#I've had this in my drafts for ages
inukag · 7 months
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@inuvember day 19: inuyasha & kagome ღ
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Interesting Joel... Very interesting...
(Don't worry. This is Joel. It got better lol.)
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pharawee · 2 years
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and that smile's gonna be the end of me
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imakemywings · 2 years
Relationships I want to know more about:
1. Turgon and Maeglin. What’s up with these two? Turgon took him in and accounted him among his house, and I can easily imagine putting a lot of effort into out of love and grief for Aredhel, even when it became apparent his own daughter did not get along with Maeglin. He even trusted Maeglin’s advice when shit started to go sideways for Gondolin--and Turgon’s not an idiot, so either Maeglin worked very hard to deceive Turgon as to his true intentions, or the job was easier because Turgon already trusted him. Did Maeglin feel guilty for what he did? Did he regret? Did Turgon feel he had failed his nephew if Maeglin had been turned to the service of Morgoth?
2. Finwe and the other grandkids. I’ve seen a fair bit of speculation of Finwe’s relationship with Maedhros and I tend to agree Maedhros takes a lot after him, but what about the others? Finwe’s whole thing with marrying Indis was out of a desire for more kids, so I have to assume he was a very involved grandfather. What did he talk about with Maglor? With Finrod? With Aredhel? I can totally see him as the type of grandparent to want to have a special little activity for each of his grandkids that was “their” thing, but then he ended up with 16 and started running out of time in the day lol
3. Fingolfin and Lalwen! We know almost nothing about Finwe’s daughters (they don’t even appear in The Silmarillion proper), but Tolkien elsewhere says that Lalwen went to Middle-earth because Fingolfin, her favorite brother, went. That’s a lot of love. Fingolfin and Feanor have the most prominent and explored relationship among Finwe’s kids, and not without cause, and we know that the Nolofinwean and Arafinwean families were very close, but please I really want to know more about Fingolfin and his little sister.
4. Fingon and Finrod. The text doesn’t give us much explicitly on their relationship, but we know the Nolofinweans and the Arafinweans are very close, and I firmly believe that even if these two were not particularly close back in Tirion (Fingon being closer with Maedhros, Aegnor, and Angrod, and Finrod being closer with Turgon), that changed on the Helcaraxe. I think the Helcaraxe changed the relationships for all of them, and made them far closer than they ever might have been otherwise, but for Finrod and Fingon, who both essentially operated as Fingolfin’s second-in-command, I think there would have been a particular sense of sharing responsibility. How did that impact their relationship and their interactions later on in Middle-earth? And what did they talk about on the Helcaraxe?
5. Tar-Miriel and Sauron. We can assume, I think, that Tar-Miriel does not get along with her husband Ar-Pharazon, but what was her take on Sauron? Did she also buy his claims of repentance and servitude? Did she think serving her husband a fitting fate for someone who had caused so much trouble in Middle-earth? Or was she skeptical of his intentions? We know she tried to flee the sinking of Numenor, and that her father had been devout, but we know very little about Tar-Miriel’s own beliefs. Did she follow her father’s path and resent Ar-Pharazon for his blasphemous acts? Or was she indifferent, merely seeing that as another part and parcel of Numenor’s cultural and intellectual decline? Did she foresee anything from Sauron’s arrival at court? Or was it just one more thing Ar-Pharazon did that she didn’t approve of? Did her opinion of him change over time--was there a moment she began to see him as a threat? Or did she overlook him until it was too late?
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mychemicalrachel · 2 years
what’s the fic with kavinsky in a band??
This was so very self indulgent and fun to write.
I said in my last ask that all of my Ronan/Adam/Kavinsky fics are my way of trying to figure out how to write their dynamic and my favorite way to do that is by writing them from an outsider's POV. That way it’s objective, instead of just Ronan’s POV or Adam’s POV or K’s POV.
In this particular fic, Kavinsky’s a drummer for a semi-popular band and it’s told from the perspective of Eleanor, a girl who goes to college with Adam and sees him at the concert and proceeds to (unsuccessfully) flirt with him the entire night because she doesn’t realize he’s dating the cute drummer. It’s also got Ronan, but mostly he just stands there and looks pretty the whole time, quietly amused by the entire situation.
And because it's a WIP and entirely unedited, please ignore the fact that I switch from past to present tense halfway through 🙃
(I think this is longer than a snippet...)
Toby ordered a few drinks, maybe an excuse to not become a part of this conversation, and Shira deposited herself in the stool to Adams' right. Not sure what else to do with herself, Eleanor started to take the seat on his other side, but a flurry of movement emerged from the crowd and the seat was gone, taken by a girl wearing an oversized T-shirt and shredded leggings. Her hair was probably done at one point, since destroyed by the crowd, or maybe it was intentionally messy. It looked good in a way Eleanor didn’t think would ever suit her, if she ever had the courage to try something that eccentric.
“Avoid the bathroom,” she said to Adam, tossing her hands up, heaving dramatically. She grabbed a class from the bar and took a drink before slamming it back down. “Three people asked if I wanted a doobie. A doobie, Adam! That’s what they called it! What is this, the 1970s?”
“Don’t take doobies from strangers, Blue,” Adam said seriously, but as Eleanor looked closer, she was sure there was a hint of amusement there.
The girl– Blue, what a fitting name– huffed again. “Is that yours?” then without waiting for an answer, grabbed the drink in front of Adam, then gestured to Eleanor with it. “Is this yours, too?”
It took a moment for Eleanor to realize the girl was asking if Eleanor was Adam’s. She blushed and thanked every god above that it was dark enough to not be noticeable.
“This is Eleanor,” Adam said carefully. A small crease appeared between his eyebrows as he studied her. “We have a few classes together.”
“Oh, cool,” Blue said. She didn’t introduce herself. Instead she set Adam’s drink back down and jumped up. “Okay, they’re coming on soon. I’m gonna go find Ronan. If I ask him nicely, maybe he’ll let me sit on his shoulders so I can see the stage.”
Adam laughed and Blue ran off. He watched the crowd she disappeared into for a moment longer and then seemed to notice Eleanor was still standing there. Shira and Toby had drinks now and were stealing kisses in the shadows. Eleanor looked away.
“So,” Adam said. “Uh, do you wanna sit? Or if you’re gonna watch the band–”
“I can watch the band from here.” Eleanor sat down. She ordered a whiskey, mostly to sound cool. She felt better once she’d taken a few drinks, the warmth settling in her stomach. It gave her enough courage to say, “I mean this in the least offensive way possible, but… Have you ever actually listened to the band? They don’t really seem like they’d be your type of music.”
In all honesty, she had no idea what Adam’s type was. She thought he was a Chinos and sweater vest type, but now he was wearing jeans and a fitted shirt and she could see the ropes of muscles in his biceps when he took a drink. Maybe she was wrong. She didn’t think she knew anything about him at all.
Adam chuckled. He looked amused again, in that mysterious way, like he was the only one in on some inside joke, and shrugged. “I hear the drummer’s cute.”
“Oh, he’s an asshole.”
Adam looked surprised and delighted.
“I met him once, before a show,” Eleanor explained with a wave of her hands, painting the memory in the air. “He was outside smoking and I tried to talk to him. Asked him if he wanted to grab a drink after the show. He said 'I’ve got better options' and walked away.”
Adam laughed and shook his head. “I’m sorry,” he said, but didn’t look chastised. It was hard to be offended by his humor when he was smiling like that. “I’m not laughing at you. Just– yeah, he sounds like a real asshole.”
Eleanor laughed, too. It stung at the time, but Eleanor wasn’t really surprised. A semi-famous musician turning her down was exactly on brand. It wasn’t like she expected it to actually happen anyway. She was hoping to maybe get lucky and then be able to tell her friends all about it. As it was, it was still an entertaining story to tell. She even endured the nickname Unlucky Eleanor in good fun for a while.
The lights overhead dim and there’s a rumble through the crowd before a guitar starts to thrum. The beat of the drum joins it, and the bass picks up, and the synth purrs like static. There’s something electric about live music, particularly this band. They’ve got an energy that draws the crowd in, a rawness that feels real, and cockiness that makes Eleanor weak in the knees. And then there’s the music itself. The volume that floods her head and makes her forget everything about school or work or her parents’ expectations. The bass replaces her heartbeat and her lungs are filled with the singer’s voice and the drum makes her feel so alive.
She looked over at Adam, but he’s turned toward the stage, his deaf ear to her. Eleanor found she didn’t particularly mind. He was absorbed in the music and so was she. She was content to sit in companionable, enjoyable silence.
Adam does seem to recognize the music. She notices him mouthing along every once in a while and his fingers tap along to the beat. It’s surprising. Eleanor likes it, being surprised by him. She wants to know more.
By the time they play the last song and disappear, Eleanor feels better. She doesn’t care that Toby and Shira have snuck off to make out in a secluded corner, she doesn’t care that she hasn’t said anything more to Adam. She just feels light. Typically she likes to dance and really immerse herself in the atmosphere, and yet she couldn’t imagine moving from this spot next to Adam Parrish.
Adam is smiling and she’s sure he feels it, too.
She bumps his arm and waits for him to look over. She wants to say something clever, something to make him smile more, but she can’t really think of anything. She flounders for a second and then asks, “Did you like the band?”
His smile flickers. “Yeah. Uh, you?”
Eleanor nods and wants to throw herself in front of traffic. She’s saved when the crowd starts to disperse– the show is over and everyone is either heading out to take the party home with them or to the bar to keep it going here. A man in ripped jeans and what must be left of a tank top comes up on Adam’s other side, dropping his elbows onto the bar. He gives Adam an obvious once over and then says, to the bartender, “Water. And another coke for the pretty boy. On his tab.” He winks, then turns and leans back onto the counter and looks at Adam again. “Did you enjoy the show?”
Adam nods slowly. “Very much.”
The stranger licks his lips. He accepts his water and drinks it as lewdly as possible. Eleanor feels herself blush when a drop escapes and runs all the way down his jaw and he lifts his shirt to wipe it away, revealing a toned stomach, nipple piercings, and the corners of a tattoo wrapping toward his ribs.
“Ew, gross, put your fucking shirt down. You absolute whore.”
The girl from before the show, the one who had known Adam– Blue, as Eleanor recalled– pushes past Pierced-Nipples. Eleanor is so relieved she doesn’t even feel jealous when she shoulders easily past Adam to grab the coke the stranger just ordered him.
“Are you slut-shaming me?” Pierced-Nipples asks. “I thought you were supposed to be progressive.”
“I’m very progressive, Lynch,” Blue argues. “But not everyone wants to see your body parts. It’s feminism. Do you want to see my nipples?”
Adam snorts when Lynch grimaces. “Please keep your nipples where they are, Sargent, I’m already gay.”
“Afraid I’ll seduce your boyfriend?” Blue– Sargent?-- says.
“Nah,” Lynch leans against the bar, looking suave and confident in a way Eleanor wishes she could manage. “I think he has higher standards.”
Blue disagreed with the shake of her head, a small frown in place. “No, I really don’t think he does.”
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Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! 🚉 - Are vacations common in your world?
Vacations are quite common amongst very wealthy people, and amongst some of the middle classes, however, for the working class, vacations are less common and tend to be more akin to a day trip, or perhaps a couple of days somewhere relatively nearby, for lower middle classes.
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rosquinn · 25 days
"mutuals can ask for discord" mutuals can haunt me after they die. mutuals can paint my immortal youth in a cursed portrait. mutuals can build a 8ft tall creature in my college dorm. mutuals can watch me wake up as a monstrous vermin. mutuals can feed me soup after i commit murder. mutuals can help me kill uncle claudius. mutuals can go out with me and my girlfriend from accross the bay. mutuals can hunt the beast with me. do better
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demaparbat-hp · 4 months
I think Kyoshi Warrior Zuko and Painted Lady Katara should kiss
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They should.
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folklouire · 3 months
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You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same...
Taylor Swift performing my tears ricochet at the Eras Tour | Gillette Stadium,  Night 2 - May 20th, 2023
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lilacpaperbird · 5 months
If I could free the spn fandom from one illness, I'd choose the compulsion so many people have to present Sam and Dean as opposites in every facet, big or small. There are many preferences they both share, there are many situations in which they'd both feel or act in really similar ways, and there are certain pillars of their personalities that are essentially identical. Trying to always find that "polar opposites/two sides of the same coin" energy everywhere only ends up twisting and misinterpreting their personalities to make them fit that mold. And there's usually one brother who ends up getting the short end of the stick and being transformed into a caricature that has lost any actual connection to his canon self, just so he can be presented as the opposite of his brother
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Masking in the Duat
Or: Unmasking Marc Spector.
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The biggest difference we are meant to see between Marc and Steven is the fact that Steven is so open and expressive. When we first meet Marc, he is glaring, stone faced, and so stiff. He is a rock and Steven is water.
In reality, Marc is sand. Slowly breaking down beneath the brutal winds that have been beating at him all his life.
As the show progresses, we see Marc have little breakthroughs of exasperation, irritation, stress, and anger. An eye roll, a twitch of the lips, and pulling away to reset.
We see his exhausted and extreme control to control everything about his emotions. We see him fidget. We see his fingers twitch. We see him sigh and run his hands over his hair.
Ticks or someone that has been taught not to stim. Not to draw attention. Not to show weakness.
When he was younger, he probably bounced his legs till he was chastised to stop. He probably would vocal stim till he was told his voice was too much. He probably excitedly flapped his hands over his favorite show until he started to get hit.
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This right here? This is a reset. A lapse in control that he catches and controls. We see it the most around Layla.
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The peaks behind the curtain. The way she moves her hands when he starts to close in on himself. His hands are together pressed so tightly in on himself. Look at the way she moves to touch his fingers rather than holding him still or clasping his hands into a cage. She does this while watching his face so intently. She knows. She is opening him up, encouraging him to stim. To touch her fingers. To move.
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Even here, when we first see him, cold and trying his best to be intimidating while frustrated. He knows he fucked up here. He knows he fucked up real bad and he isn't smart enough to fix it.
It's the way he settles into that spot. The shift. It's a small shift in feet. A shift from someone that used to walk a little differently. Someone used to the off balance and toe step. A step that has been drilled out of them.
Even just his eyes, intimidating, but honestly a stare that is locked and scared. Look at his arms slowly settle into that "standing man" position he's so good at. He's halfway debating on trying to pretend to be Steven. You can see it in the way his face shifts JUST the smallest bit around the jaw.
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Even here. He's in so much pain physically and emotionally. His lips are SO pulled tight. He's probably been tortured before. Used to pain. Used to being hit. Used to hiding how much something hurts. He's breathing through it and rembering his training.
But he's tired and his system stability has been compromised by this point and he's been fighting Steven up to this point (and probably Jake who probably has thoughts about this situation).
The way he goes from full grimace to exhale to a perfectly calm face. He knows how to mask to the extreme.
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So what is this? And of course....
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Marc is unable to mask in the Duat. Not just because of the extreme stress he is under or the fact that he is dead.
I have a few theories on why:
Being dead, he has no body and has lost the fine control he has gained over the years. Before he could feel the need to express himself and his muscles would shut it down automatically. A sort of self preservation and natural response he has honed over the years.
This of course means that in their head space, he is also unable to mask. Remember the first time he spoke to Steven? The frustration in his voice as he demanded that Steven stop looking? Even when he's seen in the reflections, you see more of Marc's expressions than when he has the body.
2. He is being judged on the boat and being prevented from masking. The duat is seeing his true self to balance on the scales. All those who pass through, might lose the ability to hide themselves. Those who are evil are more evil and easy to see. So here, Marc's true feelings are exposed. His worries, his frustrations, his confusion, his utter reliance on Steven to tend to his emotional state.
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In the scene here, Marc's hand is fidgeting and twitching. Many times when Steven is explaining things to Marc in the Duat, we see Marc look to him with utter trust, adoration, and eagerness. He is unable to hide how he feels about Steven. Not the irritation or impatience he showed in the real world, but kindness and love.
Here, we see the real Marc Spector. The real reason why his scales balanced.
A theory on why he was suddenly worthy when Steven went over the edge? All of Marc's love for Steven was realized. It wasn't because he was suddenly 'whole' or 'singular'. But because he was seen to care for Steven. To do everything for Steven. He himself suddenly realized how much he needed Steven and depended on him. (just one of the theories that avoids the implied able-ism that could be taken away from the scene because I am hopeful and want to see the good in Marc and in why he was worthy).
3. He has been separated from his head-mates. Steven, who is his emotional protector is not there to help him reign in his extreme emotions. Jake, who is (in my headcannon) gate keeper and physical protector, is not there to save him and keep away the more harmful memories.
Not to say that Jake or Steven keep Marc masked, but more along the lines of they help Marc not get overwhelmed in certain situations.
4. Mirroring. This is an unfamiliar situation. He has lost his body. He has been separated from Jake and Steven as mentioned above. He is exhibiting the ultimate form of masking, by copying the energy of those around him. He has the same excitement that Steven has. The same open face and more so: When with Harrow, he shuts down and pushes out the same cool exterior while desperately trying to figure out what Harrow wants and how to please him so he can get out of the situation. Something he probably did a lot with his mother. What can he do and display to appease her so she won't hurt him.
Ironically, when Marc mirrors Steven, it shows his true side and we get to see who Marc really is under his gruff exterior: A kind and loving man.
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A man that needs someone to see him. To really see him. Who has been afraid his whole life of people seeing the real him while also desperately wishing to be understood.
He still masks once resurrected and out of the Duat, but we see him smile, really smile, when he sees that Layla is alright. We hear the joy in his voice when talking to Steven. We see the fear when he doesn't understand what happened when Jake saved them.
We even see how his face twists and contorts when faced with killing Harrow with Layla and Steven there.
He is a man that does not have to be seen as the cold killer. He is starting to understand that he has found his safe people. People that maybe...just maybe... He can trust enough to be vulnerable and open around. People he can love.
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mushiemadarame · 3 months
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god made the mistake of giving me hands and the ability to gif
⇢ Ben Bunyapol Likhitamnuayporn as Pat Phakphum Tangwatthana and Man Trisanu Soranun as Jeng Kittiphong Atthachiranon (Step by Step, 2023, EP10)
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pepperf · 3 months
Okay, I’m having thoughts about Diego, and JFK, and time travel...
So, I know it’s funny to think, haha, Diego is obsessed with JFK, he had a crush, etc, and that’s a fine explanation, but there’s always something about it that doesn’t quite fit right with me. He’s never struck me as someone who’s that interested in the past. Diego’s heroics are pretty reactive, and he tends to be a fairly in-the-moment kind of person—hotheaded, impulsive, not prone to coming up with long and complex plans, that kind of thing. He’s also quick to forgive and  move on. Clearly he knew about JFK and thought it was an injustice, but I think this moment...
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...isn’t Diego realising he can save his idol so much as Diego realising three things in quick succession:
1) Time travel is real and has happened to him (I think he still suspected Five was talking crap, despite all the evidence);
2) He has the opportunity here for some epic heroing; and
3) Fuck, this opens up so many more possibilities.
In the asylum, he told Five he was going to save JFK, and then go back in time and kill Hitler. Diego has Big Plans, my dudes, he probably has a list, and god help anyone who stands in his way or tells him they need to preserve the timeline or some bullshit.
No, this is it, this is his big chance. And he doesn’t need everyone to know his name (although if they whisper it in awe and fear on dark nights, that wouldn’t hurt), but he wants to save the world, he thinks it’s his destiny (thanks Reggie), his obligation, his geas, and he’s just been given an all-access pass to the workings of history.
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skyward-floored · 28 days
For IAU scenes... what about Hyrule and Legend finding Sky? Or just anything with Sky
How about... Hyrule healing Sky? :)
Hyrule kneeled down next to Sky, and with Legend’s help, carefully pulled him out from behind the vines. Sky moaned at the jostling, but his eyelids barely flickered, his head lolling. Hyrule swallowed at the sight, but then he rubbed his hands together, and lit up his fingers with a warm, creamy blue.
He placed them on Sky’s chest where there seemed to be the most blood, and closed his eyes, focusing.
Legend kept a hand on his shoulder while he worked, Hyrule’s face creased in concentration. The glow twirled from his fingers and gently danced over Sky’s middle, spreading softly over his chest, and slipping around the rest of him. It felt like hours, but couldn’t have been too long before Hyrule’s glow faded, and he leaned back, shakily wiping some sweat off his brow.
Sky continued to lay still, but his breathing sounded more even, and he looked overall more relaxed.
“Sky?” Legend whispered in a slightly trembly voice.
Their uncle took a deep breath, and opened his eyes again, his vision looking much more clear. His gaze landed on the two of them, and a small smile turned his mouth up.
“Hey you two,” Sky said gently, and Legend and Hyrule dove forward to hug him, the hero’s good wing drawing them close.
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itsohh · 3 months
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spacetimesanytime · 5 months
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More illustrations from Megpoid the Music♯, Gumi's 2013 PSP rhythm game! An early title screen, some promo images (that I believe are from the game's now-defunct website), the standard edition cover + illustration, the limited edition cover + illustration. Regrettably, I haven't been able to figure out the artists for any of these illustrations; please let me know if you happen to know/recognize any!
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