#It was so hard to pick a favorite piece of clothing too haha. I only found out about maternity corsets recently.
iamthepulta · 2 months
historical fashion question: what is your favorite period for fashion(including location, you may specify womens or mens or something more specific)? also favorite piece of historical clothing? cause tie on pockets fuck hard
I had to think to whittle down to favorites, haha. My favorite period for fashion is Edwardian/Late Victorian and Ancient Greek. I'm a huge sucker for the Late Victorian curved silhouette, and I really like the loose, pinned/tied functionality of the Greek chiton. Probably women's fashion for the Victorian era, but all genders for Greek. I'm also a huge sucker for colorful men's clothing of any nationality ~1730-1800, but I think that's just because I like color in general~
Favorite piece of historical clothing: maybe the maternity corset.
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It SOUNDS counterintuitive, but it's still functional for back pain and bust support during pregnancy, and there are other versions for jumps and stays throughout history. I'm definitely not an expert on them, but I love esoteric, forgotten undergarments; I wish they got a little more limelight in fashion history.
Maternity Corset Video / Blog Post
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Can I gift SE Saeran a bunch of new warm and cuddly sweaters?
I'd really love to do that. I really want to see him smile, and to be able to do something meaningful for him. I know he loves those sweaters, right? I like big cuddly sweaters like that too, they're just so comfy...
Like him I guess, I'm also a really reserved and shy person irl, really inward-facing. I'm hypersensitive in emotions but not too good at letting them out, so I know how it feels to feel 'stuck' like that, inside(?) Like...unable to express myself but at the same time desperate to.
Do you think he and I could maybe eventually form a friendship if not bond...over that...'common ground'?
I don't know haha
I just really like SE Saeran. There's so much pain and emotion buried in him that it makes his heart look so foggy that it's almost hidden. But it was always there.
I just want to hug him when I give him the huge pile of those sweaters
I want him to know that I care about him a lot and that I wanted to do something for him, and just...want to be his friend.
I have so much love and time for him.
(Have you ever heard of that expression? That you've 'got a lot of time' for somebody, or something. It might just be a thing where I'm from, but it's a cute expression which just means that you'd be willing (and really like) to spend a lot of time with them. You're giving up your own time to spend with them! ^^)
SE Saeran’s sweater is a hand-me-down from Saeyoung. He’s still wearing his red shirt and dark sweatpants from before, the only thing that’s different is that he’s wearing a new pair of shoes. It’s hard to say if he picked the sweater out of the batch because he wanted it or if Saeyoung decided that it was the one thing in the closet that would be comfortable for him.
If something isn't going to constrict his body or make him feel like he's trapped in something, that would be preferable to anything else he could wear.
We don't have a lot of information about his recovery or how he is dealing with his situation. Most of what we know comes from context clues and fans piecing together what they think is going on. 
I do know texture matters to him because of what GE Saeran mentions to us about clothes during the After Ending. They might be in different timelines, but GE Saeran comments he doesn’t like scratchy clothes. He prefers to wear clothes that aren’t tight. It makes a lot of sense given his trauma. He doesn’t want something that will remind him of chains or shackles. After all, if you compare his open collar to Ray's cravat or Suit Saeran's unbreakable chains... Well, it's symbolic of freedom.
So, if we take that methodology in mind, we could easily infer that sweaters are probably the easiest thing for him to wear given that information. I don't know if it's something that he enjoys, but I know it's something that's easy for him to put on and not really think twice about. It would be what he would choose for himself so he didn't have to feel trapped.
There is a way that you could bond with him over this.
If you were to give him a sweater, I'm sure that he would appreciate the effort you went to. It would show that you were paying attention. It would mean that you had noticed that it was something he wouldn't take off. It's not like you're trying to buy his attention or affection. You just noticed something about him and you decided it would be best to make sure that he had another sweater that he could wear. It might not be comfortable for him to be wearing hand-me-downs. We don't know.
It's easy to get hand-me-downs but maybe it's not his favorite thing in the world! It's not really his, is it? It wasn't his first... Beggars can't be choosers, he knows that. But... Maybe having something totally different to go off of would make it easier. It would be nice if he didn't have to think twice about that stuff. If he could just... have something that truly belongs to him first. For someone who never had much that was made for him first, the thought of owning something first is... strange.
I don't think that this is the only way that you can be his friend. I think there are many ways to be close to him as long as you are respectful and considerate to his boundaries. As long as you are the kind of person that will check in with him and make sure that he's okay with your company, then he appreciates you.
He is somebody who was robbed of his autonomy many times throughout his life, so for you to check in and make sure that he wants to do something, it means a lot. If he knows that you'll stop if he says stop, he can trust you. You could start by making sure that he has something that makes him feel like he's his own person. It's not like he's ever gotten a present before. So, handing him a gift like this is a pleasant choice.
He kind of has a hard time expressing himself when it comes to his appreciation or gratitude. It might not come off the right way when he says thank you in a grumbled voice. You may even think he's upset with you because he seems to be filled with disdain. But, just know he is thankful and happy that you understand him and want to put in the work to get to be his friend. He's not sure why you would try because he's a mess, but hey, if you want a mess, he can be a mess. Just make sure it's not a sweater that says something like "family bonding!" or "my brother is cool!" A simple pattern will do for him... or even a solid color.
He appreciates the thought... more than you might ever know.
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zzoupz · 2 years
I have a lot and I mean a lot of favorite ocs! I guess I can give a brief introduction to them
also one common theme is they're all men with long hair so my taste is pretty obvious haha..
- Iandithas is currently my top favorite! He's also the newest so no surprise, he's a half-elf shopkeeper who used to be a bard until losing one of his leg, how? we may never know. Also, he is another character's best friend, that character being another character's dad. I really love connecting ocs.
contrary to what it looks like, he's not a DnD oc, this is because I have social anxiety
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- Conqueror, the dude in that oc-tober piece! He was originally just a concept for my fantroll, Fakzky's ancestor I made in 2020, I picked him up again bc I realize I enjoyed him a lot. He is the antagonist in fakz's story, his cruelness is built up from wanting to be feared and taken seriously all the time. I haven't wrote much about him, trolls are hard haha
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- Samuel, he was my first tf2 loadout oc, originally he was made to be goofy and well he still is! Lately I've been thinking of making him an actual backstory though :)
Some amusing facts: he is the only oc that's canonically a trucker, he is VERY gay and way too open about it, he lives in snow and claims he doesn't need layers of clothes to survive (and probably proved that couple of times), I draw this dude everytime I have an artblock. If no one got me I know Samuel Turner got me amen
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Whew yeah this is the holy trinity! Hope you enjoyed them :)
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iztopher · 2 years
hi. at this point it may be evident what i'm about to say. but for that ask meme: ALL OF THE QUESTIONS
JHFDASK YESSSS okay here we go!!!
1. Art programs you have but don't use: Clip Studio Paint!! I pretty much ONLY use it for the grid and text feature, otherwise I don't like the workflow haha
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even): Drawing in profile is the same to me from either direction, but for 3/4 view, I naturally gravitate towards / find it easier to draw people facing left
3. What ideas come from when you were little: Since I've been into Aveyond for so long, and that's what I mostly draw, I have a lot of ideas that pretty much originated as "I wanted to draw this as a kid and didn't have the skill to"!
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw: Te'ijal and also Galahad. it's the hair.
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself: Finished art I'd say I share a good 90% of it! Once we get into sketches... hoo boy, maybe 40%?
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it): Whatever this is, it's either too specific to the piece or too subconscious for me to think of it
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate: traditional illustration, painting, watercolor...
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in: A heads up that my answer to this is sad but I'm trying to talk about this type of stuff relatively openly, so: spring 2021, I watched Willy's Wonderland for the first time w/ Ishti + Moonie; we kept talking about a Galahad & Mel AU for it. I had two pictures for it planned, and I drew one of them, and... the timing worked out where Moonie never got to see it, and I've lost the motivation to do the second one. But I like the first one and I'm glad I drew it and I take some comfort/peace in the fact that I was working on something I was excited to share with her at the time.
9. What are your file name conventions: I have a folder for all my art, a subfolder for every year, and then a subfolder for every month, which means there isn't that much overlap! so unless I have a funny title idea my file name conventions are generally pretty straightforward: "mella1.sai", "teijalahad.sai", "teijalstudy.sai" etc etc
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw: Does armor count? If not, gambesons.
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what: Yes!!! Pretty much always music, occasionally video essays. Usually I'll pick a song and play it on loop, or if I'm in the mood for more variety I'll pick a playlist or an artist and listen through that. I also really like drawing while on call with people.
12. Easiest part of body to draw: I'm so sorry for my answer. Boobs.
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing: I'm not sure I have an answer for this one, actually - there's a lot of artists I like the work of who I wouldn't want to emulate, but that feels different to me?
14. Any favorite motifs: Not really, in theory I really love flowers but I almost never draw them
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth): I used to draw pretty much everywhere, but post chronic pain it's my desk only because using a tablet hurts wayyy less than a sketchbook!
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing: Landscapes / natural areas from photographs lol
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what: Water ALL the time, coffee if it lines up properly
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken: Very few!! Probably less than 10. I mostly draw digitally
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.): ARMOR AND WEAPONS
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy: Hands and armor!
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways: Honestly the art styles unlike mine that I like tend to be ones... I wish I had... I'm really drawn to realistic, somber, softer stuff
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any: Tendon gliding exercises! Tbh I should start doing more, it might help
23. Do you use different layer modes: VERY rarely, mostly not
24. Do your references include stock images: Yessss
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by: I KNOW this has happened but I'm totally blanking on it
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended: I'm not sure if this counts but pretty much any time I get a "cute!" response on a te'ijalahad picture I'm like oh no please do not say that,
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with: I tend to warm up by drawing a headshot of the character I'm going to be drawing, but lately I've been trying to shift to warm ups that are more focused on like, the action of drawing and loosening up
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines): I participated in a zine that ended up not happening, and I've done several fandom exchanges!! Mostly the Aveyond Winter Exchange, but also the Oneshot Podcast Network exchange on AO3 (yeah it was AO3 but I did art for it)
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically: Infinity Train!!! absolutely adore it, the art style doesn't really inspire me at all & because I got into it in the thick of my hand pain I never got used to drawing it
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated: None! I mostly draw Aveyond so pretty much all of my art is in the 1-10 response zone so it all feels pretty consistent gdjkgklsdf
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itsrottenwork · 1 year
Hi mj!! Secret Santa here!! Hope your Tuesday is going/has gone well so far!!✨
Oh, my!! Well, I bid you good luck on the rest of this semester then!! What are you studying? I just graduated in 2021 with a bachelors in Art Therapy with a sculpture minor!! Been trying to conjure up plans to obtain my masters, but that’s not in the cards just yet!! We’ll see what the future holds though!! 😅
That’s nice that you learned how to crochet since you were younger!! That’s the advantage you have lol!! It definitely takes muscle memory to understand how to hold the needles and when to do the loops lol!! I’m gonna do my best to try and pick up the skill again!! Can’t promise it will go well lol!!
Blue and purple truly are such cozy colors!! I agree 100% about autumn being the best season!! Especially that transitional period where it’s not warm enough to wear shorts anymore, but also not too cold that you have to wear multiple layers!! Oooooo plants!! What kind of plants do you have?! Two or three summers ago, I started to grow/take care of some succulents and cacti!! Due to the ever-changing climate, not many of them survived except for my cacti! They’ve been going two years strong, even through the harshest weather!! Lol. Mexican food really is the way to go!! Honestly, any Latin American food is the way to go, in my eyes!! Right behind it for me has to be Italian cuisine!! You studied in Northern Ireland? Love that for you!! Did you visit any particular place while you were there? In the beginning of 2020, I studied abroad in Florence for 2 months before the pandemic hit! While I was homesick a lot of the time, I truly did love my time there!! One of these days I’ll have to go back!!
More Speed Round Questions!! Do you have a piece of comfort clothing/shoes that you love to wear? Have you been to any concerts this year? If so, who did you see? Favorite TV Show/Movie you’ve seen this year? What’s your favorite candle scent? Mine has to be anything with pumpkin/cranberry lol. 🎄✨
thank you!! I'm finished with classes now, but we've got lots of essays due after the winter break, and I've got an exam which I hate. but it's nice that the classes are out of the way now. I study politics and communication, but wow art therapy sounds really really cool!! I didn't even know that was something you could get a degree in. I have friends who did art degrees and are looking at grad school, and they say it's much more common to take some time off in between to build your portfolio and whatnot, rather than going straight into it, so don't worry, you've got time 😊
just the way things have worked out for me, I've had a different plant pretty much every year of uni, either stealing one of my mom's or gifting it back to her at the end of the year haha. right now I have five little succulents, they're doing alright but I don't think they're doing as well as the ones I had last year, I had a better pot for them and the space was better. I was in belfast when I studied abroad (the first time) but I travelled around a bit while I was there so I saw lots of different parts of northern ireland. I also went to venice to see the biennale in 2019, but that was the only european travel I did that semester. that's so cool that you were in florence, it's such a lovely city!! but what a rough time to be there, I know things were pretty bad in italy earlier than most places (I was in australia at the time, so we were sheltered from it for much longer). I hope you're able to go back and enjoy it more!!
speed round answers!!
comfort clothes: I have a necklace and two rings that I always wear that each mean a lot to me, but if we're talking comforting, my friend gave me these jingle bell reindeer antlers a few years back and something about jingling around makes it hard to feel down so yeah regardless of the season I'll wear those if I'm in a bad mood
concerts: I haven't seen any this year!! I debated getting tickets to one, but I couldn't get them, and honestly crowded spaces are not the vibe anymore
favorite show/movie this year: why is it I've forgotten everything I've watched this year now you've asked me that? I watched a lot more youtube/streamers than traditional shows/films
favorite candle scent: specifically candles? something cinnamon spices that makes the house all cozy
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sugawaraxo · 4 years
warnings: definitely smut 
characters: tooru oikawa, tobio kageyama, kenma kozume, koshi sugawara
a/n: i’m taking request btw :) my inbox is open. also, this is kinda long so grab your popcorn haha
 - oikawa is obsessed with you whether he wants to admit it or not
- which is wild because no one would’ve expected him to ever be more obsessed with anyone other than himself
- but here you are
- and he LOVES being around you 
- just being in your presence makes him all giddy and smiley
- though he does try to compose himself whenever you guys are around his teammates but usually fails 
-  he’s not obsessed in a weird or creepy way, but just enough for you to know that he’s all about you and only you
- and you love it
- and of course oikawa’s obsession with you rings no surprise that he’s obsessed with being inside you 
- as long as he’s close to his pretty y/n, he’s happy
the two of you had just finished a long and strenuous two rounds of sex and were more than ready for bed. but when oikawa got out of bed to get towels for the two of you to clean up with, you felt extremely empty. you were exhausted, that’s for sure. but a big part of you just wanted him filling you up again, even if nothing else happened. you pout, knowing that your attentive boyfriend would notice when he came back, which he did. 
“hm, what’s wrong pretty girl?” he asks softly as he starts to gently clean his mess off of your stomach with a warm towel. 
“i want you inside of me again.” you say in an almost whisper, a little embarrassed by the words that just left your mouth and he laughs lightly. 
“you’re so cute.” he says as he tucks a piece of hair away from your face and gives you a kiss. “but i’m so tired.” he finishes, then plops down on the bed beside you, big spooning you. 
“no, we don’t have to have sex again, i’m exhausted too. i just want you inside me.” you say shyly. you feel his dick twitch behind you and can’t help but smile a little, knowing you’re about to get what you want.
“oh, like cockwarming?” oikawa asks and you nod in response. “hm, ok. yeah, we can do that.” he smiles before kissing your forehead. he was already big spooning you so he was in the perfect position to just slip it in. he pulls down his shorts just enough so that his member could spring free, then pulls the panties that you were wearing under one of his shirts down just enough for him to have access to what he needed. he teases your folds with his tip a little bit, causing you to tense up. then he slowly pushes himself inside you, it not being too difficult with you still being wet from earlier. the two of you moan in unison, both sensitive from your previous interactions. once he’s fully in, he stays there and wraps his arm around your waist as he plants a soft kiss on your shoulder.
“does that feel good? is that ok?” he asks before pressing more soft kisses on your shoulder and your neck.
“it’s perfect.” you coo and he pulls you a little closer with the arm he had slung over your waist.
“goodnight princess.”
“goodnight oikawa.”
- you definitely have morning sex when you wake up
- let’s be real here, he really doesn’t know what any kinks are
- he just learns what he likes and what he doesn’t like from you and waits for you to tell him if it’s a kink or not 
- you end up having to tell him that basically anything sexual can be a kink after he keeps asking you “is that a kink?” every time you two do something new in bed 
- you find his lack of knowledge on the subject adorable though, even though you constantly tease him about it 
- he honestly just goes with the flow and follows your lead in terms of sexual things
- not that he’s the submissive one, you just know more about sex so sometimes you have to give him extra guidance
- he doesn’t mind it though, he wouldn’t wanna learn it from anyone else but you
- and you just so happened to teach him his new favorite kink
you two are making out on kageyama’s bed. it starts off innocent at first but slowly progresses into a messier and more heated kiss. you’re on top of him, tugging on his hair while he grips onto your hips. you begin slowly grinding against him causing him to moan softly into your mouth. his sounds were always so pretty and always instantly made your core pulse. you continue grinding on kageyama, giving both yourself and him pleasure. but it isn’t enough. in one swift motion he flips you over so now he’s the one on top. without detaching his lips from yours, he pulls his member out of his pants and lifts up the skirt you’re wearing then slowly pulls down your underwear, revealing your wet core.
“pretty.” he mumbles before licking a teasingly slow and soft stripe up your folds. you moan at the sensation and shut your eyes in pleasure. he continues to please you with his tongue before inserting two fingers into you. it hurts a bit more than usual but you shrug it off because the pleasure outweighs the pain. he continues with this for a few minutes more before he can’t take it anymore and positions himself at your entrance. he slowly begins pushing himself in, but as soon as he’s all the way in, you yelp in pain.
“ow ow ow! stop!” you groan, and kageyama does as told.
“what’s wrong? s-should i take it out?” he asks, concern laced in his voice.
“no no, keep it in just let me adjust to it.” you say. the day before, you and kageyama had some hardcore sex. you had unintentionally somewhat intentionally made him jealous so that he would punish you, and oh that he did. but your poor pussy was suffering the consequences. 
“ok princess, i won’t move. just let me know when you’re ready.” he says softly and you smile at his sweetness. he starts kissing you again, this time more deep and passionate as opposed to the sloppy, heated kiss that got you here in the first place. you were slowly beginning to relax around your boyfriend while he was losing his mind trying not to bust inside of you. something about not moving but still being inside you, feeling you around him. the anticipation. it’s driving him crazy.
“oh no, i’m gonna cum.” he says shyly as he pulls away from the kiss and accidentally cums inside of you. he hides his face in the crook of your neck in embarrasment and you just giggle at him, as that isn’t the first time that’s happened. 
“is, is that a kink? not doing anything, just being inside you? because i think i have that kink.” he mumbles into your shoulder.
“it is actually, it’s called cockwarming.” you say as you gently stroke his hair, trying to relax your still clearly embarrassed boyfriend. 
“hm, well can we never do cockwarming again, that was embarrassing.” he sighs before finally removing his head from the crook of your neck and looking at you.
“i don’t think it was embarrassing baby, i thought it was cute. but if you don’t wanna do it again we don’t have to.” you reassure him and he blushes at your compliment.
“maybe we can do it again sometime then, but for now it’s time to get you cleaned up.” he says before picking you up over his shoulder and taking you to the bathroom. 
- anyone who knows kenma knows that he is always preoccupied with video games
- whenever he’s playing, it’s fairly difficult to get his attention
- as his girlfriend, you’ve somewhat learned to accept this, even though you would like more attention from your boyfriend
- but you take what you can get, knowing that’s just how kenma is and you wouldn’t ever wanna change him 
- but sometimes you get needy
- really needy 
- and kenma isn’t always the best at reading that
- so you take it upon yourself to get the kind of attention you’re craving from your boyfriend
kenma doesn’t really get flustered too often. but when he does, oh anyone in a ten mile radius can tell. the first time you saw him really get flustered was when he gave you his hoodie while you were out on a date. it had gotten colder than you expected so he gave you his jacket to keep you warm, and as soon as you put it on, the boy went red. he couldn’t even form coherent sentences at first and you thought it was the most hilariously adorable thing ever. ever since that day, you’ve worn his clothes whenever you wanted his attention; hoodies, sweatshirts, t-shirts, you name it. today is one of those days. kenma has been gaming all day in some sort of tournament and you’re beginning to get frustrated because of how badly you’re craving his touch, so you pull out the big guns. you put on one of his favorite hoodies, one that you’ve never worn before, and head into his gaming room. he’s sitting is his gaming chair deep in concentration, shooting at someone and talking to who you assume is kuroo on his headset. he doesn’t even notice you at first until you come sit in his lap, your legs resting on either side of his as you lay your head on his shoulder. 
“hi kitten.” he whispers away from his mic before placing a gentle kiss on your lips and you hum in response. you played with the hair at the nape of his neck for a little bit before your overwhelming feeling of neediness comes back. you lift your head from kenma’s shoulder, now somewhat blocking his view of his computer screen.
‘i want to feel you inside me’ you mouth to him. he hadn’t even realized what you were wearing until right then, and his cheeks blush bright red. he places a finger under your chin and uses it to pull you in for a kiss. “go for it.” he whispers to you as he pulls away, reverting his attention back to his game that he had forgotten about for a quick second. you easily slip his member out of the sweats he’s wearing and give it a few strokes to get him hard. you were wearing absolutely nothing under his hoodie in hopes that this would be the outcome, and when he notices that as he glances from you back to his computer screen every so often, he mumbles 
“dirty little kitten, this is exactly what you wanted hm?” 
“mhmm” you respond and he smiles.
you continue what you’re doing and position kenma’s tip at your hole before slowly sinking down on it. your breath hitches at the feeling of being filled up, while kenma clenches his eyes shut and bites his lip in order to hold back his moans. once he’s fully inside you, you lay your head on his shoulder again and just stay there.
“hm, that’s it? you just wanna cockwarm me?” kenma asks curiously. 
“mhmm. just wanted to feel you inside me, that’s it.” you say sleepily, slowly drifting as you shut your eyes. 
kenma can’t help but smile, “you’re adorable.” he says before planting a kiss on your cheek. you smile a small smile in return before dozing off on kenma’s shoulder, him still buried deep inside you. 
every so often you would move around in your sleep and kenma would have to bite his lip to hold back a moan so the friends he was playing with wouldn’t hear, but it was worth the risk because he loves just being this close to you, and you do too.
- suga’s high sex drive really surprised you when you two first started dating
- his kinkiness surprised you too
- you thought he would always be very gentle and vanilla
- but you were very mistaken
- not that you’re complaining though
- he’s always open to trying new things
- so when you bring up the topic of cockwarming, he’s intrigued
“is that something you wanna try bunny?” he asks after you finish explaining to him what exactly cockwarming is.
“we don’t have to if you don’t want to, i just think it’d be interesting to try.” you shrug
“i agree.” he says, before leaning over to start kissing your neck. that’s your weak spot, so you take this as suga saying he wants to try right now. the two of you are currently on the couch, in the middle of watching a romcom but clearly that romcom has been forgotten as suga continues to make little love bites on your neck. you lift his chin to kiss him because you know if you don’t stop him now, he’ll cover your whole body in hickies. the kiss is soft, but passionate and you can feel yourself quite literally melting into it. somehow you end up straddling suga, still lost in the kiss. you suddenly notice a pair of familiar fingers making their way down to your most sensitive area. he teases you, rubbing his fingers over your pajama shorts, knowing you’re getting needy because of the way you’re starting to softly moan into his mouth. he takes this as a sign of you wanting more and breaks away from the kiss so he can take off your shorts and your underwear, with a little bit of help from you. once your bottom half is completely naked, he grins and begins kissing you again. the sensation of your bare core against suga’s sweatpants was teasing you, so you began moving your hips to get some friction. suga moans a little at your sudden movements and you can feel him getting harder. he pushes you up off of him slightly so that he can pull his sweats down, them ending up just hanging around his ankles. now both of your bottom halves are naked, and you’re staring at each other in anticipation.
“sit on it bunny.” suga instructs and you follow his orders, sitting down on his length and feeling every inch against your walls. that feeling when he first inserts into you will never get old. 
“mm, suga.” you moan. he instinctively thrusts after hearing your pretty noises, completely forgetting what you guys were supposed to be trying.
“no, don’t move.” you laugh at him and he blushes apologetically.
“sorry, i couldn’t help it. you’re just so pretty.” he apologizes and you melt.
“it’s ok suga, you’re adorable.” you smile. “i’m gonna turn around now, but keep you inside me and we’ll finish the movie just like this, yeah?” you say.
“yeah.” he nods in agreement. without pulling suga out of you, you turn so that you’re no longer straddling him but sitting in his lap with your back facing towards him, your face now facing the tv. you guys finish the rest of the movie exactly like this, you sitting on suga’s lap with his member deep inside of you and suga occasionally thrusting up into you just to get your reaction. 
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Hey there Savi.. could i request a kou,mitsuba and tsukasa x reader where their s/o gets bullied alot?? I've been struggling with it recently and now that school is going to start again im dreading it .. thank you in advance <3
kou minamoto x gn!reader, mitsuba sousuke x gn!reader, tsukasa yugi x gn!reader
a/n: of course!! I’m really sorry that you’ve had experiences like that, but I also genuinely hope that this year will be better! You’ve got this-!! And don’t be afraid to ask for help <3 you’re so so welcome, tho I’m sure schools probably started by now, therefore I’m super sorry for the time this took- and thank you so much for requesting <3
Waaaaaah i’m also sorry if it’s OOC, cos I know Tsukasa’s at least is;;; writer’s block is aaaaaaah-;; I’ve genuinely been writing this since September 19th,,,,
warnings: bullying
word count: 2,044
kou minamoto <3
You glanced at your phone screen, the date flashing up at you. It was depressing. Thoughts of previous years danced in your head, as you shut your phone back off. You currently stood outside of your school, “open house” finally over. School was starting back in just a few days. Your days of freedom could be counted on one hand… this was, by far, one of your least favorite times of the year.
“(Y/N)! Do you still want to walk to the park?” Kou questioned, running up beside you. You nodded, hoping that spending time with your boyfriend would get your mind off of school, and memories related to such. As the two of you began to walk, you could practically feel the question on the tip of Kou’s tongue. He always made himself rather obvious- his hands fidgeted a bit, his gaze lowering to the ground.
“Say, (Y/N)... you seem sad. Is it because school’s starting back?”
You thought for a moment, unsure of how to put it. He certainly wasn’t wrong…
“Yeah, that’s basically it… last year was just… not a good year, haha.”
“Oh? Well, I’m sure this one will be better!! If you want, we can make a list or something? All the bad things about last year can be something we change this year-!”
Despite bitterly knowing that it wasn’t exactly something within your realm of control, you laughed a bit. “That’s… insanely corny, Kou. I didn’t say a terrible idea- just… corny.”
When you glanced up at him, you noticed his red face, as he blurted out an excuse. A moment of fumbling over his words passed, before he gave up, glancing off to the side once more.
“Wh-whatever- I mean, just… like, tell me what’s wrong, if you want to. And I’ll try to help. Alright?”
“It’s really not something either of us can help, Kou.”
“So? I’m your boyfriend,” He seemed a bit embarrassed to say, most likely not used to pulling that sort of card, “If you don’t want to tell me, I can’t make you. But, if you’re alright with telling me, I want to know. Either way, I’m here for you...”
“Ah… I know it, Kou. Honestly, I just… dealt with some bullying last year, so I’m really not looking forward to this year. No matter how much I hear ‘oh, the bully does it to feel better about themself’, it’s just emotionally… hm, awful, you know?”
“Oh… I understand, (Y/N). I do remember some people picking on me, since I have a big brother like Teru- it’s not fun at all. Here!! I’ll stay with you, 24/7! Sit with me during classes, and I’ll hang out with you during free time!” “Thanks, Kou- but we probably won’t have every class together.”
“Then- just tell me if something happens during the class,” He spoke, crossing his arms rather seriously. “I’ll talk with the teacher! Easy peasy!!”
A moment passed, before Kou took your hand, looking at the ground, then back up with you. His eyebrows were furrowed just slightly, his eyes not as wide as they usually were. Kou was being serious- as serious as his sweet mind could let him be. He almost seemed to resemble his big brother even more- when the two were serious.
“If something happens, tell me, okay? I mean it. I don’t want this year to be bad for you- as your friend and boyfriend! Let me do what I can to help, alright?”
You blinked a bit. Kou’s words were so sincere, you felt your heart beat a bit quicker. “A-alright. Thank you, Kou. I really mean it.” You spoke, bringing the boy into a hug to hide whatever sort of expression you were making.
“Of course! You don’t need to thank me, (Y/N). I’m happy to try and help-!”
mitsuba sousuke <3
“(Y/N), if you don’t tell me what’s wrong, I’ll give you something to complain about.”
Ah, Mitsuba… he spoke, his arms crossed as he sat next to you, silently noticing your slightly disheveled clothes. Judging by the slightly down look you wore, too many things were now adding up. Something was bothering you, and he was bound and determined to find out what it was.
“Mitsuba, it’s okay, really. Here! Let’s eat, I’m starving!” You opened up your bento box, sliding one his way, and sticking the chopsticks into your mouth. Though you hummed happily, Mitsuba was… in Detective Mode, to put it lightheartedly. Your every move was being analyzed, as he tried his best to figure out what was wrong. Your eyebrows furrowed, as you swallowed a bit harder than usual.
“What’s the point of lying to me, dummy? If you aren’t hungry, it’s probably because whatever is bothering you is ruining your appetite. Talk to me. I’m serious.”
You sighed, feeling as if the food was stuck in your throat. Or maybe your throat simply felt as though it had a lump in it…? Either way, you were painfully aware of the unpleasant feeling. Along with the creeping suspicion that Mitsuba wasn’t going to leave this alone. Was he good at reading people?? Were you just easy to read…? Or maybe, he was just far too accustomed to the way you reacted to things. Able to focus in on the little things, especially when he wanted to. Perhaps it was the talent of a photographer? Being able to read the entire picture??
Perhaps you were thinking too much into it, desperate for a way to get your mind off of the things going on around you.
“I’m just… dealing with some stuff.”
“Well, duh. What kind of stuff?”
You kept your gaze glued to the floor, fiddling absentmindedly with the chopsticks. You knew you could confide in Mitsuba… yet, something about it felt practically impossible. What would happen if you told him? Could he do anything? He was merely a ghost…
“Oi, I asked a question. Listen, and listen well, you idiot- I know I can’t solve all your problems, but I can at least listen- which is what you’d better be doing right now. You listen to me, though who wouldn’t want to is beyond me, so I can at least do the same. I’m not your therapist, but I am your boyfriend.”
Those words danced around in your mind for a bit, as you considered how to put it. For a moment, you simply nodded, letting Mitsuba know you heard- and were acknowledging- what he said. A few more moments passed before you began to speak.
“Lately, there have been some students… picking on me, I guess. It’s… discouraging, and makes school feel like a living nightmare. You’re the only good thing in my day at this hellhole.”
You tightened your grip on the chopsticks, trying to read Mitsuba’s tone. Suddenly, it clicked- remembering Mitsuba mentioning being bullied for being “feminine” and “foul-mouthed”. He truly, genuinely, understood where you were coming from.
“I see, then… I’ll tell you what to do, (Y/N). Tell an adult, lame-o. I don’t give a flying flip about ‘oh, they won’t believe me’ or ‘what if the bullies blah blah.’ At least try it- it’s hard, but I don’t care about that either. Also, freaking ignore them. Obviously, you don’t want to pay them attention, so don’t.”
“Mitsuba, it’s not that easy-”
“I know. (Y/N), I’ve been in your shoes. Maybe it’s different- I dunno what kind of bullying they’re doing. Still, if you’re good enough for my standards, you know you’re at least worth something. So don’t let those low-lives get you down. I promise you, if I could, I’d give them a piece of my mind. But, since I can’t, just… do it yourself, or something. Don’t endure it, you rat.”
(“Mitsuba, all your insults lowkey feel like bullying-”
“Shut up, stupid-face, you can’t tell a teacher on a ghost. What’re you gonna say?? Waaaah, sensei, school mystery number 3 is calling me names!! Hah.”
“Tsuchigomori-sensei can see you, you know. And he teaches both Minamoto boys!”
“Lalalaaaa, I can’t hear you-”)
tsukasa yugi <3
Tsukasa… knows.
There was no other way to put it. You knew he knew, and you knew he was just waiting. A part of him wanted you to ask him for help- to confide in him, even if it took some pushing. He was… a bit different in that sense- I mean, how was he to know you didn’t enjoy being bullied? Was it the same way he felt when Amane looked at him with such hatred?
“(Y/N)!! What’s with such a sad look?? Did you get a bad test grade?” Tsukasa questioned, floating alongside you as you entered the broadcasting room. You simply shook your head, placing your bookbag on the floor, then standing back up.
“It’s just been a day, Tsu,” You added, taking a seat near Sakura. As you did, she pushed a cup of tea your way, her gaze as it usually was. She looked right through you, as if you were nothing but a ghost. Still, it was a much better look than the ones given by the bullies. Muttering a ‘thank you’, you lifted the cup, fiddling with it slightly.
“If there’s something bothering you, feel free to share it,” Sakura spoke, her gaze staying on you, then finally closing as she sipped from her cup.
“If there’s something bothering you, share it.” Tsukasa added, placing his head on your shoulder and staring at your eyes. His gaze drifted to your hands when you brought the cup to your lips, then over to your throat as you struggled to swallow.
“Runt, if you don’t back away from them, you’ll the the one bothering them,” Natsuhiko spoke, raising his eyebrows at Tsukasa, then offering you a slightly concerned look. His expression was enough for you to know he wanted to know if you were alright- to which you shrugged, reaching up and patting the side of Tsukasa’s face.
“Don’t worry, guys. I’ll be fine, really.”
Sakura pondered for a moment, before standing. “Mitsuba, would you like to walk with me? I should go grab something.”
Mitsuba, who had been sitting off to the side- glanced up, his usual puppy-like expression on his face. “Sure,” He replied, standing up, practically in sync with Natsuhiko.
“I’ll go as well, my lady!”
Oh. She’s doing that on purpose.
Your eyes followed the trio as they left the room, and you could feel Tsukasa’s eyes still stuck on you. The moment the door shut, he spoke. “(Y/N), tell me what’s wrong. You don’t seem to enjoy being miserable!”
“Am I supposed to?” “You’re miserable then? What’s wrong, c’mon!!”
“I didn’t say I was- just that I don’t think many people like it,” You spoke, taking another sip from the tea. The warmth of it made your throat feel hot, but it didn’t help the lump stuck in it.
“(Y/N). Just admit to me what’s wrong, and I’ll do what I can!”
You sighed, not wanting to grow frustrated. Tsukasa was… trying. He just didn’t understand everything- the boy who enjoyed seeing people wear normally unpleasant expressions, of course he wouldn’t personally understand. He wanted to help you, but how could a ghost help? Much less, the ghost of a boy such as him?
“(Y/N)-” “I’m just dealing with some bullies. It’s fine, Tsukasa- I’ll figure something out.”
“I’ll kill them <3”
Tsukasa stepped away from you, crossing his arms. “So, (Y/N), you don’t like it when people bully you? I’ll take care of it! Promise!” “Stop it right there, Mr. Only-grants-wishes-for-the-dead. Don’t ‘take care of them.’ I just need to get enough confidence to tell a teacher or something…”
Tsukasa paused, pouting his lips slightly, before nodding. Quickly, he floated back over to you, and trapped you in a hug. His arms wrapped around you securely, making you feel rather safe for being in the arms of such a destructive boy. “Fine. I’ll go with you, then, (Y/N)! I’ll even hold your hand!! And I definitely won’t let those bullies bother you any more~.”
“Tsukasa, please, don’t do anything drastic-” “Whatever you say, (Y/N). You know I can’t go against the wishes of my cute partner~!”
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silversatoru · 3 years
Hello! I saw that you’re taking requests. I hope this is the right place to request, I’m new to tumblr haha.
Could I request, Megumi x F!reader, heavy angst breakup sex? The rest of the details are completely up to you if that’s okay!
I loved the gojo one btw!
yes yes here u go!! i hope this is the kind of thing you were looking for!
fushuguro megumi x nonsorcerer f!reader
synopsis: you and megumi have been dating for a few months now, and he decides it’s time to call it quits. he’d rather break your heart than have to watch you die, but not before he gets to feel you one last time
tags/warnings: smut, angst, break-up sex, nsfw (18+), takes place in the jjk universe but reader is not a sorcerer
word count: 2484
a/n: writing angsty megumi breaks my heart every single time. i jus want to give him a hug
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Megumi watched anxiously across the room as a couple nurses finished applying bandages to your arm, your eyebrows knitted together in pain as they brushed over the large gashes. He noticed the small twitches in your other hand —probably caused by a mixture of pain and anxiety. You were stupidly strong, probably one of the tenacious people he’d ever met, but he could tell that this was getting to you. All of the curses you couldn’t see, the jujutsu techniques that you didn’t understand, it was all becoming overwhelming — dangerous even.
The two of you had been on a date a few hours ago, a sushi dinner and then a walk in the park — something simple — because even the simplest things felt wonderful when he was with you. And that’s exactly how things felt today, wonderful, or at least they did before the two of you ran into a hideous curse. 
He should have noticed it, picked up on it’s cursed energy, anything — but he was so terribly distracted when he was around you. So when it caught both of you off guard and wrapped it’s grotesque fingers around your fragile body, he felt nothing but guilt. Nothing but shame and disappointment in himself that he had failed to protect you yet again. Exorcising it was easy of course, but the damage had already been done — your beautiful arm had been torn to shreds by the monster. Now the two of you were sitting in a pale, white hospital room telling lies about how you were attacked by a stray dog. 
Thankfully, other than the lacerations down your arm you were okay, your blood loss wasn’t too severe and the two of you had gotten here before any kind of infection could crawl it’s way into your skin. 
The car ride back to your small Tokyo apartment was dreadfully quiet. You’d made several attempts at conversation but Megumi continued to shut them down, a dark shadow of expressions cast over his face. You told him several times that this wasn’t his fault, that you understood the risks of dating him, but he just kept brushing you off. He’d told you several times to “shut up” or “be quiet”, and your heart ached at his bitter words — he’d never talked to you that way before tonight. 
When the two of you walked into your apartment, he was quick to slam the door shut and wrap a firm arm around your waist. He moved with a sense of urgency, forcing you back against the wall and letting hot, heavy breaths fall against your neck.
“Megumi-,” You pressed a hand to his chest, attempting to put some distance between the two of you but failing miserably — he was much too strong. 
You wished you could take a peek into his head, unravel his thoughts and figure out what the hell he was thinking. He was acting incredibly out of character since the two of you had left the hospital, and your chest was starting to throb with anxiety. 
He pressed a wet, messy kiss to your lips, making your heart leap into your throat and your stomach churn. You graciously accepted the kiss, of course, his lips against yours was the most blissful feeling in the world. However, as his tongue moved roughly around your mouth and his teeth bit down fiercely on your bottom lip, uncertainty crawled up your skin. Megumi was always so gentle with you, only ever touching you in the most gingerly ways, treating your body like a piece of the most priceless glass. So, why now was he gripping your skin so tightly you thought it might bruise? Why were his kisses sure to leave your lips swollen and sore? 
“Please, honey, let me have you,” He suddenly spoke, stirring you out of your thoughts. 
Honey, it was his favorite name for you, in fact he rarely called you by your actual name. Normally, that name sent butterflies swirling through your stomach, but this time was different. He said the word as if it left a sour taste in his mouth, as if he regretted having to call you that. 
“W-what?” You looked up at him with big eyes, big eyes that he refused to look into.
“Give me permission to touch you, please,” His voice was filled with so many emotions all at once — anger, despair, regret, need, hunger — there was probably more but he was impossibly hard to read right now. 
“Why are you acting like this?” You tried to plead with him, reaching up and cupping a hand around his soft cheek. 
“God, just say yes. Please just say yes and then stop talking,” His voice was almost a growl as this point, so uncharacteristically resentful. 
“I mean- yes? Of course? You’re always allowed to touch me. But why-” You spoke in confused, frantic breaths. 
“Thank you,” He immediately cut you off after gaining consent, wrapping a stiff hand around your wrist and practically dragging you back to your bedroom. 
He pushed you towards your large, queen-sized bed and then slipped his hands underneath his shirt and yanked it over his head in one long, swift motion. 
“Take your clothes off,” He demanded, undoing the drawstring of his sweatpants and letting them fall into a heap at his ankles. 
You wordlessly obliged, attempting to convince yourself that he needed this. He needed this and after you gave it to him, things would go back to normal — he’d just had a rough day, that’s all. 
It took him mere moments to aggressively pin you underneath him, though he was tediously avoiding your injured arm. He pressed a series of sloppy, wet kisses to your collarbone, slowly moving up to your neck and leaving painful imperfections all over your skin. You winced as he began to suck on a particularly sensitive spot, nibbling hard enough to make your skin sting and burn under his tongue. He continued to trail hungry, relentless kisses down the entirety of your body, covering every inch of your skin in aching love marks. You felt like you were on fire, the subtle pain and immense pleasure beginning to cloud your head — you were even starting to forget how tense things had been between the two of you just moments ago. 
Megumi sat up and stared down at you as he fumbled with his boxers, sliding them off and throwing them to the floor. He needed this more than he’d ever needed anything in his entire life — he needed to feel you one last time and then he needed to break your heart. 
He reached down and ran a single, slender finger along the folds of your entrance, a fire igniting in his eyes when he felt how slick you already were. 
“God, you’re too perfect,” He murmured, giving a harsh squeeze to the skin around either side of your hips, “Get on your hands and knees”.
His praise sent goosebumps up your arms and light blush across your cheeks, making things feel almost-normal. You flipped yourself over onto your knees, stretching your arms out against the bed and arching your back as hard as you could. 
With absolutely no warning, he thrusted forward with incredible force, sheathing himself deep inside you and causing a strangled scream to lurch from your lungs. His head dipped low as he let out a throaty groan, his long black hair hanging lazily over his face. Sharp breaths and pained whimpers rolled from your lips, your knuckles turning white from squeezing the bed sheets so hard. 
Megumi always started slow, he always whispered sweet praises into your ears, always asked if you felt okay — nothing between the two of you had ever been this rough and unforgiving. This time he set a steady pace right from the start, his hips rolling ruthlessly as he slammed himself into you. Your breaths were terribly uneven and completely muffled by the pillow your face was forced into. You gasped for air as he stroked with unbelievable force, catching the pillowcase in your teeth and biting down hard on the fabric. 
His pace slowed for a mere second, and you felt his fingers intertwine themselves in your soft locks of hair. You sucked in a sharp breath, his fingers tightening into a fist and yanking your head backwards. Once his hand was secured around the roots of your hair, his strokes intensified again. 
The initial pain of taking his forceful cock had subsided and replaced itself with immense pleasure, but your scalp was ablaze with a horrible, piercing pain as he tugged at your hair. The overwhelming combination of complete agony and intoxicating bliss caused a few tears to form at the edges of your eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. Your hips and ass began to ache, and you knew you’d be terribly sore tomorrow morning. The pain was starting to become more prominent and it was getting increasingly difficult to hold your back at such an uncomfortable arch. 
Megumi lifted his spare hand to his forehead, swiftly wiping the small beads of sweat that were forming above his eyebrows. He panted hard, moans and strings of curse words leaving his throat as he continued to rail you into oblivion. His throbbing member was starting to go numb from the devastating amount of stimulation, and he knew he’d need to finish soon. 
“Squeeze your legs,” His words were less of an instruction and more of a demand. 
You quickly complied, squeezing your legs closer together and feeling your walls constrict around his full length. The euphoric sensation was enough to send Megumi falling over the edge, his head flying backwards as he ripped his member free of your warm grasp. He wrapped his long fingers firmly around himself, jerking hard as he sprayed his emanation all over your beautifully arched back. Choked moans and aggressive cuss-words flew from his gritted teeth as his climax coursed through his body in waves. 
As the wonderful feelings finally started to wash away, he stared down at you with a horrible emptiness in his eyes — now came the hard part. 
He stood up and wordlessly walked into your bathroom, retrieving a towel to clean you up with. He wiped it lazily over your back and then tossed it into your hamper before beginning to collect his clothes that were strewn across the bedroom floor. 
“What about me?” You were sitting up now, your favorite blanket pulled up to your chin and clinging to your last shreds of hope.
You felt the need to hide your exposed body now that the two of your were done, his coldness heightening every insecurity you had.
“I have to go. Do it yourself,” He shot you a sideways glance, pulling his loose sweats around his waist. 
“What? Why do I feel like you’re not going to come back?” You could no longer fight the tears that had been lingering in your eyes for hours now. 
Everything was starting to make sense — you were slowly piecing everything together. His silence at the hospital, his refusal to speak to you in the car, his sudden hunger towards you, and now his unusual coldness as he practically told you to go fuck yourself. He was going to break up with you, wasn’t he? But why?
“Because I’m not. I think we should end things here”.
“So, that’s it? You just wanted to use me like a fuck-toy one last time, is that what this was?” You tried hard to keep your voice steady, but a few cracks forced their way out. 
“That’s really all you were good for anyway,” His words were like a knife to the heart, “You’re nothing but a burden outside of that”. 
A burden? That’s all you ever were to him? You refused to believe that, but his words were doing an excellent job at convincing you. After all, he was constantly protecting you from those terrifying monsters he called curses — maybe that really was a burden on him. You didn’t have any kind of other-worldly powers like Megumi did, so you truly were helpless whenever one of those things was around. Hell, until they were literally threatening your life, you couldn’t even see them. 
“You’re springing this on me out of nowhere, Megumi. You were completely normal just a few hours ago when we were eating at that sushi place! Is this because of that curse and my arm? Because if it is I’ll just work harder! You can teach me to use those cursed tools you told me about!” Tears were streaming down your face as you screamed helplessly at him.
“You’d still be too weak even if I did teach you to use a weapon or two. Things between us just aren’t going to work, okay? Don’t make me keep saying it,” He shook his head, slipping on his shoes and walking towards the bedroom door.
“I hate you, Fushiguro Megumi,” You spat out his full name, “You could at least be honest with me. You could tell me you’re afraid of losing me, that you don’t want me to get hurt — but this ‘you’re nothing but a burden’ garbage that you’re spewing is bullshit and you know it”. 
“Maybe. But if I told you those other things instead, you wouldn’t listen, would you? You’d just keep telling me that the risk of being with me is worth it,” He turned around and looked at you with heavy, pained eyes.
“Do you know how tired I am of watching the people I love die? Things would be so much easier for me if you just stayed the fuck away”. 
He left after that, slamming the door behind him before you even had a chance to say anything. He couldn’t bear the idea of seeing you die — seeing a curse pop your head off or strangle your body into horrifying shapes. No matter how broken his heart felt leaving you behind, it was still better than being the reason you suffered a young, unfair death. 
It turned out that you were never the burden — the real burden was being born into the cursed life of a jujutsu sorcerer. A life of risk and regret, pain and suffering, watching people die young and in the most grotesque ways. Somewhere, in another universe, Megumi liked to think that he was born into a normal, mundane life where he was able to love you endlessly and give you everything you ever deserved. And god — in his eyes you deserved the entire fucking world. 
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insomniumstella · 3 years
i’ll fight for you, always
bucky x reader
summary: two idiots on a run (after civil war) are falling in love and there is no going back at this point
warnings: some violence, might see a couple swear words but i’m not sure
word count: 2,908
author’s note: it’s my 21st birthday today and due to all my friends + boyfriend being busy i’m celebrating alone so i wrote this. hopefully it’s not too confusing but if it is follow this font for memories/events of the past and this font for events happening now. also, follow the dates, they’re kind of important i guess. originally i meant for this to be a bucky x reader smut but i’ve been real sad lately so fluff it is haha, however if someone wants a smutty fic i could reuse the sex parts for a different story. oh, oh, i almost forgot, if you like to read with music in the background, favorite crime- olivia rodrigo fits this great, not because of the words necessarily but the sound and vibe kind of, i’m not sure anymore. oh, and till forever falls apart- ashe & FINNEAS (especially for the ending!) fits great too. anyway, hope you enjoy.
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2016.12.17 11:36pm
The room is heavy with tension, thick and eerie, and strangely, she feels like prey being chased by a hunter. It’s silent too, as the man in front of her rummages through his bag like a mad man. His body is stiff and tense as he mindlessly picks up pieces of clothing, throwing one after another on the ground, neither appearing to be the thing he desires to find. Cursing under his breath, he raises his head to look at her, and a chill runs through her veins. His stare is so intense that when their eyes meet, she doesn’t notice her hands instinctively wrapping around her body tighter as if to hide from his gaze.
“I could switch rooms.” She suddenly blurs out, raising her eyes to meet Bucky's. He doesn’t say anything at first, examining her face, and heavily sighs.  
“Please don’t.” His voice is gruff and tired when he answers.
“It’s not-“ She stumbles over her words. “It’s not a problem, really.” James doesn’t answer for a while. Instead, he kicks the bag off to the side and sits down. The motel rooms they have to stay at are far away from the luxury of the compound she’s used to. It took y/n a while to adjust to the rusty showers and the unpleasantly hard beds, often littered with bed bugs, something so common in cheap motels, she’d wonder how these places are still operational. But their room for tonight is not that bad. Despite only having one bed, it doesn't smell heavily of cigarettes, the shower is clean for once, and upon further inspection, the bed appears free of bedbugs, bloodstains and is actually somewhat comfortable.
“Do I scare you?” 4 words are not much, but the amount of guilt and confusion they cause is unmeasurable. She knows James Buchanan Barnes is a broken man. He knows it too, but even though he’s not one to want pity, she can’t help but feel sorry for the soldier. Can’t help her heart twisting in sorrow each time she hears him screaming, shouts of terror and despair followed by shaky, shallow breathing as he rises from the nightmares. Can’t help the anger each time they’re out in public, and the eyes of strangers fill with fear when they catch sight of him. No chance in hell she can help the affection that overtakes her when she compliments him once in a while, and he blushes so hard, it’s impossible to refrain from touching his forearm as if to say “you’re safe now”. So no, he doesn’t scare her, but the Bucky she saw tonight is unfamiliar and maybe even a little intimidating. His stance is more firm than usual, taller too, eyes darkened with rage because he’s furious, and it shows, anger radiating off of him in long, dark waves. It’s clear he’s enraged from his taut muscles and his tightly closed fists. Evident from the shattered glass in the room next to them, the bruise on Sam’s cheekbone, and the mess of scattered clothing on the floor next to the bed they’ll be sleeping in. He knows that she knows he’s mad, so he makes no attempt to hide it; there’s no point to. She saw everything anyway.
“No.” She answers firmly. “Usually not.” This part she almost whispers. Not usually, no. Usually, Bucky is calm, collected, his movements calculated, and for the most part, he keeps to himself, only answering when someone asks him something directly.
“Usually?” He rises from the bed, taking his sweet time to walk up to her until they’re standing eye to eye and his tall figure dauntingly towers over her. His voice is so low and rough she feels insecure and small compared to him.
2016.12.17 8:43pm
“I don’t care, Buck. It’s not safe.” Steve’s trying to stay calm, but his furrowed brows tell a different story.
“It’s not your decision to make.” James glances at the shattered glass around them. He’d done something he’s vowed not to do; he lost control.
“Dude, leave it alone.” Sam sights, plopping down on the sofa.
“You’re not The Winter Soldier anymore.” Steve adds.
“Except for the part where I am.” James answers, turning a knife in between his fingers. Stopping for a moment, he throws it at Steve, missing the blonde’s face by a few inches on purpose, and watches as the knife sticks in the wall. “You saw what that therapist did, how he got inside my head, you saw it all, and yet you stand here talking absolute nonsense about how I’m not The Winter Soldier anymore when you damn well know he’s still in there.” Bucky’s mad, real mad. No part of his brain can wrap around the fact Steve’s not willing to let him fly to Wakanda for treatment.
“We’re criminals.” Sam chimes in, taking a swig of beer. He’s been nursing the bottle for a while, and with each passing moment, James wants nothing more than to smash the stupid bottle into the wall. “Every government in the world is looking for us. War criminals, baby.” Bucky doesn’t care about scaring Y/n. Not anymore, anyway. With a few long, committed strides, he’s next to Sam taking the stupid beer from his hands, he gives him a death glare and smashes it into a wall behind him.
“Usually you’re a little calmer.” To that, Bucky can only chuckle. He’s not sure about what to do. Without thinking the action over, James lets himself cradle her face in his flesh hand, stroking her cheek with his thumb. He’s so gentle and careful, you'd think that if his touch was a little rougher, she'd break into a million pieces.
“Usually, I am.”
2016.12.17 8:46pm
“I’m not doing this. I’m not losing you again.” Steve joins Sam on the sofa, rubbing his temples as if he’s in deep thought. “Not again.”
“The thing is, you won’t be losing me.” Bucky reasons. “We’ve talked about this before. You’ve agreed this would be a good thing for me before.” He loses his temper, accidentally raising his voice, before talking in a lower volume again. “I’ll be in Wakanda. It’s safe there, you’ve said so yourself.”
“Things have changed. You don't think a massive military plane wouldn't attract attention?”
And as if Sam couldn’t annoy him further, he speaks up before Bucky has the chance to reply.
“Drop it.” He says in a stern voice, standing up and walking up to Bucky. “You’re an idiot for even bringing this up.”
"I'm no idiot." Abandoning his morals, Bucky punches Sam in the face so hard he stumbles, touching his cheekbone, and notices drops of blood.
“What the fuck?”
“Don’t switch rooms.” He tries to ask, but it comes out more like a command.
“I won’t.” She doesn’t mind him speaking in a more stern tone, in fact, it’s strangely welcome. The tension is so heavy once again, someone might as well be able to cut it with a knife. He withdraws his hand slowly to watch for any kind of reaction, but she just kind of stands there; her aura is calm and neutral. Her brows are not scrunched anymore, her lips not pressed together. Her eyes, however, do not dare to leave his, but they’re static and almost cold, so even though Bucky’s an assassin with years of knowledge about people's body language, he feels utterly lost and confused about y/n right now. She’s the one mystery he cannot yet solve. After years of abuse, touch is not something James finds welcoming, but somehow y/n makes him feel like a man so hungry, so ravenous he’d travel to the end of the world if that meant he could feel her skin on his. He hates admitting that y/n makes him feel touch starved, when most days, he won’t even let Steve hug him.
2016.07.29 2:11am
Bucky’s presence on the balcony is a welcome one as he joins her for a late-night cigarette.
“You know these kill you?” He speaks up, voice raspy and tired.
“Most things do.” She turns to look at him, throwing the put-out cigarette butt into the ashtray on the floor. His face is painted with sleep, hair messy, under-eye bags so heavy and dark she wonders if he got any sleep at all.
“Something like that.” James leans on the railway. “It’s beautiful out there.” He says, and she loudly laughs, truly laughs, for the first time in quite a few months.
“I especially adore the trashcan over there.” She teases, lightly poking him in the ribs. “The raccoons next to it are a great addition.”
“Wasn’t talking about the backyard.” James whispers, a slight smile playing on his lips. She almost wants to say something snarky again but shuts up when his eyes leave her own to look down at her lips. Taking a shallow breath, she thinks for a moment before asking.
“And what exactly were you talking about?” He second-guesses his decision for a split second, but then his hands are on her waist, pulling her in closer. The touch of metal on her skin is so slight, y/n wonders if it’s even there, so she puts her own hands on his to let him know it’s fine; the metal arm doesn’t bother me, and yes, please pull me in closer. She moves her hands to his shoulder once he leans in, enjoying the warmth of his forehead against hers. Squeezing her waist slightly, he brushes his lips against hers, but the moment is cut short when his hands travel to the back pockets of her jeans, and James pulls out the pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
“Got it.” He holds them up, and y/n shakes her head in disappointment.
“Great.” Her tone is snarky again.
“We should go to bed.” She states.
“We should.” He agrees, but his words don’t quite match his actions as he moves in closer and glances at her lips. “Should get some sleep.”
2016.08.13 6:57pm
“This is your super-secret-magic spot?”
“My super-secret-magic spot?” Bucky chuckles, taking the helmet from her and hangs it on the motorcycle’s handle.
“Your super-secret-magic spot.” She nods.
“Don’t remember calling it like that.” He shrugs and walks up to her. Forest is all she can make out, wondering what makes this particular forest so special that Bucky wants to drive here most days. “C’mon I’ll show you.” Bucky takes her hand to guide her through a steep trail, letting y/n walk in front of him. He grabs her waist every once in a while when she trips, and she seems grateful for it every time, turning her head to look at Bucky, a nervous smile on her lips. When they finally reach the spot Bucky’s looking for, they’re standing on the edge of a cliff, and the most breathtaking view appears in all its glory. It’s all trees, and mountains, and beautiful flowers around them. She catches sight of birds freely roaming the sky, and a pang of jealously overtakes her because they’re free and nothing stands in their way as they fly around the tall trees and even taller mountains. It reminds her of her old life at the compound, when she too, felt like a free bird; able to go wherever, whenever, drive off to far, far away places, knowing her home will be there, the same place it always is when she gets back, and the people she calls family will be waiting, always happy to see her, and she’ll be able to immerse herself in the work she truly loves, especially since her work is important, her work saves millions of people and her work gave her a purpose in life. It’s the first time y/n realizes why she’s been feeling so dreadful lately; she doesn’t have a purpose anymore. It’s not a pleasant realization.
“Not a man to obey laws?” She gestures to the bright red 'DANGER! KEEP OUT' sign behind them.
“Suggestions.” He corrects, and she tilts her head. “And it doesn’t apply to us.”
“Why not exactly?”
“We’re superheroes.” Bucky blurts out in a sarcastic tone.
“Fallen ones.”
“Still a super-soldier.” He reminds her, and she punches him in the arm gently. The sky is painted with gorgeous hues of orange and gold, tones of red bleeding into the sky as the sun sets. The weather is pleasant too, as the wind on their skin is more than welcome after an excruciatingly hot day.
“Doesn’t make you immortal though.” Bucky shakes his head no, but his laugh gets stuck in his throat when their eyes meet. A slight smile plays on her lips, but she looks nervous and sad in a way.
“What?” He questions, and she quickly snaps out of it.
“Would be a shame to lose you.” She shrugs and looks at the sunset. He sits down on the gravel, legs dangling off the edge of the cliff, and she glances at him wide-eyed before she abandons all inner security systems and sits down herself.
Taking her arm, Bucky wraps it around his waist, to which y/n can only chuckle. “You won’t.” Placing his own arm around her waist, he looks up to meet y/n’s eyes. “And now I won’t lose you either.”
“You’re aware that if we’ll fall, we’ll fall together?” y/n teases.
“I’ll catch you if you slip.” For the first time since she's known him, Bucky’s voice is playful and light. She scrunches her nose, and Bucky laughs, truly, loudly laughs as if he’s the same man from the 1940s, and y/n can’t help but relish in the beautiful sound of it. It’s the first time she’s hearing his true laugh, but she already can’t get enough of it. “You’d do the same for me, wouldn’t you?”
“Not sure if I can hold 200 pounds of pure muscle.” She teases him again.
“220.” It’s her turn to laugh now. “Super soldier, remember?”
“Should be in bed.” Hesitantly, y/n places her hands on his neck. “All nice and cozy.”
“Should be.” Bucky places his arms on her waist and pulls her in so close no space is left between them. “But if went to sleep right now, I wouldn’t be able to do this.” Y/n doesn’t have time to question what Bucky was talking about because he captures her lips in a kiss. As Sam said, they’re war criminals, baby, but Bucky doesn’t want to rush; he wants it to be slow and passionate, so he does just that. They’re always on a run and always out of time, but this is a special moment, a moment long overdue. The moment y/n has been anticipating for months, the moment she spent days dreaming and overthinking about. It’s everything they both imagined it too; well for the most part. They’re still on a run, still in a beat-down motel and still wearing dirty clothing because getting laundry done as a criminal is harder than expected, but the butterflies in her stomach and the comforting feel of Bucky’s warm body pressed against hers makes the bitter, the bad, and the ugly seem insignificant. Bringing his flesh hand to her face, Bucky deepens the kiss, licking her bottom lips slightly as if to ask for permission; without a doubt, the permission is granted, and his tongue finds its way into her mouth quickly. You’re all I want, she thinks when their tongues fight for dominance, until she ultimately lets Bucky win, and they pull back for air. James stops for only a moment before his lips are back on hers, moving in perfect rhythm again. The kiss is rougher this time, more passionate, with teeth clinking together, and Bucky can’t help the urge to bite her lower lip. He runs his tongue over her lip after biting, and she has to move one of her arms to his stomach for support because Bucky makes her so nervous and excited, her legs tremble slightly. When they pull apart for the second time, both of their hearts are beating rapidly, and Bucky gives her an unsure smile. “Wouldn’t have been able to do this.”
“No.” She shakes her head laughing. “Wouldn’t have.”
“Glad I did though.” He admits, stepping away completely.
“Yeah.” This time, she’s the one to bring him closer. Placing her hands on his chest, y/n looks up at him. “You’re all I want.” She voices her previous thought. The statement makes Bucky nervous and scared, but in all the best ways; she’s all he wants too.
“Be careful there, doll.” He gestures to himself. “This is the Winter Soldier you’re speaking to.”
“It won’t be easy.” She glances at her feet, and Bucky shakes his head in agreement. “And it might never get easier.” Her hands slide down his chest to find Bucky’s before she’s intertwining their hands together. “But I’ll fight for you.” And that alone makes Bucky’s heart twist. He’s not sure why either. “Winter Soldier or not, I want to try.”
“Good.” That is all Bucky can utter out. He almost tries saying something else, but deciding against it, Bucky leans down to capture her lips in a kiss again. “Good.” He repeats when they pull back. “Because I’ll fight for you too, always.”
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twelfth-harbinger · 3 years
Hello!! I just finished reading your Zhongli piece and it’s so so good! I love the way you write and your descriptions, unlike other writers who just dive into dialogue and feels very 1D, yours is 3-D!! I love it! Do you plan on continuing the Zhongli one with part 2 NSFW?!?
Also, may I please request a NSFW Diluc piece with female reader, who’s his co-worker/bartender who works at angels share with Charles?
Thank you for your hard work!
A/n: Firstly, yes!!! & thank you!!!, ilysm <3. Secondly Diluc is fucking hot & this is something I couldn’t get out my mind once I read your request. Pls Enjoy ^^
Mentions: Master Diluc likes being called...Master Diluc. Don’t taunt him it’ll lead to something spontaneous and igniting! Bar sex.
Warnings: Nsfw! So spicy hehe
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The Angel of Angel’s Share
He spotted you on his occasional endeavors to Angels Share, being an outstanding and tremendous help to Charles when it came to cleaning up and serving drinks to the patrons of his humble business. You insisted that Charles let you help out once in a while as a side job — you needed the mora. Upon getting Dilics rather passive approval in a letter you got in! You spend most nights tidying up, wiping down tables and cleaning glasses periodically. Many of the bar patrons converse with you. Calling you the literal Angel of Angel’s Share. Your beauty was no secret, every man and woman there simply adored you. How could they not? You were friendly, outgoing and most importantly, kind. Your smile was as radiant as the sun itself and of course Diluc had to witness it with his own two eyes. Word did not spread around his establishment without him in the loop. Kaeya frequented the bar more often to flirt with see you; he was a regular before, but now? You rarely go a night where you don’t see him, even if it’s for a short while. Charles has to make snide comments about him slacking off to get him to leave.
All it takes is one night for things to burn brightly into something new, a night akin to this one. Diluc stood behind the counter to relieve Charles for the night shift — he had been there all morning and the night before. You walked in as Diluc was speaking to Charles, you wasted no time in maneuvering to the second floor to clear those tables first.
“Enjoy your night off Charles, I’ll take it from here.” Diluc waved him away and well, it left you there with him. Not alone of course, not yet. As the night pressed on you entertained the customers, served them delicious drinks Diluc prepared and made friends with Stanley?? The busy happy hour of Angels Share gave you no time to take a break. Not until it was well after hours and Diluc had locked the doors to Angel’s Share for the night.
“Good work today.” You chirped happily, as you sat at the bar of the counter atop a stool. Diluc prepared you spiked wolf hook juice on the house; it had a bearclaw kind of taste to it. One of Dliuc’s hands held an empty glass whilst the other dried it with a plain off-white dish cloth.
“I should be saying that to you, you overachieved tonight.” He didn’t mean for his comment to come off as brash, even though it did. You glanced up at him over the top to your glass, your eyes narrowing slightly in amusement. He quickly corrected himself with a light clear of his throat. “Not...that, that’s a bad thing. You..did well.”
Talk about awkward, you and he hadn’t spoken much since your employment over the past few months. You were undoubtedly curious about this handsome man with hair the color of fire. All dressed in black and a wielder of a claymore. He had to have some form of immense physical strength to do so and it only made you wonder what else he could do.
“Why thank you Master Diluc.” Your lips curled into a coy smile as you peeked up at him over the rim of your glass once more. His eyes were like flames too, and his gaze made you burn. It’s strange, so many people address him as Master Diluc regularly and yet you were the only person that was able to stoke the fire within him. Intentionally or not he enjoyed the way it rolled off your tongue and he wanted to hear it again. His hand stopped moving in the glass and he set it down neatly next to the others that were lined up.
“There’s no need to thank me, everyone deserves recognition for their hard work.” He played it cool, you’ll give him that. You stood up, hopping off the stool to the bar, only to walk around it and move past him. You were shorter than he was, he saw the top of your head. He was in the midst of asking you what you were doing but you stopped in front of him to drop to your knees. He fucking froze, he watched you completely unsure of what was going to happen next. He prayed to the gods that you weren’t going to do what he wanted you to do. He wouldn’t be able to keep it together otherwise and he doubted he’d stop you. With a cheeky grin you stood back up with a large jug of homemade grape juice in a hand. He exhaled quietly, letting out a silent sigh that caught in his throat. His face remained straight with a hint of a slight irritable frown threatening the corners of his lips. You proceeded to stand in front of him, turning your back to him to pour a glass of his favorite beverage.
“I know you don’t drink and I heard you liked grape juice from your brother. Why not sit and join me for a while?”
His eyes drifted down the back of your figure before he stepped aside shamefully, Kaeya rubbed off on him more than he cared to admit. Even so, he was ignoring any and all signals you were sending him. Or at least he was trying his very best to. Certainly nothing came that easy— a passing thought you both shared. He sat beside you at the bar, it was silent for a little while. You looked at him with a slight turn of your head and moved to place a hand on your cheek. He lowered the glass from his face and looked over at you. Seeing him up close was making you nervous, you thought you had it in you to seduce this man but you began having second thoughts. He stared at you as if he was trying to read you like a book. It only made things more complicated which lead to you doubting yourself even more. Kaeya never made you this nervous even when he flirted with you.
“My brother told you I liked grape juice what a nuisance.” He said, breaking the silence; he had to the cat ripped out your tongue. You looked at the glass jug and then at him and finally smiled, breaking a light sweat from your overthinking.
“O-Oh, yes haha.. he was teasing you quite a bit.” Diluc didn’t find it amusing Kaeya could get under his skin like it was his job. A light ‘tch’ left his lips as he raised his glass. You followed suit needing more liquid courage than you initially thought. “It’s okay,” You sighed out, you cheeks warming from the bitter sweet drink. “Apple juice is superior in any case.” Diluc looked at you and a light smile crossed his features as he shook his head.
“It’s not.” He stated, “At all in fact.” You caught his semi playful gaze, you narrowed your eyes a little at the comment. “Sunsettia juice is even better in all aspects.” You chuckled and lowered your hand onto the table.
“Coming from the juice enthusiast himself why am I not surprised.” Diluc smirked a bit, finding your comment funny. He looked at you and your radiantly warm smile; it really did resemble that of the morning and setting sun. The two of you remained there conversing with each other well into the night, losing track of time. He hadn’t felt this at ease with anyone by his side in a while. Jean was a great friend to talk to but she was so busy he rarely got to speak with her. He was too in his own right, running the wine industry in Monstadt was no easy task.
“Do you enjoy working here?” He asked as you stood up to stretch, the tables in the back still needed to be cleared, a few drinking tankards, bottles and glasses were scattered about. His question made you think, you loved the night atmosphere of the tavern and the people that came with it.
“Of course I do, it’s very inviting I dare say more than Cats Eye.” You looked his way with a grin he stood up along with you a faint smile playing at the corner of his lips. “Though I do have my work cut out for me here.” You quipped lightly before making your way to the back of the bar where a wooden bench table sat nestled in the corner with a small cabinet and barrel behind it. Diluc followed after to aide in an easy clean up you worked hard enough for tonight. With your back turned you bend over the table without fully walking around it to reach for the glasses and tankards. Your arms were quite short given your stature, without thinking too deeply into his actions Dilic stood halfway behind you to grab the bottle.
“It’s fine to take a break once in a while. There is no need to overwork yourself.” He stated plainly as he picked up the second bottle that sat next to the first. Unbeknownst to him you felt his presence the moment he stepped up behind you. He smelled like a freshly lit fire in the middle of the Whispering Woods his warmth drew you in. You stepped back somewhat unintentionally, your backside grazing him lightly as you turned around to face him. Even on your toes you wouldn’t be at eye level, he stared down at you a bit embarrassed by what he believed was his fault. He opened his mouth to apologize, you couldn’t stop yourself from stealing a kiss. When your lips pressed against his in a sweetened and heated kiss, you noticed Diluc tensed up. The bottles he had fell over onto the surface of the table. Upon hearing that you pulled away and stood flat footed against the edge of the able. You avoided looking at him and tugged on the ends of your hair sheepishly.
“Sorry I...don’t know what came over me, I thought maybe...“ With your half hearted apology you trailed off looking up at Diluc who stared down at you with a perplexed look in his eye. With his gloved hand he reached up to cup your cheek and leaned down to press his lips firmly against yours. His other hand moved up to hold the other side of your cheek. He wanted to kiss you the moment everyone left. Your lips moved in time with his, your hands finding themselves holding onto the sides of his coat. Without breaking the kiss, he lowered his hands to your waist and then to your thighs. In one swift movement he effortlessly lifted you to sit you on top of the table. The bottles on the surface rattled upon him doing so, slightly moving the table in the process. Your hands moved up his chest from his sides as his own slipped further down your legs to hold onto your waist. His pants were growing tighter by the second, you were so beautiful and he hadn’t voiced it yet. Not that he was given the chance to, the moment you both came up for air you pulled him into another fierce kiss, you legs locking around him in efforts to draw him closer. You needed him to ruin you on that table top and he wasn’t going to deny you of one of life’s simple pleasures. After all this man made it so that people could drink happily within the safety of Angel’s Share. Your tongue moved past your lips and Diluc gladly glided his own over yours to gain access. His hand moved back up to your cheek only to slip down to your neck to hold you in place as his other hand moved up the side of your thigh to squeeze. His leather gloves felt so good on your skin, you wanted to feel more of him.
Your hands moved from his sides to his pants, fumbling with the belts and buttons to try and get them loose. Diluc moved to kiss your neck, his warm lips trailing hot kisses against your soft skin. He made an audible sound, a muffled moan as he kissed the nape of your neck. You tugged him closer upon finally undoing his bottoms. His hand wandered down your side and moved to hitch up your work tunic, the other pulling onto the string to your top. He yanked it down to reveal your bare chest, as he exposed your legs and thighs. He was going to thoroughly enjoy fucking you on top of that table. A slight smile crossed his features as his index finger and thumb moved down to grip your chin, he tilted your head up to look into your eyes. Never has a man made you this weak with such a simple gaze.
“Is this what you want?” He asked quietly, he wasn’t going to begin without asking you. Your brows furrowed in need and you nodded as your eyes searched his face. His own were a bit complacent when he didn’t move to give you what he knew you wanted; he wanted to hear you say it. He only moved in to kiss you once more before his lips found the skin of your neck again.
“Diluc..please.” You whined, he smiled lightly against your neck and kept kissing. You wondered why he was only kissing you, unbeknownst to you his hand moved down in between your legs and his crotch to free his fully hardened member from the confides of his trousers. “M-Master Di—“ Your breath hitched in your throat and you moaned out the rest of his name, a deep growl moving past his lips as he slipped inside of you. He stretched you out continuously as you contracted around his length in utter bliss. Your legs squeezed around him and his hands gripped your waist and thigh. Pulling you closer to his chest as he bottomed out inside of you. Your eyes rolled back as he pushed himself further; your lips parted in a light moan and your hands tangled in his red locks. Diluc’s hand moved from your thigh to your neck to hold you in place briefly as he leaned back to look at your face. It was intoxicating, if he could get drunk off your facial expressions he would. He pulled back and thrusted hard into you, your body jerked up and the table moved along with the bottles and glasses on top of it.
You cried out in pleasure and your hips bucked against his. He bit down on his bottom lip to surpress a groan, he thrusted once again, finding a hard and steady rhythm that left your body jerking upwards against the table and your chest exposed for him to see. An alluring sight that made him thrust even harder and your loud moans to fill the atmosphere of the bar. Mixed in were his own light goans and mild grunts, even as he laid you flat onto the table he didn’t stop. Though the pace slowed a bit, he became more forceful with his movements which made your back arch into his chest and your legs shake. You were going to cum a lot harder than you expected, you could feel it and so could he, you caught wind of a faint smirk that slipped across his face as he kissed you. A kiss deep enough where you could lose oneself. Your hands tugged at his hair and your face pleaded with a need for release.
The bottles, tankards and glasses had since fell onto the floor of Angel’s Share. Not that either of you could be bothered by it now. As your climax rushed at you like a battering ram Diluc groaned out low into your ear the sound made your body quiver, you were about to milk him dry. Your hands slipped out of his hair and fell back onto the table as you convulsed in an intense high. Diluc held you in his arms and sat you back up, with your legs wrapped around him once again. He turned and sat on the edge of the table with you on top, allowing you to ride out the rest of your orgasm as he filled your depths with his hot seed. The feeling itself made you shutter as he buried his face into your chest and his arms wrapped around you, the moan he let out was something you could never get tired of hearing. The area in Angel’s Share that you two both shared had grown hot, the sweat you broke out was enough to cause your breathing to be ragged.
“Master Diluc...” You mumbled into his hair with closed eyes and a smile, his hands rested on your waist as his head rested on your chest. He moved back to look up at you, his hand moving to brush your cheek. He kissed your cheek as he pulled back to look at your face.
“Yes?” He replied, a smile crossing his features, you grinned at him finding the humor in his answer. You kissed him once more, this time slowly to savor the taste of his lips. He looked up at you, his eyes flickering like fire. “There’s going to be a shipment at the Dawn Winery from Liyue, Charles usually comes to pick it up but, I trust you enough to be there in his stead.” Upon hearing those words you knew you’d see him again.
“I will gladly be there, Master Diluc.”
After your visit to the Dawn winery a few day ago, you decided to get an afternoon drink at Angel’s Share. Outside you ran into Kaeya and Diluc sitting at one of the tables outside. Kaeya spotted you first of course and when your eyes met Diluc’s a smile surfaced onto your face and his own softened a bit. Which, caught Kaeya’s attention quickly; being the absurdly perceptive man that he was.
“You’re here early, I thought your shift doesn’t start until sundown.” Kaeya spoke with a smile that was suspiciously sly. Diluc sat there with his arms crossed and a placid frown on his face, you sat with them and looked at Kaeya unamused.
“I thought I’d get a drink before my shift, I’ve been quite busy as of late.” You replied moving a hand to rest on your cheek, Diluc was silent and Kaeya looked between you both before his eye settled on you.
“Have you now? You know, a few days ago I went to the Dawn Winery looking for you and Diluc seeing as Charles said you were going to be there.” Kaeya held up a letter from grandmaster Jean and waved it in the air idly. “I needed to deliver a letter from the active grandmaster to Diluc and hoped I’d run into you there and yet...I couldn’t find either of you.” Diluc frowned deeper and your smile began to fade slowly, your hand moved up casually to cover your mouth a bit and Kaeya’s smile grew as he went on. “So, I took it upon myself to look around given your maids told me you were in his study.” Diluc’s expression shifted from displeasure to pure annoyance. You were a bit nervous though wondering if you two had been found out already. You knew the answer in the back of your mind though. “When I couldn’t find you there I saw a maid walk out of the west wing hallway with blush staining her cheeks so, naturally I went that way and much to my surprise there you two were behind the semi closed doors to dear brothers bedroom-“ Diluc snatched the letter from his brother and narrowed his eyes. He stood up and narrowed his eyes at him.
“You finished ?” He asked, short tempered as always, you were a blushing mess on the other hand, with your face covered in attempts to hide your embarrassment. Of all the ways to be found out, it had to be Kaeya happening across you two at the Dawn Winery! Kaeya chuckled lightly and leaned back in the chair.
“Ah-Ah you interrupted me brother, I was just getting to the good part.” You peeked up at him and shook your head Dliuc let out and irritable sigh and turned his back to Kaeya and then looked over at you, a smile on his face one he’d only show to you really.
“I’ll see you later.” You nodded with a warmth to your cheeks as he walked off ignoring Kaeya all together. The three of you knowing Diluc was working tonight with you again. It left you two sitting there in a painful kind of silence where only one of you were inflicted and the other found it jovial.
“He must like you.” Kaeya sighed raising his wine glass to his lips, you glanced over at him with a slight glare and he smiled your way.
“Your point?” You retorted, it lead to him shrugging lightly as he finished the drink. He stood up, preparing to take his leave, moving to place a hand on his hip.
“None really, it’s just he got to you before I could.” Kaeya wouldn’t admit to him being beaten at his own game, he also wouldn’t voice at how it made him proud and happy for his brother at the same time. You looked at him with a straight face and he chortled. “You’ll make each other happy, especially with the sex you’re having. I’m not worried.” He patted your shoulder before he walked off in the opposite direction of his brother. Leaving you there blushing and with the future to think about, one where both you snd Diluc shared.
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sftwrmfics · 3 years
get away | 1 - first day
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Pairing: Juyeon x Y/n
Genres: slightest bit of fluff
Summary: Y/n is a straight-A, honors student who has no time for a relationship. So, when Juyeon, the infamous campus player, starts going after you, you decide to act interested and play along, hoping that this will be done and over with quickly. But things don’t turn out the way you hoped they would.
Word Count: 3, 753
Warnings: some swear words and that this was quickly edited, haha.
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Nobody expected it at all. Not even you.
How you were currently holding hands with Juyeon during your first date with him was beyond you. But, here you were, doing just that and laughing over the joke he made about the movie that you two were about to watch.
It all started about a week ago.
You were cooped up in the library, reviewing notes from your latest lecture while munching one of your favorite candy bars. It was the afternoon, so there were more people here than usual, studying or silently chatting with their friends. However, everyone was pretty much quiet, making it easy to get focused.
Pretty engrossed in reviewing, you slightly flinched in surprise when a group of boys had entered the library with a fit of laughter. Everyone around you, including yourself, shot the group of three boys looks of annoyance and, immediately, they quieted down, still snickering between themselves as they walked past you and took a seat a few tables behind you.
Thinking that you wouldn't be able to hear them, you relaxed in your seat. But, your eyebrow twitched when you realized that you could hear what they were talking about, even though they were loudly whispering.
"Are you still with that girl..." One boy brought up as soon as they sat down. "Uhm... what's her name? Jiyeon? Jisoo?"
Frustrated, you tried turning further away from them, but, unfortunately, you could still hear them.
Another boy hummed in thought. "Are you talking about Jiwon?" It seemed like he got a response as he amusedly replied. "Pfft, no, duh. I dumped her, I think, yesterday," the boy questioned, "because she was getting boring."
You could hear some rustling, shrinking further into the chair.
"Oooooh, Juyeon, you heartbreaker." The boys joked around and laughed as quietly as they could.
You had enough as you couldn't focus on your notes. So, you rummaged through your back for headphones and slipped them on, putting the volume up to blast your favorite study playlist, and continued to review your notes.
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A couple of hours went by without you noticing until you had finished reviewing and looked out at the dark window in front of you. With a groan, you dropped your pen and stretched your arms above your head, relieving the tension of your muscles. You sighed satisfied at your hard work and relaxed in the chair while stretching your legs out underneath the table.
Picking up your phone, you paused your study playlist and slid your headphones off your ears, wrapping it around your neck as you checked your phone for the first time in hours.
Initially, not expecting much, you felt a bit surprised and concerned seeing three missed calls from Younghoon from about twenty minutes ago. You were about to call him back, but remembered when he had done the exact same thing to only tell you about this new bread that he found at the convenience store.
So, you sighed at the memory and opted to check if he had texted you first, opening the messages app. There on top were texts from him.
younghoonie :P - y/n where are you
younghoonie :P - aren’t you coming to the weekly movie night ???
younghoonie :P - i haven’t seen you in foreverrrrr
You scoffed and playfully rolled your eyes. I literally had a lecture with you today.
younghoonie :P - please get here soon
younghoonie :P - i think changmin and chanhee are going to fight again
With perfect timing, your phone buzzed twice, showing Changmin’s texts at the top of the screen.
squirrel changmin - i’m going to kill choi chanhee
squirrel changmin - audio message
You immediately straightened up in the chair, swiftly putting on the headphones while lowering the volume because you knew Changmin. Carefully, you pressed play and listened, in horror, to Chanhee’s distraught screams and pleas for help. In the background, you could hear Younghoon trying to calm them down but, to no avail, the screaming continued along with some banging and hectic footsteps.
For about thirty seconds, that was all you heard, then, suddenly, it became silent. Confused, you checked to see if it was still playing but heard the slightest, familiar, evil chuckle.
You shivered out of fear.
At that, you quickly packed your stuff into your backpack and walked as fast as you could to the entrance without a sound, calling Younghoon on the way.
When he didn’t answer, you huffed in frustration and frantically texted him to try his best to separate the two until you got there. But, before you sent it to him, you ran into something hard, causing you to fall to the ground.
Wincing, you rubbed your butt, hoping the pain would ease, and peeked up at what you ran into. The individual before you caused you to stop what you were doing and gape at him with wide, shocked eyes.
You recognized him.
His light brown hair, slightly tanned skin, and loose-fitting clothes were imprinted in your mind as Changmin and Chanhee always pointed him out and gossiped about him when they spotted him anywhere on campus.
It was Juyeon, the infamous campus player.
From your two best friends you heard that he dates all types of girls and treats them like they’re special, causing them to fall in love with him in a week or less. Then, afterward, he would toss them away like a piece of trash and, the next day, he would be found talking to some other girl.
At first, you didn’t believe anything that the two had gossiped about him being a player. You scoffed in disbelief, saying that they were just being dramatic and blowing up the rumors. But, when they pointed him out in a dining hall, you saw that he was flirting with some girl, and, when they nudged you the week after to look at him, he was flirting with another girl.
Seeing your shocked expression prompted them to continue gossiping about him to you. They informed you that he always dumped them in the worst ways possible. You heard that he would cheat right in front of them, by kissing someone or announcing it while with the other person. Or, if they came to confront him after a week was over, he would act as if he didn’t know anything about them, saying that they were crazy and delusional for thinking that they were ever in a relationship.
Changmin and Chanhee warned you to not get involved with him no matter what, but you didn’t need them to tell you that. You already felt angry and disgusted at the mere thought of him.
So, when Juyeon smiled down at you and asked if you were okay with his hand extended towards you, you gave him a wry smile and pushed yourself off the ground. Standing up on your own, you completely ignored him as you dusted yourself off.
In your hand, your phone started buzzing, averting your attention to it. Upon seeing Younghoon’s name on the screen, you remembered that there was an emergency and gasped.
Just as the boy in front of you opened his mouth to say something, you cut him off by replying to his question with that wry smile still on your face. “I’m okay, but I gotta run.”
Seeing his blanked-out expression, you calmly speed-walked past him and answered Younghoon’s call, who was frantically asking you when you’re going to be here. As you replied to his questions and tried to soothe the boy, you let out a sigh of relief when Juyeon didn’t do anything else.
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Honestly, after what happened in the library, you thought that would be your first and last interaction with him. Especially since you ditched him like that, there was no way that he would try talking to you again.
A few days later, during lunch, you noticed him entering the dining hall near where your lecture was held. As if he felt your stare, he locked eyes with you which startled you in your seat, but before you could look away, he did so first.
Slowly placing your hand over your mouth, you internally screamed.
You were not expecting him to react like that.
Letting out a playful smile and feeling a surge of confidence that he won’t bother you, you went back to eating while happily scrolling through your phone.
Busy stifling laughter at a random Tiktok that Changmin had sent you, you failed to notice that someone had sat in the seat in front of you until a hand reached out into your field of vision and knocked on the table. Startled, you almost dropped your phone with a yelp but caught it on time to your relief, and you glanced up. Displeased at what you saw, you almost frowned but quickly covered it up with a small, questioning smile.
Why was Juyeon sitting in front of you?
You internally sighed. You had a feeling that this wouldn’t be any good.
Juyeon was already smiling, but it got wider when you made eye contact with him.
“Hey, I’m Juyeon,” then he asked, “Is it okay if I sit here?”
You almost gave him a sassy reply, telling him to find another girl to target. But, when you briefly looked around and saw all of the tables filled, you sighed and just shrugged in response. As he calmly unpacked his lunch with a smile, you looked away as you were having an internal battle.
In your head, you were yelling at yourself for being so stupid and reprimanding yourself for being too nice. You should have just flat out said no. Yet, in your heart, the growing feeling of guilt if you said no in this packed dining hall outweighed your thoughts, leading to your actions.
Although, now, the warning bells in your head were ringing louder than ever as everything that Changmin and Chanhee informed you about him raced through your thoughts. Amidst the panic, you came up with only one solution a second later.
You had to get the fuck away from him.
Trying to not show your shaking hands, you steadily increased the pace that you were eating, trying to finish the rest of your lunch without him noticing.
But, fate was not on your side as he started talking to you.
Wiping his mouth with a napkin, Juyeon smiled and asked you all of the basic, getting-to-know-you questions, like your name, major, and year.
It might be nothing. You reassured yourself. Let’s just get through this civilly.
Reluctantly, you swallowed your food and answered him.
Sighing at your responses, he dejectedly told you that he was in a different major and a year above you. He slightly pouted and looked down at his food, playing around with it for a bit.
On the outside, you just shrugged nonchalantly, but, inside, you let out the biggest sigh of relief at the fact that the chances of you two having a lecture together were low.
Getting over the feeling, he continued chatting with you, asking you a few more questions. You gave him curt replies, not looking up at him and paying more attention to your phone. After a few answers, Juyeon picked up on your disinterest and became silent, returning to eat his food, while you did the same but continued scrolling through your phone.
This was the first time that you had acted so cold to a stranger and the feeling of guilt returned, making your stomach feel queasy, but, you remembered how he hurts girls for fun and that feeling went away quickly.
After a few moments of silence, he called out your name and you glanced at him to see that he was staring at you.
You don’t know why, but you couldn’t help but stare back.
His brown eyes were shining underneath the white light of the hall and you noticed how big they were. Even though you were probably about two feet away from him, you saw his pupils gradually grow bigger as each second passed.
It seemed like… he was looking at you as if he was in love with you.
Your heart skipped a beat.
When it dawned on you what just happened, you snapped it out of and shook your head, breaking eye contact and coming back to reality.
There was no way someone could possibly fall in love after meeting twice and one conversation, especially from a player. That ominous feeling you had earlier was getting stronger. The feeling that you would be his next target.
He then peered at you with hopeful eyes. “When I bumped into you at the library and stared into your eyes, it felt like destiny.” He looked away shyly. “I know this is a bit soon and shocking, but will you go out with me?”
You were surprised, which was evident on your face as your mouth dropped open.
This couldn’t actually be happening to you.
When you pinched yourself and it hurt, you knew that you were awake.
Obviously, you were going to say no. You didn’t want to get involved with anyone who held such a reputation, and you had no time to be in a relationship.
You opened your mouth but snapped it shut, thinking through your decision carefully.
This only happened in stories and fics that you read when you were younger. In those stories, players usually chased after girls who appeared to be innocent and had no experience in love. It was considered a bonus for them if the girl appeared uninterested, motivating them, even more, to win her over. Based on that knowledge, you knew that it could take weeks to months.
And you knew that you didn’t want that either.
So, you carefully thought this through.
Changmin and Chanhee’s warnings, how Juyeon hurts girls for fun, stereotypical players like innocent girls, chasing taking weeks to months, and how Juyeon usually dumps a girl in a week.
What should you do?
Suddenly, it dawned on you, which you excitedly fist-bumped the air in your mind.
You had a plan.
For the next week, you were going to act like an innocent girl who falls in love with him, but you were also going to try to get him to fall in love with you and break his heart.
If this plan works, you get the unasked revenge for all of those girls he hurt and feel the great success of taking down a player. However, if it doesn’t, he will dump you in a week and you’ll shed a few tears. After that, you’ll call it a day and move on, knowing that he won’t contact you ever again.
Inwardly, you smirked. This will be easy.
You shyly tuck a lock of hair behind your ear and tentatively meet his hopeful eyes before saying yes.
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Which leads to where you are now.
At the movie theater, walking hand-in-hand with Juyeon as he carries a bucket of popcorn in the other on the way to see some movie. You had laughed at a joke that he had made.
It’s been ten minutes since the date started, and the plan seemed to be working perfectly.
Earlier, when you met up with Juyeon, you called out his name and ran to him, engulfing yourself in his arms. Peering at him, you took note of how his cheeks were dusted pink and the tips of his ears were slowly turning the same color.
It made you inwardly grin at the sight, but you immediately let go of him, apologizing since you were a bit excited about the date. Even without saying anything, you could tell that he was dejected that you left his arms, but he gave you an eye smile and reassured you that it was okay.
Ooh, he’s pretty good at acting too. You thought. Look at him acting all sad.
Noticing your outfit, which consisted of innocent clothes that you could find in your closet, Juyeon complimented you and you pretended to like it by smiling at him then shyly looking away. You faced him to return the compliment and purposefully messed up by repeating what he had said to you. Acting like you were embarrassed, you profusely apologized to him, muttering what you were actually going to say. With a wider smile on his face, he giggled and once again reassured you that he was fine, although you could see his cheeks turning redder.
At the sight, you slightly raised your eyebrow, not even for him to notice.
He then asked to take your hand, which you gingerly took while shyly turning away. The moment that he intertwined your hand with his, you had to mentally and physically hold yourself back from yanking it out of his grip.
As you got your tickets and food, you held his hand the entire time and threw him a soft smile every so often when you caught him looking at you. And, each time, he would either smile back and you could see his cheeks turning red, or he would look away and cover his mouth with his hand. Seeing him like that, you couldn’t help but grow in confidence that your plan was actually working.
So, now, as you two were walking around just talking a bit on the way to the theater, you did bolder things. Well, bolder for you. Like, squeeze his hand or lean against his arm when someone was walking too close to you.
You could tell that he was getting flustered by your actions as now he looked red and kept looking away when you tried to make eye contact with you. Plus, when you leaned against his arm, you felt his body tense up and go rigid, then he would visibly relax when you stepped away from him.
It made you feel more confident that you could get this guy to fall in love with you.
This was going to be easy.
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On the drive back to your apartment, you and Juyeon were discussing the movie that you had watched. But, right now, you were laughing at him while he pouted at you from the wheel.
“I can’t believe you cried,” you said after laughing, hugging yourself, and wiped away a few tears.
“It was sad,” he argued. “It was really sad.”
“I mean it was pretty sad,” you paused, “I was crying a bit, but then I heard you sob and, when I looked over, I saw tears were streaming down your face.” You mentioned while stifling your laughter.
“That was the saddest part!” He pointed out. “They couldn’t make their last promise of seeing each other once again come true, and you thought that would be it. But then it cuts to their gravestones being next to each other.” Pausing, he sniffled a bit. “Seeing their names carved on them got to me.” He quietly admitted, which you heard.
You wouldn’t admit it to him, but you would have sobbed too if you didn’t notice Juyeon’s tears first. Upon seeing them, you made sure to imprint his crying face into your mind because you wanted to remember it. It was the face that you will be seeing when your plan worked.
After a few more minutes of messing around with Juyeon, you arrived at your apartment complex. Pulling into a parking spot in front of your building, he parked the car. You almost let out a sigh of relief at this night being done with, although you had to admit it was a bit fun teasing him. But, just as you were going to open the door, Juyeon held his hand in front of you.
“Wait for a moment,” he asked while he turned off the engine and unbuckled his seatbelt, “stay put.”
Confused, you reluctantly did as was told, and he got out and ran to your side opening the car for you.
Actually a bit surprised, you laughed at his actions, deciding to play along once more, and curtsied, “Thank you very much, fine gentleman.”
Juyeon chuckled at that and walked you to the front of your complex with a shy smile on his face, continuing to talk with you more about the movie. You were using up a lot of your small amount of energy to laugh and talk with him. And, as you got closer to the door, you got more excited to finally get away from him.
So, when you got to the front, you turned around and stared at him with a soft smile, using the last bit of your energy.
“Goodnight Juyeon,” you tiredly said and turned around to leave, but, as you were about to bolt to the door, he stopped you by holding your arm.
What does he want?
Immediately hiding your annoyance, you innocently turned around and faced him, looking confused.
He was staring down at the ground for a few before clearing his throat and gazing into your eyes, he asked, “Is it okay if I give you a hug and a kiss on the forehead?”
Ugh. You thought. I really don’t want to.
But, you shyly nodded anyway, looking away.
He took a step closer to you and delicately wrapped you in his arms into a hug, which you timidly returned.
You two stayed in each other’s embrace for a few seconds, which felt like a lifetime to you before he pulled away and lightly brushed his lips against your forehead. That drained you of your energy.
He then smiled and pulled away, saying, "I'll text you later." Then, he turned around and was about to head over to his car.
However, your pride told you to not let him have the satisfying feeling of having the last move. So, you grabbed his arm, pulled him back, and turned him to his side, kissing him on the cheek.
Just as quickly, you released him and ran towards the door, punching in the code before running inside and around the corner of the wall. Hiding behind it, you peered out, checking to see if he was still there.
And he was. Juyeon stood there for a bit, looking dazed. His ears and cheeks tinted red, and you saw him slightly cheer by punching the air once before walking back to his car.
Once you saw him drive away, you turned around and started heading to your apartment.
This time, you didn't stop the small, confident smile growing on your face.
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trumpkinhotboy · 3 years
All in good time
Pairing: Jacob Black x f!reader
Type: Not requested
Genre: Kinda fluffy i'd say
Warnings: None!
Rating: g
Requests: Open (for Narnia and Twilight, maybe?😳)
A/n: Alright, alright, I know I said this blog was going to be centralized on Narnia stuff, but lately I've really gotten back in my Twilight phase🥴 Plus, I had a really shitty week and needed a pick me up. Jacob is one of my biggest comfort characters so I felt it was only suiting. I hope you'll enjoy it😬 I suggest reading this while listening to any kind of Twilight ambiance playlist.☺Also, I know my title sucks HAHA. Couldn't think of anything better so yea, I'm sorry, but this is what you get
Update: changed my title huhu!
* gif is not mine!!
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There were days that just deeply and inherently... sucked. Days where everything seemed out of rhythm, where no matter how hard you tried, it all seemed wrong; it all fell apart.
Today was one of those days. When your dad jokingly said: "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." you did not think it the tiniest of bit funny. When you opened one of the kitchen cabinets to get your favorite brand of cereals and found an empty box, you almost threw a full-on seven-year-old crying on the floor tantrum. Especially when you saw the half-emptied bowl sitting in the sink. Too bad, no breakfast for you this morning. Ridiculous, immature, and not changing anything? Yes, of course, but you still did it out of pure spite. As if that would punish anyone else than you.
Like any other day in Forks, it was raining, nothing awful here, if it was not for the fact that the window on the driver’s side hadn’t been properly closed. Your seat was by now totally drenched. With your pants completely soaked you rode to school, your knuckles turning white from angrily gripping the wheel. Once you arrived, it seemed that everyone was annoyingly happy and enthusiastic while you just couldn’t get out of your personal, unchangeable, black cloud. Not to help, your friends only kept making fun of your moody behavior. Could you not be taken seriously on one of your worst days?
In your least favorite class, you were horrified to see written in big letters on the board:
“20% exam!! Leave your personal effects in front of the class.”
You would have run away if it wasn’t for the flow of students coming in to push you further in the classroom. Convinced the exam was for the next week, you did not even open the pages of your manual concerning the subject. It is with panic and exasperation that you sat at your desk waiting for your doom. Did you need to add that along with all that bull crap of a day, the only person who could have made your day a little less annoying was, once again missing. No calls, no texts, no news, nothing. Probably on another mission with the rest of his mutant gang. You got to the Rez after school, hoping you would see him, but were only welcomed by Leah and Seth. It almost felt like they were waiting for you as they were sitting outside of Billy’s house. Why they were the only ones left here was a mystery for you. The pack usually always stayed together.
- “Where are the others?”
- “On some kind of mission around the lands.”
- “Is everything alright?” They nodded nonchalantly. “Then why are you two here?”
The answer Seth gave you while chewing loudly on yet, another snack, made you grith your teeth so hard he thought they were going to fall out of your mouth.
- “To protect you.”
- “I thought it was nothing, so why would I need protection?”.
- “You should talk about it with Black. He’s the one who ordered us to stay to watch over you or something.”
- “I am PERFECTLY capable of WATCHING OVER MYSELF.” you answered a little louder than expected, anger rumbling in your chest. That earned you some awkward looks from your two friends, but at this point, it didn’t even matter, you were seeing red.
Leah, never intimated by you, shrugged her shoulders. Seth looking a little bit more nervous still laughed at your display of anger. Jacob was the one assigning babysitters over you? Of course, you and he would have a little discussion, that mutt would not see it coming.
When you got back home, you called your father to warn him; there was no way you would be cooking dinner. With your luck, it wouldn’t be a surprise if you burnt the whole house down. Fortunately, he was in good mood (unfair) and answered there was no problem; he would get pizza. He got home with the box in hand and a “Hey sweet...heart”. One quick look at your rough appearance and frustrated expression and his mouth closed shut. He dropped politely, almost carefully, a plate with a slice of pizza before quickly leaving for the couch. You mostly played with the food, incapable of swallowing it down, looking at the forest many times, waiting, expecting to see a tall figure appear on its verge but nothing. Time passed, still no sign of life. There was no way that by now Leah or Seth didn’t give him your message. You had time to wash the dishes, do some homework, and get in your sweats. At 7:30 pm you gave up; he wasn’t coming. Your father was still watching TV, completely oblivious to your growing anger. You picked up his plate to put it in the sink but tripped and dropped it, the delicate plate exploded into a thousand pieces.
- “Y/n? Everything okay?”
- “Y..ea.. an accident. I’ll pick it up.”
There was a slight tremolo in your voice. That was it. Your day had been terrible with no sign of sun, and this broken plate would be your breaking point as ridiculous as it sounded. You leaned on the counter, head hanging low, feeling tears of frustration swelling up in your eyes. Taking a deep breath, you looked up; in a second you were out the back door.
- “Where you going?” you heard your father ask.
- “Getting the trash out.”
The figure backed in the woods as you rushed into them without hesitation. You smacked against something big and warm, warmer than it was normal to be, yet you had become quite accustomed to it.
- “You little piece of shit.” your index finger digging in his chest. “You weren’t even here today, and it was terrible, and you can’t do this. I do not need any PROTECTION. Oh my god, do you really think I am weak and helpless without you or Leah or Seth or ANY werewolf to protect me?!”
He didn’t interrupt your monologue, only looking at you spitting your anger out.
- “You are SO annoying. Honestly who- who do you think you- are?! I’m- I am not, I can DEFINITELY, I don’t ne-eed any-one.” Your speech was becoming less and less coherent, your emotions taking control of your mind.
Without waiting any longer for you to finish your incoherent thought, he pulled you in for one of his signature bear hugs.
- “You can’t do this to me I’m an-ang-angry...”.
- “Shhh, it’s okay.”
- “You-you weren’t there.” you gave up fighting him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
- “I’m sorry, Leah told me.”
- “Wh- why didn’t you come sooner?” you continued, sobbing.
- “Some wolf things, Paul got in trouble.“ you backed off, immediately lifting your head at the mention of one of your friends in trouble.
- “Is he okay?”
- “Of course, he is, but Sam was very upset this time.” he stroked the side of your face with a small smile. “Enough with the boys, tell me what's wrong.”
- “Everything. I left my car window opened my seat was drenched. At school, everyone was disgustingly happy and in a good mood. I did not know I had an exam, I didn’t even study the subject. And this morning, my dad half ate the rest of my favorites cereals, and then I didn’t eat anything else as a silent protest, I know that’s stupid, but”
- “You didn’t eat anything else?”
- “Yeah, but I…” you lifted your gaze to meet his disapproving one. “I mean, I must have eaten a snack at lunch today…”
- “Must have?” he looked angrier.
- “Y/n??? Where are you??”
The calling of your father interrupted your conversation; he looked in its direction.
- “You should go back inside before your dad comes out.”
- “What? No, please. Can’t you kidnap me for tonight?” he chuckled lightly.
- “Trust me, go back in, okay?”
You looked at him unsure, even though you knew he was worthy of your trust. You finally nodded before running back inside.
- “What took you so long?”
- “Oh, uh, I thought I saw something and got a little carried away.”
- “Mokay, I don’t like you being so close to the woods. We’ve still had a few complaints about some trekkers finding traces of big animals in the woods. I’d prefer you be careful, alright?” You held up a smile, thinking about your friend just outside.
- “Sure.”
You stayed in the middle of the living room, expecting, waiting to see Jacob’s next move. You expected something quick, but when ten minutes later, there were still no signs of him, you felt frustration rising again. Not sure what to do now, you sat next to your father, half paying attention to what was happening on the screen. If he just left you, he was going to pay for it. You needed him, and just like that, he was gone? Probably, got called away by Sam again. Maybe it wasn’t in his control? But if it was…
Knock. Knock.
You looked up, surprised. The door opened with a creaking sound.
- “Oh, Jacob. Hi, what are you doing here?”
- “Hi Charlie, I heard Y/n had a pretty bad day. Came to kidnap her, if that's okay?”
- “Bad day? That’s an understatement. I swear, at one point, I thought she was going to scream at me. I ate her last bowl of cereal this morning; the thing was disgusting, I only ate half of it. I don’t think that helped.” You heard your friend’s low chuckle. Your dad seemed to feel pretty guilty about his crime, which did make you feel a tad bit better. “But yeah sure. Y/n! You have a visitor.”
You walked to them, Jacob awkwardly fitting in your small house; he seemed so disproportionate with his imposing size. For once, he was wearing actual clothes, a shirt and a pair of jeans, a sign he wasn’t planning on having to transform tonight. A sign that he was planning on being entirely dedicated to you.
- “Ready to go? I’m kidnaping you.” He said that last part with a smirk, a hint to your previous request.
- “Sure.” You grabbed your coat, said goodbye to your dad, and left without waiting any longer.
First, he took you away to get some food in you. It wasn’t until your teeth were digging inside a delicious burger that you realized just how hungry you were. Jacob being the glutton that he is, ordered two cheeseburgers along with a pack of large fries. You went for a milkshake, the perfect dessert for a night like this, and took your victuals to the La Push beach. It was empty and peaceful; the sun was slowly going down, the wind just a whisper in the night. It wasn’t even that cold, but the excuse to snuggle into Jake’s wolfish warmth was too good to pass.
- “Feeling better?” he asked while wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
- “Yes. Thanks, Jake.”
- “Kidnapping mission was a success?”
- “Yes, it was.” You answered with a smile.
- “Alright.” He muttered under his breath, looking in the distance.
You stayed for a while in comfortable silence, simply enjoying the other’s presence.
- “So, what were you saying about me not being there today, like that made your day worst?”
His question took you by surprise. A look at his cocky expression was all it took you to punch him in the ribs as hard as you could.
- “You wish idiot.”
He laughed at your attack, he probably didn't even feel a thing but leveled his face with yours in all seriousness.
- “You can avoid this conversation for now since you had a shit day and all, but keep in mind, it’s not over.”
- “And you keep in mind that our discussion about you ordering werewolves to stay behind to protect me, is not over. You won’t get away easily with that one Black.”
He laughed again, visibly amused with your threat. You laughed too but were slightly less amused. These two conversations were important ones, although one you apprehended way more. You looked at Jacob's happy expression and felt a fuzzy feeling warming your body. No, right now was not the time for such serious topics.
All in good time, right?
Tagging my two gals because they know how nervous I was😭...@imjustdreamingig @gonzalezyon I did it gals🥺 I hope you'll like it, thank you so much for your support💕💕
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jxthics · 2 years
Hiiiiiii I just finished up working my way through witchers 1-3 and I'm 4 books in to the series, do you perchance have any good blog recommendations for non-Netflix witcher content? Also I absolutely love your art, you've got such a distinctive style that genuinely makes me want to stop and look and zoom in on all the details
oh man, not looking at the books on my shelf rn i'm pretty sure #4 chronologically is baptism of fire, good LUCK!! that is my favorite book in the series but it is so so heartbreaking :') and thank you!! i genuinely don't know how my works look to others if i'm totally honest, it's really nice to hear
so full disclosure i'm largely not involved in fandom spaces and i don't follow a lot of people, this list is very short because of that. (uh, if anyone has any recs for *me,* come tell me?) here's some people who's works i just adore though:
- calyxestra: AMAZING artist with a bunch of injokes about the games, really charming comics and finished pieces that just blow me away. i am trying so so hard to keep myself from just babbling about this artist because ahhhh!!! the aesthetic the line quality the brushstrokes the color choices the posing the character dynamics.. it's all so so good.... whenever i go to draw regis i usually just open this person's blog up and stare at their art for a really long time in hopes to like..... absorb wtf magic they have to draw him like that
- chocochipclaire: another artist with charming comics about regis and geralt. the way she draws character interaction makes me go !!!!..... did a thing about the last lines of every hansa member that made me bawlll too. go check their works out
- nohtora: artist who draws a lot of book eskel, really warm and lovely style with an incredible eye for detail. this wolf brothers piece in particular is so so warm i adore it
- mejev: ough ough very very good character artist who draws things that are so warm looking, i have a charm from this artist (two of the same one actually whoops) because their regis is so... heart eyes heart eyes.... i love the way they draw clothing in particular its so nicelookin
- toussaintred: so so warm this is another artist that makes me go insane... also does amazing rdr2 art. very illustrative artist who draws a wonderful wonderful dandelion you should look at it his color choices make me very warm and i love the way he sets up characters together
- purple-soika: another very very warm illustrative artist with a very like.. ephemeral/whimsical look in their rendering its very nice and full of life and energy always. even drawings of laying down and chilling are full of energy its wonderful :] there’s grace in everything i adore their works
- hehearse: another amazing illustrator.. i love their yennefer/geralt works it’s very very nice it’s always full of warmth and color and everything is like a big scene you can bury yourself in i really adore it. very early 1900s setups in their works if that makes sense, like its lounging in a way ive only seen in works from the 20s.. i love love love 
- astrolunos: UGH what is there for me to say that i'm sure has already been said this artist deserves the whole entire world. i have i think three prints from this artist and if i had the space i'd get more it's all just so so warm and nice looking,, reminds me of comic books i used to read as a kid, genuinely just very lovely character interactions and expressions :') yennifer geralt ciri monochrome family ahhhhhhh
- avotuli: big tw3 artist whose work blows me away, especially the more recent background pieces.. very distinct environments makes me feel like i'm walking into a scene every time it knocks my socks off
honestly i could just gush for days about everybody's drawings on this list but for the sake of my embarrassment i will not haha. you're probably best off looking through the wiedzmin tag and specific character tags of people you like and just blocking twn/the witcher netflix and picking out things as you go!
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aureutr · 2 years
Get to Know Me - A Tag Game
shyThanks @comediandjarin​ and @thechaospilot​ for the tags!
rules: tag a few people you want to know better; make a new post, don't reblog!
favorite color: Man, IDK. Look at my closet and you’d say black. But I like all sorts of colors
currently reading: I’m re-reading Gideon the Ninth because I read it on a weird vacation (literally right before the March 2020 lockdown) and didn’t retain it well. I have a hard time picking longfic to read, but can blow through oneshots like nobody’s business
last song: I Knew I Loved You - Savage Garden (I listen to stuff other than SG, I swear, haha)
last movie: Turning Red
last series: Husb and I are watching Shadow and Bone. Last series we finished was Hawkeye (which, eh, was ok)
sweet, spicy, or savory: Usually sweet. I can’t bake much right now because we take COVID super seriously (usually I’ll give baked goods away at the office). I crave cake
coffee or tea: Tea, if only because I can’t handle coffee very well since I had my gallbladder out. Vanilla lattes are a sometimes treat
three ships: Dinluke all day everyday. I’ll slap together just about any combination of Barbie dolls, but that’s the only ship I actively ship right now. And the thing that dragged me back into active fandom after nearly 20 years away. Loved Zutara, too, but I didn’t participate in AtLA fandom. For a third, uh...Obi-Wan/Crying Alone in the Desert
first ever ship: It was either Usagi/Demende from Sailormoon or 1x2 (Heero/Duo) from Gundam Wing. I was into Sailormoon first but I was more into shipping with GW
currently working on: Oof. Uh, Din&Han buddy heist (it’s Dinluke on the side), the smutty part of this BobaLuke followup, and I owe two birthday fics: one Dinluke and one Obikin. Never written (or really, read) Obikin so that will be interesting
favourite piece of clothing: I have a bunch of cardigans, but my favorite one has huge pockets and is really long (goes down to mid-calf). Makes me feel like a witch because it’s swooshy
comfort food: Just like...bread. There’s this Italian place near us that does calzones with the most amazing bread. Now I’m salivating, godamn
favourite time of the year: Autumn, with winter close behind. I don’t like sweating for no reason and I love to layer. Summer is hell. Why do I live where it’s humid? 😭
fav fanfiction: Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns by chancecraz. Like, it’s not even close. I have read it north of a dozen times with plans for more (check the wordcount and consider what I said up top about longfic; it’s that good). Other than that, here are my bookmarks! Sorry, it’s mostly porn. Or you’re welcome, depending
I’ll tag @gravity-loves-me @inky-starlight @brassknuckled @thewriterowl @starboundanon and @emilianadarling
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: ghosted [coward series au] Pairing: F!Reader x Miya Atsumu Genre: fluff, mild angst, expecting parents au
Synopsis: an alternate timeline where instead of breaking up over the phone, you break down and tell him you’re pregnant instead.
Warnings: mentions of abortion and early pregnancy
notes; probably would recommend to read the series but yall can read it as it is. also can i say this is also my favorite side story haha...and that is it, thank you for tuning in to coward, it has been one heck of a ride and yall have been so supportive ily all fr. If yall are interested send some drabbles, im accepting until eight uwu :3
read the series here!  [ ss;; one, two, three, four ]
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Atsumu has been ghosted by his own girlfriend.
He doesn’t want to believe it, it was just so odd coming from you. He wants to ask around but you were never exactly close with anyone, he didn’t even know the name of the best friend that you’d mention from time to time or your family.
In that moment, he had the frightening realization.
He never knew you at all.
The blonde feels sick to the bone, he’s reduced to a hot mess these days. People telling him to move on, telling him that there are other better ones out there but Atsumu never wanted anyone else. It’s always been about you ever since that day he saw you.
Just you.
He feels light headed at the fact that he just lost one of the best things he had in life. That he’ll never find someone like you again, someone as patient or as loving as you.
The lump on his throat grows and he wants to yell out his frustrations in the walls of his quiet apartment but something stops him. 
A phone call.
From an unknown number.
He gulps down his frustrations and shakily answers the call, ready to tell the other person to fuck off but when he hears your soft voice, all inhibitions are lost.
“Atsumu.” your usual calm voice filled his ears and he suddenly feels the weight of the world is removed from his shoulders, thank god you were okay.
“Y/N? sweetheart? Where are you?”
“Where outside exactly?” Miya Atsumu dryly asks, “It’s cold, you shouldn’t be out now and wandering about. Would you like me to pick you up-”
“I can’t do this anymore.” you suddenly cut him off and the line goes quiet. The blonde feels the world around him quiet down when he hears those words that he wished he heard wrong.
“What’s-what’s wrong? Y/N, are you alright?” 
“I don’t know,” You mutter, “I’m just tired.”
“Tired of what exactly?”
“Of you, of us…”
“Y/N, are you saying what I think you’re saying?” 
“Yes.” Your voice remained dead calm as if you just hadn’t broken his heart in a million pieces that moment, “Let’s stop this here now, Atsumu. Let’s break-up.”
“That’s…” He tries to keep the mood light, praying that this is one of your dark jokes, “That’s not funny, Y/N.”
“It’s not supposed to be since it’s not a joke.”
Your response was curt as usual and he doesn’t know whats worse, the fact that you’re breaking up over the phone or the fact that your tone remains composed.
“Y/N, don’t do this...Sweetheart don’t do this over the phone.” His tone seemed desperate at this point, he knows he sounds pathetic but he can’t help it. If begging was the only way to get you back next to him, he’d gladly do it. He’s desperate for you, he’s always been since the beginning, “I’m not stopping this until you tell me what's wrong between us, you have to give me something to work with Y/N. Is it something I did?”
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean ya don’t know?” Atsumu started to raise his tone when he notices how unaffected you seem at the other line.Frustration slowly started to bubble up in him, the accent turning thicker as he got angrier, “Y/N ya can’t just disappear out of the blue and call me one day and tell me you want to break up! Do you think I’m some sort of fling? Some one-night stand or fuck buddies? We’ve been together for two years, Y/N. Two whole fucking years, What’s wrong? Do you not love me anymore?”
Silence filled the line that you could hear a pin drop.
“Y/N?” he repeats your name, this time softer, he notices the ragged breathing on the other side of the line, something was wrong, “Y/N? What’s wrong? Please talk to me...”
“I-I don’t know.”
This was out of character, even for you.
“I don’t know what to do anymore.” 
“Y/N? Sweetheart, What do you mean?” He feels weak when he hears those words, his anger slowly dissipating. You truly did sound tired on the other line, maybe it was really over. Maybe he should let you go.
Maybe he should stop being a selfish and desperate bastard, he'd only hurt you more if he continued this on.
“I…” he hears a very soft cry on the other line, “I’m pregnant.”
All he hears now is your cries and the fast beating of his heart, pregnant? You were pregnant?
“A-and its alright...It’s alright if you want to have nothing to do with the kid...I-I’ll find a way…” He hears you try to say on the other line as he grips his phone tight, was that why you ran away last week? For this? Atsumu lets out a shaky sigh as he hears the usual calm voice panicking and completely out of breath as if you’d just run a marathon, “...I-I-”
“Breath.” He cuts you off, his voice turning deadly calm.
You’re not sure if you should be scared or relieved by it.
“Breathe for a moment and tell me where you are.” Atsumu grabs his coat and wallet, “I can’t let my pregnant girlfriend stay under the cold for too long. Let’s grab something to eat, yeah? Don’t pregnant women have cravings or some shit? You really like those red buns we got when we first hung out, right? Or that karaage chicken? There's a twenty four hour one nearby my place then you can have a hot bath and sleep here after, you still have your clothes with me.”
The blonde’s tone is nonchalant as if you just hadn’t dropped life-changing news moments ago.He finally hears the sniffles die down, “Aren’t you going to leave me?”
“Now why the fuck would I do that? I’ve been chasing after you since I first saw you. A kid ain’t going to scare me.” He grumbled, he wasn’t a wimp. Kids? Pft, bring it on, “Now where are ya, Y/N? I miss you and you have to bring me to your next doctor's appointment, I swear to god-”
“I’m at the park…” You breathe out, cutting him off as relief slowly spreads on your system, “Where we went on our first date.”
Atsumu feels his heart thump, well, what do you know. You had some theatrics up your sleeve too.
“Hey.” He softly calls out, as he exits his apartment and walks towards his destination, the cold not even bothering him the slightest because he was going to see you, “Wait for me there.”
“I-I will.”
“And I love you, you know that right?” Atsumu paused, the thought of having kids now was scary but if you chose to keep it, he wouldn’t mind. He’d be the best otosan and husband     if you changed your mind     he could be towards you and that unborn brat, “I love you too damn much, Sweetheart. So don’t ever forget me when you’re making these decisions.”
“I won’t.” He hears a loud sigh on the other line, as if a huge burden was released, “I...I love you too damn much too…”
Atsumu feels his brain short circuit as he hears those words from you out loud, a grin started to slowly make its way to his features as he started to sprint towards the park, “Look behind ya, sweetheart.” He exclaims through the phone when he finally sees your familiar figure facing him.
You turn around to face him and he sees the red nose and wet cheeks.
It was evident that you had been crying hard.
Ending the call and shoving the phone back in his pocket, he runs towards you instead and carefully tackles you into a hug.
“Please don’t scare me like that again.” He pleads, burying his face on your shoulders and seeping in your warmth, “Shit, I wouldn’t know what I’d do if you left me.”
You slowly and hesitantly hug him back with the same tightness, finally succumbing to his warmth. 
This was nice.
You could get used to this.
Home, this was definitely what home felt like.
taglist [officially closed, ily all, this series would never be possible without all you people + other readers]
@fortheloveofiwaizumi​ ;  @svtbitch​  ; @kiyoomile​ ; @lovedanii​​ ; @juno-multifandom​​ ; @gyubit17​​ ; @saeranoppa​​ ; @nixxona​​ ; @kyomihann​​ @shorttstackk​​ ; @intoomuchfandoms​​ ; @yammmers​​ ; @mx-minxx​​ @itsmattsunshinehere​​ ; @missingmystogan​​ ; @volleybloop​​ ; @imcravingyou​​ ; @yams-wants-that-booty ; @liathachcapricious​​ ; @pinknugget​​ @seikamuzu​​ ; @marigoldthoughts​​ ; @sillykittt​​ ; @baejinoffcl​​ ; @alluring-akaashi​​ ; @bnhasstuff​​  ; @intheawks​​ ; @bokuakadaily​​ ; @agaassi​​ ; @yams046​​  ; @dope-squish ; @chrisrue15​​ ; @vermillionwaves​​ ; @demursv1ogs​​ ; @just-snog-already ; @angmarwitch​  ; @simpingonothers​ ; @woo-youngs​ ; @cowward​ ; @chaelysian​ ; @sempiternal-amour​ ; @jungshookmeup​ ; @jovialnoise​ ; @karlitabi-rrito​ ; @iwaizluv​ ; @sugarandsoft​ ; @tspice283​ ; @ohshirabu​ ; @syzygymai​ ; @volleybloop​ ; @oikaw-ugh​ ; @pockytokyo​ ;  @differentballooncollection​ ;  @keniloveshaikyuu​ ; @turquoiselace​ ; @playboygeniusphilanthropist​ ;   @keijislut​ ; @notyourbitchboy​​
@misosamu  @Etherynaw  @ryaaaax @allysasteaparty   @mikaashi  @brownie0food @ph10xy  @Chocolaterumble [hi, i can’t seem to tag u guys, i think you need to open your tags uwu]
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soundofseventeen · 3 years
Miracle (Lee Jihoon)
Happy birthday @peachy-hoon​! A million thank yous will never suffice but I can always give you this! I’m sorry for any mistakes; I literally uploaded this as I finished. And you know, it’s not my best work, but alas.
Word count: 2645
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“And that’s a wrap!” Jihoon spoke into the mic to let Wonwoo know he was done for the day and without waiting for him to leave the recording studio, removed his headphones and stuffed his sweater and whatever he could fit into his backpack and ran out of Universe Factory, the door wide open and leaving his confused, but amused friend to tidy up the small room. In his rush he literally ran into Jeonghan, who ended up throwing all the papers in his hands, and Jihoon, although didn’t like running behind schedule, stayed to help pick up the mess he made.
“Where are you going in such a rush?” The older boy teased, checking the papers he had in his hand to make sure they were all in order and ready for presentation.
“Home.” Not bothering to check the pages, Jihoon handed them over and let Jeonghan sort them out.
“It’s still early, don’t you think? Soonyoung said he still has to go through the choreography and Seungcheol wanted everyone present for the meeting.” The impish smile had formed on Jeonghan’s face before he finished his sentence.
“Soonyoung said he’d record it for me and Seungcheol already told me everything I need to know.” Jihoon searched for his cellphone, groaning internally when he realized that he had left it in the practice room when he dropped the towels off for his clingy friend.
“Aren’t you gonna help me put these back in order?” Jeonghan asked when he saw him walking away.
“You have that handled well enough.”
“I’m missing the first page, and I had it before you knocked me over.” 
“Don't do this to me right now Jeonghan.” This time, the groan he let out was external. “I have plans that I can’t break.” Well, he could if he wanted to, but he wasn’t gonna.
“You’re not going anywhere until I find it.”
“It’s under your shoe. I’ll grab it for-move Jeonghan. I need all the time I can get.” Jihoon crouched to pick up the piece of paper.
“Why not just invite Y/N over so you stay a little longer and then you can leave together.” Jeonghan not so subtly moved his foot along with the paper so he wouldn’t take it so easily.
“I don’t think so.” He pushed his older friend, momentarily making him lose his balance and successfully retrieved the paper, squinting his eyes to read it and looking confused. “How is this our fault?”
“It’s not. The CEO is already talking to Jun about it and we’re supposed to see what measures we can take from happening again.”
“Then shouldn’t we talk to Yanan about it? I don’t know why they thought squawking every time their ringtones went off and unnecessarily texting each other throughout the day is our fault.” And both of them were messaging both groups, but he didn’t need to add that part. Instinctively, his hand went to his pockets, ready to make sure his phone stayed on silent, but he remembered he didn’t have it.
“If it gets the CEO off our backs, I don’t care what we have to do.” Jeonghan took out his own mobile device, shutting the noise off as a safety precaution. “I dreamt Yanan was part parrot twice already.” He shuddered at some memory.
“Okay, so I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bright and early and not a minute more. I have a song for you and Mingyu to go through.” He was ready to step past him when Jeonghan grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back slightly.
“Do you really have to go though? This hyung hasn’t eaten lunch and it’s your turn to buy.”
Woozi let out a deep sigh, took out his wallet, smiled briefly at the picture he had of you, and pulled out his debit card, along with the loose change he had. “You know my pin number and this is literally for anything else. ‘Bye.”
“Will Y/N be okay with you staying longer?” 
“Yes, but I won’t be.” He turned the other way to head over to the practice room, only instead of seeing Soonyoung, he found Chan in the middle of a choreo practice. “Sorry, I’m just here for my phone.”
Chan hit the pause button on the remote, and gratefully took the towel Jihoon provided. “Oh, uh, I haven’t seen it. Maybe Hoshi hyung took it when he left?”
“Okay, I’ll see you guys tomorrow then.” Although he wasn’t thrilled to be phoneless the rest of the day, he figured that no one important would try to get a hold of him and if he managed to convince you to turn it off, then it’d be foolproof. 
“Hyung, what are you today with Y/N that you’re not staying here with us?” Chan wadded up the towel and threw at him when Jihoon shook his head.
“Nothing, for real. I just wanna go home and take a nap on the couch.”
“I don’t believe you, but go ahead and leave us to suffer with our evil CEO and Joshua hyung.”
“I don’t know what you did but I’m glad you did it. Now Bumzu is in charge of getting the chorus done before you leave ton-stop looking at me like that. I’m not abandoning you.”
“You’re leaving us for Y/N.”
“I already had these plans.” And not even his best friends would hold him up. 
“Okay fine, don’t tell me what super fun, cool thing you’re gonna do while we just slave away here.”
Jihoon began walking away, backwards and slowly. However, he couldn’t hold back the smirk on his face. “We aren’t doing anything or going anywhere. I’d ask you guys to come over after work to see for yourself, but I don’t wanna.”
“Ever since you and Y/N started dating, you’ve changed.” The fake sniffle Chan let out almost sent Jihoon to the floor but he managed to reach the door and once he took a bow, walked out.
Jihoon let himself in quietly, just in case you were asleep or on the phone with someone important to you, but he was greeted with a Stray Kids song coming from the living room. He smiled while he watched “Back Door”, nodding to himself when he saw Bang Chan. He admired the leader, and respected his choices regarding his group, but if anything, it was how much you fawned over him that made him petty. (Not in the sense that whenever you argued, he’d tell you to be with him, but rather he thrived on the idea that if he was with you in public and you came across Chan, Jihoon could always be satisfied in knowing that you were on his arm, and bragging about him.) 
He did make a note to remind himself to tell the boys  that your friend wanted Seventeen to do the choreo and if he could just remember it one day, it’d be great. 
“Jagi?” He called out so he’d know where you were.
“I’m not home,” was your response and with that, followed the sound of your voice that led him into the kitchen. “You’re early.”
He placed a kiss on your hair and let you finish the dishes while he checked the mail you left on the table. Bills, spam, a few unknown addresses written to you and he could only assume you found more photocards and you’d show them to him later. “How was work?”
“They wanted me to stay a little longer but I told them I couldn’t.”
“So just about the same as me.” He tore up the junk mail, and threw it in the trash. “What’s that smell?” He asked, wrinkling his nose.
“I might have burned the first batch of cookies, while I was in the shower. But don’t worry, thes ones in the oven are almost done and they’ll be good for dinner.” You turned around to wave at him, but he stood up, opened a pack of peach gummies for you and fed you one. “Speaking of, what sounds good?”
He wrapped his arms around you, back hugging you while you resumed your chores. “I’m not hungry right now. How about you throw these in the dishwasher and we can just watch movies and we’ll make food later?”
“Vacuum the living room first and then I’ll go meet you there. I have to clean the bathroom after this and dust my shelves and-” you sighed, “-so much to do.”
“But you’re not working tomorrow. Can’t you do that?”
“I have plans tomorrow and I won’t be home until late.”
“Fine, I’ll help you do our chores so you can finish and then we’ll watch something that Wonwoo swore was good.” 
He kissed your cheek, only to jump slightly when you yelled out, “Ateez present!”, followed by, “Turn the TV up. I love this song!”
He nodded but didn’t say anything else, instead running around the apartment with the vacuum cleaner and you occasionally scolding him because you couldn’t hear your favorite songs, and after that, collecting all the trash to throw out so you wouldn’t have to go outside and lose whatever motivation you had. He liked when you had energy like that; it usually made him wonder what other things you had done, like the fact you changed the bedsheets this time, washed his clothes, and baked some dessert. You worked extra hard today and he couldn’t wait to have you sit next to him and watch something that you wouldn’t focus on, but you’d have a good night’s sleep if that happened. He wished he could do what you did in the short amount you’ve been home.
You somehow managed to finish at around the same time, but he could see you weren’t tired because you were teasing the cat with all its toys. (The cat he said he didn’t want when you bought the apartment, but for some reason couldn’t bear parting with the stray so now, he was an active member of the family, but he wasn’t complaining. The feline kept you company when he was gone and it strangely put Jihoon at ease.) “Haha, you’re too slow. Come grab it now.” You picked him up, trying not to wince when one of the claws came out. “Come on pretty boy. You’re gonna watch a movie with us tonight.”
Jihoon was already waiting for you, your favorite blanket ready to be claimed and the snacks ready to be eaten. “Come on Jagi. You don’t know how long I was waiting to do this with you.” He extended his arms wide enough for you to fall into them, and when you did, wrapped them around you, sighing contentedly. “You know I can stay like this forever, right?”
He kissed your forehead when you nodded, and you could feel the tiredness creeping in. He always made your long days a little better and you often wished you could be the beacon of energy he needed, and you tried really hard to be that. Your work’s complaints could wait for another day, but this couldn’t. “Thank you for coming home early.”
You could feel yourself falling asleep a little into the movie, not because you were bored, but because you were so warm and comfortable and you didn;t wanna break your little bubble. Jihoon played with your hair, further lulling you into a slumber and when he placed random kisses on you, you just silently asked for more. So it surprised you when the doorbell rang and you looked at him. “Did you order dinner?”
“No. Did you?” Then came the hard knocking and you recognized it immediately, and you let out a laugh.
“They didn’t,” Jihoon groaned. “I told them no. Just ignore them and they’ll go away.”
“Is that why you turned my phone off earlier?”
“Yes. I don’t always get this time with you.”
“Should I just let them in? You know they won’t stop until we open the door.” You didn’t know how long you stayed liked, but you reluctantly got off of Jihoon and opened the door, him muttering profanities and threatening to put them through hell the next time they were due to record.
“Y/N, you’re here!” Seungkwan pushed through everyone to hug you. “How come you don’t visit us? Don’t you love us anymore?”
“Dude, I’ve been so busy lately. I’m sorry.”
“WAIT!” Chan cried loud enough to wake your neighbors so you put a finger to your lips to quiet him down. “So Hyung was telling the truth when he said you weren;t doing anything?”
“We literally just cleaned the house and we were gonna watch a movie until bed.”
“Wow, you’re not fun.”
You counted all the heads, multiple times, frowning a little when you counted the 12. “I haven’t made dinner and we were just gonna have noodles.”
“Oh good! We’re starving.” Someone pushed Wonwoo and they all rushed inside, quickly making themselves at home. Jihoon shot you an apologetic look and you smiled at him. You enjoyed Seventeen’s company, but Jihoon shook his head, trying to look annoyed at their presence, but the smile he tried to hide was confirmation enough to have them here for a little. 
“Everyone is having ramen form the packet and if you don’t like it, then you can go and get your own food.” Your eyes widened when you saw the time on the stove. It felt so much later than it actually was.
“I just wanna know why you guys are here and not at home.”
“Hyung, you invited me earlier, remember? While I was working on the choreo and you were looking for your phone.”
“That reminds me. Catch Woozi!” Soonyoung fished the phone out of his pocket and threw it at his best friend, snickering when he failed to catch it.
“I didn’t invite you. I said I wish I could, but I don’t want to.”
“Well, we’re already here and Y/N said we could stay.”
“But please not so late; I’m working tomorrow. But later this weekend, you can go nuts.”
“I thought you weren’t working,” Jihoon asked after the unexpected guests left.
“I’m not, but like you said, we don’t always have time to do this.”
“You’re the best. Go play the movie; I can finish right here. Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Not kicking them out. You could’ve done that.”
“They were already here.” You shrugged. “I guess you guys still need each other sometimes.”
“Still, I appreciate that.” He lightly pushed you to the living room, though you couldn’t actually sit down. There was a small mess you could’ve ignored, but you were already up and you didn’t know how long it’d be until Jihoon finished. Plus it wouldn’t take long, especially since your favorite boy was sound asleep on his tower after Jun and Vernon chased him around. 
And you also also had to change Netflix accounts so no one would be confused about anything. Luckily, no one touched your stuff, so you were able to find your spot fairly quickly and Jihoon came by just in time, with two of your cookies in his hand, and handed one to you.
“I love you, you know that?”
He nodded. “Let’s finish watching this, so we can go to sleep.” He flopped on the couch, once again extending his arms to you, where you met him with small pecks and flushed cheeks. 
You finally pressed play again, hoping for no more interruptions until the next day, quickly falling into your previous state of almost falling asleep right then and there. “I love you Jihoon,” you mumbled to him again.
He shut his eyes in his euphoric state, letting your words warm him up before he responded to you, quietly enough that not even your favorite boy could hear.
“You are my miracle.”
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