#I like using all the queer tags and seeing them in color lol
cheesysoup-arlo · 2 months
Cady’s Cousin (pt.2)
(pt. 1)/(pt. 3)/(pt. 4)
A/N: sorry this is mostly like “texting” also the relationship/couples I have in here are (karen and gretchen), (cady and regina), later I’ll add (janis and reader) and maybe (aaron and kevin g) idk maybe lol I won’t be tagging the ships since they’re not the main ship I hope y’all liked this lol
(Sunday 8:30pm)
*Cady created a group chat*
Cads 🦁: hey guys I made this group chat so (Y/N) can get to know you guys, you guys can get to know them, and just for fun 👍
???(1): aw Cady that’s so sweet, this is Aaron by the way lol
(Y/N): can everyone send their name please 🙏
???(2): karen 💕
???(3): Beyoncé
???(4): that’s Damian ^, this is janis 👾
Damian🌟: janis you’re no fun this is homophobia
Janis👾: yeah I hate the gays 🙄
karen💕: ??? u hat me 😞
Janis👾: no not you karen just Damian
karen💕: o okie 😽
???(5): the hottest bitch you’ll meet
(Y/N): hi Regina
Cads🦁: Y/N!!!
(Y/N): cads chill I know she’s off limits
Regina👛: aw baby you’re so cute when you’re jealous
Janis👾: barf 🤮
(Y/N): 😭😭😭
(Y/N): wait where’s Gretchen?
karen💕: sleping 😴
Damian🌟: Important question! Y/n are you one of them queers?
(Y/N): I would be offended if you thought I wasn’t
*damian has named group chat “fruit loops”*
Janis👾: I-
(Y/N): oh that’s-
Regina👛: how’s everyone feeling about school tomorrow? I’m kind of excited mostly because the school cheese fries just hit different yk?
Cads🦁: I’m excited too but for classes I picked an extra math class this year
(Y/N): ha nerd 🤓
(Y/N): I’m nervous lol but at least I have you guys
Janis👾: I’m not excited I hate school it keeps me from doing more important things
(Y/N): like what?
Janis👾: sleeping
Damian🌟: I’m excited I decided that I’m gonna take the new senior only theater class which is a little out of my comfort zone but I’ll manage
Aaron🧍‍♂️: I was supposed to be graduated last year so I’m not excited at all
Aaron🧍‍♂️: yeah I failed English and history so I couldn’t graduate
Cads🦁: it’s ok Aaron now you get to be with us for another year 😊
(Sunday 11:50pm) fruit loops
(Y/N): guys I can’t sleep
Janis👾: same I’ve been lying very still and it’s not working
Damian🌟: janis did you take the melatonin I gave you?
Janis👾: yeah but it’s not working 😔
Damian🌟: welp that’s a you problem then
(Monday 2:30am) fruit loops
(Y/N): do you think I can fit 40 mini marshmallows in my mouth?
Janis👾: oh absolutely
(Y/N): omg ur still awake too?
Janis👾: yeah lol
(Y/N): I just put 35 mini marshmallows in my mouth idk if I can fit more
Janis👾: if you fit all 40 I’ll give you 5 bucks
(Y/N): challenge accepted
(Monday 2:37am) fruit loops
(Y/N): I fit all 40 and almost choked lmao
Janis👾: lmao nice your $5 will be given at school
(Y/N): yippieeee
(Y/N): dude I literally can’t sleep
Janis👾: wanna call? That’s what me and Damian used to do before he got a good sleep schedule lmao
(Y/N): um sure me and my friend back home used to do that too
*incoming call from Janis👾*
“Hi” you whispered suddenly feeling a little more tired with her company even if it was only over the phone “hey” janis said with a small yawn “nice shirt” you say seeing her Lego movie shirt “oh um thanks” she says with a laugh “so what’s up?” “Let’s take turns asking each other questions until we fall asleep” you say with a little yawn “hmm ok favorite color?” She asks you “ooo definitely (your favorite color), how about you?” “Hmm either green or purple” “ooo good choice, hmm hobbies?” “I sing and write a little but I guess art even though I don’t consider it a hobby it’s more of a lifestyle” “art? Can I see some?” “Yeah sure I’ll show you some stuff tomorrow” you both yawn “shit it’s 3 am” janis sighs “fuck” you chuckle sleepy “um I’m getting tired” janis says with a tired laugh “me too” you say starting to close your eyes “good night (y/n)” “good night Janis” you say with a yawn falling asleep as she hangs up
Monday 5:30am
“Pst…(y/n)? You gotta wake up” your cousin said lightly shaking you “ugh five more minutes” you mumbled “no come on up you gotta get ready” she insisted, you got up against your body begging to go back to sleep “good morning sleepy head” Cady said with an enthusiastic smile “cads what time is it?” “5:33” “doesn’t school start at like 8:30?” “No it starts at 8 and I wanted to make sure you had enough time to get ready and have breakfast, breakfast is very important” “uh huh…mm thanks cads” you say with a yawn deciding to get up and look through your clothes “meet me in my room when you’re done getting dressed, ok?” Cady said “um ok?” You said grabbing your favorite jeans and shirt then going to look for your jacket as your cousin left
(Monday 5:40 am) fruit loops
Gretchen🌷: good morning everyone soooo so sorry for not texting yesterday I went to bed early
Regina👛: it’s ok Gretch don’t worry about it
Regina👛: also damn I think Janis and (y/n) our new insomniac duo
(Y/N): unfortunately yes I’m so fucking tired also good morning Gretchen
Aaron🧍‍♂️: why are you guys up so early it’s not even six yet? I literally woke up because of all the buzzing
(Y/N): cads woke me up :(
Regina👛: my skincare and makeup routine take like and hour
Gretchen🌷: I like mornings ☀️
You finished getting ready and headed over to Cady’s room like she asked you to. “What’s up cads?” “Eee (y/n) ok so first of all how are you feeling about your first day” “a little nervous and tired I only got like 2 and a half hours of sleep” “oh goodness (y/n) why didn’t you sleep sooner?”cady says concerned “Because I wasn’t tired?” You half joked. Cady hands you a paper. “That’s a map of the school the way Janis sees it she gave it to me on my first day I feel like it could be helpful for you” “oh um wow thanks cads” you say giving her a half hug. Your aunt knocks on Cady’s open door “hey girls good morning” “good morning mom” Cady says enthusiastically, you yawn “morning” you say with a small smile “I’ve got to head to work but I’m assuming you girls have a ride?” “Yeah Aaron’s gonna pick us up I think?” Cady answers “alright I love you two, be on your best behavior and call me or text me if you need me” your aunt says as she leaves “bye” you and Cady say at the same time. You head to the kitchen and pour yourself a bowl of cereal
(Monday 6:40am) fruit loops
Regina👛: my mom is doing a coffee run what does everyone want?
Damian🌟: iced coffee, oat milk, vanilla
Gretchen🌷: just the usual for me and Karen
Janis👾: iced coffee, oat milk, lavender
(Y/N): um (your coffee order) please
Cads🦁: can you just get me a tea?
Regina👛: yeah of course I’ll get your favorite
Aaron🧍‍♂️: regular coffee, cream and sugar please
Regina👛: ok also who’s picking up who today? I can get Karen and Gretchen as usual
Aaron🧍‍♂️: my mom said I don’t have car privileges this week so I can’t give anyone a ride
Damian🌟: I can get janis for sure but if anyone else needs a ride I can get them too
Cads🦁: can you give (Y/N) and I a ride please we’re ready whenever you are 👍
Damian🌟: yeah I’ll be over in 10 then we’ll go get Janis because I know she’s not ready yet
Janis👾: I would be offended but it’s true
Regina👛: alright meet at our usual spot?
Aaron🧍‍♂️: 👍
Damian🌟: sounds good see y’all soon
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Went on a rabbit hole on the mormon conference, something I've never heard about before (I grew up in a mostly mormon small town)
First I went through the #exmo tag and it was sad to see so many people forced to listen to bullshit spewed by pathetic, fragile, old men but also inspiring to see exmos retaliate and call out that bullshit for what it is. I wish the very best to any and all apostates to they can make a life that's actually theirs.
Then I went through the #tumblrstake tag and some of the shit I read reminded me of being back in high school, listening to all the popular mormon kids gush and gasm about what the church was doing. Like hooray we're building more temples because that's what we should be doing with our ill-gotten money instead of HMMMM I DUNNO DONATING TO CHARITY OR SOME SHIT?!!
But then it became both funny and concerning when I saw some queer mormons confused about why the bigwigs weren't using they/them pronouns, why they weren't affirming lgbt identities, etc. My kneejerk reaction to this was "uh cuz they don't fucking care lmao" but then it reminded me of a post made by a queer exmo that basically gave hope that queermos would realize there's a bigger, happier life outside of the church.... which there is! Like what life would you rather choose: a life where you have to mask your identity and act like you'll be accepted by a religion that has a clear history of bigotry? Or a life where you don't have to hide anything and be the rawest you you can be, not the one everybody else wants you to be?
But then there's the kicker: choice. It's easy for an outsider to be like "omg why don't they just leave lol", and I used to be that kind of person too. But now I realize that not too many people have that choice, hence the whole PIMO thing. The mormon cult isn't something you just leave. It would be so nice if it was easy for the religiously prosecuted TO leave like "oh this church isn't gonna allow a gay wedding, fuck em" or "oh this church believes my skin color is dark because God cursed me that way".
So I'll say it again that I'm proud of the exmos and pimos for escaping and slowly undoing years of brainwashing and manipulation. This mormiecon can suck a fart out of a skunks asshole. And to those questioning their faith in this cult and are struggling, keep questioning. Keep asking questions. You are not a lamb, you're a fucking human being and I wish you the best of luck on regaining your independence.
Anyway, I'm gonna go make some shitty memes about the stuff I read today cause humor is my godawful coping mechanism for living in a small town full of shitty mormons.
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saintqueer · 7 months
I'm sorry you got harassed again just from a simple post with a (imo pretty valid) opinion. If that person is the same that answered your post by reblogging and repplying on their blog with unnecessary hate (apparently queer but a solo louie) then it's the one I just blocked. I love to currate my experience in this fandom. Anyway I just wanted to say, I used to love your posts in this fandom! I lost track of your blog and thought you'd disappeard. I'm glad to see you're still on Tumblr and enjoying other fandoms. I'm well aware of how toxic this fandom can get (between the hets, the solos often queer themselves but hating on queer larries and more, to many groups to count tbh, louis' attitude on social media ect), especially when you dare to voice an opinion, which I'm mostly don't lol. I'm staying for the art, the fics, the great memes and ofc the music and the people. You're "y'all" made me think 'I Hope she still got good times and friends out if it. I made some great friends in the larries bunch myself. Anyway sorry for the rant, I lost track of what was my point here. Just was happy to see you pop on my dash through a mutual and wanted to say so I guess?? So once again thank you for the fun times I had reading your posts back in the days; have a great time out here, enjoying your favs fandoms, you do you! Sending love xx
so i was trying to avoid posting any anons regarding prev fandom discourse but i opened this one and read it through and it was just so amazing i had to respond, not just in tags 🥹🥹
of course, it's lovely to hear that you liked my posts on fandom back in the day etc but what really got me was when you wanted to make sure i still got good times and friends out of it, that nearly made me cry
because YEAH I FUCKING DID 🥺😩🥺🥹🥲
blue ( @wastelandbabyblue ) is literally one of the coolest people i've ever known while also being one of the kindest and funniest. id literally kill to meet her one day in person. i still keep up with brenda and several others i met in her og discord, some of which are the only remaining 1d fandom blogs i still follow here - they are so kind and funny and i still talk to them occasionally in a fandom discord i stayed in because i didn't want to lose touch with them.
and 🥹🥹🥹
i met 8 of who i would consider my closest friends in the whole world through fandom. through the most insane wild and unruly fandom discord drama, i literally located my found family: wedo, nino, iza, katja, olia, hanis, chloe, and su
we talk everyday still even though we live all over the world and we talk about nearly everything except fandom nowadays and they've helped me survive living day to day through some of the worst moments of my life. i don't know what i'd do if i didn't have them in my life
last night, i had a bit of a shame spiral thinking about all the time energy money i devoted to the 1d fandom. i felt embarrassed for being so loud about something that ended in so much disappointment. it wasn't fun and i know it was probably triggered by being involved in some discussions i hadn't been in so long
so when i opened this ask, anon, it reminded me so much that whatever was lost from that time, so much more was gained. the embarrassment of remembering dancing around like a fool with a rainbow flag for someone who couldn't even say something as simple as "look at all those colors" pales in comparison to the lifelong friendship i gained with these 8 beautiful women all across the globe
nothing will ever compare to the people i met and the way they feel closer to family than any of my blood ever felt
i'm glad that you found so much goodness as well and thank you for reminding me that it was all worth it for what i got
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hergrandplan · 2 months
Get To Know Me Tag
Thank you for the tag Sophia ily 💜 @sillylittleflower
do you make your bed?
Usually! Especially when I leave the house in the morning, because then I'll remember.
If I stay the whole day at home though... at some point I'll look at my bed and see a crumpled mess of sheets
what's your favourite number?
7! my birthday and I feel, overall a lucky number. Plus idk, I can't explain why but it just *feels* right
what is your job?
I'm a copy editor! Started as an editorial assistant, but now that I've graduated and have more hours at the office (a very nice 32 hours, four days a week) I'm taking on more responsibilities and leading my own projects which is very fun
and I can now honestly say that if I was a Barbie, my job would be books (because it is! which is still wild)
if you could go back to school, would you?
Whenever I started freaking out about graduating at work, everyone said that I can still go back to school whenever.
However, since literally JUST got out of those trenches, I don't think I'll be going back any time soon
can you parallel park?
I can't even drive (I'm going to start lessons soon though)
a job you had that would surprise people?
I mean aside from being an editor? I think my internship in Acquisitions (still publishing but like, buying the books and stuff) was really cool! Especially the whole getting to read manuscripts from famous authors beforehand
do you think aliens are real?
The universe is too big for them not to be real
can you drive a manual car?
Nope and I tried once, had a panic attack so . automat it is
what's your guilty pleasure?
Fanfic, young royals, reading trashy books I know are going to be bad
Two! Both on my right arm, one a floral one and one bottle with a moon in it
favorite type of music?
Definitely pop. I used to be more a musical theatre girlie and I still love the theatre but I don't listen to it as much now
And especially sad pop (Lizzy McAlpine, Gracie Abrams, etc).... sign me up
Also: Blonde pop music is a vibe, it just hits different
favorite color?
Changes every day but I think today's is yellow
do you like puzzles?
I love them! I'm not allowed to buy them as much cause they're expensive but yes, love them
favorite childhood sport?
I played volleyball for 11 years (from age 7 till 18) so definitely that haha
do you talk to yourself?
All the time :) I've gotten used to it by now (even though I'm very annoying)
what movies do you adore?
There are some that I rewatch yearly, like Love, Actually, The Polar Express and A Muppet Christmas Carol, and I love them every year
Other movies that I adore are definitely like, sweet, easy movies with a little bit of a tearjerker. Nora Ephron is a gem, even if You've Got Mail is a bit creepy, and literally anything queer I'll watch.
Oh Nimona!!!
coffee or tea?
Coffee and I drink it way too much
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
A teacher lol
Onward tagging: @bigalockwood @skibasyndrome @darktwistedgenderplural @piebingo
and everyone who sees this and wants to have a go :)
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thesadboisguidetolife · 10 months
My sweet angel @iamanimaginarybeing tagged me to post a selfie and answers some questions so here we go!!
Had to pull the shirt down because these trunks leave NOTHING to the imagination lol also because this shirt is one of my favorites
Tumblr media
Are you named after anybody? I was actually given my name BECAUSE my mom didnt want me to have the "family name" lol
Do you have any kids? i do! i dont talk about it much though because its not my place to put out my kids info like that unless they're comfortable with it.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Nooooooooooooooo. Not at aaaalllllll.
When was the last time you cried? Oh babe, i cry a good amount lol. there was a post i reblogged about the guy who went back to retake this picture in this old timey place that had me misty eyed. If we're talkin like haaaard cry..... a couple of weeks ago my depresso got kinda bad and i had me a little cry in the shower. but im good now 🥰
Whats the first thing you notice about people? oh God im gonna come across SUPER LA but, the vibes. Whether someones timid, loud, how they talk, body language, just the whole thing.
Eye Color? Brownish?!?! Ive been told i have little bits of green in them but please don't look into my eyes. I get embarrassed and feel uncomfortable in a comforting way if that makes ANY sense at all
What sports do you/have you played? Soccer and Basketball in teams growing up. Nothing much other than that lol
Any Special Talents? I can knit, crotchet, play guitar, bass, ukulele, im decent with a sewing machine, i can cook, i would like to think that im getting better at photography, i can pop my left shoulder out of my socket (?) haha this ones hard for me.
Where were you born? In the Antelope Valley, Southern California.
Scary Movies or happy endings? Scary Movies WITH Happy Endings. FUCK The Strangers. I love/hate that movie so much and i know it goes against my answer because it has one of thee most fucked up endings but.....damn lol
Do you have any pets? 2 cats
How Tall are you? a humble 5'6". lol
Favorite subject in school? Cooking, followed by French, followed by Weight Training lol
Dream Job? Cook at the Queer Commune lol honestly, i think im currently working on something id LOVE to do till the end of time but we'll see. I dont want to jinx it
Imma tag @sucker-for--anything-acoustic @campcrow2 @adamsmasher @floofiest-doof @beast-0f-lavendertown @circle-of-power @odeada-nightspawn @jambos6 @spider-boy1989 @skiingcows @snikt-yip @penismage @traumadumpling @chibi-masshuu @kaleidoscope-cosmic-power for now 🥰
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martsonmars · 6 months
[wrote most of this last January — I'm not deleting the tags but LOL — and I'm not changing my answers — not even the last time I cried — but I'll add stuff]
15 Questions 15 People
Thanks @nausikaaa @johnwgrey @shrekgogurt @raenestee @yellobb @stitchyqueer @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @prettylightsbigcity @sillyunicorn and at least two more people (whose notifications were eaten by Tumblr) for the tags! I love being tagged in these games even though I don't always participate. [And now it just took me a year...]
I almost didn't participate this time either because I don't like some of the questions, but I really wanted to answer a couple of them so here we are 😂 It'll likely be long so...
[Tagging @onepintobean @brilla-brilla-estrellita @palimpsessed @ileadacharmedlife @technetiumai @thewholelemon @youarenevertooold @iamamythologicalcreature @ic3-que3n @theearlgreymage @messofthejess @theimpossibledemon @artsyunderstudy @cutestkilla @valeffelees. That's 15! If you played last year you can ignore me or play again.]
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not really? Definitely not after a relative (thank god, I'm not a fan of it), but:
a) my mother's religious enough that biblical Marta was on her mind. She used to say that if she had another girl she wanted to call her Miriam, and it wouldn't have happened anyway because when we thought my brother would be a girl — before that “uh there's a penis here” that made me cry because I was used to being a single child by then, and I was already so upset to get a sibling that at least I wanted a sister — I fought for the name Emma, but she did want to play a vague Martha&Mary game. (My brother got a religion-inspired name too, anyway.)
b. there's a song by one of her favourite singers that's called Marta che parla con Dio (I love this song so much!) and she always mentioned it when I asked about my name
c. Marta Abba was an actress and the muse of my mother's favourite writer. I always say that I'm named after her because I like the idea.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don't remember when I last cried properly (not because I never cry but because I cry too often) but the last time I had to fight tears because I was in public and almost failed was two days ago.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope! I'm baby myself. I used to say I absolutely didn't want kids but now my stance is more “we'll see what happens”. Kids feel like too much — I'm always exhausted when I have to take care of my brother (who's almost 11 now, so not a baby, and still requires so much time and energy) and spending a week with my 3yo cousin reminded me of how it is when they're younger — and I'm not sure I'd want to devote such a big part of my life and my days to someone who, at least at first, would need me so much. But I love kids. I usually joke and say that I love them as long as they're someone else's and they go home at the end of the day, but I think I'd like having my own kid. I want to believe I'd be a good parent. But I definitely don't want to birth anyone, so we'll see what more queer rights or moving to another country life brings!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I think so? I love sarcasm, but I probably don't use it as much as I think I do.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
This is one of the questions that bothered me because I couldn't think of any physical characteristic, but then I realise that the answer is SO easy: the first thing I notice about people I interact with is whether they pass my anxiety's vibe check.
(What I notice about people I don't interact with is whether they'd be good fancasts. The only faces I remember among all the people I've seen in 3 months of classes in person are: potential Shep fancast & potential fem Baz fancast.) (They're friends btw.)
6. What’s your eye color?
Brown. (I almost found a way to turn this answer into 15 paragraphs too, but I'll spare you.)
7. Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy endings for sure. I'm not a fan of scary movies in general (can't see the appeal), but I'll always pick happy endings. Though I can bear sad movies better than sad books, probably because everything's faster.
8. Any special talents?
I'll skip this one. Not because I don't think I have any special talents, but because what's a talent? What's special? Honestly my special talent is not being able to answer this kind of question about myself (along with “describe yourself in 3 adjectives” and shit like that).
9. Where were you born?
Wouldn't you like to know.
10. What are your hobbies?
I am, sadly, pretty inconsistent about hobbies. The ones that never leave are reading and writing (even when I had my 3 year long writer's block, writing was still at the top of my mind), but other than those two I have a wide variety of hobbies that come and go. Mostly because if I don't master a skill immediately I give up, and so I keep picking hobbies up and then abandoning them and then picking them up again. I'd probably be happier if I stopped wasting so much time on my phone and dedicated more time to getting better at some of these hobbies I've tried, but alas, my brain cannot be coerced into it.
December edit: learned and learning to crochet and I have a feeling this hobby will stay.
11. Do you have any pets?
Nope. I probably wouldn't want a pet that can move around, or one I'd have to touch (I assume you have to touch most pets somehow... but when I helped my aunt with her fish I didn't have to touch them because she had a little net I could use to move them when cleaning was needed, and it was great, so I could probably handle something like that). I'd also be sad about their lifespan.
Honestly, I'll probably only have a pet if someone I live with will have or strongly want one.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did ballet from age 4 to age 11, then I let them fat shame me away from it. I probably would've quit after middle school anyway, but I wish I hadn't let them make me feel like shit about my body because I really love ballet, and I was the best of my group (the examiner from the Royal Academy of Dance said so twice.), and we were going to try point shoes the next year, and I was just a chubby kid.
Then I did archery for 2/3 years in high school. I quit because I felt like I didn't have enough time to do it AND study, and so I didn't want to commit to it to the point of buying my own bow, and the equipment my trainer gave me for free wasn't good enough that my skills could improve past a certain point, and so I got frustrated with it. I'd like to pick it up again someday.
(I almost googled whether ballet is a sport because I feel like a lot of people would say it isn't for different reasons, but then I decided that I don't care. It counts as a sport to me.)
13. How tall are you?
174 cm, I think. Maybe 173. 5’8”?
14. Favorite subject at school?
Oh boy. I could spend hours on this, I'm such a swot (which is why my current struggles with studying hurt so much! I never thought I'd be the kind of person who'd struggle with the only thing I used to be the best at, and yet here we are).
I think my favourite subjects to study are things like history and law. I also love languages so much and I need structure to study them (I struggle to be consistent and practice on my own). I loved scientific subjects and kinda miss them occasionally. I loved all the literature/social sciences classes I've had in my life but most of them are mostly stuff I like to read about and don't really want to study.
[December comment: I didn't post this in January because I didn't finish answering this question. I still don't want to finish because it's too much. I just want to say that there's a difference between subjects I like in general and subjects I like to study, and I think the two categories intersect in the fields of history, languages and law.]
15. Dream job?
There are two wolves inside of me.
The wolf that wants to leave a very specific mark in the world, which is the reason why I'm studying politics. I am not saying that politics are the way (or the only way) to change the world. I'm not even saying I want to be a politician. But there is in me the desire to do something for the world from this point of view, be it through writing or activism or NGOs or European/international institutions and organisations or the government. I'm currently [December] planning to write my bachelor thesis in International Law and talk about the regulation of AI, and my professor says this is a field that's creating more job opportunities and isn't yet as saturated as the human rights job market, so maybe this is something to pursue.
And the wolf that wants to stay in my little bubble and write fiction. Or translate books (though I don't think I'd actually want to be a translator. It's a shitty job). Have a nice house and a family and forget about the world.
I know these aren't necessarily mutually exclusive (in the sense that both could be possible at different times), but I'm not sure what will prevail. I guess it also depends on the jobs I will find when I'm done studying.
I agree with who said they want a job they like well enough but that leaves them time and energy to pursue their actual dreams. Work doesn't have to be your dream, it can be just work. But maybe I'll turn my dreams into work and have more, different dreams in my private life. We'll see!
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isabellehemlock · 1 year
GTKY Tag Game
Thank you so much @energievie for tagging me for a fun tag game!  I could have sworn I did this one a few months back but then again, just because I couldn’t find it via my search button means nothing in tumblr land lolll - anyways, here we go! Are you named after anyone?
Technically I’m named after my great-aunt, Katharina (turning 90 this year!), but to be honest, my mom said it was more about just really liking the name in general versus like any kind of honoring family sort of thing.  My two middle names are my paternal and maternal grandmother’s names.  And fun fact: I was almost named Ka‘iulani if it had been up to my Dad (and I think my Mom won solely for the fact that most of her family would not have been able to pronounce it correctly lol)
When was the last time you cried?
Over the weekend, watching the latest season of Queer Eye
Do you have kids?
Two AMAB, and one baby in Heaven due to pregnancy loss
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Only in person where I can hear tone, and see body language and vice versa - I can be very Vince Vaughn-ish kind of humor lol.  But online?  Nope, not without tone indicators.  My brain reads very literally (thanks NDcodedness).
What sport do you play/have you played?
I was the sickly kid (still am) - but I did a few years of choir, and show choir for two years in high school
What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
How they treat and speak to others.  Though I can appreciate everyone has off days, and one snap moment shouldn’t be like the end all to end all - and words matter to me, I’m a words of affirmations gal, I believe that though someone can fake being kind, they can’t fake being mean.  And if someone uses their time and energy to consciously drag someone down, I will not invest my time and energy into nurturing a connection with them.
Eye color?
Blue, a smidge of green, central heterochromia in both eyes, and a gray outline
Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies ftw
Any special talents?
Pretty much anything artsy, and (especially digital) organization related
Where were you born?
Fulda, Germany 
What are you hobbies? Anything artsy 
Do you have any pets?
Nope!  Allergic to pretty much everything pet related lol - but my mom who lives above us has several pets, so my kiddos meander upstairs for their pet fix.
How tall are you?
Five and five and a half - very important to include the half :)  Fun fact, same height as Marilyn Monroe <3
Fave subject in school?
History - with English, and Choir being close second and third.
Dream job?
Growing up: kindergarten teacher - ended up doing work with a lot of different children’s ministries and non profits, and human services in my late teeens, through mid30s.
Now?  I can’t offer consistent work hours due to chronic health issues, so adapting, I’d say, probably self publishing at some point, or selling zines.  Dipping my toes into it by offering prints on my (soon to be open) etsy store, and engaging with more fandom zines.  Might end up looking into it more seriously in another year, or two.
Tagging (with no pressure of course) @beepbeepsan @esinofsardis @carmine-sunlight @mylonelyangel7 @fablesdelightme @jennaflare @terribledelights @vexbatch @flawedamythyst @strawberryxfieldz @magslensherr @soitamulle
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disneyfemslashcomics · 5 months
Hi!! I'm sure you've been asked this before so feel free to ignore this but what are your favorite Disney femslash ships? I have a lot that I like, but some of my own faves are Esmeralda/Jasmine, Aurora/Snow White, Merida/Mulan, Elsa/Isabela, and Ariel/Moana!! (Also, thank you for your post about blocking people who post AI art in the tags lol. I will not say who but someone I followed for a long time whose blog I loved started suddenly posting about AI stuff and I had to unfollow. It was crazy to me because they themself were an artist who didn't seem to realize or mind that AI art steals from artists like them.)
Oh my but this is one of my favorite questions and the answers do change over time.
Right now my favorite ships are (in no particular order)
Alice/ Wendy Darling (particularly my interpretation of them as adults)
Snow White/Jasmine (honestly OTP of all time material, ask me about them and I'll tell you)
Snow White /Luisa - they're so cute
As for AI, I do have some room for nuance in it. There are tools that look at patterns in images and try to complete the pattern that I think would be incredibly useful and are notably not theft as they're largely pulling from an image that you're choosing to feed into it, and things like clip studio paint's auto colorize specifically when taking partially colored images, where I could see it being exceptionally useful to comic artists if you could control the inputs to only be your own art. My understanding of things like this is that they're also less of an energy drain and more sustainable, which is not a small issue when you're talking about full scale generative ai.
Where AI is right now isn't ethical. I want to make myself clear too that my biggest issue with AI is the destruction of the community aspects of fandom, because it's true that it steals and uses a lot of energy but the same can technically be said of AMVs and I'm pretty sure that we all like those here. I'm not inherently opposed to image manipulation and mash-ups, even of my own work, but I do want for people to be able to find my art and be able to talk to me and ask me to draw things if they want.
People who are generating images in private don't have to talk to anyone in order to get more of the same type of image, and while it's still definitely possible to share things around and make friends through mutual appreciation of the same thing and sharing that thing, it's not really the same experience as talking to people and building things together.
I want for people to make friends and talk to people, especially queer folks who are more likely to be isolated. And I want for artists to be included in the communities that they're making works for.
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nono-bunny · 8 months
why do people on tumble think everything is gay. like every time two characters of the same sex are close yall be like, they're in love they're soul mates. Wishful shipping?
Wow, this a pretty funny first ask to get! Hi!
So.... Couple of things here, I suppose!
First "people on Tumblr" is a funny label to use considering you are literally on here as well, and I'm guessing found my post about the "gay Barbie movie". Just... kind of a lack of awareness here lol
Secondly, I was talking about Barbie and the Diamond Castle, a movie that as a kid literally opened me up to the possibility of me not being straight- grew up in a queer family, btw, but that was the movie that made me go "women??? 👀" so when I am talking about that one I am quite literally talking from personal experience even before I was ever on Tumblr
Thirdly... Why the fuck do you care whether or not I see some relationships in Mattel's kid oriented Barbie movies as straight or gay or... literally anything? Tumblr is kinda all about shouting your thoughts into a void where like minded people are hanging out. If you happen to hear something you don't like, it's legit the easiest thing ever to just block and move on rather than come at someone anonymously in the asks... Unless you are literally just asking, in which case, the answer is already in the question, I suppose: "wishful shipping" for fun, because it doesn't hurt anyone and shouldn't be any of your business or concern you if you disagree with my takes (unless they make you uncomfortable for some reason...)
Assuming you found me and that post through the Barbie tag or something, let me just tell you this: Barbie Roberts would be SO disappointed in you rn. There may not be any canon gay relationships in Barbie as of now (to my current knowledge at least), but with Barbie!vloggerverse being the current long running iteration and front runner, and from how I've seen the way she consistently advocates and gives a safe space to talk for a lot of marginalized communities... Barbie is 100% not someone who would ever tolerate coming to someone's asks and questioning them on an entire site's tendency to talk about queer shit when that site has a very heavy queer demographic in the first place, like... What the fuck?
I also personally don't even like??? Ship exclusively queer ships, which your ask does kinda seem to imply. Scroll just a bit on my blog, or heck, even look at my bio, and you can see I'm very into romance in general. I don't see it anywhere and everywhere, which seems to be a common sentiment when people don't like a ship, and some friendships are just that in my eyes as well: friendships. But some dynamics seem to lean into the romantic vibe more than the platonic one, and that's when shipping happens, regardless of the gender of the characters or whether that'd make it a gay ship or not.
That being said, my takes on the "gay Barbie movies" are not uncommon, here or elsewhere, because whether by accident or otherwise, they tend to be REALLY rife with queer undertones and metaphors, and people notice! Queer color coding, an indifference by the main characters to the "default" opposite gender love interests, popular queer ideals of living (fucking!! Cottagecore girlfriends cohabitating together in the middle of the woods!!!)... Maybe one or two would go unnoticed or ignored, but the movies I've talked about tend to somehow have all of these and more, so... Is it really that big of a surprise when people take notice? There are movies where I ship the Kens and the Barbies, just as there are movies where I ship the Barbies with the Barbies (or Raquels, or Teresas, or any other female Barbie characters) because it all depends on the way things are portrayed! I don't automatically go into a movie thinking "hmm I wonder which gay ship shall I invent out of thin air today!" because, evidently... I'm not the only one to see that at the very least the potential for these things is there!
I think I'm going to go rewatch Barbie in the Diamond Castle now. Because I enjoy it, and I ship the two main characters, and it's a great movie regardless of whether it's gay or not! It is gay though, and you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who disagrees with me on this on Tumblr.com
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reductosshrinkgun · 11 months
I'm bored aka so here's a list of dating apps I use and my mini reviews:
Feeld - originally the most promising because it's more for polyam people; also the most fun at first. Has since devolved into lots of couples/swingers looking for thirds. Overall as someone who is interested in finding a primary, it hasn't been helpful. 7/10
OKCupid - has excellent identity options but has been paywalling too many features. And not to be mean but everyone I see say they like it best is typically white and a level of nerd that I'm not at. 5/10
Her - so I originally avoided this one because of the name, but this is where a lot of Black trans mascs are in my area which was exciting. The site and interface is cute and I love the banners you can use. But no one reads profiles; and there are too many "no poly" and "no mascs/femmes" comments for me to feel like I belong there. 5/10
Jack'd/Scruff - these are essentially the same cruising app. Like seriously they are exactly the same but color coded lmao. In DC Jack'd (red) has mainly Black queer men and Scruff (blue) has mainly white. I love the tagging system but can't find people in my area using said tags. I bumped it up a point because they're both less overwhelming than Grindr. 4/10
Grindr - has the most trans/non-binary people but finding each other also means opening yourself up to chasers. There's a wild mix on here but I get both the most messages and the most unwanted dick pics. Feels the most chaotic (though apparently Sniffies is worse lmao) but also has a great tagging system. The app also paywalls *a lot* and there are *constant* long ads. I would rate it so much higher without the ads. 3/10
Anywho they all ultimately suck and I hate them but still lurk on them 🤸🏾‍♂️. I'm a sex neutral ace/demi who's kinky af and I have limited time/energy. I look for people who are interested in intentional communication and kink education. I have not found a good app for my needs, at all, and figure I never will lol.
Like, if I was into NSA or FWBs I would be *eating* right now. But since I'm not (and I'm COVID cautious) it's hard as fuck to find good matches. It's all pretty stressful and demoralizing, so I don't take these apps seriously anymore. And they're all fucking paywalled and make us commodity ourselves in ways I'm not comfortable with.
(There are also multiple guides for trans masculine ppl and cruising apps like Jack'd/Scruff/Grindr. They have a lot of possibilities, they just don't work for me right now.)
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jyndor · 2 years
why are people so mad about rebelcaptain i literally cannot think of a less problematic ship sdfkjhdf
anon I'm with you in the sense of like the idiots who think it's homophobic to ship a mf relationship (uno reverso it's actually biphobic to say that tyvm). im fairly certain its just one troll sending those anons though lol.
but im actually going to hold the rebelcaptain fandom to a bit of account for a moment if yall dont mind. in a loving way. and actually everyone. I'm holding shippers to account for a bit. with love and respect and anyone who thinks this is like idk attacking all shippers is an idiot and should go sit in the corner for fifteen minutes.
I don't want to ignore the feelings of some fans, some of whom are friends of mine, who experienced some very shitty xenophobic/racist bullshit from some rebelcaptain shippers throughout their time in fandom. There have been people writing shitty stereotypical Latin Lover shit in rc fic, there have been people writing very racialized and xenophobic portrayals of Cassian and when some Latine fans and fans of color pointed this out, they've gotten vitriol and bullshit from no doubt white women fans. It's a similar thing actually, exotification/fetishization/etc is harmful in all of its forms and I'm not going to act like it hasn't happened in this fandom.
It's frustrating as hell knowing a lot of these same people would push back heavily on fanboys sexualizing and fetishizing Jyn for being a woman, but that's white feminism for you.
so there are people who don't like rebelcaptain literally because of how some rebelcaptain fans have behaved and I'm not going to dismiss or deny that.
but rebelcaptain itself is like super innocuous and absolutely in no way is shipping a mf relationship homophobic lol that is so fucking embarrassing, anyone who says that is an idiot and very likely a straight woman with internalized misogyny who needs to fetishize mlm and can't relate to other women or femmes. especially since like I've said before, a lot of queer women and femmes gravitate towards ships with women and femmes because it's nice to see us in our ships. but these weirdos don't care about queer people. they care about getting off to gay porn and feeling good about doing it.
it's why so much of slash fic is like just taking gay stereotypes and putting them on characters they don't fit. and queer men and mascs have talked for years about how harmful it is and how difficult it is to find actually respectful, relatable mm fic that isn't just like top/bottom shit. I'm LOOKING AT THE TREATMENT OF THIS WHOLE FANDOM OF BODHI ROOK.
something that I've seen bodhi/cassian fans talk about how sometimes rebelcaptain fans can be racist and I am going to have to agree. because fans of a thing are part of systems and have real world biases, not because rebelcaptain itself is ~problematic lol.
but I've also seen a bunch of bodhi/cassian fans literally talk so much misogynistic shit about jyn and welp turns out they're just women fans of slash who think they're idk allies to queer people. I'm trying to be careful how I say this because I'm not trying to start shit with the good ship bassian, i come in peace lol, but... it's fairly common in my experience for women fans to ship m/m ships that have approximately five minutes of screen time together and do it in a fetishizing way and then totally skewer the actual canonical woman in the canon ship. but that happens with mf ships too, and women of color are much more likely to get it for "being in the way" or whatever lol.
it's why I was actually very worried about how some rebelcaptain shippers were talking about bix and adria before the show started, like cassian potentially having a love life before jyn coming into his life is a threat or something. that's just internalized misogyny with a racist/xenophobic tint to it since none of the other ladies cast got that from fans.
actually it's concerning to me that so much of the andor ao3 tag is like... weird fetishizing reader pov shit. or like ocs. and not any of the love interests who cassian has in the show. However much I do not think bix and cass are good together because of their toxic history, I definitely think they have so much chemistry and HISTORY that it warrants more than like two people even touching on it in their fic. I'm glad as hell that cinta and vel are getting so much love in fic, but that's such an outlier in fandom. wlw ships are so overlooked because it's not about exploring the characters and the stories for these fetishizing weirdos. it's just about attaching slash fic tropes to men and mascs who they don't fit.
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zerodaryls · 1 year
tagged by @jazzandpizazz, thank you!
1. Are you named after anyone? I named myself, and no, not really, lol. though I did have partial inspiration from Riley from National Treasure because he was the nerdy comic relief character and I was like "that's me". So. Sort of?? But not really. I was just looking for examples of guys named Riley to make sure it wasn't all women. aND THEN DISNEY CAME ALONG WITH THEIR STUPID EMOTIONS MOVIE AND EVERYONE DECIDED TO NAME THEIR DAUGHTER RILEY AND NOW IT'S NOT AS MASC/NEUTRAL A NAME AS IT USED TO BE AND BARISTAS KEEP SPELLING IT "RYLIE" WITH LITTLE HEARTS OVER THE "i". >:(
2. When was the last time you cried? ummm over a movie probably but I don't remember what. Jurassic Park III, I think lol.
3. Do you have kids? yes, a cat and a rabbit.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? ehh an average amount probably
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? idk, appearance probably? like before I know them.
6. What’s your eye color? blue
7. Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings. but like, if it fits the narrative and makes the point of the story more powerful then a good sad ending is nice. (see: A Single Man)
8. Any special talents? er... no? maybe being able to say "llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobyllllantysiliogogogoch". though that's probably not as impressive to Welsh folks, lol.
9. Where were you born? California (in the boring middle part)
10. What are your hobbies? thinking about fictional characters, writing about fictional characters, watching fictional characters... walking, playing dress-up in my room lol
11. Have you any pets? a cat and a rabbit. they are my children.
12. What sports do you play/ have played? none currently. played softball for two non-consecutive years in elementary and middle school. and now I'm queer and trans. slippery slope, y'all. /j
13. How tall are you? like 5'6.5" (~169cm)
14. Favorite subject in school? ASL or art. maaaybe math but definitely not when it got complicated like pre-calc lol.
15. Dream job? I do not dream of labor. (lol, but genuinely... I wish I could just be paid to volunteer with various causes. like, 3 days a week I would volunteer at an animal shelter, 2 days a week I'd help elderly people, etc.)
Tagging anyone who wants to do this, just say I tagged you :P
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abyssal-debonair · 1 year
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I posted 6,371 times in 2022
That's 3,652 more posts than 2021!
215 posts created (3%)
6,156 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,362 of my posts in 2022
#lol - 2,036 posts
#other people’s art - 1,318 posts
#queer - 1,090 posts
#sky: children of the light - 909 posts
#trans - 539 posts
#other people's art - 397 posts
#humans - 347 posts
#wow - 311 posts
#psa - 255 posts
#cute - 240 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#happens with my writing projects i'll almost finish a story then won't touch it for months
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Deciphering the new murals be like
109 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
What is voidpunk?
voidpunk is an aesthetics subculture that rejects human identity and embraces being nonhuman. popped up from marginalized groups who are often dehumanized as an excuse to mistreat them – trans & nonbinary folk, arospecs, acespecs, neurodivergent & disabled people, and people of color are often the ones welcoming voidpunk but that's not an exclusive list.
as a result of our marginalization from society, people in voidpunk may feel disconnected from their humanity. I liken that voidpunk asks "so what if we're not human? That's not a reason to mistreat us." they challenge the normative social elements regarded as "innately human."
voidpunk embraces aesthetic elements that are not considered human. sometimes it manifests as looking entirely alien, though humanoid shapes are still common, albeit with deviations.
I love it. I've had this sense that I wasn't human, at least didn't feel human among humans, since I was little. I distinctly remember wondering in first grade whether I was an alien wrapped in human skin and dropped off on Earth. I just felt and still do sometimes feel detached from others, like a distance between people irl I just couldn't relate to. I am much of a social pariah. finding voidpunk and the community that came with it made me feel valid in my feelings and, in part, excuse to go wild with creative liberties.
142 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
I want to talk about current events, but I don’t want to be doomerist about it. I want my blog to be an escape, but I don’t want to ignore things that are very relevant to my wellbeing.
Back when I was religious and when I thought I was a girl, I was told by my church that God wanted me to have “beautiful black babies.” It terrified me then as much as it does now. Realizing I’m not a woman and that I’m sex-repulsed asexual does not absolve me from that possibility. In fact, that paints a target on my back for those who still want me to have “beautiful black babies.”
I knew the risks I was taking in regards to my healthcare when I changed my gender marker to an M. Now with blokes declaring abortion and reproductive autonomy a “women’s rights” issue out of ignorance and malice, I am second guessing myself. I think of my friends who are and are not seen by such cisnormative language. I fear for them. I fear for myself.
I hate those who willingly erase my gender, my queerness, my disabilities, and my race in all this. They think they are acting in their best interests. Instead, they are pulling everyone back.
I hope and I believe things will turn out for the better with enough people rallying against all this bullshit. I see it. Yet I understand progress is slow. I fear for what may happen in the time in between.
216 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Have a
264 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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snapped a shot of Megabird during the transition from blue to gold
655 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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daandyli0n · 2 years
ladies and gentlemen! boys and girls! everyone in-between, neither at all, or something else entirely! welcome to The Clown Circus™ (my blog)!
hello everyone! just your local clown sheep lol
just a few things about me!
-you can call me Dandy, Kasper, p0psy, and Blue (kinda kin related, but also a general nickname)!
-18 and an adult now!! (still Don’t Be Weird please)
-Genderqueer (cause trust me: That Gender Sure Is Queer)
-pronouns are She/They/He/It/Xe along with A Frick Ton Of Neos
-Aceflux and Unlabeled (romantic attraction wise)
-into the dsmp/just mcyt in general, minecraft the game, and a lot of other things that you’ll see me post about occasionally. i also enjoy creating ocs for various different things (usually minecraft)
-i’m a twitch streamer! weekends and days i’m out of school, starting from 6:20-7:30 typically. i will not, however, stream on wednesday nights
-i’ve also got a general...circus aesthetic to me. bright colors, clowns and all that.
-ahem. (mine)sona lore :] (obviously the pronouns have been...expanded. my sona uses the same pronouns as me)
-i kin ghostbur and c!benchtrio (but like. a fusion of them. i just shorten it to just being a c!tommy kin because i feel closer to him than the other two), among others! also, i am otherkin/therian! (sheepkin and possumkin, to be specific)
-i write and draw occasionally (see my “p0psy storytime,” “Dandy’s Writing,” and “my art” tags)
-i upload my vods onto my Youtube channel
-my ao3 :]
-@that-darn-clown is not just one of my mutuals on here, but they’re actually my irl bestie! :D
now. onto my boundaries:
-I Do Not Support cc!Dream or The Dream Team!! If You Do, Please Fuck Off!! (i do still discuss the characters, just be mindful that i'm not a c!Dream apologist either)
-i honestly don’t mind any art or stories written of my sona in them! in fact, i’d love it if you did that!
-that being said, i will not tolerate any nsfw of me/my sona. besides, my sona is basically an animated plushie, so...
-i will not swear on my streams. i might swear on here, but i will not on my streams
-my family watches my streams. my family...isn’t exactly accepting of the lgbtq+ community. due to this, i will kindly ask y’all to not bring up my gender or sexuality stuff on stream and to strictly use she/her for me in my chat. it’s fine if y’all talk about your own lgbtq+ stuff in chat, just not mine. i would like to still have a positive relationship with my family, thanks
-if you want me to tag a specific trigger, then i’ll do it, but you’ve gotta tell me that. typically, i do not tag triggers, and will instead put warnings at the top of my posts for writing, art, or headcanons. for regular posts that i just reblog and didn’t create, i, again, don’t tag. if you ask me to tag a thing, then i will tag for it in a heartbeat.
that’s all for now folks! enjoy your stay!
Welcome To The Clown Circus, Boys!
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foxachu · 2 years
Was tagged by @wolfjackle! I'm always shy about tagging others though so you can definitely do this (and should!) if we're mutuals? Or regular followers too! I definitely recognize people in my notifications and adore you all :>
Tag 10 people you want to know better:
Relationship: Yeah! I have a long-distance and long-term relationship with one of my favorite people, and I've known them for over 10 years now. Love them to bits and I hope we can cross the distance soon (covid isn't helping, though). Online games and movie nights are a godsend for my little queer self tbh; I've never found anyone to date locally.
Favorite color: Blue, but specifically, a shade of teal. If I see it on clothing I'll gravitate towards it like a moth. It has to be on the bluer (not greener) hues; munsell and cerulean (not RGB version) are close.
Favorite food: I love very many foods but guacamole and katsudon are comfort foods lol. Mexican cuisine (Northern, I guess? the stuff that blends with Tex-Mex) is my fave and I'll always be down for some of that.
Song stuck in my head: Nothing currently, thank god. I'll get songs stuck in a feedback error loop and it's extremely annoying/sometimes near-physically painful. I guess currently I'm hearing the menu music for Tabletop Simulator? But I recently just finished up a Gloomhaven scenario in that. On Friday I was plagued by Electric Avenue for half the day.
Last thing I googled: "xcom build order" because I'm trying to actually finish the base game for once lmao. 20 hours of play across 7 years and I still haven't beaten it because I drop off halfway through. Started a new game today on baby mode just so I can attempt to see the ending and move on to XCOM 2.
Time: 7:59 PM, but due to time zones I'll probably schedule this for later.
Dream Trip: Peru and Chile! I want to see traditional fiber arts and pet alpacas and go to penguin island. Domestic (Japan): probably Tohoku? Like around Aomori. It's less humid up there and it has nice, thick-woods' vibes. Domestic (US): my aunt and her wife live in an incredibly scenic part of New Mexico and I would love to go stargazing (and also visit with the only other queer people I know of in my family).
Again, no tagging because I'll feel like an imposition, but if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged! >:3
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nemesis-21 · 5 months
15 people, 15 questions
Thank you @visualtaehyun for the tag! I've never done one of these before and the questions seemed interesting, so I had to give it a go before the new year.
1) Are you named after anyone?
Yes! I'm named after one of my paternal great grandmothers.
2) When was the last time you cried?
When I met my nephew for the first time a few days ago (he's my first nibling making me an auntie officially, so I was very overwhelmed in a good way).
3) Do you have kids?
No and I plan to keep it that way.
4) What sports do you play/have you played?
Growing up I swam and did karate competitively. I also did gymnastics, tap dance, and ballet. (I also bowled on my school's varsity team later on if that counts. Lol)
5) Do you use sarcasm?
All the time.
6) What's the first thing you notice about people?
How they interact with me and others (their communication style, eye contact or no, their tone, if they're rude, kind, impatient, etc.).
7) What's your eye color?
Hazel, but they look more green or blue depending on the day.
8) Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. Scary movies tend to bore me despite my appreciation for the genre and storytelling (I keep trying to like them, I swear!). But I tend to enjoy happy endings more cause they help me relax from the stresses of daily life.
9) Any talents?
I'm not quite sure. Maybe baking? Or I've been told I'm a really good gift giver?
10) Where were you born?
The United States
11) What are your hobbies?
Reading, crafting, baking, consuming a lot of different Asian and/or queer content, hiking, and (unsuccessfully) studying languages (formerly German and Korean, currently Tagalog).
12) Do you have any pets?
Unfortunately, no. But I really want some.
13) How tall are you?
5'3" (about 160 cm) with my boots on
14) What was your favorite subject in school?
This is a tough one because I was and still am a huge nerd, so it's a tie between my English, language, and history classes.
15) What is your dream job?
Working for an international NGO within the realm of gender equality and/or human rights (based somewhere outside of North America).
Since I don't tend to directly interact with a lot of people here (the love is still there for you all, I'm just shy), I'm going to leave this up to anyone who sees it and wants to participate, go for it!
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