#I'm rewatching it cause it's my childhood
this show is so unserious
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 1 year
Steven Universe.. hit different and I don’t really understand why? Thinking about any of my other old hypefixations, I smile. But Steven Universe just makes me a deeply uncomfortable kind of sad that latches onto my brain like a leech and doesn’t let go for many hours. And I have no idea what it did to deserve that lmao
#I guess this show was a much more massive part of my life than I realized?#it's not my favourite show but I think it's. part of me now#if I'd watched it all in one hit for the first time now I'd think ''woag that was awesome'' and proceed to be normal about it#I had a hard time being normal about things I really liked as a kid and 'cause this show went on for so long and I followed it religiously-#for the ENTIRE time it was airing-#I think it became a permanent resident in my brain along with the emotional state I was in when I started watching it#when I think of Steven Universe I'm flooded with all the ways my childhood self took it way too seriously#I think about things I just MADE UP about the show through theories and implied backstory- all the deeper things that never even happened#and it gives me this unscratchable itch. this weird sense of longing#wughfgdh anyways#my ears ache from getting weirdly choked up about this lmao#just did a shortened rewatch of the whole show through watching Scoot's reaction videos#and like#bruh#the show is y'know. REALLY GOOD. But not THAT good jesus christ#nothing is THAT good#it's kinda cool that I used to have such deep emotions about literally everything but man I'm glad I'm not 13 anymore bahah#mannnnnn I really set this show up for failure by expecting it to reach this impossible unachievable level of depth#and then being kinda bummed when it didn't#it's a CARTOON Cas. a reallly fucking good one just the way it is. calm down child#anyways might draw Greg because he's the goat#steven universe#rant#(?)
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hasello · 2 years
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I can't decide if the first pic is them waking up or going to sleep haha
I'm rewatching 2003 tmnt cause it used to be my whole childhood and MAN is their Leo THE BIG BROTHER EVER - I love him sm
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quixtrix · 7 months
dolph was always meant to be doomed; something of an analysis
i'm on my third rewatch of captain laserhawk, and on this one i've been focusing more on the little details that you don't get on your first or even second time watching it. i've noticed little things, such as pey'j helping and then going on to shield a hybrid who's dressed similarly to jade in the third episode. but i've also noticed bigger things, such as alex and dolph.
keep in mind that this show is just filled to the brim with political messaging, it was purposefully designed that way. so when someone mentioned on here that alex was an accelerationist, it explained a lot. we don't know much about alex in terms of his backstory, we only know he helped dolph after dolph attempted to mug him and they ended up falling in love. it's also implied that alex and dolph have been repeatedly reported on the news as terrorists more than we've seen, with rayman referring to them as being the usual suspects when the kaiju attack happened, despite dolph literally not even being there when alex did that shit. they're known to do this shit, and we know alex is a charismatic guy. it's not too far fetched to say once or while dolph was falling in love with this gayass white saviour saint that alex talked him into this shit for alex's own purposes. because yes, he has a cause, but he's also a bit in over his head, maybe with power. he's aware of the power he has over dolph, how he actively uses the 'i love you' card multiple times when they're together and when they're not together. he just had a bit too much confidence in his hold over dolph, but to be fair, alex, you were topping some indulgent mob boss for your cause (because let's be honest of course your sources would be tight if they were being fucked for it) then continued fucking said mob boss and got caught with your dick out by your ex who you think you can get back with. alex uses people as tools, he just doesn't put his shit in the right places at the right times.
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i'm getting off track, but the point i'm getting to is that alex most definitely saw dolph, a man who clearly has some jacked up eden tech smacked onto his twink ass, at his lowest, and picked him up like a shiny new toy. he was always going to use dolph. but how come dolph is so easy to use? he's starved for kindness. he's the stray dog that comes up to you at restaurants to act all nonchalant because 95% of the time he gets neglected, but the second he gets offered scraps, he shows how hungry he is. we don't know much about his childhood, and what we do know is under the lenses of literal eden propaganda. we do however know how people get like underneath the hand of eden.
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everyone say thanks to rayman, who concidentally, is dolph's foil. both of them worked under eden as their lap dogs, one as a propagandist and the other as military, but dolph had gotten out of the hold the propaganda had on him while rayman's barely shaking it off. both of them are also portrayed as poor little tragic immigrants and the impoverished stand ins both in universe and story wise. they're the feel good picking yourself up american dream stories that people can feel inspired by or feel proud about the country with. dolph had a photo with a kid holding a doll of him. before he became ex military, he was definitely the guy they paraded around as a previous lost cause that eden helped. red, who's as political as his assigned colour, bitches about identity politics in that one off line for a reason. he also jus hates brown people fr he kicked me down a flight of stairs
now we can assume that dolph had picked himself up out of the propaganda machine somehow. he realised he was used and he didn't want that shit. he's attempting to get himself his own life, for fucks sake. he jus happened to get lead on by the wrong guy, which then lead him to get used by eden AGAIN. this time not only in a physical way via soldier work, but emotionally too, with sarah easily manipulating him with what? a sob story and helping him out, maybe being friendly with him along the way.
he wants a normal life. he wants a goddamn normal life. he jus continues to be selected as a tool.
you can see how fucking starved he is for kindness. you ever think about the fact that in his dream life, he sees jade and pey'j? he knew these people for less than a week, yet they get a place in his dream life. most notably, jade gets a speaking role in his dream life. the only other person who speaks, besides marcus, is alex, someone who had known him and shown kindness to him. jade has also shown kindness to dolph. she's the friendliest face there in the ghosts, being the first one to check on dolph when he wakes up, offers an explanation to him, and also makes an effort to include him in her little shenanigans with the video and all!! dolph was all emo alpha wolf and all, but despite his constant cold shoulder, she was kind!!
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there was someone who was more than kind though; bullfrog. because bullfrog actively looked out for dolph, despite his constant pushback against bullfrogs advice whenever they weren't separated. and in the end, it's bullfrogs kindness and compassion that hits dolph the deepest. dolph gets out of his depressive state to go back for bullfrog. he cares about people, he goes out of his way to do shit for the people who show him the slightest bit of kindness. he backed up sarah after one good conversation with her to marcus for fucks sake. dolph is just a guy who keeps getting used though. he's so loyal to anyone who looks his way that it's a fatal flaw that ends up with his head blown up. he's a shakespearean tragedy at the moment. i hope in the potential season 2 that he gets to have more moments where he gets to be his own person. not defined by an organisation or a person or a cause, but what he chooses to define himself by. he's on his way there. he jus deserves to be allowed to live for himself. after all, he has already met his end of that story. he can make a new one.
anyways if u reached the end of this im down to discuss this :D i also did get a few points from other people on here, but let me know what u think nd all
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bloodynereid · 8 months
would you do a roman roy imagine where he crashes shiv and the reader’s lunch cause he’s feeling jealous of shiv having the reader attention (like in childhood despite the reader being shiv’s age) and he and the reader’s long standing “will they-won’t they” finally ends?
Lunch Confessions
pairing: roman roy x fem! reader
a/n: hii sorry for taking so long to answer this request! hopefully i did it justice. i miss rome sm omg - COME HOME! for anyone who follows me for gen v sry lol i have a ton of other hyperfixations and i'm in the midst of my succession rewatch so...
tw: roman being his usual slimy self (only for a bit tho we love him), tom bashing (only a warning if you actually like him), swearing A LOT, rich people, allusions to sex
description: a lunch meeting with shiv takes an interesting turn...
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The rain pattered against the glass of your car as you fixed your hair in the compact mirror. The slick leather seats slid under the fabric of your pants and a smile blossomed on your face. You were finally back in your favorite city, New York, after having to be abroad in Tokyo for a while. Father needed some help with the expansion over there and obviously he had decided to turn to his favorite daughter.
Your family founded and owned one of the most prestigious pharmaceutical companies in the world. It had been passed down from your grandfather to your father and then hopefully to you. Thankfully your other siblings weren’t exactly interested in running the family business, which meant less competition for the throne. You shuddered thinking about the fucking gladiator fight Logan had Shiv, Ken and Roman competing in.
Your youngest brother had started up his own tech firm in Silicon Valley and was doing pretty well for himself… even if he didn’t actually manage his fucking company. Your two sisters were influencers, or rather they liked to call themselves life-style promoters but still. 
Tracing shapes on the cool glass, you closed your eyes and took a deep, steadying breath. You were on your way to go see one of your closest friends from boarding school, Shiv motherfucking Roy. Your family had always been pretty close to the Roys, especially since Logan and your father had a whole deal going on about ATN, which even after years of being at the company he still hadn’t given you the exact details about.
Roman and Shiv were the only two of the whole family that you could really stand. Ken was sort of never around - instead he preferred the company of Stewie and various powders, Connor didn’t take anything seriously which constantly struck a nerve and Logan cycled through wives like they were the newest TikTok trend.
“Miss, we’re here.” You turned towards Ben and smiled before looking up at the building where you were having lunch with Shiv.
“Thanks Ben. Go ahead and park the car. It should be a few hours.”
“Of course Miss.” You smiled and waited as he got out of the car, opened up an umbrella before unlocking the car door. Your black boots met concrete as you stepped out into the cool Manhattan air. The heels of your books clicked against the sidewalk as Ben covered you with the umbrella and you made your way into the building.
The host smiled as he saw you walk in and quickly took out a menu before waiting for you to make your way over to the main desk.
“Hello Ms. L/N, how are you doing today?”
“Quite well. I have a reservation with Shiv Roy.”
“Of course, she has just arrived. Right this way.” You nodded and followed him as he made his way towards your usual table in the more private lounge area. You instantly spotted Shiv, her red hair hanging over her face like a curtain and her fingers moving quickly over her phone screen.
“Here we are.” The host said as he pulled out your chair and placed the menu in front of you. “Is there anything we can get for you at the moment?”
Shiv looked up and her face brightened when she realized you had arrived. She quickly locked her phone and looked up at the eager host.
“A bottle of the 1945 and some sparkling mineral water for each of us.” You said, quickly dismissing the host who nodded and left to procure your drinks.
“God hi I missed you.”
“Missed you as well Shivvy.” You smiled back at her and you quickly stood up and exchanged a short hug before settling back into your chairs.
“So how was Tokyo?”
“Busy. How’s Tom?”
“Well… he’s Tom.” 
You scrunch your nose up and Shiv chuckles slightly at your expression before she takes a sip of the wine you had ordered, which was currently being poured into your glass. You fall into easy conversation, taking turns to explain all the new company gossip as you order your food and start to dig into the Michelin star meal.
“Your dad is truly insane. I mean Pierce really?”
“I know, thank you!” You laugh when you hear a familiar voice in the distance, one that belonged to one of Shiv’s many brothers.
“You invited Roman?” You asked as you cut up another piece of food in frustration. Ok so maybe going to Tokyo wasn’t all because of your father… it might have also been because Roman was so fucking happy with Tabitha. Not that you didn’t like Tabitha but you and Roman had a thing. An unspoken thing sure but still a thing.
“Fuck! I mentioned I was going to have lunch with you today and I didn’t fucking realize-”
“Shiv, it’s fine. Trust me.” You sent a reassuring smile as you patted her hand in sympathy. This honestly happened pretty often. Roman had a habit of interrupting any kind of event you had scheduled with Shiv, it had been that way since you were kids. You didn’t really get why but you were usually fine with it but right now…
“Ah if it isn’t my favorite women. Y/N, darling, you look fucking exhausted.” Roman said as he got one of the waiters to pull up a chair to your table and promptly sat down in one of his weird contortionist shapes.
“Fuck you Roman, you look like you have the plague.”
“You are so sweet to me, isn’t she Shiv?”
“I don’t understand why the fuck you decided to interrupt our lunch, Roman.” Shiv spit out, she accentuated his name with so much venom that it even made you widen your eyes.
“Aww don’t be like that dearest sister. I already know you want to fuck her so why don’t we all just have one big orgie.” Your face twisted in disgust and you thrust your foot out to hit Roman’s knee.
“Ow! Fuck.” Roman exclaimed, making a triumphant smile on your face.
“You’re fucking disgusting, Roman. Shit!” Shiv looked down at her phone and sent you a sympathetic glance. “Sorry to leave you with the fucking scum of the earth but I have to go.”
“Oh god don’t worry, go ahead. It’s my turn to take care of lunch anyways.”
“Thanks Y/N, we should reschedule without this creep interrupting us.” You stood up and gave Shiv a hug as she left the restaurant before looking over to Roman who had a happy smile all over his face.
“What’s making you all fucking smiley over there?”
“Oh nothing, don’t you just love a good female bonding moment?” Roman asked sarcastically as he stole your wine glass and took a sip.
“Ugh Roman, really? Why did you have to interrupt our lunch again?” You asked as you snatched your wine glass back and took a big gulp, you were going to need it if you wanted to survive this fucking conversation.
“Well you obviously needed saving from Shiv, duh.”
“Rome… look I love you but I don’t ever need saving from Shiv.”
“Aww you love me?” Roman said with an exaggerated sweet tone lacing his voice.
“You focused on entirely the wrong part of that sentence. Now really why did you crash?”
“I… fuck I broke up with Tabs and… I wanted to see you okay?” Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped as your heart started to quicken.
“You- really?”
“Yup, completely cut her the fuck off.”
“What? Why? I thought you liked her.”
“What exactly does this have to do with my question?”
“You’re fucking blind aren’t you?”
“Excuse me? You’re the one who’s being all fucking cloak-and-dagger?”
“Do you need me to spell it out to you? I fucking missed you!” He said as he looked up to you with his hands nervously twisted the cloth napkin.
“Geez Roman, I didn’t realize you were capable of basic human emotions.”
“Fuck you.” Roman made a move to get up from his position.
“Woah Rome, I didn’t mean it like that. I- I missed you as well.”
“You have such a big crush on me, don’t you?” Roman asked with a mocking twist of his lips, the only thing that gave away his happiness were his eyes, which sparkled in the light of the chandeliers.
“Hmmm what if I do?” You said as a smirk rose up on your face.
“Y/N… now you’re playing a dangerous game.” Roman said as he leaned closer to you and dragged his fingertips down the side of your face.
“Oh I’m the one playing a dangerous game. Darling, we’ve been playing this game for as long as I can remember.”
“Fuck call me that again.” 
“Only if you promise to be a good boy and stop crashing Shiv and I’s lunches.” You said as you pushed your chair back and smoothed out the creases in your pants. Roman’s face had changed from mocking to surprised as fuck.
“Well are you coming?” You asked as you started walking to the door of the restaurant, quickly swiping your card through the reader.
“Fuck yes.”
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hehe hope u enjoyed. will def try to write for succession more in the future
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roadkillremi · 1 year
Randy Meeks x Ghostface!Fem!Reader and TOXIC!Poly!Ghostface x Ghostface!Fem!Reader
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Part 2 Part 3 MasterList
Warnings : Mentions Killing, language, Mentions Sex, Mentions plans on killing, Toxic Relationship, Mentions Under-Aged Drinking, Displays Under Age drinking. (Please don't drink if you're not 21). (If I'm missing any please let me know!) *Future Chapters feature Smut*
I do NOT support killing or toxic relationships. Especially the one displayed below. If this is happening to you or a loved one please contact help ASAP!
Summary : Being childhood friends with Billy Loomis wasn't always easy. As you got older he demanded revenge and that you helped him. (He may have manipulated you along the way). After helping kill Sydney's mother you refused to help anymore. Billy and Stu forced you to stay due to blackmail causing you to be in a toxic secret relationship.
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You lounged your legs out on the concrete boarder of the fountain. Randy sat behind you wrapping his arms around your waste stealing a chip from the bag in your lap now and then.
"How could someone do that?" Sydney asked softly.
"You gut her!" Stu laughed, Billy shot him a look and then glanced at you. You rolled your eyes taking a bit of your chip. You leaned back against Randy's torso.
"You dated her, Macher. Makes you a suspect." Randy smiled. Stu glared at Randy, "for a day." You added laughing.
"come on, guys. Its not funny. Someone died." Tatum sighed.
"You know what that means.." Randy said. You sighed knowing what was about to come. His grip tighten, "horror movie marathon.". You glanced over your shoulder, "Really?".
"Yes, we have to recheck and follow the rules."
Everyone blankly stared at him, "Randy, Honey. I adore you but I'm not rewatching IT with you.". He rolled his eyes, "oh come on!".
"You know what we can do?" Stu said interrupting.
"Go to the party at my place!" He smiled.
"Stu you are such an idiot" you whispered before getting up. You grabbed Randy's hand pulling him up about to walk away.
"And where are you two going?" Tatum asked. You smiled, "Bells gonna ring in.." you looked at Randy's watch.
"28 seconds." You smiled walking away holding Randy's hand. Randy shrugged smiling walking with you. You two walked into the school, the bell ringing exactly when you said it was.
"Do you actually think it's Stu?" You asked looking up at him. He tilted his head, "maybe. The motive makes sense. The 'I can't have her no one can'. " Randy made a crazy face as he talked.
"But he wouldn't be that organized." You pointed out. You tilted your head, "he's also the goofball. And you always say-"
"Never trust the goofball" you both said at the same time.
Randy smiled wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you closer.
"that's my girl!" He gave you a small kiss before heading to class.
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You sat on Stus couch looking at your sneakers. You told Randy you were at your Grandma's for the night. That was a lie. Billy sat beside you watching the movie without making a sound. His hand gently on your knee, you told him you were okay with it. That was another lie. You didn't talk much when you were forced to come over to Stus house. Stu was getting beers and popcorn before trotting next you.
"What's the matter, baby?" Stu smiled. You looked over at him taking a beer. Your face cringed at the nickname.
"Nothing in particular.." you said softly as you opened a beer.
Billy glanced over before looking back at the TV. You were watching Psycho, for the 236th since the last 3 years. Billy huffed, "she doesn't want poor Randy to die.". Stu giggled like a little girl, "I don't get it. Why do you like that guy so much?-". You stood up, "Um, maybe because he's not a killer or a psychopath!". You gripped your beer tightly before taking another swig.
Stu pretended to be hurt, Billy looked at you. He smiled softly, "Movies make the psycho, Sweetie. You know this.". You rolled your eyes, "I'm leaving.". You grabbed you keys heading towards the door.
"You walk out that door I'll make sure Randy knows what You've done." Billy's voiced boomed through the living room. You stopped looking over your shoulder.
"OOOO" Stu laughed.
"That's different and you know it!" You turned towards the two men. Billy stood up, "Yeah, because Sydney's mom messed up your family as well. Mom and Dad split, Stepdad didn't want you. So you live with your Aunt. Does he know that? Bet he'll think you're a suspect.." you tried to speak before he interrupted.
"Remember when you were all upset because he was so obsessed with Sydney? How sad you were. You cried in me and Stu's lap all night.."
"it's not the same, Billy!"
He stepped closer, "or how after we killed her mother we all slept together? Did you tell him that? I wonder why you and Randy never had sex yet. You both are 18 and about to graduate. Nothing to lose but why not, hmm? Ashamed he'll find out who took your virginity that night?" Billy was inches away from you now. Stu made it behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. You looked at him, you felt queasy.
"Just let me go.. You know I won't tell anyone." You said softly. Billy chuckled, "Too late for that, darling.". You looked away, Billy grabbed your chin forcing you to look at him. You glared at him standing still, he gently kissed you. Yet the kiss wasn't so gentle, his lips were firm and rough. Stu joined in and kissed your neck, you didn't make a noise or a face. Billy backed up to look at you, "Friday night everything will be perfect again." Billy said staring into your eyes.
"Yeah, give out a couple beers! And Bam! everyone's out and we do the killing!" Stu laughed. You nodded hoping the boys will let you go home. Billy stood there and grabbed your keys from your hand.
"Get in the car. I'll drive you home." He muttered. You nodded following his orders into your car. The silence was loud all the way there. Once he got to the house he parked the car.
"how are you gonna get home?" You said staring straight ahead.
"I'll walk. I just needed to make sure you didn't see that asshat tonight."
He meant Randy, you nodded and unbuckled your seat belt. You attempted to open the door before Billy stopped you.
"Promise you won't see him."
"I promise."
"Look at me when you say it."
You looked over your shoulder, "I promise.".
Another lie.
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Randy jumped from knocking at his window. He moved his curtains aside to see you standing in-between bushes. He opened his window, "There's this invention called a front door. You should try it sometime." He smiled helping you in.
"Ha ha, you're funny Meeks." You looked around, his room was cluttered with junk. Or what he calls collectables, nothing really changed since you were here last time. You softly smile at him before you hug him.
"Whoa, what's wrong?" Randy placed his hands on your shoulder trying to get a good look at you. You smiled lazily hiding the pain, "what if we get murdered?..".
Meaning, 'what if Billy kills you and pretends to kill me? How could I live with that?'.
Randys brows knitted together, "I highly doubt we will. With my brains and your lack of attracting killers.". Only if he knew.
You flopped on his bed laying on your back. He laid on his side facing you, "But, what if.. it is Stu or Billy.. wouldn't they want to kill us?". Randys face contorted, "Then we'll be prepared.".
He moved some loose hairs out of your face. You just observed him, thinking about what Billy said to you.
"I'm ready.." you whispered. His eyes went wide, "For...". You nodded cupping his cheek, "for sex..". He bit his bottom lip contemplating.
"we can't.." he whispered.
"Is there a reason?"
"Killer on the loose you know the rules!"
You rolled your eyes playfully pushing him. You sighed crawling towards his pillows laying down.
"As much as I would love to my lady." He spoke in a horrible British accent. You glanced over at him, "Gotta stay alive.". He laid down beside you, you curled into him.
"Are you sure you're okay? You're acting weird. Weirder than usual.". You smiled up at him, "I just love you.". He went silent, which was rare for him. He never heard the L word come out your mouth. You just stared at him, "it's not a big deal, Ran-"
"SHE LOVES ME!" He put his hand over his heart.
"Shut up! We're gonna get in trouble!" You playfully smacked his arm. He smiled kissing you, his lips were softer than Billy's. His kisses felt like they were full of emotion, unlike Billy's. You smiled, "Can I stay here for the night?".
"Thought you'd never ask! I'll put in the Exorcist!" He got up to look through his pile of movies. You sat up, you needed him to understand that he could die. You needed to explain to him how you're not a killer. He sat back down beside you wrapping his arms around you pulling you closer.
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The next day Billy was gone, Stu pulled you aside.
"What, Nimrod?" You glared at him.
"Sydney accused Billy."
"Not accusing if shes right-" you mumbled. Stu huffed like an annoyed child, "Imma kill Principal Himbry all these interviews are getting up my ass.". You stared at Stu in disgust, "I'm not helping. I want nothing to do with any of this!". Stu whined, "Fine. But Billy's gonna here about this!".
"Go tattle tell to your boyfriend. I don't care." You walked away to the fountain, to meet Randy due to the school ending. You saw Sydney and Tatum waiting there whispering. You walked over, "Hey." Sydney gave you a sad smile.
"Did you hear? Billy went bananas!" Tatum whispered. Sydney sighed, you looked at Sydney, "I'm sorry you're going through all this..". Sydney shrugged, "What about you? Any phone calls?".
"Nope, I've been with Randy and my Aunt all week. So even if there was a call no answer." Sydney nodded.
"You should spend the night at my place! Cause No way Randy can protect you!" Tatum giggled.
"Hey!" Randy protested finally showing up. You smiled, "Sure I'd like that!". You looked at Randy, "Can you take me to my place first to get clothes?".
"I have work."
"Didn't that fire you?"
"Twice" Randy smiled.
"Small town. Not enough small Brian workers I guess." Tatum stated. You smiled kissing Randy's cheek, "See you tomorrow.".
"See you tomorrow. Call me when you get the chance."
Tatum cringed from the display, "You two are so weird.".
"I think they're cute." Sydney said in your defense. You smiled, "Come on, let's leave before anyone weird finds you" you said to Sydney.
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writesforfun · 1 year
childhood friends, a Mark Lee Fiction.
angst, fluff, mark is sooo mark-coded here(?), you and mark are friends since birth, neighbor mark, 2k words
Being Mark Lee's bestfriend at the mere age of 0 was a blessing— some people would say now.
He's handsome, that you admit. He's been this guy that's just popular for no reason at all. He's handsome, good in everything he sets his mind at, and don't forget the fact that Mark, although shy and doesn't really have that much of a close friend, is just simply very kind to everyone he meets.
You thought you would lose him when you two were in elementary and middle school— cause he was that popular. Everyone wanted to play and be friends with him, and you thought he would forget you. Which Mark definetely prooved it to be nonsense, cause he sat and stayed with you every day without failure. When you asked why, Mark just simply shrugged it off by saying, "What do you mean why? We're friends!"
So here you are. Both of you are grown-ups, you will be turning 24 at December and Mark had already hit that age in August.
It's now September.
"Y/N! What you thinking?" He holds your hand tight, smiling— nah, come to think of it, he didn't smile. It's a grin. The Mark Lee™ signature grin.
You come to your senses. Today, you're gonna go to an ice cream shop with Mark and then you two are gonna make some popcorn and watch movies at your house.
"Sorry. I was thinking of us during elementary school."
He puts on a shock expression. "Daaaaamn dude. That was such a looong time agooooo!"
You laugh and shake your head, grabbing his hands so that you can pull him to his Tesla so that he would start driving.
"What? Yo I'm serious! When you said that I felt it in my stomach that like.. yooo that was a long ass time ago," He said. You ruffle his hair, ignoring his sound of protest. "You're saying things that doesn't need any further explanations. As a friend, I'm helping you so that both of us wouldn't waste time and hurry up."
Mark rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, opening up his car door for you first and then for him. You felt your heart skip four beats or something and then ignore them for the nth time.
Don't care about your feelings, Y/N. You said to yourself. Yes, you do have an immense crush— no, no. Yes, you do love him since middle school, but that doesn't matter. What matters the most is your friendship. And you would never want to ruin that.
Seeing Mark spend Valentine's Day with someone else at college hurted you like crazy. He always used to spend it together with you, but at college, he spent it with his now ex-girlfriend. They broke up after a year of dating, and a year of your suffering basically. You try to distance yourself then, but Mark just quite simply won't accept distancing as friendship. He visited your house basically everytime, and he picks you up although you gotta third wheel him and his girlfriend.
There was no drama between you and his ex though. His ex have always been nice, and you two still talk via DM sometimes. You know, replying stories and stuff.
"Y/N! I was asking a question, dude," He said, putting his hand your thighs and squeezing them gently. Things he did as a simple caring gesture since you know him.
"Sorry. I was thinking of my homework. What did you ask?" You lied, gritting your teeth before looking at his gawkingly handsome face. You just wanna kiss that smile off his— nevermind.
"I was thinking, maybe instead of rewatching Mean Girls we could just watch Doctor Strange? I've been dying to watch the Multiverse of Madness thingy, I haven't watch that."
You nod. "I haven't too. We're so lame! That's a disrespect to Marvel,"
He laughs, turning the bluetooth volume to a solid 38, making you both hear Taylor Swift's Labyrinth clearly. The bluetooth is connected to your phone, and Taylor Swift is your favorite singer. You introduce her to Mark and he basically just listen to it with you like the good person he is. You brag to Karina and Ningning all the time that he's a trained Swiftie.
But this song.. this song, you relate to a lot. It's about a realization of being in love, and considering your situation, you relate to it a lot.
You don't really believe in good man and love until you realize you love him. Your dad.. he failed to set example of a man when your family caught him cheating during your elementary school years and even going as far as marriage with the person he's cheating with. Your mom forgived him and they're still together— but the trauma you went through was unexplainable. Since then, your relationship with your dad has been different. His voice sounds annoying as hell and every thing he do, you nitpick and hate. Mark has always been there for you though, he even spent all his savings during elementary school to buy you new toys and ice cream.
You know and believe that Mark is a good guy. Every thing he does have always been positive and his mind never fails to make you fascinated.
"Oh God, why are the Halloween decorations have already been put up?" You ask when you both arrive at the ice cream shop you always go together with. It's a 17 minute drive from both of your house, which is in front of each other.
"Better late than never, Y/N. Let's go," He says, opening his door before opening up yours and opening the door for you.
He ordered a watermelon and vanilla ice cream, which you hated and teased him with since forever. You think that's a weird combination and his love for watermelon should never be brought to an ice cream flavor. You ordered a Lotus Biscoff ice cream, and he have a lot of protests for that as well but whatever. Biscoff for life.
"Do you wanna eat it here or in the car?" He ask. "I don't know. How are you gonna eat it if we're gonna eat in the car?" You ask him again instead of answering his question.
"You can just feed me, I guess." He answers nonchalantly, like it's something normal in a friendship. The blur of lines are making you wanna die, and sometimes you just think to yourself whether or not distancing yourself from Mark is a better option.
"Alright then. Let's eat in the car, whatever," You say. As much as you hate to admit it, you wouldn't really pass on feeding him. Both of you had feed each other since middle school anyway.
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Coming home from watching Doctor Strange with Mark, you realize that your feelings for Mark is just growing bigger every day, and you finally decide that you can't do this anymore.
Come on, Mark Lee simply would never look at you more than friends, right?
So you decide to ignore his presence. You ignore all his texts, and even when Mark came to your house and ask for your presence, you had already ask your Mom who knows your crush towards him to tell him that you're not in the house.
You usually go to your work place with Mark cause you and him work only 2,4km away from each other. So whenever he picks you up, you were already gone. It's for the best. You miss him a lot but you realize you'd rather lose him now than losing him to a girl he'll marry later. You can't imagine being her bridesmaid and be happy for them though you're dying.
His nth phone call of the day you ignore without failure today as well. It's been a month of ignoring him and you're kind of used to the feeling of a scratch in your heart whenever you hear his dissapointed and sad voice downstairs. Your phone vibrates, and you see his third message for you today.
markie 🐆🦁
Y/N it's been a month. i don't know what i did to you but i know you're ignoring me. whats uppp? please answer me. please. i can't afford to lose you.
And there it is again. Your heart hurts like crazy. But whatever. Just sleep through it like always. It's for the best.
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It's your first day of period today and you're hurting like crazy. Usually, Mark would be here to comfort you and massage you and all that stuff, but now, you actually think you're gonna spend your birthday tomorrow without him. For the first time ever in your life.
The day you were born, baby Mark had come with his lovely family to visit your family in the hospital. From his and your parents, you heard that you slept next to Mark and he hugged you both as you sleep. Baby Mark even caressed your hair with his small hands, and you have a video that captured that moment. You watched it again, smiling though your eyes are red and teary. You miss him. The thought of not having him around for your birthday hurt you.
You saw that there are no pads left and let out a long sigh. You put on your hat that Mark gave you as a birthday present and put on your slippers. You then go out your door and decided to buy some pads.
Usually, Mark would buy it for you but— ugh! Stop it with the Mark thing.
"Here's your order. Have a nice day," The lovely lady working the cashier register say to you. You smile through the pain you're going through, wanting to step out before a oh-so familiar voice register.
It's no doubt it's Mark Lee's voice. You can see through the side of your eye that he's currently looking right at you with his worried sad eye with his right hand holding a cola.
You don't know what to do. So you run through the door, ignoring Mark's shout of your name as he chases you. It's like the game of chase you two used to play back in elementary school. You cry, you really don't know why but you cry. Passing your house, you run to the park and decided to catch your breath by sitting at one of the slides. You and Mark used to play at that slide all the time until you both grew up.
You look everywhere, and close your eyes when Mark isn't in your sight anymore. You stay in that position for 3 minutes, and when you open your eyes. You almost jump from your seat as you see Mark squatting in front of you sitting in the slide with teary eyes.
"Why— why are you avoiding me?" His voice breaks as he turns away from you, and you can clearly see him wiping away his tears before looking at you with eyes that you swear can make anybody cry. So you become teary eyed as well.
"I'm not." You reply shortly, before standing up to go back to your house. He snorts out of disbelief. "Sit down, Y/N. We're not done talking and if this is the last— if this is— if this is the— if this is the last time we're talking, I don't want it to be an open ending."
You really can't believe that word. You want to just cry your eyes out for 100 years after hearing that word, so you sit down. You want closure as well.
"I know damn well that you're avoiding me. And I really don't know what I did to make you piss off like that. Heck, Y/N, I was jokingly strangling you as we watch Doctor Strange and we were laughing like crazy as well. At some point you even drank a portion of my iced americano. I don't know what I could've done to make you ignore me after all that fun. And I'm honestly so.. I don't know anymore. I'm so sad, Y/N. Mom said she never saw me cry this much. I can't even dare to say that you're ignoring me just because I don't believe that word. Just tell me why are you avoiding me? Am I not good enough as a friend? What am I lacking so much that you decide to ignore me? Why do you do all that while you're here looking as hurt as I am and—"
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" There. You say it. You blurt it out loud. Whatever. You don't care anymore. You are in your most vulnerable and raw feeling and you don't even care anymore.
He closes his mouth. He looks at you with some expression you don't even know what it means. But you continue your words as tears flow from your eyes, "I love you, Mark. I love you since forever. I know you don't feel the same, so I'm taking a step back. I don't wanna be your friend anymore. I don't think I physically and mentally can. It's for the both of us. That way, whenever you have another girl it'll be easy for me, for you, and for your girlfriend. Just please let me be. I'm gonna go home. I don't want you to follow me. Let's just pretend we don't know each other and let me enjoy this heartbreak in peace for God's sake. Please just— please," You stop talking as tears and emotions just stream through your whole body.
"Y/N.." He says. And you just can't anymore. You walk away.
You walk for 11 seconds before his hands reaches you. You shout. You literally shout. You told him not to follow you anymore, what is he trying to do? Stop fixing a friendship that literally cannot be fixed anymore!
"STOP IT!" You screamed. You looked at his eyes with anger until you catch his sad, teary glares.
"Y/N, hear me out. Please?" He says. And after a few thoughts, you decides that he can have a few say in this situation.
"I love you too," He says, smiling through his tears as he hugs you. You're puzzled— standing there and doing nothing as he hugs you close, brushing your hair with his hand, kissing the top of your head as he takes a breath of your scent he missed.
He laughed, eyes still in tears as he let go of the hug but still intertwining both your hands together. "I love you too. I loved you since elementary school or something like that. Then you had a crush for stupid Choi Hyunsuk in college and I found another girl in college. But even then I realise that my number one, my Mom excluded— has always been you. So then I love you again, up until this moment. You should've just communicated this and not cut me off. That's not nice, baby."
The nickname rings through your head, all the way to your heart because it starts beating unrealistically fast.
He laughs again. "Just... I love you. Do you maybe wanna be my girlfriend then?"
You never say yes so fast.
And there it was.
Your birthday.
"Are you really going to spend it without me this year?" He ask as you two eats your favorite cake; a Lotus Biscoff Cookie Cake.
"Yep. That was my plan, until.."
"Until?" He asks with a teeth-showing smile and one eyebrow up. "Well.. until this." You reply, kissing him as you hug him tight.
You can't believe it, but he's all yours.
author's note: HELLOOOO EVERYONEEE! TvT THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR READING!! Please do tell me your opinions and thought and whether or not you like a second part where it shows more of Mark and Y/N's relationship 🥺 have a good year wherever you are!! stay healthy and eat well peeps!
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winguontheweb · 3 months
I'm having quite the mental experience tonight.
I have relived a childhood formative experience in the 2010 Nickelodeon TV movie, "The Boy Who Cried Werewolf." Hooooooo boy this movie. Not gonna say it's a cinematic masterpiece, it's pretty standard kids' channel TV movie, but like. This movie had a massive effect on my life and why I'm a furry.
Seeing a trailer for it aired on TV when I was 9, by random chance, I was completely entranced by its concept and effects. Then finally finding out about the release date and behind the scenes online, watching it when it first aired and recording it, followed by rewatching it... many times. I was not normal about it for so long yet it really only consisted of me wanting to rewatch it over and over. That was the only way I knew how to react.
After a time, my interest in it died down, the recording got overwritten, and I forgot about it.
And then I had a dream in like, 2013? Around then, about "Thunder Wolves" which was the name came up with in there (I point to my brain). It involved various typical werewolf tropes in a story about an outcast. Wasn't too detailed or vivid, but that dream was just enough for my brain to be completely sold on werewolves forever.
From there, I'm 99% sure I would never have been on the path to becoming a furry I ended up on. Werewolves are why I'm a furry.
Rewatching The Boy Who Cried Werewolf tonight with my girlfriend and others, I got to re-experience that formative moment and realized just how fucking much I still take from this movie in terms of my love of werewolves, the tropes I enjoy, how I enjoy them. Werewolf curses being caused by werewolf blood injection, shifting into wolf form every night rather than ONLY on full moons, the slow transformation at sunset leading into the full form, the struggle of trying to keep it cool when others can potentially see the transformation, changes even in your human form and demeanor after werewolf-ing. Even the visuals of like, the eyes changing and fangs coming in before the full transformation was something that's stuck with me for all my life.
Every fucking memory of this movie came flooding back to me, I knew everything that happened, basically nothing was a surprise to me. Being age 9-10 when I was watching it probably means this movie might be the earliest Vivid memory I have.
The visuals were honestly better than I remembered. Like, not gonna lie, they could've been BETTER for the adult furry-brained cow that I am, but like. They actually had the full wolf form on screen way longer than they had the half-human half-wolf ugly looking transformation stage. I'm also 90% sure that the full wolf form was all practical effects with a suit? Maybe some of it was CGI, 2010 was capable of good CGI, and this is exactly the type of production (especially at Nickelodeon) where I'd imagine they'd do CGI. But instead from what I can tell with the lighting and interactions with the world, I feel it's most likely a practical suit with puppeted/controllable expression in the face and ears. My main complaint is a lot of the wolf scenes DID utilize really quick, choppy cuts that made it hard to see the form in full force
Design-wise the wolf form is a blend of like, ferocious, beastly, scary, but also a bit... cute, in a way? If the wolf transformation wasn't turning into a bloodthirsty monster and instead just turning into Big Ouppy I could see this being made to be made out to be very cute.
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Actually yeah also 9 year old Meadow almost certainly was crushing and she didn't even know it, her brain wasn't built for that
Overall, 23 year old Meadow's experience with this: I really really enjoyed it! I started off watching it clutching my pillow from embarrassment and fear that it was going to be total crap, especially seeing so many high school teen drama tropes and painfully obvious foreshadowing, but being with people willing to give it a chance and who also knew the context of why it's important to me was like, suuuuper important for allowing me to even touch it again.
Basically, I am now in an extreme werewolf mood, and feeling things about werewolves I haven't felt in 13 years. This movie is my playbook. I have knowingly or unknowingly used this as my basis for Werewolf Curse things all my life.
I understand myself better than I ever have, having seen this movie.
So anyway...
Any werewolves out there wanna bite me or do a blood transfusion?
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
Time to fly!
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Vote in the other polls!
What fans say:
How To Train Your Dragon:
The message was just nice. I have a lot of nostalgia for it. I used to be a huge dragon nerd as a kid and dragons just weren't that prevalent in media here, especially not as friendly figures. I still love HTTYD and it's sequels nowadays.
It was one of my favorite movies as a kid and one of the few movies I watched that wasn't a barbie movie, it's just really cool.
Best movie featuring dragons period. The pure wish fulfillment fantasy of having a highly intelligent fantasy creature companion that can fly and doesn’t mind being ridden like a horse, therefore also the best execution of the dragon rider trope in all of fiction. Extremely funny, adding to the comedy is the fact that only adults have Scottish accents and all the teens have an American accent. So good that even its tv show follow up was decent by extension. The bit where Hiccup is trying to earn Toothless' trust and they start to work together changed me on a fundamental level.
I LOVE IT SO MUCHSHJKBSKHGDK I have a bone dysplasia which causes some bones to be a little bit more hollow and whenever I would feel a pain in my top back, 8 year old me was like ''woah I'm growing wings its my time to fly like toothless'' lol and it was always a dream of mine to fly. Weirdly enough I could relate to toothless because the "not being able to fly but you should be" felt like an allegory to a lot of my life! It gave me hope when he WAS able to after the help of others + the care he always needed + that mechanic wing thing made me feel like with the right ''recipe'' could help me get better too. My favourite scene is the first flight!! I love the animation for it, it makes me feel like im flying through the clouds too! The soundtrack is amazing too, I still cry to the songs.
I could write an entire essay about how much I love this movie, it truly is one of the best films ever made to me. Utterly flawless on both a technical level and a story-telling level. Not to mention the score oh my GOD the score of this movie changed my life. There are too many scenes that are so impactful, but the Forbidden Friendship scene has to be one of the best. Test Drive too.
This is literally my favorite movie of all time. This movie got me through the worst times in my life. It’s about love and friendship and all that lovely goopy stuff and it’s also fucking gorgeous.
THE cinematic masterpiece of our generation. On god.
This movie is an absolute masterpiece, the animation is pretty, the score is perfect, the relationship between Toothless and Hiccup is so sweet, Toothless is absolutely adorable. Definitely one of DreamWork's best films.
It's a beautifully animated movie about an unconventional viking boy named Hiccup finding his place in a world where dragons and vikings are constantly at odds, and how he changes the world around him. The dragon designs are unique and beautiful, and the vikings are larger than life and match the exaggerated setting.
Who on Tumblr DOESN'T want a dragon best friend I ask you. I would kill to have what Hiccup & Toothless have.
It does a brilliant job balancing tropes in a way that subverts and plays into them. There is so much in it for both adults and kids, it doesn't look like other animated films, it feels more grounded and in that realism it becomes so beautiful. The friendship in the film feels very real despite one of the characters being unable to talk! Forbidden Friendship scene is, in my opinion, the greatest scene in the history of cinema. The music, the lighting, the cinematography, the pacing, the emotions, it is practically perfect in every way. I could go on but I think ya get it.
God this movie defined my childhood and it's still so good when I rewatch it now. I'm guessing you'll have had this submitted a good few times bc it goddamn deserves it but. Hiccup is so relatable and !! dragons !! big cute dragons whose animation models are based on cats!! based fr
I have many fond childhood memories of this movie and in particular I loved how my cousin would "talk" for Toothless (cousin was babysitting us when we first watched the movie). Another thing is The SCORE. The music is iconic and awe inspiring to this day. That first time when Hiccup and Toothless fly together and it Works and the score absolutely goes HARD, I loose my breath every time. It's great. Also have you seen Toothless he's an adorable dragon and a badass, what's not to love?
Makes me cry every time because Hiccup and Toothless are such good friends and they love each other and end up as two halves of a boy dragon soulmate sandwich also the music is extremely good who doesn’t like dragons anyway.
It's the story of a beautiful friendship forming between a boy who doesn't fit in and a dragon who is the last of his kind. It's so cute. And it shows positive representation of disability, Hiccup and Toothless become disabled in ways that meaningfully parallel each other. Hiccup makes a prosthetic tail fin! And Toothless is just so cute!
The sound track is amazing
Honestly everything is phenomenal. It has a good use of comedy and an excellent story and character development. There are also countless beautiful and awe-inspiring scenes supported by an amazing score.
It is a very emotional movie about an old man learning to still enjoy life even though his wife died.
Such a beautiful film about loss
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radiosummons · 1 year
There is no doubt in my mind that I am most definitely not the first person to bring this up, but after doing a quick rewatch of Hunt for Ziro (TCW, S3 EP9) I can't help but feel ... just kinda disappointed.
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Granted, when I first saw this episode I had no idea who Quinlan was or what his relationship to Obi-Wan was other than he was a fellow Jedi Master who Obi-Wan considered a "bit much" (which is extremely rich coming from Obi-Wan, cause HELLO!!!).
But now knowing what I do know about Quinlan, my god, I can't help but sorta feel like they did him just the tiniest bit dirty. The episode by no means takes away my enjoyment of the character or the show, but I wish they had given him more.
I will say that there are a LOT of things I do love about this episode. For starters, the little exchange between Obi-Wan and Cody at the start of the episode is absolute gold to me. Considering that only does Obi-Wan not waste the opportunity to complain about his childhood friend, but that even Cody is already aware of Quinlan's reputation is a great way to introduce the audience to what kind of person this new Jedi is.
(My little headcanon is that Cody knows about Quinlan due to Obi-Wan going on several mini rants from his General about his "troublesome" Jedi friend, but I'd also just accept the idea that Quinlan is just that fucking infamous in the GAR lol).
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It's barely even been a full minute and we already know several things about Quinlan. 1) He has a reputation for being "extra," or at the very least according to Obi-Wan's standards (which, again, fucking WILD), 2) The fact that he's late for a mission and Obi-Wan isn't the least bit surprised tells us this is pretty much the norm for him, and 3) Even the clones are aware of who Quinlan is and what kind of Jedi he is.
The scene then continues with Quinlan finally showing up for his joint mission with Obi-Wan. But because Quinlan is Quinlan, instead of just waiting for the gunship to land, the motherfucker takes the opportunity to dramatically leap and land onto the platform.
Just ... absolute perfection with this character already.
Also, the fact that he follows up said dramatic entrance by taking the time to greet Cody just automatically wins him more points in my book. I love that the TCW writers made a point to show that Quinlan despite being an "odd Jedi," also sees the clones as people. His very friendly and nonchalant way of greeting Cody could also imply--although I'm not sure this is accurate or not--that he's either 1) Already met Cody or 2) Knows about Cody (possibly through Obi-Wan) and possibly already considers him a friend, if not someone he could become friends with.
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I don't even mind The Big Lebowski reference inserted into Quinlan's introduction when he nonchalantly brushes off Obi-Wan's obvious annoyance at being made to wait.
Honestly, it's kind of iconic to see someone rebuff Obi-Wan's charm with a simple "Well ... that's just your opinion, man." And knowing what I do know now about them both growing up together, it is absolutely hilarious to see Obi-Wan just silently take that response. Because he knows Quinlan, and he knows his sense of humor. So instead of trying to come up with something witty back as he usually would do with anyone else, Obi-Wan just has to quietly glare at him and refuse to rise to the bait.
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The transition from Quinlan's nonchalantless to business and then back again is also fun to watch. Even while Obi-Wan is trying to direct the conversation to solely focus on their mission's purpose, Quinlan is helpfully and not so helpfully sharing what extra bit of intel he has. It's very clear that he's comfortable with Obi-Wan, in that he can slip in a bit of playfulness into what is a very serious conversation but also still keep focus. It's also fun to see Obi-Wan sort of at ease with Quinlan's way of communicating, considering he's had years of living and working alongside Quinlan.
It doesn't stop him from being exasperated at his friend's antics, though. Which is charming in itself to see. Especially when Quinlan offers Obi-Wan to be his copilot, and Obi-Wan easily resigns himself to his fate.
Anyway, I do love that the majority of the episode is an omage to Indiana Jones movies (namely, Temple of Doom), but also to gangster and crime thriller films. Which was absolutely a perfect choice for Quinlan considering that his experiences as a Shadow involved a great deal of missions infiltrating criminal undergrounds and the like.
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And the grey morality that is often presence in those types of films is a great compliment to Quinlan, as he while he's still a Jedi, he doesn't hold as strictly to the etiquette and more "refined" tactics of his fellow Jedi. It's also just a nice reference to his own struggles with the Dark Side. And pairing him up with Obi-Wan--his close friend and the one responsible for helping him return to the Light--is just the perfect sort of complimentary team format that is to be expected with those films.
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Also this moment:
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**A totally not accurate, but very accurate summary of events**
Obi-Wan: Quin, you can't just barge into people's houses-
Quinlan: Sure I can. I just did.
Fucking iconic.
(As a quick side note, I do love that they took a moment to show off Quinlan's psychometry abilities. Just A+ work right there).
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I do also understand that the budget was very limited for TCW (considering that they held off until S3 to debut Quinlan due to the costs of creating yet another character model) and I am very grateful that they were able to give him his own episode. But I can't help wishing we had a little more.
Especially towards the end of the episode. Quinlan just sort of goes completely mute. It is fantastic to see him fight Cad Bane (considering bounty hunters with Cad Bane's skills would be right up Quinlan's alley) and watching him investigate alongside Obi-Wan is also a lot of fun to watch. But it is odd for their banter to just sort of peter off to the point that Obi-Wan is pretty much the only person speaking for the majority of the episode's run time.
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The moment where Obi-Wan and Quinlan are hanging from the cliff really sticks out to me the most in this episode. When Obi-Wan says to him "I never did enjoy hanging out with you"--while very funny and a nice reference to their friendship--I can't help but being the tiniest bit disappointed that Quinlan doesn't respond with more than a small smug smile. Granted, the fact he just smiles is funny. But Idk. I'm aware I'm just nitpicking at this point, but I would have loved to hear any sort of verbal response from Quinlan to that, no matter how minor.
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I don't know if the budget was extra limited due to Quinlan's new character model being added to the episode, if Quinlan's voice actor just wasn't available to read anymore lines, what production problems may have arisen while creating the episode, or if the script simply just didn't have any other speaking lines for Quinlan. But, uh, yeah. I would have loved just a little something more from him.
Because prior to me finding out more about Quinlan over the years, my initial impression was that Quinlan and Obi-Wan were more colleagues than actual childhood friends. And not just childhood friends, but friends who had a very complicated but overall very sweet friendship despite the hardships they shared.
And I just think that's sort of a shame.
Yes, his character model does appear again in a later TCW episode (Destiny, S6, EP12), but only as a character model/easter egg. And while it did touch me that the Kenobi Show confirmed that Quinlan had survived Order 66 (yes, I did cry when that reveal happened, shut up), I still would find myself wishing we had more on screen Quinlan Vos content.
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Just because Quinlan really is an amazing character and I absolutely adore his relationship with Obi-Wan and his padawan, Aayla Secura. He's genuinely a fascinating character to read about in the comics and even more so for the fact that his struggles with the Dark Side did not prevent him from continuing to be a good person.
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I think what I just want more than anything is for more people to be exposed to how great Quinlan is. I'm not expecting a Quinlan centric show to up anytime in the future and I don't expect people to go out of their way to read the comics and books about yet another SW character. I just wish more people knew what a fantastic character he is. Especially his wonderful relationships with Obi-Wan and Aayla.
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Tldr: I just want people to know how great Quinlan is. Also, give me baby Quinlan and Obi-Wan being the absolute chaos gremlins they are!!! Also, just more Quinlan content in general. I would love that :3
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flashfuture · 3 months
Since I've been on it I wanna talk about Hal's parents. Cause I've seen some dislike for Geoff Johns take on them. But they didn't really, Jessica especially, exist before then. I feel like some people read the comic where Hal in hysterical grief over Coast City made a construct of his parents and then went off to kill all the Lanterns and Guardians and said yep that is exactly how his parents were.
But let's get into it. Martin and Jessica Jordan. For further context, the sibling order is Jack, Hal, Jim Jordan. Three boys. And it was sort of implied for years that they were Jewish and got confirmed not too long ago that Jessica is Jewish and Martin is Catholic. Hal was a grown man in the 80s. His childhood took place in the 50/60s. And before that he was a grown man in the 60s meaning his childhood was the 40s/50s. That absolutely influenced the type of life he had. Vs the further in time we drag this out the less natural it becomes to have super strict parents.
So to begin the first physical appearance of Martin Jordan comes in 1989 in Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn #1. This is a post crisis pre zero hour story so any events in this particular time window are wildly subject to change
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Martin is a test flight pilot. He's Hal's hero. His plane goes down. Hal watches. This sequence of events stays consistent across every time line including Flashpoint which is you know fascinating.
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"Hal got fired today-- and he got his mom to call up and beg for him."
"Talk about my father again Biff and I'll rip your lungs out."
In this version of events, we get a mention of Jessica. She's not named and doesn't appear. So you can tell she was brought up purely for a 'Hal is so irresponsible he needs his mommy's help' bit. Hal and Jack get along though and are violently defensive of their father. Hal also catches a drunk driving charge after this.
Speaking of drunk I know there's a comic out there where Martin is described as a drunk which I could not for the life of me dig up again but that's mentioned all of once so I just ignore it. What's with making test pilots drunks???
Anyways Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn is definitely not my favorite Hal Jordan story and I'm glad it's been mostly retconned out minus the very beginning parts with Martin.
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(Green Lantern vol 3 #36)
"So you're back to flying planes, huh?"
"Dad's blood still runs through my veins, I guess."
This Christmas special in 1993 took place before Coast City exploded. Hal took Carol out to Jack's house to spend the holiday with the Jordan family. Hal directly attributes flying to his dad's influence.
Now Green Lantern vol 3 #48. Hal is standing in the ruins of Coast City not a soul left and he conjures an image of his parents. Reminder they are entirely Hal's imagination and again he is just about hysterical right now.
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"I looked up to you. I worshipped the ground you walked on, or flew over. I wanted to grow up and be you... which probably has a lot to do with who I am now. Growing up, though, I never felt like you... I don't know thought that much of me."
As we saw Hal's dad died when he was Maybe ten. His little brother and older brother didn't have real accomplishments in elementary school. Jack the DA and Jim helping the campaign and having a family that's all modern. Stuff Martin would have never known about. Martin the pilot getting on Hal's case for having his head in the clouds? Really seems like Hal is the one he could have related to the most. Martin getting on Hal about not saving the city just proves Hal is projecting his worries about disappointing his dad onto his dad and then because he's so hysterical with grief forces himself to rewatch his dad dying.
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Absolutely completely irrational state of mind he's in right now. At the end of this issue, he's going to fly off into space to kill all the Lanterns and the Guardians.
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And then he summons Jessica. Calling her mother instead of mom is just really funny to me like informal with his strict dad formal with his chill mom. Lmao? Jessica only speaks on Martin. Reminding Hal of the good times they had. She's Hal's memory which which means Hal heard the story of dressing up as Santa he remembers his dad's aftershave. Summoning your mom just to talk about your dad is crazy work btw
Again Hal was so young when his dad died. Not a teenager not even close. What was Martin disappointed about? Maybe Hal who can't keep a job a girl or half his friends (Barry died and all super friends ditched him basically) is projecting backwards into time. And assumes his Dad would be disappointed in him.
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"Personal gain? This is about personal loss!"
Personal loss and Hal's spent most of his time summoning his long dead father. He really never got over Martin dying and that's so apparent. Anyways this is where Hal decides to go into space and kill everybody. Seeing his dad taken from him one more time made him snap.
Hal is enamored with his father. Whether their relationship was tough or easy it wasn't necessarily the point. The point is Hal Jordan loves his father to Oa and back more than the rest of his family probably understood. He didn't just want to impress his father he wants to be him.
And Zero Hour royally fucked up Hal's family but like idk let's just say Infinite Crisis fixed it. That's two reality shattering events. Why not give Hal a little treat of being his dad's favorite. No one seems to miss when Jack, Jim, and Hal all went to the same college and the same fraternity and were besties
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fangirlforeversthings · 3 months
Obi wan anakin and ahsoka family soap blurb
So i just rewatched one of @zengers star wars ai videos on youtube (which i can only highly recommend they're the best) and heard obi wan calling anakin and ahsoka 'kids'. And this combined with their relationship what was always big bro little sister and their tired single dad i had an idea of soap about obi wan ahsoka and anakin and their daily life:
Anakin and ahsoka being the kids, anakin the older broher and ahsoka the younger sister and obi wan is their tired single dad raising them (also the mom role with their mom satine already passed away who had loved her beloved kids and husband uncondicionally and was so fun and warm and sweet and is missed every day so badly) and r2 d2 being their pet which dad never wanted but the kids found it lost without a home and begged him that they please could keep it an that they would ofc take care of it (obi dad has to take it on walks and feed it and we know it) but in the end he still loves it aswell. Yoda being their unhinged great grandvather already in retirement home telling dirty jokes at the dinner table on thanksgiving and qui gon being their grandfather living nearby teaching them dumb shit joining them on their stupid adventures. Mace windu being their neighbour who hates kids but especially them two who always destroy his peace and quite, windows and lawn. Yelling over the fence to kenobi to get his fucking brood in control while they always play pranks on him all the time. Padme being anakins girlfriend, rex their cousin and cody, quinlan and obi single dad besties, a bros since childhood trio.
Them (the kids and the dad bros) spreading chaos wherever they go. Kids making the dumbest decisions and going on the stupidest adventures together every day, going on their dads very last nerve and not listening to him most of the time. Them accidently almost blowing up the entire city by trying to get him the best gift for fathers day/ his birthday (they probably forgot it in the first place and gotta apologice) trying to show him how much they love and appreciate him and how sorry they are. They would do everything for him and love him uncondicionally. Obi dad sometimes even joining them on their dumb adventures or himself making the stupid decicions and them experiencing all kinds of chaotic days in normal day to day life.
Episodes where the dad bestie trio and all their kids together go on roadtrips camping and get lost and then get chased by a moose through the woods while some funny song playing the background. Or a funny day trip and then at the drive home anakin would be like "...and that was so funny you should have heard that loud splash when i threw her into the fountain, she was so mad tho. But it was so worth it cause it was sooo funny" "Well certainly not for your poor, soaking wet sister" "oh by the way while we are talking about her....where is she?" "What do you mean anakin? She's right th..." and obi dad then turning blank white in the face after looking in the backmirror while driving realising they had forgotten her in the hotel lobby (still dripping wet) and him than doing a 360. turn weels screaching and yeeting of to get her. Her pouting all the way home and obi wan apologizing the whole time "dear i'm so sorry i don't know how that could have happen your brother was going on my nerves with the pool animal and" and anakin just laughing.
Then in the end of the episodes they'd be sitting on the couch in the living room like "dad you know that we love you so much thank you for being the best of all dads" and these were the rare moments they'd be so serious and he'd be like "aw kids even tho you k*ll my very last nerve every day of course i love you guys too more than everything and i could never imagine my life without you two in it" "and r2" "yeah ofc and r2" and then after a cute warm cuddle anakin would say something like "even tho you're old as f*ck" and crack the moment with the invicible audience laughing and obi dad shaking his head sighing and laughing and then the episode ends.
Just their daily life that would be an awesome, fantastic family comedy soap.
Any show title ideas anyone?
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Sometimes I do wonder if as an adult I've become too jaded with my entertainment. I think that I can't enjoy newer products cause I expect too much and idealise the films I adored in my childhood and teenhood. And since I'm not the target audience anymore I shouldn't complain or judge so harshly.
But then I go to rewatch those and I find myself still getting swept away by them. They are amazing! They hold on! It's not just nostalgia. They were just that good!
Anyway this post is about Kung Fu Panda 4 and how it sucked major ass and how the OG trilogy and especially part 2 are still masterpieces and I'm not biased.
Hearing about wasted potential artists had in mind and how it got changed for this stale bullshit is so frustrating at this point! Producers please stop fucking up good shit with your greedy little soulless gremlin hands. You don't know jack shit!
Also Puss in Boots 2 is a modern masterpiece so it has nothing to do with my current taste either. Mid shit just sucks and DreamWorks has no excuse.
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guroseinsei · 5 months
been binging monk [2002, tv] for a week or so now. i am season in 4, having the time of my life rewatching one of my fave childhood shows but also i'm drowning cause shipping is both a gift and a curse.
stottlemeyer x monk why'd you have to catch MY EYE?
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amourduloup · 5 months
dear mari,
i just thougt of this documentary again and i'm curious whether you've seen it. it's about two brothers who have always been very close and share the same trauma. after one of them gets in a motorcycle accident, he wakes up remembering nothing except from his brother. he relies on his brother to teach him everything: how to ride a bike but also which people he is close is to and what his relationships look like. his brother is very aware of him not remembering the trauma they share and decides not to tell him about it, because he still suffers from it and wants to give his brother a new life, one without tainted memories.
i think the story is so delicately told. the way a brother raises his brother for the second time. trying to fill the holes in his memory with attention and love, but causing harm in his attempts to protect him. i felt so moved by it the first time i watched it and i think it might move you too.
much love!
(trigger warning: trauma and abuse)
Hello, dear 💖
Yes, I did watch that movie (and just rewatched it after reading your message). Actually, the person who first recommended it to me was my mom! I remember talking about it briefly on my blog at the time, or maybe I talked about it directly with a couple of mutuals.
It's such a sad and moving story. It says something about memory that feels strangely relatable. Something that stood out to me is that Alex (the one who forgets) wants to know exactly what happened not only to understand his own personal history, but because the secrecy separates them, and sharing it would bring them back together again. Marcus (the one who remembers) wants to give him the gift of a made up, happy childhood, but it makes Alex feel alone. They both emphasize that they see themselves as two parts of the same person, and this gap between them was eating at their insides.
One always wonders what it would mean to forget. Is it suddenly like it never happened or is there something that will be there always, even if you can't understand what it is? There are things we don't remember, and yet we know they're there.
I like that not much time was given to detail the abuse, and the documentary really focuses on the twins' relationship and how they finally overcome this horrible secret and find their way back to each other. I mean, they never stopped living side by side, but it's clear that they both felt there was an estrangement between them because they couldn't talk about what happened. Alex tells Marcus at the end that they're together again — they call the documentary a love story between two brothers, moreso than a story of abuse.
It's interesting that they worked through this by writing articles and books and, finally, making a documentary; that Marcus could only talk about if in front of a camera. It's like they needed these structures of storytelling. (Like how Alex became fascinated with photography; Marcus used photos to create a fake childhood; they found a picture that unravelled everything.)
A sad curiosity: they actually have two other siblings, a brother and a sister. At least one of them, their brother, was similarly abused but thought it'd only happened with him. He must've been so lonely. At times, watching the documentary, I was almost jealous of Marcus and Alex for having each other.
Thank you for thinking of me and sending me this message, dear. I hadn't thought about their story in a while, and there's something so moving about it.
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eisforeidolon · 8 months
Question: So I just rewatched the whole series again with my husband, who's over there. And it's so beloved for us - just like everybody here. And so I was wondering, do you guys have any shows or movies you rewatch or books you reread that are really cherished, and that - why do they mean something to you?
Jared: Awesome. Thank you. And where's your husband?
Question: He's over there.
Jared: [to husband] Hey, hey, thank you, buddy. Yeah, so twice? Y'all have seen it twice? Amazing.
Question: More than that, more than that.
Jared: I wasn't judging!
Jensen: I am.
Jared: Uh, yeah, I have some, like, feel good shows. I try not to reread books, believe it or not? I just feel like there are so many that I would love to read but I try to reread. I have reread Into Thin Air, John Krakauer. Awesome book. Yeah. And then when I find myself rewatching shows, it's from my childhood. I haven't forgotten Garfield, or Simpsons. Don't judge.
Audience member: Turtles!
Jared: Ninja turtles, for sure. That was a a special time -
Jensen: Which one?
Jared: Which turtle am I?
Jensen: Mmm-hmm.
Jared: Who's my favorite? Probably Michelangelo, but my favorite was Donatello. Yeah, and I always regret - I think it was because I could always find a stick and hit people with it? It's hard to find num-chuks, or a scythe, or swords - my parents wouldn't let me have those. I'd find a stick, though. I'd find a stick and pretend I was Donatello. And he was in the purple outfit, which was pretty good - [to someone in audience] No, I - Leonardo was pretty cool.
Jensen: Donatello was blue.
Jared: No, Leonardo was blue! How dare you.
Jensen: Raphael was red.
Jared: Raphael was red, Michelangelo was orange -
Jensen: Why are we talking about this? [to questioner] Thanks a lot, thanks a lot. And I see you, yeah, your wife's still pregnant, you might want to take care of that. She's been pregnant for ten years.
Jared: So when I do rewatch things, it's from my childhood. What about you?
Jensen: I have - this was unintentional, the show is just always on. But my daughter, my ten year old daughter, has found Friends. And I had forgotten how entertaining that show really, really is. So it's been fun to, y'know - and it's just 'cause it's literally, I don't know what station, TBS or whatever - it's just always open. Any time we're in the kitchen, she'll come in and she'll throw it on and sit down and we'll be just doing stuff, but it's on and I'll just hear PIVOT! and I'll just start laughing.
Audience member: We were on a break!
Jensen: Yeah, we were on a break. And that's another thing, I forget how many iconic sayings came from that show. I mean, what a powerhouse of a show that is. But, um, as far as like a genre-type show, I don't know. I'm kinda like Jared, like once I watch it, I've - going back and rewatching it, I feel like I'm missing out on the opportunity of seeing something new? There is - I do have films that I keep on my iPad and whenever I'm travelling or something they're downloaded. And there's one particular movie that - I don't watch it, from beginning to end? I usually will just fast-forward and watch scenes? Of No Country for Old Men. 'Cause I just think it's a master class in filmmaking.
Jared: I'm like that with Inglorious Bastards.
Jensen: Yeah. Oh, anything Tarantino. Like, I got Hateful Eight, I've been rewatching -
Jared: Oh really?
Jensen: rewatching scenes in Hateful Eight. Which, I mean, that could be a stage play. I think it was originally - he wrote it for almost being able to do that, but. Um, it's uh - yeah. So I get the wanting to go back and kinda revisit those things, 'cause it does give you those nostalgic emotions, but also, you know, new experiences, like I'm sharing this with my daughter, so that's kind of a fun new experience.
Jared: Yeah. It's also - So I guess I question my earlier statement about how I want to read new things? 'Cause it's very interesting if you watch the same show or movie or read the same book at different points in your life where you pick up. So maybe I'll just start binging [pause] Supernatural. See where it ends up. I do, I will say, I will say, not a word of a lie, I've probably watched fifteen or twenty reaction videos to the finale. Cry every time. I'm like - I start out like, they don't know what's about to happen, neener neener. And then once Dean meets the post and they go [huge gasp] I'm like, same, same! So I have watched, I think, every single one. But yeah, yeah, that'll be interesting to go back and revisit that show that we worked on that one time.
Jensen: You just talked about a scene from it! [dramatically hangs head, big sigh] We're gonna get cancelled by our own union. Shh.
Jared: I said that show. Super-normal show.
Jensen: No, it's not Supernormal, it's Anything But Normal. It's Unnatural. It's Abby Normal.
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