#I need the angst
loveinwisteria · 1 month
Mamma Mia! Top Gun AU
Featuring :
Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell as Donna
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin as Sophie
Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky as Sam
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw as The Boyfriend ™
Donna and the Dynamos being ofc Maverick, Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw as Rosie, and Carole as Tanya.
Ron 'Slider' Kerner as Bill (and yes he Will be pursued by Both Nick and Carole because I said so)
And Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson as Harry (he finds his One True Love at the wedding aka Warlock)
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b4g3lbit3s · 4 months
me when izzy gets compared to a dog
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monamour937 · 7 months
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*dream sweet in sea major starts playing in the distance*
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weadapt · 1 year
Dear Fanfic Writers, I request fics based on what I wrote below:
How is Cal even functioning with psychometry…? How was he when he was really, really young? Could his family have thought he was severely sick or going crazy? And when the Jedi found him, it was a relief that someone knew he was Force-sensitive and knew how to help and train him? I wonder when he was little if Jaro Tapal had him wear gloves for a long while until Cal started really learning how to control his ability… it must have been really, really scary and terrifying as a little kid, or even as a baby, experiencing visions that took over his mind when he touched certain things. I can imagine he was constantly crying and screaming as a baby and as a little kid and his family couldn’t for the life of them figure out why…
I need fics of baby/toddler Cal before the Jedi find him because of the dialog in the game where he says “I barely knew my parents”. I need his parents trying to figure out what’s wrong with him and perhaps realizing Cal cries and screams when he interacts with certain items when he’s at home or out and about but they can’t figure out why he’s so sick and has such bad reactions. It’s hard too letting anyone they know hold him because he seems to react to the jewelry or other clothing accessories they may be wearing when he touches the accessories. I need the panic when some reactions is just him spacing out and they don’t know how to bring him back. I need the moment when the Jedi find him and telling his parent he’s force sensitive and telling them they can help him but his parents can’t find it in themselves to say goodbye to him. I need them realizing after Cal has an especially bad reaction that they can’t help him and only the Jedi can and deciding, for his wellbeing, to give him up.
I need Jaro Tapal trying to soothe Cal
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darewitchstr · 2 years
but can we talk about hob’s refusal to read rue’s thoughts? you cannot tell me he wasn’t tempted, and, sure, he had a mission first, but i know the real reasons he didn’t was one 1. utmost respect, 2. horrible terrifying fear of what he would found.
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internetfierce · 2 years
some of your guys’ theories are better than anything the duffers could ever dream of writing and every day I pray to god that they have a secret tumblr account and are stealing these ideas for s5
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maraudersmary · 6 months
hello:) does anybody have any marauders fic recs where the characters are morally grey / not perfect all the time (i mean more like james or lily/the girls bc i feel like they, especially james, are often painted as flawless when in fact everyone has flaws, but will obviously take any recs of any characters). i’ve come to the conclusion as much as i love fluff and happiness, i am a girl who lives for the angst (maybe bc then the fluff feels so much nicer)
preferably longer (70k plus) but not too picky:)
and also non-canon compliant we go through enough pain sometimes i need an escape from their deaths 🥲
although it doesn’t have to be non-magic
also no jegulus please 🙏 (no hate to anyone who likes them i see the vision i am simply a jily girly through and through) but all other ships appreciated
in return i can offer recommendations for anybody who needs 🙏🙏
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Wait guys, if the whole fam is in the new episode...
And Amir.....
Why else would they bring them back?
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sadfolklorian · 1 year
the femenine urge to see mike wheeler lose his mind over will byers in a "i can't lose you again!" type of way
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looseleafteeaves · 10 months
Goddamnit i hate when I am pitched facefirst into a new fandom and there ARENT HIGH ANGST FICS. I just watched the Blue Beetle movie and I am DEVASTATED by the number of angst for Jaime. Like, please recommend some to me im begging here
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I just finished Avatar: The Way of Water, and I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I need Avatar fanfiction.
I need it like I need air!!! 😭
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musicalchaos07 · 1 year
Give me Steve jealous of Argyle
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viirazu · 1 month
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i can't wait till I finally draw some dark art with clu/rinz
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witch-sweets · 4 months
Fanart for @return-of-the-queen-au
It's not the best fanart but it's fanart none the less
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Happy (VERY LATE) b-day! I can't wait for the moment where Vanessa realizes that Snatcher is The Prince and alllll the angst and horror for her to experience when she realizes she did this to him >:3
(Nothing against Vanessa personally I just really love the idea of the angst that would result from her figuring it out)
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foxqueen-katarian · 2 years
I need for someone to call Orym 'Ori' just once. Like, in a casual 'we are friends and this is a thing friends do' sort of way.
AND THEN, I need Liam to twist the fucking knife and quietly say something to the effect of 'My husband used to call me that'.
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eszera15 · 6 months
there is not enough Hanahaki fanfic out there, so put your favorite Hanahaki fanfics in the comments
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