#I open it put a new painting on a wall or some decoration on a table and I'm done with it for the week
mischelmayleys · 2 days
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As Ingird let me through their apartment I noticed how spot on it was. Everything had its place and was dusted off. A cat came to sniff my legs as we entered, making me bend down and pat its fur letting out a soft smile at the bal of fur.
“Okay so your room is right next to ours so if you need anything you can just come to us.” Ingrid explained as she opened the door to the room.
It was mostly a bare room with a nice king size bed in the middle and TV right on the opposite wall. As we walked it I spotted the big window where in front of it was a dest with some plants and a laptop.
“We didn’t know if you needed a laptop for school or not, but we figured you can just use it for whatever you want. It has netflix in it as well as the TV.” Ingird explained, probably seeing me eyeing it.
I didn’t know what to say: “I…thank you.”
She smiled softly at me and went to put a hand on my shoulder which made me flinch: “Hey don’t worry I just wanted to dust off your top.” She pointed her finger on my shoulder which had a bit of blood on it from the fight yesterday.
“Oh, that’s just um…” I started to say but Maria came literally running into the room with my bags on her shoulders.
“I don’t know if Ingrid already told you but we can do whatever you want with the room, we can paint the wall or buy new sheets, some decorations?” She was rambling and it made me look at Ingrid for help.
“Maria calm down, she just got here.” Maria stopped talking and apologized.
“It is okay. Can I use the bathroom please?” I asked not knowing where it was.
Ingrid nodded and pointed to a door in the back of my room: “There, it’s just yours.” I stared at her in shock. Did I just get my own room WITH a bathroom?
“We will let you settle down a bit, if you need anything we are in the kitchen.” Maria said and they left me alone.
I breathed out as they closed the door and I looked at my hands. They were bruised and they hurt less than yesterday but it started to get worse again due to me picking up the skin on my fingers. With a shaky breath I went to the bathroom, and carefully washed my hands under the water. It stinged and I hissed.
I replied to the fight in my head, it wasn’t my fault…I was just protecting myself. I might not have friends in school but outside it was better. Rodrigo was one of my closest friends to many people. He seemed like a bad person, but he was a sweet guy deep down. We met when I was at my first foster home when I was seven and he was ten. I saw him in a park where he had just fallen from his skateboard and I went to help him and since then we were attached to him until he started to hang out with the wrong people.
He is twenty now to my sixteen, and still he is my rock. I came to his flat more than I was to my different foster parents. And the fight happened because of him.
I was sitting next to Rodrigo on a couch as he smoked some weed and I just casually smoked cigarettes. His other friends were split all over his place and just doing nothing at all.
“So…you ran away again.” Rodrigo said to me as he turned my way.
I nod: “Yeah, what was I supposed to do? Get myself killed.” he gave me a soft smile and put his hand on my thigh: “Don’t worry, you can stay here if you want.”
I chuckled a bit: “Nah, I don’t think your friends would appreciate me sleeping in here.”
“You are right, we don’t want this chick sleeping here.” Someone from the other side of the room yelled as Rodrigo went to stand up and defend me but I pulled him back down: “don’t.” He huffed and sat down but couldn’t keep his mouth shut: “Shut up Diego, you bring here sluts and I can’t have here my friend?!”
It was the wrong move and from that time on, one of the only things I remember is that Diego hit first. They were punching each other hard and somehow I stood up and went to split them up.
And that was when Diego grabbed me so to my self defense I hit.
The only other thing I remember is police breaking into the apartment and separating us from each other.
I shook my head as a shiver went down my spine. I stopped the water and walked back into my room and took it all in again.
The fresh sheets.
The Tv and laptop looked completely brand new.
There was a thing I didn’t acknowledge the first time.
It was a framed Barcelona jersey. It had Alexia along with the number 11 written on the back. Alexia…Alexia… I tried to think about where I heard it before. I took out my phone and went to google it until I realized I didn’t have any wifi or data. I sigh and go to the laptop placed on the table and carefully open it. It was connected to a which I assumed was Ingrids and Maria's wifi.
I opened google and wrote about Alexia Fc Barcelona. So much information came up, that’s when I realized it’s THE Alexia, which people in my old school were always talking about. Alexia was the best footballer in the world. It’s not like I didn’t know that Barcelona had a female team, I just never had the opportunity to see them play, I never had a Tv before or money to go to see them play. There was one picture that caught my eye. It was a full squad photo, that’s when I saw them…Ingrid and Maria both being in the picture dressed in their very own kit.
I am living with famous football players…
I didn’t know if that was good or not. They are probably going to travel all the time and not have time for me…great so no need to get close to them. Since they are public figures, they wouldn't hurt a kid…at least I hoped so.
I closed the google and leaned back into the chair. What am I supposed to do now? Unpack?
The question in my head was quickly answered when my phone ding with a message.
Rodrigo: Come over?
I pursued my lips and looked at the closed door and then out of the window. It had the railing and stairs there…great way for escape.
Eliza was quiet in her room, we thought she would come out by now to eat dinner, but we didn’t want her to feel pressured so we stayed at the table waiting for her.
Mapi was texting away on her phone when she suddenly put it down: “I am going to look at her.” I nod as I waited.
She came quickly running back to me.
I frowned: “Why are you running what happened?”
Mapi had a worried look on her face: “She is not in her room.”
I quickly stood up: “What do you mean? Maybe she is just in the bathroom.”
“No, she is not anywhere and the window is open so I think she sneaked out.” Mapi said as she sat down on the chair and put her head into her hands. I ran my hand through her hair.
“Well…we know what the social worker told us. We are going to wait for her return.” I said quietly not really believing we won’t go looking for her
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dazlyndiariess · 1 day
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❝synopsis❞ ‣ Deciding to try the local cafè in town, Nanami Kento soon finds himself amused by one of the rather cute baristas!
・❥・PAIRING(S) › Nanami Kento x GN ! Reader
・❥・GENRE(S) › Fluff, Love at first sight (sorta), Comedy, Romance.
・❥・WARNING(S) › 250 yen = £1.25 / $1.60, The ending was a bit rushed, I just wanted to get my first fanfic out ^_^
・❥・POST DATE › 03 / 06 / 24
❝featuring❞ ‣ N/A . . .
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A waft of freshly brewed coffee and frosted pink cakes lingered in the cold chill in the cafè while diverse chatter reached the pinks of everybody's ears. Behind the counter, you hastily poured the last of the scorching brown liquid into a white mug, ready to be placed onto the plastic tray and delivered by another barista to the customer's table.
The sound of the door caused your head to perk up, diverting your focus from the mug and towards the man a few feet away from you. Through your smokey vision, you were luckily able to see waves of blonde hair slowly creeping towards the cream coloured front counter - directly where you stood.
Up close, you could now see that the man wore a horribly formal attire decorated with... probably the ugliest tie you've ever laid your eyes upon! It seemed almost impossible to even comprehend and tear your eyes away from it.
"Hello." The blonde huffed, clearly already exhausted despite it still being so early in the morning. His muffled words caused you to snap back into reality and break your long-term gaze away from his awful tie choice.
"Oh! I'm so sorry." You apologised meekly, finally placing the mug you held down on the tray; quickly ringing the counter bell to signal its completion. The man hummed in acknowledgement, his eyes casted upon the giant screens at the top displaying the all-day menus.
Brushing over his rather arrogant demeanour, you quickly chirped back, "Good morning! What can I get for you today?"
Although it seemed to take a moment, he placed his dark chocolate eyes on you. His chiselled face remained stoic with no sign of a smile in last week. However, when you finally got the study on his face, you came to realise how handsome this man seemed to be. His blonde locks pushed back to display his defined face, a sharp jaw and equally sharp dark eyes. He was certainly an attractive man.
"I'll just take a regular coffee, please."
"Of course! What name will I be putting on the cup, sir?" Already assuming he would be taking his beverage away based on his formal clothing, you offered him a gentle smile.
"Nanami..." You muttered whille your hand scribbled his name down on the recycled cup in messy black ink. "That's a nice name."
"Hm? Oh, thank you." Nanami offered a small smile at your compliment. However, sadly, your back was already turned before you could see.
'A regular, boring coffee for a regular, boring looking type of guy.' You thought to yourself as you smacked the side of the silver machine, forcing its blood curling screams while hot coffee splashed into the cup.
Left to ponder on your new, blonde customer (now known as Nanami), Nanami's eyes guided around the cafè room. Seemingly going for a traditional, stereotypical cafè look, Nanami saw dozens upon dozens of corny, coffee related puns pinned up along the beige painted walls, some so bad even Nanami himself grimaced at them!
A light giggle brought Nanami's focus back to you, your nose slightly scrunched in joy at his disgusted state.
"I know, right? Boss refuses to let me replace them despite no one finding them remotely funny." Your words caused a light chuckle to slip from Nanami's lips. "Oh, and here's your coffee, sir! That'll be..." You fingers jabbed the cash register, holding his coffee cup in the free hand. "250 yen!"
With a coffee cup now outstretched towards him, Nanami flipped open his wallet and placed a few coins on the counter before accepting the cup from your hand. The second his hand gingerly brushed against your knuckles, you felt heat rise to the tips of your ears. 'His hands were incredibly warm and soft despite how rough they looked.'
"Thank you." Nanami nodded his head gratitude, "Have a nice day, Miss."
"Ah! You too, Mr. Nanami!" You grinned, waving a hand goodbye with such an excited look on your face.
Pushing the glass door open wide, Nanami stepped outside into the chilly winter air, coffee cup now in hand, and a stupid smile on his face. Mood now slightly perked up; Nanami slowly made his way towards his boring office job, ready to slave behind a desk all day. However, noticing the black ink that was smeared across his hand, Nanami quickly held his cup in the opposite hand and inspected the black smudges more... a number, or more specifically... a phone number! Nanami chuckled before letting his eyes scan the scrawny writing as violent casts of wind blow through his hair.
"Msg me :)" — Y/N.
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kitchenwitchtingss · 10 months
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(And other useful things I've learned over the years)
Hi! This is a list of dos, don'ts, tips, tricks, and other fun things that I've learned over the years. I always love finding more effective and efficient ways of doing things so if you have any cool things you'd like to add, leave them in the comments or reblog. I'd love to read it.
Anyways... On with the list ^_^
Light candles around your kitchen space (just make sure nothing flammable is near you)
Annotate your cookbooks with the correspondence of the ingredients.
Mediating is really good to calm the mind before cooking.
Cut oranges and lemons thinly, dry them, and hang them with twine around your kitchen
Need a cleansing tip? Open all your windows near your kitchen. Let some fresh air in.
Cutting sigils into apples, pie crusts, and carved potatoes.
Save lemon and orange rinds, freeze them, and then use them to clean the garbage disposal.
Make infused oils and honey: Things like garlic honey, lavender honey, herb oil, sun oil, moon oil, dandelion oil, and other different edible oils are very fun and useful to make.
Hid sigils in pages of your cookbooks and kitchen witch journals.
Add some plants! Snake plants and spider plants don't need too much light, and growing your own herbs in your kitchen is awesome too. Basil, lavender, thyme, aloe vera, rosemary, etc. are good fits. You could also add some plants that require more sunlight on the kitchen window sill. Like cacti and succulents.
Bring crystals into your kitchen space such as rose quartz, clear quartz, amethyst, or whatever you want the space's intentions to be.
I keep a small money tree on the sill, along with cacti for luck and protection.
Make a simmer Pot! Mostly because it makes the whole house smell good, easy, and fun.
Stir clockwise for best results!
Learning how to pickle things is actually pretty witchy. Plus, anyone could do it as it requires absolutely no kitchen experience. You could pickle any vegetable, even if you don't like pickles. I originally learned this after having to take shelter from a natural disaster. A person brought a bunch of stuff and taught us how to pickle things with different spices and herbs. Very fun!
Decorate your kitchen with your favorite stuff. Crystals, decor, heat mits, that cool mushroom cake stand you've been eyeing at the World Market for the past 2 weeks, cool looking curtains, sun catchers. Why stop there? Paint the walls, hang shelves full of marked-up cookbooks that are a little too well-loved and thumbed through.
Wanna be the person that has the amazing-smelling house every time people come over? Syrups take some time to simmer down, it's actually a pretty good time to leave it on the stove to simmer. Since syrups have a lot of aromatic ingredients, it acts as a really good-smelling simmer pot.
Hang up herbs to dry with twine from cabinets that are rarely used.
Invest in that new set of plates and cups.
Homemade jams, butter, sauces, and syrups are your best friend.
Crochet or knit your own dish rags, pot holders, etc.
Don't pour extremely hot things into a glass that's not Pyrex, it will break, and you will be very sad about it.
Don't cook anything while extremely upset or emotional (For safety reasons)
Make recipes you want to make, not just because you'll like the effect. Make it because you think it's tasty.
Chinese Five Spice works in place of herbs for protection and luck spells a lot of the time! It's cheaper to buy 1 spice than 4 different spices that total up to 15 dollars when you could just spend 3-4 dollars.
Take a shower before cooking (I don't know how to explain this one other than it makes you feel better)
Don't use microfiber/plastic material clothes on hot burners, it will fuse to the burner and melt. It is VERY hard to get off.
I don't know if I need to put this one but I did see someone do it so nonstick pan = wooden utensils and plastic utensils, metal pan = metal utensils. Do not use a metal spoon in a nonstick pan, please. It can make you very sick.
Keep your pets away from hot oil, open ovens, and hot pans.
You can proof bread dough in the fridge overnight if you don't have the time to bake, or want to eat fresh bread right in the morning.
Need a quick witchy meal for dinner in 12 minutes? Use premade tomato pasta sauce and doctor it up with thyme, rosemary, and garlic, for protection and distilling stagnant energies. Serve with pasta of your liking.
You can substitute Butter for Crisco/shortening, buttermilk for 1 cup of milk + 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, and heavy cream for 1 cup of half and half plus 2 tbsp of butter.
Use leftover animal bones to make bone broth
Teach yourself the art of bread scoring (It's fun, and you can show it off to your loved ones!)
Collect and hoard your own and others' family recipes.
Sometimes the food doesn't have to be a spell, sometimes it just makes you feel good and you don't know why.
Listen to your favorite music in the kitchen, it makes the monotonous things like chopping veggies move faster.
Invest in a vegetable chopper if you don't like chopping vegetables.
Find a really good hot cocoa recipe and make it once a week. Master it. Just for your own happiness because hot cocoa is really good. You could also be the friend/family member that makes the best hot cocoa ever.
Focaccia Bread Lasts a very long time, and it's very easy to make!
Keep a first aid kit near where the oven is, in case of burns, cuts, or serious injuries where time is everything.
Quick Bread and no-rise loaves are simple for beginners, tasty, and take little time. They also feel very witchy to make.
Study a bit of Herbalism! It's fun and really helps better understand the herbs you're putting into your food.
While something is boiling, put your wooden spoon over the pot to minimize the chance of something boiling over.
Try a bit of coffee magick, it's simple to get into, and gives you a boost of energy to take on the day!
If you're over 21, wine-making is a very interesting way to celebrate the sabbats. Just with that, make sure you KNOW what you're doing. With anything fermented, there's always a risk if you don't store things correctly. Apple wines, strawberry wines, dandelion wines, etc. all very cool to experiment with. If you're not over 21, vinegar is a similar way to experiment.
Hang up some witchy things, sigils, photos, cool magnets, and other things that give you joy on your fridge. (Sometimes if you are lucky they have some fun magnets at five below)
If you live in the US, for some reason, there are a lot of books in the book section dedicated to witchcraft and spirituality. At least where I live. And they are all under 5 dollars!
Teas are the cheapest and easiest things you can practice being a kitchen witch.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 3 months
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[2:17 pm]
This was supposed to be a quick trip. You needed some new pillows, a new plant, and Mark was really just along for the ride. He was in it for some Swedish meatballs, a slide of chocolate cake, and fruit flavored sparkling water. But somewhere in the time from the entrance to about the eighth showroom, you forgot about what you needed.
"I think this one is nice, but the paint on the walls makes the room feel too small," Mark hummed.
"Since when are you an interior decorator?" You asked with your arms crossed while you surveyed the room.
Mark laughed and you both moved onto the next showroom, a kitchen.
"This is nice! I like this island here and the gas stove," Mark mumbled to himself. He walked around the space, dragging his hands over the surfaces while he looked at the lighting fixtures.
He walked over to the stove and lifted the lid from the pot. He grabbed a wooden spoon from the wall and turned to you with a bright smile, "Oh good! You're finally home, honey. I was just starting on dinner. How does spaghetti sound?"
Despite the nagging voice in the back of your head telling you this was supposed to be a 'quick trip,' you played along. You walked over to him and pecked his cheek, "it smelled delicious. I had such a long day. It feels great to be off my feet."
You slumped into a stool at the island. Mark pulled open cabinets and pretended to shake things into the pot, "long day at the office?"
"The longest! Stupid Becky from HR was such a pain today. Honestly, she never shuts up! But anyway, how was your day, babe?"
Mark giggled, turning to you while holding the pot with both hands, "Not as long as yours, but long enough that I don't want to dirty any bowls. Let's eat."
You both pretended to twirl your forks in the pot, slurping up noodles and giggling at each other each time you made eye contact.
"It's the last noodle," you said in an amazed voice.
"Lady and the Tramp it!" Mark pretended to slurp up the noodle with puckered lips while you did the same.
You slowly moved toward each other until your lips finally touched. The kiss was short and sweet, a kiss that quickly turned to you both laughing with your foreheads pressed together and the tips of your noses touching.
"Thanks for making dinner," you smiled brightly.
Mark shrugged, "it was nothing fancy, anything to make you happy, honey." A loud grumble sounded from his stomach, "Hey my pretend spaghetti was good, but now I need some real food."
"I need my pillows first!" You exclaimed.
You both left the kitchen, hand in hand. "I actually really liked that island, maybe we could remodel the kitchen," Mark told you while you made your way over to the bedding area.
"Maybe we can just try a rolling island cart to see if we like it," you grabbed two pillows and put them under your arm, "time for real food?"
"Please, I need some lingonberry soda!" Mark cheered.
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miserycanary · 1 month
pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley & reader 
synopsis: you've left and what was left of Ghost (pt.2)
tags: I really don't know whether to tag this as fluff or angst 
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The clock hanging by the wall ticks persistently like a bomb waiting to break Ghost’s delusion that you’ll come back. Ever since that night, he has spent his time like a literal ghost. Barely eating, barely moving, barely living without you. 
With each heavy step that he takes toward your shared bedroom—now bare—the pain in his chest drags him. “I’m home, baby..” he gruffs at the presence he tricked himself to think was still there. Dropping his things by the door, he moves so slowly and plops himself at the mattress that is now cold.. Like how it always was before you came into his life and warmed his whole body and soul. 
Ghost isn’t a crier. Never was. He took all the beatings from his father without letting a single tear fall. He didn’t shed shit when he had to force himself out of the grave he was put in alive. Not even when he left with no family and had to witness that moment with his own eyes. Ever since then, he has swore to heaven and earth that they will never take anything from him again. Depriving himself of anything that could tie him down emotionally.
Then suddenly there was you in all your glory.
Face painted similarly to his as you hand the kids celebrating Día de Muertos candies. Ghost never thought he’d take a step back in this country but as if tugged by fate, he found himself surrounded with the similar decorations that started his nightmare. Yet all he could zero out on was you. And that moment, Ghost knew that heaven and earth were snickering at him, mocking him for what he swore long before was now forgotten. 
As the crown dissipates, he takes all the scuffed pieces of his heart. “That’s a pretty flower,” he grumbles. He sees the way you flinch at the sudden person, turning around to see his towering self. Simon wasn’t stupid and he knew how intimidating he looked and expected you to be scared. His apology is already at the tip of his tongue. 
“Thank you! Do you want it?” He stills, blinking at the unexpected reaction. “O-oh, yeah, thank you.” You, on the other hand, expected the giant of a man to take the delicate flower with roughness, even expecting some petals to fall yet he took it so gently. Simon plucked the stem from your hand, placing it on the wide expanse of his palm and leaning lower to expect it. “Pretty..” he mutters, and you almost agreed if not for the way he said it with his eyes on you. 
Time passed and you guys were intertwined, lives and love exchanged throughout the two years he was with you. 
Ghost fully expected you to run when he first told you about himself, but you stayed. You tore down his walls with patience and care, showing empathy for what he has gone through but never pity and that made him fall deeper. Now Ghost would be lying if he said he has relationship experiences but he knew that if he doesn’t take this opportunity, then he’d lose you before he even had you (he lost you either way). 
But what could he do now? What’s done has been done. He could learn about a relationship all he wants but who matters the most to him is gone. With a new profound energy, he pulled himself up, opening the drawer beside him. He shuffles through the pile of things before pulling out what he was looking for. Sighing, he opens the box and stares at the engagement ring. 
Taking you for granted was not his intention. When you started to cook him meals, take care of the dishes, and everything else, he thought this was the norm. His duty was just to spoil his pretty girl. He never found anything wrong with the dread and exhaust that paints your face everyday because he was used to the heavy weight and assumed everyone was like that. You never complained, so he thought everything was fine. 
And he never wanted to snap back at you. He knew all about the sacrifice you did and gave for him, and how much you went through just to stay with him. He watches your eyes dim each time he tells you that you guys have to move once again or how broken you were when he found you at the hands of someone who wanted him dead. Loving him and being loved wasn’t easy but you did it with no complaints. 
Now he had to go out and be stupid, letting you slip from his fingers just because he couldn’t carry his weight for some measly housework. The very next day that you left the house, staying somewhere who knows where, he bought a dishwasher and hired a cleaner. Try as he might to do the housework just to please you, he knows that his time won’t allow it. So, he tried his best to work around it with the hopes that you’ll come back, but where were you? 
He has called your number multiple times after giving you enough space but no calls were returned. You were coming back to him, right? You won’t leave him, right?
You’ll still love him, right? You will. Ghost smiles softly to himself, kissing the ring while a shy tear slips. “You’ll look so pretty with this ring, darling…” he whispers to the presence that he tricked himself was still there.
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꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱: this is so long overdue. Sorry for the person who requested this because it took me this long!! 📩
dividers by @cafekitsune
Please reblog!! Ask is open! 
check out my other works in the masterlist: ୭!
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wifihunters · 5 months
There's something to be said for the strangeness of therapy and understanding not only why you do things, but why certain things make you feel like Death for no reason and sometimes why other people do things as well.
And its all well and good except its... tiring.
You go, you pay, you scoop out the seeds and flesh with a blunt spoon until you hit the rind, and then you sit there across from a sad, kind professional while the two of you try to sort out how to put it back together.
And no one thanks you for it outright. Your mom calls and you actually pick up for the first time in a month and she says you sound clearer. Your brother has nothing to say about the amphetamines in your bag because he knows something changed enough that he says an "I love you" at the end of a visit and gets one back. Your wife pulls you back to reality and you find affection and touch tolerable enough to do the same for her the week after without your skin crawling.
But then you start to feel muscles pull and things strain. Anger comes (real anger, not snapped frustration, not survival fighting, but deep, indignant flares) and it fires like an engine left to coagulate for years. It feels like an unwieldy hammer too large to control and too easy to swing all at once. You're afraid to pick it up. You're more afraid to have it taken away again.
So you start to demolish your own foundation. You find the rotten pylons holding up your childhood and leave them in the mud. You cannot move them now, only balance new beams better than your parents did.
Then the hardest room is next. The cozy sitting room with the day bed you kept open all hours and days for anyone to rest on, it goes down with the rotten floor. You never knew the mold had reached out here--you thought that was hidden behind the other doors, under your own bed, not in this space. Not here in the warm light of pride, of being kind and useful, where you curled up in too small of a chair and basked, knowing you had earned love with your tired limbs and heavy eyes. You drag the day bed to the curb and apologize to everyone who knocks. The new floor is bare and cold, the silence echoes in the empty room, but you start to ponder what color paint you might like to decorate yourself in. The roller is lighter than you expected. Maybe the bedroom deserves a coat.
And you brace for some pushback. Not everyone likes the color. Someone else compliments the new couch (only a couch now, an overnight bed for the cats and no one else) and someone else asks why you took the old one to the dump without telling them first. Some of them leave. Some of them put a crack in your newly painted drywall as they do. Others stay, asking if movie night is still on. You wipe your eyes and sweep the dust and ask if they'd like a drink before starting. The foundation shivers, but the walls remain.
Its mundane and earth-shattering and boring and the most terrifying all at once. No one will stop you from quitting. Healing is voluntary and the easiest responsibility on a long list to drop, and yet now that the mold is gone you understand, maybe, what it might be like to even want a home in your own mind and skin. Not a hotel, carefully crafted with beige walls and fluffed pillows, but a home.
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redstarwriting · 1 year
the clash | iv. london calling
hobie brown x goth!reader
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word count: 2.8k
genre: enemies to lovers
warnings: language, insults, hobie hating you, you hating hobie, smoking weed, alcohol, mentions of a gwen canon event, mentions of death, lil angst
a/n: nother long one! i can’t wait to make it crazy angsty bc when i tell u i have THOUGHTS 👀 thank you to everyone who’s reading, i’m trying to update it every day, so hopefully i can stick with that schedule! enjoy this chapter, friends :)
now reading: iv. london calling
previous chapter: iii. black planet
next chapter: v. ever fallen in love
He fixes his watch to open a portal to his world. Gwen, Miles, and Pavitr basically run to get to it. He motions for you to go ahead, and you walk through. Immediately when you step into his room, you’re hit with the smell of weed and incense. You’d be lying if you said you hated it. You glance around. You see drums, another electric and acoustic guitar, empty spray paint cans, spray paint on the walls, stacks of newspapers (all defaced in some way)… it feels very Hobie to say the least. “Now this. This is a livin’ area,” he says, appearing behind you. You shake your head. “So loud, both figuratively and literally. How do you ever get anything done?”
“By being louder than everyone else, obviously,” he responds, and you roll your eyes. “What a way to live,” you remark. “Better than that quiet, dark, and gloomy, way,” he retorts, and you shrug. “If you say so.”
“Hey, Hobie, do you still have the roof all decorated?” Gwen asks and he nods. “Course I do. I own the place, head on up,” he jerks his head upwards, and Gwen turns to Miles and Pavitr with a smirk. “Race ya!”
“Hey no fair! You have been here so many times!” Pavitr yells as Gwen takes off. “Come on, Miles!” you hear her yell. Miles smiles gently and shakes his head before going after the two of them. “He’s so obsessed with her it’s making me sick,” you mumble, and Hobie snorts. “What? Miles and Gwen’s relationship too much for you? You hate love?”
“Love has never done anything but cause me pain. And not the good kind,” you glance at him with a frown, and he raises his eyebrow. Suddenly his eyes get wide. “Oh shit… you had a Gwen canon event.”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you respond, and he frowns. “You know, actually talkin’ about that kinda shit is a good way to not sit on it and let it build. You could face some serious problems if you keep doin’ that.”
“Who said I gave a fuck what you think? I didn’t ask for the unneeded advice, alright?” you say, and he narrows his eyes at you. “Oh, right. Forgot I was dealing with a bloody doughnut,” he mumbles and point to the window. “Care to go to the roof and get out of my sight?”
“Sound like the best thing you’ve said since I got here,” you say, leaping out of his window and climbing up the side of the building. While clinging to the wall, you glance out at Hobie’s world. His city looks almost exactly like Night of Yore City, except for the fact that there are a shit ton of fires burning, over half of the buildings look abandoned, the sky is a reddish-orangish hue, and it is so much louder. The name is also vastly different, as his version of NYC is New London. Universal differences get weird and confusing. Nonetheless, you’re intrigued, you turn around, putting your back against the wall and supporting yourself with your hands and feet. The graffitied buildings are a nice touch, you must admit. You snort to yourself when you see a mural of Hobie. If only they knew the asshole behind the mask.
“Now why the hell aren’t you up there with everyone else?” you hear his voice pull you out of your thoughts as he crawls up next to you. You shrug. “I’m a sucker for views, I guess.”
“Well, believe it or not, view is a lot better from the top of the buildin’,” he says, and you roll your eyes. “Can I please just be secluded and observe in peace?”
“Absolutely fuckin’ not. Come on,” he says, starting to walk up the wall. You sigh and lazily roll backwards and up the wall to come to standing and follow him up. When you get to the top of the roof, you see a boombox (blaring punk music, of course) and blankets surrounding a barrel with a fire going in it. Multiple coolers decorate the roof which all look stockpiled full of different beers. “Hey, Hobie, you know that they’re all kids, right?”
“New universe, new rules, love. Drinking age is 16 and up ‘round here, not that I’d give a fuck if it wasn’t anyway. So, sit down, shut up, and drink a damn beer. Maybe you’ll loosen up,” he says, tossing you a random bottle. You roll your eyes and sit down but put the beer to the side.
“Hey, Hobie, do you have any of that–” Miles gets cut off by Hobie tossing him another bottle. “Nice. Thanks, dude,” he says excitedly, cracking the top and taking a drink. Gwen gets her beer of choice, and Pavitr does the same. Hobie, you notice, doesn’t drink anything. “So, what were you guys talking about?” Gwen asks, pointing between the two of you with her bottle. “What?” you ask, and she shrugs. “You guys were alone in Hobie’s for a while and no one died, soooo did you guys finally talk about something you could agree on?”
“We can’t agree on nothin’, Gwen. They were just bein’ their usual self and annoyin’ the shit out of me at any chance they could get,” Hobie says, and you shake your head. “Good to know it worked, mate”
“Stop imitatin’ me, poser.”
“No, I don’t think I will.”
“I’ll make you.”
“Try me, Hobart.”
“Alright, that’s enough of that. What were you guys talking about?” Miles asks, and you and Hobie look at each other. “Just asked where the bathroom was,” you say, and he nods. “Yeah. That’s it.”
You weren’t necessarily ready to reveal you faced the Gwen canon event. Especially not to another Gwen. At least Hobie isn’t enough of a dick to bring it up in front of them. “Oh, yeah, you did change into your everyday clothes. Don’t know how I didn’t notice that,” Gwen states, taking another swig of her beer. You had changed in your apartment after cleaning your wound, but you don’t say anything. Hobie nods at you, and you nod back.
“Why aren’t you drinking anything (Y/n)? Here, try this it’s so good,” Pavitr pushes his bottle toward you, and you shake your head. “I don’t want to drink, but thanks Pavitr,” you say, and he frowns. “Awww.” You smile slightly at how disappointed he sounds. “Well, I want to remember everything you all tell me without it being fuzzy because I was hoping you could let me know a little bit more about all the spider people in Spider Society. I’m still new, you four, Peter B. Parker, and Miguel are the only ones I’ve really met.”
With that, Gwen, Miles, and Pavitr start telling you everything they know. You learn about Jessica Drew, Spider-Man Noir, Peni Parker, and so many more. Gwen, Miles, and Pavitr talk for hours, and since they’re kids, they do not know when to stop drinking. Eventually, the three of them are passed out. Miles is cradling Gwen’s side with his head on her chest as she wraps one of her arms around him, and Pavitr is laying straight on his back, lightly snoring. You giggle softly at the sight. Suddenly the punk music you’ve been listening to for the past however many hours gets softer. You glance over to where it is and see Hobie bent over and turning it down. “Don’t wanna wake ‘em,” he mumbles, walking over to you. The volume of the city has decreased quite a bit, and with the low hum of music coming from the boombox now, his world is actually kind of enjoyable. Though you’d never tell him that. He motions to the skyline, and you turn and look. He was right, as much as you hate to admit it. The view is a lot better from up here.
“Why didn’t you drink anythin’?” he asks, and you shrug. “Didn’t feel like it. Why didn’t you drink anything?” He shrugs and pulls out a rolled cigarette from his vest pocket. “Got somethin’ better.”
“And you didn’t offer any to them?”
“Hey, they can drink here, they don’t need to mess with this shit. ‘Sides I knew they’d be pissed. Gonna have a god-awful hangover tomorrow,” he says, pulling out a lighter. You shake your head. “They can’t mess with your shit, but I can?”
“The two of us are the same age. We’re ‘adults’ or whatever the fuck that means. Are you too stuck up to be ‘round some grass or somethin’?”
“No, Hobie, I don’t give a fuck if you smoke weed. Building manager might, though.”
“Love, I am the building manager. This place is abandoned, so it belongs to me. And you’re not tellin’ me I’m supposed to smoke this myself?” he asks with a sly smirk on his face. You raise your eyebrow at him. “Actually I am.” He groans, putting the joint to his lips and lighting the end of it.
“Do you know how to have any fun?”
“Do you know how to have any–” Before you can finish, he puts his finger over your mouth, and raises the joint to his lips again. He takes a deep breath in, blowing out the excess smoke and glancing at you. “No.”
“You don’t even know what I was gonna say.”
“Don’t care. The answer is no.”
“Have you ever actually tried listening to anything anyone says?” “Nah. I don’t listen to no one. I’m me, and if people don’t like that, good,” he says, taking another drag. He glances over at you and holds the joint out. “Y’sure you don’t want some?”
“You actually want to share with me?”
“I want you to not be as much as a ragin’ fuckwit, so yes,” he blows smoke in your face, and you glare at him. “If I take one hit, will you shut the fuck up about it?”
“Probably not, but it would sure make me happier.” You roll your eyes, and take the joint from him, taking a drag. He watches you. He’d never admit it, but he wishes you weren’t such an asshole. The way you look doing that in the moonlight? Stunning. You pass the joint back to him, some of the smoke coming out of your nose. “Stop staring at me.”
“Just makin’ sure you did it right and didn’t waste my shit,” he says, taking another drag. “I know how to hit a joint, Hobie.”
“Really? Never would have guessed you’d do anything remotely excitin’.”
“Oh, please. You barely know me,” you say, angrier than you probably should be. “Then tell me about yourself, love.”
“Hard pass,” you say, and he groans. “I get the desire to stay anonymous and mysterious, obviously, but come on. Chances are we’re gonna be seein’ each other more than either of us wants to, so just open up a bit,” he says, and you frown. “There’s nothing you need to know.”
“Oh yeah? Then tell me something about you.”
“I killed Norman Osborn with my guitar after defeatin’ him and all of his V.E.N.O.M. forces and successfully led a rebellion against fascism,” he says smugly, “Until those other fuckin’ Nazis showed up, but one day I promise you this world? Will be capitalist and fascist free.”
“No, it won’t. Am I supposed to be impressed?” you ask with a deadpan face. He scoffs. “Damn, you’re a wanker. I’d like to see you try and defeat the V.E.N.O.M. forces. From what I seen your world’s villains are rubbish,” he says and to his surprise, and yours, you laugh. A hint of a smile plays on his features, but you shake your head. “Green Goblin is, you’re right, but... there are others who are much worse. And what the fuck is a venom force? You’re saying that like I should just know what it is.”
“It was a symbiote that– wait, you sayin’ you don’t know what venom is? That’s something every spider-person deals with at some point,” he says, and you shrug. “Guess I haven’t dealt with it yet.”
“Yeah, well, when you do, call me cause you’ll need my help,” he says and you roll your eyes. “I’d rather die than get help from you.”
“I helped you today, love.”
“I could have done that myself,” you retort, and he shakes his head, taking another drag. “I guess I should thank you though.”
“For not telling them what we were really talking about,” you say, and he hums. “What they won’t know won’t kill ‘em. But just so you know I was being so serious. Not talkin’ about that shit is more harmful than good,” he says, and you frown. “I’m not much of a talker.”
“Coulda fooled me.”
“Do you ever shut the fuck up,” you groan, and he laughs. He loves pissing you off, might be his favorite thing to do now. But the conversation might actually need to get serious. He may hate you, but he’s Spider-Punk for the people, and you’re apart of that people. He’s there to help, so he may as well try with you.
“Why not?”
“Why not? Why won’t you talk about it?” he asks, and you huff. “Because it was my fault, and I don’t want to think about it.”
“Nah, I bet it wasn’t your fault,” he mumbles, taking another drag. You glare at him. “Oh, right, I forgot you were there when their neck snapped after I tried to save them,” you spit, and he glances at you. You can feel that hit starting to affect you, that’s the only reason you said anything about… the incident. Of course, Hobie has good shit, why wouldn’t he. “What were you trying to save them from?” he asks, his voice oddly calm. “The Prowler,” you reply, “He’s the worst of the worst in my universe.” He hums and nods. “Well then, reckon it’s the Prowler’s fault then, innit?”
“What? But I’m the one who couldn’t get to them in time after he–”
“He did it, (Y/n). You did your best, but it ain’t your fault what happened there. That’s what they want you to think. Try and get that through your thick skull, would you?” he says, and you scoff, “They?”
He nods, and you go quiet. He glances over at you as you just sit and stare out at the city. “Stop doin’ ‘at.”
“Doing what?”
“Blamin’ yourself,” he says, taking another long drag. You sigh. “I can’t help it,” you mumble, and he shakes his head. “You can. Just takes time,” he responds. You scoff, “You’d think three years would be enough time.” You look out at his city. It’s so different from yours, but you can still see the beauty in it. And you can see the stars. None of the constellations of your world are here, but the sky is still beautiful. “If you need a place to crash, my couch is very comfortable and has your name written all over it,” Hobie says, and you shake your head. “I should probably just go back to my universe–”
“No way. No dimension hopping under the influence,” he says, and you roll your eyes. “I had one hit,” you say, and he shrugs. “And one hit is enough for you to think you’re goin’ home only to end up in Peter Porker’s shower. You’re stayin’ here tonight.” You roll your eyes. “You’re insufferable.”
“I’m insufferable for watchin’ out for your well-bein’? Okay, sure.”
“I don’t need you to watch out for me. I don’t need anyone,” you hiss, and he scoffs. “Of course you don’t. Too good for everyone else.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“It was implied.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“Look who’s talking.”
“Like you wouldn’t say the same thing,” you say, and he shrugs. “You’re right. I would say I don’t need anyone, because I don’t. Especially not a miserable thing like you,” he says, and you frown. “Good.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck you.”
The two of you just glare at each other for a bit before he flicks the butt of his joint off the building. “Goin’ to bed. See you tomorrow.”
“Shut up and follow me back to my place,” he says, getting up and walking down the building. You follow, yawning as you realize just how tired you are. When you get back inside Hobie’s place, he points at the couch. “Lay there, and don’t move until mornin’, got it?”
“I’ll do what I want.”
“Amazin’. Just don’t wake me up, and I won’t give a fuck,” he says, walking into his bedroom and kicking his door shut. You roll your eyes and lay down on his couch. It’s actually surprisingly comfortable, and you find yourself actually dozing off faster than you anticipated. Hobie walks out of his room to get a drink of water and ready to fight you verbally again, only to see you passed out on his couch with literally no blanket or pillow.
He sighs, grabbing a throw blanket off his bed and gently placing it on top of you. In the morning, you wake up before everyone else. You notice the blanket, and know only one person could have done that, but you don’t feel like sticking around to say anything. You just go home. But before you do, you leave a little note saying, ‘didn’t need your sympathy, thanks but no thanks,’ and draw a little middle finger.
He’ll get the hint you appreciated it.
『 tag list 』
@444neapolitain* @afraidofshrimp​ @astrok1dz @casmosmoon* @d1nne @dotheyevenknowmars @f1shb0nez​ @faerieluuv​ @fisshil @fukingsad​ @friendly-reject​ @hisdarlingabsurdity @imarealfungi @ineedsomeconfidence @inkthgoat @iwillrisefromthefire​ @j3st3r-13​ @jingliuu @jjkclub @katiebug0603 @khaleesihavilliard​ @kittekat420​ @lacunaanonymoused​ @marshallowy @mistpx* @miwagila @naarra* @nikabearr @pookiesnatcher​ @queen-of-the-bored @scoliobean @sillylittleguyinc @siriusly1 @sparklyphantom @sxftiebee @thatweirdgirlsposts @valee1xoxo* @weyrrii* @wheeeelys @woahrin* @zero-boxes 
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imaginesforeons · 6 months
Hii since requests are open May I ask if you could write something for yan! Nanami with very scared reader who's just straight up terrified of him and the situation they're in they always hide when they hear him come home shake and shiver whenever he touches then and even vomit from all that stress and fear? If no that's completely okay and feel free to ignore this, thanks a bunch and have a great night/day I love your writing!<33
Sure!! I wrote this, hope it's ok! Also, I will get to the other requests as well, but I had eye surgery a few days ago so it's slow-going. Don't worry though, no-one will be forgotten.
Yandere!Nanami x TouchAvoidant!Reader
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~Nanami comes home. You aren't happy~
CW: Past kidnapping. Yandere Nanami. Forced contact but nothing NSFW.
WC: 934
REQS are open. At the top of my page you can see who/what I write for. The more specific your requests the better! :)
Buy me a coffee?
The room that he put you in when he had to leave could only be described as scared to impose. Soft cream walls stared at you from every angle, and an impossibly plush carpet rested beneath your socked feet. Baby blues and minty greens made up the few colors, and they were things like pillows and blankets all of impossible quality. Minky couture and goose down pillows had become your new normal, strewn across the ground and whatever sparse furniture there was, yet nothing else decorated the space. There were no lamps, no paintings, no furniture that wasn’t carefully and thoroughly bolted down; nothing could be used as a weapon. Even the window was welded shut, made of polycarbonate that was impossible to break. You would know, as you’d tried multiple times.
It was a room carefully constructed, a room not meant to impose on the delicate sensibilities of the one in it. It held the same air as a therapist’s office. Or a padded cell.
You shifted, sinking deeper into your chair. Idly you thumbed through your book, but nothing in it caught your interest. You had finished reading it hours ago, but you were too shy to ask him for another, and instead simply left your finished reads on his table to show that you were done. The light shining through your window was turning a burnished gold. It was getting late, which meant soon he would be home. You felt a churning in your stomach at the thought, and gripped your book tighter in your hands, listening to the pages crinkle.
You jumped when you heard the rumble of a car’s engine pull into the drive, then the damning sound of a door opening and closing. Forgotten, the book fell from your hands, hitting the floor. You grabbed a pillow, soft and fluffy, and held it to your chest, trying to create some sort of barrier between you and what was coming.
All too soon, he was there. From across the room you locked eyes, yet before you could say anything he started moving towards you. Your muscles jumped, and it took all you had not to run. It wouldn’t work, you’d already tried.
“How was your day?” Nanami asked as he loosened his tie.
“Fine,” you murmured, casting your eyes down and staring at his feet. When a hand touched your shoulder, you winced, jerking back into the chair as if you tried hard enough you’d bury yourself into it and disappear.
Above you, Nanami sighed. Slowly, he knelt before you, placing himself between your legs and staring up at you in a way that made your skin itch. A large hand wrapped around your calf, unyielding. It didn’t hurt, but you knew it would be impossible to break out of his hold.
“We’ve talked about this,” he murmured. A calloused thumb stroked over the skin of your leg.
You shifted restlessly. “I know.” When his other hand wrapped around your calf, it took all you had not to scream. To anyone else it probably would have felt nice, witht the way he had started to massage it, but it was all you could do to hold in a scream. Instead you brought your legs in, folding them criss-cross beneath your body.
“Most people would love a massage after a long day,” Nanami said.
“Most people aren’t kidnappers,” you snapped back. 
Nanami hummed. “I suppose our circumstances are unique.” And then he ran his knuckles across your cheek.
Your skin went electric and you flinched, flailing and trying to jump from the chair. Before you could touch the carpet, a strong pair of arms wrapped around your waist. You froze, and your expression could have been enough to bring any onlookers to tears. The arms shifted, lifting you, squeezing you to his chest.
“Please, Nanami,” you whispered. “Please let me go.”
“Shh,” the man murmured, pressing a kiss against your brow. To you, it felt like a brand.
“Let me go,” you pleaded.
You started to struggle, and though you knew it was a fruitless action, there was nothing left for you to do. Twisting, you writhed in his arms like a snake, but it only made things worse. He held you closer to him, enough that you could feel it when he breathed, and when your shirt rode up your torso from struggling, his large, calloused hand found its way to your naked skin, fingers trailing across it. He made his way to the bed, sitting on its edge with you still in his hold.
“Stop it!” you shouted, pounding your fists against his chest. “I said stop!”
“Listen to me,” Nanami said. He was raising his voice, not out of anger, but in an effort to make himself heard. He wrapped one arm around your torso, holding your arms down, while the other went to your face, turning you to look in his eyes. “Listen to me, dear. The only reason I do this is out of my love for you. Can’t you see that?”
“This isn’t love,” you snarled, angry tears building in your eyes. “You’re delusional!”
“Shh,” Nanami crooned. He pressed his lips to your temple. “I know you don’t like it, but we’re going to stay here until you calm down. One day you’ll understand.”
You kicked uselessly at him, but it only made Nanami hook a leg over yours, pinning you. You sniffled, and felt the first tears coursing down your face. Nanami only held you closer, and started rocking back and forth, a motion that would have been soothing in any other context.
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mystic-writings · 10 months
sneak out | jess mariano
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PAIRING — jess mariano x fem!gilmore!reader SUMMARY — minutes into your mother’s dinner party, jess suggests you sneak out through your bedroom window - and you can’t help but agree WARNINGS — fluff, jess and reader being ‘troubled’ teens, a bit of angst, reader venting WORD COUNT — 2,322 NOTES — the idea of lorelai having a teen that was just like her is so appealing to me idk why - also would you believe me if i told you i listened to yung gravy while writing the majority of this fic
masterlist | navigation
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You weren’t sure which was worse - the dinner your mother was hosting, or the idea that you now had to put up with a whole night of Luke’s strange nephew, whom you’d never met before.
Of course, you loved your family to pieces, and you loved Sookie and Jackson; hell, sometimes you looked at Luke as more of a father than you did your actual dad, but having everyone together for what you knew would be at least a three course meal, under one roof, with Luke’s mysterious nephew from New York, just felt draining.
So, to preserve what little social battery you had left for the day, you decided to spend the time between school and dinner in your room upstairs with a good book and a cd playing from the player that sat on your dresser at a low volume. You had to change the cd twice, first from one of your mothers Bangles cds to a Smiths one, but just as you were enjoying the beginning of David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust album (and nearly finishing up your book), did you hear the clanging of pots and pans from downstairs, as well as Sookie and Jackson’s lighthearted bickering.
You managed to bury yourself back into your book, one leg crossed loosely over the other outstretched one as you half-sat, half-laid on your bed, being mindful of your shoes so as to not get any dirt on your covers.
From downstairs, Jess was wandering around the Gilmore home as everyone else did whatever they were doing in the kitchen, internally monologuing and half-mocking their decor. He’d met Rory already, and she seemed like a nice enough girl. Enjoyed books. But he had yet to meet the third and final Gilmore girl, who so far had only been mentioned. However, as Jess scanned the various photographs on the mantle, he could hear the faint guitar of Suffragette City emanating from somewhere upstairs.
After peeking down the hallway to make sure no one was watching, Jess smirked and snuck up the stairs, into what was surely off-limits territory for someone like him. Still, he took the stairs two at a time and stealthily, managing to avoid all the places that would creak in a house like this one, despite never stepping foot inside beforehand. He followed the music down the hall, past some more paintings and pictures, to another bedroom. The door was open, and he was able to take a look inside. Posters covered most of the wall, leaving little space to show off the paint beneath them. Bookshelves occupied the wall right beside the door, and similarly to Rory’s room, they looked stuffed to the brim with books.
On the bed, facing him, was the person he assumed to be the final Gilmore girl - Rory’s twin sister. He watched intently, scanning every feature of your focused face as you scanned the final pages of the book you were reading. How your brow furrowed, eyes locked on the ink before you. The way the foot that hung off the edge of the bed was moving to the beat of the song.
Once Jess had decided that he’d been watching you long enough to constitute stalking, and how that was probably extremely creepy, he nudged the door open with a creak and stepped inside, clearing his throat and pulling his lips into a slight smirk. “Hey there, Ziggy.”
At first, you thought that your mother was finally calling you down to dinner, until you heard the unusually male - and entirely unfamiliar - voice come from the body in your doorway. Tucking a receipt into your book to mark your place, you glared over at the boy standing in your room with his hands behind his back, smugness rolling off of him in waves as he admired your room.
“You’re Jess, aren’t you.” Your flat tone seemed to amuse him.
“How nice, you already know my name. I’m flattered.”
You watched him as he walked around your room, over to the window where your desk was, trying to figure him out as he peeled back your curtains. “It’s impossible to not know someone’s name in this town, even someone who’s only been here for 28 hours.”
He chuckled. “Nice one, Ziggy. Now tell me, why aren’t you downstairs with the rest of the freakshow? I mean, they are your family, after all, aren’t they?”
You pretended to smile, but it came out as more of a grimace. “Sorry to break it to you, Mariano, but I’ve been banned from the freakshow. Apparently having apathy toward any sort of Gilmore humour is forbidden, and they’ve locked me away forever.”
“Aw, so sorry to hear that.” Jess mocked, placing a hand over his heart with an exaggerated pout. “I can’t believe they shunned such a ray of sunshine.” He smirked at your rolled eyes. “No, really, you must be a real treat at parties.”
“Quit it, Mariano. Is there a reason you came up here or did you just want to cause enough trouble to get kicked out of our beloved Stars Hollow? Because if so, you came to the right girl.”
Jess’ brow quirked. “Really?”
“Yeah,” you heaved a dramatic sigh, slipping off your bed to walk over to Jess. “But it’s like… 9pm on a Wednesday. In Stars Hollow. Even if I wanted to cause trouble, and I don’t, because I did enough of that at school today, there’s nothing to do. Everyone’s asleep, and I’m pretty sure our 24-hour mini-mart closed like, half an hour ago.”
Now it was Jess’ turn to roll his eyes. “Your sister said that already. Is there seriously nothing to do here?”
“Nope.” You shrugged, just as a thought came to mind. “Well… there is one thing…” Jess’ eyebrows raised at the prospect of having something fun to do, and you couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s not anything revolutionary, you know.”
“Still, give me something, anything, to get us out of here, Ziggy. I’m begging you. I’m being suffocated by the stale air of suburban life.”
You nodded, tapping your fingers on your thigh. “Fine, I’ll tell you. But you gotta do one thing for me.”
“What is it? I’ll do anything, I swear.”
“Stop calling me Ziggy.” You said. “It’s a stupid nickname, and although I admire the fact that you listen to David Bowie enough to come up with a nickname like that one, I hate it. Call me by my actual name.”
“Well I would, if I knew it.”
“My mother never told you my name?” You asked with a raised brow. “She never shuts up about me and Rory, I’m surprised you never caught it.”
“Apparently, I didn’t. It seems she likes talking about Rory more.” Jess shrugged. “At least, around me she does.” He barely caught the slight sag of your shoulders, the drop in your demeanour, before you picked it back up and smiled.
“Well, Jess. I’m Y/n. Y/n Gilmore.” After a pause, you looked around and snagged a sweater from the chair in the corner of your room. “Now, if you’ll follow me, let’s go have as much fun as we’re able to in Stars Hollow at night.”
Jess waited impatiently behind you as you unlatched the window by your desk and pushed it up, slipping through and holding it open for him. As he clamoured out, you grabbed the rock underneath the window and placed it on the windowsill, lowering the window so you’d still be able to get back in later.
You could still hear the tail end of the album playing as Jess looked around.
“How are we supposed to get down?”
“The trellis, obviously.” You said, carefully making your way across the porch’s roof to the trellis right next to the kitchen window. “Just don’t make much noise, this thing is right next to the kitchen’s window and if we get caught we’re screwed. Follow my lead, and run when you hit the ground, got it?”
“Got it.”
Scaling down the trellis was basically second nature to you, but you made sure to look up every once in a while to make sure Jess was doing okay. He seemed to be, which comforted you somehow. You waited at the bottom for him, making sure to stay out of view of the window to the kitchen and the edge of the porch, which were on either side of the trellis, and could possibly get both you and Jess grounded.
When he landed, he looked at you, and a dish clattered in the kitchen. You both snapped to the window, then back to each other. On instinct, you took his hand and ran toward the woods.
“Where the hell are we going?!” Jess whisper-shouted.
“Relax!” You whisper-shouted back, slowing to a stop as soon as you were hidden in the tree line. “We’re not going into the woods, dumbass. What do you think would’ve happened if we waltzed out in the open in front of the living room window?”
Jess only sighed and nodded, letting go of your hand. He let you lead him through the trees, keeping the light of the house close to you, walking around the garage and past all the cars, waiting until Babette’s house was out of sight until you stepped back onto the road.
The walk was calm and quiet, crickets and the breeze occupying you instead of chatter. After a while, when you were beginning to reach the town centre, Jess spoke up. “So, what now?”
You shrugged. “Not sure. Usually I head to the lake, bring a book, or a cd player and some headphones. I don’t normally bring people with me, you know?”
Jess nodded, lips slightly pursed. The walk continued through the town, passing by shop after shop, all of them closed for the night. You had to admit, you weren’t used to taking walks like these, out in the open. Normally you’d find whichever path kept you out of the possible sight of the townspeople, a habit you developed after Taylor snitched on you to your mother after he caught you walking to the lake by the Inn when you were 12. Still, it was nice, and even if you were caught, you somehow didn’t seem to mind it.
As the buildings were fading again and you knew you were approaching the lake, you checked your watch. 9:27pm. You sighed, and Jess looked at you. Dropping your arm, you shook your head. “Almost 9:30. They definitely have to know something’s up at home. Probably sending out a search party by now.” You told him, before shrugging. “Or, you know, miraculously, they forgot we existed and are eating Sookie’s delicious no-allergen, fourteen course meal as we speak.”
Jess scoffed. “Yeah, right. Luke might not care that much, but Lorelai? She seems like the world’s most protective parent.”
“She is.” You confirmed, sitting on your usual bench, eyes following Jess as he sat next to you. “Trust me, I love her to death, but it gets annoying sometimes.”
“Yeah, well, at least you have a protective mom.” Jess’ hands gripped the edge of the bench, his body hunched forward, making him look small, ready to run at a moment’s notice. “Mine decided I wasn’t worth the effort. Shipped me off to this… circus show without so much as a ‘sayonara, kid.’ You’re lucky.”
You frowned. Everyone knew within the hour of him arriving in Stars Hollow that Jess was a troubled kid, but even troubled kids deserved parents that cared. He was right, though, you were lucky. It just didn’t feel like it.
“I know I’m lucky, Jess, but it’s not all rainbows for me, you know.”
“Oh yeah? How?” He scoffed. “You have the perfect life, Y/n. A mom that cares, a great twin sister - hell, even Luke sings your praises.”
“Luke sings?”
Jess rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean.”
“It’s not like that all the time, Jess.” You sighed. “My ‘great’ twin sister is, apparently, so great that she has all eyes on her at all times. My grandparents are always so proud of her for being so smart and planning this amazing, expensive, studious future - they’re planning on funding it, too, from the sounds of things. I just want to live, you know?” You kicked a rock with your shoe, avoiding Jess’ concerned gaze.
“And my mother seems more concerned about her wellbeing than mine, closer to her than to me. But somehow she wonders why I’m the troubled one. I mean, I act out, I barely go to that stupid prep school because it’s so suffocating, and I got an eyebrow piercing without permission instead of taking a calculus test last month, which I’m just getting out of that punishment. Everyone’s so focused on Rory and how seemingly great she is, I don’t even remember the last time I was appreciated for anything. And don’t even get me started on my dad.”
“Sounds like these freaks don’t know a good person when they see one.” Jess told you. “You seem chill. Adventurous, too. But just because you aren’t appreciated doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough.”
You couldn’t help but smile. “You too, Jess.” The world quieted around you for a moment, stars shining off the rippling waters of the lake. “But we don’t need to be good enough for them. Just good enough for us.”
He smiled, nodding once at you. Again, you appreciated the silence with him, watching the water or the sky. It wouldn’t be long until Luke and your mother found you both, you with your head on his shoulder and one knee bent to your chest, laughing quietly at a joke he told as you continued to get to know one another. But that was later. For now, you simply sat and watched the water, wishing the moment could last for the rest of your lives.
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permanent taglist: @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @mazerunnerrose @theboldandthebootyful @miraclesoflove @queen-asteria04 @heliads
jess mariano taglist: open!
taglist form is in my navigation!
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leaentries · 8 months
welcome back | luke hughes
summary: when someone insults you at the devil's welcome-back party, luke doesn't take it lightly.
warnings: rude comments about weight, pretty much straight-up bullying, a stranger being a complete dickwad, swearing, making-out
wc: 1.3k+
Luke absolutely adored you. In his eyes, you hung the moon and painted every last star. That’s why he often got distraught and confused when people felt the need to comment about your appearance. Now, it was very clear that you were bigger than the typical girl, but it just made Luke love you that much more. 
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The ceiling was littered with glittering lights, and the walls were covered in black and red decor. The annual welcome-back party was in full swing, couples and players alike mingling in every corner of the large room. 
It was quite obvious that the Devil’s organization spared no expense in planning this event. It was grand, to say the least. A highly sought-after DJ stood at his booth in the center of the room, playing any song imaginable. Yet, you were too enamored with the brunette in front of you. 
Luke was dressed in a sleek black suit with a jacket perfectly tailored to cling to the hard muscles on his arms, displaying them with any slight movement. His white dress shirt was slightly unbuttoned as the room got hotter. Luke’s tie had been ditched within the first five minutes of arriving, as he claimed it was “choking him.” You could barely tear your eyes away, even for a moment. However, the feeling was very much mutual. With the dress you had on, Luke was practically drooling all over the table. 
You wore the very dress that could make Luke fall to his knees. The material hugged every curve of your body in the most flattering way. Luke could have sworn he fell in love with you all over again the second you walked out of your apartment. Anyone in the room could see the love swimming in waves around the both of you.
You quietly talked amongst yourselves, at least until Jack and Nico made their way to your table. The conversation quickly changed to the upcoming opener, the boys eager to start the season. Only half-listening, you noticed the food being restocked. You figured Luke was probably starving since the two of you had spent almost all day getting ready. 
You lightly gripped the arm that rested next to you, gaining his attention. “I’m gonna go make us some plates.” You nodded towards the freshly made food. He agreed immediately, solidifying your previous assumption. You stood, placing a gentle kiss on the top of Luke’s head as you made your way to the buffet.
You grabbed two pearly white plates, setting them in front of you as you began to put all of Luke’s favorites onto his plate. You piled as much as the porcelain could handle, then proceeded to fill your own. You balanced the two plates, getting ready to walk away when a male voice sounded from beside you. 
“Two plates, seriously?” You turned towards the rough voice, clearly confused as to what you thought you heard. 
“Excuse me?” You replied, a slight edge to your voice. 
“I mean, c’mon, you obviously don’t need that much food. Sweetheart, I hate to break it to you, but you fill out that dress a bit too much already. It wouldn’t hurt to cut back on the carbs.” 
Shock flooded your body, causing you to freeze. There was absolutely no way a complete stranger just said that to you, let alone to your face. The shock was quickly replaced with anger. You set the plates down, careful not to spill Luke’s food. 
“Apparently, I’m doing just fine if you felt the need to stare at me for that long.” You crossed your arms, biting the side of your mouth in an attempt to control your irritation. 
“It’s kind of hard to miss you. You’re one of the biggest girls in the room.” Your anger dissipated, shame rushing to take its place. You felt your cheeks and ears begin to burn with embarrassment.
Normally, comments like this didn’t bother you, but something about the look in this guy’s eyes made you feel a brand new form of humiliation.
“What the fuck did you just say to my girlfriend?” The sound of a voice you couldn’t be more happy to hear echoed from behind you. Luke came to stand beside you, slightly putting his body in front of yours. 
Luke’s jaw ticked with rage. His eyes were dark, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him this angry. Not even on the ice. The guy’s eyes widened, noticeably in fear and… excitement? 
“Oh my, you’re Luke Hughes! I’ve been trying to find you all night! I wanted to see if you would be interested in coming on my podcast next week?” The stranger's audacity caught you by surprise.
 Luke’s fists tightened, glaringly angry. 
“Are you serious right now?” Luke’s voice was harsh, “You just openly insulted my girlfriend, then you have the audacity to ask me to come on your podcast?” The stranger’s eye drifted to you, then back to Luke.
“She’s your girlfriend? I heard you had one, but never would I have guessed she would look like that.” 
The sound of Luke’s fist colliding with the guy's face was all you could hear. The room went silent, all eyes on Luke’s visibly enraged body towering over the guy clutching his nose on the ground. 
“I swear to God, if you ever come near me or my girlfriend again, you’ll fucking regret it.” Luke grabbed your hand, leading you past your table where he quickly snatched up your belongings. He whispered something to Jack and Nico, to which they responded with understanding nods. He continued to lead you through the large building until you reached the parking garage. 
Luke had yet to say a single word, the tension in the air became suffocating.
He remained silent the rest of the way to the car, helping you into the passenger side. Once he was in the car, he let out a deep sigh, gripping the steering wheel. 
“I’m so sorry, baby” His voice came out barely above a whisper. You looked over, noticing his eyes tightly shut. 
You shook your head, “Sorry for what? Nothing that happened in there was your fault.” He turned his head towards you, opening his deep eyes to meet yours. Conflict fought battles within his orbs, causing you to reach over and cradle his face. “Lukey, listen to me. I’m okay, you’re okay, we’re okay. He was just some jackass that isn’t happy with his life so he felt the need to take it out on me.” 
He furrowed his eyebrows, “I don’t get it. You’re the one who got insulted, yet you’re comforting me. It’s supposed to be the other way around.” You smiled, leaning to place a soft kiss on his nose.
“I’m just used to it, I guess. I have tough skin.” Luke frowned at this. 
“You shouldn’t be used to it, y/n.” He reached to hold your hands in his, “You’re so fucking beautiful, I just don’t understand how anyone could say those things about you. You don’t deserve any of it.” 
Overwhelmed by his statement, you couldn’t do anything but press your lips against his. He kissed back immediately, pulling you as close as the car would allow. The kiss was desperate and needy, expressing every emotion you both were feeling. Your hands gripped at the curls on his neck, causing a low groan to escape his throat. 
You pulled away, leaving both of you with heaving chests as you attempted to catch your breath. “Thank you for defending me, Lukey.” 
“I’ll always defend you, angel.” He looked deeply into your eyes, before leaning back to turn on the car, “But now it’s time to go get as much food as we can stuff down our throats.” You laughed at his antics. 
This boy was gonna be the death of you.
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starryeyedadmirer · 3 months
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Matty’s been feeling extra sentimental since we bought our very first flat together. Neither of us can believe that we’re finally moving in with one another, and making a home for our new family to grow in… but, it seems like the reality of it all is weighing on Matty a lot more than it’s weighed on me.
The process of moving our stuff into the building has been… tedious… especially with him being so big now. Since I refuse to let him lift anything, I’ve been the only one making trips back and forth from the van. Couches, tables, chairs, parts of our bed frame — I’ve had to bring them up to the third floor, all on my own. It’s exhausting… but I just don’t think that it’s right for Matty to help me… and that’s made him super upset.
He feels as though he should be able to assist me in getting the furniture up to our flat… that I should give him something else to do, instead of having him sit upstairs all the time… but I think he’s done quite enough already. So far, he’s organized the kitchen cupboards, put the utensils neatly into the drawers, hung a few curtains, decorated our bathroom, and chosen the colors that we’re going to use to paint the walls. If you ask me, I’d say that’s a job well-done… but Matty still doesn’t feel like he’s done enough to “contribute” to our future together.
It’s tough, trying to make him see things from my point of view… and, sometimes, I do feel like I’m using his pregnancy against him… but I’m not gonna change my stance at any point during this process. Matty’s in a fragile state, right now… and he’s just not strong enough.
I mean… even if I did let him help me unload the truck, he’s too all over the place to be of any real use. One minute, he’s mad at me for cooping him up in the open den… the next, he’s sobbing about how beautiful our future is going to be… and, a minute later, he’s rummaging through boxes, sorting through random belongings. I just don’t know what to do with him, sometimes.
Like now, he’s opening boxes of old photos, and holding me hostage in the den… taking me on an impromptu trip down memory lane. Photos of him and Tom, and the time he met the king, and all of the awards that he’s ever won, and blah blah blah. As sweet as it is, looking back at some of his fondest memories, I’ve got other priorities to tend to. There’s so much more furniture that I need to move, and he’s only holding me up.
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mochamvgz · 8 months
home dates💽hyung line
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; hyung line x reader
; genre: headcanon, plain silly fluff, can be read as idol or non idol au
; warnings: none really, unless you count mexican food, legos and hoon having second lead syndrome as warnings 乁⁠[⁠ ⁠◕⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠ ⁠◕⁠ ⁠]⁠ㄏ
; 0.85k words
; perm taglist: @inkelea @bunreis
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heeseung || decorating your appartment
you and heeseung had just moved into your new appartment and you wanted to decorate it yourself instead of hiring someone. heeseung was totally on board with the idea and you guys started browsing for home decor on amazon and looking for inspo on pinterest. you also took a trip to your local craft store for paint and other supplies.
when you had all the stuff, heeseung played some music on his phone and you guys got started! you had never imagined having a date of this kind but you weren't complaining!
first thing you did was change into some old clothes and start painting the walls. it got pretty messy, especially after that mini paint fight you had. some of the rogue paint ended up of the wall where the paint was still drying but you didn't mind, it was a nice touch.
next up on your agenda was setting up furniture and placing the decor items like picture frames, a clock, lamps, etc.
you observed the finished result and were left in awe. you swear you've never had more fun.
jay || cooking
c'mon you can't tell me you weren't expecting that from enhypen's personal chef.
the plan was to make enchiladas since you mentioned how you were craving mexican food that morning (he isn't gonna tell you that tho ofc).
you guys had gone grocery shopping for the ingredients beforehand. you weren't the most experienced cook, more into baking, but you had jay by your side so there was nothing to worry about. you were more than glad to play sous chef.
he had assigned you the task of preparing the stuffing, giving some basic instructions he headed over to the stove to prepare the sauce.
ding! that meant the enchiladas were ready! putting on some mitts, jay took your dinner out if the oven and the smell almost had you drooling. when it was time to eat, however, your impatient ass dug in too quickly and burned your tongue. jay immediately got up to get you a glass of water but you knew he was gonna laugh at you for it later.
the enchiladas tasted heavenly after they had cooled down enough to eat.
jake || lego building
"darling i don't think that piece is supposed to go there" you looked back and forth between the manual in your hands and the unfinished model on the floor.
you had ordered a new lego set for jake for your 6 month anniversary. his eyes had lit up instantly, letting out a gasp with his mouth wide open making the ':0' face which quickly gave way to the puppy smile you adored, as you looked at him affectionately.
"do you like it?" "ARE YOU KIDDING??? I LOVE IT!! AND I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE!!! i've had my eye on this particular set for a while now!" your own smile widening at this reaction "i'm glad".
"let's do build it together!" "r-right now?" "why not?" you were caught slightly off-guard by his eagerness but went along with it regardless, finding him too adorable to resist.
and that was how you had ended up here. you weren't objecting tho. "are you sure?" you detached the piece and repositioned it at a different angle like how you had seen it in the manual, and gestured towards it after you were done to answer his question, "oh".
you stood up, dusting your hands as you surveyed the finished result, jake mirroring your actions. "i think we did a pretty good job" turning to look at him expectantly. "we did more than a good job sweetie". with that he picked up the model and placed it beside your tv and you knew it was staying there for a while, not that you mind of course.
sunghoon || movie marathon/tv shows
your favourite thing to do after a long day was curl up and binge netflix. after meeting sunghoon however, the activity was no longer something you did alone. being in his comforting embrace while watching some random kdrama or movie was the coziest and nothing short of therapeutic.
"what're we watching next?" you flipped through the various shows, you and sunghoon were clad in your comfiest pair of pjs with your blanket such that it covered both of you perfectly, you head nestled on his warm chest "i saw a clip from that one on youtube yesterday!" "okay! let's watch it!" you pressed play.
one thing you found out about sunghoon from these dates was that he had MAJOR second lead syndrome. you would often bicker over which male lead was better or in the rare case that you agreed over it, the two of you were just yelling at the screen.
remarks like these were always flying about.
turning into an ugly sobbing mess while watching 20th century and twenty five-twenty one, laughing at shin hari's antics till your stomachs ached while re-watching business proposal for the millionth time, whatever it be, you could always rely on these evenings to take away the stress of even the worst day at work.
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; a/n: hello there! hope you enjoyed the hc!💌 i'm still overwhelmed by the insane amount of love my previous hc received 😭 i literally can't thank y'all enough!! even tho ik I can definitely do better so here's me having another go! lmk if you would like a maknae line ver!
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 2 months
#17 or #89 :)
this one was more fun than i thought it would be, I wanted Ian to cuss her out real housewives style, but i think he's learning to take the highroad
89. You’re not interested, are you? X 17. Good thing I didn’t ask for you opinion
Ian kept meeting up with Jill after they met for the first time at the pool, even though it seemed like her husband was steering clear of them after Mickey’s chair situation.
That was a couple weeks ago now, Mickey had chilled out slightly. After deciding that they would stay in the apartment he’d pulled out the wedding notebook, much to Ian’s horror, and switched the wedding magazines out for interior decoration. He was upstairs painting one of their bedroom walls as they sat out by the pool and Ian decompressed from the experience of picking paint with him. 
If Ian was being entirely honest, Jill bugged the shit out of him. After getting his number, she was texting him to hang out all the time, and Ian didn’t know how to tell her no, even as it became clear they had nothing in common. The surest way he’d figured out to get her to fuck off was to say that Mickey would be coming, which usually got their plans canceled in about five minutes flat. 
“What do you think of him?” Jill asked conspiratorially from her pool lounger.
“Who?” Ian asked, lifting his head up.
“Trey?” Jill said, like it was obvious. 
Ian followed her gaze and finally saw the blonde guy from earlier getting out go the pool. It only took about 30 seconds of talking to him at the gym to realize he was a fucking asshole. 
Still, Ian wasn’t going to tell her that. “He’s fine,” he responded noncommittally.
“You mean he’s fine” she laughed suggestively. “He just broke up with his ex-boyfriend Kris before you moved in, I could introduce you two properly if you want.”
“Thanks, but we’ve actually already met.”
“And you’re not interested, are you?” Jill asked disappointedly.
“I’m married,” Ian said confusedly. “You remember my husband, Mickey? He’s kind of hard to forget.”
“Obviously I remember your husband” Jill huffed out. “It’s just that- Ian, can I be frank with you?”
“Be my guest,” Ian responded, rolling his eyes. 
“Just because we fall in love with someone while we’re stuck in” Jill held her breath as she searched for the right words, explaining to Ian like he was a child “a less than ideal place in life, doesn’t mean we need to stay with them forever. Your husband - Mickey, clearly doesn’t belong here and you do! Sorry but that’s just my opinion.”
“Well, Jill, it’s a good thing I didn't ask for your opinion” Ian said sarcastically. “In my opinion it’s weird that you want to spend every day with your new gay best friend and check out guys at the pool instead of hanging out with your husband, which is what I would rather be doing, by the way.”
Ian stood up and put his shirt back on, “and, if I belong here, then Mickey belongs here. Because I belong wherever the hell he is, and if you bothered to try to find someone you feel that way about instead of eyeing anyone who’s only personality is their six pack you might realize that love is all about finding someone you love at every place in life.”
He fumed all the way up to their apartment until he burst into their bedroom, where Mickey was shirtless, blasting music and methodically painting the wall a rich, royal blue. All the fight left Ian’s body as he appreciated the way the blue complimented the cool tones in Mickey’s hair and skin. 
Instead of whipping him around and working all his anger out right there on the bedroom floor he slowly made his way over to the window and opened it, letting out some of the paint fumes. Mickey was working hard to make sure their bedroom was nice, so Ian could at least let him finish before they addressed his pent up energy. He lowered the music and collapsed on their air matress in the middle of the room, grabbing his book from the floor. 
“What are you doing back so early?” Mickey said, in lieu of greeting. “I thought Miss Priss was stealing you away all afternoon.”
“Fuck her” Ian said with a grin, knowing Mickey would be thrilled to hear him say it. “I wanted to come up here and watch you instead, so get to work.”
hope you liked it!
Prompt game fun!
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dontexpectmuch · 5 months
prologue - [lost in madrid]
“yes, mum, i just arrived.”
your eyes focus on the keys on your hand, shaking slightly as you try to find the right one to open the door to your new apartment. your phone was between your shoulder and ear, a desperate attempt to keep the conversation with your mother going. your baggage is next to you, alongside some stray bags that hold all the remaining stuff for your stay here, and if it wasn’t for the nice man outside your building, it would’ve taken you even longer to carry all of those up to the third floor.
“mum, i’ll call you back, ‘kay? i have to get my stuff in.” you interrupt your mothers rambling, all her warnings and survival tips falling to deaf ears as your focus never shifts away from the keys in your hand.
you put your phone away, and try every single key one by one, frustration increasing. only at the fifth key did your door unlock, and you make a mental note to put a sign on that key, just to spare time next time. opening the door, you are met with the fresh scent of cleaning products, the light inside your apartment slightly stinging your eyes. and it looks just like in the pictures, nothing too fancy you note, bit just enough to make it feel like home for the next few months.
without getting too distracted yet, you turn around and quickly put all the bags and your luggage inside the apartment, making sure to take off your shoes as you go further inside.
the living room is bright, two big windows allowing all the sunlight to enter through, creating a warm and cozy feeling. your landlord included the furniture when offering you the place, taking off some of these stress off your back. it was quite simple, though you would never dare to complain.
an “L”- shaped dark green couch against the wall, a brown coffee table in front and a beige rug underneath. there some paintings of the city on the wall, a few plants spread around the room and on the kitchen counter, as well as a small tv and a bookshelf.
your eyes wander around a bit, taking in the look of your new home. then, you decide to move to the bedroom, which was also decorated in a simple way. beige walls with paintings, a queen sized bed, a closet, next to it is a white desk and a chair.
“maybe some plants to this room.” you mumble to yourself, eyes already looking for spots for the plants.
in front of the bedroom is the bathroom, with just the necessities one would need.
everything is simple, however you know that you won’t need any more. the price for the apartment was a catch anyway, and having furnitures included felt like winning the lottery.
your thoughts are disrupted by the sound of your stomach, reminding you that you haven’t eaten in a while. you move to the fridge, and though you know that there is nothing inside, you still open its door.
“grocery shopping it is.”
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smoooothoperator · 10 months
Beautiful Stranger
Driver! Lando Norris x OC (Lily Barton)
Summer love, strangers to friends to lovers, Greece and Greek mythology references
Words: 3.4k
Official playlist
previous part
a/n: so... this is the end! I hope everyone liked this story, because believe me, I loved writing it, I loved writing about Lily and Lando. It was exciting write and read all the feedback all of you sent me, I'm so so so gratefull!!!
I want to thank my beautiful @racinggirl for being my beta reader and always cheer me up, and I want to thank @elisysd for creating Lyanne and letting me bring her to my story
I'm open to write bonus chapters for them, just ask me what you want o know about them!
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The painting in front of her was being brighted by the flashlights the operators were fixing, making sure that the light was only on the surface of it and anything else. 
She felt shivers running all over her body, walking around the open room with paintings and sculptures that were part of the exposition, with the title of the piece of art, an explanation of it and the name of the artist. 
"Liliane, can you come check this out, please?" the man said, calling her with his characteristic Italian accent. "What do you think?"
She looked at the painting, how the colors and textures told her a story, how the protagonists of it were holding each other.
"I think it looks perfect" she nodded. "Maybe the nameplate should be placed a little to the right, but besides that, it looks amazing. Thank you Paolo"
"No, thank you" he smiled, hugging the woman and talking with the operators in Italian.
She walked away, grabbing her things from the reception and hanging her bag on her right shoulder. 
The streets were crowded with tourists that spoke a lot of languages, making her smile.
This last year she has been traveling as much as she could, discovering new places and new cultures. She learned new languages, new artistic techniques, new art. 
This last year she was the happiest.
Going back to her apartment she smiled looking at how it was decorated. There were new things, like the new space in her art and craft room, with a desk with a few monitors and glow neon details on the wall. Or her living room, with shelves with trophies and little wheels are placed where there used to be an empty space.
But the thing she liked the most was walking inside her bedroom and finding her boyfriend sleeping on the bed.
"Hey" she whispered, sitting at the edge of the bed and touching his shoulder.
"Oh hi" Lando yawned, stretching when he woke up and found her there. 
"Long flight?" 
"No" he smiled, rubbing his eyes and then looking at her. "Long media duties"
"Mhm" she nodded, leaning closer to him and kissing his lips softly. "I saw the new trophy box. I'm so proud of you"
"Yeah?" he smiled, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer. "Why don't you show me?"
"Idiot!" she laughed, hitting his arm softly making both of them laugh. "I was thinking about making you dinner"
"That sounds even better" he smiled.
She got up from the bed and walked towards the kitchen, hearing her tired boyfriend follow her and sit on one of the highchairs of the kitchen.
"How were things at the gallery?" he asked, grabbing the cutting board and cutting the veggies. 
"Amazing" she smiled. "Did you bring the suit?"
"Of course" he nodded. "At what time was it? Some of the guys wanted to come to visit"
"That's so sweet!" she smiled softly, touched by how his friends wanted to come to support her too. "Around seven the sponsors and art elite will come to the gallery. I can make a call and put them on the list"
"Cool" he nodded. "Maybe we should go have dinner after going to the gallery? What do you think?"
"I think that's a good idea" she smiled, pecking his lips.
When they finished their dinner, both of them went to the living room, starting the ritual they created after he moved in with her.
While she was making space for the new trophy, he grabbed it with his hands, looking at it with a proud smile on his lips. A new win in his career, making his points get higher.
She smiled looking at him and spread her arms to take the new addiction to the shelf. She grabbed it, looking at it and kissed the metal of it before placing it on its new spot.
"I'm so proud of you" she whispered, standing next to him and leaning on him.
Today is the big day.
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Her collection of paintings will be finally exposed in an art gallery and she couldn't be more excited.
When she woke up he wasn't next to her, making her frown and moving her arm over his side, opening her eyes and watching the door if the room opened and the smell of food coming from the kitchen.
"Silly" she smiled to herself, getting dressed on the shirt he left next to her to wear, and walked out of the bedroom.
Her boyfriend was there, shirtless, humming a song and making breakfast for them.
"Smells nice" she whispered, wrapping her arms on his waist and kissing the back of his neck. "What are you making?"
"One of those Greek things you taught me to make" he smiled. 
"You are getting better at cooking, baby" she giggled, kissing his cheek.
"That's because I have the best teacher" he laughed.
They ate breakfast in silence, looking at each other with a smile. 
Today is an important day and they have to organize it perfectly. Their friends will come to help with everything, since they were going to have dinner in the apartment. Her friends would be locked in her bedroom, getting her ready like if she was a model and they were her make up artists and hair stylists.
"Should I go buy some things to have snacks for you and the girls?" he asked her, making her laugh.
"Is not necessary, love" she chuckled. "We will be quick! I have a model and and actress to help me get ready"
Their day continued normal. In the morning they cleaned the apartment and after that one of them went to get groceries for dinner while the other cooked lunch.
She had the dress ready, already hanging at the door of the wardrobe and all her makeup up collection was on her dresser. 
"Hello!" the first couple walked inside the apartment, making her giggle and walk towards her friend and hug her.
"Kika!" she giggled, hugging the girl.
"Lily!" she smiled, hugging her back. "I'm so proud of you!"
The two girls giggled and ran immediately to the bedroom, getting everything ready. Kika left the dress she will wear next to the one Liliane will wear and sat next to her. It's been a long time since they saw each other because of their work, and being able to come for a special occasion made both of them happier.
The second couple arrived, followed by his friends that stayed with him in the living room.
"Kika and Lily are already in the bedroom" Lando pointed, at the half closed door with a smile, hearing the girls talk with giggles in between.
Lando watched the actress walk towards the room with the dress on a bag and smiled hearing how the three women started to giggle, making him guess that they were hugging each other making little jumps.
"So… when are you going to do it?" Charles asked him with a smirk.
"Huh?" Lando hummed looking back at him.
"Yeah, you know what we're talking about" Carlos laughed. 
"Oh! Eh… This summer" Lando inked proud. "We planned a trip back to Greece. I'm going to ask her there"
"That would be cute, the place you two met" Max laughed softly.
"Exctly" he man laughed.
While the men were talking in the living room, the three friends were in the bedroom, getting ready for the event.
"When are you going to tell him?" Kika asked her, looking through the mirror at her friend.
"In Greece" she smiled. "We're going next week. I'm going to tell him there"
"That is so cute!" Lyanna giggled. "I'm sure he will like it"
The time to go to the art gallery finally came, and the friend group went there together. 
Everything was perfect, just how she imagined it. People walked around with glasses of champagne and things to eat to serve the people that walked around the exposition.
The moment she walked inside the room, people started to clap at her, making her friends give her space to join the clappins too.
"The exposition is so beautiful, Miss Barton" one of the sponsors said. "You have a very bright future"
"Thank you" she smiled breathless, not believing what that man told her.
She turned around to look at her friends and boyfriend, eyes wide open, surprised. She received a compliment from one of the most important art critics of the city, and she could see more of the sponsors getting ready to walk towards her.
"I think she will be pretty busy tonight" Pierre chuckled looking at Lily.
"Yeah" Lando smiled proudly, watching his girlfriend talk with people that started to get interested in what she was talking about. "Come on, let's have a walk around"
They walked around the exposition, looking at all the paintings and sculptures that were clearly influenced by all the travels she made with them. 
They stopped on the final painting, the main protagonist of the exposition. 
Lando smiled proudly looking at it, remembering the moment she showed it to him.
"It's you two!" Lyanne gasped looking at it, then looking at Lando. 
"Yeah" he smiled, looking at it.
The day he finally moved in with her, he bought dinner from her favorite restaurant. 
While she was folding his clothes and placing them on the wardrobe, he was  building the new shelves to put his trophies on it.
"Lando" she smiled, walking towards him and hugging his waist. "Are you sure about this?"
"I am" he said, nodding, looking back at her. "I really am, Lily"
"But what about your apartment in Monaco? What about work?"
"I still own it" he said. "We can go there when we have free time, how does it sound, hm? To enjoy the sun, go to the beach. We can use the apartment when I have a race there, so we don't have to be on a hotel"
"I like the sound of that" she smiled, kissing his cheek. 
They were holding each other, the shelves no longer in the process of putting them together, while listening to the soft music.
"You know I love you, right?" he whispered, placing his lips on her forehead. "So much"
"And I love you too" she whispered 
There they were, making a slow dance with an apartment in process of changing, with the light of the sun getting inside of the living room.
"It's so beautiful" the group of friends smiled, looking at the painting.
Lando smiles happily, watching the painting of them dancing on their living room.
The moment they landed in Athens she felt like home. She wanted to go immediately to Parga, to hug Nora, to thank her for everything she did.
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"I rented something" Lando said smiling, holding her hand and walking out of the airport. 
"Lando!" she gasped, watching the camper parked in the parking lot of the airport. "No way!"
"Yes way" he smirked.
It was like the first time they made a trip last summer. But this time they were being themselves, not hiding anymore and stopping in crowded places without having to escape the people.
She liked watching how people walked towards him asking him for pictures, how he asked her with his eyes if it was okay to take pictures with the fans. 
She liked to walk around the places holding his hand, hearing him talk about his life and his plans, about what they should go next, what they should eat and who will drive next.
"We have to go to the temple of Aphrodite" Lando said, making her laugh surprised.
"But it's the other way! You should have told me when we were in Athens, Lando" she laughed looking at him and then at the GPS.
"Oh" he laughed. "I mean, I wanted to thank her for everything, but okay"
"Thank her?" she smiled softly. "Why?"
"I kinda prayed her to make you see that I'm the love of your life" he joked, making her laugh harder and kiss his cheek. 
"Oh yeah, yeah" she laughed. "It worked"
He smirked triumphantly, making her roll her eyes,smiling.
Since that day he came for her birthday, both worked hard to fix their mistakes and make their relationship grow every day more. Every minute next to him she fell even more in love with him, discovering his world and celebrating his wins and supporting him when he felt bad. She loved to go with him and learn new things about his work, enjoying race after race this new life and cheering for him louder and louder.
"We're close to Parga" Lando informed her, looking at the sign that marked the kilometers left to arrive at the town. "Do you want to stop somewhere and buy Nora something else?"
"Oh, yeah" she smiled. 
The camper smells like flowers after their stop, making her smile wider than before. During the stops on their trip she bought a canvas, wanting to paint something for the woman that took care of her during her stay in the town and that made possible the relationship she has with her boyfriend.
They parked the vehicle at the other side of the street, in front of the restaurant the old woman owns. Lily walked out of the camper with a big smile, giggled when she saw the streets she loved were exactly the same a year after.
"Nora!" they called her, walking inside the kitchen through the back door.
"Oh god!" she gasped. "My kids!"
They smiled and hugged her, giggling when the woman kissed their cheeks happily.
"How have you been? Everything's okay? Come on, tell me!"
They laughed hearing how excited she was. She checked what she was cooking in the oven and then grabbed two chairs, letting them sit and she started making something for them.
"We're good" Lando smiled, holding Lily's hand. "Really good"
"Lando won a few races this season" Lily informed.
"I know, I saw his races" the old woman smiled softly at him. "I'm so proud of you, little man" she said, pinching his cheek.
"And she put her paintings on an art gallery last week" Lando smirked.
"No way! Really?" Nora gasped looking at her. 
"Yeah" Lily nodded proudly. "Oh and we have something for you"
Lando got up and grabbed the painting his girlfriend made, one he helped to paint too, and gave it to the woman.
"Oh, Lily…" she smiled softly. "Thank you, so much"
Lily smiled and got up, walking towards her and hugging her tightly.
"Well, you want to stay somewhere while you two are here? I can ask the guys to get one of the free apartments ready" Nora smiled looking at them.
"It would be so nice, thank you" Lily smiled, holding the hand of the woman. "Let me help you, yeah?"
Lando smiled looking at the two women, how they moved in sync inside the kitchen.
"Then I'm going to take the things off from the camper" he said getting up, kissing his girlfriend's lips and Noras cheek. "Thank you for letting us stay on an apartment, really"
"No, thank you two for visiting me" she smiled. 
Lando nodded and walked out, getting the things out of the camper and looking at his backpack.
He smiled looking at the box that kept his best kept secret ever. He's surprised at how well he could keep it away from her, since he bought it two months ago with Lyanna and Kika during the race week in Monaco.
He planned everything. When and how he will ask her, where it will be and what he will say.
"Lando!" Nora called him, making him get out if his thoughts and look at the woman. "You brought it?"
"Yeah" he smiled, grabbing the box and showing her the shell that has jewel inside of it.
"It's so beautiful, kid" she smiled, watching the ring and being amazed by it. "I'm so happy for you two, really. I feel so proud watching you two be so in love. I'm glad you could fix everything"
"I did it thanks to you Nora" he smiled, hugging her. "You were so important on this, you helped us get together"
"And I'm glad you took the opportunity and didn't waste it" she said. "I'm so happy to watch her like this. She glows, kid. She's glowing and makes me so proud to see the woman she became. And to.see the man you became after finding her again. I'm proud of you"
He smiled and hugged her, rubbing her back and kissing her cheek.
"Would you let me grab a scooter?" he smiled. "I planned something"
"Of course, go ask Bastian" she nodded excitedly. "I'm sure he would let you take one if you tell him I sent you"
He smiled and nodded, leaving the suitcases to the guy he will get the apartment ready, and going where she told him and rented a scooter. After getting the keys, he drove back to the restaurant to pick up his girlfriend.
"Oh no" she laughed. "Not again"
"Come on, you know I got better at driving this" he laughed, giving her the second helmet. "Get on it, the apartment is ready"
She shook her head, laughing and wrapping her arms on his waist after sitting behind him, placing her head on his shoulder and watching the streets of the town, smiling at the people she recognized and waving at them hello.
She felt so glad to come back. She was so happy to be here again.
When they arrived at the apartment they put the clothes out of the suitcases, placing it on the wardrobe.
"Hey, why don't we go have dinner out?" he smiled. "To that place you liked that is near the beach?"
"Of course" she smiled.
"And wear this dress" he said, grabbing a dress he loved. 
The same dress she wore the day they met a year ago.
She smiled and put it, getting her hair and makeup ready for the hour he reserved a table.
It was perfect, the dinner was perfect as well as everyone around. None of them asked him to take pictures, or took off their camera. It was something private between the two lovers and people understood.
When they finished the dinner they walked around, holding hands and smiling at the people that waved at them.
"Come on, it's late" Lando said, squeezing her hand softly and walking back to the scooter.
They walked together to the vehicle and she sat behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist with a wide smile on her lips.
"This is not the way to the apartment, Lando" she said looking where he was driving. 
"I know" he chuckled, stopping the scooter. "But it's a stop I wanted to do"
He parked the scooter on one side of the street, holding her hand to help her get out of it and stand on the ground. 
"Do you remember this street?" he asked her, holding her hand and stopping in the middle of the road.
"How could I forget it?" she smiled, looking around
"It was a year ago" he said, kneeling behind her and holding the box. 
When she turned around she gasped, finding him with a box and kneeling on one knee.
"Lando" she gasped, feeling her heart beating so fast.
"A year ago we met in this town. This place saw us fall in love. I told you a lie about myself, but because I loved you I worked my ass to have your forgiveness. I tried everything to get back to you and here we are" he smiled, looking how she started to have tears in her eyes. "I love you, Liliane Barton. I love you with all my heart. And even if we met a year ago and we are 24 years old, I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to get married with you and have kids. I… God, I even wanted to buy Miss Rose's house, but someone was quicker than me and already bought it…"
"I did"
"But we can buy another house to grow old…" he said, but stopped immediately. "Wait, what?"
"I bought Miss Rose's house" she said, grabbing her bag and showing him the keys. 
"No way" he gasped, laughing. "God, marry me?"
"Yes!" she giggled, kneeling in front of him and kissing his lips.
"I love you" he whispered on her lips, holding her hand and putting the ring on her finger.
"I love you too, my beautiful stranger" she smiled kissing his lips. "I told you, some love stories start with a crash"
@lestappenloverr @racinggirl @roni-midnights @livster8 @kakorrhaphiphobia @starkeyellow @celestialpierre @ophcelia @msliz @lorarri @ironmaiden1313 @imsorare @mycenterfold @im-an-overthinker @soosheee @karmabyfernando @landoyesrizz @sticksdoesart @beatricemiruna @nonameishere @flwr-stella @lordperceval-16 @arisainz
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berry-club · 4 months
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- Muse -
Minors dni
Inspired by the manga "Museru Kurai no Ai o ageru"
Contains: reader x sungchan, college romance, afab reader, thigh job, virgin reader, 2.5k words
It's a new month, and as usual it's time to change the paintings exposed at the entrance of the college building. You take your painting off the wall before going into the art studio. You put it on the easel and prepare some white paint to start fresh before painting something new over it. When suddenly you hear the door open abruptly making you turn your head towards it. You see a man looking at you with his eyesbrows frowned.
"Hum.. who are you?"
"That's not the question. Don't touch that painting."
"I took the habit of looking at it everyday, I got scared when I saw it missing from the entrance, why would you paint over it? That's terrible."
"Well, first of all it's my painting and canvas this big are quit expensive, so I'm trying to re-use it, plus I don't have enough room in my apartment to store it anyway."
"Wait.. does this mean if I bring you a new canvas of the same size I can take it?"
"Sure... I guess"
"Okay I'll bring one tomorrow."
The man takes the painting off the easel and leave the room without even looking back. You stay dumbfounded trying to understand what just happened, what a strange man, why would someone want your painting that bad. You decide to just go home early, not knowing what to do with this change of plan.
The day after, you're in the art studio doing some sketching when you hear the door opening, this time way more gently than the last time. The same man from yesterday is entering with a brand new canvas.
"Hey! I brought it."
"Thank you, you can put it on the easel."
He does as you say before turning around to face you.
"By the way, my name is Sungchan, I'm sorry for yesterday I probably scared you, I didn't think you were the one who did the painting, they were no name on it like the others."
"It's okay don't worry, yeah I wanted to stay anonymous "
"I see..."
The mood becomes awkward, you don't know why he didn't left yet, he starts walking around the room, looking at each details, the decorations on the wall, all the drawings equipment, the few sketches you just did. After taking a good look at the room, he looks at you, being the only last thing he didn't glace at.
"You didn't tell me your name."
"You know I really like your painting, I usually don't have any sensibility when it comes to art, so it's really precious for me."
"I appreciate that, thank you."
"Y/n, I have a request. Can I come here again to see you work?"
"...I mean, this studio is open to anyone, I can't really forbid you from coming... there is nothing interesting to see tho."
"I'm really interested by the creative process, and I'm curious to learn more about the person who did the painting."
"You're just going to be disappointed by both."
"I'm sure not."
Sungchan smiles and head himself to the door before waving you good bye and leaving the room.
Well of course, all compliments about your art warms your heart but, what you love about this studio is that barely anyone comes, you were often with yourself. Having trouble socializing, this was a room for you to get some peace. You start thinking that maybe, you should have just say "no" to him, but you didn't really had the time to think that much.
After that day, Sungchan came almost every afternoon. Asking you a lot of questions about your work, he seemed always very interested by your explanations, looking at everything you did. It sure was awkward for you at the beginning, but as the weeks passed, you became really comfortable around him, sometimes even teasing each other. You two became really close. At one point, you realised you had feelings for him, but you quickly pushed them aside, remembering you were only seeing him in the studio. Everytime you saw Sungchan left the room, it was like he was going to another world, and he suddenly felt so far away. He had his own group of friends, sometimes you saw him in the hallway with them, but you both took the habit of ignoring eachother, only talking in the studio. It didn't really bother you, thinking that he probably had his own reasons, and you didn't try to talk to him outside the studio either.
One time in the studio, Sungchan was here and as usual, he looked at you drawing, but this time that was different, normally he was looking at your hands, the movement you made or how you were holding the pencils and the brushes. But this time, he was straight up staring at your face. You were thinking about something to say, and before you could open your mouth:
"You know, you're even more captivating than your art."
You sigh, thinking that he was probably just teasing you. "What are you saying? Stop messing with me."
"Messing with you? I'm just saying what I'm thinking."
You look away and your hand stops. Silence fill the room. You know you probably should just thank him and move on, but something about what he said really made an impact on you. Sungchan puts his hand over yours, making you look at him. A beam of sunlight was going over his face, making his skin golden. His eyes, usually a deep brown, were now the color of amber, making him the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
"Why did you stop drawing?"
His voice makes you regain consciousness, you feel your heart beating loudly in your chest, you put your eyes back in the paper thinking that if you saw him 1 more seconde, you wouldn't be able to stop the wave of feelings inside of you.
"Sorry, I have to go home."
You quickly pack your stuff and leave the room without even saying goodbye, you think you heard sungchan say something but you are so overwhelmed, the only thing in your mind right now I how you want to go as far away from him as possible.
The day after, you spend your time collecting your emotions to be able to meet him like normal when he comes back. Almost a week passes and sungchan didn't came at all, you were thinking that he finally got tired of you, maybe now you were going to live your life like you did before meeting him, you let out a long sigh, when suddenly you see him push the door. He starts speaking to you like he always did and you feel so relieved you could almost cry, then after spending some time together he says,
"Do you wanna come to my place? I have something I want to show you."
"Unh? You want to see me outside the studio?"
"Yeah? Why wouldn't I?"
"Well you ignore me everytime we see eachother in the hallway. So I though-"
"It's not like that! Everytime we see each other i'm with friends, I know you're not comfortable talking to people so I thought it was better to talk to you when we are only together."
"Oh..I see, thank you."
"Soooo, are you coming? It's really important."
His puppy eyes begging you to say "yes", you have no other choice than to agree. You leave the room together, and you follow him to his apartment near the college building. Just a few steps in his apartment and you end up in front of the painting that he took when you first met him, exposed on the wall with nothing else around it that could distract you, a light over it illuminating the canvas. You can't help but smile wide seeing that, your art being exposed in his apartment like it was the most precious thing in the world. You never thought the day would come where you could see your work being treated with such care.
Sungchan sees you and jokes around, "Oh you like it? It's by my favorite artist."
You chuckle and follow him to the living room where he makes you sit on the couch. You can see him fidgeting in front of you.
"You want something to drink?"
"No thanks, i'm good."
"Are you hungry maybe?"
"I'm fine."
"Are you cold? Do you want me to turn on the heater?"
"Sungchan. Everything is perfect, show me the thing you wanted me to see."
"Sorry... I'm a little nervous.. it's here follow me."
Sungchan tilt his head and you follow him to a door. He looks hesitant for a second and push it. The room is filled with art stuff, some sheets on the ground to prevent paint from falling on the wooden floor. You see a stool in the corner of the room in front of an easel, with a canvas covered with a white sheet. Without a word, Sungchan gets closer to the easel and slowly removes the sheet. The feeling you got seeing this painting was indescribable, like it was suddenly the only thing on earth, your eyes got lost in it, every brush stroke looked intentional, meticulously placed. Sungchan's voice takes you out of your bubble.
"What do you think? I'm sorry for not coming to the studio the past few days, I've been coming home early to work on it."
"That's... amazing"
"No.. you are amazing, you were my inspiration for it."
"Me?" You look at him, puzzled.
"Yes, I guess you're what you call a muse."
Sungchan smiles at you, you never thought a day would come where you could be a muse, no matter where you went you were always the artist. You put your eyes back on the painting, thinking that the deep connection you had with it made sense now, when suddenly you feel a hand in your cheek, making you turn your face towards sungchan, he looks straight into your eyes, slowly caressing your cheek before puting his tumb over your lips.
"But no matter how hard I try, even in a thousand years, I could never make a painting half as pretty as you."
He slowly leans over you and his lips touch yours, you kiss him back putting your hand on his cheek, you feel like you can finaly set free all the feelings that was building for him inside of you. You lose yourself in his arms and your kisses become deeper and more passionate. Sungchan takes a step back from you and stares at your face before taking your hand and bringing you the his bedroom. You sit on the bed and he starts kissing your neck, slowly going to your ears, while sliding his hand under your shirt to touch your breast over your bra. He makes you lay on the bed and raises your shirt to your neck before putting kisses all over your belly. He puts his hands on your pants, removing the button and unzipping them. Making them slide down on your legs and fall on the floor. He raises one of your legs and puts your calf over his shoulder before kissing the inside of your thigh. Sungchan doesn't lose a single seconde, going everywhere, like he didn’t know which part of your body he wanted the most, you suddenly realise how ambarrassed you're feeling.
"Sungchan... It's akward being the only one undressed."
"Oh right, sorry."
Sungchan removes his clothes and stays in his underwear before helping you completely remove your shirt and your bra. He caresses your stomach before slowly going over your cunt, sliding his longs fingers against the fabric. You grab the sheet, trying not to go completely crazy over his touch already. He slides your panty to the side and immediately goes to your clit with his ring and middle finger, you moan at the stimulation.
"Even the sounds you make are pretty."
Sungchan removes your undies before going in with his tongue, going all over your folds with more attention to the clit. Making you curl on the bed, you put your hand on his head making his tongue go even deeper and rougher on you, his thick tongue stimulating all the right places, going in and out your hole, his soft lips sucking on your clit making all kind of dirty noises and you can feel yourself about to finish, sungchan grabs you by the waist, making sure you don't get away from him while you cum on his face, he keeps licking you while your hips go crazy. Your hand grabbing his hair so hard you're pretty sure you're hurting him.
He releases you from his grip, and you can finally catch your breath, sungchan stands up and removes his hard dick from his underwear. You suddenly realise what's about to happen. You had a lot of first times with sungchan today, but you're not sure you can handle that yet. You close your eyes shut, and your body starts shaking thinking about the pain you're about to feel, when sungchan leans over you and gently puts his lips on your forehead.
"Don't worry so much, I won't put it in."
He grabs your ankles, close your legs before raising them, put his warm cock between your thighs and starts going back and forth. Your pussy was still throbbing from earlier and the movements of his warm dick against it was sending you to heaven.
"Ugh, why does it feel so good."
Sungchan smiles, happy that you feel the same way as him, he starts going faster. The sound of your skins hitting against each other and the vision of sungchan's sweating with his mouth half opened while panting loudly is starting to drive you insane. You watch his dick quickly appear and disappear in your tighs, like your legs were eating him. Sungchan groans and you can feel his dick twitching against your pussy, his cock hitting your clit at every move. He removes himself from you, letting your legs slowly fall on the bed and gives himself a few strokes to cum on his own dick while breathing heavily, you start calming down again while he whipes himself and puts his underwear back. He gently brings a blanket to your neck and goes under the sheets next to you. He makes you go on your side so he can hug you tightly, putting his face in the crook of your neck. You stay like that for a moment, none of you daring to move the slightest, almost trying to merge your bodies together.
He whispers in your ear: "You know, when I explained to you why I was ignoring you in the hallways, it wasn't entirely true.. I didn't want to bring any attention to you because I was scared that if someone was looking at you for too long, they would fall in love with you too. I wanted you to be my secret."
You tighten the hug and put your hands through his hair, trying to convey your feelings for him, making him understand that he's the only one in your eyes.
Sungchan distant himself from your neck to look at your face. He slowly tucks your hair behind your ear and smiles.
"I should have asked sooner but, will you go out with me?"
"Do you really have to ask?"
You smile at Sungchan while looking at him in the eyes, sure that right now, no one loves someone as much as you love him.
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