#I can't wait to show you guys my next cosplay
cjs-51703 · 10 months
Throwback to the time I cosplayed as Reki and met several other Sk8 the Infinity! cosplayers in time for Reki day (8/8). The one who took this picture was dressed as Cherry.
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kyouka-supremacy · 4 months
happy blog anniversary! 🎉 this blog is one of the first i followed when i was new to the fandom, its really well curated! thank you so much for the edits, funny posts, masterlists, resources (and more!)
here's to more sskk posting as well 🥂
Ooowwww thank you love!!! If this blog made even one person happy, then it was definitely worth making (˵ •‌ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
When I had just made the blog, I was like, I'll just be waiting for Akutagawa to show up in the manga, to at least experience that before leaving, and then I'll move on to the next hyperfixation. Then Akutagawa showed up (right after mcr comeback, wow), and I was like alright you know what? I want to see at least one sskk interaction unwrap before me in the manga, then I'm leaving. Then chapter 105 dropped, and it was super romantic, but then I was like. Okay I'll wait for sskk to actually meet in the manga AND THEN I'm leaving for real. After that, sskk met at the airport, had a “I know you're still in there” moment, Atsushi smiled at Akutagawa, had the oh so anticipated homoerotic bloodsucking scene... And I'm still here ahah. In the meantime, chapters 84-88 were animated (which, as I had said several times before season 5 was announced, I would have NEVER dreamed to witness within my lifespan), and it was terrible, and then they had that one minute at the end of episode 11, and it was glorious. I feel like I've checked everything on my sskk to do list, and still I have yet to get over them!!! And I'm still here, and I can't wait to see what is to come next (ㅅ´ ˘ )♡
I got into bsd to start conversation with a girl I liked, that I knew was into the show; in the last two years, she turned out to be homophobic‚ got together with a guy, got over bsd and I got over her. I cosplayed the character I hate the most and got shipped a magazine from Japan. I made masterlists and more sskk posts than I can count and I still haven't finished the Akutagawas apartment project I started two years ago. I created another four different bsd side blogs and they're all still active and thriving. I got shadowbanned and un-shadowbanned four times. I received compliments on my themes that could fuel me for centuries. I got 2,466 anon hate asks and not answered to a single one of them. And I've met so many more people that were nothing but kind and lovely, and I couldn't be more grateful for it! Here's to a lot more sskk posting, and to many more nice moments in the fandom ⸜( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵)⸝♡
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pharawee · 1 year
I love Chains of Heart. I really, really do. I just wish they'd had more time or money or idk to have better script editing. This series could be so much better with a tighter script.
This week especially could have been incredible without all the repetition (I get why they did it and I get that flashbacks and circular storytelling are a staple of Asian drama but imo it went way over the top and deprived us of scenes and reactions that could have shown us more of the actual fallout of everything that's been going on.
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Slightly off-topic but I love the sfx make-up here. The blues and greens of the fresh bruises and the texture of the scraped skin are so well done (lmao I'm not being creepy, I swear, I used to do cosplay and I love my bruise-wheel). And the bruises actually change between scenes too, showing the passing of time (or maybe Lue has supernatural healing now, who knows).
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But yeah, this is what I was talking about. I wish we'd actually seen this conversation happen (rather than just the beginning of it) instead of more flashbacks. And yes, it's not strictly necessary for the narrative. It's just that I want to see more of Hin/Marc Pahun and I was so curious about his reaction once he'd figured it all out.
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Same with these two. They wasted a whole scene on Deedee waking up and deciding to go for a hearty breakfast. Instead, he could have called Phayu to make the connection between them clearer. This one short slip-up on Deedee's part is the only hint that he's the one Phayu sent to watch over Ken.
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Also, this bit with Nott. I don't know if it's because they're planning a spin-off with Nott and Guy (I'm all for it!) but I don't think anyone who hasn't read the novel(s) will necessarily realise that Nott has genuine psychic powers and that this is a perfectly reasonable thing to happen in the author's book universe.
(It could have been even more confusing, though. There's a bit in the novel where another one of Phayu's friends (it's ok, he has his own novel too) conjures up Peter Lue's ghost because apparently he's hanging around and is understandably worried about why someone stole his whole life.)
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This to me was the strongest moment in the whole episode (sorry Ken, I'll get to you in a bit). I was waiting for Hin to figure things out and confront Din about it - even more so since I realised that Hin is actually the oldest sibling (never mind that Marc Pahun is over ten years younger than Boom Raweewit - but I don't even mind since Hin is described as incredibly pretty in the novel lmao. Plus, Din is wearing the face of a presumably older man).
I love the way he chose to confront him via the phone call to make the evidence against Din/Lue even more damning. And I love Hin's (extremely justified) anger, and the way he broke down Din's walls (which must have been something Din was yearning for anyway).
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So Lue has an evidence board. Good for him. I half-expected his lair to be filled with photographs and sketches of Ken but apparently he's way more focussed than that (but it would have been super creppy and a nice comparison to Ken's walk-in photoalbums).
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Lue/Din also has a whole superhero closet and wtf are you even going to use these weapons for? What, are you going to duel Ingpha with a bat'leth (also do I spot Gun/Fin's garrote)?
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But I find this bit even more interesting. Ken is doing something to Lue's phone. Maybe he'll use it to track him down next week? Because it seems like Din/Lue is already planning to leave again. He#s got to see this through, after all.
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And then there it is. The big confrontation. Only, I was a bit confused at first until I realised that this is all Ken can do to give in. And at this point there's really no reason to talk about the past anymore. It can't undo the hurt and the pain. It can only destroy what could be a new beginning. There's always going to be an unbridgeable gap between who Din was then and who Lue is now. So Ken finally grants Din/Lue his wish:
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And it works, in a way.
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Imagine how dizzying and disorienting it must be when your heart feels one person and your mind sees another. But eventually...
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I love how this scene is all passion and (re)discovery and as such it mirrored Din and Ken's relationship. But it's also far more gentle and loving and new for them.
And remember when all Din/Lue dreamed about was this:
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It's ok that they forgot the scars. I don't even mind. 😭
Which brings me to Inspector Don aka Poppy my beloved:
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And despite the preview for next week I'm still convinced he's a good guy. What other reason is there for him to keep all of this to himself? Plus, he seemed concerned rather than angry (or evil lmao).
So I'm guessing he's actually doing a much, much better (and legal) job of bringing Ingpha down. Negl I'd love for him to save the day, close his case and show that Din's whole quest for vengeance was completely pointless.
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Because honestly, was it all really worth it - even if Chief Ingpha is going down in the end?
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kirchefuchs · 1 year
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Okay, break from the fish talk show. Time to talk about my week! That's a very pretty clover btw.
Okay so first off, I did join the Narrator Swap discord for the month of June and I posted my first art for it two days ago. That has been super fun and I can't wait to get my partner for next week!!!
Now the big thing was yesterday. Because yesterday was my oldest brother's birthday and he wanted to bring us to a convention, so some of us joined him for that, myself included. I don't know if this is surprising or anything, but this was the first big convention I've ever been to and my goodness, it sure was something. I didn't know a whole ton about the convention going in so I didn't go to any of the panels. (Though my sister in law told me they had a Sandman panel, but I lowkey forgot and only remembered 30 minutes after the panel started. Pretty upset about that). Anyways! I did end up getting some cool things, though most of what was being sold seemed to be more anime focused there were some other cool things I found.
I ended up getting two charms, an Ineffable Husbands one for myself and a Dreamling one for my sister. I also go a really cute Blackbonnet print signed by the artist (it's so cute!!), a little sewn keychain of my favorite little dragon Figment, a really cute Ponyo sweater, and an adorable strawberry frog keyboard for my computer (cuz I really needed a new one).
So overall, a super fun experience!! I definitely have determined that next time I go to a big con I definitely need to look into everything happening the day I'm going and figure out what events I want to participate in. Also, I should probably try to finish up some of my more casual cosplays, such as the Narrator or the RK900 hoodie I've been very slowly working on. This is because I went to this con in my Ghostbusters cosplay. Since I had a proton pack I couldn't have my backpack with me, which got kinda annoying when I had some downtime and didn't have my sketchbook to draw in. So more casual cosplays would work best for me.
Another thing I've discovered. I walk really poorly. My legs and ankles are so sore right now because of how I walk and how much I was walking yesterday. I realized a few hours in as my feet were starting to hurt, that I walk in such a way that I have a little bit of a limp and it puts a lot of strain on my left leg. Along with that, when walking my ankles are very fluid in their movements in such a way that I tend to put more pressure on the outer edge of my feet. In short. I'm super unbalanced and it wrecks my ankles when I walk like this for a while. So. Oof. This explains why every once in a while one of my ankles kind gives out and I either fall or almost fall. It's very rare, but it happens sometimes. Don't really know what to do about that other than trying to be more conscious of how I'm walking.
So that's about if for con related stuff I guess, though this next thing is a tiny bit related I guess. I have noticed recently, both on Tumblr and at the con, that Trigun Stampede is really popular right now. I don't know much about the anime though my sister did show me an episode or two of the original Trugun series. I did notice a lot of really cool art of Vash while at the con, along with some amazing cosplaysm there was this one person selling the cutest little tiny acrylic standees of him and I kinda wanted one, but I felt like it would be kinda weird to get art of a character from a fandom I'm not in. Anyways, this whole thing has a point. That being, I talked to my sister about it and she said I definitely should watch both Trigun series, sooo.... might end up doing that in my free time. I will probably start with the original Trigun then watch Stampede, cuz that just makes sense to me. I don't know how into it I will get, but I guess we will have to see.
I will have you know you most likely won't have to worry about me dropping TSP since I have a lot of people, both friends and you guys, keeping me into it. So don't worry!! I will not stop drawing TSP art for a long while!!! I just thought that would be important to say.
But yeah, that's kinda been the hughlights of my week. Fun things :)
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theabyssalorange · 1 year
🔥Heath Burns🔥
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G3 of Monster High has been absolutely fantastic so far! I love the characters, writing, story, and the wonderful designs for all of the cast. I'm not a doll collector, but G3 has had me slowly reaching for my wallet on several occasions.
Like I said, I adore the designs of the characters. They are all so diverse, memorable, and fashionable. I will say there is one exception and that's Heath. His face is super fun and expressive, but his clothes look like a Lightning McQueen cosplay and are weirdly undetailed compared to the rest of the cast. Also the added G3 detail that he's the son of the Devil made so many missed opportunities stew in my brain (which might have been intentional because I don't know if censors would allow overt visual references to the Devil).
Anyway, I wanted to reimagine the boy, make him fashion, and make him a demon. The flames on his G3 look and his flame hair gave me Guy Fieri energy, so that's the idea I ran with (also 2000s fashion trends in general). I wanted to keep him in shorts because they give him a different silhouette from all of the other mansters who all have long pants. Horns and a tail are required for a lil' demon look. I also added crust (?) to his skin, I think it makes him look like he's made out of magma.
I'm loving G3 so far and I can't wait to see where the show goes next! This was just my reinterpretation of Heath's outfit and if you like his G3 look then heck ya (I don't hate his G3 look either, just think he looks under designed compared to the rest of the cast)!
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vegaseatsass · 1 year
Marceline/Princess Bubblegum for that ship ask meme/game
What made you ship it? What Was Missing! I was the dreaded fake fan who got into Adventure Time because of the preview for that episode and watched all the Marceline and Bubblegum episodes in a week to prepare with no care as to what I was missing of Finn and Jake's story otherwise, and the episode itself still blew all my hopes out of the water and displaced all my other fandoms. I basically became an AT fan overnight. I did then marathon the entire series and mostly keep up with it for the next gajillion years! But yeah this was one of a very very few fandoms I got into for the ship first, sorry to everyone in tags back then who was mad at us lmfaooooo
What are your favorite things about the ship? - Immortal bitter exes (and before Obsidian, that vibe of "we never dated but we're still exes" that I also find delicious) - The songs. Their songs are so gooooooood. Just Your Problem and Woke Up are probs my fav songs from the show (UNSURPRISINGLY) haha. You can invest me in a lot w/ music, see: my Rebecca Bunch CXGF otps. - The deceptive and creative characterization! Pink candy-sweet Princess Bubblegum is a stubborn mad scientist authoritarian ruler, scary vampire-wolf-bat Marceline the Vampire Queen is all lofi beats to chill to/soft vulnerable belly who drinks colors not blood. Both the like, most simply described versions of their characters, and the densest versions w/ character arcs and growth that are so wrapped up in each other, are pure pure fun! - The canon slowburn! I was so sure after What Was Missing that we had just been gifted obvious canon, and I actually was p humiliated I forgot to manage my expectations when the response was like "you delusional lesbos, I sleep in my bestie's shirts all the time, why do you have to make everything gay" and the network backed that up, because it truly did not occur to me that we weren't doing an explicitly queer story here. But the morsels they fed us after that were all still so tasty. Sky Witch unhinged me enough to do a shitty cosplay. The morsels could be maddening in the moment, when the network seemed adamantly opposed to any onscreen canon, but the cohesion and evolution of the story the showrunners still told in the face of that is both deeply narratively satisfying and just also incredibly well done? Obsidian was not a retcon in any way: it was just a culmination. A payoff of years of careful writing and deep fan engagement. Going back and rewatching everything made my heart burst!!! They were truly worth the wait.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I think it's probably popular to be irritated with flanderized takes on the characters where PB is a prep and Marcy is a goth and Marcy makes PB blush and that's the entire dynamic, so idk. I was never into the "drawing your OTP as Bubbline" fandom trend that was omnipresent for many years (why are you TAGGING your kpop dude art as Bubbline! GUYS), but otoh I always kind of preened over what a fandom blueprint the ship became, so I can't complain too much. Maybe just I think PB is hot when she's mean. Yes I have dom/sub preferences in a sentient piece of gum/demonbat cartoon ship.
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remuswriting · 2 years
Hello! Saw that you're doing matchups so I thought I'd join in <3 I'd like it to be romantic (I'm pansexual so I have no preference when it comes to the characters gender since I like them all equally). I'm Transgender, He/Him and I'm seventeen so minor :) my personality type is INTP, or enneagram 2/9, I also tend to be more quiet and reserved until knowing someone better, then I can be very outgoing. Some hobbies I have are writing, video editing, and sewing. I'm very interested in horror movies/books and I love going on nature walks, I also have a big fascination with space and the ocean, and I love to swim. My type.. can be everywhere tbh, but I noticed I mostly go for the more playful n' funny type, also people that are smarter than me 💀 so ambiverts/extroverts. Almost all of the love languages are my love language- but physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time are the top three. I would have to say no to Tanaka, Yamamoto, Koganegawa, I love them- but I just can't see it shsh. Hope this was alright :) <3
I think Yamaguchi is a good match for you!
It was loud in the convention hall.  Cosplayers hurried past you to get to their panels or meetups on time.  There were three kids crying, which made you wonder why someone would bring their kids to an anime convention.  And then there was the fact you were struggling to find where your meetup was supposed to be.  The group chat had said next to the entrance, but you didn’t recognize anyone over there.
You had been reluctant to agree to a meetup with people from Twitter.  Sure, it was with people you had known for a couple of years, but still, it was nerve-wracking.  You worried no one else would show up, and you’d look stupid standing around waiting or, even worse, people showed up and it turned out they had catfished you the entire time.  You let out a deep breath as you walked over to where the meetup spot and hoped you’d see someone you knew.
Once you got over there, you checked your phone to see if you had any new notifications, but you didn’t.  Apparently everyone was ignoring their phones, even Yamaguchi, who you had texted repeatedly in the last twenty minutes and was the reason you had even agreed to do this meetup.
They had made the meetup after it came out that several people in the group chat were going to this convention.  Several people said everyone should cosplay as a Genshin Impact character since that’s how you all met, but then there was arguing about if there should be copies of characters or if they should assign each person a character because only eight of you would be going.
In the end, cosplaying wasn’t required because no one could come to an agreement.  A couple of people were still going to cosplay, Yamaguchi being one of them.  He had been secretive about who he was cosplaying as, even hiding it whenever you video called each other.  
“It’s a surprise,” he said with that annoyingly cute smile on his face.
“Hey!” someone said, and you looked up out of habit and saw an Albedo cosplayer walking up to you.  It had to be someone from the group chat since they were looking and walking towards you.
“Hey,” you said, and you waited until they were closer before saying anything else.  It was hard to really hear the voice over everyone else talking along with the distance, making it hard to see.
“Are we the only ones here?” the Albedo cosplayer asked, and as they got closer, it was easier to hear their voice. “You’ve been texting everyone, but none of us said anything.”
You threw your head back slightly. “Yes, and it’s so annoying that you guys do that.  What if I had been alone for hours?”
“I wouldn’t have done that to you,” the Albedo cosplayer said.  You stared at the freckles scattered across his face, slightly faded from the foundation, but not enough to completely hide them.
“Yamaguchi?” you said, and he tilted his head.
“Yes?” He asked, and then his eyes widened slightly. “You didn’t know it was me.”
“I didn’t know it was you,” you said, and he laughed a little.
“Guess I’m pretty good at this cosplay thing,” he said, and he was.  He looked really good and only now were you really taking it in.  You had been so caught up in trying to figure out who he was that you hadn’t looked at his cosplay. “What made you realize it was me?”
“Your freckles,” you said, and you reached up, letting your finger ghost over the styled wig. “They’re your defining feature.”
“Hopefully a good one,” he said, and you didn’t understand what he meant for a second.  All you could see was his shy nature as he looked away from you at the ground and his fingers drummed against his phone case.
Yamaguchi didn’t like his freckles, had said so before, and now all of your attention was on them.
You nodded. “Yeah, the best.  Super cute.”
His face started turning red as he chewed at his lips.  You had made flirty comments before, mainly over text, but this was the first time you were seeing how he reacted.  It was actually the way you had imagined him reacting.
“They’re over here!” someone called out, and you looked over to see a couple of people from the group chat walking towards you and Yamaguchi. “Why are you guys over here?”
You tilted your head as your brows furrowed and eyes narrowed. “This is where you said to meetup.”
“No, we decided on the back entrance because there aren’t as many people over there,” the person cosplaying Venti said. “We’ve been looking everywhere.”
“Well, you’ve found us,” Yamaguchi said, and the Venti cosplayer looked at him.  (You wished people had said who they were cosplaying in the group chat, so it wasn’t so difficult figuring out who is who).
“You’re bright red,” Venti cosplayer said, and Yamaguchi’s blush only got worse. “Also, your cosplay is fucking nice.”
“Thanks, so is yours,” Yamaguchi said, and suddenly, someone is holding your hand.  You look down to see that it’s just Yamaguchi.  All you can think is that his hand is so warm and that it’s surprising he’s the one who made the first move. “We’re going to follow you.”
He looked down at you, and you felt your face heat up.  Yes, you liked Yamaguchi and had accepted that a while ago, so why were you getting so flustered?
“You okay?” he asked, and you nodded.
“Yeah, just fine.  Let’s get going,” you said, and the words were rushed.  He smiled, and he looked so good as Albedo.  You were going to die from how good he looked.  At least you had gotten to meet him, though.
Yamaguchi loves reading your writing.  Is truly your biggest supporter and wears that title with pride.
He absolutely hates horror movies, but he watches them with you.  Expect him to hide his face in your neck or chest.
You guys go to the beach when you can and end up bringing Karasuno’s team since none of them understand how to read the room.
If you bind, Yamaguchi makes sure to check up on you.  He reminds you to take breaks and will be there to help out if you need him to.  If you don’t bind, Yamaguchi does what he can to make you comfortable if you need him to.
You have half of his hoodies in your closet at one time, but he hands them over.  So, you haven’t actually stolen them like he accuses you of.
He took you to the aquarium for your first date.  The amount of photos he took of you would embarrass anyone else to admit, but he just shows them to you and asks which ones you want him to send to you. (He’s blushing the entire time.)
You guys cuddle all the time whenever alone.  You’re watching a movie?  He has an arm around you, holding you as close as possible.  He makes you do things laying down just so he can cuddle with you.  If you tell him you don’t want to cuddle, then he respects that and backs off.  He just loves cuddling with you.
He will play games with you everyday.  He ended up having to build it into his ridiculously busy schedule, but spending that time with you is very important to him.
I really hope you like this! Sorry for the wait!
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selamat-linting · 7 months
the last two days are hectic as fuck. i have the morning shift yesterday, but i ended up doing overtime because my prospect is late and a customer of mine forgot her bag so i have to do the after sales service of reminding, waiting, and greeting her with a smile just for picking up the shit she forgot!!!!! at least i end the day with a good sale, but damn was it exhausting.
and to make matters worse, we have a work event and it was done in the morning. like real early 7 am shit. but i have a gig i want to see tonight. the next gig happens in 4 november sure, but im not sure I could attend because my org is planning a protest a week after that and I already missed the one happening in mid october because I agreed to go on a cosplay competition (we got third place btw) and i end up being too exhausted i promptly fell asleep after i went home instead of going to party.
i say fuck it, 24/7 grindset im gonna do both. so after work, i went home only to change my work uniform to a band tee. and then i went and had a great time.
the venue kinda sucked. it was a small cafe behind a university, there was ample space for crowds to hang around and mosh if you remove the chairs, but again, this isn't like the warehouse. smaller capacity, no actual stages, low ceilings, shitty lighting and barely any seats. also the drinks are overpriced. they dont even have space for a merch table or a designated spot for the band's equipment. they just left it laying around in a corner. but i guess thats the charm of smaller shows like this right? i end up having fun anyway.
the setlist was all local bands. the band performed in the one corner they put lights on. people were huddled around in the designated "stage area" and there was balloons and shitty party decoration. completely clashed with the music ngl. but it is amusing to see a bunch of shaped balloons taped to a wall to make the ACAB number. i stayed close to the moshpit, but never actually entering. again, im tired. i just want to vibe and headbang and maybe get some new music to listen to. I saw a guy that I thought was my friend, because he got a similar frame and wore a battle vest. Too bad he's not here. I thought he liked stuff like this? But then again last I heard he was having a little problem with the local punks since his brother accused them of being sellouts for searching for a sponsor to fund a small concert a few months ago. Well, at least I met an acquaintance who used to be in the next town's youth communist chapter. We had a little chat, but I was mostly vibing on my own because I can't hear anything she's saying. At one point, I saw someone who was dancing stop to walk around with his flashlight on, I figured he was looking for something, so without saying I trailed him a bit and lit my phone flashlight to help. The incident was very brief, especially since the crowd wasn't so rowdy. But when it was done, I realized the new song just started, and I'm stuck in the middle of an burgeoning mosh pit. Lol, I never ran so fast like that. Again, I just hang on the edge, enjoying the music and preparing to get tackled and hit by a stray elbow. I'm not in the mood to spin and dance in the center but that doesn't mean I'm not open with a little rough housing. I didn't end up getting hit for the night though. I just got shoved once or twice which is disappointing.
I notice one thing for sure today, men love touching each other up. There was no stage, so the boys there make do by lifting a friend like theyre going to powerbomb them to floor and then running headstart to throw them to the backs of the front row crowd. Some just lift their friends to mimic crowdsurfing even when the ceiling was so close they could have gotten their friends hurt. Friends were teasing each other to start a pit by tackling them hard. The fact that all of the singers manage to avoid all that mess instead of getting themselves knocked on their asses was impressive. The place was small!!!
I had a great time even though I wasn't doing much and I didn't hang around in the afterparty even though my friend was there. I have to go to work on a Sunday!!!!!
Anyway, about my friend, I said she's a former member of the org right? Well, about a year ago she started a feminist advocacy group on her own. Me and my org worked on a couple actions. I asked her how its going because I want them to collaborate with my chapter for the solidarity protest we're planning. Well, turns out she, the founder, have left the org over ideological differences. Said the girls were not radical or in the same political level as she is and she failed to push them farther left. I do a brief check and it's true, it seems like the group have left their political roots and is now more of a literature appreciation society. I don't know if I feel vindicated or i feel bad. on the other hand, we do need a radical org outside of the student cliques. the ones we have now are not enough. so it sucked to see one go, especially one with a feminist focus. yall have no idea how male-dominated political organizing could be sometimes. It really is something that needs to be fixed and i feel like the org she made, despite my criticism, was a good first step to allow women to be more involved in local politics. its good that they exist. but i do feel like saying "i fucking told you so" when she decided hanging out with her friends to make vague statements about female empowerment are more revolutionary than actually campaigning for laws that recognize marital rape and online harassment as a crime. the latter is boring and frustrating but its a good project to work on while we're building a revolutionary party. im sorry real organizing work doesn't have the glamor of being a "sensitive artiste" but im not sorry that your group of "progressive" and undisciplined authors turns out to be chickenshit careerists and influencers. your org doesnt even have the balls to post a happy pride month post on instagram.
And of course, when i asked her if some of her scene friends might want to start a political action again, she kinda looked away, and muttered about how our local culture about avoiding protests and being peaceful is so entrenched and hard to shake off. so i guess she's giving up? rolling my eyes so hard right now. i guess its easy to give up when you can just leave town wherever. but im effectively stuck here for maybe my whole life and i still fucking tried even though this whole endeavor seems a lot like a sinking ship sometimes. Oh well, she'll come back one day. everyone always does.
Ah, enough about her. I have some contacts i havent called and i should focus on that. What is up with the university orgs anyway? A month ago they were protesting local landgrabbing scandals and then the presidential election news happened so now all of the talks about indigenous rights are sidelined for the new nepo baby discourse. honestly im worried that if they stop talking about the land grab cases happening on their own backyards this quickly in favor of the shiny new thing, then how will my org have the power to ask those guys to protest for colonialism happening almost a world away with us? Esp when we're this small
Okay, thats enough, lets get out of my head. I went home without attending the afterparty, i have to sleep fast. I end up passing out at 1 am and waking up at 5 am. I can never get enough sleep i swear to god. I'm heavily considering crawling back to my therapist and asking her for the ssri's and sleep meds again. gastritis and exhaustion be damned, at least i get a full night's sleep. anyway, at least im not late for my job. I even got time to make a casual cute outfit. I wore a tight crop top, a little cardigan to cover my arms, and a high waisted work pants. It's a bit unusual for me since i usually try to pass or at least look butch as much as i can get away with. But I feel girl, so i dress as a girl. I got a lot of compliments both online and offline. Prospective customers flock to me instead of my coworkers in the streets. I mean, i do look good. I'm eating regularly now so i've gotten bigger and i got cute love handles. Recently i got my hair straightened so its not frizzy and wavy anymore. I got a sense of confidence from working in sales and i just have that post-coming out glow. I would personally fuck myself. Huff my own armpits yknow?
Anyway, without revealing too much about my job, its a boring one but its got its perks. my boss was quite nice as well. After the event, we all ate in this chinese breakfast restaurant. I remember that i went at the diner besides that place on my first date with a girl around eight years ago. The food sucked. Bland, flavorless, no broth where they should have been. Overpriced steamed buns with limited fillings. But turns out this other restaurant right besides it have really great porridge and buns. it even have herbal ginger teas. Maybe that date would have lead up to something if only i took her to the right diner. alas, whats done is done. I had fun eating, and my boss paid for it. After that i went home, i need to go to work again at 12 am until 8pm because just my luck, i got the afternoon shift. at least this time when i went home, i manage to get a two hour sleep. Yes im a little bit late for work. I dont care haha. I'm going to spend the next two days chasing my quota anyways when im supposed to be enjoying halloween 😒
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solarwolfcosplay · 1 year
Here we go! Here is my hint for my next big cosplay build! I can't wait to show you guys who and what it is. I have been waiting to do this one for a while, and it will be my hardest build. I'll be using both @plaidfx and @surebonder to complete this one!
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syrinq · 2 years
i had a dream i had an arranged marriage with an item tag.
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yes you fucking read that right.
so it all starts way back on earth. i'm having a regular day, going out with my SO having a good time doing grocery shopping before i go to uni or work. then, i spot something in the distance that puts me on my nerves and i urge us to hide in the nearest crawlspace possible. this is a vent into a basement.
my SO asks what the fuck is going on. i point out to him that the fucking Predator is walking around on the street and no one seemingly gives a fuck but me. i tell him, i've seen this Predator guy before and now i need to know what the fuck is up with this. because it's not some person cosplaying. no, it's a fucking walking tower of a Predator.
so idk we throw some rocks at it. the vision distorts a bit and i realise, the Predator is simply an illusion for whatever's actually underneath. i crawl out of the space and rid of the illusion. on the pavement in front of me, falls a tiny square item tag. or one of those sillica gel things.
i pick it up. then, the fucking thing starts talking to me. whatever's talking to me isn't actually there on earth, but projecting itself from its own world onto earth. through its vessel. an item tag.
this alien asks me to show some of earth's wonders to it. i ask what they want. they want specifically this: 1) taste fried chicken and 2) go to a fair.
i'm thinking to myself, well, my day out is completely ruined. but fulfilling these wishes for the alien was the only way they could go home. so i agree, tell my SO i'm fucking off and helping out a weird item tag thing that's really just a small vessel that houses the 'invisible projection energy' of an alien far away.
so, i go to a market. i buy some chicken for the fucker. then i'm on my way to work, and then i realise. oh, i can't eat ''my food'' in front of my coworkers when i'm not on break. so i have to parkour and wriggle my way through hallways in the office, to find a suitable lonesome place where the alien can eat his goddamn chicken. several times a coworker asks ''why do you have chicken on you?''
and i answer ''because i skipped breakfast and i'm hungry'' as an excuse. then i give the alien some time so he can eat his fucking chicken. great. now that he's done he wants to go to a fair. i wait for work to be over and then go to a local fair.
''we'' go in a ferris wheel. the alien's having the grandest time of his life even though i'm holding his ''item label apparition'' merely in my hand. okay fine whatever.
then when the fair's ended, somehow i get knocked out. next time i open my eyes i'm on an alien world. guess whose? the alien i helped out today. great.
the alien tells me they're an immortal species that's always birthed as twins, triplets or more. however, this alien was the ONLY ONE of his species that was birthed as a single child. so he was very lonely and outcast. he tells me, in order to keep himself company, he's looked at and studied earth.
then he tells me, we've apparently met before. not when i saw his Predator illusion for the first time, but once when i was idk. 13 years old and picked up an item label off the street to throw in the bin. since then the alien's regarded me as a friend from far away, swearing we've made a bond since then.
and now, he's teleported me to his world, for an arranged marriage between us. and i'm thinking, god fuck what have i gotten myself into. i pretty much make a run for it immediately. i have to run through spiral towers, slide down long slides, go through vents, a weird alternate-version of my office, etc. etc.
this both saddens and angers my ''alien friend'' and he tries to follow me. but when he realises i'm just lonesome in this weird alien world of his, he's like :( aw man and lets me go. he tells me he'll teleport me back to my earth world.
so, then he does, and i think i'm FINALLY GOING HOME to just i don't fucking know have regular dinner after a long ass day. but then i open my eyes. and i realise i'm in space. on a blue cuboidic asteroid. i realise i've been teleported to an alternate dimension with physics and looks from fucking minecraft.
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i appear in the middle of some game. two teams have got to mine as many asteroid rocks as possible to get points, and thus win the game. i sit on my knees and scream a darth vader 'NOOOOOOOOOOOO!' as i ended up here instead of earth. whether it was a teleportation accident or on purpose i never found out because i don't know i died of agony and then woke up irl. great game.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Star Blazers The Comet Empire Episode 4" on YouTube
Ken has the blaster design and it's meant for the star Blazer ships it should be kept in the rebel arena the common Empire ship which does not necessarily have to be the common Empire isn't Bavaria and that's in Willy Wonka one it's a hundred miles wide Plus father says about 200 and something miles wide but it's about 200 miles deep and is full of stuff it's gigantic and it is a city on top that's cloaked much like Tomorrowland just a lot bigger and it has mega computers and it's all by Alan Cromwell a general Cornwall and you would know him as general Schwarzkopf the house has been located in the tomb in the house should be details but it looks like they may have taken them out and it looks like they might be Empire and Willy Wonka's chocolate factory is opening today with Brad who's not in Iran least he says he's not.
Special note that almost the entire clan is buried there in tombs below and they're waiting for the computer to do something and it's not yet it says it's not time yet
This is a huge huge genre there's so many people into this it's not even funny and Hera started pumping out the uniforms and she has a bunch of them for sale at supercon in I'm sorry in the Miami and he was flub-dubbing there saying it for me and she made a whole bunch of cosplay too for the entire genre of both sides the cosplay is suitable to wear that's really uniforms and some people actually do end up doing that what you're seeing is cosplay ends up on the real ships which mostly are 20 miles plus these are giant ships and they're already built and the common Empire ship is big enough to retrieve Black ships and stone ships from the large planets because it can land there and yes I can land in the ocean or some soft land it pushes it out and lands like a like a bowl on the sand there's a huge number of people interested in is a giant giant ship and it's Hera's side of the family. She helped design it and the fortifications and as you can see she's all about guns and defenses Shields and ships and power really she's a powerful woman and he knows it and she's going to watch out because she already told him and showed him she knows how to slap fight like the best of them so don't smack into her when she's Prego and it was for the current day analogy and he figured it out a little
Thor Freya
It's so cute because he gets nervous I come up coming down gets nervous again this is okay I got it and he means he wants to stop playing it's going to be nice to me and we're getting along very nice very nicely and he might get some money excited cuz it's getting kind of boring you people are damn boring here he can only do so many things to entertain people having fun today it's super kind but he's not here damn it he could have bought one of these you guys would have said put it on we're going but no Ken you know you'll cheapo t-ball freaking skin Flint loser you're a moron too
Here's how it is they heard people that do it so we can't they tell you what they're going to do you feel the pain and so forth it's kind of a tough one but I do understand what you're saying we have to get going on this it is the Argo or at least one of them he says it's a cargo ship so you take the sea off it's Argo and gargle is really the small one and it's going to be converted but it's the model for the others not you've already done it you've already done it but he's right it does inspire us greatly
We're on this now it doesn't happen in Iran and it's going on and it's going to happen shortly
I can see it on my scope there's unrest there those people going nuts they're all over the place and we're going to get going on it fairly soon and they're going to have a small revolution there the tunnels are being blocked Mac is fighting Tommy f on the inside as well as Trump and more luck and others it's a big Gob of mess and to end up going there all at the same time anyways so expending their army just to get there in tatters and the comet Empire would be next since they have experienced doing it but boy that's a big ship it's about 10 times as vomitous as a huge death Star yeah that's right because the insides are full they're not empty everything has some a function every square inch of it that's what I decided to do it's deceptive
0 notes
tash-sho-sho · 3 years
MC with a demiangel son
I would have rather have someone else to do it, but none of my favorite writers have their requests open >m< I had to do it by myself! My English isn't the best... so if you are reading this, you are warned! Also lesson, 4, 6 and 16 spoilers. Just in case, don't read it unless you are in lesson 21, ok? ♡
The demons were waiting patiently waiting for Barbatos to summon the new human exchange student who were, unlike Solomon, a normal human. A dazzling light invade the room and finally, the human arrived. What they didn't have in mind was that behind them, a small child of 5 years with a strange aura, almost too familiar for the demons in the room.
Mc stand in front of their son trying to protect him from the unknown beings, knowing very well they weren't even humans, and they won't hesitated to protect their child, even if that means to fight demons.
->more under the cut
Was a shock alone to have a human with a child, but the child having almost a... divine aura made Lucifer tense, what kind of human they brought to their program????!! And that child??? Lucifer sure will have an headache for the rest of the year. He is suspecting that child is not 100% human, he wants to throw them back to the portal. That's not a headache worth having, Diavolo!
Unfortunately for Mr. McPride, Diavolo thought they were perfect for the program, and he can't refuse an order from the next Demon King, the Prince being.... maybe too happy for his liking...
When they were in the House of Lamentation, he noticed Mc not living their son's side, and was especially aware of Mammon who was shouting saying this was a hassle and that the boy was too strange for him to protect... if they knew Mammon was stupid...
Later on what he was suspecting was confirmed... that wasn't in their human profile, he knew they had a son, let's be honest, but it didn't cross through his head that they had to bring him with them, and most importantly, he was half Angel, what Angel did Mc messed with?
Child well behave, he must admit, perhaps was because of his angelic parent, or because Mc was a really good parent. He never asked and Mc wasn't too fond of sharing information either.
He started to love Mc, so it was obvious he will also start to love their son, who was... a lap dog, just like Luke for Simeon. Baby angel will to follow him, Lucifer's head pats worth a lot 😤 and Lucifer may or may not invite him to sit on his lap while working, even sleep there, this boy is the calmness Satan--- well, cute angel warmth Lucifer's heart, even if he does not admit it.
He started to get worry, what if the Celestial Realm know about this half angel? Also, parent Angel didn't care or know about the consequences of falling in love with a human? Can you imagine having a child with a human? Now he is starting to believe not only their son is powerful, but also Mc, really, how can you make an Angel jeopardized their position for you?
Hey! What does it mean he have to take care of two humans???? You know how he was complaining in the first call when Mc told him he was their caretaker? Well, he literally was screaming when Lucifer told forced him to watch two humans.
Mammon: I ain't watching humans for free!
Lucifer: What did you say, Mammon? :)
Mammon: Anything for you, big bro! ♡
Oí, Lucifer, what with this child? Why he have a pure presence? For a moment he begins to think human child were supposed to have that kind of power...
Parent Mc was alert of his every movement, he complained ALL. THE. WAY. BACK. To the House, he never shut up. That attitude last... three days. That boy was too well behaved for him to dislike him! And Mc was kind enough with him. He got attached really quick and was the first one who Mc trust enough let their guard down. His ego was over the moon and he started to use it against his brothers. Plus, this boy never called him dumb or idiot, that's Mammon's boy now, fight for your parent's right, Mc! He is stealing him.
He never suspect a thing until someone else point it out. Wait, do you mean my and Mc's child is not human? Like, completely? Everything started to make senses, that's why he was so.. so... divine? But, who is the angel?? He is curious and jealous, how did an Angel get to know Mc first than him? They audacity 😤😤 at least, they give to Mc a really lovely son. Always smiling for him and giving him homemade gifts. He cried a bit when the son gives him half of his cookie... He denied it, but everyone saw it. Don't worry humans, the Great Mammon is here to protect you!
He wasn't there, he was in his room playing games, not caring for the human he have to live with for the rest of the year. He only realized the human came with a pet when he ran to the front door to claim the money Mammon owed him.
Uhm... was that small version of the big human? Why it clings to the Mc like his life depends on it? Why his aura is SOO familiar? He wasn't prepare for that. Does it mean he have to socialized with no one, BUT TWO? He doesn't know how to talk to children!
He didn't care for them, and ignored both of them until they made a pact. He was lucky Diavolo had the decency to cover the boy's eyes when... you know... his jealousy took the best of him. Just like Mammon, he didn't thought much of it, but it made him think of his animes, those with a long ass name. Not that he mind enough because the child is his third player! Of course, Mc is his player number 2!
Henry and Henry Jr. That's his nickname now. He might be too young to play more complicated games, but don't worry guys, our shut-in have a lot of games, including family friendly. Be careful though... you might need to remind both of them to eat... and force your boy to stop playing... but overall, a really wholesome sight. If that's a beautiful sight, imagine them playing together with a cosplay....
The mini version of Mc is just as kind as them. He was scared at the beginning, fearing their son would hate him for being an otaku (sweety... you almost kill his parent...) but everything went well.
He was jealous because he had another parent besides Mc, can you imagine his surprise when he discovered he was half angel??? How he can win against an Angel??? Your tastes are too high for a worthless otaku like him! He is a demon, a fallen Angel! He needs reassurance, but if that's not your thing or it's not enough, just show him your baby puppy eyes, that's the trick ;)
Now, half Angel or not, Levi love the boy a lot. Do not fear, Mc! You have now Lotan to protect your baby!
Oh well, that's interesting. Lucifer's expression was enough to make Satan smile. He have to admit... A weak human trying to protect their child, that's cute, not that he cared enough to comment it. Satan is aware from moment 1 that this child can't be 100% human, much like Lucifer, but unlike him, he will not try to protect both of you if he isn't in charge, he will just see how much both of you can survive.
Poor, poor, Mc, they know a fake smile when they see one, and if it were for them, they will avoid their son to have any contact with him, especially since he is a half Angel, and Satan's not even trying to show interest to protect them, they can see his only interest is that their son have a unique presence, that's not helpful at all! I wouldn't trust him if I were Mc either.
Just like the rest of the brothers, when he started to get close to the Mc, same he does with Henry Jr. Both humans are like little kittens for him now. However, he ended up asking Mc if by any chance, their son was half something, he was surprised but not as much as Mammon or Levi, he kept the secret until it was revealed.
Bed stories now for the boy, or whenever he wants, Satan is more than happy to do so. There is nothing better than to share your knowledge and thousands of books with someone who's really interested in them, fortunately for our cat boy, the baby loves it, I mean, what can he expect from someone who came from the Mc? Surely nothing less, just pure kindness and beauty.
The child sometimes try to write stories for Satan, or read, but he struggles a lot, both Mc and Satan are dying out of cuteness while listening to him trying to read the stories his childish brain came up with. Cute? Childish? Cat onesie? Sure! The boy now have pajamas with cat prints in it. And prepare to have a future cat lover with Satan by his side!
He is worry for this child's future, just like the rest, but unlike the others, he was not an Angel nor he participated in the Celestial War. Satan might feel a little insecure because of this, he was never an Angel, and at least his brothers can share personal experiences with Mc and their son, not him. He will not show this side of him. Looking how Henry Jr. look at him and smile knowing he will tell him a story, it's hard to think he will care that Satan was born from Wrath.
My, my! What a cute human they brought to the Devildom! With a child included! Wait, what?
That wasn't what he expect, they agreed with having just one human, do they have to rearrange everything to be child friendly? Asmo thought it was cute how their son look to everything really scared and holding Mc's clothing with his tiny hands. He did thought it was strange his son presence was slightly different from Mc, which made him a little more interested in their child than in Mc at first.
Lust close to their baby? Asmo! Chu, Chu! Stay away until Mc feels safe knowing you won't corrupt their son! Asmo lose interest very quickly, in 3 days. He was too focused on himself to pay attention to someone who he can't even be close to. He admitted the boy was great for Devilgram pictures but he was glued to Mc's leg, like he himself was a third leg and Mc take him to everywhere too, even the bathroom. That's until they trust Mammon enough to take care of him while they were out. And with Mammon there? Overprotectiveness, the audacity of his scummy brother to not let him hug the cute boy while his parent wasn't there 😔😔
After Asmo and Mc made a pact, it's over 😔 both Mc and the boy are now in Asmo's Devilgram quite often, Henry Jr. the most, you know how many cute outfits and likes a baby can have, Mc??? Please, Mc have to admit their baby looks cute but... why are you dressing him like yourself, HUH?
Mammon hates every time Asmo steals his humans attention...
He was quite surprise when it was confirmed Henry Jr. is half angel. Mc! Information, how can he flirt with an angel????? Don't be selfish Mc!! :(:(:( that information worth millions of Grimm.
He isn't too worry about Mc having a child with an Angel, I mean, look at him, he is perfect. He can show your lovely boy the importance of beauty and how take proper care of himself, even showing how to take great pictures! Children have the tendency to copy what adults do, which that's why it's cute to see Mc's child taking their D.D.D to take pictures together, as parent and son, and proudly showing to Asmo what he can do!
Also, not bad sense of fashion, always will have the best of the best-- even if that means to fight Satan! No! He can't always have cat theme as an everyday outfit! And no! He can't cosplay as a Henry!!
Can he eat them?
No, really, that was his first thought, even the child, I bet he had eat it everything, his stomach doesn't judge, unless is Solomon's cooking but by that time he didn't know that. He was the main reason why Mc never left their child alone, you can't just say "they look delicious, I don't know if I can hold back my hunger" and not expect me to be wary of my and my son's well-being!
Nevermind what that child is, he is hungry, feed him before he goes crazy.
Humans must stay together... And maybe a little bit more closer to Mammon... Mc didn't trust Beel one bit, from all the brothers, Beel and Satan were the worst for Mc at the beginning. And it was a nightmare when their son being to cry when Beel LITERALLY destroyed the room! Thanks god they bring him with them!!! That wasn't a pleasant night for them, they couldn't sleep because they were scared to death Beel would try to eat boy.
That... didn't last long? Beel is another baby, they will get along very well, especially since Henry Jr. Is just as kind as his parent! He even sometimes gives Beel some of his food, what a baby! Quickly both of them goes to Beel's care, he swore to protect them both. And that's when he started to care and notice more Henry's Jr. Isn't as normal as the thought at first.
The boy sitting on his shoulder while Beel is either eating or walking to the kitchen are a normal occurrence now. Where is the boy now? If he is not with Mammon or Lucifer, probably on Beel's shoulders. They eat together and when the little human is full, he will give the rest to Beel! And you have a really, really happy Beel! Hugs from Beel are the best, your boy disappear. I'm not jealous of the baby, you are!
Mc will receive hugs too... Beel have free hugs! Only for his family and you both are lucky he love you both as a family!♡
Oh wait, Henry Jr. is... an angel? He is really really worry, he have a trauma since the Celestial War, he is scared something will happen to his new family members, you for having a baby with an Angel and your son for being half Angel. You, my Mc, will have to reassure this giant man that you both will be fine, or at least, that you have pact with the most powerful demons in the Devildom. It's not enough, but that determined look on his face tells you that he had promised to himself something.
.... well... this is.... awkward.
When Mc came to the Attic, they came with their son because... yes. And even though Belphie did sense he was weird, just knowing it was another human vermin inside his house, living in the Devildom, was enough to anger him and push that thought behind. Be a child or an adult, a human is a human, he hated them, just like a human could hate a cockroach no matter the size.
He didn't get to know the boy for much because Mc started to come alone, which Belphie assumed was because they trust his brothers enough to let them take care of the infant. And... yes, he was there... When Belphie decided to do that to Mc. Not the first part, because if not, the boy would have had the same fate, but he was there when everyone saw how Belphie tossed them on the floor... And let's be honest, that's a traumatic experience, Mc in the normal universe can forgive all they want Belphie, but this is not only Mc, is also their son, who saw how a demon, someone he knew his parent was trying to help, tossed them on the floor... all broken.
That would be the only time everyone could see the boy boiling with anger and sadness, crying and running to their parents arm once he saw them again without a scratch. He might be young but that's an ugly sight and he have some kind of understanding of that death means.
Ok, Belphie, good luck getting Mc to even let you near the baby, they or any of the brothers. Belphie is really sorry after all the Lilith explanation, but if your child isn't too fond of someone... Mc had all the rights to do the same. Mc starts to fear that their son may suffer the same fate as their other self. It takes... the rest of the year, thanks Belphie, you left the poor angel with an awful memory and your maniac laugh.
But that's only, and only if after forming a pact he can make the child to like him a little bit, he might also make Mc to like him more. Only after a pact, because a pact assure Mc they can stop Belphie. He really, really is sorry for what he did, he knows he deserves the coldness and dislike the angel gives him, but he wants to be friends with both of you, he is trying his best.
And he is so, so scare of Henry Jr's safety, and yours as well, what were you thinking having a child with an Angel??
If the little angel starts to like him, they will be sleeping together with Mc. Mc might wake up at any movement from both boys... you know... precautions.
Their relationship will improve, for now, sleep ☆
Well, it was longer than I expected, and I'm sleepy, it took me 5 hours @×@ I sometimes forget writing is just as hard as drawing
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OHSHC Rewrite: Episode 3a
Beware the Physical Exam!
Host Club x reader
Summary: Y/n has to deal with Maria's nephew coming for a visit right before the physical exams.
Word Count: 5k
Episode Masterlist
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"Welcome ladies!"
You were outside talking to some of your clients, and they were excited that you wore a kimono for cosplay. In the middle of talking to them Kyoya appeared smoothly, trying to sell picture books of the host club. It made you wonder, how did he get those pictures?
A little later you didn't have any clients so you asked Honey and Mori if you could sit with them, and they agreed. You and the girls became quiet once Honey tried to make some tea. He was mixing too hard and almost everything had spilled out, but none of you knew what to say. You bit your lip and looked from the girls to Mori, who understood. He leaned over to Honey, saying, "You overdid it."
Honey looked at the almost empty bowl and looked very sad. "It's okay Honey-senpai! I'll drink it." One girl exclaimed.
"Yeah, if it was anything more it would be too much!" The other one chimed in.
He then beamed again. "Really?" He looked at you. "What do you think y/n-chan?"
You smiled. "I think you made enough for the ladies to not have to drink too much. It's very modest and considerate of you Honey-senpai. It shows how good your heart is."
He jumped into a hug with you. "Thanks y/n-chan!"
Once the Host Club closed for the day, you wandered around looking at the cherry blossom trees. Tamaki saw you and decided to try to work his charm again.
"Hello y/n."
"Oh, hey senpai." You gave him a small smile.
"The flower viewing reception went quite well. What do you think? Aren't the flowers today captivating?"
"Yeah, they're really pretty."
He took this as his chance. "Even so, it's rather daunting being admired than doing the admiring."
You sighed. "Wow senpai, I can really see how much you're blooming today." You said sarcastically.
"You noticed! Yes, today my beauty is in full bloom." He then flicked a heart with his fingers to you. "I bet you'll fall you me soon."
"I'll take that bet." You joked.
Tamaki smiled and was about to say something back when the twins interrupted. "So y/n, what are you gonna take for next term?"
You paid no mind to Hikaru's arm around your shoulder. "I haven't really thought about it yet."
"Why don't you take conversational French with us?" Kaoru suggested.
"Yeah, it does make sense," Hikaru added.
They then turned back to Tamaki, evily smiling as they said, "Since we're in the same class."
Tamaki sat near a tree and hugged his knees into his chest. "Say, mommy dear?"
Kyoya smiled. "What is it now, daddy?"
"It might just be my imagination, but it seems like the twins get to spend more time with my little girl."
"Tamaki, you're just now realizing that?" It was like Tamaki was struck by lightning. "If you look at these two charts, you'll see that the twins spend roughly 8 hours a day with y/n, which is a third of her day. You, on the other hand, spend a mere 3 hours with her, meaning about 12% of her day—"
"I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!!" Tamaki quickly grabbed your shoulders. "Listen to me y/n, daddy wants you to stop hanging around those two shady twins!"
"Who you calling shady boss?" Hikaru asked.
"Yeah, take a good look at yourself!" Kaoru added.
"Tamaki-senpai, please calm down. It's just a class together." You took his hands off your shoulders. "You know what? If I need any help in French then I'll most likely go to you."
"Really?!" His eyes shown, only to go to confusion. "Wait, what do you mean most likely?"
"If I need help in the moment, I'll ask the twins." He began crying again. "Senpai, calm down—"
"All daddy wants is for you live a wholesome life!"
You sighed. "Why do you call yourself that?"
"Y'know y/n," Kyoya said. "It's pretty impressive that you're taking a class to learn a fourth language."
"Thank you senpai." You smiled at him.
"What does he mean by fourth?" Kaoru asked.
"Oh, Maria's latina so she taught me Spanish."
"A hispanic mother huh?" Hikaru said.
Kaoru then added, "You're very exotic."
You looked at them with an annoyed expression. "Sure." You then remembered something. "By the way, do you guys have anything you're doing this weekend?"
The twins looked at each other and then back at you. "No, why?"
You grinned. "Then let's do something! Anything."
They were taken back by your sudden forwardness. "What's got you so excited?" Hikaru asked.
"Yeah, where did this come from?" Kaoru added.
"Maria's sisters are coming over and one of them hates me."
"Why?" Hikaru asked.
"Cause I'm not Maria's biological kid. It's stupid. But it's not her I'm worried about." Your face then turned to a grimace. "It's her son, Satan."
"Geez, what's with the name calling?" Hikaru asked again.
"He gets his annoying personality from his mother, and he loves to go out of my way to try and get me mad. It makes him feel better or something. One time he cut the head off of my stuffed dinosaur my first mother had bought for me." You pouted.
Kaoru asked, "Just because Maria's not your mom?"
"Yeah, he feels like I'm at a lower class than him, and that I need to learn to stay like that. Maria tried to fix my stuffed dino, and God bless her tomboy heart, her sewing skills are terrible. It looks like a voodoo doll now." You sighed, shrugging. "Anyways, I wanna see his face as less as possible. So, you do two wanna hang out over the weekend?"
"Why are you so weird about Hikaru and Kaoru?" You asked. "They aren't even doing anything."
"I'd hate to break up this little chat," Kyoya said. "But do you recognize the name Alarico Gonzalez?"
You whipped your head over to Kyoya's direction. "Why?"
"Because he's from y/c and just booked each host towards the end of host hours for tomorrow."
"It's him." You grumbled. "I'm gonna go clean up."
Tamaki then spoke up. "It's not to fret about. This is obviously a romantic comedy fic, and me and y/n the main cast! That means that in the end I'll swoop in and make her feel better."
"Yeah, then what are we?" Hikaru asked, referring to the rest of the hosts.
"You boys are the homosexual supporting cast!" He then drew a line on the ground with a stick. "So please make sure that you don't step over this line."
"This is ridiculous." The twins said.
"And boss, I don't think you get it." Hikaru said as he smiled.
"Y/n-chan values friendship very much." Honey said.
"And she considers all of us her friends." Kaoru said.
Kyoya chimed in. "If you were to take her away from the rest of her friends, she would probably become quite unhappy and limit her contact with you."
"That means that the rest of us get to spend more time with her, while she ignores you." Honey said.
"Especially more time with us," Kaoru said. "Since we're in the same class."
You walked up to them. "Okay guys, I'm done—"
"Tamaki grabbed you again." Don't worry y/n! I'll let you go with the twins this weekend."
"I mean, that's nice of you to say, but I wasn't asking for your permi—"
"As long as the rest of us go as well!" He then turned to everyone else. "Listen up gentlemen. We are all going to hang out with y/n this weekend."
"Sure, I guess. If you wanted to come senpai, why didn't you just ask?"
"Nevermind that!" He panicked. "Make sure you choose where you want to go."
You smiled sweetly. "Okay!"
The next day you felt irritated, knowing it was only a matter of time before you see Alarico and his stupid face. Kyoya reminded you that during host hours you had to be on your best behavior, which meant that you couldn't defend himself.
The twins were staring at you all day. They made in incredibly noticable when you were setting up the tea sets. "Can I help you two?"
"You haven't smiled at all today." Kaoru said.
"Yeah, this isn't normal."
"Don't worry, I'll make sure to smile when the guests come." You went around them and kept working, setting everything up.
"Why do you look sad y/n-chan?" Honey asked, trying to guilt trip you. "I don't like it. You're not like that because of me, right?"
"Of course not senpai. You're a sweet person." You said with a straight face. "Now excuse me." You continued and eventually finished up everything. You then walked to your place to welcome the girls. Sucking in a breath, you put on a smile.
"Welcome ladies."
You greeted your clients and they talked to you about what was going on with their lives. You threw out compliments and encouragements, and you hoped your smile would pay off. The stress was slowly coming off of you and your smile was becoming real. You did enjoy talking to all of your clients after all.
Your smile eventually became forced when Kyoya told you that someone requested for you to greet them at the door. You walked over to the door and opened it, smiling as best as you could. "Welcome sir."
He slapped your back hard. "Hey nickel. Long time no see."
You remained calm. "I didn't know we were using our nicknames Lucifer."
"Nickel?" Kaoru asked.
"Y/n would play the guitar and sing in the streets to save up some money. That's how she could afford to move. She would come home with bucket full of change. It's hilarious. So I call her nickel." He said, breaking out into a laugh. Though he was two years older than you, he was the about the same height as the twins. He then tossed his coat to you. "Show me where I go."
"Your first appointment is with the King. Right this way."
He looked you up and down. "This suits you nickel."
You ignored his comment. "Have a nice time."
You went back to your couch and talked to your clients. Meanwhile, Tamaki smiled warmly. "It's nice to meet you. The only person I've heard of from y/n is your aunt."
"Yeah, well, that's because she doesn't like what my mom and I have to say." You could feel his smug smile staring at the back of your head. You kept talking to your girls, trying to ignore him. "She just needs to accept who she is."
"And that is?" Tamaki smiled.
He smirked at Tamaki. "You know what they say, you can take the girl out of the streets but you can't take the streets out of the girl." Tamaki frowned. "Hey, what do you think of her? She was very keen on starting over, so I was wondering if she would be willing to share her past."
Tamaki tried to keep his princely self in tact. He smiled and sat up straighter. "I think she's a bright and smart person to be around. I enjoy her company, as do the rest of us here. And yes, she has shared some information with us regarding her past. We are her friends, after all."
"Trust me man, you don't wanna be too deep in her friend group. She had some really weird friends in y/c, and it's cause she's weird herself. She's got a lot of issues, and I wouldn't blame you if it sent you running." You knew what he was trying to do. Tamaki knew it. The rest of the hosts listening in knew it too. He was trying to isolate you, just to mess with you. "Well, gotta go to my next appointment."
He then got up and walked over to the twins' table. They hesitated to speak, but knew they had to be nice. "Nice to meet you." They said.
He quietly laughed. "Do you guys like to answer questions at the same time?"
They shrugged. "Sometimes."
"That's... strange." He grinned. They looked at him, offended and annoyed. "That's also the opposite from y/n, which is even stranger to me."
"Shit." You mumbled. You began to breath a little unsteadily.
"What do you mean?" Hikaru asked.
He laughed again. "You guys don't know?" They stared blankly at him. "Y/n has a twin brother. He up and ran away before their mom died. Apparently all three were supposed to leave together, but her brother left them high and dry."
You were starting to panic. Other people were turning their heads. Exposed. You felt so exposed.
"Excuse me for a minute." You quickly left the room and sat down on the floor, trying to catch your breath. You couldn't breathe, and your eyes began to sting from tears forming. You just couldn't breathe.
Tamaki and the twins shot up and ran to the door, but we're stopped by Kyoya. "Go back to your seats. There are guests waiting for you."
"Are you kidding?!" Hikaru barked.
"We need to see if she's okay!" Kaoru added.
"Kyoya, step aside!" Tamaki exclaimed.
"I don't have any appointments right now. I'll check on her. Go back to your seats." He then quickly left.
He saw you on the floor and sat down right to you. He put his arms around your upper arms and began to squeeze you tight in a hug. You tried to push him off, but he wouldn't budge. Soon you stopped moving and your breath stilled.
"Thank you." You weakly said.
"Of course."
"How did you do that?"
"It's a pressure point that calms a person's nerves." You weakly smiled at him. "How long have you been having anxiety attacks?"
You looked down. "I don't know. Years. It's been a while since I've had one up until now."
"Have you been medically diagnosed?"
You frowned and shook your head. "Let's go back in." You patted his thigh and got up. You stuck your hand out and he took it, having you hoist him up. You brought back your smile. "Thanks again senpai."
He nodded, though he also felt like the conversation needed be revisited, and would have to make sure of it. He opened the door for you. "Y/n!" Tamaki and the twins zoomed over to you.
"Sorry if I worried any of you. I just needed some air." You then sat back down on your couch. "Momo, let's resume our conversation."
"O–okay." She said, unsure whether she should ask if you were okay. "Is it okay if we take a walk in the maze? It's wonderful weather."
You grinned. "If you want to, I want to. Let's go."
When you two left, Alarico scoffed. "Still a damn baby." He then checked his watch. "Oh, switching time."
He walked over to Honey and Mori. Honey smiled at him. "You made y/n-chan really sad, so I think you should say sorry to make up for it. Kay?"
He shrugged. "I don't have to make up for anything. Like I said, she just doesn't like what I have to say. She doesn't want to face her reality, and I'm just trying to help her see it."
"So," Momoka asked you with your arms interlocked. "I was wondering if you would like to talk about what that boy you knew said."
"And here I thought I was host." You teased.
"Well, as a host it's your job to make the customers happy." She quietly stammered. "It would please me so if you had someone to talk to."
You scrunched up your nose. "You are way too nice Momo. It's grossing me out." You then looked straight ahead. "But it's much appreciated." You felt her eagerly stare at you. "Okay, we can talk."
"Really?" You nodded, and she hugged you.
"Out of the people I talk to everyday, and those who make an impression on me, I'm glad you're the one to want to talk to me like this." She smiled brightly. "Now, lead the way to that nice sitting stop first. I have no idea where to go." She nodded and took your hand, rushing to the spot.
Honey's face became darker. "Don't say mean things about y/n-chan, or I won't forgive you."
"No offense kid, but how old are you?"
"He's the same age as you." Hikaru angrily said as he sipped tea.
"Even so, some may argue that he's twice a man as you." Kaoru said as he also angrily sipped on his tea.
"Who knew important people would actually care about some rando girl from the nowhere."
"Don't talk about her like that." Mori said, standing up to hover over him.
"Stop talking about her like that, now." Honey warned.
Alarico scoffed. "Sorry little man, we're out of time." He then walked over to Kyoya, who was writing in his notebook. Honey was about to attack, but Tamaki quietly assured everyone that he knows Kyoya would handle things. "You seem to be the only who isn't phased by anything I say. That's good, since everyone's being weird about y/n."
"I assume it's due to the impression she's left on everyone here. It seems like the hardships she's had to endure has shaped her into a hard working and ambitious person."
"More like audacious." Kyoya just kept writing. "Not much gets to you, huh? That's pretty uninteresting."
"Well, I don't have a lot to worry about considering the position I'm in. You see, my family owns the largest police force in Japan. Just one phone call away and I could have over a hundred men in less than five minutes. So you see, I in fact do not have anything to worry about in this particular moment."
He frowned as you and Momoka came back in. "We're back." You happily announced.
"Did you ladies enjoy your walk?" Tamaki asked as he greeted you two at the door.
You and Momoka looked at each other and smiled. "We did." You said. "I had the pleasure of learning a few new things about Momo."
"Y/n! Those are secrets!" She blushed heavily.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna say anything. Anyways, have a safe way home."
"You as well." She said, leaving.
You closed the door and saw that Alarico was the last person there. "Okay Lucifer, let's get on with this. Shall we?"
He said nothing but smirked at you as he bumped your shoulder walking to your couch. Everyone watched. You sat on opposite ends. "So, your friends don't know about Christian."
You calmly smiled. "He's not in my life, so there's not much to say about him. How've you been doing back in y/c?"
"You mean back home?" He asked tauntingly.
"This is my home now. A step up, don't you think?"
"For now, yeah. How's money been? You still singing in the streets?"
"Nope. Don't have to. Maria got a management position at this club. She got the job from a friend she made at a store. His name is Ryoji, and he's awesome. We've had dinner at his house a few times. His daughter's pretty chill."
"Look at you making little friends. Just like at the liquor store." You grinned, and he scooched closer to you. "Y'know, I just don't get the hype for you. There's something about you that I don't like."
"I'm well aware."
"I don't know where to put my finger on it." He looked you over. "Maybe it's because I've seen those nasty scars on your legs. It a pretty big turn off."
You grinned and shrugged. "Maybe that's it. Maybe it's because you don't like what I have to say about you. Just maybe."
He didn't like that. He grabbed your jaw, holding it tight. "Or maybe it's your face. I've seen the pictures of your parents, and you have your dad's looks." He roughly took away his hand. "Get me some tea."
"Of course." You calmly got up and went over to pour the tea.
"Hey, who was that Momoka chick? She was hot. You think she's easy to bed?" He then laughed.
"Hikaru, what time is it?" You asked as you stared straight ahead.
"Uh, 5:02?"
You nodded, setting down the tea pot. You calmly wrapped your arms around Alarico's shoulders, leaning in as if you were about to whisper him something. Instead you kneed his dick. He yelped and fell to the ground. "You bitch!"
"It's after hours now so I can say whatever I want." You looked down at him. "I don't give a shit about what you think of me, I never have. You know it, and you hate it. But when you talk about sleeping with a sweet girl just to spite me, that's when I get pissed."
"Fuck you!" He rolled to his side.
"Never talk about her in that way, ever, and stay away from her. Don't even try to fight me on this. It wouldn't be the first time I've kicked your ass. Now it's time for you to leave. Go." He got up and stumbled away.
You turned and saw everybody looking at you. "Well," Kyoya said. "I believe it's time to clean up."
You all began to clean up in silence. It was almost unbearable for the twins, as well as Tamaki. Hikaru and Kaoru had finally snapped when you accidentally bumped into them. "Excuse me—"
"Oh, that's what was bugging you?"
"Among other things." Tamaki said. "But that is a good question."
You remembered the fond memory you had of that night and giggled. "It happened one time, and it was totally his fault."
"Well, what happened?" The twins asked.
"He thought that it would be funny to scare me so he could hold it over me. But his plan for it failed miserably. He made a plan to come through our window in the middle of the night with a ski mask on and act like he was robbing us."
"But if it was in the middle of the night, wouldn't you be asleep?" Honey asked.
"Yup. He's not the smartest person around. Anyways, right when he climbs in he trips over our shoes and was unintentionally makes a lot of noice. I woke up and assumed there was a robber in the house, so naturally I grabbed the bat from under my bed and—"
"Why on Earth would you have a bat under your bed?" Tamaki asked.
"In case some idiot decided to put on a ski mask and climb through our window." You giggled, and everybody smiled in response. "Anyways, I ran up to him and swung to his stomach. He fell, and broke a flower pot in the process. When he got up, I swung again. He once again fell, but this time when he tried to get up he slipped and landed on our table, breaking it. He fumbled around and tried to grab onto this shelf, but the house was old and the shelf came down on him."
The twins bursted into laughter. "Where was Maria during all this?" Kaoru asked.
"Sleeping! I swear, I don't know what she'd do without me. There was so many crashing sounds!" The twins laughed again, and this time Tamaki chuckled as Honey giggled. "So I'm about to swing again, but he takes off the mask and yells at me. We're yelling at each other, and I drop the bat on the floor. That's when Maria finally comes in, by hearing the bat, and just asks if I'm okay. Super relaxed and half asleep."
The laughter erupted again. "What happened after that?" Hikaru asked.
"I told her that Alarico was trying to rob us, and she says hands down the most 'I don't care' question ever: So, like, I can go back to sleep then right?" More laughter. "I told her no, and she called her sister who came there dead silent. She wrote us a check for the damage and they left. One of the most satisfying experiences of my life."
Everybody was smiling at the story. It was no wonder why you became a host. You were very interesting. "Do you think you'll be in trouble when you get home?" Kaoru asked.
You shrugged. "I mean, Maria's sister will yell at me, but that's kinda it. Maria thinks that I should only be punished if I'm in the wrong. He was being a creep to another girl and I defended her honor. Not in the wrong, and I'll probably just get a smack to the back of the head."
"Seriously?" Hikaru asked.
You shrugged. "She is Latina. And don't worry, since she's not the wealthiest person here, Maria's sister won't try to fight the school or anything."
"Not the wealthiest? What does that mean?" Tamaki asked.
"They're high middle class so they flaunt their money at people who don't make as much. She's a Karen."
"A Karen?" The twins asked.
"I don't believe I'm familiar with the term." Kyoya said.
"It's when someone makes a not bad situation so much worse for no reason. Like, let me speak to your manager for something dumb or my child would never do that when their kid is horrible. Stuff like that."
"Geez, you have to go home to that?" Hikaru asked.
You pursed your lips. "I really don't want to go home right now. Maybe I'll visit Ryoji's house. Or maybe I'll just stay at a fast food place for a bit."
"We'll come with you." Hikaru offered.
"Yeah, it'll be fun." Kaoru added.
"Thanks guys. Let's go then." You began walking towards the door, but stopped and turned around. "And thank you, all of you. I'm really happy that you guys still like me."
"Wait y/n!" Tamaki zoomed over to you, invading your personal space. "I want you to be careful around those shady twins, okay?! Daddy just wants the best for you!"
You ruffled his hair and smiled. "I'll be fine senpai. You trust that I'll take care of myself, right?"
He looked at you, almost in a daze, and smiled. "Of course. Have fun." You nodded and left with the twins. "Well Kyoya, it seems like our little y/n is very capable of handling her problems."
Kyoya put on a smile and said nothing. On the outside, it could easily be seen as that. But that wasn't the case. You should see someone about your anxiety. You should accept help. That meant that he would have to tell Tamaki.
After having a fun time with the twins and getting chewed out by Linda, you went to bed hoping that the club wasn't actually upset with you.
The next day you got up and quickly left early before anyone else woke up. Unfortunately, you skipped breakfast in order to do so. So there you were, eating a breakfast burrito from WacDonald's on the steps of Ouran, way too early for anyone to be there yet.
The silence was pretty nice. It was peaceful, and the school was beautiful. You did notice someone though. A man in a lab coat. He looked lost, but you decided not to think anything of it. It was probably just a school doctor, since it is physical exam day.
Later on you threw away your wrapper and bought some coffee at a gas station. That's when some people began arriving. "Hey, you're the honor student, right?" One person walked over and asked you.
"Um, yeah. I'm sorry, I don't think I know you."
"I'm in the same year, though we're in different classes." He said.
A few minutes later the twins arrived to school, though they were peeved to see you talking to another guy. They ran over to you and began dragging you away.
"It was nice to meet you!" You called out. They then put you down, hearing you huff. "What was that for? I almost dropped my coffee."
"Who was that?" Kaoru asked.
You shrugged. "Some guy. He just came up to me and started talking."
"More like flirting." Hikaru grumbled.
"No he wasn't." You took a sip of your coffee. "Do you guys want some?"
Hikaru hesitated before shrugging. "Sure." He took a swig.
"Kaoru?" You offered.
"Are you sure that's Kaoru?" Hikaru asked, trying to trick you.
"Yes, I am." You said, taking back your coffee. "I'm not stupid."
Before they could say anything, you all heard. "Y/n~!"
A gush of wind passed you three as Tamaki ran over to you. "Morning senpai."
"Did those two shady twins hurt you last night?! I knew I should have gone with you!" He took your hands.
"No, they didn't. Calm down senpai. It was actually nice." You smiled at them.
"Oh, right." Hikaru took out an old phone. "Here."
You just stared up at him confusedly. "You don't have a phone, and this is my old one." Kaoru explained. "I don't use it anymore, so you could have it."
"Um, that's kind of a big thing to give someone." You nervously smiled. "You could turn it in to a phone company and get some money for it. Or maybe some store credit, depending on the company."
"We don't need money or credit stuff." Hikaru said. "Just take it."
You hesitated before taking it. You then smiled and wrapped your arms around each of their necks. "Thanks guys!"
"You're welcome." They smiled before looking darkly at Tamaki. Before Tamaki could say anything, the twins then pulled away. "Well, let's go to class!"
They rushed you off. "Bye Tamaki-senpai!" You called out.
Tamaki got angry. "But what about the plan?!" He barked.
"What did he say?" You turned as they carried you.
"Nothing!" They said.
Instead of going to your class though, you ended up going to the Music Room. "What's going on? Why are we in the host club class?"
Tamaki then stormed into the room. "You two could have waited for me!" He barked out again.
Kyoya then came out. "Y/n, we've come here today to talk about a problem regarding you."
Author's Note: I hit the limit for the paragraphs I can write (since there's a lot of dialogue), so I had to cut it short.
I guess I have to split it up into 2 parts and put the fast food part in my own filler .—.
Tag List: @krustykrabbspizza @animefan7420 @strangerthingsholland @the-dead-fucking-sea @blue-eyez-7
117 notes · View notes
imma-potatoo · 3 years
I AM NOT SORRY AT ALL @superwholockandpfl
This is once again written for my friend k.c.cosplay on tiktok! Once again, amazing cosplays 💙💛💙💛💙💛💙
Same universe then this fic
*Logan is a dark side*
Ships: Loceit, parental logicality, parental anxceit
Warnings: none that I know of? Let me know if you want me to tag something
Perseus and Andromeda
Logan and Janus stood in front of the other four. Smiles completely coated their faces as they both held out their left hands. Janus holding Logan's bicep with his right hand.
Rings. On both of them.
"You- you got married?" Patton's voice was timid. He didn't expect this day to come. But he currently wanted his father-son dance with Logan
Janus and Logan's faces quickly turned to shock. "What?! No! We're engaged! These are engagement rings daa-- Patton!" Logan blushed at the almost use of Pattons old title. Not that Logan didn't view Patton as a father figure -far from it, Janus and him were the youngest sides- but calling someone dad while you are practically the same age and completely imaginary is quite weird in his opinion but I mean-
"My love, your zoning out again."
Logan could hear the amusement in his fiance's voice. Squeezing Janus' hand slightly; Logan cleared his thoat, "What was that question again?"
Roman was slightly laughing before Remus elbowed him in the ribs, "OW REM-" "Roman sh! Do you have a date picked out yet?" Virgil had a hopeful shimmer in his eyes
Logan and Janus looked at eachother briefly, "Not really, to be honest" Janus laughed slightly. "He just asked me last night," a lose curl falling from behind the yellow sides ear. Logan quickly catching it to tuck it back to its rightful place
The sides migranted over to couch. They had a feeling that they'll be talking for a while.
"Any ideas on a theme yet?" Roman was bouncing enthusiastically, hands tight fisted on the couch. A huge ear to ear grin spread on his face
Logan hummed, thinking back to a precious conversation, "We're thinking victorian or dark academia. But we're open to any suggestions!" his hand was tracing circles over and over on Janus' back.
Roman jumped off the couch. Bouncing up and down over and over and over, "FEAR NOT MY BELOVED FRIENDS! I will help you plan it!"
Romans eyes sparkled rapidly. Grin glowing like wild, he paused for a second or two before gasping, "WE COULD HAVE IT IN A HUGE GOLDEN BALLROOM! With crystal plates! And a hundred foot tall cake! An-"
It was at that point where the blue and yellow sides completely zoned out to Romans tangent.
The newly engaged couple gave eachother a look. This look said a lot of things. But mainly 'are we seriously going to let a side who thinks throwing glitter at random objects equels fashion. Complete control of our wedding?' that look. Its a very very specific look. But its a very obvious look.
The red creativity seemed to notice the couples glazed over eyes and blank expression. So he quickly stopped his rant to add on a rather important detail, "I mean... If you guys want me to help. Its completely ok if you don't!! I mean, its ok, I just-"
"Roman for the love of all things holy. Please stop talking." Logan was rubbing his temple with his free hand, "We would love to have you help plan our wedding. But we don't need a ballroom, or crystal plates, or any fancy fairy tale type things." He squeezed Janus' hand with a bright grin, "We just need eachother."
Roman's dramatic pose and extreme tangent faltered. He paused. Seeming to process the information. Before a small grin took his face. "then thats what you two will have."
Janus moved his gaze from Roman to the green twin... Looking at the floor.... With a pout that could kill a god.... Looking very non-Remus esq.
"Remus, do you also want to help plan our wedding?"
In the span of a second, Remus' face bounced between 50 different emotions before settling on complete and utter happiness, "I THOUGHT YOU WOULD NEVER ASK MY AMAZING DOUBLE D-"
Patton slapped his hand over Remus' mouth, "lets not talk about my future son-in-law like that! eeewwwWWWWWW!!! ROMAN HE LICKED MY HAND!!" Patton snapped his hand away as soon as he put it on.
Laughter filled the rest of the night... And quite a bit of wine.
------2 mouths later-----
Logan grumbled as he threw another crumpled piece of paper against the desk. Elbows on the desk, hands pressing into his eyes.
His supposed vows were going amazingly. Completely. Totally. A hundred percent. Amazing....... Oh who was he kidding? His vows were going terribly.
Not from lack of love or anything absolutely ridiculous like that. He loved Janus more then the stars, moon and galaxies combined. He loved everything about Janus.
He loved Janus' snark. He loved the way his eyes glowed when they watched a movie. Or how Janus' voice drips like steeped honey and smoked chives. Or how his snake eye dilates when he's happy. Or when he gets excited and talks for hours and hours about a philosopher or a certain myth that sparked his interest or reminded him of their relationship-
Thats it.
The last myth that Janus was talking about was Perseus and Andromeda.
Andromeda was to be sacrificed to save her kingdom because her mother boasted about her beauty to the nererids. The nererids told their father, Poseidon, and as revenge; Poseidon sent a sea monster to ravenge the kingdom. Perseus, the hero who slayed Medusa, saw Andromeda chained to the stone and slayed the sea monster. After saving her, he took her hand in marriage.
It was far from their love story. Far far from their love story. But...
The way his eyes lit up.
Logan could get drunk on that look. He could live off that look alone for the rest of his life. Oh and that smile
Logan takes his head out of his hands. Mouth agape.
He had an idea
Janus had been hitting his head against his desk for hours.
Janus could write millions of speeches, and could convince armys to do his bidding, and he could use empty words to get his desires.
But these damn vows.
Janus supposes that its because he isn't used to truth. But he wants too! But the truth seems to be avoiding him more then mouse with a cat.
Logan likes cats, he could never get one before because Patton's allergic. Should he even call Patton by his name? Wouldn't he call him dad now?
He allowed his mind to wonder for a short period of time. Elbows on the desk, hands pressing into his eyes.
This needs to be the truth and its not like he's low on love for Logan. Far far from it
They met when they were younger. Really really younger. He doesn't even remember it. But according to Virgil, Logan and him stared at eachother for five minutes before actually talking to eachother -more like babbling- after that they were practically inseparable. They did everything together apparently. Then they stayed friends for a long time. They barely even talked to eachother by the time that he introduced himself to Thomas. But...
But then Logan became a dark side. Logan started to unbutton the top of his polo. Logan stopped wearing the tie. Logan started to wear ice blue makeup. The Logan he knew as a child came back.
The Logan who loved science, bugs and books. Who loved ranting about old dead philosophers and Janus loved to listen. Logan loved old libraries and classical music. The Logan that used to watch Bill Nye as a child and knows the theme song by heart. The Logan that loved old myths and stories. The Logan who would go outside to the imagination and watch the stars and constellations for hours. His Logan
His favourite constellation was Perseus-
He has an idea.
----The Wedding Day----
Janus adjusted his suit for probably the millionth time. Running his fingers through his hair, attempting to make it lay properly. But only making the curls more wild.
Grumbling obscurities while trying to smooth down his damn hair, he heard low chuckles behind him.
"You know your only gonna make it worse, right Jan?" Virgil was leaning against the wall. His own hair absolutely perfect.
Janus sighed, "I know dad. But I just want my damn hair to lay properly for once! This is why I wear my damn hat-" the chuckles turned into full laughter.
"Logan will love you, no matter how your hair looks," Virgil stood up straight (HA) and walked over to Janus
He took a comb and started to go through his hair. Janus stopped growing by the time he was fifteen, so he was maybe at shoulder height with Virgil. "You need to stop worrying so much, and thats coming from me. Lo loves you more then the sun itself. Don't worry about something as silly as your hair."
Janus watched from the floor to ceiling mirror as Virgil expertly calmed down the mess of his hair.
"Patton please stop crying. Your going to stain my suit-"
"BUT MY BABY'S GETTING MARRIED!!!" tears were still leaking down his face. He's been doing this since he came into the room -which was about twenty minutes ago-
Logan sighed, a smile apparent on his face as he patted his father figure on the back. "I know." he straightened his bowtie slightly in the mirror, "I just love him so much dad," Patton sat down in one of the dressing room chairs. A smile covering his entire face.
"Jan isn't really one to cry. But when I proposed to him? Tears just started leaking. I thought he was upset, so I went to comfort him," blush growing on his cheeks, "then he kissed me and looked me directly in the eyes and said yes." Logan felt a huge grin spreading on his cheeks against his will. He looked out of the mirror and back to his father. "He said yes."
Patton stood up from his seat and put his hands on Logan's shoulders, "and now its your wedding day. You two are going to get married and live out your lives being complete loveable nerds as you talk about philosophy and the stars and things I could never understand. You two are absolutely perfect for eachother and I can't wait to see where you two go next." while tears still shone in his eyes, the smile showed that they were of happiness.
They stared at eachother for a few minutes. Patton nitpicking small details to fix on Logan's suit.
"Janus the one walking down the isle right?"
Logan laughed softly, "yeah, he said it was a more dramatic entrance. Thats my future husband, right there"
Patton looked a little puzzled, "Can you even call him your future husband if the ceremony is starting in less then ten?"
"I mean, technically thats in the futur- wait. How much time was left?"
Patton blinked. Looking in the eyes of his son, "Ten minutes."
A look of panic shot through Logan. "We have to go!"
Logan grabbed Patton's hand. Pulling him out to the room. The celebration hall was stunning
It was outside, circle tables scattered around the clearing like the stars above scattered in the sky. A banquet table for the newly weds, their parents and their best men. The altar was covered in delicate fairy lights illuminating a soft glow. The shimmering stars above their heads shone brighter the usual. The constellations of Perseus and Andromeda were by far the brightest.
Logan stopped in his tirade to the altar. And simply looked at the brilliant view that the twins had put together for them.
For once in his life. Logan was speechless.
"They did a good job right?!?"
Logan was still looking around the meadow, amazed at every tiny detail. From the black dahilas that Remus insisted on including because of the famous unsolved murder, to the fairy lights climbing up the pillers that was no doubt Roman's doing.
"Its beautiful... How di-"
"The twins are a very creative bunch, kiddo!! We have five minutes until your wonderful groom comes out!" The other guests were starting to fill the room as Logan took his place at the altar. It was mostly figments that Thomas had made. Emile, Remy, The Critic, etc. They all took their seats and watched the meadow.
Logan walked over to his place next to the altar. Hands fidgety and resisting the urge to mess with the hair that he spent so long combing down. Roman stood at his side, while Remus waited at the other side of the altar for Janus. Before he knew it the music started to play, the quests rose from their seats, he felt his desire to stand straight. But none of those compared to when Janus walked into the room.
Janus walked in with Virgil latched on to his arm. A periwinkle blossem on the left of his chest. He still had his yellow gloves on -he really hated taking them off. Without the gloves, Janus couldn't lie- but he was without his hat. He was in a black tux with a yellow bowtie.
Logan couldn't think of anything else more beautiful. Logan couldn't think of anyone more beautiful then the side in front of him. Logan couldn't help the gigantic, ear to ear smile as Janus arrived at the altar and took his hands in his own.
The officiant -Who Roman just summoned from the imagination- cleared his voice and spoke to the whole room of people, "Friends and Family, we are gathered here today to connect two side's hearts and souls through this ceremony.
Logic Logan Sanders, Do you take this side to love and to hold, to protect and charish and to adore until the end of your lives?"
His smile growing wider, eyes sparkling with deep love and affection; Logan gazed into Janus' eyes, lightly squeezing his hands. "More then the sun and the stars."
The officiant smiled slightly before turning to Janus. "Deceit Janus Sanders, Do you take this side to love and hold, to protect and charish and to adore until the end of your lives?"
Tears shone throughout Janus' eyes. He removed his hands from Logans and for a second the blue side felt his heart drop, only for it to swell when he sees Janus remove his gloves and place his hands back in Logans. "More then every lie, secret and promise I have ever made."
The officiant turned back to Logan, "Please say your vows."
Logan felt his heart throb as he opened his mouth,
"Janus. In the very very long time that I have known you, I find myself falling more in love with you every day. I love how you laugh. I love how when you're tired you curl up to my side. I love how you stay by my side through it all. My translation from a light side to dark, my learning cerve to our new family, every dilemma from the others that we have to enviably fix.
Every night, every day, every hour, every minute, every second. You occupy my mind. And god Janus, I never want you to leave it.
I love you. I love you more then Perseus loved Andromeda." Logan's eyes were shining with unshed tears, he lightly squeezed Janus' hands. "I love you Janus and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
The officiant nodded, then he turned to Janus. "Please speak your vows."
Janus drew a shaky breath before speaking.
"Logan, I honestly don't remember when we met. You were my only constant, the unchanging variable that I could always fall back on. You were always there for me and I want to always be there for you.
I love you more then anything Logan. The way you light up when a new documentary comes out, drives butterflies to my stomach. When you laugh, I get lightheaded. When you smile, I get bolts of electricity to my heart. When you take me to the imagination for a date among the stars, I get so love drunk that things get dizzy. When you took me to our favourite place and got on one knee, I cried tears of joy.
There is nothing that I don't love about you. I've always found honest words hard to process. But believe me when I say that I've said no lies to you. You are the one person I will never lie to. I love you more then Andromeda loved Perseus," Janus looked up at Logan. The height difference apparent, but he smiled like he never smiled before. "I love you Logan. And I cannot wait to call you my husband."
The two sides gave eachother looked at eachother with pure adoration and love.
"Please put these rings on eachother."
They could hear Patton's loud sobs in the background as they slipped on the rings.
The officiant smiled wide, "I now pronounce you, Husband and Husband! You may now kiss your groom!"
They flew together like magnets. Logan grabbed the side of Janus' face to pull him closer, the earthy smell of cloves and plums filling his senses. Janus held Logan's arms and pulled him towards him. The kiss was far from chaste, but they pulled apart not long after to be met with......
The twins were a very chaotic bunch...
The wedding continued perfectly as planned. Then it came to the father-son dances.
Virgil as Janus were doing well. Virgil was giving Janus his best wishes and telling him how proud he was if him.
Patton and Logan??
Patton always cries at wedding to say the least...
Then it was their turn to dance.
Logan took his husbands hand and led him to the dance floor. It was lit by only fairy lights and the extra bright stars. They twirled and spinned and danced like they was only the two there.
The two battled for the lead before Logan won. Hand now in the swell of Janus' back and leading him in a very elaborate ballroom dance. Janus' scales glowing a bright yellow. Even over the music you could hear their laughter.
Patton and Virgil stood on the sidelines. Watching as their children had their fun. Virgil hummed slightly, "you owe me twenty bucks Patt."
Patton was very confused, he hadn't made any new bets recently or borrowed any money. "Why is that kiddo?"
Virgil turned and looked at Patton, "Ten years ago, you bet me that Lo and Jan would never get married. You owe me a twenty."
Patton grumbled slightly as he pulled a bill from his jacket pocket and handed it over. "This is the best bet I've ever lost then."
Virgil laughed, purple beginning to dust under his eyes. "You got that right," He took two glasses of champagne from the waiters walking by, "To our beloved children?"
Patton took the glass and raised it with Virgil. "To our beloved children." they then took a long sip and continued to watch as the couple danced.
The stars shining above, the moon full. They loved eachother more then Perseus and Andromeda.
I also have 0 self control soo
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The charcters are very ooc... But I don't overly care.
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chaoticsoulsword · 3 years
For the doomstrange prompt, maybe something fluffy? Thank you so much for asking abt doomstrange prompts, since I am starved for some content of them but I sold my soul to another ship and can't write for anything else
Thank you for the prompt, anon! It’s okay, all ships demand love and devotion haha lucky us I’m obsessed with them all over again 😩
Now... Behold! Fluffiness!
Victor is a hopeless nerd - the kind of nerd who will fight over Star Trek > Star Wars because he’s Victor and he believes he’s always right, no matter what other people might say.
He absolutely adores the original Star Trek series and, even though he despises everything that J.J. Abrams has done to the franchise, he still watches the movies so he can  anonymously write his own criticism on the internet.
But Victor always must wait until the movie is out in DVD/Blu-ray because, well, he’s Doctor Doom. Can you imagine the kind of commotion he might cause if he simply decides to show up in public? Even in Latveria?
So there’s a new comic-con happening in New York, and that’s relevant for a nerd like Victor. But he’s currently busy, working on diplomatic issues at the Latverian embassy. It turns out a Latverian mystic artifact was robbed by an American thief from Castle Doom. In order to avoid distress between the nations, he decided to request the presence of the only person he could trust with discretion: the Sorcerer Supreme himself, Doctor Strange.
Stephen is astonished. Obviously, Victor could deal with this matter on his own. He’s powerful - and proud - enough to settle things by himself. He suspects Victor is plotting a hidden agenda but he doesn’t care that much. They’re at a stage where the Sorcerer Supreme believes Victor whenever Stephen’s involved. Victor usually treats Stephen with trust and respect, which is quite valuable to both of them.
Anyway, Victor shares that his intelligence net sighted the American thief around the comic-con area. It’s perfect because they can pretend they’re cosplaying.
It feels nice. Victor doesn’t have to suppress his appearance. He’s not feared or arguably loved. Of course, some people are not pleased at his cosplay since the guy is a tyrant and a terrorist. But that’s fine, there are many other villains out there.
On the other hand, Stephen doesn’t have to perform weavering spells in order to hide his identity. He’s not very popular among youngsters and that’s a good thing. They feel like they can express themselves freely for a change.
When people are not asking for pictures or interrupting them to share praises - and criticism - about their “costumes”, Stephen discretely casts a searching spell. He doesn’t find any signs of this thief Victor speaks of.
But Doom is reluctant to leave.
“Your spell is broken, Strange. My armor scans indicate he’s in there” he mutters, getting in line for the Star Trek panel.
Ahhh, I see it now, Stephen thinks with a smug face. He doesn’t say a word. He simply follows the King of Latveria and waits for the panel to begin.
One hour later, J. J. Abrams appears on the stage and everyone applauds him - except Victor, of course.
“Bah, what a clod,” he scoffs.
“Any sign of our thief yet, Victor?” Stephen inquires with sarcasm.
“Doom has his eyes on him, sorcerer. But caution is required amidst this crowd. Let’s wait for the panel to end.”
Surprisingly enough, Patrick Stewart makes a special entrance, bringing tears to the crowd. Stephen glances at Victor. He’s clutching his shaking fist. The Sorcerer Supreme smiles. What a nerd.
The panel is over. Victor says that his armor picked the artifact’s mystic signature. He goes behind the stage and finds it lying on the floor.
“The thief must have sighted us and fled in fear,” he lies.
“Yes. That’s probably what happened. Anyway, since we’re here, how about we go shopping? I’m quite sure Bats is into The Mandalorian. Perhaps I can buy him a treat.”
“Bah. Jon Favreau has to fix everything Abrams does. I wish he devoted his time to Star Trek as well.”
“...Right,” he raises an eyebrow. “Oh, and next time? There’s no need to create such an elaborate plot to make me come to a comic-con with you. All you have to do is ask.”
“Doom knows nothing what you speak of,” he mutters as they walk toward the artists’ alley.
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missmentelle · 4 years
I just watched the Netflix show You and it's been discussed but I don't really understand - in a relationship, how does one project their own views and fantasies onto another person? How can you tell if it's happening? Is there a certain point where it's normal or it can't be helped? It's happened a lot in the show but I'm having trouble identifying it. Also, I recommend watching You: it's a thoughtful take on how we view romantic relationships as a society and how that can be twisted
I absolutely love that show.  For those of you who haven’t seen the thriller show “You”, it’s about a charismatic but underachieving man named Joe who works as the manager at a bookstore in Manhattan. He meets a young grad student named Beck when she comes into his bookstore one afternoon, and is immediately infatuated with her; he is completely consumed by his desire for a relationship with her, and it becomes clear very quickly that he’s willing to go to extreme lengths to make it happen.  (Mild spoilers for Season One ahead) Joe is obsessed with Beck from the moment he lays eyes on her. But of course, he’s not really obsessed with her - he is obsessed with the person that he wants her to be. He decides - based only on her clothes, the book she buys and a three-minute conversation with her - that she’s a bookish “good girl” and an intellectual, a serious writer who values real literature and doesn’t crave men’s attention. And he’s very interested in that. She’s his Manic Pixie Dream Grad Student, whether she likes it or not. It’s clear from the very beginning that Joe thinks extremely highly of himself, and he feels entitled to a woman who is just as intelligent and sophisticated as he is - when he looks at Beck, he decides that she’s that perfect girl he’s been waiting for all along. Moreover, he decides that she’s equally interested in him - she pays for her book with a credit card, and Joe decides that she did that because she intentionally wanted Joe to learn her full name. And of course, as Joe learns more about Beck, he discovers that she’s not the artsy, aloof writer he had been envisioning in his head. She goes out drinking with friends that Joe dislikes, she has a trashy boyfriend, she posts selfies on Instagram, and doesn’t actually do any writing. But instead of deciding “oh wow, I was super wrong about this girl, I definitely got carried away”, Joe decides that the REAL Beck is the girl he fantasized about in the bookstore, and that she just needs his help to realize it. He decides that he knows what’s best for a woman who is a complete stranger to him, deliberately manipulating her life to turn her into more of the person he wants her to be, until... well, you know how it ends. 
When you first start watching You, it can be hard to understand how messed-up Joe actually is. He is the main character of the show, and the narrator. He is also capable of great kindness - he genuinely cares for the neglected child who lives in an abusive household next door - and it kinda feels like we’re supposed to root for him. After all, he just wants what’s best for Beck. He sees who she really is inside, and he knows that she deserves better than the life she has right now. He just wants her to reach her full potential and stop wasting time with people who don’t really care about her... what could be so bad about that?
The problem, of course, is that Joe doesn’t know jack shit about Beck, and he has no right to decide what is and isn’t good for her. She is a grown-ass woman, and he is a stranger she met at a bookstore. Joe claims to have good intentions, but his intentions aren’t the point here - nobody has the right to meddle in someone else’s life behind their back, no matter how much they love and care about them. When you truly care about someone, you respect their choices - Joe has absolutely no respect for the decisions Beck makes, and sees no issues with isolating, stalking and terrorizing her if it gets him what he wants. Joe claims that Beck is miserable, but we don’t know actually know that - he filters everything he sees through a very thick lens of his own self-interest. He doesn’t allow her basic autonomy to choose what matters to her. Beck is not actually a real person to Joe - she is a prize that he wants to win.
Think about the show from Beck’s perspective - you’re an adult, with your own whole, complete life. You have friends, dreams, a boyfriend, guilty pleasures. You make bad choices sometimes, sure, but they are YOUR choices, and you have the freedom to make them. And then you walk into a shop one day and the man behind the counter suddenly decides that you’re his soulmate and it’s now his job to make decisions for you. You barely know this guy, but he thinks he has the right to control your life - he wants to control who you date, who you talk to, and how you spend your time. Imagine doing something as ordinary as paying for a book with your credit card, and having the person behind the counter interpret this as evidence that you want them to Google you and come to your house. The very idea of it is terrifying. 
The plot of You is obviously a huge dramatization, but the same dynamic does appear in real-life abusive relationships. Abusers often have very specific ideas about what their ideal partner should be like, and they believe - consciously or unconsciously - that they are “owed” this person. When they meet someone, they tend to decide extremely quickly that THIS is finally the person they’ve been waiting for all along. They don’t really feel the need to get to know the person as an individual - they assume that they already know everything they need to know about the person, and that the relationship will be effortless. When that inevitably doesn’t pan out because their partner is a real person with needs and flaws, they get angry and the abuse starts to come out - they try harder and harder to control their partner and force them back into being the perfect person they’d envisioned, and they lash out angrily when that doesn’t work. 
Although it’s nowhere near as extreme as what happened in You, I’ve had my own experiences with dating someone who was projecting their fantasies on me. My long-term college boyfriend was several years older than me, and already finished with grad school while I was still an undergrad. As the relationship went on, it became very clear that he was looking for a meek, nerdy girl who would appreciate his geek interests but never try to overshadow him. He strongly encouraged me to do the nerdy thing he approved of - cosplaying, attending conventions, playing D&D - but didn’t want me wearing makeup (I wear winged liner every day of my life), dyeing my hair strange colours (which I used to do quite often as a student) or even wearing my contact lenses instead of glasses (I got contacts the moment I was old enough and haven’t been seen in my glasses since). He was hugely threatened by the fact that I took my academics seriously, and he freaked out when I was accepted to an Ivy League grad school because “it would be so humiliating to have a girlfriend who went to a better school than I did”. He had a very specific vision of the kind of girlfriend he wanted to have, and he was prepared to try to stamp out the parts of me that didn’t align with what he wanted.  It’s okay to have standards and expectations for the kind of partner you want to have. That’s normal. I’d argue that it’s necessary. Speaking from personal experience, life is a lot easier when you expect your partners to have mastered basic communication and coping skills. And sometimes you will need to look for a partner who has very specific traits - if your dream is to have 12 children and live on a goat farm, you need to find a partner who is on board with that goal. It’s also fine to have preferences in terms of aesthetics, interests and lifestyles - we’re always going to have certain things that we find appealing, and it’s okay to be into that. What’s not okay is to have such rigid expectations about how our future partner will look, dress and behave that we can’t cope with not getting our exact fantasy. It’s fine to think that dating a quirky art major with a nose ring would be awesome. It’s not fine to think that dating a quirky art major with a nose ring is the answer to all your problems. And it’s definitely not fine to latch on to the first quirky art major with a nose ring that you can find, and then punish them when they turn out to be a complex human with real issues and not just a living doll. Whenever you’re dating, it’s important to remember that you are dating a real, live human, and not a cartoon character. They are going to grow and change, and they are going to have flaws, off-days and traits that don’t match up with your fantasies. Your punky goth girlfriend is going to have days where she just wants to lounge around the house in her pajamas and watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Your tough, manly lumberjack boyfriend might have a super sensitive gag reflex and spend an awful lot of time on the phone with his mom. We’re all weird, and each of us needs to have the freedom to be our own kind of weird in a relationship - if you find that your desire to be with someone is extremely dependent on their appearance, dress, weight, hobbies, friends, job, etc, and you can’t handle not having control over those things, you aren’t ready to date.  The other big red flag to look for here is how fast someone rushes the relationship. If you’re projecting your fantasies on someone, you don’t really feel much need to get to know them - like Joe, you’re pretty sure that you know everything that you need to know about them soon after meeting. You are fully expecting this person to be the fantasy partner you desire, and so there’s no point waiting to see how the relationship goes - within weeks, you’re ready to move in together, adopt a pet together, and even get engaged. If you’re convinced that a person you met three weeks ago is your soulmate, it’s time to stop and take a hard look at things - you don’t know a person you meet three weeks ago, and you have no idea if they’re your soulmate or not. You are trying to date a fantasy and not a real person.  Hope this answers your question! MM
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