#Low effort content
grootficguy · 1 year
nooo little german boy don’t go into that WAP cave!!!
“oh mein gott zer’s some hörs in zis haus!!!”
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melodivita · 1 year
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Star trek ds9 as Reductress headlines 9, garashir edition
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caitlynscat · 1 year
In Weem’s office probably.
Principal Weems: So how do you like your new roommate?
Wednesday: “She’s my best friend, she’s my pal, she’s my home girl, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time pup.”
Enid: Awww…..I think.
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civettictis · 9 months
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Animal entropy
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lampternfish · 8 months
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This is my twilight sparkle figure maggots, she is the princess of friendship! Unlike you sissies
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mikesterreal · 1 month
Saitama during the Monster Association arc
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oatoast · 11 months
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vsgigan · 4 months
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tag-if · 6 months
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No no I get it, T.Bellefleur is a valid fav when you know they'll quote unquote "buy anything you ask for, the sky is the limit" like-- OK BOO what about your hand in marriage??? 🤨💍🧎✨
"Wanna ditch this meeting together?" Do you wanna live in a cottage in the forest together?? Love them too ngl 😁
Imma be honest I'm planning on replaying the IF multiple times just to see what the other romance routes are like 😊
i feel that omg
i have so many saves for the wayhaven chronicles because i had to play every route :')
also >:)
"My hand?"
They move, regarding you with an intense gaze, pushing up off their seat and slinking towards you (you muse, as you watch them, that they're treating you a little bit like a cat would a mouse once it had the prey cornered), moving until they were close enough that you could see the darker flecks in the blue of their iris.
"Are you suggesting we elope, firecracker? How scandalous of you."
They are joking, of course, their lips pulled into a sharp smile as they leaned in close. They smelled of fire and earth, likely the lingering remanence of the day's adventures, and their breath was a warm whisper as they ghosted the shell of your ear.
"Of course, you know I'd drop everything here for you, right this second, if you wanted."
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thrawns-babygirl · 1 year
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You @crosshairs-husband
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macyhaven · 1 month
shadowsss ✨️🖤
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caitlynscat · 1 year
Yoko, Enid, Wednesday and Divina are in Yoko’s room, drinking and asking each other stupid questions.
Divina: This is probably the most original question I’m gonna ask you, are you ready for this Addams?
Wednesday: “What inspires me?” I’m gonna slap the hell out of you, I swear to god, Fisher.
Enid and Yoko lean in.
Divina: Who……
Wednesday: *raises eyebrow*
Divina: ….. or what inspires you-
Wednesday leaps off the table and pins Divina on the ground, continuously slapping her.
Yoko: Oh my god Enid DO SOMETHING!
Enid: Hey she said she was gonna do it!
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raitrolling · 3 months
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i immediately ran to firealpaca to make this
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I was watching Josephine's stream and I just had to doodle the moment before the disaster.
This is bad, but fun bad.
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wicked-d00d · 1 year
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Dizzy leaves the lecture hall with her backpack on her shoulders. As she walks down the hallway, she passes by other students who seem more engaged in their classes than she is.
"Everyone else looks so focused. Why am I like this? What happened to my brain?"
Dizzy enters an empty bathroom stall where she lights up a joint. She takes several deep breaths as she exhales smoke into the air. "I've been smoking weed since I was 12 years old," says Dizzy. "It helps me focus."
She then goes outside for some fresh air before returning to school. On her way out of the building, she sees another student lighting up a cigarette. The two exchange nods and smile at each other.
After getting home, Dizzy sits down at her desk and opens her laptop. She pulls up her online coursework and begins studying.
“Why did I even bother coming to college?” wonders Dizzy. “I don’t want to learn anything! All I care about is getting high and having fun!"
Dizzy closes her computer and puts away her books. She grabs her phone and starts scrolling through social media posts.
“Look at how much fun everyone else is having without me,” laments Dizzy. “They’re partying all night while I sit here alone.”
Dizzy gets up off the couch and heads over to her bedroom window. She gazes out onto the street below and watches people walking around town.
“What do they have that I don’t?” asks Dizzy. “How come they can go out there and enjoy life but not me?”
Dizzy returns to her room and lies down on her bed. She rolls herself a joint and lights it up.
“This is what I live for!” exclaims Dizzy. “Weed makes everything better!”
Dizzy continues rolling joint after joint until she falls asleep.
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She wakes up late the next morning. Her roommate knocks on the door and tells her that she needs to get ready because they are going to miss class if they don’t hurry.
“You know you should stop doing drugs,” says Dizzy’s roommate. “Your parents would kill you if they knew you were using marijuana every day.”
Dizzy ignores her roommate and continues rolling joints. After finishing one last joint, she stands up and heads towards the shower.
“I guess I could try to quit tomorrow,” thinks Dizzy. “But today isn’t tomorrow yet…”
Dizzy finishes taking a shower and dries off. She puts on her clothes and heads out the front door.
“Maybe I will just skip class today,” muses Dizzy. “I mean, why waste time learning when I already know everything anyway?”
Dizzy arrives at campus and decides to head straight to the library instead of attending any classes. Once inside, she finds a seat near the windows and turns on her laptop.
“Now let’s see what happens when I look up "Guilty Gear" on tumblr...”
Dizzy scrolls through various images and videos related to Guilty Gear. She comes across a blog called @gear-project​, which contains information about the characters and storyline of the games.
“Wow, these guys really love Guilty Gear,” observes Dizzy. “And they actually put together a lot of cool stuff too.”
As Dizzy reads through the articles, she learns many interesting facts about the world of Guilty Gear, including herself. She was surprised to learn that she hatched from an egg.
“That explains why I always feel like I’m missing something,” remarks Dizzy. “I wonder what I looked like before I grew feathers and wings?”
Dizzy spends hours reading through the website. When she finally feels satisfied, she logs off and shuts down her computer.
Dizzy heads back to her dorm room and prepares dinner. While eating, she receives a text message from her friend asking her to hangout later tonight.
“Sure thing,” replies Dizzy. “Just give me a few minutes to take a nap first.”
Dizzy smokes a bowl and falls asleep shortly afterwards.
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“Alright, let’s go find our favorite DJ!” proclaims Dizzy. “He’ll play us the best music ever!”
Dizzy leads her friends through the crowd and eventually locates the entrance to the dance floor.
“Here we go!” cheers Dizzy. “Party time!”
The group of friends enter the club and begin dancing along to the music. They drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes throughout the evening. At midnight, Dizzy and her friends leave the club and walk back to their cars.
“Let’s meet up again next week,” suggests Dizzy. “I think I might have found a new place to party.”
Dizzy drives home and parks her car in the garage. She locks the doors behind her and heads upstairs to her bedroom.
“Time to relax and unwind,” declares Dizzy. “Tomorrow is another day.”
Dizzy turns on her television and flips through channels until she reaches the news station. A report catches her attention.
“Oh no,” gasps Dizzy.
A picture appears on screen showing a man being charged with possession of illegal substances. He is identified as Johnny Gears, a well known drug dealer in the area.
“Johnny Gears is dead,” announces the anchorwoman. “Police say he died during a shootout with officers earlier this afternoon.”
Dizzy jumps up from her chair and runs over to the TV set.
“No, please tell me it wasn’t him!” pleads Dizzy. “Please tell me he didn’t die!”
Dizzy paces back and forth in her living room. She tries calling his number multiple times but keeps receiving voicemail messages.
“Where are you Johnny?” screams Dizzy. “Don’t leave me! Please answer your phone!”
Dizzy throws her cellphone against the wall and collapses onto the ground. Tears stream down her face as she mourns the loss of her beloved supplier.
“My only source of supply is gone forever,” moans Dizzy. “There must be someone else out there somewhere. But who? Where? How?”
Dizzy remains on the floor crying for hours. Eventually, she calms down enough to stand up and turn off the television.
“I guess I’d better start looking for a new supplier,” reasons Dizzy. “At least I still have my job to fall back on.”
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The next day Dizzy woke up and rolled another joint before heading to her shift at McDonalds
Dizzy walks into work and clocks in for her shift, high as usual. As usual, she greets her coworkers by saying hello.
“Hey Dizzy,” says one of them. “Didn’t you hear? Your boss fired you yesterday.”
“WHAT?!” yells Dizzy. “NO WAY!! WHY???”
Dizzy rushes outside and calls her manager.
“Hello?” answers the voice on the other end.
“Hi Mr. Johnson,” says Dizzy. “It’s me, Dizzy. What happened? Why am I no longer employed?”
Mr. Johnson sighs heavily before answering.
“Dizzy, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this for some time now," begins Mr. Johnson. "Unfortunately, I had to fire you due to excessive tardiness."
“Tardiness? That’s ridiculous!” argues Dizzy. “I never showed up late once since I started working here!”
“Yes, but you also missed more than half of your scheduled shifts,” responds Mr. Johnson. “And you smell like you've been smoking weed.
“Smelling like weed doesn’t make me late,” retorts Dizzy. “Besides, how did you even notice? You hardly pay attention to anything around here!"
“Look, Dizzy,” says Mr. Johnson. “I understand that you may need help dealing with certain issues in your personal life. However, I cannot allow you to continue coming to work while under the influence of narcotics or alcohol. It simply isn’t safe for anyone involved.”
“Fine then,” agrees Dizzy. “If you aren’t willing to accept me for who I am, then I guess I’ll just have to move on without you.”
Dizzy leaves the restaurant and heads toward her house. On the way, she passes by a convenience store where she buys snacks and sodas.
Once home, Dizzy takes a long bath and relaxes in the tub. She gets high and enjoys listening to music and watching movies all night. The following morning, Dizzy awakens feeling refreshed and energized.
“Okay, so I lost my job,” reflects Dizzy. “But I still have plenty of money left in my bank account. And I can get more whenever I want if I keep doing what I do best.”
Dizzy rolls another joint and lights it up. She continues smoking marijuana throughout the rest of the day and falls asleep sometime in the early hours of the morning, ready for her next adventure.
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hunita812 · 2 years
me every time i eat a blue popsicle
fuck yeah it’s chongyun time
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