#It's nothing like my usual style but I really wanted to include a few of your prompts here and make something a little wump-esque maybe?
okmcintyre · 5 months
If We're Here (for the Rest of Our Lives) by twosuns
My Bellarke Secret Santa gift for @writetheniteaway 💙
Wishing you a very, very happy New Year!! Hope you enjoy reading this one & tysm for the prompt!
Written for #bellarkegifts2023, prompt of: "PTSD/nightmares/injuries... any of that sweet sweet angst". I took THE MOST angsty storyline and flipped it to a version that I hope y'all will enjoy. Bellamy + Clarke + stuck on a planet together, probably to die there. They both have a hard time with it.
Big thanks to @bellarke-events for organizing this great event! Fandom has gifted us so much fanfic to catch up on 🤩💕☺️🎉
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carpisuns · 1 year
i love your art! it always brings a smile to my face <3
oh this is so kind 🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much!!
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kyuuppi · 1 year
Genshin men Instagram HCs
Ft. Xiao; Scaramouche; Zhongli; Childe; Alhaitham; Kaveh; Tighnari
(gender neutral reader but wears a dress in Scara & Zhongli's parts)
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Xiao // @ a1atus
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Very rarely posts
Never pictures of himself, you’ll only see his face in tagged photos
If he does post, it’s probably a new album cover of a band he likes, a particularly good plate of almond tofu from his favorite café, or—if he’s in a particularly good mood—a cute stray cat that befriended him on the street
Never edits anything but still takes pretty decent photos because he understands basic composition rules
Never tags anything but will sometimes write simple captions like “new guitar”
His pfp has not changed since he made his account and its literally just the blandest selfie you’ve ever seen—but he’s effortlessly photogenic so even when he’s just staring at the camera with a blank expression he looks hot
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
Xiao will unintentionally do his loyal boyfriend duties and like all of your posts but he never actually leaves a comment unless you specifically ask him to but you have to tell him what to say or else you’ll just get something like “your hair is nice” LOL
Maybe makes one post related to you but it doesn’t have your face—just picture of your hands holding each other or a photo he secretly took of you from behind as you admire some paintings from when he took you on an art gallery date
Still doesn’t write much in captions but if the post includes you, he always adds a little black heart emoji 🖤
Scaramouche // @ balladeer
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Vehemently claims he’s not chronically online but he definitely is
Def has a dark / emo aesthetic profile and puts more effort into it than he’d ever admit
Uses stories pretty frequently
Usually to show off his game stats and victories or to vent about some annoying inconvenience that's just happened to him 
balladeer Jfc the train is late again I may as well just walk home everyday ffs
All his late night gaming photos are so highly saturated in his pitch black bedroom, the only source of light being his screen on max brightness and his violet RGB keyboard. If you raise the screen brightness on your phone you might be able to make out some empty Monster cans and ramen cups on his desk—he absolutely gives Discord / Reddit mod vibes 🤢
Definitely has a story archive just for Valorant 🤮
I wanna fuck him so bad it makes me look stupid—
Posts a few selfies to show a new piercing or the very rare occasion where he’s feeling really confident in his looks
unintentionally thirst traps the emo boy lovers; yes, I am talking about you and I—
Lightly edits photos or uses filters to make them look good but nothing extreme or super aesthetic, mostly just for decent contrast
Usually the first one to see any of his friends posts but never ‘likes’ them
Will leave snarky or sarcastic comments when the mood strikes tho
His pfp is a candid picture someone else took that he thinks he looks decent in—sticking his tongue out and giving double middle fingers to the camera
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
Makes a post or story for every date you guys have, even if it’s just a vague picture of your shoes together
He likes to show off that he has such an attractive s/o but also lowkey just wants to have a memory to look back on for the nights he feels lonely
Doesn’t post just you though, he’s always in frame holding you or touching you in some way—he feels the need to put some sort of claim cause he thinks people are gonna shoot their shot with you—he’s kinda paranoid and insecure, pls have patience w him
Likes and comments on all of your posts. Sometimes it's a snarky quip like if you post about you and your friends doing something funny he might comment “lmao ur so dumb” but if its a selfie or something you’re proud of, he leaves a little compliment and heart emoji.
YN0103 [bedroom mirror selfie of you shyly posing in a dress]
YN0103  Bought a new dress today…it’s not my usual style but I rlly like it 🥺
balladeer cute 💜
If anyone ever confronts him in person about his nice comments on your posts tho he’ll get flustered and claim his account was temporarily hacked LOL
His heart def flutters when you post a picture of him on your own account
He kinda can’t believe you’re proud enough of him to publicly post about him
Changes his pfp to the two of you together and, if you zoom in and squint, you can tell he’s kind of smiling <3
Zhongli // @ rex_lapis
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
I’m sorry but I have to do it…
He has Facebook grandpa vibes
Like he has no idea how to use half of the features; stories are an absolute mystery to him. What is a reel?
But he tries to be supportive of his friends and will leave way-too eloquent comments with a Wikipedia levels of supplemental information
a1atus [ photo of a shiny Fender acoustic guitar laying on what seems to be a bed]
a1atus new guitar
rex_lapis Lovely new instrument, Xiao. You seem to have quite good tastes – that particular model is popular among many professional musicians. It is well renowned for its clear sound and beautiful mahogany exterior. If you wouldn’t mind, I would love to hear you play it someday over tea.
a1atus @ rex_lapis thanks
the way I cackled writing that exchange ygweyufgwyu Xiaos just like ‘thanks for commenting dad’
His pfp is not him—it’s probably a famous painting he likes or a beautiful white flower from a garden he visited
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
If you want him to improve his Insta game, you’re going to have to teach him, I’m sorry
On the up side, Zhongli is a great student and is eager to learn anything you teach him
Will try to post pretty regularly; usually somewhat mediocre photos of beautiful scenery like sunsets and flowers
Like Scaramouche, he enjoys the idea of documentary your time together so he posts something at the end of each of your dates
Your heart lowkey melts when Zhongli, very earnestly, asks after dinner if you’ll allow him to take a selfie with you to post on his Instagram
Regularly asks for feedback on his posts to ensure he’s properly taking your advice and improving :,)
He even starts organizing and naming story archives on his profile—simple titles like “tea,” “nature,” “friends,” and “my dearest”
Likes and comments on every single one of your posts and replies to all of your stories, even if he was there with you
Usually just lathers you in compliments on your beauty or tastes but they’re so thoughtfully written that it’s obvious he’s not “just saying it” and genuinely believes all the kind things about you he writes
YN1231 [photo of you twirling in a summer dress amidst a colorful of bed of flowers in a botanical garden, take by your friend]
YN1231 It’s finally starting to feel like spring! 🌸🌼🌺
rex_lapis While the camelias are lovely, they pale in comparison to your radiance. Your yellow sundress is also quite lovely and compliments your complexion in the morning sunlight. Truly a divine sight. 
balladeer @ YN1231 @ rex_lapis ugh can you guys keep it in the DMs
- Changes his pfp to a selfie of himself smiling after you told him he should. The angle is a little odd but he’s so naturally attractive that he still manages to look good. 
Ajax // @ tartaglia_on_top 
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Doesn’t post too often but when he does, it kinda gives stereotypical frat boy
Like, lots of parties and shirtless beach photos with his friends
The surprise is the occasional posts of his little siblings and kids he volunteers with in between
He sometimes posts championship and practice photos from his martial arts competitions with captions thanking his team and mentors
Is pretty popular—has a few thousand followers, many are people he met just once or twice at parties or genuine friends and classmates, but the vast majority are online fans who just follow cause he’s hot LOL
Is the type of person you followed once after meeting a long time ago and never talk to again but you can’t bring yourself to unfollow cause he’s nice and his updates are kinda interesting and he’s hot
Isn’t online that much so he doesn’t like/comment on his friends’ every post but usually tries to leave congratulatory messages when someone accomplishes something or graduates
His pfp is a closeup of himself with a boyish grin he cropped from a group photo
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
It is super obvious when you guys start dating cause almost every post from that point is about you in some way LOL
tartaglia_on_top [photo of Ajax, sweaty and exhausted but clearly excited as he holds a trophy in one hand with the other wrapped around your waist while he presses a kiss to your cheek]
tartaglia_on_top Officially a 3 year championship winner! Thanks to my biggest supporter @ YN0720 😘
He’s not even consciously trying to post you all the time, it just happens because you are either always together or any memorable moment he thinks are worth an Insta post involve you in some way
You’re the only person, aside from his family - that he actually likes/comments on all posts for
Is the type of boyfriend to leave those super dramatic, embarrassing comments on your selfies like “DAAAMN BABE 🥵 finna make me act UP” and, in one particularly shameless case, “god youre so hot pls step on me queen 😍” 
Please block him
He shamelessly liked all your past posts from before you too met as well—you were kinda mortified to wake up one morning to a notification that just said “what a lil cutie ❤️” on a post of yourself from seventh grade. 
Changes his pfp to a couple selfie he took of the two of you kissing on a winter vacation in the mountains
Kaveh // @ kaveh.designs
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Obsessed with having an aesthetic profile
Like, the color palette of the background and clothing in his pfp selfie are carefully matched with the cover of each of his story archives, down to the hex code
He carefully edits every post and uses filters to make them all fit with his theme no matter how inaccurate to real life they may become
“Huh…I thought your bedroom wall was a bit more orange than this…” 
“Oh, that’s cause I use 30% Juno in all my bedroom photos for a warmer finish.”
Despite his aesthetic profile, he doesn’t come off as particularly vain or narcissistic—only posts selfies when he’s has a particularly good hair day or changed his accessories
Most of his posts are of places he travels to (museums and big cities with interesting architecture) or his own sketches and rendered design projects
Online pretty frequently, always checks insta when he wakes up, before bed, and during lunch breaks
His stories are often project updates, interesting things he encounters throughout the day, or food photos
Only likes posts he actually likes and sometimes comments with photography critiques
tighnar1 [photo of a cluster of three bright blue mushrooms clustered against vibrant green grass and patches of dark, wet soil]
tighnar1 Proof the forest is an amazing place: found this beautiful little cluster of juvenile Rakkhashava mushrooms on my hike today. Great spotting by @ colleeei. Check my story for some cool mushroom facts. 🍄
kaveh.designs great photo composition, Tigh, perfect golden ratio on the caps.
tighnar1 @ kaveh.designs Thanks I guess…
Has a decent number of followers, many of whom are also artists familiar with Kaveh’s reputation from the Kshahrewar. Others just like his OOTD stories and charming smile
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
Kaveh revamps his entire profile once you two become official
His pfp becomes a candid taken by a stranger of the two of you together at an aquarium, holding hands as you point something out to him through the glass
It was taken by a photographer working at the aquarium as part of a promotion—the photographer showed you two the photo and asked for permission to post it on their official website and Kaveh was absolutely obsessed with the photo—it’s still one of his favorite and it doesn’t even show your faces
He still matches his archived story covers to his new pfp but his actual feed had become a lot more relaxed and natural now
He still slightly edits photos so they look as good as possible, but he doesn’t like using filters on photos of you or the two of you together because he thinks it would be a disservice to your natural beauty
Like Ajax, his posts and stories naturally become mostly about you whether scenes from your dates—candid photos he takes of you where he insists you look like art even though you’re just in pajamas with an unmade face—or even photos of things he sees throughout the day that remind him of you
Sometimes he posts stories of funny reels or art pieces he knows you’d like and tags you in them with messages like “@YN0709 omg remember when we were talking abt this?” and “me & @ YN0709💕”
Similar to Childe, leaves the most downbad, dramatic comments on your posts
YN0709 [swimsuit selfie]
YN0709 happy summer! ☀️🌊
kaveh.designs Oh my god my heart– 💘 I cannot believe I get to come home to this every night 👅💦
YN0709 @ kaveh.designs omg kaveh pls 💀
al_haitham @ kaveh.designs Every time I see one of your comments I regret ever learning how to read.
Alhaitham // @ al_haitham  
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Only made an account so his friends would stop bothering him about not keeping up with things tbh
Checks his feed a few times a day but skips through stories if they’re too long/too many
Absolutely hates concert stories the most cause they’d loud, long, and filled with off-key drunken singing
Never likes or comments on anything unless it’s really interesting to him
Occasionally shares reels in his story that are like interesting history facts or official Akademiya announcements
Has a few posts (and only cause Kaveh would not shut up about it) but they’re mostly just pictures of book covers he’d just finished reading with a detailed review or literary analysis as the caption—but he’s mindful of avoiding spoilers for those who haven’t read it
However, he does have one post that stands out quite a bit
He posted an unintentional gym third trap because he just happened to be working out, as is routine, and thought it might be nice to share some tips on proper rope pushdown form 
If you’re not a gym babe and don’t know what this is, I beg of you, please look up a gif or video and imagine Alhaitham doing this, shirtless. You’re welcome.
It has become his most popular post by far
His pfp is probably taken straight from his faculty ID card: plain background, bright lighting, neutral facial expression
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
After you two have become official and are pretty comfortably established in your relationship, he’ll post a photo of the two of you—probably one you took - with a simple caption like “Late night at Puspa Café with my favorite person 💚”
Everyone who knows him freaks out in the comments with variations of “omg hathie got an s/o???” and “wow he finally posted a normal pic of himself, y/n is a good influence” but he doesn’t reply to any of them lmao
If you use Instagram a lot, he’ll naturally become more active too because he enjoys learning more about what you like through your posts and stories
He likes all of your posts but never comments—if one of your posts interests him, he’d prefer to wait until he sees you later to ask you about it in person 
He just wants an excuse to talk to you more
As he becomes more active, little bits and pieces of your relationship naturally infiltrate his feed
His latest book review post has your favorite mug in the background because the two of you had breakfast together
His informational story post of an antique Sumerian emerald he found at a street vendor is being modeled by your pretty hands because you were with him when he saw it and later given to you after the vendor insisted on Alhaitham gifting it to his “beautiful spouse”
He changes his profile picture to the two of you from one of your many reading dates, comfortably lounging on a loveseat in a quiet corner of the library—and this time, he’s softly smiling
Tighnari // @ t1ghnar1
Surprisingly active on social media
He thinks social media is a great way to share information about the importance of forest conservation and get people to appreciate the beauty of Avidya forest
Makes one post almost every day and multiple stories
Needless to say, 90% of his posts are of plants or small animals he finds on his hikes or while working
His most popular posts are those of cute squirrels and birds that are being nursed back to health after being found wounded—animals just seem to naturally love him so the pictures are usually taken by his coworkers because his arms are full with cuddly animals that refuse to move
The other 10% of his posts are from the occasional hang outs with friends or coworkers after work—snaps of iced fruit teas from Puspa café or colorful clay plates overflowing with Collei’s homemade pita pockets. 
He makes sure to reply to or at least like every comment, particularly those from people asking questions about the plants he posts or how to become a forest ranger. Even simple “wow that's so cool” comments often get at least a “thanks, glad you liked it” from Tighnari
He tends to use some cute forest or food emoji when they fit with his posts. For example, 🍄,🥙,🦊,🐦, etc.
Also tends to use “:)” when replying to his followers because he knows it can be difficult to read tone in text-based communications
Tigh is basically a social media manager at this point oops
Because he is online so much, he naturally keeps up with almost everything his friends post and will like or comment on things he finds interesting
His pfp is a selfie of himself with a small yellow bird perched on his shoulder from one of his patrols
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
All Tighnaris written by me WILL follow the “fennec foxes mate for life” trope regardless of AU, it is an indisputable law of the universe
If you’re in a relationship with Tighnari, you should be prepared for stability and commitment in general
While he doesn’t go out of his way to make an official announcement post or anything like that, you become a regular feature on his page
Will tag you in anything you’re related to, unless you specifically ask him not to
t1ghnar1 [photo of a small, cream-colored fox brushing itself against Tighnari’s leg and looking up at the camera with large eyes]
t1ghnar1 On a walk with @ YN1229 this morning we spotted this cute little kit without her mom. 🦊 While adorable, foxes - even kits - are wild animals and should never be approached unless by professionals. We have informed the local animal control where she will be taken care of until we can locate her family. Photo by @ YN1229
He never outright announces you as his lover but he seems to spend so much time with you and refer to you so casually that his followers who don’t know him just assume you’re his spouse LOL
He doesn’t bother to correct them either :,)
bennie_boy Wow, that mountain is so high up - wasn’t ur spouse scared to go up there?
t1ghnar1 @ bennie_boy Y/n has been on so many trips like this with me that they’re pretty used to it. :)
Likes your posts as he see them on his feed and occasionally leaves a short comment like, “beautiful <3”
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sunnitheapollokid · 1 month
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↳ hoo boys x popstar princess headcanons <3
characters in this thread : percy jackson, leo valdez, jason grace, frank zhang. ೃ࿔₊•
☀️ sunni’s notes : THIS IDEA HAS BEEN ENGRAVED IN MY MIND FOR FOREVA! and i finally get to write about it because my writer’s block is slowly goin’ away 🫶 (barely) i haven’t checked my notifs because i’m tryna do a semi-break right now!! but i wanted to post something for y’all >0< ANYWAYYY obvi it’s sabrina inspired because i love her i’m a true carpenter amen amen. GO STREAM ESPRESSO. happy reading bebis!! sunkisses, — sunni!
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𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧 ♪ ˖ *
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୨୧ your biggest supporter!!!
୨୧ has all your merch. the cap? yeah, he’s got it. the shirt. got it. the stickers? jacket? don’t even need to ask him, he’s got it.
୨୧ obviously adores your singing voice, he makes you sing every chance he gets.
୨୧ percy knows how to play the guitar, both electric and acoustic so he usually makes appearances during your shows.
୨୧ YOUR FANBASE LOVES HIM?? like sometimes it seems like they love him more than you do.
୨୧ so many edits, like CRAZY amount of ship edits.
୨୧ he likes to take a peek on what your outfits look like, but you tell him it has to be a surprise!!
୨୧ if you succeed in hiding your fits, his jaw is dropped at the first sight of you on stage.
୨୧ knows all of your songs, plays them in the car, even when you tell him not to.
୨୧ “oh shut it.”
୨୧ his favorite color’s blue, so sometimes you wear blue accessories on stage.
୨୧ almost signifying that you’re bringing a part of him on stage.
୨୧ you wear blue bows, bracelets, maybe a few rings.
୨୧ percy absolutely melts when you do, because he knows exactly that you’re thinking of him.
୨୧ you even have a seperate blue mic just for him.
୨୧ during tours, he gets busy with college so he can’t really come to every show, but he tries to watch it live even during lessons.
୨୧ “mr. jackson, if you don’t tuck your phone away i’ll make it a point to fail you.”
୨୧ “just mad you don’t have a popstar as a girlfriend.”
୨୧ “what was that?” — “nothing!”
୨୧ and he picks you up from the airport whenever you come back, every. single. time.
୨୧ co-wrote some songs with you, but likes to have you take the credit since you’re the singer anyway.
୨୧ songs include : “miss america & the heartbreak prince.” — “snooze.” — “somebody to you.” — “the only exception.” — “style.”
𝐥𝐞𝐨 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐳 ♪ ˖ *
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୨୧ calls you ‘princesa’ and ‘mi párajo cantor’ A LOTTT.
୨୧ and it still makes you flush everytime.
୨୧ leo valdez is the type to how do you say this??
୨୧ totally forget that you’re the ‘princess popstar’ sometimes.
୨୧ there was one time you two were on a date,
୨୧ leo watching you eat then he just goes,
୨୧ “.. YOU’RE A POPSTAR!!”
୨୧ and he shakes your shoulders like the world’s gonna end.
୨୧ “leo! leo! amor! quiet down!”
୨୧ always making sure he goes to ALL YOUR SHOWS.
୨୧ if your guitar / or any instrument ever breaks, he’s already there fixing it for you before you could tell him.
୨୧ likes to plan out your outfits, and almost all the time, THEY EAAAT!!
୨୧ “miss popstar princess!! who styled you today??”
୨୧ “oh! my boyfriend!”
୨୧ too, loves your singing voice. or your voice in general, he’s so whipped when he hears you say his name.
୨୧ he’s gonna marry you.
୨୧ he has a t-shirt and in black bold letters it just says, “I LOVE MY POPSTAR GF.”
୨୧ the crowd loves seeing leo in the crowd hanging with your fans.
୨୧ he’s not much of a singer, but he’ll dance his heart out amongst your fans.
୨୧ flying kisses, so many flying kisses.
୨୧ he also likes doing your hair, and again, THEY EAAAT!!
୨୧ makes you think of how much of an amazing girl dad he would be.
୨୧ “guys do you see how cute my hair is?! leo did it!!”
୨୧ you give them a lil twirl, and the crowd goes wild.
୨୧ immedietly peppers you with kisses after a show backstage.
୨୧ he makes all your jewelry for you, since he’s good with metal anyhoo.
୨୧ you have a polaroid of you and him stuck to the back of your guitar.
୨୧ he has a polaroid of you on stage on his drum set.
୨୧ oh yeah, did i mention he’s drummer?
୨୧ some songs of yours don’t usually have drums in them, but when they do, you know who to call!!
୨୧ this man is defo sleep deprived.
୨୧ “mami? can you sing me to sleep?”
୨୧ he falls asleep to your voice in a snap, his arms wrapped around your waist like a glove.
୨୧ songs include : “that boy is mine.” — “this love.” — “espresso.” — “ready or not.” — “lover.” — “our song.”
𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 ♪ ˖ *
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୨୧ jason loves the idea of you being a popstar!! but makes sure to let you know that even if you weren’t, he’d love you regardless.
୨୧ the man doesn’t dance, but he can sing pretty well.
୨୧ you’ll catch a glimpse of him humming and swaying to your songs in the crowd.
୨୧ OMG OMG. jason loves matching with you!!
୨୧ it’s sort of his way of saying ‘i love you and i’m here to support you all the way.’
୨୧ sorry brain buffered there.
୨୧ his favorite outfits of you two were these blue and light purple coordinated oufits.
୨୧ the fans loved it. it was all over.
୨୧ you guys went trending a ton.
୨୧ #(name)andjason or your guys’ ship name on twitter went viral almost more than twenty times in the span of like— three months.
୨୧ jason doesn’t really care about the fame though.
୨୧ he still likes to go on those corny and normal fun dates with his girl.
୨୧ if the paparazzi comes to harass you, he genuinely but gently threatens them to leave you alone.
୨୧ can i just say,
୨୧ he knows all the good angles and poses.
୨୧ he’s your literal pocket camera.
୨୧ why hire a professional photographer when you had a boyfriend who can do it for you???
୨୧ “on your right baby— yeah, then turn there, that looks good.”
୨୧ “here jace? is my hair flat in the back?”
୨୧ “it’s never flat, you look great honey.”
୨୧ i just brain buffered again.
୨୧ OH OH!! jason plays the bass!! i think it would fit!
୨୧ he doesn’t like going on stage though, he’s super shy. and he has a hint of stage-fright on him.
୨୧ he’ll play some songs for you in private though! and you could hear some bass from him in a few of your songs.
୨୧ songs include : “daylight.” — “soulmate.” — “invisible string.” — “slut!” — “beautiful boy.” — “tattoed heart.”
𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐳𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 ♪ ˖ *
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୨୧ he’s your breath of fresh air when the fame gets too overwhelming.
୨୧ “hard day sweetie?”
୨୧ he gives you the best hugs when you come back from a shooting, a show, whichever.
୨୧ makes sure to stocks up all your snacks backstage for you.
୨୧ he got you a locket for your anniversary, and you wear it on stage.
୨୧ he smiles to himself everytime he catches a glimpse of it around your neck.
୨୧ what’s inside the locket you may ask??
୨୧ literally just him.
୨୧ and amen to that!
୨୧ just like jason, he likes to reassure you that even without the popstar thing— he loves you. body and soul.
୨୧ spoils you!! 100%!!
୨୧ he knows exactly what you want, your eye is caught by something while shopping, he’s hopping his ass inside that store to get it for you.
୨୧ makes the calls for you when you really can’t take it to go do popstar duties.
୨୧ and he makes sure your day off is the best ever, with snuggles and cocoa kisses.
୨୧ but during shows, he’s actually super chill!!
୨୧ except the part where he sings his heart out to every song, because he defo knows ALL YOUR SONGS.
୨୧ the fans are shocked sometimes, but they love him.
୨୧ he’s so friendly to your fans too!! during meet and greets he makes appearances, and he gives them the biggest hug ever.
୨୧ he also thanks them for supporting you, and it makes your heart melt.
୨୧ when you’re on stage, he makes the half of those finger hearts for you to complete— and of course you complete it!!
୨୧ songs include : “pov.” — “you are in love.” — “urs.” — “bewitched.” — “every summertime.” — “like the movies.”
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mickyschumacher · 10 months
hi! I love the way you write and I’d love to see some Daniel Ricciardo or Oscar Piastri content!! Older brother’s best friend and something including model!reader or figureskater!reader. I also cannot begin to describe how much I love your Taylor song based fics. I was hooked on Style and Dress, thank you, have a wonderful day :)
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: you don't have much in common with oscar piastri other than three things: you're both rare talents, you know each other through your older brother, and that, unknowingly, you both really like each other.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: older brother's best friend trope! (although not heavily enforced), suggestive but nothing crude, poor ice skating knowledge, mentions of the spa track, crashing and DNFing, reader likes to blame things on alcohol, lily (oscar's current gf) is his ex (oops), slight diss of tsitp, jealousy!!!, scene of harassment and a creepy man, a physical altercation in which oscar gets physically hurt, attending the wounded scene! (sobbing rn), a cute and horribly cheesy, fluffy ending!
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: oscar piastri x figureskater!fem!reader, arthur leclerc x reader
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 5k+ (um srry hehe)
𝐀/𝐍: i wanted to this was oscar but since he's kinda young, i did a one year age gap bc the territory of 'the older brother's best friend' for piastri is alarming to say the least. i also assumed it was a female reader due to my other works, hope that and this whole piece is okay!!
𝐏.𝐒: if you couldn't tell, it's loosely based off of taylor swift's 'i can see you' bc i ended up losing track lmao. sorry for taking FOREVER but coming back from holiday, going straight back into uni, and having writer's block is the worst combo 🤧 as usual, poorly proof read!
⋆  •°.  。  .°•  ⋆
In a world of billions, quite strangely yet only logically, there were many talented people across the globe. But very few were be a World Champion let alone the opportunity. You were part of this few. The Youngest World Champion in figure skating in history, a two-time World Champion and the 2022 Olympic winner.
You were a living legacy in your town.
Of course, you couldn't do it without the support of the people you loved. Your parents attended all your competitions. In fact, your father was the one who had brought you to the ice when you were three. And your brother, no matter how much of a menace he was, he was your number one fan. Despite all the things he had to do, he was always there for you.
Your brother was one of those Australian boys who had turned their passion for dirt biking into a career for motorcross racing.
Naturally, he had found a friend who was also very interested in racing. However, instead he loved driving a open wheel single-seater formula racing car at crazy speeds. That friend was Oscar Piastri. A childhood best friend of your brother's and a sort of acquaintance slash family friend of yours.
It worried you two see some of the most important people in your lives risk death almost every day but you enjoyed watching them do something they loved.
You could see it in their eyes when they raced. It was the same passion you had for the ice. The slivers of ice that occasionally touched your skin thrilled you was the same excitement that coursed through the two Aussies when they felt their engines rev.
It was odd. You could've sworn a few days ago, you were all kids playing in the backyard of your house; your brother riding his toy bike while Oscar raced him on foot and you commentated in Oscar's favour to piss your brother off. And now all three of you were leading your careers: you were a competitive figure skater, your brother was slamming the MXGP and Oscar was one of the best rookies introduced to F1 in a while.
Where time had gone... you could not even begin to wonder. Heck, once upon a time you were staring down Oscar in the school hallways because for some reason you could only talk to him outside of school. And now... well, it was complicated to say the least.
You had always liked Oscar. It was difficult not to. He was always around you. The boyish charm, the small smiles, the puppy brown eyes, his offers to help you with your homework, you visiting him when he raced... everything had built up inside you. It was festering.
But that's how you liked it. You didn't want to cross any lines. As heart-racing and flustering as your crush on him was, you could not bear the idea of telling someone who was brotherly to you that you liked him.
It was repulsing.
And as far as his dating history could went, Oscar didn't like you. Oscar wasn't a player but he definitely didn't like being single from what you could tell.
To be honest, considering you didn't see him that much due both of your schedules, nothing between the both of you would've ever happened if you're annual family holiday hadn't happened.
Your family and the Piastri's took time out at least once a year to relax together. And this year, your brother and Oscar's breaks overlapped, and you had persuaded your coach for two weeks off. That was all the both of your parents needed before booking a trip to Greece. Everyone wanted to go when they were younger and now they could finally go.
Two weeks... not much could happen. At least so you thought.
The moment you saw Oscar in Greece, your heart thumped against your chest like it had never before and you knew you were screwed. It was ridiculous. How after all the time did you still like this stupid driver? He was the root cause of your lonely love life. Which for most figure skaters was not a big deal... you had prospect lovers falling left and right. Especially the guys in pair skating. But no... you were head over heels for Oscar out of all people.
With the firm boundaries you had made, you ventured to not make a big deal about what you were feeling and pushed it to the side. But the thing about pushing things away, they have a funny way of coming back up.
On the first night of your much needed vacation, you had found one of the most popular restaurants in Santorini while endlessly browsing through social media and decided to get everyone out of the lovely AirBnB you had rented. Upon arriving, your parents and Oscar's were cooped up on one side of the dining table, leaving the 'kids', as your mother calls you three, on the other.
You released a sigh of content, feeling the crisp breeze dance past your skin in the warm summer evening air while your sip of assyrtiko (Greek white wine) slipped past your throat far too easily. Thank God you had chosen an outdoor restaurant tonight. Every time you were on holiday, you couldn't be more grateful to get away from all the stress. If you could live like this every day, with the warm breezy evenings and the amazing architecture, you would.
"So," your mother started, her voice hitting your direction. You flickered your gaze over to her, raising a brow. "How are my kids' love lives? Are you getting down?" She waggled her eyebrows behind her glasses.
A wave of heat pricked your skin at your mother's words. "Mom!" You hissed out in disbelief while your father and Oscar's parents chuckled.
"What? You guys never tell me anything anymore! I used to be the holder of all your secrets and now... now I am an old woman!" Your mother cried, wiping an invisible tear off of her cheek.
You and your brother blankly looked at her and then towards each other. To say your mother was a character was an understatement. She enjoyed her theatrics far too much for anyone's liking, more specifically you're liking.
Oscar grinned, reaching out his hand to hover over hers. "You could never be an old woman. Always young in my heart."
Your brother snorted at Oscar's cheesiness. After you and your brother, Oscar was your mother's son and Oscar was a suck-up. He liked being in the good books, especially that of your mother's.
"Of course," Your mother chuckled softly, patting Oscar's hand gently. She sucked in a sharp breath. "What happen to you and Lily? I heard you two broke up? I thought you liked her a lot?"
You could see Oscar tense at the mention of his ex, your own body rigid. It wasn't a surprise to you but you actually hated hearing about Oscar's love life. Unrequited feelings were already a bitch and you didn't need to make it any worse.
Oscar cleared his throat, a small smiling tugging at his lips. "I thought I did too..." He trailed off, falling into his own trance momentarily. Suddenly his eyes flickered around his surroundings before they landed on you. "I guess I just saw something I else I liked a lot more."
A slight shiver crept down your spine and your heart travelled towards your ears. You pressed your lips tightly together, furrowing your brows.
What the fuck?
You snapped your eyes away, firmly placing them on your empty plate that suddenly held your entire world. Oscar had never ever looked at you like that. Any time you looked into those puppy browns, they were usually some mix between happy, anger, annoyance, sadness, humour, and the God forbidden 'I-see-you-as-my-sister' type love.
But this... this was something else entirely. The softness of his gaze, his words, the timing of it all; a perfect execution of sorts... it was a first.
Maybe you had taken one too many sips of the wine. It was the only reasonable explanation behind your obvious hallucination.
Sooner or later, the sun would set, a main reason behind your picking of the restaurant. The parents and your brother were at the front of the house, arguing about who paid for tonight's dinner. You were more than happy to wait it out on the balcony and revel in the last few rays of light, eyes closed and the breeze dancing across your skin.
"Well don't you look happy," Oscar voice stated, nearing you.
You opened your eyes, slightly turning your head to the side only to look back a few second later. Oscar and sunsets... you enjoyed that combo far too much for your liking.
"That's because I am. Sometimes being off the ice is refreshing," You told him, taking in a breath of the fresh evening air.
Out of your peripheral vision you could see Oscar tilt his head, eyes raking over you with a small grin tugging at his lips. You ignored the pace of your heart as he nodded at your remark, settling in next you with his hands on the balcony bar, a mere inch away from your own.
"I hear that," Oscar sighed, looking out at the horizon.
You forced yourself to look over at him, trying to read his mind after hearing the burdened sigh he released. "Oscar... I hope you know you're doing well in F1 right now. You're doing pretty good compared to Lando's rookie year."
Oscar smiled gently. You knew him far too well. "I know. I just... I feel like everyone's expecting so much more of me. Podiums... race wins... like everything else I've done. And then Spa came along."
You winced at the mention of the track. Oscar had collided with Carlos on the very first lap. Carlos said Oscar was too optimistic about making that turn and Oscar said that he didn't even know what Carlos doing; that the Spaniard turned as if he wasn't even on the track. Nevertheless, the collision resulted in both of them DNFing.
You snorted. "Spa is a shit track," You dismissed Oscar's current pessimism with a wave of your hand.
Oscar chuckled at your crudeness. He couldn't disagree with you. Spa was one of those tracks which felt auspicious to any driver. The one where you hoped you at least passed the finishing line. It didn't matter what your position was... as long as you passed it, you were okay.
"Guys come on! We've finished paying," Your brother called out.
The both of you turned around. Oscar pushed himself off of the bar, heading towards your brother. "Who won this one?" He asked in amusement, hands gliding past his waist. Ever so gently, in his walk, he teetered towards you, letting his hand brush past your own, sending a tingle down both of you.
You gulped at the racing feeling, immediately pulling your hand closer to yourself. This hairs of your body stood straight and your fingers felt numb. Heck, you felt numb.
Damn, you thought, this is some crazy good wine.
The thing about your inclination to blame everything on the alcohol you consumed was that it only actually worked if you consumed alcohol. You were lucky if you could extend to the remaining bits by a day with the claims of a hangover.
But right now, you were sober as hell.
An unfortunate event, to say the least.
"Y/N, wake up," Oscar's voice pounded against your blanketed, muffled ears.
"Ugh, no" You groaned, cocooning yourself into your blanket and pressing your head further into your pillow, savouring the warmth.
You always had such early mornings when you trained, waking up at ungodly hours only to workout before heading to the rink. Being on the ice was the only thing you loved. Your fans were sweet but everything else after that, the press, the workouts, the food, sucked. So you cherished the late summer morning in Santorini. And no person, let alone a boy who announced his F1 team to you by saying "I'm driving for a papaya", was going to ruin this for you.
Oscar put his hands on his hips, eyeing you with a twitch in his eye. "But breakfast is ready. I cooked!"
You laughed into your sheets lightly. "Oh boy, that's even worse!"
Oscar looked at your peeking head and humoured eyes blankly. "That," he started to say as he began to literally pull you out of your bed by your arms, "is very very rude thing to say to the chef."
"Oscar, no! Let go!" You begged, hands flailing to attach themselves to anything. Falling on the hard cold floor was not the ideal morning for you.
At least not alone.
You jutted out your leg, nudging Oscar's to the side, making him stumble over his steps. As he quickly realised he was losing balance, he threw his body under yours, creating a soft landing for you as you both fell to the floor.
You were laughing too hard to realise Oscar's one hand had even moved to your waist and the other to your head, as if it was to protect you from getting hurt.
"Oh my God! You should've seen your face! It was like–" You turned to mimic his expression but you couldn't find the words. All the air around you had been seized, your throat was dry and you were breathless.
When had Oscar's face become so close to yours?
You couldn't remember the last time you were this close to him. Probably as a child. He was cute back then as well. But growing up changed the both of you. The most apparent reminder of how old you were was the tiny short hairs from his chin that he always tried to shave off. His eyes were still as brown as ever, less big because he grew into his face. And his lips... they were kissable.
His face was also littered with freckles here and there. You didn't even realise your finger had shot out to play connect the dots with them until you could feel his faint warm breath from how close you were.
Your eyes trailed up his face to find his gaze firmly planted on yours. Suddenly you could feel where his hands were and your skin burned at his touch. The current heatwave in Europe had left you in some thin pyjamas. You didn't regret it last night but you definitely regretted wearing them right now.
Hypnotised, you found yourself leaning in naturally. Oscar's head also nudged forward. Your lips were barely a centimetre away from each other. You could hear your name slip out of Oscar's lips as the faintest whisper. Like it was a struggle to say your name because he couldn't think.
His woody and amber scent engulfed you and for a second, you couldn't think.
Not until you could hear your brother scream both of your names from the kitchen, demanding you to come to breakfast.
You blinked, falling out of your trance as quickly as you fell in.
Oscar felt you jerk in his arms suddenly, pushing yourself out of his hold and attempting to stand up. "Y/N, I–"
No. God, no.
You weren't ruining a friendship over this.
You could pretend. Yes. Pretend. You can't see him.
"We're coming!" You yelled back, feeling your cheeks redden with embarrassment and annoyance; both vexing feeling for yourself.
God, what a day to be sober.
Honestly how this holiday had gone from zero to a hundred was beyond you.
Pretending like nothing had happened in your room was harder than you thought. Not when Oscar looked at you with these burdened eyes and like he had something to say to you, right on the tip of his tongue.
You considered avoiding him. But doing so on a family trip was easier said than done. Besides, it would've been pretty obvious to everyone else and knowing your family, they would've made a big deal out of nothing. Because that's what it was: nothing.
But alas, you have a brother. And normally, he's stupid and self-obsessed to the point it bordered on unhealthy. But as your brother, it seemed he had some sort of sixth sense for these sorts of things. Something about the older sibling being superior or whatever lies he convinced himself with.
"Why are you being weird with Oscar? Your brother asked you while you ate some ice cream and caught up with the new season of 'The Summer I Turned Pretty'. At first, you couldn't fathom watching a character called 'Belly' out of all things but somehow you got hooked.
You paused the scoop of ice cream you put in your mouth, letting it slowly melt away as you stared hard at your nuisance of a brother. "I have literally no idea what you're talking about."
"Ha, nice try. You're supposed to use 'literally' when you deny it the second time," Your brother smiled at you smugly.
You pressed your lips together, feeling your teeth slightly grind against your spoon. You couldn't decide whether you wanted to smack the shit of your brother with a spoon or bury him in a six-foot deep hole.
"Come on, lil sis, you can talk to me. Everyone's out of the house right now," He partially jested while being entirely serious.
Burying him in a hole it was.
"I have nothing to say to you," You stated, eyes reverting back to your show.
Your brother narrowed his eyes, grabbing the remote to pause the episode. Ignoring your exclaim of annoyance, he sat down next to you and took your ice cream and spoon away from you to dig into the pint for himself.
You shuddered in disgust. You were not having that flavour for a while.
He pointed your spoon at you. "I know you think I'm stupid, which I may be, but I'm not entirely an idiot. What happened with you and Oscar? You were all happy buddies a few days ago. Now he looks like a lost puppy and you look like you saw Pennywise in the hallway."
You bit down on your lip to prevent yourself from laughing. You couldn't actually let him know he was funny.
"Did he do something to you? Y/N, if he did something wrong to you I swear to God... just tell me and I will end him."
Your eyes widened at the sudden change of the conversation. Sitting up, you waved your hands in urgent dismissal. "No! Oh my God, nothing like that! Holy shit."
Your brother let a relieved exhale fall from his mouth before furrowing his brows. "Then what happened? Is it your stupid crush on him?"
"I–what?" You asked dumbfounded, looking at your brother incredulously.
"Your crush? Like the one you've had since you first laid eyes on him. You know everyone knows right? It's kinda obvious. Well, everyone but Oscar," your brother said nonchalantly.
You blinked blankly at him. "Before I throw myself off of a cliff, I can give you the generous choice of how you die? Personally I'm thinking asphyxiation, arson, or murder."
Your brother gulped, slowly putting away the ice cream. "Okay, first off stop watching Criminal Minds so much. Second of all, you don't need to feel embarrassed. All of us have been secretly rooting for you. Especially mom and Oscar's mom. You should've seen how happy they got when I told them Oscar and Lily broke up. It was seriously creepy."
You sighed, falling onto the couch. "It doesn't matter how creepy it was. We almost kissed! And then you called for us. Any later, I would've ruined our friendship. What's the point anyways? He doesn't like me. I'm gonna die in the friendzone," You dramatically sobbed out.
"Well you can start by not turning the other direction when you see him. Poor guy looks like you killed his dog. Do you think a guy who's dog was killed has any guts to speak to their murderer? And that's beside the fact that he may like his murderer."
Where was that shovel again?
"You know what you need to do? Do something that makes him talk to you. I got it! I could set you up with Arthur! He's in Santorini too! Oscar would hate it."
"Oh my God... do you want me to die?" You asked, slightly horrified at the look of pure joy on your brother's face .
Your brother grinned. "Of course, I do. Would I be your brother if I didn't?"
For as long as he could remember, Oscar was a peaceful guy. He didn't really get angry quickly. He was usually calm and usually could think before he acted.
But all those characteristics were thrown out the window, well into the air of the music festival everyone decided to attend, when he saw you walk into the event with Arthur Leclerc. His former teammate out of all people.
"Is that Arthur? Why is he here?" Oscar asked your brother.
"Hmm?" Your brother turned around, pretending to squint at the two of you briefly before catching your piercing gaze. "Oh yeah... that is him. He told me he was in Greece. Guess he found Y/N first. Makes sense I guess."
Oscar looked at your brother dubiously. "I... what does that even mean?"
"I don't know why but I always got the feeling he liked Y/N," your brother shrugged.
Oscar blinked. "You're taking the fucking piss..." He huffed in disbelief.
"What? Oh? Here they come."
Truth be told, Arthur was more than happy to oblige with your brother's game. He hadn't seen Oscar in a while because they were in different championships now. Getting the opportunity to play with him a bit was a hard offer to turn down.
"Ozzie!" Arthur cheered, bringing him into a hug.
Oscar raised a brow at you. That pet name originated from you when the three of you decided to become superheroes for a day and you decided to name eight-year-old Oscar, 'Ozzie the Mozzie' after he got bitten by one. No one else on Earth called him that but you.
"I was telling Arty here about that mozzie that bit you and he really liked Ozzie the Mozzie," You chuckled softly.
God give him strength because Oscar wasn't sure how much longer he could bear this.
To be honest, you weren't much of a music festival type of person. It was always crowded, hot, and filled with some sort of drugs even if you couldn't see it.
But aside from that, you enjoyed the serenity it could bring; the indie music that was well on it's way to becoming pop; the calming breeze; the warming sun.
Well you would enjoy it more if a certain Aussie wasn't staring daggers to the side of your head–Arthur's head.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned around to see a stranger. A somewhat attractively creepy stranger but a stranger nonetheless. You raised your brows and gave a small smile. "Yes?"
"I know you don't know me but I just saw you from over there and I wanted to say you're really pretty!"
You blinked, feeling the three boys around you stiffen at the compliment. You nodded slowly, putting on a grateful smile. "Oh, thank you so much," You responded, laughing awkwardly.
A moment of awkward silence settled in the air as the guy still remained in front of you.
"So... I was wondering if I get could get your number?" The guy asked with an odd glint in his eyes.
The alarms were ringing in your head and an uncomfortable shiver went down your spine. "Uh, I'm sorry. I... I don't really want to. But thanks for your offer," You politely declined.
"Oh come on. I called you pretty... that's gotta be worth your number. Come on."
Honestly, you were speechless. Your number which for him was the leeway into your intimate life was worth a compliment.
"Yeah, I don't think so," You quipped sharply, gritting your teeth.
"Come on, baby girl. Let me show you a fun time." The guy stepped forward, his hand reaching towards your body.
You froze at his words. You wanted to move but you couldn't.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Oscar, Arthur, and your brother step in front of you.
"Mate, fuck off. She doesn't want you," Oscar pushed the guy away from you.
Your brother snorted. "I don't think anyone wants him."
The guy sneered, making you wince. He raised his hands in a feigned defence, beginning to turn away from you. Thank God. "Fine. I didn't want a girl like you anyways. All these guys around you... a whore."
Arthur and you, as the pacifists you were, watched in silent horror as your brother poked his tongue in his cheek and Oscar's head quickly whipped towards the guy.
"Oscar..." You warned meekly as Arthur tried to get your brother's attention.
The last thing any of you needed was famed athletes on the front page of ESPN, cited as the cause of a brawl.
"What did you say?" Oscar raised a brow, ignoring your pleas and walking towards the guy. His tone was dark and the total opposite of what he normally sounded like. He was raged.
"The truth," The guy chuckled. "I said she's a whore. Why? What are you gonna do about it, little boy?"
Yeah see, the guy most definitely had a couple of inches on Oscar and you brother. You weren't really keen on seeing them get pummelled to the ground.
Oscar said nothing in response but raised his fist, slamming it into the side of the guy's jaw.
Oh for fuck's sake.
As if the guy had lightening reflexes, the guy quickly pulled his head back up and got a hold of Oscar, getting into a cycle of punches.
Your heart dropped at the sight. Your brother, thank God, and Arthur quickly realised that Oscar wasn't winning anything here, stepping in to push the two men apart. A small crowd began to gather, some thankfully aiding in trying to stop whatever was going on.
Arthur pulled Oscar away and towards you. You held Oscar against you, clutching him tightly as your heart raced in your ears. Somewhere in the muffled sounds you could hear your brother.
"We're going home. Now."
Your brother and Arthur had decided to go explain the situation the both of your parents who were out having lunch because you couldn't blame all those bruises and dry blood on Oscar's face by saying he fell. This left you to clean up Oscar to reduce the risk of your parents having a heart attack.
You clenched your jaw, holding the first aid kid and a wet cloth to your side as you walked towards the seated racing driver who had found a lot of interest in the floor all of a sudden while icing his face.
"I can't believe you," You mumbled in annoyance, taking a seat next to him. You gently grabbed his chin, putting side the ice bag, trying to decide on where to start cleaning but you could only wince at his face. His bottom lip and his brow was slightly torn, the side of his jaw and the top of his cheek had started to bruise, and his nose was a blood fest.
All the pain Oscar felt began to disappear as he felt your hands gently graze past his skin, scouting all the damage that had occurred. He looked at your pained eyes and internally sighed. He hated seeing you in pain. "He was disrespecting you. I wasn't going to just let it go."
You rolled your eyes, slowly wiping away the dry blood. "He was like six foot two, Oscar. You're like five foot. He could've ki... he could've really hurt you," You jested before your voice fell into a bare whisper.
Oscar's heart clenched as you went back on your words, watching you grab some antiseptic with shaky hands. He grabbed your hands, holding them with his own and softly looked into your eyes. "But he didn't. I'm fine. See?" He smiled widely before wincing at the pain shooting through his face.
You snorted. "As if."
"Hey, you're talking to a guy who crashes at most craziest speeds. Bet that guy can't do that," Oscar shrugged nonchalantly.
You narrowed your eyes. "If you weren't already hurt, I would've smacked the shit out of you right now. Just so you know."
Oscar grinned at you. "Ah, there's the ever kind Y/N I love."
You rolled your eyes before processing what he had just said. As friends. Friendly love. Right. You shook your head out of your trance, removing your hands from his and returning back to the stupid first aid kit next to you.
Oscar mended his brows together. "Hey," he tapped your thigh, "you heard what I said right?"
"Hmm? Oh, yeah," You said idly, opening the tube of antiseptic cream.
"What? I..." Oscar sighed, taking the cream out of your hands before pulling you closer to him. His hands held your face, looking you dead in the eye. "I said I love you, Y/N. You know... the type where you look at someone and all you know is that you can't breathe without them? The one in your books?"
Your mouth felt dry. You blinked blankly. Your hands felt clammy. You chuckled nervously. "Pfft, what? You don't love me. You mean as a friend, right? I think you need some medicine. Maybe there's some in this kit." Your eyes darted down, frantically looking around the box as your heart thudded against your chest.
"Hey, hey," Oscar called, using his hand to turn your chin towards him. "I don't. I mean, I do love you as a friend, but no. I love love you."
"Well... what about about Lily?"
"As I said... I realised I loved someone else more," Oscar told you, letting his confession sink into your mind. "You know... if your idiot brother didn't call us that day, I definitely would've kissed you."
That was something.
This was real. You weren't dreaming. You hadn't died. Oscar, your childhood best friend and your brother's best friend, was confessing to you.
"Huh... well, if it's any consolation, I probably would've kissed you too," You retorted, trying to keep your quirking lips at bay before you began smiling for too much for anyone's liking.
"Probably? That kinda sucks. Are you sure you wouldn't have definitely kissed me?" Oscar grinned, grabbing your waist and seating you down on his lap.
"Hmm... I mean maybe. This current environment is nowhere near as enticing as my bedroom. I mean what is sexier than me waking up, am I right?" You joked, trying to cover up the fact that you were dying at the proximity between you two.
Oscar pushed a lock of your hair behind your ear, letting his fingers trail down your cheek, holding your jaw while his thumb grazed your lips. "Well, I can think of a few other things."
You silently watched as Oscar leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. His lips were softer than you could ever imagine.
You blinked, taking a mere second to register what was going on. Oscar Piastri was kissing you. Holy shit, Oscar Piastri was kissing you!
You kissed him back, feeling his hand wrap around the back of your neck and the other holding you steady against him. Your skin burned at his touch, feeling his fingers snake past the hem of your shirt and rest on your hot skin.
Oddly enough, despite your heat, goosebumps sprawled across every inch of your skin as his tongue darted out, exploring your own, giving you access to his mouth.
You could've sworn you were walking on fire. One more step and you could've combusted. Your thighs clenched at the moan that slipped from Oscar's mouth as your teeth tugged on his bottom lip, your hands roaming around his chest and his arms.
Oscar's hand wrapped around your hair, enjoying the softness he had wanted touch ever since he realised he had feelings for you. His pants felt tight as he felt your hand brush against his bare torso. Fuck. You were going to do him in. He fell back further into the couch, holding you tighter against him.
The desire you had was blinding you. Your other hand fell to his cheek, forgetting about his injuries till Oscar murmured an "ouch".
You retracted your hands, pulling back from his lips, a move Oscar clearly didn't enjoy as his eyes followed your lips. "Shit!" You exclaimed, "the antiseptic! Sorry!"
Oscar paused in his trance, realising what you were talking about. He smiled softly, lips widening even further when he saw your swollen lips and flushed cheeks.
You carefully applied the cream to his brow before moving to his lips. "The diagnosis for you Mr Piastri is no more kissing for you," You grinned.
Oscar looked at you dumbfounded. "I–what? For how long?"
"Mmm... a week?"
"A week?" Oscar repeated in exasperation. "There is no way I can last that long. Not after this. Besides I'm pretty sure kissing actually helps you heal faster."
Your skin warmed further at his confession. You cleared your throat and held his hands. "I am confident that is not scientifically true."
Oscar narrowed his eyes, lips quirking in amusement. "You need to read better medical journals, doc."
You tilted your head to the side, leaning in further. "I think I have an alternative."
"Yeah?" Oscar's eyes danced across your face, smiling softly. "What is it?"
"It's less practical, more theoretical. Confessional, if you will," You shrugged, letting your forehead rest against his.
Oscar shut his eyes, enjoying the warmth of you. "Oh really? Don't let me stop you."
"I love you, Oscar. I've loved you since we were little heroes running around in the backyard."
Oscar opened his eyes, hands wrapping around your waist. He smiled widely at you. "Are you sure you said a week?"
You rolled your eyes, hitting his chest playfully. "I'm sure."
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yourstrulyrika · 4 months
Leon’s tits appreciation fic ♡
no warnings as usual, just fem!reader. it’s really just Leon’s chest appreciation because damn.
also. a small rant at the bottom of the fic? just a disclaimer btw. it’s nothing triggering me thinks, it’s about Leon so that’s why i’m putting it here i still encourage you to read it.
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also this one might be a bit messy i just started taking my new meds and my body is going crazy. i’m really sleepy & dizzy all the time so yeah. sorry if it’s a bit out of my usual style or something ♡
you love Leon’s chest. that much is obvious — because he loves yours too obviously. you two love each other, body, soul, heart and mind. this includes your and his chests. Leon loves sleeping on your chest, and you love sleeping on Leon’s chest, too. it’s common for you two.
but, you definitely love playing with Leon’s chest the most. it’s just so plush, feels so good to touch. Leon’s chest is his soft spot, to say the least. when you touched his chest for the first time, he arched his back so prettily, leaning his head back. his nipples harden under your touch, his body getting warmer and eager for more as his cock grows harder.
“Dear god,”
he sighs out when you touch his chest, and it only makes you grin in return. you rarely get him to such state. sure, he lets out a grunt or two, but this? and he actually blushes. just a tiiny bit, but it’s still a blush! so you decide to take it further, planting little kisses all over his chest, feeling his heart subtly flutter under your lips. Leon is only this vulnerable around you, no one ever sees this side of him — he feels safe around you. safe enough to let himself be the submissive one for once.
Leon is unable to take it anymore. he tugs at your pants, sliding them down along with your panties to expose your pretty pussy to his eager gaze. your cunt is glistening wet, making Leon drool at the sight. he places a subtle slap on your pussy, before repeating it, making you twitch your hips. his cock is hitting against your thigh, wanting to be buried in your warm insides.
“Getting this worked up over playing with my cheee—ngghmh!!” he lets out the hottest whimper one can think of. as he speaks, you decide to shush him, rather effectively. you wrap your lips around his nipple, gently tucking on it while flicking the other one. Leon is actually losing his mind, he’s leaking precum already.
“Fuck, baby, please just let me slide inside you,” he grunts out, guiding his cock to tap against your clit, begging for entry. he’s giving you the puppy eyes, the ones you can’t say no to. besides, with the way the tip of his cock is leaking so much just gets you so eager. once given the permission he almost jumps on you, but you keep him down by biting on his nipple, getting another, louder moan.
“Tease,” he pants out, breathing hitching and getting heavy. he closes his eyes, lips parting slightly, chest heaving up and down. you decide to do something— you push two fingers into his mouth, and he immediately laps at them, sucking them like it’s your pussy that he’s so starved off. he finally guides his cock into your insides, his length already twitching and throbbing as it sloppily moves in and out. he’s mumbling something incoherent to himself, babbling about it feeling so good. this, mixed with you constantly sucking his nipples, kneading his chest while also pushing your fingers into his mouth? it’s heaven. he’s in heaven.
it doesn’t take long for him to cum. in fact, just a few more minutes of you playing with his pretty nipples mixed with your cunt gripping him so well just drives him nuts, cumming inside you after a while. he obviously makes sure to make you cum too— before pushing you beneath him, now cupping your breasts
“My turn, huh? Your chest needs some loving, too.” he says this so confidently, already kneading at your chest.
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rant time! sorry guys, today’s one is shorter bc i dont feel so well :( but anyway, here’s my little rant about tiktok and honestly most of the fandom.
i hate the fact that people oversexualize Leon so much. this, and also not understand his character — caring only about his looks. people hate vendetta leon but i literally love this man. he’s fucking beautiful. all the resident evil characters are so misunderstood, oversexualized and ignored. i just hate it, and yeah i know i know — it’s just fiction, sure, but i just don’t like it. i wish more people took Leon seriously because this man is literally so much of a sweetheart, meanwhile people just sexualize him 24/7 :( he’s so much more than his looks. he’s literally so sweet it hurts.
rant over, just wanted to get it off of my chest. i just love him so much and people reduce him to various sex related things. smut and all that is good obviously, i just dislike when people constantly make Leon a completely different character than he actually is. i love both smut and sfw things, but man. tiktok is so full of people misunderstanding Leon, it’s annoying. they reduce him to completely different man — and let’s not even talk about the 18+ audios that they’re posting…. i just.. idk.
anyway. love you all! thank you for reading <3
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chuulyssa · 28 days
Can you please do Dazai, Ranpo, and Chuuya with prompt 4, 5, 11, 12 and 13!? Thank you sm!! Xoxo🫶🏾🫶🏾
↷ A/N ─ hii nonnie <3 i hope you dont mind me crossing out the ones that I've already done, or else this post would've been too long to be just drabbles :)
★ PROMPT ─ 4, 5, 11, 12, 13
!! FT. ─ dazai, chuuya, ranpo
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─ 11: sharing your music taste
Dazai listened to the playlist with sparkling eyes. This was probably his second favourite sound in the whole world - the first being your voice, of course.
"Do you have more?" he asked eagerly, and you nodded.
This was such a huge change from his usual playlist consisting of just one song, the Double Suicide. He adored the way you spoke so lovingly of your music taste. He loved how thoughtfully you constructed each playlist. He treasured your little frown while you selected the title of the playlist, the subtle pout when you scrolled through numerous pictures for the cover, and the smile when the final playlist looked just right.
He loved everything about you, really. And that included your interests.
─ 12: styling his hair in silly ways
"I can't play with you, bella," he groaned. "Kunikida-kun screamed at me to complete all of this paperwork. I mean, can you believe it? I'm such a poor, innocent soul, getting crushed under this mountain of documents. Oh, God, why have you forsaken me this way? How will I-"
He rambled on and you nodded, standing behind his chair and styling his hair. Currently, you hadn't listened to a single word he had said, because you were too busy doing something to his hair instead.
"Speaking of which," Dazai paused, looking up at you from his chair, "What do you think you're doing?"
You giggled and showed him his reflection through your phone camera, and he looked amazed.
His hair had been parted into two from the middle, clipped towards each side with two little unicorn hairclips. On top of his head stood a ponytail, tall and solitary, like a coconut tree. It was held down by a pink ribbon and tied to be in the shape of a bow.
"I look beautiful! Not that I don't always, but this is outstanding," he stood up to kiss you on both cheeks and immediately clicked a selfie with you. "I'm framing this picture."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
─ 4: dancing with him
His hand rested on your waist and head in the crook of your neck. The two of you were standing in the same position, a merry tune on violin playing from the music box he had gifted to you just last week running in the background.
It had been another one of those stressful nights, a few murders committed and a few allies injured. Chuuya was the same as always though, pretending as if everything was alright, albeit the first thing he did on reaching home was take your hands as a reassurance of safety.
He didn't want to sit down and cuddle; the adrenaline was too high. Instead, he began serenading across the hall, his pace slowing down with time until the two of you stood hand in hand, hugging and swaying gently to the sound of music.
All he needed was to feel your touch, to hear your voice and to sense your presence. You mumbled a few sweet nothings into his ear, and he seemed to calm down, eyes drooping at the relaxing way your bodies mingled with each other.
─ 11: sharing your music taste
It was sunny. The two of you were sitting in a park on a picnic date, his head resting on your lap, Your phone was in his hand and his in yours.
"I like this one, I guess," Chuuya said, breaking the serene silence. "It reminds me of you."
You paused his playlist and pulled out his earphones from your ears.
"I like yours too."
"But my playlist is better," he taunted, wiggling his eyebrows before stopping them on seeing your little pout. "Okay, fine, you win. I like yours better."
─ 13: brushing your hair
Chuuya ran the comb along your hair gently, watching as the strands untangled in front of his eyes. You were sitting on the floor in front of the mirror, looking down at your phone, while he sat on a chair behind you.
Chuuya was very serious about hair, and appearance in general. He tried his best to maintain his looks and was entrusted by you to brush his hair. However, seeing you look so cute in the mirror made him momentarily forget about what he was supposed to do.
He admired your reflection, smiling to himself like a fool. You looked so beautiful, so elegant. The way you slightly frowned at the phone took his breath away. Your eyes, your lips, your-
"Wha-?" he jumped.
"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, ow!"
"Oh, shit, sorry, doll," he petted your hair as if to soothe the pain.
It was hardly his fault for getting distracted when you looked that good in the mirror.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
─ 4: dancing with him
Ranpo was a lazy man... until it came to dancing with you. You're having a stressful day? Let's dance. You're feeling happy and energetic? Let's dance. You're angry at him and are about to scold him? Screw that, dance with him!
It didn't matter if he was dancing solo to lift your mood, or sending you pirouetting down the agency's corridors for his own amusement. He thinks he likes your smile when doing it better than anything he's ever seen, and so he does it again and again.
Ranpo can easily deduct when you need a little bit of his dancing skills to cheer you up, and he's always there for you, just like you are for him.
─ 5: kissing
Ranpo thinks he's at most peace when he's with you in his room, your lips on his and his on yours in perfect harmony. He kisses you whenever he can, whether it be after solving a new case or tasting a new snack.
He kisses you, his tongue intertwining with yours. You taste like his favourite chocolate; did you steal some? He doesn't care, because what matters to him the most at this moment is the way your lip colour is staining every part of his face.
He isn't a romantic guy, but the peppery kisses you're giving him make him blush like a tomato, giggling into the crook of your neck and hiding his usually confident face.
─ 11: sharing your music taste
"Ranpo, would you like to-?"
"-listen to your Spotify playlist? Yes!" he jumped at you.
"How did you-? Oh, never mind then," you said, noticing his glasses were on.
"I deduct it's gonna be amazing, just like you are," Ranpo simpered and kissed your cheek, and you widened your eyes.
"What's gotten into you?"
"Nothing," he smiled. "Can I eat your snacks while listening?"
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─ 12: styling his hair in silly ways
"I know what you're doing," Ranpo peered at you from below through his glasses, "but I'll let it slide because you let me eat your snacks."
"That's good, then," you hummed, showing him his reflection.
Ranpo blinked into the phone camera, and you immediately clicked a picture. He looked like a little cat, with two ponytails shaped like cat ears, along which was a trail of hair clips in the shape of little paws.
"I guess it's better than what I thought," he shrugged.
─ 13: brushing your hair
Ranpo doesn't brush his own hair, but when it comes to your hair care, he's ecstatic. He goes all out; wasting all your precious shampoos and conditioners, using all sorts of combs on your delicate hair and not letting you eat chips and chocolates because they are "bad for your hair and lead to hair loss".
When he feels stressed, he likes to braid your hair. Whenever he can't fall asleep, he likes to play with your hair. When the two of you cuddle, he likes to bury his face in your hair. Its fragrance soothes him.
He brushes your hair when you want him to, albeit he isn't the greatest at it. He loves it when you compliment him though. Little praises like, "My hair looks so good. Thank you!" or even "You're the best at doing my hair!" cheer him up and keep him happy all day.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
© chuulyssa 2024 - do not copy, plagiarize or repost my works on any platforms. do not translate.
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daisyblog · 5 months
"Show was great, drummers incredible"
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My Drummer Masterlist Summary: Harry gets asked about his Drummer.
“Alright, look at this…look who I’m sitting here with...Harry Styles and his whole band!”. Howard announced from his position in front of the whole band. 
YN smiled politely whilst sitting behind her large drum kit, as Harry sat in front of her on a high stool with his headphones and microphone ready.
YN never got too nervous about interviews with Harry because the interviewer never usually brought much attention to the band. But YN had heard so many things about Howard Stern that made her anxious, because that man did not care what he asked or said. She was slightly nervous for Harry too, although he had been media trained since a young age and was used to being asked a lot of questions it still make her tummy fill with nerves.
Touring with One Direction, YN was used to all the interviews and how Harry would cleverly dodge inappropriate assumptions and she couldn't help but think today would be no different. Nothing was off-limits with him. Unlike the others in Harry's band, YN had been apart of his life since they could both walk and talk. Although their friendship had only blossomed within the last few years into more, YN knew Harry may get asked about them.
For the first part of the interview, YN switched off from the interview and sat in her own little bubble at the back of the room, waiting to perform. Her favourite part! Howard asked Harry questions about the new album, songwriting, X Factor, and even about Zayn leaving the band…everything and anything! Whilst YN and Harry's relationship wasn’t a secret to the world, Harry still liked to keep his personal life private, and YN was thankful for that. But YN had a feeling it wouldn’t be that simple during this interview.
Howard began asking Nyoh about how long she had been playing the keyboard and if she gets nervous about messing something up during a song. They made a joke about Harry shouting at the band if they mess up during a performance, to which everyone laughed because it couldn’t be further from the truth.
“Now your drummer!”. Howard began turning the attention towards YN, who had now become more aware. She smiled sweetly, not wanting to show her nerves as she fiddled with the sticks in her hands.
Harry instantly sat up straight on the stool at the mention of YN and quickly answered with a “Yes!”. A grin threatening to show but Harry quickly covered it by hiding his lips in his mouth.
“Where did you find her?”. Howard sarcastically asked, causing Harry to smile and YN and the band to laugh.
A smile still present on is face, Harry joked. "Uh..YN LN..um YN..well really it’s YN’s band, I’m just the frontman of YN’s band.". Harry
“Why do you say that?” Howard questioned wanting to pry for more information about Harry and his drummer.
“Because..it’s after every show it’s either the first or second thing that people say, it's like ‘show was great, drummers incredible’!”. Harry explained whilst YN sat behind him laughing at him reacting to what people have said to him over the years.
Interrupting the laughter, Howard's voice was heard. “I don’t mean to be one of the crowd here..but I was watching you guys rehearse Sledgehammer for a few minutes and that drum you were hitting was really awesome..I mean you were really pounding those drums right?” YN laughed awkwardly now that all the attention was on her, including Harry's who had turned slightly in his seat.
He continued to question YN about where she had learnt to start playing the drums to which YN replied explaining she had started taking it seriously around the age of ten or eleven. “How did you find Harry?". He continued to question YN. At this point, everyone struggled to keep their smirks and laughter in because how had Howard Stern missed YN and Harry’s friendship over the years?
At this question, Harry turned to face YN and smirked because he was intrigued to see what her response would be and how she would choose to answer. “Umm…he actually stole me from the Jonas Brothers!". YN decided to tease.
For once Howard was speechless, and everyone’s eyes darted between YN and Harry whilst they both just sat and giggled to themselves.
"I'd like to just clear it up that I did not steal her." Harry explained, knowing how the media was quick to make assumptions and release untrue statements. "YN and I grew together...so we've known each other a long time...she was on tour with the Jonas Brothers and then One Direction were looking for a drummer and we gave YN the opportunity to join us!".
"Waw!". Howard was impressed. "So this is proper friendship and now he's your boss?". YN nodded her head to agree. “Are you in love with Harry?”. Howard boldly asked as he looked directly at YN.
YN laughed shyly at this, knowing this would be released for everyone to see. “We all are yeah!”.
Nyoh confidently interpreted to tease hr. “Well you love him more though…don’t you?”. Whilst she giggled at the whole situation.
“Wait a minute…so not only have you grown up with Harry but you're in a romantic relationship with this man too?”. YN had begun to fiddle with her drumsticks to keep her eyes from looking anywhere else. Harry smiled and turned to look at YN, and she gave him a little smirk. Harry rubbed his finger under his nose, a habit he had and everyone picked up on.
Harry stepped in at this point because although your relationship wasn’t a secret, he knew that Howard would take things a little too far. “To be fair…It’s not a secret. We have been together for a little while”. YN was so grateful for Harry in this moment, because he always knew how to answer on the spot questions without giving away too much.
“You couldn’t resist Harry’s charm?”. Howard tried to joke, but before YN could respond, Harry jumped in to her rescue once again. “Actually I did all the chasing!”. He said whilst laughing.
“Aw so you got a thing for drummers...have you, Harry?” Howard assumed. YN had to try her hardest not to roll her eyes.
“Uh...no, just my drummer!”, Harry nervously laughed. YN could feel the heat rise on her cheeks causing a pink blush to appear below her eyes. The other girls looked at YN with loving smiles on their faces, knowing how sweet the couple really were. “Mitch and Sarah are together too!”. Harry added, hoping it would take the attention away from him and YN.
“Mitch and Sarah are together too..owww that’s a whole different story!”. The interviewer sat in his chair, still trying to provoke and give his opinion on things he knew nothing about.
“We met in rehearsals.”. Sarah explained. Harry continued to explain how everyone noticed Mitch and Sarah’s relationship blossom as Mitch would play, and then over time he would turn in his seat to face Sarah, and they would stare at each other.
“It really is the love band!". Howard joked. “But seriously…Is it dangerous to be in a band and be together, travel together, to be constantly together and now have a relationship…because if you mess this up and start fighting…Harry it's going to be horrible!”. The atmosphere between the band changed to awkwardness because it was like Howard was trying to say the couples were strong.
In response, Harry made a joke about putting YN and Sarah behind a glass screen like Robyn. Sarah and YN laughed, and YN couldn't help but ask why Harry and Mitch couldn't be the ones behind a screen.
“YN? Are you worried about this?”. Howard directed another questioned towards the drummer.
“No, it’s all Harry and I have known. We’ve always done this and we’re a pretty strong couple so I think we’re fine.". Harry nodded to agree with her.
The band wa going tp play a cover of “Sledgehammer”, which was one of YN's favourites, and she loved hearing Harry sing it too. YN took a sip of her water that was placed back onto the floor beside her before picking up her sticks.
You could have a steam train
If you'd just lay down your tracks
You could have an aeroplane flying
If you bring your blue sky back
All you do is call me
I'll be anything you need
“Waaw!”. Howard and Robyn said in sync, and Robyn began to clap after the performance had ended. The band smiling proudly as they all enjoyed playing that one.
After asking a few questions about the choice of song and if the band used the song to warm up during rehearsals. Howard said, “It's fantastic, it is so much fun to watch your band play too!".
Howard turned his attention to YN and asked her what the beat was she just played and asked her to replay it. YN did as she was asked, reached for her two sticks, and replayed the beat but slower this time.
YN placed your sticks back down and smiled whilst Howard praised her, “Very nice!”, before he continued to ask Nyoh about the horns playing and the others about what instruments they were using.
Howard began asking Harry questions about his album release and tour and where he was touring. YN could not wait to get back on the road and perform.
“Adore you. Tell us about this song!”. Howard craved to know the meaning behind this song that the band would be performing next.
Harry laughed nervously as he explained what and who he had written Adore You about. “It's written about the initial stages of infatuation with somebody.”. Harry couldn’t keep a smile off his face, and it didn’t go unnoticed.
Wanting to push Harry for more information, Howard questioned him on how long this song in particular took him to write. “How long did it take to write?”.
“Uhm…It was I think like a day.". Harry recalled whilst trying to stop his smile from showing.
“Is it safe to assume this is about YN?”. Howard did not hold back on the personal questions.
“Uhm…yeah you could say that!” Harry joked. "I mean if she didn't already know, she does now!".
“Let's do Adore You!”. Howard instructed, he was very eager to listen to the band perform another song. "I suppose we should thank YN for this one!".
Walk in your rainbow paradise
Strawberry lipstick state of mind
I get so lost inside your eyes
Would you believe it?
You don't have to say you love me
You don't have to say nothing
You don't have to say you're mine
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Oh, honey
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do
“Beautiful!”. Howard praised Harry and the band before slowly ending the interview, to YN's relief.
“Thank you guys for getting up so early…and you lovers, keep your shit together and don’t mess this all up!”. Howard warned, looking between YN and Harry, and Mitch and Sarah.
“Thank you so much for having us!" Harry politely thanked the interviews for having him and his band on the show.
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sxeraphfic · 1 month
what are your nsfw hcs for donnie? 🤭
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Thank you for the ask dear! 
And anyone else who's reading this, if you happen to take a liking to one of my hcs and want me to write a fic/drabble on it just send it in the ask box <3 
A/N: these hcs are general nsfw hcs.. If anyone's interested in cough dead dove and darker nsfw hcs.. My asks are ready for that question :9
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Donnie is a socially awkward young man who attempts to hide it through sarcasm and long intellectual rants, the truth is he's never been exactly.. Popular in either the friends or relationship department. That being said, his fantasies usually involve intimacy. In other words, he's totally a horny guy and def has frequent dirty thoughts. And anyone who's watched the deleted scene between him and his therapist would see that.  
What are my personal hc’s for him?  
I think donnie is most likely into some more obscure and weird kinks/interests while simultaneously being kind of vanilla. 
He’d be happy to try anything out really as long as it isn't causing you overt harm that's long lasting.  
He’s probably gentle and shy about sex at first with you, but as time goes on he’ll get more and more into rougher sex   
he enjoys cumming on your face, stomach, thighs and inside you, obviously.
Rough sex with him wouldn't be super crazy bondage or anything but he's definitely into slight smacking/spanking and manhandling. If you're shorter than him it's probably a guarantee he secretly gets off on it or even occasionally admits it to you during it.  
He’s probably read a lot of playboy-esque magazines and has seen images involving tied/cuffed hands, if he's feeling brave he'd be happy to go either way with doing it. 
I can imagine him being into nipple/breast play as well, tbh whether you have a flat chest or A cups or DD cups he's gonna feel them up. He enjoys biting, licking and sucking them too.   
tummy kisses
def loves to give hickies/love bites aswell, specifically on your neck and thighs. He likes if you give them too.
Donnie’s favourite body parts would include; stomach, thighs, neck and chest.   
Donnie's favourite positions may include; doggy style, spooning, missionary, breeding/flatiron and standing.  
I think he would enjoy grinding and dry humping ALOT, he's a bit of a freak and enjoys the forced lack of stimulation from it if he's grinding or dry humping against you. Seeing you use him for pleasure through grinding drives him absolutely crazy, I think it's one of the few examples where a little bit of a soft dom side of him comes out. especially if you're needy during it.    
Thigh fucking? Thigh fucking. Your thighs are not safe.    
Finger sucking as well, both ways.
He's def at least a teeny bit into mommy dom stuff lets be real. Call him a good boy, edge him and control what he's allowed to do, he likes it.  
Def a head giver, sure he likes to receive. But the thought of getting in between your thighs and feeling them crush his face or feeling you push him away makes his cheeks flush and his pants tighten.  
Normal donnie? Cat boy. During sex donnie? A total puppy boy.
That being said Donnie is kind of a sexual chameleon, he can go from soft dom behaviour to being honestly kind of subby in seconds.  
He has a slight humiliation kink, which ties into his more subby side. If you make fun of him or tease him during sex it'll just make his dick 100x more hard.  
Don't forget to praise him though, the poor thing has hardly been complimented or praised throughout his life so he’ll appreciate it and fantasise about you doing it.
Donnie likes it if you act desperate or needy, or if you plead for him.
He's definitely going to ramp up the teasing aswell during it, he likes to humiliate you just as much as you do to him.
Donnie enjoys casual clothing during sex if that makes sense, don't get him wrong he finds lingerie beautiful. But something about seeing his partner in nothing but a t-shirt and panties or topless with just pyjama pants on gets him reeeeal hot.  
Donnie may partake in “risky” sex, he gets a high off of doing inappropriate things semi-publically and enjoys the idea of almost getting caught. Eg; in changerooms, bathrooms, cinemas etc.   
Donnie is vocal during sex, he grunts and huffs and mumbles from how good it feels.
Donnie is not a dirty talker, and he doesn't use pet names super often either. But he might let a tiny bit of dirty talk slip out if he's getting really into it.   
Remember at the start when I said he could be into some “more obscure stuff” ? well here's a FEW possibilities, stockings, choking (towards him), dacryphilia (tears), edging, lowkey feet too i'm sorry guys. There's some more stuff but that might have to be for a dead dove hc list LOL.
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That's it for now! Maybe ill do a part two for general nsfw hcs for him one day but i've run out of ideas. I hope you all enjoyed <3
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g4l4xy-qu33n · 7 months
Hello! So I'm new to your blog and I have to say that I LOVE it already, keep it up! :D
I don't rlly know if you're taking requests rn, but oh well, worth a shot. Can I request some platonic or romantic (it doesn't rlly matter) hcs with TADC Caine? I just can't get over this silly man and I'd like to read more about him!
Hi!! Yes, requests are open! (I should probably specify that - sorry!)
Also tysm!! It's so nice to hear that someone likes my blog &lt;3
A/N: I've never written for the silly teeth man before, but his personality came really easily to me - for some reason. Of course, as usual, these are all my personal headcanons for him, so please please please don't get mad at me if I 'got something wrong'. And also, this is written with afab reader in mind, but it can apply for any gender reader you like, as no pronouns or specific descriptions are used!
Warnings: Mentions of smut, and smutty activities. Apart from that, nothing but pure fluff and showman-style romance!
Romantic Headcanons for Caine!
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(I couldn't think of anything I could write for platonic, I'm a lot better at romantic-)
Starting off, I definitely think that Caine is a romantic type. (What showman wouldn't be?)
Caine would favour you over all the other circus members, and deny it if he gets called out.
He would exempt you from adventures that you don't want to do, and instead take you out for a fancy candlelit meal at the digital restaurant shown in the pilot.
Think fancy wines, lavish suits or dresses, romantic jazz music played by a digital band, and candles. Tons and tons of candles just floating while you two eat the best digital food of your life.
And dessert? Angle Food Cake of course, made specially by him or bubble.
You'd dance to the music, ballroom style, with a few dips and extra special moves included.
Every time you would go out with him, he'd give you a gift. Maybe a fancy brooch, or a piece of jewellery encrusted with jewels and plated by gold.
Fancy outfits are also to be expected.
You'd be given the luxury of a larger, more secluded bedroom as well!
The bed would be adorned with silk sheets and a bed canopy, most likely in red to remind you of him.
And I'm not sure if you want nsfw, but the nights you guys would spend in that bed would be fun, to say the least.
He'd happily indulge whatever you're into. Ai's are always wanting to learn new things, after all.
He'd spoil you rotten, both in bed and out.
When it comes to affection, he's a good mix of a lot of different types of affection.
As stated above, he's a gift giver, but also big on acts of service.
He's a big believer in words of affirmation, but not too often. Don't wanna give you an ego. (Although with the way he treats you, I feel like you would already have one depending on your personality)
He would love calling you pet names. Traditional ones are his favourite, like darling, honey, lovely, dove, doll, etc.
When it comes to physical affection, he'd probably draw the line at holding hands and cuddles. Heck, even cuddles would be a bit too far sometimes. Maybe just an arm swung over your shoulder when you're watching a movie? Sure... you can lean into him as well, just not too far, okay?
And kisses are... a challenge. Depending on how you look in the digital world, kisses may be manageable. He has no lips over his teeth though, so if you really want to kiss him... uh, try your best. (Maybe just kiss his teeth?)
He'd definitely get flustered if you initiate anything or give him a gift, though.
Like he'd be all confident one second, and the next he'd be flustered and stuttering at your kindness.
He would also display your gift with pride for the whole circus to see!
That's the only thing the circus members'll see, though.
Caine would be fine being affectionate with you in private (if not too much) but in front of the others the furthest he would go when it comes to affection is pet names, or maybe flashing you a wink.
Not that the others really care though. I feel like they'd all be pretty indifferent to it, no matter how much affection you guys show.
If you bug him about it, he'd probably give in. Eventually.
AAA I'm so sorry I took so long! Home life has been crazy, but I don't really see that as an excuse-
And I hope you see this and like it! (And I'm also sorry it's a bit short-)
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madwomansapologist · 9 months
Hi! Wanted to say that your writing style is so nice and it feels so mushy when I read them. I'm truly amazed, where do you gen an inspiration to write?
Can I please request Morpheus x reader, who picks on their skin? I've always had this stupid habit and in result fingers (and sometimes face) are always in pain or bleeding. And usually you're not notice it until someone points it out for you and things become awkward. 💀 (Also I'm so sorry to bother if your requests are closed, I checked but maybe accidentally skipped it)
It's okay if this may be weird or specific and you don't want to do it, I'm still grateful for your writings. Have a nice day!
morpheus noticing your skin-picking habit would include
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Morpheus | AO3
synopsis: Restoring the long-forgotten library of Morpheus's realm, your last concern was what your hands were doing. Concentrated on reorganizing and looking for signs of lost dreams and nightmares, it was Morpheus who noticed a old habit of yours.
warnings: none.
ps: omg. you're literally the best. thank you for that! well mostly of my inspiration comes from things that i personally believe. you know that "write about what you know" advice? i prefer it worded as a "write about what you feel." like the last thing i wrote for Morpheus. it was a request about pregnancy, and I could just write about it, but it didn't really talked to me. but perceiving death and deciding that fuck that, the memories of my family will keep me alive—that talk to me. so mostly i guess is just that Neil Gaiman writing advice: don't be afraid of telling the truth. he said that all books are lies told by people that can put truth in them. i guess i live by that. sorry for the rant, but i'm so passionate about it. either way, hope you like this! my requests weren't close by the time you ask for it (sorry for the long wait, i was working on the birthday event), there is no need to apologize! have a great day, dear! 💙🪩
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• The library wasn't going to restore itself. At least, you don't think it can. Doing whatever Lucienne told you to, it was only natural for you to focus on trying to make this realm reach its glory again. You didn't have time for anything else.
• Cain and Able were surprisely helpful with your task. The brothers may not be exactly healthy with one another, but they know a lot about this place you know so little. With their knowledge and ease of sharing it, you were closer and closer to finally find Brute and Glob.
• By the time you were back with Lucienne, you both had so much to do. It was so easy to forget about anything else. To have a break, to eat something, to sleep for a few hours. So many things to do, so much to repair, that all you could was to focus on your work. Not even an old habit of yours could have won your attention.
• You were picking on your skin. It always surprises you when you noticed, simply because you don't do this on purpose. It is just a thing that happens. Most of the times, you don't noticed until it starts to hurt or bleed. And this time, none of that happened.
• Dive into work, and with Lucienne also worrying about the realm, no one was really paying attention to your skin. Your hands picked and pushed, but with no great amount of pain to warn you about it, you just didn't noticed.
• You both heard when Morpheus entered the library. After one of his many quests to find his tools, it was a surprise that he would come back so early. Or was it late? You can't really tell how time works here.
• When you welcomed him, it took mere seconds for Morpheus' expression to change from tiredness to concern. He walked straight towards you, his hands grabbed your face with care and affection, and asked you what hurted you.
• You undertood quickly what happened. You explained to him, the awkward situation making you more and more embarrassed with every couple of words, feeling suddenly so out of place. But when Morpheus was sure that nothing had inflicted pain on you, his softness made impossible for you to remain embarrassed.
• Morpheus silenced you with sweet kisses. His lips roamed through your face, his feelings penetreting your skin. He kissed you whole before looking at you again. And the way he looked at you, the way Morpheus always look at you, made you feel so... so...
• Wide.
• In front of Morpheus, in between his hands, you feel infinite. Morpheus always finds a way to make you feel like that.
• Morpheus may not be the best person to pick on social clues, but he can read you. When you care about someone in the way he cares about you, it's easy to learn about the person of interest. Morpheus was able to understand that this habit was just another facade of you, and he would never made you feel bad about it.
• Of course Morpheus would pretty much rather you not hurting yourself in anyway, but he would never made you feel bad about it. If he ever notice you doing it again, Morpheus would just grab you hand and kiss it. It's not like being gentle with you was difficult.
• And if you ever pick your skin until it bleed, Morpheus have no problem with helping you to clean it. Morpheus can take care of you, just like you took care of him so many times before. He's just being fair.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
Ok random thought, but what if Jake wore his hair down in illegal gambling arc because he wanted to save money, so he didn’t buy pomade? Like he did when he ate ramyeon for weeks straight🥹 Had to share it with somebody, you came to my mind
Sneaky sneaky, giving me brainrot. This is VERY indulgent. VERY rambly. More so than usual. Honestly, I dont even know what this is.
Jake Kim x Reader: Hair Pomade
G/N. Gambling arc. Jake has a new hairstyle.
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You didn't mind Jake's new hair, though you did mind why he had to wear it that way.
A part of you couldn't help but think that if your own features fit together as nicely as his does, you would never have any of your face covered up. Even if it was just his forehead, fringe sweeping over his eyebrows.
It just seems a waste to hide any of it.
"What, you don't like my new look?" he would ask with an exaggerated pout, after you brushed his hair back one too many times as he lay his head in your lap. It was clearly said in jest but you could identify some of the tension and hurt beneath his carefully casual demeanour.
That in itself was strange.
Jake barely ever cared about his looks. Coupled with the way he's become impatient and irritable in the last couple months, you could tell something had been brewing.
You did try to poke and prod at whatever was lurking in his mind, to figure out the source of his issues. You never got an answer. Every time you did though, you would get the old Jake back. Just for a few days. Where he was all smiles, attentive and affectionate until whatever burden he had hit him full force again.
Other changes caught your eye too. Don't think you've missed the way he's been more frugal lately, previous dates are now replaced with mostly hanging out at yours.
Again, you didn't mind. But add that to the fact you've seen him dropping a little of his bulk, skin losing its usual glow and you've also seen the amount of ramen (and only ramen) he has been eating-
You can put two and two together.
For whatever reason, you conclude, Jake is scrimping and saving. And that includes cutting back on hair pomade.
You barely have two wons to rub together yourself. However, the hair pomade, or lack thereof, made you a lot sadder than it really should.
Just that whatever Jake had to do, whatever he couldn't share with you, meant that he couldn't have that little routine he has followed for years. Since before you two got together.
That time to himself each morning, where he would get his hair just how he liked it. Smiling a little to himself once its styled in his usual way. A little peace before the chaos of the day truly started.
Maybe you over egged the significance of this, overthinking and spiralling. Nevertheless, you did what you could.
When Jake pulled the little tub out of a gift bag, the one he always used with the black container and white font, he mistook the gift for him as your own personal preference.
"You hate it that much?" Again with the lighthearted tone, yet his eyes are tight.
"No," you reach up to kiss him and ruffle his hair, "I just know how much you liked to wear it swept back... and maybe I'll cook tonight? You've had enough ramen for a lifetime."
Jake swallows down the lump in his throat.
He doesn't know what to say. Has it been that obvious with how much he has been struggling in the last few months? Of course you could clearly see through him. He should have known better than to keep it from you.
Jake can't tell you everything, but perhaps he can tell you some things.
The tightness in his eyes is replaced by a wetness. He doesn't look at you, he can't. If he does he thinks he might crack.
Jake keeps his eyes downcast, staring at the tub gripped in his hand.
The hair pomade, that really should be insignificant, that meant nothing - means everything to him.
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fhrlclln · 2 years
hey, I'm not sure if your requests are open, but if they are, I'd like to request a eddie x reader :) reader is best friends with chrissy, but still shy & in the background. i'd love some intense & oblivious mutual pining between eddie&y/n & friends to lovers. Chrissy knows about y/ns feelings bc it's really obvious, tries to include eddie to kinda make them spend time together, y/n is jealous bc she thinks eddie is only interested in chrissy, so maybe some friendshipangst but happy end <3
eddie munson x shy!fem! reader + mutual pinning
hellloooo anon !! my requests are open just for untitled small-ish (actually lengthy) imagines & blurbs!! not the oneshots (those are usually up to 5k words)
i do hope you like this !! <3
kinda suggestive in the ending ;>
it was kind of awkward at first.
you’ve always been the quiet and reserved type of girl. shy in most parts when it comes to social interactions, you’ve always stayed inside of your comfort zone, still afraid to come out. nothing was wrong with that! it’s just that sometimes— you wish you were more than this quiet best friend of chrissy cunningham’s. yes, chrissy the head of the cheer team. chrissy the kind and sweet girl of hawkin’s high. chrissy was an amazing best friend, she was the only person who could understand your comfort of silence, being understanding and never judging why you were like this. it’s just you.
and here you are, school ending, linked arm to arm with her as she talks side to side with eddie munson. eddie munson, the supposed ‘freak’ of hawkins high. the devil worshipper, the drug dealer— the dnd club leader and dungeon master— stated by dustin. eddie’s a sweet guy since the first you’ve met him in class. he’s a class clown, likes to goof around the teacher’s back, intimidates maybe some few students with his style, fucks around with jason carver and sometimes causes a havoc inside of the cafeteria. he’s funny, good-looking, kind and—
you like him. yes, you have a crush on him since day one. the day since he had absently helped you clean up the classroom after hours. you two spoke, only for a bit, but you got hooked since the moment he made you laugh. and that was it— he probably doesn’t remember that moment but that set the course of your secret crush on him. which is a crucial secret you’ve harbored today— or so.
“it’ll be cool! this’ the one time to get you girls a peek of what i actually do for fun than sell shit here.” he shrugs, walking backwards as chrissy rolls her eyes at him. you only let a small smile on, seeing the interaction between them. “and i swear to you, chris’. gareth rocks the drums, no kiddin’, total badass.”
“you want us? me and y/n to go to your gig inside of a bar, eddie? do you know how’ll that look like?” she laughs as eddie shrugs, completely unaware how that’ll look. two girls inside of a bar, full of drunk men. to say, it was very surprising the queen of hawkins high had befriended the boy, unexpected it to you as well.
“i don’t know. well, makes our five person crowd turn into seven, which is better—“
“and haven’t you thought of the creeps and drunks in there for us?” she raises a brow as eddie scoffs at that. looking smug.
“please! if you’re worried about jackasses getting up on ‘ya, you have four men on guard and that includes me.” he gestures to himself proudly as chrissy sighs.
“c’mon, chris’! loosen up a little, get drunk while we play and it’ll be the best night of your lives!” eddie roared, earning a few snickers and glares from the students passing by. he didn’t care about that as you watched him dearly, whilst chrissy was shaking her head. admiring his smirk and eagerness for you two— well, maybe just for chrissy, to come.
“eddie. as much as i like to go to your gig tonight. i just don’t think—“
“oh, c’mon. we’ve hanging out since— since, you’ve been pulling me to your hang outs. isn’t it my time to ask you to hang-out?” eddie hummed as he walked along side now. putting his hands in his leather jacket’s pockets. you stared ahead, letting them talk with one another. a little sting in your heart that you wished eddie would have that same energy to you. mostly he’d just acknowledge you were there beside chrissy, they were close as you can tell. you didn’t know if it was you or not— but certainly you knew he’s got eyes for your best friend. isn’t everyone?
as hurtful as it is to your feelings for him, you just bottled it up knowing none will happen otherwise. eddie was kind to you, that was most important, and you were fine being the extra in the little tension between chrissy and him. you just wished you were more outgoing to match his personality— but fate was like this. you’d accept it, not wanting to hope for more— hope for him to look at you like he looks at chrissy. you could feel the bitter taste in your tongue as you swallowed up the heartbreak inside of you. you just wished you were… more. 
“earth to y/n? hello?” a pair of fingers snapping in front of you made you jump a bit seeing eddie beside you with a grin. your heart thumped as you tried to remain calm, a heavy whiff of his earthy fresh cologne engulfed your nose alongside the scent of cigarettes and hint of weed, you guessed. god, he smelled good—
“y-yes?” you stammered, looking up to meet his eyes. you swore you felt mushy seeing those doe brown eyed orbs stare at you with a glint behind them. eddie seem to pause a bit as he smiled at you sweetly.
“do you wanna come tonight?” he asked, tone low and soft this time than a while ago. “my gig— tonight. since your bestie don’t wanna— but it’s fine if you don’t want to—“
“i’d love to.” you answered quickly, blushing afterwards hearing yourself too excited. “i-i mean, yes.” way to go. you sighed to yourself, feeling a little embarrassed.
“that’s cool. yeah, fucking cool.” eddie bit his lip as he turned to chrissy with a smirk now. chrissy had a huge smile on her face as she stared at you, seeing you all shy and timid around him than usual. she rolled her eyes at eddie as you watch them quarrel again.
“are you sure, angel?” she asked you, pushing eddie’s shoulder when he was about to cut her off.
“she’s sure, chris’!”
“i’m sure.” you nodded, feeling a little bashful that he’s beside you. the warmth of him driving you crazy. you could feel him lean forward, his chest brushing against your back as he stuck his middle finger to chrissy, gesturing to his win. you swore you’d turn into a puddle how close he is. chrissy seemed to grin at the two of you, opting to dismiss the thought in her head as she focused on the annoying metalhead.
“fine! you won this time, munson. we’ll go.” chrissy shoved his hand away as eddie pumped his fists up in the air. you giggled, snuggling beside chrissy as she sighed at him.
“i’ll pick you up later?” she offered and you nodded. unlinking your arms, knowing you have to go back home to find an suitable outfit.
“i’ll call you.” you affirmed as you hugged her goodbye. chrissy kissed your cheek as you turned to eddie. oblivious knowing your best friend was watching the way you curled your fingers, knowing you were nervous. she smirked at that.
“i’ll see you later, sweets.” he winked as you nodded, waving him goodbye, feeling your stomach flutter as you walked away.
eddie watched you with longing eyes, your quiet and timidness as cute factor he so adored, remembering the moment chrissy introduced you to him. chrissy eyed him with suspicion now, oh, it was very obvious— so stupidly obvious how the two of you were pinning for each other. just that she knew something was blocking the two of you from confessing and it was hurting her head! you and eddie looked perfect for each other— and she was going to make it her mission to get you two going on for tonight.
“i say watch the way you look at my best friend, munson.” she teases as eddie blushes, eyes widening as he scoffs, feeling embarrassed he’s been caught or so.
“what the fuck do you mean?” he dumbly scratches his head, acting oblivious as chrissy taps her foot, rolling her eyes at him. idiot.
“nothing.” she walks away, leaving eddie to ponder what the hell did she mean by that. chrissy grins to herself, knowing well what to do now.
“they’re gonna start!” chrissy says, sitting right next to you inside of the hideout. the bar was somewhat decent, it was for drunks— that you knew seeing it was crowded, but decent enough that you two got a seat closer to the stage. the dim lights shined before them seeing the logo of the drum-set came into life. corroded coffin was written on it, proud and very rock looking as you waited for them to finish setting up. you were excited, so excited seeing him perform. one of your daydreams come into life.
“whatdya’ think about eddie performing?” chrissy smiled widely as you shrugged.
“he’s…” you didn’t know what to say as eddie turned to the microphone, a wide grin and a new aura coming from him. you were stars trucked, he greeted the crowd first, some had cheered on and others were intrigued. the main kicker for your beating heart was the moment he shredded his guitar after gareth’s counting, you swore you’d faint on the spot. chrissy cheered on as you stared at him in awe, seeing him look so in his place, a glimpse of what more you can see in eddie.
and it made your heart burst happily.
the crowd cheered to the next three songs they did. all covers from their favorite bands— eddie sang them all, sweat beading his forehead, his shirt clinging to him tightly as he gripped the microphone, his gestures lit up the room as you watched him. smiling widely, as his gaze tore to where you and chrissy were seated. you froze on the spot, not knowing where his eyes stayed if it were yours or to chrissy. you didn’t know really. his eyes seemed to hold something, unspoken, but loud enough for you to know it was something. it was you, was it? was it—
your mind shouted, you looked to the side to see your best friend smiling widely as ever. you looked back to eddie as he no longer stared to where you two were seated. no, he did not look at you. your mind screamed again. you were just here— because chrissy agreed to be here. you were just here. your heart started to melt, you could feel the awful vile lump in your throat seize to make you cry with your own thoughts. eddie doesn’t like you— he doesn’t. you’re just chrissy’s best friend. that’s all you’ll ever be in his eyes. you gulped, noticing as eddie said goodnight to the crowd. they cheered, clapped while you forced yourself to straighten your posture now. how stupid you are to be heartbroken for a man who doesn’t even know you— or know your love for him.
so stupid.
“that was so cool!” chrissy squealed as eddie exited the stage. the other members went straight to your table. chrissy stood up giving each an hug, how smitten they are to be in the presence of her, looking all giddy that the queen of hawkins high had watch their gig. you sat there, quietly, fiddling with your hands, knowing no one would acknowledge you— since they don’t even know you. it was typical, and you were used to it by now.
“sooo…” chrissy started, sitting back as the others told her they would be by the bar. “what did you think of eddie right now?” she wriggled her brows.
you blinked, not sure where this is going. “he’s…w-well, more eddie?”
“ok, he looks cool.” you offered, glancing behind her shoulder to see eddie laughing along with his band mates while he drank a cold beer. his mullet a little haggard from his head banging a while ago. you pursed your lip, admiring him from afar.
“really now? just cool?” she teases.
“i-i don’t know—“
“you find him cute, huh?” she pinches your cheek as you swatted her hand away with a pout, shaking your head.
“oh, c’mon. we’ve been friends for years, angel. i know—“ you quickly pinch her lips, afraid someone might hear that assumption. it was already embarrassing as it is that you were lying to her.
“chris’, please!” you scolded, your pout growing. cute.
“ok, ok, ok. i’m just joking.” she defends, a plan in her mind erupting as she pulls you up to stand up. you look at her confused as she grins, gesturing to the bar. “we have to greet eddie! you’re the one who wanted to see him perform.” she reminded you.
“w-wha— ok, fine.” you sighed as chrissy turned back to capture eddie staring at the two of you. eyes staring at the oblivious you. she grinned again, pulling you towards him, a vacant seat in the middle, a luck for her mini-plan to succeed.
“hey, chris’!” eddie greeted, hugging her as chrissy patted his back.
“you look so cool, munson! not bad.”
“yeah, yeah, yeah. thanks.” he smirked as he turned to you. you temporarily froze for a moment as chrissy urged you to sit beside him while she stood between the two of you. a little irritated she was seeing you two hinder down. like idiots in love! she huffed as she broke the longing silence.
“y/n thought you looked cute today.”
“cute? really? that’s a first. i’m flattered, sweets.” eddie laughed as you averted his gaze. a blush arose to your cheeks, it felt warm as you glowed underneath the dim lights. eddie watched in silence seeing you look around the room, your expression still a bit flushed, you looked too cute when you’re so shy. god, his stomach was feeling funny today.
chrissy couldn’t take it anymore! she grabbed eddie’s arm to pull him away somewhere. eddie was taken by surprise, disappointed he was pulled away from his gawking. she knew you wouldn’t admit your obvious crush you have on the man— though, eddie on the other hand, she knew he would at least have the balls to ask you out if she tells him. he was pretty obvious too.
“the hell was that, chris’?” he sighed, crossing his arms. you watch in distance seeing your best friend and eddie talking with each other at a far distance. you sighed, the vile feeling of jealousy in your gut erupting again.
“i am done with you two. i’m sick of it!” chrissy declares. eddie shoots a puzzled look as chrissy pinched her nose. “if you like her eddie, then ask her out!”
“wait— that’s n-not… i don’t have—“ he blushes, glancing back to you for a moment.
“cut the bullshit please. sometimes, as a certified wingman, i get tired seeing you two hiding it when it’s so painfully obvious.” she sighs as eddie’s eyes widened. you two? hiding it?
“us two? let me get this straight, chris’. i think i’m the only one who’s been hiding it.” he declares, you would never go for him! and he applauds chrissy for being so observant that she knew he’s got a little crushie on you. it always seemed like you didn’t want to talk to him from time to time— averting his gazes, quiet and short conversations, always avoiding him. he was sure you were just swallowing it up to be friends with him because of chrissy. “and i don’t think she’ll ever go for me if you think that—“
you watch in silence seeing those two talk. you sighed to yourself, alone by the bar, fiddling with the napkins now. you felt yourself slowly feel tired at this— wanting to go home and cry. you stood up, heading to the bathroom to freshen up a little, planning afterwards to say your goodbyes to chrissy and the others. the night already tiring you. you need to a grip of yourself. and you couldn’t hold back your disappointment as tears slipped from your eyes, quickly shutting the door behind you.
“it’s true, eddie! i swear!” chrissy argues as eddie shakes his head. no, there was no way you liked him! no way! chrissy might be just fucking with him.
“don’t bullshit me—“
“i am so not, munson! if you think she doesn’t like you, well, i’m reminding you she’s gets too shy around you. i know her.”
“how the fuck am i supposed to believe you?”
“if you go after her then you might as well ask her, herself.” chrissy crosses her arms as eddie snickers.
“this is too— too unbelievable. i don’t want my hopes up.” he mumbles, feeling a little insecure. no one wanted him— he was the freak! a drug dealer and an outcast. he lives in a trailer park and is still repeating his senior year. you deserved someone so much better than him.
“i am not putting your hopes up, eds. when it comes to y/n and you— i very much like to see you two together.” she confesses, offering a comforting smile. eddie licks his lips, the taste of beer and the sweet memory of you gawking at him while he’s on stage pressuring him to go back and talk to you.
“i mean it, munson.”
“yeah. i know. thank you.” he smiles, sighing to himself. for being an idiot for holding himself back.
“go. i’m sure she’s waiting.” chrissy urged as gareth came passing by.
“your friend’s been in the bathroom for a shit long time by the way.” gareth points to the restroom as chrissy looks at eddie worried.
“go!” chrissy urges, knowing that place would be private enough for both of you. eddie nods, walking hastily to there as gareth looks at the situation confused beside chrissy.
“what was that?” gareth sips his beer as chrissy sweetly smiles at him.
“getting your best friend his first girlfriend.” she grins as gareth spits his beer out of shock.
“sweets?” your head shots up from the sink as you heard the door knocking, you shut the faucet off as you wiped your stray tears away. it was pathetic, you dressed up for him— thinking something will happen. you bit your lip, hesitating for a moment. it was embarrassing to face him when you just cried for him.
“y/n? sweets? can i— this will sound weird— can i come in?” he coughs, your eyes widened, he sounded desperate which made you worry. eventually you unlocked the door as eddie came stumbling with an apology as he shuts the door quickly. leaning back against it as the yellow fluorescent light shined at the two of you.
“u-uh, is there something wrong?” you asked, fiddling with your hands again, feeling nervous. eddie stares at you, seeing the dried up tears stain your cheeks. have you been crying? his sense of protectiveness bursted as he cupped your cheeks, wiping the tears off as his brows furrowed.
“someone made you upset? was it a old geezer or a drunk?” he asked, catching you by surprise as you quickly shook your head. what was happening?
“i’m fine, eddie. it’s j-just me.” you meekly confessed, averting his gaze yet eddie stood closer, staring at you with seriousness.
“yeah… it’s kinda stupid.” you laughed quietly as eddie grinned. still cupping your cheeks as you blushed at his touch. warm and calloused, it felt oddly tingly as you squirmed in his hold.
“don’t like you seeing you upset.” he mumbles, looking back and forth to your lips. “i’ve been meaning to tell you— something… chrissy just gave me the reality-hit of a lifetime.” he confesses, detaching his hands from your cheeks as he turned to sit on the toilet seat as you waited for him. are they together? your mind wandered as your heart clenched.
“i—“ he stutters, grasping your hands now to his. pulling you close as you stood between his legs. feeling a little cramped in this restroom. your heart stammered as butterflies filled your stomach.
“i was going to ask you out. on— on a date. i like you, y/n. chrissy told me you liked me, and i-i was wondering—“
“w-wait!” you stammered, he stopped in his words, dread filling his stomach. was it not true?
“y-yeah? shit, sorry— i should’ve…” eddie rambled on as you processed the words coming out of his mouth. chrissy told him? told him that you liked him? you were shocked, you kept this secret for the longest and chrissy knew this whole time? you wondered back when eddie started hanging out with you two. did that start there? nevertheless, you were shocked. shocked at how sneaky she knew!
“and it’s fine if you don’t like me— i get the feeling chris’ thought otherwise and i-i’m sorry—“
“eddie.” you breathed out his name, he stopped, feeling like a spell was cast on him when you uttered his name like a aphrodisiac. he felt his spine tingle as he shut up quickly. you lean down, seeing his pupils turn black at how close the two of you are. you were tired of having to hold back now— so tired of waiting as eddie’s heart thumped loudly.
“y-yeah?” he whispers as you put your hands to rest on his shoulders. he was so desperate, seeing your lips part as he felt the alcohol in his veins make him extra horny.
“i like you too…” you confessed, eddie shuddered at that, relieved. so relieved that he surged up to capture your lips to his. you gasped, his tongue went in as you wrapped your arms around his neck, bending down as he hold on to your hips. you moaned, the sweet daydream coming to life. you were kissing him! finally kissing him! and he liked you! his tongue circled yours, sloppy and desperate it is as his hands squeezed your side. both feeling so drunk and high in the chemicals in your bodies. like as if he had smoked something— that was ten times better. it was all you. your scent, your touch, your lips— everything of you was a drug to him.
he had to thank chrissy later.
you broke away first, exhaling air as you confessed again. “i thought you had a thing for chrissy. b-but me?” you blushed as eddie grinned, pulling you to his lap as you sat comfortably. eddie swore he’d have a heart attack now.
“baby, chrissy’s like a sister to me.” he laughed, cringing at the thought of him and your best friend together.
“but same thing, sweets. thought you didn’t like me that much.” he laughed as you giggled. “but you were just shy, huh? shy for me, baby?” he said confidently, kissing your neck. you whined, his warmth overwhelming as you giggled at how ticklish you are there.
“i’ve liked you for the longest, eds.” you caressed his hair as he hummed, hugging you tight. “just d-din’t know how to say it.”
“should’ve kissed you sooner.” he mumbled capturing your lips again as you caressed his rosy cheeks. he felt himself melt on you as you teased him. he felt so mushy underneath you as you breathed out his name. this wasn’t happening was it? it’s all his dream? kissing you in a bar restroom that kinda smelled like shit? totally romantic. things got hotter as you whined against his lips. feeling a little frisky as eddie smirked, grinding up as you gasped at the hard feeling.
you blushed, knowing what was underneath you. the feeling too overwhelming as you hugged him tighter, knowing hell what he was doing when his hands descended down to your ass making eddie smirk, feeling so smug now. he grasped it confidently as you scolded him, blushing furiously. your shyness seeping back.
“e-eddie, we can’t!”
“i’m making up the lost time, sweetheart. keep that mouth quiet for me, hm?”
say, thank you, chrissy!
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gremoria411 · 2 months
How to get into Gundam
Because fuck it, I was gonna do one of these sooner or later anyway.
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So you want to know what this Gundam thing’s about, maybe you like the mecha design, maybe you caught part of an episode one time and want to catch up, or maybe you saw a nice piece of Chamuro fanart and want to go to the source.
But there’s so many shows and timelines that it can be quite daunting on first look, so this guide is intended to give a rough overview.
I would however like to stress two four things beforehand however:
This guide is not intended as “The One True Way” or anything. There’s no harm it coming into it a different way, and these are only my own opinions.
There’s nothing stopping you from just watching one show and leaving it there. You don’t have to watch every single show going, even I’ve only seen most of these, not all. Gundam typically has variations on similar themes - it’s very nice watching multiple shows because they complement one another, but it’s not necessarily required.
I am very much an insider looking out here, so let me know if there’s any details I’ve missed.
I’m not gonna recommend these on a “if you like X, then watch Y basis”, mostly because I don’t personally find genre recommendations helpful, so I’d recommend picking based on promotional material (vibes, if you will).
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I’ll be using this chart, supplied by the excellent@l-crimson-l, to illustrate everything.
Gundam as a whole can principally be divided into three sections: Universal Century (or UC), the Alternate Universes (AU’s) and the Build Series.
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The AU’s are below the light blue line, near the bottom of the Chart, the Build Series is within the bright green line at the top-right corner of the chart and UC is the big line in the middle. We’ll talk about each of them individually.
The AU’s
The Alternate Universes were conceived as a way to get away from the continuity-heavy nature of Universal Century and provide an easy jumping-on point for new fans. The AU’s are standalone and require no prior knowledge, and are thus an excellent place to start. Honestly, I’d recommend quickly searching some promotional materials (like posters) and just going with the one you find most appealing based on that. They are (in production order):
Mobile Fighter G Gundam (1994)
New Mobile Report Gundam Wing (1995)
After War Gundam X (1996)
Turn A Gundam (1999)
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED (2002)
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (2007)
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE (2011)
Gundam: Reconguista in G (2014)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans (2015)
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury (2022)
There’s side series and movies and other things besides, but these are the mainline shows, if you will. I have specific notes on a few of them:
Witch From Mercury - It’s of a shorter length than is usual for mainline shows, so consequently it’s a much smaller time investment than the others.
Mobile Fighter G Gundam - While undeniably rad as hell, I would recommend watching another AU first. G Gundam differs from its stablemates in a few key areas, and I find it helps to have a contrast to fully appreciate those differences.
Gundam AGE - is probably the only one I wouldn’t recommend. I didn’t like the art style and the technical explanations just got on my nerves, so I stopped watching.
Turn A and G-Reconguista are technically part of UC as well, but it’s not really crucial information so don’t feel like you have to watch UC first (I’m only including this detail for completionism).
I’ve found all the AU’s I’ve seen to be pretty good, so I’d say that which one you start with really just comes down to personal taste.
The Build Series
Is just kind of doing its own thing. The Build series is basically Buy Our Toys: the series. It’s got a far lighter tone, and I’ve had cause to compare it to pokemon prior. It’s also chock full of references and in-jokes to the other series.
Build Fighters and Build Fighters Try are the ones I’d recommend - they’ve got actual stakes and the fight scenes are really good.
Build Divers and Build Divers Re:rise I can’t recommend - I just find Build Divers aggressively boring. Build Divers Re:Rise is just okay - neither standout good or particularly bad. Its main flaw is that it’s a sequel to Build Divers.
The OVA’s are pretty much bad across the board - I’d particularly recommend avoiding Gundam Build Metaverse.
Universal Century
Universal Century is the big main timeline of Gundam, and is the timeline the original Mobile Suit Gundam from 1979 takes place in. There’s a tendency among certain fans to place UC as the one-above-all of Gundam, but I wouldn’t really go that far. It’s all pretty good, but I wouldnt really say one timeline is better than another (save personal preference, anyway).
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Because UC is so big, it can be subdivided a couple times. The primary division is “Mainline” UC versus everything else. Basically there’s four-five shows in Universal Century from which everything else flows. As long as you know roughly what happens in these shows, then you can watch basically anything else in UC and have a good idea of what’s going on. These are (in order):
Mobile Suit Gundam (1979) - sometimes called Mobile Suit Gundam 0079.
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (1985)
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ (1986)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack (1988)
With Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn (2010) as a nominal fifth (honestly I feel like you could argue either way).
The rest of the shows are:
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket (1989 Three-Episode OVA)
Mobile Suit Gundam F91 (1991 Movie)
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory (1991 Thirteen-episode OVA)
Mobile Suit Victory Gundam (1993)
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team (1999 Twelve-episode OVA)
G-Saviour (2000 Live Action Movie) - nobody ever talks about or acknowledges this one, it’s just here for completionism.
Mobile Suit Gundam MS Igloo (2004-2009 Three OVA’s with three Episodes each)
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin (2015 Six-Episode OVA, adapted from the Manga of the same name)
Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt (2015 Eight-Episode Series, adapted from the Manga of the same name)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Twilight Axis (2017 episode, adapted from a light novel of the same name. Later rereleased as Gundam Twilight Axis Red Trace, with additional footage)
Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative (2018 sequel movie to Gundam Unicorn)
Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway (2021 ongoing movie series, very much adapted from the novel Hathaway’s Flash)
Most of the other series relate to events in the aforementioned “mainline” shows in some way, but a lot of the sidestories set during the One Year War require very little introduction (Thunderbolt, 0080 and 08th MS Team). Similarly, works set in “Late UC” (F91 and Victory Gundam) carry on from the other series thematically but don’t have any plot connections, so they can all be watched without any background knowledge of the rest of the Universal Century.
Compilation Movies
Just a quick note here - many of the Gundam series have compilation movies, where either a whole series or part of one are compressed down into a movie. While each movie compares differently, they usually boil down to this: Compilation Movies usually have worse pacing, but really nice animation.
One of the great things about Gundam is that different shows offer variations on themes, so seeing how different characters react to similar situations, or how different settings change their approaches can make it incredibly rewarding.
I haven’t seen enough of SD Gundam to make any sort of recommendations there, and Manga is something I might touch on another day.
EDIT: Oh hey also: You can watch a good chunk of these on YouTube, for free, officially. The Official Gundam.Info YouTube channel rotates the series shown on its channel periodically. I think it’s got F91 and SEED on there currently? But it’s had Wing, 00 and Witch From Mercury before. Also all of the Build Fighters series are there.
So yeah, that’s a thing.
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dailydragon08 · 1 month
Hi hi hi! Would it be possible to request for headcanons of the OT gang and how they would react to being invited into going to a concert of yours (opera, orchestra, idol, band, etc.) and then, at the end of the concert, you say you dedicate the concert to them? Thank you for your time! Your writing is so much fun!
Thanks so much for the ask! I love music and am a huge rock and metal girlie, so this ask is right up my alley.
My masterlist and a list of fandoms I write for is available in my pinned post on my page. Any reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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Big functions like this are typically par for the course for Leia, so while she’s flattered that you invited her, it isn’t really something she’d find overwhelming, per se. She’s very excited to support you and curious what the experience will be like. If it’s more of a casual concert—like a typical rock or pop concert—she really enjoys the change of pace from the more prestigious genres in fancier music halls. She already knows going in that you’re going to be fantastic, and if it’s a setting where cheering is appropriate, is one of the loudest voices in the crowd. If this isn’t really a venue where cheering happens, she’s standing up and clapping the hardest for you after every song and is glowing with excitement with a vibe of hell yeah, I knew they could do it. I’m still an avid believer that Leia, being royalty and a politician, is an avid fashion lover like her mother and she goes all out with whatever outfit matches the venue and music style – even if it’s not something she usually wears, she loves being able to experiment and show her support for you even more with her clothes, and may even know what she’s doing since she knows the press will be taking pictures of her the moment they realize she’s there. She’s more than happy to help you promote yourself with her presence.
When you take a moment at the end to dedicate the concert to her, she’s so touched (especially if you included a few pieces with a connection to her lost homeworld) and has the biggest smile on her face. Being the last princess of Alderaan, the second she stands up at the end to clap, it triggers a standing ovation from the whole crowd. Any articles with footage the next day will swear she got a little teary-eyed for a moment, but of course she’ll deny if anyone asks. Knowing you’re probably exhausted after such an ordeal, she comes backstage afterwards with the best catering that includes all the food and drinks to soothe your throat and help you recoup while insisting she knew you would be incredible even before hearing you and it did not disappoint.
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Luke has maybe been to a few smaller concerts here and there, but nothing too big or fancy. More often, it’s been music in cantinas or passing by some sort of club with live music where everyone was paying much more attention to their drinks. He wants to be fully prepared with how best to support you while he’s there, so does his own research on what type of venue you’ll be in, what the crowd will be like, what he should wear, whether he’s supposed to cheer or clap, etc. He’s elated to be invited and if you’re also Force-sensitive, his excitement and anticipation is so powerful when he walks in the venue, you can feel it from backstage. If it’s a fancier gig, he enlists Leia and Lando’s help for the appropriate outfit and makes sure his hair is combed all nice and neat and he’s clean-shaven. Once the concert starts, he’s awed by your talent and anyone with him will tell you afterwards that he had the biggest heart eyes the entire time. Any nerves or discomfort he had about the crowd (you know he’s an introvert) completely fade the moment you step on stage and he’s bobbing his head to the music the whole time, clapping enthusiastically after every number.
He's completely caught off guard when you dedicate the concert to him at the end and doesn’t bother to hide his watery eyes. If you’re already together, he’ll use the Force to extend a strong wave of love and affection towards you, and will still show up backstage with your favorite takeout meal, and either a bouquet of your favorite flowers or a bag of your favorite snack depending on your preference. He even has a thermos full of your favorite tea he made himself in case you need to soothe your throat. He doesn’t hesitate to tell you how amazing and talented you are and everyone around is pretty sure they just watched him fall even more in love with you.
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When you extend an invitation to Han, he gives you a casual “sure thing,” but is equal amounts curious and excited. Out of the entire crew, he’s been to the most concerts, but is usually paying more attention to the drinks, potential romantic partners for the night, and maybe even the money to be made with the music as a backdrop. For a second, with his reputation, he even gets a little worried that someone will recognize him in the crowd and stop him from putting all his attention on you – but he’s determined to have his eyes as glued to you as possible and even brings Chewie with him to run interference so he can fully enjoy your performance. More casual venues and genres are more his thing, but he’ll still come to a fancier event to support you and finds he likes it more than he thought he would just because it’s you (although you still can’t really get the concept through to him that buttoning up his shirt all the way isn’t really “fancy”).
When you dedicate the concert to him at the end, he’s completely in shock and sort of stands there like O.O until Chewie gives him a little grumble and nudge. Then Han’s on his feet clapping as hard as he can, hollering out a whooo, yeah! And adding a sharp high whistle with both fingers in his mouth – even if it’s not that type of venue. Of course, he apologizes later if that’s the case, he just got too excited. He comes backstage to congratulate you laden with the best celebratory drinks (and if you don’t drink, he got you some non-alcoholic cocktails that taste amazing) he could find. He wraps his arm around your shoulders and gives you a big squeeze with a “knew you’d blow it out of the park.”
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Lando immediately accepts your invitation with a huge grin on his face. With his impressive resume, he’s been in all sorts of settings – from some of the fanciest concert halls the galaxy has to offer to even dingey dive bars where the music’s so loud, you can barely hear yourself think. One of his biggest love languages is gifts (you can pry this headcanon from my cold, dead hands) and he’s not pushy, but insists on making sure you have all the monetary support, set pieces, and perfect garb to put on an exceptional show should you need his help. He’s prepared for any situation (and any outfit – you know that guy’s got a closet bigger than most people’s houses) and even though he’s all cool, calm, and collected when he gets there, he’s barely containing his excitement. He’s 100% dancing – whether it’s more subtle moves in his seat and tapping his leg with his hand, or getting up and busting out his best moves. Of course, he keeps it classy, but there’s no denying he’s having the time of his life.
Like Leia, he’s so touched when you dedicate the concert to him. He has a huge smile on his face and puts both hands over his heart before giving you a tiny bow and extending his hands towards you – even if you’re too far away to see it, he hopes you can somehow feel it. He comes backstage to congratulate you with a giant smile on his face. He rubs your back and tells you that you’re a talent unlike anything he’s ever seen and he’s so glad you got to perform again, and he’s happy to give you all the tools to keep performing for as long as you want. He’s also brought an entire suitcase filled with comfy clothes, your favorite foods, plenty of water, and all the things to run you a nice, hot bath so you can relax while he gives you a massage.
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Being Han’s partner in crime, Chewie (platonic) has also been to more than a few concerts and is happy to join. If you and Han are together, he’s taking his bodyguard duties very seriously so that his friend can have full attention on you without having to worry about anyone trying to use him to cause a ruckus. If he sees anyone familiar heading towards Han with a scowl or too much purpose in their step, he quickly removes them before Han even realizes what’s happening. Otherwise, he’s nodding his head in time with the beat and you can’t help but smile from the stage when you hear an excited roar with each round of applause.
Chewie will roar excitedly again and shake his fists in the air if you dedicate the concert to him, and once he’s backstage, will give you the biggest bear hug as he lifts you off your feet and rambles out an ecstatic string of Shyriiwook. C-3PO or Han will translate and let you know you’re now his favorite person. If you weren’t part of the family before, this experience cements it and he will protect you for life.
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R2-D2 (platonic) has never been to a concert where he’s just a guest versus helping serve drinks, food, or sneaking around to find information, so is extremely excited and hops around on his little legs to show you just how much. If your gig is fancier with a crowd that’s expected to be quiet during songs and people around him are talking, R2 will give them a little warning zap with one of his retractable arms, and will whistle as loud as he can between numbers. If it’s a more casual gig, he’s wobbling back and forth on his outer legs in tune to the beat.
Dedicating the concert to him will have him so excited, he’ll spin his little head around multiple times until he gets so dizzy, he falls over and the people nearby will have to set him upright again. The whole way backstage, he’s whistling his favorite songs by you and stays glued to you the whole rest of the night – fetching you food, water, a change of clothes, you name it, to the point that Luke wonders if he’s ever going to see his astromech again.
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Upon invitation, C-3PO (platonic) will give you an excited “oh my! Well, of course I’ll come!” while waving his hands in the air in excitement. Fancier gigs are much more his forte, but he will eventually get the hang of a more casual one after a few songs. In between each one, he’s bending down to R2 (or whoever he’s with) with a “oh, they’re just wonderful, aren’t they?” Eventually, he can’t resist the urge to clap, even though the metallic CLANG CLANG CLANG of his hands annoys pretty much everyone around him.
Dedicating the concert to him will draw out a shocked “oh good heavens! For me? R2, did they say me? Are you sure? There isn’t another C-3PO in this premises, is there?” before he looks around to double check. Once backstage, he goes on and on and on about how grateful he is to you, how wonderful you were, and then won’t stop telling everyone about how you dedicated “the most wonderful concert” to him for weeks afterward.
Taglist: @kaleidoscope1967eyes @masterlukessaber @coffeeorsomething-irl @eveningserenityyy @victorian-nymph @lxstfathier @rogue-kenobi @lavandula-ipsum @sonofthedunes @pomplalamoose @lex-the-flex @ilovemarkhamill
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Chronically Ill MC - Dateables
As someone with multiple chronic illnesses (including one or two  that’s tried to take me out), fantasy is one of the few things that gets me through my bad days. With that in mind, I was inspired to talk about how the brothers/dateables not only handle dating someone with chronic illness but also what one little thing they do to help.
Lucifer may not seem the like the most empathetic partner to someone with a chronic illness. Lucifer does a lot every day and he expects the same from the people in his life. He keeps high standards and there aren’t many things that will considered a valid explanation for not meeting them, even sickness. However, he’s not totally unreasonable and once he learns how truly sick you are, he dedicates himself to readjusting those standards/goals and makes sure that you aren’t pushing yourself past your limits.  The main thing that Lucifer does to support you as your partner is going to appointments with you. When you’re chronically ill, it’s almost impossible to not have regular appointments, usually with multiple doctors. The other uncomfortable truth about those visits is that the doctors typically aren’t too great. It’s all too easy to get brushed off, talked over, and not taken seriously, especially if you happen to be a female or person of color. Lucifer being there not only calms your anxiety but also makes sure that you are better seen and heard in the appointments. He is not letting that doctor leave without doing their job properly. 
Mammon keeps up his typically uncaring personality in front of people where he can tend to tease you or downplay your sickness; however, he is also fiercely overprotective. He doesn’t let anyone else near you and is constant checking in to see if you’ve eaten, slept enough, have everything you need, etc. If anyone bothers you about your illness(es), he’s 100% going after them. You may be a sick, pathetic human but you’re his and he’s not going to let you be slandered by anyone!  As his nice thing that Mammon does for you and your chronic illness(es), is buying you all sort of things that might help. He definitely didn’t google what sort of things to buy your chronically ill partner or anything and then buy everything off those lists, whether or not it applied to your illness(es). Those damn Buzzfeed lists will be the death of Goldie at this point. He makes sure you want for nothing. Most of the time he won’t even give the items to you like a normal person, he’ll just leave them in your room or in your bag or address the box to you as if you’ve ordered it yourself. He doesn’t want you to know how badly he wants to take care of you. 
Levi is a nervous Nelly, only because he cares. He definitely does some research like Satan, though he’s much more invested in the message boards than doctors studies. He definitely joins a support group for caregivers to get a better idea of what to expect and what he can do for you. He’s happy to always stay home with you when you’re not feeling well; in fact, it really works for his life style if you want to stay comfy and cozy in his bedroom most of the time while he keeps you company/entertains you.  Speaking of which, Levi’s one thing he does for you is keeping a basket full of stuff in his bedroom for you. As a gamer who can hole up in his room for hours (or even days) at a time, he prepares for this. He’s got his little fridge and microwave for you and a large basket of everything you usually need: heated blankets, heating pads, water bottles, medication, arts and crafts, sleep masks and headphones, etc. He’s even got a little gaming station set up for you in there in case you want to play some cozy games when you’re not up to chatting with him but still want something to do “together”. 
Satan is the king of research. The moment that you open up about your illness(es), he’s taking notes and getting ready. He’s going to spend a lot of time figuring out what’s going on with you, what it means for your human body, and what your treatment options look like. He’s going to be collecting firsthand information from you as well so he knows exactly what your symptoms and daily life are like. He’s that person who will keep a planner with your appointments, manage your medication, and stay completely up to date on any new research that comes out about your illness(es). He’s sort of like your own mini nurse at this point.  For his main supportive trait (as if he doesn’t so enough), Satan is always making sure that you’re utilizing the best coping skills possible. This includes enjoying fresh air and, when possible, getting movement. He sees how much research supports those things, including sunlight and the company of animals. He’ll have a sun light from Akuzon on you while he hangs out with you in the gardens or takes you out on the town for a little walk. If you’re not allergic, he also brings cats to hang out and purr on your lap so you can de-stress while petting them. 
Asmo struggles with having a chronically ill partner. It’s not because he doesn’t care but he can be thoughtless about your conditions and he’s someone who always wants to be going out and doing things. Sometimes you have to remind him of your limitations and then he’s going to tone it down and pamper you at home like it’s reason for living. He’s gonna make sure you’re doing all the self-care and whatever you can’t do, he’ll do for you.  For his one special habit, he’s going to take you to the best spas and salons where you can get all of the relaxation that you deserve. You’ve had a long day with him and you’re probably tired and sore so best believe that Asmo has signed you both up for massages and facials and getting your nails done. You’ll be relaxed and ready for a good night’s sleep once they’re finished with you. Asmo seems like he would set up weekly or biweekly visit to these places under the guise of trying out new places/new treatments but really he just wants to make sure you’re being pampered like you deserve and those massages will hopefully help with the body aches.  And if you can’t manage to go out for those things, he’s going to do them all for you at home where you can be as comfortable as possible. 
Beel can be a little overprotective of his chronically ill partner. He hates the idea of you being sick and suffering; it’s a constant reminder of how delicate and vulnerable you are as a human. It triggers his Lilith PTSD just a little because he’s more afraid of losing you, especially to something that he can’t fight or protect you from. He tends to wait on you hand and foot, and he’s always making sure you’re fed the best foods and drinks the Devildom has to offer so that you keep up your strength. The thing that Beel does for you to support you is provide you with massages and/or pets. As an athlete, Beel knows how important it is to keep the body stretched, soothed, and strong. This means that he’s actually very proficient at giving massages. Beel will lead you through a series of stretching whenever you’re up for it (who would have guessed that he’s so skilled at yoga and not just all muscle?) so that you’re able to get in some kind of daily movement. Then he’ll rub down any sore muscles and work out any kinks that you may have. If there’s a time when you’re so sore you can’t stand any strong touch or movement, Beel is more than happy to rub your back or pet your hair to help soothe you to sleep and keep you calm. 
Belphie struggles a bit with a chronically ill partner simply because he is a very sleepy boy which makes him lazy and not totally capable of being a caretaker. He relies on his older brothers for a lot. But the good news is that he does transfer that skill over to you. You both get spoiled quite a bit by the other brothers who have accepted you as someone to be loved and protected the same way they do for Belphie. Additionally, Belphie never makes you feel bad for spending your down time resting. You guys have fun in mellow ways and you don’t have to worry about being fun or entertaining, you can just be yourself.  The best thing about having Belphie as a chronically ill person is that he is the best napping and bed rotting companion out there. You will never have a partner more excited to make sure you’re well rested. Belphie will spend all day with you in bed without a second thought. He’s got movies or music for entertainment, he’s got the comfiest bed and pillows and blankets, he’s got fans and heating pads, he’s got bottles of water on his bedside and snacks too so he doesn’t have to get out of bed for them, he’s got lavender oil to spray to help you get better sleep. You would never be more comfortable anywhere else and he’s going to snuggle you the whole time, assuming you’re up for that. 
Diavolo is a very courteous boyfriend to a chronically ill partner. He’s incredibly busy and he feels terrible that he’s not able to spend more time with you but he’s always happy to have your company while you rest. He lets you sit in on meetings or while he does paperwork. You’re quiet and diligent and he’s so impressed by how much you manage to not only do but do well while you struggle with your illness(es). You get your RAD work done and wrangle the brothers and always make sure to have time for Diavolo even when he’s whiny and cranky. He loves and respects that about you and so he does his best to always show you that same kindness and support.   Diavolo has the habit of sending you gift baskets when he’s not able to be around. They’re full of both treats and necessary supplies so that there’s nothing you could want for. He also lends Barbatos to you. It can’t be all the time unfortunately, since Barbatos has quite a lot of his own work to do, but if there’s any long gaps in your ability to see Diavolo, he makes sure you have Barbatos to keep you company and wait on you hand and foot for at least a few hours. Barbatos is one of the few people Diavolo trusts totally, especially with something as important as you, so you feel special to have him assigned to you. 
Barbatos is such an attentive boyfriend to a chronically ill partner. He’s used to serving Diavolo and essentially being a mixture of servant, nurse, valet, therapist, etc. so stepping into the role of caregiver is natural and easy for him. He relishes the idea of taking care of you. If you’re someone who truly hates the idea, he’ll back off and just play the role of doting boyfriend but, unless you’re actively fighting against it, he’s going to dedicate himself to making sure you’re taken care of. He’ll help with doctors, scheduling, accommodations in the Devildom, and making sure you have ample emotional support, including making sure the brothers aren’t causing you any undue stress.  The one thing Barbatos does for you that he enjoys most and excels at is keeping you well nourished. As we know, Barbatos has an affinity for tea and he has hundreds of kinds from the Devildom, celestial realm, and human realm alike. He will brew you a type for every symptom or illness, and some that may just help your anxiety or help you sleep. He keeps notes of what you enjoy most and stocks up so you have some at the HoL as well. If you hate tea, he will find other beverages or broths that are equally helpful and good for your body. He’s also a fantastic cook and can modify the recipes to anything your body needs. Allergies, intolerances, taste preferences - he takes all of it into account and therefore creates the perfect meals and snacks for you. He regularly sends you home with food and will make sure there’s always something for you at RAD or the palace. It’s the most basic way to care for someone and it makes him feel great to know you’re taken care of.  
Solomon is a good partner for someone chronically ill because it’s impossible to phase him. He’s seen it all, all types of illnesses and injuries and accidents. There’s nothing that grosses him out or is too stressful to deal with. He may get a little introspective sometimes because it makes him think about your mortality in comparison to his and he knows that, once upon a time, he may have been just like you. He does his best to make your life as easy as possible, even offering magic items or potions to help. It doesn’t matter if it’s just offering you temporary relief from your symptoms or making a specific task easier for you, as long as he can help, he’s happy. Plus he’s been studying the human body and health for a long time so he’s the most knowledgeable and has a wide variety of options and ideas for you.  Speaking of studying the human body for a long time, Solomon has been conducting his own research and experiments for almost as long. He’s been around for multiple plagues and diseases across the globe and throughout time and, even though they can’t affect him, he’s kept up with the science behind it all. He’s been helping develop cures and vaccines for a long time; regularly passing off his findings to people who can actually put them into action. That means once he knows what’s ailing you, he’s going to turn his focus towards it to see if he can speed up the discovery of a cure. He doesn’t want you to have to suffer for a minute longer than necessary and he’s got every possible resource at his fingertips to help change that for you (and others like you) so he’s going to more seriously dedicate his time and energy towards that goal. 
Simeon is the kind of partner who helps you keep your wits about you and keep your spirits up when you’re dealing with chronic illness(es). It’s so easy to get swept up in a chronic illness: the symptoms, the appointments, the doctors, financial responsibilities, socializing, school or work, the future. Sometimes it can feel like you��re drowning and it’s impossible to pull yourself out of the negativity and the hopeless feeling. Simeon is always there to hold out his hand and pull you out of the water with his calm, soothing tone and support and encouragement. He holds your hand every step of the way and brings positivity to your life. He highly encourages you to utilize meditation and gratitude, without pushing so far as to go into toxic positivity. Sometimes he’s the only thing that keeps you holding on.  One of the best ways that Simeon supports you is by helping you with basic tasks that you may be too embarrassed to ask for help with normally, including bathing. Simeon is always happy to run you a hot bath and will put in epsom salts or essential oils or vitamin drops as needed. Hell, even if it’s just for fun, he’s happy to make it a lovely bubbly mess for you to splash around in and relax. He’s the kind of partner who will happily either climb in with you or, if there’s no room, he’ll sit behind you or to the side and help wash your hair, being so careful to keep soap out of your eyes and ears. He’ll wash your back and feet and face, with such smooth and gentle hands as he talks to you so sweetly. If you can’t take a bath, he’ll make sure you have a shower bench/chair or at least him to hold onto while you shower. It’s always the highlight of your day when he does this for you and you feel so close to him. 
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