#I was going to tag this as ship but they aren't doing anything... shippy?
seaweedraindraws · 2 months
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Day 1: Daffodil "Let's have a new start."
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writtenjewels · 1 year
See No Evil
It was completely dark when Jason opened his eyes. He coughed out the lungful of dirt he had inhaled when he fell and reached up to turn on his flashlight. Nothing happened. He gave the light a sharp slap with his palm but it still remained off.
Well, fuck me. Not only did he fall into some hole, but he busted his flashlight while doing it. This was going to make getting out of here a hell of a lot harder. Jason took off his backpack hoping something inside might help. He found his fire starting kit and eagerly took it out.
Jason could hear the strikes of the starter but he didn't see any sparks. Something was very wrong here. He paused, turning his head to take in his surroundings again. It was complete darkness, like he had his eyes closed. Surely his eyes should have adjusted to the point where he'd pick up something, even if it was just a shape.
“Fuck,” he cursed out loud. “Fuck.” Hands shaking, he returned the kit to his pack. What the hell was he going to do now? He heard a voice calling out and he turned his head eagerly in the direction. “Hello?” he answered. “Someone there?” Jason's heart pounded while he waited for an answer. He could hear the sound of feet approaching.
“So you fell down here, too,” a voice remarked. The accent was one Jason didn't recognize. He squinted into the darkness.
“Do I know you?”
“No, I don't think we've met before,” the voice answered hesitantly. “Is there anyone else here?”
“Not sure,” Jason shrugged. He fumbled for his radio. “This is Mailman Two-One Actual to all call signs. Anybody read me?” He got static as a response.
“I couldn't reach anyone, either,” the voice told him. Footsteps told that the person was moving closer to Jason. “It may be just us.”
Jason took a careful step in the voice's direction, sliding his foot across the ground when he moved. It was the most disorienting feeling to not be able to see. He continued taking shuffling steps until his toe nudged against something solid. His heart skipped and he lifted his hand, brushing fabric. Jason held back the shudder of relief even as he closed his fingers around the material.
“Are you all right?” the voice asked him in concern.
“I'm fine. Just fuckin' great.” Jason turned his face where he thought the speaker's face might be. “Just makin' sure you were real.”
“I understand what you mean.” Warm fingers rested over Jason's hand. Jason's fingers twitched and the feeling disappeared. “This is a very strange place; I wasn't entirely sure you were real at first, either.”
“Well, we're both real enough.” Jason tugged gently on what he assumed was the man's sleeve. “My name's Jason.”
“Salim,” the other returned. “Listen, Jason. I think it would be best if we work together in finding a way out of here.”
“Yes!” Jason agreed, closing his hand around Salim's arm. He felt the man stiffen. “Uh, why don't you lead?”
“All right.” Salim pulled away from Jason's touch. Jason felt his stomach sink down in horror. He was frozen, heart beating wildly. He slid his foot forward hoping to nudge against Salim's shoe again. “What's the matter?” Salim asked him.
“I can't... fuck.” Jason gritted his teeth. “I can't fuckin' see anything. The fall fucked up my sight somehow.” There was silence for a few moments.
“You aren't messing with me,” Salim realized. “You really can't see me.” Silence fell again, but to Jason's relief he felt Salim's hand close around his. He didn't fight it as Salim guided his hand back up until Jason could grip onto fabric.
“Thanks,” Jason said. “Now let's get goin'.” Salim moved forward and Jason stumbled a little before picking up the pace. He closed his hand around Salim's arm again.
“I'm not going anywhere,” Salim assured him. Jason merely tightened his grip and continued to follow Salim. It was still disorienting to walk without seeing where he was going, but at least he wasn't alone anymore.
[another weird/random idea of mine. Not tagging the ship since nothing shippy has happened yet]
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
Hi! You seem quite knowledgeable in this, so I though you might be the right person to ask: I'm trying to find some nice heart pirates fics with them as family doing shenanigans/general stuff. Most of the fics I've found in the Heart Pirates tag in ao3 revolve around a ship involving law and the hearts are just background characters who barely do anything, which isn't what I'm looking for. Do you have any recommendations? (I've already read some of your works, but if you want to recommend those that's good too!)
Platonic Heart Pirates Fics Rec List
Wow! huge compliment.
Yeah, I wouldn't classify myself as a Hearts Pirates writer, but I do write them. I think my best characterisations of them are in my multi-chaptered works, but they're super dark, and the Hearts aren't the focus (but boy do they shine when they get the chance!).
You've probably come across my Bepo's one shots and drabble collection. There's a few shippy pieces in there, but they're clearly marked. Most are just the crew, although focus on the main four. This was also done for the Hearts' Pirates Week, so covers all named crew members (up to that point). This one shot is surprisingly popular: Dark like the North Blue Sea (aka The Sea-Hill you Die On), and you might have come across the Straw Hat and Heart Pirates crews intermingling in this fic featuring Bepo and Chopper. I'm also guessing that you probably saw the piece I wrote for the op summer festival zine: Sun Path Ozoni. An earlier version of that is in Bepo's collection! There's also Bepo's Beptober, which features everyone, but I wouldn't really say explores them in depth!
Okay, RECS!
Any of the fics with the Hearts Pirate tag by @op-sheepy Here's a link to their AO3 dash. There are quite a few Heart Pirate drabbles on their tumblr page too.
@itsxandy 's work, stormy weather, is criminally under-read. That's 22,2221 amazing words on Law's dynamic with the crew in the polar tang in close quarters. Not necessarily happy families, but, oof, it's good. Even a very plausible theory put forward for the recruitment of Clione, I think! Or maybe Uni.
Dragon_in_a_Cypress_swamp has 6 amazing Hearts & Trafalgar Law fics too. Really good (I haven't read all, but what I have read just blows me away).
This is not a place of honor by Hyperbolic Reverie (I'm not guaranteeing that all the fics are sweet). And you've probably come across
the devil knows how to row by fab_ia, is set in Law Novel land, but with flashbacks to Law's time with the Donquixote Family. It's a work in progress. But very good. The author is keats on twitter, and I think one of the guest writers for the up coming Hearts zine. Their AO3 actually has a few Hearts' fics I want to pick through.
Dunno if this counts, but the Scrubs AU with Penguin and Shachi as Law's interns, and Bepo as a trusty nurse is both hilarious and poignant. @thegrimshapeofyoursmile
Cal14's recently been uploading some of their tumblr pieces.
@slashseeker (not getting their blog come up) has some platonic stuff on their AO3 page (their slash is pretty good too though!).
And that's about all I know for now. I'm sure you've read / been pointed towards the big collection: Tales from the Heart.
Almost forgot! If you go through @purplehairedwonder 's page, towards the start of beginning to write OP (so second page), there are about 5 fics that I'd classify as Heart centric, or the Hearts seen through Law's eyes. Not necessarily shenanigans though.
It is a ship fic, and it started before a lot of the Heart Pirates were named, but razbliuto's Methyl Nitrate Pirates really builds character and crew (and it's funny). @fablecore
Hope it helps! Sorry to anyone I've forgotten. Thanks for the ask! Let me know how they go.
Remember all, drop a kudos and comment if the fics strike your fancy❤️ Makes a Heart Pirates Heart loving Heart beat heartier.
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teaveetamer · 1 year
I am curious, I've been watching the discourse going on for a bit without getting involved and at this point I feel like I have to ask.
What is the desired result here? Why are you engaging in the discourse at all? Clearly this is not a discussion, so what do you gain from interacting at all?
(I will send this to several people, just out of curiosity)
Alright anon allow me to explain what's been going on with me on my end.
The year is 2019 (yes, we're doing this). FE3H has just come out. I play it and rather enjoy it actually. I've got a couple of ships that I'm into, some fanfic I want to write, etc.
I go onto Reddit to chat with people about the game. Now I don't really like Edelgard, but I'm chill, I'm open to discussing the game and getting alternate viewpoints. Initially it's more or less fine.
Then some posts start coming up. People start getting really aggressive about this. I'm trying to have a conversation, but it feels like their goal is just to shout me down. I get in arguments, I get in fights, I get misgendered, I get called a bigot, I get frustrated, I get ablest rhetoric spewed at me, and I waste my life.
Stop. Take a look at myself. I'm literally sitting here arguing about Edelgard von fucking Hresvelg for hours of my day. I'm annoyed, I'm irritated, I'm always in a bad mood. Ugh.
Now it's 2020, early times I think. I resolve to stop looking at Reddit so much with regard to this game. It's not worth the hassle and the frustration. I should be, like, out doing things and having fun not wasting my time arguing with a bunch of weirdos on the internet. I want to have fun again, not be angry. I delete the Reddit app from my phone and install a blocker on my web browsers, even.
Start using Tumblr for more than just shippy stuff, and find people who agree with me, who are saying the things I've been saying. I stop feeling crazy for liking the game the way I like it. I make a few posts on my main blog but you know what, I don't really want my main blog embroiled in this shit, though I want to add my voice to the conversation. So I make this side blog.
Make some posts. I get flooded with asks from other people about the game, saying they agree with me and they're thankful that they aren't the only ones who think the way I do. I think within like a month of existing this blog had double the posts of my main blog (which has existed since 2016, so for four years at that point), most of them from asks.
The blog was initially for me to vent and throw in my two cents here and there, but I figure I'll keep it around in regular use because people seem to be benefiting from it.
Early on I tried to establish a rule for myself that 1) I wasn't going to go looking in any main tags (e.g. the Edelgard or Edelgard Positive tags) for stuff to reblog or talk about, and 2) I wasn't going to go into any Edelgard specific spaces looking for stuff to talk about (e.g. r/Edelgard or even Dimitri-critical tags). However, anything maintagged that was looking for a fight (e.g. a Dimitri-critical post in the main Dimitri tag) was fair game.
I'm not perfect, but I did try to stick to that rule. I talked about things that happened on the main FE Sub or FEH sub. I did my best to encourage my anons to not go seeking out stuff to bring back to me from Edelgard spaces. After all, this blog was meant for venting and having my own personal space where I could talk about my views without getting accosted. I thought it would be petty for me to go bring back stuff from other places.
Moving into 2021, I was kind of done with 3H. I was still getting like dozens of asks a day about 3H discourse. I'd answer one and five more would pop up in their place. By now we're like, well beyond 3x or 4x the amount of posts I have on my main blog. I'm getting kind of tired of it. It's a lot of the same points over and over and over. We're in pandemic times, so I can't even walk away from it and do something else IRL for a while before coming back to it. I feel like I'm wasting my life again. I feel like I've said anything and everything I could have possibly said about the subject. I ask people to stop talking to me about Edelgard. Eventually, everyone mostly obliges.
I still chat about it here and there, but I'm chatting about other stuff too. This blog is still about venting just about venting about more than 3H. A lot more petty fandom shit in general.
Now we're in, like, 2022. I don't remember exactly, Pandemic Time makes some of this a bit of a blur. I notice a new kid on the block, doing basically what I'd noticed happening on Reddit. Going into the wrong tags. Picking fights. Posting things in the wrong tags. Picking fights.
I'm over it, I'm done, I don't want to deal with this shit anymore. I block the dude. Most people I know block the dude or ignore him. We figure he's new here, he just hasn't learned the etiquette.
He gets increasingly hostile. I'm not really paying that much attention, just getting info about it from the fringes. Again, we figure eventually he'll just go away if we ignore him.
Then Nilsh gets harassed off the platform.
My mutuals are getting increasingly hostile anons and combative reblogs.
At this point I'm relatively unaffected. I guess because I don't tag anything, so he didn't find it.
And you know what? I'm still like "he'll get bored. He'll leave eventually." We were all like "just ignore him, he'll leave eventually."
People try to explain tags to him. Try to help him curate his experience so he quits arguing with people who don't want to talk to him all the time.
Then Moonlitboar gets harassed off of the platform. They take the URL. He's bragging about having done it. He's spreading this vitriol to other platforms and convincing others to join in on the harassment.
And I'm like. Okay. This dude isn't leaving. This is what he wants. His goal isn't to talk about this game—his goal is to hurt us.
I unblock him and respond. We go back and forth. He stops... for a time.
Here's the thing. I didn't re-block him after that, and I didn't do that for a couple of reasons. First, because at this point I'm still hopeful that he's just unaware of what he's doing, and that he'll acknowledge how messed up it was and apologize. I'm all for second chances. The second, because he's dangerous and I'm worried that if I don't keep tabs on him, he's going to try to hurt me.
It's not long until he's doing the same shit again. He tries harassing BWIIDT, he tries harassing FantasyInvader, he tries harassing Ezra, he tries harassing RandomNameless, he tries harassing Emblemxeno, he tries harassing Gascon, he tries harassing people I've literally never even heard of. I keep calling him out, and he tries harassing me. He calls me hysterical, accuses me of acting like a victim. Tries to make me feel stupid and small by saying I don't have anything worth his attention to respond to.
(By the way dude, my point about that was that you were being misogynistic but treating discourse like it was only worth responding to if it came from a man. See, I noticed that you only liked to attack people you thought were cishet white men like yourself, even if we were saying basically the same things at times. The fact that you continue not "debunking" any of my posts doesn't upset me; it proves my point)
He blocks me. I can't say for certain why, but my bet is that he realized people were actually listening to what I had to say, and having a queer woman question the actions he purported to be for the benefit of queer women wasn't a great look for him.
He's still trying to harass me. He's taking screenshots, he's using my name, he's @ ing me. He's casually lying about me. He's using sexist rhetoric implying that I shouldn't be listened to because I'm just too ~in my feelings~ and he's the true victim of my hysterical victimized martyr complex (geez, you sure a a feminist ally for that one, aren't you?)
You know, I did actual research when one of my anons accused him of being a trump supporter and tried to lie about him? I burned an entire evening on that, because I didn't want to be spreading lies about people. Meanwhile he lets his anons casually and repeatedly misgender me without so much as a passing correction, and he hangs out with people who spread lies and slander accusing others of heinous crimes.
And you know what? If I knew it was going to be like this? I'd still waste that evening and correct that anon. It's not about getting a petty win or convincing people he's a bad person for me. It's about being respected.
So to get back to your question. Why am I doing this? Because I have to. Because I know that if I don't he's going to hurt someone else, just like how he hurt Nilsh and Moonlitboar. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, after all. We ignored him and he didn't leave, so now we have to say something.
What's the desired result? I want to be respected, like I've tried to respect them for almost the entirety of this blog's existence. I want my boundaries acknowledged. I want him to stop hurting people for no other reason than to hurt them, because they don't agree with him.
When will I stop? When he stops.
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archangelsammy · 1 year
archangelsammy's supernatural fic recs! <3
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keep in mind that there's gonna be a lot of random stuff here. I read pretty much anything and everything. do keep in mind the tags before you read! if you don't like a fic/ship that's here, then don't read it. I don't want to see any hate here please.
short fics <5,000w
It's A River (But Not In Egypt) by Lise (Sam/Lucifer)
He's still a liar. Maybe always has been. Season 7, Sam & Hallucifer. References to torture, more gen than shippy.
flutter by real-placebo-effect (Sam/Michael)
Suddenly, Sam sees where Gabriel gets it from. It's almost endearing. Cute and sweet, set in early season 7. Canon divergence.
[record scratch, freeze frame] yep. that's me, plummeting into hell. you might be wondering how i got myself into this situation. well, it all started when i was born by kbaycolt (Sam/Lucifer)
The fall to Hell takes seven days. Post-episode Swan Song, angst. Short, and open ending.
just say by real-placebo-effect (Sam/Lucifer)
He won't say it so he doesn't say anything. Sam unravels anyway. Short, sweet, and shippy.
I should have been a pair of ragged claws by sparklylulz (Sam/Lucifer)
He wonders if he’ll go to Hell for sympathizing with the devil. Great Sam characterization.
speaking by maplewix (Sam/Lucifer)
Sam teaches Lucifer how to talk with his hands. Lucifer teaches Sam about angels. Sam is deaf, and Lucifer is mute. Unfinished but worth it.
and so the tower fell by thequietwings (Sam/Lucifer)
Lucifer taught Sam how to speak Enochian in the Cage. Really is angst masquerading as cute scenes. Podfic available!
Find Me At The End of Time by River_of_Dreams (Sam & Lucifer)
Sam Winchester wakes up in the Cage, knowing he's just condemned himself to an eternity of torture. But Lucifer has defied expectations since the beginnings of Time. He will do it again at its end. Post-episode Swan Songs, can be read as pre-slash.
at the end of the day by sharpbluejay (Sam/Lucifer, Chuck & Lucifer)
You do not, under any circumstances, have to hand it to the Devil, except when you do.
Or it turns out that watching the Devil confront God (with a capital G) reminds Sam a little too much of himself yelling at John. This is a strange thing to notice as the world is ending. Says slash, but can be read as gen. Post-episode 11x22 We Happy Few.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity by barryallenistheflash (Sam & Jack)
Jack begins to sense there's something not quite right.
Oh, no.
There's something
omg brilliant. alternate s14.
Twenty Steps by piglet (rethira) (Sam/Lucifer)
So, you accidentally married the Devil. As it says on the tin! crack, hilarious.
choosing, not ceasing by mythpoetry (Sam/Lucifer)
Sam lets the devil ride him out of hell. It's not the worst idea he's ever had. Beautiful scene towards the end. s5 Lucifer characterisation.
Holy by maplewix (Sam/Lucifer)
“No, that’s not possible, the world’s changed since—since the beginning, Pangea and—”
"Not the holy places," Lucifer said quietly.
can be read as gen, religious symbolism & crying.
Demons Aren't Mice (but Neither are they Men) by ohjustdisarmalready (Sam & Castiel & Crowley)
Crowley and Sam make a book club in the dungeon. Castiel is a part-time member. So much symbolism. References to literature, but you don't need to have read them.
long-ish fics 5,000w-10,000w
Falling Down by ophan (message me your email if you'd like a copy of ophans works) (Sam/Lucifer)
Sam says, 'Are you going to do it? Are you going to try and burn the world again?'
When Lucifer replies his voice is just as Sam remembers it. Low and musing, but also hoarse now, and filled with something fractured and brittle. It's shocking, in every way. A s9 canon-divergent fic with s5 Lucifer characterization.
Night Moves by Safiyabat (Sam/Lucifer)
Lucifer visits Sam in his dreams as the Apocalypse rages around them. While he should be trying to convince Sam to say "Yes," Sam soon finds that the Adversary isn't exactly adversarial. Done with the prompt 'classic rock,' loved the way music features in this.
someone to eat the fruit by anon (Sam/Lucifer)
The Cage is not what Sam expects. Interesting take on the cage - seems dark but is actually light-hearted.
Regrettable Situations in Storage Room 3 by occasionally_always (Sam/Castiel)
It’s not easy to get to the Farmers Market in the middle of a pandemic, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Sam would do anything to get some fresh air and sunlight, Cas really, really wants his organic honey, and most importantly, Dean’s not home to stop them. Humor & domestic. Can be read as gen too.
The Courtship of Sam Winchester by twicefivemiles (Sam/Lucifer)
While away from Dean and working a job he hates to forget a past he hates more, the last thing Sam needs is an unwanted suitor in his room every night. So sweet and good. Set around 5x03.
thou shalt not covet by sonatine (Sam/Lucifer, unrequited Sam/Castiel)
The irony is that Lucifer’s vessel — Nick — is exactly the kind of guy Sam would try to pick up. Tall but not scrawny; the kind of brawny Midwest farm stock that Dean, who prefers natty dressers with elegant faces (Cas) or someone who looks like they crawled out of Donner’s Pass (Benny), would curl his lip at. Sam would like to deny that he has a type, but his history of ex-lovers tells a story of sharp eyes, sharper smiles, and an intellect like a battering ram that he can throw himself against. This is thee fic of all time. Actually got me to ship Sam/Lucifer.
long fics 10,000w-50,000w
Love in Twelve Acts by sparxwrites (Sam/Lucifer)
It's hard not to love someone when you know their life story. Lucifer, like all angels, can travel in time; what he sees in the past changes him. Really interesting fic, well worth the read.
The Fourth Wall Series by entanglednow (Dean/Cas, Sam/Lucifer)
The guys explore the joys of fanfiction. Brilliantly done, some beautiful moments in this series.
the crucifix was constructed wrong by tigriswolf (Sam & Dean, no ships)
Sam time travels from the end of Swan Song to midway through No Rest for the Wicked. Ain’t nobody’s plans left intact.
He opens his eyes. Uncurls, glances at the candles, the symbols. “Ruby,” he murmurs. Smiles slowly.
Resumes the ritual.
fell down, threw up by goodnightfern (Cas/Dean, Sam/Lucifer)
The spell works on all of the angels and Lucifer's punishment continues. As for Sam? He's gotta be hallucinating again. (AU after 8.23)
Monsters Out of Time by KillerofHope (Sam/Lucifer)
God vanishes with his sister, Sam finds himself waiting at the bunker for Dean. But Lucifer arrives first, feeling just as lost as Sam.
A relationship snaps into place that both don't want to feel guilty about. s11 divergence, very light-hearted for the ship that it is.
How to Fall by alas_horatio (Sam/Lucifer)
When a spell goes wrong Sam ends up stranded in the north Canadian wilderness with nothing to do but bunker down and wait for rescue, which wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the broken angel he's accidentally brought along for the ride. So well done, one of the best Sam/Lucifer fics out there.
Pyrphoros by lumpy-space-princess (Sam/Lucifer)
And thus did he who was called Forethought descend from the mountain with a fistful of fire, a boon of civilization to all Mankind.
Three tales, of three gifts, told in three parts. Just amazing.
Smoke and Mirrors by itallstartedwithdefenestration (Sam/Lucifer)
Sam spends most of his dreams with Lucifer trying to prove that they're nothing alike. Until he realizes that they are, and that maybe, just maybe, he's sick of denying it.
Tangible by glassedplanets (Sam/Lucifer, Dean/Cas)
Wherein Sam's got the Devil whispering in his ear and he's well and truly fucked. Picks up after 7x15 and diverges from canon.
super long fics 50,000w-150,000w
A Young Writer Marked for Death by lysanatt (Sam/Lucifer, Michael/Adam)
Being an aspiring writer in Paris isn't easy, and with Adam wasting away from consumption, Sam's life sure is difficult. It could be worse, though: Adam could be dead or they could both be back in Kansas where they would end up in jail. Monsieur Lucifer could have asked them to leave Le Cabaret Perdu when he discovered the less than flattering poem that Adam wrote about him. Instead Sam makes a surprising deal with Lucifer that is going to change Adam's life — and his own. Sort-of Moulin Rouge AU with a happy ending.
The Light Beyond The Glass by ophan (Sam/Lucifer) (message me for the link)
There's a new Leviathan-eating monster on the loose, and Sam and Dean need to stop it before it starts eating humans. Trouble is, it can only be killed by an archangel. Luckily, Sam's found a summoning spell to take care of that. A s7 canon divergence fic with s5 Lucifer characterization.
Some Kind of Home by SansPellegrino (Sam/Lucifer, Dean/Cas)
In which Sam gets kicked out of his own house and ends up being taken in by the Miltons; a somewhat dysfunctional family of seven held together by the two eldest brothers in the absence of their parents. Sam's plan is to stay with them until Dean comes home from serving in Afghanistan, and then he'll return to Stanford. But, as usual, other things just get in the way.
Stairway to Heaven by clowns_or_midgets, jadeys-world, snarkymuch (Sam/Lucifer)
AU. To save his brother, Sam makes a deal with the devil. The creature he expects and the man he actually encounters are two different beings, and soon he will have to choose between what he knows is right and what his heart desires.
Due Cause by alas_horatio (Sam/Lucifer, Dean/Cas)
Sam gets his first job at the law firm of his dreams, which just happens to be the workplace of his law-school idol, who in real life is a good deal more cynical and a great deal more creepy than he might have imagined. Also: Cas runs a snack cart. Also: Dean helps.
Who Do You Think You're Fooling? by all_the_kings_ham (Sam/Lucifer)
Just because you can find help on the side of the road doesn't mean that Sam has to accept that help with out reservations.
The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot by all_the_kings_ham (Sam/Lucifer)
It was such a simple plan.
How did it go so wrong so fast?
bad moon rising by gone_girl (no ships)
There are many American cults of worship, and none of them will ever have a place for the Winchester brothers. Arab Winchesters! Really good.
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That's all folks! Leave a kudos/bookmark on the fics if you like them! This list is all thanks to @quietwingsinthesky and @godsprettiestprincess over on the archangel discord so thanks guys for the motivation <3
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falderaletcetera · 6 months
thinking more about my tag essay on that rpf poll post and...
remember that story about the early star trek fans who invited leonard nimoy to talk to their group and all very deliberately kept the shipping to themselves while he was there?
(I'd include a source but I didn't save it. also like, no guarantee it happened, but it seems like a thing that could have, so I'm going with it for now.)
that just couldn't happen now, in most of the places we do fandom. the internet was a breakthrough for fandom, I'm told, but then it was gentrified or something like it, and now everyone's on one of a handful of sites (though yes, we're seeing the breakdown of this with twitter and reddit and people scattering in a dozen directions) and we have One Very Public Place for any and all discussions.
it's something I think about a lot. our shippy fandom spaces are our personal blogs are where we shill our etsy shops are where corporations and celebrities make their accounts to tweet into the void and occasionally search their own names. we often mask between identities, yes, having a Family/Work Account and a Personal Account, but there's little to no real separation of the spaces.
tumblr avoids the celebrity problem, historically (except for beloved oddballs like diane duane and neil gaiman, who, I do not know how they manage it here) though that may be changing.
sometimes I think about how unprepared we all are, culturally, evolutionarily, psychologically, for the internet we have here and now. sometimes I remember this post about children being forced inside over the decades and going to the internet as a refuge, the only place they can really talk to each other and just be kids relatively unsupervised. sometimes I think about how disabled people are forced to resort to the internet for resources and community when the meatspace ones just aren't accessible. about how autistic people can find communication easier over the internet and people with adhd can find social media and video games rewarding and soothing in a way their brains desperately need.
I wouldn't trade this internet for anything. but fuck, in so many different ways we have not adapted to this world, and it sure as hell wasn't made for us.
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I appreciate your attitude on alternate interpretations. I have a similar problem with Simon + Athena content but I guess from the slightly opposite side? (why are these even sides) I find their dynamic really compelling whatever form it takes, mostly platonic but I don't mind otherwise. I just think they're neat! But so much art or whatnot for them feels the need to tack on oddly hostile disclaimers like 'NOT shippy if you ship them go die' and it's like. sheesh, this is a video game where one of these characters prosecuted an orca. I try to not let me it turn me off from the whole fandom, but it does stop me from venturing too far into the tags because it usually ends up being just not a fun place to be.
I'll admit to have cracked jokes & voiced my disinterest in less charitable terms in the past, though a line is always drawn at the people who happen to enjoy it. We ultimately want the same thing after all - to bask in Psyche Duo content that Dual Destinies had burned a strong affinity for in our brains. It'd be like kicking someone for enjoying a different flavour of cake.
I do understand not wanting anything to do with content you're not interested in or dislike. Making it clear that what you're posting isn't an invitation to share things that annoy you is a reasonable thing to do. Telling people they can (in charitable terms) eat glass for enjoying a story the wrong way gets the point across but not a tone I'm all that thrilled with in this context. I'd rather save that level intensity for other things that aren't well-suited for a silly Ace Attorney fan page.
Point is, I'd rather save my energy for things that more seriously effect me. There's enough for me to be mad about as-is. without adding strangers enjoying a pastel & goth couple with names I heppen know slapped over it.
Whoo, this got more in-depth than I would've thought! But compartmentalising one's emotions and not worshipping your pet headcanons is something I think could be done more often around these parts.
Thank you if you stuck around this long!
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godsbox-a · 10 months
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the only reason was because i ( . . . ) ─ ind. sel. 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 of gege akutami's jjk, anime &. manga faithful. mutuals only. a personal investigation on the decay of a heart when ❛𝙬𝙚❜ turns into 𝚒, the virtue of playing the fool, and how the road down to hell was paved with the best most selfish intentions. ( so i'm in no mood to be pointing fingers. ) maki. rules + info under the cut.
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          i.     this blog is mutuals only. basic rp etiquette applies. be respectful of my time and space the same way that i expect myself to be respectful of yours.  please don't put a timer on my activity. zero tolerance for no - brainer offenses. i do keep up with every chapter update, but i'll tag / cut under a  read-more  anything referencing what hasn't been adapted to the screen yet.
          ii.     this hobby's purely for fun, but a lot of that fun for me comes out of dissecting fiction as it lays.  re : gojou's character  - it's insanely easy for fandom to oversimplify &. pigeonhole him into one of several popular interpretations : just the idiot. just the strong one. just an asshole. just a good guy. trying to balance the sum of all those parts and adding in my own thoughts and ideas is gonna be a large aspect of the content i post !
          iii.     with gojou being 28 ( 29 as of chapter 222 ) in canon, any potential shippy dynamics need to be within an amicable age range. teacher / student pairings are a strong no. other than that, if the chemistry's there, i say shoot !  note  :  comfort and connection is important to me when it comes to establishing character bonds and personal verses, and with the complexity of gojou's character in mind,  i won't be accepting multiple shipping partners for the  same  character. updated : percy's geto suguru.
high priority connections : ammonia, percy, robin ( yuuji / sukuna exclusive )
          vi.     i'm not all that likely to post starter calls, so the best way to kick-start something with me is definitely by shooting me a couple meme prompts ! please always feel welcome to continue a thread from there. having multiple threads going on is 100% okay with me !
          v.     i format posts with icons and double spaced / some colored text. i'll generally try to meet my partner's length / style. i make my graphics using my own coloring, so please be mindful  &.  don't lift any content from my blog, whether it's aesthetics / visuals, specific characterization choices that aren't explicitly canon, headcanon posts, etc. i'm completely cool with being mutuals with duplicates (solo or mm) so long as this respect is maintained and there's no competitive feelings.  thanks for reading !
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄   :    gojou satoru   𝐌𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆   :    enlightenment, realization of truth or higher perception /  to understand   𝐀𝐆𝐄   :    28, born dec 7th 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂 & 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐀  :    sagittarius, temperance   𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘   :    japanese   𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑   :    cismale   𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍   :    bisexual, panromantic   𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑   :    white, undercut   𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒   :    unnaturally blue   𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓   :    6'3"   𝐁𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐃   :    tall and towering, naturally slim and well toned   𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍   :    operational special grade sorcerer, tokyo jujutsu tech teacher   𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐍𝐈𝐐𝐔𝐄   :    inherited - limitless, the six eyes   𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍   :    infinite / unlimited void   𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒   :    blithe, extroverted, good humored, perceptive, confident, protective, ethical   𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒   :    arrogant, unreliable, impulsive, contentious, irresponsible, distant   𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐒   :    became their own antithesis,  good is not soft, insufferable genius,  lonely at the top   𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒   :    noted to be physically attractive, he'd inherited the eerily illuminating blue eyes of his ancestral line, though reliably stifles this taxing facet with either a blindfold or lens too dark to see through.   𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐒   : sweets ♡   𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐒   :    alcohol
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Interesting Fic Traction Notes I'm not a stat/views whore but I do look at them in fascination. I swore I read somewhere that long fics don't get the most hits and that Ao3 tends to skews towards short fics and porn but in looking at my stats the highest engagement (hits/favs/comments/subs/bookmarks) is mainly on longfics (fics longer than 2 chapters and over imo is a longfic). In order it goes: -2 chapter smut (that reader fic of all things, odd.) -longfic smut fics -a one shot smut fic -longfic that isn't smut centered (makes sense cause of the amount of years it has been up) -more smut one shots -a smut compilation -longfics that aren't smut centered -that one canon compliant one -brutal violent sex fics (the rapey and or heavily murderkinky ones) -then one shots that are just dreamy weird plot heavy -newer canon compliant or not as smutty stuff at the bottom (or new stuff less than a few months old in general) Sorting by views/hits renders mostly the same result (and hits, like okay that's a lot to me even including my rereads to edit and read my own stuff and before I was cross posting to here).
So in one way, yeah 'smut sells' proves true, but the length doesn't. If anything my short fics tend to get passed over faster especially anything sub 1,000 words (in context my largest longfic smut fic is over 35k words). My highest engaged fics tend to with a lone 2k exception, cap out around 7-8k words. Also, only straight forward pwp or little plot are like this as too much emotional/plot investment ranks way lower. Well, the murderkinky violent ones rank lower too, intentionally as I know what I wrote - but also brings in a certain niche of reader so there's that. I can't even go by comment threads as sure, the top three are longfics understandably, but then it evens out to a similar range across the board no matter the length. Usually due to regular commenters (I <3 u guys!). Oddly, I find my human focused/human shippy ones aren't as well viewed but I also think it's a combo of my set niche of 'monsterfucker', doing exclusively rare pairs and being 'that asshole that writes N/J all the time' together so it could be simply not writing as expected of my account. Though getting engagement on those is pretty cool because of these 'hurdles', not in spite of them! I enjoy being convincing outside of my wheelhouse, too. So what I get from all this is the Ao3 adage of 'what is more likely to be engaged with' is on crack and just not reliable, at least in my case. Pretty on brand for me really (with the self-awareness I am niche in general). I both prove the adage both true and false oddly. Resi to note is not a huge fandom just vocal (we don't even rank in the larger Ao3 fandom poles) so that could be what's causing the skew? I also I see what you folks cheer for overall (readers, pwp and hyper erotic murder/violence in that order). I also think that one reader fic* I think hit the DBD crowd unintentionally - I've never played lol. Also to note, I see those bookmarks. The sheer amount of private ones for an account that is hard to miss in larger Resi tag and almost always in that specific rare ship tag is so high and it's hilarious and amazing to me. The thing about people who hide their porn habits through bookmarks is *very* true - I hope y'all were well fed! I cackle every time cause christ on a cracker the sheer amount of them solely on the porn, I see you /wink *Though I might...do that male!reader/Nem fic I've been saying that for like 2+ years now at some point because I like balance since I've already done female and gender neutral readers.
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haleshe · 9 months
prompts. wishlist. edits.
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also at: @divienity, @fairchield, @l1ghtwood.
⟢ rules.
001.  first  things  first,  my  activity  is  incredibly  sporadic  and  slow.  my  muse  is  fickle,  and  i  work  nearly  full  time  as  a  starbucks  supervisor  with  a  schedule  that  changes  weekly.  i  don't  always  have  the  energy  to  be  around,  and  i'm  not  going  to  force  myself  to  be.  you  can  always  find  me  on  @divienity.
002.  laura's  technically a canon character and belongs to jeff davis because of that, but i've been developing her for years now, and she's basically an original character since we get very little info on her!   all headcanons, development and the like belong to me, and at this moment, i am not duplicate character friendly because of how much work i've put into her.  she  is  also  been  adapted  to  fit  multiple  fandoms  such  as  the  vampire  diaries  universe,  the  hunger  games,  teen  wolf  and  more,  so  if  you're  not  familiar  with  her  canon,  that's  okay!  i  can  easily  adapt  to  just  about  anything.
003. laura's development is heavily tied to headcanons and a lot of ideas of my own, and there are many side characters that are featured on a sideblog to this one, @herpack. you don't have to follow that blog and interact with it, but just saying, it could be fun! a lot of those characters will also be mentioned here and there when it comes to furthering laura's story, so if you're lost, you can find the characters important to laura's development there.
004.  this  blog  uses  the  beta  editor  only  and  uses  xkit  rewritten  as  a  form  of  trimming  reblogs.  please  use  the  same  when  it  comes  to  our  threads!  my  icon  border  is a mixture of elements  by  ariapsds  & creationcolor and  the  coloring  is  by  weirdestwitch.   icons  made  with  caps  downloaded  from  screencapped,  or  downloaded  and  made  by  myself.  sometimes  gifs  are  used,  and  those  are  found  through  the  actor  gif  hunt  tag  on  tumblr!  creators  will  be  properly  credited  as  i  use  them.
005.   i  use  double  space  and  small  size  text,  but  i'll  happily  match  your  use  of  big  text  if  you  like!  i  don't  do  anything  very  fancy  with  my  formatting  though,  and  i  ask  that  you  don't  go  too  crazy  with  replies  to  me  so  i  can  read  it  easily.
006.  i  love  shipping,  and  laura's  such  an  easy  character  to  ship  with,  so  please  feel  free  to  send  me  shippy  means  to  test  the  water!  i  would  absolutely  adore  to  explore  a  romantic  dynamic  with  you.
007.  if  i'm  following  you,  i  want  to  write  with  you.  i  don't  mind  if  it  takes  a  while  to  get  to  it,  but  i  do  ask  that  there  is  some  interaction  ooc  so  i  know  you're  interested  in  writing  and  aren't  just  treating  me  like  a  number  in  your  follower  count.
008.  lastly,  have  fun!  it's  no  joke  when  we  say  this  is  a  hobby  and  not  a  job,  and  i  hope  it's  treated  as  such.  also,  stay  hydrated!
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kallistcs · 10 months
Zeus/Ganymede, Helen/Paris, Menelaus/Paris (also the OT3 and YES, I know that's not "ONE true pairing" but when it comes to Paris they all weigh even ok!! I can't choose!) Heracles/Adonis
Eeeh, it's (almost) whatever; I'm just not very interested in putting focus on the age gap and what it might mean for the couple, if there is one. Given basically any ship that isn't god/god in Greek myth has inbuilt "age gap", it's a kind of worthless metric for RPing characters from it. For human/human ships... 20-25 years of a gap, thereabouts.
"I'll know it when I see it"? Idk it's a bit of a floating line for me, but at the very least when hands end up on genitals/genitals end up coming into play in some way. If the narrative/speech is steamy enough, too, I might consider it NSFW at that point, but nothing hard and fast aside from the above.
Prrrobably? For some characters, I have my preferred ship(s) and that's it, sorry dfbhdj For others, I can be more flexible, but it highly depends. I'm more than willing to just jump off from a meme or whatever without talking about it beforehand if we share the ship it's about, though, to see if the chemistry works! Talking a little would undoubtedly be helpful for anything more developed, though. Crossover ships aren't usually my thing, so that depends on the characters involved. Both in terms of "is this a character I am interested in shipping out of canon" and if they're working together chemistry-wise and us as RPers.
For Adonis, Apollo, mainly. Others might happen with development, but he's just not really a ship-priority at all. For Paris... you got a (Greek myth usually) male character, whether friend or enemy, we can see about it. He's definitely my bicycle here, even if we're just talking the equivalent of a one night stand lol. THAT SAID; Ares/Paris would be interesting! Achilles isn't here for shipping, really, but as I note elsewhere, Antilochus post-Patroclus death would be interesting. Penthesilea... give her a girl and she'll be very happy. :) I'm open here, really!
Depends; as long as it's one of the ships I'm already interested in, just toss them at me and we can test it out. Otherwise, it's a good idea to talk about it /waves hand at the above question. Helen/Paris, as I note elsewhere in my info, definitely talk to me about it first, so we're both on the same page about it. This is a ship we can have vastly different ideas about, after all.
If we mean "shipping" as in "romantic shipping"; not at all. I love family/platonic relationships (Adonis and Paris are definitely majorly here for that).
Yep. Both in terms of "having multiple different ships going in their own 'verses with one of my characters" and "the same ships with different people with one character". (Though, I have to say, Tumblr's setup with how we all see everything we do makes the latter a little awkward to me. :/ I know it's hard not to compare ourselves to others etc sometimes, so while I'm still open for the latter, if you'd want to RP more privately on Discord or elsewhere to cut down on that sort of thing, I'm more than open to that.)
I can't choose, you can't make me choose!! Zeus/Ganymede and Helen/Menelaus/Paris :V
As mentioned, if it's a ship I already have, find a shippy meme or just send a short starter or something and we can test the waters. Otherwise, probably easiest to talk a little about it first.
stolen from: @singofus :) tagging... I mean if you wanna do it?? DO IT
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redsixwing · 2 years
Trick or Treat Letter
Hello, Trick or Treat maker! Thank you for writing or drawing for me!
General likes:
I like crunchy, worldbuilding-filled fic. I love character-centric fics. I go absolutely bananas for fic involving both. Smut is generally welcome, but never required. Angst is welcome, whether or not it has a happy ending (considering the state of the world, catharsis is a worthwhile goal). I like language play, elaborate prose, elegant wording; power dynamics; dark themes or scenes; exploration of subtext present in canon, exploring missed opportunities, changing timelines within setting, etc. If you love writing it, I will likely love reading it.
General DNWs:
Death of requested characters*, dubcon/noncon, anything involving bodily wastes, or a focus on bullying. Please no underage characters in ships. I do not enjoy setting changes or low tension AUs (high school, coffee shop, etc.) *unless we matched on Dark Souls, for which see below.
If we matched on Dark Souls:
Death is not a DNW in Dark Souls fic.
AUs that weave in concepts from the rest of the Souls series are very much wanted. :) I'm prompting for DS1 as it's the only one I have beaten. I'd love to see some worldbuilding about the Chosen Undead's discovery of Gwynevere or the (presence or absence of) the Nameless King. How does Chosen feel about Lautrec? How do they react to his wonderful voice? How does Lautrec feel about all these clever (or not so clever) protagonists rushing around ringing bells and trying to help people? How, to close the loop, does Lautrec relate to gods who aren't his beloved Fina?
If we matched on Xenogears:
Please feel free to weave in themes from Xenosaga or Xenoblade Chronicles! I'd very much like to see some Id-centric fic, involving any (or none) of the other tagged characters. How do things change for him as he realizes who's around him now? How would he react to knowing Miang is close by, or how would he perceive Elly? What is Fei's reaction to any of the above?
If we matched on Spy x Family (anime):
Fandom-specific DNWs: Pregnancy, babysitting, school bullying as a central focus. It's fine if Anya has some rough interactions at school, but I'd rather the attention be elsewhere.
I'd be entirely happy for shippy fic, happy family scenes, cute fluff, professional angst, fake family to chosen family, fake dating... the sky's the limit! How does Twilight and Yor's dynamic change over time? Yor realizing there is more to Loid than he lets on; or vice versa, Twilight realizing that Yor is a phenomenally skilled person? Mutual admiration and the slow beginnings of trust.
Spy hijinks are entirely welcome, the more over the top, the better.
If we matched on Zelda: Breath of the Wild:
I'd love to see some exploration of how spooky Breath of the Wild can be. Any of the tagged characters exploring something ancient and strange, Calamity Ganon being the horror that he is, or maybe a ghost story told by the Sheikah or the Yiga? I'm also happy for character-driven or shippy fic. How do Impa and Kohga feel about one another? has it ever been different? What does Impa think of Zelda now, or how does Link's return affect her?
Does Link remember Kohga at all? What's his perspective on Zelda after their failing battle and his long recovery? Nonbinary characters and identity headcanons especially welcome in this fandom.
If we matched on Ancient History RPF:
Eumenes needs more attention in general <3 How did he arrive at the explanation for the pamphlet scheme? I'm fascinated by the whole idea of a very nerdy sort, record keeper turned general, who succeeds by using similar methods that got him promoted.
Anything Alexander is also welcome. How did he approach his leadership, and did he have any doubts in mind as he approached one of his many battles?
Shippy fic with Hephaestion is welcome. I'd like to see exploration of how their dynamic could be, with Hephaestion as the trusted right hand or the rising leader in his own right.
If we matched on Original Work:
For either of the first two prompts, I'd love to see the eldritch deity be really nonhuman in mindset - it's incomprehensible and knows it, but aren't these humans interesting/amusing/such excellent vessels? Eldritch deities putting on human form are welcome, as are those modeled on nonhuman creatures (sea life! sea life!) or just too abstract to be physically interactive. After all, there's plenty of ways to have an encounter: visions and dreams, sideways slips into other realities, and brushes with madness are all welcome tropes.
Eldritch Deity/Head Priest of Its Cult I'm not particular about the gender of the head priest. Extra points for Victorian settings and dark fantasy tropes. The relationship doesn't have to be sexual, but can. In any case, it should be intense. Eldritch Goddess/Churchgirl Sneaking Out At Night To Visit Church
This would also make a decent combination with the prompt about the head priest. Scientist Secretly Experimenting On His Assistant/Male Assistant Turning Into A Monster
All the mad science please! I am not particular about the stage of transformation of the assistant (or, for that matter, the scientist.) Eldritch gods may or may not be involved, at your choice.
Nonbinary Scientist & Spacecraft AI that saved them because it's malfunctioning
This could be some great sci-fi fluff or angst (or both!). They/them for the scientist, please; I am not particular about their physical attributes.
What sort of a spacecraft does the AI operate? What are they supposed to be doing, and how did the scientist get put in such a bad situation in the first place?
Can the scientist fix the AI malfunction, do they want to do it, and does the AI even want to be fixed?
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beauarlen · 2 years
I might be more of a Jared stan, but from my point of view the disrespect Jensen gets from his supposed fans are appaling. Jared gets disrespect and hate all the time, but at least his own fans treat him and his work with respect. Jensen deserves more fans like you. Level headed and kind. People who don't woobify him all the time and acts like he can't fucking speak for himself. He's a grown ass man. He just have an opinion hellers don't agree with, but instead of accepting that they act like he's a poor wee baby. These aren't fans. Just see the reaction from a so called fan on that thing you reblogged about hellers and shipper "fans" regarding Jensen. No intelligence in sight.
Actually you're correct!! It's so maddening. Jensen actually doesn't need enemies when he has those fake ass fans. like they //need// to stop projecting their thoughts onto Jensen it's just so ridiculous. just because Jensen has different opinions doesn't mean that he was "silenced by the CW" or whatever trash excuse they make for them to not to accept what he says. Not to mention how they constantly twist his words just to fit their strange narratives like don't piss me off? Why the desperation for Jensen's validation lmfao it's getting pathetic. I also think they twist his words and shove words in his mouth mostly because they don't wanna "lose" against "bibros" or "wincesties" like no? stop using Jensen for fandom wars he's not a puppet you absolute strange individuals?? Jensen is actually the main player in their fantasy, they've stripped him off his physical and mental autonomy to project their delusions into him so they can't hate him outright, but they jump to call him homophobe and punish him for not feeding into their fantasy. Hellers are absolutely disgusting they defamed Jensen and yet they still speak on him and use him for their C*ckles fantasies (since they lost with D*stiel) like y'all bunch of sad freaks lmfao and not to mention how they treat Danneel, using a woman as a cheerleader for your weird ass fantasies…it reeks of misogyny.
I also find it so insulting how they think Jensen can't stand up for himself and that he was forced to like the finale or cancelling destiel. Jensen is literally one of the most strong opinionated actors I've ever seen, he's literally been criticizing the show and cancelling destiel //Even// while the show was still airing, there's no reason for him to start "lying" now after the show ended.
Now don't get me started about Misha C*llins, he literally encourages hellers' delusional behavior, that man is getting more desperate every damn day and he went too far that he had to pander to those starving shippers at the expense of Jensen's work, like go employ yourself you attention seeking embarrassment??? Jensen literally doesn't want //Anything// to do with that ship? Wasn’t it enough that Jensen ignored Misha's massive cringe shippy tweets that he tagged him in? Wasn’t it enough that Jensen had to cancel D*stiel once again recently at Denver con? Misha get the fucking hint already and stop using Jensen for attention? Never speak on Jensen and his music you desperate clout chaser? Misha is well aware how his crazy ass fanbase works and yet he feeds into their delusions while not giving a single fuck about Jensen because All Misha cares about is staying relevant. My God, he's such an attention seeking individual, dragging Jensen into that shipping mess and riling up his crazies after Jensen. Sad behavior.
The thing is hellers wholeheartedly believe that Jensen and Steve wrote a song about Dean and Cas like y'all are so fucking delusional and a hopeless case buying into Misha's bullshit. It's insane for a group of people who claims they're so concerned about silencing others, they sure do like speaking over Jensen lmfao and it's so wild to me that Misha has been playing them all for a decade, y'all are really that lost lmfao
Jensen has been nothing but dedicated to the show and loving and gracious to the fandom, and he stayed true to Dean Winchester till the end. (and yes fuck the hellers who think they know Dean more than Jensen because, like it or not, whatever Jensen says about Dean is undebatable and you need to shut the fuck up and accept it <333333). I know there are Jensen fans out there but the thing is they're so hard to find because they're not even loud or mostly inactive, and it's sick that all those weird shippers are so fucking loud and wrong and delusional. Leave Jensen out of y'alls weird messes ffs.
As for Jared, I'm well aware of how he's being treated, hellers never stop talking about him or trashing him, they define more as Jared anti than extreme D*stiel shippers, and it's obvious why, mostly because they can't stand Jared being Jensen's closest friend, because Jensen is their prop for Cockles. so seeing Jared being important to Jensen and seeing how much Jared means to Jensen, like he always defends him and speaks up for him, they'll forever have each other's backs. like you can see why they're all jealous of Jared, basically they want Misha to be Jared so bad and it's so pathetic so they punish Jared for being Jensen's bestfriend by hating on him daily. I personally like Jared, I think he's a very nice and kind dude that genuinely loves him and supports Jensen, he deserves the fanbase that he has and I'm glad he has fans that loves and cares for him.
Lol sorry for the rant anon but anyway here's something sweet that kinda sums up Jensen's personality. he deserves better than this nasty fandom.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
my mom and her sisters are all getting into bts, but they’re very much in it for the music and the dancing and pretty boys, less for fandom stuff. so, who are your favorite members/ships/fanon?
Oh god. Where do I start?
There are a lot of eras of fanon you can see in different fics, and there are different flavors of fanon depending on what ships someone likes. While I like actual BTS a lot, particularly for their rap, I treat the fic more like original BL. I like a lot of different versions, and I prefer the more multi-shippy authors who aren't so wedded to the few really big ships.
RM is probably my favorite overall just as an artist (and pretentious philosopher), but I love them all as stock fic characters.
I like namkook because I like "Sempai, notice me!" ships. I'm also a sucker for anything where a mentor type is having a meltdown internally about how bad they are for their crush on The Baby... meanwhile The Baby is a filthy little demon who is not only actively pursuing the mentor but is like "Can you hold me down and call me rude names?"
There's some interesting fic set earlier in their careers (or riffing off of that in another setting) about Jin being hired only for his face and whichever other member being hired only for their talent and their mutual jealousy/distrust/etc.
There are obviously a zillion possible ships, especially considering how often people go for ships with more than two. I more often do tag searches for vmin, sope, namkook, rapline OT3. Sometimes, I look for jihope or for vmin+another member. I'm partial to OT7, particularly of the JK/everyone variety, but there aren't a lot of fics that aren't just mindbreak porn or something. People often send me good recs for namgi, namjin, taejin, yoonjin, and jikook with top Jimin.
I don't actually care about the sex positions part, but I find that a lot of bottom Jimin fic is egregiously woobietastic in particular ways I hate. Taekook has a ton of fic, most of it extremely annoying to me, but I still check it out reasonably frequently because I'll be searching for magic school AUs or whatever, and it will come up. Minjoon and yoonmin also have a lot of fanon I find stupid and annoying, but I'll still read fic if it comes up in some trope search, especially if it's one of those fics with them divided 2/2/3 and all of the ships mattering in the fic. My biggest hate is reserved for anything that turns either Namjoon or Hobi into a thinks-he's-straight fuckboy who needs to learn a Very Special Lesson™ about modern US queer identity as seen through the lens of tumblr. Times one billion if either Yoongi or Jimin is the femme woobie in that fic. Did people listen to that fucking Tony Montana song? Did they? JESUS CHRIST. (Okay, "Expensive Girl" and "Trouble" are also hilarribad in similar annoying teen boy ways, but have people forgotten Jin was on the latter too?)
Basically, one of my rage buttons in any fandom is people equating someone being genetically taller or having a less idol-looking face with their approach to sexuality, identity, and gender. We all fucking wish our bodies looked like our insides. Half of tumblr would be androgynous, sylphlike ectomorphs if we could. But guess what? We get to be short, fat, and have giant boobs that are hard to hide. Not all of us. But a lot of us. I think I've got a pretty hot body, but it's not necessarily the body I'd have chosen, you know?
Fic where someone's like "I wish I was small and cute" and someone else is like "Fuck you, I'd kill to look big and manly like you" is interesting. Fic where your body is your personality is not.
Anyway, all of BTS appear to have been dumb teenagers, whether that's an excessive love of Scarface (ugh, film bros, why) or watching so much porn they filled the dorm computer full of viruses (lol, Namjoon and Jin, you thirsty bitches). I don't really care what people extrapolate from this in fic as long as it isn't some tired "RM is tall so he's The Man and Jimin is short so he's The Girl" shit.
Uh... anyway...
I like fic where all 7 of them are there and important to each other if it's an AU. If it's set in something approaching their real careers, I often like it if their other friends and associates are mentioned and they have a life outside of the group, though since I'm not that familiar with most of the famous people they're known to be friends with, I often like that better as a catalyst for "We pretend to be bffs for our reality tv shows, and now I'm insecure because I want to be that close for real but what is real when you're an idol????"
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polkadotpatterson · 2 years
*looks at your tags* oh hey! What about PolkaDot Patterson??
thanks for enabling my Dot Rambling lol
favorite thing about them: they are so full of love and once they finally start to admit it and let it show, it's beautiful
least favorite thing about them: they have a bad habit of trying to achieve No Thoughts Only Blaseball instead of actually dealing with their emotions. also the alting was by far the worst two hours of my blaseball experience until the Mechs stopped by to save the day with creative interpretations
favorite line: I just loved watching them pitch, it was always so fun. In particular I will never stop thinking about their 23-inning duel with August Sky in the Season 5 semifinals, I watched it all and it was glorious. On the lore side of things, nothing is more powerful to me than Dot finally having a moment of standing up and defying the gods after feeling helpless against them for so long, desperately clawing their way back into this world no matter what the consequences might be, because maybe once they would have just let themselves be taken but now they have so much worth staying for, and then they do get to stay but it's not easy, they have to deal with all kinds of interdimensional side effects and aren't allowed to play anymore and have to sit back and watch and feel the guilt that they weren't able to prevent Alto from coming here... but they got to stay, they fought for it and they'll always keep fighting no matter how hard it is because it's worth it and they know that now
brOTP: Dot and Workman as QPPs is everything to me. they love each other so much... The entire Patterson-Gloom family is so good. Dot and Workman and Beasley and eventually Alto too once they work through things… love them. Dot honestly just has so many good platonic relationships! They've grown very close to Morse despite their differences, they were a mentor for York before All That Stuff happened, Greer has that one-sided rivalry with them that's been leaning increasingly towards actual friendship, they eventually co-captained with Ziwa, at this point they've become pretty close to Eugenia as well, and I think they actually bonded a lot with Jaylen while they were in the Core together... basically they're starting to become friends with absolutely everyone and I think that's what they deserve
OTP: I would die on the hill of Aroace Dot but I think there are enough people up here with me that we may actually live. I have built a fortress here and I cannot be stopped
nOTP: It honestly makes me uncomfortable to see any shippy content of Dot considering that they’re widely seen as aroace by MT fans. There really isn't enough aroace rep in the world and I don't like that some people just look at a character and go “ok who should I ship them with” when platonic relationships are equally important and meaningful and Enough
random headcanon: okay I've been thinking a lot about coffee lately. Kit has a great headcanon that Dot took over the job of getting coffee for the team after Morse left, as a way of starting to bond with them all more. I think eventually this becomes Dot also getting all kinds of stuff to make coffee at the apartment just the way their friends like it when they come over to visit... and Workman's coffee preference is “anything” so I think Dot is always trying to come up with new and exciting fancy coffees for them
unpopular opinion: I'm extremely fortunate to have been a part of creating a lot of the popular Dot Lore, so I don't actually think I can answer this question the way it's intended to be? One trend that seems unfortunately a bit popular outside the Talkers, though, is people seeing Dot as just That Squiddish Star Pitcher and never bothering to look behind the illusion to the actual person underneath. They're one of the most iconic players of all time and I feel like not a lot of people actually care to find out what they're really like. Every time I see someone say “Dot doesn't have lore” I die more inside
song i associate with them: you may think I have a bunch of Dot songs in my head and though I wish I did, alas, I do not
favorite picture of them: there is so much wonderful Dot art and different designs out there and I love them all so very dearly. special shoutout to every Dot that both Joe and Wires have ever drawn, Kosmo’s art of them pitching, Bells’ art of them in the shell with York looking on from the outside, Aves’ art of little squid Dot in the sweater from the moist zine, and the art that Ang just posted of them and PDZ. but genuinely I could go on forever, I love every Dot I have ever seen
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salzrand · 5 years
So you're cool person & I hope I don't mind me ranting. I'm not a shipper, I love bleach w all my heart, I didn't care who ends up with who, but it was obvious & I like IH&RR. But this is not what I wanna talk about, I was looking at some Byakuya edits & suddenly realized that there aren't enough Byakuya material here, & I just realized that I loved him wholeheartedly, it makes me depressed that there aren't enough fans for him, I see lots of Ulquiorra fans, but majority of them of are shippers
2/4 So now I'm even more depressed cuz I realize that despite Bleach beings Shonen, the vocal minority are very loud about ships, & that's all they care about, I can't find normal bleach content unless it's ship related or bashing Kubo/series. Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling u ur doing smth wrong, I like the RR,IH,HH fandoms because u don't hate on Kubo like other parts of the fandom & I feel like I can get this off of my chest for you, cuz I won't be hit with a "bleach is about x&y ur stupid"..
3/4 I like hanging out on RR/IH. But I'm getting tired of seeing just ships, I can no longer go to the bleach tag w/o ppl hating/spreading hate/attacking ppl who liked the ending &consider the novels canon (like me). You can imagine how much I want the anime back so the nonshipper can crawl out & have smth to talk about w/o shippers calling anything OOC & whatever. I know this started as a Byakuya rant, I'm still sad that most art is shippy, I'm sad that ppl r more pressed about ships than the story
4/4Sorry if I bothered u with my rant, again I'm not hating on RR&IH, I didn't ship them cuz I didn't care about romance, but I do like both & hope that one day we will see them get more development in the anime & hopefully the hate will die for a bit. But I hate that the only bleach content I can get behind is these ships, everywhere I go I see the opposing anti Ku/bo side & their aggression even tho I don't hate their ships, but the amount of Bleach hate is ridiculous, that's y I come here 😞😞
Hi anon!
I can totally understand you and whether you believe it or not, I totally agree with you. 
Well, I am a shipper and at some point I made the main focus of my blog ship-related content just because I enjoy it and I like to talk about RenRuki and like the stuff others are producing for it. 
But I totally agree that the shipping fandom is very vocal, especially in a series like Bleach- I don’t consider the romance aspects in Bleach as very important tbh. I enjoy my niche with RenRuki but I am aware that it is a super small aspect of the series and frankly, I think it is a very minor subject as a whole. 
This is one reason why I don’t like to get involved with fanwars about the ships, because I am not sure what it’s so important to fight about the romantic couples. I can totally understand why people would discuss theories about the story itself, but couples are more about personal tastes. Of course, also I like stuff that shows Renji and Rukia together, and I like to interpret details with them but I know in the end that is not the core of Bleach but more a small hobby part. Even though my blog is mainly about my favourite ship, I am also a huge part of the series itself.  
I too think that the shipping stuff in Bleach is way too overrated as a whole. I enjoyed Bleach as what it was- a shounen series, that had much of symbolism, fights and character development and much more. That was completely unrelated to which ship I liked. If RenRuki wouldn’t be canon I still would love that series with all my heart, that is why I can’t relate to people that burn their mangas or are so bitter that they attack fellow fans or Kubo himself over pairings. (tbh while Bleach was still running I believed that there would be an open ending, even though I would have thought that IH and RR would be heavily implied by the end). 
I am not sure if that is site-related. On tumblr, the majority of content is pairings and shipping stuff, which is always and in every fandom connected with wank. I like the Bleach forum on reddit for that reason because on that site people are more discussing story elements and theories and only from time to time the shipping stuff comes up. I feel that the majority of people over there also do not like fandom wank and Kubo-bashing so it is a nice place to hang out for Bleach general content. 
I also dearly wish that the anime will come back and animate the last arc, and actually NOT because of the RR content, but because this arc was awesome right?? A year ago I made a re-read of the whole last arc and it was so exciting I couldn’t stop reading. I want to see the fights animated, I want to see Renji’s new bankai animated, I want to see Adult Toushirou, the sternritter and so much more stuff. 
Bleach is an exciting manga, and so much more than the pairings. And I totally understand that non-shippers get frustrated when it is all about shipping content and not about other elements too.
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