#Listen idk how cookies do rings
thedarkcircuswritings · 3 months
Heya, can I get Shadow Milk Cookie headcanons as a husband with fem!reader?
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Being married to you would be the best thing in his world. Shadow Milk planned all of the wedding for you, but golly, seeing you in that beautiful wedding dress that day still takes his breath away. He feels like the luckiest man alive as he stands at the altar with you, making sure the cookie making this official doesn't screw this up. He puts a blue-gemmed bracelet on your hand and you put a golden one on him, and when it's time to kiss the bride, he immediately pulls you in, blue strings appearing around from behind you as he then dips you down for a passionate kiss. Living with Shadow Milk will also be somewhat of a luxury. While he's out tormenting cookies and working in the theater, clown cookies come to your every beck and call. You're like their queen, as you are also Shadow Milk's. When he's able to come home, he'll easily sweep you up off your feet, cover you in kisses, and he'll do whatever you'd like from there. Witches above, he's so lucky to have you. Marriage almost isn't enough, as Shadow Milk hopes that one day, he can bake his first child with you.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Santa Klaus
pairing: niklaus mikaelson x female reader
warnings: fluff, some gore/blood, nikki being your lapdog, possesive, kissing, cursing, humor that was needed in tvd
summary: just some scenes of you and nik being a dream couple
a/n: idk with this one but these scenes popped into my head and i thought they were cute
song: paper rings - taylor swift
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"Niklaus!" you snap at him, as he stands at the doorway covered in blood. You two were at a store and a guy accidentally backed into you. He decided that the man didn't deserve to see another day after bumping into your precious self.
"Sorry, love- actually no, he deserved it," Klaus shrugs holding his hands up.
"Well in that case... come a little closer," you giggle. He narrows his eyes at you, but of course listens. He takes a slow step into the room and freezes when he feels himself soaked in cold water.
You burst out laughing as he stares at the wall. He slowly turns to you, as you continue to laugh.
"Figured you needed a shower, you know, for all that blood," you get out in between you giggles.
"That's it, if I am cold, you're going to be cold too," he grins as he speeds towards you, bringing you into a cold hug.
"Nik! Let me go!"
"Now why would I do that?"
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You were in the kitchen baking some cookies. You had the trays of them sitting on the stove as they cooled. You put some on a plate and turn around to get a paper towel. As you look back at the dish, you notice one missing.
"Hm, that's weird," you frowned. This then happened two more times, you realized it had to be Klaus. Either that or the cookies just happen to disappear.
"Nikki darling, stop being a baby and hiding," you pout. "Come out and face me like a real man," you try to say in a funny deep voice.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," he suppresses a smirk.
"Do you take me for a fool Niklaus?"
"... no?" you bring your hand up and smack the back of his head.
"Hey, what was th-" you cut him off by pressing your lips on his. You swipe your tongue on his bottom lip so he opens his mouth. He does, and you allow your tongue to roam his mouth. You pull back a few moments later.
"Funny, you taste like chocolate chip cookies," you laugh and start to run away.
"You sneak!" Klaus yells as he speeds up to you, throwing you over his shoulder and smiling at your adorable giggles.
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"AH!" Nik's high pitch scream reaches your ears while he jumps and covers his eyes.
You two were currently in the dark, watching a horror movie. You have seen it a few times already, so the jumpscares didn't bother you. The movie didn't interest you anymore either, but you watched it for the mere amusement you get from seeing Nik get scared.
"Nik don't be a wuss," you playfully roll your eyes.
"Did you see how that man looked?! He was- bloody hell!" Nik shouts as the guy popped up out of nowhere.
"Niklaus, you're as scary as that man to most-"
"Tosser! If I were still human, I would have died from a heart attack by now- fuck! Okay, love, that's it, we are watching something else"
He reaches over you and snatches the remote, putting on toy story.
"See, watching the story of toys that come to life is much more interesting. Don't you agree, love?"
"Sure... baby," you mutter with a grin. Laughter spills out of you when he attacks you with tickles.
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It was Christmas, you were dressed in a lovely deep red gown and your hair and makeup was done. While you looked like royalty, across from you was a Nik in a Santa costume.
You had been trying to get him to do this for years, but he never agreed. He refused to have something as stupid as a Santa costume ruin his reputation.
He even said, "I wouldn't be caught dead wearing this bloody thing"
To which you replied, "oh well, then I suppose it's a good thing you are already technically dead," you shrug with a cheeky smile.
Now that he finally gave in, your bucket list has been completed. He said he wouldn't leave the house with it, but he didn't say you couldn't take pictures.
"I don't see what's wrong with it, you look great in my opinion," you gave his fake beard a little tug.
"Y/n this was a horrible idea," he shakes his head.
"I think it was a great one, Santa Klaus," you give him a bright smile.
"This was very unnecessary, love"
"Your siblings disagree," your pretty lips turn into a small smirk.
"I beg your pardon?!"
A few moments ago, you sent some pictures of him to a secret group chat you're in with his siblings. Nik - of course - isn't in this one. The one with all of you is full of threats he sends to his family who mess around with him.
The photos got you replys such as, "I can't believe you got Niklaus to finally agree to that, LOL," from Elijah. "You underestimate Nik's love for you," and "I'm going to print these out and tape them everywhere in the house," from Rebekah. As well as, "I bloody love you, darling," and "my brother is going to kill me for what I'm about to do with these," from Kol. Finn gave you a simple, "well done," which you almost rolled your eyes at his unenthusiastic message.
"Oops," you shrug with a fake innocence.
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You were currently hunched over, laughing your arse off. You got Nik to wear an Easter Bunny costume. To your surprise, he let you paint whiskers on his face, along with a pink nose.
You finally are able to stop laughing, and look over his shoulder at the line of little children in a line, waiting to take picture with him.
"Go on, bunny. The kids are waiting," you peck his lips and pat his head.
"If you were anyone else you would be dead by now," he grumbles.
He was taking the pictures, when it was a new kids turn. You saw the fear in his eyes, you understood. You were also scared of the Easter Bunnies and Santa Clause's that you would see in stores and malls.
When he got to Nik, he sat on his right lap and started to cry. As you were about to go over, you hear Niklaus yelp as he quickly grabs the kid and lifts him off his lap and on to the floor.
You were confused when he rushed over to where you were standing, but burst out laughing with tears in your eyes as you saw a wet stain on his leg.
"Oh- m-my goodness! Th- this is gold!" you laugh out, grabbing your phone taking more pictures that you'll send to the groupchat later.
"Stupid children, I quit"
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You and Nik were in some random fancy restaurant in Paris. You both knew nothing in french, so you though you would have some fun.
You planned out a fake scenario to get a reaction out of the people in there with you both.
You fake gasp loudly, grabbing peoples attention around you.
"You sick fool!" you place your hand on your chest as you dramatically stand up. "You cheated on me?! With my sister!"
The room fills with synchronized gasps from the people around you.
"Love! No, I would never!"
"I just saw a picture! I also got sent a photo of you with what looks like my best friend!" More gasps come around you as people look between you both in shock.
Nik stands up hiding his amusement.
"They are fake! I was going to propose to you tonight! He says pulling out a fake ring he found," holding it in front of you, people start whispering with interest at what was unfolding before their eyes.
"My friend had the same ring the last time I saw her! How could you," you slap him in the face, knowing he was going to whine about how that was not a part of the act, later. Gasps of shock chorus around while some people have their eyes wide, and some are laughing into their hands.
You turn and speed walk out as Nik follows. Once you get outside, you both burst out laughing after holding it in for so long. You hold out your hand for a first bump as he connects his fist with yours.
"Oh that was brillitant!" you smile, wiping fake tears from under your eyes.
"Did you see their faces, love? They were bloody hilarious," Nik grins.
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"NIKLAUS! Y/N!" are the shouts from Kol and Elijah as they get covered with eggs and flour. You, Bex, and Nik set up a series of pranks to go off on them.
"Alright!" Bekah highfives you with a bright smile.
"Nikki we should do more pranks with Bex," you hug the girls waist.
"But pranks are our thing," he pouts.
"Now they are ours and Bex's," you give him a thumbs up.
"Yeah, Nikki- please don't dagger me again," Bekah says looking away from her brothers death glare.
"FUCK!" more shouts come from the kitchen.
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You and Bekah were shopping with a grumpy Nik trailing behind you. You had been at this for at least three hours now and he wanted to go back and cuddle with you in bed.
You just tried on a tight club dress and stepped into the couch area were the other two were waiting.
While NIk was drooling over you, suddenly happy about shopping, Bex stood up and walked over to you.
"Perfect! You look so hot!" Nik nods as Rebekah's statement while still staring at you in awe. "Those boys through the window seem to agree with me," Bekah nods her head in the direction of the window where a small group of boys around your age were drinking in your figure.
Niks head snaps over to them and his face hardens. He stands up and walks over to you, wrapping his arm around your waist.
"You look bloody stunning as always, my love," he kisses your head. "We are buying this dress. You know, I don't know what I did to deserve you,"
"You didn't have to do anything," your lips tip upwards.
"Ugh, you two," Rebekah rolls her eyes. "Nik is not coming with us next time, you guys are too sappy, makes me sick," she sighs.
"Don't be jealous, Rebekah"
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You were finishing up some final touches on a tray of pastries you baked for Nik. You made all his favorites and decorated them to look cute. You hear a knock on the door and look out the window. You see Nik at the door with flowers in his hands.
You open the door and smile at him, "Nikki, hello!"
"Hi, love," he smiles and pecks your lips. He hands you the flowers as he strolls in the house.
"Oh, Nik! Come in the kitchen"
You pick up the pastry tray after putting the flowers in a vase. "Tadaaa!"
"My favorites! Thank you, sweetheart," he kisses you.
"You are very welcome, thank you for the flowers"
"You are very welcome. I love you so much, you know"
"Of course I know, I also know that I love you so much too"
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biancadjarin · 1 year
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ʚ Send Me an Angel ɞ
- pairing: mean!eddie munson x bratty!henderson older sister!female reader
- content warning: 18+ nothing too graphic, but I prefer no minors on my blog, thankssss
- a/n: idk what this is lol, I just love fem/bratty reader and intimidating/mean Eddie <3
“Ugh why do your weird nerdy friends have to come here Dusty??” you pout at your little brother as you lay on your stomach on your bed, him staring at you from your doorway.
“I told you, the drama kids are putting on a play or some shit so we can’t play D&D in there.” He says to you like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Just stay in here, my friends don’t wanna listen to your stupid shows on the TV or watch you dance around to your girly music.” He slams your door shut and your head shoots up off a pillow, shocked at how rude he can be. You scoff and roll onto your back, eyes growing heavy and leading you into your after school nap.
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You’re rudely awakened by loud laughter and yelling. You look at the pink clock on your wall. 6:05pm. Their little game has only been going for 5 minutes and you’re already annoyed. You get up and head to your door, swinging it open and heading towards the bathroom for a quick shower before you go make yourself some dinner.
“C’mon Eddie, I wanna cast a spell, hurry up and roll!” you hear Mike Wheeler yell. Little twerp just like your brother. Always running into the house, tracking in dirt, leaving their bikes in the drivew… Wait. Eddie. Eddie’s here. In your dining room. You’ve had a crush on Eddie all year and while you two have talked here and there, you’d be lying if you said his harsh leather metal head look didn’t scare you a bit. You’re all soft edges, pink backpack, frilly white socks rolled over your reeboks, soft hair swaying. You’re not perfect, certainly no Phoebe Cates. But you know you’re pretty, plush lips over straight teeth, cute perky boobs and a butt that jiggles when you walk.
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You’ve felt Eddie’s eyes on you at school. Once he even bumped into you when you stopped short to tie your shoe. “Walk much?” Eddie said to you with a glare. “Oh!” You’d said as you spun around, surprised at his proximity. “S-sorry.” You said sweetly, his big brown eyes stared at you and made your tummy flutter in the most amazing way. Your tummy isn’t flat and perfect but that’s ok. You like cookies too much, is that a crime?!
“Actually since you’re here, can you hold my books while I tie my shoes?” you’d asked, voice smooth and sweet like syrup. Eddie stared at you for a second then put out his hands. You assumed that meant yes so you handed him your heavy textbooks. You turned and bent forward, ass almost grazing his crotch. The way the fabric of your white jeans stretched across your cute little butt made him stop breathing. Eddie’s mind went blank, mouth going dry and fingers going numb from the weight. Your textbooks slipped out of his hands and hit the floor with a slam. You squeaked a scared little scream and stood back up quickly. “Shit are you okay?” Eddie asks you as he drops down and picks the books back up, placing them gently into your small hands. “I’m fine. Was just loud. Scared me.” He chuckled, eyes narrowed and and flickered with mischief, making you wonder if he did that on purpose. “I’m sorry angel… I mean-” Your reaction to his nickname for you got cut short when you jumped for the second time in the last two minutes thanks to the class bell ringing. “Gotta go.” Eddie said with a wink before racing past you, your face red with embarrassment.
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You giggle at the memory as you exit the shower. Quickly running back to your room to get ready, you think to yourself: How can I get Eddie’s attention but not let him know he has mine? I think he likes me but I don’t wanna look too desperate. Gotta tease him a bit… You curl your lashes and put on your sparkly pink lipgloss. You open your closet and weigh your options… tight jeans?… but you want Eddie to see your panties. A dress? that’s a little too obvious… your fingers reach for your soft pink frilly mini skirt that has a matching jacket that your friend borrowed and never gave back. You slip it on, white and pink lace panties underneath with a scalloped edge that hug your ass just right. A simple white T shirt that’s slightly see through over a matching pink and white lace bra and a couple sparkly silver necklaces finish your outfit. Barefoot you begin to creep downstairs, the sounds of boys whooping and dice hitting your wooden dining room table growing louder as you ascend.
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“So uh, where’s your sister D?” you hear one of the boys ask. You stop on the second to last step, leaning in to listen. It’s not Eddie’s voice, but too deep to be Mike or Lucas’s. “Up in her room, she’s so annoying.” You roll your eyes. “Maybe..” Gareth grumbles. “But I certainly don’t mind lookin’ at her.” Everyone busts out into laughter except your brother. “Ew dude gross! Shut up, it’s your turn.” “Yeah G,” you finally hear Eddie’s voice, it sounds deep and tight like he’s clenching his jaw. “Roll the dice before I write you out of this whole campaign.” “Jeez fine. I got a 12.” “Not enough, you lose 18 hit points.” “What the fuck man!”
As the game continues you saunter past the table, only turning your head once to smile and wave politely at the group. You feel Eddie’s eyes follow you all the way to the kitchen. Their conversation continues on, sounding further away now. You begin to warm up some rice and leftover chicken, mixing up a strawberry lemonade while the microwave whirs. As you watch the yellow drink turn pink you feel a warmth encroach your space, the smell of weed and cinnamon gum filling your nostrils.
“Hey y/n.. didn’t know you were here.” Eddie says as he stands behind you. Closer than what would be considered normal. You spin around, big doe eyes looking up and meeting his, small silver spoon that you were mixing with coming up to your lips and sucking, savoring the tangy powder. His eyes fall to your mouth, half hooded, eyebrows raising slightly. You pull it out slowly and lick the tip of it with your tongue, before saying “I live here. Where else would I be?” in your bratty tone.
He shrugs his shoulders, “Friday night, thought maybe you’d be on a date.” He says with a crooked smile. Does he think about me going on dates? He crowds closer into your space, you feel the countertop at your back as you lean against it. “Nope. No date. Maybe you can set me up with one of your friends?” you say as you look past him, over his shoulder towards where Hellfire is. “My friends? You wanna date one of us?” “I don’t know.. maybe. You think they’d be interested?” you ask him confidently but your heart is beating so fast, your breath uneven, chest rising with every shaky inhale. BEEEEEP. The microwave signals behind you. “Eddie! You done in the bathroom yet?!” you hear your brother yell from down the hall. “Sounds like you’re needed out there.” You say to him, beginning to slide past him. His hand shoots up to grab your hip and maneuver you back. Caged in by him.
“Yeah, gimme five minutes!” He yells over his shoulder. You stare up at him, unsure what he’s going to do. He reaches behind you picking up your pink lemonade and drinks the whole thing in one long sip. You watch as his neck stretches back and his adams apple bobs when he swallows. The pale smooth skin of his neck looking irresistibly bite-able. “Sweet. Like you.” He says, low and gravelly. He puts the glass down and drops his chin to his chest, looking at the small space between your bodies. “Is this a skirt or a belt? So fuckin’ short I thought I saw some ass when you walked by.” “Maybe I wanted your friend to see. What’s his name? With the curls… Gareth?” Eddie snorts and throws his head back with a mock laugh. “Gareth wouldn’t know what to do with you.” His eyes sweep down your neck, your chest and stop at where the thin fabric of your shirt and lace bra are barely doing anything to cover the pebbled peaks of your nipples. “Oh and you know what to do with me?” you ask, eyebrows raising condescendingly. He exhales a low growl before reaching to grab the back of your squishy thighs and lifting you up onto the counter.
“I’d have a lot of fun finding out-” he leans forward, hands softly grasping the back of your calves, thumbs rubbing up and down the smooth skin as he guides them to rest around his thighs. “Angel.” he says with a wink. You feel a shudder go through you, ending at your core and making you ache between your legs. Eddie’s standing between your spread thighs, the rough fabric of his black jeans rubbing against your legs as he talks. Everything about him feels so warm. “Listen to me real good now.” He says, lips brushing the shell of your ear causing goosebumps to erupt down the whole left side of your body. “You’re going to eat your little snack. Then go back upstairs to your room and wait for me. Think you can do that?” He doesn’t wait for you to respond before he’s backing away and walking back down the hallway. “EDDIE COME OOON!” Gareth yells. “Comin’!” He says back, wide smirk dancing on his lips.
You’re left in the kitchen wondering what just happened and what you just got yourself into…
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Part 2 HERE
Masterlist HERE
——————Thanks for reading!—————
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anogtsamsfan · 3 months
NS!AU incorrect quotes
Star: *Laughs* Eclipse, you had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing—
Eclipse : We’re married.
Moon, Solar and Eclipse : *screaming*
Earth: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Solar?!
Moon: Wait, why are you asking Solar that when Eclipse and I are also here?
Earth: Because Solar wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
Earth: So you’re dating Solar?
Ruin: What? No! I’m just buying them an accessory since they have terrible fashion sense.
Earth: That’s literally a wedding ring.
Earth: I assume you realize that this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated in this house.
Ruin: Is there any kind of idiocy you would be more comfortable with?
Ruin: Is this gaslighting? Am I being gaslit?
Puppet: If I were gaslighting you, you’d never know it.
Ruin: Is THAT gaslighting?
Puppet: Shut up.
Solar, very tired: Can I sleep in your bed?
Ruin: *half asleep* Solar , this is a queen-sized bed. That means it’s for *gestures vaguely to themself* the Queen.
Earth: I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand.
Eclipse: Puppet quivers before them!
Earth: Fuck off!
Sun: Words ending in 'ie' just sound so adorable. Like cutie, sweetie, cookie-
Puppet: Eyy, homie!
Moon: But then there's cootie...
Earth: Die.
Lunar: how do you ask someone out?
Ruin: Well, first-
Solar: Don't ask them, they asked me out in a McDonalds parking lot.
Lunar: ...And you said yes?
Solar and Ruin: *Plays Slender: The Eight Pages*
Ruin: *Jumps back* OH S*IT, IT'S A WHITE GUY!!!
Puppet: Earth doesn’t look very happy.
Solar: That's their happy. They're just a b*tch.
Lunar, to Puppet: If you see Pollux, give them this message *makes a neutral face*
Lunar: They'll know what it means.
Puppet: oh, and Lunar said to give you a message.
Puppet: *makes a neutral face*
Pollux: Oh no- The neutral face of displeasure.
Lunar : So don't panic but one of us is possessed by an owl....
Eclipse: ....
Solar: .....
Puppet: ......
Star: ..Who?
Lunar : That's the thing we don't-
*Everyone stares at Star*
Eclipse : Hey, can we stay in your house tonight?
Solar: Why?
Eclipse : Puppet fiddled with an ouija board and cursed ours.
Puppet: Earth doesn't know how to banish spirits, so they just throw salt at them and yell "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU?!"
*The Squad using an Ouija board*
Puppet: Tell us… Is there a spirit in this house?
Spirit, through the board: YES.
Puppet: Great! Rent is due on the first of the month.
Eclipse: Oh, and movie night is on Friday if you want to hang out.
Earth: WAIT, WHAT—
Eclipse : What can therapy do for me that screaming in my car for 30 minutes can’t?
Earth: make you talk to people.
Pollux : Lunar, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean?
Lunar: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later.
Pollux : Alright, I love you too, I'll ask Castor.
Lunar: Wait- Pollux , no-
Pollux: I was voted “friendliest classmate” in high school.
Ruin: I was voted “most likely to become a clown”…
Lunar: You think that’s bad? HA! I was voted “most likely to get rabies”!
Castor: When I was your age-
Earth, mocking Castor: When I was your height.
Castor: . . .
Castor: Listen here you little s*it-
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writeshite · 2 years
Good Natured
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There are a great many mysteries in this world; some are solved by the advent of science, others remain secrets of the universe, but without a doubt, perhaps the greatest mystery known to humanity is how you willingly dated and continue to date the Homelander.
Homelander x Gender Neutral!Reader
Magic!Reader | A Little Bit Of Flower Language | 5+1 Things (Sort Of) | Fluff | The Tiniest Wee Mention Of Violence
Words: 4584
Author's Note:
The original ask is here, requested by @ayamethewitch I spent three hours reading up on flower language, mainly cause I got sidetracked again. This turned out way longer than I thought it would, and idk how 😭
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There are a great many mysteries in this world; some are solved by the advent of science, others remain secrets of the universe, but without a doubt, perhaps the greatest mystery known to humanity is how you willingly dated and continue to date the Homelander.
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Every child dreams of becoming a superhero, flying through the sky, saving people from dangers, fame, fortune, and adoration. Annie’s looked to the skies and the heroes that came before with admiration and plastered her bedroom walls with their merchandise; she’d run around the house like she was flying, arms out and smile on her face. Now, as she stood in Vought, the newest member of the Seven, it was safe to say she was far more than just ecstatic.
Though it wasn’t really like anything she’d imagined - the Seven and various other supes stood around the room; the public had had their fill of her, so now, she mingled with her fellow heroes. She’d been nibbling on the same cookie for the past thirty minutes - Stormfront and Homelander were the big no-nos; the two were in the midst of showing off - Queen Maeve had spoken to her for a bit before moving on. Annie was now standing by the Deep and Black Noir, half-listening to whatever the topic of conversation was.
“Hey,” a new voice called out softly. Annie turned, and you held out your hand, “Bloodroot, lovely to meet you.”
“Bloodroot….” Annie says the name cautiously, shaking your hand, and examines you. You’re, for lack of a better term, perhaps the oddest one in the room - your witch hat resembles a mushroom, and your loose pale green shirt has various flowers threaded on the sleeves. It dips down on your chest, exposing the multiple necklaces you have; your pants are a dark color, as are your shoes. Annie notices the necklaces and rings you have all have some form of star-like symbol; if not gold, they’re either red, blue, or white. ‘Reminds me of Homelander,’ she thinks to herself.
“Yeah, it’s a dramatic name, but it does the trick,” you wink. A few petals bloom from the corner of your eye; they drift to the floor and melt into the ground. Annie gawked at you, and you shrugged, “It’s kind of on point, though.”
“That was amazing,” she says, and you wave her off.
“Not really, making petals’ a parlor trick, although….” you trail off, taking off your hat, you shove your hand in it and stick your tongue out, fishing for something, you pull a whole bouquet of yellow roses, and hand them over to her. “Yellow roses to brighten up your day.”
When Annie takes them, the petals open, twisting out to become butterflies that flutter around her, leaving a trail of golden sparkles. The sparkles fall on her, leaving a slight glow and bringing a smile to her face; the stems unravel, and the leaves burst into birds, settling on her shoulders. The unraveled stalks shoot up, then burst like fireworks, Annie’s smile gets wider as she marvels at your magic, “Holy shit….”
“Welcome to Vought, Starlight,” you say. 
The others around had stopped their conversations and joined Annie in marveling, some reached out to the butterflies as they drifted away from her. A few looked just about ready to rush towards you and ask for more magic marvels but resisted doing so. John hated the attention you gave new supes, but it helped them feel less nervous and brought a smile to their faces. Granted, it also meant that a few would latch onto you for a few days before John would threaten them.
“Don’t I get any flowers?” Kevin pouted.
“No.” You almost groan at the sound of John’s voice; he’d gone from his little show-off to your side at the mere mention of flowers from the Deep. He placed his hand on your waist and frowned, glaring daggers at the other hero, “Sorry, Guppy, but my partner’s not some charity.”
“John —” 
“Partner?” Annie questions, and John takes your hand, turning it over to showcase the various rings on your hand; he points to one in particular - the band resembles a vine, twisting towards the center and around three diamonds in the middle. The band wraps around the jewels like a branch would emerge from a tree, “Wow.” It’s all she can say; she’s only been around for a few hours, but from the little she knows so far - you and Homelander are on two ends of the personality spectrum. 
You shake your head as John proudly displays the ring; he doesn’t let go of your hand, instead keeping it in his hold as he stares down the Deep. You’d given him flowers once, and John had thrown a right fit about it, Annie gulps nervously, and you elbow John. “Starlight, is it?” he turns to the newest addition to the team, and she anxiously nods, shaking his hand with a tight smile. “I’m sorry I didn’t come to welcome you properly.”
Her tight smile loosens when you toss her a reassuring smile, “So…” she starts, “how long….uh….have you been married?” 
“We’re not married, well, not publicly,” John responds, “as far as the public’s aware, we’re recently engaged. Vought likes the opposites attract story, and I like showing off my partner.” 
“How did you meet?” Annie asks; she directs the question at both of you but looks to you.
“I tried shoving my hat down his throat,” you reply, almost deadpanned, it brings a snort out of Annie, “Course, it didn’t work, so I settled for almost turning him into a tree.” She laughs, then reigns it back when John glares at her, “...sorry, sorry….” but then you laugh, and she takes that as a sign that she’s safe to do so again. 
The party’s died down since your welcome gift as people mill about, and the excitement settles down; John grows weary of the conversation, tapping his foot impatiently. When you and Annie’s laughter dies down, he starts to steer you away, footsteps slow as you bid goodbye to the new supe, “Don’t hesitate to find me if you need help,” you say, elbowing John again when he shakes his head sternly, eyes tinted red.
Annie watches you get swept away, now, just you and John; she notes how the supe’s figure nearly wraps around you as if to block anyone from laying eyes on you. It’s not just her; it seems; the other guests all wait for Homelander to direct his attention  - however brief - elsewhere before looking at you. Some practically avert their gaze when you pass by, and Annie has to take a moment to grasp the soft (?) look Homelander gives you.
“Strange aren’t they?” the Deep remarks, “Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who wonders how Homelander got them to date him.” He assures her, “By the way, his hearing barely registers when they’re around, so nothing you say will have him ripping your lungs out.”
Yeah, nothing quite like she imagined.
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Every day, the damage control department at Vought sends kisses towards the photo they have of you. The picture hangs framed in the back corner, tucked away in a tiny cubicle, where the tired department has set up their offerings - see before you, they had it tough, cleaning up after one supe was hard enough, but cleaning up after Homelander was a nightmare. Then, like an angel, you graced this world, and their jobs became easier, Homelander’s damage rate decreased, and they could rest easy, knowing they wouldn’t have to sacrifice countless nights to fix things.
Various other departments had their own altars, but damage control was the main one - it was well hidden, polished daily, and sometimes prayed to as well. This was all, of course, on a need-to-know basis; Homelander didn’t quite appreciate anyone so much as looking at you for too long; Anika shuddered to think what he’d do if he found out. Security had personal altars, all tucked away by their stations - hers consisted of a vase of sweet peas and yellow lilies, a subtle way to convey gratitude. The combo was very common around security, and some had even gone as far as to wear it on their person.
The higher-ups were none the wiser, and no one felt inclined to inform them on the matter. “Your flower’s drooping.” The silent worship you received from the Vought employees also brought about superstitions - letting flowers die on Vought grounds could bring misfortune or, worse, Homelander (somehow). As if Anika didn’t already have enough to fear from this godforsaken job.
She tended to leave her flowers till the day they were shriveled before replacing them; her coworkers all shook their heads at her as she dumped the old flowers. She’d already had her last break of the day, so she’d have to wait and come back tomorrow with new flowers. She shook off the nagging feeling, focusing on her work; just when she thought she was home-free, low and behold, Homelander comes charging into the room, eyeing each and every one of them as he lays out his demands - she prays he just waltzes past her, but he doesn’t. Choosing her to find what he needs and to find it now.
Her hands slightly tremble as she works; the supe stands over her, arms collapsed behind his back - she thinks she can feel the heat of his laser eyes as she takes what he deems as too long. He’s almost fed up with her slow progress when salvation appears; you waltz into the room - your iconic hat gone - you don a classy suit-like attire, with a waist cape and fingerless gloves, you look every bit the witch Vought market you out to be. 
“There you are,” you say, coming up to them. Anika’s coworkers try not to seem too nosy, but some have their heads slightly turned in her direction. “John, you’re bothering the poor dear.”
“I’m not bothering her; am I bothering you?” John asks in a demanding tone. Anika’s not sure what answer he expects, but she shakes her head, a strained smile on her face, “See.”
You roll your eyes, “You’re bothering her, John; come on, if you’re that bored, I’m sure we can find you something else to do.” You grab his arm, tugging lightly; he takes a step, then turns back to Anika, “You can get the report sent up to you; now come on.” You tug a few more times, and he finally turns to leave; you move to follow but pause, hand reaching out to Anika’s vase. Sweet peas and yellow lilies sprout from nothing, “Should last you longer than the last ones,” you tell her. 
Her head snaps to you, as do the heads of everyone else, but you just chuckle and leave them with a wink. Anika leaves an offering at every altar in the building for a whole week after, a grand gesture of thanks that she’s still breathing. She’s on her way to damage control when she bumps into you; she steps back and thanks you profusely.
“No problem at all,” you tell her, “feel free to come to me if you need any help.” 
She nods, watching you as you go by, then averts her gaze when Homelander rounds the corner. You take one of his arms, disrupting his perfect posture, threading your fingers through his; you almost skip in the corridor - Anika leaves extra on that offering.
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Whatever Ashley did in a past life to deserve this, she’d like to repent for now at this very instance.
Of course, you happen to fall sick on the day of a major interview, and of course, the doctors forbid you from leaving the bed until it's passed. The first wave of get-well-soon flowers get returned when your sneezing makes them explode; Homelander practically bars anyone aside from the doctors from stepping foot in your shared suite. 
“John, I can’t get better if you chase away the doctors.” You try to sit up, but John pushes you back down, wrapping you to your neck in blankets. It wasn’t anything too serious, most likely just a cold; a week’s worth of bed rest should do you some good. The doctors had been sent to double-check and make sure the diagnosis was correct; you wrangle your hands from the cocoon you’re in, taking John’s hands in yours. “Dear, I don’t need to be buried in mountains of blankets.”
“Yes, you do,” he insists, “that’s what people do when they’re sick.” 
Ashley nods her head to herself, he’s not wrong, but she thinks he might be smothering you - not that she says that aloud. Homelander hasn’t left your side since you woke up with the cough; he’d thrown out all the flowers when someone had commented on pollen allergies - not that he knows if you’ve got them - you’re decked head to toe in cozy clothing. An hour ago, the heating had been up to the max, but you’d put it back down after Ashely had shown some discomfort. 
“Homelander, sir,” she interrupts, gulping when Homelander turns to her with crimson eyes, “the interview starts in —” she ducks, barely managing to dodge the laser from his eyes. 
“What did I say about the interview?” 
She whimpers, “The executives said….” her eyes dart away, “....they said it’s not an option.”
Your coughing fit draws his attention away from her, and she sighs in relief; he speeds off, returning with a glass of water. He puts the edge of the cup by your lips, you manage half the glass, but Homelander doesn’t move, insisting you finish the rest. He pushes your hair back, shirking off his glove, and placing the back of his hand on your forehead - your running temperature is running almost as high as he usually does. The medicine they’d given you had been sickeningly sweet, and even now, John could still smell it in your breath - you’re eyes droop, and you’re on the verge of nodding off, yet stubbornly, you refuse to sleep until this matter is resolved.
“Sleep,” John demands, but you shake your head.
“Not until you promise to go to the interview.” Your voice is raspy, and you’re quite literally hanging on a thread; your mind is foggy, and your limbs feel heavy; the plush comfort of the bed lulls you further and further from the waking world. “John,” you persist until he groans, agreeing to it; once you’re sure he’s not just saying it to get you off his back, you give in to the fatigue. John tucks you in bed, a kiss on your head; he switches off the lights and drags Ashley out of the room.
“You don’t leave them alone for anything,” he seethes, “I don’t care if the building catches fire; you stay by their side until I’m back. Got it?”
Ashley nods, eyes wide as she tries not to wince at the tight grip the supe has on her forearm; Homelander straightens back to his signature posture, and she tries not to quiver at the way he scrutinizes her. She walks back into the room where you rest, grabbing a chair; she puts it close to the bed but moves back when the room takes on a scarlet glow. Homelander’s footsteps echo as he leaves; your face is half hidden under the blankets, and she doesn’t reach out to touch you - on the off chance your maniac’s using his x-ray vision to spy on her. She takes back what she’d been thinking earlier; she’d obviously been lucky enough not to be stuck with Homelander in this life.
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Channel One prided itself in being the first at everything; over the years, they’d been the first to interview Vought and give the public the best of what journalism had to offer. Today, they had the luck of interviewing the it couple at Vought - Homelander and Bloodroot - the opposites that attracted the title’s still in work. Jennifer prided herself in being the one to catch this interview - the last interview hadn’t been a bust per se, but you’d been sick, and Homelander had been on edge the whole time.
She’d gotten a double couch for you and Homelander to sit on, and an armchair for herself, an assortment of flowers had been arranged for you - anthuriums for hospitality and heathers for admiration - not the usual combo they’d pick for guests but anything vaguely romantic like a rose might have her losing her arm to the Homelander. The live studio audience sounded excited; they murmured among themselves as they anticipated your arrival. They quieted down when you entered the room, followed closely behind by Homelander. You and the supe sat close together on the double couch, his arm draped behind you on the back, his other hand holding one of yours in his lap.
She held out her hand to introduce herself but pulled it back when Homelander stopped you from reaching out. She smoothed down her hands on her skirt, the director signaled, and the cameras started rolling, “Good evening and welcome; tonight, we return with Homelander, accompanied by his partner, Bloodroot.” 
The audience clapped, and she handed you the flowers, “From everyone in the studio, we’re happy to see you up and about this week,” she said, ignoring the slight eye roll from the other supe.
You thank her, fingers thrumming on them, the vines twisted around themselves, and they went from bouquet to flower crown; the audience gasped, “So, tell us about your upcoming engagement party, what should we expect for the future of Bloodroot and Homelander?”
“Well, you can expect a lot more of this,” Homelander kisses you; it’s short, but it tugs at the heartstrings, “and a big wedding,” he adds on.
“That’s sweet,” she comments. The interview is a lot easier than the last one, Homelander’s still the egotistical bastard he usually is, but he tries to reign it in - barely. The flower crown on your head remains as elegant as it was when you’d made it, Jennifer has a blast, and the audience has fun chiming in with their own questions. She remembers the first time you and Homelander had an interview with Channel One - it had been at the beginning of your relationship, and the number of proposals you received was astounding. 
“So, aside from all that, do the two of you plan to start a family?” Jennifer asks.
You scoff, “Doubt it.”
“I prefer to have my partner’s undivided attention,” Homelander replies, shuffling closer to you. The audience is split in answers; some sigh in disappointment, others cheer - the interview ends with applause; when the cameras stop rolling, and the lights go out, Jennifer watches backstage as Homelander piles treat atop treat, mostly sweet, the two of you stand off in your own little corner, the supe devoted to listening to every word you said.
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Hughie would like it on record that this had been Billy’s idea, not his, Billy’s. Because who else would think of kidnapping the world’s most overpowered psychopath's partner - though how they managed to get the jump on you is another matter entirely. Annie had helped; well, as soon as she’d made them all promise nothing would happen to you, screw what happened to Homelander; she wanted assurances you’d be safe.
“They’re not as bad as Homelander.” She’d been arguing back and forth with Billy; the subject of what to do with you had been the hot topic for the past few hours. They couldn’t step foot outside the lead shielded basement without a foolproof plan - Homelander had been rampaging across the country looking for you. “If we try, maybe we can convince them to help us.”
“You’re talking about the same bloke who stood by that fucking cunt,” Billy argued, “They’re married to him for fuck’s sake; what makes you think they don't know about him?”
Annie hesitated, “They’re not like that —”
“Just cause they helped you on your first day doesn’t mean they’re not gonna turn you to mush at the first chance.” Billy points at the wedding photo from last year; it had been as grand as Homelander had said it would be, “They slept with the cunt, they kiss the cunt, they married the cunt, they’re as bad as the cunt.”
“Well, at least I’m trying,” Annie says, “all you’ve come up with is making this a hostage situation as if we have the muscle to handle that.”
“Oh yeah, and what if your friend in there goes back and blabs about us to their husband? What then? You know how Homelander gets; you willing to have your head blown off?”
Hughie turns away as the timer goes off, he opts to hand you your food to avoid getting dragged into the argument again. You’d been placed in the most lead-shielded area of the hideout - Annie had fitted it to be more comfortable than its usual concrete flooring, she’d also brought miscellaneous books from your suite, and you’d been rereading those for the days you were trapped here.
“Any chance you’ll let me walk out of here today?” you ask, but Hughie shakes his head. “Worth a shot,” you shrug. 
Hughie doesn’t quite understand you; you’re not as malicious as the other people at Vought, or even most of the supes, so why on Earth did you choose to marry Homelander? Annie had said it was for genuine love, Frenchie had morbidly remarked that maybe you suffered from some form of Stockholm Syndrome, Billy had scoffed - the answers varied and against his better judgment - and the strict rule of not making conversation with you - he asked. 
“Oh, well, because he asked,” you replied, glancing down at the ring on your finger; you twist it with a small smile, “and I’d already gone through the trouble of falling in love with him.”
“But he’s —”
“A murderous cunt with the emotional intelligence of a three-year-old on steroids?” you provided, and he nodded, “Yeah, I’ve gotten my fair share of concerned letters from fans and anti-Homelander fans alike. He’s complicated, and —” 
There’s a crash upstairs, and Maeve’s voice carries through, she’s just arrived, and no doubt joined the argument. “Any chance you’ll divorce him and help us put him down?”
You shake your head, “Not likely,” you reply, “but I can agree to possibly holding off his murderous tendencies long enough to have you escape in one piece and hopefully making sure he doesn’t hunt you down after.” You smile, but it doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
“You know then,” he mutters, “about….” he gestures to nothing, in particular, hand waving around in the air.
“It’s hard to miss, especially when he comes to bed with bits of human still in his hair.”
Hughie leaves you; he finds Annie and Billy have stopped arguing, but they occupy opposite ends of the room, Maeve in between, rubbing her temple and no doubt nursing another headache. “This plan was a mess from the beginning,” she mumbles, “did either of you even think this through?” 
“Well, I was thinking we could use them to get Homelander to heel,” Billy voices, “Miss starshine over there wants us to hold hands and sing kumbayah with ‘em.”
“That’s not what I said —”
“ —might as well have.”
“Enough,” Maeve yelled, “Homelander’s been plowing his fist through people’s chests looking for them, he’s burned abandoned lots looking for them, and he’s getting crazier and harder to predict by the second.”
“How bad is it?” M.M asks, finally feeling the need to join the conversation. 
“His costume’s more red now that it is blue,” Maeve responds, “We’ve gotta take them back.”
“How? Homelander’s been circling the planet 24/7; he so much as hears their voice outside these walls, we’re dead in a heartbeat.” Frenchie laments.
“Unless,” M.M. chimes in, “what if we leave and then have Maeve respond to an anonymous tip.” He accentuates the last two words with air quotations, “At least a couple hours after we high tail out of here.”
“That’s a stupid idea,” Billy says.
It’s their only idea, at least the only one that doesn’t involve any of them getting killed; they pack up everything and make it look like a construction company moving out and about. They don’t go too far - a lone truck driving speedily away from where Homelander’s partner is found a few hours into the morning would no doubt be suspicious - they park just behind one of the other buildings nearby, hiding away on the second floor of one of them. As planned, Maeve shows up first, Annie and the remaining Seven behind her; they step aside at the sound of a crack in the sky as Homelander lands upfront. 
 The ground isn’t perfect when he lands, shattering like glass; some of the concrete flies up as he rushes in, and the lead door flies through one of the walls a few minutes later, followed by a frustrated scream, then nothing. There are a few moments of silence, and Annie and Maeve share an uneasy look. Just as they were about ready to follow, the doors swung open, and out came Homelander, you carried bridal style in his arms.
“John, I can walk fine,” they could hear you insisting, but the supe was resolute, flying off before anyone could utter a word. 
The Deep lets out a sigh, doubling over on his knees, “Oh, thank god, we found them; I don’t know how much longer I could survive with Homelander that hopped up and manic.”
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John doesn’t leave your side even when you get back to Vought towers; the doctors have to work around him as he glares down at each and every one of them. He doesn’t trust the food brought to you and has several of the humans who do bring it to taste it first, waiting to see if any of them pass out or die. You haven’t told him about Annie or Maeve, and you’re not going to; judging by how close he is to punching a hole through the wall, you opt to keep that little nugget of information tucked away.
It’s just the two of you now; John’s bloody uniform is lying in the corner of your shared bathroom, and you’re sitting between his legs, leaning back on him in the bathtub. The bathtub. is spacious enough, but he’s tucked himself in one end with you. You’d already helped him wash off the blood, and he’d taken his time running the soap down your body, reassuring himself you were, in fact, real. 
The water’s lukewarm now, so you pat his hand, but it takes a few more pats and a knock on the door to get him to move. You stand from the tub alongside him, but he guides you out, hand on your lower back, as the other grabs one of the robes; he has it gathered up to your neck; he wraps one of the towels around your neck and then opens the door - Ashley goes over a few more details, then leaves you and John to your evening.
“I’ll find them,” John mutters on your skin, “....make sure they die painfully.”
“You don’t need to do that.”
He doesn’t say anything, eyes void as he helps you change into sleep attire, “I’m serious, John, promise me you won’t do anything rash.” He nods stiffly, hugging you so as to hide his face as he mentally plans the demise of your kidnappers.
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End Note:
This has been a rather long fic, and I have no idea where it started or where it ended 💀 Stay Hydrated.
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TH fic idea No. 2 (yes I have a weakness for MGiME sue me):
OFC used to pray to the Valar during her life (not believing in them at all but using them like a kind of spoken diary, reasoning that everyone is allowed to pick their own gods & they are just as likely to be real as the Christian one for example).
Then she dies.
And wakes up in Valinor meeting those of the Valar She has prayed to the most.
And they're like "well no idea what to do with you tbh guess you're one of ours now do you want cookies or sth?"
And she is like "bro are you for real this is brilliant I want to learn this and that and also..... "
And she hangs out with Yavannah and Oröme and Vana but mainly Aulë cus, yk, dwarves.
And he is like "sooo do you wanna join the halls of waiting?"
And she's like "idk lemme take a look" and there is Fili/Kili/Thorin whoever you prefer, hammering away at an anvil, and she's like NOOOOO fuck they already ded? Boooooh!"
And Mahal's like "yeah he's got trouble settling, feeling like he did not accomplish what he was supposed to" and she's like "well MAYBE that's because thats the TRUTH?!?!"
And the dwarves cannot really see her, she's more like a spectre with a distorted face merging with her background and a voice, but Fili/Kili/Thorin noticed her when she at one point breaks something in his forge while arguing with Mahal about how they deserve a second chance and while Fili/Kili/Thorin listen to how Mahal goes on about "we cannot disturb the music" she shouts "this music sucks anyway atm! Wouldn't hurt to change it! It's CLEAR some tunes are missing!"
And Mahal's like"wdym you HEAR the music?"
And she's like "well, yeah? And lemme tell you it can give ya a real headache at times."
Then she leaves saying that she's gonna bully Eru to give the Durins a second chance and Fili/Kili/Thorin, Who has been listening to that conversation, are like "ehem, Mahal, dear creator, am I high?" And he shortly explains about who the other voice was.
Well after some time OFC gets Eru to agree, and they take weeks to argue about the particularities and Option A is they end up with Fili/Kili/Thorin, Who has listened and therefor knows about what she's up to, to keep his memories of the quest while being sent back, but CANNOT disclose what he knows or how. Or something something bad will happen.
And OFC is like on the one hand "nice, hot dwarves and heroics" but then there are also orcs, the ring, no plumbing.... But whatever she'll make the best out of it.
So OFC argues that that's kinda harsh and convinces Dru to let her join them.
Option B and Eru's growing tired of her and is like "you know what? You can hear if the music starts to fuck up. You go down there as well! Be their personal Gandalf or whatever!" And the chosen Durin remembers os doesn't, or maybe just some vague stuff in dreams, I don't really care. But with this option there is nothing stopping them from sharing their knowledge.
She arrives quite literally at Gandalf's feet, explains stuff to him, and their first order of business is meeting up with Galadriel, Elrond and Glorfindel (she refuses to explain yet while she does NOT want Saruman involved, unsure if he ends up joining anyway no matter what she wants) and insists on freeing Thrain from Dol Goldur ASAP (using mostly book canon for this fic obv) so she has someone that can prove her story and give her some connections & shit.
OFC, with her fighting experience being drunk arm wrestling and nothing more, remains behind in Eryn Lasgalen while Legolas joins the aforementioned group in driving out Sauron.
Thrain is first treated in the Woodland Realm for the worst injuries, and during that time talks Some Shit through with Thranduil because, yk, they'll need him and his army later on.
Then they move to Rivendell, where Thrain heals and OFC gets SOME training (no, NOT Mary-Sue-ish, it takes YEARS to become properly adept at fighting, she has a few WEEKS, meaning she manages not to drop her sword any longer and shoot in the planned direction but THAT'S IT), then she has some kind of fight with Someone and leaves with some rangers for Ered Luin, Gandalf promising to deliver Thrain to his family as soon as he's fully healed.
OFC has been turned into a dwarf btw, INCLUDING the beard! In Ered Luin she finds a job at a tavern for starters and waits for either Thrain's arrival or Fili/Kili/Thorin to 'remember' (meaning his consciousness being sent back in time), because OFC herself arrived about a year before the start of the quest.
At one point, Fili/Kili/Thorin being regulars at her tavern, she recognises a change in their demeanor and introduces herself as *****(whatever name she had in Valinor) and they get to talking, F/K/T being SO glad to FINALLY having someone to talk about what happened.
They start hashing out the beginnings of a plan, but have to be careful for now so as to no one else picks up on their knowledge. OFC promises that *someone* (she totally is mysterious on purpose) will soon show up and help in that department.
One night, Gandalf arrives with Thrain, Thorin cries, Dìs faints, Fili & Kili get drinks ( and someone of course gets OFC) and joined by Balin & Dwalin the family celebrates and learns about Thrain & OFC's knowledge and they begin to form A Plan TM.
And then, there is plot I have no idea for.
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sam-loves-seb · 7 months
gallavich questions
thanks for the tag (and the questions) @callivich !!
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? intro to quantum dating by @spoonfulstar, i think i've read it 3 or 4 times now, it's one of my all time favorites
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog? anytime i see a gifset from that one s5 deleted scene, yeah that one, i have to reblog
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about? i have a very specific headcanon for a tattoo ian gets post-canon for mickey, and i hesitate to even explain it now bc i think one day i do wanna write a fic about him getting it, but whatever--my headcanon is that he gets an M tattooed on his left ring finger and it's a subtle yet sweet nod to his husband. (i could talk about this for 9 hours but i will limit myself and stop here)
What’s a fanart you love looking at? i've spent an obscene amount of time staring at this fanart by @doodlevich it just checks all my boxes (domestic, husbands, fluff, etc.) and it's so well done, i'm obsessed with this pieces
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration? listen, i have this idea for a rock band au that lives rent fucking free in my head, and if i can find the time and the inspiration to actually turn these vibes and unorganized plot points into actual words and a coherent story in the new year, then maybe it'll see the light of day in 2024 but no promises. for now, i leave you with this: four milkovich siblings are in a rock band that is rising to success with the launch of their second studio album and subsequent tour, and ian gallagher is lead singer mandy's (fake) boyfriend--at least in the eyes of the public--and he spends some time that summer touring with the band and hooking up with their lead guitarist in secret until the band's manager/father catches wind of what's going on behind closed doors
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else? i've always been a post-canon enthusiast for almost all of my ships, but i think before gallavich i always envisioned them with a very cookie cutter standard american dream family with the house and the careers and the 2.5 kids, which usually fits a lot of my ships, but with gallavich i... don't have that same vision ?? i think they're actually my first ship that i hc more often than not without kids in their post canon life, which is a new vibe for me entirely but i kinda love reading/writing it. idk if that answers the question you asked, but it definitely answered a question
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of? honestly i want more s9/10 prison era gallavich fics (and/or fanart). i think it's a gold mine era with so much untapped potential, and there are very few fics/series/whatever that really get deep with it and get to the good stuff of these two boys who haven't spent any significant time together in years but still love each other like they did way back when
What’s your favourite season? And has this changed after multiple rewatches of the show? it flip-flops for me between s4 and s5, like right now i think it's s5 but idk if i could actually pick one or the other as my absolute favorite
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? i would give my left arm to know how the fuck (and why the fuck) mickey started rolling with his dad again in post-prison s10 era, like in 10x08 he's going to terry for advice on how to protect ian, just for terry to try to kill him again 3 episodes later ??? make it make sense john wells i'm under your bed
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough? personally i think the promise ring scene in 10x09 is criminally underrated and not talked about nearly enough, like you don't understand how happy that scene made me (stay with me here) seeing mickey stand up and fight for the future he really wants with ian and not settling for anything less
What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship? can i do song lyrics? i'm gonna do song lyrics--i've always thought the song godlight by noah kahan was very gallavich, especially the chorus, and especially during s4/5/6 era and it may or may not be a piece of inspiration for my big bang canon divergent fic
What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale? i think they take a while to really settle into their new place and and make it their own, and it's a bit of an adjustment (for both of them) to fit in with this new crowd and this new environment, but they're learning how to grow and evolve together and at the end of the day that's all that really matters to the both of them
tagging: literally anyone who wants to play bc my brain is tired and i am too tired to try and remember everyone i probably should tag
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evilvvithin · 2 years
I'm curious ッ How do you imagine König under all those covers? 😄 Like...What hair color does he have? What hairstyle does he wear? Does he have any scars? Is he a six-pack guy or more a dad-bod but muscly? Is he hairy? Does he have a skincare routine? And so on 😄
Okay, listen.
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I imagine König just as his voice actor, Jim Boeven. König clearly got his eyes so it's safe to assume they just used his face and everything to model him, like other CoD characters. More likely König just looks like him just yonger, with light brown / dark blonde hair because idk why it just suits him in my head. I can't decide if his hair are rather curly or just normally straight but I'd go with short, straight hair. Messy, short hair because they're short he doesn't do much with them in terms of styling or anything but I mean he does care for his hair, he definetly owns more haircare products than just shampoo. Also, ngl, I feel like König would have big corners as his hair goes away a little and he hates it and does everything to slow it. You bet he has lean, muscle body because he's in army for so long. Not super big beefy body builder muscles, but nice abs visible sixpack and he's lean. He might get more dad bod cause christmas time and cookies? Hell yea. He loves food. I already mentioned it in my nsfw alphabet and nothign has changed so he is hairy, but i can see him taking care of his chest so he doens't look like a bear, same goes for the crotch area. He has little more hairy back than others too, imo. He also won't go fully shaved because he's trying to hide the scars he has, not many but few really deep visible ones. (I find scars nothing to be ashamed of but I can see him not being comfortable with proudly showing them to everyone but he would not mind with his s/o or close friends) He does care how he looks and presents himself because he's not fully satisfied with himself, therefore putting more effort in his looks. He totally shaves his face making sure it's smooth all the time and if he has beard, its always perfect length and symetric. He will put cream on his face and hands every morning and if he doesn't use sea or kokosnuss scent everywhere I'd burry myself alive, when I see könig i smell kokos don't ask. Kokos or some strong, expensive parfume because he wants to smell good. You'd find his lips scared too because he bites on them, unknowingly most of the time. I don't think he bites his nails but more than often you find the skin around nails pulled off. He doesnt even realize he's doing it, he just does it from time to time when he gets nervous. He also tries to use lipbalm all the time on his cracked lips but always forgets. Imagining König dressed in anything else than black or army styled pants doesn't click with me, he'd wear some big and comfy tshirt with those. I don't think he cares much about motives he just wants something he feels good in but he 100% owns multiple shirts with his favorite bands. Not wearing sniper hood irl, hes the type of guy to jsut wear scarf all the time (unless its dying hot outside) and he tends to pull it up his lips or even up to his nose. I don't think he wears any rings or necklases and definetly no earrings, they just get in way of his comfy feeling. He also hates tight boxers, random HC. He also got bad tooth or two because he loooved sweets as kid as we came to the conclusion with @brandnewhuman (and he still does but doesnt eat it that much anymore) but he'd still give you nice smile as the teeth wouldn't be visible at all.
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ssahotstuff · 2 years
Hotch x Fem! BAU member 300 follower celebration 💕
Hi babes! I took a short break from my fics to write this so I hope you enjoy 💕 thank you so much for 300 followers. Ily all so very much 🥰
Comfort, fluff, Softie Hotch, mutual pining, age gap, size kink, p-n-v, oral, dirty talk, accidental sexting that leads to real sex? Idk lmao. It's a bit of a slow burn but I promise it gets really filthy towards the end ☺️
Word count: 7.7k
Not proofread so don’t come for me lmao
This was not meant for me.
That didn't stop my eyes from scanning her barely covered body more times than I could count, zooming in on her chest, her nipples erect and peaking through the thin fabric of her bra. I wanted to stop myself from staring at how well her panties fit on her hips, hugging them in all of the right places.
The accompanying message was asking for her groupchat's opinion on if she should get a spray tan for our upcoming trip to the beach. We'd planned to go as a unit, and as the newest member of the BAU, she'd taken quickly to the current women of the group. She and Penelope were nearly inseparable outside of work, and when JJ and Emily weren't busy together, the four of them were a power group. They did everything together; it was quite sweet, endearing even.
I let my fingers hover over the keyboard, unsure of how to proceed. I could give her my honest opinion, or I could do nothing and let her realize her mistake. It wasn't that I was upset, it couldn't have been further from the truth. I'd wanted her since she showed up in my office, her hair pushed back away from her face with a headband, letting me soak in all of her gorgeous features. She was so eager to work under me that we all accepted her with open arms. It was hard not to. She brought fresh baked cookies and other delicious treats every time we boarded the jet, and we'd all became fans of nights where she and Rossi would tag team dinner.
She was really hard not to fall for. I'd watched so many cops, detectives, all over the country, after her affection, but she'd always point to the wedding ring on her finger.
She wasn't married, and never had been. But she'd gotten tired of getting hit on constantly, so she started wearing it and using her 'husband' to avoid advances. Most of the time, it worked. Other times, I would interject, question the man's professionalism, and she'd always thank me after.
I was conflicted. The longer I sat and gawked at her, leaving her on read, the longer time I gave her to question my own morality. I decided to reply, as casually as possible without embarrassing her.
I think you'll tan just fine on the beach this weekend.
Within seconds of delivering, she was calling me, stumbling over an apology before I could even get a greeting out. She was panicked, flustered. It was cuter than it should have been, listening to her try to explain how the photo found its way to a thread of messages between us rather than her girlfriends.
"Y/n, you don't have to apologize, it was a simple mistake. If it makes you feel any better, I really don't think you need a spray tan."
"It oddly enough makes me feel a lot better," she chuckled, winded from her string of apologies.
"Shouldn't you be sleeping? We leave out early in the morning," I tried my best to change the subject, mostly because I really wanted to keep her on the phone. I was still in the office, despite the fact we were all technically on AL.
"Says the man who hasn't left his office," she shot back, and the undeniable squeak of her rolling chair told me she was only a flight of stairs away from me. I had kept the blinds drawn because I'd be going out of town, and I wanted the privacy of my office to remain untampered with.
"I thought I was the only one who worked off the clock," I sighed, standing to my feet and peeking through the blinds. She was mostly casual, in her jeans and her black tank top, her phone nestled between her ear and her shoulder as she scribbled away at her desk.
"Sorry to disappoint you," she tsked, closing up her notebook. If she felt my gaze on her, she didn't let it show.
"Why don't you come up and have a drink with me, and then we can both leave for the night?"
I stalked over to my door and pushed it open just a fraction, giving her no time to respond before I was hanging up the phone and retrieving the two of us a glass along with a bottle of scotch I kept tucked away for especially hard nights.
You weren't sure what to expect when you crept up the stairs and into Hotch's office. The sight of him with his tie dangling loosely around his neck, and his head leaned back into the cushions like he'd just finally decided to relax after a month had your stomach in knots before you could even shut the door behind you. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks when he didn't budge at your arrival, instead he patted the empty seat next to him, his eyes closed, hand clutching his drink.
You closed the distance between yourself and the couch in a few short strides, mustering every ounce of courage you had to sit down next to him and accept the drink he'd offered you.
"Being away from this place for a few days will be refreshing," he said finally, tipping his glass back and welcoming the burn. You did the same, sinking into the cushions next to him, close but yet still so far from the man you'd wanted since your first week in the BAU. He was exactly your type: strong, powerful, dominant. He was off limits in so many ways if you wanted to stay on the team, and that was a sad reality you'd been wrestling with for the last 8 months that you'd worked beneath him.
"I've never been to the beach," you replied, earning a questioning look from him in response. You shrugged, taking another long sip of the amber liquid. In a way, the scotch reminded you of his eyes, the same golden brown hue, and the same lust-driven affects.
"That just means we'll have to make it a weekend to remember," he winked, causing the butterflies to erupt in your empty stomach. You almost thought he was flirting with you, but you shook it off as excitement for his first break in ages.
"Garcia has an itinerary for the first 12 hours," you groaned, and he chuckled, elbow touching yours slightly. He made no effort to move his arm, if anything, he let it go parallel with yours until your pinkies were brushing against one another. It was purely innocent, and adorably fucking sweet. You tried to hide how giddy being close to him made you feel, tried to swallow the growing feelings for your boss, but you couldn't choke them down.
"Do you think you could pencil me in for dinner one night? I can't have you at the beach and not take you to the best restaurant on the board walk," he asked, voice the tiniest bit unsteady as he waited for your answer.
"Is that allowed?" You didn't mean to blurt it out, but you wanted to cover all of the bases before you risked your job to go to dinner with your boss.
"We're technically on vacation. It's allowed if you're okay with it, of course."
You nodded, your words caught in your throat, the fantasies of making him your own playing in overdrive in your head. He was everything you wanted in a man and more, and he was asking you to dinner.
"If you want to leave your car, I'll drive you home and pick you up in the morning," he suggested, and somehow you managed to squeak out that was fine, though your voice sounded a million miles away to you. He offered you his hand before he stood to his feet, bringing you along with him. You made your way to the parking garage and climbed into his SUV, taking a deep breath while he walked around to the drivers side. Once he was in the vehicle, his tie was gone completely, tossed in the backseat with his briefcase and blazer. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, showing off the muscles beneath the cotton white fabric. You wanted to reach out and hold his hand across the console, but he'd only invited you to dinner, not to be his girlfriend.
"What time are you getting up?" His voice cut through your thoughts, so you told him about the 4am alarm time you'd set so you and the rest of the team could meet at Waffle House before making the drive to the beach.
"You don't mind riding in with me?" His confidence was gone for a moment as he glanced over at you, features mostly hidden by the night, but in the soft green glow of the street lights, you could see the sliver of doubt behind his eyes.
"Not unless it's a problem for you," you weren't sure if he'd want the entire team seeing the two of you together and suspecting something before you even had a chance to figure out what that 'something' was.
"It's not. Not at all."
His voice remained neutral as he pulled up to your apartment building, shutting off the engine so he could walk you to your floor. He stood towering behind you, a gentle, guiding hand placed on the small of your back as you led the way. He stopped at the elevator, signaling he'd gone as far as he intended to for the evening.
"I'll be here around 4:30, is that okay?"
You nodded, giving him a small wave as he waited for the doors to slide open. A hint of a smile crept onto his lips as he waved back, promising to see you in the morning. You weren't sure how you were supposed to sleep after Hotch turned your night upside down. Instead, you packed an array of outfits to choose from and prayed to God that Penelope in all of her night owl behavior hadn't chosen tonight to go to bed at a reasonable hour.
"I swear if our trip and my only shot to see Derek Morgan sunbathing beachside is ruined because we have a case—" she was wide awake now if she wasn't already.
"It isn't that. Something just happened and I need to tell you and ask what to do."
"Spill it sister."
So you spent the next half hour debating whether your date with Hotch was merely for a weekend hookup or if he looked at you the same way you saw him.
"He does seem to be more protective of you than anyone else. I thought it was because you were the newest and youngest member but now that I think about it..."
Garcia's trailing thoughts had you questioning every experience you'd had with Hotch prior to now. Sure, he was oddly always where you needed him, but he was that staple for everyone on the team, not just you.
"He's going to be here in like four hours, Garcia. We're riding to Waffle House together," her audible gasp let you know that she was equally as surprised as you were when he agreed to come.
"We already asked like ten times," she pouted, and your lips curled into a celebratory grin because you'd done the one thing they couldn't, and that was get Hotch to participate in all group activities on and off the clock.
"You better get some sleep. I'll adjust the itinerary to make room for your date," she purred, leaving your heart racing in anticipation for the weekend to come.
We pulled into the drive of Rossi's beach house around 2 pm, and nearly everyone took off to their respective rooms to take a nap. The door adjacent to mine stayed open however, so Y/N had no intentions of sleeping. Instead, I watched as she unpacked her things and folded them neatly in the drawers of the dresser in her room.
"Not tired?"
She turned sharply at my voice, barely above a whisper. Even though we were on the third floor, a bathroom and a study the only other rooms, the house was quiet, and I didn't want to alert anyone who may have been awake.
"I don't know how they can all sleep with the beach a hundred yards away," she chuckled, her lavender sundress barely meeting the middle of her thighs. She motioned for me to come in so I stepped over the threshold and into the room she'd occupy for the next three days. There was a door in the far corner that separated her room from mine, a simple lock the only thing keeping us apart all weekend. I hadn't spent a lot of time with her outside of the office, but if she was willing, this weekend would be the beginning of a change to that routine.
"I'm starving. I was thinking if you aren't tired, we could grab something for lunch."
She was all smiles as she followed me up the short paved path to a small private beach, the boardwalk a short distance from Dave's property. We started the short walk, her eyes filled with wonder the entire time.
"Next year we'll go to Atlantic City," surely if this was an eye opener for her, somewhere more busy and entertaining would keep her happy nonstop. I hated the sand. Even now, in my polo and khakis, I felt more out of place than usual, and oddly enough I missed my tie, but the smile on her face was worth the trek through the sand.
"Isn't Atlantic City casinos and drinking? I'll pass," she giggled, the sun already beginning to kiss her cheeks in the most amazing way. I couldn't wait to see what the rest of the weekend had in store for her radiance, once a full day of splashing in the ocean had her glowing.
"Maybe next year I'll win and we go somewhere secluded," I joked, leading her to a gyro stand that I always visited when I was in town. Satisfied with my choice, we chose a cozy table for two and fell into what felt like the most normal meal I'd had in ages. The quiet parts weren't awkward, and we always managed to find something to talk about. I figured with our rather large age gap, we'd have nothing in common, but the woman who loved James Bond movies and knew 80's cinema better than Reid kept me surprised every time she opened her pretty little mouth.
"JJ texted. Everyone's going out for lunch and sight seeing after," she announced, slipping her phone back into her purse and directing her attention to me.
I certainly didn't want to look like a tourist, and I assumed it was Dave's idea to get everyone out of the house in the first place, because if anyone had been campaigning for me to ask Y/n out, it was Dave. He'd send us alone nearly any chance he could get, despite my earlier protests about her age and my position on the team. He assured me if things were serious later on, that's when it would matter, but for now I should follow my instincts.
"What do you want to do? We can join the others, or we can find something else to do," I suggested, a grin forming on my face at the way she perked up when I suggested staying together.
"They were playing Goldfinger at that tiny theater we passed on the way in," she reminded me, and even though I'd seen it ten times, another time with her wouldn't hurt.
"Goldfinger it is then. We better hurry or we'll miss the previews."
After a double feature of Goldfinger and Skyfall, it was dark and you were both starving. Once your eyes adjusted, you realized it was just as dark outside, the sun nearly setting in the distance. You'd told JJ and the others what you guys were doing, and they were out for dinner also, but you and Hotch had other plans. On the opposite end of the boardwalk was a hole in the wall Italian restaurant that he'd been raving about since you crossed the state line, and luckily enough, you were the only patrons.
"I'm so glad we came here," you told him, his hand finding yours as he slid into the booth beside you. It was the first attempt at contact he'd made all day, though you could tell he'd tried hard not to hold your hand in the theater. Instead, it rested on the chair back behind your head, barely avoiding your shoulders. You caught him several times eyeing the tiny straps of your dress, which made you blush like mad because all you could think about was him taking your dress off. You'd hoped the weekend would end with opening up to him in more ways than just one, if he was okay with it.
"I'd suggest something to you but it's all good," he marveled, scanning the menu until he'd decided. You told him you'd have whatever he was having, and that made him smile a real smile, one you hadn't seen until now. You hoped it was the first of many.
Once the waiter took your order, his body shifted towards you and his hand gave yours a gentle, loving squeeze.
"If you aren't tired of movies, Dave has an extensive collection in the room across from yours," he said hopefully, and you quickly agreed to a night of cozying in with Hotch, especially if it meant the night didn't have to end yet. You were having the best time, and the lines between superior and team member and something more were starting to blur rapidly, and you considered that a really good thing. You'd promised yourself that if he wanted it as much as you did, then there was nothing left to question. You'd gladly give yourself to him no matter what the consequences.
"Lucky for us our rooms are so close," you were ready to take things a bit further, see where his boundaries were, if he had any. You had certainly left yours back at Quantico the night before.
"I wanted to have you close this weekend," he admitted, cheeks heating up slightly as he took another sip of his water. The waiter had suggested wine but you wanted the night to be clear so everyone was sure of the decisions they were making. You had a suspicion that Aaron skipped wine for the same reason.
"I'll be as close as you'll have me."
The house was full but as quiet as we'd left it, the activities of the day exhausting everyone. We were saving the beach for a day when we'd had a full nights rest, so everyone had turned in early for the night, which worked to our advantage. We crept upstairs and as soon as we'd changed clothes, she unlatched the lock that kept the door joining our rooms shut and she was climbing into the bed that was mine for the weekend. She made herself comfortable, leaning back on the mound of pillows as I popped in the next Bond film. I had no plans on watching this one, unless she just absolutely wanted to. I was climbing in next to her, letting her lean into me and shelter me with her warmth.
"You smell like sunshine," she came a bit closer, unsure of where to put her hands as she finally settled on taking one of mine, so I wrapped my free arm around her and tried to settle my nerves. It had been a long time since I'd held anyone, and she was much bolder than I was. I noticed as I held her hand that her fake wedding ring was gone, a faded tan line in its place.
"I figured I wouldn't need it today," she lifted her hand, sucking in a breath when I pressed a kiss to her knuckles. Giving my affection to another person terrified me, but if anyone had it, I wanted it to be her. In seconds, her hands were pulling me to her and her mouth was hovering inches from mine, waiting on my green light. Once I was finally kissing her, none of the nervous jitters mattered anymore, it felt like things were going exactly the way the needed to go without my interference, and nature was taking it's proper course.
I pulled her into my lap and let my hands wander across her body, her tank top straps falling off her shoulders, her stomach slightly exposed. She lifted her arms and let me toss her shirt aside, leaving her topless on my lap.
"You're so gorgeous. Let me look at you," for the first time since I'd known her she seemed shy for a moment, so I tried my best to ease her nerves some. I ran a cautious hand down the middle of her back, feeling the goosebumps that arrived on her skin shortly after. She guided my free hand to her breast, giving me a small nod of approval before she let me explore her body with my hands.
"I can't believe you really thought you needed a spray tan. You're glowing and we've barely been here a day," I marveled, admiring her tan skin and how angelic she looked against the white comforter.
"Think we'd be doing this if I hadn't sent you that picture on accident?" The small gasp that escaped her lips was intoxicating as I rolled her nipple between my fingers, causing it to harden under my touch.
"I've wanted this to happen for a while now. I just didn't know how to say it," I brought her nipple to my mouth and groaned immediately at the moan that fell from her lips as she pushed her chest forward and grabbed on to the back of my head, urging me to continue. I was thankful for the privacy of the third floor and being far enough from the team that she didn't need to muffle her moans too much. She was so dainty, so much smaller than me in every way that she felt fragile, but at the same time she was flexible and nimble enough that her size could be used to our advantage in the future. I'd fantasized more than once about having her against the walls of my office at home; too many late nights working and a wild imagination had me daydreaming about her everywhere, and now it was a reality.
"Every inch of you is perfect," her nails met my back, treading the waters as she lightly raked them across my shoulders. The sensation that swept over my body had me begging her to do it again, groaning when she increased the pressure just a fraction. Her perfectly manicured fingers were marking me up in the best way, a sensual reminder of having her for the first time.
Her hips were grinding against mine, desperate for me, and I couldn't get enough of it.
"You don't need these clothes," I patted the empty space next to me so she could slide off of me and I could climb on top of her, dragging her sweatpants down her hips before I situated myself next to her, her pink panties the only piece of clothing left on her. I tossed my shirt and let her unbutton my pants, lifting my hips so she could help me shrug them off. Feeling self conscious didn't even cross my mind, I was already so comfortable with her that easing in felt like a waste of time; I wanted to dive in headfirst to whatever life with her looked like.
"You're so sexy, Aaron," her breath was hot on my neck and my name had rolled so effortlessly off her tongue that I had to bite back a moan, letting my eyes flutter shut as she smothered me in affection, her arms wrapped around my neck and her tongue tangled with mine. I tugged her legs apart, teasing her clothed center with my fingertips. She was soaked through her panties, whimpering at my touch already.
"You're so wet for me already, sweet girl," she let her legs fall open the rest of the way, welcoming my touch, needy for it as her hips bucked and wiggled. I pushed past the waistband of her panties and let my fingers find her warmth, a sigh of ecstasy escaping her when I made contact with her throbbing clit. Her brows were pulled together, mouth slightly agape as I began to learn her body. I slowly worked a finger inside of her and she clenched around me immediately, begging me to give her more. I propped up on my elbow, slipping another digit inside of her.
"So fucking tight, I can't wait to feel you," the filthier I was, the more she stopped holding back. My filter was long gone, replaced by desire to make her squirm like no other man before or after me. She looked properly fucked already, a thin layer of sweat on her brow and her eyes pinched tightly together as I fucked her with my fingers. She came soon after, gushing on my fingers like my own personal water fountain of pleasure.
"That's it, good girl. I'm going to fuck you with my tongue now, is that alright?" I was already climbing between her thighs, nestling between her legs and spreading her lips open to expose her clit. Her hands fell to my hair as she guided my mouth to her sex, tossing her head back as I tasted her for the first time.
You were trying not to scream, but his mouth just felt that good. Truthfully, you didn't mind to wake the entire house, but you were behaving for Aaron's sake. He looked more peaceful than you'd ever seen him, buried between your legs, his tongue working overtime to make you cum over and over. You couldn't remember the last time anyone had touched you like this, and you'd certainly never felt as desired as you did right now.
The thing that had shocked you the most considering he was so broody and quiet unless you were working was how vocal he was in his neediness for you. It was so sexy how he told you exactly what he was thinking, no matter how explicit. He made no attempt to hide how much he wanted you, how happy you were making him just by letting him have his way with you. You were in the most blissful state, his tongue tracing lazy circles on your clit as he teased you with his fingers.
"Could spend all weekend long just like this," his voice shot vibrations through your entire body, making your legs shake and your hips buck upward involuntarily. His grip on your waist tightened as he moaned into you, sending you over the edge quicker than you could blink. Your nails showed no mercy on his shoulders, which kept a ghost of a smirk on his cocky lips. You were sure his massive hands had marked your body up as well, and you'd wear every mark as a proud souvenir. You were his entirely now; he'd already made sure you'd never be completely satisfied without him, and he hadn't even fucked you yet.
As if he read your mind, he was pulling himself
up onto his knees and lining himself up with you, dragging you off the pillows and pulling your legs in the air to rest against his chest. You had the perfect view of him shimmying his boxers down and exposing his length, pumping his thick, throbbing member at the sight of you waiting to take him.
"You'll stop me if it's too much, right?"
With a quick nod and your hands pulling at the back of his legs, he slid into you, stretching and filling you in a way you'd never experienced. Whole was the first word to come to mind, but it was quickly replaced by the slamming of Aaron's hips against yours and his hand flying over your mouth to muffle the scream that followed.
"As soon as we get back home and I can take you to my bed, you can make all the noise you want, but I need you to be good and stay quiet, okay?" He never stopped fucking you, just waited for you to be quiet so he could move his hand. You did your best to keep the noise to a minimum as he fucked you, his hands tangled in your hair.
"You feel even better than I imagined, sweetheart. Can I cum inside of you?"
You gave him an eager nod and told him you were on birth control, which almost immediately caused him to finish, his dick twitching inside of you as he gave you every last drop of cum he had to offer. You were more than satisfied with how your first night of vacation was going, and the only thing that could make it better was still having Aaron after the weekend was over.
He was still trying to catch his breath, reaching out to cradle your face before pulling up his boxers and finding you a towel. Once you were cleaned up he offered you the t-shirt he'd been wearing and popped in another movie, climbing in the bed once more and wrapping his arms around you.
"Will you sleep in here with me tonight?"
He was asking you to stay, opening his arms for you to crawl into like you'd done it every night for years. You immediately relaxed into him, kissing his cheek as you settled in at his side.
"Tomorrow we'll see the beach. And I know everyone else is staying until Monday, but I was hoping you'd head back with me Sunday and maybe we could spend the rest of our vacation just the two of us."
You weren't due back in the office until Thursday, so you quickly agreed, drifting off to sleep shortly after.
"Come on, Aaron, it's almost 7 am!"
The sun was barely creeping over the horizon and we were the first people on the beach, her chair already placed in the sand along with her beach bag. She'd insisted on getting up early and having breakfast together on the beach, which meant we were up before everyone else and got a nice head start.
"Slow down! I'm getting sand in my shoes," she was already setting things up and I was trailing behind, trying to carry more chairs and a bag of my own. She came to help, taking my bag and giving me a strange look.
"You're not really planning to work while we're at the beach, are you?" Her hands met her hips and I couldn't help but giggle at her. That is exactly what I'd planned to do.
"Once we get back and it's just us, no work. I promise. But for now, I just have a few things to finish writing up. Couple hours, tops."
She seemed satisfied with my answer, and soon enough, JJ, Penelope and Emily were all joining us on the beach, groaning at the light even through their sunglasses.
"Rossi got us day drunk yesterday," Garcia groaned, slathering on sunscreen as the rest of them nodded in unison.
"Speaking of, where did you two disappear to all day long?" JJ whispered at my side, the two of us watching as she and Emily helped Garcia set up the chairs.
"We uh, went to the movies and had dinner. Came back here and everyone was asleep."
"Sounds like a nice first date," she winked, and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks at the idea of having her alone in my house in a days time.
"It was. Obviously I need to keep this quiet for now, JJ. Beyond this team, we work together."
She tsked and shrugged her shoulders, knowing that's how things had started months ago with her and Emily, and now everyone knew about them. It wasn't an issue because it didn't compromise their ability to perform adequately.
"But for how long? Because you haven't taken your eyes off of her."
She was right. How was I supposed to put on a facade now that I'd had her for myself? It would be nearly impossible, but luckily the people I was around the most knew something was going on, so there was no cause to worry until new circumstances arose. I joined her and our friends, listening to the soft chatter of voices as they all rehashed events from the drive up and the night before.
"Spence almost drove Morgan crazy on the way up," JJ nodded toward the house, where the two men were already arguing about something. It was all in good teasing fun, but they were entertaining, especially on car rides as long as ours.
"Hotch! We need you to settle a debate," Morgan called, eyes darting between Y/n and me as his eyebrows shot up in a questioning look. I gave him a subtle nod and joined him a good distance away from the ladies to see what all the fuss was about.
"Morgan thinks that you can't just be attracted to someone based on personality alone," Reid stated, to which Morgan rolled his eyes playfully.
"All I'm saying is, you don't sleep with a woman for her personality."
"He has a point, Reid."
"I know he does, but-"
I put up my hands in surrender and gestured to the beach behind me.
"Go play in the water and quit arguing, please."
An early morning made for an even earlier night, everyone tiring out and settling in for dinner around 5 pm. We all opted to cook together, which ended with the men drinking and watching the women work effortlessly in the kitchen from the living room.
"You're very obvious, if you didn't already know," Rossi was at my side, nudging me with his elbow.
"I have no reason not to be. Everyone knows," I said proudly, a perpetual smile on my face, pulled so tight I couldn't wipe it away if I wanted to.
"I think this trip was the best idea I've had in ages," he boasted, refilling my glass. I wanted to take it easy on the alcohol so I didn't have a massive hangover on the drive back home.
"There's a retro theater about ten minutes away that you should check out before we leave."
I told him about our Bond double feature, our plans to leave early in the morning so we could spend the rest of our vacation alone, which he wasn't happy about, but quickly forgave me for it anyway.
"Sounds like you're finally taking my advice. If you leaving early means we'll all come home to a smiling face in the office on Thursday, be our guest."
"You don't think I'm moving too quickly, do you, Dave?"
He shook his head, patting my back and giving me a goofy grin.
"You're both adults. You move at the speed the universe takes you."
After you'd ate dinner and had a shower, Hotch was tapping lightly on the door that connected your rooms. You'd already found clothes to sleep in and had curled up in your previously unused bed.
"I found a copy of True Lies in Dave's study. It's not Bond, but it's close," he held up the dvd for you to see, popping it in the player and joining you in your bed. Your arms opened up for him and he climbed in them happily, letting you hold him as he used your lap as a pillow.
"What time are we heading out in the morning?"
"Is 6 okay? I wanted you to be able to sleep some," his hands gently massaged your thighs, his fingers tracing shapes on your sun kissed skin.
"6 is fine. I didn't tell anyone we were leaving."
He shrugged, head leaned back in your lap so he could look up at you.
"I told Dave earlier. He wasn't surprised," you were shocked he'd told anyone, considering whatever you two were doing was still fresh and new.
"I don't think anyone was surprised," all your friends weren't shocked in the least, they'd all been sitting around waiting on either of you to make a move, and Hotch had decided this weekend was the perfect time. The entire team, you excluded, had seen it coming.
"I would have said something sooner. I've known for a long time that you're who I want. I just had to be sure you felt the same or it would make working together difficult," he chuckled lightly, reaching up to caress your face. You leaned into his touch, feeling more secure than you had in a long time.
"I thought maybe I was too young for you," you admitted, although that and a list of other insecurities had kept you from saying anything until it was obvious how he felt about you.
"I don't mind if you don't mind," he said softly, and you didn't mind at all. In fact, the flecks of gray in his sideburns and the rigid manliness of his demeanor were two of the things you admired most about him.
"It was...a lot of things. Honestly, I thought you were too good for me," you whispered, leaning back suddenly as he sat upright, pulling you into his arms.
"You're not serious, are you?"
You nodded, and he sighed before he pulled you in for a kiss. His mouth was enough to erase every worry you had, his tongue dancing wildly against yours. He pulled you up to straddle him, groaning when your hips met his and your center rocked against him, already stiff and needy through his pajamas.
"You are so out of my league it isn't even funny," he mumbled between kisses, his hands guiding your hips in all the right places, providing just enough friction to have you aching, your panties a slippery mess inside of your shorts.
"You can't honestly think that," you were finding it hard to focus with his hands swiftly undressing you so he could cover your chest in love marks. He wore a satisfied grin the entire time, your moans just motivating him further.
"I do think that. You're fantastic in every way," his tongue swirled around your nipple, one after the other until they were both sensitive and flushed, playing with you almost as if you were his new favorite toy.
"Can I show you how gorgeous I think you are? Let me convince you," he laid you down gently, throwing his own shirt aside and hovering over you so he could kiss you again, this time with so much passion you had to squeeze your thighs together to deliver some of the pressure that was building in your core. He sensed your desperation and was eager to help, sliding your panties down enough so you could kick them down the rest of the way. His fingers slid through your drenched folds, a low groan coming from his chest when he admired his finger, slicked and soaked with arousal. You felt your mouth fall open when he sucked his finger clean, closing his eyes and savoring how you tasted.
"So fucking sweet. Are you always going to be this wet for me, sweetheart?"
All you could do was nod, star struck as he lowered himself between your legs, slowly, cautiously, as if all of his focus was now on you and the pleasure he could give you. His eyes darkened dramatically as he licked a stripe directly through your center, vibrating your core with his rumbling voice.
"Made just for me, isn't that right, sweetheart?"
His fingers dexterously spread you open so his tongue could work on your almost sensitive spot, his lips brushing your clit lightly in a sensual kiss unlike any you'd ever experienced. Once more and you were a writhing mess, your back arching off the mattress. You came with a shudder, causing Aaron to cease all movement until he knew you were okay.
"So sensitive, but it feels so fucking good," you whined as the rough pads of his thumb pressed gently on your clit, ghosting circles over your swollen flesh.
"You're doing so well, sweet girl. Can you handle my fingers and my mouth at the same time, or will it be too much?"
"I can handle it," you were eager, desperate, spreading yourself open so his hands were unoccupied. He eased a finger into you, and then another, curling them into you as his lips latched on to your clit. The combination of his massive fingers filling you and his mouth satisfying your every desire made your head spin. You'd listened to him silence a room with a single sentence and now he was in your bed, keeping you quiet in an entirely new way.
"I love to feel you clench around my fingers," the proud smile he wore was a clear indication of how much fun he was truly having, his cheeky grin contagious. He glanced up at you long enough to catch a glimpse of your smile before he was diving back between your thighs, purely lost in you.
“I can’t wait to get you back home so I can hear all the pretty little sounds you can make,” he teased, his finger curling perfectly inside you, just enough pressure to have you unraveling at the seams. He knew exactly how to make you feel like you were on cloud nine, and for a moment you had to focus on catching your breath.
“Jesus, Aaron, aren’t you tired?”
“Not in the slightest.”
“Then switch spots with me. I want your dick in my mouth,” he wasn’t planning to stop until you made him, and he’d been having all of the fun up until now. You had imagined this moment a million times in your mind, but usually it took place somewhere forbidden, like beneath his desk in his office. Now, with him splayed across the bed like some sort of deity, his cock begging to be freed from the restricting waistband of his boxers, you couldn’t wait to give him exactly what he’d secretly been waiting for.
I wasn’t sure how it was supposed to get any better than this, watching her flatten her tongue against my member before she took the majority of it in her mouth. I was nearly melting into the pillows, my hips feverishly bucking to meet her mouth. She took all of me with ease, opening her mouth entirely to take my cock in the back of her throat. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as her moans rattled my body, the sensation making me see stars.
“Look at you, so pretty with my cock in your throat,” she couldn’t help but smile, swirling her tongue around the tip and working her free hand on my length.
“I’ve dreamed of having you like this,” she whispered before taking me back in her mouth. I felt my cock bottom out at the back of her throat, constricting and tightening the more she hollowed her cheeks. It was sloppy and intimate and so fucking hot.
“Dreamed of me fucking your throat just like this?”
Her mhm was muffled, strained and gravelly against my cock, shooting electricity all the way to my toes. I wanted to finish inside of her, buried as deep as I could go in her.
“Come ride me,” my dick fell from her mouth with a plop and in seconds she was hovering above me, using her hand to line me up with her so she could sink down on me.
“You fit me like a glove,” she began to rock her hips back and forth, slowly at first until she found her rhythm. I held her hips, guiding her through every slow stroke, watching her face contort in pleasure as she came, nails digging into my arms for support. She leaned forward just enough for me to slam into her, holding her in place above me.
“Please don’t stop, I’m begging you,” she breathed, raising up on her knees at the perfect angle for me to hit her sweet spot. I was dangerously close, my thrusts getting sloppier, more urgent.
“One more time, sweet girl. You’re so close,” her eyes squeezed shut and I felt her constrict around me, her grip on my arms tight as she moaned my name. I pulled her onto my length and came hard, the two of us tangled together in a mess of sweat and bedsheets. The clock on the bedside table read 10:05 pm, and I knew we were both exhausted. We had a long drive ahead of us the next day.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and we’ll get some sleep,” she nodded, yawning wide as she leaned back on the pillows, letting me clean her off and tuck her in. Her hair was splayed out on the pillow, the light lull of her breathing the only sound in the room as I crawled in next to her, lucky to finally have her by my side.
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lynn-writes-things · 2 years
jjk characters as types of emos
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this was a silly lil idea I had, I had way too much fun writing these lmao
mentions of nobamaki (nobara x Maki), inuokku (Inumaki x yuuta), Miwa x Mechamaru
Tokyo Kids:
Megumi Fushiguro:
- DEFINITELY HAD THE “iTs NoT a PhAsE!!1!1!!” edgy bitch boy phase (ily Megs I’m sorry)
- my chem stan first and foremost (not big on danger days tho; three cheers is his fav album)
- also waterparks and bring me the horizon
- had a BIG black veil brides phase, probably tried to style his hair like Andy biersack and did the makeup to match (but his fav member was probably Jinx if we’re being honest)
- modern day, he fucking loves corpse
- lives in hot topic + spencers every time Gojo takes him to the mall
- you know the leather chokers that kinda look like a collar but they have the spikes on them? yeah
- and the spiky bracelets? yeah 😌
- RINGS!!!!!!
- was mildly invested in creepypasta, not as much as Yuuji, but he definitely has read most the big stories (eyeless Jack is his fav)
- also Yuuji absolutely forced him to watch marble hornets and he might’ve caught feelings for Tim (didn’t we all-)
- let’s be real here….
- it’s his greatest shame to this day, but he’s totally growled at people before
- oh he also totally went through the vampire phase
Yuuji Itadori:
- ok first of all..
- LOVED creepypasta forums, probably wrote a couple himself
- BUT this mf binge watched the entire slenderverse main ARGs on YouTube (probably watches Night Mind religiously for the in-depth coverage)
- tried to do a spin off Marble Hornets with his friends in the occult club but it didn’t work out ://
- evermanHYBRID was his favorite and now he has a major soft spot for Evan since he too is now occasionally puppeted by a scary ancient evil curse/god
- also likes buzzfeed unsolved! tries to get Megumi to go with him to haunted places cause together they’d have the Shane/Ryan dynamic
- Sleeping With Sirens stan!!
- so needless to say he also loves Pierce The Veil
- totally used to listen to Never Shout Never too
- now…. I HATE saying this…. Truly I do… but I think he would’ve been the type of guy who USED TO occasionally listen to blood on the dance floor BEFORE shit came out about them, he would’ve liked to hyperpop type beat ya know?
- he knows every single word to the phone song by JJ demon
- journey’s is his favorite store, hot topic a close second. not a super big fan of spencers tbh, I think it’d intimidate him and the sex toys would make him uncomfy
- even tho he looks like (and is) a sunshine, the emos gravitate towards him (cough cough, Megumi and Junpei) so he’s always been into all of it
Nobara Kugisaki:
- bit more scene-leanin’
- I think this goes without saying…
- Paramour stan
- has a crush on Hayley Williams (don’t we all-)
- LOVES Halestorm too and has a crush on Lyzzy (again, don’t we all-)
- listens to fit for rivals (Maki introduced her to them)
- she also really likes twenty one pilots!!!
- I feel like she’d favor Spencer’s over hot topic, but she also shops at journeys
- idk I think she’s the type to claim hot topic is TOO mainstream/for posers/etc (but if Maki wants to go, suddenly she’s never loved a store more)
- jelly bracelets of her favorite bands
- TOTALLY had the scene kid neon arm fishnet glove things ya know?
- “I made you a cookie 😊…… but I eated it😞”
- not super into creepypasta stuff but she PROBABLY read at least some creepypasta x reader fanfics on specifically quotev
- tried to learn how to skateboard to impress Maki
- it didn’t really work, but Maki did give her some cool bandaids
- peach monster ONLY
Maki Zenin:
- controversial… hello kitty obsessed emo
- she had the stickers, the bandaids, probably even a purse/backpack
- black veil brides stan!! used to make fun of megumi for dressing up like Andy, but let’s be real, she helped him do the makeup
- I think her fav member would be CC (girl has taste)
- fit for rivals stan also
- she found the Damage music video on YouTube and became a fan of all their music real quick
- has a crush on Renee Phoenix (don’t we all-)
- I think she’d like the slenderverse ARG’s a reasonable amount, not like Yuuji tho
- not big into creepypasta, but she’s read Jane the killer, and probably cosplayed her at LEAST once
- Spencers > hot topic, not a fan of journeys
- flirts with nobara through pon and zi comics
- ALSO went through the vampire phase big time, Megumi got her into the Vladimir Todd series and she borrowed all of his books
- her biggest shame is that she’s read My Immortal and actually didn’t hate it
- homestuck fan!!
- monster energy emo
- I think she could rock a snapback ngl
- skateboards, she’s pretty good at it, not as good as Toge tho
- has a collection of cute bandaids, ranging from basic neon ones, to designs, to characters (has several boxes of hello kitty ones)
- (it is a high honor for her to share the hello kitty ones)
- (this is an honor that nobara is lucky enough to receive)
Toge Inumaki:
- eyeliner!!!!!!!
- does he know what he’s doing? not fuckin’ really, but it works out for him
- probably tries to make his eyes look darker underneath cause he wants to look perpetually tired and depressed like Yuuta
- has absolutely done purple frosted tips before
- you think he was allowed to buy the hair dye to do it? fuck no, he used sharpie and made Yuuta or Panda help him
- paints his nails, I’m thinking black and a purple accent nail
- also wears rings, but daintier ones than Megumi wears
- three days grace stan tbh
- other fav bands include: asking alexandria, falling in reverse, waterparks, the maine, pierce the veil, sleeping with sirens, etc
- my point is, he’s a big time music emo
- he can’t really talk, so he listens to a lot of shit, constantly
- his and Yuuta’s song is black butterflies and deja vu by the maine :))
- skateboards!! he’s really good at it :)
- Yuuta was SO impressed
- shops at Spencers mostly, but if he’s in a mall, he’s usually hanging around the food court trying to look cool (and dragging his friends to chill there with him)
- SUPER into creepypasta, he’s on the same level as Yuuji
- his fav is Ben Drowned
- so obviously he did the cleverbot shit religiously
- did the whole monster tab thing to Yuuta (the KISS one, these are PG headcanons today bitches)
Yuuta Okkatsu:
- “yOu DoNt UnDeRsTaNd My PaIn!!1!11!!!” whenever something minor goes wrong type bitch
- shy boi
- clings to Maki in public cause she always stands up for him
- Maki and Toge have absolutely beaten up bullies for him
- wears chokers!!
- sometimes he borrows rings from Toge
- fall out boy emo
- actually, scratch that, he was big into the fabled 2013 tumblr “holy emo trinity” of fall out boy, panic at the disco, and my chem
- “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)” is his anthem
- not into creepypasta really, but he’ll watch/read whatever Toge shows him
- Maki’s homestuck buddy
- watches Dan and Phil!!!
- I also feel like he’d watch markiplier
- FNAF stan (also got Toge into it)
- as far as stores go, he prefers hot topic
- he’s like Yuuji, Spencer’s intimidates him (but he’ll go in with Toge or Maki if they want to)
- literally LIVES off of caffeine, fruit punch Rockstar is his fav drink
- he’s read the Vladimir Todd books, but tbh I think he’d be more of a werewolf guy
- idk man
- cried watching twilight and this is a fact no one lets him live down
- did not understand the monster tab proposal, but when it was explained, this boy combusted (but absolutely did give Toge a kiss)
- this became their thing :)
- also!!! he doodles!!!! he gives himself and his friends sharpie “tattoos”
- let’s Toge paint his nails 🥹
Kyoto Kids:
Momo Nishimiya:
- only mildly emo tbh
- goes without saying, but
- witchcraft emo
- got that 2014 tumblr witchy aesthetic
- sleeping with sirens stan
- supernatural stannnn
- this is canon tho right?
- Halsey stan!!!! taste!!!
- absolutely reads homestuck
- zodiac OBSESSED
- hot topic shopper
- jelly bracelets!!!!
- invader zim fan, has a lot of gir merch
- fake tattoos, 100%
- really really good at gothic makeup
- her fav thing to do is a big batwing liner paired with black or purple lipstick
- watches Dan and Phil, probably ships them tbh
- not into slenderverse ARG’s, but she’s subscribed to Night Mind and watches his explained series on other ARG’s
- don’t hug me I’m scared
- also?? I think she’d like FNAF
- it would scare her, she’d have to watch it with Mai and maybe also Miwa, but I think she’d enjoy it
- oh oh oh, totally gives herself fake (and real) piercings
- buzzfeed unsolved with the homies
Mai Zenin:
- she at least USED to listen to Die Antwoord
- had a weird crush on Yolandi (I might be projecting)
- I’m dying on this hill, fuck you
- secretly very into creepypasta but hides it from everyone
- the concept of her and Maki having the same favorite band is too funny for me to pass up, but I do also genuinely think she’d love Fit For Rivals
- to throw an even rarer band into the mix, she listens to Icon For Hire
- bring me the horizon stan
- shops exclusively at Spencer’s
- not a skateboarder, but she rollerblades
- I can see her wearing snapbacks, I think it’d look good
- either has or wanted gauges
- watches buzzfeed unsolved with the other Kyoto kids
- proooobably used to watch Brian Starz interviews before.. ya know
- used to watch jeffree star makeup tutorials before, ya know
- fruit punch monster for the winnnnn
- she does stick and poke tattoos!!
Aoi Todo:
- no emo energy, sorry
- I think if anything the MOST he’d classify is that his gym playlist is full of metal music
- MAYBE got a tattoo from Mai
Noritoshi Kamo:
- “yOu WoUlDn’T uNdErStAnD 🙄”
- has to keep it all secret cause of clan stuff
- wears eyeliner, looks damn good in it
- neck chains, finger chains, belt chains, etc
- his ears are pierced shhhh
- he did them himself with a safety pin
- loves corpse, probably has a lil bond with Megumi about it
- Spencers > hot topic, but still shops at both, not big on journeys
- wants so many piercings, but alas…
- let Mai give him a tiny tattoo somewhere that’s easy to hide
- SUPER into vampires
- he had fun with his cursed technique when he got into vampires lmao
- not real into energy drinks, but he likes coffee
- sometimes he’s been known to nurse a plain monster to look cool
- this man…. writes slam poetry
- probably posts it online under a pseudonym
- he just has too many feelings and he is not allowed to express any of them :((
- wants to dye the tips of his hair red, but he’s not allowed :(
- part of the unsolved club
- creepypasta fan, his fav is ticci toby
- has ABSOLUTELY read My Immortal at some point
- gets upset if someone teases him about it
- he strikes as the type who has read every single goosebumps book in middle school (and honestly, same, good for him)
Kasumi Miwa:
- scene kid!! look at those bangs and tell me otherwise!
- “rawr XD” type beat babey
- Pon and Zi comics @ Gojo (who does not get it)
- but also @ Kokichi (who does get it)
- wants to be edgier, but alas, she is a sunshine
- Never Shout Never fan
- also really likes sleeping with sirens
- likes my chem but danger days is her fav album (she also read all the comics)
- Journeys > hot topic, spencers scares her
- super into creepypasta and slenderverse ARG’s!!!
- her and Yuuji probably talk about them together tbh
- FNAF fan!! probably got Momo into it, consequently also got Mai into it
- she LOVED homestuck
- totally read My Immortal, unironically enjoyed it
- tumblr kid through and through
- probably got super into Superwholock
- also probably watches let’s plays, specifically markiplier and achievement hunter (Gavin is her fav, she misses Ray ((don’t we all-))
- Danganronpa fan!!!
Kokichi Muta:
- I’ll be honest here I do not have a strong grasp on his character so bear with me here cause I know damn well he belongs on this list
- possibly the top of it
- rivals Megumi for top emo
- creepypasta fan ofc, needs something to read
- probably came up with his own, either posted it in the forums or he just wrote his own creepypasta oc fanfics
- Miwa introduced him to Danganronpa, he got super into it
- they play it together :))
- doesn’t shop :// but he’ll go along with his friends if they want to go
- wears a bracelet that Miwa made him 24/7 (its matching, they have little pon and zi charms 🥹)
- read homestuck, wasn’t super into it
- really likes being included in the buzzfeed unsolved nights!!
- similar to Toge, he listens to like… everything
- is it mean if I say his favorite song is I Am Machine-
Now onto the elder emos:
Suguru Geto:
- in his early years he 1000000% was similar to Megumi with the “iTs NoT a PhAsE” phase
- chilled out with age
- (still listens to the same music tho)
- probably worked at Spencer’s tbh
- he really likes my chem!!! Frank is his fav
- also listens to a lot of Franks other bands (Leathermouth was his fav)
- three days grace is his shit tho
- also big into Green Day!
- tbh I think he listened to a lot of dragonforce for awhile
- butterfly knife skills for dayyyysssss
- HAS teased the shit out of his hair at least once in THOSE days
- honestly he probably had a raccoon tail in his hair at some point or another
- the gauges are a given, mf still has them and wears them proudly
- paints his nails black!! sometimes with a red accent
Satoru Gojo:
- not super on this list, he ain’t super emo, might’ve had a teensy bit of a scene phase
- If you’re wondering where Megumi learned to growl at people tho it’s bc Gojo barks
- you read that right, this mf barks at people
- still does
- makes fun of everyone for their taste in music, even though he also listens to some of it
- steals all Suguru’s band tees, past and present
Kento Nanami:
- has grown out of his emo phase
- every now and then he falls back into the music tho
- DEFINITELY was a my chem stan, super invested
- knew he wanted kids after watching them become parents
- edge lord extreme in his youth, love that for him 🖤
- has the intro dialogue to I’m Not Okay memorized
- he got caught by Suguru while sneaking out of school one night to go to some punk rock concert
- Suguru gave him a ride cause he was also on his way to the same concert
- had the leather spikey bracelets and matching choker like Megumi, gets WHIPLASH when he sees Megumi rocking the same shit years later
- fills him with pride tbh
- he listens to what The Kids are listening to these days, out of curiosity
- doesn’t hate it
- tbh he’s just happy watching the young emos do their thing
- has probably caught SOME of them sneaking out to go to a concert
- obviously drove them himself and told them to call him if they needed a ride back
- protector of the future emos 🖤
Shoko Ieri:
- we’re here for a good time not a long time vibes
- listens to a lot of the maine
- loves halestorm, has a crush on Lyzzy Hale
- has smacked Gojo for making fun of her music taste before and will do it again
- regularly jams out with Suguru
- used to work at Spencers with him, probably stole some stuff and got fired
- piercings!!!
- had her tongue pierced
- probably briefly had her septum pierced too but it got infected from all her smoking and she was too stubborn to quit so she just took it out instead
- I bet… I BET she has her nipples pierced, hot bitch shit ya know?
- honestly probably got them done at the same time as Utahime on a dare
- she doesn’t show it much but seeing the current students getting into the scene makes her happy
- makes her remember all the shit they used to get up to when they were students
- quite literally survives off of peach redbull
- she mixed it with her coffee one day and the boys kept joking that she was a bad example as a doctor
- SILLY BANDS!!!!!!!!!!! The boys steal them from her all the time
Choso Kamo:
- MY LOVE!!!!
- HUGE my chem stan, three cheers is his fav album
- thank you for the venom is his favorite song
- asking alexandria is another of his favs
- likes bring me the horizon too
- Yuuji showed him modern emo bands, he showed Yuuji old emo bands in return
- caught Yuuji in one of his old band tees once, literally gave him some and made him listen to at least one song from every band
- smokes cigs cause he’s old enough to do so
- not too big on energy drinks but can be found drinking coffee nonstop
- has a choker that looks a lot like a dog collar
- call me crazy but I think he could rock a bridge piercing if he wanted to
- pretty rings that will hurt like hell if he punches you while wearing them, do not mess with his brothers 🖤
- smudged eyeliner and black lipstick has ALWAYS been his fav look, probably blends a bit of purple in the middle
- also purple eyeshadow
- black nail polish!!
- overall just sweet elder emo who will protect Yuuji and his friends from anyone who tries to get in their way
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districtunrest · 2 months
rules: 15 questions for 15 friends!
tagged by @thelettersfromnoone :))
1. are you named after anyone?
yes, my dad and my late grandfather
2. when was the last time you cried?
2 days ago (note: 2 days before I started my period lol)
3. do you have kids?
4. what sport do you/have you played?
nothing now but I played soccer and softball in elementary school, and basketball in middle school and high school
5. do you use sarcasm?
nooo, never ;) no but actually, I only use it when joking around. I like my fictional characters sarcastic and bitchy but I could never be that mean without feeling guilty!
6. what's the first thing you noticed about people?
their faces, their height
7. what's your eye color?
blue. they're my mom's eyes, and we share the same yellowish ring around the pupil
8. scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings
9. any talents?
uhh, I can wiggle my nose up and down like a bunny
10. where were you born?
11. what are your hobbies?
I like to read, crochet, bake cookies & sourdough bread, and bike-ride / go on jogs while listening to music and brainstorming fanfic, lol
12. do you have any pets?
yes! 2 cats :)
13. how tall are you?
14. favorite subject in school?
English & health science
15. dream job?
a nurse navigator or clinical educator
tagging: as always, I think this tag has gone around and Idk who's left. so whoever follows me and wants to join!!
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It’s CMA-
Since we’re talking about it, I love the time between because I get to comment on every little detail and ruminate on each interaction compared to binging it in one sitting, which is good but means I talk to you less and I do less like headcanoning and idk… making Pinterest boards LMAO
Okay also re: the Pinterest board, I sorted it into different sections for like garden and house and outfits and modern!au, etc. and have been saving things to it all day. This is so much fun LOL.
(My love language is gift giving because I love being able to take the time and listen to every little detail and find a gift that kind of connects those things, so I do a lot of research for the perfect gift and I feel like this is another way of doing that. It’s like I’m researching the perfect gift for you and these characters and showing you the ideas to try and find something that you’ll love LOL.
Anyway tldr; I love you and this story so much and I’m not even consciously trying to prove that but it kind of shines through in the things I do anyway lmao okay bye)
Omg CMA my loveeee! ❤️
Yessss oh I absolutely agree! ❤️ I definitely feel like it gives us more time to talk about the fic and our ideas and HCs, which makes the story so so much better 🥰 It's more interactive this way and I love it! 😍🥰❤️
Aaaaaand I'm already screaming 😱
You categorized them!? 😍
Hold on I'll check all of these! ❤️
So first of all, Garden: That bridge looks exactly like what I imagined for Cherie and Anthony's convo over the bridge btw! 😍 And the greenhouses! Oh this is so inspiring! 😍❤️ AND YOU ALSO PUT THE FOUNTAIN! 😍
Her greenhouse would definitely be like these ones btw, so well lit and full of green and flowers and glass walls...🥰
Outfits: I want clover to wear literally everything on here! 😍 Like, the headpieces and the gowns and-
Wait the rings! ❤️ Do we think Benedict would gift her like, rings with flowers and leaves like these!? 😱❤️
I also want those necklaces so much 😍
Oh this would be so her in a modern setting! 😍And also, her apartment would be full of flowers and plants ❤️ And I totally feel like Clover would have tattoos 😏❤️
Wedding: I AM STILL NOT OVER THESE BEAUTIFUL VEILS😱❤️ And I can so see her in these gowns! 😍 Also her flowers?! ❤️
The corsage! 😍 Charlotte would be wearing one of these as the maid of honor ❤️
Food: Help, why are these cakes so gorgeous? ❤️ And the cookies! 😍 Like, I know baby showers weren't really a thing but also, those baby shower cookies make me have a HC with it! 😍
You put Nail Art there! 😱
Omg modern au inspo! ❤️ Clover would totally have those flower details on her nails ❤️ And the one with the leaves...😍
Art: Oh you put both the paintings AND the embroidery! ❤️ Honey that is a wonderful idea! Like, Clover totally knows how to do embroidery and her works would have flower patterns and designs on them ❤️ And Benedict's paintings! They would have such a beautiful house with walls full of them! ❤️
Omg you have no idea how much it means to me that you did this! 😍❤️ This is so precious for me darling! ❤️
ILYSM, thank you thank you thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
Also, for those of you my loves who missed CMA's pinterest link, here it is! ❤️
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bootbooot · 2 months
cross posting this from toyhouse to tumblr because it seems like a good website for this kinda of stuff
I remember having a cookie run hyper fixation lasting from June 2021-febuarary 2022 honestly around January is when i felt like i was at my worst mentally I was aware by that point that this wasn't good for me and all the fun i had in the summer talking to my friends about it had just withered into angry ranting and them being sick of me talking about it. Around February things still kinda sucked I was still fixated on cr but I was more aware of it around that time i rediscovered my singing monsters i quickly got hooked I got out of my obsession with the game things were going good for me for a change I started actively posting on su again showed oc art talked about my life a bit I rediscovered my old sona and redesigned them then i created ecgf but thats a different story for a different thought dump and it would be TOO long so I would have to make it it's own bulletin 
I remember around the time school started last year I would listen to THIS song a lot I cannot tell if it's good or if im extremely autistic and nostalgic and some how find this enjoyable to listen to and I replayed it multiple times holy shit i must have been desperate 
whenever a rando favorites one of my characters I get a random ego boost for no reason idk why
June and April are my favorite months of the year for reasons too long to type they will be their own things its extremely complicated 
I randomly remembered that I have Ruben Sim the youtuber added on pokemon go he is like my only friend on there
I remember getting really invested in the Slaton Sisters back in 2021 during my trip to New Jersey I did feel like shit a lot then though I had a canker sore and water in my ear that wouldn't get out i would suddenly miss when I wasn't it constant pain you could say i wasted the trip but honestly I don't feel that way Im starting to think about it a lot 
2021 was one of the worst years my life yet it was really enjoyable for me I mean my friend did say that painful times bring comfort now i feel like im on top of the world and I feel terrible
I have a lot of ocs i make in my head I never draw them though I never draw them even if they last in my mind for years my goal is to change that for a couple 
I have a oc named Alease because I thought the name was pretty she's a white rodent creature it's not anything ultra special but I do draw her a lot I don't consider her as an oc much anymore but who knows 
I named my artfight profile after a gag character but im not changing it because i feel different 
I tried onion rings yesterday they were fucking awesome
I love visiting states my favorite ones to visit are probably the north eastern states they feel closer to home and more relatable to me yes even new jersey but also because i have more positive memories relating to them 
I wonder if i have dyslexia or some form of it because i struggle with reading not really the words but just connecting with it but then i remember who i read when it comes to ao3 fanfic 
Arashi No Yoru Ni is a good movie and I want everyone I know to watch it
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*Text questions copied from coconurt's post, answers are my own*
~ 💖 ASK GAME 💖 ~
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen? - It's one of the early scenes of Kiki's Delivery Service by Studio Ghibli, where Kiki is cloud-watching on a hill with her radio.
🍫 Cheese or chocolate? - Honestly, I don't know. It depends on my mood, but a good Mint Aero would outclass most cheese on any day.
✨ Do you have any nicknames? - Yahoy, I do indeed. I get called chickadee and buddy by my parents a lot, and my friends call me rat or a variation on my full name (which I'm not comfortable sharing).
🎵 Last song you listened to? - No body, no crime by Taylor Swift.
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction? - Whhhhhaaaaattt? Yes.
😏 Are you on discord? - Why, are you trying to ask me out?
💛 Do you have any piercings? - Yeah, just the one on my earlobes (like, the most normal place), but I really want a nose stud / ring (not septum, one of the ones on the side, idk the right word), and a second ear-piercing a little further up.
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person? - How they treat people / beings who are of a lower social status than them (waiters in restaurants, service workers, animals, kids, etc.)
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be? - Lemon and lavender but in the most gremlinoid way possible.
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person? - Definitely a cat person, but I don't dislike dogs.
🎧 Headphones or earbuds? - Oooooohhh, this is a good one, you neurodivergent asses. I have some really good noise-cancelling headphones that I love, but wearing earbuds and listening to some good lo-fi on a rainy day is such a vibe, especially on the bus.
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud? - Not to be cringe, but I just told my dad I loved him, and then proceeded to stub my toe on the stair and drop an f-bomb, so do with that what you will...
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know? - So many, so many. The inside of a banana peel can soothe mosquito bites.
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night owl, for sure. I don't think I count as a human being in the morning.
🧸 Favorite place to nap? - I don't nap a lot, but probably like on my couch or in a tent.
🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community? - What? Me? Indeed, I am one of them queers (affectionate). I'm sapphic, probably a lesbian but idek at this point, and I'm AFAB genderfluid.
🦋 Describe yourself in three words. - Nerdy, loyal, romantic.
👖 Jeans or sweatpants? - Sweatpants, probably, but overalls beat out sweatpants, so idk.
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order? - I don't really go to Starbucks that often, but probably a chai tea latte or London Fog latte.
🧡 A color you can’t stand? - I love green, but that kind of neon yellowish green that gets put on like, little boys' Nike shirts and stuff annoys me so much.
💎 What’s your most prized possession? - I really can't decide between my yellow water bottle; one of my instruments; or one of my science awards.
☕ Coffee or tea? - Tea 1000%. I love London Fogs, mint, lime, and Monk's Blend especially.
🦖 Favorite extinct animal? - Dodo bird. Can't explain it. I blame Douglas Adams.
🌙 How long have you been on Tumblr? - Not long. I had known about the culture of it for quite a while, but I think I joined in fall 2022, not sure of the exact date.
🌴 Desert island item? - A teleporter to get me the heck out of there.
🐸 Describe your aesthetic. - Green academia / dark cottagecore. Slight gremlinoid and historical elements.
🔮 What’s your dream job? - Clinical phycologist with a private practice at incredibly affordable prices.
💙 Relationship status? - I swear, y'all are trying to romance me.
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit. - One of my super flowy things, definitely involves a cloak and a blouse, probably a sword, too.
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to? - Every Taylor Swift or Harry Styles song ever made, and so many more. I am a music junkie down to my core.
🤎 What color is your hair? - Medium brown. I remember one time when I was little a random old lady walked up to me and said "Now, young lady, I like your hair. It's not so light, not so dark, I call that teddy bear brown". I loved that as a kid, and it kinda stuck with me.
💌 Do you talk to yourself? - Yeah, it helps me process things bc my brain is messed up. I also sing to myself a lot, and I've been told it's unsettling.
💄 Do you wear makeup? - Not like, every day, but I enjoy wearing makeup and wear it pretty regularly, I'd say.
🌸 Best compliment you ever received? - Recently "You had some amazing footwork at the dance last night", I was feeling kinda highkey insecure about my dancing and that was so awesome.
💞 @ your favorite blog. - @tales-from-a-dawn is actually my side blog, I'm sorry, I know we hate self-promotion. I'm writing and producing a fake album (it won't actually be available for purchase, but you will be able to listen to it). I would super-duper appreciate it if you would just check it out and tell me if anything looks cool.
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #083
Are you more likely to go drive-thru or actually walk in to get fast food? Oh, drive-thru for sure. How far away is the nearest KFC? Uhhhh... maybe around like, 7-ish minutes? But it would vary with traffic lights. Have you ever met someone online and then met them in person? Once, yes. I want to do so at LEAST twice more, with Mazzy and Tez, and it'd also be really cool to meet Sam and his wife one day, which I think is really doable because they live in Jersey and it'd be a reasonable trip when visiting NY. Do you want to move out of your current house any time soon? Why or why not? Eh... I do wanna live with Girt honestly, but at the same time I don't think it's a good idea yet. I need to be more capable and independent. Have you ever nearly fallen asleep behind the wheel of a car? I've felt like nodding off in driver's ed once, after I'd been driving for a long time, but I absolutely didn't. I am way too terrified of driving and could not possibly take it more seriously.
Do you have any cool or cute keychains? I'm sure I have some cool ones, but tbh I haven't looked at my keychains in absolutely forever so idk. Is there a vacation spot that you grew up going to? Not... really, honestly. Our "vacations" were visiting family in either Florida or New York, not going to like, big tourist places. What do you think of the septum piercing? They're - USUALLY - one of my least favorites, personally. They look good on some people, but they generally don't appeal much to me. As the person I copied this survey from said, I dislike how crooked they can easily get, too. Is the house you live in older or newer? Newer, I'm sure. We live in a cookie-cutter development branching off a busy road... Have you ever lived in an apartment? Not legally, but I basically did on two occasions. Have you ever done a paint by number? Oh sure, I loved those as a kid. What are you listening to right now? I've started watching jacksepticeye's uploads of God of War: Ragnarok. I actually just finished watching Super Best Friends Play do the first game, so it's nice and convenient to be totally up on the lore, haha. Been a loooong time since I watched a playthrough of it for the first time. Did you like The Dark Knight or do you think it was overrated? It's honestly a movie I'd never watch again because trauma. The Batman franchise was Jason's "thing," Heath Ledger's Joker more than absolutely anything else, so even the mere idea of watching it honestly makes me feel sick. Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? NO, I hate sprinkles on anything. Do you hide things in your underwear drawer? I have birth control in there, but only because it just doesn't feel proper for me to just... keep a box of condoms out. On the super rare instances I also have a lot of money from like holidays or my birthday, I also store that in there because I'm not comfortable carrying a whole lot of cash around unless I'm going to use it right then. Is your hair naturally straight, wavy, or curly? Do you like it? Wavy, and it's okay, but I wish it was straighter, honestly. I think. What is your opinion on tongue rings? Trashy or cute? I genuinely think my old snake eyes piercing was the cutest shit ever, and I still think tongue rings are really cool. I don't think any piercing, even genitals, is innately "trashy," honestly. Which subject are you better at - science or history? Definitely science. What is one of your favorite comedy movies? I openly admit that White Chicks is such a dumb fucking movie and yet I love it so much lmao Has anybody ever told you that you have a good singing voice? Yeah, but I genuinely disagree. Onion rings or french fries? Oh, fries by a longshot. I actually don't really like onion rings. When was the last time you ate a doughnut? Close to like a week back actually, my period was REALLY aggressive with making me want sweets and Mom decided to stop by Dunkin. Has anybody ever described you as a heart breaker? No. Who is the best cook that you know? Probably my younger sister, really. She's quite talented. What’s the largest amount that you can juggle at one time? I can't juggle, period. What was your favorite thing to go on at the playground as a kid? Swings, for sure. Do you know how much you weighed at birth? How much? Uh, six or seven pounds and something ounces. What noise does your favorite animal make? If I remember correctly (I emphasize that I am not 100% sure here), meerkats have like, somewhere around 40 unique vocalizations, primarily consisting of bark and chirp-like sounds. What would you name your future daughter? I'd let Girt choose between Alessandra Rose and Miquella Lynn. The former is still my favorite name, but Miquella has really grown on me because it goes well with Girt's surname. Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed? Yeah actually. What color are your mother’s eyes? Brown. Do you remember your first time on the internet? I actually don't. Have you had any of your wisdom teeth removed? What was the reason? (eg. infection, impaction, lack of space). I think I mentioned in a past survey that I'm getting my only two that exist taken out in the near future, and I'm dreading it. It turns out on BOTH ends of my bottom jaw, the teeth bordering the wisdom pair have bad cavities in tough locations and the teeth are in the way for a truly secure sealing of the cavities or whatever you wanna call it; taking them out is just the cleanest, safest method. What was the reason for your last hospital visit? Mental health reasons. How old were you when you first got internet access at home? Was it broadband or did you have dial-up first? Idk how old I was, but I know we started with dial-up. How often do you travel by public transport? Never. Do you prefer to give your pets human names or not? Generally, no. Not saying I haven't/never would, but it's not in my usual naming habits. Have you ever used a fire extinguisher? Would you know how to use one without reading the instructions? No, and idk. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever had to deal with at your job? Besides my own social anxiety, impatient people. Tell me about the first five photos you have on your phone or camera. A picture of me holding my niece the night of her pageant, a Pokemon GO AR screenshot I took of my buddy Pokemon Ivysaur in a realistic setting to show the kids (they really like the AR function on it), two pictures of Roman, and a spooky/Halloween-y wallpaper. Have you got any half or step siblings? Multiple half-sisters, a half-brother, and technically a stepbrother but tbh I don't at all really consider him my "brother." Do you like kids’ movies? Yeah man, they frequently have very interesting, creative, and/or meaningful plots that just leave you feeling warm. Have you ever been to the beach? If so, tell me the name of the beach you last went to and when. Yeah, I only live like, two hours from the Atlantic Ocean. I know I've been to Carolina and Myrtle Beach, probably other more obscure in-between names, too. When was the last time you were sick and what illness did you have? Covid earlier this year. Yuck. When people say some symptoms don't go away for months, they mean it, by the way. I still to this day have moments where I have to suddenly clear my throat of excess, runny mucus or whatever. What type of math are you the best at? Me? Acceptable at any form of math? Yeah right. Was your childhood wasted by something? No, honestly, not "wasted." There were dark parts, of course, but I feel very lucky that, until my depression and other psych problems started rearing up in my pre-teen years, I got the extremely lucky opportunity to just be a kid. [TW: SUICIDE] Have your parents ever tried to commit suicide? Oh jeez, not to my knowledge. I sure hope not. Do you ever fantasize about trying drugs? Uh, no... That is not something I'm interested in, especially not so much that I fantasize about it. Have you ever put gum in someone’s hair? Fuck no. Would you rather have sex before you’re married or wait till marriage? I was abstinent for a very long time but haven't been for a few years now; I don't believe either way is even remotely wrong, it is absolutely just personal preference, but I myself think it's a better idea to be fully comfortable and familiar with the person you're romantically spending the rest of your life with. For some people, sexual dissonance isn't acceptable in a relationship and that is totally valid and okay. Do you watch porn? No, porn really grosses me out personally. I have zero desire to see random people I don't know going at each other. What do you want for Christmas? The top of my wishlist is my tribute tattoo to my late dog Teddy. It's bad though, I STILL haven't decided exactly how I want it to be designed... [TW: RAPE] Do you know anyone who has been raped? Tragically. I know even more people who have been molested, and it's fucking disgusting. Are you an atheist? I don't quite know, honestly. I don't feel like explicating my spiritual views for the millionth time, though, so I'm just gonna answer this with a shrug. Have you ever owned a goldfish? Yeah, as a kid, when I knew absolutely nothing about keeping fish and they were kept in horrible bowls. It's appalling just how overlooked proper fish husbandry is, PLEASE do your research before adopting any pet whatsoever. Who was the last person to call you beautiful? Girt. :') Have you ever asked someone for a tampon? Yeah, I remember I had to do this on one occasion in high school; I asked my then-best friend Hannia 'cuz I started unexpectedly. Who was the last person you read a book to? I want to say my youngest niece. I know it was one of the kids. Have you ever pushed someone on purpose? As a kid, yes. I will actually never forget this: in I want to say kindergarten, me and a male classmate kinda got into a shoving argument to be line leader and I ended up in the back of the line LMAOOOO. I remember this so clearly because one, it's so uncharacteristic to me now, but also because it was one of the extremely, extremely rare instances where I had to do that "pull your card" punishment in elementary. Like I think through pre-k through 5th grade, I pulled my card like... twice? I was generally a super good kid. Have you ever slapped someone in the face? Nope. What does your town’s name begin with? "R." Give me a random word in another language. Tell me what it means. I actually really love the word "wunderschön" in German, which means "very beautiful," BUT I just really like how "wunder" (same as English "wonder") is the first part, it makes it seem like it literally translates to something like "wonderfully beautiful." Are you wearing shoes, just socks or nothing on your feet? Nothing; we don't wear shoes inside and I hate socks. My feet are actually quite cold though, I should get slippers. Do you know anyone who has messed up your life? I refuse to believe that anyone but me has literally, straight-on "messed up my life." There are people who have absolutely lead me down dark paths, BUT it all boils down to how I looked at and handled various things. Do you like zombie movies? Indifferent; zombies being in a movie doesn't make it more or less appealing to me. I care about the plot. Have you ever volunteered in a hospital? If not, would you ever want to? No to both. I want to be absolutely nowhere near a hospital. Have you ever hidden a relationship from your family? No. Do you and your parents share any of the same hobbies? Mom and I actually both enjoy (especially creative) writing; she semi-recently even wrote a poem she wanted me to read and give advice for. She doesn't write a lot, but when she does, you can tell she's into it and cares about what she's creating. I wish so deeply she'd do more creative exploration, like she loves making crafts too, and she does get joy out of making stuff. Who was the worst friend you ever had? Quite fuckin' frankly? Sara. She sure as hell showed her true goddamn colors. Do you want a church wedding? Absolutely fuck no. I'd rather just not get married than have religion even touch my fucking wedding ceremony. Are you proud of yourself? Not ultimately. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? Probably if I'm ever truly, thoroughly happy and satisfied with where I am in life. If you could breed two animals together what new animal would you create? I would need to be educated on the potential biological repercussions of that. I would never breed a new animal not biologically functional enough to survive healthily. What's the most unusual conversation you've ever had? Oh I have no idea. Have you ever been professionally photographed? Yeah, on a couple of occasions. Do you prefer green or red grapes? Red, usually. The one real thing I care about though is whether they're crisp or not. Soft/mushy grapes super gross me out. Have you ever owned a yoyo? Yeah. Do you like dragons? I absolutely adore dragons, I have ever since I was a kid.
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NAME: Lydia Barnett
NICKNAME(S): Lyd, various aliases, darling one (from Laurence), 727 (It’s the NY code number but I wanted to figure out some code number for that and that was after Rivington so).
AGE: Varies depending on the timeline, but 25 in most threads, 
SPECIES: human
MORALITY: lawful / neutral / chaotic ||| good /  gray / evil (She’s generally good and tries to stray from violence if possible unless defending herself, but her moral compass is pretty sensical).
RELIGIOUS BELIEF: This one is sorta complex and it hasn’t come up that much in threads, but her religious beliefs are a bit complicated. When marrying Laurence, she adhered more to Christian beliefs because that’s where his religious beliefs lie, but Lydia’s mother is a Christian and her father is Islamic, actually! So growing up, she has a bit of two different influences and she wanes between both. So I would say Christian, but... complicated.
VIRTUES: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: Keeping the spy ring intact, freedom to the colonies, but if she’s in a relationship her other goals would be to be a good wife and to provide a happy, healthy family and home.
SECRETS: Her involvement in the spy ring, even in the Patriot camp, but Lydia also keeps her sexuality and her once f/f crush a secret because of the times.
QUIRKS: Lydia always adds a heart on top of her i’s, she is ambidextrous but tends to do things with her left hand, she can’t swim and snorts when laughing. She often fidgets because of her ADHD and her ADHD gets worse when she’s stressed. 
SAVVIES: Sewing & hands on projects, decoding since that’s her job. I would say thinking on her feet and problem solving? If that makes sense?
BUILD: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other  
HEIGHT: 5′4″
SCARS/BIRTHMARKS: She has a birthmark on her neck and various scars on her fingers from cooking, sewing, and general labor.
RESTRICTIONS: Lydia’s stubborness and impulsive behavior since if she really has something in mind, she will go after it. I will also say her anger issues is also a problem for her. I think Lydia feels emotions really strongly sometimes that they will triumph over logic. That mixed with her stubbornness and impulsivity is a bad combination. I feel like I should add more, but I’m really drawing a blank here.
FAVOURITE FOOD: Pretty much any homemade meal her mother makes. Tbh her mother’s cookies is probably her favorite.
FAVORITE DRINK: Actually Lydia doesn’t drink alcohol! It’s the one thing connected to her religious beliefs that she partakes in (on the Islamic side) and her family wasn’t big into taverns anyway, so she never visited a tavern unless it happens in a thread. Idk water, I guess? (Though idk how great 18th century water is).
FAVOURITE PIZZA TOPPING: Pizza doesn’t exist in the 18th century, but she likes extra cheese but she isn’t really picky overall.
FAVOURITE BOOK GENRE:  If you read to Lydia, she will listen to anything, but I would say any romance or anything with a more uplifting vibe to it, so not particualy any genre. She’s just accustomed to a lot of sadness and negativity overall, so a change of mood and positivity is preferable.
FAVOURITE SEASON: Summer because she always seems to have more freetime in the day during that time and can spend more time outdoors and also her and Laurence got married in the summer so.
FAVOURITE B.UTT TYPE: "Why?” That’s all lmao.
FAVOURITE CURSE WORD: Lydia tries not to curse, but I don’t think she could choose only one. Whatever feels right in the moment I guess lmao.
FAVOURITE SCENT: In a modern au, the smell of fresh, clean clothes or just cut grass. In her main verse, morning dew.
B.OTTOM OR T.OP: B.ottom since that’s what she’s used to, but if her partner wants her to (or if it gives her some advantage), she’ll t.op.
LOUD BURPER OR SOFT BURPER: Soft burper and she’ll be extremely embarrassed afterwards.
SINGS IN THE SHOWER BATH: Lydia is used to a home being full of other people (her parents, Laurence, etc), so she tends not to, but as she has been alone, the quietness of the home seems kinda unsettling to her. It takes her a moment to adjust to the sound of her own voice, but she sings in the bath more “presently” than she has in the past.
LIKES BAD PUNS: If done well, she will, but it might take her a moment to latch onto the meaning.
THEIR OPINION ON THE MUN: I actually sorta baby Lydia because I see my ocs as my children, but she probably questions me sometimes for some of the stuff I put her through (like getting kidnapped by Bradford in one thread and making her have a vampire au).
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