#I hope this makes you cry
camarocarfight · 4 months
Alastor x Female Reader
Rated Mature for mentions of gore and sexual content. This could be like a 'slice of life' type of thing, but it's more like a kick in the feels.
A hunter.
A hunter had ended it all for Alastor with a single wayward bullet that had shattered his skull and extinguished his life in an instant. The bullet, having struck Alastor between the eyes, had left a single, clean entrance wound that had exited the back of his skull. Bringing with it a trail of blood and brain matter that painted the forest floor around Alastor's motionless body like a halo. Brown eyes, once harboring emotion - existence - were now glazed over, staring listless up at the heavens. Alastor never knew what hit him - his life simply torn from his body. A bizarre hunting accident is what the papers called it.
Accidents are nearly fate misnamed, however.
Never mind the hunter having mistaken a human for a deer. Said hunter was deemed a hero, having killed the illusive New Orleans serial killer that had been evading police for years. The killer that had been the beloved and famed radio host. Leaving the city shocked and disturbed that he had been right under their noses the entire time.
Alastor’s radio program had soared to immense popularity in every aspect of the population. Men enjoyed listening to the current events, kids enjoyed the swinging jazz, and women the soothing tenor of Alastor's transatlantic accented voice when he would sing. Special occasions brought the radio host and his jazz band to jazz clubs and speakeasies, drawing in massive crowds of mostly swooning women. Alastor had been New Orleans’ most sought-after bachelor.
Until he wasn't.
One evening at a jazz club, your friends dragged you to the show. Celebrations were in order, as you and your friends had just graduated nursing school. The atmosphere of the club had been electrifying. People around you danced and sang as Alastor and his band brought the small club to life. Alastor’s radio show had been one you listened to nearly every day, as you were just another girl captivated by his famous vocals. Finally, you could put a face to the name and voice. He was even more handsome than you had imagined; with a charming smile that captivated you and made you blush when he caught your gaze.
The rest of your friends were on the dance floor, flirting and dancing with service men in uniforms. Being quiet and reserved, you sat yourself at a table situated in the corner, but you could still see Alastor. Drink in hand, you sipped idly, lost in thought. A few men had ventured up to you to offer a dance, but you politely declined. Upon seeing such a display, Alastor ventured off the stage and bounded toward your table. Your eyes were wide and cheeks a burning crimson as Alastor pulled you up on stage and the two of you danced the night away. It was a Cinderella story that the town talked about for weeks.
Hearts were broken everywhere when Alastor had begun courting you, and even more so when the two of you had gotten married. Alastor wanted to give you the wedding of your dreams, and he did just that. Being as shy and reserved as you were, it was nothing grand. Just your closest friends and family. Alastor, sadly, didn't have any immediate family to invite, but yours had welcomed him with open arms. The large crowd that had greeted you two outside the church had been a welcomed surprise. Young couples and fans of Alastor's threw rice and flowers into the air, and camera bulbs flashed, capturing Alastor's proudest accomplishment. The front page of the newspaper the next morning housed a lovely photo that Alastor framed and hung in his studio.
Finding and marrying someone hadn't been part of Alastor's original plan, but he hadn't anticipated falling for you so hard either. The first instance your eyes had caught his gaze, he knew he was done for. Your reserved personality had clashed with his own boisterous and extroverted one, but it wasn't your shyness he found charming. It was your innate ability to see the good in people.
“Everyone harbors the capacity for good.”
Your words resonated within him and nearly made him rethink all of his past actions and wrongdoing. Alastor had never felt guilt before having met you. All of a sudden, he found himself standing before the divine being that was you. Selfless and unconditionally caring, he began questioning if he had done you wrong by marrying you. He was tainting you and unknowingly subjecting you to his sins. He was so undeserving of you, but he couldn't find it in himself to let you go. When Alastor looked at you, he saw everything his mother had been. Her maternal instinct and drive to nurture and protect those around her. Losing you would be like losing his mother all over again.
When the day came that you had expressed to Alastor your want for children, you hadn't expected his trademark smile to drop and for him to become angry. Alastor immediately withdrew himself from you and spent the rest of the evening brooding in his study. None of his anger had been directed at you, of course, but it concerned you why he felt the way he did about the topic. You granted Alastor his privacy, only sparing a few glances into the study throughout the evening as you went about your chores.
Alastor didn't move from his armchair until well into the night. The mantle clock on the fireplace had chimed midnight when he finally made his way to the master bedroom. You were sound asleep until the bed dipped by the weight of Alastor settling beside you, causing you to stir. Further roused by his warm lips against your neck, you turned onto your side so you were facing your husband. He was inebriated, having had more than a few glasses of Rye in his solitude. Whiskey always had a way of softening him up, but it also made him very amorous.
Someone as pure as yourself should never be defiled, but Alastor couldn't help wanting to have you in the most intimate of ways. Touching you, tasting you, feeling your perfectly manicured nails scraping down his back, leaving angry red marks in their wake. His name would fall from your lips like a prayer as he moved inside you, working you both towards mutual release.
Alastor had told himself he would be nothing like his father. He wouldn't be the hateful drunk who had nearly beaten his wife within an inch of her life. Then, he would keep her afraid of him with the threat of violence at the slightest misstep. Killing that bastard brought Alastor no remorse, and he was surprised that his mother actually mourned his death. For years, he couldn't understand why anyone would feel pain over the death of someone who had inflicted so much pain upon them.
At least he hadn't until he met you. Then he came to realize that at one point, his mother and father had loved one another. Enough that they shared a life and family together. The war had taken his father from his family and returned to them the empty husk of a man so disturbed by what he saw that his mind waged war on itself and everyone around him.
Unfortunately for Alastor, if he had fathered a child that night, he would never know. He would be killed two weeks later while burying the body of his latest victim. Leaving his beloved and innocent wife to identify his body while being questioned by authorities about the hundred missing people that were found buried in the bayou. Alastor’s only regret was that you would be left to answer for his crimes. The crimes that you had been ignorant for your entire relationship.
Your heart shattered upon seeing Alastor lying there on the metal embalming table. Skin a sickly gray pallor and lips cyanotic, with a single bullet wound in the center of his forehead. The pain you felt was crushing, and agonizing sobs tore from your lips. You didn't want to believe that it was your husband lying there lifeless and not breathing. He couldn't be dead. You rested your head against his still chest and squeezed your eyes shut when you didn't hear the rhythmic beating of his heart, nor felt the rise and fall of his chest.
Alastor couldn't leave you like this - he wouldn't leave you like this. Neither of you were interested in a world without the other, and you simply couldn't see yourself carrying on without the man whom you considered your soul mate. Alastor had been the first man you loved, and he would be the last.
“Please wait for me,” you whispered against his cold lips between broken sobs. Your trembling hands cupped his face, and your thumbs stroked his cheeks. “I love you, Alastor.”
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marauder-level-chaos · 9 months
ohhh one about a lie
if I can give you a little more specific: a lie told to Meth that she bought into and only realized was a lie after she left the black famil and learning it was a lie changed her perspective on both her family and the world... maybe more before she chooses to leave so like first or second year meth... i want this to hurt I want this to make me cry
Ask Game
Oh my god, I love this question-
Lie: The biggest shift in her perspective was after meeting McGonnagall, Pomfrey and Effie. Seeing what a healthy maternal figure looks like is what led her to realise that Walburga is just not it. She literally believed that that's just how mothers are. Literally their first week she saw James write to Effie and tell her about Remus, the half-blood he befriended. Her only reaction was to ask him why he would volunteer information that could get him punished. It wasn't until like the beginning of third year actually that she fully understood what her and Sirius had been through since the ripe age of 8. Their DADA lesson about boggarts? She expected EVERYONE to see their parents and when that didn't happen she was so confused. "How is a fucking snake scarier than your father?"
The other thing she had to re-learn was her understanding of what a healthy relationship looks like. The only marriages or relationships she'd seen were her family's twisted ones. She expected Fabian to just walk out over the smallest of arguments and when he didn't it threw her off. She couldn't figure out why he doesn't scream at her when she disagrees with him. There are things about relationships that will always throw her off but Fabian is nothing if not a very patient teacher.
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dunnewithyou-arch · 1 year
julia immediately started crying. she couldn't help it. her mom was running out of time, it was obvious. she hated that some of her earlier memories included her parents getting into a fight, but that was the way things were. she also had amazing memories, her parents fighting to stay together and be good parents for her and her sisters. billy was quick to explain why mom had to stay in bed, but things weren't extremely clear to julia until a few years had gone by. mom had lupus. mom was dying. mom didn't have much time left, and no one could do anything no matter how hard they had tried. julia had been hearing dad cry himself to sleep lately, but she didn't mention it. she knew that he wanted to mostly keep it together, not being like his father meant overcompensating sometimes.
julia let herself crumble on the bed next to her mom. "i want that, too," she said. "i'm gonna miss you so much. more than you'll know." when her mom explained that dad had to leave for a while, it felt like it was just the two of them against the world. julia was relieved that dad had come back into her life, but that period of time had only made her get closer with her mom, as if that was even possible. seeing her mom like this and hearing her say that had made everything come crashing down. julia knew she was going to need some alone time soon to process everything, but for now she just wanted to stay with her mom.
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@lcveblossomed sent ‘ i just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you. ’ (camila)
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ardeidae-e · 6 months
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i was gonna post another drawing but this gave me so much needed serotonin that i want yall to have it too
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tzarrz · 2 days
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i listen to fog lake too much
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bubblingsteam · 1 month
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mischievousspooks · 2 months
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He brought home a heat lamp.
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krikzilla · 4 months
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Ponyo Zoro indeed!
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my-fall-from-grace · 2 days
ok yknow what i’m gonna say it
no matter how “bad” logan has been or how “little” he deserves this 2nd year or how he’s a “pay driver” or whatever else y’all always say
he doesn’t deserve this. any of this
since the very first moment he stepped in a f1 car, he’s been treated as a joke. first it was the wtf is a kilometre jokes then rah rah eagles and now logan in the wall / fork found in kitchen / deuxmoi memes. every weekend, the commentators compare him to his teammate, ignoring the difference in experience and the way they aren’t even driving the same car and that logan was literally running last years specs multiple times. they compare him to oscar, who has driven multiple times f1 cars during test runs and is in a mclaren and the situations are not even remotely similar, ignoring that logan was promoted early, that he didn’t have much opportunity to drive f1 cars even for testing, that he was literally tossed into the deep end without any help and told to survive.
the only time they were even remotely kind to him was when they gave his car to alex. which thanks for the support or whatever but that is so backhanded i don’t even have the words to describe it.
i think we’re all coming to the terms with the reality that this will be his last year in f1. and i don’t think that’s fair for so many reasons. you promote him early, you give him a shit car, you talk bad about him in the media and you don’t promote him (lap of legends hello?) and you openly court other drivers for his seat. you disrespect him and allow others to disrespect him and that’s not right.
formula 1 is the dream for so many people. imagine achieving your dream, even if it’s in a joke of a team, even if it’s too early. but then you become the joke of a joke, you become the american, which is a bad thing. the outsider, the one who doesn’t belong. they make fun of you each weekend. they ask every day when you’ll be replaced.
(and yeah i agree. he does need to improve to have any hope of keeping his seat, f1 is brutal and it’s never been kind, and i’m not being naive and thinking oh it’s his dream and so he deserves it despite it all. i’m not saying that. what i am saying is that is a human being, just like nicholas latifi was, and some of you are too comfortable being cruel.)
speaking of being the american. they make fun of you as though that will punish the fia for putting 3 us races on the calendar. as though that will punish all the american fans who came to f1 through drive to survive. as though that will keep f1 pure and european and whatever the fuck else - they do the same to yuki and zhou and checo and lewis and even if logan’s situation is not even remotely similar to what they’ve experienced, there’s a bias to f1 that cannot be ignored.
but that’s not the point i’m trying to make. not today
this was your dream. this was your dream. and you were never allowed to enjoy it because you became the punchline of a joke the minute you accepted the seat. it was always going to end like this. you knew that.
so yeah. congrats to logan for achieving his dream of driving in f1! it’s unfortunate that he was never allowed to live it.
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ratboysims · 1 year
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ratsave 1.2 by ratboysims
⭐sorry about the wait on this one!!!!!!
WHAT’S NEW FROM 1.1? • willow creek got a facelift with a lot of completely new builds! • magnolia promenade got a complete facelift with all new builds! • sulani is completed, yes all of it! • other worlds are still not completed, but there are a bunch of new builds and families scattered throughout! • every family in willow creek now has descriptions and story, and their in-game selves should reflect that story!
⭐ information + download below the cut :-) (PLEASE read all of this!)
↪ How to download saves (please read this link, I will not be answering asks about it!)
PACKS: • the ratsave uses most packs EXCEPT for journey to batuu, moschino, and my first pet stuff. • it uses NO kits or cc! • you can still download and play with the save if you’re missing packs, but items and clothes might be missing or replaced!
IMPORTANT INFO: ⭐ please remember this is NOT a finished save, even if all the builds should be functional! i’m still in the process of building and editing, so some builds might not match the sims that live there, and some families might be incomplete etc etc. it shouldn’t be noticeable if you’re playing with your own sims, but please do keep it in mind! ⭐ if you find anything that doesn’t work or is off, PLEASE LET ME KNOW so i can fix it and update the save! i’m only one person working on this and it’s hard to keep track of everything, so any help with noticing issues is super appreciated! ⭐ if you use this, also please let me know and tag me in your photos! i’d love to see your sims living their best life in my save :-)
★ please consider supporting me on ko-fi!
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kitamars · 7 months
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i have nothing for halloween so take some yokai ginhiji doodles so you know im not dead ndnjvjd
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recents · 9 months
so we all know astarion was named after the minotaur of greek myth, who, despite widely known as the minotaur (“bull of minos”), was named astarion/asterion (“starry one”) by his mother at birth. asterion the minotaur was trapped in a labyrinth and cursed to devour virginal men and women thrown in there as sacrifices.
”The House of Asterion” is a 1947 short story by Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges that retells the story of the minotaur from the minotaur’s point of view. it’s one of his best early short stories and it’s very short, only 3 pages long. you can read it here.
borges is in my top 3 favorite writers of all time, and “The House of Asterion” obviously deserves to be considered on its own merits, so i feel slightly irreverent connecting this text to a recent video game. but i reread this short story today and there was much to think about, there were many more seeds planted in my mind in terms of interpretations of the minotaur myth and how asterion the minotaur relates to the story of astarion the vampire. i think it will for you, too.
anyway. if you don’t click through and read it, please at least read how it ends, remembering, of course, that the speaker is asterion the minotaur:
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urclna · 2 months
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who the fuck discovered this before me
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autisticgayplushie · 10 months
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ruby the lesbian calico kitten!
ruby is part of a set of 10 pride-themed kitten plushies, coming soon to kickstarter!!
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doctorsiren · 8 months
im regards to you’re defense attorney edgeworth au. do edgeworth and franziska ever reconcile?
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After the events of AA2, there’s that scene in the airport, and this is sort of how it goes down in this AU
They do reconcile and work on rebuilding their sibling bond, especially now that von Karma can’t control either of them anymore
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ottern0t · 2 months
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(Tiny cw- nonsexual nudity) Context: i headcanon all timelords are intersex and ten got human dysphoria from being on earth so long
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