#obey me levi x idol!reader
faeleur · 11 months
the fourth and second to last (fr this time) part of the series is here! this is going to be a long one so buckle up. thank you everyone for the love and hopefully you enjoyed :) stay tuned for the official official final! not proofread because i just wanted to get this out asap so be warned
part i. part ii. part iii. masterlist
leviathan x idol!reader: part iv
your heart pounded as you finally reached levi’s room, guilt festering in the pit of your stomach.
you’re not quite sure what he wanted to tell you, or why he left so suddenly (but then again you completely fumbled your excuse), but you knew that something was up
as hypocritical as it was, it felt like he was hiding something from you, and you felt confused, saddened, and kind of pissed off at the thought
what reason could he have to ever hide something from you? (… ignoring the hypocrisy ofc, this was about him rn 🫶🏻)
you raised your fist to knock on his door, but hesitated.
that was all he needed.
“i know you’re there. i don’t wanna talk to anyone right now, so just turn around and go back to your boyfriend or whatever.”
inside, levi was still sitting in his chair, but his game was long forgotten as he was completely consumed by his sin.
envy coursed through and seeped out of every scale of his devil form, his pupils narrow slits, his breath hot and ragged, his fangs bared.
all he could think about was your betrayal. you were his. his alone. didn’t you know you had promised yourself to him the moment his insignia appeared on the nape of your neck? did your pact mean nothing? did all these months mean nothing?
levi’s seething voice snapped you out of your daze, and you bit your lip again, the confusion building. what did you do wrong? even if it wasn’t true, did the thought of you having a boyfriend set him off?
you knew he was more susceptible to certain thoughts and behaviors as the avatar of envy, but regardless, you wanted to get to the bottom of it.
“sorry, but i’m staying, whether you decide to open the door or not. we need to talk.”
you sighed, gently resting your head on his door, closing your eyes. “please,” your words barely above a whisper.
you wanted to talk? fine, he’d let you talk.
his door opened suddenly and you were yanked inside, the entrance slamming shut behind you.
levi’s claws dug into the soft skin of your arm, threatening to draw blood as you struggled in his grip. he towered over you, his snake-like eyes void of all emotion as he stared down at your form.
“then talk,” he hissed.
you cried out in surprise and pain. he was visibly upset, but you didn’t know why. what was happening?
“levi, i don’t know what i did, but i’m sorry—“
“you don’t know? you seriously don’t know? oh, it’s just so convenient to forget about my mark on your neck?”
your eyes narrowed in confusion. what was he talking about? “you mean the pact? of course i didn’t forget about it, but what does that have to do with anything? can you please just let me go and we can—“
“it means you belong to me, y/n,” he snarled as his grip tightened. “it means you betrayed me by going out with some other guy, some human—“
“levi, stop, you’re hurting me!”
“do i mean nothing to you? was this just a game? were you just stringing me along this whole time just so you could go and break my heart?” his claws clamped down.
you screamed as scarlet dripped from your arm onto the floor, and the sound of your pain drew levi’s attention to where his claws sank into your skin.
his world stopped as he pulled his hands away, the tips covered in your blood. the sound of you crying. the smell of your fear.
the envy, the rage, dissipated in seconds, now replaced with horror. what had he done?
he stammered as he shrank, reverting to normal. he was going to vomit.
his ears started ringing as you backed away from him, trembling.
what had he done?
he reached his hand towards you in a feeble attempt to do something, anything to remedy the situation, but when you flinched away, his heart broke even more.
he hurt you. he didn’t even mean to, he was just so jealous—
why was he jealous? because you betrayed him—
how could you have known if he never told you how he felt? you should’ve known better—
but you didn’t. it wasn’t your fault, it was his. it was all his.
levi felt like he was suffocating as the walls of his room closed in on him, and he sank to his floor, stuttering.
when he blinked, his room was cold and empty, your warmth long gone. you had left ages ago.
on the opposite end of the house, you frantically knocked on asmo’s door. “a-asmo?”
after a moment, the 5th brother opened his bedroom door, yawning as he lifted his eye mask. “how dare you interrupt my beauty sl—“
his jaw dropped when he saw you cradling your bloody arm, and within seconds, he was patching you up on his bed as quickly as he could.
he was about to ask who would dare to harm you in this way, but when he removed a shimmering purple scale from the inside of your wound, his heart dropped.
at the sight, your sobs started up again, and he pulled you close to embrace you, rocking you gently. “y/n, sweetheart, i’m so sorry— what happened?”
you relayed your story, his eyes widening after every detail. and when you were done, your wound clean and bandaged neatly, he looked away, biting his lip. he knew something you didn’t.
“asmo?” you asked upon noticing his guilty expression.
he sighed, brushing the hair out of his face. “well…”
“well?” you gave him a look, and he smiled sheepishly.
“i don’t want to interfere, since this is something levi should be telling you rather than me, but… when he saw you had a boyfriend, it caused his sin to spiral out of control. jealousy, y’know? he wasn’t in his right mind. i’m not trying to excuse his behavior, and he definitely needs to apologize, but i doubt he wanted to hurt you. once you’re in that headspace… it’s hard to think clearly. it’s like your sin controls you, and all you can do is watch.”
you bit your lip. that made sense, as demons were certainly more prone to emotional outbursts, but that didn’t explain the meaning behind his words.
“what about all the things he said? he was really possessive…”
“well, that’s because he… uh… he felt threatened. you’re his best friend, and maybe he thought that you were replacing him… especially since you’ve been distant this past month and because you’re leaving at the end of next week, he got scared you wouldn’t or didn’t care about him anymore. and with your pact? that kind of makes it worse, given how special it is and all.”
you nodded, feeling saddened. why on earth did you have to make that excuse? you’d have to clear it up eventually, but you weren’t sure if telling him it was a lie was a good idea right now…
while levi’s outburst had scared you, now that you knew the likely reasoning behind it, you wanted to go find and reassure him (again). you had your own apologizing to do, as well.
asmo noticed the signs and rested his hand on your arm before you could get up, looking at you sympathetically. “i know you want to go find him, but give him a little space to cool off. especially after he scratched you up… i can imagine that he feels really guilty. he might not be ready to face you yet.”
you nodded, pulling the demon into a gentle hug. “thanks, asmo. for everything, actually. you’ve been a huge help.”
he returned the gesture, patting your head. “of course. be sure to visit me again before you leave. you deserve to have a makeover befitting your temporary departure from the devildom,” he beamed.
you smiled in return, sliding off his bed, ready to leave. “thanks, asmo. good night!”
“nighty night~!” he called, and once you disappeared down the hall, his door slowly shutting with a gentle creak, he grabbed his nearest pillow and screamed into it.
“these two are killing me, i swear…” he whined. “levi, please grow some balls already, for the love of diavolo.”
you headed to your room, tuckered out for the evening. friday was fast approaching, and you needed to rest for your last day of classes before finals.
determined, you brushed your teeth, did your skincare routine, changed into your favorite pj’s, then hopped into bed, waiting for sleep to take you.
… except it never did. you were lying there for what felt like hours, but when you rolled over and looked at your phone, only about 30 minutes had passed.
then another. then another.
by now, a good couple hours had went by, and it was well past midnight. there was no reason for you to be awake. usually, you were out like a light the minute you were under the covers. why wasn’t it working now?
you knew the reason. but asmo said he needed space…
you looked at your phone again. 2 am. was that enough space?
yes, you decided. it was.
before you knew it, your feet were carrying you down the hall towards levi’s room.
soon you reached his door, and readied yourself to knock, but realized something peculiar — his door was ajar.
you cautiously stepped across the threshold, peering around the corner. “levi…?” you called softly, your voice echoing ever so slightly in the aquarium confines of his bedroom.
you heard some shuffling before levi’s head rose from within his bathtub, the tear stains glimmering on his face like little jewels. his eyes widened, as did his mouth, but when he saw your bandaged arm, he let out a soft exclamation of horror.
“y/n, i’m so sorry—“ the apology slipped out rapidly, the words jumbling together.
“i didn’t mean to, i swear, i didn’t… didn’t realize—“ he lowered his gaze, sinking back into his tub.
“i’m sorry. i lost control, i don’t even know why… it’s stupid, i’m stupid. i’m pathetic. you must hate me…” he whimpered, sniffling as the tears started up again and as he began to curl back into himself.
while he rambled, you slowly moved closer to where he rested, and it was only when you were leaning over him, casting his form in shadow, did he stop and look at you.
why were you coming to him? why weren’t you running away?
he spluttered as you began to step into the bathtub, and he pressed himself against the wall opposite you in an attempt to create distance in the narrow space.
“what are you doing?” he squeaked as you leaned towards him once more, flabbergasted and flustered. “aren’t you scared of me? i’m a monster—“
his breath hitched as you pulled him into a gentle hug. “i’m not scared of you, levi. or upset. you’re not a monster,” you murmured, looking up at him.
he blinked in shock, and despite his whining as well as his protests that he was gross and disgusting and pathetic, he had pulled you close faster than he’d like to admit.
he could only hope that you wouldn’t notice how his heart was practically beating out of his chest.
“you’re none of those things. you’re my best friend,” you reassured him, and when you looked up at him, chin resting on his chest as your arms were wrapped around his waist, he was trying to fight the tears that were beginning to sting his eyes... and stop his poor heart from exploding.
“i’m sorry, levi… for being so distant and not being completely honest,” you looked at him with all the sincerity you could muster. “you didn’t deserve that, especially when you were so worried about me.”
levi nodded, but realized what you were saying.
“wait, y/n, no, i should be apologizing—“
“you already did—”
“no, i mean really apologize,“ he sighed. “i’m sorry for invading your privacy and just barging into your studio, for one… you were, err, obviously in the middle of something important. and i’m sorry for my outburst—“ he winced at the thought, glancing at your bandaged arm. “that was horrible, and completely unfair, especially since you didn’t do anything to warrant it, really… and i hurt you too, god, i’m just so path—“
you shushed him. “cut that out, you’re not, although i appreciate it. and hey, at least i’ll have something to remember you by now,” you wiggled your eyebrows. “imagine what everyone will say when i tell them i survived a brutal demon attack,” you teased, giving him a smug and playful look.
levi rolled his eyes, a smile playing at his lips. “are you trying to call me a weakling? that i was so easily defeated?”
you snorted. “well, in my defense—“
“i’m the naval captain of the devildom, y/n, i’ve downed thousands of ships in my lifetime, i could easily take you down if i wanted to,” he huffed, averting his gaze.
you shook your head slightly, chuckling. “yeah, i bet you did, mister.”
when he turned to you again, his heart jumped and lodged in his throat. the way you were looking at him with those eyes of yours, sparkling and half lidded…
his gaze lowered to your lips, plump and glossy from your impeccable care routine… he so wanted to kiss— wait, no, you had a boyfriend, what was he thinking? cut it out, he internally scolded himself, forcing his gaze back up.
“levi…” you hummed, and he blinked, caught by surprise.
“i think you wanted to tell me something?”
i love you.
“y’know, the super duper important thing that had you barging into my dance practice?”
“i, uh… well…” levi cleared his throat, remembering his original intentions. “no point in hiding it anymore, so…”
he smiled at you, the giddiness returning. “i got tickets.”
you stared at him, confused. tickets?
and then it hit you, and when he saw your jaw drop, his smile widened.
“that’s right. don’t ask me how, but i got soundcheck, barricade, and backstage.”
you opened your mouth to speak, but he brought his finger to your lips as if he was shushing you, and he chuckled a little.
“i thought i just said to not ask! anyways, the best part is, you’re going with—“
you pushed his hand away. “i’m not.”
levi blanked, smiling to divert the wave of hurt and confusion. “what? what do you mean?“
“i… i can’t. i’m already going with someone else…”
his heart sank. he could feel the wave of envy start up, and he felt sick, but managed to choke out “is it your boyfriend?”
“no, it’s not. i’m going with my group of earth friends… we’re gonna be traveling together for the break.”
“oh… that’s— that’s cool, yeah.” he was doing everything in his power to stop a flare up again.
“i’m sorry, levi. that sounds amazing, but i’ve been planning this trip with them for… so long now, it wouldn’t be fair to cancel on them.”
“yeah… i get it,” he scoffed, looking away, the bile rising in his throat… but what he really wanted to say was, “what about me?”
“so… that’s it, then? you’re leaving after exams?”
you nodded, biting your lip.
“i see.”
and then it went quiet.
“… levi?”
the silence was deafening.
why wasn’t he responding? why won’t he face you?
“leviathan. look at me, please.”
whether it was on his own volition or because of your pact, he quickly turned his head, his eyebrows furrowed as tears streamed down his face.
you could feel your heart breaking, and quickly pulled him into a tighter embrace, tears forming in your own eyes as you placed your head right above where his heart rested, tuning in to the rapidity of its beat. the guilt was already eating you alive, but this was the metaphorical truck that finished you off.
levi couldn’t find the will to do anything but sob into your hair, holding you against his chest.
“i’m just—“ his voice broke. “i’m not mad… i’m just gonna miss you… so much,” he lied. well, it was only partially— he was definitely going to miss you.
you nodded, closing your eyes. “i’m gonna miss you, too… more than you know.”
“okay, well, i’m gonna miss you the most, soooo… there,” levi laughed into the fabric of your shirt, and you couldn’t help but to roll your eyes.
“yeah, yeah. is there anything else you wanna tell me while we’re at it, you big crybaby?” you felt him huff. “why do you care so much about my boyfriend, anyways?”
levi suddenly stopped sniffling, and you felt him tense up. bingo.
“i… i’m just surprised you never told me, is all! i’m your best friend, y’know? i should be the first to know about these things, duh.”
“mmm, i’m not convinced.”
levi thought for a moment. should he really tell you? would he really go so low as to homewreck?
the short answer is yes, he would. but not right now. this was a nice moment, and he wanted it to last a little longer.
“so… anyways,”
you bursted out laughing. “very smooth, levi.”
“shut up. i was only going to ask what you wanted to do… seeing as this is one of the last times we can properly hang out, i guess.”
“i’m STILL not convinced, just so you know.”
“whatever helps you sleep at night, y/n.”
the bickering went back and forth a little while longer before the two of you decided on a proper agenda: scavenge for dessert and one last binge viewing of galaxea content before it was time to hunker down for finals.
except… you really didn’t want to get out of this position. not only was it cozy, but his bathtub was also really slippery and ridiculously hard to get out of without stepping on each other.
that, and you could tell levi didn’t want to move, either. besides, it was so warm… and his hoodie was so soft… and his breathing was so relaxing… and the way his fingers brushed over the pact mark on the nape of your neck made you feel fuzzy…
before you knew it, you were waking up to the sound of his alarm. your body was sore, and you groaned as you struggled to move your limbs, but paused at the sight before you: levi, face soft and peaceful as he snored away blissfully, arms wrapped around you tightly as he hugged you close to him, your legs intertwined. most surprisingly of all, his ruri-chan body pillow was long forgotten, probably being slept on top of.
you couldn’t help but to trace his jaw with your fingers, softly carding them through his hair once you had mapped out his face. you felt heat burning your cheeks, and suddenly, there was only one thing on your mind.
has he always been this pretty? or did you just never notice before?
you felt a foreign emotion bubble in your chest, and you had to stop before… you didn’t know what, exactly, but you couldn’t risk it. plus, his alarm was starting to annoy you. how come he hadn’t woken up yet?
“levi,” you said a little too loudly, and his eyes shot open. you jumped back a little in surprise, but a smile tugged at your lips afterwards.
he rubbed the sleep away from his face, groaning in annoyance. “why did you… wait.”
he blanked, looking back at you. you were here. in his arms. in his bathtub. was it morning? was he dreaming?
he stared at you in surprise, his cheeks visibly turning the shade of a ripe tomato, and small giggles escaped you.
he looked down, only to see you were both fully clothed. of course. why wouldn’t you be? ahaha…
his alarm was starting to seriously get annoying, and he grumbled as he dug his phone out of the pile of pillows beneath you, turning it off the minute his hand closed around his device.
you both had a full day of classes and studying ahead of you, and knew you had to go and get ready, but… even after all of this…
you both weren’t ready for this to be the end.
due to your conflicting schedules, you’d be the first one done and would be leaving while levi would still be testing, so this was goodbye for the next few months.
you gazed at each other, communicating everything wordlessly, and as you pushed away, beginning to climb out of his tub, he grabbed your hand, squeezing it.
you squeezed it back, smiling as you started gathering your things, slowly making your way to the door.
you heard him sniffle again, and suddenly felt him pull you into him from behind, embracing you tightly. you didn’t even hear him get up.
“goodbye, y/n. don’t forget about me, okay?”
you turned your head to look up at him, the moment bittersweet. “i’d never forget about you, levi. how could i?”
stay, he wanted to murmur in your ear. stay, and let me hold you a little longer. stay, where it’s just us two. where i can have you all to myself. where you don’t have to leave.
but he didn’t.
the two of you stayed like that for a moment longer, before he suddenly let you go, gently pushing you away.
“alright, now go. before i start crying again,” he whispered, watching you sadly as you walked to his door, opening it.
the faint light from the hallway cast your figure in a golden glow, and the last thing he heard from you before you were gone was, “i’ll see you in a couple months, okay? i’ll find you at the concert, i promise. look for me.”
the days blended into each other, and the afternoon you were supposed to move out, levi kept himself holed in his room. he was supposed to be writing an essay, and as the timer slowly ticked away, he heard the muffled sobs and goodbyes of his brothers. mammon’s dramatics and asmo’s fussing stood out the most, but he could also pick out lucifer telling everyone he’d be back shortly as he would be dropping you off along with diavolo.
proctored test be damned, he closed his eyes, attempting to hear any trace of your voice one last time… but all he caught was the loud shutting of the door. you were gone.
as you were escorted to the portal gate, you expected to hear from a certain someone. they wouldn’t just let you leave, you knew they’d message you.
and when your phone buzzed, you peeked at the screen, a little giddy... but it wasn’t from who you expected.
the last message you got on your phone before exiting the devildom wasn’t from levi, but from asmo.
“you’re not being honest with yourself. i know you love him,” was all it read, chills shooting down your spine.
lucifer and diavolo’s voices blurred into the background as you shook their hands. what was he talking about? you were about to respond, but when you looked back up, you were standing in front of your company’s building, your devildom phone gone from your pocket, like it had never existed at all.
you were home.
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dulcelovestoomuch · 1 year
Devildom's Idol // Obey Me Brothers x Idol!Reader Headcanons
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As you stand on the stage, you realize after a long journey that you have made it. A mere human singing on a stage, surrounded by hundreds of demons singing along to your music.
It took time for them to recognize you, but no one could deny your voice or impact anymore. You sung your heart out on stage and that alone gave rise to the fanbase before you. You were truly an idol that transcended the realms.
The music blared and you raised your microphone to your mouth.
"Are you ready, Devildom?"
The crowd screamed and you smiled. You began singing, listening to the chants of fans and watching swirling light-sticks in the crowd. This was everything you ever wanted, but you didn't do it alone.
You glance to the person staring at you behind the stage, waiting for you to finish your last song. He had been with you every step of the way.
Definitely proud of you and having a famous partner is probably some type of ego boost to him.
Would be protective of you though, from fans and both the industry itself.
Not afraid to put any creepy idols or executives in their place.
Looking over contracts with your manager for sure.
You're just sitting there as they go back and forth on the prices to negotiate for.
Would be like a second manager to be honest.
Makes sure you eat and take care of yourself.
"MC, did you take a break, yet? You've been practicing since early morning." "Uh..."
Will pick you up and force you to sit down and rest.
He knows how hard your work to give your best performances.
You will have to do the same to him sometimes.
You both work too hard.
Definitely would ask for like 10,000 grim whenever someone wanted a picture with you.
Partially out of jealously even if he denies it.
Would sell some random things of yours, nothing too personal, but a pen is definitely going missing when he can't fight the urge.
"Mammon?" "Yeah, MC?" "Where's my pen? "..."
He bolts every time.
Photoshoots together 100%
People would definitely realize you were together at some point.
There would be rumors and gossip, sometimes people talking bad about Mammon, but you didn't tolerate that at all.
He may not be perfect, but he was yours.
He secretly doesn't understand why someone as great as you is with him.
May or may not know some fan chants, but that's his business only.
Probably stans you
"I-I can't believe the idol MC hugged me???" "Levi... We've been dating for six months..."
Can't believe he's dating an idol
Is this an anime plot???
Posters of you in his room
Definitely fights to get merch of yours even though you could give him freebies
Would be jealous at other fans talking about you, but would then realize he's the only one that actually has you.
Still gets jealous though.
He tries his best to attend your concerts, sometimes he's overwhelmed, other times he's waving his light-stick and chanting in perfect harmony with the other fans.
You are both in awe and horrified at how perfect he does the fan chants.
Sometimes when he wants background noise while reading he'll put on your music.
Always manages to go to your concerts.
If anyone tries anything, they better be careful.
Once a demon tried to grab your hand and pull you close.
Satan got involved.
You prayed for that random demon.
Secretly feels like he has a one-up on Lucifer by dating you.
Not that it's the reason he's dating you, but it's a bonus.
Definitely would buy all the magazines that featured you in someway.
Front covers?? Interviews??? Boy has got it all.
He makes even the most dedicated fans look like fake fans with his collection.
"Satan, you don't have to buy every magazine I'm in," "I don't have to but I want to."
You wore cat ears a fan gave you once and it literally broke him.
Selfies everyday, and I mean everyday.
Everyone in Devildom would be delusional if they didn't notice you were together
The most sought after demon and the most sought after idol??
Definitely lots of talk about you two.
You used to sing at his "Asmo Nights" but the crowd got too large at some point and Diavolo had to step in to prevent a hazard.
So, only sing at concerts please, for Diavolo and Barbatos' sake.
You find out that boy can sing and the Devildom is flipped upside down when you two release a duet.
However, even with all the attention, he would always make sure that you know he's loyal to you. He doesn't care about others or fans as much as he cares about you.
Your love is what he needs most.
"You know I love you the most, right? <3"
Feel like he would be proud of you, but in the end it wouldn't matter to him if you're famous
He just likes you for you
And your cooking
I can see him going to every event though, waving a light-stick in one hand while munching on something with the other.
Seeing how hard you work makes him hungry.
He would be protective of you though, not afraid to step in if a fan was getting too close.
Brings extra snacks into the practice room and tries his best not to eat them so that you can eat when you're done.
"MC, take a break," "I can't Beel, I still haven't got this step down," "Well, I brought your favorite," "..."
You try to say no, but your stomach growls and you end up beside him, munching together on your favorite snacks.
Sings your songs while he's asleep.
You recorded him singing in his sleep. You watch the videos whenever you need to pick yourself up.
Tries his best to stay awake during your concerts, but if he can't, he'll find all the posts he can about it.
That way he can see if he missed anything.
Definitely makes it a goal to have you rest.
You are booked and busy, but you can't forget to sleep.
Admires how hard you practice.
But is possessive and hates when can't spend time with him.
Sleeps in the practice room as you learn new dances.
You wake him up when you're done and he just pulls you close and cuddles with you awhile.
"Belphie, I'm sweaty," "And?"
Eventually will let you go so you clean up.
Hope you enjoyed. I tried my best to make things accurate, I'm still new to writing the boys and Satan gave me the toughest time. This is my second work and my first time doing headcanons in the fandom, hopefully I can do more soon, and maybe make this one a series!
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mindyco · 1 year
I'm bringing back the idol MC because it needs more love! Why can I imagine these scenes so well!!! I just love the love and pride that these boys would give you, fully supporting what you do and love. Honestly, thank you Anonymous for giving me this idea!! ( ´⌣`ʃƪ) Artwork credit: @mys_s3
Scenario: The brothers' reaction to seeing idol MC on TV
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Lucifer's pride swells within him as he watches you on TV, feeling a surge of admiration for your talent and hard work.
He can't help but notice the way your eyes light up with passion and determination, and it only strengthens his belief in your abilities.
He watches you with a keen eye, analyzing your performance and stage presence.
Deep down, Lucifer is beaming with joy, his heart brimming with affection for you and the way you shine on the stage.
He may not show it openly, but a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he watches you do what you love.
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Mammon's excitement is infectious as he jumps up and down, unable to contain his pride and joy for your achievements.
He showers you with praises and adoration, constantly reminding you of how amazing you are.
He proudly boasts to anyone who will listen, "That's my MC right there! Look at how amazing they are!"
Mammon eagerly clings to every moment of your performance, capturing screenshots and sharing them with the other brothers, boasting about how lucky he is to have such a talented girlfriend. (teehee (´つヮ⊂))
Mammon may even try to mimic your dance moves, attempting to match your level of energy and charisma.
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Leviathan's heart swells with adoration and devotion as he watches you on TV, unable to tear his eyes away from the screen.
Unbeknownst to anyone else, he secretly learns your choreography and practices it in the privacy of his room.
Leviathan sings along to your songs with unbridled enthusiasm, losing himself in the music and imagining himself dancing alongside you on stage.
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Satan's intellectual curiosity is piqued as he analyzes every aspect of your performance, appreciating the artistic expression and the underlying messages in your music.
He appreciates the thought and effort that goes into your work and takes pride in your achievements.
Satan secretly researches your music, delving into the history and meaning behind each song, wanting to fully understand and support your artistic journey.
Though he may not show it overtly, Satan silently supports you and may even surprise you with in-depth discussions about your music and performances.
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Asmodeus squeals with delight, overwhelmed by the beauty and glamour that you bring to the screen.
He instantly becomes your biggest cheerleader, spreading the news of your appearance to anyone who will listen.
He can't help but imagine all the fabulous outfits and fashion collaborations he could do with you, his mind already spinning with ideas.
He may even invite you to his room to discuss fashion and styling, excitedly suggesting glamorous outfits for your next performance.
Asmodeus showers you with compliments and offers his styling expertise, eager to see you shine even brighter in the spotlight.
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Beelzebub's eyes twinkle with pride and genuine happiness as he watches you on TV, unable to hide his genuine joy for your success.
He reaches for snacks to munch on, savoring the flavors as he cheers you on silently.
Though he may not be the most vocal, his eyes never leave the screen, filled with admiration for your talent.
Beelzebub may even find himself humming your songs while doing daily tasks (working out, cooking, etc...).
Beelzebub's heart swells with warmth and love, feeling grateful to have you in his life and cherishing the moments when you bring happiness not just to him but to the whole world.
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Belphegor's initial reaction is one of disinterest and feigned indifference.
He lounges on the couch, barely sparing a glance at the TV. However, as he catches glimpses of your performance, a small smile tugs at his lips.
Belphegor may pretend to be indifferent, but deep down, he finds comfort and solace in your music, embracing the calm and contentment that washes over him whenever he listens to your voice.
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crystalcerberus · 3 months
Obey Me Barbatos x Reader - A time-bending surprise visit
After another one of those exhausting days in the Devildom, you had finally managed to drag yourself back to your room in the House of Lamentation. Of course, on your way from RAD to your room, you had to deal with the now daily advances from Mammon and even Levi had left his otaku recluse to get on your nerves about some idols this and some gaming event that.
"Phewwww!", you let out a big sigh of relief now finally cuddled up in your bed mindlessly scrolling on your D.D.D.
"Might as well go to sleep now," you thought to yourself. The brothers would sure call you once dinner was ready. "At least, I'm not on kitchen duty today", you thought before you felt your mind gently drifting off towards Dreamland.
"Brrrrrzzzz!" A sudden electric-sounding noise made you jolt and sit up in bed at once. You didn't have to look far to find the source of it.
In front of your bed facing you, an all-too-familiar door had materialized out of nothing.
You gasped, eyes widening in a mixture of surprise, disbelief, and anticipation.
The door opened to let just a thin line of greenish light appear accompanied by a familiar voice that said in a friendly tone: "Please pardon my sudden intrusion, dear y/n. May I come in?"
You still couldn't believe what you were experiencing. Did Barbatos just use his time-travel magic to visit you? Surely, that could only mean the Devildom was in some serious trouble and your help (or something else from you?) was required.
You didn't have it in you to speak properly, so you just gave some sort of grunt as a reply to him to allow him to enter your room through his time-travel door.
Elegant as ever, the butler stepped through the portal into your private quarters. But something was different from his usual demeanor.
While his movements and his attire were as usual, he wore an expression on his face that you had never seen before. The usual stoic facade had crumbled and instead his eyes were burning with what looked like demonic energy.
"Errr ... Bar-Barbatos?", you stuttered. Your heart started to beat faster. The butler put his gloved index finger to his lips. "Shhhh, y/n. No need to worry. I'm only here for you ..."
You blushed. Could it be? Did he break his own or whoever made these rules about time travel just to be with you ... here? Now?
He stood in front of you with a smirk as the time-travel door disappeared behind him silently. "But what about the rules of time travel?", you didn't know what else to say at this moment.
Barbatos took off his gloves and before you knew it, you felt his bare hands cupping your face and felt his body sitting next to you, slightly pressing against you.
You looked into his mesmerizing green eyes, but then looked away blushing. "Don't underestimate a butler's skills of observing someone's body language ...", he whispered, "I know exactly what you want ..."
Now that he was here anyway and your little love-sick heart still couldn't believe this was happening, you found the courage to speak to him. "How did you know? I mean ...," you blushed an tried to move away from him slightly, "I ... have always wanted to be close to you since the day I first met you in the Demonlord's Castle ..."
Of course, the demon butler with time-bending skills and the ability to see the future didn't come unprepared for this special outing. Barbatos leaned towards you and smiled. "Y/N, we have exactly one hour and 13 minutes till Lucifer will call for you to join them for dinner ... So, I suggest we make the best of this time ..." He whispered with a suggestive wink.
You answered him with a big smile that you just didn't care to hide anymore and then asked, "Can ... can you kiss me, please?" Barbatos smiled back at you and said "I'm always glad to be of service to you", before his lips gently touched yours sending shivers down your spine.
When you emerged from your room exactly one hour and 12 minutes later, Lucifer gave you a surprised look because he was just about to call you for dinner. Or maybe we was wondering why your skin looked so flushed and your eyes had a vivid shine to them. And his demon senses also told him that there was the unmistakable energy of a certain Butler around you ...
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chibinekochan · 4 years
Cherry Serpent - ft. Levi / reader
In this au you are a member of a semi famous j pop group, named Cherry Serpent. 
You are a human exchange student and asked Lucifer and Diavolo to keep your fame a secret, since you desire to live a normal life, at least in the devildom. Lucifer doesn't get it but is fine with this. You also get your own little portal so you can travel freely between the worlds. Soon you find out that Levi is your biggest fan.
  Small side notes - Cherry Serpent is an enby group, their whole aesthetic is based around snakes and cherries with an overall cute look. The group has 5 members.
Your character is Sakura, who is the cute one of the group. You wear a wig and contacts on stage. With some pretty heavy makeup. 
Here is how I picture Mc's stage outfit.
  Pairing: Levi x reader
2.5k words
At the start of your exchange program you didn't hear any mention of cherry serpent. It's not a huge surprise and honestly it's a relief. You don't have to worry about anything and just be yourself. 
On stage you must play the role of the cutie with a love for cherries. In reality you are a huge anime and game nerd with a love for hoodies. Most people would be very disappointed if they knew. At least you believe that. 
Not long after coming to the devildom you become friends with Levi. You find it very easy to be around Levi. He never judges you for anything and it's very relaxing to be with him.
  Everything is going very well. You feel much more relaxed and your idol carrier is also going well.
  Well, at least until the day you walk into Levi's room and find a huge poster of your own face staring right back at you. 
You stare at it in awe. You can remember the photoshoot very vividly.
  “Hey perfect timing. I was just about to tell you about my newest treasure. Look at this beauty. It's so rare for Sakura to have a photoshoot, they are very shy. I relate so much. I'm so happy. I mean it's super rare merch.” Levi is very happy, so happy that he doesn't realize that you have gotten a bit pale. Now he will surely notice that you are Sakura. I mean it's literally your face but like 3 times bigger than you are. 
“Oh, wow that's pretty cool.” You try to not show your distress. 
“Sakura is just so cute, look at their signature hand sign. I mean I have pre-ordered the new CD of course. Actually about 500 of them. I know it sounds like a lot but they have limited photos of them all and a chance to win a vip ticket for the next concert.” Levi is in full fan mode. 
It's pretty sweet of him to be this excited about it. Even when 500 copies seems a bit too much to you. 
“You really are a huge cherry serpent fan.” You never thought that a demon would ever be your fan, especially since you have not heard a single thing about it since your arrival. 
“Ohhh, you know about them? Don't tell me you are a fellow cs stan?” Levi's eyes light up. 
You bite your lips, darn you forgot that your group is just semi famous even by human standards, it's rare to meet a person that recognizes you just from a poster. 
“I have heard about them.” You try to be vague. 
“That's so cool! Who is your favorite? I mean I'm a full Sakura stan. Maybe I'm biased but when I first heard their first solo single 'cherry beast.' I was so excited and they sang about the love between a sea beast and a human. It was so touching. Ever since that day, I've been their biggest fan.” Levi has stars in his eyes.
  This is pretty embarrassing. You can't help but blush a little, of course you had people tell you things like this before during handshake events but they all were strangers. 
This here is different, it's your friend telling you how much they love your work. Even when Levi doesn't know that you are Sakura.
  “I think they are all great but why Sakura?” You wonder a bit about this. 
“Well, other than their cute outfit, they have the best voice, the best signature move. They always encourage everyone. Like one day I felt very down and sent a request to their radio show and Sakura was so sweet and really encouraged me. I know Sakura isn't the best dancer but they always train so hard and improve so much everyday. I honestly want to be more like that. We also share a love for water creatures. I mean their favorite pet is a fish, despite them only being able to have a toy fish due to their busy life. Such a tragedy.” Levi seems unable to stop himself.
  This makes you smile. You have never heard anyone say such sweet things about you. 
“I know it must sound funny to you.” Levi seems a bit embarrassed. 
“Oh no, you were just so cute that I couldn't help smiling.” You are telling at least half of the truth. 
Levi blushes.“ You shouldn't tease me like this.” He is pouting. 
You giggle a little. “Sorry Levi.”
“Now that I think about it, you are similar to Sakura.” Levi looks closely at you.
Did he notice who you really are? 
“What do you mean?” You shift nervously around.
“You always encourage me too.” Levi gives you a smile. 
Now you feel a bit embarrassed.“That's very sweet of you to say Levi.” 
“I also think that you look similar.” Levi says this very quietly. 
“I'm not sure if I do.” You can't say that you don't look like this at all. 
“Well, how about we listen to their old CD and play some games?” Levi is utterly embarrassed again and just tries to move on.
  You welcome this chance. 
After a few games you both take a break. 
The CD is still running in the background, it's pretty surreal. What are you going to do when Levi notices that this is your voice?
  All kinds of thoughts keep running through your head for the rest of the day. 
Why does Levi have to be your fan boy? 
It's not like you want to hide this from him but how will he react once you tell him the truth?
He will be disappointed in you for sure. You basically lied to your best friend. 
You ponder about this for the rest of the night. Causing you to be very tired the next day.
  Asmo sees you and can't help himself to mention it.“Don't tell me that you have been gaming all night again? You have an awful complexion. Well, nothing that I can't fix of course.” He shakes his head. 
“Not this time Asmo. I just have been thinking about some stuff.” You sigh lightly. 
“What kind of stuff? I'm glad to hear you out you know.” Asmo tries to be supportive. 
You honestly appreciate this, especially today. “I can't really talk about it here.” You are afraid that Levi will overhear you. 
“In that case you should come to my room later.” Asmo gives you a suggestive smile. 
“If you mean to talk then I'm willing to come.” You know that he means no harm. 
“Alright, we will just have some snacks and tea and talk about all of your troubles.” Asmo shrugs and casually changes his tone. 
In the end he is a good friend. 
“I will bring your favorite cupcakes to make it up to you.” You give him a soft smile. 
“Now that is a plan. I'm looking forward to it.” Asmo is genuine about this and you are grateful.
  Later in the day you go to Asmos room with the promised cupcakes. 
Asmo is delighted. It seems like he is really looking forward to this. 
You both sit down and have some tea before starting your conversation.
  “I will get straight to the issue. I have a secret from my best friend and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.” You aren't sure how much you should tell Asmo. 
“Is this about you being a member of cherry serpent?” Asmo says this very casually, while you almost spit your tea out. 
“How do you know that?” You are too surprised to deny anything. 
“Please, I've known ever since we went to karaoke. Levi might be too blind to see it but I have heard enough of your music to recognize your voice. I mean your stage makeup is great but it's clearly you.” Asmo just shakes his head. 
“You knew all this time but never once mentioned it?” You are pretty baffled. 
“I know how it is to be in the spotlight and figured that you had reasons to hide it. I knew you would come forward when you are ready.” Asmo keeps sipping his tea. It's honestly amazing to you. 
“That was very nice of you Asmo.” You feel honestly touched. 
“Does that mean that you have finally fallen for me?” Asmo gives you a flirty smile. 
“Nope, I'm just glad that you support me.” You shoot him down with a smile. 
“Too bad. Well, anyway, I think you should tell Levi. I know he is your fanboy. I mean technically of Sakura, but I'm sure he will be happy to know that you are his favorite idol.”Asmo casually moves on and then gives you his suggestion. 
“I'm afraid that he will see me differently than now and I also don't want him to hate me. I hid this from him all this time after all.” Both things weigh equally on your mind. 
“He will figure it out sooner or later. If he finds this out from anyone else he will be much more hurt.” Asmo says this gently while still being firm. 
You can only agree and nod. “You are right.” You feel sad about this.
The last thing you want is for Levi to treat you differently. 
“Of course I'm right, and you know it's not the worst thing in the world to have your own personal cheerleader.” Asmo doesn't really understand your issue. 
“I just want to stay close to him. I can't do that if he is only my fan boy.” You shake your head. 
“You should tell him that. I don't think Levi will stop being your friend first and fanboy second. Maybe your relationship will change but that's not always a bad thing.” Asmo gives you some much needed encouragement. 
“You are right. Thank you for your help Asmo.” You give him a heartfelt smile. 
Asmo seems slightly troubled for a moment but then smiles as usual once again. “Everything for you.”
You spend some time with Asmo, catching up on the latest devildom gossip. 
After talking about anything you feel much better.
  You go back to your room and see a load of messages from Levi. 
It seems like he got tickets for an upcoming concert. All is well and good but it's a cherry serpent concert. 
Now you really need to come clean to Levi.
  After thinking for hours about the right way to gently break the news, you invite Levi over to your room.
  Not long after Levi arrives. He is still very giddy over the tickets. He almost seems to sparkle. “Hey, there. I guess you also wanted to celebrate the great news right? I have brought some snacks and some other stuff.” As usual he has brought some seemingly random things with him.
“Come in Levi. We really need to talk.” You give him a nervous smile. 
“Is the moment where you break up with me? Wait, we aren't dating…” Levi seems pretty confused. 
“Stop fooling around. There is something that I really need to tell you.” You feel slightly annoyed at his joke. 
“Alright, sorry…” Levi gets serious in an instant. One hundred reasons why you want to talk to him in such a serious manner race threw his head. No reason is a good one.
  Levi sits down, trying to prepare himself for whatever you will drop on him. 
“I know what I'm about to tell you will probably be upsetting. You should know that you are my best friend and if possible I want you to see me the same way as you see me now. You see, I have a big secret that I kept from everyone.” You take a small breath,“I'm a member of cherry serpent. To be more precise I'm Sakura.” 
You prepare yourself for whatever Levi will throw at you. His possible anger or hurt.
What hits you is stunned silence. Levi looks at you like he can't comprehend your words at all.
  It takes him a moment to get over the sheer shock of this information. “W-wait.. Hold it right there! You are SAKURA? Since when? Wait that's a stupid question. Are you serious right now?” Levi has huge issues understanding what you are saying. 
“It's true Levi. I'm sorry I have been hiding this for so long.” You feel pretty guilty. 
“Never mind that part but you are telling me that I'm friends with Sakura? THE SAKURA FROM CHERRY SERPENT?? I can't believe it!” Levi seems to struggle with his emotions but he seems pretty happy. 
“Well you are friends with me. I just happened to be Sakura as an idol.” You feel like you really need to point this out. 
“Oh yeah. That is an important distinction. So, you are telling me that my best friend is not only an idol but also my favorite idol on top of that?” Levi's confusion seems completely gone. He is very excited. 
“Yes, that's right. I mean, I didn't know that Sakura is your favorite idol.” This point is a bit embarrassing to you. 
“Now they definitely are. I mean my best friend is Sakura. So of course Sakura is my favorite idol.” Levi says this without any hesitation. 
This makes you smile. “That is very sweet of you Levi.”
Somehow this causes Levi to blush.“Stop being so unfair.” He mumbles. 
“Does that mean that you aren't mad? I mean, I've been lying to you for a pretty long time.” You are still bothered by it. 
“I'm not mad. I actually can't believe that I never noticed. In hindsight, I was pretty blind.” Levi seems to beat himself up more than anything. 
“I look very different on stage. I bet most people would be very disappointed by my normal appearance.” You give him a small smile. 
“Everyone that says that is a huge idiot. You are even better than Sakura in my opinion.” Levi seems a bit offended by your statement. 
This makes you giggle. “You truly are my biggest fan, aren't you Levi?” 
“Damn right I am! I will continue to support you and I will take your secret to my grave.” Levi says this with unusual confidence. It's something you can only see when he beats the final boss of a game. 
“You are the best!” You give him a big hug.
  This makes Levi freeze on the spot. “Hey, no surprise attacks!” 
You burst out laughing, there is your usual Levi. “Sorry Levi.”
“It's not like I hate it, but you should warn me.” Levi pouts a little.
You are just glad that your friendship is safe.
  On the day of your concert Levi joins the rest of your fans, as usual. 
Thanks to his great efforts he is far upfront. Waving his glowsticks. 
This is a very familiar sight to you. When you notice him your eyes meet just for a moment and you give him an extra smile while doing your signature move, just for him.
  Then you notice that Levi wears a shirt with your name on it. Not with his usual Sakura gear but your real name.
  What a sweet surprise. 
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lancermylove · 2 years
Ignored MC (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me 
Pairing: Demon Bros x gn!Reader, platonic.
Warning: Kinda angsty but brothers don’t want to give up.
Requested by: @weebslawyer​
Prompt: So, I was thinking and for the first time is related to obey me. So what if, we have a second-ish mc. But like, they are introverted, they don't want to bother anybody, they barely leave their room, especially after the all Lilith because everybody start ignoring them and they have fights pretty often and their escape is playing guitar. [paraphrase] Brothers are mean to MC and they leave, and one whole month after, the brothers see MC performing with a band. He asks them to come back, but Mc says no. But its all your chose. Feel free to modify things. Love ya
A/N: I wasn’t sure if you were looking for pure angst, but I wrote it as the brothers are actually sorry and will continue to say sorry. Hope you like it! 😘  
You couldn’t stop smiling as you made your way backstage with your band members. The performance went better than you expected, and the crowd still hadn’t stopped cheering for your band. Setting your guitar down in the changing room, you told your team you needed some fresh air and walked to the nearby garden. The temperature was rapidly dropping, but after giving an energetic performance under bright spotlights, the evening chill felt refreshing. 
That voice, no way - you never thought you would hear his voice again, not after the treatment you received from him in Devildom. Without turning around once to look at him, you continued making your way deeper into the garden. 
“(Y/n). Wait.” 
Your heart requested your body to stop and at least hear him out, but your mind disagreed as all the memories you pushed away came flooding back. No one in Devildom cared about your presence - it was always about her and her connections to Lilith. 
“Shut up. Your voice is disturbing her”, “You are pathetic and annoying”, “Can’t you do anything right?”, “Learn something from the other human exchange students.”
Those were just some of things you had to hear from the brothers. What was the point of bringing you in as an exchange student if they wanted nothing to do with you? 
“Wait, (y/n). Please.” He followed you, but you ignored him until you heard something along the lines of “I need to take you back to Devildom.” 
“You what?” You started laughing and spun on your heels to face him. “You can’t be serious. After the hell all of you put me through, you want me to return? First, it took all of you a whole month to notice I was gone. Second, you have your beloved Lilith’s descendent with you, so why do you want me back?. Third, I can’t believe I used to have a crush on you. Finally, leave me alone. I want nothing to do with your brothers, Devildom, or you - especially you.”
With those words, you turned your back to him and calmly walked away, your heart feeling lighter.
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You had a crush on him? Asmo suddenly felt even worse for treating you the way he did. Usually, he had enough attention to give to everyone, so why did thing turn out like this with you?
Even after hearing that you wanted nothing to do with him, Asmo didn’t want give up. He was talented at winning hearts, so if he kept trying to apologize, would you forgive him? Or at least give him another chance to treat you the way you deserved?
He would probably have to put up with your bitter words, but it was worth a try. After all, no one can resist his charm, right? Right?
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Yeah, he deserved all of the things you said. He wasn’t nice to you, and Levi was not proud of himself for that - not that he was proud of himself for anything, but he gathered enough courage to come see you in person, so could you at least hear him out? 
He also wanted to tell you how amazing you looked on stage. It was like seeing an idol performing on stage, and you were also skilled at playing the guitar. Levi sighed and hung his head low, not knowing what to say or do. 
The easier thing would be to return to Devildom and forget all about what happened, or he could follow you and your band around, jumping concert to concert until you agreed to talk to him. What was he supposed to do? Wait, WHAT DID YOU SAY? You had a crush on him? The first time someone liked him, and he ruined everything. No, he couldn’t let things end this way! Following you concert to concert it was. 
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Beel was sorry, he was really sorry, and he was even more sorry that he didn’t realize he hurt you earlier. Those days he was mean to you, someone stole his food, and he accidentally lashed out at you. Beel knew that was not right, but he honestly didn’t mean to hurt you. 
How was he supposed to make you realize that? If only he could win your heart by giving you your favorite foods. Wait, would that work? What if he found the rarest food in the Human Realm and gave it to you? Would you forgive him?
Beel nodded with determination as that was exactly what he would do. Find the rare food, try his hardest not to eat it, give it to you while apologizing, and then pull you into a bear hug. If you forgive him, he will be happy, but if you don’t, he will think of another plan.
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He knew you had a crush on him, and you were right. He should have treated you properly, paid more attention, and noticed you were missing sooner. But his sister died in his arms, and finding the descendent of human Lilith meant the world to him. After all, everything he did, from starting the Celestial War to joining hands with Diavolo, was for Lilith’s sake. 
He was responsible for helping Diavolo execute his plan to unite the three realms, yet he couldn’t manage a proper relationship with you. Lucifer would say he felt like a failure, but his pride forbade him from thinking those words. 
No, he would not give up now, especially not after hearing from you that you had a crush on him. If you liked him once, he could get you to like him again. Lucifer planned to do whatever it took to get you to forgive him; besides, he had all the patience to deal with anything and everything you threw his way. 
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Mammon winced at hearing your words. Okay, he did some mean things that he should have, but could you not put words in his mouth? Everything you said was right, and he knew it, but Mammon wanted a chance to speak - to tell you how sorry he really was. 
Also, he wanted to tell you that you were wrong about him not noticing you were gone. The truth was, Mammon was the first one to notice you missing, and he told his brothers, and since that day, the Avatar of Greed had been searching for you. It took him one month because he didn’t know where to start looking for you. 
Hearing you say you had a crush on him made him feel even guiltier. For once, someone cared about him, but he just had to be stupid and mistreat them. As Mammon saw you disappearing into the trees, he yelled, “I ain’t givin’ up, (y/n)! The Not So Great Mammon’ll continue sayin’ sorry until you forgive him.” 
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Satan thought you might have a crush on him but was hoping that wasn’t the case. He already felt like a jerk, but after hearing you liked him, he didn’t know what to do with himself. Satan took pride in being the smartest out of all the brothers, but right now, he felt like such an idiot. 
He could understand his brothers getting caught up with Lilith’s descendent, but why did he get caught up too? It was not like he met her or even had a connection to her. Not to mention, Satan saw how lonely you felt, but he chose to turn a blind eye. “All the words you said...I deserved them...but...I can’t give up. Not after coming this far.”
Satan wanted to make everything right and knew it would take a long time. Your hatred towards all of them, and him, was justified, but not all hope was lost. At least you didn’t blatantly ignore him and walk away, meaning you might still like him. 
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He did not destroy his sleep to hear you say such things to him - no matter how right you were. Belphie sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, not wanting to admit that he deserved to hear those words from you. Could you blame him, though? He had to watch Beel blame himself for Lilith’s death, and he also felt responsibility - if only he had taken better care of himself, Beel could have saved Lilith. 
Belphie wanted to walk away from there and say he tried and that was good enough, but his conscious wouldn’t let him. Great, he will have to spend even more sleepless days and night in order to convince you to forgive him. 
Oddly enough, Belphie felt determined - maybe you saying you had a crush on him was the reason behind his determination. Who knew, but the Avatar of Sloth planned to chase you around, and you listen to what he had to say, especially about why he gave Lilith’s descendent first priority.
➣  Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2] ➣ Main Masterlist
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moonpetrichors-blog · 2 years
Started: 11/01/22
Last Updated: 06/11/23
Total Works: 45
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Attack On Titan
Songs That Remind Me Of Attack On Titan
Sanguis Effusus - Levi x Hange, Angst
Mutual Pining w AOT Boys
Mutual Pining w AOT Boys
Mutual Pining w AOT Boys
Levi Ackerman
Sanguis Effusus - Levi x Hange, Angst
Blood in The Wind - Prince!Levi x Princess!Reader, Enemies
Hange Zoe
Sanguis Effusus - Levi x Hange, Angst
Eren Yeagar
First Time - College!Eren x Reader, Shotgunning, Uni AU
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Obey Me
Your Loveable Troublemaker - Birthday!Mammon x Reader, Angst
Mammon’s Wonderful Lamp - Mammon x Reader, Aladdin/Royalty AU
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Genshin Impact
Diluc Ragnvindr
Diluc As Your Lover - Diluc x Reader, Fluff
Genshin Men And Their Weddings - Headcanons
Piercings Genshin Men Would Have
Genshin Men in Highschool
Festival With Xiao - Xiao x Reader, Slight Fluff
Who is He? - Nerd!Xiao x Cheerleader!Reader, Tutoring, Lowkey Enemies To Lovers
Idol -  Fan!Scaramouche x Singer!Reader, Modern AU, Mean x Mean
Kaedehara Kazuha
Piercings Genshin Men Would Have
Genshin Men in Highschool
Kaeya Alberich
Piercings Genshin Men Would Have
Genshin Men in Highschool
Only One Bed
Arataki Itto
Piercings Genshin Men Would Have
Piercings Genshin Men Would Have
Genshin Men in Highschool
Living With Thoma - Headcanons
Genshin Men in Highschool
Genshin Men And Their Weddings - Headcanons
Genshin Men And Their Weddings - Headcanons
Only One Bed
Only One Bed
Invidia - Uni!Xiao x Uni!Reader, Jealousy, Good Ending
Prince Scaramouche - Prince!Scara x Princess!Reader, Slight Enemies To Lovers
Palm Lector - Kazuha x Witch!Reader, Palmistry
Kaeya Alberich
You Left Your Diary At My House - Kaeya x Knight!Reader
Cloaked Heart - Xiao x Reader x Albedo, Highschool AU
Cloaked Heart - Xiao x Reader x Albedo, Highschool AU
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Mystic Messenger
RFA + Saeran On Halloween - Headcanons
RFA + Saeran On Halloween - Headcanons
RFA + Saeran On Halloween - Headcanons
RFA + Saeran On Halloween - Headcanons
RFA + Saeran On Halloween - Headcanons
RFA + Saeran On Halloween - Headcanons
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Dating Neteyam Includes...
First Impressions - Enemies To Lovers, Anguished Declarations of Love, Forced Proximity
Sully Boys Relationship Alphabet
What Do The Sully Family Smell Like?
Dating Lo’ak Includes...
Sully Boys Relationship Alphabet
Stick By You - Childhood Best Friends To Lovers, Friends To Lovers
Queen Of The Waves - Lo’ak x Metkayina!Reader, Surfing, Fluff, Pining
What Do The Sully Family Smell Like?
Jake Sully
Sully Boys Relationship Alphabet
What Do The Sully Family Smell Like?
What Do The Sully Family Smell Like?
What Do The Sully Family Smell Like?
Forest Rendezvous - Fluff, Sneaking Out, Idiots in Love, Strict Parents
Something About You -  Fluff, Crush Blush, Longing Look, Good With Kids
Spiritualis Conceptio - Neteyam x Human!Reader, Spiritual Pregnancy, Dad Neteyam
All Mine - Childhood Friend Romance, Friends To Lovers, Jealousy, Anguished Declarations Of Love
Death Won’t Do Us Part - Neteyam x Omaticaya!Reader, Fluff, Married Life, Domesticity
Not A Responsibility -  Neteyam x Omaticaya!Reader, Angst
Cuts and Bruises - Fluff, After-Action Patch-Up
Believe in Me - Fluff, Power of Trust, They Fell First But He Fell Harder
Gilded Lily - Angst, Father Son Feels, Parental Issues
Teach Me -  Lo'ak x Metkayina!Reader, Fluff, Private Tutor, Crush Blush
Confess Already - Fluff
Jake Sully
Gilded Lily - Angst, Father Son Feels, Parental Issues
Sharing A Bed With Jake - Sharing a Bed, Jake is a Hot Sleeper, Size Difference
Hunting Gone Wrong -  Neytiri x Omaticaya!Reader, Fluff, After-Action Patch-Up
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The Arcana
Asra Alnazar
Look At Me -  Asra x Apprentice!Reader, Fluff, Caught Staring
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Miguel O’Hara
My Mistake -  Miguel x Spidey!Reader, Close Proximity, Crush Blush
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Writing Practice
Nighttime Writing - For Fun/Practice
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king-bee-sting · 3 years
Obey Me! Masterlist
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Implied! Lucifer x Male! Reader
Reacting to Male! Reader Finally Accepting PDA
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Reacting to a trans! Reader
Reacting to Male! Reader Finally Accepting PDA
Mammon x GN! Reader: Thunderstorms (Fic)
Mammon x M! Reader: Here For You (Fic)
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Leviathan x Idol! Reader
Nerdy Confessions: Levi x Male! Reader (Fic)
Reacting to a trans! Reader
Leviathan x Male! Reader: Game Dates (Fic)
Reacting to Finding M! Reader's Stash
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Asmodeus x Idol! Reader
Reacting to a trans! Reader
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Reacting to a trans! Reader
Satan x Catboy! Reader: Satnyan?
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Comfort Headcanons: Beelzebub
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Diavolo x Angel! Male! Reader: Preening (Fic)
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Obey Me but it's things I've said in Discord pt. 1
Obey Me but it's things I've said in Discord pt. 2
Obey Me but it's things I've said in Discord pt. 3
Obey Me but it's things I've said in Discord pt. 4
Obey Me but it's things I've said in Discord pt. 5
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dulcesiabits · 4 years
aftermath (obey me x reader)
request: hi!! i just wanted to say i really loved reading your works ever since i discovered "grief"! your angst in particular is really touching for me, i somehow really like how you depict sadness and all that. since requests are open, can i ask for a sort-of response to the piece where mc can see lilith's ghost? like how would mc react to the knowledge that she's kinda being used as a "substitute" or stand-in, i guess, for the brothers. thank you so much, whether or not you choose to write this
a/n: I’m happy you enjoyed my work to such an extent!! as a writer, it’s always nice to see when your work resonates with people in some way. part one is here, though this could be read as a standalone, too! 
spoilers: Obey Me CH 16-17
They search for any trace of Lilith in you. The curve of your lip, the planes of your face, the fall of your hair-- anything that could be linked back to someone who died, thousands of years ago. Anything that could be proof that their sister still existed, that some part of her lived in you.
Sometimes, you examine yourself in the mirror. You know what Lilith looks like; you’ve seen her in your dreams and her ghost walks by your side. But Lilith is beautiful. Inhumanly so. And you? You’re just human. You have to swallow poison every time they compare you to her. It is impossible to live up to someone who had become so idolized in death, someone whose shadow swallows you up before you have a chance to escape.
At first, it’s okay. You tamp down the anger, the resentment, the pain. It is so easy to make them happy, and you love them so much, you swallow your sharp words. Even if when they look at you, all they see is her. They try not to, of course. They know, logically, you aren’t really their sister. But her blood ties you, and her ghost haunts you, and you become less a human than a conduit for Lilith. 
Once, they sought you out because you were you; now they seek you out so they can talk to Lilith. Levi wants to indulge in an endless amount of anime and games, and expects you to relay all of Lilith’s thoughts. Asmo drags you out, and chatters incessantly, and holds up makeup and clothes he wishes he could give to his little sister, but has to make do with you. Beel shares all the delicious treats he wishes Lilith could have tried, even as his own stomach rumbles with hunger. But he shoves it all at you adoringly, and you must relay the taste to Lilith. Lucifer wants to do nothing but talk with her. When he waxes on old memories, you know you are an outsider. You know these are things he does not wish to share with you, but he must, if he hopes to hear Lilith’s response.
Satan is the only one who understands what it is like to live as someone’s replacement. He is like you, an outsider; he never knew Lilith, and has only known her shadow. It is a little more bearable with Satan around, because he is the only one who still knows who you are. But it is unbearably awkward. Because you are not just you, not really, and there are only so many times Satan can steal you away from his brothers.
Mammon still loves you for who you are. At least, you think he does. But that love is twisted with the longing to see his sister. Mammon is so eager it hurts. He is gentle because Lilith is there, and he cannot hide how excited he is to hear Lilith’s thoughts. Is he spending time with you because he loves you, or because he can speak to his sister?
Belphie is the worst. The nickname burns in your mouth, but he had insisted you call him that, and so you did. You know all too well what his anger looks like. You want to care for him, you truly did. But he had hurt you, betrayed you, killed you, and no one seemed to care. Were you supposed to simply let it go? Was he really going to forget his centuries of guilt and loathing of humans because his sister became one? But you have no other choice. You are supposed to be kind, and they love you because you are kind. You forgive him, even though you can’t forget.
They are demons, you remind yourself. Hadn’t Lucifer once warned you that demons couldn’t stay away from temptation? The chance to talk to their sister again was irresistible. But you know you are just making excuses for them.
Perhaps a part of you is scared: if you refuse them, if you do not play along, will they love you less? You are used to putting aside your own emotions to deal with those of others. Kindness is a rot that eats away at you, piece by piece. Already their love is so complicated and heavy you suffocate under its weight.
And Lilith? Lilith is so apologetic it stings. She doesn’t want this for you. You can tell she regrets revealing herself to her brothers. Everyone is stagnating, you think. Trapped in the past, unable to move forward. And you know you are only enabling them. But it is so hard to tell them how you feel when they look so happy.
But of course, their happiness is built upon a house of cards. And one night, during dinner, it all falls apart. As you rush to finish your meal, you bite your tongue. The brothers look at you as you wince, the metallic taste of blood filling your mouth.
“Are you okay, Lilith?” Belphie asks, and something in you shatters.
Everyone at the table stills. They have been toeing the line for so long, and finally, someone crosses it. It is a mistake, you think. He hadn’t meant it. But still, it hurts, and you no longer feel so understanding.
You can feel the heat of their gazes weighing on you, awkward, inquisitive, afraid. Belphie looks... regretful, but what is it that he regrets? Calling you by the wrong name? Or the fact that it isn’t his sister sitting at the table?
You stand with a clatter, your fork ringing as it hits your plate. The taste of blood is nauseating as you speak. “Aren’t you guys tired of this? I know I am. I... I’m not her! I’m not Lilith! I’m me! When you look at me, I want you to really look at me!”
Mammon utters your name, softly, but you refuse to stop. How long have you wanted to say this? How long have you ignored your own emotions to make someone else happy?
“I’m sorry, but Lilith is gone. She’s not coming back. And it sucks that you guys had to deal with that pain for so long, but you can’t keep using me to feel better! I’m not her! I’m not her replacement! And Belphie, you’re the worst,” you spit, wrapping your arms around yourself. He looks surprised, and you want to laugh. “Are you never going to apologize? You killed me! Am I just supposed to forget that? I can’t. I mean, in general, you guys need to move on! And talk things out! And stop using me! Maybe I’m at fault, too, for letting this go on as long as it has, but...”
You exhale weakly. “Don’t come near me, until you’re ready to talk to me as me, and not her.”
No one stops you as you stalk off, your hands shaking. You’re not sure how you would have reacted if they did. When you finally reach your room, you sob until you’re light-headed and gasping. Perhaps you could convince Diavolo to invest in a demonic therapy service. The brothers definitely needed it. The thought makes you choke out a laugh.
You wearily drag yourself to the bathroom. You grimace at your reflection: messy hair, runny nose, puffy eyes. Nothing like the angelic being the brothers mistake you for. But what did they expect? You were human. You touch your reflection, and crack a small, hopeless smile. It is okay. You’ll be okay. 
For the first time in a while, you finally feel like yourself.
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faeleur · 1 year
long awaited, finally here. thanks for your patience and hope you all enjoy :) part iii coming soon!
part i. part iii. part iv. masterlist
leviathan x idol!reader: part ii
it had been a few months since that afternoon, and it was safe to say you and levi were now best friends :)
you two had a routine — once you were done studying for the day, you’d sit in his room and debrief, talking about everything that you didn’t cover over text, and on friday evenings you watched a new episode of the latest anime together, analyzing and theorizing its contents afterwards.
the two of you were inseparable, and while you were close with (almost) all of the boys, your connection with levi was different.
your time together was filled with fun, laughter, inside jokes, and friendly competition, and levi couldn’t be more grateful for your companionship. but…
no, there was no but, levi had tried convincing himself over and over again. everything was just fine as is. there was nothing else he needed or desired. but there was.
he just didn’t want to admit it to himself, or anyone else.
however, as the days went by, it grew harder and harder to deny it, and every morning and evening when he saw you, it grew harder and harder to keep the words buried.
one day, maybe, but not now… or maybe ever. just this was enough.
except it wasn’t. despite his best attempts, he was the avatar of envy, and every day he craved more and more of your time, of your attention.
and for the most part, he had it. as your best friend, you spent every day together… except for one.
there was one (1) day where you were completely unreachable. (☹️)
saturdays, unfortunately (and inconveniently, because literally everything fun in the devildom happened on saturdays), were declared “you days” by lucifer himself. they had been yours since the day you arrived in the devildom, and would continue to be so until you left.
the other brothers were instructed to leave you be and to not seek you out on saturdays, as, per lucifer, “everyone needed time to themselves,” and this was the one day of the week you could have that. however, you weren’t using them in the way they would’ve expected.
when you first arrived, you deemed lucifer a trustworthy source and told him about your idol status and career back on earth. seeing your predicament, he gave you saturdays to visit earth and practice or perform with the rest of your group, and arranged for one of the empty rooms in the house to be converted into your own private studio for the rest of the week.
he somehow also managed to ensure you received a lighter homework load over the weekend, which you had thanked him endlessly for (and to which he beamed proudly in response, saying it was the least he could do).
this arrangement seemed to work well enough, and allowed for your group to still remain active, even if it wasn’t ideal — it severely hindered your group’s schedule, as you could only promote and perform as a group one day a week, but as far as individual tasks go, you were able to complete most of your own work in the devildom and send it over to your manager back on the surface.
because of this, it became customary for your group to film and prepare content in advance so that when you arrived, you could fill in your parts and get it over to the editing team as quickly as possible.
and of course, it only became natural for you and levi to consume the content together as soon as it dropped on sunday evenings. he’d have everything set up in advance, auto-refreshing his page, and the minute a new stage performance, talk show appearance, miniseries episode, vlog, or live dropped, you were at his door no less than 20 seconds after he pinged you with you guys’ favorite snacks in tow ^^
you both fangirled over everything, levi more than you — especially over vega (you !! unfortunately you weren’t about to out yourself so you had to hide most of your reactions, no matter how flustered you got) — and every so often you’d lean over and whisper a piece of trivia in his ear that even he didn’t know, which was practically impossible because he knew (almost) everything there was to know about galaxea, of course… but you got a pass 😌
and at the end of the night, when he could tell you were sleepy and dozing off on his shoulder, the voice in his head screamed, practically begged him to wrap his arm around you and pull you closer to his side.
he couldn’t help the blush that crept onto his face at the thought, but every time he nudged you awake, murmuring softly in your ear that you both had class the next morning and should head to bed… properly. and every time, you nodded and smiled at him sleepily, raised yourself off his floor and walked to his bedroom door, waving and slurring that you’d see him in the morning. and every time, as soon as you were gone, he sighed and stared at where you once stood, the words he left unsaid stuck in his throat.
and every time… henry looked at him with what appeared to be amusement.
“like you’d know what i’m struggling with,” levi scoffed as he rolled his eyes, shutting off his computer in the process.
“they’re just a friend, is all,” he rationalized, nodding to himself.
“right? we’re friends. that’s it.”
but when he turned to henry, he saw how pathetic he looked as his reflection stared back at him. the glimmer of hope in his eyes was unmistakable even in the dim lighting of his room.
dejected, levi would end the conversation, and his night, by throwing himself into his bathtub, pulling his ruri-chan body pillow close, connecting his headphones, and shuffling his galaxea playlist, huffing in annoyance as he closed his eyes.
and every time, he’d replay his evening with you in his imagination, focusing on every detail of you, the rest of the world fading into the background… just like it did the day he met you.
the way your nose scrunched when you laughed, the contagiousness of your smile, how your eyes sparkled, the way you mouthed along to your favorite lines, your glossy lips, the signature scent of your perfume… all of it had been committed to levi’s memory, and it was those thoughts of you that kept him company during his sleepless nights.
and the next morning, after class, he’d join you in your dance studio, learning galaxea’s newest choreo alongside you or helping you create your own, burying his thoughts from the night before deep in his mind.
for months, this was how you spent your days — until possibly the biggest pop-culture news to have ever dropped shook all of the three realms, and caused levi to start his morning practically screaming in excitement.
did you know? you had to know, of course you did. but what if you didn’t? he had to tell you !!!
and so, the rest of the house of lamentation was awoken to levi yelling your name at the top of his lungs as he practically flew down the hallway on all fours, racing to your bedroom.
he could care less about the yells of annoyance and curses directed at him from his brothers as he made haste, skidding to a stop in front of your door.
he knocked with so much force he almost broke it, wincing at the splinters sticking out of his knuckles, but this was more important.
“y/n! y/n !!! y/n, come on, it’s urgent!”
he took a step back as you slowly opened your door, yawning as you rubbed your eyes, your bed head evident.
“levi, my alarm doesn’t go off for another half hour, couldn’t it have waited—“
you blinked at him, your mouth slightly agape as he rapidly listed off the tour dates and when the ticket pre-sale would begin, but you couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face, or the way your heart beamed at his excitement.
he looked so happy, and as he grasped your hands in his to jump up and down giddily, the reality of the situation hit you.
your band, galaxea, the biggest in all of the realms, was going on tour. how were you going to attend the concert with levi while performing on stage as vega, his bias?
even with all the magic at your disposal, there’s no way you could do both. you were going to have to make a choice, and your decision would permanently alter the course of your life.
were you going to attend with levi and disappoint millions of your fans, potentially harming your career? or disappoint levi by abandoning him and performing on stage?
and when levi looked at you with nothing but joy, his big eyes brimming with anticipation, your decision was made.
you were a terrible friend. but he would understand one day… right?
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mindyco · 1 year
hi i hope you’re doing well!! i was wondering if you would write hcs of the demon brothers with their s/o who’s apart of a popular idol group in the human world? 🤭 thank you ♡
I’m doing so amazing thank you for asking! I hope you're having a wonderful day today! (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ Oh my goodness, an idol group sounds so cool!! I got you, babe! It also gave me another idea to write about how the brothers would react to MC on TV. I can just imagine their proud faces.... ♪~( ̄、 ̄ ) Artwork credit: @mys_s3
Scenario: The brothers reactions to MC getting stopped by paparazzi
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Lucifer's initial reaction is a mix of concern and annoyance as he sees the overwhelming swarm of paparazzi surrounding you. He swiftly steps forward, his authoritative presence commanding attention. With a stern expression, he shields you from the cameras, positioning himself as a barrier between you and the intruding paparazzi.
"Back off. Can't you see she needs some space?" Lucifer's voice cuts through the chaos, his tone firm and authoritative. He ensures your safety, using his commanding presence to create a path for you to escape from the paparazzi's prying eyes. He worries about your well-being and despises the invasion of your privacy.
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Mammon's protective instincts kick in the moment he sees the paparazzi swarming around you. He rushes to your side, his brows furrowed with concern. Though he may not be able to shield you from the cameras like Lucifer, he's determined to offer his support in any way he can.
"Oi, you vultures! Back off and give her some space!" Mammon's voice resonates with authority, despite the anxiety bubbling within him. He takes your hand in his, holding it tightly, and guides you through the chaos with a mix of determination and loyalty. He may not be the most composed in such situations, but he's fiercely protective of you.
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Leviathan freezes in shock as he sees the paparazzi closing in on you. His initial instinct is to retreat, feeling overwhelmed by the sudden attention. However, as he sees the distress on your face, he quickly gathers his courage and steps up to shield you from the prying cameras.
"Leave her alone! Can't you see she's had enough?" Leviathan's voice trembles with a mixture of anxiety and determination. He tries to create a protective barrier, blocking the paparazzi's view and giving you a chance to escape. Despite his insecurities, his love and concern for you outweigh his own discomfort.
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Satan's composed demeanor remains intact as he assesses the situation. He swiftly analyzes the best course of action, recognizing the need to protect you from the intrusive paparazzi. With a calm yet assertive presence, he steps forward, commanding attention and respect.
"I suggest you all back off before you face the consequences," Satan's voice carries a sense of authority, and his piercing gaze sends a clear message. He creates a safe passage for you, ensuring your privacy and well-being.
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Asmodeus thrives in the spotlight, but even he recognizes the limits when it comes to invading your personal space. When he sees the paparazzi closing in on you, his expression shifts from delight to concern. With a graceful yet commanding presence, he maneuvers through the crowd, making a glamorous distraction.
"Darlings, the real show is over there! Follow me for an exclusive interview!" Asmodeus' voice oozes charm and charisma as he leads the paparazzi away from you. He ensures your safety and privacy, all the while maintaining his glamorous persona. Underneath it all, he genuinely cares about your well-being and wants to shield you from unnecessary scrutiny.
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Beelzebub's protective instincts kick in as he sees the paparazzi crowding around you. His expression hardens, and his eyes narrow with determination. With his towering presence and strength, he moves swiftly, creating a path for you to escape.
"Step aside, or you'll regret it," Beelzebub's voice rumbles with an underlying intensity as he uses his physical presence to intimidate the paparazzi. He wraps a protective arm around you, guiding you through the crowd with a sense of security and strength.
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Belphegor's initial reaction to the paparazzi swarming around you is one of irritation and annoyance. However, as he sees the distress on your face, a protective instinct takes over. With a nonchalant yet effective approach, he swiftly steps forward, creating a diversion to allow you to escape.
"Oi, you pests! Get lost before I decide to take matters into my own hands," Belphegor's voice carries a lazy yet threatening tone. He creates a distraction, drawing the attention away from you and providing an opportunity for your escape.
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faeleur · 11 months
guys what if i tortured you further and split what was supposed to be the final part of levi x idol!reader into parts 4 and 5 and made you all wait in suspended agony. wwyd
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mindyco · 1 year
hi! i’m the anon who requested idol mc with the brothers and i’m so glad you liked the idea! ♡
i had another quick idea for idol mc: the brothers surprise mc backstage after they just finished performing for their concert 🤭 i think it would be so cute to see the brothers prepare gifts and wait for them to finish their performance!
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Artwork credit: @nona-piccolo
Scenario: The brothers surprise idol MC backstage
Lucifer, with his commanding presence, takes on the role of a guardian backstage, watching over everything with his eagle-like gaze to ensure that nothing goes wrong.
He stands tall and poised, surveying the surroundings with a stoic expression, radiating an air of authority and protection.
His keen eyes carefully observe the staff, equipment, and the overall atmosphere, ensuring that everything is in order and running smoothly.
Despite his stern appearance, his heart softens as soon as MC arrives backstage. His stoic expression melts away, replaced by a gentle smile and a warm, loving gaze.
"You've made remarkable progress, and I have no doubt that your future will be filled with success," he says, his voice filled with confidence.
He approaches MC with grace, his steps steady and confident, and envelops them in a comforting embrace, feeling a surge of pride and happiness for their successful performance.
Lucifer takes a moment to observe MC, his gaze sweeping over their form with an appreciative glimmer. His lips curve into a gentle smile, and he reaches out to grasp MC's hand delicately, lifting it to his lips. A soft, tender kiss is pressed against the back of their hand.
"MC," Lucifer whispers in a voice filled with admiration, his warm breath caressing their skin. "Well done."
Mammon eagerly takes on the role of MC's biggest cheerleader backstage, making sure everyone knows just how amazing MC is.
As MC finishes their performance and steps off the stage, Mammon can barely contain his excitement. He practically jumps up and down, waving his arms wildly to get their attention.
"The Great Mammons got your back, human!" he exclaims, a wide grin plastered across his face as he slaps them across the back. "Hahaha! Did you see that crowd? They went crazy for you! I knew you had it in you!"
Mammon doesn't hesitate to let everyone nearby know that he knows MC. He struts around, pointing at them proudly, announcing to anyone who will listen, "Yeah, that's right! This superstar right here is my human! I've been supporting them since day one, and look at them now!"
He pulls MC into a tight hug, his excitement overflowing. "Ya really did an amazing job, MC. So just keep it up while I bask in all the glory!!" His words were filled with genuine pride, though the latter half of the sentence made MC shake their head with a smile.
He showers them with compliments, praising their stage presence, their voice, and their ability to captivate an audience.
His enthusiasm is contagious, spreading a sense of joy and accomplishment to MC and those around them. Mammon's support is unwavering, and he wants nothing more than to see MC shine and achieve their dreams.
Amidst the commotion, Levi stands nervously, his heart pounding in his chest. He fidgets with his hair, trying to make it look presentable, and straightens out his shirt, wanting to appear at his best when he sees MC.
His eyes flicker with a mix of awe and uncertainty as he catches sight of MC making their way off the stage, the spotlight still clinging to them like a halo. They exude a radiant energy, their talent shining through every move they make. Levi can't help but feel a pang of doubt creeping into his mind—how could someone as dazzling as MC ever be interested in someone like him?
But as MC approaches, a gentle smile gracing their lips, his fears begin to dissipate. Their eyes meet, and for a moment, time stands still. MC's presence fills him with a sense of warmth and familiarity, as if they've been connected long before this moment.
"Levi!" MC's voice breaks through his reverie, their tone filled with genuine excitement. They step closer, their arms encircling him in a tight hug. "I've been looking forward to this hug all night..!"
Levi's eyes widen in surprise, a mixture of joy and disbelief flooding his heart. Their embrace feels like a lifeline, grounding him in the reality of their connection. He wraps his arms around them in return, a mixture of emotions swirling within him—relief, happiness, and a profound sense of being cherished.
"You… you really mean that?" Levi stammers, his voice filled with vulnerability. "I… I never thought... I mean, you were incredible up there, and I… I'm proud of you."
As they stand there, wrapped in each other's embrace, Levi's heart feels lighter, his doubts and worries fading into the background. With MC by his side, he knows that he has someone who believes in him, who appreciates his unique qualities, and who loves him unconditionally.
Satan waits patiently behind the stage, holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers. As MC finishes their performance and steps off the stage, he approaches them with a warm smile, his eyes shining with delight.
"I must say, MC, your performance was truly a work of art," he says, his voice filled with genuine admiration.
As Satan hands MC the banquet, starts to explain the flower language and the meaning behind each one.
He takes a moment to explain the symbolism behind each flower, his voice filled with passion. Gently, MC watches as Satan's excitement spills over, his words flowing like a gentle stream.
"These red roses," he starts, his voice brimming with emotion, "symbolize my love for you, MC."
Satan's words are filled with a tenderness that wraps around MC like a warm embrace. His eyes, usually sharp and analytical, soften as he gazes at them. Every word he speaks shows the depth of his emotions, a love that knows no bounds.
"And these lilies," he continues, his voice growing even more fervent, "represent the purity and grace that you possess."
MC's heart swells with each word, feeling the weight of Satan's adoration and pride. They find solace in the way he expresses his feelings so passionately, as if every word is carefully chosen to convey the depth of his emotions.
As he goes on, MC notices the joy in Satan's eyes, the genuine delight in sharing these flowers and their meanings. It's as if each bloom holds a piece of his heart, carefully chosen to express his love and pride for them.
Satan's words dance through the air like whispers of affection, filling the space around them.
Asmodeus ensures that the backstage area is not only safe but also a haven of beauty and comfort for MC.
He adds his personal touch to the backstage decor, arranging flowers and creating an inviting atmosphere that reflects MC's vibrant energy and talent.
Asmodeus keeps an eye on the staff, making sure they are attentive and respectful, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and that everyone recognizes MC's importance.
When MC joins him backstage, Asmodeus can hardly contain his excitement. His face lights up with a radiant smile.
"Oh, darling, you were absolutely breathtaking!" Asmo gushes, his voice filled with genuine awe. He claps his hands together in delight, his excitement contagious.
With a graceful flourish, Asmo approaches MC, his movements fluid and captivating. His fingertips delicately brush against their arm, a touch both tender and electrifying.
He showers MC with compliments, praising their stage presence and captivating beauty, expressing his admiration for their performance in a way that only Asmodeus can.
Asmodeus's touch is delicate and affectionate as he brushes a stray lock of hair behind MC's ear, his eyes filled with adoration and genuine pride for their success.
Beelzebub assumes a subtle yet ever-watchful presence backstage, ensuring that MC's needs and well-being are taken care of.
He pays close attention to MC's physical well-being, making sure they have enough water and snacks nearby, ready to provide help when needed.
Beelzebub's eyes scan the surroundings, not only for potential dangers but also for any signs of fatigue or discomfort in MC, always ready to offer his support.
When MC steps backstage, Beelzebub's face brightens with a warm smile, his eyes filled with genuine affection and concern.
"MC!" Beel's voice booms with genuine joy as he catches sight of them. His eyes sparkle with pride and excitement, his love for them evident in every fiber of his being. "You did it! You were amazing!"
Without a moment's hesitation, Beel closes the distance between them, his strong arms wrapping around MC in a tight embrace. His sheer size contrasts with their smaller frame, but the embrace is gentle and full of warmth, like a protective cocoon that envelopes them.
In a burst of exuberance, Beel lifts MC off their feet effortlessly, spinning them around in the air. MC's laughter fills the air, a melody of pure happiness that echoes through the backstage area.
Beel finally sets MC back on their feet, his hands lingering on their waist for a moment longer than necessary.
Belphie clicks his tongue disapprovingly, his eyes narrowing at the sight of MC's attire. "You really need to be more careful, MC."
Before MC can respond, Belphie swiftly removes his jacket, his movements fluid and purposeful. In a swift motion, he wraps the jacket around MC's shoulders, cocooning them in its warmth and protection. His touch is surprisingly gentle, the fabric of the jacket soft against MC's skin.
"Here," Belphie mutters under his breath, his voice carrying a hint of warmth that he tries to mask. "Now, let's get out of here."
With an unexpected tenderness, Belphie scoops MC up into his arms, their bodies now enveloped in the safety of his embrace.
As Belphie walks away from the chaos of the backstage area, MC can feel the steady rhythm of his heart against their back, a reminder of his protective nature. His grip on them is firm yet gentle, conveying a sense of security and reassurance.
Though Belphie's words may have sounded somewhat dismissive, MC can sense the pride bubbling beneath the surface. They know that behind his grumbles and complaints, he holds a genuine admiration for their talent and the effort they put into their performance. It is in these small gestures, these quiet acts of care, that his true feelings shine through.
As they navigate through the winding corridors, MC steals a glance at Belphie's face, curious to catch a glimpse of the emotions he tries so hard to conceal. And for a fleeting moment, their eyes meet.
"You... did pretty decent."
Belphie's expression softens ever so slightly, a flicker of pride dancing in his eyes. He may grumble and protest, but deep down, he cherishes MC's achievements and is honestly super proud of all the effort they put into their work.
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faeleur · 1 year
part iii! thank you for all your support so far and hopefully you’re enjoying the series! stay tuned for the final part :)
part i. part ii. part iv. masterlist
leviathan x idol!reader: part iii
everything had changed within a few weeks.
during breakfast, you were less talkative and cheerful than usual, but that was overshadowed by levi’s incessant rambling about — you guessed it — the upcoming galaxea concert. asmodeus surprisingly took interest and kept him entertained enough to the point where your quiet demeanor was barely noticeable, easily being written off as tiredness.
throughout the school day, you paid no mind to your professors despite your upcoming exams and final projects as you zoned out, worrying about what you’d have to sacrifice and how you’d possibly make the devildom concerts work without risking your friendship with levi :(
and at dinner, despite beel’s best efforts, you barely touched any food at all and were the first to leave the table, usually saying something along the lines of “need to study.”
your hang-outs with levi slowly stopped as you began to spend every weekday isolated, either practicing in your studio or pulling all-nighters to make up for what you missed in class. levi was sad, of course, but he knew how seriously you took your grades, so he left you be… but he was starting to have his doubts.
it wasn’t so bad at first, but one day, when you didn’t show up to eat at all, the boys just about had it.
“okay, what‘s happening? where the hell are they? this is ridiculous,” mammon said, his eyebrows raising slightly in disbelief.
satan brought his hand to rest on his chin as he thought for a moment. “did anything happen recently to make them withdraw? mammon’s right, for once—“
“—this is unprecedented.”
mammon leaned his chair back, crossing his arms. “i’ll have ya know, i’m a certified y/n behavior expert. usually—”
“no, you’re not. that’s me. who do you think you are?” levi grumbled from across the table.
“oh, then why don’t you—“
“i don’t know! i’m just as surprised as you are!”
“okay, okay, let’s calm down a bit everyone,” asmo exclaimed. “i’m sure it’s just stress from the upcoming exams, and we all know y/n takes their grades very seriously. plus, with the semester break coming up, they may be thinking about going back home for a few weeks, and i can imagine that’d take awhile to plan out, as well.”
levi paled. you? leaving?
i mean, it made perfect sense… earth was definitely more pleasant than the devildom, and it was your home. but…
levi had started to hope that you now considered the devildom your home, too :(
however, if that was the case, levi had just the thing, and he cleared his throat as he excused himself from the table. “i’m gonna go talk to them,” he called as he went to go find you.
as levi’s footsteps echoed throughout the halls of the house of lamentation, he allowed his thoughts to wander, feeling slightly giddy.
while he missed your presence, maybe it was for the better that you had distanced yourself… since he knew he would’ve spoiled his surprise otherwise.
a month had passed since he found out about the surprise galaxea tour, and putting his otaku powers to use, all his sleepless nights had paid off when he managed to get two VIP tickets to the final day of their tour — D2 of their devildom concerts. these tickets included sound check, front row barricade, and backstage… no, he wasn’t going to think about how much they cost. this was the opportunity of a lifetime, and if these weren’t reason enough to make you stay or come back early for break, he didn’t know what was.
that, and it was going to be the perfect moment to tell you about his feelings for you. as one of the first things you bonded over, he was sure of it— he was going to make sure it all was perfect, the whole thing.
quickly reaching your bedroom door, he knocked on it gently, his voice soft as he called your name. “y/n? i know you haven’t been feeling the best lately, so i have a little something for you…”
he waited a few moments, but received no response. he tried again.
“y/n? you okay in there?”
his eyebrows furrowed as he sighed, turning away. if you weren’t in your room, where were you?
he trudged back to his room, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he tried to figure out any possible explanation for your behavior. what if you didn’t like the tickets? he knew it was silly, but now that the idea was in his head he was starting to feel anxious…
his head started to pound, but it was then levi realized that it wasn’t from a headache, but rather from the room to his left… your studio. even with the door shut, he could immediately recognize the song that was playing, and the floor shook every so slightly from the bass.
usually you didn’t let anyone in while you were practicing, but he was your best friend (and had given him exceptions on multiple occasions) and he had a good reason to interrupt. you’d understand, he knew you would.
levi quickly input the four-digit code and felt the tension in the door disappear, quickly swinging it open and entering the room to see you dancing to vega’s solo from galaxea’s latest album… which didn’t have an official choreography yet. were you creating your own? perfect. it was like the stars were aligning.
“y/n, you’re never gonna believe this, but…”
upon realizing his entry, you froze in place and stared at his reflection in the mirror in front of you.
the lyrics of your song echoed throughout the room, a stark contrast to the sweet melody: baby, life is painful sometimes, but your love doesn’t even come close
your breath hitched as you quickly turned to face him, cheeks flushed from the physical activity and from the fact that he caught you.
he grinned, eyes shining as he pulled out his phone to show you the tickets, walking closer… until he noticed the tablet on the ground, recording you.
or… was it a call?
sure enough, the face of a smiling young man, your choreographer, appeared on screen, but he stopped when he noticed the intruder.
“ummm… y/n, who’s that?”
it wasn’t a secret who galaxea’s choreographer was, and you didn’t want to give levi enough time to recognize him. you had to come up with an excuse to make him leave, quick!
“levi… this is my boyfriend.”
that was literally the worst excuse you could’ve made.
you wanted to throw yourself off a cliff for that one
you’d apologize to your choreographer later, as you could hear him snickering in the background, but the important part was that levi actually believed it…
and he did.
in the background, your voice sang: baby, your words are like a knife, why do the best things hurt the most?
levi’s world felt as if it had shattered, raining around him and cutting his skin as it pooled by his feet.
he had to come up with a reply so he could get out of there.
“oh… cool. i’mgonnaleaveyoubenowi’msorrygoodbye,” was what slipped past his lips as he bolted for the door, gone as quickly as he had came.
the minute the door shut you were sinking to the floor, your head in your hands as you let out a groan.
your choreographer erupted into laughter, the audio occasionally breaking here and there.
“i’m sorry, boyfriend? that was the best you could think of?”
“okay, okay, fine. but you should know i already texted the others about this so come saturday, you will not be living this down.”
there was a brief moment of silence, then:
“you need to be more careful. look, i’m not going to tell you how to live your life, but i’ve worked with a lot of people, and unfortunately, i’ve seen some of them get hurt by who they trusted the most, especially regarding…” he gestured vaguely, “… this.”
you nodded, biting your lip.
“i’ll cut practice short since he’s your friend and i know you wanna go after him, so… from the top. one last time.”
your song restarted, and as you twirled to the rhythm, levi was doing a dance of his own.
“boyfriend ???” he screeched as he mashed the buttons on his controller, mouth open in shock.
“henry, can you believe this? i bet that’s what they were doing every saturday…”
he blanked.
“wait, no, not doing that guy— well, maybe— no, i meant, hanging out with— whatever! what difference does it make?”
he huffed as his body tensed, eyebrows furrowing in concentration.
“no, i’m not upset. i’m reacting reasonably, don’t you think?”
henry stared at him, deadpan, and levi rolled his eyes.
“shut up.”
his character on screen got knocked over by a series of blows, and he growled in frustration.
“i just don’t know why they never told me.”
his fingers flurried across the buttons, eyes locked on to the screen as his character resumed the fight, and after a few minutes of quiet, he muttered, “i’m so stupid.”
louder, “of course they’d choose that guy over me.”
louder still, “why would i be worthy of them? have you seen me?”
and when his character emerged victorious, the level complete, he shouted, “okay, fine, i’m upset, are you happy?”
and when he turned to face henry, his friend only looked at him sadly as hot tears rolled down his cheeks, splashing onto his thumb and the plastic of his controller. he didn’t even realize he’d been crying.
“i’m so pathetic, aren’t i? i’m a coward. i never had the guts to actually ask them out and look what happened,” he laughed dryly.
“yeah, maybe i overreacted a little, but i was just… hoping…” his voice broke.
“fuck,” he sobbed before trying to turn it into a laugh. “maybe it’s better this way. they’re human. of course they’d have a human boyfriend. since when has the whole human-demon thing ever…”
and then he thought of your pact, his mark resting on the back of your neck…
and as his eyes flared up in envy, his body trembling, he knew one thing:
vega was right. love hurts.
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faeleur · 2 years
hey el! how are you? hopefully ur doing alr with school and such but anyways i had this idea of levi from obey me and a reader who was a kpop idol or something similar and how their relationship would play out 👀 idk i just think it's neat thought you would like it :)
hey anon! ty for the request! this was a lot of fun actually it was super cute to think about and write ^^ i did headcanons if that's ok! and i'm doing fine, studying for my ap exams and trying to catch up on work :) hopefully your day is going well and i hope you like the hcs <3
part ii. part iii. part iv. masterlist
leviathan x idol!reader headcanons
ok here we go !!!
you, y/n, also known as vega to your adoring fans, had just been enrolled in R.A.D.
who's vega, you might ask?
you're part of an idol group called galaxea and are the group's main vocalist and lead dancer (and resident moodmaker)
you and your members all have astrology related names and you chose yours, vega, after one of the brightest stars in the sky <3
your group is fairly popular amongst the 3 realms bc you guys are so super duper talented and very well rounded !!! there's nothing you guys can't do and you're always open to experimentation and trying new things which is part of the reason why your group is as popular as it is — you guys always come back better than before
anyways, bc galaxea is an extremely popular idol group amongst the 3 realms, your managers have special makeup designed for every member in your group
spoiler alert: it's magic
a charm was placed on them so that when you weren't wearing the personalized enchanted makeup, nobody would be able to recognize you as a celebrity
it's almost as if you exist as two separate people
tl;dr: nobody knows your actual identity
this is important both for keeping up appearances and to protect you guys' privacy :)
anyways !!! now that we have some backstory, let's continue
it's been a bit of time since you arrived in the devildom and you're steadily growing closer to the boys
they were all apprehensive about your arrival at the house of lamentation but all you had to do was like talk with and smile at them one (1) time and that was it they were pretty much whipped
except for one avatar of envy
this man istg
he probably hasn't had an actual genuine convo with anyone in awhile we all know this
so he's pretty awkward which is a given
he wouldn't admit it but he's actually really curious about you and your background but at the same time he doesn't want to come off as creepy or like a weird pathetic otaku with no social life who totally doesn't know how to talk to people normally
he gives you space and just leaves you be for the most part
you two haven't really interacted, whenever you ended up passing each other in the hallways levi was glued to his phone or had his headphones on
to be completely honest, you felt a little nervous to talk to him since you've heard from his brothers that he can be very intense about his hobbies and interests but they won't actually say what they are, probably to let you find out yourself or to embarrass him later on
that, and you think he hates you. like a lot. he refuses to interact with you but in reality this boy is just super nervous :(
sometimes when you're just chilling wherever and drawing in your sketchbook he'll walk past and take a split second to peek and one time he swore he saw you drawing what looked like an idol that he recognized, but he speed walked too fast to tell who it was and now he doesn't wanna walk back because that would be really stupid and obvious and you'd totally find him gross and—
when levi snapped back to reality he was back in his room, probably having subconsciously walked there 
he internally groaned, scolding himself for being a coward
he seriously did want to talk to you !!! he just didn't know how :(
he was so nervous over what you might think about his interests (esp bc of how much he got made fun of for them) and he figured you'd enjoy spending time with his brothers better anyways
you were also facing the same dilemma ☠
levi was the only avatar you hadn't properly interacted with (besides belphie, but you didn't even know he existed yet </3). you were pretty close with the others at this point given how it's been a few weeks since you began your stay in the devildom and every time you tried talking to the purple haired boy he ignored you !!! and you didn't know if this was intentional or not or if he really was just that zoned out lmao
one day, however, you guys were finally forced to talk 😌
asmo had ordered a haul of skincare products off of akuzon at the same time levi placed a new manga order, so the avatar of lust asked you if you could go get it for him because it was pretty likely levi just picked up all the packages without reading the labels
"alright, but are you sure? he doesn't… hate me or anything, right?"
"WHAT? are you kidding me?" asmo practically screeched
he could literally see how obvious it was that levi wanted to talk to you but he was just being a stubborn little shit about it and it was physically killing asmo to watch it happen
"no no no. he's just nervous! that's how he normally is. he doesn't take to new people very well since he's pretty reserved, but i'm sure he'd love you once you guys actually had a convo! and if he doesn't, then at least i don't have to share you even more than i already do <3"
a small giggle escaped your lips before you thanked him and went off to go meet your doom
you tried to stay calm but really didn't know what to expect and just hoped for the best
you reached his door and took a breath before gently knocking on it
a few moments passed before you heard any semblance of sound.
"what's the password?"
you blinked in shock. you didn't expect there to be a password, and knowing how practically everyone was banned from levi's room, you figured that it would be useless to ask anyone else for help
so !!! you decided to ignore his statement <3
"um, levi? it's me. asmo asked me to go pick up something from you? i think you took one of his akuzon packages by accident"
levi started internally screaming
he literally almost dropped the controller he was holding
you were here ?! at his room ?!?!? NOW ?!?!?!?
how could he have been so stupid ???
he goes through an error 404 moment rq before rushing to pick up some things off of his floor bc jfc his room was a mess and he did not want you to see that
he grabbed the box he had set down by one of his shelves and stared at it
in all honesty, he had noticed it was addressed to asmodeus a little after he had unboxed his manga, but he really wanted to start reading it asap and felt too embarrassed to go and give the package back almost immediately after he entered his room 😭
he sighed and opened the door wide enough to slip the box through
he heard a quiet "thank you" from the other side before a tiny gasp sounded and his internal alarm started going haywire
he tried to close the door as quickly as possible but then he heard you say "is that an aquarium?"
he froze.
now what?
if he shut the door on you he'd be a jerk and you wouldn't ever talk to him again. on the other hand, he didn't know if you were,,, cultured,,, or not. he assumed you were a normie, but maybe, just maybe, he was wrong?
he sighed and opened the door a little wider for you to clearly see behind him
"yeah, it is. what about it?"
and the moment he saw your eyes light up in awe his heart stopped
later at night he'd shake it off, thinking he was just actually going insane, but he swore in that moment he felt his heart flutter (to his dismay and vast disapproval)
he didn't know what it was exactly but he felt something and that was bad enough as is in his opinion
and when you excitedly asked "is that a demon slayer poster?" as you noticed it hanging on one of his walls, he practically pulled you inside his room
"you — you know what it is?"
"oh, um… yeah! i loved the manga, it was amazing! who's your favourite character? mine are giyuu and nezuko (or whoever you prefer :)"
you could practically feel the excitement radiating off of him and your spirits started to lift
levi let you look around a little and while he didn't want to come off as too enthusiastic, internally he felt so, so happy that someone else shared his interests. now he just had to see how far he could stretch it
you made small comments and squealed excitedly when you recognized certain posters and figurines and asked questions about the ones you didn't know, to which levi would happily provide answers
you teased him a little for all the ruri-chan merch he owned, and the boy just scoffed in response, suddenly a little self conscious about them
and when you gushed about how pretty his room is and said "you're so lucky to be in here all the time!" he knew. that was it. he's done for.
him? lucky? he had never thought that about himself, ever.
and when you turned to look at him, he felt his face flush and he stuttered slightly from embarrassment as a response
he could only hope that the ambience in his room concealed some of the bright pink dusting his skin
you on the other hand?
the light from his aquarium made you glow like a million little stars, and your smile looked like the sun itself had manifested into a single human being
why you, of all people?
this was so stupid. he couldn't believe this was happening.
no wonder his brothers were so soft on you already
but then something caught your attention
there was a poster above his bed that had been hidden by the shadows so it was hard to notice unless you really stared at it for a few seconds after letting your eyes adjust
you decided to walk closer to it and felt your mind go blank.
that was you. as vega. on the poster. with your members.
and when you looked closer, there were aesthetic polaroids, photo cards, and notes with your song lyrics from your different albums surrounding it, like a collage.
while levi's anime merch was an organized chaos and cluttered his room, covering almost every available space, this was neat and meticulously placed.
you turned to him, surprised to see him wide eyed
however, all you got in response were nervous, incomprehensible stammers again
levi sighed before arranging his thoughts into actual words. "l-look, it's a little embarrassing, a guy stanning an idol group like this, but i can't help it! galaxea's music is so good, and the meanings of their songs are really poetic, and their performances are amazing, and their personalities are so genuine and fun, and they're only one of the biggest bands in all of the realms right now! can you blame me?"
hearing him say that made you want to start sobbing (ik i would 😭). he really thought that highly of your group? 
unsaid words lingered on the tip of your tongue. part of you wanted to see what would happen if you had told him that you were there on the poster, but you had a contract to honor and an identity to protect
besides, now that you were finally befriending levi, would he then only want to get closer to you because you were an idol he practically worshipped?
the odds were slim, but you had witnessed it too many times to take any chances
besides, messing with him and letting him figure it out himself would be a lot more entertaining 😌
it had been a few moments now, and levi was growing increasingly more embarrassed over his mini tangent. why did he say that? jfc levi way to go y/n definitely thinks you're weird now—
"you listen to them, too?"
and that was it, he might as well have fallen right there /j
not only were you actually into anime almost just as much as he was (and let's be honest, nobody will ever top his level of otakuness), but you had the same taste in music, too ???
he might as well be dreaming
needless to say, you guys ended up chilling a bit longer and talking about everything and anything you liked until you received a frantic text message from asmo asking about his precious skincare supplies 😭
you jumped up and quickly grabbed the box before apologizing, slightly embarrassed. rushing to get out the door to avoid even more of asmo's wrath, you added a hurried "sorry, i completely forgot about this! i hope asmo won't be mad… well, it was nice getting to talk to you for real! you're pretty cool, you know that? sorry again for this taking so long, i know you were probably busy! if you were playing something, let me know how it goes! anyways, i'll see you later :)"
and with a tiny wave and a small smile, you were gone
levi sat there on the floor, astounded
did that really just happen?
what the fuck
as soon as he knew you were out of earshot he started excitedly shouting and pumping his fist in the air. he actually talked to you !!! and you thought he was cool ??? him, of all people ??? oh my god what was he doing oh no what is this warm and fuzzy feeling make it go away
as for you, well, you expected to get scolded for taking an hour and a half, but you didn't expect asmo to tease you this badly
"huh, y/n. your cheeks sure are flushed! what type of blush do you use? wait, don't tell me…"
"asmo, wait—"
"oh my god what happened what did he do tell me everything"
"you were gone for quite a long time, did he really talk that much~? or, judging by your reaction, did you do something el--"
"ok, ok, i get it,,, but i do need to know the details and please tell me you got a picture or video or something i desperately need new blackmail material"
"what? i didn't say anything."
asmo never let levi live that down afterwards, yelling "simp" at him whenever they passed each other
where's the lie though 😭
on a different note, that night levi couldn't sleep.
sure, he deals with pretty rough insomnia (which is why he stays up all the time playing games and watching anime — it keeps him occupied and helps pass the time) but he literally was about to scream
his head was pounding. his thoughts were loud and chaotic, and he needed something to quiet it down before he officially lost his mind.
he instinctively looked up at the collage above him before connecting his headphones and shuffling the galaxea playlist he had made specifically for nights like these.
he felt embarrassed, but he kept replaying his interaction with you over and over and over again in his head, analyzing and committing the tiniest details to memory.
the way your hair fell, how you smiled, the sound of your laugh and the light, clear sound of your voice. your presence alone was comforting, and he hoped some of those feelings of safeness and security would stay a little longer just so that he could sleep. but something was… off.
he had never met you before, he was 1000% sure of it.
so then why did you seem so familiar?
talking to you was so much easier than he thought it would be. it felt natural. he was surprisingly relaxed just hanging out with you — any anxiety had almost completely disappeared in your presence.
you felt like sunlight, and even if he hadn't felt the warm rays on his skin in,,, a very long time, there was no other way to describe this feeling.
and he only got that fluffy, warm feeling when he was watching his comfort characters on screen and listening to idol groups he liked, specifically the one he was listening to right now
and as vega's crystalline voice rang out and sang "let's get lost at sea in these cold waves of the universe, as long as we're together, anywhere is home with you," he smiled, thinking that maybe a friend really is what he had been wanting all along. and as he was finally dozing off, he found himself eager for the next day to arrive — something he hadn't felt for as long as he could remember <3
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faeleur · 2 years
would you guys be interested if i said that i have some obey me levi x idol!reader headcanons sitting in my drafts that were requested awhile back and that i'm debating on posting them after i've cleaned them up a little bit 👀
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