#I never watched it as a child so I don’t have the nostalgia for it
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starlit-typewriter · 1 month
Genshin SAGAU, Creator of Teyvat, but not Humanity Part 2
I didn't expect such a warm reception, but I'm so glad you guys all liked it!
Your kind words inspired me so much so behold the next part!
Warning for spoilers up to 4.6
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It all started with a dream.
Well, a lot of things start with dreams, but this one was an actual, asleep in bed, REM cycle dream.
Well, at least you thought it was. But that's neither here nor now. 
It was, to your unending embarrassment about Genshin Impact. 
Now there’s absolutely nothing wrong with likings something so much that you end up dreaming about it, it’s just slightly humiliating when you as a person is not someone who dreams a lot and your first actual proper dream that you can actually remember past the first twenty minutes after waking up is about a fictional 2D character vowing to love and care for you.
Ever so slightly humiliating.
You'd've preferred it if it was an actual person because at least that way you knew you had a crush on a living human being rather than having a parasocial relationship with a giant block of code and text. 
Actually, can you have parasocial relationships with fictional humans?
Not the point,
This started with a series of extremely weird and slightly embarrassing dreams about Iudex Neuvillette.
Actually this started when you C6’d him.
Honestly, you did not expect to get anywhere near this lucky, especially since your past luck has been average to low in terms of wishing for characters.
But with him, 
It wasn't quite streamer luck, but you did not have to spend any monetary funds to achieve your goal. 
You did have to skip quite a few Fontanian characters, and grind out all the region’s exploration, but you’d say it was well worth it.
The night after you’d gotten that final constellation, you had the aforementioned weird dream.
You weren’t in the dream per say, as you didn’t seem to occupy any physical space, 
you well.
The best way to describe it would be a movie scene. 
You watched as the man, dragon, stood on a balcony. 
The moon’s rays reflecting off of this silver chalice, you could only assume filled with another one of his fancy waters. 
But it was his gaze that caught your attention.
It’s cheesy to say, but you’ve always been drawn to the man’s gaze. It was always so sharp, so intentional.
He knew what he was looking at and he did so with reason.
But now, at this moment.
It was unfocused, hazy. 
His gaze was not focused on the moon, nor the city lights.
He did not stare at the landscape of Fontaine, nor the glittering waters beneath.
But, he saw you.
You don’t know how you knew, but you did.
You didn’t hear what he was saying, nor could you make out the words his mouth was forming but you knew that it was a call, a call for you.
It was odd but flattering and confusing, but a deeper part of you crooned as his sentiments. A part of you you didn’t realize you had was rising to the surface.
“My child,” it crooned, “my dear Hydro Dragon,”
Neuvillette seemed to startle at that.
You knew you didn’t make any sound, you didn’t even have a body, but somehow he heard it, heard you.
His face flushed, hand grasping at his chest as his murmurs seemed to grow faster.
You didn’t know what was going on anymore, simply that this rising feeling in your chest was growing and growing. 
It was scary.
It was alien.
Feelings that were not your own, moments of clarity and nostalgia flash through you, connecting to nothing but faceless figures and a deep sense of regret and loss.
What is happening,
A part of you that you didn’t know about, that you’ve never felt.
Is this what it feels like to be possessed, you recall thinking faintly before sinking into darkness.
The Iudex of Fontaine stood above all in the courtroom.
With the destruction of the Oratrice Mechanique D’analyse Cardinale, his word and judgment were the last line holding Fountaine to its standard of justice and order.
On paper, he seemed to have it all as the youths may say.
But his identity as the Hydro Dragon may deter from that.
It is already isolating enough to be the Iudex of the nation of Justice and Hydro, but to be the only dragon, were it not something that he had spent his entire lifespan balancing, he feared he could go mad from that.
There is a sense of irony in that.
Focalors's plot put both he and Furina in the highest positions in all of Fountaine, and in turn made them both the most isolated as well.
Although, at least she was released from her duties after the job was done.
While he was and forever will be grateful for her contribution in saving Fountaine, there is a quiet part of him that he’s tried very hard to bury, that is green with envy. 
He understood Focalor’s reasoning, after all, once their act was done Furina would be able to live a normal human life and he would be able to regain his powers and authority as the Hydro Dragon. 
That was as much as she could do for him, from her limited position.
He was grateful.
His brethren, his kin.
They did not have the same freedoms granted to them.
While he did not have many memories of what happened to the previous sovereigns, nor of his life before the arrival of the Primordial one, he knew that they were most likely sealed away, deprived of their rightful power and authority.
It is his duty as the Hydro Dragon to render judgment upon the Usurpers that massacred his brethren and sealed away his kin. To uphold the standard of justice he has worked so hard to maintain during his rule as Iudex of Fontaine.
He once saw a quote in a popular novel that was making the rounds. “To become God is the loneliest achievement of them all,” whilst he does not recall the contents of the book, the sentiment of the line rings true, especially now that he has regained his authority.
While he and Furina did not spend much time together whilst they were performing their duties, she was a constant presence that he knew was always there. Much like a tree you would pass by everyday on your morning commute, or the singing of birds at dawn. An ever present figure whose loss is sudden and to an effect irreplaceable. 
He finds himself missing her, sometimes.
Not that he dares let Sedene and the others know, else they’ll enact some kind of plot to get him to go out and meet more people. 
But there was a comfort in knowing that she, just like him, was alone in their positions and would serve Fontaine to the very end.
Not that he dares disturb her well earned retirement, nor does he wish to retire himself. 
It was simply,
A shame.
The melusines were the closest equivalent to his dragon kin that he has had over the centuries, and will most likely continue to be for many to come. For as much as their presence filled him with happiness, they do not, and he hopes never will, understand what it truly means to be a dragon.
To be the last survivor of the original people of Teyvat, crushed under the heel of the Usurper king and their shades. 
To have to live amongst their people, knowing that while humans are innocent, their creation was built upon the bloodshed and suffering of his people.
There is a unique sense of cruelty in her actions, he reflected, fitting for the successor of one of the usurpers.
Whilst he has no doubt she meant it as an honor, taking him in, raising him to the highest scene of this land, giving him the highest seat of power and eventually returning to him his authority after watching her death.
There were moments, especially when he first took on the mantle and was trying to prove himself worthy of the title, that we would stare out at the people of Fountaine and wonder why he was doing this.
Humans were the reason for the destruction of his people. The Usurper King, sought out this world and destroyed it and it’s civilization so that a new one could be created in place of it. So that humans could be created in place of it. 
Human are the reason why his people, why the dragons were destroyed, they were the reason behind all the suffering and pain his kin have gone through and yet.
Yet they were still innocent.
They did not participate in the war.
They did not ask to be created.
They did not deserve to be punished for the sins of their creator.
However that does not make it any easier to stomach.
There is a peculiar sense of humiliation, to be worshiped alongside those who have destroyed your brethren. To serve and protect the beloved children of those who caused him and his people great harm.
It is a cruel and angry part of him that he does not dwell on much.
He cannot, lest it overrule all his rational sensibilities.
Humans are not inherently cruel beings. They are curious passionate creatures who love and care for each other deeply, who are compassionate and curious at their very core. 
Whilst during his reign as Iudex, he has seen a great deal of human cruelty and evil, he has also witnessed selfless acts of kindness and compassion. 
It is the duality of human nature that strikes him so. He cannot blame them for acts they are innocent of, but neither can he proclaim them to be free of all responsibility.
Truly the most vexing case he has ever dealt with.
Especially since,
Neuvillete frowned as he rubbed at his chest, feeling where the small spark of divine blessing lay within him. 
As the reborn Hydro dragon he does not have access to all the memories of his previous incarnations. As such his knowledge of the previous Dragon Sovereigns and the Creator of Teyvat remains incomplete.
But what he does know, what he does remember, is warmth.
The same warmth that now resides in his chest and on his very self.
He does not remember having many interactions with the creator of Teyvat, knowing that the greatest of interactions lay between the Fromitable Dragon Father himself, and the creator of this great realm. 
 He had assumed that they had abandoned Teyvat, abandoned the dragons. He’d have preferred that to be in case rather than the harrowing alternative of their defeat and possible imprisonment at the hands of the Usurper king.
But deep in his heart he knew that not to be the case.
“A creator cannot abandon their world”, King Nibelung had proclaimed, their Dragon Father was the one who knew the most about their creator after all, he had no reason to dispute such a fact.
 Worlds are much akin to terrariums, whilst on the surface it may seem completely self dependent and a skilled enough botanist may even be able to create one that can last years without any need for direct intervention, but even terrariums need light.
They require the sun to nourish its plants and create the water cycle, for all it may seem self sufficient it requires the energy of the world outside it’s glass container. 
That is very much the situation of Teyvat.
For as much as Teyvat seems to have taken care of itself, the world is breaking. Ley lines disorders have become more and more common, abyssal energy roams around, attaching itself to unsuspecting creatures. Bodies of dead gods spread harmful miasma around, polluting the earth.
If the creator wanted to destroy Teyvat, it would be as simple as cutting off the power of the Leylines, putting out the sun, or any myriad of actions that would destroy this very world.
They did not, instead they still provided this terrarium with bits of light. Enough for it to survive, but not enough to thrive. 
They still cared enough for Teyvat to sustain it, but not enough to intervene when it so clearly was struggling.
The creator he knew was not like that, they took no pleasure in toying around with others.
The only explanation for this was that they lacked the power to give Teyvat the help it so truly required. 
That realization was horrifying.
Nauvillete could only sit and wallow in his own helplessness as he watched the situation in Teyvat decline over the centuries.
Until the Traveler,
The witness from beyond the stars.
They have been given a great many titles in their journey through Teyvat, and have undoubtedly more than earned all of them. 
What he did not realize, is that they also had another title, unbeknownst to all.
A title given by a presence beyond all that they’ve encountered.
A title that they most likely did not even know of themselves.
The Creator's ∎∎∎∎
They carried the essence of the creator within them, it was clear they were beloved, it was clear that they were back.
The creator had come back.
And they were kind.
A part of Neuvillette feared that they would be much like King Nibelung, furious and desperate to do anything to drive out those that did not belong on Teyvat.
Perhaps they were at some point, but it seems that that point is not now.
The Traveler that acted with their blessing was kind,
They cared for those around them, human and non-human alike.
But they were not naive, willing to dispense justice upon those who deserved it.
If this was the person the creator chose to represent their will, perhaps their return will be much more peaceful than their disappearance.
Neuvillette had contented himself with that thought back then, throwing himself into his works as he had to deal with the threat that was the prophecy.
Little did he know that with time, the creator would bless him in much the same way.
The same blessing that sits in his chest at this very moment.
It has been months since he had been blessed as well as the completion of the prophecy. A selfish part of him wished that he would receive more since then.
Through his investigation he has seen many others, being blessed just as he had, gaining strength and power beyond their previous limits. 
But they were not dragons.
They were not the creator’s original creation, their children.
Is it unfair for him to hope that he’d be treated differently. 
Perhaps, the age of dragons had long passed already, and humans have dominated so much of this world that it is hard to deny that they are the driving force behind Teyvat.
But still,
He hoped,
He prayed,
The skies glowed.
Not the stars, mind you,
The sky
It was akin to the opposite of a solar eclipse, the night turning into day.
A surge of energy filled his body.
Not like when he regained his authority, that one was a wave of pure power cascading upon his person, placing responsibilities and burden on his shoulders alike.
This one was kind, gentle, hopeful, excited.
Is this what it feels like to take drugs, Neuvillette thought faintly.
Synth was incredibly popular on the market for its ability to create unprecedented euphoria in its users. If this is what those people felt then he understood why they were willing to go to such methods to achieve this feeling.
“My child,” the power crooned, wrapping itself around him, embracing him with all the tenderness of a loving parent,
His mouth formed the words he could not bring himself to say,
The power purred with reassurance, erasing pains and aches that he didn’t even know he had, before fading from his body.
His arms reached out in desperation, hoping to capture that feeling again to no avail.
Their presence was gone,
But their blessing remained
It certainly remained and it was stronger than ever, this power surge he feels is akin to receiving his full authority once more. 
Whilst many worries and doubts he had about the future still remained, one thing was made clear.
He was beloved, he was wanted, and the creator would keep him safe.
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Let me know what you think! I love reading your comments and feel free to send me asks about it as well!
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0th3rw0rldl1n3ss · 1 year
So I have a dormant scooby doo hyperfixation (that comes back now and then) and since the new Velma show is trending rn I feel the urge to tell everyone that in the Mystery Incorporated series Fred is canonically autistic with a special interest in making traps and I never see anyone mention this. It was confirmed in a video that’ll be linked at the bottom of this post.
But yeah, aside from all the other problems with the new Velma show (disclaimer: I haven’t seen the show yet but have seen some previews and have heard things about it that have given me very low hopes for how the show will be) one of the biggest icks for me so far is making Fred into a shallow and arrogant asshole popular rich boy stereotype instead of going the Mystery Inc route and making him a classic himbo and autistic who’s obsessed with building traps.
Autistic Fred Jones is the best version of Fred Jones. I love that he displays autistic characteristics without being a lazy one dimensional stereotype of autism. In the show, from what I remember (I need to give it a rewatch), he has a clear special interest in building traps to the point that it defines his life and affects his relationships, he struggles a lot with interpersonal relationships, indirect communication and social signals (especially when it comes to being oblivious to Daphne’s romantic signals, and the issues this causes in their relationship). But he’s not one dimensional, in fact he has more emotional complexity in this series than in any other rendition of Scooby Doo, in my opinion, and even though he’s autistic he’s still a conventionally attractive man and a central character who is desired by one of the main, attractive female leads in the show, which I almost NEVER see.
This Reddit post goes a bit more into the specifics of his autistic traits, for anyone interested.
Here’s the video I mentioned:
This post is about Fred, but I also wanted to mention that I have a lot of love for the Mystery Inc creators deliberately writing Velma as a lesbian who was struggling with coming to terms with her sexuality throughout the show, and giving her a canonical sapphic love interest, in a time where having a queer character in the main cast of a kids show was unheard of.
Anyway, I recommend watching Mystery Inc if you don’t want to watch the new Velma show but still want to watch something that hits the Scooby Doo nostalgia spot. It still has the fun of classic Scooby Doo that speaks to my inner child but it’s also dark and complex enough to appeal to teen and adult audiences (as well as younger audiences) without over the top edginess.
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Nostalgia Moments
various chrs. x pregnant!wife!reader
xiao, kaeya, diluc, & gorou
contains: fluff, established relationships, pregnancy, a slight bit of angst
Context: a wife and a growing family, how did they get to this point?
A/n: late night ideas. Don’t mind the misspells lol. Let me know if you guys want a part 2 w/ different genshin men
Additional Details:
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color
D/c = daughter’s name
S/n = son’s name
A cool breeze made its way through Liyue as Xiao was perched on the railing on upper balcony of the Wangshu Inn. Looking out into the vast landscapes of Liyue was nothing new to Xiao as he’s been around protecting Liyue for centuries now. He let the wind blow through his hair. The adeptus looked down at his left hand as he twisted his wedding band back and forth on his finger.
He smiled to himself though he never thought that he would be married. Or get so close to someone whatsoever but that all changed when he met the Traveler, Aether and his two companions, Paimon and you. Xiao thought you were just a simple mortal though he’s seen your power.
You’ve traveled countless worlds before you came here and your appearance hasn’t changed much over the years you’ve been married, well maybe now that’s not necessarily true.
“Xiao?” The sound of your voice caught his attention as he turned to see you, in flowy dress, your hair blew in your face because of the wind then you brushed it back so you can see your loving husband.
“Y/n,” Xiao hopped off the balcony railing as he made his way over to you. “Why are you out of bed? You should be resting.” He said as he touched your pregnant belly.
You frowned, scoffing a bit. “Xiao, I’m pregnant not sick.” You said.
“You might as will be,” Xiao crossed his arms over his chest. “You shouldn’t put too much stress on yourself.” He said.
You rolled your eyes at your husband. “You know you have gotten more protective since I’ve became pregnant.” You said.
“More… Protective? How absurd.” Xiao scoffed.
“Really? You don’t believe me. Well, my dear husband I have you know that you’ve protective of me since we first met moreso when we got together. I’m not fragile, you know. I’m immortal remember.” You said.
“I know. I just… I care for you so much as well as our unborn child. That I, I don’t want anything to take you away.” Xiao placed a hand on your cheek, you did so to him in return.
“Oh, Xiao,” You smiled. “That reminded of one of the letters you sent to me before I came back to live in Liyue. You are quite the sap, my love.” You said, chuckling at your comment and kissed his cheek.
Xiao groaned. “Shut your mouth.” He said.
“Well, I’m hungry. I’m eating for two, you know. And I’m craving some almond tofu. How about you?” You asked Xiao with smile.
“Of course, darling.” Xiao replied with.
How’d did he get so lucky with you.
“Papa!” A voice of a young girl echoed through the halls of the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. Her hair was H/c with a stripe of blue that stood out in her bangs. Her blue eyes went well with her light tan skin as she smiled ear to ear.
“D/n! Wait for Mommy, please!” You exclaimed a bit out of breath since you are six months pregnant with your second child and because you have to keep up with a 4 year old.
“But, Mama,” D/n whined. “I want to find Papa!” She exclaimed.
You sighed a bit. “Yes, I know.” You said.
“Oh my~! What do we have here?” That voice sounded familiar.
“Auntie Lisa!” D/n exclaimed running up to the Librarian.
You smiled seeing the older woman. “Lisa,” You walked over as you watched your child giving her a hug. “It’s been awhile. It’s nice to see you.”
“It’s nice to see you too, hon. Looking for Kaeya I assume?” Lisa asked.
“Yes! As you can imagine, D/n has been running me ragged to see him.” You sighed out.
“Oh, you poor thing. Then, I should fetch your husband for you.” Lisa said.
“Thank you, Lisa.” You said with a smile.
“Are we going to see Papa now?” Your daughter asked.
“Yes. But, you have to be patient, D/n.” You said.
D/n smiled, grabbing your hand. “Okay, Mommy.” She said.
Minutes later, you saw your husband walking towards you with Lisa behind him and your daughter’s eyes sparkled as they widened when she saw him. Letting go of your hand, she over to Kaeya.
“Papa!” She exclaimed.
“Hey, my little flower,” Kaeya exclaimed picking her up into his arms and continued his way to you. “Hello, milady. How are you?” He asked kissing your cheek.
“I’m fine, exhausted but fine.” You said.
“Is it because of this troublemaker!” Kaeya said kissing his daughter’s cheek.
“Yes… She gets that from you, ya know.” You grumbled.
Kaeya frowned a bit. “Oh come now, you don’t actually think that.” He said.
“I do. And I hope our next child is nothing like you.” You teased.
“Oh. you wound me, Y/n!” Kaeya said, smirking as your daughter laughed at your husband’s antics.
A sigh was heard from Lisa. You didn’t know she was still hanging about. “You two still haven’t changed after all these years. Well, I have to get back to work, it was nice seeing you, Y/n.” Lisa said walking off and going back into the library.
“Bye, Auntie Lisa!” Your daughter said waving.
“She’s right, you know.” Kaeya said.
“Huh?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Since we first met, we started acting like married couple but now,” Kaeya looked at his wedding band with a smile. “We made it official.”
You flushed. “Stop talking, Kaeya. There’s children in the room.” You said.
“I love you too, milady.”
Diluc looked up from his paperwork as his son, S/n opened the door to his study and walked up to his desk. The boy was no older than 7 and he looked identical to his father but he has his mother’s E/c eyes.
“Yes,” He answered. “What is it?” Diluc asked.
“When can I learn swordsmanship?” He asked.
S/n was very straightforward and blunt for a 7 year old and way too smart for his own good.
Diluc sighed. “You’re only seven. Maybe when you’re a little older.” He said.
“But that’s not what mother said.” S/n said.
That caught his attention. “What did your mother say?” He asked.
“That you could teach me now!” S/n said, looking very proud of himself with his hands on his hips and a smirk on his face.
“Really now,” Diluc said lowly. “Is that so?
S/n flinched a bit at his father’s tone. “Ah, y-yes…” He said.
“That’s hard to believe,” Diluc said getting up from his chair. He walked away from his desk and towards the door. “Let’s go find your mother then.” He said.
S/n sighed. “Okay…” He said as he followed Diluc out of his study and to the living room.
There you sat on the couch, reading a book. You looked a bit tired yet being pregnant has taken it’s toll on you yet you weren’t prepared for what was about come next.
“Hello, darling.” Diluc’s voice took you away from your book. You looked to him and smiled that you saw S/n standing next your husband looking off to the side. You were a bit confused.
“Hello, hon. Do you need something?” You asked.
“Well, your son here told me that you said that I could train him in swordsmanship. I just wanted to confirm if it’s true or not.” Diluc said crossing his arms over his chest.
You frowned as you looked over to your son who had the audacity to hide behind his father. Oh, your father is not going to save you from your mother’s wrath, kid.
“You little fibber! I told you that you’ll have to be a little older before you can learn the sword,” You sighed. “And you go lie to your father… geez what am I going to do with you.” You said massaging your temple.
“I’m sorry, Mom…” S/n mumbled.
“I know you want to learn the sword but, you’ll have to be patient, okay. Can you do that for me?” You asked.
S/n nodded. “Yes, mom. I can do that.”
“Thank you. Why don’t you play?” You said.
“Okay.” S/n said as he walked out the living room and went up the stairs.
You looked Diluc and sighed, slouching your shoulders. “He is so much like me, it’s exhausting.” You said.
Diluc chuckled. “True. Though I find it much more charming when it comes from you.” He said.
You smiled, rolling your eyes. “I was such a troublemaker and a terrible lair when we first met, Diluc.” You said.
“That I was aware of. We didn’t get along at first but,” He paused looking to his wedding ring then back to look at you. He smiled. “I wouldn’t change anything even if our first meeting wasn’t the best. Love having you as my wife, darling.” Diluc said, taking you hand and giving it a kiss.
You blushed. “I can never get used to you talking like that, Diluc,” You said yet you smiled at him. “Let’s hope our next child is more like you.”
He chuckled at your comment. “Certainly.”
Gorou’s life has gotten a slight bit more chaotic. The former doggie general has fought meaning unpredictable battle but the ones that are unpredictable are the ones started by his four children. It was mostly two against two, the two oldest verses the two youngest. It was always a never ending battle that Gorou could never stop, well until he brought out his secret weapon.
“Your mother will handle this when she gets back.” Gorou said.
His four children froze, ears dropping and eyes widened.
“No, Papa! Not Mom!” One exclaimed.
“Yeah. She’ll punish all of us.” Another said.
“That’s not fair!” The third one whined.
Gorou sighed. “It’s not my fault that the four of you rage war in the house over the smallest things like a toy or even food.” He said.
Pouting ensued between the four hybrid children until their ears perked as the front door opened. Their mother was home.
“Gorou, children! I’m home.” You called.
“You four wait here.” Gorou said as walked towards the front door to greet you.
“Hi, dear,” Gorou said smiling at you. “How was the doctor?” He asked.
“Hi. It was fine. Nothing out of the ordinary though I do have some news for you and the children. Where are they anyway?” You asked.
Gorou’s ears twitched and crossed his arms. “Their in the living room. They’ve been fighting over a toy all afternoon.” He said.
“Again?” You asked raising an eyebrow. “This is the fifth time this week. Those pups will never learn.” You said.
“I’m sorry,” Gorou’s ears fell back. “I try and keep the peace between them without pulling the ‘I’m getting your mother’ card.” He said.
You chuckled, cupping his face in your hands. “Aww, baby. It’s okay. I have the same trouble when you’re not here either. We’re better as a team anyway.” You said.
Gorou’s tail swished behind him as he smiled placing his hands on yours that cupped his face. “Yes, we are. That’s true but, I’m the man of the house, I should be able to care for the children when you’re gone.” Gorou said.
“Like I told you before even before we had our first kid. We’re a team, Gorou.” You said.
Gorou sighed at his stubbornness. “Right! We’re a team…” He said.
“I love you, Gorou.” You said.
His tail wagged. “I love you too.” He said as he pulled you into a sweet kiss.
“Hi, Mommy!” You and Gorou pulled away seeing your youngest daughter, D/n.
“Hello, my dear. Where are your brothers?” You asked her.
“In the living room. Why?” She asked tilting her head to the side.
“I have something to tell you all including your father. Wait for us there, okay?” You said.
“Okay!” D/n chirped happily as she skipped back to the living room.
“Come on, let’s keep them waiting.” You said to your husband, grabbing his hand.
Looking down at your hands intertwined, he saw both yours and his wedding rings. He smiled and looked back up to you. Oh yeah, he’s definitely one luck dog.
“Wait! We’re having another one!”
Okay. Maybe he’s bit too lucky…
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physalian · 2 months
Take A Risk and Don’t Write a Chosen One
This trope stands the test of time for some very good reasons: Audience wish-fulfillment as they live vicariously through the hero, automatic plot-induced agency for your protagonist, and automatic legitimate reasons for your protagonist to join the whirlwind adventure of the day.
I like chosen ones. We all have our favorite famous chosen ones and I’m not here to say the concept of a chosen one is bad at all.
Those “automatic” windfalls that come pre-packaged with the trope can lead to the author taking shortcuts, or not thinking they have to put in more effort to write a compelling character, because they’re the “chosen one,” what more do you need?
Not writing your protagonist as commanded by the powers that be to participate in the plot forces you to get creative with why they’re here, what they want, and how they entrench themselves in the story. And most importantly, if the gods haven’t chosen them to act, they must now choose themselves to act.
I have never read Harry Potter and after its author-who-shan’t-be-named flushed her reputation down the toilet, I never will. I’ve seen the movies, they’re ok. I have no nostalgia-driven love for this franchise, and most of that comes from watching Harry be an incredibly boring protagonist.
Book readers correct me, but Harry is the poster child of “only exists so the audience can live vicariously” with generic heroic traits and nonexistent or at least unimportant side quirks and distinguishing hobbies, interests, or personality tics. He’s “brave” and “courageous” and “determined”... as most child protagonists of children’s books should be. He has zero flaws that come back to bite him in the ass. He acts the way he’s supposed to, not the way he should want to, as an independent being.
He’s the least interesting character in this entire cast, and I can’t stand Movie Ron. Ron, Hermione, Neville, or Draco would have made much more compelling protagonists and so much of this relies on the “Harry is important because the plot demands it” crutch.
Why is he the chosen one? Because his birthday happened at the right time of year? What is the story trying to say about the dichotomy between him and Voldemort? What about his personality, his wizard-societal stances on the many faux pas in this series, or the choices he makes, that makes him the chosen one? Why should I care?
You know who’s a great chosen one? Percy Jackson. Why? Because he understands the screwed up world he lives in on page 1. Being a demigod isn’t everything he ever dreamed and despite what Disney + wants you to believe, he’s got a crap bio dad who’s as disappointing in book one as Percy expects him to be.
He’s not even the chosen one by the end of the original series, and what a fantastic twist that was.
An infamously self-chosen protagonist has her own iconic hero quote: "I volunteer as tribute". Katniss is a nobody. She's not the evil president's daughter, she's not the child of a famously martyred revolutionary, she's just a girl who refuses to bow down to the reaping, refuses to let her sister get slaughtered, and volunteers for a death match that historically sees anyone living to survive another year cowering in relief. Yeah, she has some convenient skills in her archery and survival knowledge, but those matter because her district is starving, she learned through necessity.
Every second of her story, Katniss is fighting for her right to exist, and she only becomes a "chosen one" dragged around by the powers that be when she becomes marketable to the grand scheming of the actual revolutionaries, when, before, she didn't care about politics, she just wanted to save her sister. She matters because she chose compassion in a world where survival demands only serving yourself.
It’s so, so easy to start planning your book and make your cool fantasy world and figure out how your protagonist fits into it. So easy to say “well they’re the long-lost princess and the only heir to the throne” or “this magic amulet from her great great aunt is the key to saving the world” or “she’s the villain’s secret love child and the only one who can stop him because blood magic” or “this vague prophecy picked this little desert slave boy to bring balance to the Force”.
None of these stories are at fault for writing chosen ones.
But push yourself to let go of that crutch and come up with other reasons for why your hero is the hero. Usually this character has been isekai'd into magical-fantasy-land or magical-hidden-fantasy-urban-underbelly and you can still write that character.
Refusing to make them the chosen one demands one thing first and foremost: How is this outsider going to fight for their place to exist here? What do they bring to the table with their hobbies or interests or unique skillset that happens to be mighty applicable and useful in this new world? What is it about their personality that draws these strangers in? What do they want from this new world, and what are they willing to do to get it?
This choice demands you give your hero agency (though whether you give into those demands is up to you).
More importantly: I think it gives your audience agency, as they still live vicariously through their hero. Sure, lots of kids have lost their parents and live in horrid conditions like a cupboard under the stairs, but none of us will ever be “chosen” by omniscient wizard prophets. Harry would have immediately been a more compelling protagonist to me if he’d stumbled upon magical shenaniganry and fought for his place as some forgotten nobody mudblood.
Harry would have shown us his courage, instead of the story insisting he has it, we promise, just don’t think too hard about it.
Stop giving me characters who accept their destiny because God said so. Give me characters who fight tooth and nail for a destiny they discover on their own and I’ll root for them to succeed even more than someone compelled by force. Not everyone can be a chosen one, but everyone *can* choose themselves and decide to act.
With that said, I have an announcement! I have a new book in the works bereft of a prophecy-ordained hero. It’s time I put all my sagely writing wisdom to the test in a shiny published paperback myself. If you’ve learned anything from my blog in your writing journey, please subscribe for updates on the upcoming novel!
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wutheringcaterpillar · 4 months
Time Was Never On Our Side
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Summary: Decades after the heartbreaking split between you and Cillian, you see one another out and about. After realizing he’s married now, guilt follows you up to his hotel room where words are said, and a kiss is shared. Warnings: Morally grounded reader, an unfaithful kiss, sad ending but the right ending
sidenote: This fic is in favor of his wife toward the end, there will be no smut just heartbreak following from a kiss. heavily inspired by Cut The Shit-Delusion, Sweetheart by @cillianmesoftlyyy
The everlonging gaze of a man with crystal blue eyes, and an ash gray hair color that you knew all too well, stopped you in your tracks, the two of you stared at one another in disbelief. It felt as if you were looking at a ghost
It had been so long, since you’d both graduated high school that was the last time you saw one another.
Cillian was your first love, and it always seemed to be right person, wrong time, but maybe that had changed. “Y/N? What er you doing here?” Nostalgia flooded back, like a river overfilling a valley, leaving you nearly sppechless. He still looked great, very handsome in his suit and tie, with his shimmering, almost transparent blue eyes.
“Cillian? I- I just finished with work, was going to grab a bite to eat then head home.” He shook his head, insisting that you allow him to court you to dinner to which you obliged. The ring around his finger not going unnoticed, but you attempted to convince yourself this was just a catching up between to friends, nothing more.
He watched you intently as you skimmed the dinner menu, glancing at the untouched glass of pinot grigio. You always did have class, and could hold your own. 
After small talk and eating as much as knew he shouldn’t, he had a proposal.
“Come to my room. Just fer a chat, it’s a bit more private.” Glancing down at his ring, a ping of guilt washed over you, knowing that his wife was more than likely unaware to know whom he was having dinner with as of this moment, but a part of you wanted to hear what he had to say.
His eyes searched your facial expression for an answer, and he could tell you were nervous about this meeting by the way you twiddled your thumbs.
Reaching his hand over, he placed it gently on top of yours, his fingers caressing your delicate skin.
“I promise, just a drink nothing more.” Nodding, you disregarded the presence of morals in your mind. After paying the tab, and walking you to his room, he removed your jacket, placing on the chair near the kitchen table.
His laptop had been left open and a photo of him, his wife and child, enjoying what looked like to be a summer vacation on the beach was displayed on the screen, making you unbearably uncomfortable.
Noticing, he closed the laptop, insisting you take a seat on the sofa, asking if you needed anything to drink and what not.
After politely declining, he sat near you at an arm’s length away, his vibrant yet subtle cologne that smelt of ivory and pine filling your senses. Cillian had always smelt wonderful and was a very clean-sly man, you couldn’t deny in the three years you were together, it was a relief having a man that could hold his own and you didn’t have to clean up after him.
“So, how’ve you been? What’s been going on yer life? I’d love to know.” 
“I graduated, received my diploma in the arts, and now I’m a full time journalist for the times, the stories you run across are unbelievable sometimes.” His lips spread into a wide smile before his hand settled on your knee, rubbing the fabric of your thin leggings gracefully, his touch sending chills up your spine.
“That’s wonderful Y/N. I always knew you had it in you! Any man in yer life? Kids?” He cleared his throat, his voice slightly cracking, his heart beating wildly in his chest as he was terrified for your answer.
“Cillian, I don’t think we should discuss this. After all that was one of the reasons we never made it. You wanted kids. I didn’t. You wanted to act and travel, I wanted to settle with the environment and area I’m familiar with. We were always with one another for the right reasons, but we never saw eye to eye with our future together.” As much as it broke you inside to say those words, they needed to be released, thrown into the air to really sink in. You weren’t trying to hurt him, and you didn’t feel like he was trying to hurt you, it just always seemed to be right person, wrong time.
Biting his lip, his eyes sulking toward the ground, the memories of your very first date entered his mind. The way you dressed in a red plaid shirt with blue jeans, how you had your hair straightened and beat him in an arcade game, ending the night with him driving you home, insisting on waiting to kiss you at least until the second date as he didn’t want to rush or pressure you.
The first kiss when you were laying on a plush blanket, your eyes beaming up into the sky watching the fireworks explode into their bursts of vibrant colors before your eyes locked, and he leaned in. 
The moment you had moved into your first apartment together, almost in amazement at how organized and smoothly you unpacked boxes with your hair tied in a messy bun. Even when you were sweating, your aura radiated an unexplainable, beautiful energy like no other woman could.
He was completely and devastatingly still in love with you and all your little ticks.
After a moment of silence, you were staring down at your palms, fiddling with the fabric of your sweater. Cillian skimmed his hand through the strands of your hair, placing it behind your ear gently, causing your cheeks to become a rosy shade of red. Everything in you wished that the past was different, that your relationship had made it but timing never seemed to be on either of your sides.
Your lips parted, taking a much needed breath when you felt his body scoot closer. His longing blue eyes fixated on your enticing lips, scanning your eyes, finding that maybe he wasnt the only one with this immense urge.
His thumb brushed under your chin, turning your head slightly toward him. Leaning in his lips collided with yours in a nostalgic, tender kiss, adrenaline and dopamine coursing through his veins as moments of your past continued to  flash through his mind like a romantic motion-picture.
All he could remember was the way he made you laugh, the way your smile outshined the sun, how your eyes lit up whenever you were near him.
Shame flooded over you, selfish was the first word that came to your mind. Your eyebrows rising in shock when your lips connected in a gentle, loving kiss, yet he still felt so far away. The heat in your chest was undeniably present, butterflies forming in your stomach but that didn’t stop the strain of your emotions running wildly. You knew if you didn’t break away from his touch, this would lead further, the night ending in his bed and you waking up in the morning with the reminder he was a married man, and you’d been his mistress.
Pulling away, your hands settled in his arms, lips pursing together in sadness, and regret. You couldn’t stop the tears that were at the brim of your eyelids from flowing freely down your cheeks.
“What? Is everything alright?” His voice was low but he spoke with sincerity and concern.
Glancing down at his ring, his eyes followed yours.
“Cillian. You’re married now, with a son. I cant do this to your wife, I won’t let you do this to her. I need to go.” Standing up and patting down your dress, Cillian stood up just as fast, worried he had gone too far, too quick.
“Please, I’m sorry. I- I don’t know what came over me. I’m a fecking idiot but I still love you.” Your throat began to tighten, in irritation and anxiety. 
“Don’t! Don’t do that. This hurts me as much as it does you but I will not participate in you throwing away your marriage. Do you love her?” Gulping, Cillian released your wrist, his hands brushing through his hair as he too felt his eyes begin to water, an immense feeling of regret, and heartbreak, shattering his chest.
“I- I do but I’m not over you Y/N. I don’t think I ever will be, even after all these years.” Sighing and brushing away the tears, your hands settled on his dampened cheeks, forcing your aching eyes to lock together.
“And that is okay. I still love you too, but I respect your wife. We were never going to work Cillian. That is alright to still have lingering feelings, they may never go away, but I need to go away. Not just for myself, but for you.” His hands gripped on your wrists, his throat tightening while his heart dropped into the bottomless pit of his stomach.
“I know. Love, I know. I’d love if we had made it and I need to let you go, no matter how much it pains me. Just know, you deserve better, and there is a man out there waiting for your love. I just hope he is deserving of it, and won’t take your love fer granted the way I did tonight.” You nodded painfully, thanking him before picking up your purse, heading for the door, only this time he didn’t stop you.
Turning the knob, you glanced back at Cillian once more. “Please have the decency to tell your wife and inform her I mean her no harm. I only wish the best and I will not be in contact with you. If she’d like to call me I left my number on the table. Goodbye Cillian.” Closing the door, it felt like the love-story had painstakingly come to an end, the way it needed to be.
Cillian stayed awake, your words sinking in before he face-timed his wife, being completely truthful and transparent with her, doing as you asked, giving her your number if she felt the need to call with any questions or wanted to speak any words with you.
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lovingaquarius · 1 year
My own little astrology observations ;p
this is completely based on my personal experiences and observations do not take what i say literally i am NOT a professional astrologer 🫶
jj and kiara from “outer banks” are the PERFECT example of a leo and aquarius duo and the best thing is rudy is a LEO IN RL and madison is an AQUARIUS 😩 kinda wanna do a separate post on this…
idk if any other gemini moons like watching reaction videos but i love them sm (this may be a gem placement thing overall)
i feel like sag moons favorite tv/movie genre is comedy/adventure. my brother is a gem sun, sag moon and he refuses to watch scary movies, even tho he’s a scorpio rising?? then again he will fall ASLEEP to scary stories on yt??
heavy aqua placements may make you hard to read to people or seem unpredictable
7h moon synastry may make you and your partner feel like you can feel eachothers emotions or know what they’re thinking/going to say
10h lilith ppl need to get used to people talking ab you, rumors being spread about you or just all around peoples perceptions of you being contrary to how you really are.(i have many favorable placements but this one still has its power 😭) what’s helped me is realizing that everyone’s perceptions of you is purely based on their perception of the world and past experiences with people. it’s rarely even ever about you
i don’t know why but i feel like gemini and sag placements are the types to like anime/video games
if leo moons/venus feel like they’re not getting enough attention or validation in their relationship they will find it somewhere else that is not something they can be without
i hate to validate stereotypes but every person i’ve known with taurus placements in big 6 have a passion for food and sleeping.(one of my old friends had a heavy taurus stellium and she was alllways sleeping/falling asleep and would sometimes fall asleep with food in her mouth 😭)
is there such thing as an aries mars with a low labido??
i feel like water placements (especially pisces) are the ones to listen to and really appreciate Lana del rey’s music or like/romanticize the older eras like 50s-90s (i’m a 7h pisces venus and i’m obsessed w the aesthetic of the 70s flower child )
moon mars synastry is so real yall ofc the whole chart matters but if your persons moon sign is your mars or vice versa there’s just a strong attraction, sometimes you dont even understand why.
the leo and aquarius attraction is so true i can point them out in a crowd and everytime i want them 🙄 it’s suspicious at this point 😑
idk if this is a pisces moon thing but i’ve noticed the pisces moons i know always have their comfort movies they rewatch over and over again and never get tired of. (or prefer to watch what they’ve already seen and like) maybe it’s a nostalgia thing?!?
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radskull-69 · 3 months
thinking about miss delight x orphan reader (platonically!)
warning! Mentions of broken bones? Idk that’s about it.
It would have the same concept as the player being a former employee and coming back because of the letter, but instead you’re a orphan that grew up there ever since your parents left you there.
you were close with the miss delight bot’s, they were so motherly and patient with you no matter how many times you messed up in class.
though one of the Delights stood out to you, it was hard to separate her from the rest since they’re so identical. But you knew it was always her when she would sit down with you when you sat by yourself at play time, or when she’d pat your head whenever she’d past by your desk.
she would call you all kinds of sweet names! ‘Apple’, ‘barbie’, ‘honey’
she was the closest thing to a mother you could get.
Sometimes you’d even call her mom in class- she didn’t seem to mind though. you’re her child after all!
though eventually you were adopted, only a day before the Hour of joy.
You didn’t know it happened, how could you? You were too busy with your disgusting new family!
she missed you, how couldn’t she? The Hour of joy didn’t bring as much joy if you couldn’t be there to watch her kill those pigs
why did you come back? It wasn’t because of a letter, you only went back for the memories the company brought you. For the nostalgia..
for her.
though when you showed up it was horrific, having to go past Huggy wuggy, mommy long legs and so many other toys you once felt so close to. It’s when you went to the school to get that battery did it really fuck you up.
the silence was too loud, not even your own footsteps and heart beat in your ears could fill it enough. This school used to be so loud, so bubbly.. so much more brighter
full of life.
but now…?
the paints that gave this place colour long since chipped off from the walls, trash and littered around (only wrappers, there wasn’t any wasted food?) and lights flickering.
you shivered, you wish you never came back.
holding your bag tighter you continued on, pointedly pushing down those feelings trying to worm themselves up to resurface. It wasn’t the time to get emotional
you wonder if she’s still here, or did she die too? What happened to the other teachers?
you grit your teeth and before you could think anymore the speakers that filled the corners of the school crackled to life, startling you with a jump as you snapped your head up to look up at the closest one.
“Y-you… I know you! You used to be an orphan here!”
that voice…
“You came back! I’d warn you to leave but…”
somewhere in the distance you could hear the schools front doors slam shut with a bang, making you tense up further if it were any possible. You’re locked in
“I always knew it was too early for you to leave the birds nest! I was beginning to think you died”
Your eyes drifted from the worn speaker and to the camera next to it, pointed at right you.
ah.. so that’s how she could see you. Makes sense..
“But barb always gave me hope!” Who the fuck is barb? “And she was right! It gets so lonely here..”
this was a bad idea.. why are you even helping these toys!? You should just run for it while you still can
and you did just that, turning on your heal of your sneakers and running back down the hall you were just walking through. You jumped over lockers that were fallen on the ground and other junk to avoid tripping.
the exit doors were in sight, yes! Maybe you could wedge them open?
Just as you passed a open door leading to a classroom you once attended you felt someone swing something sharp into your shoulder blade
“Ahh! Oh fuck!” You tripped on your own feet at the sudden pain, falling onto your side onto the dirty floor as you grit your teeth. You squeezed your eyes shut as your undamaged arm came up to hold your shoulder while it leaked blood.
“Watch your mouth! I don’t wanna have to stuff your mouth full of soap, especially since there’s barely any down here!”
you blinked your eyes open, tears spilling down as footsteps approached. Looking up you saw her.
her face was torn up so bad you didn’t even recognise her, her dressed ripped and torn like a bear went at her. Golden hair a mess that stupid red bow still in it..
she had what looked like a makeshift weapon in her hand made from a ruler and multiple colouring penciled, stained with blood. Some old and flaking off, and some fresh, yours.
you didn’t mean to sound so pathetic and scared, but as you used your feet to push yourself away while she stepped over you couldn’t help but feel like a little kid again. Bruised and hurt as she’d kiss your wounds..
times change..
“Welcome home apple, don’t worry.”
she stopped just short of in front of you, tilting her head with a pleaded smile on her face (or as close as a smile as she can get). A croaky and broken laugh escaping her like you wish you could right now, eyes wide and pupils blown.
this isn’t your mom.. not anymore.
was she ever your mom to begin with? Or just a machine who was always ready to kill
“I’ll make sure you never leave the nest again, who needs wings to fly anyway when you can just stay with me?”
your eyes widened with fear as she brought up her weapon, and you let out a scream as she brought it down.
after all, it’d be harder to run if your legs were broken.
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liam-summers · 5 months
It’s so weird to me when I see people insisting that no one who is an adult can possibly like Bangel and how it’s just too immature and childish…….like girl I’m 30 and I like them more than ever.
Every time I rewatch the shows, I like them in different ways. When I was younger, it was all about the romance and the passion and the drama, and while I still like all those things (because I am an enjoyer of the dramatics in fiction and I’ll never be sorry for it), as an adult, there are things I notice/appreciate more now, like the enduring connection and love, the friendship, the maturity of knowing when to walk away, the fact that they’re always there for each other, the way they’re messy sometimes but how they always figure it out, the way they’re equals. It IS possible to like Bangel as a child AND an adult, in completely different ways and for different reasons. The way the relationship was written DOES allow for that, just as all of the other relationships in the Buffyverse do.
Idk I guess I just find it really condescending and mean how some fractions of the fandom dismiss Bangel and the opinions of people who like Bangel by saying it’s immature or stupid or make personal attacks about how we just never grew up. Like, I don’t even know what to say to that other than: I’m sorry that you can’t see how compelling the ship is, no matter how old you are? I’m sorry that I do? I’m sorry that you need to tear someone else down to make yourself feel better??
Also, I feel like people have turned the word nostalgia into something dirty. It’s the “oh you just like it because it’s nostalgic and you can’t see it for what it really is.” Why? Why can’t I like it for nostalgic reasons AND see it for what it really is? The fact that it’s nostalgic to me doesn’t mean that my opinion is less valid or that I can’t think about it logically. The person I was when I first watched it is not the person I am today, and it is possible for me to have the same opinions about one thing but different opinions about something else, after time has passed. Who are you to dismiss me if do? Why is your opinion more valid just because you discovered the show when you were older?
Anyway, I’ve just been thinking about this a lot and wanted to put it into words! Hopefully someone can relate lol
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sydflow · 1 year
foiled love
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villain!nayeon x fem!hero
word count: 3.6K
warnings: implied death, harm (punching/violence), mentions of a knife, a child, drugging, smoking, drinking
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Laughter rang across the living room. Vanilla-scented candles were lit to cover for the switches. 
With the power suddenly going out, there wasn’t much to do, no connection, no tv, and no Netflix. Boredom, however, had ended relatively quickly after Nayeon had found an old pack of uno cards sitting next to the lighter. 
“Quick switch the color” you whispered to Nayeon.  
“Hey no teaming!” Mira whined, pressing her last card to her chest.
 Nayeon chuckled, “what color do you want?” You hummed looking at your cards, “how about red?” 
“Nooo” The little girl groaned, “don’t put red! Please mom, not red!” 
Placing down the ‘8’ card Nayeon smirked looking at her in the eye, “red”, she mouthed. But instead of a sound of distress, your daughter chuckled back, “really, seems like I got you both” You were astonished as your daughter of only six years placed a seven red, right atop Nayeon’s eight. 
“I won, I won!” She got up and jumped, her arms flapping with excitement. 
“Oh…” Nayeon leaned back, both of you just got manipulated by your own daughter, “how did I fall for that?” She groaned, and you patted her back, “she learned it from you” You whispered pecking her cheek before going up to Mira, lifting her up as she squealed and wrapped her arms around your neck, her tiny hands grasping the back collar of your shirt. 
“You’re so devious, my clever little girl” Nayeon tickled her sides, as she squirmed in your arms. Mira yawned as she snuggled closer to you, “Someone’s getting sleepy” 
“Not sleepy”
“C’mon sweetie, the faster you fall asleep the faster tomorrow will come” You hummed walking towards your daughter’s bedroom. Her twin size bed adorned with blush pink sheets and blankets, her room themed around her favorite color, a soft mouse plush sat atop her night stand, head tilted just slightly. Nayeon grabs the plush and you begin to tuck your daughter in. As you were about to get off the bed, she wrapped her tiny hand around yours, “Can I have a story, please mommy?” 
“I don't know sweetie” You smiled, “Only if you promise to fall asleep right after” 
“Okay then” You look at Nayeon who comfortably sat against the headboard, ready to listen as well. You catch her eye, “How about the story where the hero falls in love with the villain?” 
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This was boring. You never understood why you took on scouting missions, there would be no fight, no drama, nothing. But you wouldn’t disagree that the room was stunning. 
Silk sheeted tables were placed around the dance floor, the bar in the corner, waiters came and went, and the large crystal embellished chandeliers hung from the towering ceilings. The orchestra played beautifully behind the dance floor, their songs embodied the royal ambience of the room. They played old russian waltz, czards, and even swan lake, which surprised you. These songs remind you of your mother and father, and their record player back at home. Who knew a masked masquerade would give you so much nostalgia. 
You sighed, having nothing to do swirling your glass of sparkling water and playing with your mask was the only form of entertainment as you sat alone, your comrades had taken it upon them to go dance. All while you ‘keep watch’. 
“Care to dance with me, pretty lady” You turn to see another woman, their mask shaped like a bunny, its silver ears pointed high, matched the lovely silver dress and the feathered scarf of the person in front of you. It hugged her curves in just the right places, and her sterling rings can only show how much power this person holds as it’s held in front of you. You could only stare. 
“I can’t stand by and not invite such a stunning woman as yourself for a waltz on the floor” Her red tinted lips formed a smirk. You stare into her eyes and they hold something sinister, something that draws you in. You grasp her hand, it would be suspicious if you refused “the pleasure would be mine”. 
The song was slow, her hand gripped yours firmly as you followed the rhythmic music, spinning, swaying, and stepping. Her eyes were enchanting, the chocolate brown so sweet yet so bitter, a taste which seems familiar, but you can’t seem to pinpoint how. 
The pace suddenly changed, a new song, a faster waltz, her hand fell down to your waist as yours went up to her shoulder, the stepping, the swaying, the spinning, it all got faster. You thank your father for teaching you at such a young age, otherwise you would have been stumbling over your dress. 
And just like that the song was over, and everyone went into applause. “You danced magnificently, darling” the girl mused, her arm still wrapped around your waist as she walks you off the dance floor, “Where did such a pretty girl like you learn to dance so gracefully” 
You chuckled, you had yet to notice that you were heading towards the back door, “My father taught me when I was-” Just then your earring buzzed, “Y/N great performance but something was noticed outside the building try to go check it out” 
“Are you okay? You stopped talking there?” The girl laid her hand on your shoulder. 
“Yes everything is fine” Your eyes go wide for a moment before quickly feigning discomfort, “It’s quite hot in here isn’t it? I’ll go step outside for a moment, excuse me” 
You begin to turn away before she grasps your arm, “I’ll go with you” She hastily suggests, “I mean a pretty girl such as yourself shouldn’t be alone, should she now?” 
You were to object, the words on the tip of your tongue, but then again that would be too suspicious, “I suppose so”
It was definitely cooler, a little too cold. You shivered as you looked around, nothing seemed abnormal. You hugged yourself, rubbing your arms to gain some warmth. You felt something on your shoulders, a silver feathered scarf wrapped around you. You look to the side, oh right she was here. 
“It’s quite calm out here” She laid her head against the wall, a cigar pressed against her lips, where she got that from you wouldn't know. 
She offered you one but you refused, “I don’t smoke, it’s bad for your lungs” 
She chuckled, “Everything is bad sweetie” She looks at you, as you slightly pout at her words, “cute” she mumbles. 
“What was that?” You turn to face her, she shrugs her shoulders, “You seem pretty clean, you don’t drink either I presume?” 
“How would you know?” You scoff a bit annoyed at her remark, even if it was true. “I saw your drink honey, sparkling water? really?” 
You just look at her, the reason why you were outside in the first place now in the back of your mind. “You came outside just to smoke a blunt didn’t you?” She turns, the both of you facing each other, you die to know what she looks like under the mask. 
“No, you intrigue me, why don’t you tell me more about yourself little mouse” Your eyes widen, ‘little mouse’. Only one person ever calls you that.
“Why did you call me little-” Your words were cut off as you took a good look at the person in front of you. Those eyes, no wonder why they were so familiar, and that smirk, oh god why didn’t you catch on sooner. You feel a prick on your shoulder, a tranquilizer. You hiss at the pain before ripping it out, you see as she takes off her mask. 
Your knees weaken, and you fall into her arms, her hand grazes your chin as she softly removes the one thing that kept her from taking a good look at your face, “I should- I should’ve known” you mumble before losing the battle of keeping your consciousness. 
Nayeon really did find you pretty, now that you lay in her lap (albeit unconscious) she couldn’t help but to admire your face. She moved the hair covering your face behind your ear, she traced under your eyes, down your nose to your lips. 
She heard footsteps behind her, “I told you to wait for the signal” She grits. 
“It seemed like she was on to you” 
Nayeon sighed, “I know I accidentally revealed myself” 
The man scoffed, “That was a rookie move, I thought you were a powerful villain, guess what they say is wro-“ 
“Would you shut up, don’t forget who you’re working for, Sunny” Nayeon glared at the red haired man as she lifted you up. 
“Sorry, do you need help?” Nayeon walks past him toward the alley where a black van with tinted windows is parked. “don’t you dare touch her” 
You woke up in a familiar room, you’ve been in here too many times to know that this is one of Im Nayeon’s chambers, a room she specifically labeled yours. A paper taped to the front of the door, ‘little mouse’ written in your blood. You groan at the sudden headache, whatever was in that vile was strong. 
You’ve been in this position too many times to know what to do and how to escape. You’re quick to untie the ropes that hold your wrists together with lazy knots. Your legs are weak as you stumble for the door, always unlocked. You took a breath before opening the door. She would be standing there. But maybe, just maybe she won’t be this time. 
You twist the knob and walk out, but then you're pushed back in right away, “tsk tsk, little mouse, we play this game all the time, why do you always need to scurry and leave” She closed the door behind her. 
“Now” she pulls out a knife, “why don’t you tell me why you were at the ball hmm?” Her smile widens as she walks towards you. You’re quick to get up and run towards the chair, anything would work as a weapon right now. 
“That’s none of your business”
You lift it the best you can and throw it at Nayeon. But fear shoots through you as you watch her catch the chair with ease. “Y/N”, her eyes meet yours, “don’t make me do something I’ll regret, I need you to be a good girl right now and tell me,” she watches as you tremble, “the reason behind that mission. Who were you looking for?” 
From behind your back you quickly use the rope, sliding past her forcing the rope against her legs to make her stumble and fall. The knife falls from her hand and quickly you stab her leg before running out the room. 
“Go ahead! I’ll have fun capturing you again, little mouse!” Her yells echo along the halls as you run out. This wasn’t the first time you escaped but you had never hurt her that bad. 
Three weeks had passed and there was no sign of her, honestly it felt weird, no miserable coincidences had struck the city and everything was just normal. 
You pace around your room, paranoid, there’s nothing to do, no missions, no saving, nothing. Gosh you do find yourself bored a lot. Maybe you should pick yourself a hobby, gardening, sewing, maybe painting? 
Your phone rang, and you picked up quickly, a little too quick. Gosh you sound so desperate. “Hello?” 
“Y/N!!!” A girl squealed from the other line, you brought your phone away from your ear. 
“Sanaaa” You groan, “too loud” 
“Sorry y/n, I’m surprised you answered so quickly,” She whisper squealed. “I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight” 
“Go out where?” 
“Oh you know…the club. Just us and girls, I know you don’t drink but it’ll be an outing, it seems like you need it” 
You look at your desk, empty except for a pink mouse plusht, the club does sound more fun than sitting alone and being paranoid all night. 
“Okay sure, what time?” 
Another squeal, 
“Goodness Sana” 
“Sorry, sorry” 
The club was packed, sweaty bodies rubbed against one another on the dance floor, people were chatting at the booths or the bar. You were having fun, you might not be drunk, but letting go was a good feeling. 
“So how’s the little hero doing?” Jihyo is quick to change the topic onto you. 
“Me? I’m doing fine” Everyone’s eyes were on you. 
“What about miss villain?” Momo smirked. Your cheeks turned pink, 
“What about her? All she does is ruin my missions” You mumble. 
“Oh come on, ‘little mouse’? I don’t think someone would call their sworn enemy that”, Sana is quick to pitch in. The girls begin to tease you, 
“Oh little mouse where have you gone” 
“Cute little mousy for the big bad villain” 
“Sh-shut up. I’m going to go get another Dr. Pepper,” you stutter, grabbing your empty glass and walking away from the group, their drunken laughs getting distant. 
“Dr. Pepper please” you push your glass towards the bartender, who seems to gladly take the glass, 
“One Dr. Pepper for the pretty lady, coming right up” He was slightly preppy, bits of fiery red hair poking out from under his hat. What a unique hair color, you thought. 
You took a couple sips of your drink when it arrived and noticed a piece of paper stuck to the bottom, ‘how have your parents been?’. Your eyes widened, she’s back? 
 Hastily you walk back to the booth, but the closer you got the more distorted everything seemed to be, someone bumped into you and you felt something press onto your neck. “Sana, need to go home” you mumbled, falling into the girl's arms.
“Y/N? Are you drunk? No way, that’s why you never drink, you’re such a lightweight!” 
You stumble into your apartment, “do you need help getting settled Y/N?” Mina asked. 
“No thanks” You say slightly slurred, “you help them” you point to her car, a screeching Momo and a squealing Sana had gotten outside running circles around a lamppost, Jihyo sat in the car yelling at them through the open window. Mina groans at the sight, “okay fine, just this time, call me if you need anything” She leaves. You need to get to your parents as soon as possible. 
You turn around and walk straight into the wall, your headache intensifying, “why am I always on the brink of losing consciousness?” You mumble to no one, you finally make it to your room, after tripping over a carpet, bumping into a table, and walking into the bedroom door. 
But as soon as you open the door, you run straight into someone’s arms, “nice to see you too little mouse” an all too familiar voice rings in your ears. You’re out of it, so very out of it. 
“Huh? What happened to my good girl, I thought you didn’t drink? What’s this-” She’s cut off by a finger pressed to her lips,
“You have… wonderful eyes” You mumble cupping her face, Nayeon’s face is pink, your favorite shade. You needed to do something, what was it? 
“I- uh” She’s at a loss, never have you flirted back, what exactly did you drink? Her hand trails up to your neck and she feels something, quickly she pushes your hair back and notices a little black circular object, “A tracker?” 
She looks back at you, your dopey smile although so very cute was worrying, your drink had been spiked, you’re drugged. She begins to tap your face, “Y/N? Y/N! Where were you just now?” No reply, “Oh god” She rips the tracker off of you, “We need to get you out of here, before it’s too late” 
“Hm? I think it’s a little too late," a perky voice says from behind her. She feels a prick at her back and grunts at the sudden pain, she rips it out and looks at the familiar dart. “You’ll pay for this” She turns to meet fiery red hair, “I’ll end you” 
Nayeon had woken up with a groan, her arms and legs tied to the chair. She looks to her right and sees you. “Y/N?” She whispered, she’d never seen you like this. Your eyes were blown wide, staring straight, tears flowed down your cheeks, but you stayed still as they traveled down to your chin, dying on your shirt. 
She followed your eyes to be met with your parents. They were on the other side of the wall, it seems like they couldn’t see either of you, must be an one way glass. Yes, she has mentioned your parents in the past, but she never, ever, planned on harming them. Whoever did this will pay, they will suffer just as much they’ve made you suffer.
She hears you begin to sniffle, then you begin to yell. You scream for your parents, and Nayeon stares wide eyed. She feels useless. 
“Y/N” Her whispers die on her lips “please calm-“ the door slams open and in walks the man Nayeon never should have trusted. Your screams immediately stop. 
“Sunny” she glares hard, she hates the neon red color, the fire in his hair can’t compare to the fire behind her eyes. “I’ll end you, you’ll wish you never would have met me” 
“Oh, I’m not here for you, Ms. Im” His devilish smirk, evident. “I need to know what the secret hero organization is planning” 
He walks past Nayeon and stands in front of you, “Ms Y/ln” he looks down at your limp form “it’s a pleasure to formally meet you, Ms Im talks about you all the time” his hand reaches under your chin. 
“My, my what a pretty girl indeed, no wonder you’re so gushed on. Unfortunately…” his eyes trails onto Nayeon a cold gaze locked onto another, “I don’t have much time, so let’s get started shall we” 
He proceeds to ask you questions about previous missions and the identities of your coworkers. You, however, keep silent, your eyes remain on those of your fathers, his clueless expression staring into yours, even if he can't see you. 
“Hey!” Sunny grips your cheeks hard forcing your head up to look at him, “LOOK. AT. ME.” He yells as you shut your eyes, his nails marking your skin, he smirks at your pain, “when I am talking to you” he whispers, then he begins to laugh a wicked sound, one that makes ears bleed.
“If you don’t answer me” he says between cackles, “I’ll hurt her” He points to Nayeon. That woke you up, “You wouldn’t…” 
“Oh?” He leans down, his face directly in front of yours, “the girl does talk. Hmm, well if she can make you talk then I think I’ll change this up a bit” He drags your chair in front of hers, Nayeon stared at you in disbelief, the both of you stare into each other’s eyes before a punch is thrown directly onto Nayeon’s face. 
“For each time you don’t answer she’ll receive something in return” he darkly smiles at you. “Now who’s the leader of the system?” Your mouth opens, you hesitate. 
“Don’t!” Nayeon cuts you off, “Don’t. I can take it” Sunny chuckles, repeating the question and you do as Nayeon says, he rolls his sleeves up and proceeds. 
“Stop! Stop it!” Tears had started to flow again, Nayeon had a black eye and bruises covering her face, her sweater had even begun to tear around her torso. You whimper as Sunny stops, and turns back to you, “are you willing to answer my questions now?” 
Nayeon looks up at you with strain, “no” she whispers. “He’ll kill you!” Sunny laughs. 
“Good choice” He stands in front of you once more, his body blocking Nayeon’s all you could hear is her scruffed breaths. “We’ll start off from the top” He fixes his sleeves and takes off his gloves, “Who is the lead-” 
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“But, before he can say anything…” You whisper slowly, your daughter stares wide eyed,  “the door bursts open, and in comes police officers, to save the day!” 
“They’re able to handcuff Sunny and take him away, for good” You push hair behind her ears, and fix her blankets, “the end” you kiss the top of her head and her eyes close. Nayeon stands behind you, her arm wrapped around your waist as she also leans in to kiss your daughter goodnight. 
And just as the two of you begin to walk out a soft mumble escapes her lips, “mommy”. You hum softly, “yes sweetie”
“What happened after, to the hero and the villain?”, 
“Oh?” you look at Nayeon for some help, she smiles, “the hero told the villain how much she loves her and the villain felt the same way and gave up being bad” she holds your hand looking into your eyes, “all for the hero”. 
“Mmkay” your daughter mumbles before her soft snoring fills the room, and you blow out the candle before closing the door and leaving. 
You two walk into the master bedroom and start preparing for bed, as you do your nightly routine in front of the vanity mirror, Nayeon leans into you from behind. 
“You changed some parts” She mumbles into your neck, “what was that darling?” you turn around pulling her closer to you. 
“In the story, you changed some parts” She yawned, you smiled, pulling her onto the bed and under the covers. You rubbed her back as she sighed against you, “that I did, we’ll tell her the true story when the time comes, she’s far too young to understand, I think i took it too far with the punching and the drugging” You whisper.
"He didn't even punch me, it was a knife" She grumbled,
"oh I know, but you're my strong baby and took it like a champ" Nayeon feigned a scoffed, "I'm not a baby".
the two of you lay in silence, trying to get some shut eye, that was until Nayeon spoke,
“Are you going to visit them tomorrow?” she asked. 
“Yes, I will, I might bring Mira along too” You mumble, your eyes beginning to drop as you snuggle closer. 
“It’s about time she meet her grandparents” it’s your turn to yawn as Nayeon’s breath fans your neck, “even if it’s at a cemetery”
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revelisms · 7 months
please do not feel obligated at all if you’re not feeling it or don’t get to it but since you’re taking writing reqs I would adore more tamaharu from you🫶 I really loved bee’s wing! when I got into ouran and asked for tamaharu recs it was recommended to me multiple times right away haha
Aw! I continue to be flattered by the day that folks are still enjoying bee's wing 🥲 It was such a special fic for me when I wrote it, and even though it's been ages since I've written these two, I still love them to bits. Truly the top-tier bi4bi disaster couple.
That said—the fact that you've just given me an excuse to put Ouran on my dash in 2023? I am showering you with hearts. My inner child nostalgia is brimming right now.
I've been in a very holiday mood recently, so I hope you enjoy this little Christmas-themed drabble 🖤
No warnings / 1.2k words / Established relationship, goofiness, fluff
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It starts softly—a low humming of voices and breaths that echoes off age-weathered stones: contralto, baritone, tenor, soprano: ebbing like a pianist's solo against a murmuration of gilded strings—and builds. It tethers Haruhi's attention before she can wrestle with it, a warm set of fingers still squeezed within her own. On the horizon, past the speckling snow, the glittering panes of a cathedral window gleams.
"Can we," she finds herself murmuring. At her side, Tamaki shifts, the ungodly red-green-blue of his patterned sweater blurred in her peripheral. "Can we go there?"
She knows when he's smiling, that faraway little crook that makes her stomach twist in knots; can see it, now, out of the corner of her eye, a haze of snowfall glistening through his fringe.
"You want to listen?" he whispers. 
Of course, he's delighted—and not doing much of a job hiding it. Dragging her out to this festival had been his own doing, after all.
He'd spent the evening prancing between their kitchenette and their living room, hellbent on convincing her to go with him, no matter how much she loathed tourist traps like these.
("Haruhi is so mean!" he'd wailed, shaking that ridiculous pamphlet from their university's event board in her face. "A true Scrooge! A cheerless fiend! Look at this, look—they have ice skating, and cookie decorating, and roasted chestnuts, and a parade, Haruhi, a full Christmas Parade—"
Into one of their couch pillows, she'd let out a dismal groan.
"And—and caroling," he'd blustered on, beaming ear-to-ear. "And a baking contest!"
"But mon chous! Mon petit nounours!"
He'd resorted to burying her full-bodiedly into the cushions, like some overgrown lapdog with no awareness of personal space. "You leave me no choice. We'll bake at home. A full extravaganza to our lonesome, since my dear Haruhi is clearly horrified to be seen with me in public—")
Needless to say: she had ended up, some hours later, in the ugliest sweater of her life, arm-in-arm with her boyfriend's giddy beanpole of a frame, trying fruitlessly to steer him away from plowing children off their feet in the ice rink.
The night had gone well enough, to be fair. Much of it, though, had come insufferably (reluctantly) at the heels of his own indulged whimsies.
At one point, she'd found him masquerading as a back-up Santa Claus after the hired performer had supposedly jumped ship for a bathroom break. It taken every willpower she had to keep her mouth shut when he'd beamed at her, plucking down his beard with a wink, as though she'd never be able to break through the disguise. It had sent the little boy standing beside him into a blubbering outrage, and himself into a panicked flurry of damage control.
Now, some hours later, the chill pinking their ears, they stand sipping their hot chocolates, hands tangled and watching the snow: a quiet, admittedly lovely moment, despite the crowds: the kind that never fails to make her look at his ridiculous clothes and windswept hair and the crinkle of unbridled joy in his eyes, and feel her heart melt, despite it all.
And the choirs are singing.
"I'm sure they have seats," he says to her, giving a light tug at their laced fingers. "Let's go see."
"But—the drinks—"
"Shh-sh-sh, a worry for another day," and he's already starting her off, his dress shoes slipping in the snow, determined nonetheless. His eyes glitter over his shoulder: a indigo prism of autumn skies, speckled with stars and moonlight. "My little bear wants to listen," he hushes, playfully stern, "we will listen."
Despite herself, a smile blooms.
The cathedral is more beautiful than she could have imagined. Grand iron-capped doors stand glossed with an evergreen so rich it shines nearly black. A pathway of tapered stone clicks beneath their shoes, resounding deeply into the cavern of a domed chapel, flanked with a wonder of gilded, candlelit-kissed glass. Nearest the dais, two choir groupings sing in tandem, tressed in robes of white. Their voices fill the air like some ancient holiness, like a folktale she'd forgotten: a mysticism that coalesces, beckons.
They're going to get scolded for not leaving tithes, for bringing liquids in here, for being visibly out of place, as she'd always felt in spaces like these—but Tamaki doesn't care. His thumb kneading gently at her knuckles, he shuffles them into a pew closer near the back, plunking down quietly amidst their cluster of other patrons.
His breath tickles her ear. "In Dulci Jubilo's one of my favorites," he whispers.
It's a gentle, powerful tune—wistful and reflective, in turns. The layers of the choir fill the hall in an cresting tide, striking a chord in Haruhi's heart that quivers.
She takes his hand between both of her own, holds it between her knees while they sit shoulder-to-shoulder. The song makes her think of the countryside in spring; like new life striving through desolation. A loneliness that feels like home, feels hurtful, feels hopeful, feels comforting. 
A loneliness that isn't so lonely, anymore.
Slowly, other movements come and go. In The Bleak Midwinter—a hymn that takes one by the hand and leads them to a pinnacle of beauty. Ave Verum Corpus—one of resolution, of rebirth, of redemption. Dormi Jesu—one that she turns to find Tamaki with the golden line of his brow gently furrowed, a lump in his throat, blinking a sheen from his eyes. 
Between her hands, his thumb fidgets. She squeezes it, carefully.
"My maman," he says quietly. "She liked this one."
Haruhi squeezes his hand tighter.
"I like it, too," she murmurs back.
For a moment, his closeness, the taste of green in his cologne, the calm that is him, in these rare enough moments, envelops her. Tears blinked free, he smiles down at her: a small lift of his lips, genuine and slightly crooked. And were they not in a church—were they anywhere at all, just the two of them to be found for miles—she may have kissed him, for long enough that she forgot anything but the hitch of his breath behind his teeth, the soft glitter of hair at his nape, the weight of his arms around her.
For now, the warmth of his palm will do.
The organ strikes up, again: a brighter shift. Tamaki leans down to nose into her temple.
"Can we make an orange garland, when we get home?" he says. His words pinch into a childish lilt. "With cinnamon sticks and cranberries?"
Haruhi fights the urge to roll her eyes. Instead, she huffs out a breath, the start of a disobedient smile twitching at her mouth, and finds herself staring at the playful scrunch of his nose, close enough for her to count every freckle. 
"Fine," she sighs, poking her finger into the underside of his palm. "But just one."
Tamaki beams into a quiet giggle.
The old woman hunched in next pew finally cracks her back to shush them.
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gamerbearmira · 10 months
Ballet au thoughts and ideas
Yes,  they do have a big dance studio and a record player to play some classical vinyl records on a gramophone record player. Most of the music is from Alma’s time, gramophones were invented in 1887 so I think Alma would have one.
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Alma isn’t hard on her if Mira makes a mistake. Alma, of all people, knows that mistakes happen and you can’t be mad or upset at them. Just get up and try again. Neither does she tell Mirabel to watch her weight, she’s seen all body types doing ballet back in her day so she would never say anything of the sort. 
She also likes sharing stories of her past ballet experiences with Mira. She does sometimes get a little choked up about it but pushes through to tell the story. 
Also, Alma told her all about the famous stories ballet dancers danced to such as swan lake, the nutcracker, la bayadère, Giselle, and the sugar plum fairy. 
I have a feeling that the sugar plum fairy is her favorite story because 1. It’s a good story and 2. She was in a play about it when she was little. 
And yes, Alma is on a nostalgia kick and pressures Mirabel to do it more. And doing ballet with instruments is not the “perfect” way to go. But I believe Mira isn’t as stressed out as the others, she just feels like she is being a little forced to limit herself (don’t worry, she dances with instruments when Alma isn’t around)
Bruno doesn’t really mind though, he sees a new side to his mother that he rarely ever saw so he’s happy for both of them. 
You know how everyone headcanons that there’s a big stage in Camilo’s room? Well Mirabel’s is a little bit bigger than his, like dis
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That was by Alma’s request as well
When Mira’s in the mood for it, she’ll do a couple shows inviting the whole village to watch. When it comes to shows, she sometimes does solo ones, shows with alma, or with the village ballet dancers. And if she can, she’ll sing in them, which is 90% of the time. 
Casita often helps with the props or FX just to make things a little more magical, and they're kind of like a built-in stage hand too. 
Angst section, you don't need to take it seriously, but I needed to put these thoughts somewhere:
For angst, everyone thinks Alma’s playing favoritism (like in the werewolf au). But no one talks about it. We all know she isn’t but y’know. 
On top of that, Imagine how flabbergasted the triplets (yes, Bruno stayed) are when they see Alma doing ballet. They do know what it is, they’ve seen the small ballet class in the village. But they didn’t know Alma knew it, you gotta know how hurt they felt knowing that they’re mother didn’t let them know something that their sabrina/daughter knows. 
I would be a little upset, how you gon let my child/niece know something that I never knew about you? And TEACH it to her?! 
Julieta and Pepa however, feel there is some favoritism going on. 
Bruno doesn’t really mind though, he sees a new side to his mother that he rarely ever saw so he’s happy for both of them. 
More angst tehe; for some “odd reason” most of her family, ( except bruno, antonio, luisa, agustin, and felix) can’t come to her shows. They're either “too busy” or “too tired” or “ it’s too loud”. All of those things are lies, of course. Pepa, Julieta, Isabela, Camilo, and Dolores are never that tired, or that busy, and Mirabel made Dolores ear muffs just so she can watch the show. 
You best believe Alma isn’t pleased with this behavior and sometimes has to force them to come. 
“You can’t be that tired to miss your prima/daughter/sister’s show. You have missed them for the fifth time and I’m tired of it. I expect you to be there on time or else, and I’m NOT taking no for an answer” 
And of course, they are blown away by Mirabel’s flawless work of ballet. But they won’t admit that they’re too pressed. 
Nice to see there's a company. Can't really get behind the family for their excuses tho like. Seriously, why are you so pressed, shouldn't you be happy??? I mean it's not like she just acquired the skills through magic, she has to work hard everyday to get that good. Like stop being so salty and just admit that she's good 😭 pride isn't a good color <33
Shootout to Bruno for staying and going to the performances❗❗❗ And the other family members who go to the performances as well. Major W's on their parts <33
Funny little idea. A suggestion. Luisa absolutely ADORES watching Mirabel and loves going to her shows and watching them. Like Luisa is arguably one of, if not the busiest Madrigal, and she still will straight up drop whatever she's doing (or rather finish up whatever she's doing) and go straight to wherever Mirabel's preforming. And if she's doing a public performance in like the plaza or whatever, she'll just. Stand there and watch. She'll have whole donkey's on her shoulder and just stand there and watch.
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Luisa ties the ribbons on her shoes so they look like pointe shoe ribbon and. She helps Mirabels tie her bun when she goes to practice. I think Luisa would peek in on Mirabel's practice when she's at Casita.
Luisa trying not to scream out and throw flowers at Mirabel while she's performing:
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Just an idea of course <333
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spiri-a · 9 months
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Y’all wtf I just finished Hungry Hearts Neo I can’t believe this shit is over
What do I do with my life now
I am filled the beautiful tragic baggage of three games worth of characters and I don’t know how to handle it
Okay but seriously the Hungry Hearts trilogy is some of the BEST mobile games I’ve played in a while. I normally don’t like idle games but the pure heart, serenity, and general world of the trilogy is something that just always makes my day better. I was never too miffed to let granny rest for a while and come back later to serve and listen to my customers once more like I usually am with the nature of idle games.
The ways character’s stories intertwined with each other, the lessons they learned, the insight that was brought to them before your very eyes, the heartbreaking and heartfelt realizations, the specialized food requests filled with earnest and meaning, Grannys OWN narratives and conflicts she works through, SO FULL OF LOVE (seriously, this game made me cry several times)
Not to mention the art style that stays consistently GORGEOUS every game, the music although simple remains classy and calming, the food looks like the tastiest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life
As a child of an Asian household, who has been privy to SEVERAL of the dishes shown in the games throughout the years, the food brought an immense amount of nostalgia with it as well. Every dish I cooked, I could almost taste the very thing on my tongue, the pork cutlet dishes and spam musubi being two of my highlights as well as two of my favorite dishes in real life (which, obviously).
Yes there were ads that got on my nerves sometimes, but I honestly didn’t mind too bad (I loved these games enough that I didn’t mind gritting my teeth for a few seconds to support them). Also the ad rewards of either a rush or max energy refill was 100% worth the quick ad watch.
I learned to adore each and every character within the three games, their stories slowly unraveling with each and every meal. I of course adored the characters that kept coming back, like Mr Jizo, Officer Hiro, lovely little Mabo (who we watched grow up with tears in our eyes), and Dr Mondo (who was missing from the second game which was agonizing to me while playing it).
My favorite characters being probably Dr. Mondo, Mabo, Slick, Scarlett, Grimm, Sapphire, and Fudeko (apparently my type is hot women in colorful dresses and suspicious men along with a small child and tragic backstory doctor thrown into there for fun)
The perfect model of a quaint little town (or at least quaint little section of town) in 1970s Japan a few decades post WWII (in some customer stories, you find remnants of the effects of WWII on Japanese citizens), the games have the perfect vibes DOWN TO A TEE.
Overall though, I love the Hungry Hearts trilogy SO DANG MUCH and it makes me so sad to see so little love for the games online. Seriously, if you love calm vibes, heartfelt storytelling, gorgeous art, and even if you don’t love those things, PLAY THESE GAMES ❤︎❤︎❤︎
Also here’s my gallery of ending screenshots:
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crisiscutie · 10 months
Has Sephiroth ever cried in front of his darling? While I don’t see him as much of a crier, I also think he refuses to let anyone see him cry. So seeing that side of him must require a lot of trust.
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Good question. It really depends on the Darling and The Sephiroth in question. But I would say for Fluffy and C.C. Sephiroth... Yes, he certainly has cried in front of her, and you are correct. It would require so much trust to see him in such a state.
Even when he allows himself to cry in front of her, he still can't look at her, hiding his face in her neck while he sobs silently. The darling wouldn't push it further, as this act is already noteworthy progress in developing trust in their relationship.
Fluffy Sephiroth: it took until Genesis and Angeal's deflection for him to start breaking down. He tried to stay strong as long as possible, but when he saw Angeal in the Shinra HQ when Genesis and his copies attacked, he needed to get away from him and everything else immediaterly... The darling tracked him down and that was the first time she ever saw him cry.
Another time he cried (Domestic AU) was when she was almost close to the due date of their first child. For that whole day, he refused to let her go. The silent tears were on and off. He has never been so clingy with her before. He saw constant reminders of his mother's demise, and he didn't want his darling to leave him the same way.
C.C. Sephiroth: He has cried far more in front of the darling. He might just be the only Sephiroth who cried in front of her. His emotional fragility made it difficult for him to handle the predicament of sharing the darling with other Sephiroths, leading to tears of anger. With time, he grew accustomed to sharing the darling, his outbursts evolving into sad sulking as he watched the darling depart with another Sephiroth. He pulled at her heartstrings with his sad expressions, making it almost impossible for her to leave him. He knows the effect he has on her, but he is still genuinely saddened by her departure. He still has frequent tantrums in the house, just without the sadness because he's C.C. If something ends up broken in the house, chances it was him.
Another noteworthy sad tantrum he threw was a time when his mommy darling went missing. He refused to work with his counterparts to find her and instead went on a destructive search throughout the house, seeking any hints that can give a clue to where his mommy darling was and obliterating everything else in his path. Sadly, her garden was not spared from his destructive rampage... But thanks to the help of Female Sephiroth, the darling was able to restore it later on.
Now, do other Yandere Sephiroths get sad? Yes. But they will never express it. Because what do they have anything to be sad about? They are gods among pests. They have their Darling/Jenova to be at their side. There is nothing but utter happiness in their Promised Land.
I can see Female Sephiroth coming somewhat close to expressing her sorrow sometimes. She stumbled upon the HoS verse while trying to cope with the loss of her darling from her universe. Her emotional impairment prevents her from recognizing her sorrow. Instead, she sees it as nostalgia when she thinks of her lost darling...
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bb-bare-bones · 1 month
Deya's Favourite Body Horror Films
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Art and Words by Dy Dawson, @xgardensinspace
John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982)
Films that have practical special effects tend to be my absolute favourites! And this film is – at least in my humble opinion – the holy grail for practical special effects! I never get tired of watching bodies becoming unrecognisable masses of bone and sinew in this incredible film, and the fact that everything looks agonisingly real whilst being done through the power of makeup and human hands with such extensive precision blows my mind! EVERY GODDAMNED TIME!
The Void (2016)
Similarly to The Thing, I praise the shit out of this hidden gem because the practical effects are PRISTINE! I don’t wish to say much about this one because it’s a real treat, and the fact that they managed to build a WHOLE creature on such a tight budget (plus all the many other special effects) is insanely amazing. A must watch, if you haven’t already!
Braindead (1992)
For this one I would like to say, buckets of blood and a lawnmower. That is all.
Nah, but in all seriousness, this is considered to be the goriest film of all time, and for good measure. It’s extremely campy, but all the effects are practical (I think you might start seeing the pattern here), super well done, and even if this is a horror comedy, the gory scenes are bound to make you feel icky! Also…Peter Jackson made this masterpiece before Lord of the Rings. I just think that’s fucking precious.
Child’s Play 2 (1990)
Some might not consider this a “body horror” film, but if we really think about it, this film series still contains an extensive showcase of body horror as a doll is quite literally turning human. This could fall under the “mutation” bracket of body horror. The first two films do the best job at showcasing that; the doll’s appearance shifts as Chucky spends time inside the doll. It’s shown through the progression of his staining teeth, the receding hairline, and a blemished face. I have specifically selected Child’s Play 2 because it’s got the most beautiful blend of this “mutation”, and the violation of the doll’s (human) body itself. That final scene in the factory is the best, and this stands as the only film that I couldn’t sleep with after watching. Sure, I was 8 years old, but I’ve been watching horror since the age of 5 and the fact that this one genuinely frightened me and has now turned into one of my favourite franchises saysa lot (mee thinks).
Akira (1988)
This film is simply amazing! And the most stunning example of body horror in animation! Well, the kind about physical human body mutilation, of course. But the animation behind those scenes is pure bliss and such a beautifully grotesque visual. I played King of Fighters before actually watching Akira, though. So when I saw Tetsuo’s arm do “the thing” for the very first time, you can imagine how happy I was to know there was a magnificent reference to the character X/9999. It fulfilled some childhood nostalgia I didn’t know I was craving, and seeing those scenes in the movie still runs chills down my spine because that animation is GORGEOUSLY disturbing. And trust me, I like to be disturbed.
Hellraiser (1987)
My favourite thing about body horror is the absolute gory violation and destruction of the human body. The whole centrepiece of this film is body mutilation, so of course it’s going to be on my list! My favourite scene is when Frank Cotton is being resurrected from the floorboards of the attic. When that spine connects to the brain, I shriek with Frank in pure awestruck! Another thing I love about body horror is THE GOOP! I need fluids, blood and goop and ooze and stringy bits. And that scene has SO much of it!
If I’m not being disturbed and/or disgusted, am I really watching horror?
Re-Animator (1985)
What can I say about this one that Ed hasn’t already? I mean… c’mon! There is SO much body horror and practical effects in this baddie to fill an entire house! I mean, the opening scene has exploding eyeballs, for Pete’s sake! And the entirety of Dr. Halsey head is oscar-winning material for the makeup department! As well as for the effectiveness of working smart, not hard. This entire film is a beautiful collection of practical effects that work effectively by not spending an absurd amount of money. It’s a B-film for a reason! And let’s face it, B-films often have some of the best effects in the industry because people have to work around that tight budget, get very creative and manage to deliver effects that can withstand the test of time, as well as look as convincing as possible. Re-Animator does this so well, and I sometimes forget Dr. Halsey isn’t actually decapitated in that fucking scene. Such a simple effect accomplished incredibly effectively.
Ginger Snaps (2000)
This is one of my favourite films, but not necessarily for the body horror; it’s just such a bloody good story! I still wanted to include it because I feel it’s a bit of an underrated or not very talked about film. Anyone with a period needs to watch it, first of all… And the practical special effects for Ginger’s werewolf transformation are genuinely impressive! One of my favourite things about this film is the opening sequence, with the sisters’ photoshoot on deaths. They are all very precious ways to die, and some are very body-horror oriented! (As well as the social commentary on women and their periods. It’s fucking BRILLIANT!)
Event Horizon (1997)
This one is truly a treat for sci-fi and horror films alike! And if you, like me, adore both genres, this film is just a treasure! It’s gorey, it’s gritty, and the plot is to die for. A little Hellraiser around the edges, but who’s complaining? And the special effects are truly magnificent! Also, look out for deleted scenes or the unrated versions of this film, please. You cannot miss this film in its full horrific glory!
Taxidermia (2006)
Taxidermia’s a bit odd, but I love it for exactly that reason. It’s one of the only films to have genuinely disturbed me; although it’s for my emetophobia reason rather than for body horror-situations. Although…it brings the question on whether competitive food eating is a bit of a violation on the body, hehe. It’s a film about 3 generations of one family, through the POV of the grandfather, the dad and the son. The biggest “body horror” part in this film is the last segment, and boy is it beautiful! Well, the bits with the son only. The body metamorphosis the dad went through is certainly grotesque, but the effects are sort of unrealistic/comedic(?) and thus look a bit silly. But trust me, that final transformation the son goes through is truly beautiful :)
Again… a really bizarre little Hungarian film, but if you are interested, go watch it and don’t say I didn’t warn you! I also don’t personally know anybody who has seen this film…so it’s always great to recommend and put it out there!
Honourable Mentions:
Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)
This one is here for being ICONIC. This film is so creative and artsy about its body horror. Certainly taking inspiration from Akira, but also just being unsettling for its stylised way of showcasing the destruction of the human body. Bits and wires everywhere! In black and white? SURE! I love the red of blood, but this movie gets a pass for its sheer imaginative way of displaying body horror.
The Fly (1986)
Love this film, but surprisingly it’s not one of my favourites! I wanted to include it here though, because the metamorphosis Seth Brundle goes through is EXTREMELY grotesque! It’s got absolutely everything I adore about the genre: Physical human body violations, gore, GOOP, and practical effects.
Scanners (1981)
Honestly, this one is just here because I FUCKING love that head exploding scene everyone knows about :b LITERAL ART!
Black Sheep (2006)
A dark comedy! Or horror comedy? Either way, this fucking film is DISTURBING! The practical effects are to die for, and the final creature sent shivers down my spine. I don’t care how silly this film is, if it wasn’t comedic, this would be a straight up HORROR of the most disturbing kind. And besides, anything making commentary on animal cruelty and animal testing is a definite narrative artistry about body horror in my book.
American Mary (2012)
This film has A TON of body horror displays! Full frontal and all. It’s one of my picks that isn’t just about gorey mutilation, but actual sexual violation as well :0 It’s got such a strong message, and the visuals are pretty great! Extra points for empowering women ;)
Slither (2006)
This film is only here for being one of the only ones to genuinely disgust and disturb me. The transformation of that one woman in the barn creeps me to the core :( And that doesn’t happen often! So as much as I hate this movie for making me feel uncomfortable, it’s gotta be on the list, right?
Society (1989)
This film is also fucking GROSS. Commentary on the rich being as disgusting as the actions happening, and as gross as they look in the end of this film is fucking GOLD! I’m all for it. Definitely not one of my favourites (it’s just a little boring at parts), but worth mentioning for that social commentary mixed in with absolutely horrendous body mutilation scenes done with practical effects.
Splinter (2008)
Another little hidden gem of a movie! I don’t hear people talk about this one ENOUGH! One of two films in my list that doesn’t exclusively include practical effects (I think). But that’s okay! Because this film is SO creative and has such a unique version of the zombie virus! It certainly will shake you; especially if hearing and/or seeing bones cracking is one of your “irk” uncomfy factors.
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orangelemonart · 1 year
TL;DR your art from 10 years ago just made me relapse on homestuck; thank you.
Here’s the full story
My homestuck phase started in the omegapause and fizzled out circa 2018. In 2017 or early 2018 (dated by the comment I left), I watched a YouTube upload of your gigapause-era Masterpiece Theatre III lyricstuck and thought it was great
I’m now twenty years old and I’ve been an ex-homestuck for five years, I still celebrate 4/13 but I have other special interests to fill my time and i do the ex-homestuck thing of joking about homestuck being a trashfire. I have said that “I will never reread homestuck” to friends more than once
Yesterday I found an animatic of the same song for my current special interest (ace attorney) and was like “where do I know this song from?” the whole time, and then it hit me that it had to be from a lyricstuck because the song is just perfect for a lyricstuck. So I went and rewatched the lyricstuck to scratch that itch and found myself having homestuck feels in the year of our lord two thousand twenty three
For everything wrong with homestuck (and there was plenty wrong with homestuck), this weird work of fiction consistently pulled off sincerely impactful moments within the context of intentionally absurd lore, it laughed in the face of the idea of “avoiding being cringe”, and I think this is why it was so addictive to a generation of autistic teens
So now I’m on a nostalgia bender and downloading the unofficial collection to re-examine this flawed but iconic story from my childhood, now with more maturity to understand the thematic elements buried behind the shitpost tone (which child me barely engaged with beyond “noooo hussie don’t hurt my faves T_T”)
Makes me happier than you people will ever know to hear my art from back in the day was so loved. My friends often joke about me being “tumblr famous” and I know they don’t mean it like this but every year it feels more and more like laughing at me not with me. My follower count and notes drastically plateaued after homestuck hahaha.
I forget that there actually are people out there who actually liked my art and consider it part of their experience with a story they loved! That’s incredible! I’m honored!
Anyway homestuck isn’t as cringe or problematic and people keep claiming it was, at least no more than any other series from that era. Be proud of liking a series that was so revolutionary in storytelling, there is no multimedia project quite like homestuck!
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