#LOL see what I did there bc that was literally theme of the episode after this
just-jae · 4 months
Hazbin Hoetl 5-6
Spoiler warning!
Not gonna lie, at first I was cringing a bit at Lucifer. I was expecting him the have, like, grace and baddie energy. but he's talking to himself pretending to show off rubber ducks to a crowd.
And of all the potential dynamics he and Al could have had, competing father figures was NOT on my mind at all dude. Al? Dad?
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But, I watched these last two episodes a couple (okay maybe several) times over and, it's really growing on me. It was definitely the predeveloped impressions getting in the way of really enjoying these characters. Even the irks I had about Alastor aren't really irks anymore, especially with "Dad beat Dad having much better animation and a banger number for Al (seriously wtf he's horrific in this episode)--
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"Could you butt out of my song?"
"Your song? I started this!"
"I'm singing it, I'll finish it!"
Before, I was seeing it as how well they pull off my (and arguably the long simmering fandom's) idea of these characters instead of how well the characters as they actually are are told. So many people thought this show would be a super serious deep dive on Christianity and commentary on religion itself. But at this point, it really feels like Heavan and Hell are metaphores. They focus a lot more on personal issues like relationships, coping mechanisms, flaws like nievety, displaced senses of self worth, etc.
Charlie's idea of what "gets people into heaven" is naive and brochure-like. Adam gave a literal list of three items that seemed overly simplistic (and turned out to be wrong).
But at least they had some idea about it. The higher angels themselves had no clue whatsoever, their only concern was preserving the status quo. And even when things are called to question they fall back to old ways just bc they're scared to change anything. Sera didn't have any malice toward Hell, she just doesn't want to make things worse, having Angels fall, have Hell attack Earth or Heaven, have more evil spread, by changing things.
Getting a better idea of what all of this is about makes it so much easier to appreciate things I initially was put off by. It just has a context that it fits into now.
Lucifer being this disillusioned depressed dork with "yeaaaah, No." energy fits into what we've seen of heavenly culture (uncanny innocence, annoying teen pop-culture energy, being perfectionist yet blind to their own flaws)
And The "Hell's Great Dad" song really broke the ice, especially when Mimzy busted in singing ITS MEEEEEEE-- like
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Love her. I wasn't expecting to see Mimzy AT ALL since she was removed from the main cast. And after seeing people talk about her and how they were wondering about her, it definitely felt like popping in the way she did was a response to that. Even I was wondering bc you don't just drop a former love interest for a character like Alastor, but still have them show up in the pilot-- I wanted to see Mimzy lol.
like literally:
"It's MEEE, It's MEEE,
I know you were all waiting for MEEEE!
I'm Here, what a GAAAS,
Took a while but I'm here at LAAST"
Like, im sorry but I felt like she was pointing at me personally, not the other characters, and that was hilarious.
It's so random but doesn't feel out of place at all somehow. The tensions were already super high, so a random screaming woman busting in with even higher energy is like-- wtf?? :'D??
She was a blast the entire time tho, and actually tied into the reoccurring theme of only reaching out to someone so they can do something for you.
It also definitely pinched a side of Alastor, irritating that he does apparently NEED to be there, there's some obligation he actually has to the hotel, or at the very least some stakes to not holding things together, not bc he defended the hotel but bc he specifically says "I can't have that here" , he also doesn't refute the claims Mimzy makes about him. Al clearly adores her and isn't surprised by her antics at all yet still tells her to leave. With the mention of Alastor's "leash" in the same episode BC of Mimzy was just such a great way to use her character. A fun entrance, thematic relevance, and a great plot device to reveal more about Alastor's situation and motives.
Like I said, at first the food tasted cold. I was thinking to myself "Eh, nothing really that crazy ig" but the more I watch the episodes and get over whatever my expectations were, the more I enjoy what's there.
Like, at first I was thinking, "Oh no Lucy's another akward dork, a normie, a loooooserr" (not that being an akward dork or a normie is bad but those were the vibes I was giving off, I'm sorry)
But I keep watching "Hell's Greatest Dad" and NOW it's like
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Like, he's fugghing adorable with the "WAP BAP BOOM"
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the puppets and the circus imagery, and just the innocent unmalicious enthusiasm. He's stumbling around over barely knowing his daughter and is now sprinting to make up for being so absent-- and even that absence is implied to be due to chronic depression and pining, missing heaven and having to live in hell forever, not only being the one who supposedly created it by accident, but tried and failed to fix it, even having his own theme park ripped off by a deadly Sin. The show calls it out bluntly, but despite his cheery tone and, yeaaah, no, yeaaah, no" attitude, they did a great job showing that his depression manifested in detachment and disinterest. It sucks for the people it effects but it also sucks to be the one who dropped the ropes in your relationships.
So seeing him brjghtenup and glow over just helping his Charlie put her hotel together was great. He feels useful and wanted again. And imo it's a double edge sword as well if Lucy feels like he has to be useful to be a decent dad.
So, idk. I guess I do want to see how he handles trying to be in Charlie's life again, especially since, at this point Alastor knows and has supported her more than he ever has-- despite the rough beginning and the mockery. (Also Lilith's face being faded out was sus af)
I'm convinced that in Al's case it's definitely not from a genuine place, at least, we still have no reason to believe it is. He was glaring at Lucy as soon as he walked in, and the nearly every comment on how great his relationship with Charlie is was also a jab to piss off Lucy instead of a genuine expression.
A performance, in short.
Still, the fact that someone who's only just met Charlie has a better relationship with her than her father has got to suck to realize if you're the father.
Also-- the scene at the club-- I was pretty mixed about it, like, doing drugs, itself isn't bad-- it can be unhealthy and it can put others at risk if you're resigning your cognizance and self control for the sake of coping with stress-- so it can very easily enable bad things, especially if you become addicted, so,imo is pretty wreckless and definitely a vice. But it doesn't make you a bad person.
But then again angels also seem to think premarital sex and promiscuity is bad too. (Promiscuity puts you at risk for disease, and like drugs can be driven by vices, but, again, the thing itself isn't bad and can still be a healthy practice when it comes from a healthy place)
I'm genuinely proud of Angel for actually growing though, seeing him take care of Nifty and protect her from Val got me on the "Fuck em up" energy. It's always great to see a group of friends watching out for eachother when they know there's a danger to what they're doing-- ESPECIALLY when one of them is new to it all. That's why if you ARE going to do drugs or drink or whatever, definitely don't do it alone or without someone you trust with your safety.
And also never feel like you have to do those things to maintain relationships, some people feel like it would be an insult to imply they dont trust someone or just for being disinterested in their offer. And, frankly there are people who will prey on that.
That was just a great scene. It had some flaws, but was still great.
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Also, not gonna lie but Sera's got me like
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Its been a while since I've been down bad for a femenine character.
She is beauty, she is grace~
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idealisticrealism · 25 days
TCL 3x10 thoughts
The main things: 
The ep starts immediately after last ep, then goes to the next morning and takes place over just one day. Nadia also says it’s been ‘an eventful few weeks’ since she made the deal to buy the house (which was in 3x01, so the entire season has taken place over around 3 weeks)
One of my favourite things about this series, and about Thony specifically, is that she’s not only an unintentional angel of death for the people around her, but also for criminal empires?? Literally this show is full of seasoned criminals who thrived for years in the darkest parts of the Vegas underworld, and then they encounter Thony, and boom! Down they go. Hayak. Cortes. Kamdar. (Even Arman, in a slightly different way). And now it looks like Sin Cara is next… honestly the Feds should be falling at her feet in gratitude haha 
Lol at Thony and Fi’s little bit of theatre for Jeremy as they set up their own little ‘sting’ for him. Thony actually nearly breaking and laughing at Fi’s ranting for a second was so cute, because while this is a serious situation, it is a bit bizarre to think that this is what their life has become. And this scene was so worth it just to get to watch two skilled actors having to pretend to be bad at acting… moments like this are always fun, like a kind of act-ception haha. Ngl it’s a good thing that Thony confronts Jeremy by the end of the episode though, bc I doubt it would have taken much longer for him to notice something was up, with all the dramatic conversations happening right in front of his bugs while and other conversations were hushed under the cover of super loud TV/music. Not to mention the suspiciously intentional-looking plumbing emergencies lol (seriously Thony?? A hammer??? lol).  To be fair though, Fi’s acting did improve a lot by the end, with their clever little ploy to make Jeremy think Thony was on her way to kill Nadia. That entire sequence was done well– even though anyone who has been watching the show for more than like a week would know that Thony would never kill Nadia (at least while literally any other option existed), it was still enjoyable to experience the ‘suspense’ that the creative team set up regarding Nadia’s fate. I just hope that she can make it through the finale… 
Honestly I love the deliberate continued theme in this show of Thony being caught between worlds, and the constant push and pull of ‘good vs evil’ and ‘power vs vulnerability’. It’s why, despite all her efforts, she can never quite escape the criminal world, and she can never quite escape the hold of the FBI either. And they’re often tied up together, too– to protect herself or someone she cares about from one, she reaches out to the other. In late s1, Arman helped protect her from the FBI by agreeing to be an informant, and in turn she was part of the plan to protect him from both the FBI and Hayak. In S2, she agrees to inform for the FBI again in order to protect Arman and keep him out of prison. And now, she’s making that same deal– and risking her own safety– but for Nadia this time. To me, though, I think that she’s reached a kind of ‘fool me once’ situation with the FBI, and though she says she’s going to help then take down Sin Cara, I think she is actually going to be following her own agenda, and using the ties she has to both the cartel and the FBI to manipulate them into taking each other out, and leaving her being the only one left standing. And god I hope that’s where things are headed bc I would be so here for it.
I really wish we’d been able to see a lot more of Thony and Nadia’s relationship this season, because it’s so compelling and complex and I’ve loved every moment they’ve shared so far. Nadia’s “oh no” at seeing Thony walking into the club was hilarious; they haven’t seen each other in the week or so since the wake, but Thony showing up at the club looking deathly serious is never a good sign. I loved that they were immediately like ‘ok bye Jorge the grownups need to talk’ tho lol– he may have formed connections with both of them, but he hasn’t gotten to this level of club membership yet. Thony’s first question to Nadia (“Did you cut a deal with the feds?”) felt like an interesting tie-in to the events of earlier eps, given that it was exactly what Nadia asked her at the wake– tbh these two must feel like they’re on a merry-go-round or something, and it’s all because they just haven’t been completely open with one another!!! But finally, here, they’re starting to be, even if it’s too goddamn late now (*adele voice* we could have had it aaaaaalll). But anyway ughhhh “All I wanted was to find Arman, like you. I wanted to protect him.” Honestly Nadia acknowledging/accepting Thony’s genuine love of Arman has been one of the parts of this season that I have appreciated the most. These two women are bonded by that love, which is why Thony telling Nadia she should have come to her is such a punch in the gut, because you can see her pain and regret, her utter dismay at the fact that her preoccupation with her own family (getting Fi and Chris back, preventing Luca from being taken away) led her to overlook what was going on with Nadia– aka with Arman’s family– and now she has let down the only other person Arman truly loved. And I think she went to La Habana fully intending to warn her, but then it became clear that Nadia wouldn’t listen to her even if she did try to pose the fake-death plan (“You always think you know everything. But you don’t”), and would’ve almost certainly tried to run instead, endangering both of them. So instead Thony tries once more to talk Ramona out of it (unsuccessfully, of course), and ugh when she says she wants to take care of Nadia herself “For Arman” and she squeezes her eyes shut as she says his name… the grief of losing him is still so goddamn fresh and now she’s terrified she’s going to fail him by not being able to save Nadia in time. But that’s the thing about Thony– she never gives up on the people she loves. And because of Arman, that group includes Nadia. 
Nadia’s reaction to Thony striding straight into her house (literally how does Thony even know where that is?) is so funny bc she doesn’t even get angry, it’s just like mild exasperation as she tries to convince Thony to leave. That is, until her brain catches up and suddenly she just stops and says “What’s happening?” because she knows Thony, knows that she wouldn’t actually barge in like this without a damn serious reason. When Thony tells her the danger she’s in, she believes her immediately (ugh her panic was hard to watch) and immediately begs for Thony to help– because while they may have a complex relationship, she knows that Thony is the only person she has left who actually cares what happens to her, and she also knows that Thony is clever and capable and holds a surprising amount of power, and often does manage to fix things even when a situation seems impossible. Which is exactly what Thony does next– and while I wish that Thony had explained to Nadia about what she was going to do, so Nadia didn’t have to have those brief moments of terror and betrayal before she lost consciousness, I get that it had to be written this way or it would have spoiled the twist. But oh man, even though I knew  Thony wouldn’t kill her and that she was going to be fine, the relief at seeing her wake up on that couch was still so damn real, phew. Eva did an amazing job with Nadia’s emotions on waking up, from utter confusion to a mix of relief, gratitude and anger. The scene between her and Thony in Jeremy’s lair felt like it was cut off midway through, which I guess means that they’re going to pick up exactly where they left off in the finale next week, like this was actually a 3-part finale rather than a 2 parter, and I can’t wait to see more of the Nadia/Thony dynamic next week.
And given my love for both Nadia and Thony, gotta say I do love how much Ramona herself has shown genuine admiration for both women, for their competence, intelligence, determination, fortitude, their coolness under pressure, and their desire for power. (Like in her conversation with Ramona, Thony would always deny that desire, but tbh people who want a simple family life do not become cardiac surgeons. Much like being a cartel leader, it’s a profession that provides money, prestige, authority, and a near-godlike ability over life and death– ergo, power). Anyway, Ramona’s entire art collection, her life, is centred around women with those traits, and tbh in another life I think these three incredible women could have become an unbeatable team that ruled Vegas together. Ramona saw that possibility and tried to make it happen, only for both of them to reject her, and now… well, I think we are heading for a ‘this town ain’t big enough for the both of us’ situation, and lbr it’s going to be Thony that’s the one left standing
Honestly I love that I have written a bunch of words already for this ep, and it’s all been about women– that’s one of the true gifts of this show, how much it focuses on women and their stories and their relationships. In the earlier seasons it was mostly just focused around Thony and Fi’s characters, but after the loss of Adan, and having a female villain for a change (two if you count Russo), the focus on women has definitely expanded and been even more apparent this season. I’m sad that it’s looking unlikely that Ramona or my baby Nadia will return next season, because they deserved to have more of their story told. Still, I’m clinging to the hope that Nadia may somehow return, and I’ll get more of the amazing Thony & Nadia dynamic that we all deserve
Anyway I guess I could talk about a boy now– though given that he is literally surrounded by women in his life, Jorge is an honorary girl to me lol. It was cute to see him so excited about all the hotel stuff, from his big spiel to Nadia to all the proposal materials in his office– looks like he’s finally found his own path, not just the one Ramona chose for him. (Though holy shit it’s so messed up that the corporate world is literally the best place to hide illegal activity, wow). I found it hilarious that when Jorge was trying to sell Nadia on the hotel idea and saying all this stuff about how she’ll be the face of it etc, the picture very clearly shows he’s planning to call it ‘JS hotel’ lol. So she’s the face but it’s named after you?? Hmmm. Also geez he laid it on a little thick with the flattery there, but I guess it worked, because you could see how smitten she was with the hotel idea. And I can understand how some people might interpret that as her being smitten with him, but I genuinely don’t think so. First of all, she lost the man she loved literally like a week and a half ago; there’s no way that she has even the slightest inclination to look at anyone romantically right now. Plus, the show has already established that she’s incredibly good at reading people. She knows he’s trying to manipulate her in order to access her money, but in her life, that’s just a demonstration of good business skills. She sees what working with him can give her, and she wants it. In S1 she says to Arman “What do we own? Nothing”-- I think it’s hugely important to her character to actually be in possession of something big, to be the owner, not just the manager, to remove herself as far from the powerless girl from the Argentinian slums as she can. Anyway I love that one of his arguments is that she’ll be ‘set for life’ if they do this… because apparently already having 50 million dollars isn’t being set for life??? Man, what a world they live in haha. Anyway with it seeming unlikely that Nadia will be around next season, I wonder if the hotel will still somehow happen in S4? Maybe somehow Thony gets involved with it, though I don’t really see her wanting any part in something like that… tbh my main concern is that we might not get to see the La Habana set next season :(
Seeing Jeremy’s reaction to being burned was so satisfying. Not so clever now, are you, buddy?? Got outsmarted by a civilian just like Garrett did, and now you’ll be working with her, just like Garrett… but unlike Garrrett, she has zero regard or sense of obligation toward you, and so you may think she’s gonna work with you and follow your orders, but think again. She’s just going to bide her time until she has you right where she wants you, and then she will completely fuck you over, because you betrayed her family and took the man she loves, and that’s what you deserve. Be grateful if you walk out of all of this alive. 
Other stuff:
Omg Fi going for the baseball bat to take out the smoke alarm. Someone has issues with impulsivity haha. Tbh her and Thony’s entire relationship is just the two of them taking turns holding each other back from doing something stupid and I love it
Ugh seeing Nadia standing all alone in that huge empty house, talking about how it’s time to put the past behind her and have a fresh start… and then later saying to Jorge that she just wants to be free… and then Thony telling her at the end that she’s free and she tells Thony that she took her whole life form her… ugh stop giving me stressful foreshadowing here writers. If Nadia has to go, write her out by having her run away into the sunset with her millions. Don’t make me watch her die twice!!!!!!!!!
I didn't initially remember seeing Ramona and Russo cross paths at La habana, but @gsue74 reminded me that they glimpse each other across the club the first time Ramona goes there, and Ramona noticed the way Nadia reacted to her arrival. Well done of the writers to plant that in 3x04 to come back up now. Anyway I do enjoy Russo’s sassiness though. It was never super obvious before bc she was always having to play the serious one keeping Garrett in line, but I think I see why they got along lol
Oh boy the agent that scared Violeta really fucked up lol, like maybe don’t piss off a super powerful cartel leader??? Dude’s gonna be feeding the fishes in the Hoover Dam in no time lol
 I love that the proposed hotel site is completely in the middle of nowhere, like too bad if the guests want to visit any other part of Vegas haha. Though I guess that might be entire point, to make it like a one-stop shop so guests will spend all their time and money in the one place lol
JD is such a cutie. Loved him taking advantage of a free weekday to bring thoughtful gifts for his bae. Lol at Fi shutting him up with a kiss– she really needs to go somewhere private and tell him everything though, bc he needs to know so he doesn’t inadvertently screw things up for them again. 
I really felt for Fi when she found the immigrant worker house empty– this show is always full of painful near-misses in terms of timing, but at least in this case there’s still the hope that Thony will be able to use her sway over Jorge to find Camila and Gisele
Anyway ugh the promo for the finale looks so good… Nadia at Thony’s house, wearing borrowed clothes while Thony makes a plan to get her her money back… Jorge apparently being there too and helping them… Thony in a fancy dress, shooting a gun… it might be Ramona’s assassin guy that she shoots (one of the clips looks like he could be fighting with Jeremy) but man it would be cool if it was actually Ramona or Jeremy that she shoots, and honestly I’m so down for either of those options. Maybe she even does it to protect one of them from the other– like maybe she shoots Ramona to save Jeremy, which would mean she’d probably get pardoned by the FBI for everything. Or she shoots Jeremy to save Ramona, making Ramona extremely grateful, and as a result Ramona makes sure the shooting never ties back to her, and brings her into Sin Cara in a position of power…. Either way it’s going to make for an interesting S4!  
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piganatur · 1 year
"actually what jaewon said in the photography shop cut x1000000 times deeper than the english translation of it": Do you mind sharing what he said? Thanks in advance! " i get what they wanted to say w/ the presentation scene but i don’t get why they had to say it that way though": I'm not sure I understand what the whole presentation scene was, especially with the Hedgwig one before it. Why were they mocking the Hedgwig presentation? I don't get it? Thanks for all the context!
hello dear, i've already answered what jaewon said in this post aaaaaand my take on the presentation scene is that, as we’ve seen in previous episodes, the class they have to make the presentation for is a liberal arts class and it’s also an elective (although for some students, like aeri, it’s mandatory). their professor even warns them to prepare well and don’t try to half ass it just because it’s a liberal arts elective. at the start of ep5 that girl giving the presentation didn’t seem to remotely know what she was talking about nor what class she was in lol. she obviously did not prepare for the presentation.
in contrast, hedwig did prepare by dressing up to complement the themes of his presentation but it’s like the other end of the extreme. that girl did the bare minimum (yet made a show bc of how ridiculous she was) while hedwig kinda overdid it (also made a show that others could enjoy, just look at their faces, everyone is ready to giggle). that presentation was literally a show, theatrical and over the top (making aeri and jihyun waiting for it to end asap....i've also seen kids in other dramas pull this same trick when presenting for an elective, often when the content of their presentation was lacking). even their professor chuckled when he said, you’ve done well. hedwig tried to cut corners by making it seem like he prepared a lot (which he did, just not in the way the assignment would require). no one could say he did not put work into his presentation, but i wonder what he’d think if their professor suddenly said grades are solely based on the written version of the assignment they have to submit.
in contrast, yet again, the aeri/jihuyn presentation was exactly like that, succinct and to the point, sticking to the core theme of the assignment. they took it seriously and that’s what made it (for others) so stale. just look at everyone listening to them, the light almost left their eyes lol (there’s like 1 (one) girl smack in the middle paying attention – and the prof) bc the professor did pay attention. i think, out of every presentation, he paid the most attention here. he also sincerely praised them and that’s what made hedwig so furious (he became hedwing and the ANGRY inch *ba bam tssss* pls don’t take me seriously) hedwig stalked them down, pushed them and taunted them for failing their presentation. it’s another show, one to hide his insecurity about his grade and to make aeri/jihyun seem less because they didn’t get as big of a reaction. hedwig mocked them saying he saw the prof giving a b- (but like would anyone believe him?) aeri also said (in ep3) that their professor was known for giving low grades even though it’s only a liberal arts class but like can anyone blame the man when the presentations are like that?
oh, but the joke's on hedwig bc jihyun didn’t care if they got a b-. he was not shaken by empty words someone said (they still didn’t know their final grades at this point) but even if they did get a b-, jihyun and aeri did their best, and they know that for a fact and that’s what matters. seeing jihyun’s flippant attitude to the provocation, hedwig was kinda blindsided, so tried to switch lanes but by that point, it was too late. so he played the victim (when he was the one who aggressively started the whole fight) yelling after them, kim jihyun you’ve changed (but like what did he expect???)
Werner du Plessis cited Hedwig and the angry inch as his favourite film. i have not seen it but that explains why they used that film. my problem mainly lies with aeri’s halloween costume comment followed by the walk down to Itaewon comment :///
i rambled A LOT and idk if any of it helps but thanks for the kind words and your interest in my opinion, i am but a simple farmer weeding through drama episodes and their layers
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theburningsunset · 9 months
Seeing the Ahsoka clips where she's live-action an adolescent gives a haunting retrospect to the clone wars that, while always present, is not always easiest to keep at the forefrunt of mind when it's not a literal child human person you're seeing, but animation.
I think specifically, of that one part of some damn episode where she's surrounded by death watch (i think) and with a cool, easy move, decapitates four grown men in a swift second, without flinching. Like yeah, she was in combat mode, no time for processing non-survival-related things, but fuck. I'll be honest I've always loved that gif bc damn it's badass, but thinking back to it with the face of the child we see live-action? It's one thing to slice through droids (who are people in their own right tho the franchise doesn't ever really glance at that side of things) but do you, personally, happen to know the specific smell of burnt human flesh? This 14 year old does. Before she's even done with puberty, she has seen, close-up, more deaths than she could count, caused more than she can keep track of. Were those four her first kills? (I don't remember in-show), but what was the first like? Did she keep it cool, battle training and adrenaline keeping her head in the game until after the action, then being hit by it, dissociated, staring into space, eyes glassed over, feeling both too much and almost nothing, achingly nothing. Would Anakin - no stranger to rage-filled murder - or one of the clones like Rex - literally bred and born for violence, gun in their hand day 1 - even know what to say to a kid who has to live with the fact that she has personally ensured some people will never see another sunrise?
This is a space opera, the world-building, themes, plots, and author intention have never stopped in the way most would and considered the child-soldier-space-wizard of it all. I'm inserting subtext that simply doesn't exist, yeah, yeah, yeah. But for me, *that* is such a compelling and fascinating treasure trove of creative material. That's the reason fanfic flourishes, people take something they love and add, take, shape and mold different and new stories. But I can't really just go on ao3 and search "ahsoka is forced to process her active role in taking life, AU where being a child soldier in warzones has emotional and traumatic consequences on teens with the wrong kind of body count" y'know? I have no clue where this train of thought is head lol
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kenjiyabuki · 4 months
DMD FTR: finale thoughts
i forgot to put this out because i've been in the process of being an employed adult human person these days, unfortunately (no one who saw my previous DMD FTR posts is surprised that i was unemployed). now i wont even get to have my weekly crisply shot and edited hang outs w Gen 3 besties while this new job is sucking my soul... but this was a pleasant finale to this sweet and chill and incredibly unsurprising show!
here's the thing: i dont even know who Domundi is trying to fool w this double win stuff cause they did literally announce the new gen would be acting in TWO (2) new series during their 2023 Line Up event???????
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so the double win wasn't a surprise AT ALL but it's okay, it didnt really diminish my enjoyment out of the show at all. i wanted both couples to have series anyway!
as i've said in my first post about this show, it has been very obvious that this shows' intention isn't to be a competition, it's more of a new gen "inauguration". they could've just put the boys through bunch of workshops and let them choose partners off camera too but they chose to put money and time in to make it a whole show, so people could witness their journey and premature fan clubs would form and develop. i think its fun and clever marketing but did it work???
well, the boys def have more fans now BUT on the same day this episode was premiering, some ZNN fans were crying about their faves (who just had a movie come out, also filming a show rn AND scheduled to film another one after) being slighted by the company and they didn't need to "add more". like i said, i don't really follow Domundi closely, if the fans are right about artist management i might not know... but their Gen 2 was extremely successful after all and people are BEGGING for more series, so it's not a bad move for a company to want to grow. i wish fans would be more mature and learn more the industry the person they "stan" works in! why would a growing company would just make shows w 2 actors over and over man, cmon 😭
okay now that i got that out of me, back to the finale. some notes about the general:
the group performance of the theme song was a bit cringe to me bc i just hate that kind of music. but everyone's ending fairies were really cuteeeee so i forgive them
real winners of the episode is the background dancers because they literally did all the performances and acted too, very well!!
Domundi members and variety of industry people in the audience was sweet to see and added valuable comments/advice for the boys. i was especially happy to see Jimmy and Tommy, whom i ADORE!!!!
i was laughing at that LOUD ASS clapping and hollering track they kept playing to add some more noise to the audience's. like i know why they did it but how much that big sound didn't match w that small crowd just tickled me..
well, yeah, i cant get into idol-ing stuff personally so i was kind of bored during the solo performances. i dont really have comments that hasn't already been said by the judges. i thought all the boys did what they were supposed to do and showcased their talents, EXCEPT Latte........ my dude, what happened? i think he could've lip sync to the song, which IS a skill (Rupaul's Drag Race battles and just drag performances in general as evidence...) that would add a lot to his performance.
Firstone leaving the competition w Best Friendship & Best Performance Awards in his pocket and two guys wanting to be his partner. What a little star... Deserved and love his cocky attitude.
about couple jukebox musicals:
in my last episode commentary, i joked about Mandee getting inspired from my ideas but then they actually kinda happened lol🧐🧐🧐🧐 ThomasKong's performance was a coming of age, young love story while KengNamping's story was more complex romance w an angsty core, almost exactly like i wished for.
all in all, KengNamping's performance grabbed my attention the most. mostly because their acting & chemistry seemed improved to me (that kiss fake out at the end, what the hell??? you guys couldn't hold an eye contact couple eps ago...) AND their storyline just ATEEEE. i dont know who came up w the forbidden romance between kinda out of touch but well meaning rich boy & his "i suffer through love quietly" village boy bodyguard, w humour sprinkled in, but they need to get their ass eaten regularly...
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ThomasKong don't even need to try that hard, they are just natural born charmers!!!! i liked their friends to lovers, nerdy guy cant believe popular one' love bc he doesnt see his value storyline (Thomas could've busted out One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful"). With the romantic prom climax, it reminded me of American high school movies and fit their vibes perfectly. i wish it was more humorous, because i think comedy is one of their strong suits. like how did it ended up that shy kings KengNamping got more laughs than ThomasKong, the goofballs themselves??? whoever is writing their series, please take notes, now that i know you are reading these...
after the glorious double win and the cute four-way hug, Aof said that two shows would be announced this year which clearly meant that most we are getting this year are pilot trailers. which is fine. not easy to be patient but i get that they are a smaller company w lots on their plates already. i hope they will use that time to work and work and work on the shows!!!!
i honestly want Domundi to kind of change up things in their filmmaking/producing styles, maybe switch directors sometimes and try diffferent styles idk... this show and Gen 3 in general felt very refreshing and i hope they keep that vibe going! and maybe i will finally watch a Domundi show till the last episode.
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P.S.: Extra clips were released this week and KengNamping's was sweet. i was kinda laughing at how much of a set up it was like, them conveniently sharing a blanket, all mic'd up, getting filmed w lights on etc. but their conversation and mood in the moment seemed sincere, which is enough. it was nice to see the context for ep 5, when they found each other at the other end of the red ribbon and said that so much happened on that bridge. what a perfect circle moment, from comforting each other about not winning a challenge to winning the show!
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olivieraa · 4 months
I'm 5 eps into Avatar and I'm very... mixed
Now Avatar is one of my most precious shows. For the longest time, Avatar and Sex and the city were my only shows. And then Stranger Things and Barry entered my life and they all became my top 4 (would love a fifth but Lost and OITNB ended so terribly)
These are non-animes ofc
Let's just say my Avatar weekend was planned months ago, and been getting through a few a day
By the end of ep 3 I had thoughts, and by the end of ep 5 I had basically the same thoughts
My biggest con with the show, bc I cant, currently, understand the motives behind it, is... why are they showing season 2 scenes??? And characters??
Like... season 1 of the animated series has 20 eps that are 20 mins each, and season 1 of the live action has 8 hour long eps. There is enough content from season 1 of the animated series to fill your show, no???
Like Ozai's reveal is season 3, but we knew of Ozai's casting quite early, and idk, I dont mind them showing him. But Azula? And Mei and Ty Lee? Why??
And the Owl??? Why??????????? Is it to make Toph the only big reveal/new character in season 2 or something? I've no clue.
But anyway. The bulk of the changes I actually dont mind. I think they did it in a way that flows well. However, they kinda cause something that is truly essential to the story to like... not happen.
So in ep 3, they go to Omashu. Instead of it being like in the OG, they decide to combine the Jet episode and the Northern Air temple episode, INTO the Omashu episode so that the 3 main characters go off and do their own thing. Aang with the wheelchair kid Teo up the mountain (tho they didn't fight off any firebenders which is a fave scene of mine in the show), Sokka with the mechanist talking about the blimp (accurate enough), and Katara off with Jet (accurate enough but would have liked their hideout to be up in the trees, would have been awesome scenery and also made more sense, y'know, being a hideout).
So what this created was separation, and the characters had just gotten to know each other by this point. With the show being only 8 eps, I kinda need to see them connecting more lol this show has a heavy friendship and love theme. Aang and Katara have literally only talked about waterbending every time they've spoke (and Aang has not waterbended once even tho he was an immediate natural at it, but whatever about that).
Again, I didn't mind that they made all these stories happen at Omashu, instead of one of them being Omashu, one of them being at the Northern Air Temple, and the other being in a pretty forest. Missed out on great scenery but, again, wtv.
The most important thing to me is that I need these characters to build their bond first and foremost. Then those changes would matter less.
Even the ep after that, the ep that Omashu should have originally centred around, was Aang meeting Bumi without Sokka and Katara. And instead of Aang and Katara in the love tunnel (since they're basically implying Aang and Katara are not gonna be a thing), they show Sokka and Katara's sibling love as a mean's of escaping the tunnel.
So we're at ep 3 and 4 by this point and they've been separated from Aang the whole time.
Changes from what I can remember off the top of my head (that I want to assume, are for a reason, so I'm not going to say they're changes that I hate, I just, currently, don't get them):
Aang is mildly playful, but defo not Aang level of playful. I'm not expecting him to go penguin sledding or ride the elephant koi, but idk........... something. Anything. It would have been fun if they made him play airball at least. I'm glad there was at least a brief BRIEF scene of them using the mailing system in Omashu.
There's no room at the air temple that shows all the past Avatar statues, which glow when Aang goes into the Avatar state which basically alerts the world he's awakaned. People just kinda........... learn he has awakened. Somehow. But Kiyoshi's statue on Kiyoshi island glowed and it led to a cool scene.
Again, Aang not knowing any waterbending. I wanna believe they've a reason for this.
Zuko doesn't have any moment where he shows any sorta, idk... respect or fear of Aang? Like he hasn't witnessed Aang show power enough to impress him
Zhao and Zuko didn't fight, another fantastic scene to show Zuko's character
Currently no pirates or foretuneteller, but may happen in the next
Iroh's dialogue is a bit... well... its different...
Changes I thought were fine:
Aang can sorta fly
Their discovery of Appa not being as dramatic was fine to me. Classic OG series moment of Sokka realising Appa could fly but I didn't mind them just getting straight to it
Aang not revealing he's the avatar but Gran-gran doing it instead
Aang already having the bison whistle given to him by kid!Bumi
The air temple backstory and Gyatso's speech to Aang not being in a flashback but in the spirit world
Zuko has a briefly important journal
The scroll being given to Katara by her gran instead of stealing it from pirates
Idk why Suki has a mother, she's not really relevant, but its fine
Azula shoots arrows, which is cool
Azula's reveal was half-cool and half-bad. I liked her in the scene, everyone else was an idiot. Did they think it would be that easy?
Aang and Iroh have had two scenes involving a prison together
Koh the face stealer was introduced early instead of during the North Pole eps where he tells Aang who the moon and ocean spirits are, which means he's going to find that out some other way in those eps.
Kioshi giving Aang wisdom before Roku
Katara and Sokka dont come down with a random illness which results in Aang looking for frogs and getting captured by Zhao and saved by Zuko
Scenes I really wish they'd kept:
Okay, this one was really important to me, bc it was the exact moment I fell in love with the show in 2005. Aangs first Avatar state moment.
In order, Aang playfully escapes some firebenders with some slick moves. An alert is made that he's escaped. Him and Zuko have a brief fight (Agni Kai music heck yeah), Aang escapes and attempts to jump off the boat with his glider, Zuko stops him and attacks Aang and then he falls into the ocean. Katara calls his name, he awakens his Avatar state and knocks out Zuko and the firebenders and then Sokka and Katara save him. And then Zuko and Iroh attack Appa and Aang redirects it.
Instead, Aang fights absolutely nobody. There's no alert that he's escaped but Zuko somehow knows?? Aang jumps off and successfully uses his glider and gets onto Appa. Zuko attacks and Katara uses BIG waterbending to save everyone.
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That moment adapted well could have sold this show for me.
In addition to that:
The "Avatar" test that proved to the Air Nomads that Aang was the Avatar. Instead they just kinda showed that he was more gifted than everyone else so that's how they knew.
The big change I think most people were a fan of:
Kiyoshi's appearance. Bad. Ass.
What I like:
Sokka and Zuko. I think the casting is fantastic for these two.
Appa and Momo.
People actually being burned alive. Idk, it shows the brutality more in this version
Azula has potential
What I h a t e:
Okay. Ep 1 31:38. This scene kinda shows a few things at once. Its just so… strangely written and acted by everyone except Sokka. Aang overacts (throughout the show), Katara underacts (throughout the show). The way Aang plays with the kids is odd. The way he doesn't even have any sort of reaction to seeing Katara for the first time sucks. Katara looks depressed most of the time and she just stands around a lot without a word to say. Tbh she doesn't even really know how to stand without looking awkward.
Katara did not give Aang her motivational and heartwarming speech at the air temple which basically told Aang that the three of them are now family. He just sorta… calmed himself down. All she did was call his name
Again, the lack of relationship these two have
Ozai continuously praising Zuko and Azula being insecure? So so SO early???
The season 2 stuff. There's enough to gather from season 1 so this makes no sense to me. They've basically shown the swamp ep already. And the swamp ep is where Aang first see's Toph, y'know, super important fan favourite character. Which means she's going to get a different introduction.
Uh, that's all I can remember off the top of my head (I just went to check that one timestamp, but other than that, this is all from memory).
I've one ep left and then the last two will be in the North Pole eps.
I know the one ep left before those two will feature Roku's appearance (hopefully on a dragon but prob not) and Zuko as the Blue Spirit as a combo ep, which I think is also combining the Sokka and Katara sick episode but instead of them being sick, they're about to be eaten by Koh (which makes him more menacing, something the OG show didn't do so I'm fine with this). I just hate that these characters are separated so much.
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lovehistories · 2 years
ep 13&14
a few thoughts about eaw episodes 13&14 bc i’m fresh off of 14!!!!!!
1) i’m aware that i’m prob in the minority over this, but i’m not surprised about or frustrated re: the young woo/junho lack of communication over their breakup (YET, there’s a provision here that the future make up scene between them has to bowl me over emotionally and remind me of why love is the most beautiful theme there is in storytelling etc etc) bc what i  t h i n k  the writer is trying to do is show that this is an entirely different kind of problem that these two are facing, with an entirely different degree of weight. 
we’ve had ppl doubt junho’s feelings before, we’ve had ppl question the validity of their relationship, but we haven’t rly had the very simple and very devastating question between the two of them of: “you make me so happy, but do i make you happy? is your life better with me in it?” as a viewer you’re very much allowed to hate the asking of the question bc you think it’s one of the least interesting parts about young woo and junho’s relationship, 100%!!!! some of you might even be hurt by it, and i understand that too. but i also think that we as viewers are privy to a lot more than the characters of young woo and junho are in show. 
the answer is obvious to us––of course they’re happier together, of course both of their lives have become more beautiful because they met, it’s in junho’s eyes and young woo’s smiles––but this is young woo’s first time being in a serious romantic relationship, so how is?? she supposed to know how to navigate what happiness is between two people and to see all of the wonderful things that she brings to the table when everyone else has only ever told her otherwise??? i think we’re also meant to assume that even if junho almost definitely has had romantic relationships in the past, this is the first time that someone has meant so much to him. and i think that when you’re coming fresh off of heartbreak and confusion, this coming out of nowhere for him (he still doesn’t know that young woo overheard what he and his sister were talking about, which.....i would Not have saved this particular conflict for the last fourth of the show LMAO), junho’s hesitation to speak isn’t all that surprising. we’ve seen this kind of hesitation from him before when young woo confessed repeatedly and he had to gather himself emotionally before he could respond (the stakes are much higher this time too), so i hope!!! this was just the writer closing the loop on that theme one last time. 
logistically, i also think that the writer has dug themselves into a very deep hole and this is what i hope is a calculated risk that could go very well or very badly. by not addressing the escalating conflicts between young woo/junho one by one (i.e. elaborating more on young woo’s response to junho’s initial reaction to them not officially dating in ep 12)......they now have to address them all at once.
2) idk what the game plan was at eaw hq, but it’s so far past too late to humanize minwoo for us now. at this point, and at literally no point, does having sick family members excuse minwoo of a sliver of the garbage that he did for the entire run of the show. seeing him as a “whole person” doesn’t rly serve his character in any meaningful way besides as a set up for suyeon to fall in love with him, which....i’m making a separate post on that LOL. my honest opinion of the sudden minwoo/suyeon love line if we’re meant to take it at face value is that the writer(s) didn’t know what to do with suyeon anymore after she stopped pursuing the idea of being in a relationship with junho......which is a huge shame because her character could have so much more going on with her.
3) what was young woo dad’s response to her question over the phone..........pls tell me we get to hear the other half of that conversation eventually.......... :’’’’’’)
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bykalopsia · 3 months
agito 21-30 notes
aki lasted for about as long as i expected. o7 good on you girl for knocking hojo around it made him very funny for a few episodes.
(like most things about aki) i feel like it was a bit rushed pacing-wise. bc i totally missed the point at which her and ryou's relationship got super-deep. like i thought it was cute but i wish it was a little more substantiated. esp since it's used as the basis for continued conflict b/w gills and agito
comparatively it definitely felt like the g3-x / v1 debacle overstayed its welcome. it was fun to see ozawa and hojo interact w/ shouichi though! and also hojo getting the shit beat out of him lol. and it had good development for hikawa and ozawa. ahhh i liked it it was just slow.
ultimately i don't have a problem for the mini-arc itself, it just felt like everything else ground to a halt to make time for focus on it, and considering there's a lot of stuff that happens that i feel doesn't get enough time (ryou's entire plot re: the akatsuki survivors and their powers... again more time w/ aki would have been great. i feel like we never see ryou if he isn't attacking agito or an unknown or otherwise experiencing gills-related debilitating pain. so like when the survivors blame him and eventually kill him it's like... i wish i felt a little bit more about this lol. i think a lot of good was done on this front AFTER he died [though i do know he comes back bc i have all the eps downloaded and it says so in a later episode title] i'm having a recurring feeling that the story keeps putting certain story beats off long enough that i get annoyed and then addressing them immediately after that point. ultimately it's a pacing/balancing issue for me and ik i'm finicky about this sort of thing but w/e)
to this point i really wish ryou's flashback focus episode was before his death rather than after bc if you're separating it from the chronology of the show anyways i prefer foreshadowing rather than irony but eh. however this episode was the closest i've gotten to crying yet for agito (prev was in the early episodes re: mana and her dad) but idk gills particularly really hits the "stuck in between human and monster against your will" theme that i like from kr
also this set of episodes was very devoid of rapidly-aging-baby. sad.
also shouichi getting his memories back only for two episodes was lame as hell. Why Did You Do That. esp bc the episodes were so cool and brought the apostle back into actual relevance. arggghhhhhhhhh. considering that those revelations are pretty much locked to those episodes and the questioning of why shouichi lost his memory again or the what contents of his memories were is pretty much dropped after shouichi reveals it, it sort of feels like him regaining his memories was more of a tool to reveal apostle backstory while resetting shouichi back to square one again. hhhhhhhhhh i liked serious shouichi................................
also i feel like i have lost the plot on what exactly Prettyboy Jesus has control over. unless its literally everything (the unknown the superhumans and regular humanity). him and the apostle are still cool as hell though i still am hoping they get more time as we get later and later into the show. i feel like the man vs. god conflict structure is so common in the stuff i like but it will get me 99.9% of the time it's that simple.
mana getting her powers accelerated makes me Scared but its better than her being a "Shouchi!"-bot for like 10 episodes (can you tell this pissed me off)
also i feel like the unknown are getting less interesting again. rip. the combat itself is still cool though :]
last note: we need to cut down the hikawa slapstick by like at least half. bc it is so hit or miss girl.
0 notes
Ahh I did vaguely see that on a summary I accidentally peeked at (when trying to figure out this schedule xDD it was rough man lol)!
Well good for Shaun and Lea then :DD!!
Oooh sextuplets, interesting
Ahhh okay so we'll see each of them on the different teams, I seeee, smart :))
Show wise I mean lol, like writing wise xD
Or at least most of the teams, if not all
Uh ohhh
Yeeeah some of that does not look good xdd
Plus babies for the theme after we just heard what Morgan admitted 👀👀 interesting
Ooh hi Jerome and Asher :DD my babeys <33
Was about to say I hope we still see Lea more than a tiny bit (yk since they're in teams doctor wise) but then I remembered they're literally discussing having a baby XDD of course we will lol!
Hmm and it also seems like there will be a bit of a faith/hope theme? Good vibes I guess, as I think I heard Shaun say at the end ther
Interesting!!! I'm vibing sounds fun :DD
Tense and therefore hard to liveblog bc I wanna pay attention but fun xDD
That's the last of my final thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I loved this episode! I really enjoyed the storylines, even if Shaun and Powell's, and Lea and Andrews' stressed me out XD
Not toooo badly but still
I felt like the episode was a liiiittle crowded plot wise, with all of them being there with individual plots (like in teams of two anyway), but I think it would be a bit better if I wasn't doing this lol, and behind while I did it xD. Still, I enjoyed it :))
Also Asher and Morgan's storyline was hilarious xDD
And a good thing to have with Park/Glassman's and Jordan/Perez's sadder ones xd.
Anyway! Let's start with Lim and Powell. Now that I think of it since I forgot Lim for a second there just now lol, Powell was kind of the bridge between Lim's storyline and Shaun's. Most people were in twos but she was in both - interesting 🤔. I mean I know there's only so many characters, plus she got what was needed arc wise, but still XDD
Anyway, I'm not sure I completely agreed with what she was saying, but I feel like maybe she was just talking specifically about them. Like, the two of them having a conversation. I am glad she's encouraging Lim to get out and do more though! Plus, often a support system of people who just get, even a tiny bit, what you're going through, is really helpful :)). So, I'm super happy for Lim on that front <33. And, if we end up seeing that guy again, maybe in a romantic sense for Lim eventually, good for her! Anyhoo :)
Since we're already talking about Powell, I'll go to her and Shaun next :). Their relentless fighting stressed me out a bit lol (it was just a stressful episode okay XDD), but I'm glad they eventually made good :). I would say made up, but it doesn't really fit lol - they were never good in the first place, not really xD. But, I think they'll be really good and challenging and therefore encouraging each other's ideas, and maybe move from tolerating each other to at least kinda liking each other lol. I'm sure they'll continue to butt heads, but I think this is a big step forward to them :)).
Also I'm so happy they managed to find some things they both have in common 😭 xDD :). Good for them xdd <3.
Lea seeing how Shaun was struggling, and helping him through a bit was really sweet :). I just- they love each other okay??? They know how to tell when the other is having an issue and just aGH love them ❤️❤️❤️🥰 <333. Lol, anyway, Lea was S L A Y I N G in this episode. Our queen, we love <3. I'm really glad she was able to get the computers working again, with her own resources too! And, that Andrews was for the most part understanding :). Like, he was dealing with his own stuff and that happens, but mostly they managed to work together pretty well :). Like, he thought of the MRIs, yk? Anyway, it was stressful, but I appreciated the storyline lol. Computers are often overlooked when it comes to heat, like in tv shows and stuff - I mean heck, I didn't even think about them and I'm here appreciating it lol -, but it's super important so that was nice to see :)). So yeah! Go off guys, love you <333.
Speaking of next episode, I'm so excited for them to start a family :DD (besides themselves, even though obviously they're a family now). I do think they'll have some trauma from everything else in the past to get through with this, but I think they'll be able to do it and hopefully they can have a kid :)). If they do decide that's what they truly want, of course!
Anyway, Morgan! AHHHHH MORGAN WANTS A KID!!!! I'm so happy for her 😭😭😭😭. Obviously it is not at ALL a requirement in life, but I want her to be happy :). I hope she is doing what's truly right her though, just like with Shaun and Lea <3. Plus, I liked how she said it wasn't the boyfriend she was worried about. Obviously I hope she does get back together with Park, but I'm glad that distinction was made. This isn't about that, this about what she wants herself regarding children, and I absolutely love that for her <33.
Also Asher being her bestie :D?? Trying to get her to open up, being there for her, especially with what she said/her decision (even if she didn't make it in that moment or maybe even this episode at all) at the end? It was just- amazing <333. The duo I never knew I needed but absolutely do (need) now xDD <33. I love them :)).
And like I said their storyline this episode was HILARIOUS LOL. Poor Jerome was doing everything xDD. Speaking of Jerome I love him <33. In case you didn't know /lh lol xDD. Seriously though man was finding the guy, finding who was looking for the guy they kidnapped, dealing with them - everything XD. Plus the rest of his job lol. An icon, is my point xD <33.
Anyway Jordan and Perez's storyline/patient was so sad 😭😭😭. Plus just Perez's dedication to trying to find a solution, how much he cared. . . <33. I don't think it had anything specific to do with the patient, more just the fact that he's new. Like, we know him and Powell are new, but I think it's important we remember they're also new doctors. Though Shaun was wrong to dismiss Powell's ideas, he was right in the fact that they are still new. It probably just made it especially rough, and Jordan helping their patient honestly was helping him too, even if she didn't know it or that's not why she did it <33. Anyway yeah, I just thought their storyline was really sweet 😭😭❤️. I'm glad they got to take her to Paris :')). She deserved to be able to go :'DD <333.
Park and Glassman's storyline! It was saddd 😭😭. I'm glad everything worked out in the end though :'). But honestly seeing them debate tough decisions like that is just rough. Like yeah, those are hard decisions to make, and I totally saw Park's point of view. It hits even more to home this week as I'm finishing writing this up. And I felt so bad for him :(( with the story. It makes sense why his stance on it was what it was. Anyway, it was a bit of a rough one (not in an unpolished way lol), but I liked it :')).
Overall, I loved this episode! I thought the different plot uses of the what than what you'd normally expect of a tv show - like the nursing home losing power and the computers - was really interesting, and the character plots this episode were definitely great. It really felt like an extra character focused one. Not that they don't all put focus on the characters, but I feel like the next episode will put a bit more emphasis on the case. I enjoy both versions though! I thought it was a really great episode :)). Plus, the humor cut through the heavier stuff nicely lol :D. All around I just really really liked it <33 🥰.
So yeah! I really enjoyed this episode, I thought it was great in all the storylines. Next week's episode looks really interesting! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 6: Hot and Bothered
I loved this episode! I'm really excited for the next one, too, it looks super good. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 7: Boys Don't Cry
See you then!
0 notes
shinwhoohoo · 2 years
And bc my last ask turned into a rant I also wanna say that I’m loving all the asks/activity this past week on here! Love all the reminiscing you guys are doing — as a new fan just this year, there were def at least a couple of links in those posts that are new to me so I’m excited to check them out. Also loving the extra insight!! 👏
To the other anon who loved the Road Trip Ready clip with Baro in his room playing the Dawson’s Creek theme song and talking about reading — that’s one of my favs too!!
I’ve been rewatching Hello Baby and i was reminded of the first actual instance I remember thinking Sandeul is adorable. He was so expressive/physical (what is the word?!) in it—tumbling all over the place, falling backwards forwards sideways, jumping up so high to add extra force to break the bricks before they met eunsol and hyunwoo. And in episode 4 he was jumping/tripping over himself/bending/falling backwards from the foam cushion seat do you know what I’m talking about (I hope??) — he’s hilarious!!! He’s quite adorably derpy, no? 😂
Ooh and actually one of my fav ones that I haven’t seen since I first saw it a few months ago is when they did the B1A4 song in the last episode of MTV Match Up and Jinyoung played the guitar for it! Daramji (sp?) daramji… halbae halbae halbae!! Did they ever perform that ever again anywhere after that? I imagine it prob only has appeal the first time you see it tho. Anyway, it was a cute intro for them while they were just starting out I thought.
ah yay I'm glad you got something out of them!! 😄
While that particular clip isn’t a fave of mine, I can understand why it’s liked. It showcases that softer side of Baro that we would only see in certain instances. I used to get asks more often about my opinions on their personalities and such, and Baro was always the type to me that put on much more of an ‘act’, or played a ‘role’ in public and during their appearances than the other members when in fact he was much more quiet, laid pack and introverted in private. And I think that Road Trip clip is a pretty good example of peaking into that part of him. 
Lol yes!! Sandeul is just naturally so charismatic and cute, it truly just is natural to him and he feeds off of it. He’s definitely the clumsy one 😆
OMG Match Up has so many gold moments. They referenced the song a few times following it, but they never legitimately performed it haha. (Missed opportunity perhaps?) I think my favorite moment has to be them eating the watermelon on the boat and literally just like... gagging it down while laughing. Jinyoung was just such a little turd too playing that trick of him fainting I still haven’t forgiven him 😩
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carrotkicks · 3 years
No see, Animaniacs is this super fun, tongue in cheek, OBJECTIVELY lighthearted show, and then it just randomly smacks you over the head with these wildly out of place dark themes and the tonal whiplash is actually so funny if you think about it. In a morbid way.
Anyways for reference,
Unecessary List of Weirdly Dark Things In Animaniacs Canon That Makes Me Remember Why This Fandom Is So Edgy!
(made for edgy fans and also me who is bored and love making unimportant lists)
Hellooooooo Nurse - Dirty jokes are high on the list bc everyone knows this show is notorious for its innuendos MOVING ON
What's up with the Warner kids's backstory? - so the studio just decided to lock up three children inside a water tower and never let them out except for when the tower needed to be fumegated for termites? and this cycle would have continued forever until some creatives saw their potential in the cartoon industry? Sure, checks out!
The God Pigeon - idk man, i don't like that dude. Something about him.
Wakko's Wish - Where do I begin? Yakko, Wakko and Dot are starving orphans, Dot's dying from some illness, Yakko's got trauma from his parent's (oh they have parents in this movie! who were apparently royals?) Wakko has to work to provide for his family, everyone's cynical and depressed because of the horrible living conditions made by a greedy tyrant and the tax collectors that abuse their power. Oh! and Pip Pumphandle's the narrator I think?
They're Laboratory Mice! - wtf happened to Brain to make his head so big? Ever wonder if they indeed were subject to crazy experiments leading to them becoming cognizant, and have a GIANT noggin?
Wakko's Appetite - Mentioned in s3ep5 of the og series The Kid in the Lid, apparently Wakko's got low blood sugar (read: hypoglycemia) Strange thing to include despite it just never being mentioned anywhere else.
Scratchandad - Somehow the only parental figure the Warner kids have ever had. sucks that he's going through a villain arc rn in the reboot. Now Yakko's stuck with being the responsible dad-sibling and he's only 14!
Chicken Boo what's the Matter With You? - Bruhhh the human disguises are unsettling enough, but THEN we learned that Chicken Boo pretended to be a hunter and kidnapped the rest of the OG cast and turned them into taxidermy? AND THEY WERE STILL ALIVE AFTER IT? Were they aware while they were stufed head mounted on the wall? Eugghhh, and that transformation sequence was nightmare fuel.
The Infamous IT Parody - Gosh darn it reboot team! You ruined a perfectly good Yakko! Look he's got anxiety!
Brinky Canon? Lol jk, Unless... - Dark Pinky from the evil alternate future where Brain is also totally dead? Or was it Brain screwing with the timeline and accidently turning his homie into an eldritch abomination. Unless it's the one episode where Brain accidenly makes Pinky's hands Hannibal Lector, and starts sobbing when he thinks Pinky died in that helicopter crash. IDK these mice got some angsty forbidden love stuff going on.
Julia - when you remember that Brain IS indeed a villain. Who tried to mind control his supposed wife into doing his evil bidding. And melted her mind when he fritzed out his brainwashing device. Now she's all evil and vengeful! Nice going Brain!
The Warners Freaking DIE (again?) - uh, reboot s2ep2 Please Submit. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot die grisly deaths at the hand of a mass of spam emails that off them one by one in the very same ways they tried to get rid of it.
Dot has Quit - Anyone else notice how Yakko and Wakko seemed to have lost their free will after getting blasted by Dot's cuteness? I did and it was unsettling.
Reboot! - So what DID happen to the Warner kids in between the original series and the reboot? Evidence from the title song, such as them literally signing contracts with the Grim Reaper, and bursting out of their own graves, suggest a pretttyyy morbid idea. Also there's Wakko's weird final line "This time I wonder if we'll dream..." that leaves us on a cliffhanger. Cool. Ok Wakko, you funky puppy-dog kid, give us nothing.
Uhh so yeah. The zany antics definitley outweight the dark stuff but isn't it weird I was able to come up with a list this long.
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aberfaeth · 2 years
bea you are so kind to me So kind. ok buckle in babes!
ranking d20 seasons by how compelled i feel to do a full scale rewrite picking apart and rearranging the bones
DISCLAIMER: this list is not in order of how much i like or dislike the seasons. i also recognize that in an improv format, especially comedy-focused, people make decisions that aren’t character or theme driven. none of the cast are Wrong for any of the choices i’m going to critique here. that’s just the name of the game. HOWEVER:
1. a starstruck odyssey
ah the reason i’m making this list. aso has SO MUCH POTENTIAL LIKE THERES SO MUCH GOOD STUFF IN THERE!!!!! i just think it failed to resolve its arcs satisfyingly. @cloudmancy and @grasslandgirl (EDIT: and @lichfucker ) have made GREAT posts on norman takamori which i encourage everyone to read and burn into their brains. but also like. the stuff with barry nyne drives me insane i hated that so much </3. why did prillbus choose him. how did the king of brain slugs get in a zoo exhibit. in the wise words of sav:
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AND THE ARC PLAYED SO WELL WITH SID! which, by the way, the warfare whitneys getting remade falls into the same thing of like oh ok. sid dealing with being a keeper of souls didn’t actually matter bc she’s not anymore.
there’s just this aspect of. the random factor was stressed so often and it was so cool and delightful whenever things happened to align and like. the way that it turned out oh norman and skip and barry and marge are all connected to this world ending plot in the end! just felt so against that theme bc it was very clear and obvious where the metahand of narrative was coming in. like it would have been way more engaging and impactful if the wurst really had just randomly stumbled onto saving the galaxy ESPECIALLY bc thats their whole thing! no chosen ones no saviors we are a bunch of idiot mercenaries here by accident!
also loose duke should not have been on the ship they rly beat that one to death early lol
2. misfits and magic
i love mismag with all my heart and soul but that does not mean she is safe from me !!!!! people have beaten to death the centralization of evan in the narrative so i don’t think i have to talk about that but i also think k’s arc could have been a lot smoother. i love the feral princess i think it’s like k taking this thing that’s always been pushed onto them that’s pushed onto them again (aggressive femininity, girlhood) and making it their own but i wish they’d had the time and the space to lean more into that whole thing of like. Taking magic and forming it into what I WANT it to be. Nature AND nurture AND intention bc thats the whole. that’s the season’s whole self determination thing. anyways more jammer more sam!!! would have loved to see more of jammer’s team building i want him to give everyone nicknames i want to see him struggle with his world becoming so much bigger and more complex. and seeing more of sam’s leadership and the way she goes from internet influencer to like irl influence like the scene w her teaching the kids how to mukbang was so good i want more of that. ALSO poly pilot program real
3. a crown of candy
every day i think about the world where we got those four lost episodes. i don’t think it would fix everything but like acoc NEEDS more time towards the end, you can tell something is missing. honestly it’s so perfectly done for the first half and then it just kind of… falls off a tiny bit? there are moments towards the end that are fantastic but i really don’t like how it resolved. i feel like everyone and their mother has talked about liam’s wish and how rough that was (my personal favorite replacement for that choice is for a peppermint tree to grow over the spot where keradin and the pontifex are buried as a representation of the strengthening of magic in candia which might be august’s idea?) but also idk i just feel like cumulous didn’t hit as hard for me. and saccharina is the love of my life literally one of my fave characters ever but her cinnamon arc felt really rushed (which, yes, missing episodes). i just feel like after jet’s death the pacing and themes get so muddy (yes missing episodes yes i know). anyways brennan wishes he had what prince consort calroy doc and sweet religion doc have
4. mice and murder
mice and murder is SOOOO CLOSEEEE but it trips over the finish line. honestly some of it was the dice being fickle but like. there were choices. anyways i said it best when it was airing:
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also i wish vicar ian had more to do. he had some killer moments but he didn’t feel as connected as the rest of the group did yknow
5. pirates of leviathan, fantasy high seasons 1 and 2, the seven aka The Spyre Spot
this is the spot in the list where i run out of specific rewrite energy but they’re not quite in the Perfect tier. honestly pirol is so good SO slept on i literally just wish it had better video quality which is no ones fault. also i wish it were longer so they had more time to get their footing! and fantasy high is classic and very good but there are still some things i would change (fabian in the nightmare forest for one! i hate how he isn’t taken seriously, acknowledgement that penelope and dayne blade were also children groomed by an ancient dragon, i think kristen’s arcs are a little clumsily done, etc). the seven is also delightful and hilarious and its themes are done beautifully but i did not think the combat was done well lol. i think brennan got some bad asks and wasn’t hard enough on saying no, and while again there were some really good moments i think it dragged more than combat normally does but that’s #justmysillyopinion
6. the unsleeping city, escape from the bloodkeep
the perfect seasons. i would not change a single thing, they achieve everything they set out to do and they do it beautifully. and hilariously!
7. shriek week, tiny heist
i liked these seasons but i don’t think there’s enough there to really dig in yknow? like i enjoyed my time but i don’t feel compelled to rewatch
8. tuc2 my beloathed
i’m sorry i just don’t care for tuc2 i pretend she doesn’t exist 💔
@catoptrific and @theamazinggrayson also asked about this!!
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angelhummel · 3 years
Honestly Brittany is underhated in my opinion lmao. Like I was literally waiting for ages for someone to make a negative thread about I am unicorn on reddit so I could hate on her. Last time someone made a thread about that episode said "Kurt was an asshole to yell at Brittany. He could have kindly explained to her to remove the posters" like he did? But Brittany went to ahead and hung the posters anyway. :/
Oh hey we just watched that ep! And I hated it! I don't know if I'd call it the worse episode, but it made me more uncomfortable than Asian F and Pot o Gold, which we watched right after. Like I've never had that bad a reaction to that ep before but wow
KURT: Look, I don’t just want to be know has Kurt Hummel: Homo.
BRITTANY: What’s wrong with that? Look - 99% of the kids at school are either freaks or closet freaks. The captain of the football squad - he gets the job, but he doesn’t represent the people. That’s why we need a unicorn.
My sister asked me if I agreed with that sentiment (being sure to say "If it wasn't Brittany saying it, how would you feel?" bc that makes a difference lol) and my response was "What did she say? I just tune her out now"
I mean obviously the sentiment isn't wrong. How often do we say that almost any one of the glee clubbers would be a better leader or representative than flop hudson. I just feel like Brittany is feeding into a larger problem that I have with season 3 in regards to Kurt
Which is just how they make so many jokes about Kurt being more flamboyant and girly than he actually is. Rachel saying she wants to see Kurt in a bridesmaid’s dress. Finn saying "What's with the sparkly jacket i thought you were kurt" but then he also has a comment in s2 about "sequined riding pants". but when has kurt ever wore sequins or sparkles outside of mercedes's dreamgirls fantasy number?? and having actual adults talk about how he isn't sexy enough (call the police) and laughing him out of an audition bc he's sooo fucking gay ha ha. i kinda talk about it here if you wanna read more unrelated angry rambling
Anyway all that to say. Kurt is not straight passing! He doesn’t need to be! He’s bold, theatrical, he loves fashion, he loves Broadway, and that’s great! But the pink sparkly unicorn stuff is something Brittany tried to force on him.
Kurt loves Judy Garland. He wanted to pay tribute to her with his campaign posters, hearkening back to her Blackglama fur coat ad. Something that references a beloved icon of the queer community, and fashion history at the same time. Two things that are very Kurt
But with Brittany, all nuance and clever reference is gone. She puts ruby slippers in the goody bag, just because they’re sparkly and flamboyant. They reference Judy in the most cliche and obvious way possible. Even if someone wants to claim it was her own version of a clever reference, she still has more pointless stuff in there as well. Unicorns, a teletubby, hair bands?? What does any of this have to do with Kurt or what he likes or represents?
And obviously there is nothing wrong with being the most flamboyant gay person you want to be. Pink and sparkles and rainbows obviously aren’t bad on their own. Not trying to sound like the shitty old “Gay people I respect vs gay people I don’t respect” meme. It’s just. Every gay person is more than their sexuality. No matter how flamboyant they are, how they dress, how many rainbows they wanna slap on everything. That’s still a whole person. Just bc all YOU see is a giant rainbow flag, that doesn’t mean that’s all they are
Brittany thinks being gay is nothing but pink unicorns and rainbow glitter. How is that any different from the shit Karofsky or Azimio or any other bully says about Kurt?? At the end of the day it’s just someone trying to cram him in a tiny little box that he is far too big, too bold, too nuanced to fit into 
I mean god fucking forbid, but imagine if Brittany was “helping” Mercedes run for president like this. Telling her that being black should be her main personality trait, and filling a goody bag with items that are Brittany’s idea of what being “black” means to HER 💀💀 (I mean anybody with common sense could see it was insane, but her stans would react the same way and make Mercedes the bad guy when she reacted poorly bc what else is new lol)
And all her dumbass unicorn talk literally made Kurt start to dislike that part of himself! Like he’s always been bullied for it but he was still unapologetically himself. But Brittany’s campaign idea contributed to Kurt thinking he needed to change himself, and saying he was tired of being a unicorn. And in s3 he starts wearing more drab colors and all these sweaters and capes and he’s bundling himself up like he’s protecting himself and it makes me sad. And they bring in a completely new character that looks like Kurt just to call Kurt ugly and a girl and make fun of him. It drives me up a fucking wall! Season 3 is so awful to Kurt i literally can’t stand it. And it all starts with Brittany :) Thanks for that. Girl power!
And after dealing with the pain and humiliation of literally being laughed out of an audition BY MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY for being “too gay” Kurt is faced with the bright pink unicorn posters with his face on him that say “This is your box! This is all you will ever be!” and wow i can’t imagine why he’d be upset with Brittany for that!! Who’da thunk??? Brittany was a selfish idiot for hanging them up. Kurt had every right to be upset. And Santana was an idiot for invalidating Kurt’s feelings and just boosting Brittany up when she was obviously in the wrong. But that’s Br*ttana for you :)
I’m not even happy about Kurt “accepting” the posters and hanging them up himself and making that his campaign theme. That’s the version of Kurt that someone else made up in their head. That’s not him. He is so much more than Brittany’s tiny little brain could ever even comprehend lol. So yeah. I hate her :)
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marley-manson · 2 years
hawkeye but if someone already asked him klinger pls
I'll do both!
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
The gay jokes honestly. I love everything about him, I mean I just wrote meta the other day about Hawkeye and death as a theme lol, but let's be real here I literally only started watching Mash for Hawkeye's gay flirting. Everything else is just an awesome bonus.
Though also to expand on that it helps that Hawkeye is literally like the exact type of character who is incredibly easy to read as bi because of it. Like, if most other character types made nonstop jokes about wanting to fuck dudes in the military in the 1950s I would actively take it as evidence that they're straight. But Hawkeye? Whose 2 major character attributes are: making jokes as a way of communicating his feelings and antagonzing the military by flaunting his non-military traits with very little concern for potential discharges? Come on.
How genuinely into crossdressing he gets. How much work he puts into his wardrobe, how he starts caring about fashion, becomes pro at tailoring, the scene where he talks about it with Sidney and Sidney tells him it's cool, giving Margaret his wedding dress... even later on I love that he keeps wearing the fur coat and pink housecoat even when he otherwise stops crossdressing.
There's a lot worth saying about how at the core it's a dude in a dress joke and transphobic implications of his character in general and some moments in particular, but like, for the most part the vibes with Klinger are exactly what I want when it comes to gnc characters, particularly for the time, intent schmement. It's fun as hell.
least favorite thing about them
file not found. I don’t even really wanna say the misogyny, because I consider that more a writing flaw of the early seasons that the show just ended up pinning on Hawkeye because everyone else (aside from women’s showers peeker Radar which got conveniently forgotten about) was gone by the time they went feminist.
Actually wait no I do have something: the bootlicking lol. In later seasons when the show gets more pro military sometimes, there are episodes where Hawkeye just goes along with dumb military shit and seems to try his best to fulfill his role as a captain, and I fucking hate to see it. For an example, Promotion Commotion. Or say, Morale Victory where, in contrast to earlier seasons where he was very reasonable and apologetic in not granting Klinger a discharge on the rare occasion he had the power bc it would fuck him over if he did, in this he's annoyed about Klinger just wanting a 3 day pass.
I got headcanons to explain this, I think you can argue it does make sense for Hawkeye as a character who is so dependent on his relationships with other people to lose his defiant edge when his friends are now Potter, Margaret, B “stop trying to change things you can’t change” J, and even Klinger has succumbed. But it's not a good look for the show bc my headcanons aren't canon.
Does Klinger even have flaws? I guess the fact that he's into commitment before sex according to Ain't Love Grand, because I would like to think he and Trapper fucked once or twice but that makes it difficult lol.
favorite line
HOW can I possibly choose one?
The carry a gun rant, I guess, it's iconic for a reason. But I'm also slightly obsessed with how impossible it is to read "You [married]?" "Somebody's gonna have to get me pregnant first," as anything but a not at all veiled come on.
Every time he bitches to himself in Arabic.
Hawkeye and Margaret. I love them, I love them, I really truly love them. I love that they’re not romantically interested and not even BFFs, they have very little in common, they don’t really even like each other as people, and I don’t think they’re likely to remain close after the war, and yet despite all that they fill this really personal, emotional niche for each other where they’re each others’ go-to emotional support. It’s really interesting and unique imo.
Also I love when they get protective of each other. Margaret stepping between MP and Hawkeye in Peace on Us, Hawkeye shielding her in Aid Station, Margaret physically pulling Hawkeye out of danger in Comrades in Arms, Hawkeye distracting her with twenty questions in CAVE, etc.
Klinger and literally everyone except Potter, but I guess I'll go with Klinger and Hawkeye, especially in the early - mid seasons. They have this vibe of like, not quite clicking interpersonally, but still being like, allies? The way when BJ and Potter replace Henry and Trapper Hawkeye seems to turn to Klinger more often for a while (probably a result of Jamie Farr joining the main cast and the writers needing to find ways to incorporate him, but it fits really well). The way Klinger is the only one comfortable chatting with Hawkeye in the finale phone scene. Hawkeye telling Klinger to wear a slip under his uniform when he gets psychosomatic hives, "Klinger it's us, you don't have to pretend with me," Klinger having Hawkeye and Trapper's section 8 signatures on standby in the first few seasons, Klinger trading his food from home for a magazine about Maine for Hawkeye... there's just a lot of good stuff there despite Hawkeye being a dick sometimes.
I don’t feel like I have an otp for Hawkeye because I want him to fuck basically every dude he interacts with aside from Radar, including original characters, but if one ship beats out the others slightly it’s Hawkeye/Trapper. They’re not all that interesting, but they have great chemistry, they’re a ton of fun, and while Hawkeye is a character who's fun to torture, ultimately I'd still like him to live happily ever after with the kind of dude who would ride on the side of a helicopter just to pick up an order of ribs with him.
I don't have an otp for Klinger either, but I've got no beef with his canon romance with Soon Lee and I think it's thematically appropriate and kind of cute, especially if I'm headcanoning Klinger as some flavour of gq, which I generally am. I got on board when she said she wanted to see him in a dress.
Hawkeye/a woman. I see him as bi but that doesn't mean I want to read about him in a relationship with a woman. Not even an ot3 thing. If I have to pick specifics, I'll go with 2: Hawkeye/Margaret, they are perfect as friends but their relationship is ruined for me the instant it turns romantic.
And Hawkeye/BJ/Peggy. My thoughts on poly irl are whatever, I've been in open relationships and had fun, I have poly friends, it's cool and great for some people. My thoughts on poly in fiction are I inevitably get angry on behalf of at least one of them, and I'm only interested if the relationship crashes and burns in an epic way. I can get into a ship having occasional threesomes, but that's about it.
Also like, I don't think it's ooc for Hawkeye at all, I just don't want it, but tbh I do think it's ooc for BJ lol, he'd be the weak link that would cause a three way divorce there. Without a novel's worth of character development I cannot imagine him being emotionally mature enough for poly.
I got nothin. I'm open to pretty much every Klinger ship I've seen someone mention. I guess maybe I'll say Klinger/Hawkeye, because in contrast to most dudes they interact with, and kind of ironically lol, I mostly get the vibe that he and Hawkeye have 0 interest in each other sexually.
random headcanon
The reason the gay jokes dried up so hard in the later seasons is that something happened. BJ caught Hawkeye with someone and made things awkward, they made out and made things awkward, maybe Hawkeye got investigated, whatever, but I need to invent a reason for it. Also the nice thing about the first two is it adds an interesting layer to BJ's jokes persisting.
Opens a dress shop back in the states eventually, which lowkey ends up a favourite of drag queens and trans women. It's what's gotta happen.
unpopular opinion
I guess at least in this era of fandom my unpopular opinion is that he and BJ would make a terrible couple. I think they're lowkey in love with each other bc it's a fun way to watch the show but I think they would be a disaster if they actually got together.
I view him dropping the dodge attempts as a tragedy and I hate that he gets promoted.
song i associate with them
Hawkeye: idk lol. let's say Mutiny, I Promise You - The New Pornographers
Klinger: i wracked my brain for something more original but I had to give up and go with Draft Dodger Rag - Phil Ochs
favorite picture of them
I’m changing this to like... visual moment in time. I don’t have favourite pictures.
For some reason my first instinct is to say Hawkeye coming off 30+ hours of surgery, exhausted and extremely keyed up, and walking on the furniture and juggling BJ’s socks in Ain’t Love Grand. Idk there are a million more iconic moments but that’s just quintessential Hawkeye to me.
But also as a bonus, the way he disgustedly picks up a gun between thumb and forefinger like it's a dead rat in a few episodes, like Deal Me Out iirc.
The statue of liberty shot at the end of Big Mac had me in tears. Iconic.
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tigirl-and-co · 2 years
Fave eps of the 63 astroboy anime?
Okay, so I'm only at episode 55 out of i think 109 in the english dub, but I can tell you my faves so far!
this got real long real fast, so I'm putting it under a readmore :3c
-episode 11, 'Strange Voyage' I've talked a lil' bit about this one before, but I'll elaborate. I think this episode is tastefully dark, but has some really great sweeter moments as well. Like when Louie(?) agrees to watch Marble, and then... proceeds to do so. He's never mean to her, and while he's not kind, he's willing to talk with her. Also Astro decides that keeping the little girl away from the notorious criminal is unnecessary, and decides that she and the criminal should play chess instead. As for darker moments, the ending and this particular line come to mind
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and then Marble, who is like 5, claims that there must be a heaven for robots, because Astro deserves to go to heaven. Also they try to kill a man by shoving him out the airlock. But yeah, if you're looking to decide whether or not this show is worth it, check out this episode
-episode 7, 'Zero, the Invisible Robot' So this is the Denkou episode, and for some reason they made him a gorgeous man that I'm in love with. But he's named Zero here. I don't know what else to say that hasn't been said, other than I maybe teared up a lil'. Don't judge me. I'm a sucker for 'I just want to be good/do a good job' type characters (which is why I'm also a fan of bobo and abra cadabra) and I think it's really funny that they were like 'we have to make him BEAUTIFUL' and he's only visible for like 5 seconds total.
-episode 53, 'Dogma Palace' This episode is absolutely dumb as dogshit and I'm completely obsessed with it. It seems like it's gonna be cool and dark and in the last like 7 minutes you find out that everything's all fucked cuz the king was like 'o ye i used 2 keep bees! My favourite bee was this fucked-up evil one from outer space that liked to mind control people!' and he did not see how this could have ever gone wrong. May I recite to you the greatest lines of dialogue in tv history?
*while panning over freed child slaves* "You can be a king who believes in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!" "Yes. I'll start a new country, a country without slaves, or monsters, or super-bees!"
also the king is named 'El Doopy' and his elite task force are the Super Troupers
-episodes 44 and 45, 'The Heart of Cleopatra' It's another 'I want to be Good but I am forced to be Bad episode, with the added bonus of being Cleopatra-themed. Also it was bizarre but heartwarming to see Muslims and Islam being treated (somewhat) respectfully in a cartoon from 1963. Like they were literally just praying. It might not have been *tactful* bc this show has never heard of tact in its life, but I don't think it was *offensive* and it certainly wasn't mean-spirited
-Episode 10, 'The Spirit Machine'
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-Episode 52, 'The Snow Lion' I had been looking forward to this episode after hearing that the 80's version was batshit, and I was NOT disappointed. The main villain is this little space wizard man with a flying lion made of snow, except the snow is alive and eats energy, and also apparently the wizard called in the girl scouts to help him invade earth. Sadly, the girl scouts were never seen.
like right in the middle there's this fucking somber as hell scene where Elefun hold's Astro's lifeless body, and he says 'I'll put you in the robot hall of fame if it's the last thing I do.' and so we get a 30 second long sequence of Elefun somberly walking down the halls of the robot hall of fame with Astro in his arms, until he reaches a pedestal. He then sets Astro up, and goes 'at least we can face the end together' and kneels down and rests himself on the pedestal, and fucking. just sits and waits to die.
And then some stuff happens and we get back to astro fighting a flying space lion made of snow.
Thank you for the ask! This was really fun~ I know I tend to ramble a lot lol, but I hope this gave you some insight into what sort of stuff I like!
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beyondd-dazedd · 3 years
EPISODE👏 REVIEW👏 hsmtmts season 2 episode 10: get ready for some enthusiastic writing and a little too much looking into details
first off seb doing the intro made my heart happy i love him
ok i know everyone has been saying it but there is no way in hell they’re winning the menkies. unless the writers just go with the main character favoritism route, there’s just no way. however for the sake of comedy, watching ashlyn give us everything in the transformation scene and ricky being an absolute disaster is SO funny to me. like shout out to joshua because that scene made me laugh so hard. also a trio i need more of is kourt, red and ej. i just feel like they would be dramatic gossipy bitches and i love that for them.
normally i think ms. jenn’s reactions are over the top but after seeing the shit show that just occurred 2 mins before... i think her reaction is very valid because oh god.
continuing with the theme of friendship dynamics we haven’t seen a lot of but we absolutely need more of, ashlyn and ricky!! that scene was so sweet and wholesome. i’m so so so glad the writers didn’t fall into the trap of making characters take sides after a break up. i just feel like it’s been done a million times before. but seeing ashlyn being so genuine when checking up in ricky made me so happy. the caswells remain being the superior characters (including gina obvs)
ms. jenn and mr. mazzarra are cute don’t get me wrong but they should’ve spent more time developing that relationship instead giving ms. jenn like 3 random love interests and that’s all i’ll say on that.
i love imagining what characters are saying when they’re just ad libbing. like what could ej, gina, ricky and red be talking about before carlos shows up to start the scene?? my guess is they’re all gushing about how amazing ash is and no i don’t take criticisms on that.
alright i’ll say it. the seblos drama is weak at best. they didn’t spend enough time developing it and kind of pushed it to the background so when it was one of the main focuses of the episode it was kind of like ok?? HOWEVER i did love the resolution to it and the deeper look into their individual characters. (i’ll talk more about this later)
carlos calling ms. jenn mother and everyone immediately knowing who he was talking about sent me omfg. but also who the fuck let these high schoolers try to figure out this transformation scene by themselves?? they collectively have 2 brain cells and they just bounce around between the 9 of them depending on the scene. but playful sleepover competition!! also gina nudging ej when he goes a little too ej 1.0 was everything.
i hate lily and i love sassy red. that’s all.
(im going to talk about the boys/girls sleepovers like they’re each one continuous scene respectively because it’s way easier than switching back and forth)
fun new friendship dynamics!! the boys!! sebbie and the girls! iconic. i know that the show is meant to be in a mockumentary style so we only see parts of the characters lives but i would give my left arm to see the boys getting closer and becoming friends. this is also the first scene where i really noticed ricky’s shirt. ricky is queer disney are just cowards. i’m not a big ricky/ ej shipper but the pretty boy had me feeling some type of way. carlos being worried about seb and their relationship and then red being like well this is why. bc he’s got a spy on the inside was peak friendship. but seriously disney?? just say gay. it’s not a bad word. now imma freak out about PORTWELL OMFG I WAS ALREADY FREAKING OUT DURING THIS SCENE SO YOU CAN IMAGINE HOW WELL I WAS DOING LATER ON. but ej just being like im not ready to put myself out there because of nini i don’t wanna get rejected... again. my heart went out to him. you can really see how much he’s grown as a person. but sure ej y’all are “buddies” also him saying the one thing i’m proud of from my time with nini was letting her go and ricky’s reaction to that hurt me to my core.
alright let’s talk about the girls and seb. first off i love that they’re actually working and the boys are doing fuck all LOL. seb actually talking about how he feels?? good for him. i hate that he thinks that carlos is only with him because there’s limited options but at least he’s talking about it. a moment of silence for ash’s scissor bucket (i won’t make a gay joke. i won’t make a gay joke. i won’t-) anyways... i really thought that maybe ash would know about portwell but it’s fucking EVERYONE. like y’all are that perceptive about other peoples relationships but not your own?? that’s why all y’all have relationship drama. gina not wanting to put herself out there because she’s afraid of getting hurt?? ouch. gina thinking ej is just being nice?? ouch but also gina, sis?? what. also nini reacting that way to the chocolates is so out of pocket. like 1) y’all aren’t dating anymore so what’s got you so pressed? 2) gina made it clear that they weren’t actually from ricky 3) nini you know they had some sort of chemistry before you and ricky got back together so this really shouldn’t be that surprising.
anyways the scene with ricky and carlos broke me. the decision for ricky to not show nini the song was so mature. despite wanting to get her back, he KNOWS that that would only drag her back and that’s not fair to her and he knows it. but his awareness of seblos’s relationship and wanting to help carlos work things out with seb was so wholesome and so sweet and is kind of a big moment of character development for him this season. like he was generally very selfish this season (again i’m a ricky apologist til the day i die but he was so selfish) and seeing him take the focus away from his problems to help carlos out was so sweet. also i need more ricky/carlos friendship moments.
kourt talking about howie learning her love language?? bitch you mean espionage?? i mean me too but that’s so fucking funny
ALRIGHT THIS IS THE PARAGRAPH WHERE I SCREAM ABOUT PORTWELL!!! i am so so so so happy right now about this. the fact that ej asked about risotto but for real was so satisfying and was blatantly like him saying i know we faked being in a relationship but what about it not being fake and omfg that’s so amazing. also gina being skeptical and asking if ash put him up to it and him saying not that i know of?? THE PARALLELS?? also gina this whole season has been talking about signs and finding reasons to stay, finding signs to know if someone is right for her and you can literally see the moment she realizes she said the same thing about the duke sweatshirt to jack. SHE KNOWS THIS IS HER SIGN and that’s so special to me. also ej’s nervous laugh after she says yes?? omfg. let’s look at ej’s character. historically he’s confident, cocky and generally puts on this facade of having his shit together but gina makes him nervous (in a good way). he doesn’t feel like he has to pretend to be confident around her. he’s showing her that he’s just as nervous as she is about this and that is just *chefs kiss* honestly not to be an andi mack stan but ej’s little nervous chuckle and ok after she says yes sounds like he’s letting out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding which seriously parallels tj after the tyrus confession. i’m just saying. ALSO GINA’S LITTLE EXCITED WALK BACK TO THE GROUP AHHHHHH
the seblos song?? i have no notes. it was incredible. frankie killed that shit. it was such a good song. so sweet. so wholesome. also ricky and carlos’s hug was so fucking meaningful to both of them and you can tell. ricky was absolutely beaming because he helped the two of them and it feels like a little bit of season 1 ricky shining through.
WHO THE FUCK LET A BUNCH OF HIGH SCHOOLERS RIG A KID IN THE AIR COMPLETELY UNSUPERVISED?? of course ricky fucking fell. that group shares 2 brain cells. obviously some dumb shit was going to happen
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