#It’s so fkin long 😭
cellias · 2 years
OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOUR RECENT JASON X READER FIC IT MADE ME FEEL ALL FUZZY THEN SLAMMED ME INTO THE WALL AT THE END WITH THE REMINDER THAT HE GETS AMNESIA! 😖💘❣️💓💖💖💞💗 But imagine when he gets amnesia he remembers his s/o like how Percy remembers Annabeth so when he awakes in a “relationship” with Piper he feels like it’s wrong, still has faint memories of reader & when they find each other (s/o would definitely be looking for him like Annabeth looked for Percy) he just takes them with him
that’s so kind of you to say!! 💗😭😭 I’m glad it gave those feelings, and sorry for the reminder oops <3 I was kind of trying to leave it open to something exactly like this! Sorry this is so long omfg
warnings: mention of blood/fire/violence, all canon typical
when Jason wakes up, his mind is just empty. He doesn’t know his own age. There was no trace of anything, and his surroundings are not familiar at all
Only one thing seems to exist in his brain, a trace of whatever he had forgotten
The name seems to echo in his mind. He doesn’t know exactly who it is. But he can hear their laugh and feel their embrace when he thinks about it
And when he turns to find a very pretty girl holding his hand? He blushes and pulls away, because he doesn’t know why she’s looking at him like that, and her face is not familiar at all, and her hand just doesn’t feel the same way as theirs
He doesn’t know how he knows that, but he does and it’s something
It’s a big relief in this new world of strangers he’s seemingly been thrown in
and when he finds out he’s supposed to be dating Piper it’s just. He feels very much uncomfortable with that information
she seems like a great girl, but the faint thought of Y/N, though he doesn’t know where they are, what they might be like, or even their last name, tells him that being with Piper like that isn’t right
He felt bad, trying to distance himself from Piper when she tried to hold his hand or do those shy couple things that happen in new relationships, because it’s not her fault
he knows their memories of him have to be fake, because Y/N certainly isn’t, but they don’t know that - couldn’t believe it because it was crazy
And then he discovers his ability to FLY, gets to camp half-blood, and a truckload of out of context information has hit him
Demigods, literal Gods, these figures that he somehow knows the names of, his abilities; yet he doesn’t know how these things come so easily to him
he’s almost always corrected for saying the Roman version of every name, but the familiarity is still prominent
he doesn’t really miss the aim of Drew’s comments towards him. he just couldnt find it in himself to care enough to give her a response, with how she was treating Piper and Leo
And then Piper seems to be more heartbroken by the second. Because it’s true; Jason had never existed in their lives. All her memories had been planted there, basically
he can’t help but feel bad for something that wasn’t his fault. she liked him, she had a made up past of him, all because some goddess had thought it was convenient
so he refrained from breaking her heart further; he wouldn’t tell anyone about the name that nagged his mind every moment he spent near her. the way she had been nervous over his picture of Thalia had been enough for him to stall a little more.
throughout the quest, his bond with leo and piper became stronger
it had felt right, being with them, putting his trust in them, and they had come back with real memories, a real friendship
But holding Piper in his arms as much as he did at the fire stirred a weird feeling that caught in his throat when that name came again
When he let go and kept a distance, the feeling only intensified, this time swirling with unmistakable guilt. he really didn’t want to hurt piper — he liked her a lot
just not how she wanted him to
after the quest, he makes sure to come clean, especially after the dreams that gave him more names and faces of his past
And then Y/n becomes a clear image, and he knows he can’t keep this up with Piper, because the second y/n loses the blur, his heart seems to uncover the longing and love that he didn’t know had been plaguing him since he woke in the bus
he talks to piper and the hurt in her eyes is almost enough to make him regret his wording, his choice of setting, his tone
And then, despite her heartbreak, she tells him she understands
“yeah, waiting would have been a real jerk move,” she says. “they’re really lucky.”
his smile is sad, and he doesn’t know what to say so he pulls her into a hug and this time it feels right. there’s nothing conflicted inside of him, because now he knows where his love lies and it’s different to the one he feels for piper, his friend. best friend.
she understands when she sees how eager he is about Leo’s progress on the ship, and when she notices his hands and shaking as they get closer to New Rome
And the wonder in his eyes when they land on someone in the crowd (not to forget the unusual frustration and restlessness in his voice when he confronted Terminus)
“y/n,” is the first word he says on new Rome soil in the months he’s been gone, and he can’t really stop himself from walking a little too fast to get off
he follows Annabeth a little too closely, eager to find them
and when the crowd parts for you and Reyna, he feels like he can’t move; he’s so entranced by you, the real one, not the one that’s been in his head, but the one that lives and breathes
You look so regal, like the leader he wishes he could be, and so stunning, the sight beat any memories he lived off of when he missed you
he stares into your eyes to see youre already watching him with a sparkle he knows all too well now
y/n looks away for a second to look at reyna and something passes between the two before your eyes connect to his again
“Jason Grace, our praetor,” you start, and gods, if he never thought much of his own name before he sure did now, “we welcome you home.” Your previously collected expression had softened into a teary smile he had rarely seen before. And you had never looked more beautiful.
“And these,” Reyna nodded, “your friends—”
before she could continue, Percy and Annabeth exposed them all to a passionate reunion — it took some restraint to stop Jason from doing the same, minus the judo-flipping, probably, but he has successfully stopped himself and introduced his new friends
“it seems we have a lot to discuss.” Reyna clasped her hands together. “Centurions!”
It seemed Jason hadn’t accounted for your patience, as the second the centurions arrived to side with Reyna, you had decided to step from their position
“my gods, jason, just get over here!” he heard, before feeling your arms around him, and again, he wondered how he lived off memories when this was the real thing
he laughed and returned the embrace when the slight shock wore off
After a few seconds he felt you tense and pull away, staring at the demigods and leaders who had watched. “Well? You heard Reyna.”
Everyone seemed to mumble and clear their throats before following Reyna’s orders to the legion, and making the place comfortable for a feast.
Jason stayed in place, his arm around you still, and his heart warming, along with his now pink cheeks, when you looked back at him
“Jason,” you smiled sadly and cupped his cheek, your thumb caressing his skin softly. It was a gesture he hadn’t felt since he had woken on the bus. “You’re here.” You took a breath. “I never stopped trying to find you. And I’ll do everything to make sure this doesn’t happen again. I promise.” You paused. “Do you…” you trailed off and looked up at him hopefully.
“I remember now, yeah,” he assured. “There’s…a lot I need to tell you. But I think most of that can be done during the briefing.”
“Right.” You turned toward the tables being set up. “The briefing.” He noticed your stare go cold. “Take everything Octavian says with a grain of salt. He wasn’t exactly in favor of my attempts to search for you. It’s all complicated, basically. But,” you grinned. “It’s good to have you back home again. I have to hear your story, though.”
when you both walked to the others, hand in hand, things almost felt normal. Like he’d never even left, like he’d been by your side the entire time — and that’s how he wants it to stay, he knows now
When he revealed that, similarly to Percy, the only thing he remembered was your name, your expression wavered and you clung to his hand tighter. You had been happy he had found new friends, and been welcomed into a new home where they hadn’t been too hard on him. To know he hadn’t forgotten you and wanted to find you too had rid the doubt that he found his new life better than his old one with you.
after the prophecy is discussed you volunteer to show Piper around with Jason
Despite his fear of it being awkward, he had forgotten how good with words you were
Piper eased up around you and seemed to genuinely like you so far
So Jason had brought up the idea that had been ringing in his head for a while since their discussions
“Y/N, it should be you that comes with us.”
You frowned. “I would. I want to. I just don’t know.” You looked around New Rome. “I’d be leaving everyone for a long time. Longer than I’ve ever been gone. But…I guess, with Reyna in charge —”
Before you could continue, a thundering boom shook the ground
the ship had fired
Your hand went immediately to your side, where your weapon usually was, but the space was empty
before you could question Jason and Piper, he was ushering you both toward the forum
He didn’t know what was going on, but Leo was on there in the ship and he needed to find out and keep you both safe while doing so
Unfortunately, the Romans had decided Jason and Piper were traitors, and you being one of the romans did not save you from being caught in the crossfire
soon the state of the three of you wasn’t looking too good — Jason’s head bleeding and his cloak ripped in multiple places, Piper attempting to use her charmspeak, and your bleeding arm as you joined Piper and Jason���s pleading
Jason tried his best to cover you after you gave Piper your shield, as she was most likely to face the wrath of the Romans as a Greek
you’d all had enough when Jason got hit in the head with a brick and crumpled in your arms (almost toppling you over)
Piper tried to mark herself heard in front of you both. “Stay back!” She looked at you. “Y/n, you have to make a choice. You’re either coming with us or staying. And,” she sighed like it stung, but her tone stayed kind, “I’m sure Jason wants you to come with us. We’ll need you.”
You didn’t have time to ponder your options, and instead clung to Frank’s dragon claws with the other two
It was possibly the weirdest method of transportation you’d used, and you totally would’ve been freaking out if you weren’t already preoccupied with an injured Jason
You looked down at your home, on fire and raging, and back at Jason, and you knew you had made the right decision. Wherever Jason went, you would; you’d never leave his side if you could help it, and especially in this state
It was a sentiment he reciprocated
You remembered the day he told you he couldn’t picture a life where you weren’t by his side. It was the same day he told you he loved you for the first time
So you’d join the 7 demigods, because how could you stay when the boy you spent months looking for is finally in reach and wants you with him?
you spent the day caring for his wound and watching over him as he rested
The boy had the nerve to look surprised when he saw you at his bedside
“You came.”
“Thank you,” you brushed his hair out of his face where his wound stuck, “for noticing. It was either that or get trampled. The choice was obvious.”
Jason’s eyebrows furrowed. “Sorry I made you choose. I didn’t know this was going to happen.”
“Don’t be dumb, Jason. Of course I chose to go with you, I thought the fact that I was in love with you was obvious. Plus, i have to make sure you don’t go forgetting yourself again. Juno will have to go through me first.”
Jason felt like the main character in a romance movie, but maybe they didn’t blush this much. He guessed he’d have to get used to it.
“Oh.” He cleared his throat. “I’m in love with you too.”
“If that’s true, you’ll put that ice pack back on your head.”
“Right, yeah.” Despite the pounding in his head, he smiled and allowed himself to forget the dangers he’d have to face for however long it took to defeat Gaea
In that moment, it was you who mattered. He had been angered earlier, at Juno, who had erased his life, and you, at the expense of her plans. But now, he had felt some relief and gratitude that she had at least given him your name
But that would be the last time — you wouldn’t slip from his life so easily, never again.
Even with the constant conflict between being Roman or Greek, from his loyalty to Camp Jupiter or Camp Half-Blood, he would always find you: his first and true home
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rebouks · 11 months
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They're here! Wren was born a whole minute before Byrd, and she will forever hold that over his head 😌
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biitchcakes · 4 months
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here's the idea.
leo's wife/lauretta . (gets stabbed to death)
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doukeshi-kun · 1 year
First off, your little fic was cute af. Domestic Kolya stuff makes me go bonkers, go crazy go stupid. Jumping off the walls. Make a wife out of that man
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But I also wanna throw out there, I strongly believe despite his goals and motives, he'd be an amazing father. Like imagine, him and small kids that he helped make and they look and act like him. He'd have a blast bro I don't doubt it. Imagine the literal circus of chaos he would make with them, but the happy smiles and giggles they all would share. Amazing, precious. Oh lordy, imagine he brings them to "work" with him. Of course, these kids would not grow into being wonderful citizens of society lmfao, but the imagine of him bonding with his own children (that he 100% calls his little clown army or something) is honestly precious. The domestic stuff even would be so much cuteness I couldn't take it. I would gladly pop out this man's kids no doubt, on god, dead ass legitness
i believe he doesn't have strong opinions on children. like, he doesn't actively like kids or play with anyone but he makes that exception on for his kids awww
AND HIM CALLING HIS CHILDREN LITTLE CLOWN ARMY WAGH SO PRECIOUS 😭💞 imagine them wearing mini eccentric clothes like him and he calls them to line up in front of him to brief what kind of fkin chaos they can do today hsgshdsh
i feel like nikolai's been independent for so long that he's very decent in basic chores. with his minions, he would certainly teach them how to do house chores so he can mess around with you instead lmao
the only downside is that, since he has a very complex mindset and questionable morales, i do think he will influence his kids, one way or another. there's a good chance that his children would grow up to be very morally grey. but worry not, he would even threaten his own kids to be nice to you.
he is gonna be a big manchild dad, i'm sure😍
aghhh i love this concept sm! 🌃anon used to send a couple ask where nikolai's a dad and reader is his daughter's friend mueheh
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noxexistant · 10 months
Andrew Keenan Bolger- Big clothes. Cottagecore. Dungarees with sunflowers or mushrooms embroidered on them (he likes the big pockets). Big sweaters that bunch up at his hips (it helps hide his malnourishment). Hear me out- he totally wears thigh highs and either Docs or high top converse (either knockoffs or stolen) that Jack has painted on. He also has a small collection of snapbacks that Albert swiped for him. It’s a thing they do. Albert takes one from the hat shop every time they go to the mall.
Zachary Sayle- Will wear anything and everything pastel. A firm believer in ‘fuck your gender roles’ and ‘clothing has no gender’. Still wears big clothes, but is oddly stylish. Desperately wants to wear platform boots but knows it’s impossible because he’s too fkin clumsy (lbr just being on crutches would not stop him, but this boy knows he would d i e on platforms too)
Andy Richardson- Doesn’t have a preference on what’s actually on the clothes. He just wants stuff that relatively fits. He doesn’t want anything that’s too tight. He’s worn clothes that were too small and he got even more of those looks. The pity in people’s eyes when they see just how small he is. He prefers clothes that are too big, but will wear anything that isn’t skin tight.
Matthew Duckett- Wants to look tough desperately. He and Albert have matching sk8r boy outfits. I’m talking the long-sleeved striped undershirts with either a plain or graphic tee overshirt. Mismatching socks, and ratty, torn up sneakers. He has a collection of stolen goods from Albert as well, except his is pins, which he wears proudly on his bags. Which he turns into a weapon when the need arises. 
Also they all will wear a skirt or dress in solidarity for his mtf trans friends
these are so sweet i love theeeem 😭
this is very specific but i tend to imagine the actor-specific modern characters in the specific era of when their portrayal took place. so, like, akb’s crutchie is in like 2011/2012. and i always picture their fashion (and details like hobbies and technology) to match - it truly feels anachronistic for akb’s crutchie to have anything more modern than anything andrew himself had in any of that behind the scenes content. like, that boy cannot have anything more current than a beat-up iphone 4. matthew duckett’s the only one who gets to be Current.
i definitely see akb crutchie in a lot of knit and crochet, big knitted jumpers under dungarees, jackets borrowed from the others that don’t fit at all (especially, like, letterman style jackets from race and albert). his converse are drawn all over with sharpie and biro by everyone including him along with jack’s lil paintings, the laces are filthy and frayed and don’t match, and the shoes themselves are an inch from death, near as old as he is. he likes fun socks, especially very bright ones, and usually mismatches them because he just does not care - and that includes long socks, though they tend to frustrate him because they never stay up on his legs. catch him leaning against his crutch and making frustrated noises as he wrenches his socks back up, though at a point he’ll just let them be half-scrunched down his shins.
zach crutchie has never worn trousers in his life and will not start. it’s shorts all the way, baby. he also really likes the practicality of skirts. anything but trousers is just way easier to get dressed in without the motility of his leg, and more fun to make outfits out of. he loves fun button-down shirts. he likes beanies, and he has unquestionably worn a flower crown (it was the style at the time!). he also totally tries to get fun shoes to make up for the lack of platforms - although, if he was in a wheelchair, he would be able to wear platforms. that is a big chunk of his desire to get a wheelchair. mobility? sure, cool, whatever, but getting to have more fun with how he dresses? let’s go.
andy crutchie’s clothes reflect insecurity. he dresses very soft and non-threatening, and very plainly, like he’s trying to blend in. collared shirts under oversized jumpers to try and bulk him up a bit, always trousers - with a belt around the waist cinched in tight to keep them in place, because he wants them big but then they never fit, and plenty of layers. he tends to wear shoes without laces because having to manually lift his paralysed leg to tie his laces frustrates him, so he likes imitations of those slip-on vans. he also likes hats, beanies pulled low on his head that he can sort of hide in, and they help keep him warm - he’s always cold. he likes borrowing people’s jackets.
matthew crutchie loves graphics. he has so many stupid t-shirts he got from thrift stores, as do race and jack - they go hunting for them together, and compete to see who can find the dumbest ones, with a strict rule that whoever sees the shirt first has dibs on buying it (but they then give the shirts to each other anyway, if it’s something they know one of the others would love. race has a “best grandma ever” shirt that crutchie gave him that he thinks is hilarious). he loves pins and embroidery and patches, anything to customise stuff as his, especially since it’s all secondhand and he makes it last as long as it physically can. that being said, he still rarely gets around to fixing stuff (his dungarees in uksies are broken) so most of his clothes and shoes have holes in them or the sole coming away or other little “quirks”. he always brings a hat out with him but it usually ends up shoved in one of his pockets, and he’s the type to triple-knot his laces and then stub them so they just always stay tied and he can toe his shoes on and off.
also, bonus: owen stringer crutchie is the one who’s especially desperate to look tough. he’s the definition of the skater boy style, lots of layers, bulking himself up. baggy trousers that are so long he has to cuff them rather than it just being a stylistic choice. lots of hoodies, all of which are miles too big, many of which are stolen from other boys (especially albert). the edges of his sleeves are always frayed, he’s cut thumb holes in some sleeves. and he wears a lot of jewellery, cheap rings and necklaces, in another imitation of tough guy styles.
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maddies-chronicles · 6 months
anon asks 24, 31, and 35 !
i dont know which ask game youre referring to but i'm going to assume this one
24: my relationship with my parents
skskskksjdks depends on the day? my relationship with my mom is usually good and my relationship with my dad is usually not great. sometimes we switch it up.
31: my last text message
to my brother "text back so i know you saw this"- i had asked him to lock the door and he has a bad habit of just. not replying. so i didn't know if he'd locked the door or not 😭
35: what i find attractive in men
i actually have pretty shit taste in men when it comes to physical appearences (in practice i always fall for the fkin white fuckboys- 😭) but in theory?? bestie.
hates bigots. will start a physical altercation. (given)
HARDCORE DEDICATION to loving and respecting women (given)
worships me (given)
hates everyone else
hates everyone else
hates everyone else
worships. me.
it's ok if he's a little bit of an asshole as long as he's not an asshole to me and as long as it's funny
did i mention worships me?
being cuddly!!! you ever seen a boy be cuddly?? that's the cutest shit in the whole world
curly hair
any unique feature that would set them apart from every other "conventionally attractive" dude. preferably something that might make other people think of him as "less attractive". idk why but that shit makes me go feral for some reason
that was the longest way i could have possibly said "i like it when guys aren't perfect"
hard exterior but secretly a huge ball of mush
tries really hard not to cry but just can't help it and cries anyway
sorry i'll stop i could keep going forever
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painsandconfusion · 2 years
first off your masterlist is unbelievably organized. I am weeping with jealousy, weeping i tell you
second, what do you love best about 3 of your OCs? (pick at random, whoever you want, as long as one of them is from Whumping the Whumpers)
thank you!??!!?!?!?! 😭 I have so much shit going on it has to be organized or I'm gonna lose everything aslkdjfkk
(I'm rolling a d10 to pick them)
Phobia Whumper (Brie): I like how malleable he is. He does completely different things with each whumpee without losing an ounce of his personality or voice. He reacts differently and composes himself different, but he's always the same person in my head and I appreciate his consistency through his inconsistency.
Ida: They're just so fkin sweet, man. And their internal monologues are so soft. They live up in their head, so it's really fascinating to see how sensations affect them more than others because their other responses are all muted. They're so soft...
ETHANNNNN: Love this boy. He has SUCH a strong angsty broody voice. I love how resilient he is and how he's 110% filled with rage yet still so so so soft and gentle to people who need help.
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thatgirlinskullz · 2 years
Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 5 ***SPOILERS***
-- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this episooodeee
-- spoilers incoming
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that opening sequence..fuuuucck
just when i thought we weren't gonna get any actual Anakin flashbacks, here we are. and he is as beautiful as the day i lost him 😭💖
the entire sparring session spanning the entire episode, flashing back multiple times. i caaan't it hurts
it's so good seeing them again as just Obi-Wan and Anakin.. master and padawan. but goddamn does it hurt
Rip Tala.... i actually liked her. and her droid. and it hurts because there's been soooo many characters throughout SW that we just barely get to know and love and then we lose them instantly. and i hate it. but i guess that's SW for you..
Haja my beloved 💖 welcome back! but you're a fkin idiot, not being able to keep track of a couple objects you're asked to take care of xD
also we see how Kenobi gets his black cloak. cool cool.
also why did he give the saber to Haja? is he getting it back?! he should be getting it back...
why didn't he take some other sabers.. there's probably some that he recognized there, for sure..
also where are they going with the people? without a hyperdrive? where can they go? if we get another rebel camp, and a cameo from a certain Jedi (khm khm Quinlan) or maaaybe some "jedi sympathizers" (khm khm Hondo)... ooohh boy.. i'm curious..
i had a feeling Reva wasn't what she wanted us to believe she was... i knew there was more to her... and damn. she is a traumatized little child. she is soooo full of pain and anger and hate and just wants revenge. and she's so mad she actually thinks she has a chance against Vader XD oh my poor sweet summer child.
but it was kinda mean of Obi-Wan to use her and manipulate her.. that was kinda weird. but i get it. he's using whatever he can to keep the people and Leia safe...
and that Reva vs Vader fight was pretty cool, actually. LOVED how Vader's just like "nope. i don't even need a saber. i'mma just use the force" xD he's so damn cocky and i love it!!! 💖💖💖
but also she's not dead, i knew she wouldn't die that easily... and now we're going on a baby Luke rescue mission i guess... finally get to see me some baby Luke 💖 hope he's at least half as good as baby Leia..
i was so fkin concerned when they named Reva the Grand Inquisitor.. like what do you meeeann?!!! you said you weren't breaking canon... and that Quizzy is not done yet.. and i was so scared they were actually gonna fuck up...
and he's as menacing as ever and i love him.
it's just that... we won't really have time to have a big fight with him too, right? not unless the last episode is like an hour and a half long.. which they won't do. we're lucky if it's an hour....
so last episode is just Baby Luke rescue..and Anakin vs Obi-Wan rematch.. for real this time? is that it?
also Reva is gonna come into play and will probably actually die..
we actually get episodes 7-8-9-10... or S2... idk.. i doubt it.. but like.. damn.. only one more episode to go... i am scared.
but this episode was fkin amazing!!!
can't wait for the finale
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seiwas · 8 months
my favourite football player has to be my bf 😌
other than that idrc?😭 Never was a football girl n never will be. i absolutely ENJOY watching his matches though, it gets me hooked but I don’t follow these football matches no. We just watch it together sometimes but I usually end up falling asleep hjhjhj It’s not like i hate it but yk? If i had to pick one, I would say Messi. What a man
⚽️ nonie
would you know what position he usually plays? (omg sorry am asking these questions 😭 i am just intrigued!! it’s so cool!! and i also am always interested learning abt diff sports 😭)
I GET WHAT U MEAN THO 😭 football matches are really long and take a while before points are scored 😭 BUT MESSI!!! ofc 👌🏼 what a man indeed 🥺🫶🏻
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nytb · 11 months
BROOOOOO, I fkin missed you 😭 it’s been too long. hope you’re having a great summer tho, it’s hella hot outside. Anyways it’s great to have you back :) Ready to see what you’ve been up to! 🤗❤️
Hiii😚 I missed you guys too🫶 But yeah the heat has gotten to me, but... more writing time so win win?😂
I hope that your summer is popping my friend, sit back and enjoy the chaos of the next chapter😜
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biitchcakes · 4 months
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(** Fair warning, this is a bit of a long post due to pictures**) To start off, the way they first encounter each other is just so perfect ⸺ Max just flat out VULCAN NERVE PINCHES her while she's at her receptionist job. And the fact it works. It's Spider-Woman's weakness and that's simply just hilarious to me.
Then after meeting each other properly ( he breaks into her house while she's in the shower ), he stays the night on her couch. In the morning, she wakes up to find him cooking her some breakfast. . . 🥺🥺
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❝ Ms. Drew ❞ just tickles me coming from him idc.
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I Love The Way They FLIRT.
❝ If you're embarrassed to hold hands ⸺ ❞ actually teasing her rn. Can't believe he took her hand after using it to blast someone please.
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AND IT !! WORKS !!! This is what she's thinking in that moment.
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No comment really this is cute af ❤️
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Read this as you will :))) U ask me, it's because he would Blush A Lil. Also I just. . . ❝ Mr. Shroud ❞ ❝ Ms. Spider ❞ 😌🖤
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Literally INSISTS on taking her out for steak and wine !!! Could have suggested anything else but that's the first dinner he thinks of. ( truly tragic they didn't draw them out to dinner and there's a time skip instead 😔 ).
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While they are waiting for their targets, he listens to her and tries to Ease Her Woes for over an hour. . .
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❝ See you in the dark, babe. ❞ GIGGLING !!! Needs someone just as melodramatic as her.
One of those SHIELD agents, for the record, is Jerry LOL.
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A long time later, when Jessica basically fkin dies, she requests Magnus wipes the memories of those who knew her. They all remember her in some form, though vaguely, distantly. . . But Max just KNOWS. . .
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:') 🥹
Look, I gotta include the bit below bc I love the way he gd throws himself off the roof without second thought because he sensed her ghost.
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❝ anyway she was gone by the time the lovesick fool saved himself ⸺ ❞
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I mean ⸺
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After a hellish battle with Morgan Le Fay, he and the rest of the present Avengers are able to help save Jessica Drew's life. And there he is. . . Holding Her Hand. . .
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Below is unfortunately the last time they are seen together for a looong time ( fkin 1984 to 2023 !! 😭 ). And it's just so damn adorable.
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Her powers are gone at this time, they start to come back at a later date. Yet still such confidence in her !! Love him !!
Dr. Strange is watching this whole thing from afar, and the comment he makes about them, I ⸺
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The most recent time they've been together was pretty Bare Bones flirtation wise :(((( given the Dire Situation™️.
But we do have this. . .
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It's just so soft. . .
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liquorisce · 1 year
Help you were just talking ab it being a two shot max a day ago 😭
i know i’m awful. that’s why i posted today that’s it gonna be longer 😭 i’m sorry guys. sometimes i think about not posting any of the stuff i write bc IT TAKES SO FKIN LONG to finish it, at other times i just feel chaotic. so it’s up in the air really.
this week there’s an anti ai omegaverse event so i wanted to put something out for that 🤞🏽
basically the choice was between eren kidnapping his “not-sister” omega to be his bride or challenging an alpha prince who wanted to claim her as his in a very ungentlemanly fight. the latter takes longer to write but feels more “finished” imo!!
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1111jenx · 3 years
can you talk about scorpio venus x leo venus? i heard theyre hella toxic and i’m a leo venus who’s curious 🤔 and plus i have a crush on a scorpio venus so i’m just 😭
Hey love,
First of all, my condolences. HHAHA i'm just kidding but not really 😃 are u okay luv? blink twice if u need help
But for real HAHAHA I'll tell you how I think abt Scorpio Venus x Leo Venus:D
Leo Venus x Scorpio Venus:
"Choke me til I cant breath, slap me harder" kinda energy during sex. But if the couple has Venusian energy will look like this 🥺 if u choke em a lil too hard HAHAHAHA
Everything thats repulsive to one another. Leo Venus loves the drama, Scorpio Venus loves the high they get from the heated arguments.
SO TOXIC. GOSH LIKE METH KINDA TOXIC YALL ITS NOT OK. just get one another love language and Scorpio Venus appreciate Leo Venus's protective nature a lot💖
Leo Venus in turns feel the need to protect and shelter Scorpio Venus from the world, since in the end, they know that while theres a demon reside in Scorpio Venus, theres also a childlike sense of naivety:)
POSSESIVE. bruh like Leo is very straight up with their possesiveness but Scorpio Venus is so slick with it. Will make passive aggressive comments passing off as question but inside they're like this🔥🔥🔥🤠✌🏼🔥🔥🔥
crying together. screaming at each other. throwing stuff at one another. calling one another HORRIBLE THING. (my bestie whos a leo venus called her scorpio venus man a "dumb fkin cünt" and they're still dating and very much 💋in love🤪. like get help yall. )
call one another first when they're experiencing smth traumatic. just wanna tell each other everything. cant lie to each other. cant hold back words too🥺
panic attack because of each other. like im so so serious.
the kind of love that all their friends would be against.
love each ther like they have found their soulmate. bond through sex, joint activites and late night convos. fall in love more and more as they give each other advices.
Scorpio Venus knows how to stroke Leo Venus ego LMFAO. Leo Venus rely a lot on Scorpio Venus unintentionally and expect Scorpio Venus to do things for them.
stupid arguments. trust issue. arguments caused by lack of understanding.
Scorpio Venus cry a lot and put a lot of hope in the relationship. The pain they both felt is unreal. Feels like they're one another's soulmate but also weakest spot.
*fuck other people and can never stop comparing it to the other person*
tendency to detach and blame each other when things are bad
always try to "get back" at one another
but once developed, here we have a couple with immense love and understanding. leo venus need to hold back from saying things they dont mean when they're hurt, scorpio venus needs to stop creating more drama when they're bored.
hate sex.
but also so lovey dovey lmaoooo like holding hands doing the act💀💀
sharing little things with one another. bestfriends kind of relationship.
will abandon their friends as long as they have each other LMFAOOOO
putting effort into gifts. meaningful text. saying i love you and meant it.
can't seem to leave one another. always wanting to stay or come back to each other.
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bluemoonstonesy · 2 years
John looks so hot swimming. Even with the goggles. He's so long and elegant. Makes me wish I was a better swimmer. ✏️
yeah but i bet he can’t do a handstand like me 😩 ACTUALLY I BET HE STILL FKIN DOES THAT he’ll be like omg look what i can do and then do a handstand at the bottom of the pool 😭😭😭😭😭 YOU ARE UNDERWATER JOHN!
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rinoomi · 2 years
OH OH! And the fact that he knew it was the reader calling! like he could tell all this fucking time that the reader was the one watching them above the court, but still played it off saying that he wasn't miya atsumu hahahahha and then immediately turning to look at her just to prove his point that he knew that she was stalking him this entire time LMAO loolol but man, that confession scene... as sweet as that was, omg how heartbreaking it became right afterwards rfsdjkfd the fic was so good
same same hahahah, sometimes you're just not in the mindset of wanting to read the ones you've marked for later uwu after all there are so much out there you kinda wanna indulge in all lololol these writers are so good gdurfjd (also im always tempted to read works i've already read hahaha)
YES GOD I'M SOO ATTACHED TO THIS FIC🤧 it just felt soo real? and I think I sobbed at all the chapters haru was in,, that part hit too close to home aaaaa godd I remember this one scene when they were kids and had climbed this tree and atsumu kept pointing at the horizon saying how he could see the tokyo tower from up there and the reader just believed him? pls that was soo fkin cute😭😭
no fr exactly!! I wanna start some long fics but my attention span has decreased sm lately,, I keep getting distracted 🥲 I can't get thru one chapater without taking a break </3
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