#I should probably do something to mark the anniversary...
ghostofhyuck · 2 days
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NCT Dream when they received a flower bouquet from you!
Mark Lee
Mark would be eyes wide but confused because you handed him a bouquet of flowers. What's the occassion? Did he missed something??? Is it your anniversary because he's already mentally preparing an apology if he forgot it. "Mark it's nothing, I just want to give you a bouquet." "Oh. For what?" oh this poor boy is so endearing but you only gave him a smile and explained to him that you just want to. He'll probably let out a small chuckle and gives you a quick kiss as a thank you. 
Huang Renjun
OH the moment Renjun saw you holding a bouquet full of yellow flowers and you hands it over him, trust me he'll be all smiley about it!! He'll admire the way you thought about the bouquet carefully, even asking you where did you bought the flowers because it looks like it's freshly-picked. He'll give you a small kiss on the cheeks and thanks you. Trust that he'll definitely FLAUNT it on social media like...he has too!! oh and he picks a few petals and hides it on his notebook as a keepsake. 
Lee Jeno
He'll be so confused but in a endearingly samoyed-way when you hands him over flowers. He'll accept it nonetheless because it was a HUGE bouquet and he wonders why, "You did a good job on your work, you deserve flowers!" you told him, giggling at your boyfriend's reaction as he stares at the flowers. He'll be confused but the budding feeling of receiving flowers from his girlfriend surpassed it. He'll glance at you and hugs you, thanking you for the flowers because it was a gift from you!
Lee Donghyuck
Thinks that it was so sweet of you that you gave him a bouquet of sunflowers as a gift. He'll be surprised by it but he loves at how you know what flowers you should give him. He'll hug it and would admire it because it was a gift from you! He'll shower you with kisses too! Probably the type to brag it to his other members like,, "do you have a girlfriend that gives you flowers? none? exactly." 
Na Jaemin
Jaemin will be having the biggest smile out of all! He'll feel like a princess when you surprised him with a huge bouquet of pink roses! It's roses and it's pink!! He loves it! Showers you with kisses because you deserve it and he doesn't deserve a girlfriend like you!! Would buy a vase so that he can display it in his apartment and whenever he glances at the flowers, he'll unknowingly smile because of it!
Zhong Chenle
I think that Chenle would be appalled when you handed him over a bouquet. Would be the type to ask you what's the occassion, did he missed some holiday where a significant other is required to give their so a bouquet? You will laugh it off and would tell him that you just want to give him a flower. He'll be so ?? confused ?? with ?? your ?? sudden affection because you're not a gift-giving person but he couldn't help but to coo at how sweet that gesture is. 
Park Jisung
Oh he'll be eyes wide surprise too! It's a huge bouquet! a huge one that hovers on you completely and not even his huge hands can hold the end perfectly. He'll stare at it, probably stunned at the arrangement of the flowers and when it sinked into him that you gave him flowers, he'll ask why. And when you told him that you just feel like giving him one, he'll be so shy about it! But you know that he appreciates it by the way his gummy smile is showing! :<
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skyward-floored · 10 months
So the Incredibles au was officially a year old on Sunday
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hazelplaysgames · 10 months
and fest results! shame i got a headache partway into it, but it was fun. i think this was the first time i've ever had matches go friendly during fest, and hard to imagine a better time than a team Love mirror match. good games out there everyone!
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thankskenpenders · 5 months
Happy new year, everyone! Welcome to 2024, the year that will mark the 10th anniversary of Thanks Ken Penders. I'd like to go over my plans for the blog for this year.
First of all: in the very near future, I'll have a post with my thoughts on Sonic Dream Team, and I'm sure I'll write one last Sonic Prime review once the final episodes drop on the 11th. I've also been sitting on an unfinished piece about the Sonic LEGO sets. I wanted this to be longer and more detailed piece that not only reviewed the sets but also went into the weird disconnect between homogenized image of Sonic the Brand and the actual fiction it's based off of, but it'll probably end up getting cut down a lot just so I can put something out. Let's just say I did a fun little thing with one of the sets.
Second: yes, I would like to return to regular TKP updates this year. As I've said many times, I wanted to do this in 2023, but I've been suffering from creative burnout after finishing SLARPG and have generally been unable to focus on any of my creative goals this past year. I'm hoping that this year will be better and I'll be able to get back into the swing of covering Archie Sonic issues. Even doing one issue every week or so would be vastly preferable to continuing the hiatus. I'm still only halfway done!! But aside from burnout, my other main hurdle is that I need to reread my own archive to refresh myself on all these things after nearly three years away. This will take some time.
The thing is, though, this year I'll have an extra incentive to go back through my previous writing and brush up on all things Archie Sonic. Because you see...
I've decided that I want to make a video essay about Penders. The comics, the copyright battle, The Lara-Su Chronicles, everything.
The why
I've thought about doing this before, but I never committed to the idea. I was too busy with gamedev, or I thought it'd end up being too long, or I figured that there were already enough videos on the subject, or I just lacked confidence in my ability to put together a video essay. So I told myself it wasn't meant to be, and let the multiple YouTubers who have cited me as a source on their own Penders videos fill that void.
Recently, though, a few things have happened that have convinced me it might be time. For one, YouTube video essays/media retrospectives/etc. are just getting longer and longer. When Quinton Reviews is out here doing 21 hours of videos on Sam & Cat, a subpar Nick sitcom that only lasted one season, I don't feel so crazy for wanting to make a video about several hundred comic books and two lawsuits that'd be at least an hour or two long lmao. Admittedly, I've also been self-conscious about doing a long video essay like this as a trans woman who has yet to do any vocal training. But these days I feel like I see a lot more transfem YouTubers who have done little to no vocal training, and that's given me more confidence on that front.
But the big one was Hbomberguy's recent plagiarism video. As I sat there watching it, I kept thinking about the time I found a CBR article that was just a crude 800 word summary of my two previous articles on Penders, published by a CBR writer who's put out over 4000 articles since 2019. If I've already been plagiarized before, and my writing is so frequently passed around as a go-to source on Archie Sonic drama, then I wouldn't be shocked if there were YouTubers out there straight up just plagiarizing me. I don't watch other peoples' videos on Archie Sonic, so I'd never know! So if people are just gonna paraphrase me when covering these topics anyway, why not take matters into my own hands and make what I would consider to be the definitive video on the subject? If hacks like James Somerton and iilluminaughtii can churn out these shitty video essays and people will still watch them, surely it can't be that impossible to make my own, right? (And also, uh, Hbomb literally told me I should make the video lol. If you're reading this, thanks for the encouragement.)
The what, how, and when
So here's the plan.
Part of this video essay will be an adaptation of my Medium article on the recurring themes of Ken's Archie Sonic run, with its content touched up and expanded upon. There were a few things I skimmed over in the article because I didn't want it to get too long, but again, people are out here watching ten hour videos about bad Nickelodeon sitcoms now. I can get away with elaborating a little more. I can add a few paragraphs talking about the Chaos Knuckles arc, or throw in a little more historical context I've discovered in the years since.
After covering the comics, the back half(-ish?) of the video will be dedicated to the copyright battles and their ensuing controversies, trying to give an accurate picture of what actually went down, the sheer scale of how bad Archie fucked up, and what our takeaways should be. This will have some similarities to my New York Magazine article on the subject, but I'll be rewriting it from scratch. I REALLY had to keep things short for that article because I was already way over the expected word count, and my tone was a little more straight-laced than normal because I was trying to keep things Professional. I can riff more and insert more of my own opinions this time, like I normally would.
I'll inevitably have to touch on some of Ken's Bad Tweets when discussing things that have happened after the lawsuits, but I don't want the video to just devolve into a list of times people got mad at him on Twitter, so I'm gonna try to keep that to a minimum in favor of focusing on his actual work. Things like the Scourge the Speed Demon incident and his continued statements on certain characters' copyright statuses probably warrant mentioning, though. And finally, assuming that the book really does come out this summer, I would like the grand finale of the video to be about those first couple chapters of The Lara-Su Chronicles.
I don't currently know when this video will get done, but it'll probably be in the back half of the year, especially with me waiting for the book to either drop or get delayed yet again. But I've actually already started writing a bit of the script, and will keep chipping away at it for a while.
So, uh, yeah, look forward to that? Wish me luck?
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sidekick-hero · 4 months
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(steddie | 2.4k | teen | tags: future fic, steddie in their 40s, second chances, mutual pining, happy ending | @steddielovemonth Love is the hope for a future together by@acasualcrossfade | AO3)
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"I don't know, Robbie. I mean, it's been years! Even if there ever was a 'spark' between us, it's probably long gone."
He doesn't look over at Robin as he says this, pretending to be engrossed in grading papers. They both know that he hasn't made a single mark on the paper in front of him since Robin burst into his house with her spare key and announced, "Eddie's coming to the wedding."
"Inside voice," he had chided her, even though April was at her friend's house doing a school project. Old habits die hard.
Plopping down next to him at the kitchen table, Robin had happily ignored him as she continued, "Lucas just called me, it's going to be a surprise for Dustin. Eddie's finishing the tour two days early, so he's coming straight from the airport. But he will be there, Steve!"
Trying his best not to show how his heart had started beating faster as soon as Robin had mentioned Eddie's name, Steve had shrugged nonchalantly. "That's nice, Robbie. Dustin will be over the moon."
"That's nice, Robbie." She repeated in a surprisingly good imitation of his tone. They definitely spent too much time together. "You can act indifferent all you want, Steve. I was there when you refused to leave the house for a whole week when Eddie went to LA, remember? I held your hair when you puked your guts out after drowning your sorrows when Eddie brought what's-his-face to Max and Lucas' wedding. You two belong together, Steve! You just had bad timing. You've never both been single at the same time - until now. That must mean something. Maybe he's not just coming for Dustin, that's all I'm saying."
Which had actually led them to discuss whether Steve should put them all out of their misery by finally growing a pair (Robin's words) or decide that whatever had been between them that summer, when Eddie had recovered from almost being eaten alive by demobats, was long gone (Steve's words).
"I beg to differ, Dingus. I saw the way he looked at you at our little 'Fuck Off Upside Down' anniversary party. He spilled his beer when you walked in the room, Steve. No one else did."
"He's clumsy. You know that. I'm surprised he never fell off the stage," Steve jokes. He's not sure who he's trying to convince, Robin or himself.
Robin's expression changes to something more serious as she puts her hand on top of his, still holding his red grading pen in a white-knuckled grip. "Steve, listen. I'm not saying you have to do anything. You and Eddie have been friends for almost twenty years. We've all been. You're not going to lose him no matter what you decide. But," and here she takes a deep breath, "I just want you to be happy, Steve. You deserve to be happy. And I know that you're not unhappy, I know that. You've got April and you've got me and you've got the kids, even though they're scattered all over the country. But I also know that you've never stopped imagining a future with him, have you?"
"He kissed me," Steve blurts out, and to Robin's credit, she doesn't react except for her hand on his to twitch in surprise. She makes a questioning sound in her throat, clearly waiting for more.
"The night before he left. We had this big going-away bash, remember?" She nods. "We all got pretty drunk after the kids left and you and Vicky had gone to sleep in the guest room and I had offered to sleep on the couch so Eddie could have my bed. His back was still bothering him and he had a long drive ahead of him the next day. But he insisted on sharing and I was too drunk and tired to argue. The next morning he got up very early, probably thinking I was still asleep when he got dressed and left. Only he didn't leave. At least not right away. He came over to the bed and kissed me. On the mouth. And he said, 'You'll always be my almost, Stevie.'"
Robin looks at him with wide eyes, and Steve thinks that maybe he should have told her sooner, that maybe he violated some code between them because they tell each other everything. But something about this morning had felt, well, almost sacred in a way. As if putting it into words would make it less so.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, Robbie. I just..."
"You had to keep it to yourself so it would always be the one dream you could turn to?" Robin suggests in a soft voice, and Steve wouldn't have said it like that, but she's right. Every date that didn't feel right, every relationship that went down the drain, hell, even when his marriage imploded on him, he thought of that one kiss and dreamed of a life where Eddie would have stayed. Or where Steve had followed him.
"Oh Dingus." Suddenly, Robin's arms wrapped around him in a hug, and it wasn't until he saw the wetness on her shirt that he realized he was crying. "I can't promise you it'll work, but I really think you should talk to him. Your life doesn't end at 40, Steve. You can still have the future you've always dreamed of."
Steve nods against her shoulder, tightening his grip on the best thing that has ever happened to him besides April.
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Dustin and El's wedding is a small affair, just family and close friends, which is basically the same in their group.
Steve tries his best not to show his inner turmoil and mostly succeeds. There are handshakes that turn into tight hugs, hellos that turn into stories about kids and grandkids, neighbors, vacations, jobs, life. It's great to see everyone. It also helps distract him from the butterflies that have taken up permanent residence in his stomach for over a week now.
It works until everyone is about to take their seats and Eddie still hasn't shown up. He's supposed to be one of Dustin's groomsmen, along with Lucas and Mike and Will, while Steve is actually Dustin's best man. He only cried a little when Dustin asked him to.
Just as the officiant is ready to start without him, the heavy double doors open and Eddie walks in like Aragorn into Helm's Deep (Dustin insisted that Steve watch the movies if he didn't want to read the books, and Steve may have thought of Eddie more than once while watching Aragorn, sue him).
He rushes to his spot next to the other groomsmen, ruffles Dustin's hair as he passes him, and mumbles, "Sorry, shrimp, the airport lost my luggage." Then his eyes fall on Steve and he freezes for a moment before giving him a bright, dimpled smile. "Hey, Stevie," he whispers before stepping to the end of the line of groomsmen.
Steve is glad that Hopper is recording the whole ceremony, because he doesn't hear a thing that's being said.
Later, everyone gathers in the dining room and Hopper and Claudia each give a heartfelt speech before it's Steve's turn. He has everyone toast to Dustin and El's future, because while the past may have brought them together, it's the future that belongs to them and their love. He forces himself not to look at Eddie as he says this, knowing that his face would give away his thoughts.
And then Eddie stands up to say a few words as well, something no one expected him to do.
"I've known Dustin for 20 years now, and the only time I ever doubted that he was a genius was when he let El go without a fight. But you know what? I was wrong. Dustin and El may have taken the scenic route to get here," Eddie tells the guests, "but sometimes that's the best way to get somewhere. If you're willing to take the long and winding road, the road less traveled, as Frost would say, you know that whatever's at the other end is worth it."
Steve desperately wants to believe that Eddie is not just talking about Dustin and El, but he doesn't even look at Steve when he says that. He just sits down again next to Robin at the table right next to the one where Steve is sitting with Dustin and El and their parents, because Steve is part of the family, too, as Claudia had pointed out.
The rest of the evening is kind of a blur until everyone gets up to go to the ballroom where the dance floor has been set up. Dustin and El open with their first dance, "You and Me" by Lifehouse, and Steve has never been prouder of his little brother as he watches him lead El across the dance floor with the biggest, toothiest smile on his face.
"They've come a long way, huh?" says a voice next to him and Steve doesn't have to turn around to know it's Eddie.
"Yeah. I'm glad they made it." Steve agrees, his eyes never leaving the dancing couple. More and more people are joining them now, and Steve can feel the fond smile on his face grow.
Eddie's hand rests on his arm as he steps around Steve to face him. He extends his other hand to Steve, palm up, and asks, "May I have the pleasure of this dance with you?"
As if Steve could ever say no to Eddie.
Just as they step onto the dance floor, "You and Me" fades out and the next song begins. It's "Unchained Melody" and Steve suspects that Robin had a hand in it. It's the song Steve listened to a lot after Eddie left and she once complained that he ruined the song for her. Apparently not enough to put it on the playlist when he and Eddie hit the dance floor.
"I always kind of liked that song," Eddie tells him, and Steve snorts. "No, really! It's not really metal, but I don't know. I just feel it, you know? It's real." Eddie explains, veering close to rambling territory.
"Is that so?" Steve has to ask as he slowly sways, his hand in Eddie's and his arm wrapped around Eddie's waist.
Eddie hums quietly in agreement. "Back in '86, when I was trying to settle down in LA, I used to listen to it for hours." Eddie admits quietly and Steve's heart is suddenly in his throat. "I felt every single word and every single word made me think about what I was leaving behind."
"Eddie," Steve begins, only to be gently silenced by Eddie's finger against his lips.
"Please, Stevie, I have to say this now or I never will. So please, just listen, yeah?"
Steve crosses his eyes to look pointedly at Eddie's finger against his lips before looking back up at Eddie, who snorts at the gesture. "Brat," he teases, taking his finger away.
"Okay, I'm listening," Steve tells him, and mimics zipping his lips.
Eddie's eyes sparkle with amusement and affection, and something deeper. Something that makes the seeds of hope in Steve's chest tentatively open and reach for their sun.
"Stevie, sweetheart, you certainly know... I mean, you must know that I..." Eddie rambles and Steve has never seen him so lost for words. He doesn't say anything, but he brings their joined hands to his mouth and kisses Eddie's in silent reassurance.
Eddie's eyes find his and the expression in them is so unbearably soft that Steve almost has to look away. No one has ever looked at him like that before. "You were always the one who got away, Steve. My almost. Even when I was with other people, you were there. On every stage, in every hotel room, on every stretch of highway, you were there. And I almost told myself it just wasn't meant to be. I had you as a friend and that was a gift I never thought I would have, I shouldn't be greedy and ask for more."
He takes a deep breath, like he's steeling himself, gathering every ounce of that incredible courage Steve has seen time and time again, even as Eddie keeps insisting he's a coward. Steve knows better, and Eddie's next words prove him right once again.
"But the funny thing is, it never stopped me from hoping for a future with you."
They stop dancing, if you can call what they were doing dancing, and look at each other, eyes searching for answers. For reasons to hope.
Steve is the first to break the silence, a soft grin on his face. "May I speak now?"
That makes Eddie laugh softly and he nods.
"Is this what you want? A future with me? Because that means a future with a middle school teacher with a little pet tornado who's currently staying with her mom. You have to mean it for her as much as you mean it for me. This means being all in, Eddie."
Steve hates that he has to say this, that he can't just fall into Eddie's arms and kiss him senseless. But Eddie needs to know what a future with Steve means. If he wasn't sure he wanted that kind of future, then they couldn't have one together. At least not the way they both wanted it.
Eddie cupped Steve's cheek in his hand, his smile growing with every blink of his chocolate eyes. "Steve, I know who you are. I know what it would mean to be with you, and I want it so much that I can barely stand another day without it. I love your little pet Tornado, she's adorable and funny and she has great taste in music. No idea where she got that from, though," Eddie teases before sobering up. "I want to be a family. This tour was our last for at least two years. The guys need a break and so do I. And after that, we don't know yet, but whatever it is, it will be something we agree on together. You and me and April."
Maybe Steve should ask more questions, be more cautious. But he's waited twenty years for this, and he can't wait another second to finally kiss the man he's always been in love with.
He's ready for his future to begin.
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yuikomorii · 6 months
Happy 12th anniversary! 🎉
// I can’t believe so many years have passed since Ayato’s first CD drama, which marked the beginning of Diabolik Lovers and the introduction of my girl, Yui. Even if it got its flaws, I will continue to support this franchise! 💘
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I have prepared an edit and a scenario for this special day! It's meant to be a "funny" one, so there will definitely be some cringe moments, but overall it's quite lighthearted. I sincerely hope you find it enjoyable! Besides, I had a blast writing Laito; he always channels my inner mischievousness.
Yui: Hmm… I believe I have all ingredients now!
( Come to think of it, the Sakamaki brothers are vampires but they surprisingly allowed me to celebrate Christmas this year. )
( It’s honestly so ironic that it makes me wonder whether or not they actually did it for… me? )
( A-Ah no, that’s definitely not the case! I’m probably just getting selfish at this point, but I genuinely do appreciate it. For this reason, I’ll try my best to cook all of their favorite dishes so as to show my gratitude! )
( Christmas is such a magical time of the year. It brings back memories of my father and I organizing the annual Christmas Mass together. We used to decorate the church and bake sweets for children, who were so cute when receiving them! Those were activities that truly brought joy to my heart… I sort of miss those times. )
( My father… I wonder, is he preparing for Christmas too? No, he most likely isn’t… )
( I don’t even know where he is to begin with but I truly hope he’s alright… )
( Anyway, I shouldn’t ruin the mood with those thoughts. Now that I've got everything ready for the dishes, I just need to find the right spot to hide Ayato-kun’s pre— )
Ayato: Yo, Chichinashi!
Yui: G-Geez! Ayato-kun, I told you already not to sneak up behind my back!
Ayato: Haa… Fine, fine, I’m sorry.
Yui: It’s— Eh?
( Wait a little, did he just apologize? )
Ayato: Why are you making such a dumb face? You don’t believe my words, do you?
Yui: Y-You got it wrong! It’s just that I wasn’t expecting Ayato-kun to apologize for something so trivial, you see.
Ayato: Hmm, I guess you’re not wrong. But, since Christmas is coming soon, it’d be a pity for Santa Claus to write me on the naughty list after trying to avoid it the whole year.
Yui: Naughty list…?
( Is it just me, or does Ayato-kun really believe Santa Claus will give him a present? I mean… Santa is told to only deliver them to children, and I'm not sure a 17-year-old still qualifies as one. )
( But I can’t straight up tell him that! It will only ruin the magic otherwise… Besides, when that thought crosses my mind, it somehow makes him appear so pure. )
Ayato: Hah? What are you grinning at? I swear, I've made an effort to be a good boy this year!
Yui: That’s really… amazing, Ayato-kun! I’m sure Santa will remember that!
Ayato: Heh? So you really think he’ll bring me something?
Yui: Uhm… Definitely!
( His eyes started sparking, I really can’t say “no” to that…! However, that only means I'll have to get him another gift so that he can have one from "Santa" and another one from me. )
B-By the way, I think I forgot to buy gingerbread syrup. I suppose I should leave before ——
Ayato: No, no, I’ll go!
Yui: You will? Ah, but you don’t have to! I was the one who forgo—…!
( He’s covering my mouth! )
Ayato: Stop blabbering already! Ore-sama offered to buy it for you, so you could try being a bit more grateful!
Yui: That’s… you’re right.
( Maybe it’s for the better. This way, I'll be able to find a hiding place for the present I already have for him. )
Ayato: I’ll be right back!
Ayato: Tsk, I can’t believe that shit was out of stock!
Chichinashi will surely be disappointed, if I come home with nothing! After all, she takes all that Christmas stuff seriously…
What's worse is that I tried really hard to find it, but it was already sold out by the time I arrived!
Tsk, damn it! Why must this be so complicated!?
Laito: Well, well. Seems like Ayato-kun is quite moody today.
Ayato: Get lost you pervert, it’s none of your business!
Laito: Haa… how rude of you, Ayato-kun. And there I was actually intending to give you this, but I guess you don’t need it anymore.
Bye bye~!
Ayato: Wait… What’s that thing in your hand?
Laito: What you ask? Nfu, it’s gingerbread syrup, of course. I was able to get the last one today.
Ayato: Wha—! Oi, you better give it to me or else—
Laito: Or else what~?
Ayato: I’ll—… Nevermind.
Look, you know I’m not into cheesy stuff but Chichinashi really loves Christmas, okay? Getting that gingerbread syrup might make her happy ‘cause maybe it’d remind her of how she celebrated it with her pops. That’s why… I can’t believe I’m saying this but… give it to me, please!
Laito: Woah, it’s honesty hour, hm?
Well, whatever, I don’t really care about that gingerbread syrup anyway, so you can take it if you want to.
Ayato: Really? Gr—
Laito: You didn’t let me finish though. I will only give it to you, if you promise me something.
Ayato: Hah? What the hell is it this time!?
Laito: No need to get so worked up~. All you have to do is to ensure that Bitch-chan consumes at least one glass of syrup at the time you bring it to her.
Ayato: That’s it? Pfft, easiest task ever!
Wait… almost a bit too easy.
Oi you perv, you better not plan something behind Ore-sama’s back, understood?
Laito: Normally I would, but Christmas is just around the corner, right? Who would risk being added to the naughty list at the last minute, right?
— hands Ayato the gingerbread syrup—
Place: Living room
Ayato: Yui! Yui! I’m back and look what I found!!
Yui: Good job, Ayato-kun! Thank you so much for helping me!
Ayato: Now take a seat!
— forces her to sit down —
Yui: Eh? What’s happening?
Ayato: Nothing to worry about, just drink this!
— shoves glass of syrup down her throat —
Yui: Mmh…!!
(What on earth!? I can’t breathe—!)
— Yui swallows it —
Ayato: So~, how is it?
— Yui starts coughing —
Yui: It’s… it’s not as sweet as I remembered. This one is quite bitter.
Ayato: Bitter? Don’t spout nonsense, gingerbread can’t be bitter!
Yui: Yeah… thought so too… but..
(My head started spinning around…)
Ayato: Are you even paying attention to what I’m saying?
Yui: Uuh… Sorry, Ayato-kun, I’m suddenly feeling so dizzy…
Ayato: How—?
( The heck’s wrong with her? Is it ‘cause she swallowed that too fast or…? )
Yui: Ayato-kun…
Ayato: What’s it?
Yui: Has anyone ever told you before that you are… extremely cute?
Ayato: Hah!? I mean, yeah, but what’s up with the random confession?
Yui: Eh? Am I not allowed to compliment the most adorable boy in the whole wide world…?
Ayato: Huh—?
Yui: You see, when I look at you like that… you might not be very clear, yet I can’t help but want to protect you…
Ayato: Protect me? D-Don’t say shit like that, it should be the other way around! After all, Ore-sama is the stron—!
(She pinned me down!?)
Yui: Fufu, you’re just so funny when you praise yourself like that…!
Everything about you is so beautiful… your hard yet nicely textured hair, your jade green eyes, your long eyelashes, your ——
Ayato: Tsk, get off me!
— pushes her away —
— Yui falls down —
Yui: Ngh…!
Ayato: …!
Oi! I… I didn’t mean to! Wait, gimme your hand!
— Yui takes his hand and looks up —
Ayato: (Don’t tell me… did that push bring her back to normal? Heh, if that’s so then—)
Yui: Mistletoe…
— puts her hands on his cheeks —
Yui: Holding your face like this makes me realize how soft your cheeks are… They are so round that I wish I could give you more and more Takoyaki until they become even chubbier…!
Ayato: S-Say what—!?
( It’s not like I dislike cheeky women but she’s nuts! )
— Yui gets closer to his lips —
Ayato: …!
Laito: Fufu, hahaha, look at your face!
Ayato: Oi, Laito! Don’t just stand there staring, help me!
Laito: Now why would I? After all, I already did you a favor by giving you the gingerbread liquor~!
Ayato: But you— Did you just say gingerbread LIQUOR!?
Laito: Ex-act-ly! I was simply curious to see what kind of ‘drunk’ Bitch-chan is, and it seems like she’s the honest and horny type.
— takes picture —
Ayato: O-Oi! Don’t you dare to send it to anyone, delete it right now!
Laito: Oh my, look at the time! Now excuse me but I have to take my leave~.
Ayato: You can’t! Save me first!
Laito: Sorry Ayato-kun, no matter how delicious it feels watching you on top of each other while making out in plain sight, I've got better things to do, so... nfu, enjoy while it lasts!
— winks and disappears —
Ayato: You… You bastard! You will pay for this, I swear you wi— Mmh… Mm!
( Now how will I get myself out of THIS situation!? )
( Ugh, that’s what happens when you try helping others. I should have learnt my lesson a long time ago! )
— Yui stops kissing —
Yui: Will Ayato-kun… suck my blood?
Ayato: …!
( Heh, suddenly this doesn’t seem half bad anymore. I might actually grow to like being desired like that~. )
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joeys-babe · 5 months
Joey B Imagines: Call It What You Want
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Summary: Joe makes your first anniversary something you'll never forget. After some bumps in the road, Joe shows you there can be smooth sailing ahead.
Warnings: None, fluff, barely mentions of sex
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Everlasting Love
December 20, 2023
(y/n’s pov)
Day two of staying with Joe in Cincinnati, and I couldn't be happier.
Today was extra special because it marked one year of Joe and I being a couple.
I woke up to tiny kisses being littered on my cheeks. A small smile spread across my lips without me even opening my eyes.
When I finally did, my eyes locked with those ocean-blue ones that I had fallen in love with the first time I saw them.
“G’morning, pretty girl.” - Joe
“Good morning, Joey.” - you grinned
Joe was leaning over top of me and gently lowered himself to place a huge kiss on my lips.
“Happy anniversary.” - Joe
“Happy anniversary, baby.” - you
“Can you believe it's been a year since I asked you to be my girlfriend?” - Joe
“It's felt way longer than that. Probably not seeing each other for two months made it feel like a longer amount of time.” - you
“I promise you’ll be here with me soon, full-time. That is… if you want to.” - Joe
I leaned up in bed and looked down at him, who was now lying on his back.
“Are you asking me to move in with you when I graduate?” - you
“Do you want to?” - Joe
“Yeah…” - you smiled
“Good. We can go back to Athens whenever because that's where both our parents are. If you want you can start slowly moving your stuff here every time you come over.” - Joe
“I would love that.” - you grinned and laid back down
Joe wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and held me against his chest.
“I can't wait to wake up to you every day.” - Joe
“Me too. Opening my eyes and seeing your gorgeous blues is something I'll never get over or take for granted.” - you
I ran one of my hands over Joe’s cheek and rubbed my thumb under his eye. That perfect smile found its way onto his lips.
“You’re so handsome, Joe.” - you
“Well, you are absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait for you to live here with me, it kinda gets lonely sometimes in a big house by myself.” - Joe
“Well trust me, you aren't gonna feel lonely with me here.” - you
“I know… fuck I’m so excited.” - Joe
“One more semester, Joey.” - you laid your head on his chest
I’d be finishing college this spring, and finally be done in May. My commencement ceremony wouldn't be till fall though.
After breakfast, Joe sent me upstairs to get ready and said I wasn't allowed to come downstairs till he said so.
Joe said I didn't have to put anything fancy on, and that comfy would be best, so I wore a pair of leggings and stole one of his sweatshirts.
After getting changed, I headed to the top of the stairs.
“Joe! Can I come down?” - you
“Almost! Give me like one more minute!” - Joe
I waited patiently, feeling a soreness between my legs as I stood there. Last night was so good, and Joe 100% made up for the two months without sex.
Before I could get lost in my thoughts over last night with Joe, the man himself snapped me out of them.
“Okay, you can come down, baby!” - Joe
I excitedly trotted down the stairs to find Joe waiting for me at the bottom of them.
“Should I be scared?” - you
“No.” - Joe laughed
When I got to the last step, Joe gently took one of my hands and led me to the living room.
A smile formed on my lips and I squeezed Joe’s hand when I saw what he had been doing.
There was a fort made out of a ton of blankets taking up the majority of the living room.
“Awe, babe. You made this?” - you
“Yup, after way too many, like an embarrassing number of instructional videos.” - Joe
Laughing as I faced him and got on my tiptoes, Joe and I both leaned in to kiss each other.
His arms wrapped around my waist as my hands found their place on Joe’s chest.
We stayed there for a second, intertwined.
In the end, Joe pulled away and started showing me more of his fort, which he was very proud of.
“I know we had breakfast a little bit ago, but there's a box of pizza in there for whenever we get hungry. Uhm… I have some movies picked out for us to watch. What else… oh and I have a gift for you.” - Joe smiled
“A gift? Joe, we exchanged our anniversary gifts a couple of days ago, remember? We couldn't wait to give them to each other.” - you
“I have another one for you.” - Joe
“You've already done so much though…” - you
Joe rubbed my back and pulled me back into his chest.
“And you deserve even more.” - Joe
“I love you.” - you mumbled into his built chest
“I love you too. Wanna get in the fort?” - Joe
“Yes!” - you
I excitedly broke away from him and knelt to get inside the fort.
When I was fully lying down, Joe followed behind me. His big 6’4 self barreling into the blanket fortress, causing me to bust out laughing.
“Shit, that wasn't the romantic entrance I was going for.” - Joe hid his face in a pillow
Running my fingers through his hair, I pulled on Joe’s blonde locks to pull his face away from the pillow.
“I love your silly self, now come up here and cuddle with me.” - you
“Yes ma'am.” - Joe smirked and crawled up the blankets
He cuddled into me, and I quickly became the little spoon to Joe.
“You comfy?” - Joe
“Mhm.” - you moved back against him
Joe abruptly grabbed my hip to stop my backing up and I flashed him a look over my shoulder.
“Just… don't do that. It'll end in this fort tumbling down.” - Joe
I giggled at the sexual tone behind his words before lacing my fingers with his. The hand of his was connected to the arm he had thrown over my waist. Joe’s arms were so long and thick, who wouldn't want to cuddle them?
A movie and a pizza later, Joe and I were feeling full and tired.
“It’s three o'clock but I want to go to bed. I don't know why I'm so tired.” - Joe
“I am too, baby. Wanna take a nap real quick? It's probably the comfort of this damn fort that's making us tired.” - you
“Aye! Don’t make fun of my fort!” - Joe
“Joseph, I’m not. I'm saying you made it too comfortable!” - you
Joe and I both drowsily laughed at each other before trying to find a comfortable cuddling position to get into for sleep.
Just as my eyes were drifting shut, Joe abruptly sat up behind me.
“Wait! I have to give you your gift.” - Joe
I watched him with a smile on my face as he wiggled himself out of the fort, coming back later with a gift bag.
Joe handed it to me, but I waited for him to get settled before I would even acknowledge the gift.
“Here, my love.” - Joe
“Should I be scared?” - you
“Babe, that's the second time you've asked me that today. I'm starting to think you don't trust me.” - Joe
“I do trust you! I'm teasing.” - you
A few seconds passed of us just smiling at each other till Joe spoke up.
“Open it.” - Joe
Opening the gift bag, there was a small box inside of it. Probably jewelry.
I looked up at Joe to see him smiling at me, I could sense nervousness behind his movements.
Pulling the box out and bag setting the bag to the side, I opened the box to find a gold chain necklace with a ‘J’ pendant.
“Awe, baby. I love it.” - you
“Here let me put it on you.” - Joe
Joe took the necklace out of the box after I handed it to him and maneuvered himself behind me.
He moved my hair to the side and placed a big kiss on the back of my neck, then put the necklace around my neck and clasped it.
When he sat back down in his spot and saw his initial resting on my chest, identifying me as his and his only, I saw the blush on his cheeks deepen to a rosy shade I’d never seen before.
“It looks great on you.” - Joe grinned
“Thank you, baby. I think J’s are a good fit for me.” - you
“I think so too.” - Joe leaned in and kissed you
There was no other boy’s initials that I'd rather wear than Joe’s. He showed me what true love is, and though we'd only been together for a year, I knew he was the one I’d be with for the rest of my life.
With all of the odds stacked against us and everyone saying it wouldn't work, Joe and I tuned out the noise. All because Joe showed me that all that mattered was the fact we were so in love.
All the drama queens taking swings, all the jokers dressing up as kings, they fade to nothing when I look at him.
So yeah, call it what you want.
Authors note: A fic not posted after 9 pm?!
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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guardianofrivendell · 2 years
Drunk in Love
Fíli x wife!reader
Requested: yes, by @carnotaurus-celeste​, back in January for my 2022 followers sleepover. Sorry it took me so long! This was a gif drabble request (that got a bit out of hand), the gif they chose is similar to the one I put underneath. 
Warnings: mentions of drinking, drunk Dwarves, adorable Fíli, not proofread
A/N: this was my last request from the January sleepover, only about 8 months late lol :) It was a way to try and get out of my writing block. Enjoy drunk Fíli! 
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Still half asleep you turned on your other side, clutching the sheets and furs in an attempt to keep the warmth inside your little cocoon, and scooted over to Fíli’s side of the bed in search of his body heat.
Being married to a Dwarf meant you never had to feel cold anymore, his body your own private furnace he was more than happy for you to use at any time. Every night you fell asleep in his arms, your cheek pressed into the soft curls of his chest, inhaling his intoxicating scent while you let his heartbeat guide you to the land of dreams.
But your searching fingers didn’t find the heated skin you were looking for, instead finding a cold and empty spot where your husband was supposed to be sleeping.
You opened your eyes and sat up straight, looking around the dimly lit room for any sign of Fíli. The fire was still smoldering, which meant it had to be in the early hours of the night, too early for breakfast, but too late to be waking up to an empty bed. Where was he?
Fíli and you didn’t go to bed together that night, for the first time since well… your wedding night. The reason for this change of pace was very simple: last night marked the seven year anniversary of the reclaiming of Erebor and almost five year anniversary of the rebuild, and as the newly set tradition went there was a grand feast to celebrate.
Even though you had been enjoying the festivities - the sight of the Durin family and Company members being happy and carefree warmed your heart every time - as the feast went on, you grew rather tired.
When the clock struck midnight, you’d left Fíli in the company of his brother and their friends in the Great Hall, and that’s where you probably had the most chance of finding him at this hour. Or you hoped so, because the last thing you wanted to do was roam the halls of Erebor in your nightshift in search of your husband. You could only imagine the rumors that would go around at the breakfast table! 
You stepped out of bed and shivered when the cold of the night greeted you, so you quickly let your feet glide into your thick fur boots and threw your winter robe on to cover yourself. 
Fíli was most likely still celebrating and simply lost track of time, nothing to worry about, but you couldn’t suppress the tiny voice at the back of your mind that kept repeating something was wrong.
What if he was so drunk he lost his way or he fell off one of the many bridges or stairs? When you’d suggested railings for them during one of the many construction meetings, everyone bursted out in laughter. “The first Dwarf to lose their footing on stone is yet to be born, lass,” they’d laughed, wiping the tears out of their eyes. You never thought about asking again. 
You kept your pace steady but fast, a little slower when you crossed a bridge or stairway, making sure to check every corner and every nook in case your husband decided in his drunken haze that it was a perfect place to settle for the night.  
But the hallways of Erebor were abandoned and eerily quiet, as they should be at that hour. 
As you reached the corridor that led to the Great Hall, the sounds of careless laughter and chatter swelled. The celebrations were definitely not over yet, and just like you guessed, your husband wasn’t done partying.
Fíli was standing on top of one of the long dining tables, feet firmly planted between dirty plates and empty beer mugs, his brother Kíli at the other end, their friends scattered around the table, watching them dance and perform a drinking song. 
You leaned against the heavy open door and watched the scene with mirth. Up until now you hadn’t had the pleasure to see your husband so inebriated and… well, carefree. 
“Fee, catch!” Kíli yelled and next thing you knew, one of the dirty plates flew across the table right into Fíli’s outstretched hand. The crowd surrounding them cheered and encouraged by their fans, Kíli started another song, one you knew quite well. 
Blunt the knives, bend the forks!
And just like that you were thrown back to that cozy hobbit hole in the Shire, when you’d first laid eyes on your husband,  at the time a total stranger to you. Even though the last few years had taken a toll on him - both mentally and physically - he was still as handsome as ever and he still managed to fill your belly with butterflies as his rich baritone filled the great hall. 
Both brothers had some difficulties getting the song right, their words slurred and lyrics in the wrong order but there was no denying they were having the time of their lives. By the time the song had ended the tableware stood perfectly stacked in the center of the table and everyone in the hall burst out in laughter and applause. 
You applauded along with everyone else and it didn’t take long for Fíli’s eyes to meet yours. 
“Amrâlimê!” he exclaimed, his face splitting in a wide toothy smile, his mustache braids dangling under his nose as he moved towards you. They’d grown a few inches in the past years and you wondered if he would keep them as they were, or maybe start braiding them into his beard. 
Fíli threw his arms around you and lifted you from the ground, spinning you both around until he started to sway and he had to let you go in order to grab the door frame. 
“Everyone! Thiz iz my wife!” he yelled, throwing an arm around your waist.  “Kíli!! Come and meet my w-wife!”
You had to hold back a laugh. “Fíli, your brother knows who I am. Everyone here knows me.” 
Fíli’s eyes widened at that and his features turned from incredibly happy to heartbroken in a matter of seconds. You patted his chest in an attempt to comfort him, but it made him stumble again and you quickly grabbed a nearby chair for him to sit on. 
With a heavy sigh he let himself drop in the chair, arms crossed and with an incredibly adorable pout on his lips. There was nothing you wanted to do more than kiss it away and make him smile again, but you were in a crowded Great Hall wearing a robe and your nightclothes. Not the best place. 
“What’s wrong, yasthûnê?” (my husband)
He crossed his arms. “How come they all knew you before I did?”
You couldn’t help it. You giggled. You hadn’t giggled in you don’t know how long, always thinking it was for dainty girls with golden curls and rosy cheeks. But drunk Fíli was hilarious. And cute, very very cute. 
At the sound of your giggle he lifted his head to look at you and his mouth fell open. 
“Mahal, you’re gorg- gorsh- groce-,” he tried to get the word out but his tongue betrayed him every time, until he gave up with a frustrated groan. “You’re really prrrretty, you know zat?”
“Yes Fíli, you tell me every day.”
“Your huzband iz one lucky Dwarf,” he hiccuped, his smile dropping when he clearly believed you were out of his reach. There was no use in trying to let him know he was the husband he was talking about and that he had referred to you as his wife not even five minutes ago, clearly too far gone now. 
“I’ll make sure to let him know,” you said, cupping his cheek. He placed his hand over yours to keep it there and closed his eyes, clearly enjoying your touch. 
It gave you time to look around the Great Hall, your eyes roaming around the room until they spotted the Dwarf you were looking for. 
Kíli was still standing on top of the table, belting out some Elvish song - or something that was supposed to resemble Elvish, you couldn’t decipher a single word. You gestured towards Bofur, asking him to take care of the youngest Durin and to make sure someone helped him get to his chambers safely. Both of them were lucky Thorin wasn’t here to see them like this. 
Bofur chuckled as he saw the state Fíli was in. “D’you need help with your lad as well?”
You shook your head, “I got it covered, thank you.”
Fíli’s hand dropped in his lap and you thought he fell asleep for a moment, until he let out a disappointed grunt when you removed your hand from his cheek. 
“Come on handsome, let’s get you to bed,” you smiled, helping him get to his feet. Fíli groaned, finally realizing how tired he was. 
“Fine, ‘m going to bed wiz you,” he gave in, before he let his voice drop to a whisper. Well, you were sure he thought he was whispering, in reality he was shouting the whole corridor awake. “But my wife won’t like this!”
It took you almost half an hour to get him to your chambers, shushing him every time he tried to sing and guiding him in the right direction when he tried to wander off. By the time you finally reached your chamber doors, your back was covered in sweat and Fíli was getting clingy. 
Undressing your husband was something you’d normally like to take slowly, enjoying the sight of every newly uncovered patch of skin, caressing it with a kiss or featherlight touch until goosebumps appeared while you worked to get every piece of clothing on the ground. Now however, you couldn’t work fast enough. 
You left him bare chested but still in his breeches, relieved you were finally able to get to sleep again as you gently pushed him towards the bed. And that’s when Fíli started to resist.
“Miss, I’ll have you know that I’m a married man… Dwarf,” he muttered, voice already thick with sleep. “I love my wife very muts- oof!”
You’d pushed him on the bed and before he had the chance to get up again, you grabbed his legs and lifted them onto the mattress. As soon as his head hit the pillow and his body sank into the fluffy covers of the mattress, he sighed in contentment. He wasn’t going anywhere. 
The furs you’d left on the bed earlier would keep him warm during the night, even though you didn’t think he would need it. You quickly ran to the bathroom to fetch a bucket, in case he would get sick during the night and placed a pitcher with water on his bedside table. 
You watched him lay there for a few seconds, completely at peace, not a single sign of stress on his face. The deep crease between his brows was gone, the tension in his neck nowhere to be seen. 
You couldn’t resist and gently wiped a few loose hairs from his forehead. Fíli opened his eyes, blinking a few times in slow motion so he could focus on your face and a lazy smile appeared when he recognized you. 
He lifted his head and placed a soft peck on your lips.
“Mahal, you’re beautiful,” he whispered and returned the gesture, tucking a loose strand behind your ear. “So beautiful.” 
“Ssshhh,” he shushed you, pressing his finger on your lips. “Don’t tell my wife.”
You chuckled as you tucked him in and kissed his forehead, not even surprised to hear his soft snores again. 
“I’m pretty sure she already knows,” you whispered before you crawled next to him. 
You couldn’t wait to tell him all about it in the morning.
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Permanent taglist: @roosliefje​ @kata1803​ @entishramblings​ @artsywaterlily​ @sleepy-daydream-in-a-rose​ @marvelschriss​ @kumqu4t​ @the-banannah​ @dark-angel-is-back​ @the-fandoms-georgie​ @lathalea​ @xxbyimm​ @sokkasdarling @katethewriter​ @aredhel-of-gondolin​ @elvish-sky​ @moony-artnstuff​ @kirenia15​ @vicmackeybullshxt​ @hey-its-nonny​ @beenovel​ @cassiabaggins​ @shethereadinghobbit​ @justfollowtheroad​ @laurfilijames​ @fizzyxcustard​ @brokennerdalert​ @linasofia​ @naimadrawsstuff​ @errruvande​ @amaryllis23​ @enchantzz​ @narniaandthenorth @sketch-and-write-lover​ @blairsanne​ @ruthoakenshield​ @midearthwritings​ @alone19-24 @medusas-hairband​ @ren-ni​ @kyramaximoff​ @megnotfound​ @middleearthpixie​ @aduialel​ @tree0frog​ @trappedinlimbo15​
Fíli taglist:  @bluewingedangel​ @spidergirla5​ @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​ @clumsy-wonderland​ @i-always-come-back-xoxo​
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vulnonapix1234 · 9 months
ok I got another au idea
punkflower sleeping beauty au
miles is cursed by the enchanter Miguel to die on the day of his sixteenth birthday, but then spider ham, one of the three fairies that were invited to his first birthday, are able to make it so that he just falls in an eternal slumber until he’s awakened by true loved kiss
I am sorry that i am answering this so late! I had been working on other things and wasn't as active as i wanted to be.
Sleeping beauties aus are fun, especially if the "princess" actually gets to meet the "prince" whilst she sleeps.
I took that concept and kind of twisted it into something that isn't even close to the fairy tale.
I hope that you still like it!
Miles always had been a cursed child.
Or at least, he had been since the celebration of his and his brother's first birthday.
As fate had been, he was born in a set of twins to a queen and a king of an extremely wealthy country.
Normally, this would have promised him a comfortable and luxurious life and the chance to one day rule his lands.
But Fate had different plans.
In the very same moment that he was born, a tragedy happened.
A monster with the wish to make the kingdom he killed the daughter of one of the 13 fairy's that once protected these lands in the hopes of gaining her magical powers.
He had succeeded and for just a moment, he had powers terrible enough to destroy the entire kingdom.
But then, the 13th fairy, the one that created that little girl, found out what happened.
The fairy, once kind and good, was swallowed by rage and in the search for revenge turned into a bloodthirsty monster.
Countless people fell to this righteous anger, as the beast that killed the child had been able to escape.
The fairies' bloody hunt for the murderer continued, as the monster hid from his punishment.
As it was, his father decided to not invite him to the birthday celebration, for he was terrified of what he'd do in his blind rage.
That had been a big mistake.
When the other 12 fairies gave their gifts to the little princes, he appeared in a blood-red mist of hatred and rage.
With a voice of pure venom and agony, he screamed out.
No matter how much the other fairies tried to calm him down, to make him see reason, he couldn't understand.
He was blinded by his emotions and the feeling of betrayal.
"I will make you feel what it means to lose a child."
This was how he was cursed to die on his 13th Birthday.
The rose-like curse mark on the back of his hand was proof enough.
It was terrifying. Unavoidable. Unfair.
Why was he to pay for something that he had no part in?
But no. It wasn't death that would come for him on his 13th Birthday.
Porker, one of the twelve invited fairies used up all his powers in a try to spare him from his fate.
Mighty as the harvest fairy may be, he could only weaken the spell and doom him to something that wasn't quite death.
An endless slumber that he would only be able to escape with the help of his soulmate.
So yeah. He was fucked.
He often wondered if death would be the Kinder option, instead of just having to wait for his savoir that probably will never come.
Hobie had never had any luck in his life.
As a street rat, no one spared him any kindness or warmth.
He was alone as long as he could remember, with no mother or father or anyone who would keep him safe and warm.
It was always just him, himself, and he.
That was till this... thing started to follow him shortly before his 15th birthday, on the 13th anniversary of the death of that godforsaken fairy child.
A ghost-like being that only he seemed to be able to see, what should have been pretty worrying.
At first, he had tried to ignore it with the hopes that it would just leave him and his sanity alone.
It didn't.
Instead, it looked so sad, or as sad as a flower could look, that Hobie could only comfort it.
This was how he ended up with an otherworldly being as a friend, which wasn't as bad as it first sounded.
Sunny, as its head looked like a Sunflower, was fun to be around.
Whilst he was smart and really silly at times and had a love for art, it also seemed death set on keeping him alive.
Because that was what friends did.
It was also death set on ending that bloody hunt, that this fairy was still doing, as it was the only way for it to stop its misery.
He didn't like how that sounded, because he didn't want to lose his friend, but he still wanted to be as supportive as it was to him.
Even if it meant becoming a Mercenary, becoming friends and accidental leader of a rag-tag group of misfits, going on a wild goose chase for a few years, only to fall in love with the faceless spirit that has been haunting him for years, losing said spirit and getting kissed by a prince.
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
so first of all, I wish you a very happy anniversary 😊😊💐
secondly, I absolutely adored your last alpha fic, it’s probably the first time a miscommunication didn’t make me want to scream, it was really sweet!
the line „Did you not believe me the dozens of times that I told you that the other night?”really gave me butterflies, so I was wondering if you maybe would write something similar to that with alpha just having a romantic/sappy moment during the night telling the reader his feelings for them….it doesn’t have to be spicy but if it would end up to be spicy I wouldn’t object either because it’s alpha….
so this was really long 😅 if you’ve read till here have a piece of cake 🍰
and thank you 🤗🤗
Sweet Nothings
Summary: You get to spend a lazy evening with Alpha.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x F!Reader
Word Count: 932
Warnings: Spicy right up to smutty, though there's no actual sex
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Thank you! We went and had a breakfast date the day before so we didn't have to do anything yesterday. Also, Alpha took control of this story and decided that he wanted spice, so here you go.
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The best thing about being in a relationship with a man like Alpha, is that you never have to worry about where you stand with him. Oh sure, he can hide his emotions like a champ, but not with you, never with you.
And on days like this, when neither of you have anything to do, you can spend the whole day lounging in sleepwear and just being you and Alpha, rather than the Doctor and the Captain…well, these days are so few and far between that you’re both softer than you might normally be.
Which is how you find yourself laying on top of Alpha, his hand pressed firmly against the small of your back, as his free hand trails, lightly, across the back of your neck and into your hair. 
You’re dressed down. Very down. In fact, you’re only wearing a thin tank top and a pair of panties, while he’s only wearing his most comfortable pair of sweatpants. You rest your chin on your folded arms and gaze adoringly up at him. 
His gaze is locked on the holo, watching something. You’re not sure what, though by the sounds of it, it’s a documentary about some planet that you’ve never heard of.
“You’re staring, cyare.”
“I can’t help it, you’re just so handsome.”
He glances at you, an amused look on his face, “You’d be the only one who thinks that.”
“Everyone else is blind,” You declare, “And also, good.” You add.
He laughs, “My possessive little kitten,” Alpha coos.
You pout, and then slide up his body slightly so you’re able to look him in the eye, “I can’t help the fact that I love you.”
He hums in return, the hand on the small of your back slides your shirt up, as he strokes your back, “Well, I suppose it’s only fair since I’m just as possessive over you.”
“Yes, you are.” You say with a grin.
Alpha tugs you down into a kiss. It’s soft and chaste, at first, but it never stays that way. And you wouldn’t want it to. 
He uses his lips and teeth and tongue to coax you into submitting to him, and at this point in your relationship you don’t even pretend to deny him. Well, you might sometimes, but not right now.
By the time he breaks his kiss, you’re soft and pliable in his arms, practically purring from the attention he’s giving you. 
“I love you,” Alpha murmurs, as his lips move to your neck and he finds the mark he left there the night before, and he kisses it gently, before moving onto the mark right next to it, “Stars, I love you.”
He finds a spot on your neck that hasn’t been marked, and he takes the time to kiss and suck a mark into your skin, murmuring his adoration of you the whole time. 
You whine, low in your throat, at the sensation, “Alpha-” His name falls from your lips in a breathy moan, and he chuckles.
“Perfect,” He murmurs, “I love the way you moan my name. Should keep you in bed and make you moan like that forever.”
You smile at him prettily, “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” A slow grin lifts his lips, and he lightly nudges you so you’re sitting up, and he tugs your top off, flinging it to the side, “How would you like to be tied up tonight, cyare?” He asks, desire heavy in his voice.
Desire shoots through you, “Yes, please.”
“My good girl, remembering her manners.” Alpha murmurs, he sits up, his grip firm around you as you tumble back into his lap, and you gasp when you feel his erection hard against you. He holds you tight against him, lazily grinding up against your core.
You moan and try to grind down against him, you’re not at the right angle for this to be any more than just teasing you, but the way he tightens his grip around you makes you realize that it’s intentionally done, “Alpha-” You whine his name. 
He laughs softly, “Needy little thing aren’t you?”
“Yes!” You pout at him, “Please?”
He lightly pats your ass, “On the bed, sweet girl. And then I’ll decide what you deserve.”
You pout a little more, but obediently you climb off his lap, and walk over to your bed. You pause before you get to the bed, and slide your soaked panties down your legs, and kick them to the side.
“Hm…Good girl, remembering my orders.” Alpha is right behind you, and you lean back against him, another purr slipping from you as he presses a light kiss to your shoulder.
“I can be good,” You say eagerly, “I can be very good.”
He chuckles, and drags his hand down the front of your body, to press the palm of his hand over your cunt, and he applies just enough pressure that you release a mewling noise. “I know you can, cyare. It’s one of the many reasons I love you so much.” He rains light kisses over your shoulder and the back of your neck.
Another mewling moan falls from you, and he chuckles again.
“In bed, cyar’ika. I’ll go and get the binders…and some of your favorite toys.”
You whine, “but I want you-”
“And you’ll have me. Later. First I’m going to spend the next couple of hours remaking you.” He kisses you then, slow and deep, “Unless my good girl has a complaint?”
You shake your head, “No sir.”
He smiles and kisses your cheek, “Let me show you how much I love you.”
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ask-sarah-and-co · 2 months
Heyyy everyone! This is the blog’s one year anniversary/my bday raffle! (posted on my bday and going through the anniversary !)
Hope you like these designs! I had to physically restrain myself from keeping all of them hhhhh
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Entering stuff:
Liking this post! +1 entry
Reblogging this post! +1 entry
Saying your favorite moment on the blog so far or giving me advice on something to improve with! +1 entry
Following the blog! +2 entries (new followers welcome! just don’t unfollow after this is all over! also mention where you’re following from somewhere if you’re reblogging to a side blog!)
Making one fanart of any char from the blog! +3-5 entries (per raffle)! in the post please tag me and mention that it’s for the specific char in the raffle! Different amt of entries decided on size, color, etc. Also a note: if like only one or two people make fanart in the raffle pool, I will probably remove those entries to make it fair 👉👈
Please mention who you’re entering for in your rb, you can enter for as many/few as you want!
Design rules (for dalkia and lunaleo specifically):
May be used for whatever, mark me as creator if on toyhouse and if on tumblr, tag me on the ref page!
Minimal design changes are ok! Changing the whole design is not.
Basic dni, please don’t involve them in any overly nsfw type things, maybe ask if you want to do smth involving violence/gore.
Design rules (for Alida specifically):
May be used for whatever, mark me as designer/creator if on toyhouse and if on tumblr, tag me on the ref page!
Please don’t change her design. I really like how I did it, and I’ll explain more about why.
Basic dni, please don’t involve her in any overly nsfw type things, maybe ask if you want to do smth involving violence/gore.
Details about Alida!
She’s designed to be a ship kid of Hendrik and Jasper, therefore a Cobalion/Yveltal hybrid.
You may keep the lore of her being their child if you specify that she’s from an alternate universe. (Please message me if you decide to do that.) It’s only optional, of course! She can be her own person with an eerie similarity to them, hehe.
Her weapon is called a swallow (not related to the bird I think). They’re pretty cool and kinda like a spear/sword hybrid! You should look them up if you end up getting her!
Personality wise here’s some info you can use! It can be changed or removed entirely of course! She’s overdramatic and overconfident like Jasper, and has his natural charisma. That is, until she tries to do something intentional like flirting. She gets all awkward, like Hendrik! Contrary to Jasper though, her over the top personality is really to disguise her true insecurities with herself.
Style wise (can be used or changed etc) she prefers to dress more modernly! Unless she has do wear a skirt/dress, which she hates. She also tries to make sure that all her outfits have that smoky gray collar, so she stands out more.
This raffle will end on May 11th at 8AM est! I hope you guys look forward to it!!
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ghostofhyuck · 1 month
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NCT Dream and your first time with them.
AN: Another suggestive scenario??? ngl this is more on the crack side tbh, just two awkward virgins trying to navigate sex lol. Still minors do not interact.
Mark Lee
You and Mark are touchy as a couple, loves making out BUT just never went that far, because both of you don't know WHEN you two should have sex. Your first time would be in a romantic way, like celebrating your first anniversary with him. You just wanted it to be special, and you're 100% sure that you want him to be your first. SO, the setup was cute, with all the candles and rose petals! But as soon as you two lay on bed, you two are unsure of what to start, but eventually, Mark leads you on. It was cute, and definitely a lot of giggles and awkward things happened, like stopping midway and watch Mark struggle to unwrap the condom.
Huang Renjun
Listen, Renjun loves you so much AND respects you so much. So when you two had sex, it was definitely a case of a drunk sex. Both of you don't know if it was the alcohol that's talking, or just you two who are very horny at that moment. It was just supposed to be a heated make-out session, until Renjun keeps asking you questions, and you can definitely feel he's hard at that moment! So in the end, you two agreed to have sex. You two stumbled on his bed, clumsily removing each other's clothes, and the lights are still on. It was okay to say at least, but you two woke up and just had a euphoria moment that you two just had sex. Renjun swore to you that he'll do better next time.
Lee Jeno
Probably happened at the spur of a moment. You just REALLY really had the urge to be fucked, maybe you were ovulating during that time it happened LOL. Jeno hesitated at first, keep asking you a hundred times if you really want it, but eventually complied. Jeno is such a gentleman to you, and tried as much as possible to make you feel good BUT he keeps on asking "is this okay?" EVERY MINUTE, but that's just because he doesn't want to cross your boundaries. :( in the end, you told him just do whatever he wants, but he still glances at you every time he does something, so you have to nod as a go signal. The sex was gentle. Very vanilla and you two cuddled after finishing. 
Lee Haechan
Another case of a drunk sex. You two decided to do it after a minute of teasing each other, you two are just really horny for each other that you two did it with clothes on. You two aren't just in the right mind that moment, so it's the alcohol that's doing the work. You two did it at his dorm by the way. You probably won't remember a single detail of your first time with Haechan but you did remember giving a blowjob the first time and as he pulls you up so that you can switch position, you bump your head on the top bunk bed. There's definitely lots of laughter and playful slaps and punches that you two woke up bruised and with hickeys all over.
Na Jaemin
OH TRUST NA JAEMIN would give you the best first-time sex of your life. Really, when you told him that you're ready to have sex with him. His mind went blank for a minute, and as soon as he processed the information, he assures you that he'll take care of everything. LITERALLY, everything. Even though it's his first time, Jaemin wanted to make sure that you enjoy it more than he could. You two did it in his place. Set up a romantic vibe, (pulls up a sex playlist.) and was very gentle to you. He makes sure that you're feeling good, and you don't need to do the same as him. (you did, because you think it's unfair.) overall, just like Jeno, the sex was very vanilla but he gave you aftercare though. 
Zhong Chenle
Yes he is confident with everything, but I feel like deep inside Chenle would be panicking when you open up the topic about having sex with him. He's definitely assured you that he'll take care of you BUT he's definitely sweating inside. Sure, you two made out a hundred times but sex is a different thing, so he probably tried to look about it first ??? just make sure he has the right knowledge about it. Chenle would definitely try his best to lead everything, even though he's panicking if he's hurting you or making you feel good. The sex was fine, and as soon as you two finished, you two passed out because of how tiring sex can be. 
Park Jisung
Pray for the gods because Jisung is definitely doing it the moment you talked about having sex with him. When you open it up, you were actually shy about! You were stuttering and couldn't even look him in the eye. You two made-out a few times, and there were definitely a lot of touching too! So sex wouldn't be a problem, right? WRONG. You and Jisung are the most awkward one, really really shy with each other and did it with the lights off, with a small lampshade on a corner. Lots of "Is this okay?" with Jisung doing most of the action. After finishing you two just lay there for an hour and pondered about what just happened.  
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venndaai · 1 year
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This year is a pretty special one in the Imperial Radch/Leckieverses fandom! This October will mark the 10th anniversary of Ancillary Justice's publishing date, and this June we're getting a new Radch universe book, Translation State! So it feels important to run this exchange once again. I'm excited to get hype.
(The Republic of Two Systems Independence Day is a holiday mentioned in the Preface to the Traveler's Guide to the Two Systems. Ms. Leckie has told us it can probably be celebrated the Monday after Easter Sunday, when Peeps are cheapest. This year, that's April 10.)
NOMINATION PERIOD: until February 26, 11:59 PST. NOW CLOSED.
SIGNUPS: Closed. February 27 - March 6, 11:59 PST.
WORKS DUE: April 7, 11:59 PST.
WORK REVEALS: April 10, 12:00 AM PST.
AUTHOR REVEALS: April 17, 12:00 AM PST.
MATCHING: OR matching, on both characters and ships. (The signups should be simpler this year, now that I understand AO3 exchange tags better.)
MINIMUM: 500 words or a sketch on unlined paper.
Go here to nominate tags!
There are three fandoms for this exchange: Imperial Radch, The Raven Tower, and Crossover. Characters/ships from Provenance, Night's Slow Poison, and She Commands me and I Obey go in the Imperial Radch fandom. Characters from the godsverse short stories go in the Raven Tower fandom. For Crossover, you can nominate crossover relationships between Radchverse and godsverse characters, relationships between Leckie and non-Leckie characters, or solo non-Leckie characters you want to see in a Leckie universe. Please put the second fandom in parenthesis after the character. For example: “Breq & Murderbot (Murderbot Diaries)”. 
For easy matching, all nominations will be Relationships. To nominate a solo character, write "Solo: (Character)". For example, "Solo: Medic". Relationships can be romantic, indicated by a “/”, or platonic, indicated by an “&”. For example, “Breq/Murderbot” would indicate a romantic or sexual relationship, while “Breq & Murderbot” would be platonic.
I've added general Worldbuilding tags for Radch and Raven Tower, but feel free to nominate more specific ones, like "Worldbuilding: genitalia festival".
We are a small and crazy fandom. There may be some injokes and OCs in the tagset. If you want to nominate something weird & obscure, go for it.
If you miss the nomination deadline by a couple hours, just message me and I’ll reopen the tagset for you. 
You will need to make at least 3 requests, and 4 offers. For each request or offer, pick at least 1 fandom, 1 relationship tag, and one medium from the dropdown tagset. You can group your requests however you like; you could make 3 individual requests, each with one character, or three requests each with 20 characters- up to you.
If you only want to receive or create works based around worldbuilding, rather than characters, request/offer the “Worldbuilding” tag.
The way the matching works, you will be matched with someone who used at least 1 of the Fandom tags, 1 of the same Relationship tags, and 1 of the Medium tags as you. The work you create only has to use one of the requested relationship tags. 
You can pick “Any” for both offers and requests! Just remember that really does mean “Any”, and be prepared.
If you’re fine with both Art and Fic, you can check off both boxes, or just pick “Any” for that section. 
If there are things you very much Do Not Want in your gift, please list these in the Optional Details box for each of your prompts. For example: “DNW any appearances by spider mechs.” You are required to make a good faith effort to not include DNWs in your recipient’s gift. 
You’re encouraged to give your gifter some prompts! You can put these in the Optional Details box, or paste a link to a letter into the URL box. Optional Details are Optional, and your creator isn’t bound to follow them, outside of the DNWs. Only DNWs in your signup are enforceable, so put them there, not just in a linked letter.
You are allowed to mention characters and ships that weren’t nominated in your optional details, but remember, your creator matched on the tags you chose and isn’t obligated to include anything else.
If you are 18+, you can ask for or create NSFW, but your creator isn’t required to give it to you, so it would be polite to provide some SFW prompts as well. Only give someone NSFW if they ask for it in their prompts. 
ASSIGNMENTS: everyone will get an email through their AO3 account once I’ve run matching. The email will have your assignment in it. 
It’s possible there will be some people who won’t have anyone they could create for. I’ll email them through their AO3 email asking them to add more offers, and if they don’t respond in 24 hours, their signups will be deleted. If this happens to you and you don’t see my email in time, don’t panic! Just contact me and we’ll work something out.
Please don’t tell your giftee who you are. If you have a question, let me know and I’ll convey it to them. 
When you are creating your work, make sure you include at least one tag from at least one of your giftee’s requests, and don’t include DNWs. You only need to create one work, and it only needs to include one of the tags in your giftee’s signup. 
If you can’t finish your gift, no worries. Just click the “default” button on your assignment page. If the person assigned to you also defaults, you may not get a gift. 
If you need an extension, just message me and let me know! If the posting deadline passes and you haven’t posted anything or contacted me, I’ll assume you’re defaulting. 
If you’ve posted your gift, and your creator defaults their assignment, a pinch-hitter will create a gift for you. Everyone who posts a gift will get a gift. 
Please post a finished work of 500 words or sketch on unlined paper by the posting deadline! You can continue to edit and add to your gift until the 10th, but you need to have something that could work as a gift by the 7th.
To post your gift, go to your Assignments page on AO3, and click the “Fulfill” button. Your gift will be automatically given to your giftee, but it will be hidden until the reveal date on the 10th. 
REVEALS: Works will be anonymous for a week after they are revealed. 
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
here's to one whole year of suffering from steddie brainrot! does that mean it's permanent if you reach the one-year hyperfixation mark?
"You realise it's been a year, right?" Eddie says, breaking the silence as they look out over the trailer park, now situated one clearing over from the former Forest Hills park, "A year since we met?"
Steve huffs a laugh and leans forward so that Eddie has no choice but to look at his frown.
"Dude, we met way before last year."
Eddie shrugs and takes a puff on his cigarette, "You know what I mean."
Steve hums and shuffles close so he can rest his head on his shoulder, "It's been a long year."
"With me?" he chuckles.
"No!" Steve practically yells in protest, his voice echoing out into the night, "You know what I mean."
Duh. Of course, he does. They both have the nightmares, migraines, permanent scars (some of which match) and the back pain of senior citizens to prove that, hell yes, it has been a long goddamn year.
He takes one last drag before stubbing out his cigarette - an activity he probably shouldn't even be partaking in anymore considering.
Steve coughs, or more, splutters as he tries to unsuccessfully cover it up. Despite it being Spring, a hellhole opening up for a while kinda totally changed the climate of Hawkins. It still feels like Winter and Steve, now a sniffly and sickly dude after a few bats to the guts and an undead vine to the neck, is on the precipice of a cold.
As if on cue, Wayne opens the front door. Eddie swears the old man has developed superhuman hearing this past year as he frets over the two of them.
Jesus, Steve was already living here with Wayne before Eddie was even discharged from the hospital. His uncle hadn't said much at the time but a clipped, "The kid said his parents aren't around" said enough that yes, Eddie will drag Steve back inside if he asks.
"You boys better come in," he insists.
Eddie doesn't remember much of when he first came to live with his uncle. It was all so rushed and he was so overwhelmed with what had happened with his own parents, but he imagines Wayne's boarding-on-overbearing care for Steve resembles that time.
Jesus, Steve was already living here with Wayne before Eddie was even discharged from the hospital. His uncle hadn't said much at the time but a clipped, "The kid said his parents aren't around" said enough that yes, Eddie will drag Steve back inside if he asks.
Wayne lingers as Eddie grips Steve's arm tight and pulls him up off the warn couch. His uncle nods affirmatively as they squish past to step inside and he closes the door behind him.
Steve twirls around under Eddie's arm, bending it awkwardly in a way that makes him grimace - he should really warn a guy!
"Maybe we better go do something, to celebrate?" he suggests, huffing his fringe from his eyes.
He blinks hard. That movement, no matter how cute and fleeting, very obviously made Steve dizzy. Eddie places his hands on his hips to steady him and guides him to his designated spot, the third chair, at the square dining table.
Wayne resumes his seat in his recliner, lounging back with a loud contended, "ah". Eddie looks at the television and rolls his eyes. Tagging along to watch a rerun of Columbo - part of what he likes to refer to as 'Old Man Hour', which also features Get Smart and Hogan's Heroes - doesn't seem particularly romantic.
And, judging by the glint in Steve's pretty eyes, he's expecting as much. Eddie outstretches his hand.
"Wayne?" he calls over his shoulder as he wiggles his fingers, "Steve and I are going out for our one-year anniversary."
"Alrighty," Wayne mumbles, "Wear a coat."
His voice is almost drowned-out as Peter Falk, oh-so-witty in his trenchcoat, quips, "Oh, and just one more thing!"
"Eds," Steve laughs as he scrubs a hand over his face, "It isn't our one-year anniversary either. That's in like, maybe three weeks?"
"You don't know our anniversary?" he teases, knowing they are going to get absolutely nowhere like this.
But it's fun.
He moves his fingers up Steve's arm, crawling and tickling him like a spider.
"Not sure of the exact date, actually," Steve admits, flinching away from his touch abruptly enough that his chair scuffs on the linoleum, "We haven't really talked about it."
Eddie waves his hands as if he's a magician giving a dramatic ta-da! reveal as he sings, "Problem solved, neither of us know for sure. So today it is."
Steve slowly nods, a wide grin sweeping across his face. He dips his head in acknowledgement.
"Happy one-year anniversary of you shoving a broken bottle in my face."
He stops mid-invisible toast to shriek, "You were going to attack me with a boat oar!"
"What happened?" Wayne asks as his chair creaks forward.
The footrest snaps back into place, making the pair jump.
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zhongwans · 1 year
Going on a trip down memory lane in honor of the WOH concert's 2nd anniversary!
When May 3 rolled around everyone had mixed feelings because on one hand: YAY LLD REUNITING ON STAGE WITH THE REST OF THE GREMLIN CAST! but on the other, farewell concerts mean the end of the show's promotion period which also marks the end of interactions between the main actors. And worse, it also marks the start of CP breaking, whether it's just the actors being more distant and reserved with each other throughout the concert (compared to when they were promoting the show) or in the worst cases, like the Love and Redemption concert, where they broke CP so brutally.
But the worst of all (for me at least) is the gloating. The gloating of solo fans, the gloating of the fans of other CPs, and the ever insufferable presence of yxh accounts that have been trying (and failing) to make up conflict between GJ and ZZH the very moment the show started getting the tiniest bit of attention. When it was announced that their Tom Ford livestream was to be done separately, it was made a big deal with all those vultures screaming all over weibo how they were finally "competing with each other", and yxhs fanning the flames at the sidelines.
So when the concert rolled around the atmosphere in the fandom was bittersweet. The more experienced fans were telling us what to expect and going: "They'll probably break CP. There's nothing we can do except hope they'll do it gently".
But as we've learned before, the WOH fandom is a circus and the WOH cast our ever indulgent clowns. Fans found out that GJ and ZZH were sharing a dressing room for the concert and everyone lost their shit. And that's when we knew we were fools to think this farewell concert would be like every other farewell concert, because nothing about this fandom has been normal from the start 😂
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In private, a lot of us were gearing each other up for the very strong possibility that GJ and ZZH will nowhere be as close in the concert as they seemed to be when they were promoting WOH. Turns out, not only did they seem even closer and more touchy than before, but the rest of the cast seemed to have finally snapped and lost their marbles altogether. Solo fansites were whining about how hard it was to get good solo photos of GJ and ZZH because they stuck close to each other throughout the entire event.
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Even better, they didn't seem conscious of the attention at all. The crowd in the concert hall screamed at the smallest interactions between them and they didn't even look fazed. I wouldn't have blamed them if the screaming made them feel awkward and conscious, but the fact that they just didn't care and even occasionally played along with the hoard of screaming shippers just made me appreciate them even more for being so natural about it and not treating it as something to be ashamed of.
And going beyond showing it with actions, ZZH also verbally acknowledged the fans that like both of them in his speech at the end of the concert. It's often said in CN fan circles that being a CPF from a BL drama is the hardest road to take as a fan (in c-ent at least) because it puts you at the very bottom of the fan heirarchy. CPFs in general are at the very bottom of the fan pyramid but BL CPFs in particular are considered to be even lower. It's a given not to mention you or acknowledge you, and you should only exist in the very fringes of fandom. That's why a lot of BL novel fans (I'm talking about c-fandom specifically) don't really like live action adaptations or their actors, because to them these actors are just using the stories they love to gain popularity, and once they get what they want are quick to toss it and its fans aside as some kind of dark and shameful secret of the past that has to be buried. That's why ZZH's acknowledgement at the end of the concert meant a lot to CPFs, because finally, they get to have a 'seat' at the table along with everyone else.
And of course, the promise and the hug that melted even the most jaded c-fandom veterans 😂
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It was really a privilege to be allowed to witness this moment. They could have taken the easier path but chose instead to share this moment with us. It truly was amazing to see them hug and firmly cement their relationship (whatever it may be) in front of thousands of people (with many more watching through the stream) when the norm in the industry is to break CP at this point.
And boy did they mean it. Months after the end of the concert, they were still stubbornly expressing a sense of unity and support for each other. At a time when toxic ZZH fans were really ramping up their attacks against GJ, ZZH pinned his and GJ's duet on his weibo page not only once, but twice. When the livestream host refused to read out a fan's username that had ZZH's name on it, GJ bluntly asked her to read it out loud, saying that censoring it out "isn't polite".
And you gotta wonder if that's part of what all this is about. Since February 2021, there have been many attempts to discredit the close relationship between them and not only has it not stopped, it has gotten much worse. ZZH is no longer in the picture (publicly, at least) but they're still at it and their tactics growing more and more brutal and unhinged the more time passes. In the beginning, ZZH was the evil one who forced poor innocent GJ to do CP marketing with him, and now GJ is somehow an evil mastermind who used ZZH to do CP marketing against his will and crushing him after. Just what is this obsession? It's been almost two years now, ZZH is out of the public eye, his career halted indefinitely, and they're still at it. I'm sure there's more to it but I can't help but feel that part of the reason for all this is because in an industry that rewards the people who are willing to pull off the dirtiest tactics, and encourages the worst kind of competition, GJ and ZZH dared to to treat each other with so much sincerity and kindness.
And just so this post doesn't end on an angsty note, remember when after the concert people were crying and hugging each other, having mental and emotional breakdowns, only to see, about an hour later, videos of GJ and ZZH laughing and giggling onstage, whispering in each other's ear, and then singing "Love to fight if you want to win" together like a pair of newlyweds? Yeah. While the rest of us peons were crying our hearts out, those two were busy treating the concert afterparty like a wedding banquet. Truly the life of an NPC.
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And lastly, before I become too emo and write five more paragraphs, I just want to say that even if I'm no longer posting as much about them, I'm always still here waiting.
任山高水远 你在我也在 🏔🍊
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the-wales-5 · 8 months
"Rugby World Cup 🇫🇷 + 'the Intruders' " :)
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15th October 2023.
The Princess of Wales was attending the quarter finals of Rugby World Cup between England and Fiji. Several fans of her showed up to the game, including one wearing a hilarious mask with Catherine's face on it. Two men brought themselves to the stadium with posters made of cartons with French sentences, which translated to < divorce and marry me > & < Not him, Kate. Me >.
The princess was unaware of their act until the very end of the match when her secretary told her about it and showed a picture that was already viral around all of the 'royal' social media accounts.
Upon home return, William was waiting for her. "England is in the semi-finals, unlike Wales" said Catherine after seeing him, showing him her competitive side once more. William narrowed his eyes a little. His wife was rather confused, so she asked: "Is everything okay? It was a simple joke, you know that, right?.." she smiled but that facial expression was quickly replaced by a different one as she added: "Just like those posters you probably had seen".
"Posters" William sighed and then looked at her face, asking "What was your reaction ?" He asked, awaiting her explanation of the Intruders as he called them earlier. Catherine tried not to smile and said "I laughed and.. By the way, where are our kids?".
William rolled his eyes again after he did not get a direct response "And what? What else happened?" He asked once more.
Catherine hid a sigh and replied "And I assumed that you will behave in this way. Losing in a competition is not always an easy thing. Excuse me, Mr Wales, but I would like to see our children right now".
William sensed that his wife was teasing him now and couldn't help but smile as he stared at her way.
"I am so happy that England won, mummy. Hope they will win next week and then in the finals as well" George said.
They were playing a board game together with Charlotte and Louis. Orla was 'watching' them, occasionally barking, especially when Louis was the winner.
"She is rooting for me" he said and giggled
"Lupo used to do something similar with me," George said as he remembered their old dog and his playfulness. His mother caressed his shoulder. Thinking about Lupo and other dogs in her family that already passed away was not simple for her either, especially when an anniversary of Lupo's death was approaching.
Charlotte noticed her sudden sadness and asked, "Mummy, is everything okay?" Catherine, without saying anything, hugged her children and Orla.
The princess was pretending to be watching the TV in the living room late in the evening. William approached her and put his arm around her. "You've got no plans to go to sleep tonight? You should feel sleepy after your flight and all the emotions you had"
Catherine looked at him suspiciously. "Emotions? I feel like you've had more of those than me and that includes jealousy again. Am I right?".
William took a strand of her hair away from her face as he replied "You're not wrong. Well, maybe not jealousy but a bit of anger when you teased me by saying that losing in a competition is not easy" he said.
Catherine smirked "Well.. Usually you love when I am teasing you and this time you don't? This is unusual for you" she said.
"This is because you told a lie" William replied while looking into her eyes, then kissed her neck. Catherine laughed "So you think that you won. England was the winner and you are supporting Wales so you lost. This is logical."
"Both you and me know that it doesn't only mean the match itself, Mrs Wales but the posters. Those men lost, not me" William said and before Catherine could laugh, he kissed her on the neck once again, more passionately.
"Be careful" she giggled "I won't accept love bites marks. Do you know how difficult it is to cover that later?".
William only smirked as he said "The weather's getting colder so you can begin wearing turtlenecks soon, can't you?".
Catherine giggled and pushed him back. "Sorry for you, Mr Wales but you were right: I am feeling tired and sleepy right now. Your proof of winning must wait until tomorrow" she laughed and went to take a shower.
As a 'revenge' and to prevent William from joining her there, she closed the bathroom room with a key. William knocked when he realised what she did a few minutes later.
"Are you serious?" He asked and then smiled after hearing his wife's soft laugh.
"Aren't you sleeping?" He asked about thirty minutes later when he came to their bedroom after putting their youngest child to sleep.
"I can't" Catherine replied
"So you missed me anyway" he smiled.
Catherine shook her head and replied: "Today when I was playing with the children, all of a sudden George mentioned Lupo and you know that--.. his death anniversary is coming and it is still not easy sometimes to think about it even when Orla's with us" she sighed.
"Kate.." her husband said and pulled her closer to himself "Of course it is not possible to forget about him and the way he left us"
Catherine blinked a few times and then she could feel William's forehead kiss and then another touch of his lips - on hers.
She looked at him and William caressed her cheek as he said: "You told me to wait until tomorrow for something more so I will but it does not mean I will not try to lift your mood up a little bit if you want, Mrs Wales"
His wife nodded as she said "Yes, you are allowed to do that I think.. But that doesn't mean that you're a winner in everything. Wales lost" Catherine smirked after making a decision to tease him for the last time that evening and that way she got her 'revenge': lots of kisses on her face and a few, <almost invisible> love bites on her neck.
"Thank you" Catherine said sarcastically the next morning when she stood in front of a mirror, trying to cover the marks William left on her neck the night before.
"You can still wear turtlenecks, and there is nothing in our calendars until November so it will heal, right?"
"Yes, unless you plan to prove something again" Catherine scoffed a little
"Next time I need to prevent some people with the cardboard posters from coming to the areas where you will be. Then, I will not have to prove anything" he said and laughed after Catherine threw a pillow at him.
~The end ♡~
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