#I'm not a big fan of Ghost king Danny
ecto-stone · 1 year
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Oh? This old thing? It’s just a fancy lighter.
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lemon0chi · 3 months
Night sketches №6 Ghost King!Danny Phantom
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Not that I'm a big fan of Danny Phantom in general, especially if we're talking about an animated series. But... I'm in love with the idea, the concept. The boy, who kinda died in the tragic incident and became ghost, has to keep secret from his parents, because they are freaking ghost hunters. I like it, it is intriguing me. After I found some sketches illustrating Danny as the ghost king, I really wanted to draw my own design, my version of how I see Danny as the king. In my opinion, the result is not ideal. I just gathered a bunch of different ideas in my head and drew it. Maybe I'll redraw the design someday, but for now, let it be.
I finished it at 3 a.m... There's definitely something wrong with the shoulders and head... But I want to sleep too much, so be it. I don't have the strength to redraw them.
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jamsofdeath0 · 2 years
Wheres the Dp x Dc Aus Where Danny HATES The Justice League.
He think they're a bunch a boot licking government dogs. Like he respected when Batman was a vigilante but the fact he just used his power and money to make what he was doing legal. Danny doesn't like that. He's had zero positive interaction with rich adults and government body's. He's leaning full on anarchist.
Green Lanterns a space cop? Space is cool and all but the cop part of the that equation. It's a no go.
Superman seems cool but he knows, knows in his bones, no ones perfect and anyone who makes their brand "I may be one of the most powerful beings on this planet but trust me because I'm nice" is hiding something.
He doesn't like Wonder Women's lasso or how ok she is with using it. He's took away peoples freewill through overshadowing and has decided he's against it. He understands that sometimes you need to use your full kit if worlds are in danger but over all not even the vilest should lose the right to control.
Aguaman is flat out a king and while he doesn't have anything strictly against the man he's against royalty on principle.
He doesn't have anything to big against Flash or Martian Manhunter other than they are a part of the Justice League but he still doesn't like them for that reason.
He figures they're all a bunch of power hungry people who named themselves the protectors of earth for fame, fortune, and government power. Or they're a bunch of a bunch of ppl who do want to help but decided they should pretend to bend to the laws. They despite being government now still operate like vigilantes and the fact they get away with so much law breakage just screams corruption. It doesn't help literally all of Amity Park sent distress notes and signals to the Justice League and they didn't even show up when the city got stolen into another dimension.
Even Sam isn't as against the league as Danny and Tuckers abit of a fan boy. Neither bring up the league to Danny bc they know if he gets started he could go on an hour or longer rant.
When Dani flew of into the sunset the first time Danny warned her against trusting any "superheros" that were legal. That the Titans seemed better than The Justice League but to still be weary.
This au could be phantom planet compliant or not but think about just how much worse his hatred would be if he had to wrangle his rouges, freind's and reveal himself to the the world all bc the "planets protectors" couldnt protect it. In the complaint au he fully blames them for any human experimentation that happens bc people know about half ghosts now. And when they show the Amity Park after the asteroid he's like "Anyone in the Justice League or associated his banned from Amity Park." And they're like "You can not do that" and he's like "Batman gets to! He gets to ban all meta's with no regard for the consequences! He gets to despite the spike in meta hate crimes it causes. Try and stop me!" (The meta hate crime is just fanon for this specific au) the league respect the ban bc they want to become ally's with this VERY powerful and VERY angry kid.
In the non complaint version the banning still happens but the league doesn't respect it. This causes lots of problems. In both of them discovering Amity's problem is what sparks the plot.
(he doesn't have a protection obessetion and he is trans in this au.)
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galahadenough · 1 year
I'm a huge fan of Danny getting stuck as the ghost king, and I'm hesitant to give him a break... but wouldn't it be funny if it wasn't an especially complicated process to win the title?
Let's just pare it down to 'defeat the current king'.
It probably starts with Dash. An unfortunately regular encounter in the hallway ends with him getting a crown. (Thank goodness for magically floating crowns, otherwise his head would get too big to wear it). He probably doesn't quite know why he has it yet.
Cue Mr. Lancer attempting to encourage friendly academic competition. Dash looses the crown to the top student.
This goes on. And on. And on.
It starts out as something fun and everyone wants in. They gradually feel out the rules and get them roughly right. Right enough to be able to steal the crown and ride the high of having a literal floating crown follow them for a while.
Then the Observants arrive. As much as they hate Danny, at least he was partially dead.
It becomes a game of hot potato, with the citizens of Amity shoving off the title and crown as fast as they can. They only have a vague idea of the rules of the game they're playing, but they do not want to lose.
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spoopyspoony · 10 months
Ok so I'm a big fan of Ghost King Danny, and I think it's super cool whenever people have the Royal Artifacts change to suit the ruler. Crown of Ice/Aroura slaps like all getout. However! If/whenever writers alter the Ring of Rage, they always seem to change it to "Peace" or "Serenity" or "Justice" or something of that ilk, and that always strikes me as incongruous for Danny, even within the context of the fics. These things get picked because Danny is a "hero", as a generic Good Guy tag. The most creative I've seen is "Ring of Balance" (can't remember where I saw it) but I think we can get more creative, especially if we ditch the whole "assigning moral significance to inherently amoral attributes"
Ex: Ring of Chaos, Ring of Stupid, Ring of Space, Ring of Whimsy, Ring of Tired, Ring of Loyalty, Ring of Problems, Ring of Secrets, Ring of Contradiction
Feel free to add more possibilities, both silly and serious
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the-sprog · 1 year
Listen I love DCxDP crossovers as much as the next person, but every time I see people write John Constantine offer as a solution summoning something I cringe internally a little bit. John is all up for self-sacrificing and doing things you shouldn't but he does not fuck with other creatures he knows shit-all about.
On the other end, do you know who does fuck with creatures they know shit all about?? And keep summoning things and making deals with things they shouldn't be summoning or making deals with? And also doing this most of the times with the express intentions of dealing with the dead?
The Winchester Brothers.
Where are my season 15 fix-it fics where Dean does not give up, he does not say "oh well Castiel died after confessing his love for me I guess that's it" or where Sam does not say "well my brother died during a run of the mill vampire Hunt -not even because of the vampires but because of a rusty nail. Let me just abandon him forever after everything we've gone through and finally actually listen to him and get myself a family with my blurry wife and random son"
And instead they do again summon something that is completely separate from everything else they've dealt with before and they actually managed to contact Danny who somehow is the king of the Ghost Zone or whatever fucking shit you want. Maybe you can make the empty nocturne! That would be really fucking cool :O so Danny somehow gets convinced to bring back Castiel or Dean or both.
Ok now I'm actually thinking about it.
You can even make it adult Danny by simply following the Supernatural timeline. Danny gets his powers in 2004, when he's 14, the Winchesters start looking for their dad in 2005, and they're... 20 something. Castiel joins the brigade in 2009 (I thought he showed up in season 5 lmao it's been a while since I've watched it), Chuck starts writing the books- fuck I don't know. 2012? Was it season 7? **Looks it up** fuck nope he starts writing when they start, that's my mistake. I meant when does he show up. And that's together with Castiel. Wow. Give me Danny who is an in universe Supernatural fan. He's the prime target audience! Starts reading after he gets his powers because we'll they're ghost hunters but the ghosts are actually evil. So it's fine. And they're fictional anyway so no big deal.
But then Chuck stops writing (end of season 5) and Danny is extremely disappointed.
He doesn't learn the truth until 2018 (season 13) when Jack wakes up The Shadow and consequently shakes the Infinite Realms. Nocturne has to be somehow connected. Maybe they're not The Shadow themself, but a subordinate? Like Frostbite is the leader while the yetis are his citizens. And The Empty is the realm they live in.
Now Danny is slightly terrified because it means all the things that go bump in the night are real. Which is a scary as fuck thought. And also wonders why they've never had hunters in Amity, or why he and the other ghosts are different from the ones in the books.
But he can't really do anything. To help.
Hunters definitely have checked out the town. There's no way they'd fly under the radar. But either there are already hunters INSIDE Amity And they've staked their claim on the town, no outside hunters allowed. Or there's something wrong w the entire place that makes it so that people don't really realize anything is wrong with it. I til they're inside it. But when outside nothing :/ all normal.
I feel like it wouldn't be Dean who summons him though. As much as I love him, they are aware that pretty much only God could pull out Cas and Jack wasn't going to do it any time soon.
But Dean dying like that? No Sam is not going to let his story end like that. But they've pretty much exhausted all options. What's he gonna do? Make another deal w a demon that's going to ultimately make more of a mess? Who's gonna make a deal w a Winchester anyway?
I don't know how Sam would find a way to contact Danny. The Fentons were the first to make contact with the Zone, so the bunker's unlikely to have any resources. Bobby's gone, so that's a bust. He'd have to find something new. Something no other hunter has interacted with, ever.
Because let's be real. The Winchesters already did that plenty.
Maybe he stumbles upon Amity by accident and sees it as an opportunity, idk.
Sam's kinda more willing to give monsters the benefit of the doubt. They know angels are not all bad, they had werewolf friends, and so on and so forth.
So sure he might start off listening to the Fentons at first, but if he were to interact with Danny (as Phantom ofc) one on one he'd probably see that they're wrong.
Danny would freak out of course. On one hand, fuck man. He's a fan. That's so cool.
On the other, he knows nothing will stop the Winchesters. He's deader than dead if Sam was there to hunt him.
But alas, he'd do anything to help him get his brother (and Cas, as a treat) back. Who's gonna stop him? God? Jack? Idk man I feel like he'd let them have this one lmao. Or still Danny could definitely argue that he's the king of all afterlives, so what he does to his subjects is none of his business (since God (or at least Chuck couldn't) can't interfere w The Empty, only the afterlives he controls. So heaven and hell. Not even purgatory iirc)
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chip-and-the-bastards · 7 months
Hey phandom!!
Do you love Danny phantom but wish there was more canon angst? More development on the fact that he's literally fucking dead? An ongoing plot rather than an episodic show? Wish the show was made by... decent people rather than bitch hartman?? Then boy do I have the suggestion for you!
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William Wisp is one of the main characters for the dnd podcast, Just Roll With It for their superhero campaign Prime Defenders! He is a character explicitly based on danny phantom, and man does it include so much of the potential angst of dp! And honestly? He's like dp but with more social anxiety. His player, slimecicle, is a GOD at coming up with puns and one-liners on the fly so he fits perfectly.
William is a mystery investigating teen who fell off a cliff and died, but miraculously survived with the help of little blue ghosts called will o' wisps, which also give him ghost powers (including the classic walk through walls, disappear and fly of dp). Because of these powers, he was invited to join the Prime Defenders, a team of teenage superheros being trained to protect Prime (the planet they're on), and he's now a superhero called The Whisperer!
Need some more convincing? Here's an actual intro for one of the episodes in s2 (minor s2 spoilers):
And here's a (fan-made, but by one of their official artists) introduction to all of the characters (William's bit starts at 1:11):
I have some more stuff to convince you, but this is getting into spoilers so first I'll tell you where you can find prime defenders!
Now, unfortunately prime defenders is their patreon campaign, so is available for $5 a month on the Just Roll With It patreon, but the first 5 episodes (as well as the 2 prequel episodes, which give some good background but aren't really that important) are available for free! Here is the link to episode one, and if people want more info about the prequel episodes, feel free to come and ask me! They just finished season 2, and they definitely have plans for a next season (after a hiatus for the GM to get stuff together)
Now. Onto spoilers!
[PT: Now. Onto spoilers!]
So this is mostly going to be a list of William lore/stuff that happened that i enjoy as a danny phantom fan!
So William grapples a LOT with walking the line between alive and dead, one of the major parts of his lore is the fact that he keeps running from the fact that he's dead! He has a ghost form like Danny Phantom does, but William's ghost form is like. a seperate entity to himself. as in his ghost leaves his body and leaves his corpse behind. william has said that every time he does it, it feels like dying.
Also, he's canonically decomposing. and also doesn't have blood or a pulse. or need to breath. or sleep. in canon. Also he keep dying. As in his spirit keeps leaving his body. He's now died 4 times as of the s2 finale, and I think he can technically die as much as he wants now? I'm not sure his last death was literally in the finale so they haven't had much time to develop on it.
If you want a taste of William grappling with,, being dead, here's a clip from the end of one of the episodes that they got animated! It also gives a good idea of the GMing style and the acting/voice acting for William, as well as some of Will's other lore!
Do you like vivisection? Perfect! There is vivisection in Prime Defenders! It's not actually happening to William, but it is a pretty big part of his lore, and he is like. complicit in it! and if you like cryptid phantom, you'll love this arc as well! Here's some of the official art from that arc just to prove it:
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Do you like Vlad? That's great! There's a Vlad type character for William as well! His name is Mallard Conway and he is equally a creep that we don't like <3
Do you like ghost king Danny? That's great as well! William isn't quite the ghost king, but he is the Whisperer, which is a similar position of power! I can't remember the exact details, but basically he's really important to preventing their version of the ghost zone from being destroyed, and so is generally a very important ghost!
Now this bit is like. end of the s2 finale spoilers and let me tell you, if you're already convinced, STOP READING RIGHT NOW, and if you aren't quite convinced GO WATCH THOSE CLIPS I ATTACHED OR GO WATCH OTHER CLIPS FROM THE SHOW, I am happy to send people some if they come ask me, but I swear the experience of this scene is so much better if you AREN'T spoiled for this so STOP READING AND GO LISTEN TO IT RIGHT NOW. ok now it should only be people who REALLY aren't convinced/really don't care about spoilers, but I mentioned that William is the Whisperer? well he's actually the successor of a previous Whisperer, who is canonically voiced by david kaufman, aka the voice actor for danny phantom. yes, for real. aka. william wisp is BOTH IN AN OUT OF CANON the succesor of danny phantom.
anddd that's about all I can think of right now, but I promise you Prime Defenders is a lot of fun so go! listen to it! and also as much as I love William, if you do end up listening to Prime Defenders, make sure to give the other characters some love as well!! Have fun!
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9haharharley1 · 5 months
I'mma keep it coming with I wanna see your head canons for Danny tbh I wonder if we're similar about the boy. So I guess 002
How I feel about this character:
I love him, I really do! I had such a crush on Danny when I was a teen, made worse (or better, idk) by the fact that when the show aired, I was also just entering high school. So it was one of those, "oh look! A socially awkward teen also has to deal with the stress of living! He's just like me fr (minus the ghost powers on my part)!"
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Romantically? Vlad, Valerie, Clockwork, and Dan, but mostly Vlad.
Want to see him get railed and ruined and crying? Dan, Nocturne, Skulker, Wulf, Walker.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Tucker and Sam (provided Sam can get over some of her holier-than-thou attitude)
My unpopular opinion about this character:
This boy doesn't have a dominant bone in his entire body. I don't like reading top Danny fics, my boy deserves a break, and I'm also not a fan when he's taller and beefier than Vlad either. I stan a short king and I will take no criticism.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
It's a kids' show, so I know this was never gonna happen, but I would have loved to see him have a full psychological break. I'm talking an entire episode dedicated to Danny having a complete and total panic attack, Batman the Animated Series style. Parents want to catch and study him, one of his best friends keeps pushing him to do the superhero thing, parents and peers are pressuring him to date said pushy friend, he's failing in school, he can't retaliate against his primary bully, his future is screwed if he doesn't watch himself, the ghosts keep coming and they won't fucking stop, his sister keeps giving him these worrying looks like she's worried, why should she be worried? He's fine, everything's fine, he's only half-dead, what's the big deal?
Danny eventually has that panic attack the closer he gets to graduating, unsure of his future, scared he's gonna fail and never be able to leave Amity Park, terrified that all he has to look forward to is fighting ghosts and running/hiding from his parents. His future is forever uncertain because the alternate time line, and his friends can't understand, even if they're trying, but they just can't know what's going on with him, and he sees the fear in their eyes every time he brings up that dark future. He could go to Clockwork, but Clockwork will only give so much advice. He doesn't share more than is necessary to keep time in tact, so he eventually breaks and goes to Vlad. Who else could possibly understand if not the only other halfa in existence?
Basically, I would have loved to see him become increasingly overwhelmed until he had no choice but to run away and go to Vlad's. They make a temporary truce long enough for them to bond over their shared plight.
my OTP:
Pompous Pep, of course (you will pry this ship from my cold, dead hands)
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
Danny totally had a crush on Vlad the first time they met. He thought he was handsome and charming and all that gross first crush stuff, and he actually enjoyed talking with him, even if him hitting on his mom was super fucking weird. Danny could look past that because he knew his mom wasn't interested, was happily married, and when Vlad wasn't focused on her, he could be pretty cool. Too bad he had to go and ruin it by revealing his evil intentions.
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luffyrose · 2 years
I have fallen down the ultimate spiral. Usually falling into fandoms are ones that I know well or that I will know well because I just found an interest in them. This time, this time I've fallen into the whole dc x dp. I have no idea how or why the crossover is a thing, BUT I LOVE IT.
I'm not that big a DC fan in general, mainly because I do not have the attention span to understand what is happening (ignore the fact I've watched all of One Piece-) but I have watched all of Danny Phantom at one point or another so like, halfway there kdjnshdf
N E WAY! I was reading lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood real good, go read it https://archiveofourown.org/works/40263192 BUT THEN I SAW A POST, as I casually skim through it when bored, ABOUT JASON AND DANNY MEETING PROMPT/MINI-FIC ON HERE AND I WAS SO IN LOVE WITH IT
So now, my brain as it usually does, wants to write a fic on it. this is why I have so many notes/docs, someone please remind me to organize fdksjnfj but yeah- I might write some of it, I might not- I don't know, but I will absolutely dumb random thoughts I've had about it on you all.
Okay! So I don't see much if anything about it, but I love the idea that Danny is like, a baby in ghost terms. Like no one thought about it much because it was the equivalent of the "BABY HAS A GUN" meme and because the ghosts just wanted to cause some mayhem and have fun, it took them like 2-3 years to look at the overpowered ghost and go; "That's a child-".
Keep in mind, Danny is already technically the King of the Infinite realms via defeating Pariah Dark as well, so all the ghosts are like "a child....OUR CHILD" and now panicking over the fact that this lil ghost has not had a parent(Madie and Jack DO NOT in fact count as parents to the ghosts, or Danny's core for that matter, but it's not because they're human, like, the ghosts are more concerned about the fact that his parents aren't ACTUALLY his parents.)
Either way, Danny now has to avoid Clockwork, who knows he is a baby in ghost terms but almost adult in human terms so still 100% making him king, the ancient is kind enough to alleviate most of the jobs a king has to do at least......for now-
So most of Danny's 16, going to turn 17 soon, year old life is now school, dealing with the few ghosts who still cause him trouble even if he's a baby ghost to them, he does keep in mind how they are MUCH gentler now and tend to "give up" pretty easily instead of fighting him, and 'running' from Clockwork trying to coronate him.
Clockwork knows where he is when he 'hides' but his own ghost core, ancient as it is, can't help but humor the child.
Things go wonk as soon as his parents find out about him being a ghost, surprise surprise. His dad was shoot first, ask questions later as always, but his mom was more...mentally traumatizing my child by claiming they'll fix him and telling him how they would just have to cut him open a little to see what's wrong.
Danny gets hit by one of the shots and goes tumbling into the ghost zone, another shot hitting the portal itself and breaking it as he went through. Some ghost find him and are like "THE BABY!!!!"
Personally- my brain it's Kitty and Johnny finding him because they're more like friends now then much else. Kitty being like an older sister while Johnny is the friend he probably would have dated at some point given the situation since they're both around his age in general, being younger ghosts as well.
Either way, they panic, call Clockwork, since the whole Infinite Realms knows that they're Danny's guardian. Clockwork shows up, and is like "wuh oh" and decides this child needs a parent. BUT INSTEAD OF SENDING HIM TO SOMEONE CONVENTIONAL HE'S JUST LIKE WOOPPSSYYYYY *Throws a very injured and not that conscious Danny at Lex Luthor*
Lex is, despite telling himself he's not, already this random meta-adjacent kid's dad. He's sold. Be it the obvious parental neglect/abuse like he had or the fact that he didn't know he had enough of a heart not to abandoned a hurt child who knows-
Also just as a tangent, Danny 100% talks about clones one times and the two have a long talk about the sentience of clones, because like, Lex didn't think about it in a way that Clones, albeit creations of science more so, are still very sentient beings unlike other scientific creations. And depending on the type of clone, they are much much more human. Cue Lex having a mental breakdown in his bedroom later because oh fuCK HE LEFT A CHILD WITH SO LITTLE KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORLD WITHOUT A PARENT- you can't convince me Lex wouldn't be a good dad solely to spite his own.
Danny's adopted and Lex is concerned for sure about this, apparently ghost as he quickly learned, kid that wakes up screaming sometimes. Boy is he glad to have built his whole place around keeping prying meta's out amongst other things- He's trying his best, and Danny is confused as hell about having a good parent. Even more confused because he's rich.
Lex is like "I'm totally doing this to ask about his capabilities" before panicking over Danny getting kidnapped despite knowing the kid could float through a wall if in real danger-
Cue many arguments about if Danny can go do things in general. Lex is very much stubborn about it even though he knows Danny is part ghost. This IS partially thanks to the few weeks it even took for Danny to heal from the blast he took from his parents. Either way, Danny won that argument in the end by saying he'd just float through the walls and go if he couldn't. They settled that if going as a ghost he just had to be careful about heroes and not changing in sight if at all, and if as Danny, he had to take a few bodyguards, though they could be discreet.
Either way, once Lex actually shows the world his kid, and he is so proud to call Danny his kid, Danny gets kidnapped. This is exactly why LEX SAID NO DANNY!!! Either way he gets saved by some Metropolis hero, superman or not, and he's instantly a little shit tm to them. More so because they asked a question about Lex, maybe even implying he was a bad dad, and even if Danny doesn't see him as a dad quite yet, there is no way he's standing for that!
In the end, it's a while before Danny actually goes much further than Metropolis, thank you very much Lex, this halfa knows how to do a thing or two!
Except he runs into trouble right away, that trouble being that uh oh- his underlying health issues he'd been ignoring up until now cuz they haven't messed up since his death- ignore the fact he learn that corrupted ectoplasm makes him basically have heart attacks if in human form because hey! doesn't happen if he's a ghost and he'll just switch before it happens- yeah that suddenly acts up when he runs, in human form because he wanted some coffee, straight into Red Hood. How fun.
Jason is confused because of the pit's usual anger and call for violence, upon seeing this random teen that literally ran into him, fall over in pain. Jason is worried as well obviously like this kid is definitely sick or something, but wHAT?!
He does the only logical thing obviously! taking him to one of his hideouts and not telling anyone-
Danny wakes up, sore, confused, and hella tired. Jason is equally as confused and tired, staring at the kid as he wakes up. The icky ecto doesn't actually hurt Danny from being near it, it's more like his body is thrown into cold water suddenly and it just has a violent initial reaction. So now Danny is trying to figure out why this person, ghost?, he can't tell, has the GROSSEST ecto he's ever seen, and if he's even aware of it. Let alone how the heck he's gonna help this random ghost, because by damn he's still technically the ghost king and his obsession isn't protection for nothing-
Now we have Danny, who's been unconscious for hours might I add, sitting with a very confused Jason. Danny wants to help the ghost person, he might just start calling him a halfa, but he was wrong about Vlad being a halfa, he's actually more of an ecto-possessed person, really confusing. Jason wants to know WHY this kid is making his pit rage not only calm, but worried, so he's having a time, actually having a clear head for once outside of his concern for this random child, that he's only just realizing he technically kidnaped....and definitely has forgotten to tell anyone about- Welp, he's not telling them now, his oddly comforting child now.
I have more ideas from this but I have been writing this for a while now so like- I'll tell ya more if ya want but only then- If I ever do write this it will 100% be more angsty than my blabbering here kjfsdnjkf
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Hey. Hey I heard you like Superdead. Please consider a ship: Kon, Danny, Tim, and Brenard. They all love eachother very much and Brenard knows who all of them are when they have their masks on. He will actually plan Man In the Chair for them sometimes if they go on missions together! If you wanna add some extra fluff of another person to cuddle, Bart can always be added as a fun addition. Just buzzing around them all and can only be calmed by holding his hand.
Or if you crave chaos for the Poly and everyone around them, I'm a big fan of Danny X Klarion and Tim X Klarion, so why not add our favorite chaos lord to the Poly? Just imagine it: Klarion is messing with some of the heroes and one of the other Bats is there. They are getting their asses kicked so whichever bat it is just calls Tim and puts him on speaker and suddenly Klarion has his Full Attention on the phone as Tim says in a tired voice, "Klarion, why are you bullying my sibling again? Movie night is supposed to start in 5 minutes." And klarion just yells, "oh Carp is it 7 already?! I'll be right over I promise darling!" And just leaves the battle field. Also Klarion protecting Kon from any magical attacks and Kon learning that he doesn't always have to be the brick wall protecting everyone, sometimes he can be the soft boy that is protected.
I mean. Why choose just one ship when you can have them all?
Oooo Klarion/any super honestly is very interesting to mess with since Klarion is an evil aligned person but he isn’t necessarily evil. Dudes a Lord of Chaos, not the same as being evil but the outcome of chaos normally swings to more negative impacts than good.
Ok thoughts on the ships:
Super Dead. Danny/Kon: I love it with my entire heart and soul. I quite literally created this ship so you fuckin betcha that I like this ship. Created it because Danny and Kon have such similar backstory beats and ways to relate with each other that it’s insane.
Is created in a lab and gains superpowers from it.
Is half something that can wipe out an entire continent and half human.
has a mentor figure that really doesn’t help out much (clockwork/Superman).
has an iconic trio friend group. (One of their friends is mega fucking rich)
Parent(s) create machines specifically designed to injure people like them.
has an evil billionaire that wants to control them that is obsessed with their parental figure.
Wears a stupid ass costumes and has fake confidence
Died and has come back to life
Has powers that are op as fuck but never use (tactile telekinesis, ecto ice, posession, etc.)
I could go on. SuperBrainDead also is pretty closely rated in my mind. because Danny/Tim is also very cute and these dumbasses could help each other so much (also I enjoy TimKon far too much to not have the two be together)
TimBerDanKon. Tim/Bernard/Danny/Kon: i enjoy it but not as much as DanTimKon solely because I just don’t know a lot about Bernard to have an accurate assessment on how he acts. I know that he’s a conspiracy boi and that’s around it. From what I’ve seen Tim and Bernard are cute together and having the four together could be a very cute situation. The possibilities of them not knowing Danny is a Superhero and then realizing later that he is and joking now that Bernard is outmatched since it’s three supers vs one normal person.
Tim/Bernard/Danny/Kon/Bart: genuinely don’t know. There’s so many people that I’m unsure like how each person would be with each other and how the dynamic would work. Like is Bart only dating Tim and Kon? Is he dating everyone? Who knows but I enjoy it simply because Bart isn’t used in much dpxdc stuff and we need more of my son in fics.
Klarion/Danny: 10/10. Fucking incredible. Kings of Ghost and possible Lord of Order being in love with a Lord of Chaos? Beautiful and a lovely way to have a morally grey Danny because Klarion IS a killer after all. Dude wiped out the entirety of Atlantis and made it become an underwater city. You can’t simply ignore stuff like that but you can accept that he literally can’t not do shit of the sort. It’s a part of his nature.
Other option: Klarion/Dan: 1000/10. Evil power couple unite. These bitches destroy entire civilizations for fun and have a wonderful time while doing it. Chaotic Evil bastards being Chaotic Evil.
Danny/Klarion/Tim/Kon: I mean it would be hella OOC for Tim or Connor to condone or like Klarion but if you fuck around with plot and backstory a tad to and have them accept the stuff I talked about in the Klarion/Danny discussion. If Klarion tries to not as destructive or lethal chaotic acts AND tries to be a good guy, I think it would work. My thoughts is that it’s Danny and Klarion being together and Kon and Tim both dating each other and Danny. Klarion is anywhere from wary acquaintance or very good friends with Tim and Kon.
It heavily depends on who writes it but yeah. Tim and Kon recognize and acknowledge that Danny has a different view on the world and let Klarion into their lives but they make Klarion swear an oath to not do anything that’d require hero intervention of any sort. Maybe that stipulation goes away after they know each other for a while. Klarion pops up and helps protect Tim and Connor on the occasion because “If Danny finds out you died and I did nothing to stop it he’d find a way to kill me himself.” Reluctant power quadruple. Good shit.
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psioniciris · 4 months
Hi Iris it's very nice to meet you :D !!! You're a ghost researcher right? Do you have any recent information on the REALLY MESSED UP HORRIBLE JERKWAD ghost Vlad Plasmius? Specifically if he's been spotted anywhere or if he's, just as an example, maybe looking for someone or something? I just hate him in particular a lot and would like to avoid him if at all possible. Thank you!!
Nice to meet you too Anon! To answer your first question about being a ghost researcher I guess you could say that since I'm a paranormal investigator! That means doing your research is a huge part of the job!
As for the second question, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that supposedly another name for the Wisconsin Ghost? According to my sources there have been a lot of sightings of him here in Amity Park recently so I'd definitely be careful if I were you. He's a very dangerous ghost. Especially considering the whole vampire theme he's got going on which hopefully doesn't mean his powers are similar in nature since it wouldn't be the first time someone like that showed up in town. But it's hard to say for sure at this point until I can get more information.
All I know for sure is he seems to hold some kind of grudge against Danny Phantom in particular since the majority of the sightings have been during their fights. That would explain why the guy left his usual haunting grounds in Wisconsin which is saying a lot. I even heard a rumor that Vlad Plasmius was involved in the Ghost King invasion that happened here a few months ago too! That's scary stuff! So yeah, I can see why you're not a big fan of the guy either. If I learn more about him in the future I'll be sure to share it with you guys!
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alittledoseofchaos · 1 year
Idea that has been bugging me:
Sooooo..... I've really gotten into dp × DC stuff recently, as well as dp in general, and i now have a mlb × dp crossover idea that WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE! It's so annoying.
Anyways, the idea is that after some accident with the miraculous or something, Marinette becomes immortal and magical. And at some point Marinette meets Danny and they get along like a house on fire. So Marinette accidentally becomes a representation of life and Danny is a representation of death, and their the best of friends.
But instead of continuing their hero gigs, they open an interdimensional safe space for anyone who needs it. My initial thought was that it'd be a coffee shop, but then I was like 'they could be so much more though'. That gave me the idea that it's a multipurpose building! So there is a reading corner, a place to buy clothes (or place orders for specific designs), and it just continues to go on. You need car help? They got you, go enjoy some of the places coffee and pastries. I think it'd be funny if it was called something like 'The Oasis' but there are probably better names.
Then the idea of teenage superheros from different universes finding the Oasis just amused me so much that I couldn't help but wonder what Marinette and Danny would do around adult heros. I've decided that they'll help them, but their also trolling with them the entire time.
Like, Marinette and Danny have convinced half the Justice League that their Bruce's long-lost children. They casually mention things that have Constantine wondering why two children know so much about the death realm.
Also, whenever the Oasis is in the Marvel universe, they'll change their appearance a little bit and introduce themselves with a different name each time. This combined with the Oasis' tendency to never show up in the same exact place twice, leads to the Avengers arguing about who runs the establishment and where it is in New York. (At one point Quicksilver swears he saw the Oasis in a different country during a mission.) SHIELD eventually figures out the Oasis and decides to just let them do whatever cause as two beings that represent life and death, they could be doing so much worse.
Then more ideas came because of course they did. Like the Oasis ending up in a more viking like dimension, and the Oasis just shape-shifts into a tavern like building. Marinette is panicking because 'what is the Oasis is becoming sentien?' And Danny is just like 'yeah, that tracks'
Now, I'm not a big fan of the love square, so i view Adrien as more of a friend, but I'm just imagining Adrien sometimes working there part time or Ellie/Dani. The chaos. Imagine those two having to run the building for a day, it'd be hilarious.
And I'm picturing this with Danny still doing Ghost King stuff and occasional Phantom things. As well as Marinette doing Guardian stuff for whatever miraculous or miraculous problems that remain. Just imagine someone trying to find one or the other, and their just hanging out, running a coffee/book/clothing/repair shop.
But yeah, there is that very long idea for a primarily dp × mlb crossover. Sorry it's so long, but I genuinely can't remember how to add keep reading things at thw moment.
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udistopia · 1 year
hot take time
(I'm sick rn so I'll probably just delete this post later if it's just absolutely bullshit)
So, ya know what I hate? When characters only defining trait is their relationship with someone else.
Tucker's only personality trait (ya know, that gets pointed out) is that he's Danny's friend.
Jazz's only interpretation is that she's Danny's sister
Tucker is a gamer, a technology genius, big fan of women and loves meat but something that everyone just seemed to forget, which is not cool because it's literally one of his wants vs needs, is that he wants to be respected. He literally runs for class president in "king tuck"
And fr, aside from "being Danny's friend" and the 4 other traits I said before, he isn't much of anything. He's a flat character, which I know we can fix if we all work together.
Because guess what, SHE HAS MORE TO HERSELF THAN "Being Danny's sister" and "too fucking smart". Bro she wants to be a fucking therapist, no therapist is mentally stable.
She's a perfectionist, she literally has ghost envy, she can and will manipulate her way into the fucking core of the earth.
All this shit I just mentioned? FUCKING CANON and I know how we love to shit on canon but holy fuck we need to make these characters, ya know, NOT FLAT.
Examples of characters that aren't as flat as my hopes and dreams after a conversation with any adult at all:
She's got her needs vs wants straight, she's got a legitimate reason for everything she does even if half of it is standard teenage girl anger. She's one of the best fucking characters in this goddamn show and I will personally murder everyone who says her characterisation is bad.
Although her character is really connected to Danny, SHE'S NOT DEFINED SOLELY BY HER RELATIONSHIP WITH DANNY.
Anyway imma go rest now, special shout out to the text auto correct for making this post possible
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jamsofdeath0 · 1 year
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1,236 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
Wheres the Dp x Dc Aus Where Danny HATES The Justice League.
He think they're a bunch a boot licking government dogs. Like he respected when Batman was a vigilante but the fact he just used his power and money to make what he was doing legal. Danny doesn't like that. He's had zero positive interaction with rich adults and government body's. He's leaning full on anarchist.
Green Lanterns a space cop? Space is cool and all but the cop part of the that equation. It's a no go.
Superman seems cool but he knows, knows in his bones, no ones perfect and anyone who makes their brand "I may be one of the most powerful beings on this planet but trust me because I'm nice" is hiding something.
He doesn't like Wonder Women's lasso or how ok she is with using it. He's took away peoples freewill through overshadowing and has decided he's against it. He understands that sometimes you need to use your full kit if worlds are in danger but over all not even the vilest should lose the right to control.
Aguaman is flat out a king and while he doesn't have anything strictly against the man he's against royalty on principle.
He doesn't have anything to big against Flash or Martian Manhunter other than they are a part of the Justice League but he still doesn't like them for that reason.
He figures they're all a bunch of power hungry people who named themselves the protectors of earth for fame, fortune, and government power. Or they're a bunch of a bunch of ppl who do want to help but decided they should pretend to bend to the laws. They despite being government now still operate like vigilantes and the fact they get away with so much law breakage just screams corruption. It doesn't help literally all of Amity Park sent distress notes and signals to the Justice League and they didn't even show up when the city got stolen into another dimension.
Even Sam isn't as against the league as Danny and Tuckers abit of a fan boy. Neither bring up the league to Danny bc they know if he gets started he could go on an hour or longer rant.
When Dani flew of into the sunset the first time Danny warned her against trusting any "superheros" that were legal. That the Titans seemed better than The Justice League but to still be weary.
This au could be phantom planet compliant or not but think about just how much worse his hatred would be if he had to wrangle his rouges, freind's and reveal himself to the the world all bc the "planets protectors" couldnt protect it. In the complaint au he fully blames them for any human experimentation that happens bc people know about half ghosts now. And when they show the Amity Park after the asteroid he's like "Anyone in the Justice League or associated his banned from Amity Park." And they're like "You can not do that" and he's like "Batman gets to! He gets to ban all meta's with no regard for the consequences! He gets to despite the spike in meta hate crimes it causes. Try and stop me!" (The meta hate crime is just fanon for this specific au) the league respect the ban bc they want to become ally's with this VERY powerful and VERY angry kid.
In the non complaint version the banning still happens but the league doesn't respect it. This causes lots of problems. In both of them discovering Amity's problem is what sparks the plot.
(he doesn't have a protection obessetion and he is trans in this au.)
1,240 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
Ok so what about a dp x dc fic that takes place in 2004 like dp originally does where tim and Danny are forum freind's.
It's very important you know this is neither a "Bruce adopts Danny" or Danny/tim fic.
It takes place during Tim's Robin run but they've been friends since they were 8 and 9.
Tim is 13 and Danny is 14 they're original runs are happening simultaneously.
Now here's where it get interesting. Neither tell each other about the vigilanting. Danny's only escape from a young age from ghost stuff was internet forums and Tim isn't just going to spill Batmans secret. Tim does however talk about himself.
Danny knows Tim's parents are neglectful. He has half a mind to just kidnap him away to Amity. Ghosts can't be that much worse than Gothams rouges. Then Tim starts talking about Bruce and Danny is convinced Bruce is grooming Tim or something.
Tims like "My neighbor has kind of adopted me" (in more words and less explicitly.
And Danny's just thinking 'a rich adult with a son that won't talk to him, and another son that is dead has taken interest in a vulnerable child.' he says however "Tim I know you love Gotham but you can always stay with me. My parents wouldn't mind!" Like he's been saying for years.
Because he knows he can't convince Tim with his hero worship of Bruce other wise and not ever sam's parents are rich enough to to go against a Wayne.
Tim doesn't do the best job explaining he's the one forcing himself on Bruce.
1,624 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
I don't know why ppl act like Amity Park should have figured out Danny's secret identity when it is by basic human understanding of the laws of the universe the the least obvious secret identity ever.
Reasons why someone wouldn't figure it out:
He's dead, how would he be that one alive kid?
They don't think Phantom has a secret identity at all.
Why would he be that one kinda pathetic nerd kid if he even did have a secret human ID.
His parents are ghost hunters, the leading Ghost hunters, surely surely they would know their own kid is dead.
2,297 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Marceline from Adventure Time is like the ultimate OC. She is a half vampire half human with Mommy and daddy issues but she has daddy issues twice cuz she had two dads.
Edit: y'all are really acting like I ate your first born or something in the notes so I guess I got to explain that this is a joke. A haha. I like Marceline.
33,144 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
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aro-aizawa · 1 year
Who are your favorite ghosts in Danny Phantom? Favorite design, powers, backstory, etc
ooooo this is an interesting one. i don't pay much attention to the ghost's backstories and outside of a few exceptions i don't actually care??? like clockwork is interesting to me if only on a worldbuilding aspect bc i like the idea that he's always existed and watched over time y'know?? like the idea that he was passively watching over it but only inteferred with danny bc he knew be had the potential to be a good ghost king is a good concept. not a super big fan of his design but oh well, it goes w his theme so i'm not complaining abt it
outside of clockwork tho i think it's gotta be ember??? i don't think "aww poor babu can do no wrong and deserves everything ever" i mean in a way that's yeah she's kind of a dick but hey getting killed when you're a teen sucks, so i don't hold it against her but i don't let her get away w stuff lol. her design slaps i think, and i like the idea of her being an annoying shit that'd take up smoking to irk her family members who hate it. always liked her.
but in terms of good villains? as in the ppl who are unrepentant dicks ans love to be evil? spectra is good at that and she v much intrigues me that way. while most of danny's villains are heavy hitters, spectra is one that corrupts from the inside and is incredibly psycological. i fully believe that spectra would absolutely have the power to be danny's most dangerous opponent. like sure desiree has the power to bend reality, and overgrowth can take over a town, but spectra is subtle and words dig deep like daggers. all she'd have to do is to emphasize it. play the long game.
hell she could just spend a month overshadowing people around danny and saying small casual remarks devaluing danny and he'd eventually weaken himself enough to be taken out. she's dangerous and so i always enjoy stories that explore that aspect, maybe because i'm more of a emotional whump enjoyer lmao though physical whump hits the right spot a lot of the time.
long story short: don't think i have one but there are a few exceptions i like
wait no i lied: i always liked the box ghost and i think boxed lunch is my ultimate fave ghost i used to adore her as a kid
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quirkless-accident · 3 years
MHA Fic Rec List
I'm gonna be not next to a computer for a whole ass week so I won't be able to write any drabbles. (I will be able to answer questions, though, about me or my opinions)
So do entertain yall I made a fic rec list of my favorite MHA stuff. Most of it is probably going to be Dadzawa stuff because I like to read that in a vain attempt to cure my own crippling daddy issues.
My Hero Academia
1. Complicated Creation by Elemental
An absolutely wonderful spirit land au where izuku can see the spirits that give people their power. Lots of dadzawa. Lots of angst. It's the one I've reread the most on this list
2. Viridian by SilvermistAnimeLover
SilvermistAnimeLover stole not only my heart but my sleep schedule as well. Viridian is a vigilante!Deku au where he time travels from an apocalyptical future. Hilarity and angst ensue. Dadzawa is dadzawa
3. Penny for Your Thoughts by cassiopeia721
This one single handedly cured my daddy issues. Izuku and Aizawa get affected by a mind-bond quirk so they can hear each other's thoughts for like a week.
4. Prodigal by writerllofllworlds
A recent find of mine, and I fell in love. All Might tells Izuku to give his quirk to Mirio. He leaves UA, becomes a vigilante, and rescues Eraserhead, all before a big battle that's yet to come.
5. Not All Exists are Made Equal by LunaLucrea
Aizawa gets kidnapped but he's got 21 problem children that care a little too much
6. i'll be your biggest kept secret and your biggest mistake by sascake
This is for you ToduDeku fans. Vigilante!Deku and Pro!Shouto meet under strange circumstances and they keep running into each other until acquaintances become friends and friends become more
7. throw me a goddamn rope-just enough to hang myself with by mutalune
This is probably my favorite on the list. Another time travel au where Aizawa gets sent back in time to stop an apocalyptical future at the hands of Shigaraki from happening. Except he goes a little too far back
8. Stay Close to Me (Don't Go Nowhere) by Darkling Moon
I've got more but these ones are my top mha fics. Most of them are either Dadzawa or Vigilante!Deku because I don't know how to like things normally
EraserMic Zombie au. That's it. That's the whole story
Danny Phantom
1. Stay by jaeger_soul
For my SwaggerBishie lovers, from Dash's pov comes him befriending Danny and fighting off his anxiety
2. Easy Target by orphan_account
Another Dash pov fic. Phantom gets hurt and Dash helps him out, and finds out about Fenton/Phantom. It's absolutely amazing and sweet
3. Phantom of Truth by Haiju
I know this is already on everybody's rec lists, but for a good reason. Danny is captured by the Guys in White and is experimented on by his mother. I literally couldn't put this down.
4. Everything Was White by lexosaurus
Currently in the middle of reading this one. It's become one of my new favs. It's beautifully written by @lexosaurus and takes us on a journey with Danny as he recovers from his trauma indiced by the Guys in White
5. The Trouble With Ghosts by Lynse
Also currently reading this. Lancer finds out about Danny
6. Magnetized by imekitty
A dissection fic! Maddie pov and absolutely chilling. 11/10
7. A Ghost in His Bonnet by EyesofCrows
Wes pov for you conpiracy theorists out there. They're in college, and Danny is a cryptid
8. Things I Can(not) Do in Amity Park by RedHeadsRock1010
Exactly what it sounds like. Danny tries to see how much he can get away with before Amity figures out his secret
1. Haunted Halls by Sirina77
An MHA/DP crossover no longer in the making, but it's good enough for me to put on this list. Danny gets blasted through a portal and into the MHA universe where a very tired homeroom teacher takes him in.
2. What's a Quirk? by written_in_blood
Another DP/MHA where Present Mic brings a bleeding out half ghost home with him
3. How Class 1-A Summoned the Ghost King and Made Friends by Reclusya
Tokoyami convinces 1-A to host a ritual with him and they summon Danny. There's lots of chaos. It's hilarious
Honorable Mentions
1. Only Human by TheOnlyWife
A DP/Young Justice (Justice League?) one shot. The League is consistently horrified by Danny and the absolute raw power he holds in his tiny body
2. Deeper, Darker by SilverMoonPhantom
A DP/Stranger Things crossover where Will hunkers down in the Upside Down with Danny
3. The Ghost of Heroes by Enigmaris and ScarletNightFury A beautifully written DP/Avengers crossover where he and Spidey are bffs and give the adults migraines. I spent an hour looking for this because my dumbass forgot to bookmark it. It was definitely worth looking for, and definitely worth reading
4. Sports Festival: Lost and Found by RogueVector
MHA fic where Izuku gets lost at the Sports Festival and gets sent to the announcer's booth with Aizawa and Mic. He gets to show off his analytical genius while Twitter goes crazy
5. Lost and Found by Andai
Another MHA fic where Izuku's deadbeat father tries to come back in his life. Overprotective Aizawa. Overprotective Class 1-A. A little bit of high School Musical thrown in for good measure. I reread this one to help my crippling daddy issues
Have fun!
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