#LaVeaus & Shelbys
bayouwitches · 24 days
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Chapter 3
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Time for some cooking in the kitchen with Mama Marie...if the boys don't blow the house up...
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“Now, tie the apron to fit you, cheri.”  Marie smiled over at her newest daughter.  “You too, petit mwen.”  Now her words were directed at Melania.  “Enough laundry comes out of this house without having to try and get stains out from cooking.”  The laugh that followed was rich, deep, and honest.  A smile accompanied it that lit up her face, causing her eyes to sparkle in the mid-morning light.
“Mama, ignore the explosions.  I promise we won’t leave nutria parts all over the yard this time.   Don is going to have the pups come over to clean up any mess.”  Francois stepped into the kitchen and dropped a kiss on his mother’s cheek, then one on each of his sisters’ as well.  “And ladies, do not worry, we shall keep your husbands in one piece.  If not, Don knows how to bring back the dead.”  He winked when Mel snapped a towel at his ass. “Hey!”  He took a big step to the door laughing, “okay, fine, we will keep them alive.  The rodents though, no promises.”  With that he disappeared around the door frame, Mel rolling her eyes and shaking her head after him.
“You will clean the gore off of the siding, garcon!!”  Marie yelled after her eldest son, then sighed.  Some day she was going to have her youngest have one of those hounds of his take after that boy!  Maybe a good bite on the ass would set him straight?
Heaven and Melania both were having giggle fits when Marie’s eyes turned towards them.  Both tried to contain their amusement.  Both failed.  Marie just shook her head.  She loved her children, but after over two centuries there were times she wanted to introduce them to some of their less savory ancestors.
Returning to the task at hand, Marie had her daughters stand on each side of her.  She was going to demonstrate what they needed to do then stand back and watch them do it.  First would be to dice the “holy trinity” of onion, bell pepper, and celery.  They’d do the “pope” next, but they’d start with the basics first.  They would be making a huge pot of seafood jambalaya for the evening’s meal.  
The “girls” watched their mother dice, the knife seeming to almost float on its own over the cutting board, slicing the vegetables into small pieces in a fast pace that was almost a blur.  When it was their turn to to show Marie if they had been paying attention, Melania and Heaven looked at one another with raised brows and doubtful looks.  Here went nothing.  
While they didn’t have the fluidity of their mother, they were able to achieve the small dice that was required.  There might also have been a few of those small pieces that went airborne at one another when Marie’s attention was distracted.  One might also have ended up in Marie’s hair.  And while the girls hoped that she wouldn’t know, there was no hiding anything from Marie.  Not then, not ever.
Next came the garlic, and there was a little more trouble with it just due to the size, but it all ended up the way it should.  Once everything was diced, it was time to start the roux.  Now, any chef in Louisiana can tell you there are three types a blonde, a light, and a dark.  The only difference was the length of time you cooked it.  1 part fat to 1 part flour and stir.
“All right girls, now of your workout for the day.  You’re going to keep the roux going until we have a nice chestnut color, and I’m going to clean the seafood.   And Melania, if you let it burn, you’ll get to start it all over on your own.” Marie winked at her daughter who rolled her eyes.  Starting it over was never fun.
“Yes, mamma.” 
The girls took turns adding the bacon grease, lard, and butter to the huge pan Marie had put on the stove.  Then the stirring began.  Slow enough to let the flour toast, fast enough to keep it from burning, and just enough to cause the arms to burn.  It doesn’t sound like long, but forty-five minutes can seem a long time when you’ve got to keep things consistent.
Once that was done, in went the seafood stock…lots of it.  Next went in the vegetables.  Finally the spices before it was set on low and slow for several hours to let the flavors infuse all through the liquid and for it to thicken down.  The seafood would be added more towards the end to keep it from being overcooked.
Now done with their chore, and all the small pieces of vegetables out of their hair, it was time for Mint Juleps and snacks on the back porch of the mansion. While Marie and the girls had been getting the base of the jambalaya started, Marie II had been getting the tea sandwiches and small cakes ready for an old-fashioned tea party on the back porch.  Thankfully she was used to her brothers and her brother-in-law enough that the first explosion did not cause her to drop any of the fine china.  Had she, they no doubt would have paid dearly for it later while they scoured the internet for a replacement piece.  
As the women sat out on the porch, they could hear the sound of small explosions, gunfire, and the occasional verbose cussing coming from the bayou.  At least they could tell they were all alive…for now…they’d have to see how many drug their asses back up for dinner.
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All dividers by @cafekitsune
Heaven & Arthur Shelby belong to @call-sign-shark
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cljordan-imperium · 5 months
Bayou Witches - 3
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Heaven Shelby belongs to @call-sign-shark “Follow.”  Mel grinned, biting her lower lip as she beckoned Heaven with all the fingers on her right hand, backing towards the staircase to the lower floor from the doorway of the blonde's bedroom.  The women had ended up spending the day shopping in the nearest small town with Mel’s mom and sister, both named Marie, having fun and exploring all the little shops.  Heaven had thought the place reminded her of something out of one of those holiday TV movies that came to life, where everyone was super friendly and all had the most amazing accents.  Not to mention there were plenty of places selling delicious smelling treats that tasted even better.  Now she wondered what her new friend was up to, there was no missing the impish grin that lit up the brunette’s face, all the way to her oceanic blue eyes.
“What?”  Heaven started to reach for her sandals, when Mel rushed forward to grab her hand and pull her forward before she could. 
“Nope.  Tonight is barefoot.”  Mel’s grin grew.  “I promise you don’t have to worry about delicate feet at all.”
“Meeeelll…”  Heaven drew out her name as she started to follow, laughing and wondering what was in store.  
“Adoption ceremony time.”  Mel spun, her patchwork skirt flaring out in a wide circle around her as she did.  
“I’m sorry, what?” Heaven’s eyes went wide as Marie suddenly seemed to appear from nowhere and take one of her hands.
“You are now a bayou witch, child.  Come and meet your ancestors.  They have been waiting a long time for you to show up.”  Marie’s heavy Creole French accent made her words sound rich and aristocratic.  Her face though, it showed all the love a mother could have for a child as she gazed at Heaven and placed a kiss on her cheek.  “It is time you meet all of your family.”
Heaven watched Mel almost bound down the steps of the interior of the mansion with child-like enthusiasm, while Marie gently led her.  Marie II was a the bottom of the stairs waiting for her sister.  A tight hug was exchanged before Francois and Dontanion also stepped into view, hugs once more being exchanged.  Then the two sisters scampered off like children towards the back of the house.
“Do not worry about Arthur, he is in Alexander and Cade’s capable hands for the evening.  They are very familiar with how important family ceremonies are.”  Francois offered his arm to his new little sister.  The last time there was a new female LaVeau had been the birth of Melania.  They were rare.  Heaven would be the only adoption, and she would be just as loved as those born into the bloodline.
“Your brothers will escort you to the ceremony, child.  Welcome home, Heaven LaVeau-Shelby.  You will always have family in the Louisiana bayou.”  Marie kissed both Heaven’s cheeks before leaving her in Dontanion and Francois’ care.  She, like her daughters headed for the back of the mansion.
“Tonight, you will meet aunties, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews within the line of the LaVeaus.  Then you’ll meet the ancestors.  No one tonight will mean you harm. We perform the same ceremony when there is a birth only then the baby is carried by its parents, you get escorts.” Dontanion explained in his accent that mirrored his mother’s.
Heaven was led across the back lawn of the mansion towards the bayou.  She could see a golden glow within the cypress trees that hung with Spanish moss and the low mangroves that were dotted among them.  As they drew nearer, she could hear the beat of the drums, and words in a language that she didn’t understand.  The closer they got, it was no longer discernible whether the singing was coming from in front of them, or from all around them.  It was as if the ancient cypress were singing themselves, the drumming coming from inside them.  The firelight made the shadows cast by the spanish moss to make the trees look alive.  It was like the entire bayou was welcoming Heaven home, and in a way it was.
Finally, they were close enough that Heaven could see the circle.  In the center was a bonfire, the wood piled so it was highest in the center.  Around that danced all of the females of the family.  Long skirts that brushed the ground, and like Melania’s, they all flared out when they spun.  Behind them were the males and the drums of all kinds.  Some were small enough to be carried, while others had to be placed and the drummer stood behind.  It was a sight unlike anything that Heaven had ever seen before.
When the three reached the edge of the firelight, everyone fell silent.  Marie came to the front, her rosary in one hand, her small staff with a silver head in the form of Baron Samedi in the other.  Twirling her rosary and moving the staff in a rhythm, she began to do a chant in the same language that Heaven had heard as they’d approached.  One of the drummers with a drum came forward to match the rhythm that she was indicating.  After two times through whatever incantation that Marie was doing, the other women and girls joined in.  There was also an intricate kind of line dance that the women did as they moved around the fire, making sure their skirts did not get too close to it. It started slow at first, then slowly began to increase in speed, but the rhythm stayed the same.
As Heaven watched and listened to the beautiful song, she started to notice what she thought were shadows moving across the waters of the bayou at first.  Later, she realized that it was the spirits coming out of the bayou and joining in the movements with the members of the LaVeau family. The spirits each carried a candle, a yellow flame atop each one.  Their voices echoed like soft breezes through the leaves of the trees as they joined in with the living LaVeaus.  Over 300 years of family came together to welcome their newest member to the fold.  The love almost palpable in the air as the members of the family, both living and passed on, now surrounding her in a circle.  It was a ritual that had been performed countless times over the centuries and would be performed  countless more in the future.
See blood did not make one a LaVeau, it was more than that.  Amongst those, living and dead, that were in  the bayou that night, there was an energy, a presence, in the very soul, the very being, that tied them all together.  It was a bond that even death could not break and  distance could not thin.  Time did not diminish, and the more members that came into the fold, the greater it grew.  Love is what made one a LaVeau and once you were one, all of those who came before and after accepted you without hesitation and loved without reservation.  Never, no matter where you were in the world, would you walk alone, because your ancestors would walk alongside you.  Tonight, Heaven became a LaVeau, and forever more she would be one and get to experience everything that came along with it.
@blind-the-winds @saltysupercomputer @pheita @writingmaidenwarrior @dreaminggoblin @toribookworm22 @korblez @aziz-reads @evita-shelby @call-sign-shark @cillmequick @raincoffeeandfandoms @spookyceph
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call-sign-shark · 8 months
Shark's 1K Celebration || Creation
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A place to compile all the wonderful works made by the lovely mutuals that I love with all my heart. Thank you again for your never-ending love and support. Please check out their works, they are freaking talented and their talent is underrated. This is literally the best fandom in the world and I'm proud of all of you. Don't worry if you didn't participate: if we're mutual, I adore you.
Written Works:
Stolen Angel ( John Shelby x Heaven Shelby) @zablife
Pasts and Futures ( Eleanor Shelby / Heaven Shelby) @dearshelby
Not Yours (Tommy Shelby x Lucy Winters x Grace Burges) @emotionalcadaver
Snow on The Beach (Sonya & Sylvie Shelby / Heaven Shelby) @pacifymebby
Swear It to Me (Arthur Shelby x Reader) @runnning-outof-time
Inside the Truth (Modern!Arthur Shelby x Reader) @peakyltd
Visiting the Bayou ( The LaVeau / Heaven Shelby / Arthur Shelby) @cljordan-imperium
Visual Works:
Partner In Crimes ( Rose Solomons / Heaven Shelby) @raincoffeeandfandoms
Pierced By Cupid (Heaven In Your Eyes Trailer edit) @brummiereader
Partying and Causing Trouble (Nina Ferrante / Heaven Shelby) @peakyswritings
Moodboard (Cosmos / Heaven Shelby) by @jjovin3221
Dark Wings Dark Words (Eva Smith x Tommy Shelby) @evita-shelby
Angel (Pete Mitchell) @there-goes-thefighter
Her Hidden Fangs (Modern!Arthur x Vampire!Heaven) by @shelbydelrey
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abeckoninghellfire · 5 years
What the Dead Can Teach Us
What the Dead Can Teach Us
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This may sound a bit morbid, but I love exploring old cemeteries. In my opinion, the older, the better. One of my favorites is Elmwood Cemetery in Memphis. A person can learn a lot about that city’s history, just from walking around. There is a section for Confederate soldiers, including some officers, another area filled with small pox victims from the epidemic in 1873, and a slave section,…
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imagines4thepeeps · 3 years
Ahs characters I write for
Murder House:
Billie dean howard
Nora Montgomery
Vivien Harmon
Violet Harmon
Constance Langdon
Lana winters
Sister Jude
Sister Mary Eunice (evil and innocent)
Kit walker
Myrtle snow
Cordelia Goode
Misty day
Madison Montgomery
Zoe benson
Marie laveau
Fiona Goode
Stevie Nicks
Freak show:
Bette and dot tattler
Jimmy darling
Elsa Mars
Maggie esmerelda
Amazon eve
Sally McKenna
Dr. Alex Lowe
The countess
Ramona royale
Liz Taylor
Shelby Miller
Audrey Tindall
Ally Mayfair Richards
Winter Anderson
Coco st.Pierre Vanderbilt
Wilhemina venable
Montana duke
Brooke Thompson
Margaret booth
Xavier plympton
Donna chambers
Lavinia richter
Bobby richter
Lily rabe
Sarah Paulson
Finn witrock
Evan peters
Angela basset
Jessica Lange
Emma Robert
Taissa farmiga
Leslie grossman
Billie Lourde
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pussymagicuniverse · 5 years
American Horror Story Seasons Ranked from Best to Mediocre
Practically every TV series has a season that you don’t feel overjoyed about. Very few shows that have multiple seasons will impress you every time, unless you’re a super fan that finds no wrong even in what you love. It doesn’t make you less of a fan to critique and notice what could have been done better.
With American Horror Story it’s a different experience in regards to critiquing each season because it’s an anthology series. Despite American Horror Story: Apocalypse’s crossover with American Horror Story: Coven – every season has its own theme, plot, and characters. That alone brings on a plethora of possibilities each season, especially when we’re given weird teasers and minimal information.
Despite my love for AHS, there have been seasons that were quite sloppy or just not my speed. Below you’ll find my own personal ranking and if you’re a fan then you’ll understand all of what I’m saying.
1. Coven (2013)
While it may not seem like it, this season gets bashed on occasion. Some arguments on why it wasn’t the best were valid, but not enough to change my mind about this season.
Was it perfect? No, but nobody can say this wasn’t a nail-biting season. Not only did it have bad ass witches but Angela Bassett (Marie Laveau) and Jessica Lange (The Supreme, Fiona Goode) stole the damn show! A lot of the memorable moments featured one or both of them. Unless Stevie Nicks’ cameo appearances are more your speed. Which, in my opinion, were iconic and can’t be touched.
All in all, the season explored racism, what it’s like being black and a witch, depictions of Marie Laveau, Madame LaLaurie and the Axeman, as well as other topics. In my opinion, this season deserves better treatment than it’s received.
2. Murder House (2011)
This season was the perfect one to rope us in for this anthology series. It gave us the right amount of drama and plenty of horror. Of course, Jessica Lange (Constance Langdon) was stellar in this season, but the performances from the rest of the cast were on point as well.
The Harmon Family, which this season focuses on, keeps us on the edge of our seats throughout. Not many things will have you saying “totally saw that coming,” from the twists and turns to what transpired in that spooky ass mansion. While there were a handful of things that still disturb me, it’s still a top season for me and is undoubtedly a successful one within the series.
3. Apocalypse (2018)
Having Murder House and Coven crossover is something I have to applaud Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk (the show creators) for. Not only that but casting Cody Fern as Michael Langdon (aka the Antichrist ) was a big thumbs up. His performance throughout is no joke and it held me til the end, even when his character had me unimpressed, which unfortunately happened more than I’d like to admit.
Some parts of this season were dragged out to me and some characters felt pointless by the end. And that’s just some of what could have been done better in my opinion. Nevertheless, seeing my favorite witches again and witnessing many explicit scenes and having certain gaps filled helped the slow parts of the season.
4. Roanoke (2016)
Weird as hell. That’s the easiest way to describe the overall vibe of this season. In the beginning it seems confusing because of the set up. Though soon enough you come to the conclusion that it’s a TV show within a TV show.
It starts off being about an interracial couple, Shelby (Lily Rabe) and Matt Miller (André Holland), Matt’s sister, Lee (Adina Porter) and their experiences in a farmhouse that’s situated on the land where the Roanoke Colony disappeared in the 1580’s.
It was an interesting way to explore a real-life mystery and bring something new to the table for the series. What can be considered memorable is how many times Matt’s name is said from start to finish, the crazy ass ghosts, Scáthach or that British accent from Sarah Paulson in the final few episodes.
5. Hotel (2015)
This season is one that you either really didn’t like or you liked for the most part. For me, it’s re-watchable and holds my interest every time, even with the jacked up and bizarre happenings that occur in the Hotel Cortez. Though, I’m one for weird and batshit crazy stories, so maybe that makes me slightly biased in this instance. Mostly the season focuses on serial killers, supernatural occurrences and beings and a whole lot of mystery.
Lady Gaga, who had never appeared on the show before, gets to show off her acting chops as The Countess, a vampire who’s endured decades of the Hotel Cortez, and it’s creator. She can’t be compared to Jessica Lange but she wasn’t a disappointment either. Essentially she brought a different flavor that you either like or don’t. Regardless, it may not have been amazing but it wasn’t the worst either.
6. Asylum (2012)
This season does way too much and it overall feels like the wrong type of chaos. Whether it’s the alien abduction, “Bloody Face”, the consistent bullshit Lana Winters (Sarah Paulson) endures, Briarcliff Manor overall, the demonic possession, or the other craziness within this season.
I just can’t bring myself to actually consider this season the best one. Meanwhile, other fans most certainly will give it that title. The cast does help keep the season afloat and that does help save the season for me. Without a solid cast, this season would been a huge dumpster fire, which is the short way of saying it. If anything, it’s very much memorable for “The Name Game” scene, as well as watching a possessed nun act high-key explicit.
7. Cult (2017)
Ahhh, the results of the 2016 presidential election. I despise thinking about the rigged and undeniably corrupt results. The same ones that made that orange fool the president. We already deal with this reality and the horror of it all. So having this season be so realistic was... awful.
Instead of wacky serial killers, vampires, possession, bad ass witches, ghosts, or anything else that American Horror Story has given us – we get the horrors of our present day, such as: violence coming from Trump supporters and the right-wing in general to how progressives are painted as too radical and sensitive. In addition to how even white progressives can flip.
Not much about this season is unrealistic, which made it hard to watch. Normally I would be all for symbolism and realistic aspects, but Cult wasn’t as gripping as previous seasons. Not even Evan Peters (whose character I really hated in this season) helped.
8. Freak Show (2014)
Unfortunately there’s not much to take away from this whack season. Yes, the title should have given it away. Though it was given the benefit of the doubt and became a let down.
Maybe the first episode showed some potential, yet from there it was just a weird chain of events within the plot. No one was prepared for a choppy story or the most irritating character that is Dandy Mott (Finn Wittrock).
This season is indefinitely my least favorite and not even a few re-watches can change my mind. Not even the gay content within this season made it any better, which is saying a lot. So it makes the bottom of this list, will stay at the bottom, and won’t crawl up from the abyss.
Vanessa Maki is a queer writer, artist & other things.
She’s full of black girl magic & has no apologies for that. Her work has appeared in various places like Really System & others. She is also forthcoming in a variety of places. She’s founder/EIC of rose quartz magazine & is involved in other literary spaces as well. 
Follow her twitter & visit her site.
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dalekofchaos · 6 years
Top 10 AHS characters?
Because there are too many characters, I’ll list my favs per season
Murder House
Constance Langdon
Vivien Harmon
Violet Harmon
Adelaide Langdon
Billie Dean Howard
Moira O'Hara
Hayden McClaine
Nora Montgomery
Lana Winters
Dr Oliver Thredson
Sister Judy Martin
Kit Walker
Sister Mary Eunice
Grace Bertrand
Alma Walker
Leigh Emerson
Misty Day
Cordelia Goode
Fiona Goode
Marie Laveau
Zoe Benson
Madison Montgomery
Myrtle Snow
The Axe Man
Freak Show
Twisty The Clown
Edward Mordrake
Ethel Darling
Ma Petite
Desiree Dupree
Paul The Illiustrated Seal
Amazon Eve
Elsa Mars
The Countess
James Patrick March
Hypodermic Sally
Liz Taylor
Ramona Royale
Tristan Duffy
Hazel Evers
John Lowe
Alex Lowe
Roanoke(the only season I hated completely)
Lana Winters(I don’t care if she was only in one episode, she single handedly saved the season)
The Butcher/Agnes Mary Winstead
Lee Harris
Shelby Miller
Monet Tumusiime
Edward Philippe Mott
Audrey Tindall
Rory Monahan
Cult(only 5, wasn’t a fan of anyone else in Cult)
Winter Anderson
Beverly Hope
Ivy Mayfair-Richards
Ally Mayfair-Richards
Meadow Wilton
Michael Langdon
Cordelia and her Coven
Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt
Dinah Stevens
Bubbles McGee
Wilhelmina Venable
Miriam Mead
Behold Chablis
John Henry Moore
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evansboxers · 6 years
Thank you so much @ahsporn for tagging me <3
1.) What season is your favorite? Asylum
2.) Which season is your least favorite? Roanoke, all tho sometimes i wanna rewatch it so bad.
3.) Do you have a favorite episode overall? If yes, which is it? Madness Ends and Orphans.
4.) Who is your favorite character? Sister Jude
5.) Who is your least favorite character? Donovan
6.) Who has been your favorite guest star so far? Ian McShane
7.) If you could have anyone be a guest star, who would it be? the queen Lana Del Rey definitely!
8.) If you could come up with the next season, what would it be? an entire season with a family like the Polk family from Roanoke.
9.) If you could meet any of the cast members, who would it be? Jessica Lange, Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, Lily Rabe, Adina Porter, Angela Bassett, Connie Britton and Taissa Farmiga.
10.) What are you looking forward to with next season? Seeing what happened with the antichrist in the murder house who took care of him and how things have been in the murder house.
Murder House:
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Piggy piggy
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? murder house
3.) Who is your favorite character? Constance
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Ben
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? absolutely nothing
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Welcome to Briarcliff and Madness Ends
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? The Origins of Monstrosity
3.) Who is your favorite character? Lana Winters
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Grace
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? nothing i think
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Boy Parts
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? Burn, Witch, Burn!
3.) Who is your favorite character? Marie Laveau
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Madison
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? Madison’s death was kind of boring
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Orphans. Saddest thing ever but damn do I love crying over fictional characters...
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? Test of Strength
3.) Who is your favorite character? Bette Tattler
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Maggie Esmeralda
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? Ma Petite dying, that did NOT need to happen
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Devil’s Night
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? The Ten Commandments Killer
3.) Who is your favorite character? Sally
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Donovan
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? Liz Taylor shouldn’t have died, she should have lived a healthy and beautiful life outside that hotel with her love, Tristan.
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Chapter 8
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? Chapter 3
3.) Who is your favorite character? Kathy’s butcher
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Sidney James
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? Shelby Miller should have stayed alive at the end
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Election Night
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? Valerie Solanas Died for your Sins: Scumbag
3.) Who is your favorite character? Beverly Hope
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Ivy
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? Ally starting her own cult at the end, Idk but that didn’t seem good to me.
I tag @youregoingtopieinthere, @pepperforpresident, @ahspumpedupkicks
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druish--princess · 6 years
I was tagged by @its-a-goode-day​ and I’ll tag @imagines-ahs​ @ahsporn​ and @thefandomlesbian​
AHS asks
1.) What season is your favorite? Asylum
2.) Which season is your least favorite? I really didn’t like Freak Show, but at least I could sit through it, so I’d have to say Roanoke.
3.) Do you have a favorite episode overall? If yes, which is it? The Coat Hanger, Halloween or Dreadful Pranks Ensue (i think that’s what it’s called? it’s the one from Coven w the zombies)
4.) Who is your favorite character? Ooh that’s hard. Either possessed Sister Mary Eunice from Asylum or Nan from Coven. 
5.) Who is your least favorite character? Dandy Mott. Every other villain at least got some backstory. He’s so fucking murdery and sadistic that it’s hard to watch sometimes.
6.) Who has been your favorite guest star so far? I thought Lady Gaga did a pretty good job in Hotel and Roanoke.
7.) If you could have anyone be a guest star, who would it be? John Mulaney. I don’t know why. Let me have this.
8.) If you could come up with the next season, what would it be? I want something with the various children that didn’t get enough screen time teaming up to wreak havoc -Michael or Addie from Murder House, that creepy little girl from Asylum, Lady Gaga’s baby in Hotel, Scarlett from Hotel, and Oz from Cult.
9.) If you could meet any of the cast members, who would it be? Sarah Paulson. I’d faint tho.
10.) What are you looking forward to with next season? Misty!!!! Possible canon Foxxay!! Queenie coming back!!! The Coven actually working together for once!!! Jessica freakin Lange!
Murder House:
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Halloween or the pilot.
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? The finale.
3.) Who is your favorite character? Mm…I’m gonna have to say Violet. She would’ve been such a good final girl if she didn’t die and all. Or Moira.
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Dr. Harmon got on every single one of my nerves. He’s also a terrible psychiatrist.
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? I wanted to see more of Nora Montgomery, I love her, and I really liked her interacting with Hayden. I also would’ve kept Violet alive.
1.) Which episode is your favorite? The Coat Hanger or The Name Game
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? Spilt Milk
3.) Who is your favorite character? possessed Sister Mary Eunice, but Lana deserves mention for being the most badass character in the whole show. Oh, and Mother Claudia!
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Dr. Arden. I mean, I wouldn’t get rid of the character, but I hate Nazis for personal reasons (obviously) and any scene where he talks about working in the concentration camps made me nauseous.
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? More scenes with Mary Eunice and Lana, and I would have had Grace, Kit, and Alma all be alive and happy together instead of dying again. Or even if that still happened, the aliens should have come and brought them back again. They deserve happiness!
1.) Which episode is your favorite? The Sacred Taking, because Misty’s adorable and Myrtle’s return and Cordelia starting to stand up for herself and the whole episode was so aesthetically pleasing and so many good oneliners. But that scene in Head (you guys know the one) makes me cry every single damn time.
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? Either the finale because of the dumb love triangle sideplot and Misty’s death, or whichever episode Nan dies in.
3.) Who is your favorite character? fuck that’s so hard. Either Misty, Queenie, or Nan probably, but every time Marie Laveau is on screen my knees get weak.
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Hank.
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? Okay besides the obvious, that Misty should have survived, I wish we’d seen more of her interactions with the other witches while she lived in the house, cuz she just seems to show up in Head magically being super close to Cordelia, but like she thinks she’s friends with Zoe and she rooms with Nan, and we never see that at all. I wanted Madison and Kyle to have a friendship instead of just fucking, or even if they were gonna do that polyamorous thing then it was stupid to have Zoe and Madison fighting over a guy when they should have just ended the show as girlfriends. Also, I wish more of the girls supported Nan. Like when Madison’s always telling her she can’t be the Supreme, and she asks Zoe what she thinks, and Zoe just kind of looks away awkwardly, like bitch you were the one that was all “we’re a Coven we need to protect each other”. I would have kept Nan alive, or at the very least shown her hanging out with Luke in the afterlife or w/e. 
1.) Which episode is your favorite? I liked Orphans because I liked seeing Pepper’s relationship with Sister Mary Eunice evolving. Also, you know, Lily Rabe.
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? the one with the Tupperware party massacre
3.) Who is your favorite character? Pepper or Desiree.
4.) Who is your least favorite character? everyone else
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? I wish Eve (the strongwoman) would have been a more central character. There would not have been a bloodbath at the end. Ma Petite would definitely not have died. Desiree and Eve would have been girlfriends. 
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Be Our Guest–honestly, this season probably has the record for most happy endings
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? The pilot has so many uncomfortable moments, (cough cough drillbit rape)
3.) Who is your favorite character? Sally McKenna or Liz Taylor.
4.) Who is your least favorite character? the addiction monster. But of the main cast, John Lowe. He seemed killer-y from the beginning but damn, what a dick.
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? I would’ve focused more on Scarlett and Lachlan tbh. I think it might’ve been interesting to see more from their POV. I liked the whole vampire-anti vaxxer analogy, but Alex Lowe locking a bunch of second graders in a room to be eaten by a starving vampire was really brutal to watch. Also Ramona Royale felt like such an unecessary character. And I’m annoyed they killed Queenie.
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Chapter 1
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? everything after
3.) Who is your favorite character? Shelby, she’s the cutest. And Adina Porter’s character.
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Audrey, Matt, the producer guy, whoever thought Roanoke was a good series theme.
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? start by changing the theme and go from there.
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Great Again
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? Valerie Solanas died for your sins
3.) Who is your favorite character? Winter!!
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Detective Samuels or Meadow.
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? More scenes with Oz, more scenes of Kai, Winter, and Vincent growing up maybe? And I felt like the excessive misogyny near the end was kind of unecessary. Like, the shift from telling Beverly Hope “equal partnerships” to having her make you a sandwich…I just didn’t follow the line of thinking there, Kai.
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bayouwitches · 4 months
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cljordan-imperium · 8 months
Heaven Visits The LaVeaus - 2
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“See, I told you this trip would be good for you.”  Cade finally made it up to them and clapped Arthur on the shoulder.  “And Mama Marie and the spooky bunch has adopted another stray.  I guess we’re brothers now, Arthur.  Wait till you taste her food!  We may never get you back to England.”  They all laughed as they began to head in to see exactly how big of a feast Marie HAD prepared.
Arthur snorted at Cade’s quit and rolled his eyes.  “You’re all spoiling her. How am I supposed to take her home now?”  He side-eyed Cade, a slight smirk toying on his lips.
Cade shook his head, “I guess you won’t.  We’ll keep her and you can go home alone, you grumpy asshole.  She’ll fit in better here anyway.  Bet she’ll think it’s a vacation.” He ducked a swing from Arthur, who wasn’t really trying hard to actually hit him.  Laughing he shoved his friend back, glad to see that the man was..could it be...no…actually SMILING?!  Seemed the slight and fair beauty he’d brought over with him HAD done some good for the old goat.
“Do I need to go get Alexander to separate you two old war horses?” Mel’s amused voice broke into the men’s exchange.  “Hey, don’t threaten us with a good time, beautiful.”  Cade winked over at his fiance’.  “Although I’ve dealt with his cranky ass when he’s tired before, I’d prefer you NOT.”  This got a laugh from Arthur.  Damn, the little woman had started to heal the man.  Hot damn!  This might not be the serious visit he’d been afraid of.  Eggshells shelved?
“Where is the bastard?” Arthur asked, looking around the estate that was even larger than his brother’s back in England.  The land here was different, but just as old, and there was something about it that had a different feel.  Something darker, even in the bright Louisiana sunshine.
“He didn’t land until almost midnight last night from his flight, so he is still passed out upstairs.  We can see if he’s awake when we drop off your luggage, old man.  If he misses Mama Marie’s cooking, he’ll be pissed.”  Cade laughed and clapped Arthur on the back as he jerked his head toward the back of the SUV.  “Come on, your wife packs like mine.  I’m not hauling all that up by myself.”  
Arthur looked between Cade and Melania for a moment, a brow raised.  “Maybe it’s something about witches.” It was said flatly, with no derision, and then he headed to the back of the vehicle, leaving both Mel and Cade staring at one another, mouths slightly agape and trying not to laugh.  Yes, he was going to fit right in.  
Alexander had been groggy, but awake, when the men had taken the luggage upstairs.   He made some kind of unintelligible response about breakfast and headed in to get a shower.  Cade just shook his head as he headed downstairs again.   Alexander has known Mel for over a decade and was considered family.  After all that had gone down jn Serbia and after, Cade considered him a brother too. 
"The grumpy Brit will be down in a minute he's showering." Cade announced as he came into the dining room that looked like a Cajun and Creole buffet had exploded all over it.
"There is more than one?  I thought mine was it." Heaven teased her husband who made a grumble but pulled her close to kiss her softly none the less.
''He learned it from Alexander I think." Mel teased.  "Especially before coffee it's not safe to have him around loaded weapons."  
"No weapons talk around the new children." Marie came through and tsked at Mel. "Breakfast. If I'm going to have to listen to the men and their guns all day, I'm not listening to you talk about them while we eat." 
"Of course, Mama." Mel kissed her mom lightly on the cheek before starting to point out all the delicacies that Marie had prepared.  Crayfish, shrimp, grits, cream sauces, and richness abounded.  As a nod to their guests, Marie had even been able to get the local butcher to make blood sausage.
"And someone remember to feed Archibald so he doesn't try to come in and visit." Dontanion's very heavily old French accented voice called from the kitchen.
"Who is Archibald?" Heaven asked, looking confused why a friend would not be wanted as a visitor with so much food being laid out.
"My pet albino alligator.  Come on, you two have a complexion in common.  I raised him from a baby.  Albinos aren't rare to be born, but they rarely make it to adulthood.  Being white in the bayou is a liability." Mel explained as she led the petite woman into the kitchen grabbing a bag of mega marshmallows and then chicken thighs.  "He LOVES marshmallows!"
"You spoil him!" Cade called after her in tease.  
"Says the man I equally spoil!" Mel turned and stuck out her tongue at him.  "He's ornery, but I love him."  She laughed as she looped her arm with Heaven's and led her to the dock.  “I just tolerate Cade.”  Winking over at the beauty next to her, she laughed harder.
Heaven & Arthur Shelby belong to @call-sign-shark
@raincoffeeandfandoms @blind-the-winds @saltysupercomputer @aziz-reads @toribookworm22 @writingmaidenwarrior @jessica-writes22 @late-to-the-fandom
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cljordan-imperium · 4 months
For Their New Sibling
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Love doesn't have to be romantic, and while they were sure that Arthur would spoil Heaven absolutely rotten, the LaVeau siblings wanted to surprise her too. In the beloved colors of Louisiana, for the newest rose to the garden, they made sure their little sister knew, that she would never again be without family and without love...nor would her husband.
Heaven Shelby belongs to @call-sign-shark
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cljordan-imperium · 9 months
Halloween Fic
I am only going to have time to do one fic, because if you all can't guess I cannot do something short in any way...so....which one should I do...please help y'all....
@raincoffeeandfandoms @call-sign-shark @late-to-the-fandom @saltysupercomputer @blind-the-winds @aziz-reads @toribookworm22 @writingmaidenwarrior @cillmequick @runnning-outof-time @there-goes-thefighter @look-at-the-soul @zablife @evita-shelby @outpost51 @pheita @sam-glade @sarah-sandwich-writes
Tagging a few of y'all to get some feedback and help, including Peakyverse friends since I have two friends OC's up there too.
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cljordan-imperium · 9 months
Heaven & Arthur Visit The LaVeaus
@call-sign-shark CELEBRATES 1K
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This is part 1 of Heaven & Arthur visiting Mel and her family because I'm cutting it off at 2680 words. LOL
Modern AU
@call-sign-shark's OC Heaven and her husband Arthur Shelby travel to Louisiana to visit some military men Arthur served under and with in the military. But it is Heaven that gets the biggest surprise of the visit.
“We leave in an hour to pick up Arthur and his wife, Heaven, from the airport,” Cade entered the kitchen to let Mel know.  He dropped a kiss on the top of her head, then looked around at Mama Marie, Dontanion and Francios.  “You two, behave.” He pointed at the brothers with a serious expression.  Arthur was suffering from PTSD from the Gulf and the last thing anyone needed was the two LaVeau brothers being assholes and causing him to have some kind of attack.
“One wandering ancestor and we will forever be doubted.” Dontantion smirked and winked at his sister, as his shoulders raised. “One wandering ancestor who wandered in on my friend who was getting dressed for her wedding and gave her a death prophecy.” Mel rolled her eyes as Cade took a seat next to her and planted a kiss on her cheek this time.  “You are lucky she did not stroke out.” Casting a look over to her mother, “can you please make these two behave, mama?”
“Boys, do not make me resurrect your fathers.”  The smile she gave her sons made everyone’s blood run cold.  As loving and warm as Marie was, no one ever forgot she was also the scariest person currently walking the planet. Only Rasputin may have ever topped her, and she had far outlived him.
“Yes, mama.” Francois replied before putting a strong elbow into his younger brother’s side.  Even at over one hundred and fourty, Dontanion sometimes did not act a day over 16.   “No ancestors scaring Cade’s friend, or his lovely wife.” The look in his eye was serious.  Even if the death prophecy HAD come to pass, and they HAD hated Mel’s friend, and it HAD been hilarious at the time, causing a brave soldier still bearing the mental wounds of war further trauma would not be something they would partake in.  
“Please, he was over in the Gulf with me and some of the guys on the team.  He was under Alexander.  Has some bad PTSD, seeing spirits that he would think were hallucinations from there might just send him…” Cade raised his brows and tilted his head, he didn’t need to finish, both brothers were nodding.  “His wife, I don’t know much about but he says she is an angel and shy.  Her name’s Heaven.  She seems to have dont him a lot of good, he seems to be healing more.  Figured she and Mel would be the ones hanging out, maybe with Mama Marie too.”  He winked over at the woman who was like a second mother to him and who could make anyone feel welcome and loved.
“Of course, any of your friends are welcome here.”  Love and warmth emanated from Marie.  While she had immense powers, which she did not hesitate to use to protect those she loved; she was, at her heart, a mother.  All of Mel’s friends had been adopted as surrogate children.  None were turned away if they needed a mother figure, that was just Marie and the time she came from.
“Thank you, mama.” Love radiated off of Melania too as her gaze alternated around the other four in the room at the time, before her attention turned to Cade.  “When do the others get here?  I know Alexander got in last night and is still passed out in his room.”  
“Tomorrow.”  Cade answered, picking her hand up off of the table and kissing the back where there was a scar that lay across running from just below where her pinky met her hand to the crease of her wrist.  The last evidence of the whole ordeal involving Ambrose and Adama.  Even though it was long ago, it still made his heart clench and sometimes made him want to ask Marie to bring the assholes back so they could kill them again. “So you girls will have twenty-four hours before testosterone rules the house.”  He winked at her, banishing thoughts of the past.
“Lovely.  Just remember, Archibald can contain you all if you get out of line.”  The whole room erupted in laughter at the threat of having her pet albino alligator snack on people.  Not that he hadn’t been used as nature’s body disposal device before when required, but not on people they liked.
Louis Armstrong Airport in Kenner was a bustle of activity as Mel sat on Cade’s lap down on the first floor by the baggage claim.  It seemed the easiest place for Arthur and Heaven to find them.  Although, from what Arthur had told Cade over the phone, Heaven shouldn’t be too hard to spot with snow white hair and skin just as fair.  A statement that had apparently gotten Cade promptly cussed out for mentioning she should fit in with the aforementioned alligator in the swamp.  Mel had a feeling that her fiance was lucky he’d been on the other side of the ocean from Arthur at the time.  
They watched as the flight from Heathrow Airport flipped over from “On Time” to “Landed”.  It still amazed Mel that they had direct flights, and for no more money, not that money mattered to her family…with Ambrose and Nic “missing”, she had complete control over Meirs Enterprises Worldwide, which meant more money than she cared to think about.  For friends of Cade, money was NOT an option anyway. 
About 20 minutes later, Mel felt it, somewhere near was a powerful witch.  Her hand went instinctively to Cade’s, their fingers interlacing.  The signature was not one she recognized, the magic different, old world like her mother and brothers’.  Her eyes scanned the crowd as people descended from the second floor on the escalators. She could more than stand on her own, but after the past events, having Cade there without her family was not something she was altogether comfortable with.  If whomever possessed the magic was hostile, it could get ugly fast if they sensed her as well.  Not since Adama had she faced down a threat, and that…she closed her eyes and swallowed before the thought fully materialized.
“Do I need my gun, or is this something of the invisible sort, babe?” Cade’s chin rested on her shoulder as he spoke just loud enough for her to hear.  He knew her signs well enough.  When she was tense, it was never a good one.
“Shooting them is as good as dropping a house on them, I guess.  A lot easier when inside too.” She tried not to let her nerves show with some humor, but she was anything but lighthearted with the situation.  As they sat there waiting for Arthur and Heaven, she did not stop scanning everyone coming in their direction.   It was that scanning that produced what would be the biggest shock of the day, the revelation that the witch was Arthur’s wife.  “You are definitely NOT shooting the witch.”
Cade chuckled, having no clue what had suddenly changed the beauty on his lap’s mind.  “And that would be because….”
Mel stood as the pair approached them, “you must be Heaven,” she greeted the tiny woman with a bright smile and offered hand.  There was no way that Heaven couldn’t sense her as well, but seemed to completely not notice.  She then remembered that Cade had mentioned that Heaven was originally from France, and since Louisiana is a bilingual state, she had an idea to make the woman feel even more welcome. “Bienvenue en Louisiane où dans le bayou, les sorcières sont vénérées. Je crois que vous et ma famille vous entendrez très bien. Ma mère est une grande prêtresse du vaudou. (Welcome to Louisiana where in the bayou, the witches are revered. I believe that you and my family will get along very well. My mother is a high priestess of Voodoo.)” 
Heaven’s eyes widened at her words, clearly not having expected them. “Comment le saviez-vous?  (How did you know?)”  The woman looked absolutely confused, which was when Mel remembered she still had the talisman on that Dontanion had given her when they were hunting Adama that cloaked her magic.
“Parfois, une sorcière en connaît une autre. J'ai aussi deux frères sorciers à la maison. C’est en quelque sorte une affaire de famille. (Sometimes a witch just knows another one.  I have two warlock brothers at home too.  It kind of runs in the family.)”  Mel gave the woman a wink and then turned to Arthur and Cade who were both looking at her with rather confused expressions.
“What, can’t one girl fluent in French welcome another?  Do you know how often I get to use that?” She smiled, Cade giving her a look that said he knew better and she’d have to explain once  that they were alone. “You must be Arthur.”  She extended her hand to him, “it is such a pleasure to meet any friend of Cade’s.  You both are now family, that is how it works here.  We will spend a couple of days out on the Plantation, and a couple here in the Garden District.  My mother has been up since dawn cooking, so we best not keep her waiting too long.  Mama Marie is not one to be kept waiting.”  Mel laughed.
Cade knew his fiance better than that.  Those were far too many words for just a polite hello, and he did recognize enough to know that she’d found her witch.  But, he was a good boy and would say nothing.  Things normally worked out more in his favor that way.  “You’re discussing how to bankrupt us in the French Quarter aren’t you?” A brow rose and he nudged Arthur with an elbow. “I hope you brought all your plastic, bro, my girl can shop!”
Arthur for his part either missed what the exchange was about or was so entranced by his bride he gave not one fuck.  He did, however, growl at Cade’s remark, which told the fellow soldier that he probably had experienced a similar shopping excursion to the one Mel had more than once put him through.  Although, to bankrupt them, Mel would have to literally buy the entire French Quarter, as in the land it was sitting on and all the buildings.
"Can you not behave for two minutes?"  Mel’s brow rose as she looked between the two men, Cade trying not to laugh and Arthur about taken aback at her words.  “No growling.”  She raised both brows and looked pointedly at the Brit.  Heaven giggled next to her, which just had Arthur rolling his eyes. “Now, you boys do the heavy lifting of getting the luggage, Miss Heaven and I are going to go get the car from the garage and bring it around.  And you two can ride in the back.”  She dropped a kiss on Cade’s cheek with a big grin and a wink over to Heaven.  She already liked the striking and beautiful woman.  Wait till her family laid eyes on her!
From the airport, to River Road, Mel gave a guided tour to their guests of the historical context of each and every plantation along the road.  Her mother had been alive for the building of many, although she did not share that quite yet.  For Heaven, it might not have surprised her, for Arthur, he might have tried to exit the vehicle while at 60MPH.  The latter was more her concern.
Finally they arrived at Vita Pacis Plantation (Life of Serenity).  It had been renamed after Ambrose’s death, her mother choosing the name for what this now represented to them all.  It was a place of peace, of respite from the life they lived in Baton Rouge and New Orleans, from the missions they went on collecting artifacts around the globe.  It was to this estate, to the buildings that rested upon the land and had for over 300 years, that Mel and her friends returned to find peace and to be at peace.  It would be on this estate where she would marry Cade in six months.  
As they drove up the red brick drive, live oaks arching over it with their green leaves and the dangling spanish moss providing shade, she heard Heaven gasp as she got her first view of the grand plantation house mansion.  It was impressive with white limestone exterior and grecian columns that rose three stories, the floor to ceiling french doors that served as windows to the rooms were framed with dark red hurricane shutters.  It created an impressive picture when famed with the arch of the live oaks over the drive.  Just the guest house had four bedrooms and was a sight, but the grand mansion was something out of a movie.  Lovingly preserved by the Meirs family, and now the LaVeaus, it was a piece out of time and history.  The dark stains of the past that it held could never be erased, but they would be made up for over time.  Now it stood for the LaVeau legacy, and that was a strong, vibrant, and proud legacy.
Mel knew that when she had opened the wrought iron gates of the drive, it had alerted those within the guardhouse and the mansion of their arrival.  No one got onto or off of the property without being noticed.  If you tried to come on secretly, there were things seen and unseen that would greet you.  You had better hope the former got to you before the latter did.  So, when Mel pulled the large black SUV around to the back of the mansion, it was of little surprise that her mother stood flanked by her brothers, waiting to greet their guests.  She could not wait till they discovered the surprise that lay in store.
Once the car was stopped, and everyone was out, Mel led Arthur and Heaven over to her family while Cade unloaded the luggage from the back.  She could tell that all three of them immediately recognized in Heaven what she had and the adoring smile her mother cast on Heaven warmed her heart.  Marie was known for taking in anyone needing a mother and love, and it was clear she was already looking that way at Heaven, no matter if she had family back home or not.  
Marie was the first to speak, stepping forward and taking both of Heaven’s hands in her own. “Salve, fili mi, maiores te ad nos perduxerunt. Hic semper domum habebis. (Welcome, my child, it seems the ancestors have lead you to us.  Here you will always have a home.)” Then she leaned forward and placed a soft kiss in the middle of Heaven’s forehead.
Arthur tensed and Mel leaned over, “my mother adopts anyone she feels needs love.  She sensed that in Heaven and has welcomed her to always see this as a home.”  She kept her voice low as to not embarrass Heaven who was now tightly embracing Marie and she swore she saw a tear on the porcelain skin of her cheek. “You too Arthur, Vita Pacis means Life of Serenity.  Any friend of Cade’s is family here, where the mind can find peace when one needs.” With a soft and warm smile on her face, her eyes gently closed as she inclined her head.  
The stoic man just inclined his head in return before turning back to the scene where both Francois and Dontanion were further introducing themselves to his wife, who seemed to be taking everything in stride.  As dwarfed as the beauty was by her gruff husband, she looked absolutely tiny next to Mel’s brothers who were both well over six feet in height and broad shouldered.  “See, I told you this trip would be good for you.”  Cade finally made it up to them and clapped Arthur on the shoulder.  “And Mama Marie and the spooky bunch has adopted another stray.  I guess we’re brothers now, Arthur.  Wait till you taste her food!  We may never get you back to England.”  They all laughed as they began to head in to see exactly how big of a feast Marie HAD prepared.
@call-sign-shark @raincoffeeandfandoms @saltysupercomputer @blind-the-winds @sunset-a-story @touloserlautrec @aziz-reads @toribookworm22 @outpost51 @late-to-the-fandom @writingmaidenwarrior @spookyceph
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cljordan-imperium · 6 months
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Third Gift of the Season
The newest Bayou Witch needs the appropriate pet, guard "dog", and natural body disposal device. Melania obtained one of Archibald's latest offspring for just such a gift. Only a few weeks old, this little girl is the perfect gift for the newest, and fairest haired, member of the LaVeau family. She'll leave it up to Heaven LaVeau-Shelby (story coming soon to explain) to name the baby girl, but she did tie a beautiful LSU purple and gold ribbon around her, because how else would you give a Louisiana bayou baby?
@blind-the-winds @saltysupercomputer @spookyceph @aziz-reads @pheita @writingmaidenwarrior @toribookworm22 @late-to-the-fandom @outpost51 @dreaminggoblin @thebejeweledwatercat
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cljordan-imperium · 8 months
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I have a lot of stories queued up for today. They have all been posted before, so those of you behind can get caught up. Tomorrow, more new shit is going to drop because when I use voice to text, I get a shit ton more done than when I actually type...and I have a week's worth of it from when kidlet was here. Soooo.....
Final revisions to go up tomorrow:
Magical Mistakes
Back to the 20's - Rose Solomons is OC of @raincoffeeandfandoms
Heaven visits the LaVeaus - Heaven and Arthur Shelby belong to @call-sign-shark
Behind These Masks
Devil in The Details
Amaya & Dartan
Arch & Seamus - this may go up later...I'm still reworking part of it....
Today I'll be - answering asks, doing revisions, reading and reblogging, and participating in shenanigans. My potions pot is brewing on my desk and my nice new potions mug is ready for action.
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