#I honestly don't really care what things are called half as much as the actions being taken and how effective they're likely to be
shoyudon · 2 days
starring. toji fushiguro x fem! reader
heads up. cursing
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VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who received a call from the mall he works in because apparently someone's arm got stuck inside a vending machine right in the basement parking before he was going to go home from a long day.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who saw you sitting down on the floor in front of the vending machine, your head leaning on it — he could hear a string of curses escaping from your mouth as you moved your arm a bit. frankly, he finds it pretty funny that you were owning up to the consequences of your own actions.
"has nobody told you that y'r not supposed to put your hand up the vending machine?" toji mutters, almost satisfied.
you rolled your eyes, "just get me out of this."
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who had to endure at least the next fifteen minutes of you complaining about the same vending machine that you got stuck in, from the start of the alphabet till' the end.
"this thing ate my money, there's no way 'm leaving without my drink. stupid vending machine," you muttered out — toji trying his best to get your arm out without trying to possibly hurt you. honestly, he could care less about you getting hurt; he just didn't want his paycheck to be cut for your medication bills.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who finally got your arm out after half an hour, and got your drink out for you to shut you up from more complaints. it was a can of cold black coffee, which was what you needed after a twelve hours shift.
"thanks," you tell him — shoving the can of coffee inside your bag, "uh . . . do i need to pay for getting my arm out or should i just like . . . leave?"
he scoffs, "leave."
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who only got back to his apartment two hours later than usual because you decided it was the best time to get your arm stuck in the vending machine over ¥120 (approximately $0.77).
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who got a glass of boba from your workplace the next day because you felt bad he had to waste his time helping you after you got stuck. in your defense, you didn't want to waste your money.
"uh, i don't know if you like boba — i made it less sugar since you don't seem like the type to eat a lot of sugar, you know?" you pointed at his build, "but thanks for helping me last night."
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who begrudgingly accepted your drink and scoffed when he tasted it, 'less sugar' he thought taking another sip, biting onto the chewy boba coated with brown sugar liquid.
you were right about one thing, how he doesn't really like consuming too much sugar. despite the drink being 'less sugar' he still thought there was too much sugar — and despite that, he still managed to finish a whole glass of it, even chewing the last bit of ice.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who actually saw you in your workplace when he was called to fix a vending machine inside the mall. taking in a customer's order, looking really stressed when more customers decided to pop in. huffing, he decided to stop by just to mess with you.
"so . . . what's the best thing y'got in here?" he mutters.
you look at him, eyes narrowed. but this was him, the vending machine maintenance as your customer, "brown sugar boba, fresh milk red bean matcha boba, red bean mochi fresh milk," you explained, pointing to every picture on the menu you just mentioned.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who decided it was best to mess with you even more, bringing back his complaint about the drink you made him this morning.
"red bean mochi fresh milk, less sugar." toji underlines, taking out his wallet — even if he didn't want to buy a glass of sugar after drinking one earlier this morning.
"that will be ¥320 (approximately $2.07), please."
he huffs, "people pay that much for a glass of sugar?" and then he slid a couple of bills towards you.
"you're paying that much for sugar, you're one to say," you retort back, opening the cash register to return back his change and a small paper of his bill.
"one star for bad service," he muttered, grabbing back his change.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who for some reason, gets the most random call from inside the mall asking for the vending machine to be fixed. maybe because he doesn't fix them whole-heartedly just so he could mess with you by ordering the most outrageous drinks — at first it started out as little mocking smiles, and gestures.
but he felt as if that wasn't enough, so he decided to take a step further by messing with you on your job, urging you to make the smallest mistakes.
"brown sugar boba, with ten percent of brown sugar liquid. and five percent of sugar. if it's too sweet, i want my money back," he grunted. he meant to tease you — but the way he said it made him sound so serious that you were nervous about messing up his order.
even if he did say that he would return it every single time, he never really does.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who saw a customer complaint over something you didn't make — and he couldn't really do anything except watch. it wasn't like he was about to risk his own job by creating a scene in a boba shop. he sipped away on his order, which in his opinion was still too sweet, but he said nothing.
"i asked for no sugar, why is this still so sweet?" a man complains, raising up his royal milk tea with boba; which toji could see is half-empty. hell, the man's still chewing on his boba as he speaks.
"i apologize sir, but even our base milk tea powders are still a bit sweet, that's where the sweetness is coming from," you explained, looking at him apologetically, "would you like me to do anything for you, sir?"
the man grunted, "no, it's just disappointing," he muttered out, shooting you a dirty look before turning to leave the shop — toji eyed the male but said nothing. he was glad his work didn't require him to communicate with people besides getting a call to fix a machine.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who actually stopped messing with you and just drops by to order his drinks because he noticed how stressed you look at that man's complaint. he just didn't want to be the reason why you get fired.
"brown sugar boba, make it less sweet," he muttered — shoving his hand down into his pocket to grab the exact change he needed to pay.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who actually took a two weeks break from buying your boba because he was actually afraid he'd get diabetes from the huge amount of sugar he was consuming in such a short amount of time.
and you seek for his appearance — which never happened, until he decided to come back while you were sitting down on the floor, shoving your face into the instant ramen you bought from the convenience store this morning before your shift.
"oh! it's you, you came back!" you put the cup on top of the counter and wiped your hands, walking towards the cashier.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who spent most of his time in the boba shop until he's called somewhere else. he'd usually spend his hours inside the maintenance staff room on the secluded part of the mall, but now? he wastes his time inside a small boba shop in the middle of the mall; even if he said nothing or you were too busy to talk to him.
he still stayed because he likes it there, even without you both talking. he didn't feel as lonely as the hours spent inside the staff room alone.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who actually enjoyed it when you strike conversations with him during the peaceful flow of the boba shop, asking the most random questions from his zodiac sign to his favorite soda flavor, or his favorite way to eat eggs.
"i like sunny side ups, they're good," you tell him, wiping the sweat that was forming on your forehead — the both of you ended up talking about your schedules and shifts of work, which you both find out how the both of you mostly have 12 hours shifts.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who actually found you stranded after a shift because you missed the last bus, and he ended up giving you a ride on his old motorcycle. he's never really had a human backpack behind him on his motorcycle, so he didn't really care about speeding — at least until you told him to slow down a bit because it was a bit scary.
"thanks for the ride, toji. i owe you another one, how about a drink tomorrow? just make sure to drop by, 'ts on the house!" you gave him a thumbs up, giving back the only helmet that he made you use.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who actually came back to your shop the very next day to get that free drink of his from you — and this time, you managed to make it just right. not too sweet, he could get used to that.
"i like this one, 'ts not too sweet," he comments, raising up the glass of boba drink, "why couldn't ya' make me one like this since the beginning when i asked for less sugar?" he asked you.
"because that's my own recipe. 'ts not on the menu, but i'm still paying for it, y'know?" you raised your brows, eyeing him from inside the bar, "i wanna open my own boba shop in the future, it's fun."
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who actually became your personal driver because he was the one who asked you to. even if you declined at first since you didn't want to burden him — but he actually insisted, surprising.
"don't care, we're goin' the same direction anyways," he handed you a helmet (that he actually rummaged through the garage through for, washed it, and dried it just for you), "the bus' full of weirdos at night."
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who managed to get close to you in the next few months; he never did expect it, him getting close to a girl, but he was actually kind of glad he did get close to you.
"hey toji, eat lunch with me. i'm on break right now!" you peeked inside the maintenance staff room where he sat, a water bottle in his grasp. he'd usually decline, hell, he even declined his co-workers— but you? he could only sigh and gave out a curt nod, "look what i got."
toji hated everyone. but when you came into his world, he could make exceptions.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who hated it when he feels his heart flutter, he doesn't like the way his stomach churns every time he sees you do anything or see you in general. the way he craves for more of your smile, your laugh, everything about you. it made him feel uneasy— especially when he's never felt all that before.
it was a strange feeling to him, and he didn't like it. toji's never one for relationships, love, and all that. he doesn't know how to do it, he was afraid he'd end up hurting you instead. maybe, maybe that's why he decided to put some distance between the both of you.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who always fixes vending machines inside the mall the right way, making sure he doesn't have to go back in and see your face. as much as he wanted to, he didn't want to see you and feel the fluttering all over again when he's tried so hard to stop it (which wasn't working, by the way).
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who tries not to spend time inside the maintenance staff room because he knew you'd always try to come see him there during times when he wasn't idling by your work place. he felt bad every time his co-worker told him that you came by looking for him.
"hey fushiguro, i forgot to tell you, the boba girl was looking for you again this afternoon," his co-worker informed, putting on his jacket, ready to leave.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who kept this on for at least the next three months. everywhere you were, he turns away and walk the other way making sure the both of you won't bump into each other. don't think you didn't notice his act though, noticing how he stopped replying to your messages, how he doesn't come up to meet you in your work place anymore, or how he walks by your shop like he doesn't know you every time he was asked to fix a machine inside the shop.
you wondered if you did something that might made him mad at you — but no matter what, you just couldn't figure out what. and if he wasn't willing to talk to you, hell, even spare a glance at you, how were you going to find out.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who grumbled under his breath when he got a call right as he was about to clock out of work. begrudgingly walking down towards the basement where the vending machine was; god, people just had to ruin his day.
opening the basement door, there he saw you— sitting on the ground with an arm stuck inside the vending machine. a case of deja vu, this was exactly like how you both met.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who was silent while he was working out on your arm, wondering why in the hell would you try to reach up for a drink even after the first time you got yourself stuck. but he said nothing anyways. you did.
"are you gonna talk to me now?" you ask him while he was trying to free your arm, "i wasted my money to get my arm stuck and you're still not willing to talk to me?"
he almost scoffed, you did this on purpose, "so you did this on purpose?"
"no, i had a purpose. why're you ignoring me like we don't know each other? tell me what i did wrong so i can fix it," you mutter out angrily, crossing an arm across your chest, "you just ghosted me, why?"
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who didn't think it mattered a lot to you — but seeing to this extent you'd go, he could only shut his mouth. letting his hand do the freeing.
"so, you're just gonna act like we're strangers? 'kay, fine by me then," you reply, deciding to shut up for the rest of the procedure, waiting for him to free your arm.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who decided it was the best timing to confess to you, who had one arm up stuck inside a vending machine. all because he just wanted to get rid of the burden on his mind about you.
"listen, i get this feelin' every time i'm near you. and i don't fuckin' like it, makes me feel all warm and soft. i fuckin' hate it. i don't hate you, jus' don't get the wrong idea or shit." he muttered, pulling your arm out from the machine — packing his stuff up to leave.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who got stopped by you when he was about to leave for the night.
"'s that a confession or what? if you're going to confess, the least you could do is do it right. that was lame," you tell him, holding onto the hem of his shirt, "do it all over, with nicer words, and a nicer tone."
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who shook his head, not wanting to repeat his moment of vulnerability to the first person he was most vulnerable most. toji hated being so weak in front of people, especially you.
"no, who said 't was a confession anyways?" he questions, obviously a lie, looking at you with a raised brow.
you let go of his shirt and waved your hand, "fine then, let's not speak anymore since you want it to be that way," he stares at your back in confusion as you try to walk away out of the basement, "goodbye," you mutter out, a bit of hope that he'd stop you.
which he did, and you breathe out in relief, "'ts late, the last bus left already. i'll drop you at home," he murmurs out, scratching his nape.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who handed you the same helmet you usually wore, never getting rid of it in the first place. bringing you home for the first time after three months — nobody spoke a word to each other, and it was definitely awkward. hopping off his bike, you returned back the helmet to him and began walking back towards your house.
"hey," he calls out to you.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who sucked up his ego and confessed to you in a "nicer" way and tone like you told him to. and he of course, managed to butcher it up again.
"i don't fuckin' hate you. i just tolerate you more than i tolerate other people," he retorts. seeing the unimpressed look on your face made him think twice, "okay. i like you, just— bye," and then he left just like that without trying to hear your reply.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who didn't expect a glass of boba on his staff room with a small note, and he knew it was from you.
'i like you too, why did you leave last night?'
because he was scared you'd reject him, that's why. but now that you made it clear that you weren't going to reject him, he was more relaxed. but the thought of meeting you face to face after last night made him nervous all over.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who was actually surprised when you weren't as awkward as he is upon meeting him after last night. peeking your head inside the staff room like the usual — he turned to look and there you were already jumping onto him.
"hey! why did you leave so fast last night? i didn't even get to answer you yet," he grumbled under his breath when you brought it up yet again.
"because i was afraid y're gonna reject me, happy?" he asks, "but you didn't so 'm not afraid anymore, i guess."
"what does this make us?" you replied back playfully, nudging his bicep with your elbow, "hm? hm?"
"friends," he teased, his face flat.
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© shoyudon 2024 . no copying or reposting allowed !
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medicinemane · 3 months
You know, capitalism is another one of those words that sadly is like problematic in that it's functionally useless because people just toss it out and then everyone gets so hung up debating the meaning of the word capitalism that the whole point is lost
That's why I don't ever really use it. It doesn't really matter if it's capitalism or if it's cronyism or... whatever, I think it's bad when companies make record profits while prices go up up up
I think there's probably an issue and it probably needs to be solved (and I'm afraid you can't convince me less regulation is a magic bullet)
I like currency and exchanging currency because it seems like a good way of moving goods and labor around, but I also strongly support welfare and think that any group of more than 50 people is probably starting to get corrupt
Don't trust the government, but sure as hell don't trust corps...
I don't know, my original point is that sadly capitalism gets tossed around too much to mean anything anymore... but I just see too many argumentative people online so I'm tossing out my stances to avoid getting side tracked debating what I mean
What I really really mean is just fucking say what you're saying and don't bother saying capitalism cause you'll just make people argue and miss your point
#this is about me reblogging a post the mentions the word capitalism#and I sometimes do that and have people get in and argue about if something is or isn't capitalism#and it's like yeah mate and honestly I hear you; I'm not sure that it fully 100% fits here and if it does it's so broad it's meaningless#but like... read the bit before they said capitalism and have a think on that instead#like let's focus on the description of the situation and how we feel about that description more than a single definition#I honestly don't really care what things are called half as much as the actions being taken and how effective they're likely to be#don't really care if something's called hatemurderdeathism if it's making things better with no policies I hate#obviously there's some things where I'd be like 'hmm... let's not call it that; cause that implies some specific bad stuff'#but like broad strokes shit... capitalism socialism libertarian... what the fuck ever...#is there a strong social net while people are free to trade goods and services?#then I probably am mostly for this plan#fight about the name but leave me out of it#...that's another big part of why I don't call myself anything#takes too long trying to explain your definitions and get people to agree that it doesn't actually mean fascist murder#(cause whatever label you run under I bet I've seen someone call it a fascist murder)#nah; I'm not any this or that group... given up on that a long time ago#I'm just a stupid idiot with various ideas I'd like to talk with people to see how we can move the needle more in that direction#like the less people starving and being homeless direction#and the more worthwhile and productive work and less busy pointless work for megacorps direction#which I think means a shift to more small businesses... which is actually part of why I'm for a UBI#pretty sure I know at least one person on here with a business idea (and knowing them it's a good one)#but they just lack the financial stability to start the business#so I actually want a UBI cause I think it would be good for the economy#never gonna say I can't be stupid or wrong; but that is one of my motives#...whatever... none of this matters; really ought to hurry up and die but I procrastinate that as hard as everything else
0 notes
dangermousie · 6 months
2023 End of Year Post - cdrama edition
Yes, we have a lot of December left, but I don't think anything else I want to check out will air before 2024 hits (it's cdrama so caveat is - you never know.)
This is only going to cover cdramas that aired in 2023; if I watched it but it was made in a different year, it's not on the list. This was a pretty good cdrama year, all in all.
(In order of liking from least to most as opposed to pure quality; I am including if I’ve seen enough to make up my mind; yes I realize that’s inaccurate, but that’s my list)
30 legend of twin flower - Not dignifying that drama with capital letters, as the only capital that should be associated with this is capital punishment - which is what watching this feels like.
29 Dominator of Martial Gods - sounds like a bdsm gay porn title. Would probably be better acted and written if it was.
28 Beauty of Resilience - you'd need a lot of said resilience to sit through this incoherent, barely acted mess. The thing that I remember the most other than my annoyance is all the jingly-jangly head gear on JJY. Perhaps they could have sold some of them and spent the money on a better script.
27 Divine Destiny - if you think you have too many brain cells and want to get rid of some, boy do I have a drama for you!
26 Wanru’s Journey - honestly it's probably tied with SEL - I mean it's worse but it has actors who are nowhere as well known and a fraction of SEL's budget. Still, this is a big fat nope. I will not say what I think of Aoi Rupeng's "acting" or I'd have to put money in the curse jar.
25 Snow Eagle Lord - Gulinazha's stone face, nonsense plot, terrible CGI. Take your pick as to why this is terrible.
24 Scent of Time - it was uneven but fun but then that ending was dumb enough to destroy the whole thing. Show me on the doll where common sense hurt you, makers!
23 Royal Rumors - Jeremy Tsui and Meng Ziyi are utterly wasted in this nothing trifle of a drama.
22 Legend of Anle - I had high expectations but alas. This is the drama version of color beige. There is nothing offensive about it but nothing good either. Mediocre actors are mediocre, good actors become mediocre, this is just a waste of our finite time on planet earth.
21 Romance on the Farm - it's not you, it's me in action. I can see why people would like this wholesome slice of farming family life, but it's tailored to trigger every one of my "nope" opinions.
20 Back from the Brink - if I were 12, it would be my favorite thing. I am not 12.
19 Journey of Chong Zi - objectively a terrible drama with plot holes the size of Mars and a leading lady whose face has apparently frozen when the wind changed. But I am a total sucker for the trope of upright shizun falling for his demonic disciple and going mental so here we are. Objectively, garbage, subjectively my precious!
18 Love you Seven Times - just call poor Ding Yuxi "Atlas," he carried this mess so hard.
17 Blooming Days - trashy dogblood harem fight fun throwback. It's not that great (and the fact that it was shredded doesn't help) but it's probably the last gasp of that genre for the foreseeable future, so I am grading on a curve.
16 The Starry Love - a fun fantasy where the secondary OTP stole the thunder but overall a really solid fantasy xianxia romance.
15 The Longest Promise - it could have been better - the secondaries were unbearable and there was too much of them and what they did with Alen Fang's character still gives me rage fits, but the main couple was impeccable and lovely and I rooted so hard for them.
14 Chang Feng Du/Destined - visually gorgeous, solidly acted, impeccable first half. Bland as hell second half. Win some, lose some.
13 Circle of Love - this drama is a nonsense trash heap on fire. After a typhoon hit it. It was also the most entertaining, addicting drama on this whole list.
12 Hidden Love - the sole modern on this list, this story has barely any plot but it made me care about the young, decent lovers so hard.
11 Choice Husband - starts out wacky, continues with angst and blood and happy ending. I loved it, but I've always had a soft spot for melo and schemers turning devoted.
10 Pledge of Allegiance - bromance, super solid acting, visuals, a really dark take on officials and the world. Insanely underrated.
9 Provoke - a truly fun Republican revenge and love tale, showing that short format can be wonderful.
8 Gone with the Rain - some of the secondary characters are rage-inducing (hi there, cardboard boy!) but the scheming, ruthless, vulgar FL is amazing and her slowburn with her age gap general who is delighted by her out-there-ness is great!
7 Wonderland of Love - Fei Wo Si Cun goes wholesome and the result is surprisingly entertaining. Battle couple, glorious visuals, a fast paced plot. It's the first Xu Kai drama I enjoyed in years (and he plays a rare cdrama ML it would be pretty neat to pair up with in rl.)
6 My Journey to You - that ending is infuriating (and I am OK with open endings if done properly) but what a visual feast, probably the most gloriously shot drama on this list, and that's a tough competition. Also it packs a hell of a lot of couples and familial and adversarial relationships into its slim running time; assassin lady won over by a gentle man is my favorite trope and so this is extra great.
5. Till the End of the Moon - the ending is a rage-inducing disaster for me, but this drama was the most incredibly emotionally intense, visually eye popping experience. It was deeply flawed but when it was amazing, it was like nothing else in its visuals, its characters and its narratives. It took insane risks; some paid off and some did not, but it was glorious.
4. Story of Kunning Palace - I don't often care for reverse harem stories but this one was such fun - the main OTP was glorious (strong FL, unhinged ML) but honestly everything about this was just so excellently done.
3. The Ingenious One - the most adult drama on this list. Smart protagonists, intelligent plot, emotions that felt true, this is a revenge and a mystery and found family and goes into so many directions you do not expect (Su Mengyu's PTSD after his first kill - that is something you never see in dramas, definitely not prolonged and profound - not like this.) If I was to say which drama was objectively the best on this list, as opposed to favorite, it would be this.
1 (tie) Lost You Forever 1 - this is an exquisite emotional jewel of a story about damaged people moving forward, with damage always present - their past informs their present and always will. The narrative about Xiao Yao and three very different men in her life makes me think that it's an equivalent of a neutron bomb going off right before the main narrative starts and now we are watching the survivors wander in the wreckage. This is very high fantasy setting but it's one of the most emotionally human narratives out there.
1 A Journey to Love - everything I ever wanted - assassins, ride or die adult OTP with genuine believable conflicts, great and complex secondaries, beautiful fights. Oh, and yeah Liu Shi Shi domming the hell out of every man in a ten mile radius, as she should.
It's a tie between Lost You Forever Part 1 and A Journey to Love. LYF1 is a bona fide art piece but it's only part 1 and who knows if part 2 will be any good (seeing the huge ep number cut, I have my doubts) and so it's incomplete. AJTL is an old school wuxia romance with incredibly competent, adult people in love and great cast of secondaries. I can't pick.
romance of twin flower - this is a drama that should not exist. If I could hex everyone involved with it, I would. It's a terrible, stupid, shrill, badly acted drama to start with, but where it really is catapulted into stratosphere of horror is that is took my very favorite non-danmei web novel of all time, a smart and complicated tale with incredible protagonists and turned it into that barftastic abomination. Peng Xiao Ran kept making horrible drama after horrible drama but I kept giving her a chance because of Goodbye My Princess but after this disaster, I've had to accept GMP was a fluke and she is on my "if she's in it, I am out” list. Ding Yuxi is not that far yet (his performance in Seven Lifetimes was the one thing carrying that mess afloat) but he's on freaking thin ice. Anyway, I like to pretend this drama does not exist.
It was hard because there were so many I loved this year - Deng Wei's traumatized, gentle Seventeen from LYF1 (if someone told me I'd swoon and weep for a character played by Deng Wei, I'd have told them to examine their brains asap), Liu Yuning's incredibly capable, deadly, contained Ning Yuanzhou from AJTL, Zhang Linghe's unhinged Xie Wei from SoKP, Chen Xiao's schemer with a heart Yun Xiang from TIO.
But ultimately, it couldn't be anyone else but Luo Yunxi as Tantai Jin/Demon God/Ming Ye/Cang Jiumin in Till the End of the Moon. He was everything - a demon, a saint, a martyr, a monster, a tormented abuse victim, a savior, joyful, unhinged, smart, pitiable. It was the cdrama performance of the year for me. Luo Yunxi even in a mediocre role is impressive but in a complex (series of) role(s) designed for his strengths, he is a force of nature.
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Xiao Yao (Lost You Forever Part 1). Once again, there were runner ups - Bai Lu's smart a little evil FL in Kunning, the gloriously unhinged assassin domme Liu Shi Shi in AJTL, Esther Yu's assassin longing for a different life in MJTY etc etc etc. But Xiao Yao's damaged, difficult, very self-aware woman stole my heart. I was skeptical going in because I haven't enjoyed a Yang Zi performance in a long time, but she was the wounded beating soul of this incredible drama.
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Where do we start? How about all of Seventeen's (LYF1) monster family? His brother, who tortured him for years physically and emotionally to such a degree his body is a horror map and his personality is permanently altered because "mommy liked you better." Psycho mother who created a situation where the kids were going to turn on each other and "let's get my grandson raped" grandma. Where is a well-placed meteorite when you need one.
Xiao Yao/Seventeen, LYF1. Yes, a ship of characters played by Yang Zi and Deng Wei is my favorite. Leave me alone, I am on my tenth helping of crow already. They are both incredibly damaged, barely functioning survivors who find what they need in the other - he finds a savior and someone who sees him as a man and rebuilds himself around her and she finds someone who will always put her first and only, and subsume himself in her. Is it healthy? No. Does it make sense for them and is it making them slowly functional? Yes.
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Runner up: Ren Ruyi/Ning Yuanzhou, AJTL - two adults, so competent, so chemistry full. She has so much damage and so little normalcy but is so strong and he is oddly gentle (in between murders) and incredibly self-reflective. They are each other's mirrors and I love them.
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Su Mingyu/Ke Menglan, The Ingenious One - the idealistic merchant who wants to join jianghu until he sees its horrors firsthand and a slave entertainer who wants security but decides she wants him more. They are gorgeous and glorious and wholesome and I adore them.
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Runner up: Liu Gong Quan/Ming Zhu, The Ingenious One - that drama was a shippy gift, especially impressive considering it wasn't even romance-centric. He's the officer who has to bring down her treasonous father but loves her. Delicious.
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Another runner up is Chao Feng/Qian Kui, the angelic good girl and the scheming bad boy in The Starry Love. They stole the drama from the main OTP for me.
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Scent of Time endgame. What the hell was even that. It made NO sense.
So many good scenes this year - Tantai Jin taking apart Li Susu in prison in TTEOTM, the OTP fighting in perfect sync and insane rhythm in the gorge battle in AJTL, Chen Ruoxuan's character stopping the execution in Pledge, Yan Lin's coming of age in Kunning, the poison/antidote "gamble" in MJTY, Cang Xuan detoxing in LYF1. But I think ultimately, me being who I am, my favorite scene is Xiao Yao kissing Seventeen's damaged, scarred knee to show he is in no way inferior for her. AAAAA!
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In terms of pure jaw dropping visuals tho nothing will ever beat Ming Ye’s battle against the Devil God in TTEOTM.
Ning Yuanzhou, AJTL. He's sexy as hell (that height, that way he moves in battle) but he's also so incredibly competent, so adult, so self-reflective and so attracted to a woman for her strength. He also gets whumped on the reg. Anyway, my hormones are ready.
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Gong Yuanzhi (My Journey to You) - I loved the unhinged, brocon poison boy. He was everything. Also Yan Lin (Kunning) - talk about sunshine; I totally got why all these people felt they needed to save him.
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My Journey to You - what the HELL was that ending?
legend of twin flower - that is, stab it with scissors like it stabbed the novel until it's dead.
Till the End of the Moon - they clearly cut stuff to fit into the new regs about runtime and it made the last 1/5 rather abrupt. Gimme!
The emperor cannot be irredeemable. WTF, China, you are a communist country!
This is the year of a ML who yearns to be dommed by his FL. Long may it continue.
The Legend of Anle - the novel had a great plot, the cast were all actors I either enjoy a lot or somewhat and we got - whatever that soggy piece of wonderbread toast was.
LYF1 - I only checked out to mock because nobody could explain the story to me and nobody in the cast did anything I like either ever or in years. And then I fell utterly and completely in love and had to eat so much delicious crow.
Ancient Love Song is the only one on that list. It looks really good, I just need to brace myself.
The Imperial Doctoress - best slowburn and pining and glorious character development and adult leads.
Anticipating any nonaired cdrama is a mug's game but if they air, I will definitely check out all the Fox Matchmaker dramas, LYF2, JoL2 and The Last Immortal. If Prisoner of Beauty ever is allowed out of the vault (dubious), it goes on the list too.
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scope-dogg · 2 months
What mecha shows did you enjoy but would not recommend to people (flawed personal favourites, shows with high entry barrier, etc.)?
Several come to mind.
Blue SPT Layzner: TV run got shitcanned prematurely and has probably the mast slapdash ending of any mecha show save maybe the TV run of Ideon. OVA adaptation opens with rushed compilation of first half of TV series that's dull to watch and not especially coherent on its own before it gets to the altered and much improved ending. Feels like there's no right way to watch it, you have to do both and piece it together in your head. Definitely one to check out after you've seen Takahashi's better work like Votoms and Dougram, though it's infuriating because the series has banger music and mecha design, and the hypothetical ideal version of the plot that you don't have to basically kitbash together in your head is really good.
Dancouga: Production values are amazing in first episodes and then turn to complete dogshit shortly thereafter, like they literally spent their whole budget up front and then had to pay their animators in loose change and leftover fast food. Very strange pacing. However I've always really liked the main protagonist Shinobu Fujiwara whose voice actor honestly carries the show on his back, and I've had a soft spot for Dancouga the mecha itself for a long time - but it doesn't actually show up until half way in. Yet somehow I can't deny the charm of the show despite how slapdash it is thanks to its interesting approach to the super robot formula, and it leads into Requiem for Victims which is the true ending for the TV plot and a followup called God Bless Dancouga, both of which are banger OVAs (and then another kinda shitty one after that but who cares.) Unfortunately they all make no sense without watching the TV run. It's a franchise for hardcore mecha fans only, though IIRC the 2000s sequel Dancouga Nova is basically disconnected and stands on its own, for better or worse. I've yet to watch it.
Tryder G7: 80s super robot show that's kind of like a part slice-of-life anime, honestly ahead of its time in a lot of ways. Would be my go-to recommendation for 80s super robot shows if there was a decent fansub. The one that exists is a Russian translation of the official Italian subs that then got translated into English and it's as disastrous as you might expect. Not only is it incoherent but even as a non-Japanese speaker I can tell it's often inaccurate. Frustrating because I can tell it's a good show that deserves a proper English sub for fans.
Cross Ange: Notorious show by the Gundam Seed creators. The concept and lore of this show is batshit insane, the mecha are cool, the main character turns out to be interesting and likable despite very negative first impressions, however there's no denying that it's buried under a thick vaneer of shallow coombait and it runs itself off the rails with zany plot at points. Honestly better than its reputation suggests but hard to recommend without looking like a pervert.
Shinkon Gattai Godannar: Basically the same thing, coombait super robot series, fun action, not a bad story. At the same time if you've ever seen a gif of absurd breast physics in anime from the 2000s there's a decent chance it's from Godannar. Good show at the end of the day, better than it has a right to be, artstyle is gonna be a big turnoff for many people and I don't necessarily blame them.
Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise: Probably the weirdest of the build series, also IMO the best. Downside: you have to suffer through the profoundly mediocre original Build Divers to get the most out of it and I'm not sure that price is worth it.
Probably more that I could add. Honourable mention has to go Gundam Seed Stargazer because you have to suffer through Gundam Seed Destiny to get to it, but I hear that the new Gundam Seed movie that's also set after Destiny is good so perhaps the cost-to-benefit ratio of suffering through Destiny has changed.
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oatmealmika · 1 year
a/n : sometimes i just wish law was actually written as a girl cuz DAMN
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first off, CLOTHES SHE'D WEAR!!
i'm getting major streetwear/chola style vibes from fem! law
like i mean ripped up baggy jeans, croptops, hoodies, oversized t-shirts, sports bras, long clickity clackity nails (if she really wanted to but very occasionally), and of course (his? her?) their hat
she got her earrings done when she was too little to remember so it's just annoying to have to redo them every so often
i have no clue who'd do her tattoos since she most definitely wouldn't trust some sketchy guy to do them
maybe herself but i don't think that's it either
and whenever you ask her, she makes up a different story (like that one blond guy in "ratatouille" who has a criminal record)
"woke up with it" "they're stick n pokes" "this guy i knew who would only wear bucket hats" and of course "nunya"
she is half german and half mexican (may or may not be self projection with the mexican part)
i get HUGE ymir from aot vibes with fem! law
she appears rude, hardheaded, and pessimistic, but she really does care about others and does have some hope in her (wishing her crew likes her horrendous hawaiian shirts)
her music taste is rock, rap, indie dream pop (tv girl), and then sad spanish songs that slap way too hard (i'm thinking "no me queda mas" by selena, a bunch of vicente fernandez songs my mom loves to play at full volume, and "amor eterno" by rocio durcal)
def not straight i mean just look at fem! law fanart on tumblr bro like honey... and man, am i glad she isn't straight cuz GODDAMN
if you go out with her, you need to order for her pls she can't do it on her own
but she will take the bill, no excuses
i think the type of person she needs as a partner would have to be okay with silence, they have to be outgoing and fun but mature with intense situations, and yeah
plays the bass guitar and has been for years
also plays the drums but her main instrument is bass
really wants to be in a band but not really since she hates the idea of having to be nice all the time for the public
at a mall, she either hangs out at hot topic, barnes and nobles, or justice the whole time
got a bunch of piercings all over her but that's a secret lol nobody knows...
UNTIL I TELL YOU: bellybutton, industrial, conch, ear lobe, tragus, bridge, middle tongue, hip, nipple, and then a bunch of genital piercings i will not be discussing any further XD
her most used apps are photos, notes, tumblr, pinterest, depop, and....... ao3
OKAY OKAY as hard as it might be to believe this, this is NOT self projection it is TRUTH
she doesn't religiously read fics or anything, just occasional oneshots about her nerdy crap when she's bored or something
my girl out here reading her "sora, warrior of the sea" 10k+ fics 💀
if you take her home to meet the family, at first they'll be thrown off by her intimidating looks, but soon enough they'll realize what a little loser she is! the cutie patootie she is <3
LOVE LOVE LOVES cringy 70s/80s/90s movies (think "grease", "the princess bride", "pretty in pink", "10 things i hate about you", etc.)
she doesn't know why. she hates the dumb stereotypes and all that stuff, but she just can't help it! she's so real for it too
idk why but i feel like she'd LOVE spiderman???? like as an obsession?
she is pretty normal about the live action movies, it's just SPIDERVERSE THAT MAKES HER GO CRAZY
she also wants to be good at art but never has motivation to do it
she def has an upside down smile (that what it's called? i think of it more as a "oh that's cringy look and stare y'all" smile)
is she scrawny? muscular? i can't decide honestly. like yeah guy law has some brawn, but he is still a pretty lanky guy, so that's why i see fem! law as a lanky chick. but i love muscular women... goddamn she is just lanky. she obviously has some meat on her bones, but not much.
that being said, i don't think she's very curvaceous either (let's pretend oda didn't draw her the way he did). she is no doubt an a cup, and while her butt is fairly larger, she's still pretty flat.
she also only ever wears sports bras since she thinks regular bras are uncomfy and a hassle.
for a va to replace masc! law's, i would say for japanese romi park. for english, i'd say either trina nushimura or elizabeth maxwell.
for one piece live action, i would want like zendaya as fem! law 😭 aye anything for queen zendaya
only bepo knows this, but she wears socks and sandals on sundays no fail.
has a tattoo somewhere of bepo's name inside a heart with an arrow through it (think those tattoos that tough guys get, with instead of bepo, "mom" is what's written)
fem! law still wears ugly ass hawaiian shirts, don't get it mixed up ✊
that's all for now :)
likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
have a good day!!
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xoxo-sarah · 1 year
Can you do a fic where reader has a disorganized attachment style in relationships and robin is confused why reader is always acting weird and like reader says “don’t go away but don’t get to close please”
Disorganized Attachment
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↝a/n: I didn't even know what that was, so I went to Google. Sorry if I wrote it wrong, I really tried. Also sorry I wrote this more of a head cannon(?), it was rushed and I didn't know how to write a full one-shot. If you enjoy this, I can try on the one-shot...maybe. feedback is appreciated. Call me out if I wrote this wrong!
↝pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!reader
↝ warning: disorganized attachment relationship(?), angst, negative thoughts, confused Robin, idk
↝⎙ 6.21.23
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Robin wasn't really sure what your relationship was... honestly. It had just happened one day.
You two met, went to see a movie, continued meeting up, kissed for the first time. And it seemed like the relationship started there. There wasn't any actual 'hey, will you be my girlfriend?' or anything. But It's not like she minded. She adored you from the minute you met.
But as the days grew, she started noticing the little things you do. Like, how you would just look at her with such adoration, and then the next second, as if someone whispered something bad about her in your head, you looked at her with uncertainty, distancing yourself.
She had asked you about it early on, but you brushed it off.
Robin also took notice of your anxiety and how you deal with it. Out in public, she could see how it affected you, noticing how you would constantly look at her to make sure she was around, but never holding onto her to make sure she never left your side.
When you two got further into the relationship, it was like whiplash for her.
When going to sleep, she wasn't sure what to do. Touch wasn't your thing, but it was hers. She respected you though. She knew you wanted her close, just not too close. What she didn't know was that you wanted her to be so close but the thought of her leaving and never being there for you ever again clouded your mind every second. It was scary to love someone and have the daunting thought that they'll leave in your head constantly. But you were not going to tell her that, absolutely not. Openly discussing your feelings and fears was like willing them into existence.
So you kept these fears to yourself.
A little over half a year into the relationship, Robin had had enough.
"Look, I get it. I get you don't want to open up, but I need you to. For our relationship. I can't keep dating a brick wall." And just like she knew you would, you brushed it off. On the outside, it looked like you didn't care. But you did. Maybe a little too much..
The house was silent, just Robin staring at you as you looked down, keeping your eyes on the floor. "Please talk to me." You hated how her voice was pleading. It wasn't fair to her.
So you opened up, despite your brain telling you to stop.
As cliche as it sounds, your brain was keeping you protected, while also being the one to make up these terrible thoughts, while your heart ached for her. For her touch.
Robin wiped at your tears anytime they rolled down your soft cheeks; expressing your feelings and emotions was difficult. Especially when you avoid it for so long. It starts eating at you.
But Robin would be there.
Every negative thought, she'd be there to shoo it away, replacing it with compliment after compliment.
Going out, she'd stay close, maybe having a hand on the bottom of your back, or hooking her pinky with yours.
Bed time calls for her being close, but not too close. You two would lay facing each other, taking.in every imperfect perfection.
She saw the love you had for her in your eyes and in your actions. She didn't need you to constantly be cuddling or telling her how much you loved her to feel the love.
It would take a little while for her to have you gain control over your feelings and communication. But you get there eventually, or however close you need to get. She'd push you out of your comfort bubble, only because she knew you could deal with it.
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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1moreff-creator · 10 months
Happy Birthday, Veronika Grebenshchikova!
I have a confession to make. Despite my account being themed after Min and having made several posts analyzing her... I may like Veronika just as much, if not more than Min. Ever since her introduction, this Horror Fanatic has brought a smile to my face every time she comes on screen. Literally. Whenever I see her, my face immediately splits into the dumbest grin, I just adore her far too much. There's a lot we still haven't seen about her, but in honor of her birthday, I shall give a few of the reasons I love this freak to the death, and make a sort of birthday playlist as a gift.
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+The main motivation for everything she does is boredom, as stated in her conversation with Teruko on Ch 2 Ep 7. Her profile states she took on her talent to seek thrills.
+This obsession with entertainment twists her personality quite a bit. “I don't care about morals. I don’t care whether people get hurt or whether they die. I just need to be entertained”. She’s honestly such a queen.
+Her twisted morals lead to her hanging out with people based on how entertaining they are instead of, like, normal standards for hanging out with people. Arturo is example number one.
"If you become more and more irredeemable, then I'll only love you more. I want to hear all about those horrible things you did with no justification".
She would be a standard Danganronpa fan, is what I get from this line.
+She has claimed she “used to be an outdoors person”, but apparently isn’t anymore. Whether she simply got bored of the outdoors, or there was something more traumatic at play, is still unclear.
+Her profile states she likes skateboarding. I adore this fact. Why there aren’t piles of fanart where she’s skateboarding, I don’t know. Get on it, people! /j. Unless?
(Also, I like to headcanon that she used to skateboard with Whit in their time at Hope’s Peak, but she was actually really bad at it. She constantly fell on her face, but always got back up laughing her ass off)
+The upper part of her dress is black and white, colors associated with the Tragedy and horror in the DRDT universe. This is stated by Veronika herself in Ch 2 Ep 2. However, this color scheme also kickstarts what I like to call:
Mastermind Bingo! Ft Veronika
>She wears black and white, like Monokuma and MonoTV.
>She gets bored easily, and it drives her actions, like Junko and especially Izuru.
>She constantly psychoanalizes people, again like Junko.
>She has childish tendencies (read: likes the playground), which can be connected back to the Warriors of Hope and Monaca.
>"If I wore contacts, a wig, and different clothes, would you recognize me?"
So, thinking a bit like Tsumugi there.
>"That's why I liked horror for such a long time. The genre seeks to elicit base, negative emotions out of you, like fear, disgust, or sadness... That's exciting"
She is one step removed from outright claiming she likes despair! What is this?!
Also, liked, horror? As in, past tense? Is that implying she doesn't feel satisfied with horror anymore?
>"But after a while, fiction is only fiction..."
You look me in the eyes and tell me that's not something Tsumugi would say. She has aspects of every main-line mastermind! I wouldn't be surprised if she starts taking notes from other fangans, I'm half expecting her to start talking about "the resurrection of Divine Luck" or something.
>And that's not even mentioning things like her quote for Mai; "A girl who didn't foresee the consequences". Right, because Veronika would be the one to get the most ominous quote after MonoTV's "It's all your fault".
To be clear, I don’t actually think Veronika’s the mastermind. I just find it funny how incredibly suspicious she is, to the point of not being suspicious in the slightest.
+CW for self-harm for this one. It is heavily theorized her secret is "You only took on your talent to distract from your incessant need to harm yourself for fun". After all, she is one of the only remaining characters who covers her wrists and most of her body, and doing something like that "for fun"... sort of only fits Veronika, as far as we know.
+Her secret quote is: "Once something is broken, it can never be pieced together in quite the same way again. The same goes for people." Whether she's talking about herself or someone else is unclear.
+The recent Q&A confirmed the following:
•Veronika is pansexual! Congrats on getting her, pansexual community! A true win for you.
•The earing she wears (a small green triangle) was given to her by her “dearest friend”. This friend's name is apparently Alyssa Belyaeva, taking the dubious honor of having a weirder last name than even Grebenshchikova.
•Her favorite color is white with other colors, since it makes the others stand out more, and her least favorite is white by itself, since it’s “soulless”. That’s… huh. Is that meant to mean anything? Could it be she sees herself as the color white; uninteresting and boring on her own, but helps other people seem more interesting by association? Am I reading too much into this? Probably, but that’s sort of my shtick at this point.
•Her favorite ice cream flavor is funfetti. Based.
•She smells strongly like women’s perfume. I guess, why not, right? Notably, Hu smells like women’s perfume as well, but it’s apparently fainter. Doubt it means anything, but it’s there.
+Veronika can do no wrong. This is an objective truth. Slay queen (but, wait to like, chapter five. I really, really hope you don’t die at three).
And finally, like I did with Min, here's a few songs which remind me of Veronika! And as you're gonna see, my music taste sort of really aligns with the kind of songs one would assign Veronika.
CW, some of these can include topics like murder and extremely disturbing imagery.
-The Chattering Lack of Common Sense, by Ghost & Pals
-End World Normophaty, by Ghost & Pals
-Hide And Seek (English cover by Lizz Robinet), original by Ho-Ong-i
-Corrosion, by Riproducer / RIP
-Chronic Wasting Disease, by Riproducer / RIP
-The Spider and the Kitsune-Like Lion, by MASA Works (CW for this one in particular, it's really fucked up. Cannibalism, torture, necrophilia, etc)
-Hi-fi Evolution Theory, by Keu Studio (probably her character playlist song)
-What Gave it Away, by Riproducer / RIP
-Matryoshka, by Hachi
-Honey I'm Home, by Ghost & Pals
-Entomologists, by Ghost & Pals
-The Experiment, by Steampianist
-The Boy who Went to Hell, by SHUDDER
-Secrets of Wysteria, by Steampianist (CW, this one is based on real events of violent crimes)
-The Dismemberment Song, by Blue Kid
-Mad Hatter, by Melanie Martinez
-Uncanny, by Ghost & Pals
-God-ish, by PinocchioP
-I Can't Fix You, by The Living Tombstone (Veronika loves FNAF, you can’t convince me otherwise)
-Always Wanted, by MiatriSs - SayMaxWell
-The Red Means I Love You, by Madds Buckley
-Already Dead, by KittenSneeze
Alright, I'll stop there. With the final song:
-Happy Birthday! (but, like, a creepy cover or something)
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bitegore · 2 months
@cleverthylacine re: this post and particularly the bit about reparative readings
(I think we're getting off topic and wanted to avoid clogging OP's feed lol)
I think there's a tendency toward what I can really only describe as call-to-action-to-Fix-Fandom attitudes when it comes to discussing any kind of -isms in fandom when, like. in my view it doesn't actually do anyone any good. Fandom is very big and people are small and largely the biases in society will be reflected in fandom no matter what we as individuals are up to, especially if we're up in arms because of A Post (fleeting, unserious motivation). I prefer to look at common forms of fannish misogyny where it crops up in my own behavior as an indicator of actual attitudes rather than some sort of checklist of Things To Fix In My Fannish Output. I care way, way more about treating the actual women in my life with respect and care than I do about the female fictional characters I think are fun to write about, you know?
So I like really don't trouble myself over whether or not I'm trying half as hard to read into female fictional characters as their make counterparts, I'm with you on that. Fandom is full of people who are enjoying their fictional women because they like them and not out of some misplaced sense of obligation. When I start doing fic and art with female characters it's because I like the characters, not because I'm compensating. But I like having discrepancies pointed out because it helps me set my barometer for what I might be fucking up with my actual friends and acquaintances in real life, which I think is a lot more important and generally relevant to my life anyway.
This is a lot of words to say 'i'm with you' - not only do i think no one should be obligated to do reparative readings on female characters just because it 'evens it out' or w/e, but honestly I think it's an active distraction from the part of the problem worth caring about, which is that it shows a bias in thinking.
I don't really know. As much as I enjoy fandom and it's a big part of my life, I'm pretty intimately aware it's not that important on the grand scale of things. And as much as I enjoy fiction, i'm of the impression that it reveals more about us than we think it does, so even if you do everything on the list to Eradicate All Traces Of Misogyny, the misogyny will keep sneaking back in until you just... are not writing women with misogyny in your heart and mind. It's a barometer for personal improvement more than anything else, the way I look at things. And certainly in concept but I'd like to also hope in reality, I like having the knowledge toward where I can try to be better instead of flying blind. If I stop being misogynistic, then my fic will be less misogynistic too, but like, I have so many better reasons to not want to be misogynistic!
I also think pressuring people to change the things they have fun with for the sake of Not Being a Bigot (prescriptive, & according to my handy-dandy list which I will hand down from on high...) tends to piss me specifically off, and I like to live by a standard of "not enough significant statistical variance from the mean exists in me to consider this a wholly unique behavior or attitude" so I would also assume that other people feel much the same way. So i also don't like to treat any "xyz is misogynistic" as a hard fast rule anyway, because then I'll get mad and start doing it out of spite while also aiming to make it not misogynistic somehow, which might spawn ideas but doesn't really do me or anyone else any good anyway. (That's definitely not a universal issue and i wouldn't be shocked if there are people who badly want the list because it makes them feel more comfortable writing or something; good for them, we're in totally different categories vis a vis fannish bigotry and how we can work on not doing it and the approaches we take will have to reflect that.)
I had one other thing but I think I forgot it. Uhhh something something it's harder to do reparative readings to compensate for misogynistic writing than it is to do it for flat writing with male characters because a lot of the time it either requires you to work with stereotypes you don't like or to outright dismiss elements of characterization and many of us don't want to do either, when background whiteguys tend to just have a handful of extremely neutral traits and nothing else; this is also part of why it can be hard to do the same for characters of color or characters that are clearly meant to be homophobic stereotypes or whatever, I won't fault anyone for not wanting to put their hands in that. nWFC Elita is a pretty good example of that, honestly - I don't remember a lot about the show because I didn't like it and i watched it one time several years ago lol, but I remember walking away with the impression we were supposed to think of her as Optimus's nagging wife, and annoying and overly negative, even though she was right on all counts every fucking time. I'm not writing nWFC-continuity fic because i have absolutely no interest in doing so, and I don't particularly want to carry that characterization over to any other continuity because - why would I? I like Elita-1 better in basically everything else, and she is broadly always Pretty Damn Competent (at least in theory). But in nWFC i can square the circle by comparing her cynicism to, like, Ratchet, who is equally convinced Optimus is making all the wrong moves. Suddenly she doesn't have to be the annoying nag, she's the last lone voice of real legitimate pushback in Autobot HQ, which has been bleeding dissenters as they're ignored, or whatever. And honestly I do like that. But contrast it with, uhhhh... trying to pick a random character here idk it's cheating if i pick bayverse characters... idk let me pick on IDW. If you want to work with the female character from All Hail Megatron, whose name I can't remember but who I genuinely liked, you have to deal with the fact that she falls head over heels for Spike fucking Witwicky right after meeting him and that her job is largely to deliver motivational speeches to the more important male background characters whose names I also can't remember. You absolutely can read depth into her, and I do because I think it's interesting that there's a character who lives through a horrifically traumatic upending of her life and then realizes that the only way everyone will survive is to stick together and immediately makes it her job to make sure they do, but, like, "woman exists as footstool for man's power & place in the plot" is one of the oldest misogynistic tropes in the book. I wouldn't blame literally anyone for not wanting to work around that, and it's... literally her entire role in the plot, so it's also really fucking hard to try and read out or compensate for. I genuinely do not think she even speaks to another woman in the entire comic. I think my point got muddied in the miles of examples; my thinking is that at the end of the day no one is getting paid for this and I don't think it's really an even playing field between male and female characters to reparatively-read-into anyway.
Last final thing is that the tropes that interest me in a character don't often tend to be done in female characters or when they're approached they take on distinctly misogynistic overtones. i really like characters who talk a big game, brag often, are deeply vain, and are not actually half as good as they claim they are... "woman thinks she has skills and is really good at things, but is Put In Her Place by a Man" is also one of my least favorite tropes ever. It's hard to work around that. There's just not much you can do when an entire concept has been all but poisoned for you.
inb4 "he said its ok to be a misogynist!" he said its important to focus on real life & fixing your heart first instead of hoping other people will tell you what not to write to look like you're not a misogynist ^-^
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novaethecosplayer · 1 year
Dabi x Reader: Tease (NSFW)
Gn!reader, but is called princess. I honestly can see Dabi calling his partner princess no matter their gender.
He liked you like this. He really did. Loved the way you jumped at every touch; not in a bad, scared of him way, but rather like you weren't expecting it everytime. Dabi chuckles at the thought. You being so skittish around him really boosts his ego and makes him feel… proud? Happy? He's not sure, but he likes whatever feeling this is.
His night gets better as you are sat next to him on your couch, watching a movie with him. His focus on the action- packed scene so much so he was leaning forward in interest; his elbow on his legs and chin resting on his hands--like he was studying it, analyzing the scene before him. Then an unexpected sex scene started playing.
He scoffed and leaned back, suddenly disinterested. His hands fell to his sides and due to your proximity, one fell into your lap. He noticed you squirm at the scene and avert your gaze; watching you jump as his hand accidentally landed on your thigh. He chuckled as he began slowly rubbing circles into your flesh, watching you squirm further with breath caught in your throat from the corner of his eye.
"Bet I could do that…" he muttered as his attention went back to the screen. He didn't really care for what was happening on screen, but the way you let out a breath at his comment and stilled your squirming for a moment was worth watching.
"I mean," He continued anyway, his hand daring to reach more in-between your thighs and higher up to where you're beginning to really want him to touch. "It's not that hard. That position. Pretty easy to get your partner into." He finished, liking the way you were taking shallower, deeper breaths as you all but trembled under his hand as it continued the massage shapes into your thigh, too close to your intimate areas. "Don't you agree?" He asked, his deep blue eyes suddenly on you, piercing through you in the dark as you were suddenly put on the spot.
You nod, not trusting your voice to speak. He didn't like that. Although, the growing smirk on his face wouldn't tell you that. His fingers smoothing over your skin as they reach closer to where it was evident you were turned on; continuing their need to make shapes in your flesh, but never quite touching you where you now want him to. He was teasing you, you decide.
"Speak, Princess. Don't you agree?" He coaxed.
"Y…yes." You finally find your voice and it's too breathy for your liking. You're not sure if you want him to know that you enjoy his teasing. He grins as he gazes at you--literal putty in his hand.
"Nervous?" He prods. "Can't handle a sex scene, Princess?" Speaking of which, the scene has been going on for way too long. Shouldn't these scenes be shorter? Not that Dabi cared; in fact the opposite, he liked the way the scene and his hand made you uncomfortable, fidgety, nervous, and squirming. Wriggling in your seat, like a worm.
"N..no." You half-heartedly lied, not wanting him to stop.
"Really?" He knew it was a lie. You really make this too easy for him. "What's your favorite part about this scene then? I liked the way she was riding him." He implores as he just so barely grazes your private area through your clothes, making you freeze and jump at the contact simultaneously. His chuckles under his breath; the sound lost in the cacophony of the sound of moans and skin slapping coming from the TV.
"... I…uh…" you mutter, daring a glance back at the screen, only to turn away from it immediately once again. ".. me t..too…" you agreed with him, blindly; unsure if he had made that part up or if the characters really did do such a thing.
"Yeah?" He asked, interest peaked, as he raised an eyebrow to you. "You like that sort of thing? Riding a guy's dick as he appreciates you. Making him cum under you because you look like an angel, who makes him feel so, so good. Ya like that?" He asked as his fingers on your thigh stopped, his hand instead gripping your flesh as he felt your hips rock as the loss of the sensation.
Embarrassed. That's how you felt. You didn't mean to rock your hips, they just did. Just like you didn't mean to let out a whimper at his words. You find your voice again. "S..sounds like you.. like that." You tried teasing him back and honestly, he thought, it was a cute attempt.
"I do." He admits easily, unfazed, his hands removed from you completely as he places his arm on the back of the couch; ensuring he isn't touching you. His gaze back on the TV as if he was done with the conversation. The scene moves on, getting back into the plot and, he hoped, more gory scenes.
You blinked at him as you were no longer holding his attention. "Really?" You asked, a bit more bold than you have been moments ago. He gave you a non-committal hum, eyes glued to the screen. "Like having someone's thighs around you. " You elaborate as you turn and toss one of your thighs over to the other side of him, effectively straddling him. His only movement was a tilt of his head to see around you to the TV screen.
"Sure." He responded, flatly, as if disinterested in what you were doing.
"Them panting and moaning into your ear…" you continue, unsure where this confidence came from as you lean down to whisper into his ear, letting your hands slide up his chest and wrap around his neck. You continued, "you're cock twitching inside them as they milk you for all that you have…" your own filthy words causing you embarrassment. Finally, his eyes shift onto you.
"You offerin'?" He asks. A simple question, really, as if it weren't obvious in the fact that you were in his lap, basically on his cock already.
"Maybe" you attempt to be coy as you let your hips work down against his; causing him to be surprised at your actions.
He sat there and enjoyed the movement; really appreciating your figure on top of him, working hard to get him off through his pants, or maybe you were working hard to get yourself off on his dick. Either way, he liked it. But you couldn't tell with the way he made no movements, no sounds, nothing, just his eyes keeping his piercing gaze on you. And, if you were being honest with yourself, that was enough. All that you needed was his attention; you could do the rest.
"I don't fuck with maybes" He said as he easily pushed you off to the side, landing on the couch as he stood and went to your kitchen, grabbing himself something to drink before returning.
You felt hurt and disappointed at how easily he disregarded you. How easily he walked away from the situation. Then he sat back down in his spot, finding you right where he had left you. Laying down on the couch, shell-shocked. He chuckled as his attention went back to the movie.
Then you felt enraged and frustrated. How DARE he turn you on and whisper sweet words that sounded like promises, only to completely disregard you. You sat up, anger seeping onto your face, as you pushed him over--catching him off guard. He lays on his back to look at you and find that you are climbing back into his lap.
"I'm not done with you." You all, but growl and he's surprised that he likes the sound of your voice full of anger.
"Yeah?" He tried to sit up, "well, I'm done with you." You push him back down. Honestly, where he belongs. Underneath you.
"No, you're not." You reply as you tug his shirt up over his chest, yanking it off his head. He grunts and helps you only because he doesn't want you ripping any staples out with it.
"That a yes, then?" He inquires.
"Yes, dumbass" You retaliate a you lean down to smash your lips against his. Your hands trailing down scarred and smooth skin alike; his staples biting cold into your hands every time they trail over them.
You break the kiss. "Then do what you wish to me, Princess." He replied, smirking at you. His hands find the back of your thighs as you begin to grind against his clothed cock. Your lips brushing against his as you speak.
"Oh, I will."
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gremlintrash · 11 months
Ok but why is there always a reason. When it's about macro all of a sudden it's oh why should I care about the sob story of some bihettie who couldn't ever live through a day of real homophobia. When it's ppl like inosa or swagy or radgoose or countless others getting told disgusting things like that their bfs should kill them, it's laughed off too and it's like oh go back to your hettie world if you're so mad. When it's about catboy it's like oh why should I care if we make fun of the SA of some moid thats praxis actually. When it was ppl saying bi women are just like tims and they're weaponizing their rape it's oh why can't you bihets learn to read none of that matters. When there was a big burst of a bunch of people getting openly attacked by "blackpills" it was oh this is just so online why are the bihetties playing the victim. These ppl are just coming out to advance the position that they won't go after you no matter what you say about bihets. Like the refusal to condemn anything at all unambiguously is very much the point.
Honestly, I've come to the conclusion that people these days (esp young people) are not any more progressive than other generations... I honestly think their politics and values are possibly more conservative than 10-20 years ago - these are just my feelings as a low income bisexual woman who is pretty white passing but I've had friends of other races (esp older friends in their 30s-40s) talk about how they feel the same thing in regards to how ppl are regarding race now and there's tons of posts circulating about how people are more homophobic than 10-20 years ago and we just lost roe v wade, income disparity is worse and social services are cut, etc etc etc
I feel like people such as you described above are highly individualistic and don't really have principles in the traditional way like "x behavior is bad" like if we use examples specific to the recent state of radblr re: the treatment of bisexual users, they don't think that homophobia and misogyny are unacceptable behaviors, they think its perfectly fine to leverage homophobia and misogyny against groups they see as "other" and don't identity with in some way. There's always a reason why the people I have marked as "other" deserve their mistreatment and why my own actions and the actions of people belonging to the group I identify with are excused from scrutiny.
A lot of the time in spite of how they call themselves "radical" (feminist or leftist or whatever) they express behaviors and ideals which are sooo extremely in line with the cultural norm for treating people of marginalized groups.
Examples relevant to this convo: Gay and bi women talking about how they "don't fuck with" bi women because they are untrustworthy and flaky partners and "most of them are basically straight and will end up with men anyway" so they don't need LGB community support
Also, determining that a woman's intimate relationships overshadow all of her other actions, and feeling entitled to information about a woman's sexuality to determine how valid you think her words are and how much support from her community she deserves.
Also, telling a victim of sexual assault and homphobia his problems arent real and he should be quiet about them.
Also, you can't trust women with partners and especially children to take part in feminism because they're going to by default center their lives around their male partners and children, so they're going to at best half-ass things and probably just decide to focus on their families instead anyway, may as well exclude them and write them off.
But its okay because the women in the first example were gay and bi, even though they're saying the same things straight men say about bi women. The second example is okay because it's statements and demands made by other women a lot of whom are gay and bi, not men or gossip rags. The third example is okay because it's gay/bi women speaking to a man. The last example is okay because it's said by other women who call themselves feminists, and not a sexist boss, even if they have the same way of thinking and similar actions with similar results.
And on one hand I get it, these people are trying to pass along their own hurt a lot of the time and they are usually legitimately telling themselves and each other that they aren't doing anything worse than maybe hurting the feelings of individual strangers. But they're adults who are behaving in unacceptable ways, and honestly some behavior should just be unacceptable, like... we should be kind to each other if we want people to be kind to us. Beyond that though, the concept of "punching up" has rotted people's brains and is ruining our community solidarity, is honestly a huge class consciousness issue, and they are doing more tangible harm than they're admitting to themselves.
I see this way of thinking as way more of an obstacle for dismantling these power structures than activists being imperfect in their personal decisions. Like, structural opression does not exist in a vacuum and spring forth from nothing, it requires a culture mindset to continue. Like, the whole deal with structural opression is that the opressed groups "deserve" their structural oppression in some way like it's always "justified". While the power structures/axes of opression/classes DO serve social and economic functions, human beings are emotional beings and most people aren't evil, to get social animals to hurt each other you have to socialize them to do so... like as feminists I think we know that at least.
"It doesn't matter if you shave because you prefer it, it perpetuates the expectation for women to remove their body hair and you are indirectly socializing other women as part of society" but then, if you have a good reason you can excuse homophobia or misogyny and suddenly it doesn't contribute to any larger power structures or the socialization of those in your communities?
If you have conditions in which you support homophobic or misogynistic (or racist and so on) behavior then first of all, you're perpetuating the cultural mindset and socialization that allow the abusive power structures to exist in the first place which beings me to my second point... it will lead to them being used against you by people who deem YOU as "other" at some point, unless you're the most privileged person on earth and there's no axis of oppression someone could decide to flip on you if they feel you deserve it and we all just keep crabs-in-a-bucketing each other
It's in our own best interests to treat each other as well as possible, that is my belief. Anything else is cutting off the nose to spite the face, who benefits?
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j-nope-not-today · 2 years
Hi, I saw the requests were open again! Hope you don’t mind me posting this ask again…
Hello! I recently found your blog and I am hooked. I absolutely adore your TMNT Bayverse oneshots! The personalities and diologue fit perfectly with the boys! I was wondering if you could take a story request from me, if not that's totally understandable. I'm a huge sucker for angst with a happy ending and I've had this scenario stewing in my head for a while.
How would each of the turtles react if their s/o (the reader) somehow ended up on the top of Sacks Tower during the final battle in the first movie and distracted Shredder to help them gain the upper hand, but gets beaten within an inch of their life and passes out/dies in their turtle's arms after they take out Shredder? Whether they eventually wake up/get healed with the mutagen by the end of the scenario is up to you. Sorry if this is a little too hard to understand btw.
Keep up the outstanding work! You're an amazing writer!
TMNT reaction to s/o helping defeat shredder and being turned into a mutant
A/n: I'm so happy you love my work! I hope you like it! Sorry if there are any errors I wrote this while being sick and I don't feel like proof reading it 🤧
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He told you to stay with April?!
You clearly can't listen
And he really wishes you did
He doesn't want you to be in danger
You absolutely stun everyone on that roof when you decide to distract Shredder by attempting to break dance
"Hey Shredder look at these sick moves!"
He turned to see you begin to flail around.
(if you can actually dance I apologize. He loves you either way.)
Honestly you distracted him too but all it took was Leo yelling at him and he snapped back into action.
Never did he expect you to be side swiped by shredder he was sure he would get you out of there without you getting hurt.
Once they defeated shredder you were his main concern
His heart absolutely shattered at the sight of you laying there lifeless.
But he was so thankful for the mutagen
And made Donnie give it to you right away.
He loved you no matter what you looked like and he would never let you put yourself in harms way again.
Are you insane?! Why are you up here rn?
He specifically told everyone that you were to sit in the car and wait.
He pulled you away from walking towards shredder and pushed you to the exit.
Obviously you weren't leaving without a fight bc the next thing you did was call shredder a little bish
And Leo was shocked so shocked that he wasn't quick enough to make a move to stop you from running towards him
And everything froze when Shredder smacked you.
It was over for shredder the moment he touched you and he absolutely took all his anger out on him.
Immediately asked Donnie if they still had the mutagen to give you
And they did so he gave it to you without hesitation
Because he couldn't live his life without you
And you can guarantee he scolded you when you woke.
He would tell you later when no one else was there that it was a little impressive.
He wasn't even shocked he had a feeling you would do this
You were reckless and it was something he loved about you but not right now.
Because there was no way he could keep you safe.
You were too close to shredder and he was to far away
By the time he made it to you you were already half way across the building
He made sure they defeated shredder and he was instantly by your side
Giving you the mutagen as soon as he got it from April.
He didn't care what you looked like he loved you and you scared him half to death with your stupidity
"Idiot." Is the first thing he said to you all while holding you tightly to his chest.
He would be so proud of you
Until he realized that you were about to be hurt.
But he wasn't quick enough and you getting hurt is something he would beat himself up about for the rest of his life.
Even with your consist it wasn't your fault he would never let you be in harms way again
He didn't even really help defeat shredder he was by your side as soon as possible
You were his sole purpose for being alive and he literally broke tf down at your lifeless body
But Donnie saved the day by giving you mutagen
And Mikey was so grateful.
Instantly all over you and telling you how much he loved you
He would in fact teach you how to defend yourself bc it made him feel like you were safer.
Always reminded you he didn't care what you looked like bc he loved you no matter what.
You were the pepperoni to his pizza
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softpine · 3 months
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@bb-enablefreebuild it's true, but asa says it himself, "I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I have everything a person could want and a better family than some could ever imagine - but it’s not enough for me. I don’t know why. I want to be happy, but I don’t know how." it was important for me to include that part in there, because that has nothing to do with finn – well, only a little bit in that he knows he can come across as ungrateful given that his family is incredibly supportive and some people's families, like finn's, are the opposite. otherwise, this is entirely centered around asa's internal feelings. he's had depression nearly his entire life, it's just that when finn is around he's able to find reasons to take care of himself (going outside for long walks, sleeping regularly, paying attention in class because finn tells him to, taking his meds, etc.) and without finn there to ground him, asa is falling apart for more reasons than one. so yes it's the heartbreak of losing your first love, but it's more than that for him. it's losing the primary reason for living in the moment and looking forward to the future :(
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he will be soooooooo pissed :( we'll have to wait and see if asa tells him the truth (or the full truth) about how he got to this point... especially after everything asa said in this post; he KNOWS finn wouldn't approve of any of his actions thus far, but he keeps digging his grave deeper and deeper because he's already gone too far, he's already broken finn's trust and he can't leave things like this now :(
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that tag is so funny, i wasn't even referring to myself in Sim God terms i was just mad at him as if i'm a powerless reader like the rest of you jfkjsds and YEAH poor casper :( he'll come up in one of the next posts so i don't want to say too much, but the fact that his worst fear is missing out on something important while he's away, to the extent that he's calling constantly to check on his family is so..... :(
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bro yes 🤭
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thank you for sharing!! that makes complete sense to me and that's a really sweet way to incorporate your mom in that decision 🥺
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RIGHT he needs the sense knocked into him fr
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@forgotten-pixels ahhhh i love this question, i was JUST thinking about mac while i was making vegan chili mac the other day fjkjsds i'm actually going to save this in my inbox and take some pictures for you when i have the energy because i miss mac and honey too :') they're always hanging out in the same room while i'm taking screenshots, they just NEVER make it into any good pics. it's actually a curse i swear
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i honestly have no idea, i'm sorry 😭 it'll probably be awhile though, i haven't been doing great tbh but i want the next post to look as good as it does in my head so i don't want to half ass it!!
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@itsalwaysgonnabeher oh you caught that huh sjfkjsds don't worry (yet) 💖
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@little-orphan-ant I'M SORRY 😭 i'm thinking brandi wtf at all times too lmao
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omg okay so i'm saving this message in my inbox for later because i KNOW for a FACT that i listed everyone's favorite candy many years ago but tumblr's search function is so incredibly ass and i don't have the energy to keep searching for it right now but i will find it eventually i promise 🥺 and if not i'll just rewrite it and then when i inevitably find the original post we can compare my answers and see how well i know my characters' tastes fjksjds
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absolutely yes i'm afraid 😌
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in my head i still have to sound it out sometimes if it's been forever since i've typed her name fjksjds
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@rebouks thank you so much 🥺🥺 the same goes to you!!! 💖
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@moonfromearth thank you!! it's so sweet you thought of me ;-; 💗
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diagonal-queen · 10 months
If the BSD girls were my coworkers
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♡ characters: Kyouka Izumi, Yosano Akiko, Kouyou Ozaki, Gin Akutagawa, Higuchi Ichiyou, Naomi Tanizaki, Lucy Maud Montgomery
♡ synopsis: How would these girls be if they were my coworkers?
♡ cw: Swearing, knives, mentions of sexual harassment
note: Well this took forever to write, my bad lol. Uh I'm working full time rn so my posting schedule is a little silly and goofy ahaha anyways um. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
If the BSD boys were my coworkers
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She would try her DAMNED HARDEST OKAY
Scarily good at cutting (legally she's not allowed to be cutting stuff because she's too young, but she's good at it so I wouldn't snitch). Like she'll slice up a whole box of lettuce in like two seconds. We would NEVER run out of cuts with Kyouka on board
Also very good at cleaning, would clear out the entire store and kitchen in a manner of minutes
However she's bad with customers. Like REALLY bad. She would either just tell them the entirely wrong thing, falter and run away, stare silently in confusion, or just refer them to me lol
Always appreciative whenever people bring snacks to work and let her have some
Her favourite job is cutting and wrapping stuff because it's what she's best at and it makes her feel more confident in her ability
Constantly amazed by the pricing machine that just spits out price tags (me too queen) and is always so delighted no matter how long she'd been working there
I appreciate her doing her best and I don't care how many times she makes a mistake she will learn and continue as best as she can and that's REALLY what counts
Oh boy.
I'll start by saying that a very large percentage of my patrons are middle-aged to elderly men. Some of them are very polite and nice, sure, but there are...others.
These 'others' would not last half a second under the icy glare of Akiko Yosano. A single suspicious glance/comment at me or any other female staff would have her committing suable actions
She'd also be good at cutting stuff, but probably get a little too zealous when she gets to cut pumpkins (aka use a mallet and a giant knife at the same time)
Absolutely would answer the phone with no hesitations and be able to take orders and stuff properly without any training which is nice
BUT if someone called us asking for empty cardboard boxes or something stupid like that (which has actually happened) she would argue with them and then just hang up T-T
She should honestly be in a management position because she would be so good at that
Yosano has her ups and downs in vegetal retail. But regardless of all that, she would be like. The COOLEST coworker ever on god
At first I'm not sure if she'd like a job like retail
She'd be like 'I'm really being paid minimum wage to cover my hands in rotten fruits and get verbally abused by pensioners?' (she's so right btw)
But she'd eventually get into the groove of things (probably just because she has nothing else do to) and would actually become quite good at it
She'd be good at organising, cleaning and sorting stuff out to make it look presentable
A respectful AND respectable queen who values neatness and maintains a good rapport with customers...except if they give the rest of her coworkers any shit. Then she's not maintaining as good of a rapport with customers
She's the kind of girl who would ABSOLUTELY talk shit about customers (and other coworkers ngl) in the back lmao
She would always wear gloves because she doesn't wanna get her hands dirty (I hc that Kouyou has perfectly manicured hands and does what she can to maintain them)
Would get frustrated easily though so we'd just have to try not to upset her as much as possible sksjkjfks
I have this coworker who's not very talkative and can be a little awkward to talk to some times, but he's a literal godsend and does everything extremely quickly and to such a perfect degree that without him I am complete mess
THAT is Gin as my coworker
Also my coworker is like super nice as well and Gin would be really nice too lol
She would come off as frightening at first though. I get the feeling that a lot of customers wouldn't want to approach her lol
Might be lacking in confidence at first when she starts but she gets the hang of it quickly enough
Probably doesn't tie her hair up properly and is constantly asked about it by the manager
You would never have to ask her to do anything, she'd just be on top of it all and have everything ready
Would never answer the phone even if she were the only one there. She would probably freeze up and panic until someone else came and answered it for her (she really doesn't strike me as a phone person, because same)
She is also doing her damned best and y'know what? Even if she continuously fucked up, I would forgive her
Even though I know Higuchi is actually very strong and accomplished she's still my favourite girlfailure and I love her
She's pretty good with customers but she would probably falter if one of them started getting mad at her or something (I would defend her guys)
A little bit clumsy, she might drop some things or her cuts might be a little janky, but like honestly the customers can DEAL with it. I feel like they wouldn't probably mind anyway because Higuchi is a pretty likeable person
Always sharing her snacks with her coworkers
Probably late to work a lot of the time but only by a couple minutes, and always makes up for it by staying behind after her shift ends (I wouldn't be surprised if the store actually ended up owing her some hours lol)
Really strong, so people are always getting her to help them lift/carry stuff
Leaves little encouraging/nice notes around for her coworkers because she's a sweetie <3
Naomi haters are gonna get so mad when I say that she'd be a brilliant coworker
We've seen how good at her agency job she is, why would retail be any different?
The best customer sweet-talker ever, would get herself and me out of any and all trouble and the manager would never ever know
Knows how to work all the machines and has memorised each of the numerical codes for each food like a walking dictionary (there's like five hundred of them fr)
Jun'ichiro sometimes visits the store to go shopping and that's the only real issue that Naomi has at work. She will drop everything to spend every second she can with her brother and it's honestly pretty annoying
If she gets overwhelmed she would forget how to do literally anything correctly and might have a bit of a panic moment
Dudes are probably trying to hit on her all the time and she might actually throw food at them I'm not kidding (and I would fully side with her)
She would also be so nice to her fellow coworkers and always encourage them :')
Lucy would consider this kind of work to be spectacularly easy compared to what she had going on in her orphanage and the Guild
Truly a testament to how absolutely shitty her life has been so far (sorry queen I could treat you better <3)
She's pretty good at everything, not perfect but generally quite good. An all-rounder, always getting called in on unscheduled days because she's just the go-to for everything lmao
Not that she would come in on those days, but yk
She would bring snacks for her coworkers but she would never admit it. She'd be like "You can have some if you want I don't care" while having entirely bought them for them lol
If a customer tries to strike up an argument with her or ask for something unreasonable, or try to guilt her into doing things for them (which is surprisingly common actually), they would FAIL
Would store extra stock in Anne's room (and would probably just keep rubbish from throughout the day in there to keep the kitchen clean, until the end of her shift when she can throw it out lol)
Alongside Gin she's EASILY the most valuable and helpful coworker (and also the cutest prettiest one <3)
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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therese-lokidottir · 4 months
Okey there's compared between Wanda action in age of ultron with sylvie in Loki season 2. The compared was about when they see the situation becoming bad.
Let's recap ultron in half of planning, then Wanda knowing what ultron want to do, she horrified not for herself but everyone then she trying stop ultron because even she in vengeful state to Avengers she no want everyone dead (about what happened in Johannesburg it's another thing that let's put a side for this discussion)
And then sylvie, Loki literally said there's will be problem because she kill her and sylvie saw the loom too that about explose that elwill ending all multiverse,she still not care about the disaster that on going, she started care when her McDonalds timeline was gone in front of her face when she literally being warned about consequence what she did
You see this compared? Which one actually care about other and which one that really selfish.
Oh btw while I still feel weird that Wanda just immediately join avenger after what she did, Wanda got her consequence her country was gone and her brother was dead. And sylvie? What consequence she got? Her McDonalds was gone but she still have tampad to go wherever she want, and she look Happy, there's no pain on her face or remorse.
I've made this whole point before
~Wanda, both in Age of Ultron and WandaVision, was presented with a choice. Your wants and feelings vs the well-being of others and, both times, Wanda chooses others. Sylvie is given that choice and she chooses herself.~
My defense of Wanda is not to say she is justified, a hero or even not selfish. My point is just that she's not evil and even if she never gets punished, she does face consequences. The Avengers don't trust in at first in AoU, she has to live on the run after CA;CW, everyone in Westview hates her and she doesn't get anything she wanted. Those are consequences. No one reacts to Sylvie like the person who murdered a bunch of their colleagues. No one calls her out on causing the mess that now has to be delt with. In the end she just gets everything she wants, and Loki gets nothing and she smiles and walks off like it's nothing.
As I have to make clear did not watch season 2. So, may not the full context, but it honestly doesn't sound like Sylvie did anything. I'm also unclear if the timelines came back or they just hopped to a new one. But either way, Sylvie only cares about herself and if it is the latter and Sylvie it shows she truly didn't even care about the people there, she just liked playing house and the people around her were disposable. In contrast to Wanda who did love her family it did have that basic human empathy for the people in Westview. Waldron doesn't write his suppose hero, Sylvie much different than he does when he writes Wanda as a villain, just saying.
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chim-chim1310 · 11 months
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I came across this on Twitter once again. And I feel like crying. Jimin really is an angel. He always suffers in silence and shows us his best smile. We don't deserve him. Nobody deserves that angel.
Look at jungkook's last live, he looked like someone who just recently got exposed to hate and doesn't know how to handle it. And some of his words sounded so childish to me. I don't know if it's because he doesn't know how to put the words properly but he did sound childish. He didn't even get half of the hate jimin has been getting for years, he even gets defended by all the armies even when he does something wrong, even company is supporting him, everything is going his way, still he's scrambling because of that little hate. He's so defensive cause somewhere deep down he too knows that we're right.
He doesn't know how to handle it. This just shows that he never received that much hate ever or even if he did, he was shielded by the group or armies or whatever.
But look at jimin....
He's been getting hate for years. So much so that it has become normal for people. It doesn't even shock them to see the most disgusting, vilest things that people say about jimin. R#pe jokes are not a small thing.
Jimin now comes less on social media. But why do you think that is? You think he suddenly out of nowhere stopped liking social media? He's a celebrity for god sake, social media is an important part of his life.
So no he didn't randomly decide to stop coming online. He saw the hate, he saw what they say about him. Calling him the most, disgusting vile names, accusing him of sleeping with bangpd, even going as far as making r#pe jokes of him being in the military. Like disgusting.
He got exposed to all that for years. Imagine how he would've felt. How he would've coped with it. And his hate is not recent , all these years of him getting hate, no one except for pjms defended him. Armies didn't care about him enough to defend him, not like they defend jungkook. Jungkook is only getting called out by pjms for things that he actually did. While jimin got hate from his own fandom, solos, shippers, other kpop stans, even western artist stans, for things that he never in his entire life did.
Jungkook's hate is recent, and that too it's because he's actually doing something wrong. So pjms are calling him out. Pjms are not even being half as vile as jk stans.
Jimin didn't do anything wrong to anyone still he gets such disgusting hate. So much so that he stopped coming on social media that much. He only does weverse lives and that too is rare.
Imagine how jimin have felt all these years. Still he didn't come on live talking things like jk did. Honestly if jimin did say things that jk did in the last live then it would've made so much more sense. But jungkook's words in that live sounded childish to me. Like he was unnecessarily defensive and sounded like someone who can't take criticism. You can have different opinions but this is mine.
Did anybody defended jimin from the hate? Did his haters ever feel sorry for him after hating him? No they didn't. Still I see some anons in the the pjm blogs feeling guilty for rightfully calling jk out.
They are so quick to defend jk and pity him and come up with thousands of reasons to defend his actions.
"He was young when he started." Is the most common one.
So what? So what if he was young when he started? Was jimin thousand years older than him or what? If you compare people who have a two year age gap they will almost sound like people from the same age. Two years of age gap doesn't make much difference. You suddenly don't become mature in two years. Wtf.
And also all the kpop idols start young. Look at 4th generation groups.
Jungkook is not different. His age is not an excuse. He was given an easy way and he chose to follow it. He walked all over bts' morals, he flushed his artistry down the toilet. He got arrogant too. And now he's acting so defensive cause he can't handle a little bit of criticism.
Jimin was young too when he got hate. His hate has been going on for years. Still I don't see armies pitying him. Even jimin shippers think that's common because jimin always gets hate so they don't do shit for him.
Everyone is quick to defend jk and pity him even when he does deserve the criticism.
But nobody except for pjms defend jimin and pity him when he's been getting hate for years for absolutely no reason other than the fact that they're jealous of him.
This is so sad but so infuriating at the same time.
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bi-bats · 9 months
Hey bitch, it's @chipmunkery <3
13, 32, 40 (no reason in particular 👀), 63, 64 for the ask meme
HEY BESTIEEEEE!! Thank you for sending me an ask even though I'm sure you know the answer to like. half of these questions lmaooooo 💖💖💖💖
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
ooh I actually have to think about this one for a second, hang on
maybe using sensory details and actions to break up dialogue? Sometimes if I think there needs to be a moment between two lines of dialogue but I'm not actually giving the reader a chance to pause by using an emdash or an ellipses, I'll throw something in there to break it up. I have some examples from the damitim fic:
“You’re not talking?”  “No.” “Is that your call?”  Damian puts the teapot on the stove with slightly more force than required, flicking on the burner in the same fashion. “No,” he says flatly. 
okay yeah so in this bit I put that action with the teapot in there as a substitute for a line about Damian pausing, because "he paused" looked boring and felt wrong, so I gave him something to do in that time. This also uses the other bit of advice I posted about the other day about avoiding just saying how a character feels. The action I gave him tells you how he's feeling about it: he's frustrated. But also, he says no flatly, because he doesn't want his words to show that he cares.
Sometimes instead of an action I'll throw in a train of thought because like. If the character has time to notice a smell or to feel something, it creates the breathing room I need to emphasize the dialogue. like here:
“No, I fucking don’t! Damian,” Tim scoffs, as if he’s explaining this to a child, “I’ve been living with Ra’s Al Ghul for the last six years, do you honestly think that Bruce is going to trust me after that?”  And Damian hadn’t thought of that. Hadn’t thought of not trusting Tim, or forgiving him, for even a second.  He is not a fool. He does not think that Tim has spent six years lounging around like a prince in a castle, living in luxury.  That Tim spent six years there and kept his hands clean.  He pretends he does not feel like he’s begging.  “That does not mean you have to leave.”
the time it takes to get from the sentence to the response creates the feeling of the pause even though it's not written anywhere that there is a pause. It just feels like there was a pause while he processed that, and the dialogue is emphasized because of that. Honestly, this is probably the most common thing I do in editing. This actually might not be a common writing tip but I find it works for me and I already wrote all this out and I couldn't think of any common writing tips lol
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
@kieran-granola, @yasmindifference, and @jpeg-dot-jpeg fr this was so easy to answer, everything they write is fucking amazing go read their stuff rn if you haven't already
also honorary mention to you because your stuff is also fucking amazing and I'm EATING IT UP I'VE BROUGHT UP THE JAYBART FIC IN LIKE 4 POSTS AND I'M GONNA DO IT AGAIN RIGHT NOW ADJFAGNAJGLKJF THAT FIC HAS A HOLD ON ME
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Alright well first off anything from this list, but also specifically anything where any of them are covered in blood. The way you draw blood is gorgeous and I'd lose my MIND to see one of my ideas with it 😭 I actually once said to you (half-joking) that I added so much blood to the DamiTim fic because I was trying to lure you into drawing it 😂
So, for you specifically:
that one scene in I Know What My Brother Is where DamiTim (TimDami? I don't really like the order of the ship name mirroring top/bottom dynamics but whatever) are on the bed and Damian's resolve is about to break again
jaytimkon cuddling from the first chapter of Bad Days
that scene in scars & stitches where Tim is leaning Jason back so he can stitch him up and Jason leans back way farther than he needs to
oh my god something from You Hear His Voice Once and You Know It Again like. I'd lose my MIND if you drew lazzied Tim akdjfajkf OOOH YEAH MAYBE THE SCENE WHERE TIM IS HOLDING JASON'S JAW AND JASON IS HOLDING TIM'S WRIST AND IT'S RIGHT WHEN THEY BOTH GO GENTLE FOR A MINUTE
I just really love the way you draw intimacy 😭😭😭 all of these moments are SO intimate you know? Also no pressure to draw any of these, and also anyone is welcome to draw any of these too!! It's just easier for me to pick out specific ones for someone whose style I'm familiar with (and also the ones I'm like. I know for sure I would lose my shit if you drew these lmaooo)
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
I hate the word lover okay I just don't like it I hate it SO much adkjfjafurghgurhgaurhgauhra it upsets me okay it's a me problem whatever
I also don't love the whole 'the older one' 'the younger one' etc. thing, but that's more of a general writing pet peeve than in smut specifically. (It doesn't bother me if it's intentional and like. a kink that someone is leaning into? But it does bother me when it's clear that someone just didn't want to use names again)
64. Something you love to see in smut.
emotional intimacy of any kind. even if it's two characters who are hatefucking instead of being deeply in love. I just. I need them to have feelings about each other it's SO much better that way
also praise kink lol "good boy" are you kidding
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