#I can tell you that on my way to teach in the HOOD part of this unrealistically wealthy suburb that houses Northwestern University I passed
nereidprinc3ss · 2 months
do you believe me now? | 3
in which spencer reid spends a rainy day teaching inexperienced fem!reader how to touch him. of course, her efforts don't go unrecognized, much less unrewarded
series masterlist
18+ (smut) warnings: inexperienced reader, softdom!spencer, sub reader, oral m receiving, reader swallows lol, a truly sickening amount of praise, like really, you JOKINGLY refer to each other as dirty sluts, r has longish hair, spit mentioned once, thigh riding (moans loudly), its filthy idk what to tell you, i feel like i've crossed the desert on foot i don't even know what else is in here, your honor they're in love, i take you to dinner first, this part is stupidly long a/n: had a fucking field day the three separate times i had to rewrite this el oh el... but think i like how it turned out?! anyway, if u like this PLS lmk bc writing it took a small piece of my soul, and yes there will be a part four!! take care of yourselves!! i love you!!!
You give Spencer half a minute or so before knocking on his door for a second time. 
It’s miserable outside, and though the hallway you’re standing in now isn’t terribly cold, you’d much prefer to be in Spencer’s apartment, where it will be the same toasty 68.5 degrees as always. Not that the heating will magically dry you. And not that you’ll be there for long, if the date you’d scheduled last week goes on as planned. 
You’re getting worried, about to knock for a third time when the locks finally click and the door opens to reveal a disheveled Spencer Reid—not at all looking ready for a date. You take in his ensemble; blue checked pajama pants, FBI Academy crewneck, the usual questionably paired socks. He’s rubbing his droopy eyes, which slowly widen as he notices your attire. 
“Shit, I’m sorry, our date! I mean—you look really nice. I look… like this. Why don’t you come in while I get ready to go?”
He holds the door open a little wider and you step through, relishing in the familiar warmth as you pull your hood down and excess water droplets spatter on the ground. 
“When did you get in?” you ask, hanging your raincoat up on a hook. You know he’d wrapped up a case yesterday evening, but you’d gone to sleep before the team left Cincinnati. 
Spencer pauses in the middle of the room, staring at the antique flooring like he forgot what he was doing. 
“Uh… four hours ago.”
“Wh—four hours? Spencer, you must be exhausted.”
He laughs awkwardly, running a tired hand over his face. 
“I mean… I’ve definitely felt better.”
You kick your soaked shoes off and cross the room until you’re toe to toe with him. Immediately his hands settle on your waist and yours find his arms. His eyes are kind, and he’s clearly pleased by your presence despite his lack of energy. 
“The weather’s terrible, anyway. Let’s just go out another day.”
His features have softened and you can see how tired he truly is—not just in his bleary eyes, but the way his fingers grasp weakly to you, the way his head bows slightly. It seems bone-deep. 
“But I haven’t seen you in a week. I don’t want you to go home.”
Your lips twist. A clap of thunder rolls in the distance and the rain starts coming down even harder against the windowpanes. 
“We could hang out here. We can take a nap!”
Spencer sighs—half resignation, half disappointment. 
“But we made such good plans,” he laments. 
You kiss his cheek. 
“Plans that can be rescheduled. The bookstore will still be there next weekend.”
It takes him a moment to settle into the idea, but you watch the exhaustion win. 
“Okay. But no nap. I want to be awake for you. Coffee?”
You nod enthusiastically, beaming at the prospect of getting to spend the day doing nothing with him. Spencer mirrors your grin, before pressing a kiss to your head.
“You’re so cute.” Heat creeps into your cheeks and you can’t think of a satisfactory reply, but in the end you don’t need to, as he tugs gently on your hands. “C’mon. Tell me what mug you want.”
The kitchen counter bites into your palms as you lean with your back to it, watching Spencer putter all around the kitchen as he works on the coffee. It makes you tired just to watch. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to take a nap? Caffeine isn’t a substitute for sleep, you know.”
“I do know,” he agrees, measuring coffee grounds. “But other than last night, I actually slept fairly well this week.”
“You seem exhausted.”
“I… am tired in lots of ways. Not all of which can be resolved with more sleep.” he admits.
Your heart drops ever so slightly at the way his voice weakens as he looks through the fridge. Sometimes you remember there are still things you don’t know about him—sides you haven’t met. His work side is one of them, and it more than a little intimidates you.
“Bad case?” you ask, voice quiet and crackling with nervous energy. 
Spencer nods, approaching and setting a carton of milk on the counter behind you—caging you in with his arms in the process. It’s hard to find the words when he’s this close, but you manage to stumble through them. 
“Do… do you wanna talk about it?”
Spencer hums, tilting his head before gently saying, “not right now. But thank you for offering, lovely.”
“Okay, well—if you change your mind… if there’s anything I can do to make you feel better…”
Finally he stops with the teasing—the unabashed staring at your lips, the faux-attentive nods—and drops his head to your level to kiss you properly. It’s obviously an attempt to get you to shut up, you’re not dumb enough so as to miss that—but you don’t really care why he’s doing it so long as he does it at all. 
“I feel pretty great right now, actually,” he murmurs against your lips, a hint of a smile coloring his words. “Do you want sugar in yours?”
Your eyes dart helplessly between his as he pulls away and you struggle to un-fluster yourself enough to answer his simple question. Spencer seems to delight in this. The longer it takes you, the bigger his perfect smile gets. 
“You took too long. You’re getting sugar.”
“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do?” you plead later on the couch, for the third or fourth time, setting your mostly-empty mug on the coffee table. 
His eyebrows raise. 
“I’m sure, honey.”
“But I want to help,” you pout, pulling your knees into your chest. Spencer regards you for a moment from the other end of the couch, before beckoning you closer wordlessly. 
“You are helping,” he assures you, gently grabbing your wrist as you crawl into his lap. He rubs soothing circles into the delicate skin with his thumb. “You being here and being you is plenty.”
It’s the closest you’ve been to him since before he left, and while you’ve all but given up on asking him to sleep with you, it doesn’t mean you don’t think about it multiple times per day. It’s especially difficult to keep your thoughts PG when you haven’t seen him in a week, and his hair is all messy, and he’s got his pajamas on, and you’re in his lap, and he’s looking at you like that. 
“What are you thinking about?” Spencer murmurs, likely concerned by your lack of response and the glazed-over look in your eyes. You reanimate, averting your gaze to the spot on your thigh he’s now rubbing absentmindedly. 
“Nothing. I just missed you.”
“I missed you a lot, too.” You don’t even have to look up to know that his brows have twisted into a pleasant sort of bemusement, like you are a particularly complex puzzle—you can hear it as he continues speaking. “I’m still not used to having something external take up so much of my attention while I’m trying to do my job. I’ve never had that before. Not something good, anyway. It’s like every time I leave, I’m thinking about you more than the time before. And I was already thinking about you a lot.”
The corner of your mouth twitches as he rambles. 
“Yeah, really,” he chuckles. “You prove to be incredibly distracting even when you’re hundreds of miles away. Do you know how many nights I almost called you before realizing it was one in the morning?”
A slow smile spreads over your face. 
“Oh? Whatever could you have been calling about at one in the morning?”
You’re teasing him, and it works. He blushes adorably. 
“Um… probably exactly what you’d expect. In hindsight I think it’s best that I refrained.”
“What?” You grin, incredulous, forgetting your shyness and leaning closer. “You totally should’ve. I’ve never had phone sex before. I would’ve done it.”
“No, you wouldn’t!” Spencer laughs. “It would have just been me talking to myself with you on the other line. I don’t think phone sex is really up your alley.”
“Shut up,” you laugh as your lips meet. He smiles into the kiss. Before you get too lost in it, you pull away, leaning back when he tries to follow you. “I think you’re over-complicating it. It’s just dirty talk, right? I can totally do that. It’s just, like… blah blah blah, dirty slut, something something…”
You trail off as he gives you a look. Poker faced—aside from the slightly narrowed eyes sparkling with humor. 
“You want me to refer to you as a dirty slut?”
Maintaining eye contact is an uphill battle—you crack in a matter of seconds, resting your forehead against his and closing your eyes stubbornly. 
“No. For all you know I want to call you a dirty slut.”
It’s a ridiculous, but he recognizes the bravado for what it is, still smiling slightly as he rubs your hips. 
“Right. I apologize for assuming. But just for future reference, I don’t want to be called that, and I don’t think I’d be comfortable calling you that, either.”
“But you can call me other stuff,” you remind your boyfriend, pulling back and still not looking at him. 
“Yeah? Like what?”
And just like that, you’re shy again. 
“I don’t know… nice things. I like when you’re nice.”
“I like being nice to you.” It’s so sincere-sounding that you meet his gaze, examining his face. His eyes are clear and soft on you, the only source of warm light on such a grey day, as his hands keep running slow lines over your sides. “Kiss?”
And how could you ever deny him anything? 
As has happened before, the kiss starts out innocent enough. And it’s not that it gets particularly heated, or anything—it’s just that it doesn’t end, and after a few moments your mouth slips open and so does his and that’swhat gets both of you worked up over a period of minutes. Pressure and heat that you’re becoming accustomed to build between your legs, and you don’t even notice that you’ve begun rocking back and forth in his lap until Spencer is attempting to still your hips with patient but assertive hands. 
“Honey, that’s—slow down, sweetheart.”
Finally he gets a grip on you and you realize as soon as you stop moving that there had been friction occurring—and you’re pretty damn sure you know what you were grinding against. 
Your whole body feels hot with arousal and embarrassment. 
“Oh my god—I’m sorry,” you mumble, moving your hands from his shoulders to cover your face. “That was an accident, I—”
“It’s fine,” Spencer assures you, squeezing your waist gently. “I just wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing because I know we haven’t… gotten there, yet.”
A moment passes—your hands fall to the FBI stitching across his chest, studying the letters without really seeing them. You haven’t gotten there yet… but why not? Why haven’t you touched him, or even seen him? You think back to the few times he’s touched you and realize that you had been too busy with either your own insecurities or pleasure to genuinely consider how it might be affecting him. He says your name gently, drawing your attention. 
“You okay?”
You nod haltingly, brow furrowed as you think. 
“I—yeah. I was just realizing that I haven’t, like… touched you, yet.”
It’s silent for another long second, and you glance up, to where he’s studying you with a dissonant kind of relaxed scrutiny—a knowing confidence that probably comes with a lot more experience than you have. 
“Do you want to?”
Usually you have to beg on hands and knees and prepare a slideshow presentation before he agrees to doing anything sexual in nature. He’s never so overtly invited or initiated it before. Not that you’re complaining by any stretch of the imagination.  
You nod shyly, still fiddling with the fabric of his shirt. 
“If you want to, I can show you how. But it’s also absolutely okay if you don’t.”
Show you how? 
Your brain is melting into sludge at the idea. 
“I do,” you admit, meeting his gaze again. It’s kind, and you know he really wouldn’t be upset if you said no—but now that you’ve thought about it, you feel deeply compelled to try. 
“Okay. Come here, first.” You lean forward expectantly, eyes fluttering shut as his hand finds the back of your neck and he pulls you into another soft kiss. By the time your lips separate again, your head is spinning. “We’re just trying something, okay? You’re allowed to stop whenever you feel like it. Really low stakes. Got it?”
You nod, still close enough that your noses brush as you do. 
“Got it.”
He presses one more chaste kiss to your lips before pulling away and leaning back into the couch. 
“Scoot back a little, angel.”
Wordlessly you do so, heart pounding with nervous excitement as he lifts his hips and slides his pajama pants down just enough to where he can comfortably pull himself out, and—
Your breath catches. 
Now, you may be about as virginal as they come, but you weren’t born yesterday. You’ve seen porn, you’ve received unsolicited nudes—it is the 21st century. Yet never before have you thought to yourself; wow, that dick is the pinnacle of beauty. Perfect. Breathtaking. But there’s just no other way to describe him. 
So that’s what hits you first—how unexpectedly pretty it is. 
The size sinks in a quick second later. 
You can’t tell with perfect accuracy how many inches he is, but you’re pretty damn sure he’s big. That’s meant to fit inside of you?
No, no—that’s a consideration for another day. Right now you need to stop staring like an idiot. You glance up at his face, and he’s sporting a cocky little half-smile which lets you know you’ve been caught. Motherfucker he’s so hot. It’s unnerving. 
“Do you have something you’d like to say?” he asks politely, quite obviously containing his amusement. But you can’t summon a sufficiently sarcastic response. 
Your voice comes so soft when you reply, “you’re pretty.”
Spencer melts, eyes impossibly softening. 
“Pretty?” His smile is earnest now. He strokes your cheek and you can’t not lean into his touch. 
“Mhm. I want to, um…” your lips twist to the side as you look back down, finding he’s not gotten less intimidating since you last checked. “But what if I’m bad at it?” you whisper. He chuckles, brushing hair over your shoulder.  
“It’s kind of a hard thing to be bad at. And I’m gonna help you, okay?”
It’s the honesty with which he speaks to you that makes you feel so safe. There are no hidden intentions or words that seem to mean one thing but really mean another. Spencer wants you as a person more than he wants you as a body and that’s been clear since the first time he touched you. You take a deep breath. 
“Okay. What do I do?”
“First, you’re gonna spit in your hand.”
You look up, alarmed. 
“You want me to intentionally get my spit on you? Is that not your worst nightmare?”
“Believe it or not, I’m not super worried about yours,” he teases. “But if you’d prefer, I can spit in your hand.”
“Actually, mine is fine,” you laugh nervously. 
Hesitantly, you do as instructed, even though it seems frankly bizarre. 
“Good. Now just wrap your hand around it, like this.” His voice is quiet, focused as he guides your hand downward. Your heart rate ticks up again as he encourages you to wrap your hand around the base of his cock. He feels much warmer than you’d expected—his skin is silken beneath your touch but he’s undeniably hard and that sort of eliminates any sense of him being fragile from the equation. 
“It’s gonna be less sensitive down here—and then, up here—” he slides your hand back up, covering your thumb with his own and swiping it just below the head of his cock on the underside. He hisses and you look up in fascination. “That’s the most sensitive part.”
Without further instruction, you do it again, keeping your touch light and watching his face for a reaction. His drawn brows twitch, furrowing deeper for a second, and his lips part. A heavy exhalation passes between them and quickly builds into a breathy laugh. 
“What?” you murmur, over-eager to please and very nervous to do something wrong. 
“Nothing. Just feels good, that’s all.”
“Don’t laugh,” you pout. Of course that makes him laugh again, and he leans forward to kiss your head. 
“I’m laughing at myself, angel. I’m a grown man fighting for my life from a handjob that you’ve barely started. I knew it would be different with you but I didn’t realize it would be this different.”
Heat rises in your cheeks and you look away. 
“You don’t have to lie to make me feel better.”
“I’m not lying,” he urges, grabbing your free hand and encouraging you to uncurl your fingers. His thumb traces circles in your open palm, before capturing your entire hand in his. “Do you feel how much softer your hand is than mine?”
You frown, attempting to feel whatever it is that he’s pointing out. Despite the fact that you think he has very nice hands, you realize he’s right. By no means would you say that they’re rough, but you can tell where his gun normally sits in his hands, where his fountain pen rubs against his fingers. “Yeah.”
“Yeah. Anything you do is going to be perfect because it’s you.”
Spencer drops his hand to your leg, rubbing it soothingly. The other moves to cover yours—the one wrapped around him. 
“You’re gonna help me, right?” you ask quietly. Some adventurous part of you is very excited about this as an experiment—fascinated by the reactions you’ve already gotten from him and eager to push it. 
“I am. Little bit tighter, honey. I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”
You do as you’re told, and he’s murmuring more praise—slowly encouraging you to begin moving your hand with his own. A shaky exhale catches your attention, drawing your gaze to his face. His eyes are, of course, cast downward, but his expression is hypnotizing. Those lips remain slightly parted, and suddenly you wonder if he makes noises like you do. In that moment it becomes your life’s mission to find out. 
For a while you continue letting his hand guide your movements, but he keeps things so slow for your sake that you’re getting impatient. You forgo his direction, picking up the pace but trying to keep the rhythm he’d instilled in the motion. His hand slackens around yours. 
“Fuck,” he hisses to himself. The hand on your thigh rubs achingly deeper into the flesh. “Angel, what are you doing?”
“I want it to feel good.” Suddenly shy again, you slow down. His hips stutter, which you think may be a sign that it was working. “Am I—was that bad?” Spencer looses a breath, looking almost… frustrated?
“No, I’m just—I’m weirdly close to coming.”
“That’s a good thing, right?”
“Well,” he mutters, “not usually. Mostly it’s embarrassing.”
You giggle, a release of some tension, and begin pumping your hand again. His breath hitches and he finally looks up at you, meeting your eyes with his own lust-glazed ones. Heat pools deep between your legs. 
“I want you to come,” you admit quietly as you twist your wrist, brushing that spot underneath the head of his cock again. His jaw literally drops, and a look that is part confusion, part pleasure, twists his features. You see the surprise sparkling in his eyes and it only spurs you to keep talking. “I’ve never seen how you look when you do, but I’ve imagined it. I bet you look so pretty when you come, Spencer. ‘Nd then I would know that I can make you feel good, too.”
“You… you are making me feel good,” he assures you. The way his brow furrows and his  lips are parted give you a feeling that’s entirely new. Normally, you’re the one falling apart under his touch—but when it’s the other way around there’s a whole new kind of pleasure in it for you. You feel kind of powerful. Maybe even close to confident. 
“Really? I’m not this quiet when you touch me.”
“I’ve ha—ah—had more practice not making noise.”
“But why?” you implore, ignoring the fact that he’s slept with other women and enjoyed the sounds they made, and opting to brush your thumb across that extra sensitive part he definitely shouldn’t have told you about. His hips buck up and he hisses, which is immensely gratifying to you. 
“Because I like to listen.”
“What if I do, too?”
In a moment of divine inspiration , you cover the tip of his cock with your hand, swirling beads of pre-come over your palm. Spencer moans and his hips jut up into your grip. It’s a beautiful sound, just as you’d hoped. 
“Jesus, fuck.”
You understand why he seems to enjoy touching you so much. It’s so rewarding to watch as his breathing picks up and pleasure contorts his face—to watch him get messier and messier and lose his composure a bit more with each stroke of your hand. It’s so simple but Spencer looks at you like you’re exercising some arcane deviant power over him and he’s not sure he should be enjoying it as much as he is. 
Distantly you think about how it felt when he had his hands on you—and then, in clearer focus, how it felt when he went down on you. Both were perfect, but something about his lips so gentle on the most intimate, vulnerable part of you had felt like ascension. Maybe it was the emotional component, or maybe it just felt fucking good. Regardless, it seems an irresistible thought. 
You keep stroking him until his head is lolling on the back of the couch as he groans.
“Yeah, baby?”
He sounds so destroyed it makes you clench around nothing. Without any indication that you’re going to do so, you stop touching him, and the speed with which he lifts his head again is almost comical. Immediately, while he’s utterly defenseless and desperate, you ask, “can I use my mouth?” 
His eyes widen, and then shut, as he processes your request with a tiny shake of his head—probably trying to clear the haze of pleasure from his mind before he answers. 
“Honey,” he rasps eventually, opening his eyes and smoothing a hand over your hair, “you don’t have to do that just because I do. That’s not why I do it.”
“But I want to,” you murmur, shy and mildly embarrassed by what feels almost like a soft rejection. “I don’t think I could do anything, like, mind-blowing, but… I want to try.”
Your face is hot by the end of the sentence, and you can’t meet Spencer’s eyes as his fingers twitch over your hip. A quiet moment passes—but it’s short-lived.
“Okay. Go ahead, baby.”
Wide eyes dart up to his. 
Spencer smiles fondly, brushing an invisible speck from your cheek. 
“I don’t think I’m capable of turning that offer down. Not when it’s you.”
“Okay—um, should I just—” Spencer watches on, finding your sudden enthusiasm completely adorable as you scoot off of his lap and gingerly kneel in front of him. Your eyes are big and glassy as you look up at him, hands set politely on his knees. You squint suspiciously, eyes darting between his face and his cock, now about as hard as it’s ever been due to your toying. He knows it’s probably intimidating for a girl who has never seen one in real life, and he feels kind of bad about it. You do terrible, wonderful things to him that he doesn’t understand. “Wow. So... it looks bigger from down here.”
“Please don’t try to choke yourself,” he instructs hurriedly, leaning forward slightly. “I really don’t need you to do that. It’s fine if you can’t fit it all, I just—” he exhales shakily. Spencer is most definitely strong-willed but he can’t pretend like the sight of you on your knees for him, inches from his aching cock for the first time isn’t impacting his cognition. Most importantly he doesn’t want to make you feel pressured. He’s trying to not let how badly he wants this show in case you change your mind. 
Spencer watches as you psych yourself out—wilting like a thirsty flower. 
“But what if I’m bad at this?” you mumble, hands curling into loose fists atop his legs. Spencer pushes your hair back, tucking it behind your ears. 
“What’s your worst case scenario?” he asks. Your answer is immediate. 
“That I’m so bad you make me stop halfway through.”
Spencer can’t help but laugh again. 
“I’m sorry—I just… honey, you are really underestimating how profound your effect is on me. I just almost came from a minute long handjob. I can assure you that I won’t make you stop halfway through because I’d rather not have your mouth on me. That is… that’s just not going to happen.”
You lean your cheek against his thigh. He might actually pass away. 
“Will you tell me if I’m doing something wrong?”
“Honestly, as long as you don’t bite, you’re in the clear.”
Your eyes squeeze shut and your lips pull into an embarrassed little smile. 
“Great. Thank you for that invaluable advice.”
“Of course,” he smiles. It fades slowly as you take a deep breath and look up at him, obviously steeling yourself, before leaning forward and taking him in your hand again. He watches with bated breath, repeating no sudden movements to himself over and over as your hand moves up and down a few more times and your head lowers. 
You delicately, so lightly trace your tongue from the base of his swollen cock to just underneath the leaking tip, mapping a vein, and his hips buck as you take him into your mouth experimentally. Only the first few inches fit but the sight of your lips wrapped around him, the way you’re looking at him is so unbelievably erotic Spencer knows he won’t last very long.
From a purely technical perspective—he knows he’s gotten objectively better head. Still, something about the way you’re so delicate with him, so soft and timid in the way you lick and kiss and take him into your mouth has him fighting not to come already. Maybe it’s wrong, but knowing that he’s watching you do this for the first time in your life is obscenely arousing. The idea that you’ve never trusted another person this much; that you’re letting him be the one to help you navigate something as new and as important as sexuality. The more he thinks about it, though, the more he realizes: it’s not your inexperience that turns him on. It’s just you. Everything you do is so undeniably you—he recognizes your mannerisms in every tiny motion, in every glance, and it’s killing him. You’re like a dream as you look up at him with big nervous eyes, (no, really, he has had this dream) and he remembers he wants to be reassuring you—not pondering life and human connection. 
“Look at you,” he murmurs, groaning and hips twitching as your cheeks hollow, wrapping his achingly hard cock in soft gentle warmth so sweetly it feels taboo. “So good, baby. So gorgeous like this.”
You whine around him, receptive as always to his obsequious praise, and he notices the way your hips wiggle as you seek friction. God, you must like this a lot. Spencer gathers your hair into a makeshift ponytail, resting his hand on your head as you begin to bob it. That, he wasn’t prepared for. He’d have been satisfied with just kitten-licks and suckling but he won’t complain about this. It’s slow, and so intentional as you keep watching him for feedback cues. Ever his observant girl, you’re constantly paying attention. Aware of his reactions. He needs to keep telling you you’re good or else you’ll assume you’re terrible. 
“Over-achiever,” he whispers through a little smile as you down even more of him. 
Spencer is for the most part a kind and gentle person. For better or worse he is also a man, and he can’t help but fantasize about getting you all teary and drooly as he holds your mouth open and sees how much of his cock he can push down your throat. But again—kind. Gentle. So when you get a little over-zealous, attempting to sacrifice your comfort for his pleasure, he pulls your head back slightly. “That’s far enough, angel. That’s—fuck. God, you’re good at this.” The words are thoughtless, muttered to himself more than you as he watches through a haze while you look up at him with glassy, half-lidded eyes, slipping him in and out of your warm mouth, a little faster now as you gain confidence. 
You whine desperately around him, like you’re the one nearing orgasm and not him. The sound of your pleasure as you suck his cock makes him dizzy. His hips buck, pressing him a little deeper into your mouth. “Jesus fucking Christ,” he exhales. “Slow down, baby. I’m—” a louder moan from him like you’ve never heard as he thrusts shallowly turns you on profoundly. He’s so much more vocal than you’d have imagined—sonically and verbally. He breathes out a quick, “fuck, fuck, fuck,” pulling your hair slightly, and you’ve never wanted to touch yourself more but you know you can’t focus on both. Instead you work on making him come—you can worry about you later. He says your name, with an authoritative edge to his tone that makes you throb. “Honey, if you don’t stop, I’m gonna come—”
You swirl your tongue around the top of him like candy and he’s done for. Spencer tries to pull out, which only results in cum both in your mouth and on your face. The orgasm is his strongest in recent memory, and he grunts, watching your lips part and a little squeak escape as he comes all over your face—but you keep stroking him all the while. Once he’s 90% sure it’s over, he falls against the back of the couch, breathing heavily and looking down at you through hazy eyes. Oh, he’s going to feel terrible about this in a few seconds—but right now you look fucking perfect. Your eyes are wide, nervous as his essence drips over your face and down your neck—he groans when you swallow cautiously, averting his eyes to the ceiling lest he do another thing he regrets. 
“Baby, I am so sorry,” he mutters, forcibly clearing the haze of orgasm from his mind and sitting up, fixing his pants and looking around before locating the box of tissues on the side table. “I’m so, so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” You look up at him attentively as he wipes himself from your face as gently as he can. 
“Why not?”
“Because I didn’t ask you first. I wasn’t thinking clearly.”
Spencer guides your head around by your chin, wiping your jaw and lips. 
“It’s okay, Spence, I—”
“No, it’s not,” he cuts you off, trying to at least turn his guilt into a learning experience for you. He’s not deluded enough to think someone like you will stay with someone like him forever, because sometimes he does things like that, and he’s reminded that there are certainly people out there more deserving of you. At the very least he can clarify that nobody should ever do what he just did to you. “It’s really not nice to do that to someone.”
“Do you care what I think at all?”
Spencer freezes, finally forcing himself to look you in the eye. Despite the fact that he’s mad at himself, he’s sure it’s coming across as being directed at you. And he knows you’re sensitive, especially about this kind of thing. 
“Of course, I do, baby. I’m sorry. Do you want to come back up here with me and tell me what you’re thinking?” he murmurs, cupping your jaw. Hesitantly you nod. The tissues end up on the table—which he will be thoroughlywiping down later—before you crawl back into his lap from the floor. Spencer helps you settle against him, hoping he hasn’t messed this up irreversibly. He keeps his voice quiet as he rubs your leg. “What were you going to say?”
“I was going to say,” you begin, “that it’s fine, because you’ll remember to ask next time. And because… I kind of liked it. I like when—when you do stuff like that.”
It’s a miracle he can hear you with the way your voice drops into an almost-whisper and you’re hiding against his shirt. 
“Like what?” he murmurs. Although he’s not sure he’ll be able to handle the answer. 
“Like… I don’t know. Like you can do whatever you want to me. Like I’m literally yours.” Each word makes you cringe further, but Spencer has to try hard to maintain a cool facade as he processes this. If he’s going to try and be chivalrous, you’ll have to move away from this topic—this revelation—immediately. Thankfully, you seem eager to move on. “So… how did I do?”
He almost laughs. It seems exceedingly obvious how you did, but as per usual, you require verbal reassurance. 
“That was really good, baby. You did well.”
You blossom. 
“I wouldn’t lie.”
“Was I the best girl out of all of the other girls?” 
I wasn’t in love with any of the other girls. 
Just barely, he manages to stop himself from saying it, pinwheeling his arms on the edge of a very steep verbal cliff. The realization that he’s been in love with you for a while hits him like a truck. But he can’t tell you that right now. He should wait until you’re less vulnerable.
He really wants to tell you right now. 
“Actually—don’t answer that,” you decide, while all of this happens in his head in less than a few seconds. “I want to go back to pretending I’m the only girl you’ve ever seen in your life.”
“You’re the only one that matters,” he offers, relieved to express at least some portion of the much bigger truth. Then he frowns. “Not that the other women I’ve met don’t lead important lives. I actually know a lot of incredibly influential and intelligent people who are women. I have deep respect for all of them. Am I helping or making it worse?” he rambles. You giggle. He has his answer. “What about you? How do you feel?” he asks after a moment, tenderly, lowly, stroking your hair as you lean against his chest. 
It takes you a moment to deliberate, fiddling with the fabric of his shirt. 
“I feel good. I, um… liked it a lot more than I would have thought.”
“Well, that’s good. Much better than if you had hated every second of it.”
You hum in agreement, and he waits for you to say whatever you’re holding back. It comes sooner than he’d have anticipated. 
“I feel bad about the times before. How did you just… go to sleep after? Were you not, like—insanely turned on? Not that I’m, like, irresistibly sexy, or whatever—you know what I mean.”
Spencer smiles because he knows you can’t see him. 
“I wasn’t doing it to pressure you into feeling obligated to reciprocate, I guess. My line of reasoning was that it would be less intimidating if I didn’t even present it as an option until you wanted to try.”
Spencer thinks he sees where this is going. 
“Why?” he asks, leaning back and encouraging you to look at him. “Are you insanely turned on?”
“Wh—that’s—I didn’t say that!”
Spencer can feel how warm your cheeks are as he presses his lips to the side of your face. 
“You can tell me if you are,” he murmurs, all smiley as he moves to kiss your lips. “If you want something, you need to ask for it. I’m not a mind reader.”
“Yes you are,” you grumble. “That’s literally what behavioral analysis is.”
Not quite true, but surprisingly, he doesn’t feel the need to explain to you the semantics of what he does for work right now. 
“What got you all excited?”
“You know what,” you mumble, trying to look away again. Spencer doesn’t allow it this time, gently grabbing your jaw. 
“Yes, I do. But I want you to tell me. If you want me to make you feel good, this is how you’re going to convince me that you deserve it.”
You whine wordlessly, looking at him with those big, lust-glazed eyes.
“You wanted me to teach you how to use your words, right? This is it. I’m giving you an opportunity. If you don’t want to, that’s okay. Maybe we can take a nap, like you said earlier.”
“No! I liked—um, I liked all of it. I didn’t know if I would, because I was really nervous. But when I first—you know—and you got all quiet… it was like you couldn’t even talk for a minute. I was kind of proud of that. Because normally nobody can ever get you to stop talking.” Spencer narrows his eyes incredulously, a small smile tugging at his lips. But he doesn’t interrupt—not when it seems you’re finally starting to get more confident in your words. “And I really liked the noises you made. I think that was my favorite part. I liked when you pulled my hair back, and how you spoke to me. And when… when you got me messy and I had to swallow it. I really liked how it felt because I couldn’t think of anything else, just making you feel good. I really wanted to… make you proud, I guess. Is that weird?”
Spencer shakes his head no, a fond smile on his face when your eyes meet his again. 
“No. It’s a pretty normal thing to feel when you’re nervous and wanting to impress someone you care about. And I would have been proud no matter what, for the record. You were being very brave.”
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, watching him expectantly. Spencer should have known you’re too needy to truly absorb anything he says to you right now. Which is actually pretty cute. Everything you do is endearing to him. 
“Stand up.”
You frown. 
“Just stand up,” he demands calmly, preferring to think of himself as firm and not bossy. 
You do, looking rather annoyed and confused as you plant yourself in front of him. 
“You are so full of questions.” His hands slip up the side of your legs, under your skirt, and hook in the waistband of your underwear. Spencer looks up at you meaningfully and you nod, swallowing. 
As he pulls down, Spencer can literally feel the resistance of the fabric clinging to your soaked core. Under his touch the skin of your thighs is warm and soft. He wants to feel it on either side of his face, he wants to hear you whine as his stubble rubs against it, he wants to feel it clamp around his wrist, he wants it between his teeth and he definitely wants it pressing against his hips as he—
But no. 
There will be time for all of those things—especially the last one—later. For now, he’ll reach between your legs just to see—
“Oh, my god,” Spencer half-chuckles, half-groans, upon feeling how wet you truly are for him. He drags his knuckles from your dripping entrance up over your clit, pinching very lightly and earning a squeak from you which he ignores. “You really did like having your mouth full of me, huh?”
“I told you,” you breathe, visibly relaxing some as he continues to play with you for a moment. Then he pulls his hand away again, patting his thigh. 
“You want me to…”
“Yes,” he says, simply. 
“But is it not going to… am I not going to mess up your pants?”
“You are even more neurotic about messiness than I am. I can wash them, honey. Come here.”
Spencer guides your hips over his thigh, watching your pretty face twist with uncertainty as you fully settle on him. Fuck, he can feel your warmth through the fabric instantly. Already he’s getting hard again. 
“What am I supposed to do?” you whisper, bunching his shirt in your fists. Spencer slides your skirt up higher, revealing the way you’re nestled against his thigh. He spreads you a little further apart, exposing more of your clit to the material underneath you. Immediately you press against him—he watches the delicate flesh rubbing gingerly against him and  his grip tightens ever so slightly. 
“All you have to do is rock back and forth. It’s easy.”
Already you’re starting to do it—but he guesses it’s like earlier where you don’t even realize it’s happening. 
“But… I wanted your mouth,” you admit, quietly, slinging your arms around his neck and burying your face there. 
“Do this for me first. Just get yourself off like this one time and then you can have my mouth. You said you wanted to help me feel better because I’m tired today, right?
“Yes,” you mumble, squirming over him. 
“Well, there are a lot of days when I get back home and I’m tired. I’m gonna need you to be able to get on top of me, just like this, and make me feel better. And I know you don’t know what it feels like to have something that deep inside of you yet, but it’s gonna be a lot. Even once you know how it feels to have me inside when you’re underneath me. I need you to practice for me right now so you’ll be ready, okay?”
You could come from the words alone. You nod, dazed with need as you roll your hips in a circle, pressing his thigh against your clit. 
“Back and forth, baby,” he murmurs, guiding your hips forward with his hands locked around them. “Back and forth, just like this…”
You moan quietly, shamelessly, eyes fluttering as you look down and watch your clit dragging over the darkening fabric. It’s easier if you isolate your hips, grinding down without moving your legs or upper body at all. 
“It feels really good,” you whisper under your quickening breath. 
“Yeah? Does it?”
“Good, angel. You look like you know what you’re doing.”
It’s audible now, quiet and wet and dirty. 
“I don’t,” you breathe. He sucks in a breath of his own, stilling your hips with fingers pressed deep into your flesh. 
“Sit up, baby.” You really wish he would stop making you stop, but you don’t want to keep going in case he needs you to quit—so you rise slowly, thighs trembling as you kneel. Spencer groans at the strings of your arousal momentarily connecting your core to his pants before they snap, getting your inner thighs wet. There’s a dark, very wet patch over his thigh, shining like glass. He thumbs over your slick clit absentmindedly as he looks up at you like you’re a miracle. “You’re fucking soaked. I’ve never seen you like this. Is this all from making me come?”
You nod feverishly, hips grinding against nothing in search of friction. He sits you back down on his leg, allowing you to sloppily find your rhythm again. Spencer bounces his leg lightly and you cry out softly, buckling forward. His arms wrap around you, still pressing you down against his thigh as you rut against it. 
“You’re sweet. Maybe I should have known how much you’d like it when I came all over your pretty face. You really like hearing that you did a good job, huh? I bet you like it even more when I prove it to you.”
You moan a “yeah,” barely processing his words. 
“My good girl even swallowed on her first try. Took it so well. And now look at how you’re taking this. You’re gonna love riding, baby. Just going to be another thing you’re good at as soon as you try it.”
“Spencer,” you gasp, overwhelmed by the praise. He’s bouncing his leg at regular intervals and everything is so sensitive.
“I know it’s harder to finish this way, but just one time, remember? And then you can have my tongue for as long as you want. You are my only plan for the day. Just give me one like this.”
But it’s not really harder to finish this way. Then again, you’re so turned on you could probably finish if a breeze hit you just right. Regardless, the thought of him going down on you again pushes you even closer to the edge.
You don’t know how much time goes by like that, you rubbing against him like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do, him pressing up into you until the pressure is so taut it snaps. There’s no time to warn him, but you suppose you don’t really need to. You writhe against him, caught between wanting to keep going and not being able to take more stimulation. He lifts you up just slightly, trying to separate you from his leg. You exhale deeply as your body relaxes, already close to dozing off against his chest.
“We can’t have you tapping out just yet. I still have to fulfill my end of the deal.”
In the end, he fulfills it three times over, and you end up showing your appreciation in kind one more time—much slower and more comfortably in his bed. He gives you plenty of time to learn what he likes, taking your teasing and coquettish explorations like a champ and never so much as tightening his grip in your hair. Turns out, you don't exactly spend the day doing nothing.
And you do end up taking that nap after all. Just... much, much later. And with less clothing on.
part 3.5
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hoony2k · 5 months
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I aint never seen two chill idols in a room, one of them is always obesessed with the other. Or
Idol!enha giving idol!you heart eyes in professional settings.
GENRE: fluff, crack, established lovers, secret lovers, idol x idol
WORD COUNT: 3k (help)
WARNINGS: mentions of innocent kissing that's it. I got possessed during hoon and hee's.
NOTE: hii this was so fun. I kind of wanted niki and sunoo's to be a bit longer but I yapped a bit too much in general. this is massive for a 7 member drabble but 1 para wouldn't do justice. hope you enjoy!
Part 1 -> we dating fr?
Part 3 -> cut the cameras
requested masterlist
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He thinks everything’s a game!!he thinks its funny! But mr lee who is laughing? Not him rn
You’re walking in the hallways after a quick trip to the washroom when suddenly someone grabs your arm and pulls you into a room. You’re ready to scream but he swiftly covers your mouth and chants “It’s me. It’s me” like that’ll help you understand why your boyfriend thought it would be a good idea to lead you into a small clothing room.
You want to get mad at him for a billion reasons but mainly because what if someone saw? and misunderstood! But his stupid smile tells you how he doesn’t care. Sometimes you want to have his optimism and confidence, maybe then you two could live a carefree idol life.
 Heeseung wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer to fiddle with the bows on your outfit and hair. Your faux anger slowly crumbles as he stares at you like you painted the night sky and hung the stars on it. Still, you break eye contact just to dust your pride and Heeseung can not stop laughing, finding you cuter than ever.
“I have to go soon. We can’t get caught”, you remind him, the overwhelming time restraint burdens you every time you meet him outside his dorms and as usual, Heeseung doesn’t mind. He shrugs casually, then gives you a reckless smile, eyes hooded. “Who cares?”
Your heart skips a beat in the best way but you purse your lips and pretend to think it over. A hum escapes you, tapping your finger on his chin. He leans closer.
“Probably our managers, you know?”, you say knowing he’s far too busy admiring your eye makeup to even care about the consequences of what would happen if someone were to open the door. So, you do the most logical thing a person subjugated with love could do. Taking his smiley face in your grasp, you turn his head and press a chaste kiss on his cheek, intentionally pressing into his skin to leave a stain.
You pull back to inspect the pink gloss on his cheek, lightly smudged. Heeseung looks like he’s floating but before he can pull any stunts you clap him on the back as a goodbye and quickly scurry out of the room. Not even bothering to check if someone was in the hallway.
If Heeseung stands alone dazed for a while…no one needs to know. He fights his demons when he brings out a tissue to remove your gloss, sobbing internally.
★ JAY:
You will be my girl my girl my girl <3
Jay had told you about how he’d film the Sweet Venom TikTok challenge with you to prepare you beforehand. You had learnt the dance long ago, but the mental preparation to become a different person in front of Jay from Enhypen and a camera took some mental energy. Acting like you were strangers and not a couple filming a silly video wasn’t what you wanted but you were thankful no one spread dirty rumours.
His manager held the camera to film some behind-the-scenes footage of Jay “teaching” you what to do in the challenge and it was kind of funny. But when it came to filming, Jay did everything to be able to spend some extra time with you without seeming suspicious.
He’d get the timing wrong on purpose, he’d bump into you, with the smallest nudge and he’d quickly pause the challenge to apologise. Each time he’d falter or force himself to be out of sync, to have one eye slightly closed, you’d laugh it off, genuinely finding his actions endearing.
He’s excited to film it with you, he can’t wait to show how good you two look, and how his dance style compliments yours, and he can’t wait to see his fans react, gushing over you, throwing heart emojis for his girl.
It was rare for to Jay get so stubborn so you entertained it and laughed. The manager didn’t mind as long as she farmed enough footage but eventually puts her foot down when the behind-the-scenes videos turns longer than 2 minutes and the challenge hasn't reached its middle yet.
She politely tells Jay to rehearse once more and she’d film it after that. The rehearsed one goes by smoothly; the steps are muscle memory at this point.
Before the final take, Jay wants to tell you good luck but almost slips and lays it all out in the open as he parts his lips to call you “Babe”. At the utterance of the first syllable, you snap your head in his direction, eyes piercing his soul, not a hint of a smile.
Jay catches his tongue and switches it to another similar word and thankfully it isn’t noticeable nor is it understood by the manager who assumes Jay’s nerves cause him to slur over his speech. No big deal.
Slightly nervous, Jay glances at you and you offer him an understanding nod. Then the final take begins and everything goes smoothly. When the challenge ends, you turn to bow and he thanks you for joining him. As the manager gives you a thumbs up and taps away on her phone preoccupied, you turn to Jay with a raised brow and he blushes.
“I don’t wanna talk about it”.
Personal space? Never heard of her
It’s been hours since you’ve arrived and Jake has not stopped smiling for even a second. He’s over the moon he can’t believe how well you fit into his social circle (enha) like a puzzle piece he was missing this whole time. He’s not sappy but he could write an entire sonnet on how gorgeous you look lounging on his bed, eating take out and brushing your hair back as you watch the movie with him.
But when you announce it’s time to leave, he does not stop sulking and begging you. Literally on his knees. The moment you try to get out of bed, he grabs onto your arm and pulls you tight into his embrace, nose in your hair, he pretends he’s asleep when you ask him to let go.
“My manager just texted me”, you tell him but your hands find his free hand. He rubs a thumb over your hand and you feel like you just kicked a wet puppy into mud. He groans into your hair, slowly and subtly, his legs wrap around your own as if he’s trying to merge your bodies.
“Tell her your phone exploded”, his voice is muffled and immediately you stop feeling bad.
You whine his name and try again but he refuses to budge, and when he tries to pull his bed covers on your frame, you decide to threaten him, “I’ll scream for Jay I’m not playing. I’m overdue curfew”.
“Door’s locked”. HELLO??
You sigh and let your head rest on his pillow that smells exactly like him, ignore the flutter in your rib cage and rest for just a minute. Jake mistakes it as a sign of you surrendering, his grip loosening. You don’t waste a second and throw his caged arms off and jump out of bed and he begins to sulk and wail at the loss of contact. But as much as you love him, you can finally breathe without the weight of your chest.
“I like the idol you better. The one who acts like he doesn’t know me”.
“He wouldn’t treat you like I do”.
He’s ready to have beef with idol Jake if it is meant to impress you. When he’s tying up your shoelaces for you, he’s like “I’ll walk you home” and you tell him he cannot do that because people are always snooping so you’ll get a taxi and he’s like “I’ll walk you downstairs and wait until you sit inside”.
How could you say no to his puppy eyes?
he’s on cloud nine because his wish finally came true. He’s radiating light wherever he goes.
He sat next to you, far too close for it to appear platonic but Sunghoon told you not to worry. He tells you not to worry when he’s facing you, knees brushing, you can feel his body heat despite the cool in the room. You’re trying your hardest not to stare at him or how he’s rolled up his dress shirt sleeves despite his stylist’s scolding, or how they slicked his hair back with gel but left one strand to dangle on his forehead, how it curves and makes his eyes seem sharper than they are.
You’re trying, ok?
It’s better than Sunghoon who cannot stop leaning in your personal space as he reads his lines off your shoulder for some reason, he giggles when you try to push him away but he clings like a magnet. The floor vibrates with heavy bass, you’re up again in ten minutes and you need him to get serious.
Unlike him, it’s your first time mc-ing and despite his hype boy attitude, your fingers still shake as you read your lines out loud. Sunghoon’s smile flickers until he remembers he can do something to help.
“Hey, just focus on me”, he says calmly, ironically the one thing you’ve been trying not to do.
But, with blind trust, you agree and your gaze lands on his. His eyes twinkle and crinkle, he stares back at you and you think you’ve started to smile like an idiot. You turn your eyes to soak in his outfit once more, he matches your formal dress, a deep red satin dress paired with similar gloves. He’s adorned in dark slacks that emphasise his stature, and a dark dress shirt with a maroon tie. His tie is crooked-
Out of instinct or perhaps it stems from the urge to hold his hands, feel his heartbeat under your fingers, you reach out, hands settling on his shoulders, then inch towards his neck to tighten and straighten the knot. Sunghoon’s eyes don’t leave your serious expression, a lovesick smile hangs on his face. Your hands press onto the material to flatten it and fix his collars like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do.
Something clatters and smashes loudly.
You rip your hands off his shoulders and he suddenly feels cold. Sunghoon pouts but you quickly turn away, surprisingly less scared than before. You glance in front and see your stylist give orders, someone says another band is preparing for an interview in 5. Finally, you grip the cards tightly in your hands but don’t even spare them a glance. Instead, you lock eyes with your lover who had been looking fondly at you the whole ordeal.
“let’s go over this one last time for your sake”.
Sunghoon laughs.
Therapists hate him. He’s a mastermind at manipulation.
Both of you are chosen along with another idol and actor to partake in a reality show where you all live together and go on an adventure it’s all a great experience and you get to interact with new lovely people but when it’s late at night, the crew has gone to their hotel, cameras have been turned off, you, Sunoo and the actor gather at the dining table.
Sunoo keeps smiling at you and the actor and he offers to peel mandarins. As he peels, the conversation flows smoothly, his fingers work quickly and skillfully. Even though his eyes are downcast, his change in expressions tell you he’s listening to the conversation.
Out of respect, he offers the actor a plate with the most mandarin slices and out of habit, he slides to you the plate with the juiciest and scrumptious slices, choosing the dry ones for himself. You shyly thank him and Sunoo brushes it off. He only realizes what he’s done and how much of a deal it is when the actor questions if he’s a good friend of yours.
Sunoo bursts into laughter, eyes crinkling, he waves his hand in dismal, he looks at you up and down. You refuse to make eye contact.
“Something like that”.
His open-ended answer renders you speechless and you pretend to be busy when the actor looks at you. You untie your hair for it to cover your heated ears and fake cough as you take another bite.
Sunoo offers you a napkin. His hand stretches over the table and all eyes are on you, the actor is on the edge of his seat as he observes you like a hawk.
As nonchalant as you can be, you roll your shoulders and take it from him. Despite your efforts to avoid skin contact, Sunoo flicks his wrist and his fingers delicately brush yours, sparks light up inside your stomach.
You quietly thank him and he shows off his charming smile. the actor next to you sighs loudly and glances at the clock before thanking Sunoo for the mandarins. Sunoo shines another smile at the man who glances between the two of you.
“Chemistry like this is hard to find. If you two end up dating, I’ll be supporting you”.
This time you choke on the juice and Sunoo springs up to give you a glass of water and pats your back for safety. The actor nods once more then leaves. When the coughing fit dies down, you ask Sunoo what all that was about, he tells you not to worry. He peeks at the camera as a precaution, it’s got a lid covering the lens. Then, he bends down to kiss your hair and brings your plate closer to him so he can feed you. Your heart attempts to jump onto the table when he affectionately begins to stroke your hair as well.
Friends be damned, you’ve hit the lover jackpot.
He loves his job but hates all the parts where he has to be too pretend his personal life doesn’t exist.
“I wish you were here with me”, he says the moment you pick up. You pout, shoulders sag immediately. 
He notices this and almost feels bad as he caresses his phone screen like it’s a glass screen dividing him and the fish at an aquarium. The thought makes him laugh. He wants to spend the entire night talking to you, memorising your presence, pretending you're cuddled next to him but he can’t go through with his urges because you need to sleep.
Jungwon would never want you to disturb your sleep routine, no matter how many times you text or tell him that you want to do these things for him, it's only natural.
“I bought you a keychain”, you tell him, voice cracking over the call. He adjusts his camera, brows raised. You know what he’ll say so you answer, “You’ll see it when I give it to you”. 
He pouts and brings the camera closer to his face to coax you into showing it, his tired eyes sparkle and almost distract you from his dark circles. Your heart sinks. What time is it there? You don’t need to calculate because you had already memorized the time difference by heart before he departed.
“Baby, it’s 2 am there”.��
He shakes his head, hair flicking him in the eye, he squints up at you and unconsciously buries himself under his comfy hotel blankets. You stare at your lover, take in his appearance and admire how hard he works to achieve his dreams, how he wants to be a good boyfriend and tick all the boxes that make your heart soar. He looks like he’ll fall asleep in the peaceful silence so you grant him an offer. 
“Would you like me to sing you to sleep?”
His dimple greets you and under the covers where you can’t see, Jungwon rubs his legs together, giddy like a child. 
“Sing your next song for me”, he whispers and you gasp at him, taken back by the new information. It’s your turn to squint at him as you ask him about how he knew you were preparing for a comeback. He shakes his head and mumbles, “You changed your makeup”. 
Makeup…that was only evident in pictures. You hadn’t met him all dolled up behind stage due to your schedules and could barely fit an hour with him at his dorm because you two were so busy. Yet he had noticed, somehow in a supernatural but very Jungwon way and your face heated up.
Your melody filtered through his speakers, it only took a minute for Jungwon’s breathing to even out, his hand going limp and the phone falling backwards to give you a view of the ceiling light. 
Still, you finish the song and wish him a good night. Whisper a soft I love you in the dimly lit room, a saccharine confession that he’ll hear confidently soon. 
Bro thinks hes in an edit‼️literally moves slowly like that when he sees you, r&b song playing in this head
On the encore stage, other bands including yours bow to Enha and in those 4 seconds, Niki decides to take a shot.
He thanks you with a bow and when you turn your attention to Jungwon, Niki speaks your name. It's far too gentle to be caught in the mic and he faces his head toward you so the back of his head is captured by the camera.
But like a compass, you always find his voice, when he calls for you in the hallways or when he's talking to other people in his makeup room, your ears seem to find him before your eyes do.
As you turn your wide eyes to him, unaware of his plans, Niki's boxy smile vanishes. He gazes at you through lidded eyes that appear striker more so than ever due to his bold makeup and he renders you speechless, cupid shooting you with several arrows.
You're paused mid-bow, face heating up under Niki's stare and smug smile, professional composure crumbling. There's a siren going off in your head, the cameras!
But what do they know? They can't even see your lover's expression, only the tilt of his head and dark wavy hair that tickles his neck. A part of you, a possessive side is overjoyed they can't. Swiftly, Jungwon covers your body and gives Niki a nasty side eye which finally manages to pull you out of the trance.
You return to thanking them and saying whatever nonsense comes to mind, Jungwon understands but Niki cackles loudly. As fast as this interaction happens, you fall back and merge with the crowd that walks off stage.
Thankfully, no one could figure out what happened but they made assumptions based on your expressions. That hype dies down in the fandoms but Niki can't stop replaying the moment on his end. It's a free amv for songs, he's never going to stop thinking about it.
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Thank you for reading!
All rights belong to me. Please do not copy/translate/edit.
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ravenna-reid · 2 months
[ Part 2 to Crimson Red ]
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TW: swearing, violence (bones breaking and shooting, nothing too intense though), brief mention of attempted assault
˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁ ˖ ݁
He had her cornered.
The dim street lights were making the tears that rolled down her cheeks glisten, but no one would hear her cries or come to her aid. Not in the alley ways of Gotham City.
As she continued to tell him; "No, I don't have any money, no please," it only seemed to make him angrier. He had her by the wrists now. Rage contorted his features. She closed her eyes.
"Listen here you bitc-" He was cut off by the sound of his own bones breaking. Both of his wrists snapping forward before his hands hung low. Mock horror spread across his face as the most agonising yell left him.
As he tumbled away from the girl and fell to his knees, something else grabbed at his attention. The pair suddenly looked in the direction the slow footsteps were coming from. Heels on the wet cement. And once you stepped out of the shadows and he saw the mask. The lipstick. The lace...he realised.
"No." Weeps escaped him as he feebly attempted to get away. "No, please."
You looked over at the terrified woman as she held her wrists and watched you in anticipation. "How ironic." You scoffed, "Now he's begging. 'No, no, please.'" You mocked with a wicked smile.
"Who are you?" She asked, voice quivering.
Your eyes settled onto her and remorse began to stir in your stomach. "A friend." You said, "Now, how far away is your home?"
"It's just across the street."
"I'll watch you. Go."
She didn't hesitate, quickly moving past you and heading towards an apartment building. When the door closed behind her you looked back down at the man.
"You know, I don't think that's going to be enough to teach you a lesson." That playful glint left your eyes and was soon replaced with a deadly intent.
He began to beg again, until the sound of a gunshot split the air in two. His body hit the ground with a loud thud. Shocked, you turned, moved to the side hoping the shadows would conceal you, but another gunshot echoed through out the city as the bullet found its home in your shoulder.
In that moment, something wrapped around you and brought you down to the ground with them.
The two gunshots simmered in the air before disappearing, and everything became eerily still as Gotham continued on like nothing had happened.
"Shit." The voice said. You turned to see the Red Hood on the ground with you, arms holding on as though you were precious cargo before he quickly let go.
"Red." You breathed. A faint smile spread across your face until the pain of the gunshot began to finally kick in. You winced, and Jason began cursing himself for not reaching you in time.
"Where did he hit you?" His voice was deeper and a little robotic with his helmet on.
"My shoulder." You managed, gripping onto the upper part of your arm as if it would help with the pain. "Who-?"
"A sniper. I couldn't figure out if he was gunning for you or that pig."
You both instinctivly looked over at the man sprawled across the ground.
"Come on, can you walk?" He began to guide you up from the ground, a tender hold on your elbow and lower back.
"Yeah, my house isn't far."
Lies. And it was as though he could tell you were lying.
"I bet mine is closer. Come on, I can stitch you up."
"No, really. It's fine-" Another wince cut you short, and if Jason wasn't wearing a helmet, you'd see the concern embedded onto his face.
"You helped me," He pointed out, a little eager. "Now let me make it even."
So the Red Hood managed to convince you to go back to his place. A dark apartment filled with take-away, old books, and large windows in the lounge room, only lit up by one warm lamp.
"When I find that asshole, he's no longer going to have a spine." You said through grit teeth as he laced the stitchings through your skin.
"I wonder who it was." He said, focused on your wound. "Probably Two-Face."
You shook your head. "Sneaky son of a bitch. He knew I wouldn't be able to sense a sniper."
Suddenly, your hand flew on top of his and tightly held onto it. Jason's body stilled as his eyes darted up to you. You were squinting, until you finally let out a breath and said, "Sorry, that one had a little kick to it."
You were trying your best, but the burning sensation was beginning to get to your head. Jason nodded before apologising, his eyes on yours and his enclosed hands. You moved your hand back into your lap. Jason paused for a second before continuing on and a strange sort of silence enveloped the room.
You couldn't stop the small smirk. His hand was unexpectedly warm. And soft, even if it had a few scars on it. A blush crept onto your face and you hoped the mask was hiding it.
"I thought someone like you would handle pain a little better." He teased, cutting the string and moving to grab a bandage.
You scoffed as you stared at the bloody bullet that sat on his table.
"Well, I didn't really have to deal with pain growing up."
Jason raised a brow at you as he continued wrapping your arm.
"My sister was a healer." It was the first time you looked away from Jason, a sad, distant memory gleaming in your eyes.
"A healer and a pain inflictor?"
Watching you and how your usual confident expression melted away made him drop the topic. But his mind continued to wonder. 'My sister was a healer.' Past tense. He bit the inside of his mouth as he wondered what happened. Wondered if that was why you did what you did.
He clipped the bandage and sat back to look at his work. "All done."
You looked down and scoffed. "I didn't think I'd have to make the arms of my suit bullet proof too."
Then you looked back up at him and sent his head reeling. No snarky remarks or sarcastic comments. Jason was silent. You gazed back at one another in a comfortable silence, and he found that he really wanted to take that mask off. See who was hiding underneath. But the thought left his mind and his stomach dropped as soon as your eyes widened.
This time...you could hear a heartbeat.
As quick as a whip you were out of the chair and had your hands gripping onto his suit. Much to his shock and surprise, you were shoving Jason back, and in that split second a plethora of bullets began to shoot through the windows.
The loud gunshots mixed with the smashing and clinking sound of glass breaking as the shards scattered across the floor. You and Jason were pressed against the wall at the end of the room, your face buried into his chest and his arms around your head. The shooting continued on for what seemed like forever before coming to a sudden halt.
The floor of his apartment was nothing but glass shards and wooden splinters from the window frames. His table, chairs, and the wall opposite of the windows were decorated with deep bullet holes. It seemed the sniper had returned with a gun that had a little more kick to it. And now, he was gone.
You finally looked up at Jason as he stared back at you. You still had him pinned against the wall, your body pressed against his as you both continued to breath heavily. But the shock of what just happened wouldn't allow either one of you to move. All you could do was stare at each other before he looked over your head at his apartment and the windows.
A slither of guilt crept into your bones. Now he would have to move. You looked over your shoulder at the mess before looking back at him.
"That fucker is dead." He said, voice deadly and low.
"Seems we both have a common enemy now." You said.
Stupid enough, you felt your face become hot as you took in the position you were both in, and little did you know that Jason was thinking the same thing too. Except you had much more of an effect on Jason. Faces inches apart as you held him against the wall, your hands gripping onto the fabrics of his suit. Surprisingly enough, he found he didn't mind the position he was in. At all.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
I didn’t write two parts this week or anything. Nope.
But apparently you all have been very good/bad/tired/enby and deserve to be spoiled. Who am I to deny that?
Master List: Start of ‘Thirst Trap Lessons‘ wc 1220
Danny jolted up, going out of frame on the video call. "I have to seduce Red Hood."
"...dude," Tucker said after a moment. "He already likes you."
"As Jason."
"You just said they're the same person," Sam pointed out.
"That’s not important, not if they're pretending they're not. He's not, I mean. If I want to date Jason I have to convince Red Hood to let me and the easiest way to do that is to get with Red Hood too."
"Just pointing out that, again, he already likes you, my dude."
"As Jason. How is this confusing you?"
Sam sighed in that soul weary way that only someone who had been friends with Danny for years could sigh. "You're the one being weird. They're one person."
"With totally different lives.” How were they not getting this. They had been friends with him during his Phantom era. They had to understand the vigi life a little. Just because Jason and Red Hood were the ‘same person’ it didn’t mean they had the same needs or wants or even personality. “Nope. Need to seduce Red Hood."
"Danny, no." Two voices chimed back at the same time.
"Danny yes," he said, his smirk visible for a moment as he ducked down and ended the call.
He set his laptop aside and dug out his phone from between the couch cushions. It took him a moment to find the right number in his contact list.
"Danny?" The confusion in the voice was warranted. While they had all left Amity Park on surprisingly good terms, it was weird for him to outright call someone who wasn’t Sam or Tucker. Still, she was his best bet.
"Paulina,”Danny said. He knew that his grin was obvious in his voice and didn’t try to hold it back. “I need you to teach me how to be a lowkey thirst trap so I can seduce my accidental sugar daddy's boyfriend and date them both."
Silence hung heavy on the line. And then Paulina answered, "...oh we are so going shopping."
After some back and forth, Danny ended up going to Paulina in Metropolis. Paulina did demand to visit Gotham sometime, but pointed out she knew the stores in Metropolis already so shopping there would be way easier. This was especially true since she was in Metropolis to go to school for Fashion Merchandising.
Danny was pretty proud of her for that.
It was the two of them who had scattered to the East coast after graduation. A few had made it to the West coast, one down to somewhere in Texas, and the bulk had stayed in the Midwest. They weren’t all close, not by any means, but they tended to check in with each other in a sporadic group chat. Mostly it was talking about how freakishly normal everywhere else was.
Not that Danny could claim that about Gotham. (He thought the others might be sorta jealous of that.)
Still, even if it wasn’t a busy chat, it was a nice tether to have. It was a reminder that the insanity of their childhood had been real, but that they had made it out (mostly) alive despite it all. It was also a way to check in if they were being a little too weird— if the rest of the world really was that dulled.
“So,” Paulina started, smacking Danny’s hand away from where he was poking at his face mask again.
Apparently Thirst Trap Lessons started with a spa day.
“So?” Danny repeated, just to be an ass.
Paulina didn’t disappoint him and rolled her eyes. “So, now that we’re settled and soaking and alone, tell me about these people you’re trying to seduce.”
“Okay, well. Right. So this is a secret, which I won’t ask if you can keep because we’re Amity Parkers.” Danny said. He gave her the obligatory fist bump at that.
They had really come together as a class once the fact he was Phantom had become an open secret among the other students. None of them ever turned him in to the GIW or his parents. He liked to think it was more care than the fact that he had been revealed saving them all from being pulled into a realm of unending torture along with the school.
Amity Parkers knew how to keep secrets, they had proven that.
“They’re both the same person? Secret identity stuff. Just no one seems to know that.”
Paulina hummed. “Any people think they’re dating?”
“Apparently. One of them is Jason—”
“Sugar Daddy or boyfriend?”
“Sugar Daddy. Jason is… well, I’m pretty sure he’s rich? Even if he lives in Crime Alley.”
“Oh, so really a Sugar Daddy.”
Danny blushed red under his face mask. “I guess? Except I don’t think he knows he’s doing it! I sure didn’t. He just likes to help. He’s involved in a lot of charity stuff. But I’m pretty sure the money is his? Or his family’s? I don’t think it’s Red Hood’s.”
Paulina’s head let her head fall to the side so she could give Danny A Look at that. “Red Hood.”
“His other side. Sorta, um… anti-hero, vigilante, crime lord?” Danny said quickly in a squeak.
“Danny Fenton! What are you doing getting mixed up with vigilantism again!” She shouted, leaning over the edge of her tub to slap at his arm. “You were supposed to be—” Slap. “—done—” Slap. “—with—” Slap. “—that!”
“I am! Stop slapping me! I am done with it. I don’t help out or anything! I didn’t even know about the Red Hood part until Jason insisted I get some self-defense training because he was worried about me. And then I show up and bam— he’s also Red Hood!”
“And no one knows?”
“Not that I’ve met.”
Paulina was glaring at him again. “And just how did you notice?”
“He, um, might sorta be a Revenant?”
Slap. “Danny!”
“Come on Paulina, he’s amazing! He’s kind and confident and you should see his thighs,” Danny defended himself. “And… and since he’s died before maybe if this actually goes somewhere it means that he won’t…”
“Oh Danny,” Paulina said in a much softer tone.
Danny smiled a sad, lopsided little thing. “Don’t say my name like that. It’s something I have to think about. That’s just being realistic.”
Danny squirmed under Paulina’s gaze for a long minute before she finally looked away. “So one persona is a rich do gooder and the other a vigilante and everyone thinks they’re dating.”
“I know, wild how everyone just assumes that. They’re never even in the same room!”
“Not really,” Paulina said with a shrug. “Before we knew you were, you know, you, the whole school totally thought that Danny-you and Phantom-you were dating.”
Danny chocked on air. “What?!?”
“Like, I mean, so, you were always defending his name and Sam and Tucker would ask you if he was alright after ghost attacks and you got, like, all protective whenever the GIW was in town,” Paulina said. “So we thought you were dating you. I was totally jealous too.”
“Oh Ancients. Is that why everyone was asking me things like if Phantom felt cold to the touch?” Danny squeaked.
Paulina just laughed at him as Danny slid further down into his mud bath.
AN: Ailithnight’s reply here was spot on that Danny was treating Jason and Red Hood like they had two separate needs even knowing they were one person, so I felt motivated to go off and finish up this scene that goes into his thought process for it. Please ignore that it really doesn’t have a start. I just really like the idea of Danny getting that it’s different in and out of the suit and while it’s not like it’s actually two personalities, there still are two very different needs and he has to step up and date both. It’s also nice that he can be more Phantom around Red Hood (Danny misses him a little).
I don’t know if I got Paulina’s Voice right, but I tried! I just find this concept hilarious, and I also think she’d understand masking, from a social side, maybe too well. Hope you all enjoyed being spoiled today and say delightful, darlings!
Good Squad, as you’ve named yourselves:
@addie-lover-of-stories​ @bathildaburp​ @d4ydr34min9​ @sometimesthingsfallapart​  @vythika96​ @worthlesswall​ @aroranorth-west​ @chrysanthemum9484​ @ver-444​ @impulsiveasshole​ @meira-3919​ @lazy-bouqet​ @cryinginthevoid​ @thegatorsgoose​ @cutelittlebeanie​ @blankliferain​ @ramblingkat​ @screamingtofillthevoid​ @themirrorghost​ @skulld3mort-1fan​ @may-rbi​ @nixthenerd​ @moonlupine​ @olivethetreebitch​ @overtherose​ @roseinbloom02​ @v-inari​ @nappinginhell​ @imchildish8775​ @leftmiraclechaos​ @mimilikey​ @mygood-bitch99​ @ailithnight​ @busterkeel​ @avelnfear​ @ravenshadow17​ @demigraceling-blog​ @maskygirl55​ @sroomheaddoc​ @undead-essence​ @desertbogwitch​ @addie-lover-of-stories​ @magic-pincushion​ @phantom-dc​ @lazy-bouqet​ @gin2212​ @meira-3919​ @apointlessbox​  @hollowgast1​ @cutelittlebeanie​ @friends-fam-fiends-hellothere​ @serasvictoria02​ @dulceringo​ @moonlupine​ @mushroom-jack​ @icedbluesoul​ @lumosfeather18581​ @impulsiveasshole​ @coruscateselene​ @escelia​ @firegirl108​ @roseinbloom02​ @crystalqueertea​ @booberrylizard​ @phoenixdemonqueen​ @shorterthanadverage​ @pyramaniac​ @seraphinedemort​ @fallenangle67​ @chaoticchange​ @soren1830​ @trippingovermyfeet​ @nutcase8691​ @themirrorghost​ @vehan-tikkun-olam-and-stuff​ @a-salty-sal​ @guardianrex​ @dsabian​ @crystalqueertea​ @v-inari​ @8-29pm​ @consouling​ @jotaroslooseeyebrowhair​​
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petite-phthora · 4 months
Please don't shake the cat
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 13]
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Part 1
Private chat nicknames:
RedHood = Jason
Danny = Danny
Private chat
RedHood: *picture*
RedHood: this yours???
Seeing the picture of Ellie clamped onto Red Hood’s arm Danny lets out a sigh while rubbing his forehead. He takes a few seconds to look at the picture while deciding on how to reply.
Private chat
Danny: you don’t happen to be in Mexico right now by any chance, do you?
RedHood: No.
RedHood: I was out patrolling when I was suddenly bitten by her.
RedHood: Thought it might have been a criminal or stray cat or something like that at first.
RedHood: I was not expecting a feral teenager, but I can’t say this is the first time it’s happened.
Danny: damn, she was supposed to be in Mexico 😕😥
Danny: I guess this is what she was trying to tell me with that cryptic message she sent me huh
Danny: and the stray cat analogy isn’t too far off to be perfectly honest 🤔
RedHood: So you know her?
RedHood: Can you help me get her off? I’ve tried prying but she’s got some sick ass jaw strength.
RedHood: Which would have been pretty cool any other time, but it’s currently not really working in my favor.
Danny: I’m so sorry about her 😓 😓
Danny: we’ve been trying to teach her to ask for consent first
Danny: but it’s still a work in progress 😅
Danny: of course I'll help you get her off!! 😊🙃
RedHood: Great! You’re at your apartment, right?
RedHood: I’ll be there in two shakes.
Danny: please don’t shake the cat 😰
Danny: she’ll get grumpy and might latch on even tighter
Danny: I’ll come to you instead 🙃
Danny: you said you were patrolling, so crime alley, right? 🤔🤔
RedHood: Well, yes, but I doubt you’ll be able to get up where I am right now.
RedHood: Let me at least come down to the ground first and I’ll tell you how to get here.
RedHood: Danny?
Jason looks down at his unread messages with a slight frown. He puts his phone away and looks back at the teenager on his arm.
He gives his arm a small shake, causing her to growl at him which immediately makes him stop.
Right… No shaking the cat.
Jason lets out a weary sigh before looking down over the edge of the building to the ground below. He’s trying to think of the best way to get down with only one functional arm when a voice breaks him out of his reverie.
“Hey, Hood. I’m here!”
He turns around, slightly alarmed that there’s a second person who managed to sneak up on him tonight.
Damn, he’s getting rusty
Though from anyone whom he had been expecting to see, he had not been expecting to see the guy he messaged a minute ago standing behind him on the roof.
“How did you get here so quickly? And for that matter, how did you even get up here?” Jason asks confused.
“Oh, I flew” is Danny’s casual response, which gives Jason more questions than have been answered. But before he can decide whether he should bother asking for clarification Danny already moves on to the next topic.
“Anyway, let’s see what we can do about this,” he says, approaching Jason’s arm and the girl that’s hanging off of it.
“Good luck,” Jason says, holding out his arm a little better and watching bemused as Danny and the teen have a stare-down.
“Ellie, what did we say about biting others?”
The teen, Ellie, narrows her eyes and growls at him. Danny just crosses his arms and gives her an unimpressed stare.
“Nah-ah, you have to let him go. We ask before we bite someone. It’s called consent. Don’t make me get Jazz to give you another lecture”
It’s clear to Jason that Danny’s attempt at talking to her isn’t working when the teen proceeds to glance at Jason calculatingly before giving Danny a challenging look and biting down harder.
Apparently, it’s clear to Danny as well, as the next thing he does is let out a put-upon sigh before declaring “Well, I gave you a chance. Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way”
Danny then grabs a hold of her and tries pulling her off of him.
What is his life? Jason thinks as he’s standing there while Danny tries to physically pull the teenage girl, who decided his arm looked like a nice snack, off of him.
Though luckily for him, it seems to work as not a few seconds later Danny has pulled her off of his arm and is now holding the teenage girl with a bloody mouth up by her armpits.
Danny sets her down with a sigh but before he can speak up, the teen crosses her arms and levels Jason with a sharp look that makes him straighten up.
“Thou winneth this round, Red-Helmed Knight of the Night. Though thou should be prepareth, as the upcoming trials will be even more toilsome” Ellie declares while pointing at him, uncaring of the blood on her face.
“And I,” She points a finger back at herself for emphasis, ”Sir Ellie of the Infinite Realms, will—” she gets cut off when a fly enters her mouth.
Danny moves to help her but she holds up a hand to stop him, using her other hand to thump on her chest a few times.
She spits the dislodged fly out onto the floor and glares at it.
“Curse you! Foiling my monologuing once again!” she yells after the fly as it flies off.
Jason turns to Danny.
“So is she your sister?” he asks curiously. And totally not trying to fish for more information about Danny and his family.
Instead of Danny answering the question though, Ellie cuts him off.
“I’m his love child with the mayor of our town.”
Danny gives her a disgusted look.
She looks back at Danny with a shit-eating grin on her face.
Yeah, definitely siblings.
“I love my dads!” she says proudly, her eyes still on Danny.
Danny gives her a deadpan look in response before it changes to a more mischievous one.
“Oh, I’m sure Vlad would love to hear all about how you reclaimed him as a father figure—”
“Oh Ancients, no. Don’t even joke about that” She fake gags at him before turning back to Jason.
“Can I change my answer? I’m his bodyguard” She says, pointing her thumb at Danny.
That makes both Danny and Jason raise an eyebrow at her, though Jason’s can’t be seen through the helmet. They speak up at the same time.
“A bodyguard, huh?”
“No, you’re not, that’s Frighty”
Danny’s statement makes Jason pause and turn to look at him.
He’s got a bodyguard?
Ellie shakes her head happily.
“Nope! I took over the position. My knightly title isn’t just for show, y’know? I earned it fair and square!”
“When did this even happen? And why was I not told?” Danny asks, bewilderment covering his face.
Jason stays silent as he tries to make sense of the conversation.
“About…” Ellie takes a moment to think about it “3 months ago? I think it was when you were dealing with some time chores. And I thought it’d be a nice surprise, so… Surprise!” she exclaims, doing some jazz hands at the end of the sentence.
“What did you even do?”
“I snuck up on him and threw a Fenton Wii remote at his head which knocked him out cold. It counted as a win so I earned the position by right of conquest and gained my knighthood” She says with a shrug.
“Huh… think that would’ve worked for Pariah Dark as well? Would’ve made things so much easier…”
Ellie gives another careless shrug as Danny lets out a small reminiscent sigh. Meanwhile, Jason stands awkwardly to the side.
“Well, either way, I’m proud of you. Do you have a video?”
“Tucker filmed it for me, yeah”
They high-five with grins on their faces. At this point, Jason lets out a small cough which has the Fenton siblings turn around startled and proceed to then give him identical sheepish smiles.
They really look like they could be twins…
“Ah, sorry Red Hood. And again, I’m sorry for Ellie.” Danny says, rubbing the back of his neck with a small blush on his face.
“I’ll take her back home. And uhh… see you next time?”
Jason gives him a smile from under his helmet.
“Sure, if you’re still up for that next date?” Jason trails off with some hope.
His words make Danny’s blush darken.
“Ah uh, yeah! Yeah, of course! The next date! Uhmm, I’ll text you! Or you can text me. That’s fine too!”
Next to him, Ellie rolls her eyes and makes some fake gagging motions. She then grabs Danny by his arm and starts dragging him away.
“Come on, Loverboy. You can and your paramour can flirt later. When I’m not there… and after he’s passed my trials” she says, muttering the latter part low enough that Jason can’t hear. But, judging by the way Danny’s head snaps back to her and how his brows furrow, he did hear.
Just as Jason goes to reply, giving them a thank you and a goodbye of his own, perhaps even an offering to help them get down from the roof, he picks up on movement behind him.
Quickly turning around has him regretting not leaving the rooftop earlier, as he watches the Bats (and birds) land.
@i-always-say-yea   @uraniumwizard    @why-must-i-be-like-this   @griffinthing @i23432i @imsotiredfanficlovertm
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a2a2a2-1 · 1 month
Back in Town Part 3
Part 3 (Dave) Check out Part1 (Back story) and Part2 (Megan) As noted before Disclaimer: This is my first story so please forgive any typos and Errors. This is fiction. Dave: I was starting to undress as it walked in the door. “Honey I’m home to fuck your brains out!!” I yelled. “In here honey.” I heard Megan say from the living room, My shirt was off, and I was starting to unbuckle my belt as I entered the doorway and was shocked to see a beautiful teen girl seeing next to my wife… I froze. Wait, was that the girls I saw this morning? Shit, this was the girl with the camel toe… What was she doing in my house? I in deep shit now I thought. “Oh, look who’s ready for some action!” Megan said pulling me back into the Room. “Dave this is Ali. I was her nanny when she was younger before she moved away. She is back in town now can came over to say hello and reconnect.” My Mind was racing as I tried to excuse myself to get my shirt, I had dropped somewhere. My words trailed off. “Well, I can I get a kiss first?” Megan said I walked over and Megan stood up to greet me. She was clearly not shy around Ali and I quickly relates I was defiantly in the good kind of trouble. Megan asked for a follow-up kiss but clearly had more on her mind. Before I know it she was teasing my dick thought my jeans right in front of Ali! She then turned and asked “So, is this what you wanted to learn Ali? “Yes, that was amazing” Ali said “but I can go if you guys want me too.” “Well, that will be up to you Missy.” Megan said sitting back down and placing her hand on her knee. I felt my dick straining against my jeans as Megan said “I know Dave and I are very excited to see each other, but we are ways happy to teach and eager student. Megan was sliding he thumb softly along Ali’s inner knee. “You can just watch if you like for you first lesson.” Looking up at me she asked? “Dave, do you think we can help Ali learn the finer points in life?” she reached out and grabbed by belt. My mind was racing as I watched Megan slowly tease Ali while she released my dick from its confines. As she walked thought the process of a proper cock worship, I could feel by balls building. I looked over and Ali and could tell she was enjoying the show as well. I could tell Megan was ready very worked as well. “Why am I the only one naked?” I asked as she slid her hand up by body. I look this as my time to recover slightly and pulled her shirt off. Megan then stood up and dropped her shorts. I noticed a glimmer in Ali’s eye as she did. I pushed Megan back down on the couch and noted to Ali “Megans not the only one that can tease.” She Smile and I could tell she was debating what to do next. I pulled Megan’s hand over her head and slid my hands down along her arms then neck, then started my own lightly teasing around her nipples. They came to attention in no time as I as swirled my fingers around them. I could feel her body aching for me to move further down. I gave her nip a slight tug and ask, “Now what are the rules?”
“No. Cumming. Without permission” Megan said clearly enjoying the fine edge of pain and pleasure. “This’s my Girl” I said leaning forward to letting my hard dick slide up her thigh slightly as I kissed her now tender nipples. I worked down, kissing her abs then belly button then right above the hood of her clit. I looked to Ali and ask “Do you like girls too Ali” “I.. I think so” she said looking for her words. “Well this is how you tease her and make her go crazy” I said while I teasing Megan’s inner thighs. She started to wimp with the slow buildup. I slid my fingers around her lips already wet with excitement. I spread them slightly and looked over to Ali who was struggling a little to see. “Here lets make this a better view” I said sliding Megan down then pulling her leg wide. “Ali, you can join me on the floor if you like.” She sat down next to me as I walked thought each part of the Megan’s smooth and sensitive flower. I slowly and seductively walk Ali around each part of the wet pussy. Taking my time to build the tension. Megan was growing increasingly anxious as I teased her clit. As I rubbed to top of her hood I looked at Ali “See how sensitive this part is? Even with her hood still cover our model is here is already eager to cum for us. I pressed a little harder and watched as Megan started to squirm. I pulled back she was starting to ask. “but not just yet,” as she whimpered with frustration.
I slid my finger along her wet slit and continued down and teased her tight anus as I leaned in and kissed her inner thigh working my way to her aching pussy. Sliding my tongue up her lips before hovering over her clit. Megan moaned as I finally kissed her throbbing clit. Sucked her clit in and flicking with my tongue. Megan’s moaning grew more intense “I need to.. I need… Fuckk..” she moaned trying to holding back her building relace I abruptly stopped and Megan let out an even louder whimper. Looking over at Ali she smirked and ask “Do you want to see Megan cum for us?” Ali Smiled and said, “hummm Its fun watching her squirm like that.” While reaching up and Sliding her hand along Megan’s inner knee. Megan let out a out a whisper of frustration, then moan clearly not expecting the soft touch from Ali as it slid up her legs. “Yeah I think she’s ready” Ali said as she caressed Megan’s leg. I leaned forward and give Megan’s clit another kiss as I slid 2 finger in her wet void. Then moved my thumb up to her clit. With practice, precision and rhythm Megan was writhing in no time. Her willpower was losing control as he cried out “ cumm.. Ca. can. I Cumm?” Right on queue Ali slid her hand closer and moved in to get better view. I reached up with my other hand to Grab her tender breast. “Cum for us baby. Cum for Ali!” I responded increasing the pressure on her clit as well. Looking up I watched Megan’s eye’s roll back as she released the 3 weeks tension. Her abs tightened as she the pleasure rolled over her. Pulling her legs up I could tell she this was a good Release. Her hand soon moved down to pull me way. “Oh, I don’t think you really want me to stop?” I joked. As I pulled my head way. “Now for the real sex” I said as stood up slightly, and turning Megan long was on the couch. I pushed both her lets up against her chest for her to hold. Getting into positing half on and half off I tested how sensitive she was with a few smacks of my mostly rigid cock right on her clit. She jumped and moaned with pleasure. I slid my swollen mushroom along her lips then back up to her clit for one last Smack. I then slowly slid in her wet pussy as her muscles squeezed around my shaft. “Who wow that fits all the way in?” Ali said half questioned as she adjusted for a better view. “And it feels so good!” Megan added as it started to thrust faster. I adjusted my position and picked up the pace. I looked over to Ali and noticed she was smiling from ear to ear, clearly enjoying the show. My swollen balls were starting to get tender, and I knew I would not be able to take much more. I pulled out and had Megan lean up on the end on all 4s’. Ali moved back next to me and was in the perfect position to not only to watch me started pounding her pussy and my enlarged sack pounding her clit, but also joy the watching Megans boobs move with each thrust. I was getting close and gave could tell by Megan’s moan’s she was ready too. I was thinking I was going to flip her back around and cum on her chest, but then Ali moved up and reach forward. Her small dainty hand cupped Megan’s breast and felt Megan clamp around my Shaft. Ali then shifted her weight and put her other hand on my leg. That soft delicate touch sent me over the edge. Megans moans grew louder as I thrusted faster and deeper. The delicate scent of sex filled the room as I collapsed on Megan, pulling her close to me with one final thrust. We both took a moment to catch our breath, my dick still inside. Ail was smiling and had a mischievous look on her face. Knowing how much I had unloaded I asked Ali to get a towel from the closet. We both watched her cute butt as she left the room. Ali came back in with the towel and watched closely as I pulled my now slightly soften dick out of Megan’s filled pussy. She gasped our juices flowed at first then slowed to a drip.
“So did you both orgasm?” Ali asked. “Yes” we both said in exhausted unison. "And I think you helped" I said with a wink. “I did?” Ali asked “Yes, you did” Megan response sitting up further clean up a little. “Your boob as soo pretty, they are nothing like mine” Ali said as she ran her hand up her body and started to touch them. I felt life returning to my soft dick. “Oh Sweety, yours are perfect” Megan said sliding her hand on Ali’s bare shoulder. “But you haven’t seen them.. how can you tell?” Ali asked. “Well that is good point!” realizing where Ali was trying to go, Megan played along and said “If only I could see under your shirt…humm” Megan said sliding her hand along Ali’s toned arm then back up. Pulling her closer between her legs, then, sliding a finger under each wide strap then down along her smooth skin revealing a hint of tan line. “You know this tank top is a bit thin” Megan continued as she slid each index finger down turning her hand so each thumb was hovering just over each of Ali’s Nipples. “I can almost make out your areolas” she continued move each thumb close, circle Each, of mounds. Ali let how a half moan half giggle. At the touch of her sensitive chest. Teasing Ali with more circles it was clear Ail was enjoying the attention. Her hand moved up and started to tug on her shirt clearly wanted to take it of already. Megan moved her in cupping each both breast and giving them a squeeze. She slid hand around pulled Ali in for a beautiful kiss. Ali looks like a natural I thought as I watch Megan’s hands slid under and pull off her top revealing 2 perfect little breasts. I felt my dick twitch as I watched my wife cup one of Ali’s orange size breasts, then lean in and kiss her puffy nipple. I watched waves of pleasure roll over Ali as Megan worked her tongue around the puffy areola. It did not take long before the nipples came to attention. I admired the sharp distinction between her ghostly breast and tan arms. I adjusted my posited as I watched Ali’s hand slide up Megan inner thigh. Megan was invited the touch and spread her legs wider. As Ali’s hand reached Megan's wet pussy. Megan moved up and kissed Ali again. I watched Ail’s other hand move in between her leg to adjust her tight shorts that were likely soaked by now. Megan leaned back inviting Ali’s hand to explore further. Megan was quite sensitive by now and it did not take long before she was getting close. Ali was doing surprisingly well for her first time. Her smaller hands now teased Megan’s clit, rubbing with increased speed and vigor. I couldn’t help but tease Megan and reached over pinched Megan’s nipple. Megan started to reach out for my dick to play with but slowed as she was enjoying Ail’s hand. Delaying Megan’s 3rd release for now I ask, “Is Ali gonna make you cum already?” Megan moaned as Ali continued and smiled at me. “I mean Ali is still half dressed.. Let get you but mor comfortable Ali” as I squeeze breast. “You can cum soon enough” I said smiling at Ali. “But I think Ali needs some attention.” I leaned forward and started to get behind Ali but instead she stood up. “So you think I should talk these off?” she asked, now aware she had our full attention. She slowly teased the top of her tight shorts down. I moved next to Megan so I could tease her clit as she watched to show. Megan returned the gesture as she cupped by balls then slid her hand up my growing shaft. Ali finally lowered and removed her shorts to reveal her beautiful slit. I slowed my hand as I heard Megan's breath flitter with excitement and restraint. She was trying to say something but the words were not coming out.
“My lord your beautiful” I said, admiring her prefect little body. Her tan abs were stopped by a sharp tanline, like her own body’s own bikini. I was in awe of her 2 perfect lips that hid the surprise underneath. The light caught a thin string of juice on her inner thigh. I could not hold back any further. Grabbing a pillow from the other end of the couch I got up and laid Ali down on the floor. I spread her legs to expose her stunning flower. Her beautiful lips parted slightly and glistened in the light. As before with Megan, I kissed her inner thigh and worked my way up to her now nectar-filled pussy. The intoxicating fragrance of sweet and sex filled the air and was perfectly matched by her sweet and tangy pussy. I was captivated as I licked and sucked. Teasing her clit with my tongue as I felt her moan with pleasure. Ali’s hands were running thought my short hair as she enjoyed the first of many new experiences. I was so lost in the process I jumped a little when I felt that warm moist sensation envelops my now rigid head. Megan had positioned herself under between my leg and was swirling her tongue around my head while a hand reached and teased my ball sack. The sudden stimulation had me ready in time and I did all I could to focus on Ali. I wanted to explode for both of them, but knew I need a bit longer to rebuild my supplies. I moved my tongue as deep as I could into her tasty slit then worked my way back up to her clit, sucking her clit into my mouth as flicked up and down. Ali moaned with pleasure as she tried to grasp my hair. I felt Megan release from my dick, as she moved to watch Ali enjoy her orgasm. She moved her hand up Ali’s firm abs and cupped her left breast. Ali hole body shuddered with pleasure as the waves of euphoria flushed over her. Ali’s legs were cliched by head like she was trying to pop a balloon. As I slowed my tongue, she released her legs, and moved up over her kisser her right nipple, then moved up and gave along loving kiss. Ali’s tongue entered my mouth with more force than I expected, as she clearly enjoyed herself in my kiss. Megan them moved up and joined us in 3 way kiss as she caressed Ali’s sexy body. I slid my hand down Ali’s body and over to Megan’s wet pussy. Megan returned the favor as I turned into position. Both of us on either side of sweet Ali. Megan had reached cross and grab my dick started stroking like there was no tomorrow. I kept pace with her as we brought each other to the edge. Megan pulled out of the kiss to try and hold back as Ali repositioned her hand to play with Megan’s tit. This sent Megan over the top. The smile on Ali’s and Megan's face as they locked eyes was all it needed. Ali leaned up show off to watch as I released my seed all over Ali flexed abs and chest. Ali giggled as the warm cum landed all over her. Megan wasted no time licking up the mess. First from my dick, then cleaning every drop off of Ali as she giggled. Megan then gave Ali a nice long kiss. Giving her a first hint of natures protein shake. Becoming aware of the time, we gathered Ali’s clothes and helped her get dressed. I offered to give her a ride home, but she didn’t want the grandparents to get too suspicious. Megan and I put on our robes. Watched as Ali got on her bike and ride down the road.
We'll pickup with Ali in part 4.
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cursedkeyboard · 5 months
Babies shouldn't grow up ☆ Jason Todd & GN!Reader (PT.2)
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What does Jason do after stealing a kid from Gotham's slums? Feed and give the little brat a home, of course. [PART ONE ♤ PART TWO ♤ PART THREE ♤ PART FOUR ♤ PART FIVE ♤ PART SIX]
pairings: Platonic Jason Todd & Child GN!Reader
To be completely honest, when Jason reached his apartment, he was panicking a little
The drive had been enough to clear his mind and he realized how impulsive he'd been
He is a damn vigilante, one with a hell of a reputation, and who's always messing with the baddest assholes of this city
Fuck, he's got guns and explosives in his house
But even with all the panic and rationality, Jason wasn't going to abandon you somewhere else
Orphanages were great places for villains to hit, the foster system might as well have been created by the joker, and no way in hell was he going to drop you at Bruce's
Anything but that
So he sucked it up and focused on your small voice full of wonder as you two drove through the city
"I didn't know there was so many tall buildings in Gotham!"
"That church is huge!"
"Holy shit is that a theater?! I only saw them in movies!"
At a certain point he was close to biting his fists in pure cuteness aggression
He knew exactly what you were feeling, could even picture your eyes glittering full of wonder behind the helmet
It didn't help his heart that your helmet also had comms, which were connected to his, so every single one of your little comments meant for yourself only were accidentally shared
Your Gotham accent was so thick too, born and raised in an area were the elite never tried to "cleanse"
Fuking adorable
Oh, also, he'd need to teach you not to follow strangers even if they were famous vigilantes
Because he realized how fucking dangerous it was that you just up and agreed to be taken by a random masked man
Sure, he knew he also did the same with Bruce, but hey, look at where that got him
When Jason finally brought you up to his apartment, still carrying you, he knew he'd have to immediately go out to buy some things
His fridge wasn't stocked with what kids need
Like... apple juice and cereal
Or any kind of vegetables
And, he definitely needed some kid safety stuff, even if he knew you wouldn't try opening the dangerous cabinets
... probably
Opening his door, he took you to the bathroom
Look, as cute as you were, you were also as filthy as a drenched sewer rat
He told you as much when he set you down
Your glare was worth the slap on the arm (it didn't even hurt)
"Can I assume you know how to take a shower?"
"I'm nine, not three, Red Hood."
"Not my fault you look like you're five."
He chuckled as you huffed and puffed
"Jason Todd."
"My name is Jason Todd. Can't have you calling me Red Hood if you're gonna live with me, right?"
You gaped, big eyes going wide
He told you his name! And showed you his face! Why did this man trust you so much?
It... it made you real warm inside
You were quiet for a moment before quietly telling you your name, shyly, like you hadn't done that in a long time
"Hm, I think I prefer 'squirt', tho."
Okay, warm moment over, the guy is insufferable
Hissing and pushing him out of the bathroom with all of your strength, you hesitantly took your first real shower since... since you don't even know when
The water was black
You realized your skin could feel soft instead of oily
And your nails finally didn't look like you dug through dirt
Meanwhile, Jason was running around the apartment like a crazed man
Shoving his guns inside high drawers you wouldn't be able to reach
Trashing the cigs he had bought out of curiosity
And making sure any items for... his intimate partners were completely hidden away
He'd found those in Bruce's room one time as a kid and, needless to say, Jason still felt traumatized to this day
After making his apartment slightly less deadly and ordering food, Jason knocked on the door to let you know he'd left a change of clothes for you in front of the bathroom
Damian's clothes the brat left behind once he had stayed over when he was rebelling
they'd be a little too big for you but nothing like what his would look like
Once you came out, looking fresh and clean, Jason immediately carried you to the couch
Biting his tongue because the demon brat's clothes were actually so big on you he could cry
He ignored your complaints again, he knew your little feet were all scratched and they must have hurt like a bitch
Once you finally settled and didn't try to scratch his eyeballs out, Jason started to patch you up
Such careful, gentle touches for rough hands like his
He handled your injuries like you were made of glass
And despite your childish pride... you kind of loved it
It made you feel all tingly and cozy inside, like you were precious
Like you were deserving of kindness
As you started fidgeting with all the bubbling emotions inside of you, Jason tried to calm you down by talking
He learned your mother died from a drive-by shooting and your father was an alcoholic with a taste for physical abuse
"It only got bad bad a year or so ago, I think he blamed me for us being poor."
"And you know that's bull, right?"
You shrugged as he finished treating your injuries and started to dry your damp hair, a little awkwardly but attentive
"He left a month ago–or died, I don't know–so it doesn't matter either way."
Well, that was a healthy mindset for a child!
He had to breathe through his mouth to not get up and go put three little bullets in your piece of shit father's head
or his body, if the bastard was already dead
Jason definitely had a lot of work to do, but for now, ding-dong, he was going to focus on feeding you
And, no, he was never going to delete the photo he took of your face when he opened the huge takeout orders
Nor would he forget the way you cried silently as you ate
That was your first real meal in months
Your first real meal, washed and clothed, in a safe apartment that didn't smell of roaches nor booze, with an adult who looked at you fondly
Jason promised, to himself and God, that he'd make sure you'd never cry over something like food ever again
When you giggled at a joke he made and didn't flinch when he gently wiped a bit of sauce from your cheek, he knew he had made the correct decision
He'd keep you safe
To be continued...
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marvelous-slut · 8 months
Bad Girlfriend - Happy Lowman x reader
Y’all. I’m back. I’m rewatching sons and I can’t contain myself. I LOVE THIS MAN. And I love ALL OF YOU. Life’s been busy, haven’t wrote in months but I come back to see the love y’all have given me even tho I’ve been MIA? Y’all are AWESOME. Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. Hopefully these can be a regular thing.
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Trigger Warnings - minors DNI. Go far away. Smut. Angry sex. Cheating. Wrote this on my iPhone notes and didn’t proof read it the best, sue me.
“Hales a lucky bastard. I mean look, how’s a woman with such a nice rack with a guy like him? Total dork. Must be for some kind of show. Has to be.” Tig says as he thinks Happy heard all his words. Happy stopped listening after the first sentence. He turns to Tig, confusion plastered all over his face.
“You know, it’s just weird seeing a hot chick with a nerd.”
“No, the first part.” Happy says, getting annoyed with Tig.
“Oh! Hale, yeah? That’s Hales old lady, Unsers niece, well more like a daughter he raised her, and you’re not listening.” He finishes as Happy stands up to go confront you. He wasn’t one to let emotions get the best of him, but when a taken woman was basically throwing herself onto him every time she saw him, he needed to know what was going on. Teach her a lesson.
You say with Jax, Clay and Unser. You’d went with Unser to make sure he was okay, the man practically raised you. It was hard watching cancer rip him away. There was more to it, you enjoyed being around the club. It gave you a thrill, watching these men and their old ladies, watching how they destroyed anything that dared step in the way of them and their women, them and their brother hood.
Truth is, it was easier being with David. It made things smooth, he was a nice guy, Unser cared for him. There was just something that didn’t do it for you with him, you couldn’t tell if it was the vanilla sex, or the rumors you’d kept hearing about him eating some ATF woman’s pussy on the clock. Either way, running from chaos never worked for you, and that was evident with the familiar face of Happy Lowman come to you and grabbed your arm away from the group as they were conversing among themselves. Happy had become someone in the MC you enjoyed, you liked the way he carried himself. How people were afraid to even look at him the wrong way. The way his gun hung off his hip. He was everything that your boyfriend was not and it drove you insane. He drug you to his room despite your protest, he gets you inside and shuts the door locking it behind him.
“What is this about?” You ask, confused as to why you’d been drug away.
“What are you doing? Trying to get intel out of me.” He backs you against the wall, his face inches away from yours. “Come in here flaunting your shit all over me, whole time you have an old man at home? A cop none the less.”
“It’s not like that.” You begin, Happy chuckles and pushes into you further. The two of your bodies no longer having any room in between.
“Tell me what it’s like then? Cop not get the job done for you?” You feel your skin crawling, in the best way possible. Also, a little fear crept in. As much as you liked Happy and seeing him, you knew he was dangerous.
“He doesn’t.” You let out softly, he grabs your face and places his lips onto yours harshly. Almost as if he’d needed this like you did. He pulls you back from the wall and lays you down on his bed instead.
Happy knew he had you right where he wanted you, and right where you wanted him. He spreads your legs as far as they will go, he’s on his knees in-between them. His hands go to your thighs, under you dress. He finds your entrance covered by a wet laced fabric. He runs his fingers up and down the sorry excuse of fabric that covered your wet folds. You moan softly, he pushes them to the side and shoves a finger into you with no warning. You arch your back, hoping he’d get the hint to add another finger. His finger is covered with your wetness.
“Happy.” You moan out, leaning your head up to make eye contact with him. He’s still in his kutte which makes your pussy pulse even more for him.
“Beg.” He lets out, moving his finger slowly in and out of you. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want you to give me more, fuck me with your fingers.” You keep eye contact with him, he still hasn’t moved any faster or added any digits. You sigh, throwing your head back. “Finger fuck me, please Happy. Please, I’m begging you.” He is a bit more satisfied with this response as he adds another finger, pushes himself over top of you, keeping his fingers inside you. He’s hovering over you now, a hand in your hair tugging it lightly. You moan, closing your eyes. The pleasure from his fingers was enough and he knew that, he pushed you to your limit and then he stops.
“I don’t think cheating whores deserve to cum.” He says, licking his fingers as he keeps eye contact with you. You’re desperate now, you grab him by his Kutte, slamming your lips onto his like a greedy bitch. You move your hands down to his belt, undoing it as you pull away to kiss his neck.
“Maybe I don’t, but you do.” You whisper to him, he feels the heat from your mouth on his ear. He pushes you back onto the bed, ripping your dress over your head, leaving you exposed to the cold air. He rips his shirt off, then his jeans and boxers all in one motion. He slams his cock into you with no warning, you let out a moan as he begins pumping himself in and out of you. You feel like you’re being fucked into his mattress. You gasp loudly as he begins rubbing your clit, you felt fuzzy in the brain. You couldn’t believe you were doing this to yourself, to Happy, to David? You reach a hand up to cover your mouth as the pleasure of him drilling inside of you is becoming harder to contain. He rips your hands away, pinning them above your head as he continues ramming into you.
“No. You don’t get to be quiet. I want everyone to know what’s happening. I want them to know I’m fucking Hales old lady. Making you take me, what do you think he’d think? A dirty biker fucking his innocent girlfriend?” He asks, his face is driving you crazy, he has his eyes shut head tilted to the ceiling enjoying this moment too much.
“Oh my god Happy.” You scream out loud enough anyone around could hear. “Fuck. Fuck.” You moan out, your arms still pinned above your head. He bends down, licking the side of your neck, biting it softly yet rough enough it would leave a mark. “Oh god Happy. I can’t ever get off with him. Please let me cum. Please.” You plead with him, sadly what you told Happy wasn’t a lie at all. Most times it was a 7 minute fuck and a fake orgasm to get David off of you.
“Not surprising. You need a real man to do that.” He finally lets go of your hands, moving one of his to your throat grasping it gently. He moves the other back to your clit, giving you chills all over your body. “Good thing you’ve got me inside of you right now. Good thing you can obey like a good girl too.” With the final words, you feel your eyes roll back in your head. You arch your back, bracing yourself for the first orgasm you’d had with a man and not a toy or your own fingers in years.
“God damn it.” You scream out, feeling yourself release around him. You feel your face flush, he notices and it’s enough to send him over as well. “Fuck.” He mutters, releasing himself into you. You lay there on his bed, feeling light headed from the mind blowing orgasm you just received. Happy stands up, cleaning himself up. He throws your clothes onto the bed.
“May want to clean up before you go back to your old man.” With that, he throws on a shirt and leaves the room. You lay back on the bed looking at the ceiling, realizing what has been done can’t be undone.
The chaos you tried to avoid would ensue before you knew it.
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satoruzlove · 1 year
hello! i recently found your account and i love every bits of stories you write! can i request something like atsumu, sakusa, and suna having an underground garage with over 12 cars or more? and their s/o jokingly claims that they love them only because of their money and cars? lol idk, you can decide about the other details. i would just love to read something like this. i hope you understand my messy and clumsy imagination :' )
i hope you have a good day/night! merry christmas also! 🥰❤️‍🔥
I LITERALLY SAW THIS AND DIIIIEEED ANON CUS I RLY LIKE THIS IDEA, and THANK U MWAAAH IM SO GLAD U LIKE MY WRITING <333 HUGS & SUGAR COOKIES 4 U. i’m sorry about how fawking late this is & i rly hope u do like this- it took me a whole while to rly grasp what i wanted to do with this glorious prompt, i wrote a lot these past few days BUT WHATEVER HERE U ARE MY WONDERFUL BUBBLE ANON ( cute af choice btw)
[k. sakusa , r. suna , a. miya ]
- suggestive at some parts , boys with cars, praising and touchiness ( kiyoomi ) , alcohol and FLIRTINGGG ( atsumu’s ), friends to lovers & lots of tension ( rintarou ) , also kiyoomi is called a sugar daddyLMAO but he isn’t i swear -
your boyfriend is meticulous in every aspect of his life. his looks, his health, his belongings- everything. from the way he keeps his clothing folded to how he cares for his multiple expensive , beautiful race cars. as a pro athlete it’s expected of him to have such things , but you’d never expect to see how he handles them with such care - almost as if they were people. he gets them serviced and checked every other month, and polishes the luxurious leather of the seats frequently. when you two were dating, he often picked you up from work in different cars each time - claiming to want to make you look like you were some kind of vip. although, whenever you requested to drive one of them, he’d give you a look. it’s not that he didn’t trust you, he just knew that you couldn’t drive for shit and there’s no way he letting you do trial and error on his multi million dollar mobile.
that’s how you got here ; standing beside him as he folds away some of his summer clothes and practically begging him to let you drive one of his babies. “i’ll even let you tell me how to drive, kiyo, you can be my instructor,” you whine softly. he muttered a ‘nope’ popping the ‘p’ to emphasise his adamancy on the topic. you tugged his shirt sleeve, nearly forcing his dark eyes onto you- before he even knew it, he was convinced. the thick lashes surrounding the swimming, sparkly pool of your irises bored up at him only interrupted momentarily by you blinking.kiyoomi’s eyebrows crunched , mimicking the way his heart squeezed in his chest, despite knowing you just wanted to use his car. he let out a loud, dramatic sigh before running a hand over his face. “fine, you can use one. i will be there, i will tell you what to do and i definitely will stop you if you screw up,okay?” your boyfriend bossed. you smiled up at him, “nono! you can just teach me yourself, i’ll pretend i don’t even have my license,” and when you saw the bored look on his face you added to your statement,” to y’know, ease your mind.”
kiyoomi poked his cheek with his tongue , only to stop a smile from forming on his face. “go get dressed into like,” he paused for a second, his tone questioning when he continued, “..driving clothes..?” and you laughed at that. happily you got dressed and headed to the lowest level of your two story house- the underground.as the sleek metal doors opened, multiple shiny, elegant cars came into view but kiyoomi made a beeline for one in particular. she was black, a two seater that had neon green highlights on her gorgeous sides. “ porshe 2022 911 gt3,” he muttered, slender fingers lightly brushing over the glossy hood. you gawk for a second, “ i have no idea what that is, but holy shit,” you mutter. he huffs a laugh before unlocking the machine.
you hop into the drivers seat, and kiyoomi stares you down. you nearly choke under his gaze , “ don’t tell me you changed your mind,” you challenge him. he laughs- heartily almost- until a smirk overcomes his pretty face. “ you said i could teach you, didn’t you? get up. you’re gonna be on my lap.” his tone is smooth, weight panging in your tummy as you process what he said. your hands hesitantly slide off the steering wheel, allowing him to get in. he adjusts his weight with his hips, hands resting on his upper thighs until he pats them. “ come,” he says, “ sit , we don’t have all day.”
you oblige, your own thighs caged by his as his hands find home on yours. he’s guiding them to the wheel, you observe. “ i’ll worry about clutch, acceleration and breaks. you just steer and change gears for me , okay?” you notice his tone is soft, gentle because of how close he is to your ear. his breath hovers right over the shell of your ear. you nod, and he turns the key in the ignition. little lights and buttons exert an array of colour- almost tempting you to press them. he revs the engine - a low, prolonged echo ringing throughout the underground garage and vibrating your intertwined forms. you close your eyes and soon you come to understand just why your boyfriend loves his cars.
“you know,” you mutter, head dropping onto his shoulder, “‘might steal this thing and flee the fuckin’ country. it feels so-,”,” freeing, huh?” he practically steals the words from your mouth. you nod, smiling breathlessly, “ exactly,” before continuing ,” maybe you being away so much isn’t that bad , considering how my friends think you’re my sugar daddy,” and your boyfriend scoffs. a thick, black brow raised,” atsumu was right, you really do want me for my money.” kiyoomi chuckles, earning another giggle from you. dreamily , you sigh, “ absolutely, you’re my lovely little sugar daddy,” kiyoomi’s body shakes with laughter and his dimples cave in- you swear you get butterflies every time they do.the warm up light on the car goes off and from that point , the drive was smooth sailing.
you didn’t go far , seeing as your house was quite far from anything else , you had a lot of room. you drove mainly around your area. you two had come to a park, very secluded and probably privately owned, and you parallel parked. kiyoomi’s lowered his head , muttering a ,” you’re really good at this, dunno why i was so worried. even i struggle to parallel park sometimes,” he admits shyly. you smile, but you don’t miss the way he gazes at you as your eyes train on the park just outside the window. as soon as your head turns, you’re met with kiyoomi. his lips on yours. your lover’s hand is on the back of your head- guiding you like he was as you drove- and his latter hand on your waist. for a moment he broke away, nose smushing against yours. “did so good for me today,” he muttered against you. you had no time to reply or even be surprised at his remark, as he dove in for another kiss. this one was hungrier, more passionate and less shy than before. of course, you followed the pace happily.
his lips left yours with a deep exhale , “ move to the passenger seat,” he instructed, “‘ wanna get us home real fast, gonna continue this in a more comfortable setting, yeah?” and as you moved, tumbling over the gear stick and quickly plopping yourself onto said seat, “gonna take my time with you, yn.” you heard from kiyoomi as he revved the car once more. you were definitely in for a ride.
suna rintarou is your best friend. you’ve known eachother since child hood and have gone through absolute hell together. puberty, your first crushes, the trauma’s of young adulthood, dealing with the miya twins. you started liking him in middle school, only ever telling aran about it and swearing him to secrecy. you couldn’t tell if suna liked you, you knew that if he did feel the same he’d never tell you, because that’s how he was. any person he’s ever entertained had the same complaint , that he didn’t know how to express his feelings properly and they couldn’t take how badly he blows at communicating.
you don’t understand, and you could never ; because he knows how to communicate with you. you two have an inexplainable bond- and he doesn’t feel the suffocating, degrading feeling in his chest when he talks to you about how he feels. he trusts you with everything. he always has, he has no trouble telling you.
he trusts you with everything, except his cars. all 11 of them.
which is why you slapped his arm when he showed you his underground garage , claiming to ‘ wanna show you something really, really cool ’ he wasn’t lying. his black t shirt seemed to look godly under the stage lights of his garage, as he strolled next to you- taking in his collection and carefully watching your pupils blow in awe. “ you’re such a dick, rin,” you laugh, “ i can’t believe you kept this from me, knowing damn well i’d give my left tit to drive one of these” he snorts, head throwing back and eyes scrunching at your choice of words. he comes to a halt infront of a shimmery, matt- finished car. you eyes drag over the hood, the cat- like head lights and your eyes scrunch up in delight at the ‘ mommy’s boy’ sticker barely in sight. “ it’s a-“,” mclaren, 765lt right ?”
his moss green eyes betray the stoic look on his face. they widen, sparkling in amusement. “ i always forget that you have no friends and read all day,” he feigns a sugary sweet tone. you shove him by the hip, toddling over to the passenger seat. “stop being an ass and take me for a drive.” you sigh. rin tries to ignore how right it feels to have you in his passenger seat , the way his mind quickly flicks images of you two going out at odd hours for icecream, his hand in a wedding ring- your wedding ring- on the gear stick. “ rintarou, come back to earth!” you bark laughter, now infront of him. his eyes screw shut and widen, he hadn’t even realised that he zoned out. he’s looking down at you, eyebrows raised as he attempts to ease out of his daze.
“stop being so bossy, you little tree stump,” he mumbles, making his way to the driver’s side door. it slides open smoothly, and he practically jumps inside. as you do the same, a smell- his smell- envelopes you. old spice and a tinge of something sweet. you both reach for the radio at the same time, and as his hand makes contact with yours he nearly jumps away as if your hands were a burning hot coal. he clears his throat, starting the car and ignoring the furious flutter i the pit of his stomach. you connect your phone, skipping through your playlist. you finally choose a song, and rintarou swears he could fall over and giggle like a little girl at your choice.
“love you like a brother, treat you like a friend,
respect you like a lover, oh,oh,oh”
your best friend’s eyes flit over to yours, only for him to spot you lip syncing the words of the song. as he pulls out the drive way he imagines you- calling him your lover, holding him, kissing him, being his. he smiles softly when you turn to him, lip syncing the words with conviction. “ if you be the cash, i’ll be the rubber band,” you mumble along with the song, hands coming out to poke him to punctuate your words. he mirrors you, eyebrows lifting as he sings.”painter baby you could be the muse, im the reporter baby-,” you two look at eachother in unison, your hands finding his cheeks,” you could be the news,” and for a moment, he doesn’t realise that you’re holding him so sweetly.
when the chorus comes, you two sit in silence as he pulls over to a mcdonald’s drive through. it’s quiet,lights of the glowing sign washing you with hues of colour and making you look of another world. you turn to him, boredly saying, “ you’re not so bad if we get to do this ,” and he rolls his eyes. he clicks his tongue , “ you’re literally like inlove with me, shut up,” he jests. your eyes don’t move for a moment, neither does your body, until you mutter a ‘true’ and turn away like it’s nothing.
rintarou waits for you to make a joke- but you don’t.
his face is pink, your tone was so genuinely that he could believe what you said. that he could think you’re being serious. he sips his sprite, “ good.” he replies to you. whether you were kidding or not, it’s a safe response. you sit there in silence for hours, and for once, rintarou isn’t properly communicating with you ; because he values you too much. too much to lose you, too much to love you, because he doesn’t know how. he’ll take you for drives as much as you want- forever even- if it means he gets to keep you.
you and your lover stumbled into his mansion, a heap of giggles and whiskey flavoured kisses. atsumu’s grip on your hips is hard, loving , equal parts stable as he ushers you down to his garage. the blond smiles at you, lovesick, “thank you for coming back with me, sweet cheeks,” he mumbles. you giggle, eyes shiny and doe like- not a single thought behind them- “ thank you for inviting me, tsumu,” you mewl in response. he grows tired of stumbling and picks you up, earning a girly giggle, and practically running down the stairs with you. “ tsumu!” you laugh heartily, tears in your eyes as he nearly falls but somehow manages to keep you off the ground. he gets up sloppily, converse squeaking against marble floors right before he enters the garage. the man puts you down, planting a disgustingly wet kiss on your cheek and rubbing it with his large, calloused thumb.
he spreads his beefy arms, “ welcome to my pride and joy,” he stumbles a bit, “ apart from you, and my dog, my babies of course” he smiles. your lips part in awe looking at them all, and he smirks with pride. you feel playful - “ glad i gave you a chance, babes, this is really impressive. might just marry you for all this,” you say. he raises his eyebrows, a smile on his face and the apples of his cheeks rising, closing the gap between you he gets so close that you smell your favorite champaigne on his breath. “well baby, if it’s the money you want i’ll give it you. cant say ‘no’ to the prettiest baby in the world, can i?” his eyes are glazed under the influence, but his tone sounds so kind. so tender with you. you knew that atsumu would put the ocean in the sky for you, but something about him saying made you fall for him again. your blond lover melts at the blush on your cheeks, and backs away again.
when he drags you to a car you pull him to a halt. “ tsum,” you say, “ we can’t drive- we had alcohol,” you say. atsumu laughs , grabbing your neck gently and placing yet another sloppy kiss on your cheek, “ i wanna make out with you in my car, honeybunch, not drive,” he slurs. he gets in the back seat,hauling you onto his thick thighs and kneading at your hips. “ so gorgeous, so handsome , so perfect for me,” he says in-between kisses placed lovingly on your puffy lips. “ my good baby, my baby.” he’s babbling, mindlessly saying whatever his heart desires, “ mine, mine, mine,” he continues, like a mantra , sacred and ancient- like the only thing that he knows.
he kisses your lips hungrily and squeezes your sides, as if to keep you and this moment in his grasp forever. the leather under you is hot with passion and affection, the most innocent lust he’s ever felt because you are worth everything. whether it’s all his money or his entire soul- he’d give it all to you.
brain went wOmp for sakusa’ s i’m not sureeee how i feel. also not proofread cus my phone is dying but i rly rly like atsumu’s like woah. tbh i’m JUST NOT SURE ABOJT KIYOOOOOOMIS AAAAAAA but this was fun af !!! kiss kiss fall inlove
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fluffypotatey · 6 months
i haven’t seen a lot of mechanic!SWK au’s going around *sighs* have to do everything around here 😤
In Sun Wukong’s 500 year retirement he found many hobbies to occupy himself with
art and animation and game design were a huge hit to help get those brain juices flowing
however, they don’t do much help in actually silencing the racing thoughts in his head (and boy does he have a lot of them! not to mention that he can’t help but notice everything and everyone and yeah sure, being given the title of Bodhisattva is great and awesome but the omniscience part is a little taxing 😅)
anyway, enter cars
more specifically car engines, the machine behind the wheel, the things that actually make these automobiles move and function
those things
yeah so Wukong starts to pick up on a new hobby and it is……car mechanics!!!
Wukong being able to just open up the hood or roll under the car to observe whatever the problem is, to be able to examine and hone in on all the little details that go into making vehicles and it just silences that part of his racing mind
it’s a little similar to how fighting used to do it. where he didn’t need to think of much besides the person in front of him and how to take them down
it was similar. so similar
except, you know, no violence
also, instead of coming home covered in blood, it’s motor oil this time 👍
in this AU, Sun Wukong opens up a mechanic shop. it grows very popular for obvious reasons (or not bc maybe Wukong just disguised himself as a human to avoid suspicions and “yeah no, Monkey King Mechanics is in no way related to the Monkey King because….that guy is just sO cool he inspired this name….yeah”) and soon has franchises all over the city
and Wukong is having a grand old time, retirement is going well, until one day an old broken down kart is pulled into his shop and the driver is begging him to fix whatever is wrong and “just please don’t tell my boss! Dads-I mean, Pigsy will freak if he leans what Mei and I were doing—”
so he agrees to help out the kid (“I’m actually 23…?”), free of charge. however! only if he promises Wukong will get free noodles for a week
they shake on it
Wukong thinks nothing of this encounter until the end of the week (his last free bowl of noodles) and MK ashamedly admits that actually his friend Mei is also a mechanic but he denied her help this time because his boss/pseudo-dad has been able to pick up on her magical signature (because she has a knack for adding fun additional touches like a glider button for the steeper roads) and would find out very quickly that MK got himself into some mischief (again) and MK just didn’t want to be nagged again
which leads to Wukong offering to help teach MK on how to fix his own delivery kart bc 1) he’ll avoid another confrontation about responsibility from Dads- i mean, Pigsy 2) it was just good to know what goes on in your own vehicle “not to mention being able to sniff out the load of bs that some mechanics can give you, making everything overpriced!” and 3) MK was starting to rub off on the guy and Wukong would miss him (maybe. a little. a bit. a lot)
AND THUS brings us to our beloved sunburst duo hanging out as mentor and student once more!!!
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hiatuswhore · 1 year
The Game — Aegon II Au
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♡ A/N: Something I’ve been playing around with. Someone teach me how to write smut lol. This is currently just a one-shot and unedited so bare with me. Please give me feedback, I’m begging for it.
♡ SUMMARY: Just another fake dating PR stunt. Your job, fix the bad boys image. Easy right, not if Aegon Targaryen can help it.
♡ WARNING: Harsh Language
previous — Masterlist — next
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“What was it like when you first met?”
You smile politely at the question, not a single hair sitting out of place. The gaudy camera pointing at the two of you gleaming. Aegon wets his lips grinning to himself at the passing thought. The interviewer looks between the two of you, and the question lingers in the air.
“You want to take this one?” Aegon asks, looking at you with a fond glint. At least that’s what the camera sees, just as it sees how you bashfully look away from him and toward the interviewer.
“We met by a complete accident,” Your smile beaming as you recall signing up for high pay, low stakes acting gig. Even during the phone interview you were certain it was a load of crap. “A friend of mine who works at Westeros Incorporated forgot some of their work and asked me to run it over.”
“She comes in wearing these joggers and hoodie, in a building where all the suits look the same. I couldn’t stop looking at her she was all confused and clearly out of place. It was absolutely adorable,” A thrift store hobbit, that is what he had described your leisure wear the first day you had met. His mother, Alicent had nonstop scolded him as his sister Helaena offered a kind smile and his brother Aemond pretended as though you were not in the room.
“(Y/n) as you likely know Aegon Targaryen has been deemed the bad boy in the press. Hook ups, parties, fights. Tell us about the Aegon Targaryen you know,” Behind the camera crew stands Aegon’s mother and grandfather, Otto. Otto had been the final part of the hiring process. You were invited to the Targaryen Estate, not home—a fucking estate. There you met all of the family. No one had acknowledged your presence, only when Otto called you into his office did all eyes fall onto you. In there you signed never ending stacks of papers from Nondisclosure agreements to medical information releases.
If the checks were not so dizzyingly high and the contracts signed were not so nauseatingly terrifying your answers would likely be different. The Aegon Targaryen I know is a lazy narcissistic asshole who is, “so misrepresented in the media. The Aegon I know is nothing but kind and dedicated to whatever he puts his mind to. He just tends to put his mind to some not so productive things as times.”
You turn to Aegon, leaning closer him as you smile. The interviewers awes softly as Aegon kisses your temple and you both turn your focus back onto the journalist. You both leave the interview hand and hand, all giddy smiles and sunny dispositions until the cameras gone, the doors shut, and prying eyes leave the vicinity.
Ripping your hand out of his you cross your arms in front of you, glaring daggers at the roll of his eyes, “We didn’t say anything about kissing my temple.”
“Kind and dedicated. Might as well have tattooed we’re lying on our forehead. Since the way you dress was not obvious enough,” Aegon scoffs. Before you can get another word out Otto speaks sharply.
“Enough. Good job you two. (Y/n) for Aegon’s birthday we’re going to the lakehouse. We’re going to take the boat out on Blackwater, paparazzi always capture photos for that so we’re sending over some tasteful bathing suit options,” Otto explains sternly, nodding your head quietly you roll your eyes as Aegon huffs.
“I’m supposed to be partying in Dorne for my birthday!” Aegon whines. Otto dismisses, without skipping a beat you grab your bag leaving the conference room. You take the elevator to the second floor of Westeros Inc before taking the private elevator to the discreet door. Pulling your hood up you walk flagging down a cab.
Arriving to your new apartment the manicured trim of the walls and marble counter tops still knot your stomach. Before the ink dried on the paperwork Otto had you sign, you had a new set of keys and a paycheck with more commas than you had ever seen before. New money, new apartment, new boyfriend.
Scarily enough there it was, several shopping bags on your couch. The bathing suits. Your schedule for the day empty you turn on some music, digging into the bags trying on the bathing suits. The black one piece accentuating curves with a snug hold on your body. Pulling coils of hair into a ponytail you clasp your gold snake necklace while taking a look into your living room mirror. Taking out your phone you play around with a few different poses before your front door swings open. Aegon walks in texting away on his phone as he stops in the kitchen, he grabs one of your juices before sprawling out on the side of the couch without bags.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You exclaim, eyebrows knit while poorly shielding yourself behind the jeans you had been previously wearing. Aegon looks up from his phone, his eyes trace up your legs before meeting your gaze.
“Otto wants the leeches with cameras to see me coming over here. I promise I’d rather be anywhere else,” Aegon says, turning back to his phone.
“Do you ever tire of being an asshole?” Your questions earns chuckle, Aegon focus stays on his phone as he says, no.
“Do you ever tire of complaining?” Aegon asks. You scoff gathering the bags before stomping off to your room. His bedroom door right across, oh right, the apartment stipulation. The nice Red Keep apartment will be yours to own, after the successful completion of your year long contract, fix Aegon’s image and the paychecks and assets flow. A therapist couldn’t help that egotistic narcissist.
You slam your door shut, dropping the bags to the floor you change into gym shorts and a t-shirt. Folding the bathing suits, you put them away. Sprawling our on your bed you let out a long sigh. Eyes closed you sink into the soft mattress, more cloud than bed.
The week passes with the regularly scheduled outings. Restaurants, museums, social events. At the Stark foundation Gala, you make small talk with Cregan Stark and his sister Sara. Out of most of the socialites you have met, you deem them the most normal. Cregan nods along most of the conversation as you and Sara complain about the media. Sara does most of the talking as you sip on some fancy wine you cannot pronounce.
“I’m obsessed with your dress, it’s designer right. Don’t tell me, Cersei Lannister,” Sara says, her eyes narrowed with a playful suspicious glint. The silk dress hugs slightly at the hips as it stops at your mid-lower thigh. Your back completely exposed, biting the inside of your cheek you cannot help but notice how Cregan’s eyes outline your body. The elder Stark towers over, his gaze intense but compelling. From the moment you and Aegon arrived, Aegon disappeared and you found yourself drifting closer and closer to the handsome Stark.
“Joffrey actually,” You says softly, chuckling as you smooth out the dress. Sara gasps, she takes out her phone texting away.
“That stylish cunt. I told him to tell me when his newest designs dropped,” Sara says, walking off with her phone pressed to ear you giggle shaking your head.
“All of this must be a bit weird for you,” It’s the first time Cregan’s spoke, his gruff voice sending a tingle through your body. You shift in place taking another sip of your wine.
“That your sister has a member of the biggest fashion designing family in the world on her phone. Or that their relationship is so casual she calls Joffrey Lannister a cunt the way I’d playfully insult my best friend?” You say, earning a chuckle. Cregan nods sipping his own wine, your eyes stay on each others a moment too long. The intense gaze sends your mind to all the wrong places. His hands large hands roaming, tall stature domineering, tongue d— “So how long is your contract with the Targaryens?”
You snap back to reality, Cregan still wears the same reserved look to his persona. Looking around the room, others still mingle without care. Cregan chuckles, “We socialites are all the same. I’ve known Aegon my entire life, this good guy for the right girl act is pretty dull.”
“So don’t watch then,” You scoff rolling your eyes you scan the room for Aegon. Cregan chuckles his demeanor never falters while he speaks cooly, “But I want to watch you.”
Cregan’s eyes look over your body shamelessly, “I want to watch you in that dress, out of that dress in all kinds of positions.”
Your mouth gapes as you process the words he says so casually. Before you can respond a hand wraps around your wrist, Aegon walks you to a back wall. A giant glass wall to your left and the rest of your party to your right. Aegon eyes are bloodshot and he reeks of tequila. He presses his body against yours, one hand on the wall above your head caging you in.
“You want to fuck the mutt be my guest but first we need to convince the press this is real,” Aegon says, licking his lip revealing the tongue piercing. His dainty silver chain shines in contrast to his all black suit, he looks undeniably good. The rasp of his voice captivating, and his narcissism irritatingly sexy. You take a deep breath bringing yourself back to reality.
“You’re drunk and I don’t know how dry humping me at a social event is going to help us,” You push off the wall looking down at your heels, you step left avoiding stepping on his shoes. The feeling of his fingers gripping your jaw pulls a light gasp from your lips.
“I’m not suddenly a fucking saint because of you. My grandfather said we have to convince the public, and they know me. The photographers outside can see into here, can see us,” Aegon says holding your face closer to his as he grins down at you. His other hands rubs on your outer thigh, lifting your leg from under your knee as he nestles between your legs. “Kinda like you like this, you’re sexy when you’re not talking.”
“Fuck you,” You whisper pulling your jaw out of his hand he captures your lips biting your bottom lip as he pulls away. The kiss steals your breath and the chuckle that leaves his lips vibrates through your chest to your core.
Aegon bites his bottom lip as he brings his thumb up tracing your lips. You furrow your eyebrows at him. The flashes in the distance confirms the photographers capture the moment from outside. Aegon interlaces your hand in his, before you step out of the building he smirks whispering into your ear, “Play the game Cinderella and you just might win.”
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one-piece-aus · 17 days
Unbottle Your Emotions
Eutass Kid x Reader (Part 1)
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Ahoy readers! Some of you who read my Whumptober works know I made two short whumps of Kid in a highschool AU and I can tell you enjoyed those angsty works. I've dug around in my drafts and found this, I wrote it a few years ago but nonetheless, it's the beginning of this story so I thought why not post it? Part 1 | Part 2
Enjoy ^-^
"Alright, class," Makino addressed you and your classmates once she finished attendance. "I have a partner project for you to work on for the next two weeks. Before you ask, I have already assigned who you'll be working with."
You glanced over to Hawkins, if you were lucky you'd be partnered with him. The two of you were loners who stuck together. You found it easier to work with him since you kinda were on the same level when it came to that. He made eye contact with you and knew you wanted him to check his chances of being paired with you. He drew his cards under his desk before looking back to you and shaking his head. You sighed, pulling up your hood and resting your head on your arms, you continued listening to your English teacher.
"You'll be choosing a topic to write about, whether it's a review of a movie or a poem about birds, I want the two of you to make it together. This will be a presentation assignment so make sure to capture your listeners' attention and practice what you'll be reading." Makino paused, going over to her laptop, and clicking a few keys before turning on the projector. "Here are your partners."
Once the screen had been displayed your eyes scanned over the list to find your name. You saw Hawkins got paired with Cavendish, you almost felt bad for him until your eyes landed on who you paired with. The person Makino assigned you to work with was Eustass Kid.
He was the most hostile guy at school, it was no secret the guy had anger issues and was completely obnoxious. You avoided him like the plague for two reasons: 
1. You were a good student and just wanted to learn, obnoxious kids disrupt the silence and your ability to learn. 
2. You could only tolerate someone directing their anger at you for so long before crying; not that they made you feel sad, but because you felt anger at them and wished to shout back at them to defend yourself, yet you held your tongue back since you didn't want to cause further trouble; that bottled up emotion stressed tears out of you. 
You hated crying because that made you think you appeared hurt and weak when in reality you were angry and frustrated, the more you felt it the more the tears came. That's why tried to quickly get out of the predicaments if you were ever in them.
The quickest way you dealt with someone's anger and got out of the problem was ignoring them if they were just insulting you or apologizing respectfully if you did something to piss them off. Since you pulled off these things well without appearing to be phased and having acknowledgement of the issue with genuine respect, those in school weren't aware you had a limit. However, you witnessed how Kid gets whenever someone pisses him off, you knew there'd be no way you could keep the bottle closed if he directed his anger at you, so that's why you always duck away when you saw Kid coming.
Internally you panicked when you saw you were assigned to be his partner. You didn't know how you managed to get this far acting as a ghost while being in the same classes as him this semester. You usually weren't in a corner or by the window, you were near the front of the room, second row and just two desks away from being in the center of the class, great for viewing the board. Perhaps you were a ghost to Kid since he sat around the back near the window.
Kid raised his head and looked around, searching for you, you pulled your hood further over you and lowered your head to face away from Kid. "Oi, Teach! Which one's the one I'm working with?" You heard Kid ask, I guess he really didn't know who you are.
You listened to the footsteps of the teacher, drawing towards you just as a brush does to the paints on a pallet. You feel her gentle hand rub your head, maybe thinking you were asleep, you did come in class yawning. You hesitantly lifted your head, looking up at Makino and seeing her smile. Oh, bless her heart for being kind and welcoming, wishing to create a pleasant and welcoming place for her class, but that's what's going to bite you in the ass because it meant you couldn't get out of this since she wanted her class to be comfortable with each other. You sighed, making it a sound like a yawn, and sat up but still kept your hood on.
"This is [L/n], Eustass," Makino told Kid, gesturing to you before she went to another student who had raised their hand.
You didn't say a word, instead, you took out your notes and reviewed them to see which ones you needed for the project. The daunting sound of Kid approaching your desk only made you read through your notes more frantic until he sat down in the chair in front of you with a scowl on his face. You looked away from your notes, masking your uneasy state as you finally spoke to him.
"Hi! Sorry- I was searching for the notes we'll probably need!" You apologized then glanced back at the papers and began putting the ones you didn't need back in your binder. You just needed to get on his good side, if you didn't irritate him you two could get this project over with and never have to speak to each other again, that's how classmates go.
"At least you seemed to know what you're doing," Kid responded, eyes gazing over the many notes you've jotted down as you slipped them away in the binder.
"Uh- you can pick whatever you wanna do for the project if you want," you told him and put your binder into your bag. "I'm uh- fine with whatever unless you wanted to ask the teacher to work with a friend instead, then I'll find a topic to work on by myself."
"None of my friends are in this class," he shrugged and folded his arms. "Besides I know Makino wouldn't change my partner even if I asked, I'm just glad it's not strawhat I'm working with again."
"Strawhat? Luffy?" You tilted your head, not recalling Luffy being in your class.
"He was in one of my classes last semester and we had Makino as our teacher," Kid explained as put his arms on your desk, taking up half the space.
"You know the guy?" Kid inquired, raising a non-existent eyebrow at you.
"Not really."
"Good, he's annoying and so are his friends."
You sweatdropped unsure how to respond to his complaint. Normally you'd let some continue their rants until they were done, especially if they had anger issues you didn't want to trigger them, but you wanted to get everything figured out before class was over.
"So did you have something in mind?" You asked getting back on topic.
"We're not writing poetry, that's for damn sure," he grumbled, pushing his cheek onto his knuckled fist.
'How ironic, that's probably what Cavendish and Hawkins are,' you thought to yourself as you glanced at the two blonds. Cavendish seemed to be boasting about myself again, maybe being partnered with Kid wasn't so bad.
"Have you listened to any metal songs?" Kid inquired, throwing his idea out there.
"Really?" he questioned, not believing you.
Kid's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, really?!"
"Uh yeah." How many times were you going to have to repeat yourself?
"Huh, I didn't think you'd listen to that kind of music."
You shrugged. "My dad got me into metal and rock when I was younger. Better than what plays on the radio."
"You don't have to tell me twice. Idiots that listen to what they play on there now don't know what real music is."
You chuckled, agreeing with Kid, maybe he wasn't so bad. "I guess we found our topic. Now we need to figure out how we'd be writing it." You flipped over one of your papers and started writing down a few methods. "Fan letter to the artist, a review of the song, analysis of the lyrics-"
A loud buzz rang throughout the school and repeated itself, you cringed at the obnoxious noise blaring in your ear. Someone must've started a fire in the bathroom again. Your class filed out of the room, merging into the sea of students exiting the building. You wanted to cover your ears as the noise became louder in the halls but you didn't want to appear like a weirdo using your hands, you had wireless earbuds but that wasn't something to take out in the stampede you were in since you could drop one. You just had to suffer internally.
Once outside, you went and stood by Hawkins while waiting for the fire department to find the fire. You rubbed your ears now that you were away from the crowd and just had your fellow loner next to you.
"Acting like a cat again, [Y/n]?" Hawkins asked, seeing you paw your ears. He often compared to his cat, Faust.
"Yeah, my ears just hurt from the noise." You despised noise.
"You should listen to some soothing frequencies after instead of your regular choice of music if you want your ears to recover properly," Hawkins advised.
"Ehhhh... I might have to this time."
"Oh?" Hawkins glanced at you, inquiring you for further details. You didn't usually listen to him when he advised you to give your ear a break from your music, hence why he grew curious to understand why you were thinking of taking his suggestion.
"I might be hearing more noise today at school but once I get home I'll probably be able to listen to it."
"And what makes you think you'll be hearing more noise?"
"I don't know, maybe-"
"OI! [L/N]!" Kid shouted to get your attention as he marched over to you.
You flinched at his voice in that tone, and the irritated expression on his face made you think you did something wrong. You turned to him and held your arm behind your back.
"Sorry, what did you need Kid?"
"Give me your phone."
"What?" You feel your chest begin to burn and you know your forehead will begin to paint itself red.
"I need it to put my contact in your phone."
You were going to push back but you folded your tongue seeing the impatient scowl Kid wore. Not questioning him further, taking your phone out of your pocket. Unlocking it, you hastily clicked over to your contact app and handed it over to the redhead before you could see him grow more impatient.
Kid, just about to add a new contact, couldn't help but notice how you only had five contacts on your phone. Only three out of the five weren't family-related. Did you just not add people to your phone? He scoffed the thought off, it wasn't his business. He began typing his number into your phone.
You wanted to ask why Kid needed to put his contact in your phone, however, your bottled emotion prevented you from speaking your question. Kid seemed pissed enough, you weren't going to attempt to do anything that might push him off the edge. You shifted your footing, the expression on your face displaying your unease.
"Perhaps you should tell why you're adding your number to her phone," Hawkins spoke up for you.
"Fuck off Basil, it's not your business," Kid barked.
"It may not be mine but it is [Y/n]'s business to know since it is her phone," Hawkins stated unphased by Kid. Oh, how you wished to be as stoic as Hawkins. Granted, you did a good job ninety percent of the time but it crumbled easily in the presence of hostile or authoritative anger.
Kid glared at Hawkins for a moment before he handed you back your phone, his attention now on you. "Send me a text," he instructed you and pulled out his phone.
You weren't sure what exactly to send so you just typed 'Hi' into the chat. A ding came from Kid's phone and he checked the message to make sure it came from you. Comparing his screen to yours, you felt your hands brush against each other. The chills surfing across your body turned your body pale from how uncomfortable you felt to Kid standing this close to you. You wanted to isolate yourself in your room, though when Kid moved away you couldn't help but be grateful.
"Alright, I got it." Kid put his phone in his pocket and started walking away. "Text me about our project later."
You stood there confused with the hidden parts of your head burning red. You didn't understand why Kid confronted you like that when he could've easily asked when the two of you got back to class. You stared in the direction Kid left until a concerned hand rested on your shoulder and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Glancing over, you met Hawkins' crimson eyes.
"The cards said you needed a comforting hand," Hawkins said unsure if he helped. "There was an 80% chance you would've shed tears if not."
Right, Hawkins is the only one who knew of your bottled frustration; he saw it happen when he walked in the middle of you being scolded by a teacher. Anyone else would've thought you were upset and sad but he could read the frustration and anger written on your face, and he drew the cards to double-check. The two of you never spoke of it at first, but after you began to hang around, and he saw it a few more times, he offered to be there for you if you ever needed a quiet place and a listening ear.
"Once the firemen are done we'll be in second period," Hawkins informed you, shifting the topic away from what just happened. He knows you don't like to stay stuck in your conflicted emotions.
"So that's why Kid did that..." You glance at the phone in your hand to see the time; English is over. Slipping it into your pocket, you groaned, realizing something. "Hhhhh, that means we still have to get our stuff from English... We have drama next class, right?"
"Hmm." Hawkins nodded.
"Can you please get my stuff, I don't think I can face Kid again at the moment."
"Very well, [Y/n]."
"Thanks, I'll treat you to lunch."
"Does that mean we'll go to the vegan restaurant?" You've known Hawkins long enough to tell the subtle delight in his monotone.
"For doing this-" You turned to him, a grateful small smile drawn on your face. "Yes."
Tag: @lil-skelly-bones
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disillusioneddanny · 3 months
Red Hood Tim Ask
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hello! i'm so sorry, tumblr ate your ask :((( I saw it in my email but didn't se it in my ask box.
To answer your question, it's turning into a very long fic lol. I also got two different asks about my red hood tim fic so I'm going to share the backstory details in this one and in the other one I'll share some of my favorite parts I have planned :3
Basically it's a reverse Robin's au where Damian is the eldest and he becomes Shadow. but Tim? Tim becomes Robin.
TW for torture, Joker Jr. and Tim's inevitable death.
This fic is also all @castrian-amore's fault because he has an amazing Red Hood Tim cosplay and I got inspired. i may have sent them the tim drake art first but still shhhh
At twelve years old he's running the streets taking pictures of his favorite duo, Batman and Shadow when he gets snatched up by Joker who in a bid to get Harley Quinn to take him back, tortures him for two months in an attempt to turn him into Joker Junior.
He kidnaps Harley and shows him his newest creation and she's horrified. But she has no clue how she can save this poor kid from the maniac. So she plots a way to save Tim and agrees to stay with Joker.
While they're together, Harley tries to help Tim as much as she can and she tells him stories to distract him from everything that's happening. She tells him about the little bird, Robin and how it's associated with life changing experiences and that it teaches you that even in the harshest of winters, the light of spring will appear.
Finally, Harley gets Tim out of the Joker's clutches and to Batman who takes on look at Tim and is like adoption bait. He learns that the Drakes didn't even know that their son was missing for two months and gets custody of Tim. But the problem is that it's not the only reason Bruce wants Tim. Bruce wants him because Tim managed to endure two months of torture with Joker and knows Bruce's secret identity and never once gave it away, not only that but he's concerned that Tim still might turn into Joker Jr and it's better if he just keeps Tim with him so he can keep an eye on him.
He encourages Tim to become a vigilante in an effort to make sure that the kid doesn't become a villain. Not that Tim really plans to? He's getting to live with his hero and be a vigilante and that's all that matters to him. So he takes on the name Robin as a symbol of his own rebirth after everything that has happened to him. And Batman raises him to be a soldier because that's the only way Bruce can convince himself that Tim won't become Joker Junior.
Anyway, years go by and it's miserable for Tim because he's taught to be a soldier and Bruce continually treats him like he's a threat. And he makes friends with this little kid in Crime Alley named Jason who thinks Robin is a hero.
Then the fight with Darkseid happens and Bruce is thrown into the timestream and Tim is desperate to save him. Because Bruce is all Tim knows and he doesn't know what to do without getting orders because that's all he's used to and Damian treats him like total shit.
So Tim goes on his Brucequest and dies against the Widower. Ra's sends back the information that Tim found about Bruce along with his Robin suit and tells Damian that he's dead. Only, Ra's has brought Tim back to life and has decided to make the kid his own personal soldier.
This is all the backstory for the story.
The fic itself takes place with Jason as Robin and wanting to know more about the Robin who used to come visit him in Crime Alley and bought him chili dogs. Especially because the plaque hanging in front of Tim's Robin suit doesn't say "a good soldier." no you see, it says "a precious son" something that Tim never saw himself as because Bruce never treated him that way.
Jason eventually meets the new Gotham crime lord named Red Hood who is a little too angry at Batman and Nightwing (Damian)
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killergirlfuria · 10 months
back-alley teachings
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With a special dedications for @bucknastysbabe who’s just a great human being, and @arcielee who was kind enough to beta-read this piece in between screaming at me about it.
Summary: Jacaerys, fueled by rage and lust in equal parts at his uncle Aegon’s constant jabs and innuendos, tracks Aegon down in Flea Bottom after the disastrous family dinner.
Paring: Aegon Targaryen x Jacaerys Velaryon
Word Count: 2414
Tags&Warnings: mxm, hatefuck, semi-public sex, consensual but not safe or sane, rough sex, anal sex, choking, incest, targcest, alley sex, unprotected sex
Taglist: @annikin-im-panicin @bucknastysbabe​ @arcielee​
divider from pngwing. MDNI banner from cafekitsune.
18+ adult content blow MDNI
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Go to your rooms, Daemon had told them after the disastrous dinner. Go to your rooms.
Luke, ever the good son, had done so without questions, even though he was still eager to fight. Maybe take Aemond’s other eye, while he was at it, though with how their uncle had grown, it wouldn’t have ended well for Luke. Jace would know, he punched the man, and it felt a lot like punching a wall. One shove and he was on the ground.
Jace didn’t, anger in his veins and buzz of wine in his head.
How dare he, with those plump lips of his—
(His neck feels hot. His breeches are tight. Damn him. Damn him, damn him.)
Jace rounds the corner, almost clips his shoulder on the carved column. It startles the guard stationed in front of the door, seemingly dozing off at his post guarding the rooms of a prince, but Jace doesn’t really care much.
“Call my uncle Aegon out,” he hisses at the guard. The man grips his halberd tighter and shifts his gaze nervously. Jace figures he looks a little scary right now, wild-eyed and fuming.
“I’m. I don’t think that’s possible, my prince.”
“Come now, he was not so drunk when he left nary few minutes ago—”
“Prince Aegon is not in his rooms.”
Jace blinks. Narrows his eyes. The guard shifts uncomfortably under his gaze. Jace knows his uncle’s reputation well; it even reached Dragonstone. “Did he go to the Silks of Flea Bottom?”
“I’m… Not supposed to—”
“Silks or Flea Bottom,” Jace snarls, a little lower than he’d like, but he’s angry and a little drunk and these theatrics are doing nothing to lighten his mood.
“Flea Bottom,” the guard supplies hastily with more uncomfortable shuffling on his feet. “Through the secret tunnel near his rooms. He just left nary a minute before you came!”
Jace closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, mind long since set. It would be wiser to just let go. To walk to his rooms, take a bath, go to sleep. That would be reasonable.
Too bad that, right now, Jace’s head is full of wine and anger, and mostly devoid of reason. “Show me the passage. I’ll find him myself.”
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Nary an hour later, Jace makes his way through the gutters of the city, dressed in comfortable common clothes and sturdiest boots he could find at such short notice. For once, he’s glad for his hair being dark and common; even without a hood or a hat, nobody gives him so much as a second glance. He makes sure to tousle it before he goes; messy hair will attract much less attention in the gutters than a well-combed hairdo.
White hair stands out. Aegon, white-haired and so pale he nearly glows in the dim light, stands out like a sore thumb in the first brothel Jace enters. He’s entertaining two whores and a cup of alcohol, eyes glazed and lips split in a dopey smile. This only stokes the fire in Jace’s belly further.
(Or maybe the one in his loins, he can’t quite tell.)
He marches towards Aegon with a purpose, and people part in front of him. Aegon spots him, glazed eyes sharpening into focus with a glint of recognition. He shoos a whore off his lap.
“Nephew!” he cheers, words slurred. “Have you taken my words to heart? Here, I can teach—”
Jace grabs a fistful of the collar and hauls his wayward uncle to his feet, and the metal goblet clatters to the ground, spilling wine on the already-dirty floor.
“Now, now, nephew, no need to—”
“Out. Now.” Jace snarls and walks back out, past the gawking whores and patrons, fistful of Aegon’s dirty shirt between his fingers as his uncle, drunk and unsteady on his feet, is helpless but to follow.
He drags him to a shaded alley just hidden enough that they won’t be bothered, all but throws him against the wall.
“You should be more mindful of the words you speak, uncle,” he growls.
“I am!” Aegon promises, looking much like a cornered doe. “What I said, I said out of genuine concern for you and your future lady wife!”
“Because you’re so good at pleasing your own lady wife?” Jace taunts, and Aegon grits his teeth. “Such good care. Didn’t even ask her for a dance to brighten her evening.”
“I was drunk—”
“So was I.”
Aegon starts talking, some inane titter again, and Jace is so damn tired of it. It must show in his eyes, because Aegon’s placating soon grows panicked and high-pitched and so much more annoying.
So Jace shuts him up.
Presses himself against Aegon, clashes their lips together. Aegon lets a muffled, startled moan as he grasps at Jace’s chest and shoulders, pawing at the coarse fabric of his cloak. Soon enough, his hands find their way around Jace’s shoulders, and rather than push him away, drag him in closer.
Aegon tastes like mulled wine and regret.
Still, this is a battle, for control and breath both. Almost uncomfortable, more violent than a kiss. They part soon, with a hiss, and Jace brings a hand to his lower lip; his fingers come back dotted with blood, ever so slightly. Aegon is looking up at him with that same dazed gaze, but there’s something unbearably smug in it now.
“You bit me,” Jace hisses, wiping his lower lip. Aegon’s grin sharpens.
“Yeah. And I’m gonna do it again,” he chuckles and launches forward, his lips crashing against Jace’s painfully. Jace bodily presses him harder against the dingy wall as Aegon shoves his fingers in his hair, presses him closer, keeps him there. He’s stronger than he appears, soft as he is.
Targaryen blood. They’ve always been stronger than they looked.
It was one of the things Jace learned to resent about himself as years passed. First Men blood was stronger than Valyrian blood; but Valyrian bodies were stronger than those of First Men.
Aegon, drunk and unsteady as he was, still had strength to push Jace off and leave.
He didn’t. And Jace could very well feel against his leg just why.
They part soon enough, both gasping for breath.
“I loathe you,” Jace says, and Aegon giggles, lips raw and bloody.
“Do you snog everyone you loathe?”
Jace bares his teeth and steps away, watches Aegon stumble even supported against a wall. Grabs him by the collar, pulls, twists, shoves him face-first against the wall, presses himself against Aegon’s backside.
“Just you,” Jace growls into his ear, and Aegon moans like a whore. “You were so concerned with my education. I’m plenty educated, uncle. I’d show you.”
“Show me,” Aegon groans, arches his back and presses himself harder against Jace. “Your words aren’t enough to convince me,” he taunts.
Jace laughs, mirthless and rasped with lust. “That eager for my cock, uncle?”
“If you’re offering.”
“Whore,” Jace presses himself harder against Aegon. “What will your lady mother say, when this gets back to her? Anyone can stumble upon us here. I look common enough, but you will be recognized.”
Aegon giggles. “Does it seem like I care?”
“No, I suppose not,” Jace says and pulls back, pulling Aegon’s belt with him. Aegon whines as his breeches fall to his ankles without it. Jace grabs his waist, pulls him back a little. Aegon follows eagerly, spreading his legs as much as he can with the fabric around his ankles. Aegon licks his lips.
“There’s—A bottle of oil in my pocket,” he says, and Jace quirks his eyebrow. He brought a bottle of oil with him too—but, he figures, he should have expected Aegon would have one.
“You’re a whore, uncle,” he taunts. “Do you carry it with you at all times?”
Aegon licks his lips again. “You never know when the occasion strikes, nephew.”
Jace scoffs and unlaces his breeches, lets his hard cock free. Leans forward, presses himself against Aegon’s bare ass, pats Aegon’s pockets for the vial. He finds it easy enough, on the inside pocket, and pretends not to notice how Aegon’s body shivers from the touch, or hear how he moans.
He puts his hands on Aegon’s ass, squeezes. Aegon moans at it, and Jace notices a glint of steel between his buttocks.
“Hah, I shouldn’t be surprised,” Jace huffs. He presses on the carved steel button, making Aegon moan and shiver. Then, he hooks his nails around the button, and pulls the plug out with an obscene wet sound accompanied by another moan. “But this will make it easier.”
Jace takes half a step back, uncorks the vial, lathers his cock generously with the cool liquid, and carelessly throws the bottle to the side. Aegon makes an unhappy sound at that, but no matter—he can get another easy enough.
“Come on, get on with it,” Aegon whines, and Jace slaps his ass in response. Aegon, predictably, moans at that too.
“Silence,” Jace growls, but he presses the tip of his cock against Aegon’s entrance anyway. He pushes in slowly until he bottoms out, then pulls back, all accompanied by his uncle’s increasingly louder moans. It’s a miracle that nobody has come to investigate yet; or maybe it’s just common practice in Flea Bottom, to fuck in the alleys.
Next thrust is harder and rougher, and so are those that follow with the obscene sounds of flesh against flesh and Aegon’s moans. Jace only grunts as he fucks his uncle, one hand on his hips and the other at the back of his neck, fingers wrapped around it as far as they reach. He presses against the wall, against Jace, meets his every thrust, and moans like a trained whore through it all. Even if Jace knows that pace this rough would hurt—maybe it does.
Maybe Aegon is enjoying that too.
Aegon comes, body jolting and voice stuttered, and Jace sees his seed splatter on the dingy wall. Quick; Jace isn’t nearly there, and he only falters in his pace as much as Aegon’s shivering body gets in his way as he fucks his uncle through his climax. Aegon’s cock hardens all over soon enough.
Jace bottoms out, presses himself bodily against Aegon as he stops for a moment. “We don’t stop until I am satisfied, is that clear?”
“Anything less would be an insult,” Aegon says, breathless. “Now move.”
“Don’t order me around.”
“Don’t act like you don’t want to fuck me senseless,” Aegon rasps, entirely too giddy in Jace’s opinion.
In response, Jace only resumes his harrowing pace, and anything else Aegon might have wanted to say is drowned in a cacophony of whines and moans.
Jace fucks him into the wall as he has his way, and a part of him marvels at just how well Aegon takes him. As if that's what he was made for all along. At every gasp and moan and whine.
He wraps his hand around Aegon's neck more firmly, and squeezes. Not too hard but enough.
"You're too loud," Jace growls. "Like a pillow house whore."
His answer is another giggle, a bit more strained this time. Aegon doesn't stop moaning.
He comes again, once more too quickly, and Jace doesn't stop. Fucks him harder if anything; Aegon's voice grows strained, raspier, scattered with grunts that are half pleasure, half pain. But Jace is close. He can feel his release creeping up on him. He thinks, maybe, Aegon can feel it too, with how he meets his thrusts almost desperately.
He bottoms out as he feels the tension break, shafting himself within Aegon fully and spilling his seed as deep inside as he can. Aegon keens at it as he climaxes himself for the third time, his cock barely having anything left at all.
They stay like that for a moment, Jace panting and Aegon helplessly pressed against the wall, catching their breaths.
"Your stamina is horrid, uncle," Jace says eventually. "Instead of whoring yourself all nights long, you should come to the training yard."
"I train," Aegon gasps, "I train in the art of fucking every night."
"And yet I last thrice as long as you. And this is precisely why your lady wife is unhappy with you, no doubt," Jace taunts. "And why my lady wife will not go unsatisfied. Does that abate your worry of my knowledge of the matter?"
Aegon licks his lips. "I'm not sure," he says cheekily. "I might need another demonstration. To be certain."
Jace scrunches his nose. He lets go, steps back. Pulls himself out out Aegon with an obscene wet noise and his uncle keens as his legs buckle under him, soft with exertion.
"You need a bath," Jace snaps. Sniffs his clothes only to wince in disgust. "And so do I."
"I don't think I can walk all the way to the keep. You might need to assist me, dear nephew."
"And why should I?"
"Whose fault is it that I can't move my legs?"
Jace gives him a flat look as he finishes lacing up his breeches. Aegon is still kneeling on the dirty pavement, arse bare and eyes glazed. He sighs, annoyed and defeated, and drags his uncle to stand by the arms, pulls his pants up and belts them on his hips again.
Aegon spreads his arms with a grin.
"Come on, nephew. I can't walk."
"I can support you, but I will not carry you."
Aegon licks his bruised lips. "Even if I ask really nice?"
Jace wants to punch him. Jace wants to punch him. Instead, he helps them to Red Keep, and drags his uncle to his rooms. Orders the servants to run them a bath, dumps Aegon into the vat of near-boiling water and climbs in after, scrubs them both clean. He’s not sure why he doesn’t kick Aegon out, after. He’s safely within the confines of the Keep now, after all.
Or maybe he does. Because when Aegon crawls onto his lap and kisses him again, Jack doesn't push him away.
He doesn't get much sleep, after. Neither of them does.
When, in the morning, he wakes up with Aegon curled around him, his anger has abated enough that he just lets him stay there.
(He doesn’t turn around and tuck Aegon in a little, because he’s shivering. He doesn’t brush loose strands of hair from his brow. And he certainly doesn’t place a quick butterfly kiss on Aeon’s forehead before he leaves to get ready for the day.)
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
hi!! omg all of your works are so good they make my heart warm :’) i was hoping you could write suna and osamu and anyone else you’d like in the “didn’t know they were dads” prompt 🤍
Hiii!!! Stop you’re so sweet😭I’m glad you like them!! I definitely can!! I don’t think I have any others we’ve pretty much got all my favorites covered so far besides maybe Aone!
Sorry this took so long to write I was in school😭
Tw-light cursing, past relationship conflicts, angst ish to fluff! Let me know if I missed anything!
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Maybe it was an accident maybe it was on purpose, maybe he was just too immature to be in such a long term relationship. You’re not sure, whatever the reason was the outcome was still the end of your four year relationship with Suna.
Unfortunately for him, you hadn’t found out until after he broke up with you that you were pregnant. So for the next two years, you raised the most precious little girl, teaching her how to do everything and be kind to everyone.
“Mama!” She squeals happily as she points at the kitten sitting in the window of a small cat cafe where you and Rin used to have dates.
You quickly check the time on your watch. You had time to spare.
So the two of you are sat at a little table as a pretty white cat hops onto your daughters lap as she giggles excitedly.
“Smile for mama” you tell her as you try and snap a photo of the two.
“Excuse me” you feel a hand settle on your shoulder.
When you turn around your stomach drops.
“Suna” you say dryly his name leaving a bitter taste in your mouth.
“Can we talk y/n?”
“What’s there to talk about?” You ask trying to skip around the idea that your daughter most definitely was his kid.
His eyes flicker towards your adorable daughter who’s happily playing with the kitten. You feel a twinge of guilt at the idea of depriving her of her father because you’re uncomfortable.
You nod softly calling her over before introducing her to Suna who smiles softly at the way she beams up at him with your smile.
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It wasn’t for any horrifying reason, you’d simply gotten to caught up in life, both your jobs taking you in different directions, agreeing it was the right person wrong time, unfortunately you don’t think Osamu got the memo as he literally blocked you on everything so maybe he was feeling a bit bitter?
So now almost a year later, you’ve got the most adorable twin girls with chubby cheeks, that happen to look just like their dad.
“Ok, and what’ll we have for lunch today?” You ask as you peer over the stroller causing the girls to giggle wildly.
“How about Onigiri?” You offer and they nod quickly.
Unfortunately you’re like shit at picking out where you should eat at completely disregarding the fact that the restaurant’s name was literally Onigiri Miya…so you were definitely shocked when you pushed the stroller into the restaurant and saw Osamu leaning against the counter, and because you took an early lunch you’re practically alone in the restaurant with him, very few other customers.
“Hello welcome to Onigi- Y/n?” He asks sounding a little confused.
“Hey Osamu” you tell him as you lean over the stroller.
“I see you settled down” you don’t miss the way the little excited light in his eyes is splashed out when he motions to the girls.
“Oh…not really” you mutter giving him a little smile, “it’s been me and the girls since you left” it was now or never you’d decided.
“Since I left?” He mutters to himself as you push back the little hood on the stroller revealing two chunky toddlers.
“So…” you mutter, “you settled down yet?”
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Anywho if you guys want to see anything else let me know because I love writing requests!!
Part two here!
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yeets-ix · 7 months
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First up, the flirty gender pilled ocelot with the gay little gun tricks!
Slinger Headcanons:
they're genderfluid and transfem (partly because I thought she was a girl when Mimic first shapeshifted into her.) This also means shipping them with Tangle is still yuri (important.) I dub her they/she + "gun" as a neopronoun for fun. Also let her wear whatever clothes they want.
She's also Mexican/Central American! Very clear accent, occasionally splices Spanish words into their dialogue, much like Tangle’s now-agreed-upon Italian. Says “Vamos!”, “Dios mio!” and “Que?” a lot. Also insults Badniks and other opponents in Spanish.
Pansexual apocalypse, easily INTENSELY flustered, they had a stupid celebrity crush on Sonic before the betrayal/actually meeting anyone. (Old idea I’m keeping alive, heck, maybe have another sub-AU for that.) Then in her “survivor” timeline, she finally meets Tangle and the epic 100k idiots to lovers slowburn yuri is real.
They’re EXTREME ADHD. She juggles, she keeps at least two fidget spinners on hand always, she needs to toss and twirl things or he’ll explode. She and Whisper and Tangle stim together a lot.
Backstory! The “mysterious past” reference doesn’t exist if I don’t look at it, so she and Claire were actually sibling-dynamic friends as far back as Slinger can remember, having grown up together in a jungle treehouse village. (Definitely didn’t come up with that just because ocelots and howler monkeys live in the same place, haha.) Things happened in the Forces war, next thing you know they both met Smithy (and soon after Whisper) and were inducted into the mercenary found family.
THEY’RE A CAT. Younger than Big and wayyyy more impulsive than Blaze, they do MANY MANY CAT THINGS. They have whiskers, they’re a liquid, they lick themself clean, they act like it’s daytime when it’s pitch black out, they miiiiiight have eaten a couple of mice, they purr when rubbed, all of it. This is also how you tell her apart from Duo, who is a fake cat and clueless to cat behavior.
Slinger, past and present, is still super cool and suave in battle, but a complete and utter LOSER in casual times, more than Claire, more than Whisper, they're such a fucking girlfail
They were definitely the “kid” of the team, moreso even than Whisper. They pulled pranks, did stupid stunts, and worried Claire and Smithy sick. In the timeline where they survived, they were VERY okay on their own! So utterly okay!
AU-Specific Headcanons:
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They were never “shut-in” as the Guardian Angel - they still tried their best to act cool and suave, in spite of the anxiety below. They completely hid their appearance beneath masks and hoods, but still taunted and quipped at their adversaries and would sometimes talk rather openly to Resistance members lucky enough to interact with them long enough, though still never giving any context to who she was or what her deal was - or a clear view of his real face.
She wouldn’t use the same Wispon as canon Whisper - a gigantic rifle just isn’t their style. Instead, she’s gotten a lot better at physical combat to compensate for it - she managed to teach herself to Spin Attack, and can even do a crazy "Panjandrum" move where they fire their laser guns wildly while rolling. They’re decently fast now, but not as fast as any “speedster” character - think more like Amy, Tails, or heck, a realistic interpretation of the Forces Avatar.
They talk to their Wisps a lot. She constantly feels alone and doesn't want to be, and forever thanks Smithy for giving them a way to always talk to their companions somehow. She needs people to talk to, she really does, heck, give her a bit of a Yakko Warner complex if you want. Fortunately, Tangle logically helps with that a lot.
They FIRMLY saw Mimic as a father figure, and are FUCKING PISSED at him for stabbing and discarding everything they had. Him fucking around IMMEDIATELY cuts off Slinger's silly goofy mode and activates IMMA FIRIN MA LAZAH mode.
In Slinger’s timeline, Mimic’s Duo disguise was the feminine-androgynous “Duo the Hound,” using Whisper as the basis. Slinger got to pistol-whip him repeatedly and then dump him into the sea, don’t worry.
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Tangle in this timeline is… girl-leaning panromantic. Blaze cemented her queer awakening, but Slinger, whose gender is fucked as hell, is the one she fell for hard. Slinger would get VERY worried about whether she feels the same towards them or not, but it doesn't matter what's in their legs or their head to Tangle - they're Slinger.
Slinger’s love language turns out to be the same as Tangle’s - doing stupid and dangerous things to impress her crushes. Ultimately Jewel and Lanolin have to LOUDLY tell them that they’re in love with each other and should kiss and go out on a date before they both get themselves killed beating around the bush. (That, or they just full-on kiss at the conclusion of Urban Warfare or even the Metal Virus, considering Slinger is much more open.)
Slinger is just as willing and encouraging to talk to Tangle about her fears as vice versa, in a direct manner at least. It is not “moon gets hurt and sun comforts her,” they’re kinda both cloud-obscured suns who goof off but also traumadump to each other.
Slinger can cook and prepare Mexican cuisine just fine. Them trying to cook anything else results in a kitchen-sized laser explosion (don't even ask how.) Their food living together basically amounts to alternating Mexican and Italian with Tangle occasionally baking something she found online in between.
Tangle comforts or supports Slinger whenever they have gender issues, she figured out they were genderfluid basically the moment they got the chance to try new clothes. Slinger silently, awkwardly asked her if she could try on a really twirly dress and she was just so understanding and said they looked absolutely beautiful and AGHHHHHHHHHHHH and now it’s their girly comfort outfit.
tangle is significantly taller than slinger. height difference. (slinger is significantly taller than sonic though lol, big tangle supremacy)
Slinger and Tangle cuddle super tight and warm and fall asleep together BOTH PURRING do you get my vision
Big headcanon posts for the other Cutters and their sub-AUs coming at some point.
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