#Jenny humprey
manheattannews · 3 months
• Blair Waldorf
• Serena Van der Woodsen
• Jenny Humphrey
• Dan Humprey
• Chuck Bass
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nyc-rosewood · 4 years
imagine if nyu was feeding blair waldorf only a bag of chips and a slice of cheese
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itspopculture · 6 years
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Taylor Momsen
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
i love how during the van der woodsen family photo shoot they just line dan up with cece’s actual grandchildren lmao. (well, and with “charlie”, but no one other than carol knew the truth about that yet) like neither jenny or chuck (who lily literally adopted!) are invited, but cece was like “daniel is one of my grandchildren, he should be in the photo :)” cece becoming a dan stan while still hating rufus is unironically such a great dynamic
like the best & most amusing humprey/van der woodsen dynamic is dan & cece and literally nothing compares 😔😔😔 im surprised she didn't leave him a hundred and one things in her will tbh. & maybe if she were still alive, s6 dan would not have become evil dan, you know?
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isthemicon · 3 years
you can rank from richest to least rich. in one episode gossip girl says bart bass is richer than bloomberg (wtf). so maybe bass- vanderbilt(even though nate continued to live at chuck's, maybe he'll stay at the empire even after the CB wedding)-grimaldi- van der woodsen- waldorf- humprey- vanessa's family.
Now will I use this post to drag Louis? I sure will.
Chuck is most definitely first, as you said the gg voice over says that he has more bucks than Bloomberg and more towers than Trump. So considering that Bloomberg nowadays is worth around 59 billons USD you can guess about how big of a money we are talking about here. Plus after his marriage with Blair their net worth combined and we probably entered a brand new level. Which suits me because my Married Power Couple deserves all the diamonds and they need their private island and houses on every continent for their romantic trips.
Next I think we have Serena, her father was well known surgeon and her mother’s family owned record label in LA, so they were rich within their own right but then Lily married Bart and never truly divorced him so she took his money, she also has shares in BI which probably gives her very nice income. And we are talking here about the worth in billions.
Now I don’t who should I put here Nate or Blair? I feel like their families have very similar net worth. That is in millions not billions.
The one thing about Vanderbilts I think people need to realize is that they are not that rich, I mean they are but not as rich as you would think. Here’s a thing Vanderbilts used to be one of the richest families in New York but they’ve lost their money and were left with a very prestigious name and properties that in some cases aren’t fully theirs. They are actually known for the “fall of the Vanderbilt family” as they’ve lost so much. So they still have few hundred millions dollars, for reference Gloria Vanderbilt (Anderson Cooper’s mother) supposedly was worth 200 million dollars. So I’d say given that his dad had money on his own I’d say he is worth around double that.
Blair is an interesting case as her dad is probably from the old money and is probably super rich, plus as lawyer he wasn’t making pennies but rather bigger money. Eleanor was based on Carolina Herrera and her net worth is 130 million dollars, furthermore she is now married to Cyrus who is/was an entertainment lawyer which gives you huge money especially since his clients are of the Lady Gaga caliber. So I think that Waldorf family might actually be a bit higher than Archibalds.
Dan without the doubt is the lowest but also not super low, like his dad owned a gallery and then had his “I’m a music producer adventure” so they are still worth few millions.
Vanessa has for sure has lower net worth than Humphrey’s as she actually is from the working class, doesn’t go to their school, doesn’t just hang out in the loft and unlike Dan or Jenny actually had to work on her own. Her parents I think are like professors or sth like that but not in private university so it’s not anything crazy.
Now as for Louis, his family is for sure worth big money. Prince Albert (head of the Grimaldi family) is said to be worth 1 billion so frankly compare it to Bass family it’s lame but whatever Louis is even lamer. You see Louis isn’t entitled to this money as he isn’t high in the line of succession, he was supposed to be just Prince Albert’s nephew, Albert now has to 2 kids that are heirs to the throne and also has 2 other kids out of marriage. So Louis would just be somewhere in the background. To give an idea how much he could be worth Andrea Casiraghi (prince Albert’s real nephew) is set to have net worth around 1-5 million USD. So while sure Louis was rich and probably could use some of the Grimaldi privileges on his own he isn’t worth that much. Generally he sucks and it makes you see why he was so greedy for Blair’s dowry.
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sebastianpribeiro · 3 years
The Pretty Reckless - 25 (Official Music Video)
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💞 Evie!
In no order (bc I can’t decide lmao)
Eric Van Der Woodsen
Blair Waldorf
Chuck Bass
Theo Archibald
Kathryn Novikoff
Nate Archibald
bonus: Jenny Humprey
send me 💞 + an oc and I’ll tell you my top five favourite dynamics of theirs
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gossipgirl · 4 years
e-blast #2
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Spotted, Jenny Humprey with a more classy style, arriving to the Grand Central Terminal with Vanessa Abrams.
What are they doing here?
You wish I knew!
You know you love me.
Gossip Girl 
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weirdletter · 4 years
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Rue Morgue Magazine #193, edited by Dave Alexander, Marrs Media, March/April 2020. Cover art by Graham Humpreys, info: rue-morgue.com.
A look at legendary artist Graham Humpreys’ 40 year legacy of horror, also features cover art by Humphreys. Plus! A new documentary explores the life and ghastly death of Z-movie filmmaker Al Adamson; Indigenous director Jeff Barnaby talks about Blood Quantum, the first Native Canadian horror film ever made, and more. Also features: writer/director Neasa Hardiman on Sea Fever; Bowen unearths A Cold Night’s Death (1973); Black Museum spotlights House of Horrors (1946), Mark Matthews’ Lullabies for Suffering; the classy creeps of Jenny Richardson; horror home economics from The Homicidal Homemaker; the latest from Raspberry Bulbs and more! All this and the latest film, book, comic book, music, game and toy releases!
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Gossip Girl es una serie de Nueva York que se hizo en el 2007 duró 6 años literal las 6 temporadas, es sobre jóvenes que hacen mucho drama en Manhattan, son personas ricas y viene mucho lo que es las clases, a mi parecer está serie es una de mis favoritas muchos dicen que es una serie muy básica en el aspecto de ser una serie juvenil, pero no es tan básica tiene estilo diferente en los atuendos, en los personajes, mis personajes favoritos son Chuck Bass y Blair Waldorf y Serena Vander woodsen, a mi lo que me llamó la atención de la serie es que muchos personajes no tuvieron nada que ver en el principio y después todo se fue acomodando como el amor de Chuck y Blair y Nate Archibald se quedó solo en la serie siempre anduvo con las señoras y Serena siempre quiso a Nate por eso siempre tuvieron un conflicto Blair y Serena pero Blair se enamoró de Chuck en la primera temporada, todos los chismes se recorrían por una página que se llama "chica indiscreta", se mandaba anónimos en esa página y todo se sabía Blair perdió la virginidad con Chuck y Nate ya no quiso ser amigo de Chuck pero al final de cuenta siguieron siendo amigos, por qué igual Nate no quiso a Blair ya la quiso cuando la perdió es algo que me molestó demasiado por qué Blair encontró prácticamente al amor de su vida, hay muchos personas que aparecen como Dan Humprey, Vanessa la mejor amiga de Dan, Erick el hermano de serena, Jenny la hermana de Dan, son los personajes principales de la serie, Dan y Jenny son de Brooklyn t literalmente Jenny siempre quiso encajar en el mundo de Manhattan en la escuela y ser la reina y Dan estuvo siempre enamorado de Serena había mucho drama y conflicto por los anónimos que se mandaban en chica indiscreta prácticamente se quemaban entre ellos mismos.
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Last night I dreamed that Loki had a bet with Odin that he could get Blair Waldorf to call him (Odin) Little J as he was in diguise as Jenny Humprey. Odin was also in disguise as Chuck Bass at one point. Blair Waldorf was also there but I woke up before I found out who won the bet.
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jennafalzone · 7 years
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Jenny Humprey Inspired, Head to Polyvore to get the set: http://www.polyvore.com/jenny_humphrey_inspired/set?id=220790922
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gazettereview · 7 years
What Happened to Taylor Momsen - News & Updates -Read more at http://gazettereview.com/2017/02/happened-taylor-momsen-news-updates/ - http://gazettereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/momsen.jpg #PrettyReckless, #TaylorMomsen #Entertainment
What Happened to Taylor Momsen - News & Updates
Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Taylor Momsen first rose to fame for her portrayal of Jenny Humprey in the teen drama, Gossip Girl. Like many who have carved a name for themselves in the show business, the blonde started her career early; at the age of two, her parents signed her with the Ford...
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m-atilda · 8 years
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El elenco de gossip Girl fue muy original en el sentido de que la manera en la que proyectaron la serie siempre fueron los lugares reales de New York, había demasiada gente claro y la gente veía la filmación, los personajes principales algunos no se llevaban por ejemplo Blair y serena las dos chicas en la vida real no tienen nada en común prácticamente fue un poco difícil y Serena renunció a la escuela claro ella quería seguir estudiando pero la serie eligió al final y Blair era única para hacer el personaje de Blair pero en realidad la chica no tiene nada que ver con la niña rica de Manhattan y lo malcriada y caprichosa no lo tiene pero era perfecta y Chuck en la vida real el no quería hacer ese personaje quería hacer el personaje de Nate Archibald, y Vanessa en la vida real fue novia de Chuck pero terminaron por mal entendidos que tenía el joven Ed (Chuck), por demanda de violación a algunas modelos, claro esa parte si pasó en la serie pero el joven siempre dijo que no y la chava estaba en incertidumbre y terminaron y serena y dan si tuvieron un romance real y la pequeña Jenni Humprey la chica es parte de una banda de rock en las primeras temporadas se ve una jovencita de 15 años mimada pero con el cambio de las temporadas se volvió lo que era ella con sus sombras negras y labial negro y dejo de salir en la quinta temporada por su gira y cosas asi.
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