#I genuinely cannot express how much I love them and the dynamic they have going on
oh-warizoro · 20 days
The fact that Zoro, the second he joined Luffy, made him a pirate captain and brought the Straw Hat Pirates into existence.
And the fact that, as long as Zoro stays by Luffy's side, the Straw Hat Pirates will never cease to be.
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gabriellaeva2005 · 10 days
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I really cannot express how much this piece of work means to me! As corny as it sounds I really found this story at the perfect point in my life, I initially started reading the impulse 1995 comics when I was 14 and I ended up falling upon this story when I was 17 I just immediately fell in love! The concept was so creative and fit into the pre-existing plot line perfectly! All the new characters are so enjoyable to read, Nathaniel and Jude have such a wonderful and also sad dynamic, as a twin my self every scene with them just really hit me in the heart! Six especially in the first several chapters was so comically annoying and clearly insecure, in a way that I think a lot of us can relate to, one way or another especially when we got to here is internal monologue, I’ve always been a sucker for the asshole character with an air of insouciance and superiority, who by the end of the story, just ends up being a pretty all right guy! And Five oh my god five! I love this guy so much! he’s just so genuine and someone who clearly cares deeply, and him being technically the physically oldest in the room, but also being the one with the least amount of experience is a very literal take on an experience I think a lot of people have felt, myself included, And I think we all know I’m a Three apologist, his whole story is just so devastating and haunting, part of me is always rooting for him, whilst also being terrified for what he might do to the other characters, there is so much complexity with his relationships with the other characters, such as five and four, every time theirs a seen with three and four the writing always makes me feel so on edge and is really able to puts me in three’s shoes! And god! The way three and five interact is so sweet and sad there relationship is just too much! The last chapter absolutely destroyed me!! And Bart and Thad are so perfectly characterized it truly just feels like a natural progression of their characters, the way they both are just really struggling to deal with the inevitability of change hit me so hard, like I said I started reading the impulse comics when I was 14 so these characters have such a place in my heart, so now being able to read about them going through these struggles, when I was also experiencing a lot of change, is such a comfort to me, it was like in a way these characters got older with me, and you know it’s always nice to see some of your childhood characters going through the same stuff as you, currently being a slightly terrified 18 year old, it was great to be able to read about two other slightly terrified 18 year olds, anyways I wanted to post some of my sketches from the past few weeks, and don’t worry there are definitely more to come cause I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop drawing these guys!
@cryptocism you really sent me on a journey, thank you for that!💖💖
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flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
*inhale* 🗣 Okay, listen, I'm going to rant over this moment again, but this time in a post so the world can read about it 🗣
It doesn't matter how many times I've watched Graduation part 2... But THIS HERE.
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BUT MOST OF ALL: "What will others think of me now?"
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And then ALL of his questions get answered in the form of his partner in crime's expression: A genuine heartfelt and sincere smile that says "You deserve this."
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Shego, the femme fatale who is wanted in 11 countries. The villain who insisted by all means necessary that she's evil through and through and will NEVER be a hero or want to be associated with heroes STILL stands by his side. Do you know what the most important aspect of this very moment is? Shego doesn't stand on 'equal' grounds as him and she doesn't mind it, she lets it happen.
Shego and Drakken's dynamic throughout the story has been Boss-and-Sidekick for the longest of times. Both of them fought: Drakken for wanting to feel superior over EVERYONE and Shego wanting as much power (and/or more) as Drakken would have when they had taken over the world.
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However, the happenings in graduation changed everything and now the world recognizes Drakken as a hero, a world savior, and a protector of peace. But if it weren't for Shego flying all the way with Ron to the Lorwardian ship, Drakken couldn't have possibly stopped the invasion.
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Look at Shego's expression. She genuinely feels happy for Dr. D. She could've stepped in at ANY point before or during this (press)conference, demanding her own medal and telling everyone that it was in fact her who helped Drakken save them all. But she doesn't. Shego knows how important this moment is for Dr. Drakken. After years of hearing his stories and knowing how much recognition means to him; she lets him have his moment in the limelight, the sun, and she's going to let him bask in all of it for as long as he needs to. Because the most important thing is that she knows what she did and that's enough: She went into space to bring back the man she wanted to rule the world together with. Never ever again would she let Dr. Drakken think, for even a second, that she'd abandon him.
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Again, look at the distance between them in this shot.
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Yes, the distance is closer but then
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As close as they can possibly get in public
They're on even grounds now. Drakken wants to let the world and most importantly Shego KNOW that they are a team and that they saved the world together.
I once saw someone pointing out that they looked very uncomfortable in the last image, but let me put it like this: - Prior in the episode Shego and Drakken almost flew into each other's arms but became VERY reluctant, why??? Because Kim and Ron were there! What must those brats think of them!? Certainly, they cannot show any weaknesses in front of their arch nemeses!
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And now let me show this again:
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They're embracing each other... in FRONT OF THE WORLD LEADERS. OF COURSE IT'S A BIT AWKWARD, YOU'D BE AWKWARD TOO, but the KEY here is that They're NOT looking away from each other like they did before.
In the previous scenario, they avoided each other's eyes: no connection, desperately trying to show no weaknesses, trying to change the subject matter at all costs.
Now they lock eyes, and they read each other. How I read it (both facial expression as body language): Drakken: Hopeful, nervous, apologetic "Did I hurt you? I hope I did not", kind of embarrassed because his foliage acted out so assertively by his thoughts of wanting Shego to be at least on the same level as him for the world to know. Shego: Surprised but not at all distressed, disgusted or upset about this sudden change. Most of all, I think she's deeply moved: Drakken always called her a 'sidekick', but now? She's recognized by him and the world as his partner. If you look at her face, those eyes seem to be on the verge of tearing up and that smile, how shy and embarrassed it may look holds warmth and happiness.
Both of them acknowledge each other's worth and in a certain way, they took over each other's world.
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ackerifle · 5 months
Thoughts on the type of reader that Yandere Levi would fall for?? Headcanon’s if possible!
yours sincerely!
yan. levi ackerman x fem. reader
+ CW. — headcanon’s: reverse power dynamics/power imbalance deadlock, abuse of power & authority, mass enablers; awfully casual in comparison to previous works; not proof-read.
if i were to be so blatantly honest, i’d always thought levi would truly only be prone to falling in love with the first person who taught him how to read.
an absolute requisite quality, and there are far too many (unnecessary) layers to this particular headcanon that i simply must go into because i’ve overthought this concept an unfathomable amount of times. for one, it locks into every trope i enjoy, so forgive me because this will be extremely self-indulgent; someone who is literate would have likely had a good upbringing, perhaps hailing from wall sheena or even the royal capital, or someone in a position of power. it’s plausible to think that those living in wall maria, the underground, and even certain regions in wall rose are illiterate due to the fact that reading and writing is, in itself, a display of wealth and power during this time. and naturally, those who would have understood any cohesive form of text would have (presumably) been raised or lived in the more affluent areas within the walls.
however, all of the ranked officials of the survey corps are required to know how to read, for rather obvious reasons. the commander, section commander, captains and vice captains, even the squad leaders; it’s near indisputable that they all must know. and considering that levi is promoted to a captain position later in his life, it is needless to say he does eventually acquire the skill that is: learning the written language. i find it highly improbable that he was ever taught to understand it prior to becoming a legal citizen of the three walls, both due to lack of need (as there were more important matters that took priority), and because who would have taught him? surrounded by a populace that is already struggling and competing for basic necessities, traditional educational values such as reading and writing would never come of use when the main objective has always been to live.
aside from his upbringing and origins, i think levi’s lack of literary knowledge would be an insecurity of his, at least initially. levi is praised time and time again for being strong, but writing can be such a sophisticated skill— a stark contrast to what he has known, and it does something to his pride. so for someone to take the time and effort, especially if it were someone of importance to the corps. one who is already quite busy and most certainly has better things to do than lend a hand to a complete stranger who has been nothing but insolent and unpleasant, one who gets absolutely nothing in return but still takes the time to teach him, to be understanding, to be unprejudiced and to not mock him for something he couldn’t help, something he cannot be faulted for not knowing; then i think levi would fall hard for them. the act alone demonstrates patience and a genuine kindness, with a touch of respect, and levi hasn’t gotten much of any of that in his life.
additionally, someone who is emotionally intelligent with good judgment. how come? because we always want what we cannot have. now, that isn’t to say levi isn’t emotionally intelligent, he is quite in touch with his own feelings and that of others, but it is the fact that he has difficulties— or rather, lack of means to express them that he has issues with. levi is greatly accustomed to being misinterpreted by others, his intentions and sentiments aren’t always clear because he grew up in an environment where they weren’t allowed to be; so to be met with acceptance, even if it may not be fully grasped, or perhaps indifference entirely, it would be something new, something different, but something levi would be okay with.
after the passing of furlan and isabel, the only two people who would ever come close to being family to him, there are only a handful of people levi maintains any sort of strong bond with (in fear of losing even more), and only very few will ever witness such rare moments of vulnerability from him. but if someone were to read him in such a way where he simply couldn’t deny his emotions and feelings, where he just couldn’t hide from them, then just maybe they could teach him how to love as well. and perhaps i (mis)characterize levi too much like a scared little boy in spite of the fact that he’s a whole grown ass man pushing forty, but really, that is how i perceive yandere levi. he has faced too many losses to count, and levi is not the type to fall victim to love’s clutches so easily, but when he does, he just won’t let go.
and as for good judgment? someone who is decisive, confident in their own insight, with enough forethought to have the best interest of others in mind, but is pragmatically self-aware. as much as i can appreciate and acknowledge the insane potential of levi having a darling who is on the innocent side, naïve and even possibly sheltered, i personally find it much more appealing to pair him with someone who has witnessed and withstood the horrors of the world first-hand; as that alone would strengthen the chemistry between you two, a shared experience that truly touches the heart. a darling who is not instilled with false hopes, nor blinded by a romanticized picture of life to the point of delusion, but one that can balance their rationality and compassion. you’re mentally sound, until you’re not. because while i’d imagine his darling to be, bluntly, a very sane person, one who is begrudgingly tolerant to his antics and peculiar mannerisms, that also doesn’t have the heart to push him away; i simultaneously believe that levi would engage in borderline childish banter with you. he wants to be the reason you feel things because you cause him to feel things.
levi may be regarded as a man of brute force, but that isn’t to say he won’t delve into the intricacies of the human mind. taking into account where he was brought up and the survival skills necessary to navigate life, manipulation may not be his preferred method but if it is the one that works, then so be it. and it’s more so cunning if anything, he works you well because he knows you well. and this has been a long time coming, but let me just outright state my fondness for: the utilization of reversed power dynamics specifically with levi’s darling. someone who should logistically have more power than levi. whether that be in the military, socially, politically, or even financially; but simply cannot win because levi is irreplaceable and literally that in demand for humanity’s success. it makes it all the more hurtful when the enablers to his behavior are your equally respected peers who have no intention of helping you. ultimately choosing to feign ignorance because a single person’s suffering is worth keeping levi.
would he be able to bother and pester you had you been of lower ranking to begin with? most definitely, but as nice as it is to have someone — like a cadet, per se — follow his every whim because they have to, because that’s how the hierarchy intends, it is so much more rewarding and gratifying to bring someone above you to their knees— literally and figuratively. conquering you— no, having you, is the greatest gift there is. and just like everything in levi’s life, it is an achievement well earned, something he has worked hard for, rather than handed to him on a silver platter. of course, you are an individual, he does not strictly see you as a possession to be won or prize to be had, but you are also his. so in a way, you are, recompense for the hardships and miseries (amongst other atrocities) that levi has had to endure for god knows how long. and as humble as he is, levi’s a little entitled to some sort of compensation, no?
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tulipe-rose · 2 months
Nakahara Chūya, and Miyazawa Kenji... Quite the unique bunch, aren't they?
The allegedly 'inhumane', gravity manipulating beast, and the temperamental, often starved sunshine child.
They're explored separately throughout the Manga, and are given their moments to express their characters through words and actions. At first sight, they'd be rendered polar opposites. However that may be true to an unknowing outsider, their current knowledge would never allow them to understand, to comprehend what lies within.
One loyal dog, another morally grey sweetheart.
They do meet once during the main plot; multiple times during the spin offs and once during the anthologies. They're portrayed to be an admiring boy with his idol. It's truly an adorable sight to behold.
The feared Mafia executive, and the loved, yet feared agency part timer.
It's a pity that they'll most probably never get the right opportunity to connect with one another. Their past experiences and sorrows are the key factors that would assist them to truly understand each other's emotions, as they both know what it's like to grieve over loved ones. They both know all too well what it's like to be the strongest; to be the pillar of support that everyone depends on in certain situations; their trump card. They both harbor abilities that are mighty, double edged swords, unstoppable when provoked, even harmful to oneself when pushed to their wits end. The weight of responsibility could weigh on them akin to dead weight, but they persevere through it, and they manage to make it through victorious. It's truly fascinating however, that the difference in environment could impact the path taken, and ideals followed by each. The way by which they choose to handle predicaments they're to be put in reflects the duality of humans that are infinitely similar and different concurrently.
Bottling up their issues and emotions isn't foreign to either. One due to his upbringing, and the other solely because of the fact that he has no time to deal with them. Life is moving, and the mafioso cannot afford to be held up by pitiful emotions. He is capable of destressing using quality wine in the safe confines of a bar table. The young blonde on the other hand is a stranger to pitiful anger, sadness and irritation. He has been brought up to never feel the need to be anything but happy. Yes, it might have effectively impacted him, making his perspective and views brighter, much more optimistic and inviting than most. However, a certain perspective would claim that variety in emotions is what makes us human; I'd leave it up to debate, yet I personally believe that with enough care and attention, the young Miyazawa could open up, even if a little to peak of anything that bothers him. That'd be the peak of character development. Another colossal issue that is faced by this superhuman fourteen year old happens to be how he chooses to handle his hunger. He could be half starved to death, yet not a single complaint would leave his lips. He's far too accustomed to it. He doesn't acknowledge it anymore, and that is not healthy.
A lost soul, and another wandering one.
I dare say Nakahara sees a fragment of his youth in the blonde countryboy. Nakahara would go to unimaginable lengths just to keep the boy's smile genuine; to keep it cheerful and glad to be in existence as ever. He'd try to reserve the boy's happiness, because he was too familiar with it being stripped away.
They might just be the shoulder that both of them needs to lean on, cry on in case the infamous ginger winds up lost to the alcohol.
If only the mangaka gave it a serious chance.
(TDLR; I firmly believe in and support the Chuenji sibling dynamic.
Petition to allow the Miyazawa family to adopt Chūya, aye in the comments if you agree.
Hope you liked this pointless piece of meta that literally no one asked for. I'm pretty sure most of my points have been repeated over and over by other people, but never hurts really.)
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theamityelf · 2 months
Can I interest you in...Kokichi Kamukura? The surgery backfired and he still has all his memories but now his trickery is taken up to 100% and is the bane of the scientist existence.
Lol, I wouldn't mind this existing in the broader Kamukuras AU, because even if Izuru and them broke in to save him, I feel like Kokichi would just be like, "Lol, don't worry about it; I run this place now. I like it here."
Okay, obviously he wouldn't say it like that.
But that's definitely the vibe. Kokichi has fully gamed the scientists. They act exactly how he plans for them to act, based on small, subtle manipulations. He could be the metaphorical queen bee of this lab, just being served by his drones all day, but he chooses to puppet them in ways that entertain him, which includes making them his adversaries. Some of them love and protect him and genuinely believe he's capable of returning the sentiment, and some of them despise him and want him dead and genuinely believe they're not also giving him exactly what he wants.
He is just so, so in their heads. His outward behavior is pretty calm; again, it's the small manipulations of his words and his tone and his expression. It gets to the point where he can just look at a scientist a certain way without saying anything and they get violently angry.
The power dynamic is so weird and messy.
Unlike most of the Kamukuras, he views the scientist's mistreatment as a thing that keeps him from boredom, so he creates enemies and keeps subtly needling them to see what they'll do. He never (or at least very rarely) exercises his physical ability to protect himself; he's set things up where someone else will intervene if, for example, one of the scientists comes too close to killing him.
So yeah, if the other Kamukuras come in to save him, he would protect his scientists. They're his toys. This whole lab is his playroom.
I'm picturing Izuru and Mahiru walk in to one of the scientists fully choking Kokichi out because he looked at him wrong, and they pull the guy off him and are about to kill him, but Kokichi stops them, guarding the man with his own body, and all the Kamukuras just stare at each other for a moment.
Kokichi has known that there are others like him for a while, but he's never met one. He's momentarily fascinated.
"Well, that's no fun," he says flatly. "It will be difficult to make him hate me again now that I've saved his life." It won't, actually. In fact, it will be very, very easy.
"If you want to escape, there's a place for you outside these labs," Mahiru says.
"You must be Iteration 5. I'm a big fan of your work." (He knows that she's a murderer. It would be interesting to make her hate him. The Kamukuras are more intelligent than the ones who made them, but that doesn't defend them from the irrational. Irrational hatred, irrational fondness. His area of expertise.)
"We won't stop you from staying," Izuru says. "But we came here to burn the Kamukura Project from the root, so no more of us can be made. It means these people and their records cannot survive."
"Iteration 1 is so mean. If you want something from these people, you ask me. They belong to me. And if you want the root, what are you doing at the leaf?"
"Clipping it from a dying stem or leaving it to poison itself. It's all the same to me."
Lie. Iteration 1 clearly is not as indifferent as he tries to seem. "Of course," he agrees. "No Kamukura would mind an incomplete collection. That would be far too normal of you."
Izuru ignores this. "Enjoy your pets. If you don't want to be saved, then we have places to be."
"Speak for yourself," Mahiru says. "I won't allow murderers to live."
And then they have to reach an agreement about leaving Kokichi his lair of playthings without killing them. He gets visits from the other Kamukuras, and eventually his control over the scientists even reaches the point where he can go and visit them, but he very much lives in those underground labs.
All of that said, I kind of like the idea of this one being a separate AU from the Kamukuras AU, mainly because I like the idea of normal people interacting with Kamukura Kokichi.
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curry-and-gunpowder · 5 months
Okay so I have some stuff to get off my chest, might get a bit heated, but I mean no disrespect to anyone, just expressing my genuine confusion and frustration and trying to make my stance on some matters clear.
Clearly I ship Odazai. But that does not mean I reject other interpretations of their relationship. Be it platonic, queerplatonic, brotherly, it's all lovely to me - I genuinely just enjoy their unique dynamic.
However, I am constantly on the brink of losing it over hearing them referred to as a father/son pair by so many people in the fandom. And I'm gonna attempt to break down why this interpretation bothers me so much.
Firstly, it just flies in the face of my personal experience of intergenerational friendships - I'm a young-ish Millennial with many Gen Z friends. And I find it completely incomprehensible to try and force people who are relatively close in age into such a dynamic. I'm aware that a lot of bsd fans are teens or young adults who maybe don't have much social contact with people outside their age range. But as a 30+ person on the Internet, let me tell you, five years? That's nothing. The plain truth is, the older you get, the less age starts to matter. Once you get out of school, you will interact with people of all ages regularly and you will have friends who are older or younger than you and nobody fucking cares. The thought of seeing any of my younger friends as my children is, pardon my french, fucking ridiculous.
Secondly, and I've spoken about this before, the fandom's tendency to parentify Odasaku way beyond what the text ever implies. It's easy to put him into the role, considering the way he cares for his orphans. In that way, he has some parental traits - but it's only a facet of his personality, and, i would argue, one that the fandom puts way too much emphasis on, imho. I'll gladly write some more meta on that at a later time, but doing that here would make the post even longer than it already is. Just to quickly reiterate, for anyone who hasn't read the dark era lightnovel - Oda does explicitly NOT treat the kids like his children. Why then would he treat Dazai like one? Dazai, whom he explicitly invites to go drinking with him in TDIPUD? How does that track? Is he supposed to be just a shitty parent? Or could it maybe indicate that he sees Dazai as his equal more than anything?
(Tangentially, I would argue that Oda's perception of what constitutes a child/an adult is horrendously skewed, considering his own past.)
Thirdly, and this is probably gonna be the one that might get me into hot water with some people, the thing I like to call the Cope. The tendency in fandom to manifest a hard line between groups of characters that somehow should never be crossed when shipping, otherwise that makes the ship badwrongtoxic. This is a phenomenon I've observed developing more and more in recent years, and it's ngl pretty worrying, because it's generally used to present one's own ship as "superior", and all "rival ships" as less than/bad. Ships with "significant" age gaps tend to fall into that category relatively often, but I suspect very few people actually genuinely care about the characters' ages, but rather use it as a shield to justify why these relationships are To Be Avoided. Odazai is an absolute stellar example of such a ship - by all means it should be way more popular than it is, considering the themes that surround it and the way its absolutely center to the nareative of bsd. But without fail, when I look up media for the ship, be it YouTube videos or simply browsing the tag on tumblr or pinterest, I see the same mantra repeated over and over - "how can you ship them, they're like father and son!"
(I'm concerned about the relationship you have with your parents, I say to myself in response.)
And its, quite frankly, just not the case. I cannot for the life of me find any indication of this so-called parental relationship anywhere in the text. All I can see is two people who are friends who have a deep and sincere love for each other.
In conclusion, not every relationship has to fall into the category of familial or romantic. Sometimes... people are just friends. Sometimes friends are some years apart in age. It's not shocking or special or anything, it literally happens all the time.
Just let them be friends. It's fine, really, it's allowed.
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2af-afterdark · 6 months
What are your opinions on Beelzebub and Amon's relationship?
Please note that, no matter how often I talk shit about Bell, I find him a deeply fascinating character and his dynamics to every single person we see him interacting with in need of serious analysis.
Short Answer: Messy
Long Answer: Holy shit. Amon, sir, please get a different obsession. It would be so much healthier for you. You and Bell will only break each other's hearts.
Spoilers ahead for the "Where is Beelzebub" event, Beelzebub (Bloodshed), and Amon's comic.
Amon's obsession (and it is an obsession) with Beelzebub seems to derive from the fact that Bell appeared at the exact right moment. Amon's family had just been killed, he was in danger, and he wailed so primally that Bell came to save him. It's at that exact moment that Bell himself revels that Amon is one of the 72 who is destined to someday serve him. That most certainly created a core memory in Amon. He lost his family, was saved, and learned that he has this massive destiny... all centered around Bell. It makes sense that he would develop a complex around Bell. And, well, devils have complexes in interesting ways. In Amon's case, he started being able to sniff out Bell like a bloodhound and collects fragments of him that linger.
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However, Amon is not the only one in this dynamic. There is also Bell, who has an interesting relationship with ALL of the other devils in hell he meets. However, we are only talking and him and Amon right now, so...
Bell is like an absentee father. He doesn't spend time in his own kingdom, needing to be dragged back every now and again. However, as we can see in Amon's character comic (or, at least how I interpret the final panel), that he will come back to his kingdom if he is truly needed.
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Also, sometimes he just stops by because he misses the place. His reasons for leaving aren't as simple as him hating work, but because he can't stay there for some reason. His cheerful expression as he leaves others behind seems to be a ruse, but I do genuinely think it hurts him to leave everyone behind. I also think, if he had to say goodbye for real, it would probably disturb him. He puts Amon and the others to sleep because it's easier than saying goodbye. He visits a sleeping Bael because it's easier to come and go without a word.
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He's avoiding the real ramifications of his actions because, in the end, there is nothing he can truly do about it. He can't stay with them, so he makes his departures easier on himself by keeping some emotional distance.
Whether he thinks this is easier for the people he leaves behind or if he doesn't care what their side is... that I have yet to determine.
I want to show you part of Beelzebub (Bloodshed) because I think it helps explain the dynamic between the two even better. (Note: I yoinked these from a Discord server I am in so... Not mine, but I need them to show you this messy dynamic).
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From Bell's part, we can certainly see his lackadaisical attitude in saying goodbye to others, but also the mature reasoning with which he justifies his actions. He's leaving because being with him isn't safe. He is making this choice to protect others, just as he protected Amon when he needed him most. Leaving is a form of love and caring in his mind.
But that isn't necessarily how others see it...
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Amon, -- who is quite literally obsessed with Bell and will wait for him forever, who probably thinks the most like Bell (hence why he can easily locate Bell if needed), and who knows exactly why Bell cannot stay in Avisos -- cannot be the one waiting around because it hurts. Being left behind, especially by the person you most revere, has to be deeply painful. However, there is nothing he can do about it other than not be the one getting hurt. In a way, I think it may also be him reading what Bell needs. Bell leaving is one thing, but it's another if Bell is saying goodbye to the people he loves and, instead of standing in place and crying, he sees them taking off. Amon is absolving Bell of some guilt when he walks away because the departure is mutual rather than abandonment. I think, in Amon's obsession, he has developed a sort of emotional intelligence in regards to Bell in specific.
So, long story short, their relationship is messy. It is incredibly painful and unhealthy for everyone, but not because of anything they can control. It's the fault of a war in which even their ties to one another are victims. They are doing what they can with it, but that doesn't mean they are managing it well. Amon developed a complex around the person who was there when he needed someone most and Bell is unable to be present for the people who love him most.
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bengiyo · 2 months
My Strawberry Film Ep 6 Stray Thoughts
Last week, the kids went on a double date, and no one had a good time. Chika tried to be brave about it all because she knew Ryo didn't like her, but she eventually got mad because Ryo was being nice and thoughtful and blew up at him. Meanwhile, Minami drew a line with Hikaru and wouldn't agree to be his boyfriend, insisting that their current dynamic was fine.
I suspected Minami might be looking for her mom or some other family member. Curious how long she's known about this letter.
I really hope we get some GL out of this show. Every time Minami and Chika interact, my hope rises.
Damn, Minami, you ain't have to call my boy out like that. She's right, though. When I was deep in my closet angst, I had no real appreciation for any signals women were sending my way.
Whoa, we just walked into what feels like ARO-GAY Solidarity. Minami can see what's happening between everyone else, but says she doesn't feel these things herself. The reference to having a lover but not a boyfriend feels like the kind of aro-ace admission we got in Koisenu Futari. Very much connecting with Ryo holding his feelings in because it's about him not wanting things to change.
Oh, Hikaru, do you even know who or what you're jealous of now?
I'm relieved that Chika and Ryo are still talking even if it's awkward.
Gross, Hikaru. That's a yikes from me, dawg. This kind of jealousy is very unappealing.
"Friends don't have rank." The Gen Z mind cannot fathom MySpace.
I like the way they're cutting back and forth between these conversations, particularly because Hikaru is doing so poorly as Ryo and Chika move past the rejection. I also really love Ryo refusing to pretend that the whole event didn't happen.
"Maybe I don't want to eat it today," feels so layered. I am so invested in Minami now.
Boys chatting at night on a swing set. It's time.
Genuinely, I'm really enjoying this episode as payoff for the moody angst around what it means to like someone being the primary question driving the characters this week.
Goddammit, Ryo, not an almost-confession. The lights of the cars going by making a light bulb moment was super cool. If course, Ryo ruined it with a no homo. It's okay. I've been there. I understand.
Looks like Hikaru might begin to see next week.
Well, this finally got interesting for me! I'm really glad I hung in there with this show. It was rather quiet for a long stretch there, and I had to work to care about the heterosexual motivations, but I like the show taking them seriously to unpack the space between people who like each other and what it means to express and respond to feelings. Really excited to see how things potentially come to a head next week.
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shakingparadigm · 2 months
In the chaos of the wait,there is someone to accompany me through a journey of madness with Alien Stage. Haha.
*insert meme of cat with wine*
I wonder what does Till think about Ivan.Now that Mizi is missing,and he seems to have completely lost himself and a reason to pursue forward,I couldn't help but ask myself: "Does he feel like he's condemned to die because of his guilt towards Ivan too? Does he feel like this or l'm just overthinking?" What if there's a retrospective we don't know about in which Till thinks Ivan didn't escape because of HIM and,now that Mizi isn't there,he's not torn about lvan anymore and what to do if he ever had to compete against him? Was he going to be conflicted in the first place? Like: "I have nothing,l lost my last hope. I may just die now rather than make my friend being killed. Is this the right thing? Why it had to be this way from the beginning,suffering because of the aliens? What am I? Why do I have to remember those things? What am I doing this for? I just wanted to survive and love Mizi"
Like we all know,thanks to the community posts,we see him have a certain dynamic with Ivan,in which they interact joking or bickering,and this strengthens a type of attachment he cannot deny. So,in the ROUND CURE we'll see Till (or Ivan) remember their past and we'll get to know more about their story with the progression of the actual one. (Ivan indeed didn't escape to stay with him,but Till doesn't know about lvan feelings,he may have been supposing all this time that he didn't made it or he just followed him back for some strange reason) I'm uncertain if they remember about seeing each other in the laboratories,through all the trauma...
l just hope that Till and Ivan don't succumb. What if lvan encourages Till to fight again unlike Luka with Mizi. What will Ivan do to try to protect Till?
Sometimes I suspect Vivinos like to play with us. Not just our feelings. WE ARE HERE JUST TO SUFFER.
I just know that Till looks so broken and... he may have had a breakdown at this point. He has dark circles under his eyes and it's clear he has not been sleeping. I wonder if the aliens drugged him or something. For the lenght of the hair: how much time has passed?! At least a month?
One more thing I noticed,is that Till doesn't seem to have that sort of IV tube they used to sedate him like on stage in ROUND 2.
And in Hyuna's song,around the end,a security guard writes something in the sand. I don't think they'll be discovered for this but I'm really nervous.
Anyway,l really enjoy my time on your beautiful page! 🫂 Oh,please! Don't think you write stupid things,because your ideas and perspective are interesting and well put. I really like how you express yourself!
Have a nice day!! (and sorry for any mistake)
AH?!!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! tears in my eyes...
Yes!!! I shall accompany you through the madness. In fact I carry the madness in myself as well. If my yelling and flood of posts are anything to go by.
ALSO. WOW. That's genuinely so heartbreaking. Till having guilt isn't talked about often but it's very plausible that he'll be feeling it tenfold during this round. It's his fault, after all, that they're still here. Now that Mizi, the whole reason he stayed, is gone too, what was all of it for? He doomed himself and Ivan for nothing. You're right. He seems hopeless. I can definitely feel Till in those words, and it's so sad to think about how his thoughts could devolve to that point. He seemed so determined, so bright and dynamic at the beginning during ROUND 2. Now he seems so empty. Ivan and Till are definitely much closer than the both of them let on, there's no way they were just "fine". I think Till does hold fondness for Ivan, maybe even a little aware of his feelings (I don't think he knows what extent though, not sure he knows that Ivan's world literally revolves around him). What I'm sure of is that Till isn't as indifferent to Ivan as he might seem. Ivan is incredibly important to him too, and he has to come to terms with all of the guilt and feelings that were previously buried under his love and fixation for Mizi.
Oh... If Ivan spent most of ROUND 6 encouraging Till to fight I would be HEARTBROKEN. I remember one of the most common theories in the beginning was that Ivan would refuse to fight so that Till could win, and maybe Till would try and convince Ivan to fight. It's really interesting to see that the opposite might be true instead! And yes, VIVINOS LOVES to play with our feelings! It's their specialty.
Haha, Till's always had horrible eyebags! He apparently only gets less than 5 hours of sleep per day, and he's an incredibly light sleeper. Despite his eyebags though, Till always possessed such a large amount of energy. He had a lot of fight in him. You're right though, now he just seems exhausted. He's definitely been spiralling down into some very dooming thoughts. I wonder how much time has passed too...
An IV tube? I believe that's just his leash (just to make sure he's constantly restrained), but wow, thinking of it as an IV tube has some very horrifying implications. If they tried to sedate him, it definitely didn't work well HAHAH (RIP Freddie).
I thought the security guard writing in the sand was just a fun little visual gag, but if it's actually used to track down Mizi and Hyuna, oh shit. Improved security, after all. This isn't gonna be easy for them.
Thank you so much for enjoying my blog!! It means a lot to me, seriously. I might cry receiving all these nice notes and messages. Don't worry about any mistakes, by the way! You're quite a well-put writer yourself! :) Thank you for expressing yourself to me as well! I appreciate sharing all these ideas and hearing about new ones! I hope you have a great day too! ^^
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tomwambsmilk · 2 years
ur thoughts on Tom’s attraction to men?
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Ohhh boy. Well. Before we can even get to things like internalized homophobia and the idealization of the “traditional” family unit and the Tom’s lifelong ambition in a highly conservative environment necessitating a certain self-image that excludes homosexuality, we have to talk about how Tom understands masculinity and, by extension, platonic interactions and relationships between men.
(I'm answering both of these anons together because they do go hand-in-hand - you can't talk about Tom's attraction to men without talking about his feelings towards Greg).
Tom’s understanding of masculinity is very much shaped by the Waystar approach to masculinity (which is representative of a wider cultural opinion, for sure, but then we start to get into certain nuances that are beside the point, so I’m just going to refer to it as the Waystar approach for now), and that understanding focuses largely on the concept of dominance. You can't really have two equal men in any kind of relationship (friendly, platonic, antagonistic - anything); one has some kind of dominance over the other, and both (if they're masculine men) are constantly seeking to gain an edge over the other.
And this extends to how they understand love and sex as well. Women are excluded from this dominance framework, with the exception of a few women who, by virtue of their competence and their ruthlessness, are really just considered to be men (eg Gerri and Cyd - and notice how both of them have names that sound masculine?). But sex still plays into it; having a lot of casual sex and seeking their own pleasure is one way men can display dominance, and they can humiliate other men by using sexually violent language towards them. Intimacy and vulnerability are exclusive to the realm of heterosexual romantic relationships, and even that has limits - take Logan himself, who allows Marcia to witness his physical vulnerability while hiding it from everyone else, but displays very little emotional intimacy with her.
One of the immediate consequences of this attitude is that genuine friendship between men cannot exist. Every 'friendship' in the show is marked by these interpersonal dynamics, which make the kind of trust and intimacy true friendships are built on impossible. And if friendship cannot exist, then romantic or sexual attraction absolutely cannot exist, except possibly as another expression of dominance (and even that would be questionable, because by expressing attraction to another person you are giving them a degree of power over you).
So do I think Tom is attracted to men? Probably. In terms of 'what do the showrunners intend', there are a few different directions they could take canon that are plausible to me - and if they chose not to acknowledge any attraction to men on Tom's part, I wouldn't necessarily consider that to be misguided or poor writing. That's mainly because I don't think Tom understands himself as being attracted to men. And how could he? He's not allowed to be, and I'm not just talking about homophobia but that entire framework of how men are supposed to relate to each other. He's 40 years old and probably worked at Waystar for 15-20 years, which means he's internalized this enough that he's viewing all of his interactions with men through this lens without consciously realizing that's what he's doing.
This is complicated even more by the fact that for Tom, physical attraction and sex are largely indivisible from emotional attraction. Tom is not someone who enjoys casual sex; I would argue that not only does he need an emotional connection, but that the emotional connection is the origin of his attraction to someone. But in a world where emotional intimacy is taboo, that attraction becomes deeply fraught. And again, Tom himself has internalized this framework; he's bought into the idea that men should want casual sex, that attraction for men should be mostly physical, and that emotional vulnerability belongs only in the sphere of heterosexual marriage. He gets a blowjob from Tabitha and goes "Threesomes, that's the dream" because that's how he thinks he should feel, and the fact that he doesn't actually feel that way means there's something wrong with him. Already the way he experiences attraction is profoundly wrong and unmasculine even before we start bringing men into it.
I know it's fun to look at the "Would you kiss me? If I asked you to? If I told you to?" scene as a declaration of repressed attraction, but... Tom has just met Greg, some kid off the street who technically is a blood Roy but whose place in the overall Roy hierarchy has yet to be established. Tom is currently at the bottom of the totem pole, and he knows that being able to place Greg under him in that hierarchy will increase his standing. "Would you kiss me?" is not an expression of attraction, it's an attempt to utilize the same sexually dominating language we see Kendall using with Lawrence Yee and Logan using with Kendall in this same episode. But it comes out horribly wrong; instead of dominating and violent, it sounds homoerotic. It unsettles Greg, for sure, but not for the reasons Tom wanted it to.
And I think that's the foundation of their relationship. Greg is the first person in the show that Tom is truly able to dominate in some way, and Tom is also a person who is absolutely starved for emotional intimacy. So it makes sense that once Tom is confident that Greg is under his thumb - which happens pretty quickly since no one else gives a shit about him - of course, Greg is going to become the outlet for Tom's complex emotions around and desires for intimacy. Of course, Tom's expressions of dominance towards Greg are going to become increasingly homoerotic. Of course, Tom's feelings towards Greg are going to start to move more and more into the realm of attraction the longer he knows Greg and the more he develops the emotional intimacy with him that he isn't allowed to develop with anyone else. And of course, when Tom finally does start to express that attraction it has to be violent. He can't just marry him but he has to castrate him too because there might be an attraction but they're also both men, and the dominance framework is inescapable.
And, of course, I don't think Tom understands his attraction to Greg as attraction proper. I think because he's not attracted to Greg in the same way he's attracted to women, he would classify his attraction to women as Attraction proper, and his attraction to Greg as something else. I don't think starting a relationship with Greg would make him realize he's attracted to men; at least as long as they're both at Waystar and in that sphere I think he'd classify it as some kind of exception that proves the rule.
Finally, I would be remiss not to mention that yet another complicating factor is that Tom is a man who's definitely idealized the "traditional" nuclear heterosexual family ideal for a very, very long time, and who considers it part and parcel with all of his other ambitions. A long-term committed relationship with another man does not fit into that image. Even if he did get to a point where he could acknowledge his attraction to men, he's going to be deeply reluctant to commit to anything real until he lets go of that ideal - which he's unlikely to do while he's at Waystar, surrounded by other people who are also committed to that ideal. And even after he leaves, he might not, if only because this is an ideal that likely pre-dates his time at Waystar, and goes all the way back to his childhood, probably, and the fact that he is attracted to women means it's not something he ever really has to give up on or re-evaluate in the same way he would if he was exclusively attracted to men.
If Tom and Greg left Waystar together, would they be able to have a healthy and functional relationship? Maybe, but it would involve deliberately unravelling a whole lot of Tom's very deeply ingrained beliefs and attitudes. If neither of them had ever gone to Waystar and met in an entirely different context? Who knows. Probably, but Tom in particular would be an entirely different person if he hadn't spent his entire professional life at Waystar. It's very fun to write the fanfic and explore the infinite possibilities out there (and btw I'm absolutely not trying to knock any of the really fabulous tomgreg aus and post-S3 tomgreg fics out there), but in terms of what we see in canon - Tom, as a character who exists in Succession, is so formed by that environment that any version of him that didn’t come up at Waystar is a fundamentally different character.
(Greg, on the other hand, has not been formed enough by Waystar to have that same kind of deeply ingrained character development. He's been shaped by it, but I think he's still elastic enough that if you remove him from the environment he'll reshape and adapt into something else. Which is why I think if a post-S3 tomgreg relationship fell apart it would be largely Tom's fault, not Greg's.)
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novabl · 6 months
I wanted to make a post about Yashiro and Doumeki’s dynamic and why I think it is important for them to evolve in order for them to be together. Though my recent posts have been mainly speculations/predictions on what I think will happen and maybe some doubt towards their happy ending as a couple, I do believe they can have a happy, satisfying ending. In the first arc, Yashiro and Doumeki had a sexy dynamic but I don’t think saezuru would be as good as it is if they ended up together after Hirata. Though Doumeki was sweet, gentle and loving, he put Yashiro over everything and genuinely seemed to think life would not be worth living without Yashiro. This is an extremely unhealthy attitude to have in a relationship and led to Doumeki neglecting his own needs just to stay by Yashiro’s side. Yashiro, on the other hand, was cruel and not ready to accept a romantic relationship. He was not ready to confront the trauma and accept love in his life. He lashed out in cruel ways when he felt vulnerable and did not seem to understand what he actually wanted and needed for himself. The 4 year timeskip really allowed us and them to see how much they need each other particularly for Yashiro. Doumeki was able to see that he can live a meaningful live and have fun, valuable relationships without Yashiro which enables him to stick to his boundaries (in problematic ways at times). Doumeki knows what he wants but he won’t force Yashiro to be with him. He is still the same gentle, loving man but he needs security to be vulnerable around Yashiro. Taking out the yakuza conflict, Doumeki does not feel safe to express his feelings towards Yashiro. Anytime he tried to push Yashiro, it has not gone well and there is a helplessness to him watching Yashiro be with other men as well as a sense of mistrust. I think this is why it is Yashiro’s turn to be open and vulnerable. Yashiro still doesn’t seem to know what he wants for himself and can’t communicate. While he shows his feelings through actions no one can read his mind. Assuming he wants the same things Doumeki wants did not lead to a great outcome before. A relationship needs communication and saezuru demonstrates that well. Yashiro also cannot rely on the coping mechanism of violent sex. It is unfair to expect Doumeki to take the leap when Yashiro still falls back on something that contradicts a requirement for Doumeki in a relationship. One of the reasons Yashiro let Doumeki go was because he was not ready to let go of the masochistic persona so I think that should be addressed BEFORE he can be with Doumeki. Yashiro also no longer wants the violent sex and stopping it is recognizing something he wants for himself and actually pursuing it. They are not hopeless and even though they have hurt each other deeply a part of a relationship is being able to learn to forgive each other. Yashiro has never had someone willing to forgive him and give him the chance to evolve with them and I genuinely think Doumeki can provide that for him.
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loveregrown · 6 months
Does anyone realize how much they ruin me I only have this video comparing the stage and anime version from fucking february on me right now but I'm mainly speaking about the anime version. This is the same part of the genrev choreography in the 3DMV where they're meant to reach out towards each other but in their last performance Tsumugi reaches for him far too early and Eichi reaches for him far too late obviously. Of course Eichi would look shocked, watching him walk away, his expression so solemn. Up until eplink he still had nightmares about it, of Nagisa and Hiyori and Tsumugi running off ... this singular moment displays their dynamic and the end of their friendship that never truly got to be a friendship so perfectly, especially from Eichi's perspective but if you take into account the way it looks to Tsumugi rather than the viewer who gets the full picture it encapsulates both perfectly. The bluebird has left the cage he put himself in, and in Eichi's eyes, it is too late to just ... be his friend. Leo has stated he's never going forgive him directly because he wouldn't get it and it would hurt him more but Tsumugi so unabashedly continues wanting to earnestly be his friend.
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It's so evident how much it affects him just by looking at Eichi's face
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Tsumugi doesn't need a reason to befriend someone & Eichi does .. 🥹
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Hiyonagi also suffered but at least they had each other (┬┬﹏┬┬) And yet, in the Dawning Angels mv, eimugi finally manage to reach out to each other again ... and it is so significant considering what happened the last time they stepped foot on a stage to sing together.
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Eichi, in the current era is like a child that doesn't care for his toy till it is taken away from him and given to another. Or perhaps, like a lover who doesn't acknowledge what they have till it is far too late. So much so he gave Natsume his blessings in a sense, which is surprisingly evil combined with the fact Tsumugi has referred to his relationship with Natsume as a contract, and that he would actively try to prevent him from falling apart like Eichi did.
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It wasn't in their fate to go to karaoke together even if they could've so easily. He's is still under the impression that it is late to even go to karaoke with him, bringing it up as though that's something that should injure Tsumugi and like it's something that's lingered in his mind from the moment he pondered on it near the end of element, but Tsumugi has already moved on. Whether he forgot about it because it no longer affects him even if it did once,feeling as though he was thrown away, or him forgetting is a coping mechanism to erase aspects of the war from his mind in spite of the fact he's been promising not to repeat it, only God knows ...
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Forever thinking of "even as they find themselves hurt in the process..."
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And yet, all four of them still have so much fun playing together, sharing the same dynamic they did in the past... ohh (┬┬﹏┬┬) I know this was mostly eimugi ... but I love exfine so much. I love sad endings and things that cannot be repaired, I am not the kind to have a desire to fix everything or not see beauty in tragedy, but I also just want them to spend time together and be happy even if that thought might always itch in the back of their mind, Tsumugi being the mediator between them even now always gets me. Nagisa and Hiyori clearly spend such wonderful time with Tsumugi together one of my favorite idol stories is one where he goes to a cafe with Hiyori and even gets genuinely upset over cospro taking advantage of newdi and it's so rare ... and Hiyori's fs2, it was so cute too. Tsumugi and Nagisa were together simultaneously as gacha and feature scout not so long ago, and while Eichi did go on that trip with Rei and Tsumugi recently ... it would be so nice if Eichi could come to the function. If he could give himself the time to have fun with the rest of them like this more, free of awkwardness and self restraint >﹏< especially since they're all so young and so busy. The rarity of these moments makes them endearing and special but bittersweet all the same.
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licorishh · 3 months
Welp. Binged the second half of the new ATLA show and finished it and I am still so incredibly impressed. Spoilers under the cut y'all know the drill
I freaking loved this adaptation. Slapped. Killed it. Nailed it. I'm gonna rewatch it over and over. Legitimately the only things I could really complain about are all related to Azula.
I really feel like Azula having screentime in season 1 served zero purpose here. I feel it would've been much more impactful to have her go entirely unmentioned until the finale when Zhao reveals to Zuko that Azula was behind everything (i.e. iy would've been cooler if Zhao were also revealing it to us, the audience, for the first time).
I also think it's a little odd how they're kind of totally changing the dynamic between Ozai and Azula (or at least the parts of the dynamic that we're supposed to believe is a representation of their relationship for the majority of the show). In the original show, Azula has no idea Ozai is simply manipulating her for the fun of it. She genuinely thinks he loves her, is proud of her, and is extremely impressed with her. It's not until almost the last episode that Ozai ever directly expresses his disdain for something she's done/said, unless I'm wrong. Ozai's expectations of her in the original show appear to be things she's easily capable of meeting, and she feels extremely confident in her abilities and is under the impression Ozai is equally confident in her. I find it strange that repeatedly in this adaptation Ozai is instead treating her pretty similarly to the way he treats Zuko. He doesn't appear to show her any kind of particular favor, doesn't expect anything but the most outrageously impossible from her, and regularly ridicules/undermines her and sows seeds of doubt in her mind that she's competent.
Azula doesn't show the slightest hint of cracking until the end of season 3 after Mai's and Ty Lee's betrayal. Sure, there are hints earlier on that she's a perfectionist and refuses to settle for anything less than the most flawless outcome, but she comes off as being incredibly confident and secure in her position. She doesn't doubt anything about her situation or her relationship with her father or brother. In other words, in the original show, the audience and Azula herself are never meant to realize until the very end that Ozai was pitting his children against each other. We (and her) are intended to believe that Ozai genuinely prefers Azula and is more pleased with her than he is with Zuko. In this version, there really doesn't seem to be much of that at all. It's just odd.
Smaller complaint, but I don't think that actress is necessarily just the most stellar choice for Azula, either. The casting for the show has been excellent so far, but this particular actress seems to be bringing out aspects of Azula's character that really weren't meant to be at the forefront until much later. Maybe it's the actress, maybe it's the writing, maybe it's both, but it doesn't feel like Azula. She doesn't feel like a substantial threat. Heck, Zhao is wayyy more compelling in this version than Azula is, and that's really not very good. She feels like just another competitor for Zuko.
Kind of branching off of that, and this one is a pretty small one, but Mai and Ty Lee are super boring. Granted, I don't really care about them at all in the original anyway (Mai has really no narrative reason to exist other than to be part of what causes Azula's spiral; I do like Ty Lee a little bit, but I could really take her or leave her), but they're just... so bland. There's no reason for them to be in those scenes other than to be cardboard boxes Azula can glare at. At least in the original, they serve as an excellent example of what's tethering Azula to reality and how she feels an incessant need to exert control over every aspect of her life. I reaaaaally wish they'd waited until later to bring them into the adaptation (it's also just reinforcing to me the fact that I simply cannot see Zuko with Mai at all in either version, but that's an issue for a different day).
Other than those things I wasn't too thrilled about, I really did love the show. The acting from the main cast was excellent, the stakes felt SO MUCH HIGHER and it was SUCH a nice tonal change, the bending looked incredible, the amount of effort put into accurately replicating the sets and the costumes was just astounding, and the pacing was excellent. I love how they were able to cut down on so much of the extraneous filler from the original season 1 by finding ways to compile them together in a way that still flowed excellently and allowed for a greater focus to be put on the main story. The main story in this adaptation never stops going, and for me, that makes it SO much easier and more fun to watch. It doesn't go off on forty-minute tangents that have zilch to do with the main point of the show.
Also Dallas Liu is literally the best possible pick for Zuko. He is capturing Zuko's miserable wet cat energy in a way no one but Dante Basco could do and that is saying something. He's also putting an excellent emphasis on how desperately obsessive Zuko is about catching Aang in season 1. He's completely blinded by his desire to find him, causing him to make completely illogical and irrational decisions driven purely by a desperate desire to measure up, and Dallas Liu is really doing an incredibly good job reinforcing that without having to actually say it.
Gordon Cormier is also absolutely killing it as Aang for me. I'm really not the biggest fan of Aang (I just don't usually like child characters; he's better in some parts of season 3 but he's just not really my favorite), but he's actually making Aang incredibly fun to watch. He's adorable and fun and silly without being painfully immature and difficult to be invested in. Yeah, I know, Aang's twelve and twelve year olds are immature, but that doesn't mean they're automatically fun to watch. He's really doing a great job there.
I also love this version of Zhao. I feel like he got way more screentime in this version than in the original, which was pretty cool. He turned out to be a much cooler and more dangerous villain than it felt like he was in the original.
I also liked this version of Yue WAYYYY more even though she was only in one episode because man!! She has a personality holy cow!! She's actually fun!! And entertaining!! Not just Phantom Menace Natalie Portman-levels of "Well she's a very nice person :)"
Also also, I loved the vibe of uhh episode 5, I think it was-?. Both of the Koh jumpscares legitimately startled me which I was not expecting 😭 normally I can eat simple jumpscares for lunch but they made him so frickin creepy which is honestly good because hE IS FRICKIN CREEPY
And I cried. Like three times. First time when frickin Leaves From the Vine played at Lu Ten's funeral (that one had me weeping as usual), I think a second time when Katara is remembering being a little girl and is hiding and she sees her mom being killed (that was honestly so much more impactful that we actually got to SEE such things instead of just hearing about it), and then I think again in Zuko's Agni Kai because my gosh he's been through it :((( the flashback parts before then though were so nice 😭 I lived long enough to see happy smiling Zuko in 4k which means I can die peacefully now
All of this is coming from someone who first watched the show as a young kid, was never really a huge Aang fan, and really doesn't care for the original season 1 and tends to skip it every time I watch the show. I have pretty unusual opinions about the original, so my opinions here may vary massively from the general consensus, and that's fine. I really loved this adaptation and I will be so heartbroken if they don't make a season 2 MAAAANNNN I NEED MORE 😭😭😭
Also the writers are goated for replacing Aang with Sokka in the Cave of Two Lovers and having Katara reinforce their family bond instead of pushing a self-insert crush a little boy has on a teenage girl who treats him like her son. And also that scarf scene which I think I will perhaps never not be thinking about. I will be forever indebted to them for that but again that's a topic for uhh not right now 👍
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pinkkinoko · 1 year
A note I hope you read
Hello everyone! How are you doing? I have passed a little over 500 followers on here, I couldn’t be more grateful for all of you. Every lovely Billy fan out there, every kind mungrove lover who’s jumped into my inbox, who’s added notes on my posts, I could name you all individually, even those who know nothing of stranger things! I could shout out those special people who have influenced me in such a deep and impactful way, but I think you know who you are, trust that the gratitude I have expressed to you is genuine. There are many things I could share to celebrate 500 followers, like make a big art piece, or open up a poll, I could even try my hand at a giveaway, but those don’t feel like things I would do. I am, naturally, a very private person. I like to keep facts about myself to a minimum, I like to separate my online persona from my real life, and sometimes I think I may come across as a bit professional or insincere when I interact online with you all, but know that I only do that because it’s what makes me feel safe, and my affection for you is earnest. So, in celebration of what you have given me, I want to share a small part of myself with you.
Dear Billy, and truly mungrove, fandom,
Do not let someone tell you that you cannot ship something, or that you cannot love a character. Yes, I have indeed made my own posts and remarks about disliking certain dynamics or ships, but to truly hate someone for what they love isn’t in me. I’ve seen how horrible people can be about ships, about characters, and especially in the Billy and stranger things fandom there’s been such an intense amount of vitriol poured out, perhaps that is also why I like to keep my own details private. But whether you relate to Billy’s story, or to Max’s experience, or even if you just think Billy’s really damn attractive, I wish dearly that you know it is never necessary to explain yourself. I’ve been on tumblr for so long now, I have seen how much things change and I wish you know to never let something you love become something you hate because of others. You have all made my experience as a creator so very fulfilling, and I wish only to do the same for you.
A few months ago, I lost my own Billy, perhaps someday I will have the heart to sit at their grave and read my own letter. You never know who is affected by the things you write, the notes you post, or the comments you send. Be kind to those around you, be loving, and if all else feels impossible, simply be respectful. Some people may never understand what it’s like to resent someone so strongly and yet love them so dearly, to see how broken they are and still be cut by their shards. As I’ve said before, you can love characters for any number of mundane reasons, they are fictional; sometimes they are conduits for healing, sometimes objects of desire, sometimes they are simply intriguing.
I wish to be here for you all for a long time to come, and even if we someday go our separate ways, I wish you’ll take this as a fond memory. Thank you, for coming along with me this far, for in some way showing me that the small dream I saw as a child of doing something with my art was not impossible, and for allowing me to give the Billy in my own life some form of happiness they perhaps could never find.
All my love,
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taexual · 2 months
Ara you're actually trying to kill me, I'm sure (also this is a long one, I'm sorryyy)
he collapsed back onto the pillows and buried his face in his hands, a ridiculous smile spreading beneath his fingers as his heart continued to race in his chest.
Pls we're twinninnng, this is me reading your series btw, the definition of giggling and kicking my feet at its finest
Also, me thinks that Joon and Maggie deserve their own altar each, I love them, with him casually saving their asses and talking some sense into oc as he should, and Mags representing each of my thoughts, like
“That fucking loser,” she said. “That massive fucking piece of shit. Fucking good-for-nothing rat. Motherf—”. “Yeah, Mags,” you interjected, knowing she might not stop for a while.
Let’s kill him”. “Or, you know,” she added in response to your and Luna’s expressions, “let’s beat him up. That’ll work, too.”
I have never felt this represented in any form of media, let her continue please, Sid just keeps pissing me off and she deserves to take her frustrations out, preferably on him in a very violent way, maybe even with a brick or a chair, idk
You ended up watching each of the boys leap over the threshold of the door for no reason whatsoever, just to see who could jump the farthest—until Jungkook smacked his head right into the top of the door frame.
This has happened irl, I have no doubt about it. And I have to say, I absolutely love the way you portray the guys in the series, obviously we don't know them personally and never will, but as far as the persona each of them maintain for the public and what is shown in the media, this feels accurate and warm somehow, without engaging too much in the stereotypes, or forgetting that they're humans despite our (and the world's) expectations. I'm always glad to find writers like you to keep this thoughtful and respectful approach, even when it comes to fiction <3
Pouting, he walked over to you after everyone else had finished laughing and left. You fixed his hair, trying to bite back your laughter, and he pulled you into a hug.
Jungkook was about to object—you couldn’t remove your hands from his skin so abruptly, there was a certain procedure you had to follow to ensure he could still breathe when you were no longer touching him.
Stop it right now, this section made my heart EXPLODE, they're so mf cute, I'm so aloneeee jfc, like if you look up the word 'simp' his photo is showing up, there's no discussion
Still, he paused again by the door, giving you one last overly dramatic nod over his shoulder as if he were in a spy film. Then he left with a triumphant fist in the air after finally earning a chuckle from you.
Their banter has me squealing again, but who's surprised, honestly, this is like the 92828 time I say this, but their. dynamic. is. everything. to. me. I cannot stress enough how heartwarming it has been to see them allow themselves to express those feelings with time, so proud of my children :c
Stopping, you looked around warily until you finally spotted Minjun’s head peeking out from behind the corridor wall.
OH HEY BOO, I'm glad we're seeing more of his role here, and the entire interaction with Jude was uncomfy yes, but it brought us answers, some pity for him ngl, aswell as excitement for their plan, and it reenforced my admiration for oc, bc what a good person she is. I'm not surprised in the slightest about Sid letting his closest friend(pet) die, and I hope he rots in hell, alone and bitter while my babies live and love freely :D
Luna noticed the slight commotion and approached you. As soon as you finished telling the girls what happened to your handbag, she broke into a surprisingly graceful, but very, very drunken performance of flailing her limbs and singing, “I knew it! I fucking knew it!” while Taehyung watched her from the doorway with unmistakable fondness. He had genuinely never looked more in love.
Him and Jungkook go head to head over who is the most whipped, and I need me a partner like this, tyvm
“I am learning to be okay with others knowing, though. And I want you despite that. Despite others. Despite everything. I want to be with you.
No because I would die immediately, what do you mean oc, you cannot just say stuff like that and expect people not to propose on the spot, jk get the ring, I'll be the officiant idc
And know presenting a compilation of more tender moments from this chapter we have:
“And it’s okay,” he continued. “I can’t make decisions for you, but you’re—you have us. We’ll always have your back. We won’t sit idly if we find out the label made you resign.”
You’ve found your family when you met Rated Riot. They made bets about your relationship, they teased each other at nearly every possible moment, they complained and argued, but they supported each other with unwavering loyalty. And you were prepared to fight, if it came to it, to stay with them.
Then Maggie caught you off guard by wrapping her arms around you—as if you’d crossed Middle Earth and battled Smeagol for her phone—and you realised how safe, happy, and comfortable you felt here.
He could hear Taehyung singing along to “Do I Wanna Know?” by the drinks table while Luna and Maggie waved the flashlights on their phones dreamily for extra ambience in the dimly lit room. He could also see, most unusually, the way Hoseok and Jimin seemed to be exchanging money right behind the two girls.
All these to say that I'm a SUCKER for the platonic affection, the found-family trope, the comfort, support, silliness, honesty, and love that comes with it, and specially the way you always manage to include those fragments of their interactions, personalities and memories in the story; bc yeah oc and jk will always be the main focus, but the fact that you make the effort of showing us the characters' (both main and secondary) struggles and development really ties everything together, and makes this au one of my favorite series of all time, I genuinely have enjoyed it more than some published books, you have so much talent Ara c:
I'm sure this ask is lengthy enough, sorry about that, but I loved this part (one of my favorites for sure), and I hope you take care of yourself, see you in the next one!! 💜
babe, you are a dream come true, please don't ever apologise, you're perfect 🥺 thank you so much for sharing your beautiful thoughts and for hitting probably every single mark i was the most excited for you to read 😭🙏🏻
i love all of these characters so much, so hearing that you've enjoyed their little moments too is the biggest gift for me, thank you so much 🥺🤍🤍🤍
you are heaven-sent, i don't know what to say. your messages are absolutely, without any doubt, every writer's dream, and i seriously can't thank you enough for this!!!!!! i love you 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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