#Latest Wedding Invitation Designs
shaadiwish · 6 months
Know All About The Wide Range Of E-Cards & Invites That Victory Invitations Has In Store For You. Stay Tuned To ShaadiWish For Latest Trends And Ideas.
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kingofcardsdesign · 1 month
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Laser cut wedding cards regularly incorporate fundamental subtleties like the names of the couple, the date, time, and setting of the wedding service, alongside any unexpected occasions or works. These cards may likewise include multifaceted laser-cut plans, customized monograms, themes, and extra embeds, for example, RSVP cards or convenience subtleties.
At King of Cards, we comprehend the significance of matching your wedding topic. Our assortment of Laser cut Indian wedding solicitations offers a wide assortment of subjects, going from customary to contemporary, flower to mathematical, one of a kind to present day. You can find the ideal laser cut card that supplements your wedding style and establishes the vibe for your festival.
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thepunkmuppet · 8 months
the possible future of the hatchetfield series: hatchetfield halloween party livestream full rundown
again apologies if someone has already done something like this, but I’m procrastinating doing my coursework and just want to talk about hatchetfield I want everyone to be aware of this exciting stuff that was announced in the stream so here you go:
the next starkid musical to be released will not be in the hatchetfield universe.
the guy who didn’t like musicals will soon be ready to license.
nightmare time 3 was originally planned to be released in the same year as nightmare time 2 and will wrap up the overarching nightmare time stories (which seem to be miss holloway and the foster sisters respectively).
if they did a fourth hatchetfield musical, it would be about miss holloway and her backstory. it is already written. I am very very extremely normal about this fact 😃
there is a possibility of a hatchetfield movie, and workin’ boys was sort of a test for this concept. it would be a slasher murder mystery centering around the hatchetfield community players (zoey chambers and the cast of workin’ girls, possibly also with ruth, hidgens, alice and any other theatre-oriented characters but that part’s just my speculation). the transcription of the teaser description can be found below the nmt descriptions.
ok so here are the transcriptions of the nmt3 episode descriptions:
Story #1: Bottle Imps
Bill Woodward has been chosen to test CCRP’s latest and greatest product; Bottle Imps. These reality-bending buddies will bring their owner the one thing they desire most. When his new imp, Lovely, leads him to his soulmate, Bill decides to use his magical companion to play matchmaker. But to help Charlotte find the man of her dreams, Bill will have to bend the Imp’s rules. Rules he’s been warned, must never be broken…
Story #2: Frankenruth
Desperate to see a naked body, Ruth Fleming and Richie Lipschitz volunteer at the morgue of St. Damien’s Hospital. Their terrible plan becomes exponentially more terrible, when they become unwitting subjects in the experiments of the body-snatching madman, Doctor Laszlo, who claims to have conquered death itself. If Hatchetfield thought Ruth was bad before, then they will cower before the unspeakable horror of… Frankenruth!
Story #3: Becky Barnes Climbed a Tree
Becky Barnes is on top of the world! Not in a literal sense, of course. She’s deathly afraid of heights. After years of struggle, Becky’s life is finally everything she dreamed it would be. She’s engaged to her high school sweetheart, Tom Houston, and the two have a surprise baby on the way! But, as the couple prepare for the arrival of baby Marie, a shadow from Becky’s past returns to haunt them.
Story #4: Devil’s Night
Tim Houston has a crush. Unfortunately, it’s on his older, mature and totally cool babysitter, Grace Chasity, who he fears will never see him as anything but a snot-nosed little kid. But when a devilish maniac with murderous designs on Grace attacks Hatchetfield the night before Halloween, Tim must protect his beloved, or join the killer’s growing body count. It’s another slashing adventure on the night HE came home… Devil’s Night.
Story #5: (long special episode) Miss Holloween
It’s Halloween in Hatchetfield once again, and Miss Holloway is celebrating the same way she’s done for decades, staving off the horrors that go bump in the night. But when Duke gives her an invitation to his wedding, the dejected Miss Holloway begins to chafe under the terms of a contract forged many years ago. She strikes a new bargain, but unfortunately her creditors are known for their tricks, not treats. Just as Miss Holloway gives up her powers in exchange for a mortal life, a monstrous new threat rears its ugly head. As All Hallows Eve descends, and all Hell breaks loose, Miss Holloway must save the town or die trying… for real this time.
Story #6: (long special episode / season finale) Orb Weaver
Lex Foster had a life once. A home. A boyfriend. Now there is only the road, and her sister, and the fear of the men who are hunting them. As Hannah Foster watched Lex sink deeper into despair, she is certain of only three things: Webby is gone. She cannot help them. They are alone. Elsewhere, an old soldier awakens from a catatonic state. Returned from some unimaginable Hell with a mission. He knows that somewhere, two magical girls require immediate evac… then maybe some coffee.
hatchetfield movie: Cast Party Massacre
The Hatchetfield Community Players. You will never find a cattier troupe of two-faced thespians. But when the blood begins to flow at their latest show’s cast party, they must consider: is there a secret murderer in their midst? And more importantly, who amongst them is a good enough actor to pull off such a performance? Can they set aside their petty squabbles and tangled romances, or is it curtains for this ensemble? Who will survive… the Cast Party Massacre!
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rosewaterandivy · 1 month
tightrope across the table
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Summary: Abandoned at the bar and left to your own devices, what's the worst that could happen?
Pairing: e.m. x fem! reader
WC: 1.4k
Warnings: NSFW 18+, drinking, cursing, & the perils of dating in the 21st century
A/N: For my beloved Luna, @abibliophobiaa - I love you and I hope this brings a smile to your beautiful face! Reblogs, likes & feedback are appreciated - reposting is not. Enjoy! 💜
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What had begun as a promising New Year's Eve out with your best girl was quickly devolving. Nursing your now lukewarm beer, you watched as your friend laughed with the latest acquisition to her horde. She really was the worst kind of fag hag. Sipping the last dregs of beer from the glass, you tap through your phone and open the app that’s been taunting you all evening.
It’s not that you enjoyed being on the apps, because who in their right mind would? It was, unfortunately, a necessity now because meeting someone at a bookstore or your local coffee joint just didn’t happen anymore, not with everyone’s nose buried in their phone.
Much like yours was now.
The messages were the exact same as the last time you’d checked— nothing new. You sighed and tried to push back the swell of disappointment. This guy you’d been chatting with seemed decent but not eager to continue the line of conversation. You forced yourself to close out of the app, but before you could, a notification popped up: ‘New Message.’
Looking around to see where your friend had gotten to, you let out a sigh of relief finding her at the bar ordering another round. She sends you a wink and mouths something unintelligible. You shrug back with a smile and glace back down to your phone.
Not to be *that guy* but you wouldn’t happen to be at the bar right now, would you?
Heart kicking up and pulse racing, you calmly scan the immediate area trying not to draw attention to yourself. Finding nothing of concern, you prop your elbow on the table and hold the phone aloft in an attempt to stay alert to your surroundings.
Meant that in a totally not creepy way, fyi!
Despite yourself, you were smiling. You’d had a few conversations with this guy before and always found yourself grinning and laughing in equal measure. It was you who’d initially asked him to a movie a week or so ago, deeming the chemistry enough to warrant an in-person meeting. But he’d regretfully had to decline because of work or some other bullshit excuse, you couldn’t recall.
Things had understandably cooled off since then.
It wasn’t as if he’d stood you up or anything, he’d given ample notice, but it hurt all the same. And there was no shortage of hurt in your life at present.
If it wasn’t an engagement or bachelorette party, it was a wedding or christening. All your friends had apparently gotten the memo and paired up accordingly, while your invite to the Grown-Ups party was apparently lost in the mail. 
Why is it that they were all married or already parents and you couldn’t even get a second date? Was something wrong with you? How had you become the designated single friend?
You were happy for your friends, of course you were, it’s exciting moving through the high points of life! But you could still be overjoyed for them and throw a pity party for yourself, the two weren’t mutually exclusive. And sure, people tried to get you out of the house with trivia nights and dinner dates with the girls but it inevitably wound up with them talking about their spouses or babies, cooing over pictures as phones were passed around.
And sure, they celebrated your milestones too. But was a graduate degree going to keep you warm at night? Was a promotion going to cuddle with you on the couch as you fell asleep to Gilmore Girls for the millionth time?
But things were fine, things were good even, if you could just forget the apps and failed first dates. Besides, you had your Emily Henry books and pints of Ben & Jerry’s— things could be worse.
Okay, so I def creeped you out. Just gonna go back to my cave, pls forget this ever happened.
He then sends a gif of Harry from Harry and the Hendersons sadly sulking off. Again, you find yourself smiling.
Mayybeeee a little creeped. You type back, Just caught me off guard is all.
There’s a minute or two before he responds.
You sure? I can totally fuck off, just say the word.
Crossing your feet beneath your chair, you weigh your options. It was you who asked him out after all, so clearly some part of you was interested. And he’s still talking to you now, even while he’s apparently out at a bar.
Potentially the same bar you’re at now…
Okay, fuck it.
After sending a quick text to your friend explaining the situation and asking her to standby, you toss your hair behind your shoulder and take another look around. 
The bar is pretty packed, the weather is decent so the picnic tables outside are quickly filling up too. It’s loud but not deafening and from your current location, you’re within sight of the door for a getaway if needed.
You hoped you wouldn’t need it.
Sparkly boots.
And with that, you lock your phone and set it to the side. You figure, if this guy is worth his salt he’ll figure it out and find you. If not, oh well, at least you tried. 
The waiting is torturous. Minutes trickle by and you’re about to pack it in for the night when there’s the jangle of a chain against the metal chair and a man swathed in black denim and leather all but pours himself into it. 
“Fucking christ, d’you know how many people are wearing boots tonight?”
For a moment there, you’re speechless— eyes wide and pretty lips opening to say:
“Okay, but how many were wearing sparkly boots.”
His lips, pink and full, pull into a winning smile. 
“Just you sugar, but I think you already knew that.” He leans back in the chair, fingers locked behind his head as he stretches back. 
His shirt rides up, exposing a sliver of skin at his hip. You try not to lick your lips.
“I’m Eddie, by the way,” He says offering you his hand to shake, fingers bejeweled with silver rings.
He’s warm to the touch as you palm slots against his. His lips part to in a soft gasp as your thumb grazes a knuckle and shake his hand, introducing yourself. His brown eyes flit from your hand to your face and back again, as if he can hardly believe you’re real.
Reluctantly, you pull your hand from his grasp. 
His fingers trail after yours, drumming along the tabletop. Your hand rests mere inches from his, close enough to reach out and touch. 
You cock your head to the side assessing him. Eddie’s not all that different from his pictures on the app— scruffy in that attractive masculine way. Long hair pulled back at the nape of his neck, a few errant curls falling to frame his face. 
A vibration to your left breaks the moment.
You mutter an apology and check to your messages:
How we feelin?
This from your friend by the bar who's standing steadfast with her retinue, keys swinging from her fingers if you need her.
Another swoosh sound signalling a response. You glance down once more, this time it’s a photo of you and Eddie taken just after his arrival. You’re looking down, lips rolled between your teeth even though it’s clear as day you’d rather be smiling and he’s looking at you like… Well, like you hung the moon.
“So, uh,” He ducks his head to cough and clear his throat. “Have I passed the test?”
“What’s that?”
“Y’know, the test verifying that I’m not gonna abscond with you to an undisclosed location or whatever.”
“How did you—”
“Your friend’s not very subtle.” He nods in her direction and follows it up with a wave.
“Well, Edward, if you must know—”
“It’s Eddie.”
“Shut up, you know it all!”
His laugh and your retort takes him by surprise, it’s loud and probably the best thing you’ve ever heard.
“As I was saying, that all depends.”
Eddie leans across the table, all loose limbs and big doe eyes. 
“Depends on what, sugar?”
You give a subtle nod to your friend at the bar who flags down the bartender and places an order.
“If you’ll let me buy you a drink.”
He smiles and the rest of the world could drop dead for all you care. For a night that was beginning to look a bit disastrous, with the arrival of Eddie it was starting to have some possibilities.
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midchelle · 1 month
I was looking through my drafts and found this compilation of quotes I put together of Beatle girls talking about other Beatle girls. It's probably not totally comprehensive, but I thought some people might find it interesting.
Cyn + Mo
Far from being a shy little thing, Maureen was talkative, full of laughter and great fun: we all liked her enormously and thought she was good for Ringo.
All of the Beatles’ women got on with each other, but Maureen, who was one of the most down-to-earth, honest people I ever knew, became my closest friend. After their son Zak was born in September, seven months after the wedding, she and I used to go up to Knightsbridge to shop. Anthony would drop us off and we’d do the rounds of Harrods, Harvey Nichols and the designer shops in between, then stop for lunch in a smart little bistro. We’d buy cute little outfits for our sons and we were always on the lookout for something different or special for the men. We loved to surprise them with a psychedelic shirt, a piece of ethnic jewellery, or I would buy John a new plectrum for his guitar. John always loved prezzies, as he called them. No matter how small they were, he’d be delighted and I loved looking for things to surprise him. Much as Maureen and I enjoyed our outings, she always made sure she was at home for Ringo when he came in. Such was her devotion to him that she would stay up sometimes until four in the morning to greet him with a home-cooked meal. She wanted him to feel loved and cared for and, like me, she had been brought up in a family where women did the caring and nurturing while men provided. We often went over to their house and hung out with them, it was always party time at the Starkeys’. Ringo was gregarious and fun-loving, a clown and a joker with an infectious laugh. Together, he and Maureen made an irresistible double act, both extrovert and uninhibited. Ringo had installed a replica pub in their front room, which he called the Flying Cow. It had a counter and till, tankards, mirrored walls and even a pool table. He’d nip behind the bar to serve us all drinks, while Maureen supplied us with endless plates of food. It was a cosy, comfortable house with what felt like the ultimate luxury at the time: a TV – usually switched on – in every room. They had large grounds, in which Ringo had built in a go-kart track. He and John would race the go-karts or play pool while Maureen and I chatted over a cup of tea or took Zak and Julian for a walk. Ringo’s other passion was making his own short films. He had lots of equipment and loved to experiment, so after the nanny had taken over Zak and Julian we’d watch his latest movie. One was a fifteen-minute study of Maureen’s face. Innovative, perhaps, but not the most riveting entertainment.
Cynthia Lennon, John
Cyn + Jane
Jane was different from the girls Paul had been out with previously. The daughter of a psychiatrist father and a music-teacher mother, she was highly intelligent and cultured. She had a strong inner confidence, with a maturity and grace way beyond her years.
Paul stayed for a while. He told me that John was bringing Yoko to recording sessions, which he, George and Ringo hated. Paul had broken up with Jane Asher a couple of weeks after John had left me. I was sorry because I’d really liked Jane.
Cynthia Lennon, John
Cyn + Pattie
I liked Cynthia, but of all the Beatle wives and girlfriends I found her the most difficult to make friends with. She and I came from such different backgrounds; she had no career, she was a young mother, and we had no point of reference apart from our attachment to a Beatle. She wasn’t like my friends, who enjoyed a giggle and some fun: she was rather serious, and often, I thought, behaved more like John’s mother than his wife. I tended to leave her to her own devices but invited her to join me for shopping. I think she felt a bit out of her depth in the smart, sophisticated circles in which the Beatles were now moving in London. And I don’t think it helped that John thought I looked like Brigitte Bardot, or that I got on so well with him. There was a rumor—I don’t know where it came from—that John and I had an affair, and I suppose Cynthia may have believed there was something in it. It was completely untrue: we never had an affair. I wouldn’t have dreamed of it and neither, I am sure, would John.
Pattie Boyd, Wonderful Tonight: George Harrison, Eric Clapton, and Me 
Meanwhile George, who had just turned twenty-one, had met a young model called Patti Boyd and fallen in love. Pattie had been given a part in A Hard Day's Night, playing a schoolgirl, because she had appeared in a successful crisps advertisement -- she was known as the Smith's Crisps girl. She was blonde, beautiful, and a sophisticated Londoner, like Jane Asher. But, like the rest of us Beatle girls, she was friendly, too, and easy to get on with.
Patti and I were becoming close friends. I admired her gorgeous figure and perfect fashion sense, and I think she enjoyed the company of someone who’d been with the Beatles from the beginning and knew the ropes.
Cynthia Lennon, John
"George has a lot with the others that I can never know about. Nobody, not even the wives, can break through it or even comprehend it. It did used to hurt me at first, as I slowly began to learn there was a part I could never be part of. Cyn talked to me about it."
[Pattie speaking] "It's not so bad these days, but it happens. Cyn was attacked not long ago in the street. Some girl kicked her in the legs and said she had to leave John alone, or else. Isn't it amazing, after all the years that John and Cyn have been married?"
[Pattie speaking] "Some people do understand. If they've been developing a lot themselves, growing up more, they know what it's all about. Cyn was very helpful at first, telling me what to do. That was when we thought of the boutique."
Cyn now and again would like to try something new, to have a job, perhaps use her art-college training in some way. She and Pattie, George's wife, did discuss the idea once of opening a boutique together in Esher, but it never came to anything.
Hunter Davies, The Beatles
Mo + Jane
I got to know Jane as well during that trip. While Paul and Richy were off horsing around, Jane and I chatted quite a bit. She’s such an intelligent person and I thought them quite an odd couple at first. Paul is such an assertive fellow (you know) he knows what he wants and Jane is that way too. I often wondered to meself how they ever stayed together as long as they did (you know). 
Maureen interviewed by Maurice Devereux for Le Chroniqueur (July 1988)
Mo + Pattie
Again, she and I had little in common but she was jolly and friendly, more relaxed than Cynthia. We got on but I felt there was definitely a north-south divide among the wives and girlfriends. And I had the definite impression that the girls from the north felt they had a prior claim to “the boys.”
The final straw was his affair with Maureen Starr, Ringo’s wife. She was the last person I would have expected to stab me in the back, but she did.
Pattie Boyd, Wonderful Tonight: George Harrison, Eric Clapton, and Me 
Pattie + Jane
Jane Asher was the girlfriend with whom I felt most at home, but because we both had heavy work commitments she was also the one I saw least. She came from a professional family, had grown up in London and, like me, had been privately educated. The family lived in Wimpole Street; her father was a psychiatrist and her mother a music teacher—her brother Peter became half of the pop duo Peter and Gordon. She was three years younger than me but we got on well and I’ve always been pleased to see her whenever we’ve met.
Pattie Boyd, Wonderful Tonight: George Harrison, Eric Clapton, and Me 
BONUS: Mo on Linda + Yoko
I always thought [Yoko] strange. I mean she would always interrupt the lads when they were working or do strange things without any reason whatsoever. I was there when John brought the bed, and said something about wanting Yoko to be there. I asked Richy about this and he just shook his head in disbelief. I often wondered how they all put up with her. Even Richy would come home and tell me all these strange stories about her. He once told me about her moaning into John’s microphone while they were recording a song and how the two of them would make-out during takes. I always avoided her in the studio for those reasons. She was just too strange for me.
Q: What was it like to sit in the studio with John, Paul and George? A: It was like watching a couple of actors rehearsing a scene in a movie (laughs). I would sit there with a cup of coffee in my hand and watch them for a while or maybe gossip with Linda [McCartney] or Mal [Evans]. When I did watch them, I always thought to meself, so this is what he’s been doing for the last six years! (laughs) I sometimes felt like a fly on the wall, but I knew that I had to be the luckiest fly in the world. Pattie [Harrison] would sometimes be there, but she would always leave early.
Maureen interviewed by Maurice Devereux for Le Chroniqueur (July 1988)
Can't really find any proper quotes from Pattie about Yoko or Linda. She mentions both in her book without much judgment and there are pictures of her with both of them throughout the years so they probably got on okay. I don't think Jane has ever been in the same room as either Linda or Yoko. Same with Cyn and Linda. Cyn's thoughts on Yoko are probably well-established at this point.
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laismoura-art · 5 months
🌸🌸 The Order of Cetrion: The Protectors of Life and Virtue 🌸🌸
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I was thinking. It is a bit sad that we know nothing about Harumi's clan.
BUT, as Harumi is my main girl and making AUs and Headcanons for her has become a second nature, I thought, "Oh, well! Why not create a clan for her myself? :D"
And thus came: The Order of Cetrion!
Hear me out!
It is canon that Harumi has connections with the Umgadi, so two possibilities came to mind:
The Shirai family came from Outworld.
Their matriarch was a Umgadi who was unsatisfied with their chastity rules and fled to Earthrealm to build something of her own.
She married an Earthrealmer, and so came the first generations of Shirai in Earthrealm.
But I like this one better:
The Shirai are originally from Earthrealm, and for generations, the Grandmistresses, the matriarchs of the Shrai family, have led their clan in defence of Earthrealm (though in a smaller scale in comparison to the Lin Kuei).
They were requested by Lord Liu Kang to participate in the Mortal Kombat on behalf of Earthrealm.
The current Grandmistress herself volunteered as champion and won the tournament!
Her skills did not pass unnoticed by the leader of the Umgadi, who, with the permission of her Queen, Sindel, invited her to stay longer and exchange skills.
Every generation of Grandmistress-to-be was invited to visit Outworld and train with the Umgadi before they could take on their role as head of their clan.
The latest Grandmistress to be invited by the Queen was Harumi Shirai. She was trained by the Umgadi leader at the time, Li Mei.
Harumi trained along two Outworlders named Tanya and Jade and a fellow Earthrealmer named Suchin. They became good friends!
Now, you must be wondering, "Why the Order of Cetrion?"
I imagine Liu was initially taken aback by the idea of bringing Cetrion back, given her corruption and deception. However, Liu considered that if there's one thing that can corrupt, it is fear.
Cetrion feared her mother and the consequences of going against her designs.
But now. Now Kronica was gone, and Cetrion had nothing to fear! There were no secret designs and no sacrifices to be made.
The Goddess of Virtue was free. Free to be virtuous and free to fight for life!
She became a much more active goddess, making actual efforts to protect Earthrealm. She felt joy like never before!
The Shirai were not the first to worship her. But were the first to offer to build a clan of warriors in her name and aid her in her mission to defend Earthrealm.
In exchange for their services, Cetrion gifted them with the most prosperous lands, one their could grow any sort of plant (even the outworldly ones) at any time of the year, so the Shirai could develop and spread their herbalist skills!
The Shirai Gardens are well known for being guarded by magical (poisonous, hallucinogenic) plants!
Another good question you may have is: "Are only women allowed?"
Yes. Much like the Umgadi, only women are allowed to become warriors of Cetrion.
However, men are allowed into the clan if they are to marry one of the warriors!
When a man wishes to marry one of Cetrion's warriors, he must first prove himself worthy of her!
He must go through a trial by combat and face the Grandmistress herself. It is not expected that the man defeats her, just that he fights and persists. Only then, it is proved how willing he is to become hers.
Kuai Liang was named honorary Cetrion warrior when he was merely a boy, perks of being Harumi's best friend. However, it did not free him from the trials!
Kuai Liang fought the Grandmistress Harumi Shirai, and through every flaming punch, he made clear how much he wanted to be hers!
2 years later, another warrior fought for her hand, the first Shirai Ryu Initiate, Hanzo Hasashi!
The warriors were allowed to have as many partners as they desired as well as date among themselves. The Grandmistress performed the trials as well as the weddings!
Only someone above the Grandmistress could perform her wedding, so Harumi invited her former teacher, Li Mei, to perform the ceremony.
Her brother-in-law Tomas walked her down the aisle.
Due to... family issues, Bi-Han did not participate her and Kuai's first wedding.
But by the time of their second wedding, he was in a much better place and agreed to walk both her and Kuai down the aisle.
Hey! You made it to the end!! So, thoughts? Questions? Suggestions?
Please, invite me to talk more about my girl!👀👀🩷
Tagging the gang for more brainstorming: @mikka-minns @thedragonholder @dinainsun @gwenthefirecracker
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footballffbarbiex · 11 months
Blank Space. Chapter One
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player: antoine griezmann words: 1214 summary: being a single mom isn’t easy, more so when it’s plus one season and invites are through your door on a monthly basis but with no-one to take. Tired of the pitying glances and coming up with excuses, you decide that a plus one is just for the night, and that can be bought. But what if that hourly booking isn’t enough, but the boyfriend experience comes at too much of a cost? series warnings: sex work (male escort), single mom client, swearing bc it's me, unrequited love (OR IS IT?), angst (bc apparently i like to put Anto through the fucking wringer.) probably more but i can't think straight rn.
I can’t remember if I shared this here, but I’m really excited for this series. Lemme know what you think. 
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The door has barely had time to close when you’re already dropping your bag to the floor and shrugging out of your coat. You toe your shoes off, knowing that you’ll hate yourself a little tomorrow when you see the creases in the back of them but you’re too tired from work to care right now. You scoop your bag back up and drape it over a coat hook before scooping up today’s post from the doormat and heading down the hallway and flicking on the heating without missing a step.
James won’t be home for a while, the childminder isn’t due for another two hours, giving you the chance to finish off dinner and get a bath ready for him. Stepping into the kitchen, you breathe in the scent of the contents of the slow cooker and the rumbling in your stomach reminds you of the lunch that you skipped earlier. Skipped or forgot because you were so rushed off your feet? No matter the reason, the result is still the same and this has you reaching for a snack while you check over the envelopes and leaflets that have come.
Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash.
They fall to the counter top one by one as you look over them. Some are promising guaranteed credit card acceptance with an extortionately high APR, some are designed to look like letters but are concealing house buying promises from estate agents. A few are small booklets with the latest deals from stores begging for you to spend money. And one, in a carefully tied envelope that can only mean one thing.
You pause chewing as you turn it over, the edges perfectly sealed but the bottom of the envelope flap has been secured anyway with a small return address sticker. You knew because of the handwriting on the front and your stomach drops at the thought of attending another event alone. It’s opened within seconds, a careful slice to the top with a knife, even though you have a letter opener somewhere that your neighbour gave you after she saw you do exactly this.
You scan the information, take in the intricate details and know that these were professionally made. Not that you expected anything different, the bride-to-be had always been anal about details and making sure everything was just so, the wedding would be no different. The wedding invite falls on top of the pile and you push away from the counter as you debate what to do.
Of course stepping through the doors is easy. Mixing with others, especially those that you know, is simple. But summoning the energy, putting on a fake smile when people ask “so, bring a plus one?” and you can see the hope in their eyes that you’re bringing someone who isn’t a friend? That takes some doing. Having to explain why you haven’t yet found that “special someone” is draining. It’s not that you’re not happy for those whose weddings or baby showers you’re invited to, it’s the constant justification of why you’re surviving without a man.
You’re too hungry to think about this on an empty stomach and the need to get out today’s clothes is strong.
With dinner consumed and your favourite glass of wine in hand, you’re browsing every streaming site you subscribe to. James is sleeping soundly upstairs, his heavy breathing borderlining a gentle snore. He’d come home, boisterous, loud and chaotic in all the ways a little boy can be. He’d returned home with tales from nursery, little things that had made him laugh and stories he’d wanted to remember tell you. He’d gobbled up his food, his feet swinging in the gap between the seat and the floor. He’d barely left anything on his plate, slurped up his juice before playing a little before it was time for bed.
After kisses, cuddles and with a nighttime story read, James had fallen asleep before you’d reached the last page. You’d brushed his hair aside and given him a kiss on his forehead before ensuring he was fully tucked up and asleep before making your way back downstairs and getting comfortable on the sofa.
Selecting something as more background noise than anything, your mind drifts back to the invite. You weigh up the pros and cons of both attending and refusing to go. Both have their own perks, but very different outcomes. One would leave you feeling almost less than a person, again, and the other would leave you happy to be at home but judged and most likely shunned from any events in the future - even if you had someone to accompany you.
Humour, almost sarcastically really, has you reaching for your phone and loading up the web browser and typing “where to loan a plus one”.
You didn’t believe for a second that you’d get an actual hit. Of course, almost everything has a result, but more often than not it’s not what you want. But instead, you find yourself with several pages of results and all of a similar nature. You weren’t a prude or at the thought of being behind by several decades, but you hadn’t expected to see the options for this kind of question being from escort agencies.
Intrigue had you clicking and reading over the information there. Some of it was new. You’d genuinely believed that booking an escort was mostly for one thing. Here it details many different options and prices, ranging from hourly rates, 6 hour blocks, overnight stays which can include “the relationship package”, or dates.
You found yourself clicking on what counted as a date and found that many bookings, for all their escorts, were for work events, weddings and anything else that required a plus one. You’d never considered this as a possibility. Didn’t know if you were considering this as an option now. Wouldn’t it be easier to just not go than pay for someone to pretend they’re interested in you?
You’re already here so there’s no harm in clicking on a few profiles as you hypothetically pick out a date. You can see why people would pay for these men, they were beautiful. On their profiles, they have sections which state their expertise. Some are given glowing reviews for their boyfriend experiences, for their ability to put their clients at ease. Some are incredible with their hands or mouth, some exceed in oral. Some are listed as “above average” and some have preference for plus size. There was truly something for everyone. In a way, there was too much choice.
You’re about to click off when a picture gets your attention. Blue eyes under beautiful lashes. Soft dark blonde hair that begs to be touched. A kind and handsome face which, as you flick through the available pictures for him, turns into far more gorgeous when he smiles. His reviews were good. Better than good. He was the perfect choice for a boyfriend experience, would always be on time for event plus ones and took the time to do his research for them - not wanting to leave anything to chance and reveal that this was a very different situation to what you’d claimed you would imagine.
You weren’t considering it before, but this man, this profile, it made you question everything.
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francesminos-tt · 9 months
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“Prince Daeron Targaryen and his consort, Prince Joffrey.”
The banquet hall fell to an uncomfortable silence as the squire announced the arrival of the latest the guests. Prince Daeron was no stranger at court, for the polite and gentle prince had sat at the small council for almost a decade now. He served as Lord Confessor and Master of Laws. It was hard to imagine a gentle person like Daeron to be the master of the darkest and deepest place beneath the Red Keep.
Daeron’s royal consort, Prince Joffrey, however, was a rare sight at court. He was the third son of the deposed queen Rhaenyra, once heir to the throne, now a pawn in the game of politics. Prince Joffrey had been plagued by grief, his health deteriorated after the death of his dragon and his mother. Those who had known him before the dance were shocked to see the once robust and energetic child had become so weak, his cheeks sunken, his eyes dull, and his skin pale like a ghost. Prince Joffrey was constantly sick; the smallest cold was enough to bring him down. He spent most of his time in the isolated quarters of the Red Keep, courtesy of the king, for Prince Joffrey, though a bastard, still had Targaryen blood in his veins.
No one took the political union seriously. Prince Joffrey was too sick to produce an heir. The young omegas in court saw this as an opportunity. They threw themselves at Daeron, leaving meaningful winks and flirting touches, but no one could lure the gentle prince to bed. Daeron participated in their little courting game, but always went back to his shared quarters with his husband for the night.
It had been an entire year since Prince Joffrey attended a royal event. Most nobles even forgot he existed. It was fair to say that his presence today was a shock to everyone.
Daeron entered the hall with his arm around Joffrey’s waist. Both of them wore the traditional color of House Targaryen, red and black, Daeron had a seven-pointed star pin on his collar, while Joffrey wore a heavy necklace made of thick golden chains and an opal at center. Joffrey looked pale and exhausted, but he was beautiful in the extravagant outfit. His eyes were the darkest of obsidian, his lips a nice, juicy red and slightly pouty, his neck elegant and smooth. He easily put all the other omegas to shame. No wonder Prince Daeron was not interested in their flirting.
“Brother, how nice of you to attend my daughter’s wedding.” Aegon raised his cup at Daeron, “And you, nephew. I haven’t seen you for a while.”
“I wouldn’t miss my brother’s wedding.” Joffrey replied; he gasped suddenly before speaking again, “Your grace.”
“I am sure little Aegon misses you. I will let you catch up.”
“Thank you, your grace.”
Joffrey bowed his head respectively. He was so weak that Daeron had to support him by the arm, or he would have fallen to his knees.
“Congratulations, your grace.” Daeron kissed the hand of his sister, queen Helaena, “I commissioned a new gown for Jaehaera from Myr. Joffrey helped me pick out the design. I hope she will like this wedding gift.”
“I am sure she will.” Helaena smiled, “Thank you, brother, and you too, Joff.”
Joffrey shivered at the intimate name. He bit his lower lip as if in pain.
“Are you all right, Joff?”
“I-I am not feeling so well. My apologies, your grace.” Joffrey inhaled sharply and returned the queen’s smile with one of his own, though his smile was strained.
“You haven’t left the room for too long, husband.” Daeron wrapped his arm tighter around Joffrey, “Let’s sit down. You might feel better with a cup of warm wine.”
The couple congratulated the king and queen, as well as the bride and the groom, princess Jaehaera and prince Aegon the younger. Joffrey didn’t have the chance to properly speak to his brother before his husband dragged him away.
The rest of the wedding banquet was spent in a blur. Daeron stayed with Joffrey at the table the whole time, rejecting all the invites to dance. There was one young man from the Riverlands that was bold enough to ask Joffrey for a dance.
“I am flattered, my lord, but unfortunately my legs are no longer fit to dance. I will have to reject your kind offer.” Joffrey said in his politest tone.
The young man blushed for some reason, but his blush soon turned into paleness when the Lord Confessor threw him a glare. Prince Daeron was supposed to be gentle and polite, but why was the prince glaring at him like a bloodthirsty predator?
By the time the banquet ended, it was already midnight. Daeron and Joffrey walked arm in arm back to their quarters, exchanging pleasant conversations with the nobles on the way. However, all the conversations died as they approached their isolated quarters.
Joffrey was shoved into the room roughly. His legs finally gave out and he fell to his hands and knees. His feet hurt like hell. It was a miracle he was able to walk all the way back.
Daeron was on him the next second, turning him over and grabbing his neck. The gentle prince’s purple eyes were cold as ice, but he was smiling and stroking Joffrey’s cheek.
“Does it hurt?” Daeron asked, pulling Joffrey’s long robe up to reveal his feet. Joffrey wore a pair of satin shoes, but the fabric was soaked with blood. More blood oozed from Joffrey’s feet, dripping down to the carpeted floor. At close look, one could see two nails embedded into Joffrey’s heel.
Joffrey didn’t know how to answer. He had been in similar situations before. If he answered yes, Daeron would praise his power of endurance and reward him with a whole night’s rough sex. If he answered no, Daeron would hammer two more nails into him, inflicting more pain until Joffrey passed out.
Daeron loved to see Joffrey in pain. He loved to play the part of a loving and loyal husband of a sick and useless omega. He loved the court’s pity and the attention it brought. Daeron craved attention, for he had never received enough of it in his childhood years.
In order to keep his image, Daeron forced a poison down Joffrey’s throat to make the omega infertile so that he could enjoy the pitiful gaze of the sensitive noble ladies. He mixed mercury into Joffrey’s food to make the omega sick and pale, so he could continue to be the selfless husband. He hammered two nails into Joffrey’s feet tonight to prevent the omega from dancing. How considerate of Prince Daeron to stay at his sick husband’s side instead of dancing with the fine maidens at the ball?
“Does it hurt? Answer me.” Daeron asked again, licking the corner of Joffrey’s eyes. He was disappointed to find there was no tears.
“It only hurts if you allow me to feel hurt.” Joffrey replied, grabbing Daeron’s arm so hard that his fingers dug into the alpha’s flesh.
Daeron laughed and placed a gentle kiss on Joffrey’s lips.
“Can I go back to bed now? I am tired. Please?” Joffrey looked at Daeron with pleading eyes.
Daeron put one arm under Joffrey’s knee and picked him up. He carried the omega bridal style to the bed and gently put Joffrey down on the sheets, before joining his husband in bed.
“Don’t leave me, Joff.” Daeron whispered, pressing his ear to Joffrey’s chest.
“I can’t. You have cut off my wings so I can no longer fly.” Joffrey’s heart was beating faster than usual from the blood loss.
“I love you, Joffrey. You have no idea how much I love you.”
Joffrey closed his eyes. He wasn’t sure how much longer Daeron’s love would last, but he was sure that he wouldn’t live long enough to see it end.
What a shame.
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peachesvanilla · 2 years
Come with me?
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Characters: Baekhyun, reader
Genres: fluff, slight angst, CEO au
Warnings: swear words
Inspirations: 17th prompt from these prompts
I tap my pen onto my planner, closing my eyes and practising the calming exercise. Deep breaths and count till ten. Violence is never the answer. But the contents in the mail still plays in my mind. How could he even do this? Did he leave his brain at home while coming to the office? Not that he has one in the first place. I don’t even know how he is running the company. 
I snap my eyes open, breaking the calming exercise and reread the mail from him. It’s an extension of the wedding invite of his friend, Park Chanyeol. It’s not the wedding I am pissed at but at him, my superior, Byun Baekhyun, CEO of the prive fashions.
Forgot the wedding. Have to attend. Mark my calendar and clear all my schedules.
I open another chain of mails which has been going on since last week, and where he has been looped and even replied. The latest mail says
Excited to meet you, B. Looking forward to our collaboration. 
And their meeting date is fixed on the same day as the wedding. Seventeenth of this month. How can he simply say to clear his schedule when everything has been booked? He wanted to have a collaboration with Suho for months. And I have spent countless days and nights(overtime) researching about the designer, what he looks for in others for collaborating and in which way I can approach him so that he can’t say no. 
Just for a wedding he is gonna piss off the most reputed designer? A mere wedding when he can send a flower bouquet and a simple note. Not like he is best friends with Chanyeol. I didn’t even see him talk to his friend in months. 
I stretch my arms, massage my temples, check my hair in the mini mirror I carry. Despite my hair for once being in place and wavy I still don’t feel calm. I just want to rip him apart and scream at him. That’s the only way I can let go of this frustration. 
Checking the time I realise his meeting would have ended by now. I pick up my notes and pen and march into his office. 
“Etiquette says one should knock before coming.” Baekhyun cranes his neck side to side, his eyebrows pulled together in pain. His gray suit is on the hanger in one of the corners of his office, he sits in a plain white shirt and the top button undone. 
“I got your mail.” I maintain my tone, no matter how much I hate him he pays me well. “I can’t clear your schedule on seventeenth.”
He rolls his chair out of the table a little, a curl of his hair falling perfectly on his forehead. “And why is it?”
“Because we are flying to Paris on the fifteenth and we have a meeting on the seventeenth with Suho.” I smile. His eyebrows narrow. The game begins again. “Remember we were working on this collaboration for a long time?” 
Baekhyun’s frown deepens, his lips pressed in a thin line. And I won't let go of this chance. 
“The endless meetings we had just last week?” I take confident steps towards him and rest my palms on the table. “And aren’t you so excited for this collaboration?” I give him a mocking smile. “I can make arrangements to send your regard to your friend, Mr. Byun.”
Baekhyun intertwines his hands and looks straight into my eyes. “Well,” he says, “first thing I shouldn’t have given my assistant this much freedom.” 
I take my hands off of the table and stand straighter. 
“And,” he drops his gaze to the screen and clicks the mouse twice, “send an apology mail to Suho. Can’t miss the wedding.” 
That’s it. I can’t take it anymore. “You aren’t even that close to that Park Chanyeol?! There’s no guarantee Suho will want to work with us again. He is a known prideful ass.” I gasp, clasping my mouth. That wasn’t supposed to come out. 
Baekhyun’s eyes flicker to mine and my hands cupping my mouth. A sliver of a smile passes through. 
“Etiquette. Please.” Baekhyun stands up from the chair and picks up his suit. Slipping his hands through the sleeves he says, “I believe you’ll make him agree to the postponement. You have excellent negotiation skills and a crap mouth.”
I glare at him. All of my formality is kicked out of the window. Fuck formality and job. Is he nuts? Believe in me? That’s it? This collaboration can give us twice the profit than what we are getting now. 
“Mr. Byun, don’t take this easy. We have invested so much in this.” I cry in frustration. 
“I know what I’m doing!” He barks out in frustration. “If you aren’t capable let the thing be. I’ll send an apology mail.”
“If you have done your job correctly we would have originally planned the meeting late!” I scream back. Red warning signs blare in my mind reminding me that he is my boss and CEO, I shouldn’t cross my line. But when he is taking irrational steps knowing the consequences I can’t hold back. “You didn’t tell me about this magically wedding which appeared out of nowhere and—”
“Stay in your fucking lane, Ms.Kim.” He slams his hand on the table, anger radiating off him. “I don’t need your corrections. Just do what you are told or pack your things.” 
My mind goes blank at his words. Pack your things? He wants me gone? Over this? All these years I spent by his side, helping him achieve his goals, building his company and expanding his business, everything just went to drain. If that’s what he wants then I’ll give it to him.
“Ok.” I nod, holding back my tears. I wouldn’t let him see my weakness. I can’t let him win that too. “Good luck hiring a new candidate.”
He freezes in his place, his eyes widening listening to me. I pick my notebook and head out of his office. When the door closes behind me the tears spill incessantly. How can he do this to me? He could have explained to me the reason instead of telling me to pack my things. 
I turn off the system and clear my desk. Baekhyun doesn’t leave the cabin or asks me to stay. Why would he? Within a snap of his fingers he could replace me given his reputation and craze. Even in our company co-workers are dying for me to be gone so they can take my place and work closer to him. Maybe he wants that. Maybe he got tired of me always putting hurdles in every work of his or torturing him with the whys and what ifs. 
Looking back once at his cabin I walk into the elevator. What am I even expecting? I shouldn't have given my all to him and this job. In the end I am nothing. Now the girls can have a party since I am gone. They can get to him without any difficulty.
I switch channels on the TV trying to find a decent movie or show to pass time. But at twelve in the night nothing is playing except for home shopping. 
Absent-mindedly I pick my phone and stare at it blankly. No mails or messages. Lately I am having a lot of free time, a bonus from not being employed. But at the same time the panic of month end and the bills I have to pay is dancing around my mind. 
Baekhyun, the asshole of the year, didn’t even ask me to come back. Why would he ask me? He must be celebrating me being gone and the new freedom of no one questioning his decisions. 
I roll over the couch, staring at the blank screen. Working overtime and all the time invested in my job resulted in not having any friends or close contact with family. Slowly we drifted apart, the texts from my friends stopped coming after months of me not replying, daily calls from my family turned into a call monthly once.
Baekhyun one way or the other filled in that gap. We used to go out for dinner after a long day, or he brings us lunch when I am working late and couldn't join my colleagues. When everyone has already left and I have to eat alone in the cafeteria, he magically appears and has our food. In his office, on the floor we had our lunch while bonding over the latest release of Marvel movies or his favorite childhood TV show.
Days spent like that have brought us together. I should have been repelled from the idea of spending more time with my boss even after hours but I liked it. It stings a bit now knowing he is indifferent to me not being around. If he cared he would have at least texted me right?
Did he already find a replacement? Am I that easy to be replaced?
I open Hyorin’s contact, my ex-coworker, and send her a message. I know if I poke her a bit I can get all the happenings in the office. Being she is the one who told me about girls dying over to be with Baekhyun including her.
Why did you leave?
Oh we are jumping right into the topic. Before I can reply to her string of messages pour down on me. 
Why is he such an ass?
All the looks are for deceiving.
I take back my words!!!! I don’t want to be his assistant!!!!!!! Can you believe I’m still in the office?! 
I have to submit a report tomorrow. And he points out mistakes or just give silly reasons like formatting etc etc
Pleaseeeeeeee come backkkk
So I take it you are his assistant. 
All this and you still need to ask that? No, I am not. I'm just his temporary.
The chat bubble goes on and on but the message never comes despite waiting for two minutes. She must be back to working. So he did replace me. My mouth turns sour and something pulls in my chest at the thought. In the end I am of no value.
And he really postponed or cancelled the meeting with Suho as today is fifteenth. What is with him and taking harmful decisions for the company. 
I switch channels and I find a movie playing before I spiral down into this more. No matter how much I think it’s never going to change. 
The movie reaches its climax, the hero is about to find the villain’s abode and get his revenge when the doorbell buzzes. 
I get startled at the sound. Who the fuck can be ringing me at one in the night? I remain in my place thinking it may be some drunkard neighbor getting the wrong door. I can’t concentrate on the movie and my attention constantly jumps to someone standing on the other side of my door. 
It rings again and at the same time my phone rings. 
My heart skips a beat and at the same time panic rises. Why is he calling? Why is the person outside my home not going away? I pick up the phone and hurriedly answer his call.
“Baekhyun,” I say, my voice shaking a little, “there’s someone outside my home. I think I will die.” 
“You won’t. Open it. I’m waiting.” He replies. 
“What?” I spring to my feet and run to the door, half thinking he is bluffing and another half excited. Why am I excited?
I open the door a little and peek at the man standing outside. Baekhyun meets my eyes and his shoulders slouches down. The frown on his face replaces it with calm and curious eyes scanning me as soon as I open the door wide. He ends the call, and sighs. 
He is still in his suit, and there are dark circles under his eyes. “Why are you here, Mr. Byun?”
He winces. “We agreed on not using formal terms when not working.” He leans on the door frame, “aren’t you going to invite me in?” He looks inside my home, and I shield it with my body.
He drops his head. “You are still mad. I know I crossed my line.” 
He smiles, and then rolls his eyes. “And you did too.”
“No.” I fold my hands across my chest, his eyes drop to the movement and flicks back up. His ears turn red. “I was just stating facts. And showing you about your stupid decisions.”
He runs his hand through his hair and groans. “But I handled it!” He takes a step in, towering over me, his scent filling my nostrils and my eyes on his broad chest as if it can see nothing else. “Suho agreed to postpone the meeting. But we have to agree to whatever negotiations he puts up. He really is an ass.” 
I hum and giving an I told you so.
“Can we just go inside?” He begs. “Please.”
“God! You are so petty.” He says, but smiling. "I should have told you about the wedding sooner. I know I messed up."
“Remind you about the fact that you told me to leave.” I reply. “You think you’ll get the niceties from me?”
Baekhyun grips my arm and pulls me near to him, his fingers brushing my chest in the movement. My neck burns at the sensation and my eyes widen. Before I can hyperventilate on the contact he pulls me so close that his face is a few inches away from mine. “This marriage is important. Chanyeol, my best friend, is marrying my ex.”
I gasp, cupping my mouth. “Scandalous.” This right here can make an excellent gossip article if it gets out. He was in love once? A little pinch in my heart, but who am I to feel anything regarding this. Except curiousness.
He reads my face for a minute, a slow smile spreading on his face when he should be sad or angry at his best friend or the ex. “For something so scandalous, your eyes are shining bright. You are enjoying this.”
I control my urge to find more about this scandalous, angsty turn of events in his life. Pulling up a poker face I say nonchalantly, “no?” But it's so hard.
“It is still showing.” He flicks my forehead. “So,” he drops his head to his shoes, “I decided to go to their wedding when my friends said they are planning to get married.” 
“I’m surprised you have a life.” I frown. “Why do you have a social life? And I don’t?”
He gives up. “Are you focused on that? My social life?”
“Okay. Okay.” I open my door wide. “You are allowed in. And you need to tell me everything about it.”
He lets out a sigh. “Finally. While we are at it please go and put on some pants.”
I look down at my bare legs and also remember that I am not wearing my bra. I gasp and run into my room. “One minute!” 
I hear his laughter as I close the door to my room. I missed that laugh. I missed being around him. Wanting to spend more time in his presence I quickly grab onto random pants and pull on the bra. 
He is sitting on the couch and flipping through my celebrity gossip magazines. I sit beside him and wait for him to complete the reading of an article. His hair is out of the perfectly styled hairstyle and falls onto his forehead making him younger than his age. But the stress has taken a toll on him.
He had an ex-girlfriend? And his best friend marrying his ex must have hurt him so hard. That’s one betrayal no friend ever expects and yet he wants to go to their wedding? Cancelling everything?
“Don’t pity me.” He says not looking up from the magazine. “I’m good. I just want to go because I don’t want people to think I’m weak.”
“No one thinks you are weak if you don’t attend it, Baekhyun.”
“I don’t know.” He leans back on the couch and stares blankly at the TV. “I just want to be, you know, casual and fine with them marrying. I’m fine with their marriage.” He turns to me. “Really. So no pity. Not from you at least.”
I nod. “Okay. Sorry for saying this but your ex and best friend are an ass. Going behind you and still sending an invite? I didn’t see ignorant people like them anywhere else.”
He laughs but it dies down quickly. “Come back. Come back to the office.” He fiddles with his fingers. 
Is this why he is here? To ask me to come back? Did he come to me directly from the office?
He groans. “I’m sorry, okay? It was all too much and I wasn’t functioning well, and I shouldn’t have taken it upon you.” 
“Be a little more desperate I’ll think about it.” 
He tackles me into a headlock. “I shouldn’t have given you too much freedom.”
I hit his arm repeatedly to let me go of this chokehold. He does, but doesn’t remove his arm around me and says, “while we are at it, will you come with me to the wedding?” His ears are red, his fingers drawing circles on my neck.
“What?” I shiver a little from the sensation of his fingers, and my mind stopped working the moment he wants me to tag along. Why?
He gulps as he says the next words and literally ending me. “As my date.”
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fernwehsims · 3 months
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Hanna Hughes
Company information:
(Noble Nooks)
Hanna Hughes is the founder of Noble Nooks, an interior design company known for creating elegant and inviting spaces. With her keen eye for detail and passion for design, she transforms ordinary houses into extraordinary homes that reflect the unique personalities of her clients.
One of the most interesting houses Hanna had the pleasure of decorating was a modern beachfront villa with panoramic views of the ocean. She incorporated natural elements like driftwood and seashells to bring the outdoors inside, creating a serene and tranquil living space that perfectly complemented the stunning surroundings.
Another notable project was a historic Victorian house that she restored to its former glory, preserving its original charm while incorporating modern amenities. Hanna's ability to blend old and new, and her dedication to creating unique and personalized spaces, have earned her a reputation as a highly sought-after interior designer.
Background story:
Hanna's journey into the world of interior design began with her innate passion for transforming spaces into captivating works of art. As a young girl, she would spend hours rearranging and redecorating her bedroom, drawing inspiration from her surroundings and the stories they told. Encouraged by her family and friends, Hanna decided to turn her passion into a profession and started her own interior design business.
However, amidst her professional accomplishments, an intrinsically nurturer side of Hanna beckoned her attention. Filled with an overwhelming desire to start a family, Hanna decided to take a temporary leave from her flourishing interior design career. Baby fever had taken hold of her heart, and she believed it was the perfect time to embrace motherhood and create a loving home for her future child.
Hanna's journey towards her wedding day with her beloved fiancé, Lawson Ashcroft, is a tale of love and commitment. As she meticulously plans every detail of their special day, Hanna envisions a celebration that reflects their unique bond and shared dreams. From selecting the perfect venue to choosing the most exquisite decorations, she pours her heart into creating a magical atmosphere for their union. Hanna's story is one of anticipation, joy, and the promise of a lifetime of happiness together💞
Traits: Ambitious - Overachiever - Generous
Favorite colors: Brown
Favorite music genre: R&B and Blues music.
Hobbies and Skills: Singing, Wellness, Handiness, Knitting.
If you want to know more about Hanna, keep an eye on Fern Magazine for the latest news 📬
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shaadiwish · 2 years
Check Out Mubaarak’s ‘Celebrating Colours of Strength’ Collection. For More Such Trends And Ideas, Stay Tuned With ShaadiWish.
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simpforroses · 2 years
One Piece Modern AU HCs: Law, Zoro, Katakuri, & Mihawk + Vehicles
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This is an idea I had in drafts since April 17 that I revisited, based on a modern AU centered around alternative subcultures involving Law, Zoro, Katakuri, Mihawk, Perona, Robin, and my self-insert OC, but I thought to share these vehicle headcanons on main! Law, Zoro, & Katakuri also have their own car too, but for this focus, it’ll be their motorcycles):
Law would have a sleek & cool black and gold Kawasaki
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He would customize it with heart motifs that he designed, himself. His jackets and helmet would also be custom designed/painted/lasered too to exemplify his style and symbols that hold a meaning for him.
Aside from his usual rock playlist, sometimes songs from media he grew up with would be played as he drives, such as the Sora: Warrior of the Seas theme song to make him really relish in the feeling of freedom, or ‘Hyperdrive’ would be on to set the atmosphere of riding a duel runner that he saw on Saturday morning cartoons.
A 1st aid kit complete with a syringe, bandages, antiseptic, epinephrine, & I.V. for an impromptu drip room, is always attached in case of emergency. One time there was an emergency in the park where someone had a severe allergic reaction and Law came through, resulting in being invited into the birthday party going on at the moment & kids on the playground thinking he was a superhero.
Kikoku is usually secured either on his person semi-upright or on his waist, using the red sageo, as a nodachi is long and can accidentally cut off traffic if worn horizontally
Zoro would have an electrifying & badass green Yamaha
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Usually someone is on speaker with him providing directions or Chopper tags along, so he doesn’t get lost. The last time he was driving by himself, he ended up in the next town, when tasked to refill the water gallons for the Strawhats’ shared flat.
He has tried out the most motorcycle tricks out of the others, since the Strawhat gang would put him up to it (such as Franky making a mini-ramp or Luffy asking if he could nail a Hot Wheels-like course). Of course, up to any challenge, he goes along with it, and comes out mostly unscathed until he gets the stunt right.
There were also a few times he managed to catch a suspicious vehicle that matched an Amber Alert description, leading to him being featured on the news or being invited to schools and other events as a local legend & speaker (though when asked how he does it, he says he weirdly happens to bump into situations like that).
He rides with his bandana & usually has his katanas on him too, safely secured for practicing in a dojo or in an open space at the park.
Katakuri would have a bad-to-the-bone magenta Suzuki.
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The under-seat compartment usually carries business cards from Big Mom or modified into a mini-fridge for a donut stash or for deliveries for Big Mom.
Usually has a pager on him to connect him to all his siblings, in case there is an emergency (this came to be after Brûlée & Pudding were bullied as kids. Cracker sometimes uses it to page about his latest WhoTube achievement or if there’s going to be an impromptu game night). He usually gets beeped a lot, being one of the more dependable siblings, but he knows when it’s necessary to rev it up & when to continue cruising.
Sometimes he & his brothers would ride through town in a group, earning the Charlotte family unexpected rep in town, when in actuality, they were showing up for a family wedding, dinner, or parking at the airport for a big trip, when all the cars/trucks on their lot are being used.
Was the cool older sibling dropping off his younger siblings at their school with a truck or his bike
Mihawk would have stately black Rolls Royce
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Perona also gets to drive it too on occasion, so she looks like a mafia princess or funeral director’s wife pulling up to the mall (plus it’s perfect for storing all her purchases).
Hidden compartments in the car contains champagne flutes for special occasions, some form of bladed weapon that is able to be hidden—such as a switchblade or a short sword. Otherwise, there is a rapier in the backseat for when he instructs fencing class.
There is also a cross rosary hung around the rearview mirror and a solar-powered Kumashi dancing figure that Perona got custom made on the dash.
The glass & frame are actually bulletproof too. He also prefers to keep a clean car & there is always a pleasant lingering sandalwood scent or ambient instrumentals playing. He acquired the Rolls Royce from his money as a champion swordsman across many disciples (longsword, broadsword, daggers, rapier, sabers, etc. are all game to him) & wine connoisseur editorials he does on the side.
🏍Bonus (ft. Kid, Killer, & Ace)
Kid, Killer & their gang also fabricate their own bikes and vehicles in their workshop, coming up with self-bespoke, custom-made designs. But more often than not, it violates at least 1 street-legal condition. They get it eventually, but at least their non-legal cars can be counted as “art cars” for events like Burning Man
Ace also has his own flame studded bike, and does the mechanical jobs himself. Usually there needs to be loud music playing or Luffy & Sabo on the other side of a voice call, else he may risk falling asleep behind the wheel. However, he is a skilled driver despite his narcolepsy & has savvy for dodging accidents and teaching others how to ride.
Tagging: @jazminetoad, @starrybrujita, @gabrielasalazar18, @undercoverweeeb, @the-witch-of-one-piece, @fireflykaizoku
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ultrxviolencxe · 1 year
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"Cynthia" was a mannequin created in 1932 by Lester Gaba, a sculptor, retail display designer and later a teacher and writer. An unusually natural and human looking mannequin, Gaba used the attention Cynthia garnered to further anthropomorphize her. As a result, Gaba and Cynthia became famous, with Gaba becoming known for his mannequins, and with Cynthia appearing on a cover of Life Magazine, and being invited to the wedding of the former Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson in 1937.[1] Gaba's development of lighter weight mannequins, with more natural, human features, along with Cynthia's popularity impacted the use of mannequins in retail sales marketing.
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In 1932, artist Lester Gaba created Cynthia for Saks Fifth Avenue, a 100-pound (45 kg) plaster model who, unusually, had realistic human imperfections like freckles, pigeon toes, and even different sized feet. Gaba posed with Cynthia around New York City for a Life Magazine shoot, and Cynthia appeared on the cover of the magazine, humorously demonstrating how life-like mannequins had become. Gaba further anthropomorphized Cynthia, and she began to receive invitations, fan mail and gifts, and to attend events. Gaba insisted that Cynthia had laryngitis, to account for her lack of speech during personal appearances. Additionally, a whole host of "Gaba Girls" were to follow. The Gaba Girls were life-sized, carved-soap mannequins modeled after well-known New York debutantes for the windows of Best & Company. They were much lighter, at 30 pounds (14 kg), than the typical 200-pound (91 kg) New York store mannequin. With the Gaba Girls and their realistic successors’ appeal, mannequins became an important new tool used by sellers to attract their clientele.
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Cynthia herself soon became dazzlingly famous. Cartier and Tiffany sent her jewelry, Lilly Daché designed hats for her, and couturiers sent her their latest fashions, furrieries sent minks. Cynthia began to receive large quantities of fan mail, was photographed by Alfred Eisenstaedt. She was given a credit card from Saks Fifth Avenue, and had a box seat subscription to the Metropolitan Opera House. She had her own newspaper column, and a successful radio show. In 1938, she went to Hollywood to appear in the movie Artists and Models Abroad. In 1939, she was back in New York to see the notorious play Madame Bovary at the Broadhurst Theater. Cynthia met her demise when she slipped from a chair in a beauty salon and shattered.[1] The press reported her death, and Gaba appeared distraught, but eventually reconstructed her. In December 1942, however, Gaba was inducted into the army. Cynthia retired, and it wasn't until 1953 that she came back to the public in a TV show. But the magic was over, and Cynthia was soon to be stored in a cupboard for good.
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car6onatedsugar · 1 year
“ is it over..?” [Greed-ler x oc angst]
Dani had finally done it. After showing and presenting her latest invention; ‘The anything writing thingamajig’, life has been good. She made a dealership with the all-knowing Once-ler, whom of which was currently at his peak with the Fashion business. His Thneed has skyrocketed and showed the world - mostly the citizens of Greenville - his overall potential.  And after the past 5 months, the two seemed to have...strengthen their trustworthy bond. Which is how we ended up here. Dani stood at her doorstep, staring at the roses which he held in her hands. A deep crimson blush faded into her face and thoroughly into her cheeks.  This was it.
  This was all she’s ever wanted... And so she stood at his office door, to talk and to speak and to resonate with the Once-ler. Taming a greedy corporate business leader was not unheard of, but Dani was one of the lucky few who got to act upon such things. She could see him at his best, in his happiest moments. To the Once-ler, Dani was one of the rare few whom he could trust with everything. Aside from his Secretary, and his Assistant, Dani; the lead for Engineering and Design - was the closest to him.  To Dani, she loved him. So dearly, she felt as if she could rip out her own eternal organs and give them to him. She would...she would take her own life if it benefited him. She had never felt this way before. Not over her past lovers, not even her own friends. She felt as if he was everything to her. She had grown so attached, it pained her to think about a life without him.  So she sat in his office, on his lap. She stared at him lovingly. Her face a pastel shade of pink. He stared back at her, his blue shimmering sunglasses elsewhere. He had a loose grip on her waist...He couldn’t believe it. He almost thought he was in the presence of a goddess.  They were a match made in heaven at first - Dani having the ideas, and the brilliance with these products. The once-ler, having the power and the overall money to make her dreams come true whilst making himself the richest man in the lands.  Then? They were birds of a feather. They shared passionate kisses, as their tangled legs had moved in a more comfortable position.  It was perfect. Everything was, perfect. Up until now, as Dani was choking back tears at her envelope she held in her hands. Oh? was she crying tears of joy? inside the envelope was an invitation to a wedding. oh.
oh, no.
Her hands shook violently, as she covered her mouth with both hands; dropping the letter. The Once-ler stiffened, feeling the knot in his stomach tighten. She knows. She had collapsed onto her knees. She felt like vomiting. All this time. He was inlove with another. He had a Fiancé.. He led her on. All this time! She shook, staring at her naked body. she never thought she would trust, anyone with her bare body. She felt../like a toy. She felt like a side piece, a purse.
He watched her. He felt himself being drowned and washing up with an intense feeling of guilt. He never meant things to go south. But...He couldn’t find the words to explain himself. His marriage was arranged. He...he never loved his Fiancé. He could only give in, for shame of what his mother would think. After all, she had...given him the idea to cut down the trees in the first place. And look at where it got him! And...the Lorax. but... It didn’t matter anymore. None of it mattered. 
The only thing that did? Danielle. And how...How much this would impact her.
She felt herself on the verge of a panic attack. This was not new. But she had never felt so...so stupid. So ignorant, and so utterly disgusting. She wanted to claw at the skin on her face, tear out her hair. For ever thinking that her life was going to take a turn for the better. She hated herself so much, in this very moment for letting herself go. The Once-ler took a step forward, towards her. But Dani had gathered her clothes, and proceeded to lock herself in his personal office.  He sat outside her door, listening into her quivering sobs. Her sniffles, as he coughed and hiccupped.  Inside, Dani quickly changed back into her attire. She covered her mouth as she stared at the painting of him. She caressed his face and felt the beautiful swirls and paintbrush swishes on the canvas. Artistry was...such a beautiful thing. She couldn’t help but gaze into his eyes. His green eyes, the ones of which she once thought she could stare at for hours.  She felt more tears prickle at the corners of her eyes, as she headed towards the door. She sat on the opposite side of which The Once-ler was sitting. She listened to him breathing. She had suddenly gained the courage to stand and open the door. He quickly looked up, just to have her run past him. He got onto his feet and chased after her. And before she could reach that door, she felt an iron fist grab onto her wrist. She blinked and looked back at him. His face looked so...pained. The same face who had led her on. The same face that she found herself staring at for minutes at a time. When he was outside her office, when he was talking to another, when he was merely listening to her speak about her products and inventions. The same face which she kissed repeatedly. The same in which she could’ve stared at his lips. His lips in which she kissed blissfully. Every single time she had ever kissed him, she felt like she was floating - ascending.  The same face which inflicted this... this pain.  “Dani, I’m...” The Once-ler spoke gently. He wanted to console her, to hold her into his arms again. “I’m sorry.”  Those two words are what broke her. If he was, would he have led her on like this? If he was, would he have just stared at her.  If he was, would he know what to do? If he was, would he have inflicted his onto her? If he was, would he have still have her to keep? Dani shoved her arm away. The Once-ler tried to take another step closer. “is...is it over?” She asked. The word ‘over’ struck The Once-ler like a lightning bolt. If he could, He would want her to stay. But he was hit with too many emotions at once.  She furrowed her eyebrows and had opened the door. “I...I just wish you could’ve loved me. As much as I do love you.” With those final words, she had left. The door shut with a click. There was no going back. She’s gone.
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sets-in-the-city · 6 months
Wedding Inspiration: Crafting Your Perfect Day
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Your wedding day is one of the most significant milestones in your life, and finding the right inspiration is crucial for creating a memorable celebration. In this article, we'll explore various aspects of wedding inspiration, from colors and themes to venue selection, fashion choices, and more.
Colors and Themes
Choosing the Perfect Color Palette
Selecting the right colors sets the tone for your wedding. Explore timeless options or experiment with contemporary color combinations that reflect your style.
Popular Wedding Themes in 2023
Discover the latest trends in wedding themes, from rustic and bohemian to modern and minimalist. Uncover unique ways to express your personality through your chosen theme.
Venue Selection
Indoor vs. Outdoor Venues
Deciding between an indoor or outdoor venue involves considering weather, ambiance, and the overall experience. We'll weigh the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision.
Destination Weddings: Pros and Cons
Dreaming of a destination wedding? Learn about the advantages and challenges of celebrating your special day in a picturesque location.
Bridal Fashion
Trends in Wedding Dresses
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Stay ahead of the curve with insights into the latest bridal fashion trends. Whether you prefer classic elegance or contemporary styles, find the perfect dress to complement your vision.
Accessories to Elevate the Look
Explore accessory options that enhance your bridal attire. From veils and headpieces to jewelry and shoes, every detail contributes to your overall look.
Groom's Attire
Modern Trends for Grooms
Grooms deserve to shine too! Discover modern trends in groom's attire and tips for coordinating with the bride's outfit for a harmonious look.
Coordinating with the Bride's Look
Achieving a cohesive look involves thoughtful coordination. Learn how to complement the bride's dress while maintaining individual style.
Invitations and Stationery
Creative Invitation Ideas
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Your wedding invitation sets the tone for your big day. Get inspired by creative invitation ideas that capture your personality and the essence of your celebration.
Importance of Coordinated Stationery
Consistency is key. Explore the significance of having coordinated stationery throughout your wedding, from save-the-dates to thank-you cards.
Decor and Flowers
Stylish Decor Elements
Transform your venue with stylish decor elements that align with your chosen theme. From centerpieces to aisle decor, we'll guide you through creating a visually stunning ambiance.
Choosing the Right Flowers for the Season
Seasonal flowers add a touch of nature to your wedding. Discover which blooms are in season and how to incorporate them into your floral arrangements.
Photography and Videography
Capturing Memorable Moments
Your wedding day is filled with precious moments. Learn about the importance of skilled photographers and videographers in capturing and preserving these memories.
Trends in Wedding Photography
Stay up-to-date with the latest trends in wedding photography. From candid shots to artistic compositions, explore options that resonate with your style.
Catering and Cake
Unique Catering Options
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Dazzle your guests with unique catering choices that reflect your taste and preferences. Explore innovative menus and catering styles to elevate your dining experience.
Trendy Wedding Cake Designs
The wedding cake is a centerpiece of your reception. Discover trendy cake designs and ideas that not only taste delicious but also add a visual wow factor.
Choosing the Right Entertainment
Entertainment sets the mood for your celebration. Explore options ranging from live bands and DJs to interactive experiences that engage your guests.
Incorporating Personal Touches
Personalize your entertainment choices to reflect your story and shared interests. Create memorable moments that resonate with you and your guests.
Planning and Coordination
Importance of a Well-Planned Wedding
Efficient planning is the backbone of a successful wedding. Learn about the key elements to consider and how a well-thought-out plan ensures a smooth celebration.
Hiring a Wedding Planner vs. DIY Approach
Decide whether hiring a professional wedding planner or taking a DIY approach is the right fit for you. Weigh the benefits and challenges of each option.
Budgeting Tips
Setting a Realistic Budget
Budgeting is a crucial aspect of wedding planning. Get practical tips on setting a realistic budget that aligns with your financial situation and priorities.
Finding Cost-Effective Solutions
Discover cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. From DIY decor to negotiating vendor contracts, explore ways to make the most of your budget.
Personalizing Your Wedding
Incorporating Personal Touches
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Make your wedding uniquely yours by incorporating personal touches. From custom vows to special rituals, infuse your personalities into every aspect of the celebration.
Customizing Vows and Rituals
Explore creative ways to customize your vows and incorporate meaningful rituals that reflect your love story and values.
Overcoming Wedding Planning Stress
Dealing with Common Stressors
Wedding planning can be stressful. Identify common stressors and learn effective strategies for managing and overcoming them to ensure a positive planning experience.
Taking Breaks and Self-Care
Amidst the chaos, don't forget to prioritize self-care. Discover the importance of taking breaks and nurturing your well-being throughout the wedding planning process.
In conclusion, finding wedding inspiration involves a thoughtful exploration of various elements that contribute to your special day. By considering colors, themes, attire and etc.
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jordanianprincesses · 7 months
Hope you are well! I enjoy your thoughtful replies so I wanted to add to the chat because I’m a fashion lover and I enjoy royal watching. Beware, this is a long post 🫠
I want to comment on the Queen’s fashion change, On her latest appearances, she has been wearing the French fashion house Lanvin who is now owned by a Chinese holding company. As we know China supports Palestine.
Before the war, she usually wore LVMH owned luxury brands like Dior, Berluti , Loewe, Fendi, Givenchy, LV. If you follow influencers you will notice Rania is always wearing the same bags that they get as PR gifts, which lead me to assume the Queen receives them as PR gifts and might be considered as a high-profile unofficial ambassador for their brands. An example of this is Rania wearing the Yayoi Kusama Collab at the same time than Chiara Ferragni.
LVMH is owned by the Arnault family… Iman wore Dior for her Big Day, Rania wore Dior for Hussein’s wedding and Rania wore Givenchy Rajwa’s ladies ceremony (this iwas told by someone that attended that ceremony but I have not seen a picture).
Iman’s wedding band is Tiffany which is also owned by them and Jameel wore a pair of Berulti shoes for the televised ceremony. Remember Iman’s beautiful tiara? Is made by Chaumet… they get a lot of freebies I think.
The Arnaults were invited to both Hussein and Iman’s wedding and I mean the real-real wedding that lasted days, this is not gossip but from stories posted on the the Arnaults public Instagram accounts. Now, GUESS WHAT!? The Arnaults have shown support for Israel… so now the Queen has publicly distanced from them in a fashionably yet subtle way and lost one of the biggest wardrobe sponsors because of course, she is getting all those goodies for free.
Hope you and your followers find my rant interesting. I have one about why I think Rajwa’s royal closet and wedding attire being bought from Hussein’s private money. 😆
Have a great day!
Yesterday Dior replaced Bella Hadid by an Israeli model. That was disgusting! The west was always lecturing us on freedom of speech and bla bla blaaaaa yet look what they've done for Bella for Expressing herself.
Am sure now !! We'll never see Rania or her daughter/ Rajwa in Dior again at least publicly. I hated it that Q Rania and K Abdullah were friends with so many zionists like Joe Biden ( he said it himself looong ago ) for example , they could have maintained the formal relationship of two Head of states YET they were close and they invited Jill Biden to Hussein's wedding. But the worst part of it was inviting Ivanka Trump.
I don't think Queen Rania gets freebies, she doesn't need any of it. Maybe some items were offered to her and that's it. But I believe she pays for her clothes. Did you get this info from the statement she released years ago ? Iman also wears designer clothes and she's barely seen in public ( does she get them for free to be an embassador to the brand too when she's not seen in public so often ? ) same with Salma. Princess Ghida too, wears expensive clothes, so do so many Jordanian princesses! Samiha el Fayez too! That's how they live , they're so rich. And Abdullah is the richest one amongst them. Honestly I don't by that narrative of freebies that she stated. For sure she get gifts from time to time or she helps promote local and Arab brands but that's it! Do you have any screenshots of the stories shared from the private ceremony of Hussein's wedding.
Yes your rant is really interesting thankk youu 🥰
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