#Juliet capp
dawaytoamarillo · 1 month
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romeo would def be the kind to recite to juliet google love phrases and the cure songs' as if they were his own, very much like his shakespearian counterpart with the petrarchian poems. of course juliet wouldn't be fooled and would ask him to pls be more original 💀
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yandereplumsim · 5 months
Angela Pleasant, Juliet Capp and Jules O'Mackie give me Swifties vibes
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tybaltstan · 1 year
Juliet: Ugh, crushes are so dumb. Romeo: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid. Juliet: But you’re always acting stupid? Romeo: … Romeo: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
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dawnlaw · 1 year
Happy Valentine's Day❤️
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querlq · 3 months
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I know how boys like you taste— like unshed tears and pent up rage.
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fierce-sims · 3 months
yeah I still like vv. if yall r wondering why ive been doodling sm one im the doodler two im practicing
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fwaldorf · 5 months
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the only straight couple that i really care in this game
heavily inspired in these @servegrilledcheese pics
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reginacyrkonia · 8 months
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NOT-S0-SIMSTOBER Day 8 - Kiss of Death
“The fearful passage of their death marked love” — Romeo and Juliette
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7k9sinthee · 5 months
Relationship headcanons;
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⌑ Nsfw/Sfw?: SFW
⌑ Reader?: Yes, GN!
⌑ Genre?: fluff, headcanons
⌑ Version?: Any, 1968 implied !
⌑ Editted?: Yes !
Characters: Tybalt, Benvolio, Mercutio
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ㄨ Tybalt
ᶻz ALL SFW HEADCANONS, x reader!
⁺ This man is just the sweetest man ever.
⁺ Fight me, but I absolutely adore this man and see him as a sweet man.
⁺ He's so willing to help you out, whether it's with simple tasks or difficult, he has the strongest feeling to aid you.
⁺ Tybalt very often carries heavy items for you, which often varies from; books, baskets of food, boxes, and much more.
⁺ Oddly enough, he's dazed when he thinks of you. Like, he's just in another universe just imagining being with you
⁺ It scares everyone a bit to see the Tybalt completely dazed. (Prince blesses whatever/whoever shut Tybalt up and kept peace on the streets of Verona.)
⁺ He gets the urge to just pick you up like a princess, of course not in public for both of yours sake...
⁺ If you're related/close to the Prince, he often walks away to be with you and excuses it as being a "guard".
⁺ Which does work efficiently. No one dares to come near and bother you.
⁺ Actually, somewhat good a cooking... of course, he won't be cooking due to the era- but, a friendly reminder that you can trust him to cook for you.
⁺ If you have siblings, he teaches them how to use swords and how to fight... to a minimum, he doesn't want to get them hurt.
⁺ 100% an acts and service love language guy. He just has this deep feeling in his heart where he just needs to assist you.
⁺ He wants to help a majority of the time because he sees you as a little deer. Tybalt would be too ashamed to admit, but you're really just sweet to him.
⁺ Nurse actually somewhat knows quite alot about you... Tybalt doesn't necessarily shut up...
⁺ On with the topic of Tybalts' lack of ability to keep quiet, he rambles constantly. And I mean he loves to ramble about you, specifically.
⁺ He enjoys a lot of features about you, personality-wise or physically. He admires you a lot, considering you're a lot softer than he is.
⁺ Actually.. more about Tybalt's rough self, he has rough skin along with scars and very often enjoys you brushing over him with your much softer hands, even if your hands are also rough.
⁺ He's a sore loser for you. Absolute devotion to you.
⁺ This man is 100% your guard dog.
⁺ He's a much more aggressive man, so in comparison to when you resolved a problem pretty easily and... with less blood shed, he's kinda dumbfounded..?
⁺ Appreciates that you make things less difficult for Prince
⁺ He listens to you a bit more when it comes to behavior. Of course, he's 100% in denial, but he understands that some things just shouldn't go the way he makes them..
⁺ Random, but he enjoys randomly like rubbing his scent on you? Like he gets extremely close, and you start smelling like him (in which he stinks severely, so you'll need to shower as soon as you could in this era...)
⁺ Also, duels so much it gives you a heartattack everyday..
⁺ Sometimes, he just fights to be bandaged up for whatever reason.. (cough, cough, your touch cough, cough.)
⁺ Also, he's the type of guy to fight people to assert dominance.. and his love for you. He obviously won't confess.
⁺ Off topic, but he is 100% running off away with you when he sees a Montague... specifically, Benvolio.
⁺ He just despises Benvolio (peace his ass) and doesn't want a Montague near you.
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ㄨ Benvolio
ᶻz ALL SFW HEADCANONS, x reader!
⁺ He's a sweet guy as well, always looking out for your well being.
⁺ Honestly, he constantly checks up on you and makes sure you took care of yourself.
⁺ Helps you carry things, though it's with far more difficult stuff- like extremely heavy boxes and such. But, he of course doesn't mind if you give him a basket of food or books to carry.
⁺ He's 100% your reading partner.
⁺ Benvolio enjoys sweeping you away and guiding you to a sweet and quiet reading spot he recently found.
⁺ He's your #1 supplier on new books to read... regardless if you already have a library full.
⁺ He's not entirely a fan of Tybalt... so he distracts you and walks away before Tybalt notices and makes a fuss about it...
⁺ Benvolio is the type to randomly pick up flowers and gift it to you. (Sometimes sticks)
⁺ Enjoys reading with you, and very often reads out loud to you.
⁺ If you have siblings, he very often watches after them for you.
⁺ He's been caught a few times by Tybalt, and the amount of teasing from Tybalt was just awful. Poor man hadn't stepped outside for the rest of the day for all that.
⁺ He picked up on writing little poems for you/relating to you. Sometimes, he forgets about those poems and leaves them laying around.
⁺ Kinda enjoys taking you out for picnics Little picnics for reading and eating little snacks... and maybe cuddling? (If the coast is clear and you're both comfortable enough.)
⁺ I feel like his love language is quality time. He just really enjoys basking in your presence.
⁺ Also, he really likes giving gifts rather than receiving gifts. But if you gift him anything, he's absolutely preserving it.
⁺ Honestly... he enjoys a bit of drama time to time- of course not getting involved but he enjoys to listen to it. He will absolutely report back to you.
⁺ Benvolio absolutely has inside jokes with you... that no one gets except for you and maybe Mercutio since Mercutio is extremely close.
⁺ On with friends, he only admits his relationship with you to Mercutio. Of course, he's going to need to ask Lord Montague to marry you one day but... just for now, he's going to bask in the thrill of a secret relationship.
⁺ You're a dove to him. He strongly believes you're the best thing to bless all of Verona
⁺ He very vaguely defends you, like he'll talk wonderfully of you if he hears something bad of you.
⁺ That kind of "drama" is something he won't bother to listen to because he knows they're always wrong.
⁺ Despite being one for peace... he sometimes enjoys breaking rules. So, don't be surprised if he shows up at your house at like... 2 in the morning...
⁺ If you're very close with the rest of the Montagues (but not being family), he's extremely fond of you and takes in the job of protecting you.
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ㄨ Mercutio
ᶻz ALL SFW HEADCANONS, x reader!
⁺ He was definitely not one for love in the very beginning.
⁺ As in, he often teased others for falling in love. (Cut to Romeo...)
⁺ But, he honestly loves you. And leaving some little daisies for you is one of the ways he shows his love.
⁺ Since he knows the Prince extremely well, he could practically sneak out very often and take you away on little adventures.
⁺ The Prince is very fond of you and... well, like Nurse with Tybalt, knows a lot about you.
⁺ He's probably they type to pick up random things from the street stores and gift them to you.
⁺ Very, very often takes you out. (Ask the Prince to at least somewhat hold him back if you get tired.)
⁺ If you have siblings, he's teaching them to climb trees, how to do little things he picked up on.
⁺ Probably causes you a little heart attack when you see your 8 year old sibling on the highest branch.
⁺ Of course, he doesn't let them get hurt and watches them closely.
⁺ Would help you out with the siblings if you need help.
⁺ He enjoys music. He's the type to play extremely random string instruments.
⁺ So, if you play any instruments, he asks you to play random notes or music sheets he picked up.
⁺ Very silly guy, so he's constantly joking around with you.
⁺ But, he will take threats/jokes about you pretty seriously.
⁺ He's the type of guy to bring out sweet, wise little sayings for you, majority of the time its bs. But compliments you often.
⁺ Mercutio seems like the type to randomly take one of the Princes horses (some old one that Prince wouldn't mind being taken out- of course.) And go on small trails he found with you.
⁺ Honestly, he first met you from Benvolio, who spoke highly of you.
⁺ Mercutio was so confident he'd be able to tease you about love or something... he fails. Pretty badly too.
⁺ He doesn't seem like the type to believe in love at first sight though, so it might take a few tries before he really, really realizes.
⁺ Benvolio and Romeo know so much about you... to the point where THEY'RE SCARED... (they're just mortified by the amount of info that Mercutio somehow got from you???)
⁺ Mercutio is someone you can completely trust- he will never tell anyone anything you say, even if he was threatened. Anything between just of two of you, he will lock and seal his lips.
⁺ He definitely seems like the type to just ramble on about random things, and actually really appreciates when you argue back with him or even agree!
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If anyone is OOC, I'm sorry. Will not be fixing any time soon as I just edited. (4/23/24)
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catladygoth · 3 months
tycutio where they're all "enemies with benefits and ooo sexual tension" is great and i love it but i looooove tycutio where they unlearn hate and being enemies from an unnecessary feud and relearn pure love (wether romantic or platonic) and theyre gentle and loving with each other and and
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bunnybananasims · 16 days
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"The Garden of Time"
The Babylon, Roaring Heights
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yandereplumsim · 25 days
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And more Kissing Pairs ~
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jacethegaymer · 6 months
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Romeo, Juliette, Tybalt, and Mercutio in the outfits from the 1968 movie!
i Never Seen the movie of Romeo and Juliet and I really want to
can’t unsee Justin Bieber haircut Romeo
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canvas-madness-txc · 3 months
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sirena-sims4 · 2 years
Я когда-нибудь перестану любоваться ими? (Нет)
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bujokuu · 2 years
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