#I have two other fics in the avatar au verses but they were on a whim of what I wanted
One of my on-going project snippets. Avatar!Steve
“Why is Danny’s place still frozen?” Steve demanded as soon as he saw Duke. 
“Our water-benders are trying, but there is a limit to their ability,” Duke replied. 
Steve’s clarity was being disrupted by his worry over Danny, so he snapped, “Limit? It’s ice! They’re water-benders!” 
Duke often revered to Steve with the respect gained by his rank, in both military and as Avatar, as well as the respect he was born with as a McGarrett. But in that moment, he was an older Hawaiian native who gave a strict gaze as he reminded Steve of where they lived. “You have traveled far and seen many other places. Maybe it has escaped your memory that out of all the benders that live or visit our small islands, water is arguably the one with most restrictions and rules. Only a limited few water-bending masters exist here who are experienced with colder temperatures and ice or snow manipulation.”
Steve closed his eyes for a moment to collect himself before he opened them again and apologized. “Sorry, Duke. It’s...it’s Danny, y’know?” 
“I do. And I know that there’s no one else on this island who knows those ice bending restrictions better than him. Given how much flack he got in the early months of him being here. So I understand your concern...but these ice structures were created by Danny himself. They’re fortified with the strength that will take the Hawaiian August sun hours to melt. We can’t get inside yet.”
“Yeah, well...I’m here now. Let me work.” It was nearly a threat but it most certainly was a warning. Duke called off the benders and let Steve try. 
Steve has begun his water bending training but it was with the basics. Learning to alter the water’s temperature to make it freeze or unfreeze wasn’t anywhere near the curriculum. Didn’t mean he didn’t try. Except he was too angry because he didn’t want to be worried. 
So he stopped trying to water-bend the ice away and instead unleashed his fury with his fire-bending until he saw some of the ice give way before earth-bending a stalagmite to shatter it’s way through. 
I started thinking about world building rules and them being applied to different fandom. Implementing the Avatar bending to H50, and it made me think. Being surrounded by so much water, water benders are pretty dangerous. They always have a weapon, and if they’re mastered it enough the humidity in the air, even if there isn’t an obvious body of water, they still have access to it( never mind potential gangs and criminal organization potentially having Blood Benders). 
Then I was thinking, how much of the average tourist would a)not know a fuck shit about the proper water temperature a place, it’s plant life, and animal life need to remain stable? And b)would be assholes to try and make their own waves or bigger waves or retaliate against anyone or to show off? 
Beaches in an Avatar AU would have STRICT rules in place. Lifeguards might need to be specially trained to like a military level to secure the peace, ensure the safety of native plant and animal life.
Water benders, no matter the profession or life style they lead/live, if they’re in Hawaii they are limited to just water bending. Healing, yes...but when it comes to temperature control...there are like...two official water bending MASTERS who know how to turn water into snow or ice. And it’s become a thing where it’s just been like that for so long that no one really questions it unless they’re not from there. 
I made Danny a Water-Bender and with how winters are on the east coast, and because I personally headcanon Danny to just have a more affinity to colder climates, to him ice and snow are second nature. And because he came from a big city where younger water benders as young as 7-8 year olds make their first bit of chump change by offering to snow-bend the drive ways of little old ladies or get more allowance if they wake up and defrost their parent’s car...when Danny first came to Hawaii as he followed Grace, seen as an outsider with the element that may have the most restrictions, particularly in his specialty. It was hard but Danny learned to ‘control’ himself..aka adjust his mannerism. (He’s always in control. Just...things that were normal for him are a big deal on the island, but he has never been out of control of his element. Danny is also a Blood Bender and that’s why but it’s not knowledge anyone knows and he’s terrified of anyone learning)  
Steve has seen plenty of Danny’s power, potential, and most importantly his control. It’s why Steve chose Danny to be his Water bending master instead of the native Hawaiian born they wanted to assign him. There are also a lot of deeper feelings involved, so Steve hearing that Danny elsa fortressed himself means something is very wrong! 
but on like a lighter note, when they need something from Kamekona, Danny has bribed him with water-bending him x-lbs of shaved ice. 
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A:tLA AU Idea—Slayer-ish Avatar Cycle
I've been kicking this AU around in my head for years, but I've yet to actually make a fic materialize, so I'm throwing it out for anyone to use if they so desire (a shout-out would be nice, though).
So, to explain the title, when I say "Slayer-ish," I am (of course) referring to the concept of The Slayer from the Buffy-verse, wherein there are a LOT of potential slayers (before the end of the last season of the TV show when they're just made plain Slayers), but only one Active one with all the powers and such until she dies and the next is chosen and empowered by the essence that was bound to the very first Slayer. Part of these powers are memories of past slayers and the powers and strength to fight vampires, demons, and other things that go bump in the night.
At one point early in the series, Buffy temporarily dies, and we find out a season later that a new Slayer was empowered, BUT then Buffy was resuscitated by CPR, and THUS was still a Slayer, making it so there were TWO Slayers. This becomes a problem later with Faith (who is complicated, to say the least), but that's all we need to know about the Buffy-verse lore for this idea.
Basically, what if, while Aang was in the Iceberg something similar happened.
I know Raava is only one spirit (the spirit of Order since Vaatu, the opposite is the spirit of Chaos), but spirits have splintered parts of themselves before in canon—Tui giving some life to Yue, for instance, making it so she could restore the moon and become the new Moon Spirit (I'd even say she was a sort of quasi-avatar for Tui with that move).
So, ergo, the world needs someone to be an Avatar (anyone!), which means Raava splits off a piece for a new version of the Avatar to be born. Downside? No past lives to draw on for this new Splinter Water Avatar.
From there, the idea could lead to the always entertaining Avatar Zuko scenarios, Avatar Katara (since there is every chance that a full cycle has all members die young due to the war and no one looking for this splinter-Avatar), or even Avatar Toph with the first splinter Water Avatar being Northern Water Tribe and living a long LONG time behind the safety of the Ice Walls.
It could even be Sokka. The possibilities are endless.
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darkfrost-star · 3 months
Dang, I didn't even know people were doing that. I probably had the highest amount of frustrations and grievances regarding the Green / not / Leaf debate. All of that is entirely tied into my childhood coping mechanism to promised self-indulgence fic that grew up with me. And the uncanny valley of their similar design had me tearing my hair out, metaphorically. I've opt to settle this the way Pokemon generally tends to run "same character, different people" in the way they make cross-canon counterparts. But the issue arises in how while yes, LGPE is an entirely different timeline, making that idea viable; unlike any of the protagonist duos, excluding Kris, Leaf NEVER exists as an NPC if you choose the other avatar. And that's just what player characters are: avatars. Pokemas breaks away from that and gives them starter mons and personalities that I personally feel aren't the "end all" for their canon. As there's so many universes and alt timelines and simply the fact the developers do want players to interpret it however we like or simply don't because it would break our brains. [According to some interview: but really it's the sacred creed of video games anyways.] It goes against a lot to establish a canon for characters intentionally kept and made to be vague: hence, the constant Pidgey in the face when animating game-verse and lack of speaking lines. Look at Pokemas!May and the one from Evolutions. Or the way some treat Ethan and Gold differently when it comes to personality. Or even the black-haired!Red from LGPE based on Gen 1 and the Gen 3 brown-haired spikey flare Red we see continue into Alola. They are the same character despite it all. Just different in the hands of who made them, and those people are not the final authority. Pokemon has no canon to me. It's like Marvel and it's many retellings of Superhero stories. So many agencies get their hands on this story, it's more of a genre now. Did you know there's a manga out there for ORAS where Brendan is split into two twin brothers for Omega and Alpha? This stuff just happens. For all intents and purposes, Green is the third Pallet trainer. Her and Leaf fulfill the same role in the trio. She will never exist as a fourth girl beside them. Her design is to me, what it would have been had she been included in Gen 1, as Red and Blue's designs also reflect Gen 1 not Gen 3. Her different personality is because she is an NPC playing as a rival character for the first time ever in a canon game-verse appearance (even if an AU timeline) (also why we were blessed to have speaking lines for her in Evolution) while Pokemas does whatever the heck it wants with their own personality canonizations. For main characters in Pokemas are always going to get on someone's nerves because they have to commit to certain playthrough routes for the characters, the hero or the friend, etc, and surface level personalities while NPCs like Gym Leaders or supporting cast feel more accurate; because there's an actual canon to pull from. For what it may count for though, there is official merch out there showing Leaf with Squirtle, Gengar, and Clefable. Sound familiar eh? I suppose the best compromise at this point is to stick with our own preferences and not invalidate others. This goes fully for the anti-Green = Leaf crowd because their stance makes up the majority of Leaf posts and arguments. Generally YouTube LMAO I started staying away from there. Meanwhile, ig Pokemon will continue to mix and match what they want treating their characters like jpeg dolls and driving us up the wall with uncanny valley. See: Akari and Dawn, Lucas and Rei. Implications galore everywhere, multiverse is real and apparently it can hurt us haha. Sorry for the info dump.
Yeah Ikr! I guess it comes to show that people will make up anything to defend their stance on an argument. This is exactly why I have a problem with the idea of making them another Kris and Lyra 2.0 situation, it just feels way too forced because of their strong design similarities and how they’re obviously derived from another. At least Lyra was made from scratch as wasn’t derived from Kris and it shows, as the only significant design similarity they have is the gravity defying ponytails. Green and Leaf on the other hand? They just look like the same person wearing somewhat different outfits! They have the same hair color and hair style, the exact same shirt/collar pattern, and even the same yellow bag! And tbh, I think they are strong together than they are separate, as if they’re split into two different entities, then that means that Green never got the chance to be a playable character, and likewise Leaf never got the chance to appear as an NPC in any of the mainline games, and that is just unfair to me. 
And yes I definitely agree with you on the idea that Green and Leaf are AU versions of the same character, I mean it should be very obvious. Also yeah, even if pokemas exists people are still allowed to have their own interpretations of the characters, even my headcanons for them aren’t one to one with how they portray the protags!
And that’s not even mentioning pokespe, with all of its wild interpretations of the protag’s personalities that totally seem to come out of left field! They literally made Lucas (Diamond) a pokemon trainer version of Chowder for example! And oh wow, I had no idea that there was manga out there that made the two versions of Brendan twin brothers, kinda reminds me of that one manga that makes Classic! Red and Remake! Red two different people as well…  Also tbh I never even felt like LGPE! Green was all that different personality wise from PMEX! Leaf in the first place, as they both have that cheerful and feisty pokemon enthusiast/fanatic characterization going on. The only real difference is that Green is a bit more competitive and mischievous, whereas Leaf is more wholesome. But again, that probably comes from the fact that she plays the role of the rival in LGPE, as you said. It really does come to show that the TPC will always experiment with different personalities for all the different variants of their protag characters. Also EXACTLY, Leaf is literally associated with half of Green’s team in official merchandise man! That’s another reason why I can’t bring myself into thinking they’re somehow completely different… 
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 7 months
📝⛈️☕🎞️ for Lorenza floor that "if your s/i was canon" ask memes?
I can certainly do that for you, friend! Thank you very much for sending all of these in!~
(question source: "Imagine Your Self-insert Was Canon… Self-Ship Asks" by cursedmoon-doll13)
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story? - I feel as though Lorenza's presence wouldn't directly change all that much in the story, in all honesty..? The main parts in which she would be a more prominent character would be anything to do with the Thirteenth for obvious reasons, so that would mostly be the Crystal Tower raids (when she first enters the Source and helps NOAH find a way into the World of Darkness), the Shadow of Mhach raids (for reasons I'll explain later down the ask), and most prominently, the post-Endwalker story. The main thing I would want her to change, if she could change something, is taking Zero back from Zenos during Endwalker itself somehow - but I haven't actually seen that many cutscenes of her as his unwilling avatar yet (I'm pretty sure I skipped some), so I am not sure to what extent that would actually be possible. It'd be nice, though. So I'd quite like it to happen. Of course, crystal verse-wise - which is what I tend to view as Lorenza's default/"canon" version of events - you could argue that she may have slightly more of an influence on the story, simply by virtue of helping keep K'pheli in a much healthier (or, less aether-sick) state than he would have been in without her intervention or presence. But that and anything more than that is largely for you to establish if you so wish, hehe~
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why. - Hmm.. On the one hand, the fact that Lorenza and Zero are separated from each other for so long might encourage people to write lots of fluff to counter that fact. On the other hand, there is always potential for angst, by sheer means of how many painful moments happen in the plot - I can imagine there might be a number of sin eater/Lightwarden Lorenza AUs, for example, because of how poorly she reacts to the First as well as the fact that she's the one who takes on the Lightwardens' Light outside of crystal verse/in my version of events, plus the whole "light vs. darkness" dynamic that this would introduce. Another key angst moment that probably gets focused on a lot would be Zero appearing as Zenos' unwilling reaper avatar during Endwalker, as alluded to above. So, in conclusion, perhaps both? I can imagine anything that gets written being pretty far one way or the other, rather than somewhere in the middle.
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your F/O? - Hell if I know, in all honesty! The trouble with not reading very much (or hardly any) fanfiction is that I don't have a very good idea of what sorts of things are common for people to write about specific pairings, unfortunately =P I can perhaps imagine that there would be some scenes of Lorenza showing Zero various places on the Source or introducing her to things there, since - although both of them are from the Thirteenth - Lorenza has of course experienced much more of the Source than Zero would have, so she could act as a guide for her, and use that time as a way for the two to catch each other up on what has happened since they were last able to be together. But, that's about the only potential plot to come to mind.
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship? - I tried to write one of these out, once - it's the one where Lorenza confronts Diabolos at the end of the Dun Scaith raid, forcing him to go and report that she is alive to the rest of the Thirteenth, and also to mandate that no harm can come to Zero. While it doesn't technically reveal who she is, it does at least serve as the first major on-screen example of Lorenza referring to her lover, and would probably be what encouraged whoever-was-with-her-as-part-of-the-raid to ask her about her for the first time. This is the only really concrete part of it that I have so far (that isn't just me writing out how the in-game cutscene normally goes), but I still think it stands pretty well on its own, so here it is. Imagine Lorenza holding Diabolos by the neck or something as she's talking at him.
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(Technically speaking, Lorenza is not directly connected to Scathach like she's implying here - there's an argument to be made that the Thirteenth consists of what you could call "the Celtic voidsent" and "the Italian voidsent", given the divides in names (other than Diabolos, ironically), and given that her names are Lorenza and Colombina and she literally speaks Italian in the above snippet, it's perhaps evident that she is of the latter instead of the former. Even so, she's still a princess of the void - so of course she would take the throne next in the absence of a queen, right? A wayward princess ruling from afar.)
Other than that, I do think that Lorenza would open up more about Zero at some point on-screen in the story, I'm just not sure when or to whom yet. So, that would also be a pretty clear example of another scene, even if Zero herself isn't present for it. The other example would of course be the actual reuniting of Zero with Lorenza at last, whether that's post-Endwalker or I be self-indulgent and bring her into things early.
Ah, that was rather a lot for one post, but I hope that these answers are alright for you, friend! Thank you very much once again for sending in so many questions, it really means a lot~
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starvels · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview Meme
tagged in this a while ago by the lovely @oluka ! thank you, bluebonnet!
name: starvels/dinosaur/dinostar/di/star or any combination thereof
fandoms: currently i have open fic documents for: marvel (616, 3490, AA, MCU and a secret one ~), naruto (yes i know 😪), avatar: the last airbender and fullmetal alchemist. i’m also obsessed w the locked tomb books over at @camillaloudhect
it's taking everything, it's taken everything is a legitimate two-shot about sex pollen trope subversion. it’s sad as hell and i’m rly proud of its style/narrative construction
funnily, are we satellites? is actually listed as a two-shot bc the map chapter that showcases s/t’s roadtrip path
and actually fourth time's a charm is a two chapter fic as well. it’s was a lil pinch-hit for stevetony secret santa about sparring and love confessions that i sometimes forget i wrote lol
most popular (marvel) fics:
by the numbers
wear it like a message: (v funny bc i’ve never had a person off of ao3 talk to me about this fic at all 😂) it’s a s/t ensemble cast kinkmeme fic about domestic shenanigans and dogtags/rings
we were meant for love: it’s the first in the we were meant verse about cliche, happy-no-hurt AU s/t falling in love at first sight
by measures of people asking me about it:
are we satellites? that steve/tony 616-inspired roadtrip with nature metaphors, takes the cake for sure
followed by some combination of any of my (overtly) trans fics like name it ever after which is a 3490 exploration and the firefighter/pyrokinetic as we touched and burned
actual worst part of writing:
that bit where you are 75% done with a piece and you can see the end and you know basically what you have to do to complete it all, but it’s SO close to being done that you’ve maybe started looking at other projects already/started crossing it off in your mind as done already.
that’s a hard space for me to be in and i run into it on anything over like 7-8k. i think the reason why is because the pacing of the writing changes so drastically - i will write 1k/hr easy when i’m in the zone, but when you get to 75%, you’ve got to start editing, nit-picking at things, being careful, filling in spaces, etc. that’s hard and i usually require handholding to get through that part lol.
how you choose your titles:
almost always a song lyric. i’m obsessed with finding new music and i’m constantly listening to different niche subgenres. when i find a song that fits the vibe of a fic i’m writing i will either listen to it ON REPEAT for the entire writing. wild! or i will make a playlist from it to write to. i like to pay homage to that inspiration.
occasionally, i will also do a word association tree and just nit pick through combinations like for syntax of bones
do you outline:
i generally do not and i would not recommend this style of life for other folks. it’s pure chaos lmfao.
i doubt that i will ever outline short (<6k fic) but i’ve been trying to be better about writing small outlines for mid-long length fics. i went through a phase when i was writing long fic a lot where i was doing a ton of moodboards and drawing of plot lines and literally breaking things down day by day for the text - which was fun! but i think there’s a balance b/w that and not outlining at all that i need to find somehow haha.
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice:
listed a bunch here and here! but also
more poly fic - janstevetony, carolrhodeytony, caroljessrhodey, janesamthor, etc! this is more about having background comic knowledge to do justice to each character. so much to read...
young avengers fic! this is actually really likely bc i truly do love otgay more than i love any other ensemble in marvel, and i did recently catch up on death’s head/strikeforce/empyre but i feel like i would need to do more specifically Fic Research to adequately get a handle on how to characterize everyone. and i haven’t done that yet lol.
war-time 616 steve’s relationship to gender/sexuality
mcu natasha/pepper start a relationship before im2, emotional fall out from the events of im2, tony both thumbs-up in the background
callouts @ me:
di, belief in yourself is the best writing tool you have! believe in your words. give them attention, give them water, give them space in your life. let writing be a habit for yourself and cultivate it how you would any other plant cutting. turn into challenges, bc they’re what keep you lively and growing. let your work be an average, rather than striving to make everything you produce your best thing ever. be kind and gracious with yourself.
prioritize EDITING before posting, oh my god, di.  щ(゜ロ゜щ)
best writing traits:
prose/description is the most commonly complimented aspect of my writing! and i agree :’) i really do love to play with the inherent poetry of human existence. i also think i am good at setting up emotional tension (i want people to FEEL as much as i do all the time) and crafting a subversive narrative (starting with a climax and exploring resolution/genre blending/turning tropes upside down/talking about gender/queer experiences through a non-cishetero lens, etc.)
tangential opinion: “Friends and support are a thousand times more important for your well-being as a writer than anything else.” - oluka
gonna echo this, actually! i’m a part of a lot of og writing groups and its really taught me how essential feeling safe talking about your work and sharing it is. that’s how you develop inspirations. s’why i’ve been attempting to slide back into discord lately, as i get into marvel again haha.
also, tbh, don’t be afraid to like things! enjoy what you enjoy and do so wholeheartedly and unabashedly. don’t be ashamed of feeling things - about your writing or as inspiration for your writing!
tagging: i do NOT know who has done this already sorry! but i’d love to hear from @viudanegraaa @hungerpunch @alexenglish @ironlawyer @msermesth @welcomingdisaster @veryvincible (if you already did it, link me pls!)
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kendochick-moor · 2 years
August 2008 - ATLA - Manly Men
Story Title: Manly Men
Chapter: 01
Author: Moor (or ‘beyondthemoor’ from LJ)
Length: approx. 1300 words
Genre: General/Comedy/PWP
Rating: I’ll say T
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Summary: AU in that it is the Avatar-verse, however when the Fire Lord and his brother were young men. Iroh decides to try and bond with his younger brother by taking him camping. Crack-fic.
Disclaimer: I have no ownership of “Avatar: The Last Airbender”.
  The bird hopped around on the outcroppings of its gilded cage in one of the common rooms of the royal family’s palace, peeping and chirping at the noise made by the two men across from her. The older, stout one was trying to convince the younger, sophisticated one to do something, and the younger one was adamantly opposed. There was a pile of outdoorsy equipment beside the stout one, and he was gesturing confidently. The slighter one looked dismissively in the other direction and started walking away.
The bird flapped her wings and watched the lordlings squabble a bit longer before the elegant one crossed his arms in front of him and growled in half-hearted agreement. The older one was quite jubilant, and clapped his brother on the bank heartily. The receiver of the encouraging smack stumbled slightly and glared back.
 They were all outside. It looked like the royal pair were about to take a trip.
 Stout was commanding Slim to do something, and Slim was ignoring him. Stout had a battered canvas knapsack with all the barest essentials in it; the sign of an experienced outdoorsman and camper. His colleague, however, held but a small, elaborately decorated pouch tied to his wrist. Stout was adamantly pointing at the pouch and then back at his own bag. Slim gave him only a bored expression and reply.
The palace watch-cat tilted its left head to one side; there didn’t seem to be anything strange about the scene. Then again, it was a cat. The younger royal was about to take a trip; he had his usual entourage of servants carrying all his belongings, all lined up behind him in orderly fashion and decked to the nines as any royal procession should. Stout looked even stouter in comparison.
 Stout huffed mightily and puffed out his chest before setting out on his way, walking down the vast road that led away from the palace and into the forested area of the grounds.
Slim entered his palanquin and with an elegant hand motioned his porters to rise and follow his older brother.
 Nothing out of the ordinary at all, thought the cat, as Slim’s parade of porters, cooks, gardeners, guards, secretaries, feng shui experts, biographical cataloguers, scribes, tutors, well-wishers, harem girls, and hairstylists headed towards the wooded keep. His manicurist struggled under the weight of his backpack, but sprinted to keep up with the rest.
The cat settled down in a patch of sun and rolled onto its back, paws in the air, to have a good snooze. Humans were too silly to understand. Why leave when there was sunshine right here?
 He was so enthusiastic and happy, the lizards and bottom-dwelling creatures of the forest couldn’t help but peek their heads out of their hollows to watch him.
His rotund face pink with excitement and exertion, Stout was exuberantly explaining to Slim how to start a campfire in the woods with nothing but his own two hands as he rubbed two sticks together as quickly as he could, a tremulous furl of smoke rising from the heat created by their friction. Stout scrambled down to blow gently on the budding campfire, his eyes bright with excitement and what he hoped would be enough motivation to garner his brother’s interest. Said brother was sitting atop a plushy cushioned lounge futon that was situated on a handwoven carpet his porters had carried for him to the campsite.
 Then the experienced one seemed to ask Slim a question, to invite him to come help him by the looks of things. Slim just have misunderstood, or perhaps he hadn’t been listening (he’d been resting his head on his palm and looking quite bored), because he suddenly flicked his wrist; the budding campfire was engulfed in a firebending blast and became a raging inferno.
Stout scrambled backwards and landed on his rump.
 Then he started yelling at Slim.
Slim motioned to one of his servants to bring out a small box of medicine to treat his brother’s now-absent eyebrows.
 The lizard closest to Slim heard him give a small chuckle, hidden behind the sleeve of his robe.
 The fish smelled human in the water, but the scent of bait was far more enticing and they abandoned their wariness in search of a good meal.
 A large bare foot moved carefully in the water as a large bare leg settled its owner in the deeper trench of the water, where the water was stiller. He held a fishing pole in one hand and a net in the other, and watched the rippling currents for any sign of motion. His forehead was wrapped up securely to keep the ointment in place over his eyes. He was starting to look a little wild. He still had his patience, however.
 He stayed very still, watching. Watching. Watching. Watching…
 Slim fell asleep under his shaded chaise longue on the shore. His servants continued fanning him anyway.
 Some time later, he tentatively opened an eye and glanced about, satisfied he was still being showered with attention. Noting Stout still had not caught their supper yet, he ordered two of his servants put into action. Four legs leapt into the water with a several-yard-wide net strung between them. They crossed to the middle of the river, separated, waited three minutes before joining together again and leaving the water with a net full of fish.
 Sighing as if he’d just finished a mildly difficult task, Slim went back to sleep.
 He missed the narrow-eyed glare Stout couriered him.
 Writing notes:
(future part: starting fire again; Iroh again tries to show Ozai; Ozai sends a servant to firebend; Iroh becomes enraged; Ozai shrugs & rolls his eyes.)
 (future part: have Iroh give Ozai ‘the talk’ ?)
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watchathon · 4 years
Avatar: The Last Airbender, Series Finale: Sozin’s Comet
In case you’re finding this post just by browsing the tags I’ve used for this post, this is the Watchathon, a blog where I’m hoping to watch an episode of a TV show every weekday, with a short blog post where I write down my thoughts as I watch. Each new thought starts with a hyphen and a bolded first word.
- Like so. Now that the introductions are over with, it’s time to break that one-episode-a-day rule and finish off Avatar: The Last Airbender with the climactic grand finale, Sozin’s Comet:
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- Okay, so, Katara in the intro is still saying “He has a lot to learn before he’s ready to save anyone.” I could’ve sworn they removed that part by this point... Maybe that was just something for the DVD?
- I like that the “Previously on” segment is so long. It really emphasizes how much buildup there was to this. How much the Gaang has been through to get here.
- I gotta say, I was not expecting a beach party in this episode.
- Somehow, for reasons I can’t explain because I don’t understand them myself, this ambush from Zuko made the audio of Nicolas Cage saying “Surprise attack!” in Into the Spider-Verse play in my head.
- Zuko’s really lucky that he earned Katara’s forgiveness before this violent pop quiz, seeing as just a half season ago... “You take one step backwards... one slip up... give me one reason to think you might hurt Aang - and you won't have to worry about your destiny anymore. Because I'll make sure your destiny ends right then and there. Permanently.”
- It never occurred to me that we didn’t get details on the war meeting before now.
- I’d bet hearing about this plan is the thing that tipped the scales and fully convinced Zuko to join the Gaang, and prevent the genocide of the Earth Kingdom.
- It’s so nice to see Zuko being welcomed into the group hugs. Especially when it’s Katara who invites him.
- I like that Zuko is teaching Aang to redirect lightning, the same way Iroh taught him.
- Even before it’s made explicit, you can tell that Aang’s uneasy about the idea of killing.
- Toph is just delighting in her role as Melon Lord, isn’t she?
- Someone out there has definitely written an AU fanfic where someone gets killed during this training and it’s Toph’s origin story as the malicious Melon Lord. If not, then I will write it myself, and it shall be the crackiest crack fic that ever cracked.
- Y’know what, I wish Toph could’ve actually gone on a life-changing field trip with Zuko too! Everyone else got one...
- This scene of Sokka climbing into Appa’s mouth is even more uncomfortable once you’ve... well, once you’ve grown up and... Okay, I tried to put it subtly, but I just can’t: Once you’ve been cursed with the knowledge of what vore is.
- Well, there’s a bait-and-switch if I’ve ever seen one: “Azula, you’re the new Fire Lord!” “=)” “But I am now the Phoenix King and still your superior who you will answer to.” “=O”
- Nice to see June and her Shirshu make a comeback.
- Does this mean Aang wasn’t running away on purpose? I honestly thought he was just going to that island to get some alone time, maybe meditate or contact the previous Avatars’ spirits.
- I’m not sure if this is something I forgot from June’s first appearance, or if it’s actually just never been brought up before, but I didn’t know her Shirshu had a name.
- It’s sweet that Zuko is seeking out Iroh’s help. Even if the method of finding him is, ah, well... unorthodox.
- Even Avatar Roku doesn’t know where Aang is. And here I thought it was some Avatar thing that had never been brought up before.
- It’s nice to see these people make a comeback. Bumi, Piandao, even Jeong Jeong and Master Pakku are here for the finale.
- I am surprised that we didn’t get an interaction between Toph and Bumi, though. The man Aang wanted to teach him Earthbending, the girl who ended up doing it... But I guess there’s only so much time, and I don’t think there’s any scenes that could be deleted to make room for it.
- It seems like Aang is just searching for confirmation of his beliefs, rather than actually seeking wisdom.
- I like that we get to see Bumi taking full advantage of the eclipse to take back Omashu from the Fire Nation, instead of just being told about it.
- It’s nice to see so many past Avatars beyond just Roku and Kyoshi, Avatars that we never heard of before, but now we hear their stories. But all of these past Avatars echo the same sentiment that Aang should kill Ozai, even an Air Nomad Avatar.
- What can I say about this scene of Zuko and Iroh reuniting? Forgive me for echoing a post I made on my main blog, but this is a scene that’s both sweet and sad.
Sad, because Zuko’s abuse at the hands of Fire Lord Ozai left him anxiously expecting furious punishment for crimes much less than what he did to Iroh. He can’t even comprehend the idea that Iroh would forgive him. His expression while apologizing to Iroh clearly shows he’s expecting the worst.
Sweet, because Iroh still loves Zuko like his own son, and doesn’t even need to forgive him because he never felt anger at Zuko’s betrayal: Only sadness and a worry that Zuko had lost his way, truly lost his honor. And Iroh is so clearly happy to see that Zuko has found his destiny, and joined the fight against the Fire Nation.
I could go on and on about this scene... It’s my absolute favorite scene in the whole series and it brings me to tears every single time I see it.
Gosh... it’s gonna be so awkward going back to the jokes and little mundane thoughts after this, isn’t it?
- Okay, I have officially given up on the idea of finding out what the heck this island is.
- I like the smile on Katara’s face, when she’s asked to team up with Zuko and fight Azula.
- It’s nice to know that Iroh will get the opportunity to run that tea shop, even if Zuko won’t be there to work with him.
- Okay, okay, so the island was actually a lion turtle. Frankly, I’ve still got a lot of questions. Even some new ones.
- It’s nice to see that the Netlix subtitles aren’t ALLCAPS anymore.
- Gotta hand it to the music, it can make even a scene of Azula making a fuss over a non-pitted cherry rather unnerving.
- Azula’s... Azula-ness has gone straight up to eleven with her newfound role. Hasn’t it? What with all the banishments, even banishing the entire Dai Li.
- Sokka, Suki and Toph are the real dream team. 
- And we get a great final blind joke!
- I like that we get to see everyone doing their part in this final battle. All the members of the Gaang, even the White Lotus, get their moments to shine.
- The hallucination of Ursa shows that Azula, on some level, has an idea of what’s wrong with her. You can tell that they were thinking of a redemption arc for Azula come Book 4, though I am glad that didn’t happen.
- It’s chilling to see Ozai razing the forests of the Earth Kingdom like it’s nothing. And then to realize that this is what Aang will have to face.
- At first I wasn’t sure what Sokka’s plan was, but now that I see it in action, it’s really creative.
- I like the idea of a final one-on-one Zuko vs Azula duel(...a). It’s been a rivalry since Book 2, and it’s nice to finally see it get settled, even if I can’t imagine it’ll end up that easy: Otherwise, what would Katara do?
- It’s so cool to see Aang showing his prowess in all bending techniques, using them all in this final showdown.
- The background music during Zuko and Azula’s Agni Kai really sells it. It makes it sound almost tragic, and it is: two siblings pitted against each other, no choice but to fight to determine the future of the world.
- Azula might be slipping, but she’s still Azula, all too willing to cheat in what’s supposed to be a one-on-one duel.
- Netflix isn’t showing the intro for the individual parts, but I’ve gotta say... There’s no way that Katara’s still saying Aang’s “got a lot to learn before he’s ready to save anyone.” Right?
- I like that we get to see one last use of Metalbending from Toph in the finale.
- Dang, I hope this isn’t really the end for Sokka’s sword, or his boomerang. Especially when the sword was so cool, and one could say meaningful.
- I honestly wasn’t sure the Avatar State would ever be a factor again. But if there was ever a time, this is it. (ADDENDUM: This is probably the best time to clarify that I find and add the images at the start after writing the rest of the post.)
- And it’s so epic to see Aang bending all four elements at once.
- I like that Iroh got to burn down the Fire Nation flag.
- Since Zuko’s down for the count, I guess this means a battle between Katara and Azula, the latter powered up by Sozin’s Comet.
- To be honest, I could barely make out what Azula just said. “kjsdbksrbfkjvf family position to look after, kdcbkfh”?
- Katara may not be stronger than Sozin’s Comet-powered Azula, but she’s much more clever than Azula is right now as she loses her marbles.
- This is just the perfect kind of defeat for Azula. There’s no grace to it, no dignity, just writhing around, screaming and spewing fire as Zuko and Katara look on with pity.
- There’s probably a great practical reason someone could find for Spiritbending being a thing, but here’s why I’m glad it exists: Aang gets a happy ending. He gets to take down the Fire Lord, and hold true to his beliefs. If it weren’t for Spiritbending, if Aang killed Ozai, then he would be conflicted to the end.
And I don’t want that. I want Aang to get an unambiguously, undoubtedly happy ending, where the world is saved and that’s all there is to it.
Plus, Spiritbending is quite the spectacle.
- I’m guessing Sokka’s space sword and boomerang really are done for. But hey, there’s always headcanon. Maybe Sokka searched the forest and eventually found them.
- Weird to think that Ty Lee’s gonna be a Kyoshi Warrior.
- Again, I can’t believe Zukaang’s not the most popular Zuko ship in the fandom. Not a ship I’ll go to bat for, but it’s got all the hallmarks of a fan-preferred couple.
- It’s so nice to see Zuko’s coronation, and the official end to the war. It’s a happy ending for the whole world, the start of an era of peace.
- “Love and peace,” huh...? Now that’s funny to hear in the finale to this show, considering the next show I’m covering, come 2021...
- I like that we get to see one last confrontation between Zuko and Ozai. Even if Zuko’s question of where Ursa is doesn’t go anywhere (in the show, I know they touch on that in the comics), it’s nice to see the newly-crowned Fire Lord Zuko having evolved past a need for Ozai’s attention, or a fear of Ozai’s wrath.
- It’s nice to see the whole Gaang having fun at Iroh’s tea shop, in the end. And I stand corrected, this is where we get the final blind joke.
I’m lucky in that most of my childhood cartoons hold up as an adult. I watched Kim Possible, Phineas and Ferb, Code Lyoko, Courage the Cowardly Dog...
Still, there’s something special about Avatar: The Last Airbender. It had a unique aesthetic and world that no other show was quite like. It had a story that was like nothing I’d ever seen as a kid.
And it doesn’t just hold up, it’s even better.
When I was a kid, it was as simple as rooting for the good guys to win, and for the Firebenders to lose, except for Zuko once he turned good.
Now, as an adult (but mostly as someone with a DVD player/Netflix account so I’m not just watching whatever reruns I can catch) I can appreciate the character development, the arcs, the entire story.
I can appreciate how Aang grew from a little boy who does indeed have a lot to learn before he’s ready to save anyone, into a hero who could save the world.
I can appreciate how Zuko was an abuse victim who did what all abused children wish they could do and left his abuser.
I can appreciate... Gosh, Iroh’s entire character and dynamic with Zuko.
Some people say that Avatar “starts off as a kids show, then turns serious”, but I’d disagree. Avatar is a show where our heroes change, where they learn lessons, where they come of age and become the kind of heroes who can end a war that’s been going on for over a century.
As relieved as I am to be (mostly) done with these posts for the rest of the year, I am still oh-so-glad that I’ve rewatched Avatar yet again, and I know that I will be whenever I rewatch it in the future.
Now, with all that said... Farewell! Until the Christmas special, at least...
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fontainebleau22 · 3 years
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100 Days of Writing: Day 94 (2nd September)
What's a clever/funny/cool AU that someone, maybe you, could write of your WIP? 
Well, my WIP is a canon-divergent story, though it’s firmly set in the canon universe, but it’s also AU-ish in the sense that it’s trying to read real-life events through the prism of the killjoys universe. So taking it out of canon and into an AU would give it a third layer.
What might be funny, come to think of it, is that the killjoys are essentially outlaws, so they could theoretically be moved into an Old West setting, which is where most of my previous fics have been set. Or, new idea screeching in, one of the characters in canon who I haven’t really engaged with so far is the Phoenix Witch, and she might be interesting if she was part of the Endless ‘verse (or the more obscure Lords of Darkness ‘verse, since I crossed those two over last year). Or maybe one of the more frequent AUs which you find in killjoys fanfic, where the characters are actually avatars in a video game played by their real-life counterparts - that would send the story folding back on itself in a complicated way.
Or (I should stop this free-associating before it gets out of hand), what if the killjoys characters realised that they were avatars in a video game? The problem with canon is that the world is very limited and the characters trapped in it - what if they realised that they were trapped and that there was another world on the other side of the glass? That’s actually a really interesting idea.
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shadowsong26fic · 3 years
Coming Attractions!
Which I definitely forgot to do last month, ah well.
As per usual, this is also an Open Question Night post! Aka, while my askbox is always open, tonight I’ll be keeping an eye on it and around to answer in a semi-reasonable timeframe. Feel free to ask about anything in the post, or anything I’ve talked about here on tumblr, or posted on AO3, etc. ...I don’t recall if I have any active memes or anything, it’s been a while since I’ve been super on tumblr...but anyway, ask away!
I do also take prompts, but no promises on when I’ll get around to filling them. I still have a few sitting around from. Uh. Last year........
But anyway, what’s on your mind?
The first Preludes story went up this past weekend! Somewhat later than I’d planned, but there was another project that ended up eating a lot of my writing time/brain, alas. This one features Lavinia, Mara Jade, Kallus, a Legends cameo, and the introduction of another recurring OC. The next one will...proooooobably be Hondo, Kanan, Ezra, Obi-Wan, and Anakin? Assuming that’s the next one I finish.
There will be seven in total, and the other five will involve whatever’s going to go down with Maul; Hera and her contact in this AU; Sidious’s Fifth Titled Apprentice; and...I’m still considering the last two, lol. Maybe something to do with Mandalore; probably something more Senate-focused...I’ll work it out.
As I mentioned in the tumblr post and I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned before, I’m going to continue posting these alongside the first arc or two of Protectors, which should debut...sometime in the next couple weeks, lol.
Most of these, as you may have guessed, are shoehorning Rebels content and characters into an AU that wasn’t designed with them in mind. The gist of it is, S1 of Rebels goes more or less in canon, and then...S2 probably went differently just because of where Certain Key Players were, but I’m handwaving most of the details unless they’re interesting enough to show explicitly (probably in the Maul Prelude, if nothing else). But for the most part (even though this doesn’t, uh, entirely make sense necessarily XD) anything that doesn’t directly involve Vader/Ahsoka/Rex/Force Woo probably happened similarly. Most notably, The Honorable Ones and all plot points following directly on that happen essentially as in canon. The Mandalore plotlines are also essentially the same. ...oh, I probably should address Thrawn, since I need him in a slightly different position a few years later for spoiler reasons...
Leaving that aside...as I said, Protectors will start coming out soon, I’m just finishing up what I want for the first chapter or two, and waffling on how I want to tag some things. There is a...possible major character death in arc 14, but I’m going back and forth on whether or not I actually want to do it, which changes what tags/warnings I include...
But I’ll work that out and get it out before too much longer!
Other Star Wars Projects:
I have a Thing coming out at the end of this month or early next month, for pod_together. I’m pretty excited about it, I’ve listened to my podficcer’s first draft and am making minor edits/etc., but I think we’re in pretty good shape ^_^
Other than that, I don’t have any concrete plans for new SW fic in the near future. I’m going to buckle down and really get some momentum with Protectors and Preludes for the most part, maybe start poking at some ideas/concepts for next year’s SWBB.
Maybe also crossposting some tumblr-exclusive oneshots like I started doing last winter, or picking up with one of the AU outlines that I keep meaning to continue (Ventress + Luke, Let’s Go Steal a Crossover) but...well, we’ll see how time/brain works out this month.
Other Fanfic Projects:
I will have some standalone/fulltext AtLA fic out later this month, I promise XD It’ll be an Avatar Zuko AU, I’m putting the text together and figuring out how I want to structure it, etc.
I’m also genuinely working on a BSG/SG-1 crossover AU outline. It’s. Already quite long and I haven’t even gotten to most of the meat of the crossover yet, lol. But at least the first chunk of that will probably be up sometime later this month, too. Fingers crossed. That’s the plan, anyway.
Original Work:
I haven’t done much in the last month or two, but I’m hoping to get back into this. Both for extant ‘verses and really diving into Arthuriana research because I want to write that one story, maybe really working it up to Publishable??? We’ll see how it goes...
...I think that about covers it! Like I said at the beginning of the post, we’ll also do an Open Question Night, and I’d love to hear about what you guys are working on! What’s on your mind?
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WIP challenge
Tell your blog the titles of all the WIPs you are currently working on right now and a little about them and then tag five other writers.
I was tagged by @thetimemoves​. Thank you!
I re-read the instructions, saw the word “all”, and went Oh. No. Because, well, I really am quite terrible.
The Sorceress’s Husband - This is the latest one, which pretty much popped into my head fully-formed when I finally realized what the lyrics of Charming Disaster’s Little Black Bird were saying. Meant it to be a quick little one-shot, but it said, nope, it wanted to be a re-telling of A Study in Pink too, aside from being a fairy tale.
005 - It’s porn about porn, from the kink meme, that has taken me years to write, but I wander back over to this one whenever I feel like I don’t know how to write anymore.
The Turning Point - Mystrade for @merelypassingtime, where Greg does ballet and Mycroft makes a habit of looking in on the older boys when he comes to pick his little brother up from dance class. Research for this was fun because I dove headfirst into Mikhail Baryshnikov videos. This needs one more chapter. I have most of it. I am stuck on a transition and have rewritten it so many times.
Only the End of the World Again - a Good Omens crossover for @khorazir, which is set after the events of Good Omens: Aziraphale and Crowley ask the world’s only consulting detective for help to keep the world from ending. Again. But not Armageddon, that’s been and done.
No Earthly Thing – a fic for @consultingsmartass where Sherlock gets cursed with tentacles, that is also a re-telling of The Devil’s Foot. I tore through so much Celtic mythology and fairy lore for this and I need to stop re-writing the third chapter and just plain old write it, I need to get to Leona Sterndale.   
A Study in Emerald-verse companion to The Hunting Dogs - I want to write this one so badly, and have a few lines down, but do not know if I can do it properly, no matter how many times I read The Lion’s Mane and The Musgrave Ritual. 
Persuading Violet Merville - a sequel to The Seduction of John S. Willoughby, which was my first Sherlock fic. It’s meant to be The Illustrious Client and The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax smashed together, and I know what’s getting me with this one is that I can’t write like I did Seduction, churning out a chapter a day, back when I was half-mad and clinging to everything Sherlock like a lifeline.
Shameless – a kink meme fill where Sherlock and John meet in a club, and have a one night stand. They have been stuck in the one night stand for years now. Help.
Out of Innsmouth – a kink meme fill where John has tentacles, and, well. It’s a kink meme fill. With tentacles. That’s still ongoing.
Black Gods and Ivory Boxes - My first foray into A Study in Emerald AU for BBC Sherlock. I want to write the rest of this. I know how it goes. But I need to heavily re-write the extant bits first, because this was from when I was consuming George R.R. Martin and you can tell I was trying for grimdark and gritty, but that just isn’t how I do things at all. 
The Last Night at the End of the World - Adlock. I am very fond of this, but I wrote myself into a corner and need to extricate myself. And them. Help.
Don’t You Ever Tame Your Demons - started for a prompt asking that John be a certain type of incubus that needs to procreate. I, um, don’t know if this one will see the light of day tbh.
Boots and the Glass Mountain - suggested by @bluebellofbakerstreet when I threw out a post asking for fairy tale to smash into fic. I’m excited to get to this one! It would have been my January fic if “Little Black Bird” hadn’t hijacked my brain.
Snow White and Rose Red - @kitten-kin suggested this on the same fairy tale post, and I don’t know how to do this fic yet, but I am determined to figure it out precisely because I don’t know how to do it.
And, because it occupies a significant portion of my notebook and my head, an original story as yet untitled, where an evil spy (just a job title), a warrior (of sorts), a witch who can’t do magic, a goddess’s avatar, and a girl who just wants to go home need the Chosen One to defeat a Dark Lord - only the Chosen One’s mother won’t hear of her going anywhere near the bastard because the girl is seven. Her mother’s coming instead. 
And those are the ones that I am working on, though I might be missing one or two. It’s a horrifically long list, but seeing it laid out like that makes it a little less daunting for me. Now I have a checklist. Yay!
Tagging @merelypassingtime, @bluebellofbakerstreet, @khorazir, @helloliriels, and anyone who’d like to have a crack at this! (Also apologies if you’ve been tagged before and I didn’t notice.)
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rainbowcarousels · 3 years
hello! two things- 1. i really really love jbwsm; it's helped me through a lot and is truly writer goals. your characterizations are also just perfect. 2. i was wondering what your plans are for degradation...? hollander (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻
Thank you! I don’t know how much a writers goals it is since it’s gotten quite a lot out of hand but I’m glad you’re enjoying it!
As for degradation, there’s a couple of factors at play and I’ll shove this under a cut in case people don’t want to be spoiled on this
The first and foremost being that lovely AU - Everyone Lives/Nobody dies tag, ty ao3. 
They’re all a fair bit older than they were in CC. If the shoulder injury had happened in verse, it would have been about five years before our current time in fic. So obviously, that didn’t happen. That doesn’t mean that the genetic leak isn’t there but if the way Angeal began to change rapidly (and to a point, so did Genesis) after the first copies were created, I think copies exacerbated the issue and sped up a process that was already happening. 
Based on the fact Angeal showed little outward signs (other than his wing which may just be a Jenova Gives You Wings thing instead of degradation because Sephiroth also has one) of degradation before his battle as Angeal Penance and Genesis eventually was only healed after being defeated as Genesis Avatar, to me this says the ‘leak’ is in the shapeshifting part of their genetic code. As of right now, they don’t even know what Jenova is or that they have the ability to shape shift at all. They’re still under the impression they’re entirely human, even if Sephiroth has doubts of that for other reasons i.e. the monsters.  They don’t know about the copy phenomena and maybe more importantly, neither does Hollander because he discovered it while treating Genesis’s shoulder. 
Which is a long explanation for me saying that yes, the degradation still exists but it’s very low key because nothings triggering it to cascade. I have dropped hints here and there but I don’t know if people picked up on them or not as they try to logic it away as they’re tired, they’re getting older, Genesis is generally moody and impulse driven, Angeal is more prone to depressive spirals. I think the struggle of the latest chapter hasn’t helped, stress on the mind is also stress on the body, but they don’t know there’s anything wrong. It’s not going to be a major plotline, though I do plan to address it and it’s part of the reason Nibelheim has to come first because it won’t work without it. 
On the Hollander front, you won’t have to wait long to figure out what’s going to happen there. It’s in the next chapter.
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volkswagonblues · 4 years
[tagged by @verdanthoney]
name: so fun fact, my parents named me after scarlett o’hara in Gone With The Wind
fandom(s): ATLA, and increasingly these days, His Dark Materials. I also read a lot outside of fandom, so I guess just...random books?
where you post: AO3 for polished stuff and tumblr for snippets
most popular oneshot: lol I really only have 2 completed fics on AO3, so I guess Through the Ice Darkly, my zukka role reversal fic where the NWT attacked instead of the Fire Nation, and now Sokka is a prince and Zuko and his sister are scrappy nobodies looking for the AVatar
most popular multichapter fic: ....yeah so that’ll have to be my only other fic. the firebender’s guide to living life after destiny
favorite story you’ve written so far: it’s not finished yet, but my other fic in the same universe as Through the Ice Darkly. I did a lot of research into Inuit culture so portray the SWT in this ‘verse, so I’m really excited about it. 
fic you were nervous to post: probably the fic I talked about in the question above. It’s a fun fic but it’s also VERY different from canon, because it’s an AU, and the zukka is there but it’s not a main focus. It’s more of a character study of Sokka and an adventure story in a similar philosophical/spiritual vein as His Dark Materials. I haven’t posted it yet, but I suspect it won’t do too well because it might not appeal to shippers. idk! hopefully people will give it a shot
how you choose your titles: i close my eyes and let dumb inspiration strike
do you outline?: TRAGICALLY, yes. I also write non linearly and move stuff around a lot. I talked about how I outline here, and its bananas.
complete: my two (2) fics are sort of complete
in progress: sequel to Through the Ice Darkly! and a really fun and satirical kidfic set on ember island with some piandao/jeong jeong on the side. And a fic about how zuko and sokka end up with baby druk.
coming soon/not yet started: I keep talking about writing a realistic university AU where sokka is actually inuk and zuko is taiwanese-japanese, but uh, maybe one day
do you accept prompts?: I love all prompts, the crazier the better
upcoming work that you’re most excited about: sequel to Through the Ice Darkly!!
[@elilim and @gideongriddle  you two should do this!!]
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spikeymarshmallows · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by: @circumstellars
Name(s): Spikey, Spikles
Fandom(s): The Umbrella Academy
Where you post: Ao3 y’all
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos): Techhhhnically this is a one-shot, but it’s a very long Five + One fic and it really should have been posted as a multi-chap but yolo... But “all tangled close”. The next one that definitely is a one-shot is “ache”.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos): The City Two-Four, which is more casually known as “Detective Fic”. It’s my pride and joy and I am so grateful for the response it has been given T.T
Favorite story you’ve written so far: The City Two-Four and “portrait of the aftermath”. Look, I love The City, and I think it’s honestly.... pretty good. But “portrait” is just... honestly, one of the best things I’ve ever written. I don’t know what it is about it, but I think that if Detective fic didn’t exist, this would be my favourite fic I’ve ever written.
Fic you were nervous to post: Lmaooo. All of them? Um, The City, because it was such a big project, and I was so worried how people would feel about it (and I’m still worried about whether I’ll stick the landing.....). And uh, “all eyes on you”, which is like, a huge look into my id, and also is really heavy degradation and I went hard, and I was sooo nervous people would judge me for it... Oh, and the vomit one... ANYWAY. A LOT OF THEM.
How do you choose your titles?: The City Two-Four was because I loosely based the humour etc on Brooklyn Nine-Nine (but we don’t know the City’s name, and Two-Four.... Number Two and Number Four....). All the Museum ‘verse fics have names that are based on artworks, etc. The rest? IDK. My only rule is that I cannot use song lyrics, or even something too close to song lyrics. This is for no reason other than every time I see the fic, the song will get stuck in my head. :/
Do you outline?: Yes! The intensity of it depends on a lot of things. Sometimes it’s just “Klaus and Diego talk to the victim”. Other times, it’s.... very detailed. Oh, and any “big” fic gets an outline to a degree. But it’s not like.... I know some people snowflake (my best friend does!) but I sure as fuck don’t. I tend to be closer to the “flashlight” method, but more detail in some places than others.
Complete: Uh, technically speaking... 35. I have 35 fics on Ao3 for TUA, and Detective hasn’t finished posting, but it’s entirely written :) 
In-Progress: Oh dear god.... Museum ‘Verse (Christmas fic, Klaus getting successful, Vanya’s book, Klaus graduating, getting married, post S1), Boots ‘Verse (Safewording gone wrong, Drop), Genderbend AU (Shaving), a GIANT FUCKING Sci-Fi Dystopia AU, Kluther... Shibari fic... High School AU, the kids go into foster care and start public school AU... Sex worker Klaus, Hogwarts AU... And uh. That’s without opening Scrivener to check what else I’m missing... Oh. An Avengers AU...
Coming soon/not yet started: Not yet started... Enola Holmes AU, Queen’s Gambit AU, Avatar AU... S2 AU where Kliego go to the 60′s together, an AU where Klaus is in Lila’s spot in the asylum... Ace!Klaus, Ace!Five A/B/O Fiego fic, an angels and demons AU....
Prompts?: I love getting prompts!! It’s always just uh... How long will it take me to fill them? Never sure lol. I mean, here were some I received.... I’ve only filled one thus far... But like, I was originally a lot better at filling prompts! And I love to get them! In fact, I’m still working on some of the very first prompts I got.... Sex Worker Klaus is one of them... :3
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: ...Too many. It depends! I’m excited for my Christmas Fic because it’s got some missing pieces for the Museum ‘verse. I’m excited as fuck for my sci-fi AU. I’m excited to do all these weird AUs that I wanna do... I’m also excited to someday finish the shibari fic... My most-excited-for varies on the hour :)))))
I taggggg (if you wanna do it, of course): @electra-xt, @unrememberedskies, @sarkywoman, @rappaccini, @oddree13, @geometryoftime, and anyone else that wants to do the thing!!!
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kiintsugi · 4 years
paper castles, hollow crowns
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Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Category: F/F, M/F Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender Relationships: Katara/Zuko, Azula/Ty Lee Characters: Katara, Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, Azula, Toph, Sokka, Suki Additional Tags: Dark!verse, Alternate Universe – Canon Divergent, Fire Nation Victory AU, Redemption AU, Tyzula, Zutara, Hurt/comfort, angst, mutual pining, aged up characters, enemies to lovers, mentions of abuse, emotional hurt/comfort, eventual smut, pov changes by chapter, Azula is a useless lesbian, bisexual Ty Lee, bisexual disaster Zuko, eventual Zutara, established Tyzula, sort of, i am once again asking you to read a wip i have no update schedule for Summary: They call him the Avatar Killer, hero of the Fire Nation, son of Firelord Ozai. Only one of those things are true. But Avatar Aang is dead, Azula saw to that personally, and the credit is his. it’s been five years since that day, but Zuko and Azula’s work in the name of their father is far from over. Aang’s influence spread like a disease across the earth kingdom, and now the resistance is fighting back. Faced with the realities of war and the consequences of their past, Zuko and Azula return to the Earth Kingdom for one final mission: to stamp out the resistance, no matter the cost. Also known as the Zuko and Azula redemption fic/character study no one asked for with lots of Zutara and Tyzula because I’m trash
Zuko peers down at the small paper place card that reads, “Azula, Crown Princess of the Fire Nation” with a bitter scowl. He had thought that by now, he’d be used to being second-at-best at everything Azula ever decided to participate in, but there’s something about actually seeing his title being passed over to her that makes his blood boil.    
His own place card, one that simply reads “Prince Zuko, son of Firelord Ozai” is several seats down the table between two war Admirals, older even than Uncle Iroh, that smell of rotten fruit and old feet. Looking at it, Zuko realizes that even with his honor restored, he will never be good enough to earn a place at his father’s side. His hopes of being seated to his father’s left the way Azula is to be seated at his right, squandered and squashed. But, he thinks, those hopes were those of a child's, and Zuko is a man grown. Disappointed or not, he knows better than to let that feeling settle on his features. Especially in front of the royal family. 
“What’s the matter, Zuko?” Mai approaches from behind and entangles her arm around his own, leaning her chin on his shoulder. “You’re at the Fire Lord’s Honor Feast. Only the most important figures in the Fire Nation get invited. Isn’t that what you always wanted?”   
Zuko plucks his place card and squints at the glittering, golden font. “Azula says my father only does this dinner once a year out of traditional obligation. It’s supposed to inspire his soldiers. Make them believe that the war is just and they will be honored with titles and lordship for their service. But all he uses it for is to instill fear in his generals so that they’ll want to end the rebellion before he decides to end them.”   
“So then, don’t go. It’ll probably be boring anyway.” Mai shrugs and takes her own place card, which is placed in a pile that belongs to ‘the others’, groups of noble men and women lucky enough to be invited to the dinner but not honorable enough to be seated at the distinguished table, before sauntering off behind deep red velvet drapes to seat herself for royal dinner. “Have fun sulking by yourself.”   
“I will,” he argues all too loudly, stomping one foot on the ground with such force it was by the grace of the dragons that he's not an Earthbender.   
His father wouldn’t care if he showed up; not really. The only thing that mattered to Ozai, as far as Zuko can tell, is that he gets to show off his son as the infamous “Avatar Killer”. Something his father always does, just before going on to mention that he is, in fact, the lesser child. That for all of Zuko’s success in the war, none of it would be possible if it weren’t for the heir, Zuko’s sister, Azula.  
“Now now, Zuzu,” Azula’s voice rings in his head “I’m sure father wants you there. You are the Avatar Killer after all. Hero of the Fire Nation.”  
Zuko shakes his head at the thought. Sometimes it makes Azula’s voice go away. Other times it only makes her angry.   
“If you can’t be bothered to attend a royal dinner then maybe you don’t deserve to be royalty at all!”  
The place card bursts into flames in his fingers, and the ash sprinkles away. He curls his hands into fists and throws them down in an enraged fit, pacing the length of the small table. He groans audibly, gripping the sides of his head with calloused fingers and then marches through the velvets. He would show her. He would show Azula and Mai and his uncle. He would show his father, too. He’s more than just the Avatar Killer. He’s the prince of the Fire Nation. He commanded a ship, found the Avatar when no one said he would. He fought and beat Commander – no, Admiral – Zhao in Agni Kai. He was, no, he is, every bit as strong and royal and brave as Azula is. No matter what his father thinks. 
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umisabaku · 5 years
Sorry to bother you! Couldn’t help but notice that you like A:TLA and KnB.. Is there any chance that you would ever merge those two worlds? If not, that’s fine, but I just love your Designation series and I think it’d be amazing for Avatar and Kuroko verses to merge! Even if you didn’t, is there a faintest idea to where you would head in that kind of plot, character and story-wise? Thank you! You’re an amazing author and creator and I can’t wait for the rest of your MasaYou story!
Thank you so much, anon-friend! I am very glad you’re enjoying the MasaYou story so far =D Thank you for reading it =D =D And you are most certainly not a bother!!! It is always lovely to hear from people =)
I LOVE Avatar the Last Airbender, and it is one of my very favorite universes to see AU’s in fanart and fic. At least one person has already written a KNB/ATLA AU, that I know about. (Just sharing that with you in case you didn’t know one existed, anon-friend! I do think more than one person can write the same AU =D)
I personally have not put much thought into writing one, although I do think it would be intriguing! So I am definitely not saying that I wouldn’t. If I were going to write one, it would probably be a fusion, so the events and characters of ATLA probably wouldn’t appear, and it would just be the KNB characters set in that world.
I always feel in these sorts of things, the teams should all be in the same Nation, rather than divided up by personality traits. (Like, for Harry Potter AUs I think about, I always divide up the Houses by Teams instead of sorting individuals into the Houses that would best suit them). So I would probably put Yosen and Shutoku in the Earth Nation, Kaijou in the Water Nation, Rakuzan and Touou in the Fire Nation and for funsies, make Seirin the Air Nomads. (In an AU where there’s a lot more Air Nomads and also they’re not necessarily all monks).
Hmm, that’s about as far as I get, though. I think I’d probably focus a lot on either the relationships between non-benders and benders or benders from different nations, because I think that aspect would be interesting to explore.
Sooo yes, I think it’s something I would consider! Although I have a lot of other stories and AUs I would like to finish first…
Thanks for the question and the suggestion, anon-friend!
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me4ml · 5 years
Animorphs/Miraculous AU
I’m actually not really good at writing stuff, but I like to think I can do background well, which led me to this: the Miraculous Squad as the Animorphs. And rather than Southern California, the Yeerk Invasion (or Akuma Invasion, if you want to blend terminology), lands in Paris; and the five-minutes after using the Miraculous is pretty comparative to the two-hour morphing rule I’d say. This is mainly me spitballing, so if you have different ideas feel free to throw them out there! This isn't planning to be a fic, really, more of a though experiment I guess?
Figuring out who goes where was the trickiest issue, as personalities didn’t line up exactly. I’m happy with matchups, but if you feel different, let me know!
Marinette=Jake. Marinette’s most obvious analogue is Jake. They’re both the clear and defined leaders of their groups, and both are talented strategists. However, I think Marinette has some more in common with Cassie, as far as I think Marinette would try to empathize and work out a peaceful solution (as well as I think that Marinette would be an estreen like Cassie). Marinette doesn’t have the driving need to defeat the Yeerks like Jake does, due to his brother Tom being a Controller. Unless you want to use Marinette's dad being Controlled (parallel canon to Weredad) as the motivation (and that both Jake and Marinette's Controlled relatives would be named Tom is another point). Morphwise, Marinette's first morph would be a ladybug of course, and I think she would favor variety and intelligent animals more than anything. Elephant, orangutan and gorilla, racoon, and crow all fit into those categories, and she'd wind up with a mouse or rat morph as well.
Adrien=Tobias. Adrien was actually the hardest to place, because his personality has a number of parallels to several of the Animorphs. Storywise, he can compare to Marco, with a disappeared mom that everyone thinks is dead but really isn't (and you could also play with the "Emilie was the Peacock" theory and swing that back into her being a Visser One analogue, if you don't like Gabriel for it. Heck, you could say that Gabriel and Emilie were both infested and Controlled by Yeerks. Sorry for the tangent!) and a dad who is distant and withdrawn, though Marco's dad gets better. Adrien also parallels to Marco in that his dad is a super villain, mirroring Marco and Visser One. In his interest in gaming and comic books, and his relationship with Nino, I think there’s some Jake-Marco. But ultimately, Adrien simply isn’t ruthless enough to fit Marco. Surprisingly, someone who Adrien does fit in a certain way is Rachel. The two are the respective heavies of their teams, with Chat Noir and Cataclysm, and Rachel’s choice of morphs as grizzly and elephant. Adrien finds his freedom in Chat Noir, and Rachel finds her skill as a warrior in her morphing; and I think that it would be easy for Adrien to slowly become darker the longer he spends as Chat Noir, mirroring Rachel’s descent into bloodlust-and if ML weren’t a kids show, that would be an interesting direction to take, showing Adrien/Chat becoming more of an avatar of Destruction. Also, on a physical appearance level, Adrien ad Rachel are both blonde, and probably considered airheads by people who don't really know them. Ultimately, I think Adrien is the closest to Tobias because of his home life, and let's be honest: if anyone if going to be stuck in morph out of the MiracuSquad, it's Adrien. Though him disappearing would be MUCH more of a big deal than Tobias disappearing, simply because of who he is. Morphing, Adrien's first and favorite morph is a black housecat, and he really enjoys his feline morphs, like panthers, jaguars, leopards, tigers and lions. Out of anyone in the group, he has the most difficulty with the bird morphs.
Alya=Marco. I think Alya maybe comes the closest to Marco in her drive and determination, and her personality could develop the ruthlessness that Marco shows. She is also Marinette's best friend, mirroring Marco and Jake. Plus, if you want to go by ML, most of Alya's family has been akumatized, barring her mom. Maybe in this verse, Alya is the only one who hasn't been Controlled, and has to constantly avoid the pressure to be and then that plays into her Fox aspects as a trickster and deceiver? Alya also has some of Cassie's part, in that her dad is a zookeeper and this gives the Squad access to new morphs. Morphwise, Alya's favorite is a fox. She likes canine morphs, and has a wolf for battle, and also loves her bird morph because it allows her to get around Paris and catch scoops really easily. 
Nino=Cassie. Like Cassie, Nino is kind of the heart of the group. He's calm and balanced, and people just seem to like him. I don't have a lot of reasoning for this one, it just mainly feels like the right choice. Nino's first morph was a turtle (he might have gotten himself flipped over at one point), and I think he 'd end up picking either morphs that are reptilian in design, or large, powerful morphs that can do some damage (for some reason Nino as a moose hit me and made me laugh).
Chloe=Rachel. This might be the weakest comparison. Rachel and Chloe are both blonde, both have parental issues (Rachel is presented as quite the daddy's girl, and Chloe is....well, Chloe). Additionally, I don't think Chloe is as developed as Rachel was to start with, unless you want this to be a redeemed Chloe from the start. Maybe Chloe is proceeding along her character development path at the start, and grows into it? I do like Chloe gaining some venomous morphs, snakes and spiders (how she ends up with a wasp I have no clue), but I think she's be the most grab bag of them: a lioness to match Adrien, maybe a bear, leaning toward morphs that look pretty or have a reputation or appearance of status. 
Ax. Ax's role most likely is Plagg or Tikki, with the other one filling the Elfangor role. And the Miraculous jewelry box is the morphing cube. 
Lila is absolutely David.
And everyone has a pigeon morph!
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