#Levi's unfortunately got covered up completely
krys-does-art-stuff · 2 months
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Still need to finish up some areas and then do some outlining, but page six is fairly close to being done!
April 2024
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would love to hear ur headcanons for the canon couples (Nalu, Gruvia, Jerza, Gajevy) as first time parents
Fun fact: I actually wrote a fic about them adopting children (well Jerza, Nalu, and Elfever) if anyone is interested in that :)
Lucy is literally stressed out the whole time
Natsu is pretty chill but his protectiveness has tripled
Lucy is the strict parent and Natsu is the fun one, but he will back Lucy up when needed
Unfortunately because of his heightened senses, Natsu really struggles with the baby crying. It's way louder for him and even hurts when he's holding the baby (too close to the ears)
Natsu struggles to sleep too. One because of the baby waking him up, but also because he is super protective and wakes up multiple times a night just to check on the baby (Lucy also doesn't sleep through the night but Natsu more so)
Lucy cheats and summons her spirits to help look after the baby. It really helps the new parents get time to rest (and also her spirits love the little baby so its a win win)
While they take turns working, Lucy usually stays home more. She knows Natsu needs to get out all his energy and she has no problem being a stay at home mom (at least for a little bit)
Juvia is literally always crying. Everything the baby does causes Juvia to burst into tears
Gray is in love. He's literally always cooing over the baby
They fight over who has to be the strict parents because both of them wanna be the fun one. Usually Juvia ends up as the strict one
Gray worries so much about the baby that he spends most nights sleeping in the nursery. Juvia keeps a spare blanket and pillow in there now, just so he can be more comfortable
The entire house is covered in toys (and other baby things). It has completely taken over their lives
Neither of them wanna work because they want to spend as much time with their baby as possible (unfortunately they have to so they take turns and only take simple jobs)
Juvia knits cute little onesies for the baby. She makes little dolls too. The dolls match the onesies. Its adorable
Erza is super prepared and can literally handle any baby issue (throw up, diaper, teething, etc). She's got everything
Jellal on the other hand is always panicking. The baby hiccups? He's freaking out about if he has to go to the ER
Erza bought so many clothes for the baby. She treats them like a little doll and is always playing dress up
They are both the strict parents. Not terribly but they raise their child to behave (tho both are known to give in to the puppy dog eyes)
Jellal cries a lot. He cried when he found out Erza was pregnant, cried when the baby was born, cried when they brought the baby home, etc (he never thought he'd have a life like this)
For the first couple months after the baby is born, Jellal tries to do as much as possible because he wants Erza to rest (she did do all the hard work for nine months so it's only fair that he steps up after birth)
Somehow their home is always clean and they both always look well rested (well Jellal has permanent eye bags but that's just his normal sleep depravation). No one knows how they are so put together with a newborn
Gajeel is that dad that is always talking about his baby. He's always showing pictures, will turn any conversation into a baby story, and in general cannot go five minutes without talking about his baby
Levy did so much research before the baby was born. She bought literally anything and everything the books recommended
Unfortunately that means when something happens that wasn't in the book, Levy panics
Gajeel also has issues with his heightened senses. Levy takes pity on him when it comes to diaper changes (Gajeel has thrown up from particularly foul ones)
Gajeel tried to do that thing where you make the baby listen to music in the moms stomach, but it was his singing. Levy would come up with every excuse in the book for this not to happen
He does sing to the baby now, but Levy finds it adorable and likes to listen (his voice is more suited for lullaby's)
Levy reads to the baby every night. Her book picks vary from actual kids books to textbooks but the baby doesn't know the difference anyway
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imagineanime2022 · 3 months
Demon Brothers W/ An S/O W/ CIPA
Lucifer X Reader, Mammon X Reader, Leviathan X Reader, Satan X Reader, Asmodeus X Reader, Beelzebub X Reader, Belphagor X Reader.
Requested: Anon
Requested: Anon
Request: Haiii:3
I have been reading your posts for some while and i really like how you write!!!
But anyway straight to the point, could you write the obey me brothers with a S/O who has CIPA?
if you dont know what that is its basically where a person cant feel pain, feel heat or cold, and cant sweat.
You can ignore this if you want, take your time. <3
Lucifer = Blue
Mammon = Italic (would not let me do yellow)
Levi = Orange
Satan = Green
Asmo = Pink
Beel = Red
Belphie = Purple
You = Bold
A/N: I had vaguely heard of this before this request and did some research into some of the other things that yo can suffer along side it, let me know if theirs anything that you would like me to change or isn't quite true.
Warnings: Talks of pain, broken bones, bruises, CIPA from the view of someone who has not seen or dealt with it.
📚 No word of a lie this man knew that there was something different about you the moment that you appeared in devildom but he couldn’t tell what it was just by looking at you. 📚 The first thing he picked up on was your choice in clothing. Why are you wearing a jumper in the midst of summer? It looks nice. Are you not hot? I don’t really feel hot. 📚 The second was you play fighting with Beel, even he has the oldest and most powerful of the brother found it hard to keep up with Beel but you a human seemed to be bouncing back from what seemed to be a good deal of Beel’s natural strength, you were covered in bruises when you came down the next morning but you weren’t at all concerned by them. 📚 The third and final one was when you were in the kitchen you had been talking to him and he watched as you put your hand down on the still hot stove that you had been using moments before but you didn’t tear your hand away instead continued talking. 📚 Lucifer had never shot forward so fast demanding to know what was wrong with you while he treated the first degree burn. 📚 Lucifer did some research and then set a schedule to make sure that you stayed healthy, you weren’t allowed anywhere on your own and when you did sustain an injury self assessment was not allowed, he’d be taking you to a professional if he couldn’t tell himself. 📚 He gave his brothers strict instructions on what they needed to be vigilant of when you were out with them and even sent the same instructions to purgatory hall and the castle (not that Solomon or Barbatos needed them, they definitely figured this out within weeks of meeting you). 📚 Lucifer will literally come out of nowhere with some kind of temperature device to make sure that you weren’t too hot or too cold, let’s hope that you never faint because you're too hot. 📚 I think he’d honestly be the most worried, he’s always thinking about you and wondering if you're okay, checking his phone constantly to make sure that you hadn’t hurt yourself somehow. 📚 You're in more danger here than you’ve ever been, you need someone looking out for you.
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💳 Mammon had no clue. 💳 Literally nothing different about you, versus any other human that he’s seen (not that he’s really seen any, let alone interacted with them). 💳 At first he just thought that you were super durable and that instantly had his mind running, he could make money off of the videos that he filmed of you. Yeah for a while you were the get rich quick scheme. 💳 Until one night that you stood up to Lucifer to protect him and Beel and actually got hurt, you had fallen awkwardly, everyone winced and somehow you stood completely normal. 💳 Unfortunately it doesn’t matter how much he sees you're probably going to have to tell him what is going on with you. 💳 Once he understands what’s going on with you he’s a lot more considerate. He always has an extra jumper if you don’t bring one or will offer to carry yours if he feels like you might be getting too hot. 💳 The occasional hyperactivity that comes with CIPA is welcomed with Mammon, he’s up for having pillow fights and running around the house, he’s made a child proof room for you both to play around in when you need it. 💳 He’s not as hands on as Lucifer is but he doesn’t actually leave you alone with anyone who isn’t his brothers, does not trust another soul with your health. 💳 I’m your protector remember? I’ll protect you from everything even if it is yourself.
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🎮 It took Levi a little while to figure it out considering he spent most of his time in his bedroom away from everyone else. 🎮 However the more time that you spent together the more that he realised that you didn’t seem to feel pain. 🎮 He watched as you stubbed your toe, smacked your hand on the bathtub or walked into the sofa but the real teller was when you bit your lip until it bleed one day. 🎮 Stop that. What? Your lips are bleeding, doesn’t that hurt? Not really, I don’t really feel pain. What? 🎮 Levi started to watch you more carefully, when he saw you chewing at your lip, he’ll hand you something else to chew food or chewing gum or something, even had a fidget toy in case you start pulling at the skin on your fingers or around your nails. 🎮 His scales make him the perfect cuddle buddy when you get too warm. I think he runs a little cooler than most other demons so it helped to cool you down when you were running a bit hot. 🎮 Would literally have you wear a watch that tracks your body with the app connected to his and your DDD so that he could make sure that you were okay. 🎮 Since he does his lessons at home, you will get random text messages like: You're getting too hot, take that jumper off or why’s your heart rate up? What are you doing? 🎮 Someone has to make sure that you die, you Normie.
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🐈 Satan absolutely knew that there was something different about you and it took him less than 24 hrs to guess what it was. 🐈 Satan has a lot of knowledge, including knowledge on humans, he reads a lot and that meant that he had read about a lot of different ailments that humans could have so had read about CIPA but he didn’t think that he’d ever meet a human that had the ailments. 🐈 He then proceeds to find out everything that he doesn’t know about it so that when something happens he knows what to do. 🐈 Honestly he’s usually not around when something happens to you, you’ll probably walk into his bedroom after the fact and he would see that you were injured. 🐈 What happened? What? Your arm is bruised. What happened? Oh… I don’t know. Can you please be more careful? 🐈 Will not treat you like a child, you have been dealing with this all your life, you don’t need someone babying you. He is well aware of your limits though and will check on you if he thinks it’s necessary. 🐈 He’s always checking in with you but it’ll be more subtle then the others, he’ll press a kiss to your forehead to gauge your temperature or offer you cold or hot drinks to try and make sure that you stay at an optimum temperature. 🐈 You are the only person that he worries about when it comes to his cats, they are usually fine but he knows that they could do damage when they are playing with you, so he watches carefully and makes sure that you only use the cat's toys that he has bought for you to use. 🐈 Literally hates it when you have a knife and fork, he watches you like a hawk and if there’s even a single sign of danger, he’ll cut the food himself, he would have you cutting off your own limbs for dinner. 🐈 Stop. Stop that. Stop, I’ll do it.
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💅 Asmodeus kinda knew but he never said anything, just treated you the same as he would anyone else. 💅 It would be an accident when he finds out that you even have an issue, he was complaining about sweat one day and you dropped the bomb. 💅I wish I just didn’t sweat. No you don’t. I know that it’s fundamental or whatever Satan said but- No you don’t wish that because then you start fainting because of overheating and have the threat of a seizure every time you have a fever. What? 💅 You literally made his brain stop working because it took him a full minute to realise that you were talking from experience. Has you explain everything to him. Literally everything, he needs to understand. 💅 Now we all know that Asmo isn’t going to be able to protect you from everything so instead, he looks after your body for you, spa night where he does a full inventory, he notes any marks, bruises or wounds on your body and makes sure that they are healing properly. 💅 He hates seeing you hurt so he has like safety gloves that he just makes you wear, he wanted a full bubble to make sure that nothing apart from him touched you ever again. 💅 Would ask the others for help keeping you safe, literally bribing the family (not that he needed to, they all wanted you safe after all) and they are going to take everything that he offered. 💅 Asmo is literally the parent that follows you around with plasters, bandages and cold compress packs for any eventuality. 💅 Oh my god are you okay!? Here, what do you need? We’ll need a long spa day after this.
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🍔 Beel treated you like you were a delicate flower anyway, there was nothing that was gentle enough for you and he had to make sure that everything you did was tested first. 🍔 You will have to tell him what is going on with you because let’s be honest he does a very good job of keeping you out of trouble but that means that when something bad happens it’s really bad. 🍔 I think it’s broken. Yeah probably. Doesn’t that hurt. It’s supposed to. But it doesn’t. Not for me. 🍔 It’s up to you to explain the good and bad points of your ailment because even if he did read about it he’s not going to understand it at all. 🍔 Now all I can think of with this man is that he just holds you above all danger, like you’ll be on his shoulders or he’ll hoist you over his shoulder when he feels like you’ll get hurt. 🍔 Beel will avoid situations that he think will cause you any harm, he’s not always going to notice the signs that something is wrong so he tries to just keep you away from it instead. 🍔 Always has a drink, fan or coat if he thinks that you need it. You’ll honestly wonder where he pulls it out from, it doesn't matter he’ll always have it. 🍔 Keeps you away from his very rowdy Fangol team, they’ll have you seriously injured in less than a few seconds, he eventually told them how delicate you were and the best of the team looked out for you like you were their own, even had you on the bench sometimes to keep you out of the crowd. 🍔 Will let you sit on him not matter what he’s doing, laying on the couch eating, he’ll have you sit on his chest. Working out, you can be the counterweight (you might actually need to hold a weight to make it a challenge though). 🍔 I’m not really good at learning about stuff, but I can keep you safe. I promise
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💤 Belphie is probably the one who finds out the earliest in your relationship and that’s because of everything he tried to do to you before you got him back to the rest of the family. 💤 You could see that he struggling with it and when he apologised you literally waved him off. 💤 Don’t worry I can’t feel anything anyway. Huh? I couldn’t feel anything that you did before, if that helps… You know it didn’t hurt. Now I’m guilty and confused. 💤 You explained properly what you were talking about and surprisingly enough he did understand a great deal about it. 💤 When you were alone together he would find himself asking if you ever wished to change your ailment and how it actually felt to have it. 💤 He’s probably the only one besides Beel to ask you what you wanted him to do and how he could help, he’s lazy and he doesn’t often find himself in many harmful situations so he doesn’t have to worry about that. It’s more about regulating your body and making sure that you are keeping yourself healthy. 💤 He kept snacks and other things around so that if you needed something it was to hand, you still hurt yourself sometimes when reaching for something or walking to the bathroom but nothing too serious with him. 💤 Orders Beel to keep you safe and return you back to him at the end of each school day because he knows at some point he’s going to sneak off to find somewhere to sleep and you might not always want to do that. 💤 Belphie learns you tells for when something is wrong and can figure most things out based on your answers, steals things from his brothers if he needs to make sure that you are comfortable, and also wraps his tail around you to stop you from rolling out of bed. 💤 Don’t worry you can spend the rest of your life in bed with me, nothing can hurt you here.
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Request Here!!
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666writingcafe · 20 days
A Reward: Mammon/Levi/Beel
Final Part of Special Bonus Content
In a few moments, the only people left in this imaginary room are myself and the first three demons I've made pacts with: Mammon, Levi, and Beel. I suppose the effects of the sleeping potion are finally starting to wear out, meaning that soon we'll all be awake and back in the real world.
But something tells me that these three will fight to remain here for as long as they can in order to complete their turn.
"I don't think there's going to be room for all of us on the bed," Beel observes.
"Couldn't we just magically make it bigger?" Mammon asks.
"Yes, except the people with that ability are no longer here," Levi responds, slightly irritated. I take that as my cue to hop off the bed and walk over to the three men.
After some discussion about how exactly we're going to do this, we end up sitting down on the floor. Mammon pulls me onto his lap and starts nipping at my neck, eliciting a quiet moan from me. Beel and Levi quickly position themselves on both sides and start touching whatever part of my body they can reach with their hands and mouths.
The three of them prove to be a deadly combination. When mixed together, their sins cause them to develop a sort of hive mind; their only goal is to ensure that I fall apart in their hands.
And it's working.
"Were you like this before us?" Levi whispers suddenly.
"Like what?" I respond, a bit confused by his question.
"Slutty," Beel bluntly answers. I shake my head.
"I'm a bit of a late bloomer," I explain. "Before the exchange program, I only ever kissed one guy. Didn't do anything else beyond that."
"You can't be serious." Mammon abruptly stops his attack on my neck. "You mean to tell me you were a virgin when we first met?!"
"Is there something wrong with that?" I ask. Realizing how harsh he sounded, Mammon quickly replies,
"No, of course not, MC! You're allowed to do whatever you want with your body, even if that means keeping it to yourself. I'm just a bit surprised, that's all."
"Because of my recent behavior?"
"Because of your soul," Beel states seriously, forcing me to look at him. "It makes the most physically gorgeous people look average in comparison. I get that humans aren't as sensitive to this sort of thing as angels and demons are, but I thought they could at least sense inner beauty."
"Maybe they did, but MC shut them out," Levi suggests. "I mean, I remember them not being too keen on getting dragged into our shenanigans when they first arrived in the Devildom. They just wanted to get through the exchange program, learn as much as they could, and go home."
"You're not wrong," I respond. "The more I got to know you guys, though, the more I wanted to take part of the action. I was no longer satisfied with merely watching from the sidelines. And, well..." I pause, taking a deep breath. "You're all really attractive."
"I knew you had good taste!" Mammon exclaims, causing me to giggle.
"You're certainly going to be spoiled for the rest of your life," Beel quips. "It's not like the average human is going to be able to top anything we're able to do." With that, the three of them resume their activities.
Unfortunately for me, everything becomes hazy, and soon I wake up on the floor of the home theater. I must have been the last one to return from the dream realm, for there's no one else in the room with me. The others are probably well into their day by now.
I get up and stretch out any kinks before exiting the room. I happen to catch my reflection in a mirror as I head to my room to change clothes, and I end up doing a double take.
My throat is completely covered in hickeys and bite marks. Ducking into the nearest bathroom, I undress myself and discover that they also litter my torso and inner thighs. There's even a couple on my butt.
At least I don't have to be anywhere today, because there is no way I could come up with a white lie to explain all of these marks.
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick
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"get me a damned matcha" | Chapter 25: June III
{{ Chapter 24: May II | Epilogue }} Chapter Directory
I for real feel like I'm grieving! This was my first published and completed fic in a VERY VERY long time and, as frustrating as it was sometimes, I'm so glad that y'all took this journey with me 😭
✧ pairing ➼ levi ackerman x fem!reader, college x coffee shop x roommates!au ✧ summary ➼ After you find yourself plagued with misfortune due to struggles in your personal and family life, you find yourself needing to move last minute. As a junior in undergrad with little money and little social support, you considered yourself lucky when you found a sublease that was close to campus and was relatively cheap. Unfortunately, it seemed that your roommate did not seem to be so excited regarding your presence. ✧ content/warnings ➼ fluff, alcohol, reader finally coming to terms with herself ✧ word count ➼ ~5.2k
School was over, but it didn’t mean you were entirely free of responsibilities.
Paradis University hosted a graduate banquet every year, specifically to feature students that excelled academically or contributed to the community. 
You didn’t originally want to go. Your grades weren’t the best and you didn’t feel like being surrounded by your classmates that would no doubt boast about their near perfect GPA’s. However, you did start the Honors Society and it had taken off within the past few months, so you felt the need to attend since you participated in an important extracurricular. Sure, you could have just dipped out on it, but it could have been a chance to network if you decided to go down that route.
You couldn’t see it happening in the meantime. You just wanted to focus on your book, but if the opportunity arose to network, you told yourself that you’d take it.
You were dragging Levi to the banquet with you, which was met with surprisingly little resistance. The idea of spending the night wearing a formal outfit and being surrounded by people didn’t sound great to either of you, so you were more than surprised when Levi simply responded with a “sure” when you half-heartedly asked him if he’d be your emotional support throughout the night. 
You were currently trying to focus on just the next hour or two to keep your mind off the banquet. The tickets were paid for and the outfits were bought. Even if you really wanted to skip out on it, you had already spent time and money preparing, so to have that go to waste would feel just as bad as forcing yourself to go for the night.
Sighing, you looked down into your bag, double checking that you had picked up both sandwiches that you had ordered. You were dropping off lunch for Levi before planning to hang out in the cafe for the rest of his shift before heading home to get ready for the banquet. 
Your head shot up as you saw something orange moving out of the corner of your eye. It was small and barely drew your attention, but you looked off into the distance and your eyes fell on a nearby dumpster. You saw something shuffling around near the corner before disappearing under it.
Any intention for you to shrug and move on disappeared as soon as you heard a meow. 
Your eyes widened as you immediately set your bag down on a nearby bench and headed directly towards the dumpster, doing your best to ignore the subtle foul smell coming from the opening. You got onto your hands and knees and knelt down to peek underneath the dumpster, a small gasp coming from your lips when you saw a lone kitten squatting in front of you. The kitten was thin, but didn’t look like it was starving. They were definitely dirty and you could already imagine Levi’s face if he was the one staring at the kitten. Some of its fur was matted and the dirt covered what you assumed would have otherwise been a vibrant orange coat.
It didn’t seem actively afraid of you, so you reached out your hand towards it without fully extending your arm, to offer that you were friendly but to not be too intrusive or scare them off. It made eye contact with you before gradually approaching you, tentatively watching you before deciding that you were a nice human and immediately crawled onto your lap.
Clearly more smitten with the kitten than you were disgusted by the amount of dirt and grime on its coat, you picked them up and brought them over to the bench, suddenly remembering your tuna sandwich. You carefully unwrapped the sandwich as the kitten watched you curiously, smelling the tuna as soon as you exposed the sandwich from its wrapping.
You scooped up some of the tuna with your pinky and extended your hand out to it again and it took all of your willpower to hold back the massive smile building on your face as you watched it happily lick at your finger. All that willpower was immediately thrown out the metaphorical window as soon as you heard it begin to purr.
You felt your heart ache as you stared at it, noticing that it wasn’t wearing a collar. You kept telling yourself that no matter what, you were not going to take it home with you, despite already being unable to part from it. You already knew that Levi was going to question why it took you so long to pick up the sandwiches, yet you couldn’t get yourself to get up and walk away.
You weren’t going to take the cat. You didn’t have the capacity to adopt it. You told yourself you wouldn’t do it.
You ended up taking the cat. 
Your hands were full with your bag and the sandwiches, so you settled for placing the kitten in the hood of your jacket. Although he seemed to shuffle around a bit, your hood was large and sturdy enough that there wasn’t a risk of him falling out, even if he was wiggling around.
Once you finally arrived at the cafe, you let out an internal sigh of relief once you saw that there weren’t a lot of people inside. You opened the door to the cafe with your foot since your hands were occupied, making eye contact with your grumpy barista-turned-roommate-turned-boyfriend. 
Levi was in the middle of making you your Matcha before looking up and seeing you slowly make your way inside, noticing that you seemed a bit more disheveled compared to usual. That, plus the fact that it took you as long as it did for you to pick up sandwiches from a deli shop two blocks away made him immediately suspect that something was up.
“You get lost again?”
It took you a second to respond and Levi could immediately tell that your attention was directed elsewhere.
“Really took you 30 minutes to walk down the street?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yep,” you immediately responded, somewhat avoiding eye contact with him. You were stiff and moving slowly, as if you were afraid of knocking something over. 
The more he looked at you, the more suspicious Levi became over what the hell had happened on your little field trip to the deli shop. He watched as you reached into your bag and handed him a sandwich. 
He eyed you skeptically as he took the sandwich from you, immediately grimacing upon opening it and smelling the tuna coming from within the loose wrapping.
“I didn’t order tuna,” he commented with a disgusted expression.
“You’re so extra,” you sighed as you rolled your eyes at him, swapping out the sandwich you grabbed for yourself after realizing that you accidentally gave him yours.
Levi grabbed the correct sandwich but then looked up as soon as he began to unwrap it. He had heard a certain noise coming from the back of your hood. Raising an eyebrow, he gave you a skeptical look and noticed that you were purposefully avoiding eye contact with him. If he didn’t know you better, he would’ve assumed that you were just focusing on eating your sandwich, but he knew that was bullshit.
“Did I just hear meowing?”
He saw you pause for a split second, making it glaringly obvious that you were hiding something.
“I don’t know, did you?” you asked innocently while still avoiding eye contact.
You couldn’t see it, but you could essentially feel the glare that Levi was shooting in your direction.
A meow came from the back of your hood again. It must have been the tuna.
Levi’s unamused expression turned into a full frown as you continued to awkwardly look away.
“Show me your hood,” he demanded in a stern tone of voice.
“What?” you asked, looking up at him, trying your best to maintain a neutral expression. “Why?”
His gaze was unwavering, and his expression was unchanging. You could tell that he wasn’t going to back down from his request.
After a few seconds of desperately trying to maintain your mask, you sighed and pulled your hood to the side and grabbed the kitten from within, having it rest on one arm while you used your other hand to poke at your sandwich, offering more tuna to your new furry friend.
“Really?” Levi asked with an exasperated sigh.
“What?” you responded defensively. “I found him underneath the dumpster. I think he’s orphaned.”
You looked up towards Levi and saw an expected look of disgust appear on his face as soon as you mentioned the dumpster. His eyes fell from you down to the cat, noting that its fur looked a little matted, but otherwise didn’t look completely filthy. He watched as it happily licked the tuna off your finger, noticing that it was purring.
“Please don’t say you’re taking it home.”
“Where else am I supposed to put him? Back near the dumpster?” you responded nonchalantly, indicating that you had already made up your mind about adopting the dumpster kitty. “Look how much he loves the tuna.”
Levi had moved on from glaring incessantly at you to having an intense staring contest with the cat, adamant about not allowing it to come home with you. It got harder and harder to keep that frown on his face once he saw you smiling endearingly at the cat.
“Fine ,” he grumbled with a groan, rolling his eyes as he brought his attention back to making your Matcha, “but you’re feeding him something other than tuna from a cheap deli shop.”
You tried to hide the shit-eating grin that was beginning to appear on your face as you finally heard Levi give in to your somewhat impulsive decision to adopt a cat. Seeing that the cat was no longer sniffing at your sandwich, you scooped him up out of your arm and back into your hood.
“He’s going to get our clothes for the banquet all furry,” Levi mentioned as he looked back over at you.
“Well, I guess we’ll buy a lint roller on the way home,” you rationalized, earning a quiet grunt to come from Levi’s lips.
You rolled your eyes.
“Full of problems today, aren’t you?” you grumbled. “Just get me the damned Matcha.”
He looked back up at you with a frown as he hesitated in sliding your Matcha over to you.
You stuck your tongue out at him as you reached for the beverage, your eyes widening once he moved it away from you so you couldn’t reach.
“Only if you quit being a little shit.”
You glared at him and reached across the counter, dodging his efforts to shoo your hand away, smirking once you finally wrestled the cup away from him, although he wasn’t trying very hard to keep it out of your grasp in the first place.
“You’re so annoying,” he scolded.
“And you’re a dick,” you retorted.
“You’re distracting me.”
“And you’re choosing to get distracted.”
He rolled his eyes at your response, but you saw the slightest hint of the corner of his lips tugging up as well as the presence of an amused look in his eyes. He was enjoying your banter, despite his multiple claims regarding how annoying you were being to him at this moment.
Levi eventually walked away to tend to his station since he was still on a shift, but it was next to impossible for him to take his eyes off you for the rest of the shift. You were doing nothing other than sitting at your usual seat as you made your way through your sandwich, occasionally throwing a comment back to your new fur child when you heard him calling from behind you, musing over potential names for him.
“Mr. Whiskers? No? Don’t like that?” you proposed, gauging the cat’s reaction as you muttered off a list of potential names. “What about…Mashed Potato? I think you can look like a scoop of mashed potatoes. Don’t like that either? If you ask Levi, he’d probably just constantly call you a little shit, would you prefer that?”
Levi snorted to himself as he watched the ridiculousness that was the conversation you were having with the small furry creature that was meowing at you in response.
“Marmalade?” you asked, your eyes lighting up when you weren’t met with a meow of protest. “Nice to meet you, Marmalade.”
Levi watched closely as you introduced yourself, saying your name and some random facts about yourself, before pointing at Levi and introducing him as the one Marmalade will have to answer to if he leaves too much fur on the furniture. 
You looked up, making eye contact with Levi again, realizing that he was listening in on your conversation. 
“Levi might still refer to you as a little shit regardless, so I guess we’ll have that as your backup name.”
You were in a rush to the banquet. You had stopped at a pet store on the way home, buying a comfortable kennel, a litter box, a food and water bowl, and some kibble and canned food, although Levi was mumbling about being unsure if the kibble was good enough for Marmalade, clearly indicating that he was going to take this cat dad thing seriously. After taking Marmalade home, giving him a quick bath so that he wasn’t tracking dirt all over the apartment, and setting everything up for him, you were more than pressed for time.
“Told you he was going to get fur all over our clothes,” Levi grumbled from the driver’s seat as you picked off some stray strands of fur that the lint roller had failed to catch.
The drive to the banquet was relatively quiet, likely due to your nerves regarding having to be around that many people, but Levi’s brows furrowed together as he heard you incessantly squirming around in your seat. His eyes flashed over towards you and he saw that you were fumbling around with a waist-clincher that you were wearing underneath your dress. It looked more than uncomfortable and you kept on adjusting it in an attempt to make it more bearable to wear. 
“Tch, just take that damn thing off,” he scolded. “You look fine.”
You paused, holding still without further adjusting it or taking it off, hesitant to fully remove it. You haven’t ever worn a formal dress without it, although you knew that it was due to lingering traces of that facade you had spent the past few months trying to unravel.
Realizing that it wasn’t worth the discomfort, you unbuckled the back of the waist-clincher and tossed it into the backseat, immediately feeling better and like you could finally breathe after taking it off.
Levi was right. It was unnecessary and barely made a difference. Even if it did, you realized that you really didn’t care anymore.
The amount of students that showed up to the banquet wasn’t terrible, but given the fact that most of them brought someone with them, you began to feel cramped fast. Most of the students walked in with their parents, with some that were like you, bringing their significant other instead. 
The general expectation was to bring family and Levi was the closest person that you could realistically call family. You had cut your aunt off and had no intention of reconciling with her. You vaguely recalled a phone call two weeks ago from your aunt to chat about ‘future plans’. The question itself was innocent enough, but then she started going on about how writing isn’t an ‘actual job’ and you finally decided you had enough. You remembered snapping at her about how it was none of her business and then hung up. You haven’t responded to her since.
By the time you sat down at the table after finally locating your placecard, you were already beginning to feel overwhelmed from the amount of people cramped into a small conference room. 
“This was a mistake,” you grumbled.
“Was it?”
Levi took a seat next to you and adjusted the tie that he had neatly put together about an hour prior when you were in a rush to leave. You watched him closely, paying particular attention to how his dress shirt seemed to fit his shape perfectly, with the color of the tie further accentuating his eyes. His fingers neatly dug into the collar of his shirt to adjust his tie, and you found your mind immediately wandering elsewhere as you became fixated on the dexterity of his fingers.
Feeling your cheeks heat up, you immediately ripped your eyes off him and shook your head a bit, sipping on the glass of water in front of you to keep yourself from feeling a certain way that would have made getting through this night even more difficult than it was already going to be.
“Oh, you came.”
You looked up as you saw Petra’s somewhat skeptical expression. Her tone of voice indicated that she legitimately did not think you were going to show up despite the fact that you turned in your RSVP and had a table card.
“Did you expect me not to?” you asked with a frown.
She shrugged as she sat down, hanging her purse off the back of the seat as she got settled. 
“You just sounded pretty disinterested when we were chatting about it. That’s all.”
You took a second to recall that conversation that you vaguely remembered. It was a few weeks ago, roughly around the time that you had spent on figuring out how to move forward with properly grieving your parents’ death. This banquet was the last thing on your mind.
“Was distracted,” you eventually remarked. “Sorry.”
Your eyes shot up as you watched some other students sit down at the table with their family members. With everyone taking a seat, the crowd seemed a little less chaotic, so that was a plus, but you’d be expected to maintain one-on-one conversations now, which seemed just as draining.
“Honestly, I probably would have run it differently.”
“Hmm?” you said as you looked towards Petra, her comment pulling you out of your thoughts about how dreadful these next few hours were going to be. You knew she was referring to the Honors Society, since that’s what you were specifically invited to this banquet for. You already knew that she was going to say one of her comments that were genuine and did not come from a place of malignant intent, but always seemed to rub you off wrong.
She began giving examples of some things she would have done differently had she been the one that started it and you felt yourself getting increasingly irritated the more she spoke.
“Like any financial issues could’ve been mitigated through having member dues-”
“Should’ve run it yourself then,” you finally snapped as you scowled at Petra, whose eyes widened at your sudden remark.
You didn’t even notice the upturn of Levi’s lips that appeared as soon as you snapped, no doubt proud that you were finally standing up for yourself. You stood up, grumbling under your breath about how you were going to need a drink if you were going to have to deal with this type of thing all night, and headed straight for the bar.
It was the subpar university catering service, so you were less than impressed with their cocktail options, electing for the first fruity one that you saw. It tasted more like watered down juice than anything else.
You took a sip through the straw, looking over to the side as you saw Levi take a seat next to you.
“She send you to talk me down?” you asked dryly.
“No,” Levi said as he motioned for the bartender to get him a glass of whiskey. “Was too surprised to say much of anything.”
You kept your gaze fixated on your drink, watching the ice spin around as you stirred the liquid with your straw. You had known about how much your friendships were lacking for quite some time now, but you really did question why you kept all your friendships at surface-level. You legitimately couldn’t think of a reason as to why, other than maybe falling under the influence of your shitty ex-boyfriend.
Clenching your jaw, you let out a frustrated breath. You were going to resolve to do better and set boundaries when needed, instead of being the person that tedious tasks got thrown on to. You were going to be seen as a person and not as a means to an end.
You knew it was going to take a while. This part of you had been deeply engrained into you ever since high school. You’d have to fight back against any instincts you’ve developed since then, and then unweave all of the relationships that you had made based on this facade.
It was going to be hard and take a long time, but you knew that it was what you needed to do to continue moving forward. 
You had to find out who you really were and how that ultimately changed the relationships around you, taking apart each superficial thread one by one until people began seeing you for who you really were.
Even after you gathered yourself and conversed your way through the dinner and beginning speeches, you got quickly drained again and found yourself back at the bar. You were more than annoyed, with the crowd being a bit more scattered as people began to socialize amongst each other. 
You noted that Petra was chatting with the dean, likely doing some sort of elevator pitch to get into medical school, and that Oluo was chatting with Shadis, likely to ask about Shadis’ graduate program. This was essentially what all of the students present were doing: networking.
Now that you were here, you realized that you couldn’t really care for networking. You had no plans. You had no elevator pitch to give, and you were over pretending to be someone you weren’t.
You quietly groaned to yourself as you sipped on your cocktail, having ordered another one from the menu in hopes that it was better than the first one. It wasn’t. You grimaced upon tasting the liquid. It was too bitter and the ratio of alcohol to mixer was off. You’ve had better drinks at fraternity parties than whatever it was that the university catering service decided to deem as quality alcohol.
“Wanna get some air?” 
You looked over as you saw Levi approaching you again after he went off to converse with Erwin, who was there to recruit more potential students for his lab. The extra personnel was much needed. Your eyes immediately lit up once you heard the offer.
“Please ,” you responded, although it sounded almost like begging, indicating how desperate you were to get out of that stuffy and noisy room. 
Levi led you through the crowd and out one of the side doors that led to a balcony overlooking the downtown area. He shut the doors behind you to dampen some of the noise from within before leaning on the balcony railing next to you. It was much quieter outside. There were a few stragglers, but most of the guests had either gone home or were inside socializing. As far as you were concerned, it was only the two of you here, enjoying the cool night breeze and the beauty of the downtown lights below you, the street lamps illuminating up the street in a way that made you almost want to leave the building entirely just to walk underneath those lights.
You sipped on your drink again—likely just out of instinct since you still held the drink in your hand—and immediately grimaced again, being rudely reminded of how shitty it tasted.
Levi grabbed the glass by the rims and placed another drink in front of you. While yours was clear and flat with an orange slice inside it, the one he just handed you was bubbling from the carbonation and had a pretty mix of red and orange colors leading to the bottom of the glass. 
You took a sip, not being all that surprised when it tasted much better than the one you previously had. Whatever he ordered tasted more fruity than it did alcohol, while still providing that slight kick. Realizing that he likely customized the drink instead of directly ordering something from the menu, you eyed him as you sipped on the thin straw.
He knew your flavor profile. It wasn’t that surprising to you. After all, he had been making you your drinks for two years while also living with you. The drinks that he made were clearly very different from the ones served from behind a traditional bar, but he knew your likes and dislikes enough to craft you a cocktail you’d actually enjoy.
Levi sipped on your old drink, underestimating how bad it actually was, immediately scrunching up his nose in disgust upon tasting it.
“Really?” he questioned as he shot you a skeptical look.
“It’s what they had on the menu,” you said quietly, your cheeks slightly heating up in embarrassment.
“And by ‘they’, you mean the shitty university catering.”
It was the graduate department that was hosting the event, so their catering events included alcohol, but it was still university catering, which usually resulted in their menus being written from a more economic standpoint instead of one designed to provide the guests with satisfactory food and drinks.
You shrugged in acknowledgement, having accepted that you probably should have just tried to mix something up yourself. Still, the fact that Levi went out of his way to get you a drink you’d like brought a small smile to your face. 
You swirled the drink with the small straw for a while before sipping at it again, looking over towards Levi afterwards. He had turned around to set your old drink down onto the mini-table behind you, and was now headed back towards you. 
As he turned to face you, you couldn’t help but notice how his hair moved about in the wind, revealing his undercut, or how his dress shirt had the two top buttons undone, showing off his collarbones. He elected to also undo his tie and have it hang around his neck. His suit jacket was off due to how warm it was inside, and he had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Your eyes drifted down to his hands and you felt your mind wandering off towards your memories of how his hands felt on you, recalling some of the more intimate things he’s done with them to you.
You found yourself staring straight at him as your face rapidly heated up again as you desperately tried to pull your mind out of the gutter.
“What?” he asked, noticing the fact that you were just staring at him, ripping you out of your daze.
“Hmm?” you responded as you slightly shook your head to reorient yourself. “Nothing, just…”
You trailed off as you awkwardly shuffled from side to side, scratching at the back of your head.
“Just what?”
You took a moment to look directly into his eyes, noticing that they had softened in the past few minutes that he was standing outside with you. Part of you didn’t believe that this was the same person that pissed you off so much two years ago, but you were able to acknowledge that pretty soon after you moved in, he was there for you in a way that you desperately needed, but could never get prior to him.
“Just…thinking about how making me hate you was probably the best thing you could have done for me.”
That was not the answer that Levi was expecting, as evidenced in the way that he blinked at you as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“What?” he asked, bewildered at your response.
You looked down at your drink again as you tried to gather your thoughts into something that would make sense.
“...I remember how pissed I was those first few weeks of living with you,” you began, your voice gradually rising from a quiet whisper as you continued to speak. “Kept on questioning how I was going to survive even another week with you…but I think that it’s because I hated you so much that I was able to be myself around you.”
A gentle breeze blew through the both of you, as if it was trying to carry your words directly to him.
“...because I hated you so much, I was able to form something…real with you.”
His eyes softened again as he looked into your eyes, shifting his stance so that he was facing you more.
“Well, you were pretty easy to hate,” he mumbled nonchalantly, immediately earning himself a gentle shove from you in retaliation, the edges of his lips pulling up into a subtle smirk.
“I’m serious,” he continued after readjusting his positioning after you rudely forced him to move. “I remember dreading coming home because I knew your annoying ass was going to be waiting for me.”
“And I remember grimacing every time I heard the door open because I knew I had to see your cocky face again.”
He scoffed and flicked at your forehead in response to your comment and you swatted his hand away, rubbing at your forehead afterwards as you pouted at him.
You felt your face heating up again once you saw the affectionate look in his eyes as he watched you.
“...just strange…”
“What is?” he asked, slightly tilting his head, never taking his gaze off you.
“...that within the span of two years,” you spoke quietly, “I went from hating you…to loving you.”
You felt your breath get caught in your throat as you realized what exactly you had just said and admitted to—that you loved him. You felt your heart beating through your chest as your entire body heated up in embarrassment—but there was also truth to the sentiment. You really did love him. He had been there for you in ways that no one ever had been before. He pulled you out of the shitshow that you found yourself drowning in and helped push you forward, even if he was being a bit of a dick at times.
You thought back to how sneakily he had snuck up on you, and how devastated you were when you thought you had lost him. Even through all the fighting you had at the beginning and how difficult he was as you tried to sort through your feelings, you’d be willing to go through them every single time if the result was you standing here next to him in this moment.
“...love you too, brat,” he whispered, gently running his fingers down the side of your face, before pulling you into a gentle kiss.
You pressed your lips up against his, smiling into the kiss as you ran your fingers through his undercut, stepping closer to him.
Once you finally pulled away, you looked directly into his eyes, the two of you now being close enough that your lips were just inches apart.
Nothing else mattered to you right now except for him. Being able to hate him, meet him, and fall in love with him made going through undergrad worth it, even if it didn’t feel like it at first. You’d do it over and over again if it led to this conclusion.
You parted your lips to speak, your voice barely audible as you whispered to him.
“Thank you for being my found family.”
#: @levisbrat25 @gothgril69 @sckerman @berrijam @notgoodforlife @meowjaa @averysmolbear @roseofdarknessblog @bejewelledd @hhighkey @ayame236 @sad-darksoul @velouria17 @kamyru @l1zk4 @layenacreates @lamees004 @whoami-72 @highgoon69 @chaotic-on-main @levishotgf @nube55 @chosos-mascara @heichoucleanfreak @svftackerman @v4mp-wife @moonchild-angel @astri-ackerman @auriuswolve @noctemys @you-always-made-me-blush @raginginferno267 @sugurusdiscordmoderator @jennamelinda12 @noodlejitsu @nalu-trashytrash @creigh-h @gina239
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faeleur · 11 months
long awaited, finally here. thanks for your patience and hope you all enjoy :) part iii coming soon!
part i. part iii. part iv. masterlist
leviathan x idol!reader: part ii
it had been a few months since that afternoon, and it was safe to say you and levi were now best friends :)
you two had a routine — once you were done studying for the day, you’d sit in his room and debrief, talking about everything that you didn’t cover over text, and on friday evenings you watched a new episode of the latest anime together, analyzing and theorizing its contents afterwards.
the two of you were inseparable, and while you were close with (almost) all of the boys, your connection with levi was different.
your time together was filled with fun, laughter, inside jokes, and friendly competition, and levi couldn’t be more grateful for your companionship. but…
no, there was no but, levi had tried convincing himself over and over again. everything was just fine as is. there was nothing else he needed or desired. but there was.
he just didn’t want to admit it to himself, or anyone else.
however, as the days went by, it grew harder and harder to deny it, and every morning and evening when he saw you, it grew harder and harder to keep the words buried.
one day, maybe, but not now… or maybe ever. just this was enough.
except it wasn’t. despite his best attempts, he was the avatar of envy, and every day he craved more and more of your time, of your attention.
and for the most part, he had it. as your best friend, you spent every day together… except for one.
there was one (1) day where you were completely unreachable. (☹️)
saturdays, unfortunately (and inconveniently, because literally everything fun in the devildom happened on saturdays), were declared “you days” by lucifer himself. they had been yours since the day you arrived in the devildom, and would continue to be so until you left.
the other brothers were instructed to leave you be and to not seek you out on saturdays, as, per lucifer, “everyone needed time to themselves,” and this was the one day of the week you could have that. however, you weren’t using them in the way they would’ve expected.
when you first arrived, you deemed lucifer a trustworthy source and told him about your idol status and career back on earth. seeing your predicament, he gave you saturdays to visit earth and practice or perform with the rest of your group, and arranged for one of the empty rooms in the house to be converted into your own private studio for the rest of the week.
he somehow also managed to ensure you received a lighter homework load over the weekend, which you had thanked him endlessly for (and to which he beamed proudly in response, saying it was the least he could do).
this arrangement seemed to work well enough, and allowed for your group to still remain active, even if it wasn’t ideal — it severely hindered your group’s schedule, as you could only promote and perform as a group one day a week, but as far as individual tasks go, you were able to complete most of your own work in the devildom and send it over to your manager back on the surface.
because of this, it became customary for your group to film and prepare content in advance so that when you arrived, you could fill in your parts and get it over to the editing team as quickly as possible.
and of course, it only became natural for you and levi to consume the content together as soon as it dropped on sunday evenings. he’d have everything set up in advance, auto-refreshing his page, and the minute a new stage performance, talk show appearance, miniseries episode, vlog, or live dropped, you were at his door no less than 20 seconds after he pinged you with you guys’ favorite snacks in tow ^^
you both fangirled over everything, levi more than you — especially over vega (you !! unfortunately you weren’t about to out yourself so you had to hide most of your reactions, no matter how flustered you got) — and every so often you’d lean over and whisper a piece of trivia in his ear that even he didn’t know, which was practically impossible because he knew (almost) everything there was to know about galaxea, of course… but you got a pass 😌
and at the end of the night, when he could tell you were sleepy and dozing off on his shoulder, the voice in his head screamed, practically begged him to wrap his arm around you and pull you closer to his side.
he couldn’t help the blush that crept onto his face at the thought, but every time he nudged you awake, murmuring softly in your ear that you both had class the next morning and should head to bed… properly. and every time, you nodded and smiled at him sleepily, raised yourself off his floor and walked to his bedroom door, waving and slurring that you’d see him in the morning. and every time, as soon as you were gone, he sighed and stared at where you once stood, the words he left unsaid stuck in his throat.
and every time… henry looked at him with what appeared to be amusement.
“like you’d know what i’m struggling with,” levi scoffed as he rolled his eyes, shutting off his computer in the process.
“they’re just a friend, is all,” he rationalized, nodding to himself.
“right? we’re friends. that’s it.”
but when he turned to henry, he saw how pathetic he looked as his reflection stared back at him. the glimmer of hope in his eyes was unmistakable even in the dim lighting of his room.
dejected, levi would end the conversation, and his night, by throwing himself into his bathtub, pulling his ruri-chan body pillow close, connecting his headphones, and shuffling his galaxea playlist, huffing in annoyance as he closed his eyes.
and every time, he’d replay his evening with you in his imagination, focusing on every detail of you, the rest of the world fading into the background… just like it did the day he met you.
the way your nose scrunched when you laughed, the contagiousness of your smile, how your eyes sparkled, the way you mouthed along to your favorite lines, your glossy lips, the signature scent of your perfume… all of it had been committed to levi’s memory, and it was those thoughts of you that kept him company during his sleepless nights.
and the next morning, after class, he’d join you in your dance studio, learning galaxea’s newest choreo alongside you or helping you create your own, burying his thoughts from the night before deep in his mind.
for months, this was how you spent your days — until possibly the biggest pop-culture news to have ever dropped shook all of the three realms, and caused levi to start his morning practically screaming in excitement.
did you know? you had to know, of course you did. but what if you didn’t? he had to tell you !!!
and so, the rest of the house of lamentation was awoken to levi yelling your name at the top of his lungs as he practically flew down the hallway on all fours, racing to your bedroom.
he could care less about the yells of annoyance and curses directed at him from his brothers as he made haste, skidding to a stop in front of your door.
he knocked with so much force he almost broke it, wincing at the splinters sticking out of his knuckles, but this was more important.
“y/n! y/n !!! y/n, come on, it’s urgent!”
he took a step back as you slowly opened your door, yawning as you rubbed your eyes, your bed head evident.
“levi, my alarm doesn’t go off for another half hour, couldn’t it have waited—“
you blinked at him, your mouth slightly agape as he rapidly listed off the tour dates and when the ticket pre-sale would begin, but you couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face, or the way your heart beamed at his excitement.
he looked so happy, and as he grasped your hands in his to jump up and down giddily, the reality of the situation hit you.
your band, galaxea, the biggest in all of the realms, was going on tour. how were you going to attend the concert with levi while performing on stage as vega, his bias?
even with all the magic at your disposal, there’s no way you could do both. you were going to have to make a choice, and your decision would permanently alter the course of your life.
were you going to attend with levi and disappoint millions of your fans, potentially harming your career? or disappoint levi by abandoning him and performing on stage?
and when levi looked at you with nothing but joy, his big eyes brimming with anticipation, your decision was made.
you were a terrible friend. but he would understand one day… right?
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attic-club-sandwich · 2 years
After some thoughts, I'm deciding to post this again....but with very detailed notes about the reader!
Summary: A short drabble about MC getting their period for the first time since regaining their human form in the Devildom.
Mammon x AFAB! MC
CW: MC has a vagina and menstruates. Period content and blood mentions.
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Being stuck as a sheep in the Devildom was hard, but you were beginning to think that being a human in the Devildom was even harder. Since you regained your human form, your body had started to go back to its normal functions, which included your first monthly cycle since being human in the Devildom.  
Your sleep was interrupted all night long due to the dull ache of cramps in your lower abdomen…unfortunately you knew that ache well. Your period had started in the middle of the night, and you had completely forgotten to get any sort of products for it. Not that you even knew how to go about asking any of the demon brothers. You reach over to your bedside table to check your phone. Squinting, you could make out that it read 3 a.m. Of course. You sigh, kicking the covers off of yourself and head to the bathroom.  As you sit on the toilet contemplating your next move, your phone buzzes. Who would be up at this hour? You thought as you reached for your phone once again. You had a text message from him.
“Yo, MC! I can’t sleep. Are you up?”
Your heart begins to beat faster at the thought of the white haired demon texting you this late at night. 
“Yes. But I won’t be much fun…I'm not feeling the greatest.”
“What?! Why didn’t you say something sooner?! I’ll be right there!” 
You can’t help but giggle as you picture him hopping out of bed and tripping over his own feet as he struggles to put on the closest nearby article of clothing. Because he has nothing on when he sleeps, you thought. You felt your cheeks heating up as you shook your head, this is no time to be fantasizing about the Avatar of Greed. 
You quickly stumble out of the bathroom and pull on a pair of shorts as you hear a knock at your door. “MC, I’m comin’ in, okay?” You turned around to meet Mammon’s gaze as he looked you up and down. “W-Wait. Why do you smell like blood? What the hell happened?!” You sighed as you sat down on your bed, Mammon taking the spot next to you. “I’m okay Mams. I uh, just got my period is all…” It seems to take him a few moments to process what you said. “Your period…? Oh wait, I think I remember reading about that somewhere…in one of Satan’s books about humans.” You nodded. “Yeah, my fragile human body is making me feel a bit sick right now.” Mammon hummed as he  gently placed his hand on your forehead. “Well you’re feelin’ a little warm, and it’s my job to take care of the fragile human! So tell me what you need and I'll get it for ya!” You giggled at his enthusiasm. “Well for one, I need some supplies…I never got anything while I was a sheep.” Mammon nods and jumps up, I’ll go get ya some right away. Need anything else?” You hummed, bringing your hand to your chin as you thought for a moment. “Painkillers, for sure. And snacks.” The second born nodded. “Sure, you relax and I’ll be right back!” He was about to leave your bedroom when he hesitated. “Wait a minute, let me tuck ya in so I know you’ll stay put!” Your eyes widened in surprise as Mammon made his way back towards your bed. “Go on, lay down!” You giggled and slid back under your covers. Mammon pulled the blankets up around you and gently tucked the sides around your body. “Good. Now stay where you are and I’ll be back with everything you need. I’m gonna hack into Levi’s Akuzon account. That way it gets delivered here ASAP!”
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fickleminder · 2 years
falling (for you)
Five times you fell on Satan, and one time he returned the favor.
Obligatory 5+1 fic featuring Satan x GN!MC 💚
Despite what romance novels say, having someone cushion your fall is painful. Both for you and the unfortunate soul you landed on.
All eyes are on the groaning tangle of limbs in the middle of the student council room, and nobody misses the thinly veiled anger in Satan’s question:
“...Do you want to tell me why you just appeared out of thin air and landed on my head?”
“Because… gravity?” You squeak, wondering if you should start running for the hills. The throbbing in your skull tells you that you won’t get very far before Satan catches up, but thankfully his sudden grin indicates that he’s pleased with your answer.
“Is that your way of saying that you’re naturally drawn to me? Because you and I are somehow meant to be together? Well… in that case, I suppose you couldn’t help it.”
“Find that explanation appealing, do you, Satan?” Belphie drawls before the rest of the brothers start swarming you, excited to see their favorite human in the Devildom again.
There’s hazing, and then there’s outright murder attempts.
The fact that Diavolo is spearheading a program to promote peace between the three realms implies the presence of discord. While having the protection of the Avatars of Sin has mostly deterred any unsavory actions against you, you’re not completely immune to shoulder checks and stray limbs tripping you up behind classroom walls.
But an unfamiliar hand on your back as you’re walking down the stairs? That’s new.
The slightest pressure is all it takes to send you pitching forwards, and the sudden feeling of weightlessness steals the breath from your lungs. You’re too far from the railings to grab at them and there’s no one around; all you can do is raise your arms to cover your face and brace—
“Watch it!”
You collide with something warm, and strong arms wind around your body as your abrupt descent is cushioned by a solid torso that slams onto the ground in your place. The impact leaves you winded, but seeing as Satan had taken the brunt of the fall, you know he’s got it ten times worse.
“Hey, are you alright?”
You could have sworn the stairway had been empty when you were making your way down, but you’re not complaining about Satan’s timely arrival. Too focused on catching your breath, you miss the way he narrows his eyes at the slimy tail disappearing around the corner one floor above.
“I am the magician Solomon… Heed my words! Open the way forward, and create a path where there was none! Show us the way to the reaper’s cave!”
If you survived Solomon’s portals once, you can do it again. You’re determined to land on your feet this time, but it feels like you’re being strewn in the middle of a tornado, unable to distinguish up from down or Mammon’s high-pitched shrieks from Levi’s terrified wails. 
Just as your lunch threatens to make a reappearance, the literal light at the end of the tunnel dawns on your group and you find yourself dumped towards your destination head first. Learning from your previous experience, you twist your body in mid-air, trying to angle your feet towards the ground—
—and end up driving your knee into the pit of Satan’s stomach instead.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry—!”
“Are you trying to kill me before I even have the chance to meet the reaper?!” If he weren’t doubled over in pain, you’d probably be the one in a world of pain.
Your frantic apologies do little to mollify him, so you make sure to keep Lucifer between him and yourself for the rest of the trip.
(But when Satan gets cursed into a harmless-looking Little D, you don’t mind giving him a ride on your shoulder.)
After a year of formal training under Solomon, you should have gotten the hang of this by now. You’d even practiced thinking with portals and everything, so what gives?!
“I can’t believe you didn’t catch me.”
“Catch you? How exactly was I supposed to do that? It’s not like you gave me any warning that you were about to come tumbling down on me.”
Coughing slightly from all the dust, you carefully gather the books that had fallen from the shelves with you. Crashing into Satan in the middle of the RAD library was not how you had envisioned making your grand entrance back into the Devildom, but at least you didn’t lose a limb along the way.
You let out a startled yelp as you’re abruptly hauled upwards, and wheeze as Satan crushes you in a firm hug, scattered books be damned. “Missed you,” he whispers into your ear, squeezing impossibly tighter. 
“Missed you too, cat boy. Aren’t you glad I fell on you now?”
“What do you mean?”
“Knowing you, if you’d known that was coming, you would’ve just moved out of the way.”
“...Shut up.”
“A treasure chest?”
“Yeah, buried somewhere on campus apparently.” You recount Mammon’s texts with an exasperated sigh. “Honestly I don’t know where he gets all his sketchy intel from. I should ask Levi to beef up his spam filter or something.”
“But it’s so entertaining to watch him make a fool of himself.” Satan grins, and you slap his shoulder for being mean to his older brother. “Besides, so long as nobody gets hurt, I don’t see—”
And then the ground opens up beneath Satan’s feet.
You’d been holding onto his arm as he escorted you to your next class, so of course you got dragged down with him. The hole isn’t very deep or wide; your scream of surprise is quickly muffled as you slam face first into Satan’s chest, your neck craned at an uncomfortable angle while an arm is squished between your bodies. Something hard digs into your ribs when the two of you finally slow to a stop, and you can feel Satan’s warm breath on your hair as he groans softly.
“Where the fuck did this pitfall come from?!” The demon rages after regaining his bearings. “If this was caused by Mammon’s stupid treasure—”
“Ow, ow, stop moving!” You cry out, and Satan immediately stills. Nothing seems broken after a cursory check, but the two of you are definitely going to need some help getting out of here.
“I changed my mind,” Satan growls, his harsh tone belying the gentle way his hands roam across your body to soothe you. “He’s so dead.”
Everything hurts.
Your eyes flutter open blearily, trying to take stock of your surroundings. You find yourself on the ground in an unfamiliar room, the air musty and stale and a dripping pipe somewhere in the background, but what really jump-starts your heart with adrenaline is the wad of cloth stuffed into your mouth and the fact that your arms are shackled behind you.
“Are you awake, human?”
A slimy tail comes into view, dark blue and covered in thick mucus. You look up to see an unknown demon (wait, no, wasn’t he in one of your classes?) strutting towards you, his sharp teeth visible in a menacing grin.
“I finally have you alone. Let’s have some fun, shall we?”
Your legs flail uselessly as he grabs and lifts you by the neck. The choking pressure is unbearable, but fortunately he doesn’t seem very interested in strangling you and instead throws you back to the hard floor. You bounce once and land painfully on your arms, the gag stifling your scream.
“‘Come now, where’s all that bravado, hm?” The demon strikes the ground with his tail, laughing at the way you flinch and scoot away from him.
Without speech, you can’t invoke your pacts or use any spells. Non-verbal magic is still foreign to you, but there has to be some other way! Your bound hands feel around for something to use, and come into contact with your open satchel that had been carelessly tossed aside by your kidnapper. There’s nothing much in there except for your wallet, some water, a book—
Satan’s book, your eyes widen with realization. It can be used as a permit to summon him!
You grip it tightly while hiding it from view, trying to channel your thoughts and emotions (and fear and hope) into his pact. A wordless cry escapes your lips as something sharp cuts you above the brow, and the scent of iron fills your nose as one eye closes from the blood trickling across your face. Fuck, there had better not be any venom in that slime…
The demon continues to whip you with his tail, delighting in your suffering. “Without the Avatars, you’re just a useless human!” He snarls. “Stupid! Worthless—”
You see the next strike coming towards your head and squeeze your remaining eye shut, bracing yourself for the pain, but instead of a sharp slice across your skin, a large mass lands on you with a heavy whump.
Instantly your senses are flooded with calm, as though you’re in the eye of a storm. You feel warm; there’s a comforting weight on top of you and the cold metal biting into your wrists vanishes along with the drool-soaked cloth in your mouth. 
“Satan,” you gasp in absolute relief, drinking in the sight of his handsome face smiling down at you, basking in the scent of ink and old parchment that often clings to his clothes. Unbridled fury churns in his eyes as he shields your body protectively with his own and cradles your cheek with a gentle hand.
“Close your eyes, love. Cover your ears.”
You do as you’re told, and for the first time since this ordeal began, you let yourself relax.
Satan waits outside the café, idly tapping away on his phone. At the chime of a preset alarm, he pockets the device, makes his way towards the entrance, and waits.
3… 2… 1…
He reaches out just as a portal opens up above him, dropping you neatly in his hold. “Excellent timing,” he says, smirking at the way you blush and squirm in his arms.
“Wha… What?! How did you—?”
“I didn’t move out of the way, did I? Now quit complaining and let’s get going on our date already.”
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drdtnsfw · 7 months
If you want it done do it yourself, my non-binary homie Nico got skipped so I call upon myself to complete the Herculean task. Hopefully I don’t mess it up too badly, I’m attributing the length due to longer time
The Nico Hakobyan ass rating:
Nico is pretty skinny which would lead you to believe they don’t have much ass in the back, however Nico does have a decent amount of body fat leading to their butt having a pretty good mix of squishiness and perkiness fitting their shorts pretty nicely. (definitely worth giving a squeeze even though they get flushed easily). The shorts they wear compliment their ass pretty well, making their butt look just a little bit perkier giving it a slight bounce when they walk. Nico’s time taking care of animals has led to them spending significantly more time laying down then standing which gives people that spend a lot of time with them a pretty good view, this translated to be a habit even outside of animal care leading to a lot of stomach sleeping giving people close to them like Rose and Xander pretty good views of their butt. Nico is very oblivious to this due to being a bit of an outcast, they probably got a sincere comment on having a cute butt once and assumed it was another bully and began wearing their cloak unfortunately covering up and ridding the world of a good view.
bonus head-canon that Whit’s probably brought up causally that they’re both the same height and both ended up with bubble butts(though Whit’s is noticeably rounder) finding it kinda funny and was probably just bored that day which embarrasses Nico quite a lot, but has the unintended effect of Nico developing a bit of a fixation on ass for a while around the likes of Levi, Xander, Charles and Whit who are all very well stocked in that department making the lockdown in the school just throwing in that bit of sexual frustration.
I can now rest peacefully 🐈‍⬛🏳️‍🌈
Did I skip Nico's Ass??? Fuck- Thank you for the input!
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pyr0man1c · 2 months
I need to keep ranting about obey me characters and if they’d like ASOUE.
The original Satan and Barbatos one here
There will be spoilers for A series of unfortunate events!!
In order:
Lucifer wouldn’t particularly enjoy it but he can recognize the story, plot, and style and if he enjoys anything in it. Probably likes the dark academia look of the series.
I feel like his favorite character would be Lemony Snicket, Lucifer likes the tone and scene Lemony sets, his words, and also how he’s constantly telling the watcher to “look away” from the tragic tale and find something better and more enjoyable.
Mammon would really like it, not that he thinks it’s bad just that it’s not his thing. If he had to say something he likes it would probably be how rich the Squalors are how the plot is well written and shows characters and how they grow(I would say “development” but mammon doesn’t know that word yet)
Mammon would say his favorite character is Sir(form the Miserable Mill episode) but it’s actually something like Jerome, or Jacque.
Jerome not only the riches but also how he stood up against someone he loved (Esme) for some kids he barely knew and because he didn’t want to take her manipulation anymore, he likes the bravery and selflessness he had.
Jacque because Mammon just likes Jacques personality (and how he practically insulted a child) and got killed trying to save the Quagmire triplets and Baudelaire’s.
It’s not Levi’s his thing, he prefers his anime and not “normie shows”. (😔) he would probably hear about the mystery in it and be like,
“Omg!!! Reminds me of [insert very long obscure mystery anime name]”
At least he has something to enjoy with that..ig???
I honestly think Levi like Montgomery Montgomery. The guys has hundreds of REPTILES. Who would love that?? LEVI. THE SNAKE DUDE!!!
I feel like Monty’s energy and how uplifting he is would completely mild out Levi’s insecure and self destructive energy. (They’re both too focused on reptiles to care about feeling bad)
I already covered Satan but I have something else, I link my first one!
I already said Satan would like Klaus..but I also think he’d like Olivia Caliban. She’s a librarian, smart, makes literary references, he’d love her character, so much!!
Speaking about personality wise, she likes how she sacrificed herself to be eaten by fucking lions. LIONS. SHES A FUCKING BADASS.
(He’d probably like the quagmires too, went fucking crazy when they revealed Quigley was still alive)
He was so invested when she and Jacque started having romance and absolutely heartbroken when he died.
Asmo would find it too sad, he can’t ruin his perfect makeup!! (Also it’s just tragic) He wouldn’t really enjoy it the style is too dark, at least some of them have good fashion sense he can admit that.
Hands down..Asmo would like Esme. Not because of her actions against the Baudelaire’s that’s just bad, he likes her fashion and obsession with looks, he’d watch it and be like “this isn’t..omg, girl slay haha babe that’s so pretty” He understands the “pinstripes are in, and those nasty outfits you’re wearing? Are out.” “you’re so right girl”
I feel like he’d hate Carmelita because she’s just a bitch.
Beelzebub is probably mixed, he doesn’t hate it but he doesn’t necessarily like it, I’m having a hard time here okay
This one is easy, his favorite character is Larry your Waiter. Duh, the guy is a waiter and can make some bomb ass root beer floats I mean did you SEE the root beer floats in that one episode??? Fucking delicious.
Belphegor could care less, yeah it’s cool but I wanna go to bed?? He’d watch it if he had too and wouldn’t complain at least it’s kinda cool.
I cant think of anyone he’d like, he’s probably jealous of that scene of Jerome just fucking conked out on the couch tho.
Diavolo thinks it’s interesting, he’d find it sad but thinks it’s very good and well written, would watch if he felt like it.
His favorite would probably be Justice Strauss, her energy matches his, energetic and caring, 10/10.
Or Charles and Phil from the lucky smells lucky mill.
Barbatos i already talked about with Satan
I honestly think Simeon would be interested and I think he’d like it, despite the tragedy its well written and interesting, he’d watch it.
His favorites would probably be Strauss and Monty, they’re both just so caring, kind, and comforting! (Monty’s cake also looked delicious as hell he wants it)
I feel like he’d like the Baudelaire’s and Quagmires too, all of them, their so devoted, forgiving and caring he thinks their such good kids.
I think Luke wouldn’t be allowed to watch it, Simeon doesn’t really want him to, Luke was upset until Solomon was like “okay watch it then” and Luke was so sad after like..Solomon..wtf..☹️
Luke likes the beginning of the reptile room with meeting Monty that was very nice, and when the Baudelaire’s met Strauss. Happy moments guys happy moments..
If Luke had favorites it would be Sunny and Strauss, Sunny is into cooking and baking and he is too, he also loves Strauss motherly energy, very nice.
He had nightmares of Count Olaf for a week.
Solomon feeds off the tragedy..he loves it..so why wouldn’t he love this sad story. Him and Satan agree it’s a great series, 10/10.
His favorites are any character who is fucking psycho Monty and Olivia, he likes the reef he Monty does, I mean, Solomon is a sorcerer who likes research, he likes Monty. He likes Olivia’s book smarts and how she can just be like “oh you need a book on [very specific weird thing]? I got it.”
All of them agree that the Baudelaire’s and Quagmire tripletes, they’re respectful, kind, caring, smart, and overall good kids.
End notes
Guys mid way through this I found out that Sir and Charles are a gay couple, and then Charles was with fucking Jerome my suspicion was true.(now I remember it being hinted but omg)
This was meant to be more serious and it was in the beginning with Lucifer and Mammon but it devolved into my rambling, I’m sorry for that😭
If it looks like I favored Mammon with how long his is I don’t, I just had a lot more for him because his felt easier and I wanted to get that out.
There are character in ASOUE I wish I included but I haven’t watched the series for a bit so either:
I don’t remember the characters.
I don’t remember/know enough about them.
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etherealbelphie · 2 years
Chaos Kitchen (Ft. Demon Brothers and GN! MC)
Warnings: Mentions of animal harm/death, technically attempted stabbing, nothing worse than the game itself though.
Length: 0.9k words
Genre: Chaotic
Summary: You've unfortunately found yourself in the kitchen helping out your demons. As if it wasn't crowded enough in there, someone else decides to join you.
A/N: I figured I'd post something fun and lighthearted before the angst train completely leaves the station. I've got a bunch of half-finished fics I'm going to try and get done and out, and this was one of them. I don't think I missed any warnings, but if I should add some, please let me know! (This fic is pure chaos, the 'warnings' in this case are mostly a formality.)
I hope you enjoy the story!
-Ethereal (✿◡‿◡)
Story below, please don't claim as your own!
The world is divided on many issues, but one thing everyone can agree on is that having other people in the kitchen with you is annoying.
As someone living with 7 demons, this was something you understood all too well.
Even so, it was exceptionally rare for all eight of you to be in there at once.
This was one (and thankfully, the only) such occasion.
To celebrate the success of the exchange program, Diavlo had decided to throw an enormous party.
For all of the participants of the program, obviously, but also for some high-society members of the Devildom and Celestial realms alike.
And Diavlo, in his infinite wisdom, decided that in the interest of hospitality all Devildom-residing participants should be in charge of cooking for the banquet, because "It would be that much more meaningful than having it catered!"
Right now, you couldn't give a damn about hospitality.
Everyone else had one specific dish they were working on. (Except for Beel. He was tasked with dish duty to avoid any disasters.)
You figured you would be tasked with making a dish from the human world. After all, it's not like anything Solomon made could be ingested by a living being.
But nooooo.
You were told to 'help whoever needed it'.
And though you loved your seven demons with all your heart, sometimes you seriously wondered how they managed to survive this long without you.
For the better part of the last three days leading up to this, you had been pulled in seven directions.
Just as you were about to snap, there finally came a welcome distraction.
Well, it was welcome for you. Asmo didn't take too kindly to whatever was obscured from your view by a giant pile of eggshells on the floor.(Seriously, Mammon? The trash can is right beside you...)
Beel was the next to spot it. "Can I eat it?" He asked, his mouth already watering.
"I DON'T CARE! JUST GET IT OUT!" Asmo screeched.
"What is it?" You asked, peering around the garbage.
...Oh. It was a little mouse, seemingly minding its own business.
Asmo had climbed up onto a chair, frantically fanning his eyes so his mascara wouldn't run.
Belphie had grabbed a knife from the block on the counter, and was pointing it at the offending creature.
"Want me to kill it?"
"Yes!" Beel and Asmo answered at the same time, though for very different reasons.
"That seems unnecce-" You were cut off by Satan placing himself protectively in front of the mouse.
"NO!" He shouted, already shifted into his demon form. "Leave it alone, it didn't do anything to you!"
"But look at it!" Asmo cried, pointing at it.
"It's...cute though?" You said, squinting at it. Sure, it didn't belong in the kitchen, but you couldn't see what was so horrifying about it.
"Yeah!" Mammon agreed enthusiastically. "It looks just like ratatouille!"
"His name is Remi," Levi pointed out. "And that's a mouse, not a rat, dumbass."
"I'm still gonna kill it," Belphie said, inching closer.
Satan growled, crouching. This startled the mouse, who started running for cover.
Asmo started screeching again, going as far as to actually get on the table itself.
"Oi! Don't step on the food!" Mammon shouted.
"I'll start up the frying pan," Beel announced, moving to the stove.
"Don't," you grabbed his wrist, holding him back. Even though he could easily break out of your grip, he chose not to when he saw the look on your face.
....Okay. Maybe the random leftovers you had grabbed out of the fridge played a part too.
"Hey! Those are mine!" Mammon protested, glaring at you.
"Forgive me," you mumbled half-heartedly, dodging through the chaos towards Belphie, who seemed to have forgotten about the mouse and was more focused on stabbing Satan himself.
"I'm not moving," Satan stated firmly, apparently not noticing the mouse had long since moved from behind him.
Speaking of, where had it gone anyways?
"Alright, let's put it to an IRL poll!" Levi shouted, joining Asmo on the table to gain some semblance of authority. "Asmo, what's your-?"
"Kill it!"
"And Beel?"
"Eat it!"
"Alright, I'm just gonna count that as two votes for 'kill'. Mammon, what-?"
Everyone froze, turning towards Lucifer.
He had the offending creature in his hands, holding it firmly so it wouldn't wiggle out of his grip. He was also emitting a frightening purple aura.
"Can none of you demons behave like adults?" He asked rhetorically. "One mouse leads to mass hysteria?"
No one moved. No one even breathed.
"Well, come on!" He flicked his hand in a sort of 'go' motion. "Leviathan, Asmodeus, off the table now or so help me. Mammon, pick those damned eggshells off the ground. Satan, go take a breather and come back when you've calmed-"
This was met with a violent tail thrash, sending a plate to the floor. It shattered as Satan stalked out of the kitchen.
"...down." He rolled his eyes. "Beelzebub, cooking a house mouse is not an appropriate solution. And Belphegor, don't...don't stab things? Or your brother? You're not two hundred anymore, I shouldn't need to tell you not to stab things."
Belphie didn't respond, but put the knife back into the block anyways.
"All of you better get back to work. If you're still fooling around by the time I get back, I swear you'll be hung from the ceiling until I finish all of the cooking myself."
Everyone immediately got back to work.
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Hiya lost :)
I was just wondering if you are still writing Orbital? I really loved where the fic was going and its one of my favourite Au's of erwin and levi.
Hope you are well! Love your blog and work
Hiya @generic-fandom-name I'm glad you've been enjoying Orbital and I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update. I definitely haven't abandoned it, but unfortunately life has been rather all encompassing for the last six months. I also had to put my writing on hold for a while so I could work on the print edition of Cardamom, which will hopefully be out soon, complete with beautiful new cover art by @seitsen-sarvi ♡
The good news is that I have most of the next chapter written. I managed to do some work on it a couple of weeks ago and fingers crossed I'll be able pick it up again later this week. In the meantime, here's a little taster of the next chapter....
“I’m not cut out for this shit,” Levi confessed to Hanji as they left the mission control centre at the end of the second week.  “I don’t know what Smith was thinking when he volunteered me for this job.  I haven’t a fucking clue what I’m doing here.” 
“You’ll be fine,” Hanji reassured him, apparently unconcerned by his apprehension. “Once Smith is back and you’re actually communicating with him, it’ll all fall into place. You’re smart Levi, you can learn the technicalities, but more importantly, you can communicate with your astronaut.  My team will do their best to monitor the astronaut’s mental and physical health, but we need you to understand what he’s thinking, what he’s feeling, when he’s up there alone in that capsule.  We need you to recognize the significance of his tone of voice or speech pattern, to identify and communicate any changes in status that even the astronaut himself might not be aware of.” 
“That’s exactly the fucking problem!” Levi snapped. “I can’t take that kind of responsibility.” 
“Listen Levi,” Hanji continued with uncharacteristic patience. “Erwin chose you for a reason, he clearly believes you’re the best man for the job, you’re the one he’s chosen to trust, you just need to trust him in return.” 
“I guess,” Levi replied disconsolately. 
“Oh, I almost forgot!”  Hanji stopped abruptly, digging into the pocket of their overalls and extracting a crumpled piece of paper.  “I meant to show you this earlier, we got a picture wired from Hizuru yesterday. Look at our boys!”  Hanji did their best to smooth out the crumpled image and held it up for Levi to see.  The three astronauts were standing against a background of thick, tangled foliage, dressed in sweat-darkened singlets and camouflage pants. Zacharias’ beard had grown even fuller and, with his hair hanging over his eyes, his face was almost entirely obscured.  Smith, by contrast, had tied a bandana around his head to keep his hair off his face and was sporting a short dark beard.  Dok simply looked miserable, straggly, and unkempt.
“Jesus,” Levi snorted, “they’ve gone feral.” 
“Good.  Feral is good,” Hanji nodded, their eyes glinting oddly. 
“It is?” 
“Yes, feral creatures know how to survive.”
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psbellbunny-tubelinha · 7 months
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Fanfic: When our lives meet part 5 - Curious children (Levi) ⬇️📜 #erurihanourlives
That shadow was disturbing my moment of contact with the morning sunlight.
I left the lake and climbed the stone walls.
I remember the first time I managed to stealthily escape the toll collectors on the underground stairs and gained access to the city, but unfortunately there is no place for us down here...
It was night, but I could see a person who looked like an angel, just like the ones my mother described in the stories she told me.
He was a tall teenage boy, dressed in a military jacket.
His hair was the color of gold…
When I left the cave, I came across a forest. The trees had leaves so green in a tone that my eyes didn't recognize! And there was that young guy… with a cloak that covered his back. There was an emblem… they were… - Wings…?
He sensed my presence and turned sharply with those huge sky-colored eyes, dropping the book he was carrying.
He… seemed to be the sun itself… I had no reaction… - Oh!!! A little boy!?? From where…? Where are you from? You're going to catch a cold...
He pulled me away from the hole, threw his cloak and bag on the floor and took a white shirt from it, and covered me sweetly... that gesture... reminded me of my mother's affection!
We stared at each other for a few moments, until I woke up from that moment... - Tch! D-don't touch me! - Huh… What… what does such a small child do alone in a place like this? - That’s none of your business… oh!!! Leave me alone! And… get out of the way! It's blocking my sun!
My face felt like it was burning…
- Do you have a fever? - I told you not to touch me. Your hands are dirty, idiot blondie!!! - There’s no need to be afraid… I’m not going to hurt you… I just want to help you… - I don't need anyone's help! - I threw his shirt away, but I ended up being careless and slipped back into the cave. - Heey!!! Be careful!!!
When I fell to the bottom of the lake, I hit my head and remained unconscious for a few hours.
From that moment on, I had completely forgotten everything that happened and how I got to that place.
I noticed, when I woke up, a bandage on my head and a cape protecting me from the calm of the night.
It was green and had an embroidery... wings... that image again...
I couldn't understand anything.
I spent some time thinking about what could have happened that day.
As time passed, I ended up not caring, until I completely forgot about it.
But there was a moment when those memories came flooding back to me…
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Can u make mc is the actual owner of Cerberus when he was a pup but villagers killed him because they thought that he was a monster and what how would the brothers and the undateable react to that when mc started to cry when she saw Cerberus headcanons
Oh Beans! I totally spaced when reading this and only have the brothers.
I'll post what I have here right now, but this will also be on AO3, so if you keep checking/subscribe there, you'll get a notification when I've added the undateables! It might not be for a while though, since I'm about to start school again ^-^;;
Who's a Good Boy?
The Guard Dog of the House of Hades. A vicious, three-headed hellhound that only the fallen Morningstar himself could command. Unfathomably massive. Devourer of demons, angels, and humans alike. Notoriously difficult to groom.
That is Cerberus, Lucifer’s extremely volatile pet named after a figure from Greek mythology for reasons no one truly understands. The creature has struck fear into the hearts of its housemates, and the Devildom at large, for what feels like ages.
So when MC cries upon seeing the wolf-dog for the first time, none of the brothers are especially surprised. How could a human cross such a monster’s path and live, after all?
Except those who weep in fear usually don’t then barrel full-tilt into one of the monster’s furry legs, babbling incoherently about how they thought they’d never see him again.
One of Cerberus’ heads leans down to the human, and the brothers panic, fearing the worst. It opens its mouth, revealing razor sharp fangs—
And licks MC’s entire body in a saliva-filled canine kiss. Now covered in tears and drool, MC laughs as they shake themself off, teasing the hellhound by saying that they already showered today, thank you very much.
“So, did you miss me as much as I missed you?” they ask, giving Cerberus’ central head some under the chin scritches (the only part of its head they can currently reach).
Cerberus boofs loudly, enormous tail waving back and forth at an increasingly hazardous pace.
Lucifer is dealing with a Lot right now. He almost lost the exchange student to his own dog, except apparently Cerberus used to belong to MC?! How?!
He orders Cerberus to back away from the human, part of him still convinced that this is somehow a combination of MC being mistaken and Cerberus playing with its food, but the hellhound actually growls at him and picks MC up by the back of their shirt, tossing them onto its back.
MC, in response, finds new places to scritch.
He stares at the scene for a few minutes, unable to process what his life has become.
Later, once Cerberus finally agrees to let MC leave, they explain to him that Cerberus used to be a puppy in the human world.
Obviously, he was immediately noted as strange due to his three heads, and the people of MC’s village believed him to be an omen of death. MC themself didn’t care, and just saw “lil’ Cerb” as a puppy like any other, albeit an exceptionally drooly one.
He used to be more or less normal dog-sized, but it quickly became obvious that Cerberus was growing fast, and would be much larger than even a wolf by the time he was done. He also became harder and harder to hide.
Unfortunately, one night they awoke to poor Cerberus being chased out into the night by a mob, never to return.
They assumed the worst, mourned, and got on with their life as best as they could. But seeing Cerberus— they knew it was the same dog as soon as they saw him — brought all those emotions right back to the surface.
It’s not hard to adapt to these strange circumstances. Lucifer is actually quite relieved to have someone who is both willing and able to safely help him in caring for Cerberus, and both MC and the hellhound delight in each other’s company.
Lucifer also won’t deny the pride he feels upon seeing MC, the one he loves, getting along so well with his son dog.
The P A N I C of seeing MC within bite-chomp-murder-kill distance of Cerberus nearly killed Mammon.
What the hell is he supposed to do against that furball?! MC’s dead meat, a chew toy, he can’t save them again—
Torn between passing out from fear and yelling about how brave and cool HIS human is!
So he kinda just… stands there, slack-jawed, as MC finds a spot on the creature that makes it thump its leg so hard the ground shakes.
Already he’s cooking up ways to use MC’s Cerberus-taming powers to get into all kinds of Shenanigans
Except he quickly learns that while Cerb is much more gentle with MC, it won’t let them distract it from its duties.
Has this resulted in MC semi-unwillingly riding Cerberus as it chases a terrified Mammon throughout the Devildom? Possibly~
Though when MC explains to Mammon how Cerberus used to be their dog, and what had happened to him… He can’t help but feel a touch more sympathetic to the hellhound.
Only a little bit though. It still does try and tear him apart whenever he gets too close, after all.
Levi’s fear metamorphoses into awe much faster than the others’. MC LOOKS SO COOL!! Riding the mighty Cerberus like a steed!
He desperately wishes he had the art skills to capture this iconic moment forever. But alas, a camera will have to do.
It’s a pretty good picture, the comparatively small human sitting on Cerberus’ back like something straight out of a fantasy novel. Levi even has a shot of them accidentally scritching a spot that makes Cerberus breathe fire (like a furry dragon!)
100% gets super emotional when MC tells him how they originally had— and lost— Cerberus as a puppy. It reminds him of his precious Henry 1.0 in some ways…
Begs MC to let him post the photos he took, along with their story as the caption. It’s just too good! It’s exactly like that arc in My Adventurer Boyfriend Keeps Adopting the Monsters He Beats in Combat and Now We’re Running Out of Space to Keep Them!
Like Mammon, Levi also quickly learns that just because he unlocked Cerberus’ tragic backstory, doesn’t mean that the hellhound will treat him any differently.
But sometimes, after a long “walk” with MC, the massive creature will be mostly asleep. And then, his hand shaking, MC will guide Levi to pet Cerberus’ flank. Its tail swishes softly, Levi’s own swaying in response.
He shakes his head and laughs, torn between relief, awe, shock, and lingering horror for MC’s safety. Of course they can tame even the ferocious Cerberus…
Guess all sorts of angry monsters like MC, huh?
He definitely wants to hear the story of MC owning Cerberus in the past, but first he’s going to drink in the absolutely dumbfounded expression on Lucifer’s face.
Toooootally doesn’t cry upon hearing MC’s story with Cerberus. No way, he’s still a cat person, he swears!
...No one is allowed to comment on Satan’s various burn injuries that occur over the next few weeks.
Not if they don’t want to be left with worse.
OH SHIT!! Also, ewwwww
Once the fear for MC’s safety subsides, Asmo can appreciate the cuteness and hilarity that is MC with Cerberus. Truly no one is immune to their charms it seems, and their affections know no bounds.
...Is it that same quality that allows MC to continue to care for him and his brothers despite their past actions?
Asmo claims that the smoke from Cerberus’ fire breath is getting into his eyes, prompting him to leave. He has a good long stare-at-a-wall crisis for a bit.
Learning MC and Cerberus’ story only makes him mushier. Their tragedy got a happy ending after all!
As much as he loves MC’s charms, he still insists that they de-drool themself before touching him or any of his things. It stinks like brimstone!
Now if they need any help getting clean… That he can oblige~
As one of the physically stronger brothers, when Lucifer’s not available it’s Beel’s job to groom Cerberus. He knows how dangerous that mutt is.
But apparently not for MC “Knows No Fear” over there!
As Cerberus continues to remain docile in MC’s presence, Beel starts to appreciate the cuteness of a human and their giant hellhound.
Unabashedly mushy upon hearing MC’s story about Cerberus. The themes of losing a loved one, only to find them much later in a new form… it kinda hits a little close to home for him.
(It’s not a perfect analogy: Beel knows MC isn’t Lilith, but having them as part of her legacy is undeniably cathartic. It’s why he doesn’t share these exact feelings with them, since he knows they’re uncomfortable with being compared to her excessively. Still, he can’t help but note the comparison.)
Naturally, he’s also very happy to have a very useful partner for grooming Cerberus. That living nightmare turns into an overgrown puppy whenever MC’s around. It’s much easier, and much safer, to work with this way.
Plus, it means he gets some quality time with MC! And there’s nothing quite like the fond smiles they share with him during these moments.
He has got to be dreaming. No way is this actually happening— nope, Mammon just stepped on his foot, and that hurt, he’s awake.
Does MC not fear death? Is that it? Did that part of their brain just completely shut down when he killed them?!
Unlike the others, he can’t really shut down his panic. Sure, right now Cerberus is acting all cuddly, but that could change on a dime. That dog only listens to Lucifer, and right now all Lucifer is doing is staring gormlessly at it!!!
He nearly loses his hand trying to pull MC away from the creature (which it naturally did Not appreciate).
“Belphie, wait! It’s okay,” MC reassures him even as smoke blows out of Cerberus’ nostrils.
They explain their history with the hellhound, how they rescued it as a puppy and then lost it to the angry and frightened people of their village.
Belphegor can’t help but recall their expression when he told them about his imprisonment, the outrage there mingling with a much older emotion. Is that why they were so quick to help him?
He’s still wary of Cerberus. He refuses to be fooled by any facades the creature may be putting up.
But one day, MC invites him to one of their “playdates”. Cerberus watches him like a hawk, growling when he first approaches, but MC just shushes and soothes the monster until it allows him closer.
And maybe, after a few tense minutes, the pair begin to relax around each other.
And maybe, Lucifer has a picture of MC and Belphegor curled up in Cerberus’ fur as the three take a mid-afternoon nap.
And maybe, Belphegor lets him keep it.
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attic-club-sandwich · 2 years
Summary: MC wakes one night to a familiar problem. Someone else is also awake at that hour and he comes to comfort them. A short drabble about MC getting their period for the first time since regaining their human form in the Devildom
Leviathan x afab!MC
CW: MC has a vagina and menstruates. Period content.
Part 1: Mammon
Part 2: Lucifer
Feel free to request who you want to see next!
This one is probs my fave so far eeee
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Only Human
Being stuck as a sheep in the Devildom was hard, but you were beginning to think that being a human in the Devildom was even harder. Since you regained your human form, your body had started to go back to its normal functions, which included your first monthly cycle since being human in the Devildom.  
Your sleep was interrupted all night long due to the dull ache of cramps in your lower abdomen…unfortunately you knew that ache well. Your period had started in the middle of the night, and you had completely forgotten to get any sort of products for it. Not that you even knew how to go about asking any of the demon brothers. You reach over to your bedside table to check your phone. Squinting, you could make out that it read 3 a.m. Of course. You sigh, kicking the covers off of yourself and head to the bathroom.  As you sit on the toilet contemplating your next move, your phone buzzes. Who would be up at this hour? You thought as you reached for your phone once again. You had a text message from him.
“Hey, MC are you up? I can’t sleep. Wanna watch some anime with me?” “I can bring some DVDs to your room”
“Come on, don’t be a normie and be asleep already!”
Levi may be the admiral of hell’s navy, but he was the king of double texting. You smiled softly as you stared at the screen and began typing out your response to the Third Born. 
“Hi Levi I’m awake no need to call me a normie, I'm offended.”
“Also, that sounds wonderful but I’m feeling pretty sick right now.”
You hit send and immediately the “read” notification appeared underneath your messages. It usually doesn’t take Levi very long to answer. A few seconds go by and you receive another message.
“Whaaat? I’ll be there right away! Hang on!” “I’m still bringing the DVDs tho”
You giggle and make your way out of your bathroom to sit on the bed. Your thoughts are racing at how you’ll explain the situation to Levi. Surely as a shut-in otaku he has no idea what a period is, does he? You put your face in your hands and sigh. This won’t be easy to explain. A knock on your door brings you back to reality and you jump up quickly. “C-Coming!” You make your way over to the door and open it just a crack to see Levi standing in his pajamas with his arms full of various DVDs and manga volumes. 
“H-Hi, um, so I couldn’t decide what I wanted to bring so I brought some options for us.”
You giggled and opened your door for him. “Come in, please before you drop all of those.” Levi graciously accepted your offer and entered your room. He set his collection down on your bed and began to file through it. “Okay so I brought the new Ruri-chan movie, since you haven’t seen it yet. Then I brought the manga volume that it’s based off of so we can read it together and get you caught up on what they didn’t include in the movie! Oh, also-” You laugh and interrupt his tangent. As much as you adored him rambling on about his passions, you really needed his assistance. “Levi, thank you so much, But what I really need right now isn’t exactly manga related…”
Levi’s excitement immediately ceased and his face dropped. “O-Oh god i’m so dumb, you said you weren’t feeling good! I’m so sorry, MC I just got so excited and-” You smiled and gently took his hand in yours. “No, Levi it’s okay. I um, well…I got my period and I really need some supplies for it and maybe some pain killers…I was a sheep for the first part of my stay here so I didn’t exactly have to worry about it…but now…” You trailed off, stealing a glance at the demon sitting next to you. You were expecting a blank stare from the boy who claims to be “shut in”, but to your surprise, Levi’s face was flushed and his amber eyes wide. “O-Oh…I-I um, don’t really know too much about that kind of thing but…w-well i mean i get the gist of it but um…” he stammered as he grabbed his laptop from his seat next to him on your bed. “...But I brought my laptop! Please use my Akuzon account and get anything you need!” He opened it up and brought up the Akuzon homepage and gently placed it in your lap. “Here! Make sure you hit express shipping…the Little D’s will deliver within hours. Please don’t worry about um, paying me back or anything. Really, it’s okay.” You blinked, your eyes threatening to spill tears. “L-Levi, thank you so much…” Levi smiled and put an arm around you, bringing you into an awkward hug. “D-Don’t mention it! I may not understand entirely what’s going on, but I really want to help…” You accepted his hug and allowed yourself to lean into him. With his arm still around you, you began to type your search into the Akuzon search bar. You let out a chuckle as you felt his face nuzzle into your hair.
“Oh, nice pajamas, by the way.” you smirked. 
Levi glanced down at the shirt he forgot he was wearing, which had a very large image of Ruri-chan blowing a kiss printed onto the front. “S-Shut up!” the demon stuttered, burying his red face further into your hair. “For that, I’m making you watch the new Ruri-chan movie as soon as you’re done!”
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sevendeadlymorons · 3 years
If I can squeak in with a request, I would like to see the guys with a MC (I'm female but no specified gender feels more inclusive) who needs to be rescued from a situation - demons, mortal peril and for what situations would cause the brothers to go absolutely forking batshirt from Satan to Mammon. Claws out so to speak.
Yes, ma’am~
Brothers Reaction to MC Needing to be Saved From a Demon
WARNING: NSFW // Gore and Violence
He’s pretty good with keeping his composure but there obviously can be times where all hell is let loose when he gets angry
Hearing you were in danger is one of those situations as he feels himself getting furious; 4 large dark wings ripping out of his back as he starts to transform and push his brothers aside to get to you as quick as possible
Rushes over as fast as he can to your location and jumps right into the scene, wasting no time as he begins to rip apart the demon who dare decided to lay their claws on you
Their limbs were torn off as you see a single arm lay bloody at your side, Lucifer quickly finishing them off and rushing towards you to inspect you then pull you into a terrified embrace
Stands there holding you for a while, thankful he got there in time
You unfortunately got a scolding as soon as you got home for wandering off though
Mammon always has you on high alert. He’s the one who is at your side quickest when you’re in trouble
So hearing you were being attacked, he was quick to transform, fangs snarling and claws sharp as he rushes to your location
Hears you scream when he gets to your location and before you even saw him, he was at the helpless demons throat, ripping them to shreds like it was a hunk of meat
You sat there as you watched him destoy the demons body, his hands still trembling when he finishes and walks over to you to hold you tightly, scared shitless that he could’ve lost you
Honestly, the sad moment didn’t last very long as he grabs you by the shoulders and starts shaking you, asking you why you just disappeared on him like that
He regrets letting you see him like that but he’d do anything to keep you safe
He was a little timid but it wasn’t a lie when he says he’d do anything to keep you safe
So when he heard you were in danger, he rushed to where you were, panicking and with absolutely no plan in his mind, but he just knew he had to save you
Seeing you be handled by that demon caused something to snap in him as he transforms into his demon form and attacks the demon head on, wrapping his tail around their throat and pulling off their limbs one by one until they suffocate and bleed out right in front of you
Levi runs over to you, tripping over due to all the adrenaline rushing through him and tackles you into a tight hug, relieved that you’re safe
Sits with you for a while to control his breathing and comfort you from what just happened
He guides you home by the hand, hoping you don’t see him differently after watching him do that
He’s a terrifying and irrational demon when he’s angry, everybody knows that, so attacking someone he loves would be suicide
The house fell silent when Satan heard you were being attacked by an unknown demon and it wasn’t long before he created a path of destruction on his way to help you
Once the demon locked eyes with him, hand on your wrist and attempting to pull you away, it was all over as he lunges forwards, his claws pushing through their eye sockets, ripping their head in two as blood sprays everywhere
His fingers and face were covered in rich red blood as he turns to comfort you as best as he could in his deranged state
He pulls you in to his chest, stroking your hair and shushing you in an attempt to calm you down and himself down
On the walk home, he reminds you not to wander off again because shit like that happens
Like Mammon, he was calm and protective of the people he loved, and it was rare for him to ever want to get his hands dirty
So after hearing about how you were in danger, it was surprising to his brothers when the atmosphere of the house completely changed when Asmo decided to seek you out and save you
Seeing the demon touch you inappropriately and try to take you away set him off as he pushed them down and thrusted his hand into their chest, quickly pulling out a still beating heart and crushing it in his hand
He turns around to hug you, his face covered in crimson blood as he rubs it onto your neck accidentally in the moment, his heart racing in his chest as he holds you closer
Checks you over, asking if you’re alright, then goes back to holding you
Complains about how messy he is on the way home
Beel has always stayed calm and peaceful for your sake
But when he heard you’d been taken by a demon, all that tranquility and peace disappeared as he went on a rampage to find you, his demon form appearing swiftly
He wastes no time when he sees you being handled by the strange demon, running full speed at the demon and trapping them underneath him, sinking his teeth into their flesh and ripping it clean off the bone
You could only stare in shock as you watch the Avatar of Gluttony live up to his name, devouring the demon alive and leaving only bones in its place
He licks his lips clean when walking towards you, his face going back to its calm and sweet side as soon as he sees you unharmed
Carries you home bridal style, holding you tightly so nobody else can ever touch you again
It’s no mystery that he’s no stranger to murder, and at this point, the man would kill for you if one lousy demon even looked in your direction
Hearing you were being attacked by a demon woke him up immediately as his only mission in the moment was to save you and spill blood
It didn’t take long to find you and it took an even shorter time to take care of the demon as his hands wrapped around the helpless demons throat, squeezing the air out of them as his tail starts to effortlessly rip off their limbs and throw them behind him
Belphie continued to wreak damage to the demons body, ripping his claws through their chest like paper
Takes you in his arms as soon as he finishes, resting his head on your shoulder and covering your eyes from the brutal scene he’d just created
Takes you home as soon as he can; hoping you won’t hate him now for letting you see his ugly side
Part 2 is here
I fucking loved writing this. I used to be a gore writer back when I was younger so this was such a throwback for me lmao
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