#Konstantin Void
wh40kartwork · 20 days
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He Brought Gifts
by Konstantin Void
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Gorgon Terminators by Konstantin Void
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minnepaulitan · 10 months
Developing characters with...
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I've honestly found the Stanislavsky method, or system for acting really helpful for writing and developing characters. Basically, "ask" your character these questions to "get to know" them, develop them, to get the truth of who they are.
Who am I?
Where am I?
When am I?
What do I want?
Why do I want it?
How will I get it?
What are my obstacles/what must I overcome to get it?
What do I do when I don't get what I want?
What do I want from the other characters?
How do I feel about the other characters?
Has anyone besides me tried this?? Or am I out here writing into the void??
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cultofthewyrm · 5 months
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by Konstantin Void
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venillopewrites · 1 year
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After nearly a millennium of innovation, research, and money sank into a far-off dream of galaxies beyond the Milky Way, the world watches with bated breath as the oval portal sparkles to life. Safe in their homes they lean forward on their couches, captivated by the next big step in mankind’s conquest towards the great beyond. The portal lights up in a brilliant display of greens and blues, and the world cheers. Their celebration mixes with the screams from beyond their screens, unheard, a mix of raucous joy and unimaginable terror lasting mere seconds before the broadcast ends.
Note: Demo will be written in CScript, but the full game will be written in Twine.
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The Erebus Project is an 18+ sci-fi/cyberpunk game meant for mature audiences, and will include scenes that might upset some readers.
This includes, but is not limited to; death, violence, blood & gore, body horror, loss of control, recreational drug use, unhealthy relationships (optional), harsh language, and sexually explicit themes (optional).
The Earth is the cradle of humanity, but mankind cannot stay in the cradle forever.
 - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.
When humanity first dabbled in the science of portal technology, no one thought much of it. A project of immense proportions, doomed to fail, that's what everyone said.
You were skeptical as well, and that exact skepticism ended up uprooting your entire life. Not that you had much in the shady pits of The Pens, but it was better than the glass cage you've been imprisoned in.
An alien. It came through the portal with a vicious screech and a horrifying visage of a maw large enough to swallow you whole. It did so to the others, tore them limb from limb and left them in pieces, but here you are; safe, quarantined, with that same black ichor briefly appearing like veins on your skin. Poked, prodded, and treated like nothing but a walking test subject, that's what the alien turned you into.
Until it utters the first notes of speech, inside your head like an echo. It learns through you, and for those endless months it was one of the only two voices you heard. It grew angry, restless, loud in your head. It spoke of a threat, and a salvation in words you couldn't comprehend. As it grew stronger, you had to resist it more. Hold down your own fingers, then your hand, then your entire arm. The scientists were exstatic.
Then it broke out. Not from you, as you, and your life would never be the same. From a poor, unassuming resident of The Pens to the most hunted human on the surface of Earth - All the while the alien echoes in your mind, threatening, warning in a low, constant rattle.
It's coming.
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Create and guide your Host; a broke and desperate resident of The Pens that learned that when something is too good to be true, it probably is.
Customize the Host! Names, gender, appearance, sexuality, and romantic preference; even clothing style, skin details, and core personality. It's up to you to create your perfect host!
Romance it not lost in the void of space: there are currently four characters to pursue, with possibly more on the horizon. All characters are gender selectable, and available for romance even if the Host is asexual.
Name your alien! It doesn't need a name, but you can't call it 'parasite' forever. Decide whether or not to give it pronouns as well, unless you're content with calling the thing 'it' throughout your journey.
Choose whether to accept the new tenant residing in your cranium, or fight it every step of the way. On one hand, you're technically a bona fide superhero; on the other hand, you have an interstellar, sentient goo inside your body.
Learn why the alien appeared through the portal, and subsequently gain knowledge of a approaching threat that will end your solar system as you know it.
Balance a semi-social life as a fugitive, all while being hunted by the CSI, and keeping the parasite from going on a rampage. Your willpower will be your greatest asset, use it. If not for anything else but to keep the alien from entirely consuming you.
And most importantly: Save the galaxy! No big deal, right?
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An extraterrestrial entity with no known origin, the creature that stepped through the portal and found its way into your brain. No tests have proven its existence, and only you can hear it, but scientists are certain it resides somewhere within your body. It rarely spoke in the beginning, but the months you’ve spend in captivity with it has altered it to understand your language, at least. Occasionally it shifts across your body, appearing in rivulets of black, green, and blue across your skin but neither human nor camera has been able to catch it in motion.
Parasitic Entity / Ageless / Color code: ⚫
The more time you spend together, the more you come to realize that it’s not just a mindless organism inhabiting your body, but a sentient creature with knowledge beyond your own, and a desire to leave.
The one who took you into protective custody after your body was retrieved from the wreckage in the portal room. No one knows why they believe you’re infused with the monstrosity that appeared from beyond the abyss, but they’ve kept you alive so far. Their underlings trust them completely, but there are whispers that there’s a separate reason they're keeping you alive and cooped up instead of vivisecting you for the alien that resides within. If you only had more time within the project, maybe you could've learned why their eyes are so cold and distant.
Nathan/Naomi Hanover [M or F] / Lead Scientist / 36 / Color code: 🔵
For months, they were your only contact to the outside world. Observing them through your glass cage only painted them as aloof and cold, disinterested in idle chatter and friendly banter; when they spoke with you alone, they were different. Warm, with sadness in their eyes. Is there reason why they changed so, or is it just a way to manipulate you into trusting them?
A bloodhound, an assassin, a bounty hunter; Vale is your worst nightmare once you shoot up to the top of the CSI's most wanted list. They pursue you relentlessly, and have made it their personal mission in life to either bring you in or put you down. They are on the brash side, with a very prominent “act now, ask questions whenever” attitude and it shows when they get close to catching you, and ultimately makes them lose sight of you again. They’re fearsomely effective and you feel as if you can’t go a second without looking over your shoulder in fear that Vale's cold gray eyes settle on you.
Emerson/Emery Vale [M or F] / CSI Special Agent / 29 / Color code: 🔴
Duty is their mission, but it's not all they are; you've heard their name in The Pens before, an old face who somehow made it out. In contrast to what haunts you, people say Vale was kind, and found a way out so they could help make a change once they did. What happened when they finally found their way out, to turn them into the relentless agent that now hounds your every move?
The heart of The Pens, with a finger on the district's erratic pulse, Shiba is hailed as a celebrity among those who call the rusty cauldron of misery home. It's said that they know everything happening within the shady, artificially lit corridors of their kingdom, and you have no proof that it would be wrong. A royal beacon of unity, Shiba is akin to a leader to those unfortunate who find themselves beneath the pristine city above, but to you they are a friend. You've shared an apartment with them for years now, and you're lucky they let you back in after coming back from a job they told you not to accept.
Shiloh "Shiba" Barnes [M, F, NB] / IT Specialist / 27 / Color code: 🟠
Beneath the bright charisma and dazzling presence, Shiloh is only human. Revered as they might be, you've come to learn their personal side; the person who trips on the upturned corner of a carpet, spills marinara on their interascreens, and whispers encouragements to the ancient microwave as it unsteadily hums away. They are the first one to learn about the stowaway in you head, but will they forfeit friendship in exchange for unimaginable riches?
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"Saturn Devouring His Son" (c. 1819–1823 - Francisco Goya) / "Agnus" (2022 - Konstantin Korobov)
SATURN DEVOURING HIS SON: okay so Goya’s Black Paintings in general make me want to stare into the void and scream but the one most people will know is “Saturn Devouring His Son”. but they’re a series of paintings he painted DIRECTLY ONTO THE WALLS OF HIS HOUSE over a few years while he was seriously ill. we don’t know a lot about them as a result because they were only later carefully transferred to canvas and moved to museums, he never named them himself. so they appeal to the part of me that loves how dark and mysterious and spooky they are, and that they were created while he was ill but he still wanted to paint and make art. (horrorgirlhood)
AGNUS: never fails to fill me with a sudden and furious desire to sink my teeth into something (spottedsnake)
("Saturn Devouring His Son" is a 1819-23 mixed media mural transferred to canvas (originally painted on the wall of his dining room) by Spanish artist Francisco Goya during one of the darkest periods of his life. It measures 143.5 cm × 81.4 cm (56.5 in × 32.0 in) and is displayed at the Museo del Prado in Madrid.
"Agnus" is 2022 oil and gold on canvas by Russian artist Konstantin Korobov.)
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masha-nikita · 3 months
The kind of genius friend I have..(cont.)
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(previous post here)
Friend: Hey!
Me: *jump*
Friend: You know Fedor is actually a Russian name? It is a Greek-Russian orthodox name, for example, the famous writer FEDOR DOSTOIEVSKI.
Me: *remember* Oh yeah, Fedi's mother is a Russian aristocrat...
Friend: ... meaning Fedor von Bock at least comprehends Russian. What vulgarities of revenge, humiliation and torture the Red Army soldiers must've spewed in front of this captured Wehrmacht field marshal, not knowing that Fedor understands everything they say among themselves. A void opens up in his stomach. He tries not to tremble.
They're saying, hand Fedor von Bock to Lavrentiy Beria, head of NKVD! For once Stalin's slow executioner is going to have a field day breaking this Nazi's frail frame, when Rokossovsky intervened.
Imagine this-
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Konstantin Rokossovsky- *to his subordinates* I heard our famed enemy does not fold under any pressure, so ditch your lunatic ideas of involving NKVD. Fedor von Bock the Holy Fire is going to lunge at our comrades whatever chance he gets, to hurt and kill, and expects to be killed. Guard him carefully, no knives, no weapons, no suicide tools. I am going to search his person myself. Off to your duties.
*soldiers exit*.
Fedor von Bock- *remains silent*
Rokossovsky- ... *touches* What kind of iron will allows this field marshal to conceal his delicate omega body for so long, especially on the battlefield?
Von Bock- Speak your own language. Your broken German is an affront to humanity and our Führer.
Rokossovsky- *Annoyed at this deliberate mention of Hitler, wraps his hand around Fedor's thin neck, enough to choke*. You'd be an even greater affront to your "Führer" if I put you in heat, and the infant in your body has the hot blood of a Communist coursing through their veins.
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Friend- But the Red Army guys are the biggest chads!
Me- Don't ask a fanfic from me, I can't write fics....
Friend- And I don't speak English.
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a-delirious-corpse · 7 days
So I'm posting a Reimagined origin for Starfire/Red Star/Leonid Kovar because of "The Great Powers" story line I'm cooking up and him being the most important part of the Russian Faction of the Foundation I need to give context to his true character, so before I start and take your time I wanna say this Origin is 1,662 words longs and if you know anything of the story of Leonid Kovar I wanna assure you I don't change anything major to the character UNTIL the fight against Superboy Prime and I actually take the time to fill in many small details, now for some sympathy points I've been writing for the past three days with a minimum of 500 words per day so give it a look have a good day
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Leonid Konstantinovich Kovar Origin Reimagined
Leonid Kovar came into this world in the vibrant city of Novosibirsk, nestled in the heart of Russia and known for its stunning neo-Byzantine Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. He was the offspring of the brilliant archaeologist Konstantin Kovar and Sofiya Kovar, who tragically departed from this world before Leonid could form lasting memories of her. For the first eleven years of his life, his father remained a distant presence until a fateful event unfolded on the Yenesi River… On a frigid night in the Russian tundra, Leonid and his father ventured to an extraterrestrial craft that had crash-landed, intent on advancing Konstantin's research. However, while exploring the wreckage, Leonid was somehow left unattended and, out of curiosity, began fiddling with the controls of the mysterious flying apparatus. The consequences were catastrophic: the craft erupted in a blinding explosion that appeared to disintegrate his father while endowing Leonid with extraordinary abilities, rendering him swifter, mightier, and more resilient than an ordinary human!
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Filled with terror and overcome with solitude, young Leonid fled back to his hometown in search of solace after a harrowing tragedy. He turned to his father's dear friend, Pyotr Raskov, who embraced Leonid as his own, offering him a new home and a path to recovery. Despite his initial isolation, Leonid's new adoptive father guided him towards healing and transformation, urging him to attend a Soviet boot camp to showcase his potential and regain a sense of purpose. At just eleven years old, the government recognized Leonid's extraordinary abilities, enlisting him for experimental trials. He was then sent to a rigorous training facility, where he made a lasting impression and formed a deep connection with a captivating young woman named Maladi. Their bond blossomed into a profound and enduring love, reminiscent of a timeless romance, where they steadfastly stood by each other's side. Maladi, with her striking curly blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, was a woman of grace and intellect. Her passion for the theater and dance enraptured Leonid, who cherished every moment of her passionate musings. He was content to listen, support, and bask in her brilliance, as it was evident that he held her in the highest regard, for she was as beautiful as Maladi. Underneath his exterior, Leonid relied on her love as a source of strength, longing for the maternal affection that he had been without. Despite being cared for by his adoptive father, he yearned for a mother's love, understanding the value of what he had while acknowledging the void that remained in his heart.
After rigorous training, Leonid Kovar and Maladi Malanova prepared to depart for Science City, Russia, with Leonid's caretaker and overseer, Pyotr Raskov. Pyotr, recognizing Leonid's exceptional talents, urged him to join the KGB, despite his fear about his powers harming his comrades and leaving Maladi behind. However, Maladi reassured him of her unwavering love and support. Before leaving, Leonid wanted to create lasting memories with Maladi, so he spent the remaining four months taking her on countless unforgettable dates and adventures. He also encouraged her to pursue her passion for dance, which led to her becoming a ballet dancer at a famous theater. Despite their impending separation, they cherished every moment together. Maladi took on a position as a secretary for a Soviet officer, determined to preserve her feet for their future wedding dance. However, as the time to part ways drew near, Leonid knew he had to join the KGB, despite the bittersweet goodbye it entailed. but Before leaving, Leonid made a solemn promise to Maladi that if he returned unchanged, he would marry her. He firmly believed that if he no longer loved her, he would no longer be the same person she knew as Leonid Kovar…
Leonid's journey into the world of espionage and combat began at the tender age of twelve when he joined the KGB. Initially met with a lack of respect from others, he persevered and proved his worth, earning himself a spot in intense training programs focused on combat, espionage, and emotional control. His training, shrouded in secrecy, delved into specialized torture techniques and mechanics, in which he showed exceptional skill and prowess. After six grueling years of training, Leonid returned to Raskov and proposed to his beloved at the age of eighteen. However, his joy was short-lived as in the short time he had been back Maladi was set to leave for America to deliver a file to an operative just a month before their wedding
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but Leonid soon discovered that she was gravely ill and unknowingly carrying a deadly disease to America. Faced with the devastating reality, Leonid made the heart-wrenching decision to volunteer to end her suffering, and not allow his sweet beloved name to be used as a header for a terrorist attack. In honor of his love, he took on the persona of Starfire, a name that held deep significance as it was a rough translation of the name she had lovingly chosen for him. However, a misunderstanding arose when Leonid arrived in America in secret the Titans mistakenly believed Starfire to be the carrier of the deadly disease, leading to a conflict. But when the truth came to light of Leonid's true reason for being in America, the Titans rushed to save Maladi, but despite their efforts, she succumbed to the disease, leaving Leonid to return home alone, carrying the heavy burden of her loss.
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Leonid's return to Russia left him broken and depressed, his heart poisoned by the loss of his cherished love. Raskov took this time to pull Leonid from the trenches of his shattered soul once more, helping him through his grief. Initially, Leonid filled his days with ballet performances and moments of introspection, but eventually, he realized that everything Maladi did had a purpose and was committed with elegance if she were to see him sitting around wasting the mind that she loved so much, and the good heart she so held carefully she'd be disappointed but she would still find a way to make Leonid move just like she did then, with just the thought of what Maladi would think of how he was acting Leonid refused to not push on. He returned to the KGB with renewed determination, putting his all into serving his country and finding solace in his dedication. Despite experiencing the horrors of battle and facing challenges in his personal life, Leonid's commitment to his country remained unwavering. Until the dreaded day he was sent to America... Leonid Kovar, Russia's first and only superhero, was instructed to go to America and establish a connection with them. Unbeknownst to the Americans the presence of hidden Soviet members trying to rebuild their forces in Russia were Leonid's true leaders, but Leonid was welcomed at S.T.A.R labs, where they offered to conduct tests on him because they were unmindful. However, the KGB viewed this as a potential threat of leaking valuable information to the enemy. As a result, Leonid, now known as Red Star in homage to the original Red Army, was targeted for assassination. Defeating his would-be assassins, Red Star discovered that they were The People's Heroes, a team of Russian Super Soldiers. Their betrayal shattered Red Star, as he had given everything for his country, only to be betrayed by those he once considered allies.
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Leonid found himself with the Titans, eventually joining them as Red Star. He embarked on many missions and adventures, leading to a tragic milestone and a beautiful addition to his life. After being struck by a massively destructive force that left Victor Stone presumed dead by the Titans, Leonid Kovar refused to give up hope. His persistence paid off when he learned that Victor had been found, rescued, and rebuilt by a Russian scientist. This miraculous discovery motivated Leonid to return home and reunite with his dear friend. However, his attempt to return with Victor was met with an unexpected turn of events, as he was captured and brought to Russia. Upon awakening, Leonid was shocked to find his father standing before him, leading to a dramatic and intense moment that would change their lives forever.
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In a harrowing turn of events, Leonid's long-awaited reunion with his father takes a dark and sinister turn. To his horror, he discovers that his best friend's cybernetic body has fallen under the complete control of his father. As if that wasn't distressing enough, Leonid narrowly avoids a lobotomy attempt at the hands of his father, with the timely intervention of his adoptive father Raskov. The turmoil continues to unfold as they realize that Victor, the mind-controlled friend, is carrying a bomb in his own brain. Racing against time to stop Victor from unleashing devastation, they stumble upon the gravely wounded body of Pyote Raskov, who had been left for dead by the manipulated Victor Stone. Just as Leonid anticipates receiving much-needed assistance, a devastating explosion engulfs the facility, claiming the life of his true father Raskov.
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In pursuit of Leonid's father, the newly united team of Leonid and Anna make their way to Moscow, where they engage in intense battles with numerous soldiers. Despite the fierce confrontation, the cyborg remains intact but incapacitated, leaving only Konstantin Kovar standing. Upon locating Konstantin, Leonid quickly falls into a perilous trap, but Anna takes swift and drastic action by eliminating Konstantin. This decision troubles Leonid, as he believes she has taken on the role of judge, jury, and executioner. Nonetheless, their bond remains unbroken, and Leonid brings the cyborg back home, entrusting it to a capable scientist who is committed to restoring Victor to his former self. Leonid embarked on countless remarkable adventures, but none left a more indelible mark on his life than the encounter with Pantha. He encountered a fierce and enigmatic woman named Pantha and her child, Baby Wildebeast, following a man's ill-fated attempt to create the ultimate life form through DNA splicing. Pantha emerged from the experiment as a once-normal young woman afflicted with severe amnesia, and Baby Wildebeast was her claimed child. They all became Titans, and despite some initial discord, a unique dynamic developed among the three. Leonid was the stoic, compassionate protector, always willing to shield his loved ones from harm, while Pantha was the fierce and outspoken feline warrior who valued honesty and could confide in Leonid when needed. As for Baby, he was the lovable, mischievous youngster who found companionship in Pantha and Leonid, with Leonid gladly taking on a paternal role in Baby's life. His favorite playmate and his papa. Despite their differences in approach and personality - Pantha's fierce attitude contrasting with Leonid's respectful and calm nature - they formed a strong bond. Eventually Red Star, Pantha, and Baby left the Titans to start a new family filled with love goofballs, and absolute chaos.
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The unconventional family dynamic led Leonid down a different path. Red Star returned to Russia after being pardoned for crimes he didn't commit, having thwarted Konstantin's coup with the meta men. Upon his return, Leonid was approached by a lawyer, who turned out to be Raskov's lawyer. It was discovered that every dime from Raskov's will was left to Leonid. Despite losing all his research in a mysterious fire, Leonid found himself with a heavier pocket and shed a few tears, realizing that even from the grave, Raskov had provided him with a home. With the money, Leonid bought a large lake house where they could be left alone and have fun. Leonid also purchased a four-seat truck and took on a sawmill job, excelling as the best worker there. However, due to not having government-issued papers, Leonid, Pantha, and Baby were not legally allowed to use their abilities and had to keep them under wraps. Despite this, the family enjoyed their time together in the lake house, engaging in activities such as hunting and outdoor fun. The Kovars cherished their time together, preferring each other's company over city adventures and dates. Even during sleep, they clung together in a dogpile, with Leonid often waking up first and having to cook breakfast with Pantha and Baby clinging onto him. While the family missed their heroic adventures, they received an emergency transmission for all Titans, reminding them of the call to help. Although Leonid had ideas to assist his family and all of Russia, they had to put those plans on hold for the time being. The Kovar family approached a horrifying sight: a battlefield littered with fallen Titans. Despite the fear, they stood their ground and confronted Prime head-on. Amid the chaos, Pantha and Baby suffered severe injuries, sparking a fierce reaction from Leonid. Known for his calm demeanor, Leonid's anger boiled over as he unleashed his full power, engaging Prime in an intense and explosive battle.
Plot twist what should've happened
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After managing to escape from Leonid's grip, Prime found himself surrounded by other heroes on the battlefield who were ready to confront him. The Kovar family, grateful to have survived the ordeal, returned home, shaken by the near-death experience. The shocking encounter made them realize that it was time to retire from the hero business. Both parents agreed that it was time to move on, but Leonid remained resolute in his determination to find a new way to make the world a better place without almost killing his family.
Upon his return to Russia, Leonid cared for his family until they were in perfect health. He then embarked on a new journey to improve his homeland by becoming a politician. Before he could fully enact change, he needed to establish a strong foundation in his personal life. Leonid proposed to Pantha, who immediately accepted not even allowing him to finish. Their marriage took place in America, where many of their Titan friends and other guests attended. The ceremony was beautiful, with two standout moments for the couple. Pantha wore a white, unarmored version of her skintight hero attire, while Leonid donned a classic all-white suit with his curly ginger hair slicked back. However, the another significant moment came after the vows when Leonid took some guests aside for a private conversation. This led to the creation of "The Great Powers," a group of unknown individuals who would become the founders of a foundation to further their shared goals. The foundation was finalized on their wedding day, marking the beginning of a new chapter for Leonid and Pantha.
The coming years…
In the near future, Leonid would father twins with Pantha named Lynx and Lev. The twins had unique looks, with Lynx having black and red spotted fur, a tail, fangs, and claws. Lev, on the other hand, had no fur but her skin was still spotted, often mistaken for vitiligo. She also had fangs and feline-like eyes. Despite their differences, Leonid considered every child equal and his with shared blood or just shared bond, Baby in his heart however, later named Adam, did not feel the same way. Leonid eventually changed Adam's name to include his patronymic name, ensuring that Adam was just as much his child as the twins.
Wanna hear what he does with the great powers? Wait for my next post 🤩!
Also special thanks to @missyporkbarreling for brainstorming with me for almost a week to make this as accurate as I can they are an absolute genius when it comes to the Titans and I was definitely being taught a lot
And thanks to the three people that went through all of this
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February 17, 2024
Although few Americans paid much attention at the time, the events of February 18, 2014, in Ukraine would turn out to be a linchpin in how the United States ended up where it is a decade later. 
On that day ten years ago, after months of what started as peaceful protests, Ukrainians occupied government buildings and marched on parliament to remove Russian-backed president Viktor Yanukovych from office. After the escalating violence resulted in many civilian casualties, Yanukovych fled to Russia, and the Maidan Revolution, also known as the Revolution of Dignity, returned power to Ukraine’s constitution.
The ouster of Yanukovych meant that American political consultant Paul Manafort was out of a job. 
Manafort had worked with Yanukovych since 2004. In that year, the Russian-backed politician appeared to have won the presidency of Ukraine. But Yanukovych was rumored to have ties to organized crime, and the election was full of fraud, including the poisoning of a key rival who wanted to break ties with Russia and align Ukraine with Europe. The U.S. government and other international observers did not recognize the election results, while Russia’s president Vladimir Putin congratulated Yanukovych even before the results were officially announced. 
The government voided the election and called for a do-over.  
To rehabilitate his reputation, Yanukovych turned to Manafort, who was already working for a young Russian billionaire, Oleg Deripaska. Deripaska worried that Ukraine would break free of Russian influence and was eager to prove useful to Vladimir Putin. At the time, Putin was trying to consolidate power in Russia, where oligarchs were monopolizing formerly publicly held industries and replacing the region’s communist leaders. In 2004, American journalist Paul Klebnikov, the chief editor of Forbes in Russia, was murdered as he tried to call attention to what the oligarchs were doing.  
With Manafort’s help, Yanukovych finally won the presidency in 2010 and began to turn Ukraine toward Russia. In November 2013, Yanukovych suddenly reversed Ukraine’s course toward cooperation with the European Union, refusing to sign a trade agreement and instead taking a $3 billion loan from Russia. Ukrainian students protested the decision, and the anger spread quickly. In 2014, after months of popular protests, Ukrainians ousted Yanukovych from power and he fled to Russia.  
Manafort, who had borrowed money from Deripaska and still owed him about $17 million, had lost his main source of income. 
Shortly after Yanukovych’s ouster, Russia invaded Ukraine’s Crimea and annexed it, prompting the United States and the European Union to impose economic sanctions on Russia itself and also on specific Russian businesses and oligarchs, prohibiting them from doing business in U.S. territories. These sanctions were intended to weaken Russia and froze the assets of key Russian oligarchs. 
By 2016, Manafort’s longtime friend and business partner Roger Stone—they had both worked on Richard Nixon’s 1972 campaign—was advising Trump’s floundering presidential campaign, and Manafort was happy to step in to help remake it. He did not take a salary but reached out to Deripaska through one of his Ukrainian business partners, Konstantin Kilimnik, immediately after landing the job, asking him, “How do we use to get whole? Has OVD [Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska] operation seen?” 
Manafort began as an advisor to the Trump campaign in March 2016 and became the chairman in late June.  
Thanks to journalist Jim Rutenberg, who pulled together testimony given both to the Mueller investigation and the Republican-dominated Senate Intelligence Committee, transcripts from the impeachment hearings, and recent memoirs, we now know that in 2016, Russian operatives presented Manafort a plan “for the creation of an autonomous republic in Ukraine’s east, giving Putin effective control of the country’s industrial heartland, where Kremlin-armed, -funded, and -directed ‘separatists’ were waging a two-year-old shadow war that had left nearly 10,000 dead.” 
In exchange for weakening NATO, undermining the U.S. stance in favor of Ukraine in its attempt to throw off the Russians who had invaded in 2014, and removing U.S. sanctions from Russian entities, Russian operatives were willing to help Trump win the White House. The Republican-dominated Senate Intelligence Committee in 2020 established that Manafort’s Ukrainian business partner Kilimnik, whom it described as a “Russian intelligence officer,” acted as a liaison between Manafort and Deripaska while Manafort ran Trump’s campaign. 
Now, ten years later, Putin has invaded Ukraine in an effort that when it began looked much like the one his operatives suggested to Manafort in 2016, Trump has said he would “encourage Russia to do whatever they hell they want” to NATO allies that don’t commit 2% of their gross domestic product to their militaries, and Trump MAGA Republicans are refusing to pass a measure to support Ukraine in its effort to throw off Russia’s invasion. 
The day after the violence of February 18, 2014, in Ukraine, then–vice president Joe Biden called Yanukovych to “express grave concern regarding the crisis on the streets” and to urge him “to pull back government forces and to exercise maximum restraint.”  
Ten years later, Russia has been at open war with Ukraine for nearly two years and has just regained control of the key town of Avdiivka because Ukrainian troops lack ammunition. President Joe Biden is warning MAGA Republicans that “[t]he failure to support Ukraine at this critical moment will never be forgotten.”
“History is watching,” he said.
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mx-myth · 2 years
I had an idea but I’m not sure I’m going to write it so I’ll throw it out into the void for y’all: PULLEYVERSE SOULMATE AU IN WHICH YOU GET A SYMBOL FOR YOUR SOULMATE (POSSIBLY APPEARS AT THE YOUNGEST’S BIRTH OR GAIN COLOUR WHEN YOU FIRST MEET) (SPOILERS FOR pretty much ALL PULLEYVERSE NOVELS) (feel free to use and write/draw/etcetera but please tell/link me because I WANT TO SEE)
Thaniel Steepleton who’s born with a mark spanning from shoulder to calf, a mess of gears and clocks and octopus legs (???) and lemons and random objects (that suddenly become clear the more time he spends with Mori because they relate to his clairvoyance) (his mark takes up so much of his skin because isn’t he just an ordinary man, isn’t Mori his everything?) (he gains a little lightbulb for Six once they “adopt” (cough kidnap cough) her and it moves around wherever she wants; even Mori’s mark makes way for hers because isn’t he the man who would do anything for those he loves?)
Keita Mori who doesn’t get his mark until decades after his birth but who isn’t bothered by it because he knows his soulmate already, and when it comes it’s morse code and piano keys and a single pocketwatch on a chain over his heart (his mark is only over his heart (and small in comparison to Thaniel’s) because hasn’t he held the memories of Thaniel close to his chest ever since he’s been alive, isn’t he the reason he loves and the reason he still lives? His beating heart personified?) (His mark for Six is also a little lightbulb that usually hangs behind his ear on a chain until she decides to make a game of it when she’s bored and rolls a die to decide where it will move next)
Merrick Tremayne who thinks he’s soulmate-less for the first several years of his life before he realises that there’s a spot of grey on the bottom of one of his feet; as he ages it grows up his leg and darkens in colour. He thinks it’s a coincdence that it’s the leg that gets crippled (even if twelve-year-old Keita couldn’t bear looking at it) until decades later Mori confesses that it was the only way to stop him from running after Clem. The last day he ever spends with Raphael it is indistinguishable from true stone; he dies with a rosary held in grey hands.
Raphael who is bonded with the whole Tremayne bloodline; he has a mark for Harry and then one for Merrick’s father (whose name I forgot) and then one for Merrick himself (the marks disappear when the person dies, so sometimes they overlap when father and son are both alive, but how much of it does Raphael really witness, because of his “sleep paralysis”?); he ends with all of them carved into his skin when he fully becomes a markayuq and they all form one big picture (insects and spiders for Harry, tree bark Merrick’s dad (relating to the storybook and the sketch of Raphael in the tree), the leaves of whitewood trees for Merrick)
Missouri Kite with the mark of a lighthouse and two pillars that bursts into colour when he meets Jem Castlereagh, that instantly loses colour and recolours when Jem turns into Joe Tournier, and loses colour again when Joe leaves. Until he finds Joe Zhang, and he never loses colour again.
Joe Tournier with the mark of a lighthouse and two pillars but is confused as to why it’s coloured (he figures that he met them when he was young or something, or tries to reason with himself that it’s Alice’s); Jem Castlereagh knowing immediately once he meets Kite; and Joe Zhang, who learns he has the words Dearest Joe, Come home, if you remember. M branded into his mind, and finally decides that he can’t leave Kite again
Konstantin Shenkov with rusty streaks the backs of his hands, tinged with frostbite, and tiny text wrapping around his wrists that he can only read with a magnifying glass (it’s some stuff about nuclear things that he thinks came straight out of a textbook and doesn’t fully understand until he meets Valery)
Valery Kolkhanov with all of his veins and arteries lined in black; they all end on his back in an untangleable knot (he traces them and retraces them with his fingers and it’s what gets him through prison, the small joy of knowing that his soulmate is coded into his blood, even if he’ll only be a burden to them) (he doesn’t notice until Shenkov notices but in the knot on his back are the names of Shenkov’s children)
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wh40kartwork · 4 months
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Iron Hands Terminator
by Konstantin Void
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Battle Brother of the Felled Crows by Konstantin Void
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cultofthewyrm · 6 months
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Gorgon Terminators by Konstantin Void
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thedjmusic · 2 years
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Traxsource Most Wanted Dj Charts 2022-10-20
DOWNLOAD: https://thedjmusic.com/music/traxsource_most_wanted_dj_charts_2022_10_20012
DATA: 2022-10-20 TOTAL: 211 GENRE: House, Tech House, Afro House, Jackin House, Deep House, Soulful House, Funky House, Organic House / Downtempo, Progressive House, Nu Disco / Disco, Melodic House & Techno, Techno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic), Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Dance / Electro Pop, Indie Dance
ARTN - Duster (Original Mix)
Adam Sellouk - Mirage (Extended Mix)
Adam Sellouk - Nightfall (Extended Mix)
Adam Sellouk - Void (Extended Mix)
Agents Of Destiny - An Angels Original Mix
Agents Of Destiny - No Destiny Original Mix
Agents Of Destiny - Spire Original Mix
Agents Of Destiny - Surrender Original Mix
Agustin Pietrocola - Beginning (Original Mix)
Alesso, SICK INDIVIDUALS - We Go Out (Extended Mix)
Alex Blond (ITA) - Prisma
Amarno - Promises (Original Mix)
Amarno - Somehow (Original Mix)
Amarno - Structure (Original Mix)
Amir Telem - Rainbow
Amir Telem - Tell The Truth (Original Mix)
Amir Telem - Tell the Truth (FiveP Remix)
Anfisa Letyago - Rosso Profondo (Original Mix)
Anton Kuznetsoff - Round Dance (Original Mix)
Arley & Descend & Joel Winterflood - New Way Of Life
Artbat & David Guetta feat. Idris Elba - It's Ours (Original Mix)
Ashibah - Fall Out
Ashibah, BAKKA (BR), Nabiha - Cold Type
Atóm (IE) - Fragile
Audio Monkey - Rise (From the Dark)
BOERA - Salai (Original Mix)
BRK (BR) - Party Don't Stop (Evi Orgatz Remix)
Batuhan CLK & Tibetania - Amma (Mikhail Catan Remix)
Ben Böhmer & Monolink - Black Hole (Konstantin Sibold Melodic Techno Remix)
Ben Böhmer & Monolink - Black Hole (Martin Roth Extended Mix)
Bills - Auditive Visions
Boycott - Relic (Original Mix)
Boycott - Vision (Original Mix)
Capeesh Society - Body & Mind (Peak Mix)
Capeesh Society - Lick Your Pocket Then (Vibe Mix)
Capeesh Society - Regret (Deep Mix)
Cappa - Smash
Carlo Lio, Andre Salmon - ENUFF (Re-Edit)
Casper Cole - Matter of Time feat. Ed Begley (Fur Coat Remix)
Casper Cole - Matter of Time feat. Ed Begley (Original Mix)
Chapter & Verse - So Right (Extended Mix)
Charlotte de Witte - Apollo (Original Mix)
Charlotte de Witte - Mercury (Original Mix)
Charlotte de Witte - Missing Channel (Original Mix)
Chloé Caillet, Mikhail Beltran - NYWTF feat. Mikhail Beltran (Extended)
Chris Lorenzo, COBRAH - MAMI (AC Slater Extended Remix)
Citizen Kain - Forget Yesterday (Original Mix)
Citizen Kain - Seheiah (Original Mix)
Cloaked - Cloudboarding (Original Mix)
Cosmokat - City Whispers (Luiz Sabema Remix)
Cosmokat - Peace of Mind (Original Mix)
Cosmokat, Der Alinea - Days Like (Original Mix)
Cosmokat, Othertune - City Whispers (Original Mix)
DJ Erika - In White
Dani El - Dust & Water (Original Mix)
Daniel Lesden & Enlusion - Dark Entity (Fuenka Remix)
Daniel Testas - Compass Through Turmoil (Original Mix)
Daniel Testas - Mycelium Spark (Original Mix)
Daniel Testas - Mycelium Spark (Tash Remix)
Darmon, Eran Hersh - Eso (Original Mix)
Das Pharaoh - My Everything (Extended Mix)
Das Pharaoh - Tale of the Two Rivers (Extended Mix)
David Podhel - In Time (Original Mix)
Deenara - Fateful Journey (Original Mix)
Deenara - Oblique (Original Mix)
Deep Soul Duo - Redemption (Satinka Remix)
Demon Noise - Banger (Original Mix)
Demon Noise - Losing Control (Original Mix)
Demon Noise - Nothing And Everything (Original Mix)
Des & Del - Novias (Extended Mix)
Dilby, Sam Dexter, Tom Savage - No Hurry (Extended Mix)
Double Touch & Flowers on Monday - Lasting
Dowden & Ric Niels - Coil (MA ADE 007 Version)
Duarte - Let's Go See The Town (Original Mix)
Dylan Deck & Randle - Before the Dark World
Echo Daft - Rodlie (Noiyse Project Remix)
El Retsof - Lazarus (Following Light Remix)
Enlusion - Crystaldee (Rick Pier O'Neil Remix)
Enzo Elia - Pianata Calabra (Original Mix)
Enzo Elia, Rokkerillo - For Sure (Original Mix)
Enzo Elia, Rokkerillo - For Sure (Stereocalypse Remix)
FJL - No Drama (Original Mix)
Facade - Razor Crest (Basil O'Glue & Nomas Remix)
Gabo Martin - Dislocator (Original Mix)
Garlington - Shades (Extended Mix)
Gary Afterlife - Always Hope (Extended Mix)
Gary Afterlife - Violet Skies (Extended Mix)
HUMAN MIND - Synesthesia
Hardsoul, Fierce Ruling Diva - Self Religion (Believe In Me) (CASSIMM Extended Remix)
Ian Ludvig - Chaos(1)
Ian Ludvig - Chaos
Ian Ludvig - Fear
Ian Ludvig - Like A Drug
Jacq (UK), Laura Davie - Just Live It (Extended Mix)
Jan Darsel - Arabic
Jason Johnson (DE) & Justus Reim - Efficency (Bultech Remix)
Javier Stefano - Be (Darren Bray Remix)
Javier Stefano - Be (Emi Brandan Remix)
Javier Stefano - Be
Jay Fase - Freedom (Original Mix)
Joep Mencke - Mina
Joezi - Takiri (Original Mix)
Jon.K - Switch
firewrks - Fragile (Original Mix)
firewrks - Fragile (Seeleâ Remix)
Joris Voorn & Underworld - Too Little Too Late (Little Late Mix)
Juantxo Munoz - Pesto
Juantxo Munoz - Tremolo
JØRD, RAD - Bump Bump Bump (Extended Mix)
Kaamin & Parallel Voices - Advent (Extended Mix)
Karol XVII & MB Valence & Lazarusman - Whispers (2022 Retouch Extended)
Karol XVII & MB Valence, Lazarusman - Whispers feat. Lazarusman (Ucha Extended Remix)
Klara Sestiniova - Electric Dreams
Klara Sestiniova - My Revolution
Klara Sestiniova - The Gate
Lampe - Xperience (Original Mix)
Lampe - Xpress (Original Mix)
Lonya, Mattia Pompeo - Avalanche (Jiggler Remix)
Lonya, Mattia Pompeo - Avalanche (Several Definitions Remix)
MACROLEV - I Have To Know (Extended Mix)
Made In TLV - 6AM
Mango & Ric Niels - Trip to South (Rauschhaus Remix)
Matan Caspi, Asher Swissa, SANDHAUS - Hope
Mateo! - Pictures (Original Mix)
Max Lyazgin - I'll Take You Higher
Mollono.Bass - A Bird with a Message (Original Mix)
Mollono.Bass - Dancer In The Dark (Album Version)
Mollono.Bass - Mandalo (Original Mix)
Mollono.Bass - Mollono Dub (Original Mix)
Mollono.Bass - Namidu (Original Mix)
Mollono.Bass - Rays (Original Mix)
Mollono.Bass - The Seekers (Album Version)
Mollono.Bass - To Utopia (Album Version)
Mollono.Bass, Bonfante - Tomorrow (Extended Mix)
Mollono.Bass, Rodden von Ast, Andy's Echo - Together (Album Version)
Monococ - Fifty Six Stairs (Original Mix)
Monococ - Heaven's Gate (Original Mix)
Monococ - Medusa (Original Mix)
Mononoid & Amy Douglas White - Running out of Time (Original Mix)
Moonlight Wolves - Gardens By The Bay (Animal Picnic Remix)
Moreno Pezzolato - Give It To Me (Original Mix)
Morgin Madison - Time
Mulya - Freeland (Original Mix)
Mulya - Rivalda (Glowal Remix)
Mulya - Rivalda (Joyce Muniz Remix)
Mustafa Ismaeel - The Calling
Natema, Sugar Hill, Laura Rogalli - Empire feat Laura Rogalli (Natema Remix) (Remix)
Neeco - Runamok
Nu'bal - Atlantis
Ofenbach & Fabich - Dip It Low (Extended Mix)
Oliver Schories - Trife (Luna City Express Remix)
Oliver Schories - Trife (Original Mix)
Osunlade, Oliver Dollar, Stefan Braatz - Isolated
Öwnboss, FAST BOY - Left & Right (Extended Mix)
Paluma - This Mc (Original Mix)
Paul Deep (AR) - Daichi (Original Mix)
Perfect Stranger & Child - Small Beginnings (Gabriel Moraes Remix)
Proff - Nara (Extended Mix)
Quivver - Tuluminate (Original Mix)
Quivver - Tweak the Train (Original Mix)
RILEY (UK) - Not Tonight (Original Mix)
RILEY (UK) - On Bad Terms (Original Mix)
Redspace - Day Dream
Riaz Dhanani - Sananga (Original Mix)
Right To Life - Blow Your Mind (Micky More & Andy Tee Extended Mix)
Roxe - Cubano (Extended Mix)
Röyksopp & Maurissa Rose - Feel It
S.I.D (US) - Higher (Extended Mix)
SKALA - Shattered (Baime Remix)
SQL - Damnum (Original Mix)
Saturn Monk - Saturn Tempo (Extended Mix)
Saturn Monk Zeyué - Stars in the Ocean (Extended Mix)
Saturn Monk 塔塔Anita - Secrets (Extended Mix)
Scippo - Insight (Original Mix)
Scippo - Neptuno (Original Mix)
Scippo - No Tales (Original Mix)
Scippo - Outsight (Original Mix)
Scotty Boy - Remember the Funk (Original Mix)
Shlomi Aber - That's The Way I Speak (Original Mix)
Slavlotski - Hyperion (Paul Hamilton, DJ Ruby Remix)
Something Else - Era
Something Good - Rhythm (Of The Night) (Extended Mix)
Space Motion & iLee - Acid Journey
Space Motion, iLee - Acid Journey (Original Mix)
Stefre Roland - Call On My Phone
Stereo Express - Monfrague (Extended Version)
Subtara - Atomic Energy
Tech Us Out - With The Wind
Terry Lex, Sean Finn, Tony T. - Zookey (Laurent Simeca Extended Remix)
The Cobb - Spring Time (Mass Digital Remix)
The Wash - Moody Sunday (Original Mix)
Thomas Compana - Pelso (Rockka & KAZKO Remix)
Thomas Compana - Pelso
Thykier - Oh La
Thysma - Feel (Extended Mix)
Tom & Collins, Cumbiafrica - Se Va (Original Mix)
Tomboyz - Operation IL
Tomy Wahl, Alain Fanegas - Love is You feat. Zanjma (Original Mix)
Tomy Wahl, Alain Fanegas - Malawi (Original Mix)
Tough Love - Jacking (Extended Mix)
Triart - Inheritance (Jadeite Remix)
Triart - Inheritance (Olivia Foxglove Remix)
Triart - Inheritance
Unknown7 - Freak (Original Mix)
Victor Ruiz - Pura Vida (Original Mix)
Victor Ruiz - What's That Called (Original Mix)
Weekend Heroes & Zac - Hold The Dust (Original Mix)
WhoMadeWho, Rampa - Everyday (Jennifer Cardini Remix)
Yonathan & Dowle & Cafe De Anatolia - Kymala
Yudi Watanabe - Miranjo (Original Mix)
Yudi Watanabe - Misty (Original Mix)
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present-future · 2 years
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DOOM Slayer by Konstantin Void
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brujah-babe · 4 years
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call of cthulhu pcs + tarot assignments
Konstantin Popov: The Fool. You are at the outset of your journey, standing at the cliff’s edge, about to take your first step into the unknown. You have everything you need to begin; stay the course, be curious, and treat every fall as a chance to get up again.
Yarina Uglitsky: Strength reversed. The lion must be tempered with compassion, not wrestled into submission. The more brute force you bring, the more fragile your peace of mind -- you must remain vigilant for any sign of counterattack, and the constant struggle blinds you to other opportunities.
Dunya Tarasova: The Hanged Man reversed. You are not suspended by choice; you are afraid to allow yourself to come down, lest you fail and fall, and so you remain in safe, quiet misery. There are paths ahead of you -- but you will not find them if you do not take decisive action.
Misha Bravikov: The Sun.
ẗ̸̛͔̫́͌̆͝h̴̢͍̺̖̜̬̏e̴͓͖̊̀̓̃͗̓͝ ̴̧̝̑̂͛̀͐s̴̟̬͎͕̿͂̓̈́̀ķ̸̡̟̗̣̝̇̿̒̄͐̆ẙ̸̩̝͇͐͘ ̴̭̝̦̭̝̉̾͜í̴̢̘̙̻̱̉̆̇̕͝s̵̲͎̞̗̪̗͔͗̈́̉̇͘ ̵̼̟̞̜̬͐͠e̶̻͚̻̽͋́͐̈́̾͠v̴̭͈̩̉́͗̆ḛ̵̢̨̛̙̩̥͓̓́̾͋̃̕r̶̖̎͌̃̈́̒̓y̶̡͓̬͕͉̺͗̐̄̈́͝w̵̨͖̥̣͎̤̤̿́͗̚͠ḧ̵́̅̂̌͑̄͝ͅe̸̯͑́̇͘͝r̸͉̭͚͋͂͗̈́̎̀ë̸͖̜̬̭͉̳̤́̍̾̀̇
you have seen and felt beyond fathom; you are a speck in an infinite sea of stars. you have been called to witness a miracle. you have known the sublime. nothing else will do.
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