#I really hope they didn't snoop
remi-thirsts · 2 months
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pairing: gojo, geto, nanami, choso, and toji x fem!reader (separate) summary: when you catch them with a suggestive piece of clothing from your wardrobe... content: kinda suggestive, established relationships, toji has no shame at all, allusions to sexual themes, jerking off, pillow humping(?), roommates to lovers (for geto's) pet names, cursing. lmk if I missed anything. wc: 2.5k
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The house was awfully quiet when you arrived home with your shopping bags in hand. "Satoru?" You call out setting all of your stuff down. Nothing. No over dramatic gasps, no 'babyyyyyy you're back!!!!!!" Absolutely nothing.
Satoru hadn't told you he was going anywhere, had he? Sometimes the man talks so much that you drown out his voice, so you can focus on whatever you need to get done. Which means you could have missed something.
Or maybe he's asleep? Only, Satoru doesn't nap if it isn't with you. So... where could he be?
Before going deeper into your home, you remove your shoes and place them neatly on the wobbly shoe rack he built. He insisted he could build anything, when he'd never even picked up a screwdriver in his life. That's kind of what happens when you belong to a wealthy family, but you didn't want to hurt his pride, so you let him build it.
You tread quietly toward your bedroom in hopes of finding him there. The door is cracked open suspiciously, with caution you slowly push the door open, "Satoru are you- uhhh what are you doing?"
The man in question tenses up when he hears your voice. As if you hadn't seen him he hides your lace panties behind his back.
"I was uh," He does that little coughing thing to make him look less suspicious, but if anything it makes him even more suspicious .
"You were 'uh' what?" Satoru thinks you look like a mother scolding a child the way you stand with your hands on your hips.
"I- I was hah- are you really gonna make me say it, baby?" He looks so red, cute.
"Yeah, go ahead and tell me what you were doing snooping through my underwear drawer." He sighs, but it's soon replaced with a sneaky smile.
"Ineedednewjerkmaterial." He says all jumbled up and quietly.
"Speak up, 'Toru." A whine leaves his lips. What a little baby he is.
"I needed something to help me when I think about you while jerking off." He spoke clearly this time, so you stop teasing him.
"Well you can't use those ones, 'cuz those are my favorites. Let me find you a different pair." He's in shock the whole time while watching you dig through the dresser.
"Really? You're just gonna give me a pair?"
"Why not? All you had to do was ask. I'm sure you'll buy me more anyway, knowing you." He snorts at that. It's true, Satoru likes to buy you anything and everything, sexy underwear is no exception.
You've noticed that some of your favorite bras have gone missing since you asked your roommate, Geto, to do your laundry when you get too busy. It was a little suspicious when he seemed more than happy to do your laundry, but who were you to think anything of it when he was making one less chore for you?
Sweet, little, and innocent you, didn't suspect that Geto could be the one stealing your bras, though. He's too much of a gentleman, you think. He always opens doors for you, lets you use the bathroom before he does, and when you aren't up to make something, he'll cook you dinner.
He's a picture perfect roommate so there's no way he could be the one. You'll still ask him his opinion on the matter though, because your bras are not cheap, and if they keep going missing you'll have to buy more.
It's Wednesday, which is the day Geto usually washes your laundry for you. There is a very important job interview you have to leave for in ten minutes so you rush to get your hamper to him.
"Suguru- I um I need your help with something." Geto cannot help but stare you down. You're dressed in a black blazer with a white dress shirt underneath, and a pencil skirt that should reach around to your knees, but because you had bend down earlier to pick something up, the skirt hiked up just a little bit.
"What's up, princess?" The first time he had called you 'princess' you just about had a meltdown. He told you not to think too much of it, it was just a nickname.
The smell of his lotion fills your nostrils and his hair is still wet from his shower. There's also no shirt covering his perfectly built body.
"Well.. uh. Some of my bras are going missing. Can you keep an eye out to make sure there's no pervert at the laundromat stealing my bras?" A chuckle almost leaves his throat. You are too cute for him, of course you wouldn't blame him for the disappearance of your bras.
"Of course, I'll keep watch." Since you are running short on time you give him a tight lipped smile and quickly make a run out of your apartment.
"Cute." Slips from his lips, although no one hears it.
There's hope. The interview had seemed to go great, the woman interviewing you said she'd give you a call letting you know if you got the job or not.
To celebrate the potential job, you bought yourself a pint of ice cream on the way home.
When you unlocked the door you didn't even announce yourself, assuming he might have been out or napping.
Before going to your room, you grab a spoon from the kitchen in order to eat the deliciously sweet treat you bought for yourself.
Your room was at the end of the hallway so you would have to pass Geto's room to get to yours. As you walk past his room, you almost drop your spoon in shock when you hear your supposed goody two shoes roommate moan out your name.
A series of grunts and 'fucks' leave his lips after the sudden call of your name. Curiosity killed the cat, huh? Well you don't care enough to let that stop you. It's rude not to knock but when Geto's calling out your name like that you think you have plenty of reason to barge in.
"Suguru what are you-" You should have just went to your room. The sight you walked in on had you dropping your ice cream and spoon on the floor. Geto is not as innocent as you thought he was, not when he's got your favorite laced bra attached to his pillow while he fucks it like they're your tits.
You would think he'd have the decency to stop when you caught him, but you catching him only made him speed up, his hips snapping at an extraordinary pace.
"Fuck, princess. Didn't want you to find out like this. Shit- need your tits so bad." He cums with no shame over the part of the pillow that would be the crevice of your breasts.
You can't even be mad at him, it's hot, but you'll still give him a peace of your mind.
"Suguru! That's- that's my bra! And you- gosh you are so perverted!!!! I never would have thought-" It takes him a minute, but when he comes down from his high, he apologizes sincerely for taking your bras.
And now that you know he wants you just as much as you want him, you indulge in his fantasies of fucking your pretty tits.
He was going on a business trip for a few weeks and took a pair or two with him so he wouldn't have to bother you.
It doesn't even register that any are missing either, because he picks the pairs that you don't care too much about. They don't have to be sexy, Nanami loves anything you wear.
The only reason he does get caught is because he allows it to happen.
It's the second week, day two of his business trip and he decided to have a drink with his coworker, which he never does, but he misses you and a drink would help, even if only for a little while.
Nanami's toleration is high, so one drink turns into seven and he starts to feel the effects around the 8th one, which his coworker cuts him off after that.
"Dude, that's a lot, even for you." He says to Nanami, which he has to agree with, but his drunk mind doesn't want to.
"'s not nearly the 'mount I drink when 'm at home." His coworker chuckles and pays his tab along with Nanami's. (nanami will pay him back in the morning when he's in his right mind)
Said coworker drops him off at his hotel room and makes sure he gets in okay, he also reminds him to, "Call your wife, she might get worried if she doesn't hear from you."
He will. He'll call you as soon as this boner goes away... just thinking about you along with the alcohol in his body has him hard.
He stumbles through his suit case looking for the panties he'd packed in there. A smile graces his face when he finds them, they aren't cute, at all by any means.
He chose them not because they're sexy but because they're just normal, meaning you wear them a lot more often.
His steps are heavy as he about marches to the bed he's been sleeping in for the past two weeks. His conscious starts screaming at him not to jerk off with your panties but in the end, his dick wins.
It's about 11:43 pm when you receive a face time call from your husband. He called you earlier, telling you about his day, so you find it a little unusual for him to be calling at this hour.
When you slide the accept button, you're met with your husband's dick and your panties covering his tip. For a second your eyes widen trying to register what exactly is going on, once you do, arousal pools in your gut.
"What's this honey?" He strokes his dick faster when he hears your voice.
"Keep talking, pretty." He's completely gone, you notice. His cheeks flushed a pretty pink and his eyes rolled back.
"I see you have my panties, what's that about?" A low groan leaves his throat but it's cut off by his words.
"Knew I would miss you. Packed them in my suitcase." The chances of him remembering any of this in the morning was low. Nanami usually has a hard time remembering anything from when he was drunk.
So, being the tease you are, you take a screenshot of him in this state.
"Fuck fuck fuck, gonna cum, please keep talking, Honey." You do as he wishes, saying random little things to help him reach his orgasm. It happens so fast and he's got you rubbing yourself through your shorts.
"You still with me baby?" You ask after he goes quiet for a few seconds. It doesn't take a genius to realize that he was knocked out.
[image attached] pervert 😊 sent 11:58 pm
My love 💖
I'm not going to drink anymore on this trip. sent 7:39 am
You should, it's hot when I get phone calls from my needy husband 😝 sent 7:40 am
He can't hide it. In fact, he gets caught before he even makes it anywhere with them.
Last night was another night shift so you got home at the dawn hours of the night. A shower and a hot pocket later you were in bed. You made the assumption that Choso had gone out to see his brother, since you didn't see him anywhere in the apartment.
The sound of rustling around awakes you from your sleep.
"Cho? Is that you, baby?" It didn't sound concerned or anything, just a sleepy mumble.
"Oh uh- yes. Hi, good morning." His words are rushed like a kid who's trying not to get into trouble for something they did.
Your pretty eyes peek open to see Choso digging through your drawer for something.
"What are you looking for, babe?" He starts to stutter and try to come up with something you'll believe.
"You were picking out a shirt for me in my bra drawer?" His cheeks turn a bright red as he tries to explain himself.
"It's not what you think-! Okay it is what you think... but I haven't been seeing you much, since you always work late so I wanted to take one of your bras..." He's so cute. Gosh how could you not give him one.
"Okay, pick one out and I'll tell you if you can take it or not. You have to bring it back later though, it's not for you to keep.
He shakes his head furiously fast like a bobble head, and you can't help but laugh.
Choso is the most adorable thing to walk this earth.
He doesn't even try to hide it, AT ALL. Today was the day of your once a week girls night with your friends. It was usually just some karaoke and dinner and on the occasion; shopping.
Instead of the usual your girls had taken you partying at a club. It was fun to dance around with your friends and scream song lyrics while being slightly intoxicated. Luckily, you aren't the designated driver.
When you had clumsily slipped your shoes off in your drunken stupor you realized that it was quiet in the house.
Too quiet, even for your husband. Toji's definitely up to something, because he'd usually be waiting on the couch for you to return home, and he's not.
"Oh baby~" It's slurred tremendously but you still get it out. Silence returns your call, so you take it upon yourself to find him.
The first and most obvious place to look is the bedroom; you'll start there and keep going. The door was closed but you could still hear him. Upon contrary belief Toji is loud during sex. He probably couldn't shut up to save his life.
His loud groans and moans start to cut off meaning he must be close. Is he watching a video he's recorded of you? Potentially.
Most would probably leave their boyfriend alone to finish so he doesn't get embarrassed, but this Toji Fushiguro we are talking about; he does not care.
You slowly pull the door open only to find out that your husband is not in fact watching a video, but getting off to your panties around his dick.
"Tojiiii, without me?" It doesn't even click that he's using your underwear at the moment.
"Fuck- I thought you weren't gonna be back until-" You must have shocked the shit out of him, because he stops touching himself to check his phone.
"Oh. You're home on time." He throws his phone down onto the bed and sighs.
"Waita' minute," It finally registers that those are your panties he's jerking off too.
"Toji, why do you have my panties? Pervert." And to nobody's surprise, Toji gets off to that kind of stuff. He likes when you call him out.
"Hah- shit. Don't ask such stupid questions... are you gonna come over here and help me finish?" A little smirk covers your face as you walk over to the bed.
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©𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈-𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐒 All works are written by me! Please do not copy, translate, or upload onto other sites thanks!
note: lmaoooo geto's got a little bit out of control
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mingwrites · 2 months
I’m not sure if you have done this but can you do something about how ateez will feel after a concert or especially Coachella, all h.rny and all js being very dominant? (I love your work btw, I think it’s very true to them)
hello there, first of all thank u so much for the compliment thats so sweet 🥺 and second i really hope u enjoy~!
ateez after a concert
seonghwa ~ it was a hot night, as evident by the sweat stains soaking through seonghwa's low-cut tank. backstage, he dashed around the room, panting as he repeated, "where's my y/n? where's my y/n?" you didn't even care that he looked insane. you ran to him and he scooped you up in a big hug, lifting you off your feet. "you guys were so good," you cheered, holding the tired, sweaty man as close as possible. seonghwa set you down but held both of your hands in his. “thanks, baby,” he smiled warmly, leaning in to kiss you. you pecked him on the lips, about to pull away when you felt his hand comb through your hair, pulling your lips closer to his. your stomach filled with butterflies at seonghwa’s command and you happily submitted to him, leaning into his touch. his lips searched desperately for an entrance into yours, and you obliged him, parting your lips as his tongue came flooding into your mouth. with a mind of their own, your legs backed you up against the wall and seonghwa followed closely. his hips crashed into yours when you collided with the wall, causing both of you to moan at the sudden pressure. you laughed into the kiss and seonghwa finally pulled away to look at you. “what’s gotten into you?” you asked. seonghwa was breathing hard and stared at you with heavy eyelids. “i just…really need you.” a ping of arousal shot between your legs and you responded, "let's get out of here."
hongjoong ~ his ride raced across the city, headed for his hotel. unfortunately for both of you, the 15-minute ride was just a little too long. you sat impatiently in the back seat beside your lover, his hand on your thigh. you held his hand tight as your legs subconsciously squeezed together, relieving a little bit of the heat in your clit. hongjoong's tongue was exploring your mouth, meanwhile your free hand crept its way toward his lap. he moaned lewdly when you landed on his hard dick, a raw, vulnerable quality in his voice as if he hadn't been touched in ages. "that's it, darling," he whispered, "go on, touch." you glanced to make sure the driver wasn't snooping before undoing hongjoong's pants and wrapping your hand around his bare skin. "good girl," he sighed, his head falling back on the headrest. he fit snugly in your hand, the feeling of his veins and sight of his red, leaking head causing your legs to tingle. you pumped him just a few times before the car came to a stop. “we’re here, mr. kim."
yunho ~ practically running through the revolving hotel door, you giggled along with your boyfriend as you held tight his large hand. you headed straight for the elevator, the wetness pooling between your legs in preparation for the night ahead. yunho pressed a button and the elevator doors closed. then he immediately turned to you and pressed you against the wall, his hand finding your jaw and pulling you to him as his lips made a mess of yours. you moaned when his hand trailed down to your chest, grabbing a handful of squishy flesh and massaging your taut nipple. then his hand drifted lower, sneaking past the waistband of your pants and underwear, where he found your soaked and swollen sex. he smirked into his kiss as he dipped his finger inside, coating it in your arousal before rubbing a few tentative circles on your clit. you swore your legs almost gave out at the sensation. he made you moan a few times before sliding back inside, now hooking his fingers into your sweet spot and stroking it gently. the elevator made a ding and yunho pulled away from the kiss. he looked down at you and said, "i'm gonna make this pussy all mine."
yeosang ~ you collapsed onto the hotel mattress and yeosang wasted no time before reaching for your zipper. he freed you of your bottoms, the cool air hitting your already messy pussy. then he kneeled on the floor, pulling you toward the edge of the bed so your pussy was right in front of his face. "i love you," he said, not giving you a second to respond before taking the breath right out of you. his warm, soft tongue licked a slow stripe from your sopping entrance to the tip of your clit, causing your legs to instinctively close around his head. he groaned at the feeling of your thighs against his warm cheeks then gently pushed them back toward the mattress. you ran a hand through his hair, messy and a little damp with sweat from performing. he continued rubbing his tongue against your clit, switching every so often between quick flicking motions and long, sucking kisses. it was the sucking, along with the deep sounds of satisfaction yeosang made that got you off so damn quickly. your legs closed again, and this time he let them, sticking his tongue out for you to grind against as you rode the waves of orgasm. when you finally looked down at his gorgeous face between your legs, he said, "i was waiting all night to do that."
sannie ~ "go ahead, pretty girl," he said, one hand around his massively hard dick and the other in your hair, "suck it." you obediently opened wide, sticking your tongue out just to drive san crazy. saliva dripped down your tongue which made san moan, his hand guiding his dick to your lips. "so hungry for me, aren't you, babe?" you wrapped your lips around the head of his cock and moaned in response to his question. san's head rolled back and he let out a deep groan, his hips twitching a little at the feeling of your warm, tight mouth. with his hand on the back of your head, he gently urged you down the length of his dick, an action you didn't resist. you leaned all the way in until he poked at the back of your throat, when he let out a satisfied moan, then you went a little further. "that's a good girl," he praised, his hips beginning to move on their own, fucking your mouth slowly. you continued to suck on him dutifully, stroking him with a flat tongue and letting him use you how he wanted.
mingi ~ you lied on your belly with your ass up in the air, your pussy an empty hole just waiting to be filled. mingi got positioned behind you, his hands around your waist and his huge dick standing tall just inches from where you needed it. he was inches from where he needed to be, too, both of you throbbing and dripping with desire. you swore you could have cried when the head of his dick finally penetrated you, and you almost did when his girth stretched you fully, his veiny skin pressing against your sweet spot. you moaned in harmony as mingi bottomed out, his hands pulling your ass flush with his belly. you could feel him bulging through your stomach, but couldn't bask in the feeling for long as mingi's hips began to move rapidly, his dick pounding into you again and again, always hitting your sweet spot. you shoved your face into the mattress, your hands gripping fistfuls of bedsheets, as you were fucked into oblivion. you couldn't hold back the lewd sounds you made, bordering on screams and sobs, while mingi let out deep-voiced growls behind you. "love your sweet little pussy," he said, staring down at where he disappeared inside you. "all mine."
wooyoung ~ he rolled over on his back, groaning out of impatience during the few moments he wasn't inside you. you hurried along, repositioning his dick at your entrance and slowly sliding down. you sat on his pelvis, his dick throbbing inside you, but didn't move yet, instead taking the time to lean back and circle your clit with your finger. wooyoung quickly pulled your hand away, hissing at you, "don't tease me. and let me rub this." you giggled at his temper but obeyed his demands, letting his thumb pick up rubbing messy circles into your clit, and rolling your hips backward, forward. wooyoung quickly became a symphony of sounds, moaning when you bounced on his dick and whining when you slowed down. his thumb kept up its diligent work on your clit, each circle and swipe drawing you closer to the edge. wooyoung was panting, his eyes fluttering shut as he focused in on the pleasure. he said to you in a breathy voice, "gonna make you cum all over me. my sweet y/n."
jongho ~ he had you on your back, his large, muscular body forcing your legs apart. you moaned like a helpless animal as his thick length pummeled you, filling you up over and over. his powerful arms were on either side of your head, his fingers interlocked with yours. you whined as he fucked you, "please, jongho, don't stop... it feels so good..." he laughed breathily at your needy tone, speaking in your ear, "it's okay, sweetheart... i won't stop." in response to your desperate plea, his hips began to move a little faster, still hitting that perfect spot inside you. soon after, you felt the familiar tight, tingly feeling in your tummy. "jong-! oh..." your muscles tensed repeatedly around him as you came, a few more thrusts into that tightness causing jongho to reach his high in time with you. he dropped his head in the crook of your shoulder and his hips slowed to a stop as you felt his warm seed paint your walls. he lifted his head only to kiss you - a sloppy, lazy kiss in between heavy breaths. he placed his index finger underneath your chin and lifted it so you could face him. then he whispered, "you're such a good girl."
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4ln-stay8 · 6 months
Rainy hearts
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>summary: Lando was late for a game session with his friends due to picking you up
>author’s notes: I hope this isn’t as bad as I think it is
>warnings: idk some assumptions, some ignoring, some fluff at the end
Lando had promised Max that he'd join their gaming session and stream with their friends that evening. They had all been looking forward to it, but he found himself running late because you, his secret girlfriend, had called him in a rush. You needed a ride from your work to your university for your evening classes.
"Hi guys! Sorry I'm late" said the brown curly haired man
Lando finally joined the stream, but Max couldn't help but ask, "Lando, where were you? We had to start without you."
Lando sighed, frustration evident in his voice. "Sorry, Max. Sunshine needed a ride to her university, and she was in a hurry. She acts like such a spoiled brat sometimes, you know? She thinks I'm her personal chauffeur and that I'll be wherever she wants whenever she wants like I don't actually have anything else to do. She has a car and a driving license yet she still bothers me."
'Sunshine' was the code name they gave you for whenever they wanted to talk about you without people snooping in their business, and it worked.
Everyone knew about 'Sunshine' but no one knew the mystery identity of 'Sunshine'. Everyone knew she was Lando's girlfriend but no one knew anything about her. No one knew your name, your age, anything, and both you and Lando loved that!
Unknown to Lando, you've been discreetly watching the stream from your class, hurt by his comment. Did he really think that you were a spoiled brat? Does he really think that you see him as your personal driver?
You didn't wanted to be seen like that. That wasn't you! You never called him to pick you up just because you didn't want to take the bus or walk to university. You only asked him to pick you up when you were in a hurry and you were running late, and that wasn't often.
You have a driving license but due to the very busy neighbourhood your work was situated in you never took your car. To find a parking space there was nearly impossible and you would have to wait a while to actually find a spot which would result in you being late for work.
When your classes ended, you decided not to call Lando for a ride as you had agreed upon. He insisted that you would call him when you were done for the day so he could pick you up. After a while you agreed to call him, but now you weren't gonna do that. Instead, you walked home, and as luck would have it, the rain started pouring down.
Back at yours and Lando's place, thunder echoed as he anxiously checked the time. Realizing that your class had ended, he started to worry. It's been nearly 40 minutes since the class ended and there was no sign from you. He checked his phone at least 5 times but there was nothing there from you.
He said goodbye to the boys as he decided to leave the stream and go outside the gaming room and call you to see where you were. As he did that he heard the front door closing. Walking towards the entrance, he was met by his drenched girlfriend.
"Why didn't you call me, Y/N? I was worried sick!" Lando exclaimed, his worry turning into relief at seeing you safe.
You, avoiding eye contact, replied, "I didn't want to bother you or act like a spoiled brat who treats you like her personal driver,"
You looked at him, your eyes filled with a mix of hurt and determination, before turning away and leaving him standing in the hallway, his heart heavy with regret.
You walked into your shared bedroom, walking to the closet to find some dry clothes as you were wet and cold. Lando followed you like a lost puppy trying to find some words.
Lando sighed, realizing the unintended consequence of his words. "Y/N, it's not like that. I do want to help."
With a bitter tone and without even looking at him you told him "I appreciate it but I don't want to make you late for gaming with the boys" you said sarcastically and walked in the bathroom to take a hot shower.
He went to the kitchen to make you some tea so you could warm up even more, and something to eat, hoping that this would also make you a little less mad at him.
Around 20 minutes later, you walked out of the shower, dressed in some of Lando's clothes. You were mad at him but you won't deny that his clothes were more comfortable and warmer than yours.
You sat ok the bed scrolling on your phone while you snuggled in the blanket trying to get more warm. On the other room Lando was warming the tea, making a plate of food for you to eat.
He put them on a tray, picked it up and walked to your shared bedroom. He knocked on the door and opened it slowly.
“I brought you something to eat and some tea to warm up a little more” he whispered
You rolled your eyes at him trying not to give in and forgive him so quickly. “Thanks” you whispered as well, standing up a little and taking the tray from his hands.
“Look baby, I’m really sorry for what I said. I swear I didn’t mean it!” He whispered, his eyes pleading for forgiveness
“Am I really a bother to you? If I am I won’t ask you to pick me up again. Be honest!” you whispered avoiding his eyes, scared of his answer
“Of course you are not a bother to me, my love! I would come pick you up from the other side of the world if I had to! I swear baby I didn’t mean it! I was just annoyed because the traffic was bad when I got back! I am really sorry! Please forgive me!” He said, regret present in his voice
“I forgive you, but please don’t do say that again” you said, hurt still lingering in your voice
Even though you didn’t wanted to give in too easily, the tone in his voice made you break. You could feel how sorry he was for what he said, and after all he was your boyfriend and you loved him, so you did gave in.
“I swear I will never say anything like this again! What can I do to make it up to you?” the british man said desperately
“Just come and cuddle me, I’m still cold from the rain” you said putting the tray away and opening your arms
“Gladly!” He whispered and jumped on his side of the bed to cuddle you for the rest of the night.
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 days
Play, Sleep, Repeat
Arsenal Women x Teen!Reader
Summary: You're Katie's cousin
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Katie has never quite understood you.
You'd always been on the fringes of her awareness.
She has all her siblings. Her close family is big. Her extended family is even bigger.
You're her cousin, on her mother's side.
She'd never really kept up with your life. She'd see you at family reunions maybe once, twice a year and it would all be a quick conversation before she moved on.
She'd never been close enough to her uncle, your dad, to really know what was going on the two of your lives. All she really remembers was that his wife (your mother) had left him and he was a single dad.
It was surprising to see the Arsenal announcement photo with you smiling at the camera, a big Ireland flag draped over your shoulders.
It should have made her feel bad that you didn't drop a text to say you were signing but Katie didn't even know you played football until the announcement so she decided that she didn't really have room to have her feelings hurt over it.
She had hoped this would be the opportunity for you both to grow closer but, as she looks at you now, horsing down your lunch, she kind of thought that was a pipe dream.
You get up immediately after finishing, avoiding the table with the other younger players and heading back out onto the pitch.
It was like clockwork with you. You were either crashed out asleep in the break room, eating like you'd been starved or practicing for hours before or after training.
"What's up with your cousin, McCabe?" Leah asks, watching you leave as well," She never hangs around."
Katie shrugs. "I dunno. She's always been like that, I think."
"You think?"
"She's being raised by her Da. I guess she's never been around this many girls in her life."
"Surely she played on a girl's team before coming here."
Katie shrugs again.
"You don't know?"
"I've got a big family, Williamson. I hardly see her back home. Sue me for not stalking her every move."
Kim slides into the seat next to her. "I'm worried about her," She says," She's always here early and she stays late too. I've never seen her Dad pick her up."
"So what? She's a big girl."
Kim raises a brow. "I wasn't worried because she promised me that you've been dropping her off."
"What? She told me Kyra was doing that."
Kim sighs. "I got her address off Jonas. Do you and Caitlin mind popping by tonight? I'd do it myself but she might respond better to you."
Katie stands at your door a few hours after training has finished. She'd been waiting in her car for a while now, unable to believe her eyes when you'd stepped off the bus barely ten minutes ago still in your training kit.
Her hand hovers over the door, unmoving.
Caitlin nudges her to the side, pressing the doorbell.
"Hey," She says when you open it," Can we come in?"
Your eyes dart to the side. "Er..."
"Is your Da in? I need to talk to him."
"Da's busy," You say.
"That's okay. We can wait." Katie barges in and Caitlin follows her before you can stop them.
"How long will he be?" Caitlin asks and your eyes dart to the door.
"Have you had dinner yet?" Katie asks," 'Cause your fridge is bare."
"Stop it!" You say, pushing her out of your kitchen," Stop snooping!"
"Are these takeout boxes?"
"Katie, I mean it! Out!"
"Nah, where's your Da? Surely, he can't be letting you eat all this crap."
You mumble a response that Katie forces you to repeat. A response that gets regurgitated to every responsible adult on the team.
Your Da didn't come with you to England. In fact, your Da hadn't even be to one of your Arsenal matches.
"He'll come when I make it into the Ireland squad," You'd told Katie and Caitlin," He promised."
The team keeps a close eye on you. Your back prickles with awareness and every time you look behind you, someone is watching.
Things change as well, slowly but surely. It's enough to put you on edge.
It starts with Caitlin and Katie driving you to practice. You usually leave hours ahead of when training starts so you can get the bus and still have time to practice before it begins.
(Maybe if you have a bit extra training then Gleeson will have no choice but to call you up for the next international break).
You have no idea how long they've been camping in their car because you get up stupidly early.
They bundle you in with them. They grab breakfast at a quaint place in town before getting you to training on time.
Next comes Kim. She sits with you at lunch and talks to you enough that you finish the same time as everyone else.
Leah helps you with your kit.
Lia sits with you on the bus.
Lessi, Vic and Kyra splash you with water during the changeover at training.
Beth lets you nap against her and Viv makes sure you have a protein shake ready for you when you wake up.
Slowly but surely, you're folded into the team that is Arsenal. You existed on the fringes of life in London, focused on nothing but finally having your father support you in football.
Now though, you have the team to celebrate your goals with. You have Katie shaking you with joy when you score the last minute winner against Everton.
You also have the text from your Da nitpicking your every move in the match.
You feel lucky that he even kept the match on with how shit you were apparently making. A few months ago, you would have gone back to your own habits. A few months ago, you would have ran until your legs gave out.
But it's no longer a few months ago.
So, you just put your phone away and let Steph ruffle your hair on the way back to her seat.
You're actually part of the team now. A key part of the team if you go off how many times you've started a match.
A key part of the time if you go by how you seamlessly tackle Cuthbert and send the ball rolling straight to Caitlin to collect. You're about to stand up but Cuthbert can't stay on her feet and she stumbles, falling with a sickening crunch onto your ankle.
The scream you let out is guttural and you push her off you to grab at your ankle, as if touching it would suddenly make it feel better.
You slap the ground with your fist and scream again. Leah comes sliding in next to you, pinning your ankle to the ground with a firm hand.
"I know," She says," I know but we need to keep it still. Just stay still."
"Leah," You sob," It hurts!"
"I know," She repeats," The physios are coming straight on. Just keep it still."
Katie comes running to you next, tucking your face into her chest as you sob, shielding you from the fans.
Caitlin has taken her job at yelling at the ref, desperate to get some kind of compensation even if it was all a complete reaction.
"I...I..." You manage to get out through your tears," I don't think Gleeson's going to call me up for the break."
Lia, who had gently removed your cleat, laughs. "You don't need to focus on that right now." She peals your sock down. "But it's nice that you've still got your sense of humour."
You hiss as someone else touches your ankle.
"Hey!" Katie snaps," Careful with her!" She turns back to you. "Can you walk?"
"I don't even think I can stand up."
"You're going to be okay," She says as the stretcher is brought on," They'll fit you with a boot and you'll come back to mine."
You groan. "God, not your place."
"What's wrong with my mine?!"
"You can't cook! Can I go to Kim's instead?"
"I think I preferred it when we didn't talk."
You grin. "Didn't your Ma ever tell you lying's bad?"
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silken-moonlight · 24 days
Werewolf BF meets Hitachi Wand (Long Version)
A/N: This is the long version of this. I hope you enjoy it! I am going to sleep now. I was on a renfaire today and now I am so incredibly tired. Good Night everyone! -Swan/Moon
He had been snooping around your flat while you were gone. Your werewolf bf was very keen on finding something special: your sextoy-Box. The other day you had mentioned you had a few and he just wanted to see them. What dirty little secrets did you have?
So he looked around and found them in your nightstand. "Kinky little thing..." he murmured as he looked down on the selection of toys. Nipplesuckers, nippleclamps, two kinds of robes, two different dildos and four different clit stimulating toys. The big Hitachi, which he only knew from porn, made his mind spin.
What would happen if he vibed your clit while you took his knot? Would you milk him? Would you tremble? Would you take his knot better? What sounds would you make?
His mind went wild with all the different scenarios. Quickly, he decided that he had to try it out. He needed answers to quieten his mind... Luckily for him you would be home soon...
Your werewolf bf prepared everything, placing the Hitachi under the pillow so it would be a surprise. Putting away all the other sextoys again. He made the bed like you oreferred and waited while watching a movie. He felt excited at the thought of what would come.
When you came home, he greeted you at the door. Pulling you into a hot and demanding kiss. After the rough day at work you really needed this. Your bf and you didn't need words. His teeth nipped at your bottom lip, his hands wandered down your blouse to open it. Of course you helped him, standing bare before him in a matter of seconds. He lifted you up, carrying you to the bedroom before throwing you onto the bed. You chuckled as he approached.
"What?" He asked with a grin as he crawled on top of you. Captivating your lips in a gentle kiss, before turning demanding. Before turning, talking and claiming. He pushed you down, pressed you into the bed with his weight. You felt wet and hot between your thighs. His determination was arousing. His finger gently traced your nipples before pinching them, making you whimper. Your werewolf bf enjoyed your whimpers, he drank them in and sucked in your other nipple. Teasing you like that before parting your legs and making you grind his thigh. He had you in an awkward position and it made it difficult for you to please yourself. He chuckled at your helplessness. Again he pinched your nipples, making you whimper. You were so wet from him alone playing with your nipples like that.
"I need you..." You whined, wanting him to fuck you. He rarely knotted you and prefered it when you grinded on his knot. You loved doing that. Your boyfriend caved in, turning you around and fucking your sweet pussy from behind. He didn't prepped you as much as usual. However you were wet enough for him to slowly slide in. Drawing little moans and whimpers from you. When he moved, your eyes rolled back. All the right spots were hit and rubbed. His large hands reached under you and twisted and teased your nipples. You whined, telling him he'll make them sore. "Good." He answered with a mean grin. It turned you even more on when he said it like that. His pace got fast as he reached around and rubbed your clit while pumping into you. You came a moment before you felt his knot.
"Can I knot you, Baby?" He groaned, waiting for your answer. "Yes!" You exclaimed, loving the feeling of being filled so much. He worked his fat knot into you, it took some time and spit, but he made you take it. You were filled to the brim. He rolled with you so you could lay on the side.
"I have a surprise." He said breathlessly. "And that would be?" You asked, in the matter of a blink you heard your Hitachi. The next thing you know it was being pressed against your puffy clit. You jolt up, making him moan. You exclaim his name as he works the vibe up and down your clit. Your mind got fuzzy, you could feel the pleasure building inside of you again.
He was right, you milked him. He groaned and moaned, it felt so good. You were so tight, so hot so welcoming... Suddenly you clenched so hard around his knot that he came with a surprised gasp. Quickly it was replaced by a grin and he increased the vibration. You moaned and trembled, it was too much, it was too good. You were so over-stimulated, but the next orgasm was just in your reach. "Please!' You begged. For what you weren't sure. Your bf increases the Vibration again and he loudly called your name. You were just trembling on his knot. He was getting overstimulated as well now. You grabbed the wand and turned the vibes all the way up. This made him whimper and plead, you cum and he screams his pleasure out.
After that you two put the Hitachi away; tired and exhausted, knotted and happy. Your bf hugged you from behind, cuddling up to you as the two of you slipped into a nap after vibing your brains out....
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HII, saw your post on wanting asks, well here 🫶 I love talking so, and specifically on playboy yandere!! I'm a sucker for angst and yanderes falling into insanity honestly, so let me ramble a bit
- imagine if reader graduates highschool and gets an overseas scholarships!! They also convince their family to move together with them so Kameron can't hurt or use them to blackmail reader. So with only a break up text saying like "bye manwhore 😍😍", blocking and deleting all their social media, I wonder how long and how far would he take to get reader back again? Would he inherit his parent's riches, hire some private investigatiors to find reader and find the country they're living in, expand his business over to their country in order to gain power to trap his darling. And I wonder how deranged his reaction would be to reader's text and be like no way, they're joking right, and runs to their house and whatever usual spots they're at normally, and just break down into insanity. would he try to use substitutes for reader to maintain his sanity or go fully devoid of emotions and start working hard to gain power and influence to find reader again!! I'm also curious how he would process his darling leaving him, would he become delusional first, saying they got kidnapped or something, or some ex or fling of his hurt reader, and then proceed to anger, depression, grief and then finally accept the reality!!
Ok that's a lot of rambling 😭😭 hope it's okay. I rlly enjoyed that fic, was rent FREE in my mind for a whole day
you know luci, you just gave me an idea. So have a part TWO of THIS DUMBASS HOE 🤝
Yandere playboy x reader
Tw: mentions of murder, kameron being delulu, yandere and obsessive behavior
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💋kameron was having another breakdown. Sobbing pathetically on the floor of your old bedroom. Just how did you run away? And on such short notice too!? Didn't his love mean anything to you!? WHY DID YOU ABANDON HIM?
💋a million thoughts swirled through his head, until he finally got one that just... stuck. He had to get you back. No matter how long it takes. Getting up and dusting himself off, he kicked the front door open and quickly left the empty house
💋it was a shame really. The once sane and popular boy was struggling to keep his image. So he got help. Not professional as in therapists and medication. Just hiring other students to cover for him Incase he slipped up. all while snooping through the head teachers computer to see if they had any notes on where you might have gone. He almost got caught a few times
"shit that was close.. i can't believe these idiots leave their passwords just anywhere"
💋he knew he shouldn't be back at the school, especially since he graduated but he needs all the information he can get. Eventually moving onto private investigators and online stalking through multiple other accounts. He'd try anything just to see what his darling was doing without him. Were you enjoying making him suffer? You're so cruel..
💋hiring other people to befriend you and lower your guard, gathering any Information they can
💋 kameron who spent a while convincing his parents to let him take hold of the company. He had a degree, a bright mind, responsibility. He's perfect for the job! Oh if only they knew where his 60% was going.. funding multiple businesses across the world in exchange for keeping a careful eye. Making him quite the celebrity
💋look darling! He's on the news-! ...oh right you're not here.. one evening, while working in his office, a new secretary comes in to introduce themselves. They look just like you! He could only stare in shock.
"my love..? Is that you!?"
💋turns out it was just a doppelganger. But with enough time he'd delude himself into thinking it was you. Courting them with the same flowers, chocolates and jewelry he'd given you. It worked like a charm! Now you were back In their arms again. They felt whole..
💋he married your lookalike a year later, the poor fool being too naive and oblivious to think. He was happy for awhile.. or until one of his P.I's came in to show him they found you. His reality started to break.
💋no.. how could he do this to you. Replacing you with some cheap street whore. That night, when they went to bed, he gave them a cup of water and smiled sweetly. Watching as their face went red and they started to cough for air after gulping it down. Clawing at the sheets and staring at him with wide fearful eyes. Begging him to help them
💋 burrying the body in his backyard, he paid people with underground connections to cover for him while he was away. Claiming they suddenly vanished, having run away with a small fortune. How idiotic are people, to actually believe him..
💋kameron disguised himself and went straight for the country you decided to flee too. 5 years apart from you.. he had no idea how he managed to live so long without his beloved, but it was all worth it. Because now you'll be back where you belong. In his arms.
💋you were busy working at your job, running a small business was no joke but atleast the people in the area were friendly. So you didn't notice the suited figure Infront of your cash register
"thank you, please come again-"
💋you froze, looking up at the terrifyingly familiar face. He stared back at you with only glee and love
"hello my darling~ you've been on a naughty streak for a while Haven't you? That's okay, I'll just set you straight when we go back home."
💋big burly men all blocked you from escaping by guarding the doors. Dragging all the other customers out so you both could have your moment. Now you could never leaver leave him. Ever.
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lady-buggerinton · 7 days
My Top Five Polin Scenes in Part One (and why!)
My darling gossipers, so far this show is making literally all of my hopeless romantic dreams for this couple come true and who knows what kind of angst and drama were in for in part two, so before things gets too real I just wanted to go into (too much) depth on my favorite scenes and a few swoon-worthy details from part one! *whips reigns on carriage* shall we?
5. Drawing Room Lesson/Journal
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This scene is so best friend coded with the way they are bantering and flirting the whole time. There's an adorable contrast between Penelope's fear of being discovered and Colin being like it's chill!(when in fact it is not Chill because they get interrupted after 5 minutes of gazing into each others eyes)
He just clearly wanted to be completely alone and behind closed doors platonically with his very beautiful friend (who looks like an angel in this scene) to pretend they are courting. Nothing suspicious about that!
I love how he's so into the lesson to the point that he has set out the lemonade as a prop and brought her to Bridgerton house in the first place specifically because she said it was where she was most comfortable (previously, but he's doing his best, and probably hoping she will become comfortable again, ouch)
Colin being the "dashing suitor" for her to flirt with (loser) and when she's resistant to fake flirting with him he hits her with the, "you don't have to be embarrassed, you know me!" trying to put her at ease. And he succeeds! Penelope is so comfortable during this scene when she's opening up about how it's hard for her to get her personality across, it's so sweet and honest.
And this is when the ROMANCING really starts, I love how it's Penelope who takes the lead here. mostly by accident, but the poor man is still left in shambles.
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I do kind of wish for this scene they had gone with a more back and forth flirting moment, and seen them both get a little taste of how overtly flirting with each other would feel rather than her little poetic moment, but it was sweet to see her expose a corner of her feelings for him and watching him get a tad flustered at the compliment.
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Ok, while it was rather uncool of her to read his journal, I love this part so much. Because I am no better, I would 100 percent do this given the chance. Her examining the space where he spends time, her running her hand over his pirate coat, (who wouldn't) the quiet yearning of that action. As a snoop myself, this was wish fulfillment.
Penelope being hit with a confusing mix of jealousy and intrigue by the contents of the journal entry, the way she stops reading for just a second and then gives in and devours his writing, not being able to hold back from getting inside his head. Don't think about how she probably missed his letters.
Colin's anger here is warranted, and I liked how he didn't come across as aggro-angry Colin from the books but is still justifiably upset that his privacy has been violated. He is likely aware that there are certain DETAILS he wouldn't want her to be reading, like how he's a lonely lonely sad little man trying to be rakish and roguish because his beautiful platonic friend isn't writing him back and encouraging him like she usually does.
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Can I just mention that bandaging a wound is an excellent trope and it's such a good romancing vehicle: the care, the tenderness, the touching! the GRUMPINESS! But my favorite thing about the wound bandaging is his reaction to her complimenting his work, of which he hasn't shown ANYONE. He's just so shocked that she likes it, and clearly starved for her encouragement/anyone to be interested in his travels.
I think its also worth noting that this is THE moment that Colin thinks back to when he's considering activating his chaos tendencies by rolling up to the red ball to interrupt her proposal, so I'm gonna interpret that as him recalling his first realization/admittance to himself that he has feelings for her beyond friendship.
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It wouldn't surprise me since it is after this moment that we see the hints of jealousy start to manifest at the full moon ball (looking for her, asking her if she likes a suitor, he's not subtle with it). Can't blame him, he was just touched with intimacy and care, and told his creative outlet is well-written, he is being ROMANCED to the max and he can't handle it.
We also have our first "please" as Pen asks to help, and as we will see, these two can't say no to each other once the magic word is spoken! I hope this theme makes a comeback in part two (please please please)
4. Market Scene
ok, besides a semi-silly looking wig on Colin (reshoots) this scene is first of all, so beautiful.
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SHE IS SO FINE IN THIS SCENE I CAN'T EVEN THINK. She looks like a preraphaelite painting and I'm gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.
I literally kept saying "wow" out loud. It actually makes the scene very silly to me because she keeps talking about how she'll never snag a husband and I'm over here on one knee begging for a chance.
If Penelope has been Colin's cheerleader and #1 supporter for their whole friendship, this is where that flips. This scene is all about Pen feeling dejected about her prospects and Colin trying to lift her spirits -basically by saying she doesn't need to work on anything because he already likes her so much without her doing anything but I digress!
There is nothing hotter than your crush talking about a shared memory! Literally nothing! You can see her absolutely light up here when he talks about their first meeting like "I can't believe he remembered" and "Shit, I'm trying to not be in love" and it makes me ache for her.
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I am very sad we didn't get a meet cute flashback (hello romcom!!) but this was the next best thing. He's also definitely still in Rake Mode with the way he is being charming and flirty, but there is a core of genuine feeling here as he is trying to get her find her confidence and be more like the non-self conscious children they once were. I believe a lot of the rift between them was directly because she had such strong feelings for him and couldn't just connect with him as friends due to the pedestal she put him on, this scene shows that without that as a barrier, they are able to connect much more naturally.
"Living for the estimation of others is a trap, once you break free the world opens up," he says, and he's starting to realize this idea but hasn't quite put it into practice. I think seeing Penelope struggling to be something she's not, just like he is, shows him how it's not working for either of them. This I think kickstarts his self-reflection and eventual rejection of external pressures later on, leaving him open to pursue other passions.
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Ok but what I LOVE most in this scene is his subtle digging for information about her that she isn't forthcoming with. He asks her why she wants a husband and where she feels most comfortable, peppering her with questions and also giving her zero personal space. He's very curious about her and what is going on inside, but she's not exactly open with him at this point, giving short and simple answers.
She's genuinely not used to someone asking her this many questions about herself, receiving this kind of devoted attention, and she clearly doesn't know quite how to respond. In fact, the dynamic has always been reversed, where she was encouraging and inquiring about him, so this switch is just excellent. there have been little moments throughout the series where he asks about her and she always seems to deflect to talking more about him, so it's nice to see this shift.
Also fun detail, the grecian statues behind them are a little nod to the eros and psyche vibes of the scene as cupid is trying to find a match for his psyche, but is slowly beginning to fall for her, his curiosity the first step towards total downfall.
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When he asks about Eloise is where Pen just completely shuts down and says she has to leave, and the "before we are noticed" with the little smile? I have fallen in love. She's clearly using that as an excuse to dodge the question, and it is almost an inside joke, sadly. As if she's saying "No one would believe you are courting me anyway haha". And yet he's clearly bummed she's leaving, he was having such a good time, and she leaves him hanging, wanting to know more. I also absolutely love the Rae side eye, lethal!
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3. Candy Tent
Post-kiss insanity is on full display here. The way she beckons him with a sexy head tilt and he came running, the way his hands give away his nervousness and his eyes keep locking on her helplessly. Just FULL ON crush mode. The soft "How are you?" he missed her!
Also outfits are incredible here, the pearls in the hair, the painted vest, Colin inventing the color brown, it's a rococo dream. The plushy pink of the tent, the ambiance, everything is just in a word: sumptuous? never used that but it feels right here.
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Pen's giddiness here is just adorable, she's experiencing blatant interest for the first time and I couldn't be happier for her. But someone else is very peeved, indeed. He's trying to play the part of supportive friend while also just kind of feeling a lot of "confounding feelings"
The way he is trying to be so casual and attempting to keep up his swagger, but his true feelings are showing through BAD kind of harkens back to how Pen would interact with Colin in s1 and 2, with barely contained affection and hope. The script has been FLIPPED and it feels so good!!
I literally squeal every time he asks her if she's formed an attachment to Debling, this is the shit I signed up for!! Her saying Debling is not "unpleasant to gaze upon" and watching Colin just completely glitch out with jealousy. He's like AND WHAT ABOUT ME! Must be frustrating to be the most eligible bachelor of the season, and yet your very beautiful crush friend is complementing another man on his looks. When your crush expresses interest in someone it can be truly insanity inducing, so I feel for him here.
Pen is oblivious completely, she doesn't think any of what she is saying is negatively affecting him, in fact she thinks this news will make him happy! His lessons worked, she didn't care about being perceived and it is having the desired affect! and yet, he's miserable. Mission accomplished unsuccessfully if you will.
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He does ALMOST a good job of hiding his feelings, but if Pen were not completely convinced he couldn't have feelings for her, I think she would've picked up on the vibes here. He's way less enthusiastic about the lessons, and is giving fairly curt responses, when before he was yapping on about being yourself and such.
Then of course the blatant staring at her mouth, being the yearning sort of man he is and likely recalling their kiss in detail, reminder it's been at least a week since. She's romancing him without even trying. It also makes sense for "food motivated" Colin to have Penelope + cake equals critical override of his facial expressions and his literally standing there slack-jawed with lust.
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His soft "good luck", when she leaves and the fact that he doesn't mean it AT ALL.
I've seen it talked about, but it makes a lot of sense that Penelope wasn't as affected by the kiss as he was. I'm sure she enjoyed it, but for her the kiss was an end (more on that later) and for him it was the moment he admitted his feelings (which were already growing slowly). so it makes sense the yearning is very colin-sided in this scene.
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Apart from the yearning, it's also just sweet to see them in cahoots and discussing this development with Debling like its a little group project, and its the perfect scene to show Down Bad Colin, and I love it. She also clearly wants him to share with her in her success, still wanting to be close to him in any way she can, which if I think about too much I'll cry.
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Bonus points for him eating the cake later on, such an intimate detail, he just wants to be close to her in any way he can. CRIMINAL! ARREST HIM!
2. First kiss/Dream Sequence
Ok I'm combining these scenes because they happen back to back and sort of like a mirror of each other, sue me. This first kiss scene is, as Whistledown says, RECKLESS. It's nonsensical, it's desperate, and it's beautiful.
This scene has only improved upon rewatches, it really has everything. Best kiss scene on Bridgerton and possibly in anything ever? no doubt no doubt?
The silly back and forth on the "You're not going to die" and the way she doesn't back down when he seems to get embarrassed, but instead says what? The Magic Word! "Please" she says, which of course is both of their activation word. His expressions here definitely mirror the book, where as soon as she asks him to kiss her, he's a bit taken aback by how much he realizes he wants to already.
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This is such a low moment for Penelope, and it's one parts embarrassing and two parts brave of her to ask him to kiss her. In her position, she doesn't even have her pride left, so why not ask the boy you love to kiss you? nothing will come of it anyway, and he probably won't even do it, so why not ask? And what are friends for!
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then the moment comes, and the music swells, as does the tension as he closes the distance between them, her shocked face and shallow breaths as she realizes its actually going to happen, the way he lifts her face to his with his hand under her chin. It's just pure romance. and this thing between them, this space that has never been crossed, is being crossed, and it feels insane. reckless. intimate!!
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What I love is the shot that focuses on his face after they deepen the kiss, he's intent and confused by how good this feels, how little like kindness this is for him as soon as their lips touch. Like we will see later, he just kind of mind-blanks and forgets what is happening.
Whatever he thought they were has just crumbled with this kiss, and he leans his forehead against hers, no awkwardness when there is such tenderness. which is why he's so shook when she whispers "thank you", and rushes off. he's like "wait why is she thanking me? where am I? weren't we doing something here?" The hopeful strings as it focuses on his dumbstruck face, the earth literally shifting under his feet in that moment. UNREAL.
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THE DREAM: I won't say a lot about the dream sequence but I just had to throw it in here because it shows how aligned they are romantically. They are both HUGE romantics, and he has orchestrated this sort of do-over kiss where he's really going for it and proving to her that he wants this too, he wants her. And she's enjoying herself, clearly, which we know is something Colin wants more than anything. It's a great way to show his inner feelings with the lack of an inner monologue that a book brings. And this is clearly a sort of parody of Bridgerton itself, or at least the books. It's over the top, a little silly, and exactly what we all want to see.
This dream also isn't just ripping off clothes, it's emotional, a key element is him expressing how he's been thinking about her, consumed by her. This kiss also isn't as innocent and patient as the first kiss, and it's full of Reciprocation, she can't stop thinking about him either. AND NEITHER CAN I!!!
Both of these kiss scenes also set up our contrasting feelings, where Pen views their first kiss as an end of a dream, a bittersweet act to finally let go off him, the dream of him. And then his dream shows the opposite, how she's ignited something in him that begins his dream of her, awake and asleep. Dream-swap! Also the hand on the wall behind her to catch her from hitting the wall. no comment.
1. Carriage Scene
Yeah like what can I say! It's incredible! I honestly have no idea how they can top this scene, but honestly if this is the best love scene they share in the season I am 10000% content. All of my little qualms with how they did the season melt away when I watch this scene because this was what was crucial to nail and they NAILED IT. TO THE WALL BABY. YAY.
And how did he gain access to the carriage (and Penelope)?? by saying please!! we love the magic word!! I do like the confession a lot, especially the "what if I did have feelings for you?" and the way he gets to his KNEES, a truly inspired moment.
How he completely dies inside when she says they are friends, and still accepts it with grace. There were SO many obstacles to him expressing his feelings to her this night, and he just red rovered each one, and we are all very grateful.
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Something about this scene is just built different, I like a lot of the love scenes in the show, but this one has some kind of secret ingredient that we didn't know we'd been missing. Maybe its the location, the context, the way they are just grasping at each other desperately (which if you think about how Penelope thought this was a one time thing in the books and she wanted to make the most of it, actually don't think about that)
He's also just so sweet about it, he's not angry, or insistent, he's just honest and intent. and she's just bewildered and INTO IT.
The lightning is gorgeous, the way it looks like Penelope is catching on fire and glowing. the catharsis, the giving into passion. The way she smiles like her dreams are coming true (because they are) before he just completely attacks her. What else can I say but EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
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so many of the kisses are so tender and gentle, and they just build and build and build in intensity as they get lost in each other.
on a more horny note, so many moments here actually make me physically roll my eyes back in my head with how insane they make me. The desperate boob grab, the consensual nod, the way his hand slips under her dress, they were truly so insane for this. something tells me they knew I've waited literal years for this, so they knew they had to make it good.
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Someone said Nicola should get an Emmy nom for moans, and she should, somehow they don't come across as cartoonish at all, and it doesn't take me out of the scene like some "noise making" does in these types of scenes. and for the record I'm not jealous at all, of either of them. in fact, no sooner did my head hit the pillow that I was met with complete and total darkness....not even a dream....
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Like everything I could say has already been said, but it was so much better than I thought it was going to be, blew my expectations out of the water and DELIVERED. and DEVOURED. and RUINED ME. AND I AM VERY GRATEFUL.
Anyway that's all, I'm very afraid for part two so I needed some escapism, why am I already nostalgic for the good ol' times when Polin was happy for 6 minutes. thanks for reading! <3
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azrielbrainrot · 3 months
I Laugh Like Me Again... She Laughs Like You - Part 4
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Description: Azriel would give anything to hold you one more time.
Warnings: Angst (not that bad)
Word Count: 6680
Notes: This chapter was actually trying to fight me. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Hope you enjoy!
Part 3 ○ Part 5
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The days were blurring together the longer you stayed in this room. You've long since memorized the golden stripes and swirls beautifully decorating the navy walls, counted the teardrop-like glittering stones hanging from the small chandelier. You've gone through every closet and box in this room as well. Unsurprisingly, the room was almost empty, but you weren't looking through it to find any information anyway, you'd really done it out of boredom, and admittedly some curiosity.
You knew you couldn't complain about your treatment in this house, you'd never heard of a prisoner being treated to home cooked meals and expensive clothes. The House had even brought you books and journals in case you wanted to read or write, and Azriel brought you little treats from the bakeries in town - things you suspect he already knew you liked. He also kept you company every chance he got, even if it meant simply sitting together in silence. You didn't go a day without seeing him. But it was hard to focus on romance novels, chocolate cupcakes or even the captivating hazel eyed male when your entire reality was shattering around you.
The day after you met the High Lord and Lady, Azriel had found you snooping through the few clothes left behind by Feyre, and that same night he dropped off what he called some of your old belongings - some clothes and jewelry so you didn't have to borrow anything else from the High Lady. Everything was neatly folded and carefully arranged, it seems Azriel was extremely meticulous about how to store his late wife's belongings. He told you he's barely allowed himself to touch them in fear of ruining anything.
The clothes had since lost your scent, even if put away in a closed box it would be impossible for it to linger after a century. Still, you knew these were your things, somehow you could feel it deep inside you. You hadn't told Azriel about this, scared of getting his hopes up.
There was nothing personal in the box, Azriel was probably reluctant in letting you see them in case it overwhelmed you and triggered any more painful reactions, but there was enough for you to get a sense of who you were before.
It was clear she lived a happier and much more fulfilled life than yours. The clothes were all beautiful, if a little outdated. They came in all sorts of colors and fabrics, but even if you still liked them now, you know you'd never buy something like this for yourself.
Working at the guild, you had to prioritize functionality. You didn't have many personal belongings, you traveled a lot for missions and had to keep hidden, never staying in the same place for longer than a couple of months at a time. Your clothes reflected this, you prefered to wear pants or even your armor since you never knew when you'd be called for a mission or attacked.
You always had to be ready to drop everything at any moment so there was no use getting attached to anything or anyone. Even your favorite dagger was simply the model you've found works best for you, and you can get it anytime from different blacksmiths. The small hoops currently in your ears are the only jewelry you actually own and it's more of a way to keep the holes open for when you have to do undercover missions in which you might need to dress up.
There was no time or place for getting pretty clothes that made you feel good or buying a nice pair of earrings for the sake of it. Even less for making friends. You were living an empty life, something you always had a hard time coming to terms with, but that seems impossible to accept now that you know what you could have had, what you used to have and was taken from you.
Not being able to even trust your own memories affected you more than you'd ever admit, knowing things you considered unquestionable facts before that night were all made up. You've had to rely on what Azriel tells you and your own intuition to try and fill in the gaps. Your body seemed to be giving you clues, nudging you in the right directions but it only left you beyond frustrated that you could feel like all the answers were on the tip of your tongue but not being able to put your finger on it.
From what you've gathered, the night you disappeared from the Night Court corresponds with the mission in which you almost died, meaning someone in the guild - your handler, if your suspicions are correct - must have found you and brought you in. It's safe to say that, aside from a few lies and omissions here and there, your memories since that night can be trusted. But everything before that was all a lie, over a century of your life was nothing more than a made up story.
A burning feeling behind your eyelids has you forcefully shaking out your thoughts. You can't let yourself get consumed before you even find out what exactly happened, before you can get your revenge. And you refuse to cry in this room where anyone, especially Azriel, could walk in at any moment and see you in such a state. If you had to pick one helpful thing the guild taught you, it was how to handle your emotions.
You knew the High Lord was making good on his promise, knew that Azriel was working to help you as well. He'd only ever left your side to look into any information you could give him about the guild, though your knowledge was limited. You weren't a high ranking member and they were more than careful. You didn't know anything about the other members, as much as they didn't know anything about you.
Still, you weren't used to waiting around while everyone else did all the work and it took them over a week to schedule a new meeting with you, where you hopefully will learn more about this whole situation and what they intend to do with you. It feels like they're keeping you in the dark, something you knew you'd also do in their place, but that has left you feeling nothing but frustrated and worthless.
That meeting was happening in less than an hour and anticipation was eating away at you. Azriel promised he was going to take you to the office, letting you use him as a safety line as you've done so often these days.
Aside from the welcome information and decisions you hope would be talked through, you were also just excited to leave this room for a few hours at least. Only being able to feel the wind through an open window was getting old, and the city below this house felt like it was almost calling to you at this point, but you were too scared of seeming too interested since you didn't know if they'd find it suspicious. Just because the High Lord left the room on a friendlier note doesn't mean he'll trust you completely after what you've done.
You were technically allowed out of the room, free to walk around the House, with Azriel's supervision of course, but after your first attempt you decided it wasn't worth the trouble.
It had been mostly a miscalculation on your part. You were so consumed with your problems and with finding some sort of distraction that you almost forgot Azriel wasn't the only one you knew before, didn't stop to think what reaction they all would have to you.
Azriel asked you to join him for breakfast downstairs as he usually did, trying to get you to move around and talk with the other residents of the House. You accepted, tired of being in the stuffy room and curious to meet the General and his mate, who you've sometimes felt around the House and heard so much about from Azriel.
The atmosphere turned painfully awkward as soon as you entered the dining room with the shadowsinger at your side, making the other residents of the house look up to meet your eyes, surprised you had left the room. It wasn't long before Cassian stormed out, barely making an excuse on his way out after getting a good look at you, his mate following right behind him.
You ended up eating breakfast alone with Azriel, the same way you would have if you'd stayed in your room like you always did instead. Except now you couldn't take the general's haunted expression out of your mind. It truly had looked like he'd seen a ghost. Maybe he did.
Azriel apologized to you on his behalf, even though it wasn't his or Cassian's fault, and you're almost positive there was some sort of fight between them, though you hope not too severe. You'd hate for Azriel to get into arguments with his family over you. He didn't invite you downstairs again after that, simply joining you in your room whenever he could. The reminder of how caring the shadowsinger has been with you almost brings a smile to your lips.
“I'll make you fall for me again.”
Those words haven't left your mind since that night. You've never had anyone look at you with so much love in their eyes, and tell you something so bold with such conviction.
You're not sure you deserve it, and you're terrified you'll never remember him because you know this version of you can't ever be compared to the one in his memories. Even if you end up regaining your memories, it's impossible for things to truly go back to how they were. It's been too long and you've changed too much. The both of you know this.
You haven't actually talked about his or your feelings since that night, but it's clear that he still loves you, well he loves the female he once knew anyway, you're not so sure you're even that similar to her aside from your appearance. It doesn't feel fair to let him dote on you, knowing he's in love with a version of you that will never come back, knowing that, even with the fluttering of your heart, your feelings for him don't come close to his.
It makes you feel like you're taking advantage of him, how he's so dedicated to taking care of you and to restoring your memories, even trying to find the people who hurt you, while to you he's a stranger. Even if an extremely handsome stranger whose company you enjoy a lot, who makes you smile and even laugh despite the precarious circumstances you've found yourself in, who makes you believe you can get through this.
You can't deny you have a reaction to him either, every soft touch feels like lightning running through your veins, and every whisper of your name has goosebumps spreading all over your skin. Your body obviously still remembers how it feels to love him and to be loved by him in return, but the butterflies in your stomach don't even come close to the depth of his feelings for you. It's glaringly obvious that Azriel would do anything for you, even going as far as letting you stab him the very first night you met and brushing it off when you tried to apologize during this week.
Truthfully, falling for Azriel sounds like the easiest thing in the world, but you don't think you'd ever feel like you deserve him.
The shadows in the room start shifting ever so slightly as if reading your thoughts - something Azriel has assured you they can't do - a sign that their singer is approaching.
You put down the book you never even started and hop down from the window sill you had been sitting on for most of the afternoon, waiting for him to knock softly at the door like he always did, letting you prepare for his arrival or deny his company if you so wished. Anticipation was buzzing at your skin the longer you waited so you opened the door for him as soon as his knuckles met the dark wood, catching him off guard with his hand raised.
You can't help but smile at his wide eyes. Surprising the feared Spymaster of the Night Court has to be a hard feat to accomplish and the fact that you just did it so effortlessly makes you revel in his expression for a moment. He offers you a small smile of his own but you can immediately tell something is holding him back.
He hasn't really given you any information about their research or the guild, simply letting you know that they were working as hard as they could on it. You knew the High Lord still had his reservations about your presence in his court so it only made sense for them to keep their cards close to their chest until they knew more about the situation. You suppose he also wanted to see if any of the leads you gave Azriel on the guild actually turned out to be helpful, a last test to see if you were being truthful.
So you wouldn't be surprised that the Inner Circle had a meeting among themselves before bringing you in, one it seems like Azriel just came from, but his expression is making your anticipation steadily turn into nerves.
“Are you ready?”
Even with the lump that has lodged itself in your throat, you nod and try to give him a pleasant smile. You've been waiting for answers and you're finally going to get them, even if it feels like your heart is threatening to give out.
You quickly turn back into the room to slip on your shoes, before looping your arm around the one he offers, ever the gentlemale. He guides you through the painting covered hallways, most of which you haven't walked through before.
As you approach the room your nerves get the best of you. There are a lot more people in the office than you thought there'd be, you can hear their mismatched heartbeats from here, feel their suffocating presences. One you can distinctively recognize is the General's, it reminds you of his reaction in the dining room, how it seemed to hurt him just looking at you.
You didn't think the entire Inner Circle would be in attendance, figured that it would only be the ancient one, the High Lord and Lady aside from you and Azriel. You'll likely have to reveal more about yourself than you'd be comfortable with in any other situation, including things you're not proud of, things you know they'll judge you for, they'll judge the female they once knew for.
Azriel noticed your body tensing, your steps getting slower and the apprehension rolling off you in waves as your thoughts soured. He stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder, meeting your unfocused eyes.
Seeing the worried look on his face makes you take a deeper breath, willing your mind to focus on what's important right now and let your fears stay locked inside you. Thinking of it as another mission the guild sent you on, you've put your life on the line numerous times, you can get through a simple meeting.
You feel a familiar mask of indifference fall onto your face, the mask of a killer the guild made sure you wore almost every day of your life, but before you can rid your mind of emotion, Azriel grabs onto your hand, intertwining your fingers together, and bringing it up to his lips. He leaves a soft kiss on your skin, one that sends chills down your spine, though it's the look in his eyes that makes you stop.
You're not alone. For the first time in your life, at least in the life you remember, you're not alone. He's going to be next to you for every step of the way. You don't need to resort to assassin tactics. The blank mask was something you didn't have a choice but to use, to protect yourself from the things you'd seen, from the things you feel. But here you're allowed to delve into your emotions, to stay true to them.
Azriel gives you a small smile and lowers your hand away from his lips, proud of whatever determination showed on your face. He lets go of you, making you feel the absence of his warmth immediately, fingers twitching as if trying to reach out to his comfort on their own.
As soon as you walk into the room all eyes turn to you. You had been right to assume everyone was here. You let your eyes wander around the room briefly, noting the familiar and new faces, before settling back on Rhysand's, the reminder of the excruciating pain you've felt the last time you saw him an obvious weight on your mind.
You'd seen them all before except for the blonde sitting on the sofa by the window, her brown eyes were wide, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. You know that was Morrigan, the High Lord's cousin, and from what Azriel has told you, one of your once closest friends. Apparently she'd tried to come talk to you but it so happened to be on the day after you went down for breakfast and you denied it without a second thought when Azriel brough the option up. You wonder if that had been too harsh but you weren't sure you could handle a repeat of the Cassian situation.
Feyre and Morrigan are the only ones who attempt to throw a greeting smile your way but you can't bring yourself to respond, acutely aware of the tension in the air, eyes never straying from the High Lord's. Choosing to focus on the elephant in the room.
“I trust your stay has been enjoyable,” Rhysand muses as he points to the chair across from his desk, urging you to sit as if this were a simple business meeting. As ridiculous as the idea sounds, it does something to loosen your muscles and the snort that escapes Cassian lifts some of the tension.
“Yes, the House has been making sure of it,” you sit on the chair across from his desk, not daring to look away from him and the High Lady. He releases a simple hum at the answer, but you're too anxious for small talk. “Have you found a way to get my memories back?”
“In a way,” he offers, leaving you with more questions.
Thankfully, Amren fills up the silence in his place. “The spell suppressing your memories is the work of witches. Daemati can enter anyone's mind and make them forget certain memories but if someone had simply rewritten your memories then Rhys would have been able to fix them.”
“Witches?” The thought was enough to send shivers down your spine.
“Witches use tools to strengthen their powers, to access magic they aren't privy to,” she continues, “It seems someone used a witch's tool to feign daemati powers and rewrite your memories, effectively warding them as well.”
“That's why you had such a strong reaction when I entered your mind.”
You were positive this had to be the work of a daemati. It had never crossed your mind that there could be something else at play.
“You can't undo the spell,” you conclude for them.
Witches have a completely different approach to magic than faeries. While your kind was gifted their magic by the Mother, witches have to resort to the kind of tools Amren mentioned. The resulting magic isn't organic and as such it comes with rules and drawbacks you don't experience as fae.
“We'll need to find the person responsible for it. They're the only one who can tell us exactly how to undo it,” Feyre says.
You bite your lip, your mind reeling with the information. You only have one suspect and the thought of not only finding him but also making him talk sounds beyond ridiculous. He also hasn't shown any hint that he could use witch magic. As far as you know he's as much high fae as you are, but you can never be too certain when it comes to one the best assassins in the world.
“Azriel says you can only identify one member of the guild,” the High Lord continues, barely giving you any time to process.
You nod. “I had direct contact with a few other assassins when I was called for backup but never knew their names or even what some of them look like without disguises.”
“Our only option is finding your handler, but Azriel hasn't been able to find any tracks even with the information you've given him,” Feyre stands closer to the desk now, her hand leaning on the dark wood.
“I'm not surprised. Norris is one of the most prominent members of the guild, I'm not sure how old he is exactly but I suspect he's been working there for close to a millenia.”
“Azriel is extremely good at his job,” Rhysand tilts his head slightly, as if offended for his Spymaster.
“I know.” From the briefings he's given you, he has spies all over the world aside from his shadows, who can listen and see things fae could never begin to imagine. Even with your hints, he's come closer to the guild in a week than entire countries have in decades, perhaps even centuries. “But we've been trained to kill and hide from people like him, like you. And Norris has been doing that successfully for a very long time.”
“We…” He taps his nails on the table, the sound echoing across the room. “So you're an assassin then,” the distaste clear on the High Lord's face.
You hadn't said the words out loud but everyone had probably guessed it the moment you walked back into their lives. The guild has made a name for themselves, and as much as some of your work consisted of spying or retrieving objects, most people came to the guild for mercenary jobs.
“Yes,” you confirm, forcing yourself to keep up the eye contact.
“An interesting career choice,” he muses, as if you had the pleasure of just choosing to become this monster.
The several pairs of eyes watching you intently were making you feel defensive, your temper rising up with it. It's easy to judge someone looking in from the outside. You'd been an assassin or training to become one ever since you could remember, which in reality wasn't your whole life like you thought before. Still, whether it was because you'd been taken in by the guild as a child or had your memories rewritten, you were thrown into it against your will and had since been stuck with no chance of an escape. Everyone has done things they're not proud of and you know fae in such important positions as these and as old as they are can definitely relate to this sentiment.
You weren't proud of it, far from it, but you didn't have a choice. And it's not your fault the female they knew before wouldn't do these things. It's not your fault that innocence and chance at being better she had were ripped away from you.
“Not everyone has the luxury of getting a court handed to them,” the venom drips out of your tongue, every word meant as a weapon.
You know this is a low blow, being aware of the circumstances in which Rhysand became High Lord, how he lost his whole family in one night. But if he wants cruelty, the assassin he keeps judging, you can certainly give it to them. Your bravado lessens when you feel the sharp intake of breaths around the room, most notably from the Illyrian by your side, where he still stands despite how tense his posture has become.
Rhysand's wings tighten against his body and his eyes narrow, finally letting go of the faux relaxed look he's presented you with. He takes a moment to answer you, likely leveling his temper or receiving soothing words from his mate.
“There was a time you wouldn't even dare to hurt an innocent.” This statement lacks the same bite as before, it gives way to disappointment, and it feels like a bucket of ice poured over molting lava. It cuts deeper than any amount of judgment he could have presented you with.
You straighten yourself in the chair, trying to not let it show how much this whole conversation is affecting you. “Well,” you lick your lip, now realizing how dry your mouth felt, “The only thing left from before is my body.”
His violet gaze finally becomes too much for you to bear, allowing yourself the respite of looking down at your hands. There are too many emotions swirling in his alluring eyes, even more felt around the room, the tension has become so thick you could barely breathe, couldn't even risk a look at Azriel in fear of what you'd find written on his face, terrified that the same disappointment lingered there as well.
“It's not,” the change in tone has you looking back up at him, meeting his gaze once more to find understanding reflected on it. And I can only imagine how you've been surviving through it all.
His echoing words make you pause, not being able to look away from him. It's only when wetness gathers in your eyes that you look back down, praying the room of perceptive fae don't notice how close you are to tears. You don't even remember the last time you cried, the last time someone extended you the kindness Rhysand just did, even after all the judgment.
Shadows start crawling up your legs, tentatively moving towards you as if asking permission to comfort you. You bite back a smile, keeping your tears at bay as you wonder if they moved of their own accord or if Azriel sent them to you. You relax your body, allowing them to twist and turn over your legs, mildly surprised that you can actually feel a ghost of a touch. You didn't think you could feel shadows.
You risk a glance at the shadowsinger in question, almost regretting it as you see the fondness reflected in his beautiful eyes as he watches his own shadows move across your skin. This must have been a regular occurrence before. You look away as soon as your gazes meet, not being able to bear the intensity in them in this room full of onlookers.
Unfortunately, your escape brings you back to facing the High Lord and Lady, who seem more than amused at your interaction with Azriel. The change in atmosphere from just a few moments ago almost gives you whiplash.
“You haven't told me what you plan on doing about the guild,” you try to keep your tone leveled, but looking at their reactions you're failing miserably.
“Finding your handler seems to be our best bet,” the smile on Feyre's face only falters a bit, the tension from before has almost dissipated. “Since he's the one who sent you here he might know who hired the guild and their motives for wanting the book.”
“You said he was the one who introduced you into the guild.” You nod at Rhysand. “It's possible he's the one responsible for your… accident.”
“I think so too,” you agreed, your hand moving up to touch the scar on your neck, “I've always been told this scar was the result of a failed mission, and that Norris had been the one to find me and take me to a healer.”
“We found the attackers not long after your death,” the general finally speaks up, cringing softly at the choice of word. His mate was quick to narrow her eyes at him, as if reprimanding him for mentioning it.
“He might not have actually cut my throat,” you shrug, trying not to linger in unpleasant thoughts. “He likely saw me after the attack and decided I'd make a good addition to the guild if I survived. I'm basically a ghost, that's perfect for an agent. I wouldn't be surprised if they'd done similar things before.”
“Either way, we need to find him.”
“Even if we do, I'm not sure he'll actually tell you anything.” Norris was one of the most respected members of the guild. His abilities far surpassed yours, he'd been the one to teach you most things after all. You've never been able to even sneak up on him so finding and capturing him alive already seemed hard enough, but making him cooperate and answer any of your questions was next to impossible. The Mother only knows how many fae have tried it and failed.
“He will,” Azriel stated. When you look into his eyes you can only see pure fury and determination written in them, leaving no space for any doubts. He stares into your eyes before adding, promising, “l'll make sure of it.”
Some of that confidence rubs off on you it seems, because your hesitation starts evaporating the longer you stare into his eyes. You've always been on your own, and as such you've only ever considered how you'd fare against your handler without backup. Between the famed Shadowsinger, the strongest High Lord in history, the Made Sisters, and everyone else in this room, your chances were exponentially higher. Escaping the guild doesn't feel like a pipe dream anymore.
“How do you want to find him?”
The High Lord rewards your determination with a smirk. “The only way to find someone like him is by making him search for us instead.”
“You want to use me as bait,”
“You can refuse,” Azriel assured. This explains his sour mood. You didn't think he'd agreed with this solution with the way he's been treating you so carefully, almost as if you're made of glass. You can't exactly fault him for it either, but the truth is you can't refuse. You don't know if you could ever find Norris with traditional tactics, or if the guild wouldn't send more assassins to the city, if they hadn't already.
“And keep living like this? Hiding without even knowing who I am?”
He searches your eyes, fear and vulnerability swimming in the hazel, but nods all the same. He told you he's dreamed of getting you back for a century, and thought it was something that would never come true, so it makes sense that he'd be hesitant on letting you put yourself in such a risky position. You know he understands why you need this though.
The meeting runs for a while longer, and by the time Rhysand was calling it a day the sun was already setting on the horizon, making way for the night to take over in all its glory, one that could only be fully appreciated in the Night Court.
As much as everyone seems to be warming up to you, letting go of the conflicted feelings towards having you back in these circumstances, you were extremely overwhelmed by the end. Talking to someone who knows you so intimately even though you don't have any recollection of it is a confusing experience. You could almost hear your mind screaming at you, begging for some peace and quiet.
The contrast between the Inner Circle and Azriel becomes clear in your mind. Your relationships were very different before but it's interesting to see that even when you don't have your memories, you feel so much calmer with him. That nagging feeling of being faced with something you've lost keeps rising up when they speak to you, but it doesn't come anywhere close to the myriad of emotions Azriel evokes simply by looking at you. And even if those emotions are more intense, you have a much bigger tolerance for them, as if your body would gladly accept any turmoil as long as you stayed in his company.
Just as you were about to leave the room, Rhysand invites you to join them for dinner. Everyone turns to you with expectant eyes before the words fully leave his mouth. They clearly planned it out together. This habit they have of speaking through each other's minds is one it might take a while getting used to.
You bite your lip, as you think of what to say. Cassian and Morrigan look particularly keen on the idea, it makes you feel a little relieved that the general isn't looking at you like a nightmare came true anymore, but you really don't think you can handle any more questions today, or to have them reminisce about your former relationships. You're not used to spending time with a lot of people in general, you'd go months without any sort of fae contact sometimes. You just want to go somewhere quiet, and you can only think of one person whose company would allow you to relax.
Making up your mind, you decline the invitation politely, trying to ignore the disappointment in their eyes as they bid you goodnight. This still feels like a huge improvement from where you stood with them just at the beginning of the meeting, that they'd want to keep you company when it felt like they were avoiding you this whole week. You might have gained some of their trust, and, to your immense shock, you trust them as well. It feels like a breath of fresh air after a century of not even trusting your shadow.
Maybe it's that feeling, or the immediate quiet that settles over you as soon as you walk into the empty hallway, maybe even the fact that you finally got some answers and even a plan, a chance at leaving the guild, something you never even dared to dream about, but it has you feeling a little indulgent. Your steps are noticeably lighter, and all the tension from before is now only a faint ache in your muscles.
“Azriel?” You look up at him with a smile, feeling it widen when he looks at you in answer. “Since I'm out of the room, can we go somewhere to watch the stars?”
The smile that takes over his face is blinding, it feels like it could rival the moon. It's fascinating how his beauty can still catch you off guard like this, even if you've been spending most of your time with him for an entire week.
“Of course,” he moves closer to you and takes your hand, pulling you into him, his eyes never straying from yours. It takes you longer than it should have to realize he was covering you both in shadows, too lost in his eyes to pay attention to your surroundings, how they've turned to black. He told you before that's how he winnows, though it can't be called that since he moves through shadows instead.
The light almost blinds you as his shadows disperse, giving way to a view you can't believe is real. The sky wasn't completely dark yet, stuck in the brief moments of twilight where you could still see the last rays of the sun illuminating the dark blue sky. And yet the stars were already twinkling in the sky, surrounding the full moon.
You can't help but gasp, forgetting about Azriel and moving to the edge of the roof, admiring the unforgettable view. Your eyes don't stray from it as you lean against the railing, long enough that the sun completely sets, and the streets become illuminated by faelights.
You had thought there was some sort of celebration when you first came here, but have since learned that every night is enjoyed to its fullest in the city of dreamers.
As some of your awe settles, you turn to look at Azriel as he too admires the city. His shadows had left him uncovered, choosing to scatter around what you now recognize as a training ground. You almost regret staring up at the sky for so long when you could have been reveling in his beauty this whole time.
His tan skin was glowing with the pale moonlight, eyes as bright as the stars when he looks down at you. You move closer to him almost unconsciously, as if you've been bewitched.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” you sound breathless even to your ears. “The view is a lot more beautiful from up here.” Your bedroom window could never do this justice. If you looked up, it almost felt like you were walking on air, among the stars.
He turns to you fully, ignoring the captivating sight in favor of watching you. His face relaxes further as he takes you in, the smile on his lips growing and the air around you changing. He raises his scarred palm up to cup your face, whispering softly, “It can't ever compare to you.”
“That's cheesy,” you stutter, clearly taken aback by the sudden flirtatious tone.
He grins down at you, a mischievous look in his eyes, rubbing his thumb over the increasingly warmer skin of your cheek. “You're blushing.”
Azriel has been open with his feelings for you all week, making it clear that they haven't changed over the years, even with your absence from his life, but he has never been this brazen. None of the interactions you've had can be considered anything else than platonic, and even with sweet compliments and bashful admissions, he has never looked at you like this, like he truly believed just one second of looking at you was worth more than this unbelievable view.
“You know,” you start hesitantly, “We haven't actually tried everything.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, trying to catch up to your train of thought. You can feel when he does because he tenses against you, and would have let go of your face if you hadn't placed your hand around his wrist, keeping him there.
“I think I've read it in a story before,” you lick your lips, feeling like lava is pumping through your veins when his eyes follow the movement, “Sometimes a kiss can be stronger than any magic spell.”
He leans closer to you slowly, looking into your eyes to search for any sign of discomfort. You can't be entirely sure what he finds in them, you can't feel much else but desire in this moment, but it has him clearing the rest of the way, both of your eyes closing as his lips finally touch yours softly.
A sigh escapes him when you press into him harder, needing to find out what he tastes like, what he feels like. His other hand comes up to cup your other cheek, holding you against him. You can feel him losing his restraint bit by bit, hands moving from your face to hold your neck, your waist, grip getting tighter with every stroke of his tongue against yours, a century of longing and raw passion melting into the kiss. Your own arms find their way around his neck, pulling him down, finally feeling the softness of his hair around your fingers. His chest is pressed against yours, close enough that you can feel his heart beating.
When you finally pull away from each other, you're both breathless. He leans his forehead against yours, eyes closed. You wonder how many times he's dreamed of this moment, of being able to taste you again after so long.
“Any memories resurfacing?” His voice is rough, deeper than you've ever heard it. It almost makes you hold back a moan.
“No,” you lick your lips, reveling in his taste, “but we can give it another try.”
His lips find yours as soon as the last words leave your mouth, more than happy to deliver. You might chastise yourself for giving in to temptation tomorrow, but in this moment nothing else matters. Not the guild, not your lost memories, not your mistakes. Right now there's only him, you and the stars as your witnesses.
taglist: @thisblogisaboutabook @chessebookgirl @going-through-shit @starcrossedsan @macimads @janebirkln @dr4g0ngirl @harrystyles2686 @tothestarsandwhateverend @queensl1234 @lisanna2000 @starryhiraeth @shadowsaz @sakurafrost3-blog @evergreenlark @sisterjuliennes @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @historygeekqueen @writingcroissant @abysshaven @pablopascal @that-girl-reading @naturakaashi @tenshis-cake @sharknutz @isa1b2h3 @thehighlordishere @tarathia @sfhsgrad-blog @acourtofbatboydreams @starsandnightmares @cuethedepession @emryb @mybestfriendmademe @fxckmiup @adharanotfound @b0xerdancer @ervotica @aria-chikage @serendipityx150 @fanboyluvr @rogersbarnesxx @that-one-little-soybean @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @saltedcoffeescotch @astarlitsoul @bwormie @just-a-social-casualty-1 @sundayysunshine
(for some reason I couldn't tag some of you. check your settings because you might have tags disabled.)
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futurecorps3 · 10 months
Hiii. This is my first time requesting so I don't know if I'm doing it correctly, but here it goes. It's about poly marauders
One in which the reader gets detention and the boys are wondering why and she does not tell them , and they get angry at her because they think she did a prank without them ar something
And then it turns out she like punched Snape , because he was talking bad about her boys and her. And like can you make it very very fluffy in the end
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Summary: Read the request baby Pairing: Poly!marauders x reader Warnings: physical violence but not too descriptive, Snape calls reader a slut ❤️ and some more mean stuff. Word Count: .9K Requested: Yes
A/N: Yes!!! I love love love the angst this gives<3 Thanks for requesting my love, you did it correctly, there's rarely a wrong way of doing it so please don't worry! Also, this turned out to be a drabble more than a fic, hope you don't mind <3
Eyes turned as the beloved quartet stormed through the common room and onto the stairs of the Gryffindor dorms. Sirius trying to catch Y/N's wrist so she wouldn't lock herself in her room while their boyfriends walked behind them, James with an upset look in his eyes and Remus sporting furrowed eyebrows that showed unease more than anything.
"Y/N just talk to me!" the raven haired boy grumbled, trying to catch up with his girlfriend, eventually doing so right before she shut the door on his face. "Thanks babe," mumbled Prongs as their boyfriend held the door open for them. The girl sat on her bed when all the others in the dorm quickly left so they could have some privacy, not wanting to snoop on whatever the matter was.
"Why are you even upset about this!? I got detention, big deal" Y/N sighs, cradling her head in her hands, a headache from all the commotion already settling in. Her boyfriends knew she was suppressing something, and Sirius was really pissed about it; she didn't make it to their date that day, and when they found her she was exiting McGonagall's classroom with Snape.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe because we were stood up by our girlfriend and noticed she so happened to be in detention with our worst enemy!?" "That's a bit dramat-" James started but was soon interrupted by his boyfriend's cold stare and decided to keep his comment to himself.
"What are you hiding?" Said Prongs in a very defensive tone, making Y/N lose it. "Hiding!? Like I committed a crime or some shit... I got detention and Snivellus got detention! That's it, so j-just go." Remus shook his head and walked over to his girlfriend, his boyfriends shutting up when he did. He had kept quiet since they found her, but since that's exactly how the boy acted when he got mad, he really couldn't blame her for not approaching him.
Something told him there was way more to this whole deal than being in detention; Remus could read everyone like one of his novels, and Y/N's slightly red knuckles and shaky hands were definitely telling a story. He gently took her hands and searched for those beautiful brown eyes, finding them slightly glossed over.
"How are you not mad at all!?" The Potter boy asked, an approving nod coming from their boyfriend, who was now under his arms to calm himself down. "Something's up" Moony mumbled, audibly enough for them to hear. Y/N tensed up at that. Bingo.
He sat next to her, and she immediately crawled up on his lap, covering his sweater in salty tears. They knew Y/N short circuited when she was upset, so they all got very protective whenever she cried or got too angry; "She kind of freezes," Padfoot said once. "It's okay, keep breathing," Moony cooed as their boyfriends sat next to them, all anger forgotten and replaced by worry.
They waited for a couple of minutes until she calmed down, and when her breath steadied, she left her safe heaven Remus' chest. Y/N crawled down his lap and sat between James and him. "I punched Snape on the face because he was being mean again and I got sick of his shit..."
Prongs' gaze went directly to her knuckles in worry. Sirius laughed loudly and kissed her cheek while Remus smiled proudly at his girl; she was upset because they pushed her, not for whatever reason got her in detention. Y/N smiled, reassuring her boyfriend her hand was okay and letting the raven haired boy pepper her face in kisses.
They knew their girlfriend had a fire inside
"What did he say now? Wanna talk about it?" Prongs quizzed, knowing it was common for Y/N to get in her head about these types of things. "He called me a slut, said it must be some muggle stuff that I got you three involved in... and then said Jamie is compensating for not being able to be with Lily since she's with Mary"
"I'll hex the bastard" Said Sirius with his French accent seeping through as it so happened when he was upset, already getting up from the bed before Remus grabbed his wrist. "Calm down love, it's nothing he hasn't said before". James gave him a reassuring smile, agreeing with their boyfriend as Moony chuckled; "Plus, I think he got enough, courtesy of our bright girl".
Y/N laughed at that before noticing a certain glint in their boyfriend's eyes. "All good Jamie?" She asked, grabbing his face in both her hands, his pair of glasses partially hiding the pools of brown gazing at her lovingly. "M'sorry we were mean to you" he mumbled, pouting slightly as he looked into her eyes.
The girl's heart melted, hugging James tightly. "It's okay" "It's not though" said Sirius in a whine, hugging her from behind, making a sandwich of his boyfriend, girlfriend and him laying on the bed. Y/N giggled at the gesture, grabbing Pad's hand and looking over her shoulder at him. "You were very dramatic, but that's nothing new a-and I think it's a normal reaction. I do have to admit it was..." "...sketchy?" "...weird?" they completed.
"... rather unusual," she smiled, kissing them both on the mouth. "You're both forgiven". "Well, this is just mean. Make some space" Remus grumbled, settling between James and Y/N as they all giggled and Prongs kissed him softly.
They spent their afternoon there. With Christmas break approaching, teachers were more flexible when it came to assignments, so even Remus allowed himself to slack a little just to be with his loves. Nothing could hurt them, ever.
The scene was a portrait of their love; a warm bed, sweaty limbs and kisses all shared with the highest intimacy that spoke of a love that would endure the greatest test of all which is time.
˚ · • . ° .
It’s currently 12am and my brain isn’t working so i’ll just post this and place the word count in the morning.
Remember, the best way to support writer’s works on here is by REBLOGGING WITH TAGS. I’d very much appreciate it if you did!
Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
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nisuna · 7 months
I NEED HEAD CANONS ON PERVBEST FRIEND GOJO AND GETO, MAYBE WITH SOME TAG TEAMING🫣🫣🫣🫣 gojo sticking his hand in your bra(with consent) cause he’s,oh!so cold, and your just so so warm. Geto taking questionable pictures of you, your Twinkie had to much cream in it and it oozed on your face, before you even had the chance to wipe the cream off, he takes a picture, all in good “fun”, Geto and Gojo sharing a collection of photos of you. Maybe they came over to your apartment, after a bit hanging out, you go to get food for the 3 of you, one of them gets curious and starts snooping in your room only to find your vibrator or panties, and maybe just maybe they take it with them after you guys get done hanging out, sharing it with each other cause that’s what best friends do! I’m so sorry this is so horny, I was thinking with my choochie 😕😕😕😕
Okay so first of all I definitely DID NOT expect so many people to vote on my poll so thanks for that 😭✋🏻 and over ¼ of you voted for Satosugu tag team so I am here to deliver :^) I changed some things but I hope you still enjoy and I sincerely thank your coochie for coming up with this 🫶🏻 I too must admit that I was writing this with all of my pussy
Thank you for your take!!<3
~kind of long(?) drabble~ Strictly 18+ Minors DNI
TW: pervy roommates&bff!satosugu, questionable consent at some parts but it's all good in the end, panty stealing, groping, vaginal double penetration, nipple play, marking, biting, hickeys, noncon picture taking, jerking off, it's just very messy and nasty, they start off very mean but they actually really do like you a lot<3, use of good girl, baby, angel, smut with fluff, aftercare
When your two best friends first suggested moving in together you didn't think much of it. You've known each other for a long time and they've always been very kind and helpful. You hang out together all the time anyway, so of course you said yes! And the first few weeks were fine, but then you noticed panties going missing and when you asked them if they saw them anywhere, they just shrugged blaming the washing machine/dryer. Sus, but you didn't think much of it, you trusted them.
You did notice them getting more touchy with you though. Their hands straying to your boobs and ass when they hugged you around the house. The first time Satoru put his hand in your bra you told him off but he just whined that his hands were so cold and you were so warm. Sus. They made you sit on their laps, especially when you were eating something cream filled, bouncing their leg and catching you off guard smearing the cream all over your face. As you went so wipe it off they stopped you, only to stick their fingers in your mouth and snap a quick pic.
And if you dared to speak up they shushed you and said that it's just friends having fun with each other. "Relax, it's not that serious." You thought it was quite serious, but you kept that to yourself for the sake of your friendship. They surely cared about you a lot, right?
Oh boy you had no idea just how much they cared about you. They were highkey obsessed. They obviously always liked you a lot, that's why you were friends afterall. But after moving in with you they realized that they liked you way more than they were anticipating. Of course it was them who stole your panties, breathing in your scent and using the fabric to jerk their throbbing cocks off. And the just for fun pictures they took, oh they had a whole album of them. You didn't even notice most of them being taken. And they made sure to always exchange them with each other if they got some new material.
During movie nights they had you squished between their bodies, one of them softly caressing and squeezing the fat of your thighs, while the other was playing with the hem of your tiny shorts. They liked to think that you wore them especially for them, exchanging knowing grins while your eyes were focused on the tv screen in front of you.
You were just too cute not to tease. Especially when your breath hitched as their fingers got dangerously close to your core. Or when you were clutching onto their shirts when their hot breath and lips hit your neck making you squirm. And after the first time they made you cum, they knew they were hooked. And when they finally had sex with you for the first time, they swore they fell in love. You were so cute and obedient and just so so soft. They loved watching you squirm as you tried to take them like a good girl. To your surprise, most of the time they were really gentle with you while praising you throughout their thrusts.
They both fucked you on their own the first time, but slowly tried to get you used to them both being there. The first few times it was one of them fucking you while the other just watched, dick throbbing in their hand and finishing with cumming on your face or tits. They were also very big on aftercare, spoiling you with anything you needed and praising you for taking them like a champ.
But one day they just couldn't help themselves and thought of a pretty little surprise for you. Suguru told you that he had to leave to run some errands, leaving you alone with Satoru, which ended with you on your side while Satoru was pounding into you from behind on your shared bed.
"'Toruuu~ feel so good you're so deep- ah"
"Yeah? Feels good right, look I'm in your fucking tummy, baby. You're so tiny. 'Can feel myself all the way in there", he whispered as he splayed his hand out over your lower stomach, kissing along the expanse of your neck.
You were too caught up in the moment to even pay attention that Suguru had not left at all and was listening to both of you through the closed door, already undressed waiting for his cue.
"Hmm?", you mewled arching your back as he played with one of your hardened nipples.
"Can you keep your eyes closed for me for a bit? I want to try something out. Oh, and lift your leg a bit. Thats it, good girl", he praised while holding your leg up by the knee. The new angle making you feel light headed.
You were too fucked out to notice the door opening and closing as a certain someone slipped inside the room. He had to hold back a gasp when he saw you splayed out like this. Completely bare, looking insanely soft and spread wide open just for them. Satoru and him exchanged a look and he slowly made his way over to where the two of you were laying. When the bed dipped under his weight next to you, your eyes opened.
"Hi pretty," he pecked your lips.
"Nnngh Suguru are you back already? I thought you were- ah", you gasped as Satoru rolled his hips into you expertly.
"I never left, angel. We wanted to surprise you."
"Surprise me how?" you questioned mouth slightly hanging open and pupils blown wide open.
"We think you're ready to take us both. Would you like to try that, hm? If it hurts too bad we can stop."
You hesitated. Take them both? How? Your questions were answered as you felt Suguru's member prod at your etrance.
"I don't think I can-"
"Oh sure you can, you're so wet. Don't worry, we'll make it fit. You're such a big girl, I'm sure you can take two cocks in your pussy. It's gonna feel so good, I promise."
You were skeptical, but the thought did make you gush around Satoru. He kissed your neck for reassurance as Suguru went to cup your breast, fondling it softly. You felt so nervous, but safe at the same time. You trusted them, so you nodded your head letting out a breathless, "Okay, I'm ready."
"We'll take this slow, we got you."
The first stretch almost make you scream as you slung your arm around Suguru, scratching his back in the process while hiding in the crook of his neck
As soon as they both bottomed out he whispered against your hair, "Shhh it's fine, you're fine. Tell us when you're ready for us to move."
You took a couple of deep breaths trying to adjust to the extreme stretch. After a while you finally nodded and they slowly picked up their pace.
Suguru tried to kiss your pain away swallowing all of your whines in a deep kiss.
"You're doing so well for us, such a good girl.", Satoru whispered against the nape of your neck. And as you felt tears swelling, Suguru made sure to wipe them away smiling at you gently.
After a while it did start feeling incredible you were huffing and puffing as they both moved in sync stuffing you to the brim.
"Feels good", you moaned against Suguru's lips, "more, want more!" And it made you squirm as you felt Satoru suck a deep hickey into the side of your neck.
"Such a greedy girl. But see, I promised we'd make you feel good."
"Yeah, you're so tight and wet for us, good girl. Such a good girl for taking two big cocks so well."
"Want you to fill me up.. please and 'want to cum! Want to cum on your perfect cocks, please make me cum."
Your moans really got to their heads as they picked up the pace fucking into you harder than before.
"Yeah? Wanna cum? Of course we're gonna make you cum, how could we not if you beg so nicely."
"And we're gonna fill you up to the brim, make you nice and plump." with that Satoru moved his hand from your leg to your clit, rubbing thick circles into it, which made you see stars. They were hitting all of the right spots and you felt yourself getting close.
"'m gonna cum, gonna cum, gonna-!!"
And you swore you saw hearts in Suguru's eyes as soon as you clamped down on their cock, creaming all over them and letting out the lewdest moan they have ever heard you make.
"Ah, holy shit. So good, you're so good for us. Oh my god." Suguru praised as they both continued to fuck you through your high, Satoru's fingers not leaving your clit. You felt yourself get overstimulated as you grabbed onto Suguru's arms digging your nails into them.
"'S too much I can't, I can't-"
"Shh you're almost there, you got it, just a little more."
You bit down on your lip, moaning in the rhythm of their thrusts. But you definitely didn't expect another orgasm to come your way.
"Shit! I think I'm gonna cum again, please don't stop 'Toru.. please dont!!"
"Like hell I would!", he slurred. His arm was starting to burn from the tension, but his rhythm didn't falter, rubbing you through your second high.
And at the feeling if your your tight cunt convulsing around their cocks they lost themselves, filling you up to the brim with their warm cum.
"Oh god I'm so full, it's all the way in my womb, gooood" you cried against Suguru's shoulder as he pulled you close and kissed the top of your head.
Satoru kissed the back of your head as the three of you stayed like this for a while, basking in each other's warmth.
You were the first to break the silence, trying to peel yourself from their grasps, "Okay enough.. ah I feel so sticky and uncomfy", you whined. They only chuckled at you being so adorable. Eventually, Satoru was the first to pull out and get up from the bed.
"I'll go make a bath ready and get you a glass of water."
You nodded with a weak smile, feeling Suguru pull out of you as well, but still keeping your body close while stroking your hair.
"Were you comfortable? Did it hurt a lot?"
"At first yes, it hurt quite a bit..", you sighed. "But then it felt really good, I liked it a lot. Thank you for the surprise."
Suguru chuckled against your head, "You're welcome, glad you liked it. I'm very proud of you by the way. You did such a good job."
You felt your cheeks heat up at his praise, but you let out a groan at his next words.
"Sooo.. any positions you'd like to try next?"
And with perfect timing Satoru walked right in on your conversation. "Are you plotting a round two without me??!, he fake gasped, which only earned him a pillow right in his face, almost spilling the glass of water he brought for you.
"Definitely not right now!!"
But it also made you smile at how well you all got along, you were definitely looking forward to your future with them.
Feel free to send me your Hot Takes as well ^^
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graceloveswolves · 9 months
Attempting To Escape Yandere Bucky Barnes Would Include...
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Honestly, he's probably one of the easier Yandere's to escape from.
You've escaped from him a few dozens of time.
But he's Bucky, a highly trained assassin, he finds you every.single.time.
The longest you've been away from him was a couple of hours.
He doesn't like fighting or any altercations, especially from a his love.
He is already pretty lenient on you to begin with, just trying to get you to like him so you feel better/safer with him.
And so he can stop worrying about the entire situation.
He doesn't try to intimidate you in any means, the last thing he wants is you to be terrified of him.
Although he doesn't let you push him around, he will put his foot down and let you know he is serious and that you will never be with anyone but him.
Most of the time he already knows when you plan on escaping.
The trick to escaping him would to be nice to him, act like you trust him and start warming up to him, then wait for him to let his guard down
The moment he lets you have the slightest bit of freedom, RUN.
He would be very hurt, but not surprised.
He'd obviously have no trouble finding you.
But when you put up a fight when he catches you is when he really struggles.
He'll let you hit, kick, punch, bite, spit on him all you want as he drags you away from public sight.
You can say the most vile things to him as he takes you back to your shared house, he will agree with you.
Will probably low key cry about it later when he's by himself.
No matter how much you act up, he won't punish you harshly.
Man-handling you and chaining you to a bedpost is as far as punishing goes with Bucky.
He will accept any apology, but to make sure to give you twice as much.
Still feeds you, and gives you anything you want aside from freedom.
Rinse. Repeat.
He keeps letting you try, hoping you'll eventually get tired and just accept your fate with him.
Let's you have your space and privacy, and lets you run your mouth as much as you want and vent your anger out.
It's pointless though, he never responds unless he has a valid answer.
But he notice that just makes you angrier so he keeps his comments to himself.
Sometimes he will chain you to the living room couch and make you watch movies with him.
Or when he knows he won't have any distractions, he will let you sit freely on the couch.
But obviously he sets some rules.
In order to stay unchained you have to be in the same room as him within his sight at all times or they go back on.
Pull down gates all over the house.
He'll lock the hallway gate at night and let you roam between your bedroom, his bedroom, and the bathroom.
But he secretly hopes one day you'll lay down in his with him.
If you want something sometimes you will.
Whatever it was, you'd have it the next morning.
He has no problem calling you out when he sees you snooping or trying to find ways to escape.
"You do know I'm not that stupid, right."
"You know I can see you from right here right?"
"Now why am I going to say no to that?"
"Give. It. Now."
"Now see that is exactly why you have to be chained."
"Nope. Chains going back on."
Has alarms set everywhere.
Once Bucky accidentally set one off at night, disarming it instantly and went to bed, upset that he probably woke you.
He forgot to arm it again and you realized after he went to bed and got out that night.
He walked in your room with a plate of waffles the next morning and about passed out when he realized what he forgot to do.
In total denial at first.
Really thought he had lost you for good.
Had Steve and Sam help him look for you.
You had no idea what Steve looked like, so when he ran into you it didn't raise any alarms.
You just wanted to get as far away as fast as you could
so when this random guy offered you a ride out of town you were in his car in a heartbeat.
You didn't know where you were so you didn't even know he was driving you straight back to Bucky's.
Bucky's place looked a lot different at night in the pitch black.
The random dude offered you to stay at his house.
You rejected, wanting to keep moving until you were at least three states away.
He then pulled up into a driveway and roughly yanked you out of the car and into the house, nowhere as gentle as Bucky was with you.
Once he threw you in, you were actually relieved to see Bucky and have clarity that this stranger wasn't going to kill you.
"Oh thank god. Wait WHAT!"
The only time Bucky has ever yelled at you.
He felt really bad afterwards but didn't apologize.
Steve still never lets you live it down.
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blitzyn · 8 months
rookie mistake
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dottore x m!reader
Request: Requests are open right? I hope so 🤞 Would I be able to ask for a sub!(male/amab)reader X dom!dottore? With some blackmail and coercion, preferably leaning towards dubious consent but I’m am a-ok with non-con elements, with a fatui/subordinate reader? If you could add in a small scene of him continuing while talking with someone outside the door that’s be awesome 😎 - Anonymous
Synopsis: You accidentally invade Dottore's office in search of intel.
a/n -> yall i know that i said i was on the fence about writing for genshin, but it was dottore and i love him plus i really liked this idea despite it having collected dust in my inbox for decades. whoever requested this: i love your mind and im so sorry it took me forever to decide to write this!! but just a reminder to whoever sees this, i will not be writing for fontaine unless stated otherwise!!
wc -> 3.6k
cw -> non-con, blackmail, coercion, blowjob, deepthroat, literally getting caught, spit as lube, anal fingering, anal sex, standing doggy position, fatuus/infiltrator reader, guys he calls you a rat because you're a spy, not beta read
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Your job was straightforward. But it was also one of the most grueling missions you've ever been assigned to.
With your status as an elite spy, you were tasked with infiltrating the Fatui as one of their ranks to gather information regarding the locations and purposes of specific forts to prevent potential attacks and keep the organization from acquiring knowledge valuable to their cause.
There was absolutely no room for error, lest you get caught and pay for that mistake with your life.
Fortunately enough, the mask everyone was required to wear (with the exception of the Harbingers) concealed your identity, allowing you to execute your orders with relative ease. Of course, it wasn't completely simple. You had to fight your way up the ranks in order to even get a hint of the plan from your superiors, which took years to even get recognized for your efforts.
Several times have you had to go against your moral compass. Several times, you doubted your abilities and questioned if you were even making a dent in the Fatui's plans. Although, when you heard a faint argument due to a lack of resources, you knew you were on the right track.
But one day, you noticed that an agent's office door was left unlocked. There was no one in the hallways, and not a soul knew that you had stolen an important document that recorded data for some valuable supply that you didn't care enough to read about.
Making sure you tucked the paper deep inside your coat pocket, you strained your ears to ensure you were alone before taking the risk and entering the isolated office. It looked like your standard room. Boring, silent, and strangely barren of many decorations. You took a moment to inspect the area before deciding to take a step forward when your blood suddenly ran cold.
"I don't use this office very often," a voice said from behind you. You just about jumped out of your skin, swiveling your head to the person behind you. It took you a moment to put a face to the name you'd heard so many times before, but when you did, you quickly regretted your decision to search for any additional information. "But even so, don't you think it's rude to invade someone's personal space?"
You froze, unable to find the right words. Nothing could explain why you were currently snooping around in an office that wasn't yours—much, much less when it belonged to the Second of the Eleven Harbingers.
You inwardly cursed your naive eagerness to do more than you were asked. Your years of experience as a spy should've kept you from making such a rookie mistake, and now all your work was going down the drain.
The two of you stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, fighting the urge to fidget at the overwhelming feeling of his gaze on you, analyzing your appearance. He broke the silence with a hum, neither intrigued nor entirely disappointed.
"I have heard others spread rumors of a mole within our ranks but thought nothing more of their words as an excuse for their inability to secure our resources," Dottore mused, raising a hand to his chin. "I assume that the mole is you?"
You couldn't bring yourself to reply. Your throat was dry, and your stomach twisted into knots. Not that he cared.
"I must applaud your efforts," he said, a slight smirk decorating his pale face. "Not many people evade our eyes so easily, and for as long as you have."
"But, a word of advice—" He reached into his pocket, pulling out a familiar device. He presented it to you, watching in amusement when you suddenly patted yourself down before looking back up towards him. It was the device you used to contact your organization. "—Make sure you clean up after yourself. It's impolite to leave your items lying around."
You don't remember dropping it or forgetting it somewhere. But that didn't matter anymore. You were stuck in the present with no way of getting out of this situation.
He flipped the device over, dully inspecting it as he continued talking. "After going through your data log, it wasn't hard figuring out what you were going for next. While this normally wouldn't spark any interest in me, this resource just so happens to be vital in my current experiment, and I can't have you tampering with my results."
He walked forward, stopping just a few feet in front of you. He was close enough for you to inhale his scent of sterile rubbing alcohol and metal. It made your nose burn as you watched him intently, tensing and fighting the urge to back away out of fear of angering him somehow. The document in your pocket felt unusually heavy.
"Although, I didn't expect such a seasoned spy like yourself to make such an amateur move," he hummed, ignoring your need for personal space to pull your mask off. And you were helpless against it all. "[Name] [L.Name], is it? Why don't you read the paper you have right now?"
That's when you knew you fucked up big time.
With a shaky hand, you reached into your coat pocket to pull out the report, unfolding it only to realize that it wasn't a report at all. It was a blank piece of paper. But you could've sworn there was writing on it when you grabbed it earlier!
He could see the confusion on your face clear as day as a laugh left his lips, tapping a rolled-up piece of parchment on the tip of your nose to regain your attention. "I believe this is what you're after." With a flick of his wrist, he unfurled the paper that contained everything you needed.
"What—" you gasped, briefly staring at your paper before looking back up.
"It's a shame you didn't think to check the ink before you took it," he said, faux disappointment laced in his voice before it reverted back to its normal tone just as fast. "The ink 'disappears' when subjected to anything higher than room temperature. When you put it in your pocket, your body heat, coupled with the insulation from your coat, affected the writing and turned it invisible."
He planned this out.
You swallowed nervously, taking a deep inhale to steel your nerves, even when it didn't do much to help you. "How... how long have you known?" you couldn't help but ask.
"Not long, really," Dottore casually replied, as if he didn't hold your entire life in the palm of his hand. "I caught you just in time."
"Now," he said with a voice that demanded your attention. Not that he needed to try, anyway. His very presence was almost impossible to ignore. "I'm willing to offer you two options. One, I hand this device over to one of my lovely agents and have them torture you for answers then promptly dispose of you. Or, two—" He waved the communicator in the air, taunting you. "—I have you make it up to me."
It was obvious which one you'd be more tempted to accept, but you knew that accepting an offer such as this from Dottore, of all people, was not a good idea. He knows he has you right where he wants you.
"The second one. I... I'll make it up to you." The words tasted like acid as you forced them out, watching a pleased smirk rise on his face.
"Good," he muttered mostly to himself. Leisurely, he turned around and walked towards the door, shutting it before refocusing back on you.
"Get on your knees," he ordered, placing his hands behind his back as he waited for you to move. He observed silently as you obeyed, staring at the floor in shame. "Crawl to me."
He sighed impatiently upon seeing the conflicted and perplexed expression on your face. "You want to be a rat so badly, don't you? So get down and crawl to me like one."
You were given no choice but to comply despite the absurdity of his request. Hanging your head, you inched forward as the cold, wooden floors painfully dug into your knees, stopping once the sight of his boots came into view. You held back a flinch when you heard the fabric of his clothes rustle as he leaned down to lift your head up by your hair, forcing you to your knees.
Instantly, your eyes zeroed in on the prominent bulge in Dottore's pants, making you painfully aware of what he wanted you to do next. With a suspiciously gentle tug, he brought you slightly closer to him. You could tell he was getting impatient.
"Well?" He questioned, a frown gracing his features. "You don't need instructions. Go on."
You glanced up at him with blatant disgust in your eyes before raising your hands to undo his pants and reveal his semi-hard cock. You suppressed a grimace as you held it in your hand, steeling your nerves just enough to be able to lick a stripe down the side. Flattening your tongue, you moved back up to take the tip in your mouth, letting your saliva slip past the corners of your lips to lubricate the rest of his dick.
You half-assed it all, not bothering to take it all the way down or, at the very least, use your tongue. However, Dottore caught on quick enough with an annoyed sigh. You supposed you shouldn't have been surprised when he tangled his fingers into your hair and shoved you down, but you were caught off guard either way.
You were embarrassed to hear a loud gag sound from you, choking and sputtering on his cock whenever the tip of it slid down your throat. You dug your nails into his thighs when he suddenly shifted and pressed the sole of his boot onto your dick, letting out a muffled cry that only served to please him. He made no move to rub it against you, simply keeping it firmly on your crotch—to keep you in line, you assumed.
You squirmed, internally cringing at the feeling of your drool seeping out the corners of your lips. Fluttering your eyes shut, you tried to focus on your breathing. In and out, in and out, in and—
"Don't look away," he said, refusing to give you a moment of respite, shoving his cock all the way inside your mouth, harshly tugging on your hair at the same time. He fucked your face, ignoring your sounds of protest as he battered your throat. He laughed at your struggle, entertained with the way your tears gathered at your lash line.
"Awh, is this too much for you?" He taunted, shifting his hand to the back of your head to push you down to the base. He sighed contentedly at the feeling of your throat tightening and spasming around him, gently rocking his hips. "You should've thought that through before you accepted the job."
With a painful tug, he pulled you off of his cock. A trail of saliva connected you to him, which you quickly broke when you turned your head to cough into your elbow. He ordered you to get up, unwilling to wait a second before he hauled you up by your arm impatiently. He effortlessly moved your body, pressing your cheek against the wooden door as he pushed on your back, forcing it to arch.
Deeming your position acceptable, he tucked his fingers underneath the waistband of your pants to yank them down to your knees. Your breath hitched at the sudden change in temperature, refusing to lean back and seek any warmth from Dottore.
With one hand on your hip, the other strayed toward your ass, spreading it to inspect your hole. It took effort to keep yourself from fidgeting under his gaze, and you opened your mouth in a daring attempt to get him to hurry up when he suddenly spat on your hole, shoving two fingers inside soon after.
You let out a grunt, clawing at the door he had you lean against. It was an uncomfortably foreign sensation but you were in no position to struggle. A burning sensation emanated from your hole as his fingers forced their way inside, wasting no time to move in a scissoring motion. They brushed against a spot that sent sparks up your spine every so often, taunting you wordlessly.
"You're enjoying this," Dottore said, not as a question or comment, but as a statement. And the worst thing was, he was right. No matter how much your mind made you hate it, your body told a different tale.
You let out a displeased sigh, pressing your forehead against the cold door, not daring to make your words known. Not that he minded. He enjoyed forcing your reactions out of you just as much as having them given to him without a fight.
He made it known with a jab to your prostate, sending a shock up and down your spine so suddenly it nearly made your knees buckle. That was all he gave you before abruptly pulling away, leaving you uncomfortably empty until the quiet ptuh! sound of him spitting on his cock filled your ears.
Fuck. This was actually happening. And you had no way out.
In a last ditch effort to maintain your dignity, you tried to push yourself off of the door but was quickly pressed—borderline slammed—back down with a hand to the back of your neck.
"I don't think you'll enjoy the alternative," he said, the undertones of irritation and impatience evident in his voice. He squeezed the sides of your neck hard enough to ensure your compliance, nearly scowling when you shifted in place. "So be still and behave like a good little thing."
Without missing a beat, he lined the tip of his cock up against your slick asshole and pushed his way inside, forcing a strained cry from your throat. He made sure it hurt, purposefully moving slowly to make you feel every inch and vein.
You whimpered, trying to breathe and calm yourself down. The stretch fucking hurt and you instinctively shifted your hips forward in a futile attempt to ease the pain when Dottore held your hips to yank you back, shoving the last few inches inside you.
You let out a strangled groan, biting your lower lip to stifle your noises as searing pain tore through you. You breathed heavily through your nose, feeling the weight of disgust settle in your chest when you heard him sigh in satisfaction at how tight you were. You winced when he pulled out slowly, only for him to slam back inside with a loud slap.
You jolted, just about ramming your head against the door in surprise. You grit your teeth and pressed a hand against it as the wood audibly creaked and groaned under your weight when he began to move. You tensed upon hearing faint voices beyond the door, peering back over your shoulder in a pathetic attempt to get him to stop.
"W—Wait," you muttered, breath hitching. "There's someone outside...!"
"Then I suppose you're just going to have to be quiet," he replied with an upward quirk to his lips before angling himself in a way that made his cock press up against you just right. You were disgusted to feel heat beginning to pool in your gut, forcing moans past your lips no matter how hard you tried to stop them. You covered your mouth with a hand as you listened to the noises approach. Dottore was (somewhat) merciful enough to press his pelvis against your ass, though that didn't stop him from rocking his hips to cruelly grind his cock into your prostate.
"Dottore?" It took you a moment to process the voice as electricity shot up and down your spine, trying your damn best to stifle your whimpers. "Are you in there?"
It's Pantalone, you recognize.
"Yes. Is there something you need from me?" Dottore replied, shifting his hold on you to start shallowly thrusting. You squeezed your eyes shut, listening to the painfully loud squelching.
"Not at the moment. I thought I heard something... else," Pantalone hummed with a knowing tone, sending a wave of mortification through your body.
"Then if that is all, I'd prefer it if you left," Dottore said, his amusement clear as day in his voice. He didn't even try to hide it as he gave you a punishing thrust, the resounding slap mixing in with your moan as it echoed off the walls. "I'm busy."
A laugh came from behind the door. "Very well. I'll leave you to it."
Dottore refused to wait for him to leave when he started again, this time fucking you so hard you were convinced there'd be a bruise. His fingers dug into your skin, yanking you back in time with his thrusts.
Your legs shook and you bit your lip until you bled, but it hardly did a thing to silence you.
"Look at you," Dottore mused, reaching around to hold your aching cock in his hand. He gave it a squeeze before jerking off the top half, focusing on the tip. "You were never meant to be a spy. You'd be so much better off as my little pet, wouldn't you agree?"
You let out a loud moan, instinctively looking down. You didn't even realize you were so hard, but as you watched the head of your cock drool precum onto the ground, everything felt twice as intense.
"N—No!" You choked out, clawing desperately at the creaking door. "I'll never—I'll never be your pet!"
"No?" Dottore laughed, sounding so unbothered it sent a spike of fear through you, reminding you of just how fucked you were. Swiftly, he swiped his fingers over the tip of your cock before bringing his hand up to push them into your mouth, making you taste your precum. With the palm of his hand, he pressed it against your chin to force your head back.
You let out a groan, feeling the strain on your upper back and neck as you stared at him with fear and disgust.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice," he reminded, pulling out the communicator with his other hand. He slightly shook it, taunting you. "Don't you remember that actions have consequences?"
He pocketed the device as he slid his hand away from your mouth to bring it to the back of your neck, holding it tightly as he harshly pressed you against the cold wood. The side of your face ached, but, much to your horror, the pain only went straight to your cock.
"So just stand there and enjoy it," he said with a groan, his dick pulsing rhythmically as he savored the sensation of your walls clamping tightly around him. "Don't fight how much you like this."
"I don-" Just then, he rammed his cock into your prostate over and over, reducing you into a babbling mess that only proved his point.
Your eyes burned with unshed tears, ashamed that you loved the feeling of him so deep inside you, but you hated that it was him fucking you. You could feel the heat in your stomach intensify with each harsh thrust, feel the way your balls tightened in a way you knew you couldn't stop.
"Please..." you whimpered, weak against the wet slapping sounds that filled the office. "I don't want to...!"
You came with a whorish moan, arching your back as your cock spilled cum onto the floor. You could hear the sound of Dottore's laugh through the haze of your orgasm as sparks coursed through your veins, knees nearly buckling.
"Yes you do," he groaned, voice slightly strained. You could faintly hear his labored breathing the closer he got to his own orgasm, noticing the way his movements grew sloppier and weaker. He reached around again, jerking you off despite the lurking overstimulation.
You tightened, sending him right over the edge as he slammed his cock inside you a final time, pressing himself flush against your ass as he came. It was uncomfortably warm as he throbbed in time with each spurt, savoring the way you practically tried to milk him dry.
But he didn't let it last long as he pulled out with a satisfied sigh, enjoying the sight of you, shaky and vulnerable, before him. He graciously gave you a moment before commanding you to fix yourself, stepping back to adjust his own appearance.
"Now," he said, sternly, like he didn't just fuck you within a damn inch of your life. "Why don't you send a message to your organization stating that you're not going back."
He handed you the communicator with a smug smirk, relishing in your distress. Taking in a deep breath to steel your nerves, you accepted the device, reluctantly typing in a message before returning it back to him with regret written on your face.
"Oh, don't look so upset," he pouted, pocketing the device. You weren't sure when you'd see it again. "It'll be easier for you if you cooperate."
He made his way past you, opening the door, sending shivers down your spine at the sudden chill. "But right now, you have a lot of work to do."
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cross-posted on ao3
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lokideservesahug · 14 days
Bound to falling in love
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Mick Schumacher x reader Soulmate AU
Warnings: None that I can see?
Notes: Unsurprisingly this won the vote. But I hope you like it :)
Summary: Mick Schumacher has been extremelyprivate with how soulmark his whole life. But what happens when the interest does ehat its best at, snooping. Well Mick Schumacher might just finally meet the celebrity that he doesn't at all have a tiny crush on...
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Yourusername: WE ARE SO BACK BABY!!🖤🖤 Mercedes CCH 2024 Incoming (I'm delusional)
Liked by Mickschumacher, Lewishamilton and 756,986 others
View all 533 comments
User1: I knew Y/N was an F1 girlie but I didn't know she was a Mercedes girl🤔
↳Yourusername: Have been for ever🖤
User2: Y/N is like me fr eith that caption
↳User3: Fr though😭 Like wdym 2nd place in sprint doesn't mean Lewis will get his 8th!?
↳Yourusername: Maybe he performed so well just to improve his ex-husband
↳User4: LMAO Poor Nico
Lewishamilton: Glad to see your support lies in the right place💪
↳Yourusername: OH my gosh. Sir Lewis Hamilton. It is an honour to speak to you
↳Lewishamilton: Maybe you should come to the Mercedes garage some time. I think certain people would love your company👀
↳User5: I think he just killed Y/N
↳User6: Wa she talking about himself or someone else. George perhaps? I'M so nosy!!!
↳User7: Well Mick is in the likes so that's where my money is...
↳User8: Sure grandma, the mkst soul ate obsessed obsessed In existence is caught up over Y/N...
↳User7: I mean it is Y/N Y/L/N
↳User8: True...
User9: Mick being in the likes👀
↳User10: Meh even if he does have a thing for Y/N, he'll still stick to his soulmate like he has done for decades.
↳User11: Hear me out, Y/N is his soulmate...
↳User10: Girl actualy shut up
↳User11: Just look at that twitter thread
↳User10: Hmmm interesting. It looks like it could be possible but the chances are 0.001% of it being her. Just because one user recognised it doesn't mean it's her
User12: Is anyone else really confused by all this talk of the twitter thread and that "one reply"
Liked by Yourusername
↳User13: basically people are trying to find out who Mick's soulmate is and currently people think it's Y/N
↳User12: OH... how random
↳User13: Yeah but tell me they wouldn't make the perfect couple...
Liked by Yourusername
↳User14: Y/N liking this comment + its replies twice is wild and shows she's as curious as us...
Mick's phone
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Your phone | Mick's | Your phone
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Yourusername: This guy wouldn't leave me alone in Italy. He says he's in the family business of driving cars or smt
Liked by Mickschumacher, Lewishamilton and 1,023,987 others
View all 674 comments
↳User2: Girl probably? Hopefully? Idk?
User3: We don't need confirmation now...but also we so do!!!
User4: Awww they really are perfect for each other!🥺🥰
Liked by Mickschumacher, Yourusername
Lewishamilton: Glad you two finally found the time to go on a proper date rather than letting Mick ogle you all day!
↳Mickschumacher: Thanks for that man...
↳Yourusername: Aww Micky, you stare at me all the time?
↳Mickschumacher: How can I not Schatz, you're the most gorgeous person in the whole world❤❤❤
↳Estabanocon: How sweet 🤢
↳Mickschumacher: Aww just let me be in love this once.
User5: Ugh he's so bf coded
Liked by Yourusername
User7: did you guys see Mick say love? Ooh is this a new word added to the equation or....
Liked by yourusername
New story from Mickschumacher
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(My darling, my soulmate. Finally all mine to love)
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.
As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome!
Taglist:@nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee
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ryomens-vixen · 3 months
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90s Boyfriend Toji
CW: Toji is a warning all on it's on, daddy kink, 90s Toji, mentions of drvg selling, smut, slight aftercare if you squint, hitting, etc.
Word count: 🤷🏾‍♀️ I don't know babes...
Good luck 🤞
Author note: thank you @blkkizzat for the nickname I really didn't know what to call him without being cringe af, I've never wrote for Toji so I hope this is kinda good I'm not too confident in this.
90sBF Toji who loves his son so much that he bought both of them matching gold chains, you could say they're almost like twins in a way, wherever Toji goes you'll definitely see megumi following behind him like the daddy's boy that he is. 
90sBF Toji who listens to artists like Notorious B I G, Tupac, DMX, Ice Cube, Ol Dirty Bastard, Nas, Sir Mix A-lot, and Snoop Dogg. 
90sBF Toji who's street name is “T-Raw” (thanks kali.) Almost all the ladies around his hood know him by that, even those he distributes Kush to, he just got it like that. 
90sBF Toji who'll only kick it with you if his son likes you, he's the most important person in his life. If megumi doesn't like you then it's a wrap. 
90sBF Toji who sells Kush for a living along with another side hustle of his… aka slanging dick, yes this whore of a man sells dick as well. 
90sBF Toji who usually picks up single moms around the corner store from his place. 
90sBF Toji who only lets the ladies that Megumi picks come over the house. 
90sBF Toji who won't settle down with anyone unless his son Megumi likes you which doesn't normally last long. Once you do something Megumi doesn't like you better hope you can fix it before he tells Toji. 
90sBF Toji who constantly makes Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto babysit poor Megumi every time he's hauled off to jail. 
90sBF Toji who is almost always cellmates with his homeboys Shiu and Ryomen who of course nags him about whether or not he wants to see his son
90sBF Toji who's surprised by Megumi suddenly took a liking to you one day. Maybe he had mistaken you for another girl Toji use to fuck on or maybe he just thought “Woah pretty lady” and claimed you to be his new mom, but whatever his son wants, his son gets and Toji ain't arguing with that at all. 
90sBF Toji who started making you, a college student babysit little Megumi who continues to call you “mama” and you have no clue as the whether it's because Toji calls you mamas or if he genuinely thinks you're his mother, either way he's cute with an annoyingly fine ass father. 
90sBF Toji who's more into fuckin than he is romancing, but is willing to put forth the effort to keep you around more. 
90sBF Toji who leaves all his women begging for more, surprisingly he hasn't gotten anyone pregnant by now. 
90sBF Toji who constantly has to reassure you that you're the only one he's laying pipe on, he hates that you have to deal with the Plethora of heart broken obsessed women he's left behind.
 90sBF Toji who fucks you like he like he's trying to get you pregnant. “Fuck- that's some good pussy, Hah- Ngh—” 
“Fu— T.. To..ji! too much, too much!”
The more you begged him to slow down even just a little bit, the more he made it apparent that he wanted his dick in your stomach. God it felt like he was trying to break you- fucking you into the mattress. One hand on the back of your neck, the other on your frontal a fist FULL of hair mind you. It was intense. He wanted yet another orgasm out of you to cream and squirt all over him again, you needed this dick and he was going to give it to you all damn night if he had too. 
Oh did your moans and screams turn him on even more than that ‘O’ face you were making. No wonder everyone called him “T-Raw”. “Shut the fuck up, you've been teasing me with that phat pussy all damn day- Fuuughck—”  Toji said in an annoyed tone as he cocks a hand back and smacks a handprint onto your ass. 
“m'sorry daddy!”
“Nah.. Don't cry now, take this dick, take it mamas.”
Oh boy did he take you down through there, eyes in the back of your head, tongue hanging, tears forming at the corners of those pretty (e/c) eyes. What was this your fifth? Sixth Orgasm? How experienced was this man, this is what you get for fuckin with a grown man like him. There he was beating your back in, creamy white ring formed at the base of his cock from both your pussy juices and his cum fusing together, blunt in mouth. Where'd he get the blunt from? Don't know, but man was his dick good no wonder he had so many women flocking after him. The way he makes you feel it in your stomach was no joke he really knew how to fuck you right. 
90sBF Toji who didn't really fuck with college girl had you wrapped around his fingers… I mean his dick. It didn't matter where or when he wanted that pussy before your classes, after your classes, in your dorm room, his car, it didn't matter to him because he was a nasty old man. 
90sBF Toji who had you chasing behind him wondering where he was taking that dick, YOUR dick, was he gonna start slanging dick again? You didn't know but you felt just like those older women he'd Freak then leave.
90sBF Toji who'd reassure you that he wasn't fuckin anyone else by making sweet love to you. He doesn't need you acting crazy on him. I mean who else is going to watch Megumi besides Satoru and Suguru? 
90sBF Toji who gets a little annoyed when you show up blowing up on him about another woman flocking him again, he gets so annoyed that has to shut you up with cock in that tight throat of yours.
“Now tell me who the fuck do you think you're talkin to again!?” 
“Mmmf- Sowry—” 
“Can't talk with all that dick in your mouth can you, heh…” 
You did your best trying to take it all, but couldn't make it to the base of his cock without gagging and coughing. But that was nothing he couldn't fix, with a smirk on Toji's face he held your head down on his thigh and began to fuck himself into your throat. God did this nasty bitch enjoy hearing your ‘gluck gluck gluck’ sounds coming from you. This slutty man let out a deep bellowing groan at the sensation he was feeling in his groin. It was a tight, and warm feeling making his pace grow sloppier by the minute.
“Nasty ass bitch look at you , mouth full of dick fuuughck Im gonna— gonna c.. Cum-” 
Patting on his leg trying to signal him to slow down so you could breathe, if your face could visibly turn blue it would he was not letting up as he chased his own high. One strong thrust he came deep into your throat, god if he could put all that good dick in your kidneys he would. 
90sBF Toji who isn't too big on aftercare, but since he's down bad for you, then he might just indulge in it, just for you, only for you. 
90sBF Toji who after a good pounding throws a towel onto your body and praises you for taking him so well.
“Fuck, you take dick like a good lil bitch don't yah? What cat got yah tongue?”
“ since Megumi ain't trippin bout yah I guess you'll do for now .”
“How about you get cleaned up, come watch a movie with me.”
90sBF Toji who truly can't believe you're to put up with all his bullshit, even his homeboys think something's wrong with you.
90sBF Toji who hates bringing you over to Satoru and Suguru's place for boys night because it always end in a fight everytime Satoru thinks it's be funny to flirt with you.
90sBF Toji who hates that you have to remind him that you don't want him to end up in jail everytime they fight.
90sBF Toji who starts to grow a lil bit of a soft spot for you, so much that he starts to show you off to his old hoes.
90sBF Toji who randomly shows up to your college class to drop off YOUR son Megumi when Satoru and Suguru cancel on him, leaving all your homegirls to think you're a mother now.
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Tags: @blkkizzat @littlemochabunni @honeeslust @gojos-thot-patrol-main @oreo-creampie @screampied(I was told to tag you) @halosdiary @connorsui (I was told to tag you) @biscuitsngravie
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thelov3lybookworm · 8 months
I have a request!
Can you write something where Cassian is tasked with “babysitting” Azriel’s very pregnant mate? Like she can’t be alone for medical reasons and Rhys really needs Azriel for something and Cass is the only one not busy? I just think it would be hilarious. 😂
Summary: Cassian's day doesn't go as planned.
A/n: this was so funny my baby anon 😭💀i love it so much❣️
Rhys's pov.
"I can't leave her here alone Rhys! You know how moody and clingy she's become these past few weeks. She has also become extremely excited. She can't sit still for more than an hour or so. She can't stay alone." Azriel ran a hand through his hair, tugging slightly as his anxiety built. "Hell, can you believe I found her trying to climb into our closet because she wanted to clean it the other day?"
"I know brother, and I wouldn't have asked you to come unless it was absolutely necessary. Keir is once again planning something, you know it. Your presence is needed."
Azriel sighed heavily, settling into one of the chairs in his brother's office. "Tell me again why I'm needed?"
"I want you to snoop around hewn city while I distract the court."
Azriel cursed. "And no one can stay with her? Because she will not be going to hewn city, no matter what."
Rhys contemplated for some time. He wished he didn't have to do this. He didn't want his brother to worry too much about his mate. But this trip to the hewn city was also important.
Mor was visiting Miryam and Drakon. She was not in Velaris. She was out of the question for taking care of Y/n.
Feyre and Amren would be coming along to hewn city. They couldn't help either.
Nesta had training with the Valkyries.
Rhys sighed. Nuala and Cerridwen would be spying g along with Azriel. Elain was on her trip across Prythian.
Just when Rhys was about to give up, the door to his office burst open and in stumbled Cassian. He grinned when he found both his brothers staring at him as he tried to regain some semblance of balance.
Rhys glanced at Azriel, a smile crawling onto his face.
Azriel's brows furrowed, and then his eyes widened with understanding. "No. No. Absolutely not."
Rhys's grin turned feline. "Come on brother, there's no other option."
"What are we talking about?" Cassian questioned as he dropped into the chair next to Azriel, the chair wobbling for a moment.
"Nothing much brother. Just discussing the oncoming trip to hewn city."
The next few moments went with Rhys explaining why they were going and who all were coming along.
Cassian heaved a relieved sigh when he realised that he was not accompanying them.
"Don't get too happy brother. Because you are free on that day, we were hoping you could stay with Y/n. Look after her.take care of her. She is nearing her delivery date and Az here is a little concerned."
"You want me to babysit her? That's alright! She is after all like my little sister. I can take care of her."
Azriel looked skeptical, but a little more persuasion was all that was needed for him to agree.
Now all they had to do was wait for the day.
Cassian's pov.
Y/n's lip quivered as she watched her mate get ready for his trip to hewn city. Cassian felt bad as he watched her. He wished he could comfort her, but didn't know how.
Azriel stood from where he was tying his boots while sitting on the couch, giving Y/n a soft smile. He walked up to her, cupping her face in both hands. "I'll be back soon, hmm?"
Y/n nodded, tears forming in her eyes. Azriel pulled her in for a hug, rubbing her back. Azriel glanced at Cassian, who simply stood there awkwardly, trying not to intrude. He grinned before pulling away from Y/n.
After Azriel was gone, Y/n turned to Cassian. He smiled at her.
"What do you want to do today sister?"
"I was hoping you'd bake with me."
Cassian blinked at her. "What?"
"You always say you have good skills in the kitchen. Bake with me."
Cassian, dumbfounded, simply nodded. He followed her into the kitchen, staring as she pulled out whatever was needed. "I'm thinking we can make cookies. What do you say?"
Y/n was quiet for a moment, then she pulled out a small stool from nearby and began climbing onto it. A panic gripped Cassian as he jolted into action. "What are you doing?! Get down!"
Y/n glanced at Cassian, confused. "I need to get the flour. It's up there."
"I'll get it for you." He gently tugged her down, his heart beating in his throat. "Cauldron, you scared me."
He reached up for the container, but he didn't realise how light it would be. He pulled it out, thinking it would be heavy, but it was lighter than expected. The container jerked in his hands, and then the lid flipped open.
Before he knew what happened, Cassian was covered in flour. He turned to a laughing Y/n, clutching at her swollen stomach and leaning against the counter nearby.
A Shadow floated next to her head, and she grinned at it. That was what made Cassian suspicious.
"Why was the lid open? Was it even open?" He questioned, shaking his head to try and get rid of the flour.
Y/n grinned. "Come on Cass. Can a female not have some fun with her brother?" She again glanced at the shadow. Cassian sighed.
"Is there anything else needed?"
"Where is it?"
She grinned, a twinkle in her eyes. "Above you."
Cassian was a second too late as he tried to step away. The egg cracked over his head, running down his face.
Cassian groaned. "Y/n. Please stop. This is not funny."
"It's funny to me." She laughed.
"Get out. I'll make the cookies. Go sit on the couch over there."
Y/n pouted, but at Cassian's glare, she sulked away.
Cassian sighed and set to cleaning.
When he walked out of the kitchen, he nearly dropped dead because of the fright he recieved.
There, near the fireplace, standing on a chair, was Y/n, dusting a shelf.
"Y/n. Can you please get down." He mumbled softly, trying not to scream in case he frightened her and she lost her balance.
She turned to him, a pleasant smile on her face. That smile faltered when she saw the expression on his face. "What is it?"
"Get down Y/n."
She grumbled but climbed down slowly.
"What is wrong with you?!" He burst out the moment she was on the ground.
Her lower lip wobbled, and Cassian immediately felt guilty. "What is wrong with you?"
Cassian dragged a hand down his face. "I'm sorry. You just scared me. You know it's not safe for you to be climbing on things around the house, right?"
"The chair isn't that high. And the house needs cleaning. Azzie hasn't been letting me do anything since I got pregnant. It's been irritating me."
Cassian pulled her in for a hug, cradling her head gently. "I know sister. But let's wait until after the babe's here to clean the house, yeah?"
She nodded, sniffing.
"I'm bored." She suddenly murmured, looking at him.
Cassian blinked. "Um... is there nothing you can do? We can play something. While sitting." He gave her a look, and she nodded innocently.
"We can play cards."
Cassian was on the verge of tears.
The two of them had played cards until the cookies were ready to eat, and after that Y/n had insisted he read to her. Apparently, Azriel always read to her when she was bored.
And Cassian, being the arrogant little prick he was, had wondered how hard it could be. Surely, a warrior who had conquered battlegrounds and men far stronger, one who was one of the best warrior prythian had seen in centuries, could read a book to his brothers wife?
Wrong. He could not read the book without wanting to crawl into a hole and never show his face again.
Y/n had insisted that he read the book she picked.
She sat munching and nibbling on the cookies he made as he struggled to get even one of the filthy words out of his mouth. Sure, he had done these things with Nesta, but reading of them in front of his someone... it felt like his soul was leaving his body.
All the while she remained oblivious to his plight.
Finally, when she took pity on him and told him to stop reading.
"I want to take a nap. Then we can cook dinner."
Cassian had never gotten rid of something in his hands faster.
She settled down on the couch, her head in his lap. He smiled softly when a sigh left her.
Then he asked her the question buzzing in his head. "Where did you get the book from?"
He phrased it casually, and thank the cauldron, she answered him without even a hint of suspicion.
"Oh, Nesta lent it to me."
Cassian's eyes practically bulged out of his head. "That's great."
Y/n hummed, already drifting off.
Cassian shook his head, smiling.
Azriel's pov.
He opened the door carefully, trying not to make any noise.
As he stepped in through the threshold, he found the home to be pitch black. His brows furrowed in confusion. Had Y/n not lit the faelights?
As he turned them on, his heart melted.
There on the couch, his brother and wife slept.
She was stretched out on the couch, her face relaxed. Her mouth was sightly parted.
Cassian was sprawled out on the armchair near the fireplace, his arms wrapped across his chest. His legs were stretched out, and he looked like he would slip off the couch any moment now.
Azriel slightly shook Cassian's shoulder, causing him to jerk awake.
He blearily blinked at Azriel, a crease between his brows. Then his eyes widened in relief, and he scrambled to stand.
"Thank the mother you are back." Cassian whispered, finally stable on his feet.
"Oh my. This female made me wonder if i needed more training. I'm so fucking tired." Cassian suddenly clutched at his back, groaning.
"What happened?" Azriel questioned, concerned.
"Don't ask, brother. Don't ask."
"Okay." Azriel made to turn away, and Cassian gaped ay him. With a small smile, Azriel turned back toward him.
"She took a nap in the afternoon. And then she was unstoppable. Creating trouble left and right. More so than Nyx."
Azriel chuckled. He glanced at his wife and mate. She looked so peaceful. Like she was the calmest person in prythian.
"I'll take my leave now." Cassian mumbled, stretching.
Azriel nodded. "I owe you one."
"Don't worry about it."
Cassian walked to Y/n, bending to press a kiss to her forehead before he left.
Azriel smiled. As much as Cassian complained, everyone knew he would do anything to make his family happy.
He was nice like that.
Y/n blinked her pretty eyes open, looking up at him through her lashes. "Hello Azzie."
"Hello my love. Let's get you to bed."
Y/n nodded, holding her arms out to him. "I think we should make a cake or something to thank Cassian for keeping me company today."
"That's a great idea." He spoke as he helped her stand.
"Tomorrow then?"
Azriel smiled at his mate. "Tomorrow."
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @lizziesfirstwife
Azriel taglist: @darthdumbasss @foreverrandomwritings
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beom9yus · 9 months
ours. - sookai x reader
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:sookai x afab!reader
:threesome, size kink maybe, all of them are virgins lol, loss of virginity, possessive!sookai if you squint.., creampie, oral/sookai receiving, reader is perverted and horny always
word count: 10k…
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Winter break was here and almost all of the group had gone home with their families. Except you. And soobin and kai. It was a coincidence, really, soobin’s parents had a winter vacation planned so soobin had to stay here. Kai was free to go and decided to stay with soobin because he didn't want him to spend the break alone. You stayed because you frequently see your family anyways, staying for break was normal for you.
 You walk through the snow begrudgingly, it was really hard to do around this time and apparently there was going to be a blizzard so bad that it would make the snow get really tall. You don't believe it. 
As you finally set foot in the building hallway you look at the time and realize because of the snow it took you 30 minutes to get to this building rather than the usual 15. Okay, maybe there is a blizzard coming..but if it was coming you wanted to spend it with your close friends rather than alone. You finally enter the hall and take out the spare key the boys gave you after getting so close with them since summer started. You unlock the door and enter the shared apartment, realizing that neither of the two boys were home. I hope they're okay.. 
As you grab your phone from your parka pocket you realize that soobin texted you about 10 minutes ago that he and kai went out to get snacks for the game night. 
You: Okay :) be safe, both of you. it's really rough outside…
cute bunny bestie🐰: don't worry our little y/nie, we’ll be home in about an hour, kai says not to die of lack of penguin cuteness while he’s out 🐧
cute bunny bestie🐰: btw we left the heater on, keep it on so that when we get there it’s still warm hehe
You giggle as you text back. 
I think I'm starting to blackout…help! And yeah ok i'll leave it on.
You put your phone away to finally take off your shoes and parka. What are you going to do for an hour? You decide to head to soobin and kai’s room to play some games on either of their PCs. As you enter you laugh at the fact that they took out kai’s bed to add in his pc setup because it wouldn't fit with the bed in the room. and the fact that because of that they sleep together now, although their beds were huge so you understand why they decided on that. You did ‘eeny meeny miny moe’ with your finger to choose which pc to use. Your finger landed on soobin’s, so you went ahead and turned it on. Both of them let you use their computers on a regular basis. although for some reason they won't let you go anywhere else but the game you're going to play, and weirdly enough, the search engine, which is actually the reason you’d thought they wouldn't let you use it. They're weird. As you look through the apps to see what game you feel like playing, a messaging application that everyone has these days both on their phones and computers pops up. You choose to ignore it and make it smaller to the taskbar. As you continue looking, you realize there's an orange flashing from the app on the taskbar and as you click it to exit out, you quickly glance over the messages, not wanting to invade soobin’s privacy, but just wanted a sneak peak. You only made it to the first message because that's when you see your name. And it's from kai…curiosity got the best of you and you read the preview, not daring to open it, because this was invading enough as is.
kaimalhue: you really think y/n would be up for it?
You check the time, it was from yesterday, around the time you were also here hanging out with both of them..what were they texting each other while you were here? Up for what? Game night?? You had already agreed to this a long time ago…weird. You decide to brush it off and exit out before they come back and see you snooping through the app. You decide on a game and play it for a while until you're bored and shut down his pc. You get up and stretch and decide you're going to shower. Even though the heater was on, you wanted to be even more warm, and you're too scared to move the settings on it. So what better way of getting warmer than taking a hot shower? You have clothes put away in yeonjun’s room from the sleepovers they would always invite you to, although they're mostly night shorts and tank tops, you're sure you'll be alright though, since the heater will keep being on. 
As you finish up your shower, you get out of the restroom and you see that soobin and kai had gotten home. You don't miss the way they stare at you for a little too long. “Hey guys?” you say as you wave your hand in front of your face. They quickly look away and cough. It’s weird, this has been happening more often, and even though you do the same to them, when you see either soobin or kai looking too good, and you can’t help but to stare, you're sure they're being this way for a completely different reason. Right..?
You get on your tippy toes while against the high ass counter built for giants like them. As you ruffle through the shopping bags to see what they bought, you see candles. You miss the way kai smiles looking at your figure extending, and the way soobin’s mouth opens a bit, looking at your legs stretching as you struggle to look over the bags.
“You guys bought candles? What for?” soobin answers you first, “well they said that there’s a high chance of a blizzard coming in so-” kai interjects, “mm yeah right, if there's a chance of a blizzard and it happens, the power might go out so it’s better to be safe.” you nod at their reasoning. “Hey, don't you think it's weird how we haven't heard of the blizzard on any kind of news, or like, social media?” you ask. 
They both look at each other as they realize you're right. You frown, “wait, did you guys just think of buying candles since you heard of it coming or-?” Kai looks at you confused and says, “no, beomgyu told us to stock up on candles…” You look back at him and start spilling, “wait, the only person i've heard talk about the blizzard, and getting info about it, is you guys and beom…gyu…” your face turns into a shocked one once you realize what’s happened. 
sookai look at each other as they realize they've been fooled. You start giggling and then laughing hard. “So….when you said ‘they said’ you…were…talking… about beomgyu!” you clutch your stomach as you realize they had just bought more than a dozen candles for nothing. “Damn it beomgyu!” soobin curses as he touches his forehead with his large hand and places it in a fist on the table. Just about you were to laugh at kai’s face staring into nothing, annoyed that beomgyu tricked them into buying useless candles, you hear a harsh gust of wind hit the living room window. You quickly turn around and realize there's a lot more snow than there was before, you start to see it almost reaches about 11 inches on the outside doors. Maybe beomgyu was right…
Two hours later and there's a blizzard. Fucking beomgyu. You guys turned on the tv and everyone is saying it came out of nowhere. They're starting to give warnings of power outages. You just hope it doesn't hit you guys. 
Four hours later and it's starting to get dark. You were sitting on the couch watching a movie while kai sat asleep on the other one. while watching the heroin about to get attacked, suddenly, the power is out. 
You hear soobin yell a quick no from his shared room with kai, he was probably in a game. You giggle a little at imagining soobin being pissed. You then turn to look at kai who fell asleep midway through the movie on the other couch. He was so cute.
You quickly forgot about the power that literally just went out, and you started to look at everything about him. His pretty face, large hands…and your eyes started to focus on his lips and nose. His lips were so cute and plump and his nose was so so so pretty, you start to wonder what it’d be like with his face between your legs with his nose hitting your clit as he greedily ate you out..as your thoughts raced, you felt your breathing getting more shallow as your chest moved quickly from your light breaths. It’s not like he even did anything to you to get this hot and bothered, you’re just that perverted, getting horny just from looking at him.
Soobin came out of the room and asked if you were okay. nervous, you sit up straight with your hands on your knees and ask him why he asked. You suddenly feel really small seeing him look down at you, looking so…big. You unconsciously rubbed your thighs together. “Well..the power did just go out…” he tells you. 
You realize that's what he was talking about. Of course it is. Duh. “Y-yeah i'm fine i-” you turn to see kai getting up slowly, rubbing his eyes. “The movie’s done? ‘M sorry i fell asleep,” he says still a little sleepy. You tell him that the movie didn’t end because the power went out. He got up quickly and looked around, “wait, the power’s out everywhere?” you take out your phone to see if you still had service. Nope. 
You look up at him, “yeah kai, it seems it's out everywhere.” Soobin sighed, “it's only 7, what are we going to do for the rest of the time, we usually don't sleep until, like, 2 am.” you nod, knowing that your fucked up sleep schedules are now going to haunt you. 
“Hey, let's start putting out the candles, yeah?” you ask them. They let out little hums of approval as they get the candles out and start carefully setting them up around the rooms. Well that only took 15 minutes of your time. 
You guys sit down, kai on your left while soobin sat on your right. kai still making a little space between you as he always did and you wish he’d just get close to you. But you’re also too shy to do the same. You realize how cold it is now without the heater, and you start shaking a bit. Soobin looks at you and asks if you want one of his sweaters. You look at him and say “yes, please” with big round doe eyes. 
soobin’s breath hitched at the sight of you looking at him almost in a begging way, the way your eyes shine from the candles and the pink fluttering of blush on your nose and cheeks because of the cold. He finally realizes how long he's been staring at you as he feels kai pinch him where his arm extended onto soobin. 
He clears his throat and tells you he’ll be right back. You tell him thanks, and do the first most brave thing ever in your life. You snuggle yourself onto kai, chasing his warmth. Kai stills, nervous that if he moves you’ll see the effect you have on him. “Kai,” you say. “Yes?” “When soobin gets here, wanna play a game?” you giggle. He smiles, he would do anything you asked him to, especially if it included giving anything to you. “Yeah,” he says. You guys stare at each other for a moment before you almost move to kiss him, hearing soobin’s footsteps enter the room, you realize what you were about to do. It’s not like you actually moved to kiss him yet, but just the way you had that thought had you blushing deep. 
You look at soobin as he says, “I tried to find the smallest one I have, it fits me kind of small, so you should be good to go” you grab the white sweater as you put it on. Too big still…the arms of the sweater go past your hands and the length stops almost at your knees. yeah, maybe you should’ve just stolen something from taehyun or beomgyu. “Thanks soobin,” is all you can say as you smile, because you feel really cute cause of how it fits you. 
“Y-yeah..no problem..” Suddenly you feel like the atmosphere has changed. Why’s it suddenly awkward? Both of them avoid looking at you, and you look down, thinking, maybe a game will bring this back to normal? You did tell kai you wanted to play one. “Guys, let's play truth or dare, since we can’t play any actual games.” Kai laughs his usual laugh, “I haven’t played truth or dare since middle school!” You smile at him, “well get ready to play it once again at your big 21 years of age.” Both of the boys laugh at that. 
“Okay guys sit on the ground! It’s better than the couch.” Soobin frowns, “How’s it better than the couch when the couch is more comfortable?” You roll your eyes. “Dumb bunny, we can’t face each other in a circle on the couch” you say as you cross your arms and shake your head. Soobin tries to not let the nickname affect him, but he can feel the twitch in his pants. 
“She’s got a point soobin..”
As the three of you guys get in a circle you start playing the game. It starts out lighthearted as you dare soobin to eat a piece of wax from the candles and ask kai to be truthful about which plushie is actually his favorite, as he confesses it’s his big fat molang plushie, one that you bought him. Soobin dares you to enter taehyun’s room and move something because he knows he hates when people are in his room. Scared, you go and come back. Hopefully taehyun doesn’t notice…the game goes on and you guys dare and ask dumb shit until soobin states, “I’m bored, these are too simple, can we dare and ask for a little more…i don’t know, like, heavy things?” You and kai look at eachother and just nod in agreement. “Okay,” you say. “Kai, you go first.”
“Um…y/n, h-have you ever made out with someone?” he looks away with a blush as if it was the dirtiest thing he’d ever asked. You can’t help but giggle loudly and he looks a little embarrassed, “yeah kai, I have, I’m not some prude you know.” He just nods in embarrassment. It’s soobin’s turn as he thinks of what to dare or ask. “Hm…kai! I dare you to kiss y/n on the cheek.” You shyly smile and look at him, “it’s okay kai, you don’t have to.” “Yes he does! It’s truth or dare not truth or maybe do the dare!” Soobin exclaims with a pout on his lips.
 “It’s okay, I’ll do it,” your breath stills as he reaches over and gives you a peck on the cheek, quickly going back to his place and looking to the side, hand covering his cheeks. So cute. You hadn’t realized you said this out loud as kai gets more red and soobin smirks. To turn the attention away from him, kai, still looking away, tells you it’s your turn with a soft voice. You nod as you glare at soobin. “Soobin!” You point at him, “I’ll give you such an embarrassing truth that when you hear it, and realize you have to answer it, you’ll want to die.” He just chuckles as he tells you to go on, thinking you’ll ask something lame like kai did. 
“When was your first time?”
He chokes. His mouth goes dry as he looks around the room and shuffles in his place, okay maybe you were going to embarrass him to the point where he’ll want to die. “Well…” he looks up and see both you and kai staring straight into his soul. “I haven’t…actually…done..it…” he whispers. Both he and Kai miss the way your legs move a bit, and you feel yourself clench around nothing, starting to feel turned on. Soobin’s actually a virgin? You try to act normal, like the thought of taking each other's virginity wasn’t in your mind.
He looks up and sees you nodding saying “mm okay,” trying to act as normal as possible. But when he sees kai trying to stifle a laugh, that ticks soobin off. “Kai you have no room to laugh when you’re a virgin too!” Kai looks surprised and quickly looks at you for a point of a second before looking away, looking shocked and opening his mouth, being tomato red now. Before he can retort something back in his defense, soobin says, “well it’s my turn now. Kai. When was the first time you masturbated?” He smirked. He knew this information, he just wanted to see kai get even more embarrassed than he was currently. 
You look over at kai, waiting for him to answer. “I…this...summer…” Soobin places his hand behind one of this ears. “What? You gotta speak up kai we can’t hear you.” Kai keeps his eyes on the ground as he says louder, “I masturbated for the first time this summer!” All of you are quiet. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Why’s this making you so hot and bothered? For some reason it makes you want them even more, you want to learn everything with them.
You chew on your bottom lip as soobin tells you it’s your turn. You don’t want to embarrass kai even further though, so you ask soobin a question again. You realize at this point it’s not truth or dare, it’s just you guys asking embarrassing questions to each other. You should be given a Medal of Honor as you do the second bravest thing ever, you ask, “Soobin, you probably jerk off too, what do you think of?” Soobin just swallows hard as he feels his dick start to rise, of course, he thinks about you. But he can’t say that. Right? “Uh.., ah, this one girl, she’s really cute.” Your heart drops. Of course, you don’t even know why you asked, as if he was going to say your name. You try to seem unfazed as you smile, “you gotta show me her one day.” “Yeah.” It’s kai’s turn to ask. 
“y/n, are you also a virgin?” you blush wildly as you slowly start shaking your head and looking at the floor, almost mirroring kai’s earlier movements. “m, I am..” you don’t dare look up. The blood that was once in soobin and kai’s cheeks went straight to their dicks. Kai started imaging you on the bed, his dick in his hand as he was getting ready to enter you. He quickly snapped out of it as he saw soobin get up. Soobin gives Kai a knowing look and smirk before composing himself and talking.
“my ass is getting tired, and so am I,” he looks over at the clock. 9:30 pm. “i think i'm heading to bed, even though it’s not 2 am. I'm pretty sleepy now.” You look at him “actually me too, I think im going to sleep in yeonjun’s room, goodnight guys.” 
“im going to shower…” kai says. You stare wide eyed at him “what?? kai there’s no power, which means there’s no gas, so you’re going to take a really really really cold shower. What if you get sick?” A really cold shower is what kai needed right now, he feels hot from want and he doesn't know how long he can last like this. “It’s okay, I can handle it.” You worryly look up at him, “okay…” As you each get up, you don’t miss the way soobin signals kai to follow him with his head. you see kai just nod subtly before going after him. Okay…
You enter yeonjun’s room and you take off your bra as you look at his body mirror, seeing how small you look in soobin’s huge sweater. you decide to be a creep and smell it. it smells like both of them, they probably share it. Smells so good. ‘M such a fucking weirdo, you think. You give yourself one last look and smile as you head back to the bed to try to sleep. after thirty minutes you realize you can’t. Your body is too used to the 2 am sleep time. 
As you exit his room you hear Kai quickly open the bathroom door at the end of the hall and he walks quickly so you bump into him. He just got out of the shower with his hair still wet and a tight white shirt on and pajama pants. He’s shaking. “kai! you’re shaking so much! I know you just wanted to get clean but you’ll probably get sick now..” you pout at him. You put your hands on his cheeks unconsciously and he leans into it, closing and fluttering his eyes. He can’t resist your stare as he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. As he finally opens his eyes he says, “I know…y/n..can…can you stay with us in our bed..?” 
You look at him confused. He starts rambling “wellit’sjustthatit’sreallycoldandit’llbewarmerifwesticktogetheryouknow.”
 You giggle at his fast words. “Ok, but only if soobin is okay with it.” “He is.” You stare back at him, “He is?” He realizes what he said and tells you that of course he would be because you’re their best friend. You unconvincingly nod your head. hm. As you both enter their shared room, you realize soobin isn’t asleep yet either. He’s sitting on his headboard playing some game on his old ass gameboy or something. “Soobinnieeeee” you say as you go over to him. “Is it okay if I sleep with you guys? It’ll be like the sleepover our friend group always has, but just us three, hehe.”
 He looks up from his game and flashes you a beautiful smile, and his dimples come out. “Yeah, it’ll be way more warm with you. Kai and I usually sleep with a spot in the middle of the bed anyways.” You hum as you turn to look over at Kai sitting on his gaming chair, watching the conversation between you and soobin. You give him a goofy smile and a thumbs up as you make your way over to him. He cackles at your gestures. You’re way too cute for him to handle.
 “Kai, your hair is still really wet, let me dry it off for you.” You grab his towel from his shoulders and start drying as much of his hair as you can with it. Kai tries to subtly inhale your scent as he feels your warmth behind you, and, as well as your boobs being squished on his back. He plays with his fingers and nails trying to keep his composure. “I think it’s way more dry now,” you chuckle. “Oh!” He looks at your face wondering what has surprised you. “Kai, you’re really handsome with your hair all messy,” you say. He smiles and says thanks and looks away, by the time he wants to face you again you’re on the bed next to soobin, now your boobs against his arm, and he notices the way soobin glances over at them and gulps down. 
You sit in between both soobin and kai in bed as you watch them play on their consoles. You tell them goodnight, finally starting to feel sleepy thanks to how warm they are, and you lay down facing soobins waist. Soobin and kai give each other a nod and turn off their games. Soobin gets up and blows out some candles illuminating the room, leaving just a couple, enough so you guys don’t trip and fall at night. As soobin comes into bed again, he hears you ask kai if you could cuddle him, and he shyly nods his head while saying a quiet “yeah.” You put your arm around his waist and your head on his chest. “So warmmmm” you say to him. Kai just hopes you don’t open your eyes towards his bulge or move your hand closer to it. 
Soobin turns to you and asks if he could cuddle you. You turn your head to him with your doe eyes looking sleepy and half open and tell him yes. He puts his head on top of yours. You feel his broad shoulders and big hands encase you and feel his thigh on your ass. You were nervous. You wondered if kai and soobin could hear your heartbeat as you were pressed against the both of them. It takes some time before you calm down. Before you fall asleep completely, you hear soobin ask, hot breath against your ear, “our little y/n-ie, can you help us with something?” 
You quickly snap open your eyes and look up at kai, he just nervously looks down at you while biting his bottom lip, looking a little desperate. You shift and let go of him and look up at the ceiling, breathless. “With what..?” You ask. “Kai and I were wondering,” he paused, “if you could let us fuck you.” Your breath hitched noticeably. You squeezed your thighs, already feeling wetness between your legs. “Wh-what…?” You say, still breathless. 
It’s kai’s turn to speak, “p…pl…please y/n, really, really wan’ you…” he shifts closer to you and starts to drag his nose along your neck. 
“We wanted our first time to be special, of course we weren’t planning on losing our virginities in a threesome, or even together, but, it’s you we want y/n.” Soobin says, exasperated. “Only you.” He starts to play with your hair with his nimble fingers as you feel him start grinding on your hip. You always dreamt of this, but you didn’t expect for it to become a reality. You nod your head. 
“N-Need a verbal agreement my little y/n,” Soobin says as he slowly grinds against you still, eyes closed and brows furrowed in concentration. 
“Y..yes…” as soon as you said those words, you felt kai start attacking your neck and soobin’s lips against yours. The kiss was hot and messy, his lips were so soft as you brushed your tongue against his bottom one, moaning into his mouth while playing with kai’s hair the best you could. As you guys separated from the kiss, you saw the way a string of saliva followed from in between you. It was kai’s turn. Compared to soobin, he was way more gentle, and nervous, you completely turned to him and you let your hand go under his shirt, onto his stomach and his back while your other hand was on his cheek. He unsurely put his hands on your waist and you coo at how cute he is, and all he can do is whimper in response. You travel your hand up in his chest and let your thumb caress his nipple, “nghh, y/n, feels so..good.” You’ve barely done anything to him at all and he’s already a mess. You guess you are too. You feel soobin start to groan in your ear as he keeps grinding into your ass now. You let out a choked moan as you feel his dick pressing against you. Feels so big.
“y/n, ngh, want you so bad, please.” 
You nod and your lips let go of kai’s as he whines from the separation. Soobin just smirks as he instructs him to get in the middle and lifts you up in a doggy position in front of kai’s bulge. You start to whimper, seeing how big it looked even behind his pajama bottoms, wanting him to fill you up so bad. Kai looks down at you, his face looking so fucked out just from making out with you, and you feel yourself clench against nothing, feeling the way your arousal goes past the point of wetting your panties and is now getting your shorts wet. “Take off everything but the sweater.” Soobin tells you. “And leave it unzipped.”
You do as you’re told, slowly and shyly remove your tank top along with your shorts and panties. Putting the sweater back on, feeling even smaller in it now. You feel the way soobin and kai stare at you, hungry stares making you feel like a lamb caught in between two wolves. You feel too exposed. You squeeze your legs together and use the sweater to cover your boobs while zipping up the garment. You feel the bed shift and soobin appears behind you, towering over you. “No my cute y/n, show kai and I what we’ve been wanting since we saw you.” Soobin was shaking, as well as his voice, and was nervous as fuck, but he hoped you didn’t notice while he took charge of what was happening.
One of his hands separates your thighs and another unzips the zipper. He pulls down the sweater to your elbows, not enough to fall off of you but not enough to cover your body anymore. You feel the coldness of the room hit your nipples as they harden even more. Your body was on full display for both of them. Kai slowly thrusts his hips up, as if he was going to reach your cunt floating over him, groaning and biting his lips with sleepy eyes and eyebrows furrowed. You wish you could take pictures of his form. 
Soobin slowly bent you over to a doggy position again, lowering your head closer to kai’s bulge. You groan, “kai…want your dick, kai please, wanna taste it.” You swear kai was gonna cum right then and there. “Please- please, please, wanted you for so long now y/n…since I saw you.” You start to pull his bottoms down along with his boxers. His dick springs free and hits his stomach. Holy fuck, you think. He was so thick and big, such a pretty color and veiny. your mouth started watering at the sight of his head dripping precum, glob after glob going down under his head towards his shaft. 
“kai….” as you start to reach for it, soobin grabs your wrist with his hand, “wait, y/n, I think kai wants to tell you something.” Kai looks up at soobin and shakes his head no, no he doesn’t. Soobin gives him a firm look. After staring at soobin, Kai finally looks at you and starts speaking lightly, “y..y/n…t..the first…time I masturbated, it was right after we came home from dropping you off..thought bin was in the shower, an-and I couldn’t stop thinking about you…didn’t know what else to do but to touch myself for the first time…t-then..he came in and heard me whispering your name touching myself thinking of you…” all you could do was look up at him in awe.
 “kai…” soobin smirks, “although I appreciate your honesty, you know that’s not what I wanted you to tell her. tell her your perverted secret, come on. Or I won’t let her suck or fuck you.” Kai cried no as he turned red and his dick twitched, he liked this. “Y/n won’t forgive me soobin! Please..!” Soobin swung your wrists behind your back. “Tell her, or you can leave.” Is soobin really a virgin..? you thought. He seems way too good at this. Kai covers his eyes with the back of his hand as he starts talking, “y/n..the plushie you gifted me…smells so much like you..” You smile because you had sprayed it what seemed like a billion times with your signature scent so he would think of you whenever he had it with him. He continued, “so I….mmphgh..I…whenever I think of you I place it under me and grind on it..wanted..it to be you so bad..thought about stuffing my dick into your cunt every time..couldn’t help myself..m sorry..it’s all ruined now.” You felt your cunt start leaking and your arousal starting to travel down your thigh. 
As soobin lets go of your wrists, happy with kai’s confession, you grab his thighs and licked the precum from the bottom of his dick to his tip. Kai moans out so high pitched as he finally looks at you through his lashes. you tell him he’ll have to tell you what he likes since you’ve never done this before. He's never had a blowjob before, but he knows that whatever you do it’ll make him cum. 
you start to do kitten licks on his tip, feeling how heavy and smooth his dick was against your tongue. You loved it. “kai,” you say, his hot head still on your tongue, “lo- your cock, -eels o good…” he couldn’t handle the way you were saying this with your big doe eyes looking up at him with his tip on your tongue, it took everything in him not to spray on your face. You took his huge hands and placed them on your hair, “wan u to use me.” He groaned at your request and slowly pushed your head down on his length. He moaned out when he felt you gag on him, dick already hitting the back of your throat and not even all of it in. 
He started pushing your head up and down more, feeling you gag on his dick and looking up at him with big wet eyes, shining so much. As you looked for soobin, you realized he was on his gaming chair, watching you guys, he had his eye half way closed and a slightly opened mouth as he slowly palmed himself. 
Suddenly, you felt your nose hit kai’s pelvis bone and felt his dick go the furthest it’s been in your throat. You try to calm down and breath heavily through your nose as you gag around him. You look up at him again and moan. Seeing and feeling you was kai’s breaking point. “Y-y…y/n!…gunna..m…gunna..” you felt him shake a little as his mouth opened, moaning. His chest heaving up and down quickly as his eyes rolled back and started saying your name like a mantra. You felt his cum hit your throat and he pushed your head down wanting to feel you as he came. “M..shor..m..sorry..y/n…feel..s..suh…good…mmphghhh..y/n..y/n..y/n…y/n!” With one last spurt he let go of your head and started breathing heavily, blond bangs sticking to his forehead, chest deeply going up and down. You swallowed everything as you felt him bring your head close to his to kiss you. 
This time, the kiss was lazy and soft, you felt yourself grinding your bare cunt on his stomach, seeing it start to shine with slick. You were so aroused you could come right then and there. Kai liked the feeling as he looked up at you, “thank you…was so good.” You smiled back, “like it a lot, wanna do it more to you..like making you feel good..” kai felt his dick twitch, he wanted to bury himself in your cunt, but he’ll have to take a minute to calm down. 
That’s when you felt soobin get behind you again, pushing you up so you’re on your knees but with your back flushed against his chest, your back straight up. He takes off the sweater and starts caressing your boobs, and you swear one of his hands could fit both of your breasts in it, everything about him was giant. breathing in your scent on your neck, you moaned as he rolled your nipples between his thumbs. Kai still laying down, watching you guys in front of him.
“Can you be my first time y/n..?” This time he sounded shy and unsure. You nodded yes as he started giving your neck hickies, going over the ones kai had done before. 
“Want you so bad soobin.” 
He lays you down on kai. Kai starts grabbing at your breasts and plays with your nipples as soobin kisses you and starts opening your folds, touching your cunt. He slides his finger from your slit up towards your clit. You moan at how good it feels and how good his pressure is on it. He then brings his finger down to your slit, the pad of his finger entering your heat. He pumps in and out of you slowly, and you feel everything. You clench around his finger. “Need to ready you up..”
You look up at him moaning softly, “soobin are you actually a virgin..? Mm making me feel so good already..” you feel kai giggle behind you, still playing with your boobs. you see soobin blush at your question and compliment. Embarrassed, but not stopping his actions he says “I…I did my research.” you giggle and kiss him.
 “you’re good at studying then.” 
He smiles as he adds another finger into you. You put your hands on top of kai’s as you moan at the feeling. “Soobin, want you now…” you’ve been waiting for so long now. “Don’t think ur ready y/n..” frustrated, you pull him closer to you as you basically make out with his neck. “Soob…” you feel tears fall from your eyes, “soobin please, please, please my bunny, need and wan you so bad.” Soobin looks at kai,  unsure. Kai gives him a nod, which in return soobin exhales shakily. “Okay. But tell me if you want me to stop at any time, this is your first time too. Don’ wanna ruin it.”
 You quickly nodded as you bit your lip. He took off his sweater and his sweats as you saw his dick spring up. Holy fuck, just like kai’s, big, tall, and pretty. You feel a heartbeat in your cunt as you spread open your thighs, you clench around nothing as his dick twitches on its own. He crawls over to you, nervously looking back and forth into your eyes, “thank you..” He starts with his fat head on your clit, rubbing it up and down for a little, until he finally stops and travels down to your slit. You feel how hot and hard his dick is. He slowly starts to push himself in, and your eyes start releasing tears from the pain, he was so big. “Y/n we can stop,” he tells you. You shake your head no. “Soobin go…don’t care…want you in me..” as he slowly nods, he finally pushes the tip of his dick in. It takes everything in him not to rut straight into you like a dog. You feel so hot and gooey and just good. He groans and moans and whines in your ear feeling so fucking good, and you tell him to go in deeper. 
He hides his face in your neck as he lets his dick go into you more. He then places his forehead against yours, eyes staring into yours. “So good..feels so good y/n, you were made for us.” You lifted your hips up as you moaned. 
To be honest, you liked the pain, it felt good to you. You felt your eyes close and your mouth open while you felt him split you open. 10 minutes later, and he was almost entirely in you. With one final thrust, the most he could fit in you was in. He stilled while you got used to him. You felt kai shuffle behind you, feeling his dick hit the curve of your back and he groaned with every move you made. “Soobin, move, please, feels good now.” He slowly got up, sticky forehead leaving hours as he started to grab your hips and thrusted mercilessly into you, he didn’t really have a rhythm or a set pace but it didn’t matter. “Y/n, love everything about you, when….ah..when you asked who I thought about when I jerked o..off..the answer was you…think of you always…since I met you.” You moaned at his confession. 
His dick was so big you felt him everywhere you needed to. Kai’s hand had reached down to your clit, rubbing circles and different figures. It all made you feel so fucked out. Soobin thrusted especially slow and hard one time and you felt yourself come undone. 
“Mmmmmm…kaibin..kai…soobin..kai..soob..” as you felt kai’s fingers still against your clit, you felt your eyes roll back and your body shake as your hands reached out for anything, landing on kai’s arms. Soobin was still thrusting into you as you came, feeling your gooey walls clench so hard against him that he almost couldn’t move. “So glad we’re gunna be your first, only ours. Love you being my first.” As you came down from your high, you were like a rag doll. You felt kai leave your clit alone and felt his hands go back to giving your nipples attention. Your body limp, you just moaned and let soobin use you. His cute bunny mouth opened and eyebrows furrowed in concentration. That was until one of kai’s hand started rubbing on your clit again, wanting to see you cum again, while the other one pressed against the bulge imprint on your lower belly of soobin’s dick in your cunt. You whined and moaned, “kai…can’t…can’t…” kai smiled as he whined pathetically  in your ears “please..please…wanna see you come again…” you were too weak to fight back. 
soobin was barely holding on, he had to stop himself from coming three times already, not wanting this to end. He wanted to feel this good forever. Feeling that he was about to come, he asked where you wanted his load. You just groaned and wrapped your arms around his neck as he thrusted into you even more sloppily than before, “want your seed in me my bunny.” With that sentence, soobin moaned and whined and rolled his eyes back so hard that he thought they’d go around. As he thrusted into you, coming, he kept repeating, “I love you y/n, love you y/n, I love you y/n since I met you, wanted you to be mine, love you so much.” This had you whining like crazy. Once he was done and filled you up to the brim with his cum, soobin took out his dick, hissing at the over stimulation. He pushed the cum that was drooling out of your cunt back into it, as he went up to you again, he kissed you, “felt so good…” 
Kai whined as he felt his dick wet from all his precum, he wanted to bury himself in you, too. You felt his hard dick against your back and told soobin to lay down where kai was. Soobin’s mind was still hazy and brain melted, did it immediately as he looked down at you. You loved their dicks, you know after this nothing but them would be able to satisfy you, ever. 
You put yourself in the same position you were in when you were sucking off kai, this time kai behind you and soobin under you. You mewled out, “kaiiiiiiiii wan ur dick please…wanna feel so full and good again…give it to me..wanna be your first..” kai whimpered as he entered you, being able to do it so much easier thanks to soobin stretching you out. As soon as he bottomed out, he became like a wild animal. Crouching down so he could whine and moan in your ear, feeling his breaths against your face. 
“Waited for this for so long…you feel so fucking good..feels like I’m gonna come already…nghhh..only we can make you feel this way okay?..no one else. You belong to us only. Mine…mine..mine….mine. Ours.” You felt drool leave your mouth as you cried out from how good those words and his thrusts were hitting you, eyes rolling back, feeling like you were about to melt. You open your eyes and look up at soobin, seeing his dick hard again already. You take him whole in your mouth and moan against him as you feel him hiss and pull at your hair. Just like kai, you let him use you however he wanted. Kai was more sloppy than soobin, but fuck, did he hit everywhere he needed to. You felt yourself come as he started pressing on his own dick imprint on your stomach this time, “you’re so small, can see our dicks in you..such a tight little cunt..so fucking good and nice and wet for us…”
Soobin felt you moan, and thrusted up, hitting your throat and sending his cum down. He closed his eyes as he let his orgasm take over as he groaned and shook, “ah fuckkkk.” You felt some of his cum slide out from the side of your mouth as your body went limp and you laid on his thigh. You could feel kai’s dick twitch in you as he held you up, fucking you like you were just some doll. “Kai…” you whine, “all those times you rutted against that plushie, wish it was me, love your dick, feel so good my mind is going numb. love, love hyuka’s dick so much…” 
hearing a new nickname for him, from you, sent him over the edge as he started crying into your neck as he filled you up too, “nguhhh y/n…also..also luh…fuck..ilove you so much…wish I was yours forever, wanna fill you up every day now, never wanna stop.” He messily kissed your neck as he rode his high, slow thrusts going into you.
as he slid out of your cunt, he did the same as soobin, scooped up his cum and pushed it back into you with his finger. “Want this to stay.” he crashed next to you and soobin.
“I love you guys,” you say. It felt good to confess. Both soobin and kai responded at the same time, “we love you more.” You giggled at how in sync they were.
With the very last of your strength you say, “Forgot there was a blizzard happening. It’s not even cold in this room anymore. Made it so warm.” You went in between the middle of them, laying down, closing your eyes.
Kai giggled as both of them turned to you and embraced you. “Well now we know what we’re going to do to not be bored,” soobin said. You felt kai smile as he nodded, “yeah. right.”
Before completely passing out you whispered a, “thanks beomgyu weather wizard for this blizzard.”
And somewhere miles away, beomgyu sneezed.
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