights on the bars. You completed your reps, too busy on making sure your posture was good to notice that Jessie was looking down at you with a special look in her eye, and you were both too focused to notice the camera filming you.
The gym session ended and you all went back to changing room to shower and then put on your change of clothes. "You guys wanna get coffee?" Sam asked the group as you all changed. The rain had stopped so you put on a pair of white shorts and a big yellow crewneck along with white socks and your favorite beige air Jordan 1’s.
Most of the girls already had plans but you didn’t, and to your joy, Jessie didn’t either. So, you, Magda, Pernille Sam, Guro, Zecira, Lauren, Jessie and Niahm all walked to the parking lot in a big group. Everyone took their own cars to get to the outdoor coffee shop you guys loved, and Jessie, who didn’t have a car yet, ended up carpooling with you.
"You should get a car, Jess." You told her, plugging in your phone to the bluetooth and starting up the car. "Driving in London makes me nervous, the sides of the road are different." Jessie told you. "Ahh, I understand that. Then I’ll drive you." You told her. "Where do you live?"
Jessie gave you her adresse. "That’s only like ten minutes from my house. It’s barely a detour. Let me drive you, please." You told her, looking away from the road briefly to give her your best puppy eyes. She cracked immediately. "Fine."
You cheered and Jessie laughed. What you hadn’t told her was that you did not live ten minutes from her. You lived about thirty minutes from her. But you would have drove an hour to have her in your car every morning. To have her to yourself a bit longer than everyone else.
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youngwritersmember · 10 days
A Young Heart (fem reader and Neil Perry, NOT AN "X") (1959)
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summary: Silly 12 year old reader has a innocent crush over her family's guest, Neil Perry. (NOTHING SEXUAL JUST AN INNOCENT CRUSH!!!)
tags: Fluff (ig?), the reader is 12 years old, THIS IS NOT A SHIP FIC!!!11!@!!, the reader uerhmmm has a innocent crush, her friends keeps teasing her lololololol, this is just a happy and innocent fic
a/n: Okay okay, this fic, like i said, is nothing anything weird, you know how your like young and you get like a innocent crush on for example on uhh a neighbor, something like that, that's also so why its a "reader and Neil Perry" not a "reader x Neil Perry" because usually those mean something romantic and since the reader is 12 and Neil is 17, i just made it "and" so it won't look weird....You know what i mean.
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Your father and Mr. Perry has been good pals ever since you guys have moved into the neighborhood, though you see Mr. Perry a lot, visiting your house and drinking with your dad, you've never seen his wife or son, though you heard from Mr. Perry that he had a son and also from your girlfriends that Mr. Perry's son was quite good looking, you didn't care because you only went outside most of the time to just play with your friends and also you thought that boys were stupid, as the saying goes "Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider" or at least that's what you think.
The date is June 27th, 1959, it is 6:30 pm, your father enters the room to tell you that the Perry's will come by to visit.
"[Your name]! The Perrys will visit soon! Be a good girl, alright? Look formal sweetie" Your father smiles as he walks over to you and kneel and kiss your forehead and pinches your cheeks.
"Wait dad, as in, Mr. Perry and his family?" You asked, confused but also curious as you start brushing your hair.
"Yup! Better style that bob! Make sure to not cut it even shorter without us knowing! Or will shave off your hair!" Your father teases as he mimics a shaver and he laughs
"Dad!" You laugh happily as you brush your curly bob, last week, you cut your own hair without your parent's knowing, it came out messy and unsymmetrical so your parents had to get you a bob to regrow it out
"Alright honey, better must go by and get the beer" Your father gets up and approaches the door and looks over at you "Mr. Perry is gonna bring a record player, better dance for us, Clara Bow!" Your dad jokes once again and laughs as he exits your room.
As you brush and style your own hair in the mirror, you can't help but think 'Why couldn't they just do it in a restaurant? Why in the house! They'll see my ugly baby pictures!', you sigh and get up and approach your closet as you choose a dress, you picked a simple blue dress given to you by your mom for your birthday, as you fix yourself and the dress in the mirror, you hear the phone ringing and your mom calls out to you "[Your name]! It's your friend, Barbara" she calls out for you as you quickly dash out of the room and walk down the stairs quickly "Dear! Be careful! You might trip!" your mom comments regards your fast and excited demeanor, Barbara is your best friend since the first grade, and more friends, as you take the phone and answer:
"Hello?" You say excitedly and smiling.
"Hey! You wanna play later?" Barbara asks happily
"Awh shucks, my my dad's pal's family is coming over to our house" You say with a sigh in a sad demeanor
"Oh? Who?" She asks curiously as she watches cartoons that can be heard from the phone call
"Um, the Perrys" You say uninterested
"Oh them! Oh I've seen their son, he is quite the looker" She giggles "I heard, their son is like this super duper smart kid"
"Yeah right, that's what you heard, I bet he's just gonna be like every boy, going to Jupiter and get more stupider!" You laugh as check up on your nails
"But he's an exception, I heard he's like really nice" She defends while biting a cookie, so her voice is a bit mumbled
"Yeah, right" You scoff, you always thought boys were stupid, so it never really crossed your head about a smart, good looking, boy
"Alright, gotta go, mom's nagging me to do homework, bye bye!" She says with a sigh then ends the call
"Bye!" You say to her in the call before she ends the call, as you put back the telephone and you sigh, now your best friend won't be there to accompany you while the Perrys will be there
"What's wrong honey?" Your mom notices while she put's the chicken inside the oven
"Nothing mom" you tell her as you play with the spatula covered in chocolate as you take a whip of it and lick it off your finger.
"You know, dear, their son, Neil Perry, is a really smart kid, I think you two would get along, and he can help you in your school" She smiles to you while she takes the spatula and continue to whisk the chocolate.
"Err, boys are just stupid" you scoff as you look at your mom and then out of your window
"Hey! Watch your language! He's older than you so behave!" She reprimands you while whisking the chocolate.
You sigh and walk away and walk over to the couch to lounge and watch cartoons until the Perrys arrived, you watch cartoons just so you can distract the thought of the Perry's away from your head.
After about 30 minutes, you hear a doorbell, you thought it was your father coming back but it was your father and the Perrys
"I'll get it!" Your mom shouts as she quickly runs over the door and open the door.
"Welcome!" She gestures the family and her husband inside the house with a smile "Food is almost ready, [Reader], the guests and your father is here"
You sigh, you're a bit shy so you hesitated at first to stand up from the couch but when you did to face them, your feelings instantly changed, suddenly your cheeks go red and hot as your mouth goes a bit agape, you didn't really think the son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry was anything special until you finally met him
"This is my son, Neil Perry" Mr. Perry introduces his son to your father as you watched, they both shake hands and your father introduces you to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry
"This is my daughter, [your name]!" Your father introduces to you happily to Neil Perry as he urges you to shake hands with him
"Hello, [your name], pleasure to meet you" He smiles politely to you as he leans downs a bit to shake your hand
"Hi" You greet him back, feeling giddy inside as you shake hands with him, to you, he looked like a prince, your girlfriends were right, he is good looking, you let go of his hand and turn to your mom "mom, I'll just excuse myself real quick" you say to your mom as you walk to the bathroom and lock yourself, you sit down on dried floor as you squirm and giggle to yourself while covering your mouth, you've never realized you would develop a innocent crush on the neighbor's son but now you did and your heart is fluttering, you thought you just found your prince (a/n: THIS MEANS NOTHING WEIRD JUST A LITTLE INNOCENT CRUSH!!! You know when your kid and you gain a crush and you think they are like your 'prince' or something, something like that yadiyada).
"Dear! Dinner is ready!" Your mom calls out for you as she knocks on the bathroom door
"Oh- uh- I'll be there!" You say out loud to your mom as you quickly fix your dress and your hair, as you come out of the bathroom, you see that their is a remaining seat for you, beside Neil Perry, Neil looks at you and smiles and pats a seat next to him, you slowly walk over to seat next to him and sit beside him, you try to hide your flustered face from your family, Mr. and Mrs. Perry, and to your now newly crush, Neil Perry.
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Skip to after dinner
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Your mother served dessert on the dinner table, chocolate-strawberry angel cake, your favorite! As she serves cake slices to the guests and her family, she gives you slightly more bigger piece since she knows you love this dessert, as you eat the cake slice, having some frosting on the left side of your mouth, Neil notices it and smiles and taps your shoulder
"Hey, you got something on your mouth" He says quietly to you as he points to his mouth where it is located, he watches you trying to locate where it is with a friendly smile and laughs and takes a tissue and wipes it for you out of kindness and politeness and pats your head, he is a really kind man and also a extroverted one so he thinks your just like any regular 12 year old kid.
"Oh thank you" you mutter and smile, you feel your cheeks getting hot and your heart fluttering at this kind act, you look away and look down as you hide your flustered smile, the family talks for a while, the stay in your house for about 3 hours until it was getting a bit late and they decided to leave, as they greet each other goodbyes, when it came to you and Neil, he pats your head and smiles and tells you:
"I'll see you, [your name], oh and, better keep it down while you play, heard a lot of complaints of noisy kids" He laughs with you as he smiles and offers you a piece of caramel candy "Here, you can have my last remaining candy" he offers you his candy out of kindness
"Oh, thank you," you smile as you look up at him and accept his offer "and I'll make sure to keep it down with my friends while we play" you smile happily and Neil smiles back and ruffles your hair and leaves the house with his family, you look down to your hand with the piece of candy, you smile happily and you quickly run up to your room and and throw yourself to your bed, still holding unto the piece of candy, you scream in the pillows out of joy and happiness as you roll back up in the bed, sighing with a smile and put the piece of candy on your nightstand and get up to start dressing back to your pajamas, when you finish, you lie on the bed as you hug your pillow and rolling to the side where your window is located, the moonlight making hovering over you as you watch the moon and stars, thinking about him until you fall asleep.
──── ⊹ ࣪ ˖♡˖ ࣪ ⊹ ────
Skip to the next day
During school
──── ⊹ ࣪ ˖♡˖ ࣪ ⊹ ────
The date is June 28th, 1959, at 8:30 am just the day after that wonderful experience, you are waiting for math class to start, usually you felt bored waiting, but today everything changed, you were drawing your crush on your math textbook, not realizing that your friends has already arrived and are watching you from behind, watching you draw Neil
"Is that who I think it is?" Barbara whispers in your ear and you jump out of surprise, quickly closing your text and looking away
"N-no!" You try to hide your flustered face, but you fail miserably and it shows towards your friends as they laugh at your flustered face and you start to laugh with them too.
     🌸>  フ      |  _  _ l      /` ミ_xノ      /      |     /  ヽ   ノ     │  | | |  / ̄|   | | |  | ( ̄ヽ_ヽ)__) Okie dokie, thats it, bai bai :D  \二つ
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rw47vr-key · 2 years
Still in love with your lies (part 4/4)
Previous parts here
A/N: I'm really late with the update🧍‍♀️I'm so sorry😅 . And a huge thank you for those who read and the encouragement!🌟 . it means a ton❤❤. I'll keep talking alhhzzxggh , wishing you a great day/night wherever you are 💕
Warning: angst,hurt,swearing, death,mention of guns Errors, plotholes ahead I'm sorry
Character profile: (skip this if you don't want to see it again ♡)
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You are killing MC too!? F**k! Are you kidding me?? That was not the deal I signed up for!!!", Frederick screamed on the verge of tears.
"Yeah!! I only wanted her to be resigned! ", Evelyn gritted her teeth.
" And I only wanted Jake dead! ", Frederick added.
"Jeez you two! ,stop! .My ears will start to bleed", Reynold grumped. " She is dying for sure.And you have to accept it, if you love your own life", he said , drumming his fingers on the table.
'Agent R3(Reynold) ! Agent R3! I found some new file here! It is the memory card, I'm damn confident!",an excited Oliver shouted via the transmission earpiece.
"What? In MC's laptop?! Well, killing three birds with one stone , I like it! Bring the file then! ", Reynold replied and cut the connection.
" MC would have probably known the half truth by now.Finish her Frederick.Poor MC, I bet she'd be worrying about me too, her sweet brother. Hahahahaha"
But Frederick stood with his eyes shut, tightening his fist.
"Aargh, It's not the time to mourn for your unrequited love, dear Frederick. Don't you dare turn against me! your mom and sister won't be alive then! You hear me!? ", Reynold cussed.
" Uhhhh did the head ask you, I mean...'us' to do this? ", Evelyn intervened nervously.
" He did order to kill the hacker. If vampire knows our attempt to get rid of MC, our heads will roll down. We'll just say she betrayed the team like I already planned. And you, dear Frederick, speak something or else… "
"Hahaha unrequited love? .I'm on my way to kill them, so don't touch my family , ok? ", he stressed his last words and stormed out.
⚠ Warning: Hacking detected in your system⚠ Your Username : MC Hacked Device : W3l6005 yyy model laptop
"Jake! what is this?? How…", she jerked her head in the direction of the guy who had installed nymos in her device, earlier when his persuers(her FBI team) were trying to hack her phone. She overall forgot about this ' bot thing' . The most surprising moment is,she didn't know he had also installed it in her laptop.
" Uhh , I remember searching for all the devices you used by inputing your name , and I got 2 results. This phone and your work-related laptop. First and foremost,I wanted to download it in your personal laptop. "
"I have one", she interrupted.
" Yeah,but I believe it's registered with your real name", he stated. "Gimme here, let's find out who is the actual perpetrator. " Once she handed it restlessly, she ran to open a hidden closet near the bed. She took out a laptop and something similar to a remote and sat beside him. "In the meantime, I'll open this laptop for you", she said for which he hummed affirmatively.
"What most likely will be the reason to hack my device?. Are they trying to frame me as your partner in crime? ",she scoffed.
"That is one of the least reasons",he said without even taking his eyes from her laptop.His fingers were moving faster before she could process what he was actually doing with it.
"Mmmhh.they found the evidence in your laptop. What a lovely coincidence", he said quite amazed.
" What evidence? Is it some sort of memory card that has info about the government?", she interrogated.
" That's what I stole. Yes, you're right", he smirked.
"But I heard that the files saved in the memory card, that we seized from you, showed an error.Why should it be found in MY device?", she was totally confused.
As the screen showed 'welcome', he quickly connected the phone with the laptop wirelessly and started running some programmes. " Few minutes and then we will get to know the problem", he exhaled.
"Spare me those few minutes. Stop talking in riddles like you always do", she snapped. " Explain it quickly, mister hackerman".
"Ok, where shall I start? ", he tilted his head to stare at her eyes.
"Hold on", she shifted her gaze at a bag that was lying on the floor.
" There will be an FBI jacket inside it. You don't want to be shirtless while on the run, do you? ".
" No, I do not wish to ", he chuckled while he unzipped the bag. " Fortunately, the jacket is here".
He wore it and sat little closer to her than before.He let out a huge sigh to gather his thoughts. "I had a best friend who was a journalist. He was far too genius and competent to work in a not so famous tv station. He…met with an accident and passed away suddenly. Do you know who he had contacted the last before his death? ",Jake stuttered.
"You? ", MC choked remembering the time he told about how he had been on the run for four years and how he had lost literally everything. Maybe, his past hit harder only now , since she came in face with reality.
" Yes… it was me. I missed his call ,a grave mistake on my side. You would have probably guessed what I would have done next. I started finding out who he had called and where and what he had been doing a few days before his death.But, I found nothing significant.Then at last, I searched his journal records once again. After giving a closer look, I could understand some files were missing in his system. As if someone got rid of them on purpose. I.. I was able to find only one incomplete file after so much effort. It was regarding the government. I realised he was trying to reveal that information which ultimately ended up getting himself murdered….So I started my own research.
"I…put my hands on a… Let's say 'the darkest secret' that should have never ever been found? I'm pretty sure I found a lot more on the topic than him(Jake's friend). Anyway,my goal was the same as him, 'to expose the secret'. I sneaked in to the place where the database of our government is, in order to steal the memory card that holds the truth. I could have just copied it when I hacked, but I didn't want to do it that way. Because… "
"Jake,I get it , somehow ", she muttered. " I'm really sorry. "
She was about to reach for his hand but immediately withdrew hers.
What has gotten into me? Trying to show him sympathy after all that I did to him that shouldn't be done?
He glanced at the anxious expression in her face and her hands that she kept on fidgeting.
"MC,You don't have to be sorry.And I can absolutely hear what's on your mind. You think you have always faked yourself for your job. As much as I had come to know you, your past-self or your true colours, it doesn't matter either way; I would say that you were never fully successful in faking your gentle heart. Trust me", the softness in his soothing words, echoed in her ears.
"Umm how,how am I connected to the evidence? ", she dodged the situation with a question.
"I prepared a backup plan.If someone hacks or aims to delete the evidence, I designed it in such a way that the data will automatically transfer to a random system within 500 m radius.I think the memory card is somewhere in and around your device. "
"Cracking the password isn't alone enough ,huh.But how did they know about this? Wait, you can randomly transfer data and retreive it without any hindrance!? Is that even possible?", her curiosity and confusion reached a peak.
"Well,It additionally needs my fingerprint and face recognition.But they were ,maybe careful not to let even a single system near me. "
"Mmh yep, last time when the former investigation team caught you, you did your hacking magic by pretending to unlock the card but distracted them and scurried.That story was popular for days", she added.
"Haha,That's why your department might have preferred hacking. To answer your remaining questions, I guess they were trying to frame you as a culprit for a matter unrelated to me, but to their astonishment, they found my files. And yes,It is quite tricky, I agree , but you know who I am", he grinned.
She narrowed her eyes. "I think I've heard enough. Back to the current affair, did you find the actual perpetrator,sir? ", she raised her eyebrows. " My laptop is in my office probably.It's definitely someone from my team or team 3", she said letting out a mirthless laugh.
"Who do you suspect? ", he asked MC who was pressing a button in the remote and a hidden door opened behind the wall. "I suspect everyone except my brother".
But Jake was very much awestruck to respond back to her." Wha- What is this?! A secret door!?".
" Agent M7, Some agents are on the way to your ward", a voice from MC's walkie talkie interfered their conversation.
"Got it, N7(Natalie.Enable the cameras exactly after 30 seconds", she replied and quickly switched off her walkie talkie. She typed the password to open the secret door that leads them out of the headquarters. This pathway is only known to Section 7 team.
" Yes, Jake! Hurry up and switch off my phone as soon as the hack is over! We've to go! ", she yelled.
"Alright! ", he did as she told and with the laptop in his hand,and hopped to the other side of that door alongside her.
" Disabling all the cameras in and way to the infirmary was a good tactic,honestly.You were basically giving them the exact route, MC", Jake sighed.
"I'm not such a fool, Jake. They'll find it sooner or later, it's obvious. What I wanted is to buy us time, even if it's just 1 minute. Also, you know", she turned on a switch and the whole path was lit with neon lights.
"Disabling particular cameras are also necessary for this door to open", she remarked as she shut the door.
" I see. Oh, I think I found our perpetrator", he said tapping on the enter key. "I enabled the front camera since it looked like someone manually used your laptop to hack. His name is Oliver Leonhardt, he's new in your team, right? "
"Urgh, I pretty much guessed it was him.Who I needed to know is the one who commanded him. Is it vampire? ", her body stiffened, afraid of what she is about to know.Interns are usually appointed by the head,but she can't entirely assume that he would be her rival. " Let me hear it before I feel too much betrayed".
"Umm, I checked his browsing and call history , the main name enlisted here is Reynold Callihan ", she didn't even spin around to see Jake. She simply stood in front of him, her words stumbling unable for him to understand, the heavy sickening feeling swelled in her heart while she shook her head weeping inaudibly.
A warm hug from behind her was the only factor that ensured her that there is atleast a single soul she can trust and accepts her. The utmost infinite separation between her heart and Jake's was almost today, incomparably reducing.
-Time skip-
MC and Jake luckily escaped to a nearby abandoned building. Yet, a few agents followed them and continued targeting with guns. MC meticulously shooted them and protected herself and Jake, finally hiding behind the stacks of lumber. They stopped for a bit to catch their breath and also for Jake to retreive the file.
"The evidence is with us right now. To those people, I made it look like they secured the files themselves. Do not worry, I will reveal this evidence publicly once we reach my hideout. "
MC slumped down , rebelling with her tears. "Whatever you do, please don't take me with you. It's for your best".
He placed his hand tenderly on her cheek. " Please ask anything else except ,me leaving without you.Nothing is best than the love I have for you."
"I hurt you so badly! so many times! ", she cried. " You don't deserve someone who betrayed you and I definitely don't deserve a second chance. Not me, not the one who broke you the most! ".
He rested his forehead on hers and pulled her closer with his other hand for a hug, "I will take it all granted as your another form of love. And I'm not giving you a chance as you think; We will love from the beginning, from square one. "
4 gun shots and 1 person's scream overwrote the surrounding's calm aura.
"Did you hear that? I'll dispose both of them without any trace, R3", the shooter talked in his phone.
" Great job Frederick! Throw them in the sea or burn them as you want it! Hahahaha", Reynold roared since he tasted his victory.
-The next day-
Location: FBI headquarters, whole squad meeting room - In The noticeboard
One of the famous, skilled members in our FBI committee MC aka M7,who betrayed by working with the most wanted hacker was shooted on spot on account of her attempt to flee. The team that she was leading will be taken over by N7 aka Natalie .Jake, the hacker was also killed as………
Natalie read and repeatedly read this notice, wishing it was just a horrible dream.
"You are the only one in this room. How much more hours are you going to stare at it?", someone asked, holding on to her wrist.
She whirled around recognizing the voice. " Frederick! I can't imagine you killing our leader! I beg you! Tell me it's ALL a lie! ", she sniffed.
He dragged her to a place where there were almost no people at sight and whispered something in her ear. She had her hand over her mouth and swore she won't tell anyone else what she had heard.
-A week later-
Hey Frederick! Hope you're doing well. How is it working with your new team leader? Please don't annoy her as you did when I was there. Kidding. Anyway,I wanted to tell you that we are safe thanks to you. Your acting during that call was amazing,not bad. I also hope your mom and sister are doing fine. That's it,i guess. Take care. Also, I am sorry and thank you again,Frederick.
PS: Don't forget to send me back a reply in this same email id!
"MC,I made sure to release the evidence as if it was published after our death.Your comrade did a wonderful help by faking our deaths!.Likewise,I got our passports ready! Mmh,What are you busy with? Texting your ex-boyfriend? ", Jake teased, throwing himself in the bed aside her. " Hey, he is not my ex! On the contrary, it's not too late for me to leave you and run with him", she said chuckling. "My apologies"Jake said rolling his eyes , his face sullened.
" Alright, alright, which country are we visiting as our first date? ", she jeered.
"The country that you have in mind, MC", he smiled closing his eyes, and then awoke from the bed to face her. " You never told your real name! May I know what is it? "
.・゜-: ✧ :- the end  -: ✧ :-゜・.
Thank you so much for reading! ❤
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banana-boots · 2 years
incase you felt you needed it, you have full permission to use the idea of a Deity!Captain :D - 💫
fjshbdkd thank you i could not get the idea out of my head so i ended up writing something that was uhh... 800+ words long 🙈
the ao3 link is here or the fic is below the cut for ppl who dont use ao3 <3
The End of a Journey
At first, Mark was a little confused when he receives the message about the new captain. The previous one had been doing good, hadn't they? Either way, he was curious to see what the new captain was like.
When the new captain arrives, Mark is… entranced. That's the only word for it. Their entire body is covered by a spacesuit, helmet and all, but there's just something about them that means he just can't look away. Mark can't describe it but he knows the other crewmates feel it too. He's noticed the way they always find a reason to linger in the captain's presence.
They shrug and carefully remove the helmet. When Mark sees them, he freezes (it wouldn't be the first time their presence had done that to him). They're attractive. Ridiculously so. And it's clear that Celci and Gunther feel the same. But is less bothered, having already gone back to reading whatever book he had this time. When the captain notices all of the attention on them they blush and excuse themself from the room, putting their helmet back on as they did so.
One day, at a meeting, Celci and Gunther ask the captain why they always wear their spacesuit helmet. They say that they're not entirely sure.
"Why don't you take it off, Captain? I bet it'd be more comfortable." Gunther tells them. Mark suspects he and Celci had been planning this.
That evening, Mark finds himself sitting around a table in the cafeteria with Celci, Burt and Gunther. Most of the other crewmates have gone to bed for the night (other than those working the night shift) and the four of them are sipping on coffee for a lack of much else to drink. It's as they sit there, talking about nothing in particular, that conversation turns to the captain's appearance.
Mark just watches on, slightly confused. The captain had long curly hair, didn't they? A though crosses Mark's mind. It's a silly thought, of course it's not possible. But, for some strange reason, he decides to say it out loud anyway.
"I wonder if they would let me braid their hair?" Gunther wondered.
"It would be highly impractical to braid such short hair." Burt tells him.
"I wouldn't call their hair short, I could definitely braid it."
"No way." Celci cuts in. "Their hair was way too short, you would hurt them if you tried to braid it."
Mark has several theories. All of which are, quite frankly, terrible. Siren, shapeshifter, faery… None of the seem to fit quite right. It's not as though he can ask them. So he pushes the thought aside.
"What if each of us saw something different?"
"Sorry?" The other three turn to him, varying amounts of confusion displayed on their faces. "What do you mean we all saw something different? That doesn't make any sense." Celci tells him as though he's out of his mind. Which, frankly, he might be.
"Think about it. How can their hair be both long and short, it can't. Not unless we're seeing something completely different. And I'm betting you guys didn't see their brown eyes either."
There is a moment of silence as the trio think back, then, one by one, they all shake their heads.
Thoughts have a terrible habit of sticking around, though. And so, it's as the Invincible floats in orbit of the planet that will become the new colony, Mark corners the captain. They're in the small "living room" that the senior crew members share (it's more of a glorified staff room, really).
"Hey, Captain? Could I have a word?" Mark asks.
They're a little surprised that he's here and not overseeing everything at such a busy time but they agree with a nod of their head.
"I've, uh, been noticing things about you that are a little… off. You never eat or sleep, Captain. And the only time you took off your helmet, everyone saw something different under there. What's going on?"
"Ah… I figured someone might notice. I didn't expect it to be you, if I'm honest."
The glow surrounding the captain grows overwhelmingly bright. When it subsides, they're gone. Mark is alone. He daren't dwell on the captain's disappearance, though. He had a colony to settle. And a new journey to embark on.
It could be Mark's imagination but they almost appear to be bathed in pale blue light. "I'm a deity. The God of Safe Travels. I've been watching you and your ship. And the journey you've been on. The care you put into this ship is rare, I had to see it for myself. And I'm glad to have helped you to your destination." The glow surrounding them grows brighter. Mark is certain he's not imagining it.
"What are you doing?" He steps forwards without realising, his voice laced with confusion.
"This journey has come to an end. You don't need me anymore. You don't need a captain. But a new journey is beginning. One that you get to lead." They place a hand on his cheek, he doesn't even realise that there are tears rolling down his face. "You will do well, Mark. I'm sure of it. I wish you safe travels in this next chapter of your life."
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alphabet boy II
SYNOPSIS: college AU. Armin, your brilliant tutor, invites you over to his house for some studying. Naturally, you're nervous and he seems to be giving you a reason to be.
PAIRING: SCUMBAG!Tutor Armin x FEM!Reader
WARNINGS: half edited, noncon/dubcon, fingering, non-penetrative sexual content. gaslighting, manipulating,
A/N: really need the motivation to write again and I've been slacking on my multi-parters so here's a somewhat highly anticipated one. Armin fuckers, this is for you. non-Armin fuckers, I hope this converts you
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II. I.
“You’re not paying attention.”
You feel his voice right by the shell of your ear, and the proximity nearly makes you reel back in surprise but you manage to catch yourself.
“S-sorry” You apologize, wishing you didn’t stutter.
The thing is you’re just really out of your element. This is the first time you’ve been to Armin’s house for personal tutoring, and it was hard to focus on the material when his presence was so distracting.
It wasn’t like you were fantasizing about him or anything [well…]-you always tried to banish those thoughts as soon as it came. But still, being alone with an attractive boy with a disarming charm was causing some jitters. You felt like a shy middle schooler, on edge and jittery.
The last tutoring session in the library when he [basically] called you stupid plagued your mind. The memory of him feeling up your thighs lived in your head rent-free.
“Let’s take a break.” He sighs. Your heart drops at the noise of disappointment but you suppose it’s what you deserve.
You push your laptop lightly aside on the table, the bleak light straining your eyes, and ask for the bathroom. You just wanted to freshen up and be alone for a few seconds. The bathroom is meticulously clean, something even you knew was unexpected for a boy. You looked at yourself through the spotless mirror, scrutinizing every flaw.
You sigh, fiddling with your dress collar. Why you had tried dressing pretty for a boy so out of your league, he may as well be in Mars--you didn’t know.
When you return, there is a tall glass of lemonade waiting for you.
“Thought you might be thirsty.”
It’s a simple gesture that makes you blush so you thank him earnestly. Like the gentleman he is, he assures you it’s no problem. Not wanting to prolong the awkward silence, you compliment his apartment, “This is a really nice place. So much light and space.”
You’re babbling but he engages you regardless, and you two are mindlessly discussing the benefits of living at off-campus housing over dorming. His words are pleasant but there’s a sinking feeling within you as you notice he’s bored. Or maybe distracted was a better word.
“So, do you have a boyfriend? Or anyone you’re seeing?”
You nearly choke at the question uttered through a buttery voice.
“Oh um, not really.”
“Not really?”
You made a mental note to answer in definitives. Armin seemed the type to snuff out anything he reasoned as half-truths.
“No. I uh, don’t have a boyfriend.” And then you clarified a pin-drop later, “And I’m not seeing anyone either.”
The blond hums a playful tune that’s vaguely nostalgic.
“Have you ever had a boyfriend?”
You don’t understand the point of this line of incessant questioning, and can’t calm your heart rate.
“I-um, I don’t-“
Taking one look at your serious face, eyes rimmed with worry and cheeks pink, he laughs. It’s a startling sound like bell chimes.
“Relax. I just wanted to know if you had any experience.”
The sentence flies out of your mouth before you can even ponder it: “What do you mean by experience?”
It’s not his fault if he can’t hide the feral grin that crosses his mouth right at that moment. You can’t discern his expression as you’re staring at anywhere but him, so you don’t notice the uncontained excitement that glimmers in cerulean eyes.
“Let’s move to the couch. You’ll be more comfortable there.”
You think about saying that you’re fine wherever you are and didn’t really feel like changing positions, but he’s already striding towards the couch. So you start packing up the materials, before a clear voice calls out to you, “It’s okay. You don’t have to bring all that. Just bring your flashcards.”
You hoped that wouldn’t mean he’d quiz you, but that’s exactly what he meant to do.
“Law of diminishing returns.”
“Wait! I know that one!” You brightly exclaimed, “ Uhh..it gives way to the catch-up effect which means poor countries tend to grow more rapidly and they’ll one day essentially catch up with wealthier economies.”
The blond ran his hand through his hair before sighing. You could feel your heart drop. You were sure you were right. Was your answer wrong enough to cause exasperation?
“Stick with the formal definition next time. I didn’t ask for the theory based on the law.”
You pouted, and Armin couldn’t help but relish in how eagerly you sought his approval, like a puppy performing tricks to appease their master.
“You should sit closer. Can you even see the word?”
You moved closer to him, knees knocking into each other. He looks down at the completed set.
“Well, you didn’t do as bad as I expected.” Ouch. But maybe he meant it as a compliment?
“But,” the corners of his mouth curled, “I’d say you’re still struggling.” Never mind.
“T-this is a new chapter though. I don’t think we’ve even gone over it in class.”
Blue eyes narrow, and you wonder if he’s going to give the well-meaning spiel about how staying ahead was the only way to keep up. That mantra may work for someone with high ambitions and an extremely good work ethic but you were no well-oiled machine. You had other classes too!
“Why are you so defensive?”
Your eyes widen in surprise at the question, spoken so softly and casually, you almost miss the disdained lilt.
“Oh uh-“
“Listen to me. I quizzed you so I’m able to assert your skill level. And your response to my assertion is that it’s something you haven’t gone over in class yet. Do those things relate to each other at all?”
Meekly, you shift your attention to the rug.
“Answer me.”
“N-no”, you squeaked.
“And what have I always told you? The only way to keep up is to-“
“Stay ahead.” You finished, “I’m sorry, I just-“
“Did I say you could interrupt me?”
You could feel the blood rushing to your ears, unsure when the atmosphere had shifted. Your heartbeat was beating rapidly and you could feel your body go warm.
He sighed, and placed a hand over over your folded ones, squeezing your palms.
“You know I’m just looking out for you right? It almost feels like you don’t care-“
“No!” You exclaim, “I-I do.” Heat pools into your cheeks once you realize your grave mistake, “I-I’m sorry for interrupting you.”
The blond smiles radiantly and it nearly melts away all of your worries…until he opens his mouth to deliver another damning remark.
“You know, with your looks…you don’t really even have to graduate. Maybe choose an easy major and then get some rich husband to take care of you.” There’s a distinct lack of humor in his tone as if he wholeheartedly believed every word he was saying.
Your eyebrows furrow in blatant confusion, and in the back of your mind, danger signs are flashing at the back of your head. Your thighs are growing warmer. Oh no, this could not be happening right now.
“That’s what most girls’ dreams are anyways.” He inspects his spotless nails, “You chose this class because Ackerman’s attractive right? That’s why his class has such a high drop rate…silly girls join, not understanding how harsh of a grader he is.”
You open your mouth to defend yourself but the next inflammatory remark he spews almost sends you to shock, “Though I bet, if you got on your knees for him, you’d be getting an A on those finals.” He laughs as if he was saying something particularly amusing, an undercurrent of spite coloring his words, “You wouldn’t even need me as your tutor.”
There are a million things on the tip of your tongue but no voice to speak them out. You want to ask him why he’s been so weirdly invasive, what his weird hang-up with professor Ackerman was, and of course, the casual sexism was really throwing you in a loop. Still, you have no doubt Armin could beat you to a bloody pulp several times over in a verbal lashing, and your mind was too fragile to deal with this.
You’ll sign up for a new tutor or better yet no tutor. You’ll get over your social anxiety and join a study group. You’ll go to all of Professor Ackerman’s office hours. Anything had to be better than this. You’re giving yourself this pep talk in your head but there’s no denying that your legs feel warm, and the self-improvement speech is withering away in your mind as it seeks to instead process how Armin fucking Arltert is touching you right now.
He pins you against the cushions, one hand locking both of your wrists. You’re shaking but your pupils are blown out wide.
He smirks, “There’s an excellent stress reliever for studying you know.”
You limp in his hold but the cocky attitude behind his words brings you back. You thrash under him, earning an annoyed growl from the blond.
“I’ve been so fucking patient with you, you know? Planning out your study guides, sharing my notes with you, proofreading homework, going over the mock exams—don’t you think I deserve a little compensation?”
“I-I’m sorry.”
He's right. He's right. Armin actually has done so much for you. Maybe it was too easy to take for granted because of how efficient he was, and how he acted like it was nothing. But right now, nothing really was everything.
He smiles. Yeah, this is who you were. Add just a little bit of pressure and you crumble. That flash of bravery from before was nothing but a petulant outburst from a child who didn’t know any better.
Armin coos, “Isn’t it a little embarrassing to be a virgin at your age?”
With unbridled precision, while he’s still holding your lower body down with the weight of his legs, he unbuckles his belt and ties it around your strained wrists. Red fills your face, and like always, you’re struggling to find the right words to respond. To say anything at all. Most of all, you can feel a wetness building at your core.
“I know the way you look at me, you know.” He kisses the dip of your neck, slender fingers splayed from under your shirt, “I know you’re into this.”
And because he is a scientist who must have evidence to back up his hypothesis, his hands find themselves under the waistband of your floral skirt that you foolishly wore, pushing the cure pastel underwear aside. You’re writhing in his grasp but maybe not as much as you should be, but it’s not your fault your movements are sluggish right?
“You have such a funny habit of not deleting your windows and keeping your bookmarks open.”
You freeze.
“This entire time I thought you were some prudish virgin even though you dress like a whore. Someone with who I had to be gentle. But all that fucking porn you read? Nasty. Is that why you need help in this class?” He punctuates slowly, "Because you're wasting your brain for something else?"
Immediately, you remember how you left your laptop on the table. You remember how many times he used your computer to double-check the notes, and you trustingly let him, forgetting that despite deleting your tabs, the hidden windows of steamy erotica were not yet erased out of their existence. Embarrassment violently paints your body.
He doesn’t wait or care for your response as he starts a vigorous assault on your clit with his slender finger, rubbing up and down in a vicious manner. The second finger prods at your entrance, feeling a tight cavern despite the amount of slick collected. Your eyes roll back in pleasure-is this what being with someone is like?
Stop. Get a hold of yourself. Why are you so fucking horny right now? It doesn’t matter what Armin said about you or how he called you out for the fiction you’ve read, because this is real life. But Christ, it’s Armin, the boy you’ve had a crush on since the moment he explained to you what a marginal abasement curve was. Stupidly handsome Armin with a gentle voice and too-blue oceanic eyes. Stupidly handsome Armin who coerced you into being under him.
You’re so fucking warm and tight, and Armin can’t wait to sink himself inside of you, can’t wait to humiliate you further. With nimble fingers he untied the ribbons of your dress like you were a Christmas present, groping your soft mounds and marking up your collarbone with teeth and tongue. Crystalline tears roll down the side of your face. You really shouldn’t be crying when you’re this wet.
“So fucking funny how you can’t look at me in the eye when we have a conversation but you read the filthiest fucking smut I’ve ever seen.”
taglist: @candy-hime
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crxxnt-m · 3 years
Request for a short male reader who has Yae Miko and Ei as their s/o(I hope you don’t mind two of them separately)-the reader happens to get flustered easily so-yeah prob just how they would react to the relationship dynamic between them and their s/o-sorry if this seems a bit confusing-don’t have to write it if you don’t really understand it o_O
How they are to a short S/o
Pairings: Yae Miko, Ei X M!reader
Warnings: none, just pure fluff
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Yae Miko
TEASING!! Lots of it
She wouldnt be the type to care about your height, though I know she loves to tease you about it a lot
Dont do teasing well? She would definetly stop if you feel uncomfortable with it
But whenever she does tease you it was always those pick up lines that gets you flustered even more
She loves to see you blush <33
But whenever you do feel insecure, your shyness doesnt work on THE Yae Miko, she knows whenever you feel like your being stared at cause shes taller than you
Is def the dom in a relationship, no one can change my mind
"Are you okay, Traveler?" Yae asks you, as a life of a traveler you were expected to have a lot of injuries at the end of almost everyday "im fine, thank you" you say as she gently looks towards you to see if there were any massive injuries.
"Good, no broken bones" she replies but as she looks back towards you you were already covering the half of your face to prevent her from seeing your blushing face, yae smirks (not me simping)
"Aww, is little traveler flustered again?" Yae says smiling towards you and you immedietly look away and your heart flutters immensely. She grabs your chin to make you look back at her and gives you a kiss on the hand you were covering your face with
"Love you, cutie"
I bet she is also flustered
She loves it when anyone gives her sweets but when you give it, its just a no eye contact blushing party mostly
Please visit her everyday in her plane of euthymia
May or may not spar with her there but most of the time its just you giving her gifts from your travels and spending time together
Doesnt really mind if you are the one who initiates the first moves ;)
"Im back" you say as you enter the Ei's plane of euthymia, seeing her in the same position in the middle of the arena like area. Snapping out of her meditation, she stand up properly heading towards you, you walk forward giving her a big hug and a kiss on her cheek, a daily routine the both of you like to do when seeing each other for the first time once a day, blushing after.
"I, uhh- bought dango milk for us.. I happen to pass by it while doing my commissions" you say trying your best not to stutter, you saw her eyes shine when you bring the certain milk lover her favourite jar. Drinking it and asking if you wanted some as well telling her its all hers
"Thank you, traveler.. For your service here in Inazuma, and for well- spoiling me with simple gifts such as this" Ei says as she hugs you after mostly to hide her blushing face (you are definetly being squished in between her boobs right now)
"Thank you, traveler.. I love you, more than dango milk"
End ~
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yunoysl · 3 years
needy. (m)
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Summary: You probably have the most annoying neighbor to exist. He’s always loud, making you always have to bang on his door to tell him to shut up. One question he asks is enough to have you in his bed.
Pairing: cocky neighbor + fuckboy!haechan x fem!reader
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: slightly suggestive, blowjob, spitting in mouth (idk if there’s a name for it), unprotected sex, small size kink, breeding
feedback is greatly appreciated!
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You hate your neighbor, so so much. It’s an everyday occurrence for him to be LOUD. And it’s an occurrence for you to bang at his door every day telling him to keep it down. Whether it’s plying his music loud, screaming at his computer when he’s playing overwatch, or playing with himself. That you’ve heard more times that you would think to think of. Or bringing girls over and having THEM be loud. It’s annoying.
“Haechan! Open your door!” You bang on his door, positive that you’re going to almost leave a hole.
“Hello lovely neighbor” your oh so lovely neighbor opened his door, a smirk on this painfully handsome face.
“This is the third day in a row. Can you please shut your little girlfriends up” you don’t see the judgement look that the girl he has inside his place gives you.
“Oh come on, being loud is the fun part” you know he’s teasing you
“You love to irritate me on purpose, don’t you?”
“It’s my superpower. And besides, it’s really fun seeing you all frustrated” he gives you his teasing smile that for some reason does things to you. And you hate yourself for it.
“Are you kidding me? Just please keep it down”
“But then you won’t visit me” The teasing smile leaves his face and is replaced with the cutest pout you’ve ever seen.
“You’re so annoying”
“Are you just mad because you’re horny and wanna fuck me?” That caught you so off guard. You can’t deny the fact that he’s really hot, and the way his thighs are hugged when he wears black skinny jea- no stop.
You don’t answer his question, “I’m leaving”
“Same time tomorrow?” He yells out right as you’re closing your door, ready and looking forward to not having to deal with him for the rest of the day.
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“Are you just mad because you’re horny and wanna fuck me?”
Why is that question constantly in your brain. Yeah, you HAVE thought about what it would be like to be in the position of the girls that he invited over to fuck. But that’s it.
Yes, you have used your vibrator while picturing what it would be like to be fucked by your beautiful, tan skinned neighbor who looks like he was kissed by the sun.
You let out a deep, frustrated sigh, reaching over to your nightstand to use your little friend and relieve yourself.
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Of course Haechan would never be quiet, as you’re currently banging on his door again.
He finally opens the door, wearing a pear of black basketball shorts this time, and hair a mess.
“If it isn’t my pretty baby” that is the grossest thing you’ve ever heard from him. But why is it making you fight the urge to smile like a school girl who just asked her crush out.
“I was waiting for you, sweet girl” you don’t know this, but Haechan’s heart was actually beating really fast saying that. He would never admit it, but at first he was loud on accident, not meaning to do it or cause anyone any annoyance, but with his cute neighbors constantly visiting him at his door, he started doing it on purpose just to see your pretty face that he pictures when he’s rearranging a random girls guts, wishing that it was you in their spot.
“H-Haechan....” curse you for stuttering. he wasn’t suppose to be aware that the nicknames he was giving you were affecting you.
“Why are you nervous, princess?” You glare at him. “What? Did you come because I was right”
“Right about what?” You’re very confused, not sure what he was talking about.
“That you want to fuck me” he leans against the door as he stares at you with a knowing glint in his eyes, almost like he knew that you have been wishing it was you he was fuckjng every day instead of someone else.
“That’s not why I’m here, Haechan” he takes a step close to you, his fingertips trailing on your arm and going up to your face, his thumb stopping at your bottom lip.
“Um-umm.....” you can’t let any words out, feeling slightly dizzy at his touch.
“Speechless baby?” His thumb pulls on your bottom lip, rubbing it back and forth.
“I-I.... I forgot I have to take out my trash” Haechan chucked as you scurried off, watching you almost trip on your own two feet.
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“Mark, I can’t stand him! Why did you have to move in with Jeno and Renjun.” You’re currently FaceTiming with Mark, complain to him about Haechan, again.
“It was cheaper this way, and besides you know I can’t cook and Renjun is basically a chef, especially since he was bored in quarantine and got into cooking and baking”
“I hate him. I hate him, with a burning passion”
“You said that he’s hot, so might as well just fuck him” he drives his attention away from you to open a bag of chips, making you more angry.
“Are you on my side or his?!”
“Yours, but let’s be honest babe, you desperately need dick. And if he’s always bringing girls and being loud then obviously he’s good at it” you rub your face, tired because Mark is indeed, not wrong.
“Hi Y/N” Jeno’s voice takes you out of your frustration. You love Jeno, he’s a cutie and a sweetheart — always there to make you feel better when you’re feeling down. His presence just bring you happiness, like a cute little puppy.
“Hi Jeno” Jeno definitely made you forget about your frustration with Haechan.
“What are you guys talking about” Jeno asks Mark as he took some of the chips he was eating.
“Talking about how Y/N should fuck her hot neighbor”
“Oh, you definitely should”
“Not you too Jeno”
“I’m just saying. We’re rooting for you to get that good dick”
“I hate all of you. I could easily replace you both”
“We’d like to see you try to find other people as amazing as us” you would obviously never replace the annoying dorks you call friends, but it doesn’t hurt to threaten them with it a little bit.
“I’m ending this, I’ll call you again later”
“Bye whore” you hang up and sigh. you should definitely try getting new friends.
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You swear this time you’re going to actually murder Haechan.
You’re barely about to lift your fist to his door when he opens it, slightly startling you, “Come inside” he doesn’t even wait for you to come inside, leaving you to close his door yourself.
He has a really nice place. It’s very brightly lit and the white furniture makes it look classy.
“You know, you’re really pretty” out of anything Haechan we’re to talk about with you, him complimenting you is not what you expected.
“Uhh.. thanks”
“I bet you would look prettier underneath me though” and there’s the Haechan you’re familiar with.
“Okay I’ll fuck you” you swear his eyes almost literally popped out of his head.
“Wait, really?” the happiness in his voice doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Yeah. I would like to see if all the noises your girlfriends make is because you’re actually good or they’ve only familiar with bad dick and that’s what they like” he’s quick to carry you bridal style to what you’re positive is his bedroom. He throws you on the bed after shutting his door with his foot.
“What do you wanna do first?” He’s in the middle of making out with you, your salivas mixing together.
“Can I suck you?”
“Oh... umm... sure.” You notice that he’s slightly flustered, acting like this is his first time ever doing anything sexual. He’s quick to unbutton his jeans and slide them off his legs, along with his underwear.
Once he’s bare underneath, he tilts your chin, giving you a quick kiss before placing his tip on your bottom lip. He runs his cock in your mouth slowly. You’re quick to pick up your face, eager to have all of him in your mouth. Your jaw burns from the stretch around him.
He pulls you off his cock to bring his head down to your lips, spitting in your mouth before placing his cock in your mouth again.
“Your mouth is so good” Your head bobs up and down rapidly, his cock reaching the back of your throat after finally getting used to his side. Your head bobs up and down as Haechan’s moans escape his lips, sounding like heaven to your ears. He pulls you off his cock again, making you whine since you weren’t done yet.
He smirks at you, “another time baby. I need to be inside you right now.”
He pushes you down on the bed and climbs on top of you, rubbing his cock over your pussy before shoving it in, bottoming out inside of you. Your head spins faster as he fills you up.
“You’re so warm” he teases in your ear, your mind not caring at all and instead being focused on the please you’re receiving. The sound of skin slapping quickly fills the room. Your eyes fluttering shut as your legs shake.
“You’re so pretty, baby” Haechan hisses as you continuously clench around him. Your mind is foggy, Haechan and his cock being the only thing you’re able to focus on. His grunts spill from his mouth as he quickens his face.
He pounds into you mercilessly, fingers clenching your hips tightly. “Will you come for me?” One last thrust is what has you coming undone, your climax washing over you.
You’re whining and gasping loudly, Haechan groaning in your ear as he cums, filling you to the brim. You cry out loudly as his cum shoots inside you. He pulls out of you once he’s finished, cleaning both of you up before tucking your bodies into bed, both of you welcoming a deep slumber.
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eeunoia · 3 years
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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E N H Y P E N as Vampires
pairings: jake sim x reader
summary: having all eternity to live on, Jake find it lonely to be all alone not until he set eyes over at you.
word count: 5k
warnings: suicide
a/n: Jake’s one shot was a little short but I hope it’s still okay. My recent works had received so much love from you guys! Thank you so much and I love you guys so much! Have a great day. 🌸 (Taglist still open!)
taglist: @rubyanne, @izneos, @jung-breadshop @llamabouquet @eterniki @hwangjangmi @full-sannie @danyxthirstae01 @flowerjaem @dreamykkoo @crjwon​
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“Go to hell, y/n!” I shut my eyes tightly as something hit my back hardly when my step sister started throwing things towards me.
I just turned 18 and now they’re trying to kick me out of from the house my Dad had left us. Well, my Mom died when I was just 9 years old. My father got so lonely because of her and he thought I was feeling the same way so he decided to re-marry.
He married my Step-mother four years ago. She have one daughter and they weren’t that nice to me. She just treat me nicely whenever my Dad is around, and now that he left me too. I have nobody else beside me. I’m all alone.
I cried silently as I tried picking up my things that were now scattered all over the floor. My step-mother starred down right at me with no sympathy. Beside her was my step-sister whose smirking widely while watching me suffer. I bet they’ve waited long for this to happen, to get rid of me.
After getting all of my stuff, I started walking directionless. Like a lifeless human, I was walking mindlessly. I don’t know where to go or even what to do. It will be night soon and I don’t think it will be too nice for a young girl to be all alone out here.
I gulped and quickly search for my phone. Delighted to see that there was still a little battery left, I gulped dialing someone.
“Who’s this?” I gulped feeling thrilled that she actually picked up.
“It’s me y/n.” I bit my lower lip and I heard her heavy sigh right away.
We weren’t close and maybe she’s even annoyed that I gave her a ring but I don’t have anyone else to call. My hand automatically made its way over to my lips as I started biting my fingernails.
“Why did you call me?”
“U-Uhh.. I don’t have anywhere else to go. My step mother kicked me out and--”
“And you’re calling me right now because? Hey, not because i’m the class president you're allowed to do this.” she sounded so sarcastic and annoyed at the same time.
You were silent for a while. You can’t fully blame her, to be called out of nowhere by someone you’re not close with will definitely weird and creepy. Not to mention that you’re one of the most bullied students in your class.
“Can you p-please help me out? Just this o-once. I just don’t know what to do anymore.” you’re mind are all messed up. No thoughts at all, the fact that you’ve been kicked out from the house where you spent your whole life with was still not sinking in to you.
Your eyes can’t even produce any tears at the moment. You feel like you’ve been crying too much that you actually got tired of it.
A sigh from the other line was heard and it pulled you back to reality, “What do you need?”
“C-Can I stay with you? Even in just a few--”
“What? No way! Don’t you have anyone else?” she sounded more irritated. Feeling more anxious about it, you gulped.
“I have nobody else.” you’re voice sounded so low and lifeless. Having nothing else to push you to live anymore, your last resort was to just take your own life.
“Ugh, why do you have to be a sore loser?” you bit your lower lip trying to ignore her rude comment. You have no one else who can take you in for a few days while you look for a job.
“Fine. Just go here.” and she dropped the call right away.
A small smile actually spreads through your face as you headed towards her apartment. Finally feeling like you’re starting to make a change in your life, you plot some plans inside your head. Things you need to do in order to live a better life.
As you arrive at her place, you knocked and waited patiently for her to open the door for you. With an unpleased look, she faced you and lets you inside.
She didn’t even ask if you’re okay or anything. Despite the bruises all over your body, she ignored it and just guided you to a vacant room. It was dusty and unorganized but you can’t complain. You should even be grateful she lets you be here for a few days.
“3-4 days maximum.” she reminded you before going out of the room.
You nodded your head even after she left and roamed your eyes around. Letting out a heavy sigh, you started arranging things so you can fix the bed and maybe get ready for sleep. You can feel your stomach grumbling out of hunger but you ignored it completely. You have no money to buy any food and you don’t want to trouble your class president for food as well. It would be too much hindrance for her.
You slept with an empty stomach that night so when you woke up the next day, you kind of don’t have any strength. When you went out, you saw a note over at the table saying she left some food and some spare keys.
Feeling thankful about it, you had breakfast and made sure you’ll thank her later on. When you arrived school, your step-sister was already there smirking at you. You tried hard avoiding her and just straightly went to your seat at the back.
The students around were starring at you for a bit while and even whispering with each other. Seems like your step-sister had announced at the whole class that you’ve been kicked out from your house. You were wondering what kind of false rumors did she create this time.
“It’s Jake!” your head snapped right over at the door when the girls inside your class got so excited about someone.
Jake Sim. Your eyes settled at the handsome boy who entered the class smiling. He was really attractive and almost the whole class likes him, including your step-sister. She was crazy for him.
You can’t blame her since he was really gorgeous. He’s nice too, always wearing a smile and kind to everybody. But theres just one thing that you’ve noticed with him. His eyes looked dead sometimes. Like even if he’s smiling, his eyes were lifeless.
You jolted a bit when both of your eyes met each other. With light red tinted over your face, you quickly looked away. This isn’t the right time to have a crush on somebody, y/n! You’ve got to find a job first.
After the bell rang, indicating that the class had finished, you hurried yourself out avoiding students. You’re determined to go and look for a job to support your needs.
The whole time remaining, you just tried looking for a job but no luck. You went back disappointed and trying hard to convince yourself that you can try and find for another one tomorrow.
The next days were just the same for you. It was no luck, you feel like you’re step-mother were starting to meddle with it as well. And also, lately, you’ve noticed Jake’s stares over at you during classes. He never done that before, but it was often these past two days. You don’t want to sound assuming or anything but that’s just how you noticed it.
The third day of hunting for a job, it was also a failure. With a heavy heart you trailed over at the quiet street of your town. It was 9pm, almost 10. Less people can be seen outside. After some rumors about the missing persons, people in your town started to be more careful.
Your feet brought you over a bridge. You starred right over at it mindlessly. Mind completely blank with thoughts, your mind wondered over those timed when you’re still happy. When you’re Mom was still there, back when you still have someone to lean on.
For the first time in days, you felt your eyes teared up. The image of your Mom that were always so clear for you flashed back right in your mind. Her comforting smile and warm hugs, you sure miss them the most. You cried silently while walking towards the edge of the bridge. You starred right down, it was the cold river.
With eyes full of tears, you roamed them around trying to check if somebody else was there. You wiped off your tears and started climbing over it. You have no will to live anymore so you just decided to take your own life.
Trembling a bit while standing at the other side of the bridge, you starred right down beneath you. The water looked so cold and dark. Feels like you’ll die right away once you jumped down.
Having just both of your two hands and the little space your stepping on as the only things that keeping you alive, you started battling with your own mind. Being completely confused, tired and lifeless, you really wanted to jump off.
“What are you doing?” your eyes snapped open and looked over at your right.
You gulped, eyes grew a bit at the sight of somebody in front of you. He was starring right at your eyes and you saw how cold his eyes were again.
“What are you doing here?” you asked him back emphasizing the you at him. Jake pursed his shoulders and even leaned over at the railings of the bridge beside you.
He’s acting like as if you were not at the other side and life’s in danger.
“Taking a stroll.” he casually answered.
“At this time?” you asked doubting him.
He smiled a little after nodding his head at you, “How about you? What are you doing? Are you gonna jump off?” he asked and starred down over the river.
You gulped, “N-Nothing.” if anything, you don’t want to cause trouble to anybody else.
He chuckled lightly, “Doesn’t seem like nothing to me.” he tilted his head then eyed you back.
“You’re planning to kill yourself, aren’t ya?” he asked, his accent popping a bit. You gulped, guilty. You were silent because one, he knows. Two, he still look gorgeous even if it’s dark already. The only light you guys have was the one from the bright moon.
“I don’t have any will to live in this cruel world.” your voice were low. The wind blew right towards at both you but you saw how he starred right over at your eyes.
There was a moment of silence before he lets out a sigh, “This world sure is cruel.” he agreed.
For the first time, somebody agreed with you. A small smile appeared over at your lips as you felt your heart races a bit. You don’t know if he’s really agreeing with you or he’s just really kind. Because honestly, there's nothing you can think of a reason why he’ll think this world is cruel for him. It seems like he already have everything and that his life was perfect.
“But if you live in it in a different way, it’ll change.” he muttered meaningful and he starred right at you once again, eyes piercing.
Your brows furrowed in confusion. You don’t get what he just said but even before you can ask him, he pulled out something from behind. It was tumblr?
He handed it over at you with a sweet smile. “What is this?” you asked, one hand holding over at the railing as the other accepted what he handed over. The space that you’re stepping over was enough to keep you steady but you're still holding on over at the steel railing.
“Wine. Might as well have some of that before dying right?” he smirked right at you.
Wondering a bit because of what he just said you looked at him with full confusion, he chuckled opening the lid for you.
“If you drink that, I won’t say any word about what I saw today.” he said smiling at you.
Biting your lower lip, you decided to do what he just said. Taking a sip, you groaned a bit finding it a bit strange. Having your eyes shut, you didn’t notice how Jake’s eyes turned red out of excitement just by looking at you drinking what he just gave you.
“Do as you promised.” you said after putting the almost empty bottle over at the railing.
You wiped over the corner of your lips and saw the familiar red color of wine. After having a sip from that drink, you kind of became more brave to do what you just planned moments ago.
Jake stood just beside you from the other side of the bridge. He watch how sorrow took over your eyes, tears streaming over your eyes. He hates it. All of it. He hates how people were so cruel to you, how you punish yourself from it and how you still try to keep a smile even after being treated badly by this world.
His face turned serious as he watch you slowly let go from the railing, body falling right over the cold river. He starred over as your body collided at the surface of the water.
He was sure it would take your life. A loss from the human world and a gain to his. With a smirk, he put his hands inside his pocket as he heads down over the river.
He roamed his eyes that quickly turned red and went over the water to go look for your body. He found you pretty much faster than expected, your face was full of bruises and probably broken bones. He gently placed his fingers over at your wrist to check your pulse.
He pulled you out and carried you bridal style, slowly he lets your body over the grass beside the cold river. The silent night even made it more colder but it doesn’t matter because Jake wasn’t even a living person so the cold is nothing to him anymore.
Jake’s eyes turned red as his fangs slowly showed as he leaned closer. A smirk spread right into his face as he felt no heartbeat coming from you. This world had lost you but now he have you for him, all for him.
Jake buried his fangs over your neck and drink from your blood, making all over his veins get too excited.
He leaned away starring right over at your unconscious body. He smirked, wiping off some blood dripping out from his mouth, “You’re gonna be with me forever, y/n.”
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Your eyelids felt a little heavy as you open them slowly. An unfamiliar ceiling greeted you that made you furrowed your brows a little. You were confused where you were so you stood up.
You roamed your eyes around at the place. It looked elegant and cozy at the same time. Head aching a bit, your hand rested over at your temple as you try to remember the previous things that happened that can help you to know where you are.
Your eyes quickly snapped open when you remember yourself jumping off from the bridge. You starred right over your arms and you saw them completely fine, both of your legs were fine as well. There's no trace of signs that you’ve committed suicide.
It was so strange because you were so sure that you jumped off. Feeling completely confused, you ran your hands over at your hair and to your surprised, they grew a bit longer. Your eyes then notice how more pale you became.
“I see you’re awake now.” your head snapped over at the corner when you heard somebody talked.
“J-Jake?” you muttered his name.
He smiled sweetly at you. To your surprised it didn’t look so lifeless anymore. It looked livelier for some reason.
Oh right! Jake was there too! He watched you jumped off the bridge. Is he the one who saved you?
He slowly walked closer to you and sat down over at the edge of the bed. You looked at him, a lot of questions were already inside your mind.
“Let me see your eyes,” his voice sound so calm. You furrowed your brows as he leaned closer.
You felt this tingling inside your stomach as he smiled in satisfaction in front of you, “Beautiful.” he mumbled that made you flustered.
Did he just said beautiful?
“Do you feel hungry?” he asked like it's just normal for you to be here inside wherever this is.
“Did you save me?”
He starred at your eyes and he smiled. “You jumped, remember?”
You nodded your head because that’s clearly what you remembered. He nodded as well as he looked over your arms then back over at your face.
“Do you know anyone who lived right after trying to jump off from that bridge?”
You pursed your lips and shake your head no. In the cases you’ve known from your town, nobody ever lived after jumping off. So... why?
“Then... how?” you looked at him anticipating of any answers.
He smiled, hand stretched out over at you. He brushed away some hairs from your face and hung them over your ears. You were pretty sure you were flushed, but for some funny reason, you can’t feel any warmth from your body.
“You said you have no will to live anymore and that the world were so cruel.” he started, you nodded listening to him. He was right about that, even if its a bit blurry, you can still remember saying that to him.
“I told you if you lived it in a different way, it wouldn’t be so cruel. I just did you a favor.” he explained but you were still clueless about the things that were currently.
“I don’t understand.”
He smiled and stood up then walked towards the side table just beside the bed you were tucked in.
“Are you hungry?” he asked while holding something.
You didn’t talk, you actually don’t know. At the moment, you were confused and doesn’t feel anything.
But you felt the sudden hunger the moment he open the lid of the container he was holding. Letting out a small chuckle, Jake walk back to the bed.
“Ahh, I can’t get over with how beautiful you look, y/n. What to do? I think I found my obsession.” he muttered eyes fixed over at you.
You blushed hardly because of what he just said but quickly got distracted over the thing he was holding. The closer he gets, the hungrier you get.
When he hand it over to you, your brows furrowed at the sight of a red liquid inside.
“W-What is this?”
“I figured your body won’t take somebody else’s blood since it's still adjusting so i’ll be your blood bank for the mean time.”
You were stunned at your position when you heard about it. It is blood. Fresh blood of Jake. Why does it smelled so good? It make you drool in hunger.
“Am I...?”
You’ve heard about those things before. They were often became topics specially lately because of the sudden missing people over at your town.
Jake sat close to you, “Yeah, a vampire.”
Your hand lowered letting the cup rest over your thigh, you almost lose your mind. You don’t want to believe it but what else can explain the reason why you’re still here breathing when you jumped off a freaking bridge?
“B-But why? I told you I wanted to die.”
“Well, basically you’re already dead.”
You looked at him, frustrated. Okay, you are dead but that doesn’t even make sense! You're seem like you’re still alive. Breathing, but dead.
“You don’t understand, Jake. I wanted to die because I don’t want to be here. I have nobody else with me.”
His face turned serious and you’re not gonna lie, you somehow felt intimidated when that soft smile vanished from his face.
“Then what do you call me, baby? I’m here for you.” he said softly hand raised over to cup your face.
“Life’s been cruel to you and you were too good for that world.” his eyes turned red and you don’t know but they looked so pretty.
Two sharp fangs showed over from his lips as he smiled at you. Your mouth fell, right now, Jake looked really out of this world. You never know vampires can look this good. The books you used to read never told you they look this attractive.
“Now that I have you, I’ll make sure you won’t suffer anymore. Be with me,”
“Why me?”
Out of all the girls who were giving him attention, why you?
“Why not you?” he said starring right over at your eyes.
You were stunned, silent after he answered that to you.
He leaned closer to you, lips touching your cheeks lightly then over at your ears. It sent shivers over at your whole body but you loved it. Jake’s effect over at you, you enjoyed it.
“I’ll be here for you, y/n.” he whispered.
You gulped, lowering your head as you shut your eyes tightly.
“O-okay.” you answered.
Jake smirked, “That's my girl.”
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You’ve noticed some changes from your physical appearance and even at some aspects of your personality. You’re not that anxious anymore, confidence filled you up for some reasons. It isn’t a bad thing.
You trailed over the empty hallway of your school. Classes already started so you’re now heading over your classroom. You’ve learnt that you’ve skipped school for 3 days already.
Arriving at the entrance of the room, heads turned towards your direction. Looking directly over your teacher, you smiled right at her. She was furrowing her brows while trying to determine who you are.
“Is that... y/n?” you heard one of your classmates whispered.
“I’m sorry for being late, Ms. Choi.” and you even bowed at her.
She looked dumbfounded looking right at you. She doesn’t know how to exactly describe but something changed.
“U-Uh... Ms. Y/n--”
Your teacher can’t even finish what she was about to say when a hand wrapped over your shoulder.
“Sorry for being late, Ms. Choi. We kind of had some problem on our way here.” Jake suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
You blushed but kept still. You were used to Jake’s affection. He’s such a loving person. He took care of you and you never felt that way ever since you’re Dad died.
“It’s o-okay, Mr. Sim. You two can sit now.” she said. The class were still silent as they were very shock at what’s happening right now.
Your eyes traveled over the students inside. They were looking at you in a different way, not in the way how they used to back when they’re still bullying you. Some of them looked at you with confusion, some with desire and some with fear.
You chuckled softly, starring at their pathetic faces. Specially your step sister, her eyes were a bit bigger than usuall.
“Y/n, right here baby.” Jake called you out. You nodded and turned your head towards him. As the teacher gets back to where she was interrupted, you sat down beside him.
Jake rested his hand over at the back rest of your chair. His hands started drawing small lazy circles over your other arm.
He leaned closer, “Did you see their faces?” he whispered at you dropping a kiss over at your shoulder before he leaned away.
You smirked nodding your head as you turned over at him. “They were so surprise.”
He chuckled, “Who wouldn’t be surprise? My girl looked so beautiful.” he said while facing the front. You blushed and you saw how his ears turned a bit red too. You chuckled and just tried focusing at the lesson.
As time pass by, you started to get more dizzy. “I’m dizzy.” you mumbled softly.
“You hungry?”
You looked over at him and slowly nodded your head. He chuckled finding you cute. He rummages over his things and pull out a tumblr. The same tumblr he handed you that night.
He brushed away some hair away from your face, “Take it easy with you in-take of blood.” he whispered after dropping a kiss over at your forehead.
You started drinking from the bottle and felt yourself getting much better. The class continued with you having your meal. Jake find you cute while you enjoy it so much.
When the classes were finally over, Jake and you headed outside the school hand in hand. Students followed both of you with stares full of curiosity.
“Uh, you should go on Jake. I’ll just go to the class president because of my things I left at her place.” you told him.
He nodded his head at you, “I’ll wait for you in the car.”
You smiled at her before nodding your head. When you saw him walked away, you started to walk back inside the campus to go and look for the class president. You did find her pretty fast. She was with your step sister and some from their circle of friends.
“Class president.” you called her out. They looked over you in unison and they looked surprised once again.
“oh y/n!” unlike before, she doesn’t look irritated by your presence. Your step sister was lowering her head as well, trying to avoid eye-contact.
“I’m just gonna inform you that I’ll be getting my stuff at your place later. Thank you for letting me stay.” I said smiling. Well even if she acted annoyed, I can’t deny that she was nice enough to keep me in.
“H-Huh? Why? You know what, I actually felt alone. You c-can stay if you want.”
You starred right at her eyes. Lies. It doesn’t look so sincere like how Jake’s eyes sparkles whenever he talks with you. He was so sincere with everything, warmth taking over you once he started comforting you.
You smiled a little, “Nah, it's fine. I already have a place to stay.”
“Where were you these past days? We w-were looking for y-you!” she said. Again, you can’t feel anything from her.
“I jumped off a bridge.” you straightly told her. She was dumbfounded as well as the other girls that were with her.
After seconds of silence, you chuckled. “I was kidding. Jake kept me in.”
They gulped and obvious envy were over their faces. You sighed and decided you should go on. As you turn around, you felt somebody held your arm.
“Y/n, Mom said you s-should go home.”
You slowly faced her then your eyes trailed over to her hand that was holding you. Her eyes weren’t blank and doesn’t look so rude like always. You were stunned and can’t talk for a while. You don’t know what to response to her.
Even before you can talk, a hand brushes away her hold off from you. A hand instantly held your waist and pulled you closer to his body.
“Her home now is with me.” Jake said and you felt that familiar comfort that you’ve never felt for so long.
Jake guided you away from and you went along without saying a word.
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Weeks passed by with Jake and you’ve been very happy with him. He introduced you to this amazing world he have. Days with Jake was never boring and full of surprises. He clearly made you happy.
You let out a loud breath while you felt his soft fingers caressing your arms while you’re both snuggling close to each other.
You’re both enjoying the silence between you while laying down to your bed.
“How did you turn me again, Jake?” you were curious.
“The wine I offered you that night have my blood in it.” he chuckled remembering what he just did back then.
“Why do you have a thing like that with you while strolling around?” you turn over and rested your hand over at his chest while you lay your head over it. You looked over to Jake and he have this smirk right over his face.
“I was following you around for days and I figured I should be prepared once I saw an opportunity to give you that drink.” he said.
“So you do wanted to turn me.”
“Yeah. You thought I was kidding when I said that?” he raised an eyebrow at you. With a chuckle you nodded your head.
“Jake, I’ve always noticed your eyes were cold before. Why?”
He kept his smile while starring right at you, he sighed then gently brush away some strands from your face.
“You know, not everyone is fond of living forever. I’ve never found somebody who’s willing to stay with me. I was born as a vampire and I felt so alone.” He sound so sad that you actually felt bad for him.
“When I saw you, I knew I wanted you. I told myself I’ll take it slow and won’t force you. But when I saw you struggle in this life and really planned to take your life, I became selfish.” his eyes turned red as he starred lovingly at you.
You gulped cupping his face. “What if I told you I don’t want this?”
You saw pain over his eyes as he held your hand that was holding his face. With soft kiss, he showered your hands with it. “I don’t know, baby. I don’t know if I can let you go.”
You pursed your lips, “I’m all alone in my life too, Jake.” you said and he opened his eyes to look at you.
With affection, your eyes turned red as you leaned closer to his face. “But now that you’re here, I have a home I can call mine. I have a person I can be with forever.” you mumbled and he leaned closer as well for a kiss.
“I love you,” you mumbled.
“I love you, y/n.”
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eclectickss · 3 years
A Little Bit Jealous
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: smut, a lil alchohol
Summary: You are a very flirtatious person except with Wanda...
wanted to write something before vacation as i'm still drawing blanks on PGATW! Not checked or anything oopsie. <3
You were the most flirtatious person you knew... and it was a little bit of an addictive habit. Not really a good one, either, but you didn't care enough to drop the act. You have had multiple people confess their crush on you, which inevitably ended a friendship or two, but most of the time it was just an awkward conversation about how the excessive flirting is just a platonic love language to you.
Part of it was due to your desire to make other people happy and feel good about themselves, and the other part of the habit acted as an emotional reflex. It was your go-to way of avoiding your feelings, as it also provided a boost of serotonin to witness people's reactions to your comments. So yeah, it was literally addicting.
And maybe you knew that... but at the same time, it was a part of you. You couldn't find reason enough to quit.
There was one person though, that you couldn't bring yourself to flirt with.
Wanda Maximoff.
And it wasn't like you hated her or anything... it's just that flirting with her would be real to you. It wouldn't be a game. It would make your inevitable crush on her a reality that you could never dream of passing up.
And maybe you knew that... but you would never admit it to anyone. You wanted your relationship with Wanda to be as genuine as possible, so avoiding your feelings was the way to go.
Wanda didn't really like that, though. She wanted you to flirt with her. She was jealous.
A knock was heard at your door as you were making your finishing outfit touches for Tony's fundraiser party, pushing the rubber back onto your earring. You opened the door to find Wanda in a sparkling red dress, and you willed everything in you to not stare at her image, much less make any comments. She had on a pair of matching heels and vibrant red lipstick, and her hair was pulled into a loose braid that cascaded down her back.
"Hey," You breathed a soft smile, begrudgingly peeling your eyes away.
"You ready?" You knew she had on a grin behind your back as you went to put in your last earring in front of the mirror.
"Yeah." You turned back around to face her.
"You look lovely, by the way..." She said as she followed you out the door.
"Oh... thank you. You too, Wanda." You bit your tongue. Yes, I might look lovely, but you are stunning, baby. A small blush lit your cheeks that you hoped the Sokovian couldn't see.
"Are you excited for the party?" She attempted to make conversation on the way to the elevator.
"Uhh... yeah! I love spending time with everyone when we're not on a mission. It's fun. Plus everyone is always drunk at the afterparty, and it's a great source of entertainment for someone who doesn't drink." You smirked, remembering the last few parties very vividly.
"Right..." Wanda reflected on what happened last time with a tinge of embarrassment. "I think I'll join you in sobriety for this one."
That made you laugh, remembering her previous situation with alcohol.
"Remind me why you don't drink, though?"
You faltered, not wanting to get too deep into a conversation at the moment.
"Uhh... My dad.."
"Hey! Hold the elevator!" You released a breath that you didn't know you were holding as Natasha walked up to the doors. You whistled when she stepped inside.
"Whew Nat! Who are you after tonight? You look hot, honey! More than normal, at least!" You jokingly raked your eyes down her body as she laughed.
"Oh, shut up. I just thought I might have a little fun tonight." She rolled her eyes.
"Well save a little bit of that fun for me," you smirked as she hit your arm, missing the blush on Wanda's cheeks as you talked with nat.
The time for the afterparty had finally arrived as the team had found themselves crowded on the couches once again, inebriated except for you. Wanda had failed at her word of sobriety, but not by much. Tony had found an empty bottle around, so everyone was getting ready for a game of spin the bottle: seven minutes in heaven.
To your surprise, Wanda wanted to go first. You didn't know if you wanted it to land on you or not, but you would find out soon enough that maybe the Sokovian had made it land on you.
"Alright, Wanda. You game?" You smirked.
"I'm the one who spun it, you idiot. Of course, I am." You laughed as the two of you headed over to the storage closet.
"You know, I could have bet that you couldn't avoid alcohol tonight. I should have." You said as you shut the door behind you.
"Oh, come on. I had one drink." She rolled her eyes and you laughed, but no time passed before she asked a question. "How come you don't flirt with me?"
This caught you off guard as your expression dropped.
"Umm... huh..." You had no idea how to respond.
"Oh come on. You practically undressed Nat with your eyes in the elevator and you were all over Sam and Maria tonight. You don't do that with me. Do you not like me, or something? Why am I any different?" She looked genuinely hurt, and you decided at that moment that you couldn't hold back what you felt for her.
You bit back any comments about jealousy or desire, but for once, forced yourself to spit out your feelings.
"Because... Wanda. If I flirt with you, that means it's gonna be real."
"What is going to be real?"
"My feelings for you are going to be real. I wouldn't be complimenting you to give you a confidence boost, it would be to be vulnerable with you. I wouldn't be undressing you with my eyes just to say that you look good, but because I actually want to undress you. And that's too many ideas and thoughts for me to hold onto, Wanda. And if this conversation made you uncomfortable... you can understand why I don't flirt with you, Wanda." You thinned your lips and leaned back onto one of the shelves, nervous for her response.
"What if I don't want you to hold onto those thoughts?" You looked up.
"What are you saying..."
"When you compliment me, I want to know that it's real. When you dance close, I want to know that you feel the same desire that I do. When you roll your eyes at me, I want to know that it's only because I made you feel that way. And when you undress me with your eyes, I want to know that you're actually imagining pulling my clothes off piece by piece, taking your time to treat me right."
Wanda was now standing right in front of you, breathing as heavily as you.
"How many minutes do we have left?" You whispered.
"five and a half."
"No time to waste then," You crashed your lips into hers, relishing in the touch that you never imagined you'd be allowed to have. A little headstrong, you backed her up into the opposite wall, picking her up and holding her against the shelf. Her thighs hugged onto your waist as your hands made their way around her body.
You moved your lips down her neck as you worked to hike up her short red dress, earning a groan when your hands found their way to her ass.
"How long have you been wanting to do this, darling?" Wanda smirked through a heavy pant.
"Ever since we met, baby. I glanced at you and knew I should stop myself before I even started. Why, what about you?" You placed her back down on the ground as your lips drifted onto her chest and your hands found her inner thighs.
"Ever since you made a suggestive comment to Nat. I realized how much I wanted it to be me."
"Jealous, are we?" You smirked against her skin.
"I never said tha- oh," She moaned as you grazed your fingers over her panties.
"Try that again, baby."
"Ok, maybe a little bit."
"Good girl." You nearly whispered as you pushed the fabric aside and slowly dragged two fingers through her cunt. "You're so wet for me, Wanda. It's hard to think I've denied this from you for so long."
"Yeah, well you can make up for it now, darling." Wanda groaned as you continued to lightly stroke her pussy.
"What do you want me to do, Wanda?" You smirked up to her and she glared at you but gave into begging anyways.
"I want you to shove those two fingers inside of me and fuck me like your little jealous slut. I want to come undone to you, darling... I want to be yours. Take me, please."
Both of you knew that Wanda had long since won you over, but her words sent shocks down your spine as you pushed your fingers in. You didn't hesitate to pick up the speed, watching her expressions to see what she liked and didn't. After a curl of your fingers, she gasped, and you grinned.
You continued to work at that spot, slowly working her clit with your other hand.
"Do you wanna cum, Wanda?" You teased and she quickly nodded. You picked up the pace of your pumps and strokes one more time before finally feeling her release. As you slowed her down, you brought your lips back up to hers.
You slowly slipped your fingers out and brought them up to your mouth, groaning as she watched you with lust.
"How much time do we have left?" She croaked, a knock at the door coming shortly after.
"Not happening." She grabbed your wrist and teleported the two of you to her room.
"Are you two good in there?" Steve's voice came from the other side of the door. "Hello?" Another pause. "I'm coming in." He opened the door, but nobody was in there, returning to the group. "It's empty."
Everyone looked confused.
"Hey, Jarvis?" Tony yelled. "Where are Wanda and Y/N?"
"Ms. Maximoff brought Y/N up to her room."
"About time." Nat giggled, followed by everyone else. Of course, everyone already knew.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Requested by anon: Omg hi again may I request a Sherlock Holmes x reader were they get married and have kids! Thank you <3
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Female!Reader
Warnings: One smut-indication?, funny angst, fluffity fluff, no proof-reading
Words: 1,953
Summary: (See Request)
Note: I’m making this a continuation of Reminders if that’s ok with you-
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Taglist: @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @fandom-puff, @darling-i-read-it, @simonsbluee, @thewarriorprincessxo, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow, @missihart23, @beckster07890, @maan24
Masterlist | Henry Cavill Masterlist
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Tears were shed, laughs were scattered, cheers were shouted. Sherlock had made good on his promise and married the lovely beautiful artist. He couldn’t stray his eyes from hers the entire wedding. It was difficult to even form words with how breathtaking the angel in front of him looked. Did they really expect him to say vows with this gift from the heavens standing right before him?!
Although Sherlock found it hard, he managed to spit out the words that caught in his throat. You’d hardly be able to tell he was a nervous wreck; the loving words that should bind them in mere moments came from his lips like poetry.
As soon as they were wed, Sherlock was eager to have his wife to himself. The entire after-party, he sat beside her with his leg bouncing impatiently, and that night he’d made love to her more times than they’d ever done in a week. A new record. He made it known that his promise was good.
What was to come after, though, was surely to be expected.
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“Rin, stop moving sweetie.” She begged calmly for what felt like the thousandth time. Her youngest daughter fidgeted in the chair. She looked like a baby-doll propped up in an adults’ chair with how small she was. Painting her children was not uncommon for Y/n. They loved to model for their mother but most of the time her children could just barely stay still.
Their oldest, Eddie, a nickname for Edward, was goofy and had a heart like his aunt’s, both Enola and Eddie more child-like than times would prefer. Second oldest, Will Claud, short for William Claud, was determined, like his father, but had a habit of over doing it. He was the strict and ...well, the nerd brother. Will Claud just wanted to impress his father and mother, but he seemed to listen to his uncle Mycroft too much.
Next born was Alice. She had her mother’s skill in art as well as her father’s skill in mystery. She and Will Claud were born not too long from each other, so it was no surprise that they were constantly wrestling for the spotlight. Alice didn’t try to outwit her brother as much as he did her, but she wasn’t new to winning.
Finally, the twins; Clayton and Catherine. Clayton was mischievous and didn’t hesitate to make it known, but Catherine, sitting in that chair across her mother as her soft skin is replicated by paint onto a canvas of color, was practically an angel.
While the other children would hurdle over each other to get to their father every time he stepped through the front doors, Cathy would wait beside her mother politely before walking to her father slowly. Her siblings would part, forming a walkway in the middle as if she were royalty.
So then the joke was made and the chair painting was currently underway. They had to find the right chair, and they did. It looked so elegant, so royally distinguished. It looked perfect. Fit for a queen.
And that was what the joke was. That Catherine was the “queen”. Not a very funny one without context, Cathy’s siblings later found out, but a good one to tease her with. However, queen Cathy didn’t mind it. In fact, she was quick to drop into character, the smoothest transition known to man-kind. 
While, yes, Catherine’s character was rather humorous, it still held some concerns. Would she become the lordly queen her siblings tried to paint her as? Would she ever realize it was all a joke her siblings made up? Growing up was never something she forced on her children, but she didn’t want to have them growing too used to a title like that. Y/n joked to her husband one night in bed as they held the sleeping majesty, whom had crawled into their bed without reason.
“I’m highly aware she’s ‘the queen’ and all, but I really hope she doesn’t decide she’d like to adopt the complete role. I wouldn’t be able to stand it if my baby became my nightmare. The other four are already so much work.” She chuckled as she brushed some of Catherine’s hair behind her ear.
Sherlock looked at his sleeping daughter. She looked so at peace, just as she always did, and he nodded yet noted his disagreement. “I doubt she’d ever become such a hassle. She’s been so patient and kind, I can’t see her actually devolving a bad side. Clayton, sure, but his sister?” Their eyes flicked up to meet each others. A beat later and they were in hushed snickers.
“When will daddy be returning home?” She had relaxed her facial muscles, if only she’d done so with her limbs- make it easier for her mother, and held a casual tone of voice. Another thing with Catherine; she was harder to read than most.
“I’m not sure, my dear. He should be back before supper...” Y/n lifted her head to peak over the easel and watch her three older kids as they played with Clayton. He was a tough kid, but always overestimated how tough he really was. Y/n felt concern fill her gut when he first begged to play with his older siblings, but she let him anyways, Sherlock being the one to thank for that decision.
“Good. I want to sit next to him tonight. And you. I want to sit next to both of you, mummy.” She gave her mother a small smile, which she returned, before adjusting to her original pose.
Y/n paused after she finished the details involving the chair and Cathy. “Catherine, you do realize that I sit next to your father at dinner, right? And Eddie sits on his other side...that is, if Willy loses their fight tonight...I wonder why they don’t just take turns...” She muttered the last few sentences to herself in heavy contemplation.
“Mhm! You can sit next to him too!” The little girl watched her mother process her question with wide eyes of anticipation. She realized Y/n still didn’t quite understand and was quick to explain. “I can sit on your lap, mummy! Like when I was this big!” Catherine held up her hands to show an overexaggerated space between her small hands that supposedly represented her only one or two years ago.
“Well... Daddy and I can talk about it when he gets home. Is that alright with you?”
“Mhm! But I don’t want to crush the new me, so don’t be afraid to tell me no, mummy, okay?!” Her innocence was adorable, but not more than the grin that sat upon her lips.
Clayton rushed in, causing Y/n to instinctively reach for her easel protectively. He chortled to himself before announcing what was on his mind. “It’s not a new you, Cathy, it’s a new me! I’ll bet you on it, I’m shore I have the funs!”
“Clayton Luther Holmes!” Y/n’s eyes doubled in size. “Who taught you about betting?”
Her son ignored her question and continued, “Besides, what if I want to sit on mother’s lap?!”
“We can’t both sit on mummy- what about the baby?”
“Uhh, it can move, no doy?! It can move just like Will Claud tells me to. It doesn’t need to be shell-fish!” Clayton muttered bitterly. “If Will Claud really wants to call someone his funny names, he should call the baby them.” His time with the older kids was undoubtfully the reasoning behind the failed attempts of words he didn’t fully understand.
“Do you mean ‘selfish?’“
“Yeah, that’s what I said. Don’t you agree, mummy? See, she agrees!” Clayton tried to argue with his twin, but his words had no effect on her. Catherine stared at him blankly, confused like her mother.
“Mummy didn’t say anything, Clayton. She said we can talk about it when daddy gets home, so you can wait here with me.” She scooted over a bit in the chair and pat beside her. Clayton shot her a look of distaste and ran back out into the yard.
“That was...odd.” Y/n blinked. 
“He did remind me though, mummy... The baby can’t move... maybe I could sit with daddy instead?” Catherine sounded reassuring, her feathery voice calming her mother.
Which she really needed. She could hardly focus on her painting now. Her heart was begging for Sherlock to walk through the front doors already, spare her from another interruption that would throw her off-course for the fifth time that evening.
Like magic, her wish was granted and a knock sounded on the study door. Both Catherine and Y/n’s heads snapped toward Sherlock entering the room. “How’s her-majesty doing?” He smirked at Cathy as he set down his case. “I heard from two little competitive detectives that mummy is creating a masterpiece of her masterpiece! Are the rumors true?”
“That they are, detective. Seems you’ve found out the surprise before it could surprise you.” Catherine giggled as her father lifted her from the soft red chair and spun her around before planting a kiss on her forehead.
“So, my little queen, how are you?”
“Good.” She smiled brightly. “How are you? Did mummy ask you yet?”
Sherlock turned to face Y/n, who looked away as fast as she could- wide eyes and all. “Did mummy ask me what, Rin?”
“If I could sit with you or her during supper? I would sit on mummy’s lap, but I don’t want to hurt the baby, and even if I could, Clay wants to sit on her too. I don’t want to make it unfair!” Catherine frowned. “I told him he could wait with me until you were here to talk about it but he didn’t want to.”
“I’ll tell you what. Since mummy has the baby, you can sit with her and I’ll have Clayton sit with me.”
“Yeah! He moves around a lot and we want to be extra careful with mummy and mini-baby, right?” Sherlock nodded, Y/n still trying to figure out what her daughter was saying, and sent Cathy off to play with her siblings until Alice finished supper. It wasn’t intended for Y/n’s pregnancy, but it certainly helped. A system in which the kids could claim nights to help out with meals. Alice loved to make dinners while Edward loved to bake. The smell of a delicious homecooked meal was never lacking in the Holmes house.
“Hear that? Mini-baby gets to sit next to the queen tonight.”
“I’m jealous, quite frankly.” Sherlock’s grin never ceased to bring Y/n’s to her face. Though she was exhausted, her husband made her feel calm and peaceful. “So, our five little reminders never cease to remind you, do they?”
“No...and don’t forget the sixth, Mr. Holmes.”
“Believe me, I haven’t, Mrs. Holmes. I’m simply awaiting their arrival. Perhaps a few more before I needn’t anymore reminders?”
“Mayhaps...however- Let’s talk about it when I’m no longer expecting, please. I’m already resisting the urge to collapse.” Sherlock chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he watched his wife struggle to the doors before helping her. His arms scoop her up and carry her to their room. They passed the paintings that hung upon the walls, portraits of Sherlock, portraits of their children, a portrait by her mother in law of their wedding day. The wall was home to their present and past, providing room for their future as well.
They were in their room for only a few minutes before a loud chatter followed them. Both adults closed their eyes and prepared themselves for their little ones who would burst through their doors at any moment. His promise was good, and they had five, almost six, reminders to show for proof.
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loousir · 3 years
[Elf] Royal Secrets
Secret Elf King x Royal Second Hand Reader
Warnings: Smoochin, tavern talks, time skips, uhh
You ran and hand through your hair with a sigh, sitting down on the bar chair with a soft 'plop'. The bartender looked to you with a fond and familiar smile. "Rough day again (Y/n)?" He asked while pulling out a glass from one of the cabinets. "I sometimes think my days will get better but I guess not. He is not fun to deal with... Especially when he's in a bad mood." The bartender smiled again and set a drink down in front of you.
"Well, just relax for tonight. You don't have any tasks for tomorrow do you?" You took a sip of the drink and smiled softly before that disappeared. "No, I don't. But I've got an important meeting day after tomorrow so I have to spend some time finalizing documents and getting ready for it."
"And by some time you mean the whole day? I get that..." A voice two seats over spoke, making both you and the bartender look to him. "Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I'm Lynn." You smiled and introduced yourself as well which lead to the bartender walking off and making drinks for a group that had came in.
You and Lynn hit it off instantly. Both of you talked about various things related to your, work, if you will and you never thought you could fall for someone upon first meeting but...
'I just might have...'
"Lynn, I have a question." He hummed as he took a sip from his own drink. "How often do you come here? I've noticed you a few times before but I've never actually heard you talk to anyone." Lynn smiles softly and sets his cup down. "I try to come as often as I have time. And I've not talked to anyone cause their conversations haven't quite caught my attention like yours." You smiled and looked down to your hands that were intertwined around the small cup that you have.
You sighed and glanced at the clock that hung on the wall behind the bar. "Damn, I have to get going." You looked over to Lynn who had looked up to the clock as well.
'Woah, he's an elf? No wonder he's so beautiful.'
You though as you stared at him. He looked back to you and tilted his head slightly. "Are you ok (Y/n)?" His question had pulled you from your thoughts, making you blush and chuckle. "Yes, sorry. Is there a possibility I could see you again?" Lynn nods. "I'll be available to come pretty often but after this month I won't be able to for a little. It's when things bet busy for me unfortunately." He said with a sad tone and a soft sigh. You smiled and shook your head, slipping off of the chair and walking over to him.
He watched you walk over and grab his hand. You gently kissed his knuckles, keeping eye contact which made him blush slightly. "Til next do we meet Lynn. I look forward to it." You said gently letting his hand linger for a moment before letting him take it back. Lynn smiled and said a soft goodbye as he gently held the hand you kissed as you walked out of the bar.
'What an interesting character...'
--- •
The month that Lynn was available seemed to have passed in a flash. The two of you grew much, much closer than I'm sure either of you would've thought. Admittedly, neither of you had met outside of the tavern but, neither minded. This was a place both of you knew and could enjoy. You had been thinking about Lynn frequently. He was talking about something that had happened at his job which made you think.
'What just is his job? Maybe it's similar to mine with the way he talks about things.'
You thought to yourself, zoning out from what Lynn was saying. A soft hand grabbing your own, instantly snapping you from your thoughts. You looked down to his hand, gently grabbing yours. You smiled and held his hand in yours. "Sorry, I was lost in my own head again." You looked over to him to see he wasn't as smiley as you which made your smile fade. "Are you ok Lynn?" He holds on to your hand tighter and pulls it up to his lips, pressing them gently against the back of your hand.
"This may be the last day we get to see eachother for a while." The look you saw in his eyes made you want to cry. He looked so heart broken that he couldn't come see you anymore. "You two can use the spare room upstairs if you need a private place to talk." The bartender said. You looked over to them and nodded. "Thank you," You looked back to Lynn. "Would you like to?" You asked him. He nodded and both of you slipped off the chairs and you lead him to the room.
You flicked on the light and let him step into the room before closing the door behind him. Right as you turned back to him, he connected his lips to yours to which you instantly responded. You gently pressed yourself against him and held onto his hips as his slim fingers caressed your face and hair as if he would never be able to feel them again.
"Lynn," You spoke his name the second the both of you pulled away, both of you panting softly. His bright blue eyes gazed deeply into yours. "I want you to keep coming here, even if I'm not. I'll do what I can to come as often as possible. I wish we could meet at other places but..." Lynn looks away and hesitates heavily on what he was about to say. "It's ok..." You said with a small smile as he looks back to you.
"I'll keep coming. Just don't forget about me."
Lynn smiles as tears well up in his eyes before he collapses into you, hugging you tightly. You hugged him back just as tight. "You're very emotional all of a sudden. Did you have too much to drink?" You joked making him give a few small giggles. He pulled away and wiped his face before looking up to you, smiling. "It's been a very, very long time since I've felt this way and since I've had someone like you in my life." Lynn spoke softly as you navigated both of you over to the bed.
You sat Lynn down first before joining him and wrapping an arm around his waist. "(Y/n)?" You hummed and looked at the reflection of the two of you in the full-body mirror mounted on the wall. Your eyes seemed to have meet and you smiled, making Lynn blush and glance away. "I think we look really good together. Maybe one day we should make it official." Lynn looks up to you with a surprised yet slightly sad and scared look.
"That's up to you though." You said looking down to him with a smile. He didn't say anything but kissed you again, pushing you down on the bed and hovering over top of you. He rested his head on your shoulder and you gently kissed his pointed ears, making him shiver.
That eventually turned into a small makeout session but Lynn pulled away first, having you trail behind slightly not wanting to stop. You glanced at the clock above the door and sighed heavily.
"It seems it's our time to part huh?" You said looking to him as he got off of you. He nodded, which lead you to gently neaten his hair. Lynn leaned into your touch for a moment before taking you hand and kissing it gently, much like you did him when you first met. You smiled and held his hand as you lead him from the room, turning off the light before walking him out to the front doors of the tavern.
Both of you walked down the stone path out to the stables. Lynn always rode a horse to the tavern, which you have also become close with. You leaned in and kissed his lips softly. When both of you pulled away he waved you off and watched as you walked away.
'Til we meet again my dear.'
• --- •
You kept coming back to the tavern, keeping your nightly routine of checking Lynn's seat only to find it empty. You were only slightly disappointed, knowing that he would show up eventually. Your bartender friend smiled and placed a drink down in front of you. "I'm sure you two will meet again soon." He mumbled out before disappearing into the kitchen. You couldn't help but let your gaze linger a moment on the kitchen door, as if his words heald more meaning than you knew.
You spent most of the time thinking about an upcoming meeting you had with the King of the neighboring nation Elfendale. Your "job" is the second hand to the King of your own nation and he had tasked you with speaking to the other King in order to conduct an official alliance and go over some trade stuff. This tavern was on the border to both nations. Half of it was in yours and half was in the other.
The original arrangements were made by you and your neighboring counterpart on how the place would pay taxes and all those fun business things. Before you knew it, your time to leave had come.
'I sure hope this all goes well...'
The day finally arrived that you were to go to meet the King of Elfendale. You rode your horse into the town, catching the gazes of many. You had only two guards with you as the three of you rode up to the castle gates. The guards stopped you and asked to state your business. "(Y/n) (L/n), second hand to King Hervé. I'm here on official business." One guard looked to a list before nodding to the other to let the three of you in. Two other guards came and escorted you to put your horse in the royal stables while the other guided your guards to rest while you went in by yourself.
A certain horse in the stables seemed awfully excited to see you, this also caught the guards attention. "Have you met Whinefred before?" You were confused before shaking your head, playing it off. He nodded and put your horse into a stable before leading you up to the large front doors of the castle.
A man in a robe holding a scroll welcomed you in and walked you to the throne room.
"Attention please!" His voice called out to the room. You hadn't looked up from your satchel as you were looking to make sure if all the documents were there. "We welcome (Y/n) (L/n) to our humble castle. He is here for King Hervé since he was unavailable." You smiled and looked up with your eyes closed. 'He's not unavailable, just lazy.' You thought to yourself.
You finally opened your eyes to see an extraordinary familiar face. You contained the shocked expression on your face as the robed man kept talking and leading you towards the other. "-meet, King Faelynn." You looked over to the robed man and asked him with a hushed tone. "Does he have a twin?" The man shook his head. You looked up to Faelynn, shocked. Faelynn seemed quite content in this moment, happy even.
Faelynn stepped down from his throne and walked over to you. "Let's go discuss these in private." He said, motioning to the satchel who's strap you were clutching onto for dear life. You couldn't say anything but simply nodded.
Faelynn lead you to another large door and the guard who stood next to it, opened it for the both of you. Once the two of you were inside and the doors had closed, Faelynn crashed his lips against yours to which you instantly responded. Your hands found their way to his hips, pulling him closer to you.
"I think I've got some explaining to do." Faelynn said right as you pulled away. You nodded, still shocked. You moved yourself away from him and set the satchel down on the grand table behind both of you. He lead you over to a pair of chairs and had you sit before sitting next to you.
"To start, I'm sorry I didn't say anything. That's been one of the few places I can go and just be myself. I've never liked getting treated like a King but I inherited the throne from my father when I was pretty young so that may have been a reason why."
Faelynn held onto your hand and traced his thumb over your knuckles. "I never thought I would fall in love with someone, let alone someone I had just met in a tavern." He said with a soft chuckle, making you smile. You watched his eyes as he continued to speak. "I had seen you few times prior to that and I guess just listening to you I became, infatuated, and as we had started to chat I realized that I had fallen for you."
You smiled and pulled his hand closer to you, carefully removing the glove that framed his slim fingers nicely. You set the glove on the table and you gently kissed his hand, making him blush. "Faelynn." You spoke his full name out loud, making him get goosebumps. "Its odd saying your full name after calling you Lynn for so long." You said with a small chuckle. Faelynn intertwined his fingers with yours.
"Do you remember how you said we should make it official one day?" Faelynn asked, looking up to your eyes. You watched as he smiled more and kept your eyes looking to his. You felt something rather warm slip onto one of your fingers. "As an official alliance between Elfendale and Chroles. Soon to be King, (Y/n) (L/n), would you be mine?" You stared at the silver band that had been placed onto your finger.
Neither spoke for a moment but you looked up to him and pulled him into a kiss. Faelynn kissed back and interlocked your fingers again. Tears welled in your eyes as the two of you pulled away. "As both a personal benefit and an official alliance, I will be yours." Faelynn giggled and pecked your lips again.
"Let's get these papers figured out so we can start planning our wedding."
---- 2433 Not very proof read, may re-write and separate into parts
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goldenroutledge · 3 years
Secret relationship with Topper :)
our little secret
pairing(s): topper thornton x pogue!reader, spy!rafe and spy!kelce
wc: 0.9k
a/n: ooouu thanks for the request babes!
topper masterlist
© goldenroutledge , do not copy, steal, or translate my work
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Living on a small island with a big secret was hard. Everyone knew everyone in the Outer Banks, so keeping your relationship with Topper under wraps was challenging. The bare minimum became difficult to manage, as the two of you usually planned to go to the mainland just for a nice day out.
You could say you both learned to enjoy time inside the comforts of your homes, while your parents were away especially. It wasn’t common that you went to Topper’s house, as you made it clear that his mom scared the shit out of you since she had a strong hatred towards pogues. Deep down he knew it too, and he didn’t want to put you in that position anyway.
Which left the two of you to hang out at your house on the Cut. It wasn’t bad. Your mom did what she could with the landscaping every now and then to make the house look approachable. But seeing as she was gone working most of the time, it worked in your favor.
Topper had texted you when you woke up saying he’d be over soon and just had a stop to make on the way. You hummed in confusion, replying back to ask him where but he insisted it was a surprise. No sight was better than seeing your face light up at something, so he did what he could to ensure it happened frequently.
Topper walked into a local restaurant to pick up some brunch for the two of you. “Hey, Topper. What can I get for you today?” The woman asked from behind the counter.
“I actually ordered it ahead. Should be under Thornton.” He informed.
“Oh!” She remembered, retrieving the large brown bag that held your food and placing it on the counter.
“Brunch for two, huh? Who’s the lucky girl?”
“Uhh, no one.” Topper stammered. “My parents asked me to pick it up.”
“Hm, okay.” She hummed. “Have a nice day, Topper.”
“You too.”
Topper made a dash out the door and to his Jeep. So quickly, in fact, he didn’t notice Rafe and Kelce hiding their faces behind menus in one of the booths. As the two boys heard the door close, they peeked at one another above their menus. “He’s lying.” Kelce accused.
“He said he was going to help his dad on the mainland today. And I already saw his dad leave this morning.” Rafe pointed out.
“Well, should we follow him?” Kelce suggested.
Rafe sighed. “Fuck it. Why not.” The boys got up quickly, slapping some cash on their table and heading out to Rafe’s truck. “Let’s find out where you’re really going, Thornton.”
Topper played some music as he drove the normal route to your house. The normal route being more of a back way, just to be sure nobody saw his car driving through the Southside. Not only did you have Topper’s parents and friends to hide from, but yours as well. You didn’t even want to think about what the pogue’s reactions would be if they found out.
Topper parked in his usual place down the street, Rafe parking even further behind him. “Wait.” Kelce cautioned, seeing Topper get out with the bag of food and walk to your house. “We don’t wanna get caught right away. Let’s see who it is first.”
“Fine. But I bet you $50 it’s a girl.”
“Whatever.” Kelce replied. “No matter who it is, we need to find out why he’s been ditching us to hang out on the Cut.”
“You’re right.” Rafe slouched in his seat, eyes still following Topper closely.
Topper didn’t even have to knock before you were opening the door and throwing your arms around him. “What’s this?” You gestured towards the bag.
“Thought you might be hungry. And since we can’t really go out I just brought it here.” He grinned, leaning down to kiss your lips.
“No fucking way.” Kelce let out, his mouth agape along with Rafe’s.
“Pay up, dude. I knew it all along.” Rafe acknowledged.
“Damn. We’ve been getting stood up for a girl?”
“You know what, I say we just go up there.” Rafe concluded, getting out of his truck to which Kelce followed.
“You’re the sweetest, you know that?” You mumbled against Topper’s lips, unaware of the two boys making their way towards your doorway.
“Well, well, well.” Rafe announced. “I see you’re working hard for your dad, Top.”
Topper whipped his head around to find his two best friends standing behind him with pissed off expressions across their faces. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“We could ask you the same thing. But we already know the answer to that.” Kelce responded.
“Well since you know already, I’ll go enjoy brunch with my girlfriend, Y/n.” Topper shrugged, wrapping an arm around your waist.
You gave the two boys a tight lipped smile and a soft ‘hey’.
“Seriously? But Saturdays are for the boys.” Rafe countered.
“So, what? You two doofuses have each other.” Topper retorted.
“Can we at least have some pancakes?” Rafe asked.
You giggled at Rafe’s words quietly, as well his dumbfounded expression. “Bye, guys.” Topper waved them off, stepping into your house beside you and shutting the door.
“No! Get back out here, Top. You fucking simp!” Kelce argued, banging his hand on the door. As they listened closely, footsteps were heard retreating from the front door after Rafe and Kelce had enough of banging on it.
Rafe sighed in surrender. “So, no pancakes?”
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a/n: this was so random lol. but i oddly kinda like it ??
taglist: @ilovejjmaybank @missevi @nxsmss @cameronsrafe @msgorillagripcoochie @bibliophilewednesday @tovvaa @freddymaybank @annab-nana @babeyglo @sunsetholland @moniamaybank @outerbankspreferences @laneybobeczko-g @jjpouggues @j-j-may-bank @heartdose
topper taglist: @vintageobx
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londonskies · 3 years
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In which Corpse has a secret girlfriend and his insomnia is driving them both up the wall, putting precious Sykkuno in danger because he said the word “Sleep”. 
Hi! This is just a once in a blue moon, feel good, fluff fic cause I have commitment issues on my writing lol. 
Yes, my writing style is long winded, I’m really sorry, but I hope you enjoy it! 
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credits to  u/balderdash_lee on reddit
Corpse had not slept for close to 50 hours by the time that they had started their latest month prior pre-planned plasmophobia session with Rae, Sykkunno and Toast, but it was like he was hyped up on sugar for the last hour or so and Y/n was really beginning to get worried. 
This was a tattletale sign of the huge crash her boyfriend was about to go through, and yet the stubborn man just would not step away from his computer.
She had tried everything, from luring him with pizza (to which he had snatched a few slices and had just retreated to his gaming room once more) to telling him that there was a fire in the kitchen (to which he replied was virtually impossible given how meticulous Y/n was in the kitchen) to faking an injury (which corpse called bullshit on without even looking at her).
It was getting really frustrating and she knew for a fact that the longer her boyfriend was going to wait this out, the worse he was going to feel.
And the worse he was going to act. 
He would never hurt anyone, ever. The man was the definition of a soft boi beyond his brain meltingly amazing voice. But when he was beyond bone dead tired like he was right now, he had the tendency to act mean, and the only person who had the capability of calming him down in the middle of the pandemic was Y/n, and she would have to hijack his stream. 
The stream that was filled with hundreds of thousands of people who didn’t even know that their precious Corpse was in a relationship with anyone. 
Would she have the chance to mute him before he went on his tired, angry, borderline crazy monologue? She would try, but probably not. 
Y/n had to bring out the big guns. 
Rae and Toast were pretty easy people to conspire with and were almost always down to do pranks and other shit that Y/n came up with, and always, always down to do whatever it took to get Corpse to take care of himself. 
Sykkuno though, bless him, the cutest, most clueless person Y/n had ever met. 
He was always very concerned for Corpse’s health but was the worst at going incognito. So Rae and Toast were the ones who used their code word (lights out) and had always been the ones who had the role of making sure Sykkuno knew what to do. 
“Aaaaaaaaaaanddd, lights out baby!” Rae screamed as she made her way past Sykkuno at the entrance of the house they were in at the moment, but Sykkuno, the precious little boy that he is, just watched Rae with a bewildered face, getting even more confused when Toast made his way past him as well, whispering “Lights out.” and moving back to the truck in the game. 
From inside, Corpse’s character was busy laughing at a joke he made about a picture in the wall and had not noticed the other two missing. He did notice though, when Sykkuno appeared near him to ask him what was up before convulsing and dropping to the floor. 
Corpse’s laugh was noticeably more manic now, getting a lot more high pitched and erratic. For a second, Sykkuno laughed with him, then when Corpse’s went on for too long, suddenly looked confused on his stream, turning to face the general vicinity he Corpse’s character was. 
So he spoke through their always open discord chat. “Uhh, Corpse? You okay there buddy?” 
The stubborn man just kept laughing, Y/n increasingly getting concerned as she watched all 4 player’s streams on different devices one room over. Rae and Toast were chatting about the pills in the truck, so as to not alarm Corpse of the lowkey distraction they were doing to finish the game easy (aka getting at least 3 of them killed), and then giving excuses to stop streaming and giving Y/n a chance to haul his ass to bed. 
Sykkuno on the other hand, was now (against all plans spoken about prior) continuing to talk to Corpse. 
“Corpse?” the timid man spoke once more, finally reaching the ever more manic Corpse. 
All of a sudden, an eerie silence fell around the two of them, settling for a few seconds before getting filled by a flat “Yea?” from Corpse. 
Y/n could almost hear the sentence that Sy would reply to that, and at that moment, she knew, they were fucked. 
With a quick “Fuckin shite” to both Rae and Toast’s chat, Y/n bounded over to Corpse’s office, hearing tail end of the question that was about to make Corpse’s brain go kaboom. 
“You sound tired man, maybe you should sleep for a bit?” 
She knew he only meant good. Sykkuno was just one of those guys that would never want to hurt anyone. She knew it, Corpse knew it, everyone knew it. 
But her secret boyfriend was sleep deprived and going batshit crazy because of it, and currently, his trigger word was the word Sleep.
Y/n would give poor Sy a viking funeral if she can’t stop this.
“I am not tire-” Corpse was pretty intimidating when he wanted to be, and I knew that that low voice of his would scare every single hitman in a 1000 mile radius when used in a booming, angry way. And the way his voice was escalating was sure to end in said booming, angry way.
Y/n sprinted into his recording room, only partially wincing at the horridly loud bang the door made when she wrenched it open to fling herself at her boyfriend. The world seemed to slow as she soared through the air, uncaring if she knocked things out of the way. 
Gotta make sure their baby Sy would never be at that end of Corpse’s fury. 
She partially landed on his lap, torso hanging off the side. It hurt as her ribs made contact on the armrest of his computer chair, but it stopped his tirade with a surprised “Ooof!” and knocked him away from his PC.
“Honey!! Don’t yell at Sy!” 
Oh shit. 
Of course Sykkuno had to yell out her name during a stream. She had bet Toast 200 dollars that Sy would be the one to drop her name, and it was high time she cashed in. 
Y/n fixed herself on Corpse’s lap, shoving his headphones off of him and forcing him into a hug. Of course he protested, but eventually relaxed in her grip, muttering about how his eyes and wrists hurt now but he promised to play with the OTV peeps and his insomnia hit him too hard these past few days. 
“Baby,” he whispered hoarsely, his grip tightening on her as well. It only took a moment for Y/n to realize that her boyfriend was shaking, trying not to fall apart. “It hurts.” 
She ran her fingers through his hair, putting a kiss on the top of his head as he relaxed even more. They had to move to a more comfortable space soon or else Corpse would fall asleep here and she would have to move him (which at 5 feet, is not very easy.) but he was relaxing and Y/n couldn’t make herself distract him from that. 
“I know babe, it’s okay. We’ll breathe through it. You can do it, I know you can.” Corpse would never fess up to crying, but the growing patch of tears on her sweater was evidence of the amount of pain that he was experiencing. 
His dedication was amazing, but a lot of the time he sacrificed his health for it. So as much as she didn’t want to hold him back, sometimes she really just had to step in and meddle to save him from himself.
They stayed like that for a while, Y/n occasionally having to coach him through his breathing, but overall, they were doing fine. 
Y/n smiled into his hair when he finally stopped shaking. “That’s it babe, you’re doing amazing.” she whispered, moving to get off his lap. She wasn’t the lightest person despite her shortness, her curves never letting her be skinny, so she was sure that her sitting on his lap was making his legs go numb. Corpse, on the other hand, only held on tighter, basically turning into a koala at this point. 
“Corpse, Honey, your legs are gonna go numb, babe.” she giggled. She tried to put him at arm’s length, but her apparently octopus boyfriend had planned to never let her go. 
“No.” he mumbled, pressing his face ever tighter into her sweater, making her giggle, in turn, making him smile. 
Eventually, he detached his face from her sweater and peeked up at his girlfriend, the visual of his tousled hair, pout, one sparkling eye and the other now only partially covered by his falling eyepatch, but both with smudged eyeliner and mirth, made her melt.  “Don’t go, please?” Y/n giggled at him. “I’m not gonna leave babe, I just gotta get off your lap before I make your legs undergo hypoxia.” 
“I’d let them cut off my legs if it meant having you here forever.” if she hadn’t already fallen in love with this man, she would say that this was the moment that she fell in love with him. But falling in love with him over and over again was probably something that she would never stop doing, even if Corpse ever decided to not love her back one day. 
They were jolted out of their happy little bubble when they heard a loud screech coming from his headphones making a sound more akin to blasting speakers than headphones, which had apparently fallen just beside them on the table instead of the floor like Y/n anticipated. “STOP YOUR LOVING AND GO TO SLEEP CORPSE!” Rae screeched, making the both of them laugh out loud, but one look at his screen stopped them at their tracks.
Corpse was miraculously still alive in game, Rae’s character moving back and forth in front of his. 
Rae… was streaming, right? 
Oh shit numero dos. 
One look at the chat showed that they had just outed themselves. The sappy couple making everyone watching go absolutely bonkers at the chat. 
“WHO IS THAT?” -ijustlovemakingsounds
“HONEY???? BABE?????” - corpseybae
“WHAT IS HAPPENING??” -randomuser
“IS CORPSE OKAY?” -ShinigamiEyes
“CORPSE??” -corpsekkuno28
“BABY?????” -honestlywtf
“HE’S SO SWEET OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!” -cutiepiecorpsey
“WAIT WAIT WAIT IS HE OKAY????” -omgilovehim
“WHO THE HECK??” -wifeyyyycorpse
Both parties were staring wide eyed at the screens. Even with slow mode on, the chat was going a hundred miles per hour and all they were seeing were screaming chats in all caps zooming up. 
For a second Y/n just kept staring quietly, and then the first giggle escaped her and soon, both of them were a giggling pile of sweaters and limbs on Corpse’s computer chair, not even trying to stop their antics. Rae screamed another “YOU’RE BOTH CUTE AND WE ALL KNOW IT STOP AND SLEEP!!” 
The laughter seemed endless. 
It was the sound of Y/n’s phone ringing from the other room that finally got her up from the warm confines of Corpse’s lap. But before she left, she was going to make sure that Corpse was not just going to continue streaming in her absence. 
“Sooo….” Y/n turned them over so that she was facing the screen and not him, talking directly into the mic as she scrambled for the headphones she had shoved off of his head. “Yes Corpse Husband has a Corpse wife and she’s now taking him back to their coffins because the hubby is a stubborn piece of shit and has not slept in more than 50 hours.” 
The casual information drop made the chat go even crazier, people now freaking out about her, trying to find out who she was, what she did, when and where they met, stuff like that. “I’ll see what I can do to answer your questions, you simps. But I gotta knock him out for now, and I promise you won’t be left hanging.” 
She felt him wrap his arms around her waist once more, feeling him press his face tightly against her back. “Baby,” he started to say, but Y/n cut him off with a few pats to wherever she could reach behind her.
“Sorry, but the jackass is now cut off from the mic and shall be cut off until he sleeps, so I shall be the one to say, good day to you sirs and madams, he shall see you on the next one! Bye!!!!” 
Then a pause, and a quietly frustrated “Hun, how do you turn it off??”
The chat was flooded with variations of “She’s so cute!!” and as tempted as he was to keep it going for a bit, he knew that it would upset and worry his adorable girlfriend to do so. 
So from his vantage point, he just mumbled a quick “Bye!” before cutting off stream. Normally, he would stay and read superchats and see how many new members he had gained, but this time, his tiny, but determined girlfriend was dead set on getting him to chill his ass out. 
And he let you.
He watched as you dragged him off to bed, tucking him in all the fluffy blankets you’d gotten for his comfort, smiled as you eagerly burrowed yourself under the fluff with him, sighed contentedly as your warmth surrounded him as you cuddled into him. 
He basked in your presence as he held you back just as tight, feeling you plant a kiss in his hair and smile as he relaxed ever more. From across the room, the mirror reflected the image of the two of you, touching the deepest recesses of the soul he would never claim to have. 
And as he drifted off, he watched as you glowed in the streaks of the fading afternoon sun, peeking through their heavy curtains, he thought:
What more was there to ask for? 
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
The Sort of Things We Usually Do Alone | Mob!Sam Wilson, Mob!Bucky Barnes, and Mob!Steve Rogers x Reader
summary: it’s not like you didn’t know what you were getting yourself into when you got a job at a mob-controlled strip club.  still, you never saw this coming.
warnings: technically dub con but it’s pretty light, there’s three dudes and one girl so i bet you can guess that every hole is going to come into discussion, plus some pain kink and metal arm kink.  (note: none of them are fully dark here, but like… it’s the mob so, they’re not 100% gentlemen either.  just bossy and demanding and a wee bit possessive, but not true creeps.)
word count: 3.7k
@evnscvll​ @mandalorianspace​ @ballyhoobarnes​ @mariahthelioness29​
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moodboard by yours truly
Funny enough, you had actually been expecting an easy night tonight.  You were just doing bottle service-- no pole, no private events-- so unless somebody specifically requested you for a lap dance, you were basically off the hook.  Less tips, but you were already looking forward to getting home and changing into something considerably less tight than what you were wearing now.
That all went out the window when you saw three suits walk in the door.  You knew who they were: everyone did.  Just the way they walked made it clear that they owned the place-- literally.
Sam, specifically, you recognized.  He was pretty high up in the organization but he spent the most time here of anyone.  You and Sam had an... arrangement, to put it softly.  You gave him a lot of private dances, and you did things with him that you most certainly were not permitted to do with other customers.  The two men beside him-- one with dark hair and an even darker glare, the other with shorter blonde locks and gorgeous blue eyes-- seemed new.
You pretended not to see them as you set down your tray of drinks and waited for Sam to come to you, like he always did.  You felt his hand on the small of your back and turned to look up at him through your lashes, a little surprised to see the other two still with him rather than dispersing into the crowd.
“Hey there," Sam purred at you, leaning against the bar beside where you were standing. 
"Hi," you replied coyly.  
"You miss me?"
"Mm, you're a good liar," he grinned, lifting your chin with one finger and leaning in for an open-mouthed kiss.
You stopped him with a gentle press of your hands against his chest.  "Um, you haven't introduced me to your friends…"
Maybe it was ironically conservative for you to object to being kissed in front of men you didn't know when you literally got naked for strangers every day, but you figured that he had something important to tell you about them.  If he didn't, he would've taken you to the back room by now.
"Oh!  I almost forgot.  We got some fresh blood-- Bucky," he motioned to the dark haired one, "and Steve," he shoved the other on the shoulder.  Bucky barely even acknowledged you aside from a slow scan of your body with his gaze; Steve gave you a slightly awkward half-smile.
"Hi there, boys," you greeted with your brightest smile.  "Welcome to the family."
"You're gonna welcome them a little better than that," Sam grinned.  "Why don't you give Bucky a lap dance, huh?  On the house, of course."
"Sure," you agreed, trying to hide your confusion that he would suggest something like that.  Normally he was pretty possessive and jealous.
Just as you started to walk towards the chairs by the stage, Sam interjected.
"No, sweetheart-- take him to the back."
You could hardly believe what you were hearing.  "A… private dance?"
"Well, Steve and I will be close by.  So not that private."
"Uhh, sure.  This way," you led Bucky with a curled finger and a saunter into the back hallway, past the red velvet curtain where the lights were even darker and the carpet was plushy and soft under your stilettos.
"Take a seat," you offered as you turned the corner to the room you and Sam usually used.  Bucky relaxed into the black suede chair, his eyes never leaving you.  Only then did you notice that he was wearing leather gloves-- a little peculiar, but you’d definitely seen stranger
You felt Sam and Steve step a little closer behind you, caging you in.  Even moreso, you felt three pairs of eyes on you.  It felt different, somehow, than having dozens on you when you danced on stage.
"For private dances,” you explained slowly, “I typically wear… a little bit less than this…”
"I'm not gonna stop you," Bucky shrugged.  
Yeah, but is Sam? you replied internally.
He didn't.  What he did instead was tell Steve to help you unzip the back of your dress.
"Thank you," you mumbled as you made sure your hair was out of the way, shivering a little as his fingers ghosted over your neck to get a grip on the zipper, slowly sliding it down to the small of your back.  
Stepping forward, you slipped the straps off your shoulders and let the dress fall to the floor.
"You're wearing the set I bought you," Sam noticed with a grin.  He said you looked best in black.  You weren't sure you agreed but you ended up using this set a lot anyways.  
"You have good taste," you replied.
"Agreed," Bucky murmured, looking up at you from his chair.  
Lifting one leg and sliding it next to him on the couch, you slowly lowered yourself until you were straddling him.  
You gingerly wrapped your arms around his shoulders and began to move slowly, going through the motions and noticing the way he unabashedly stared at your chest.  The lace bra didn’t leave much to the imagination.
There was a tension in the air as you moved over him, only the thumping bass echoing from the main floor breaking the silence.  Some guys liked to talk during a dance, but Bucky’s brooding said more than enough.  You could sense his restraint being tested-- occasionally you could even hear his fist tighten thanks to the creaking of the leather gloves.  
Quickly turning to face the other way, you rubbed your ass on his crotch and almost let out a groan when you felt that he was hard.  Hoping to tease him, you lifted your hips only to gasp when he grabbed you and pulled you down onto him, his breath hot on the back of your neck.
“N-no touching,” you stammered, grabbing his wrists and placing his hands beside his legs.
“Let him touch you,” Sam instructed darkly.
“Did I stutter?”
You breathed shakily as you lifted your hands from Bucky’s wrists; as soon as he was free to, he reached around you and used his left hand to remove his right glove and toss it aside.  You thought it was a little odd that he left the other one on, but once he was running his hands over your thighs and pushing your legs apart, you didn’t think much of it anymore.
You shivered as his right hand moved, excruciatingly slowly, towards your lace-clad pussy.
“You’re sort of shy, for a stripper,” Bucky whispered in your ear.
“Believe it or not, this is new for me,” you whispered back, giving a quick glance to where Steve and Sam were standing and watching you both intently.  Your head fell back onto Bucky’s shoulder when one finger toyed with the edge of the lace of your panties.
His left hand pushed your face to the side so that he could kiss you, and before you were thinking about it you were kissing him back.
Finally, you felt Bucky's fingers pull your lingerie to the side and slide through your folds.  He growled into your eager mouth when he felt how wet you were.
"Can I fuck her?" he asked, and you didn't realize until Sam replied that he was asking his permission.
"Not yet," was Sam's quick answer as he approached you.  Grabbing your jaw, Sam pulled you forward and kissed you roughly.
Sam's kisses always made you feel completely at his disposal; his mouth dominated yours aggressively, and his hand wrapped around your neck just tight enough to make your heart race.
"Such a good little slut, aren't you?" he teased when he pulled back-- though he was still so close that his lips brushed against yours when he spoke.
"Yes-- for you," you answered.
"And you'll be good for them too, won't you?  Get 'em initiated into the family?"
"Of course," you nodded quickly, "whatever you want."
"You said we were coming here for a team-building exercise," Steve recalled with crossed arms.
"And did I lie?" Sam retorted, standing up again to give him a glare.  “Typically when I share my things with people, they’re grateful.”
“Right-- of course I am,” Steve backtracked quickly, “I just hope she’s not only doing it because you said to.”
“Aw, you’re worrying a little too much,” Sam chuckled.  “She’s a whore, Steve.  She loves it.”
"Go ahead baby," Sam continued, addressing you now, "give him the full treatment.  But save some strength because Steve's going next."
You stood up and flipped around again, working open the buttons of Bucky’s shirt.  Typically, guys responded really well to this part, leaning back and letting you undress them.  He tensed up, though, and his eyes went a little wide.
“I wanna see you,” you explained, taking a moment to reach under the part of his shirt you’d opened so far and run your hand over his muscled chest.
“May not like what you see,” he warned you.
“I doubt that,” you grinned, already nearly halfway done with the buttons.  
When you finished with the tedious buttons and pushed his shirt and jacket aside, you understood what he had been worried about: his shoulder was covered in scars, and even in the low light of the room you could tell that everything past that point was a metal prosthetic.  
"That explains the glove you won't take off," you commented dryly.
"I didn't scare you off yet?" he asked like he was trying to stay cool, but was secretly worried it would bother you.
"Touch me with it," you requested quietly.  Slowly, he removed the other glove and reached towards you with the metal hand.
His fingers were cold as they slid up your chest, around your neck, over your jaw.  You dipped your head down a bit to take two of them into your mouth, swirling your tongue around them.  
He bit his lip quickly before leaning forward and looking you right in the eyes.  “Get on the couch, on your hands and knees,” he instructed firmly.
You obeyed so quickly that you wondered if you left a cloud of dust in the shape of your silhouette like a cartoon; Sam noticed, and laughed.  “Eager, huh?”
“Extremely,” Bucky answered for you as he slipped your panties down, and pushed the spit-slicked metal fingers inside you.  You moaned and gripped the back of the couch tighter.  The fingers withdrew as suddenly as they had entered, and you saw a shirt and jacket land beside you on the couch.  Next was the sound of his belt clinking as it opened-- it made you a little nervous, in an erotic sort of way.
You felt like the wind had been knocked out of you when Bucky thrust into you all at once.  He wasn't bigger than Sam, at least as far as you could tell, but the shape of his cock was completely different.  It pressed against your walls in new ways, and massaged places that you weren't used to feeling.
"Fuck," Bucky murmured behind you, "so goddamn tight."
You were already loud enough that anyone passing through the back hall would certainly hear you and know exactly what was happening.  God forbid they saw three pairs of men’s shoes through the bottom of the curtain; the idea of someone knowing just how thoroughly you were being used made your face burn with a slightly pleasurable shame.
He moved just slow enough to make you wonder if he was trying to tease you.  When he reached around and drew lazy circles around your clit, though, you were confident that he was trying to tease you.
“More, please,” you whimpered.  “Fuck me harder.”
He laughed, and gave your ass a quick spank.  “Poor thing, so needy,” he mocked.  But he still did as you asked, holding you by your waist to keep you steady as he started to fuck you with the brutality you’d been hoping for.
He leaned down until it felt like his entire body would wrap around yours.  He bit at the back of your neck and shoulders, growling as he fucked into you even deeper than you had realized was possible.
Just as you thought you both were on the path to coming, Sam stepped closer.
"Alright, step aside, loverboy," he chuckled, "I think you've had your fair share for now."
Bucky hesitated and you knew he didn't want to stop; you voluntarily clenched your walls around him as a little way of saying you weren't done with him yet either.
Reluctantly, he pulled out and you felt the rough skin of Sam's hand move up and down your back.  "You want your turn with this pretty little cunt, Steve?" he asked, and you could hear the smile in his voice.
"I want that ass."
You swallowed dryly; Sam grinned.
"I like your style, man.  Go ahead, have at it."
Steve took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves before he started to run his hands all over your body, humming contentedly.  He moved a finger through your folds to wet it, then gently pushed it past your tight rim.  "More," you requested with a moan.
"Already?" Steve questioned, but obeyed, adding a second finger quickly.
He scissored his fingers back and forth, slowly stretching you open.  Your face was so hot you could probably fry an egg on it; you felt very exposed getting your ass fingered with two men watching you intently.
"Hurry up, please, I want it," you whimpered.  You knew you could take the pain, and on days like this, you actually craved it.
"Just a little more babygirl," Steve promised, "gotta get you ready for me.  Don't wanna break you."
"I wish you would," you admitted, and you heard Bucky laugh quietly from the sidelines.
Steve got a little more serious suddenly, leaning down as he slipped a third finger into you roughly.  "I don't know if you could take me, little girl.  I could split you in half," he growled right against your ear.
Your back arched.  You wanted it so bad.
“I know that’s what you need, but if I did Sam would probably kill me.  So be a good girl and be patient, alright?”
You nodded and bit your lip, doing your best to relax as he continued to twist his fingers inside you.  
Thankfully, it wasn’t all too long before you felt him slide them out, that telltale jingling of his belt buckle in your ears again.  You moaned when his hard cock slid between your legs, becoming coated in your arousal.  Once he was satisfied, he pushed into your waiting hole; he’d prepared you so well that there was almost no resistance for the first half, but then as he got thicker and harder, you felt it start to burn.  Not that you minded.
When he was fully inside, you both gasped.  Of course, you were still trying to process the feeling when he was starting to slam into you.  This guy did not beat around the bush, holy shit.
“Fuck, you like it, huh?” he taunted, fucking you even harder and faster. 
“Yes!” you cried out, feeling his cock brushing against sensitive places inside you-- even if it was through a barrier.
Sam suddenly appeared on the couch next to you.  You felt a little nervous as his gaze scanned your face, and you looked back at him with wide eyes.  He slid under you on the couch, toying with your clit and grinning when he felt your wetness.
"Look who loves it in the ass,” he mumbled against your ear.
You couldn't respond, distracted by Sam's cock pressing against your available opening.  You had been expecting it to feel familiar, but with Steve inside you, everything felt completely different.
"Oh god," you groaned as Sam pressed forward; he hissed at the sensation of how wet and hot you were for him.
"How does it feel baby?" he asked as he started to bite at your neck.
"So full… so good…"
"What do you want us to do, kitten?"
"I want you to fuck me so hard…"
Before they had really started to get their rhythm, you fought through your haze and motioned for Bucky to come closer.  When he did, you licked a long stripe up his cock before taking as much as you could into your throat.
"Fuck, just like that," Bucky praised, pushing your hair back so he could see your face.  "Choke on it."
With so many cocks moving inside you, you felt like a ragdoll in their hands.  But more than even you had expected, you loved being their toy.
Sam loved to leave marks all over you, even though it made your job harder-- especially because it made your job harder, in fact.  He loved everyone knowing how owned you are.  So it was no surprise that he was already doing his best to leave bruises in the shape of his fingerprints everywhere he could reach.  You could tell he was already getting close-- and you were too, close to something so intense that you worried about passing out.
"Want me to come on your cute little face, baby?" Sam asked, his voice deeper and more gravelly than usual.
You shook your head, Bucky's cock still in your mouth.
"On your perfect tits?"
You shook it again, even as Bucky grabbed the back of your head and pushed you all the way to the base.
"Oh, that's right… you want me to fill up this sopping cunt, right?"
You nodded furiously, a tear sliding down your cheek.
"You wanna be full of my come, sticky and wet all night?  Then beg for it, sweetheart."
Bucky released you, and the second you were free to breathe you were pleading already, stroking him quickly.
"Sam, please!  I need to be full of your come-- I want it so bad, please, just come inside me and don't stop until every drop is in please please please--"
"Holy hell, I can't take much more of this," Steve hissed as his hands dug deeper into your skin.
"You want us all to come?" Sam pressed.
"Yes, please!"
"Fuck," Bucky groaned, "keep stroking me-- finish me off on your face."
“Please-- I want you to come, so bad,” you whimpered.  “Oh god, I’m gonna come, I’m gonna fucking come, fuck!”
The hand that wasn’t around Bucky’s cock was accidentally digging into Sam’s shoulder, certainly hard enough to leave half-moon cuts from your nails.  He didn’t seem to mind though, fucking you through your orgasm as he fell into his own, finishing with a noise that mixed a moan with a growl.
Steve was next, and you could feel his cock swelling and pulsing; it was like one last test of your body’s physical capabilities, since you’d already thought you were at your limit.
Last but not least, of course, was Bucky.  You opened your mouth and let his come fall in warm streams on your face and tongue.  He made the most beautiful sounds as you kept stroking him through it, and eventually he had to pull your hand off of him when it became too much.  You swallowed what had landed in your open mouth, taking a moment to wipe some off your face and suck it off of your finger as well.  A drip started to wander towards your eye, which you shut to avoid that disaster.
Bucky looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, even though you undoubtedly looked like a complete mess.  All three of them were looking at you that way, actually, but you couldn’t see them.
“Jesus, Sam,” Steve chuckled as he pulled out and watched his come leak from your abused hole, “I gotta be honest, if I had a girl like this, I wouldn’t let her work in a club.”
“Yeah, I’ve thought about pulling her out,” Sam admitted, wincing a little as he tapped your leg to signal you should get off of him, which you did.  
You don’t know the first thing about pulling out, you replied internally.
“She makes us a lot of money, though,” Sam explained.
“But the way she looks right now,” Bucky grinned, “that’s priceless.”
“Ha, yeah, well of course you would say that,” Sam rolled his eyes.  “If you think that coming on her face will successfully mark your territory or something, you’re wrong.”
But Bucky wasn’t listening, he was too busy grabbing your neck and pulling you into a filthy kiss.  You could tell he was tasting himself on your tongue, and when he pulled back, he’d even smeared some come on his nose and cheeks.  He wiped it off like it was nothing and grinned at you.  That, on the other hand, did feel like a somewhat successful territory-marking.
“Now I feel kinda bad,” Steve pouted.  “She’s gonna have to take three showers to get clean enough to go back out there.”
“Oh, I think she’s done for the night,” Sam announced as you finally got your chance to relax and lay back on the couch-- though it wasn’t that relaxing, because you were sore everywhere, and still wearing those stupid uncomfortable heels.
“You’re letting me go home early?” you repeated, your voice coming out froggy and strange; you cleared your throat and ignored the way it tasted like come.
“Hmm, not quite,” Sam smirked.  “I think Steve here has a point.  For one thing, you shouldn’t be going back to that horrible apartment every night.  You live in a really dangerous part of town.”
“It’s not dangerous if you’ve got mob protection,” you countered.
“But I can’t protect you when you live so far away,” he frowned.  “Come back to mine, clean up in a much nicer shower than you’re used to, and you can get back to work tomorrow, alright?”
“Sure,” you agreed, “but maybe… get me a rag first?”
“I’ll drive you,” Bucky offered.
That meant you weren’t going to get a rag.  What you didn’t realize at the time was that it also meant Bucky and Steve were going to stay the night at Sam’s, too.  What you never could’ve imagined was that the four of you weren’t going to leave again for quite some time.  And what you would’ve actually bet money against if somebody had asked you about it that morning was that you weren’t going to be working in the club anymore.
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