#Mello imagine
lasinlawliet · 1 year
Mello x Reader - Birthday Present
Synopsis: It's Mello's birthday, but he can't really be bothered to celebrate it. But your gift to him is simple, free, and a memory like no other. Maybe he'll want to celebrate his birthday more from now on.
Word count: 1.2k
CW: oral (Mello receiving), rough oral, birthday sex, slight degradation, swearing, gender neutral reader
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Mello wasn’t typically one to celebrate his birthday. He had far better things to do - such as proving himself to be the worthy successor of L and surpassing Near while he was at it. And besides, he usually got what he wanted. Why would he wait until one random day of the year to achieve that? You respected Mello’s boundaries and never made a big deal out of his birthday. But this year’s birthday was different. He was so close to finding Kira. Plus, you two had been official for most of the year, and you decided that the best birthday present you could give him was free. 
When Mello returned to the hideout, he threw his coat off, unsheathed a new chocolate bar from his vest, and took a huge bite. His eyes were intense as he finished the entire bar, his gloved right hand clenching and unclenching slowly. 
“Mello, is everything okay?” You asked. Mello’s eyes flickered to you briefly before he turned around to take off his shoes and throw them at the wall. Well, that was dramatic.
“I’m fine. I’m gonna be the best. No, I will be the best.” He was confident, so you assumed he was talking about the Kira case.
“I’m sure you will, babe. By the way, happy birthday! I have something special for you~” You chimed. Mello made his way to you, until he was standing before you.
“You know that I don’t do birthdays.” He huffed, but you grabbed his hand.
“I promise you’ll like it.” You giggled as you looked between him and his pants. He was unresponsive, so you took this as an opportunity to stand up from the couch and whisper against his neck: “You’ve been working so hard, why don’t you take a break with me?”
Before you could do anything, Mello ripped his hand from yours, pushed you back onto the couch, and climbed on top of you. Your breath caught in your throat. He was still so strong, and the scent of lingering cigarettes and chocolate was intoxicating.
“Yeah? Is that what you want?” He hissed as he kissed just below your left earlobe.
“Mhm!” You melted into the couch. Mello continued to kiss your neck, and you tugged hard on his rosary. He stopped what he was doing and looked at you.
“It’s your birthday, Mello. Let me help you celebrate it.” You pleaded.
“Fine, if it’ll get you to shut up about my birthday.” He huffed before getting off of you. You slipped off the couch and knelt before him, running your hands along his black leather pants. As you looked up at him, he smirked.
He unzipped his pants and shimmied down his boxers. He was only semi-hard, but you didn’t mind. You ran your fingers along his tip, causing him to twitch. You spit on his cock and rubbed it along his shaft before firmly wrapping your right hand around it. You twisted your hand, working into a rhythm that you knew he liked. His head fell back against the couch and he let out a low groan. You took this as an incentive to go faster, and you continued pumping his cock until he was fully erect. You dragged your tongue over his tip slowly before almost pushing your head down to his stomach. Your gag reflex was really being tested, but you didn’t care. You needed him to feel good. 
“Fuck, keep going.” Mello muttered as he shifted to a position to look down at you. You pursed your lips and bobbed your head, sucking and licking as much of his cock as you could. Your eyes locked with his as you continued to suck him off. You went faster–nearly at your limit–and his left hand lazily intertwined with your hair. It was almost cute the way he had come undone because of you, or so you naively thought. He murmured a string of curses before he stood up and shoved your head down even further, to the point where your nose was grazing his stomach and you gagged. Tears welled up in your eyes, but Mello either didn’t notice or didn’t care. He fucked your mouth, hips snapping with each thrust. You were gagging on his cock, completely at his mercy. A single tear rolled down your cheek.
“My birthday present, huh? And I have to be the one to deliver it, really now, Y/N…” Mello chuckled. You held onto his thighs tightly, several tears now rolling down your face. Mello’s pace was relentless, brutal even. The combination of his cock down your throat and your spit coating his cock had you at your limit. You struggled to keep up with his pace, licking and sucking when you could, but eventually you gave in and allowed your mouth to be used. The only thing you were able to do was purse your lips even tighter around his cock and just take him. Mello threw his head back, his moans filling the room. His grip in your hair had gotten even tighter. This was enough to cause a stir in you, and you moaned against his cock. You wanted him to cum down your throat, but you weren’t exactly in a position to tell him that.
So, you gripped his thighs hard enough to where you would leave marks later and moaned against his cock again.
“Moaning against my cock, huh? Someone’s desperate. I’m really close… You better swallow every last drop.” His gaze returned to yours and you could do was moan in response. He laughed. You were sure you looked pathetic - tears stained your cheeks, your own spit was starting to leak from your mouth, and you were being used solely for Mello’s pleasure. But this was his present after all, not yours.
“God, you're so pitiful. But fuck, this was a good present.” Mello said as his thrusts slowed. You knew his release was near, and since his pace wasn’t as vicious, you began bobbing your head again. You missed the feeling of him ramming his cock down your throat, even if it did make it harder to breathe. You began furiously licking the underside of his cock, and Mello placed his other hand in your hair. A string of curses fell from his mouth and you knew he was nearing his release. Mello moaned as he came, and you felt his cum shoot down your throat. You slowly took your mouth off of his cock, carefully licking up his cum and your spit as you did. You swallowed every single drop, just as Mello had requested. Mello’s chest was heaving and he plopped back down on the couch. You knelt before him again, hands gently squeezing his knees.
“I hope you had a good birthday!” You smiled.
“...I did. Thanks.” Mello awkwardly patted your head and you rested your head against his thighs.
“I know how hard you’ve been working. I’m really proud of you.” You suddenly announced.
“Spare me that shit, I have to beat Near by any means possible. But I could definitely go for this ‘present’ again.” Mello’s hands gently rested in your hair and you smiled against him. You were so glad you could help him celebrate his birthday, even if it meant your mouth would need some time to heal.
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Do not repost this content. I do not own any characters mentioned.
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deelavis · 6 months
whenever a fanfic says that Mello is wearing a t-shirt I know they probably mean something like this:
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but all I can imagine is this or this
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Bonus Comic:
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Bonus Bonus Shirtless Mello:
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beyondbirthdayzzz · 4 months
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cat3ch1sm · 3 months
This is so awkward, but I was wondering if you could write hcs for if the reader called L, Mello, Near, and Matt "daddy" or "sir" or something else along those lines during sex? 😭 (if not that's totally fine I just got a mental image of Mello being like "what-" and I'm seeking other opinions lol)
🐸~ loll!! don't worry i have gotten much worse requests than this, this isn't at all awkward. this request seemed fun lol i hope u enjoy! i love u lots and thanks for ur support<33
nsfw ahead, gn!reader, sub!reader
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how they'd react to being called daddy/sir during sex~ wammy boys
~ it just slipped from your lips in the heat of the moment. you had been really hazy and a bit delirious and matt had been deep inside you when it just popped out. and yes, it did catch him by surprise for about half a second since he wasn't expecting it and it wasn't something you'd ever called him before. but in the same half a second he was caught off guard, matt decided he loved it. he doesn't say anything about it in the moment, but it was the way you said it, with your shaky voice barely coherent and your pretty eyes crossed, overwhelmed with pleasure. matt takes it as a sign that he's doing a really good job, and best believe he makes it his mission to get one of those out of you again every time you two get intimate. on the other hand, expect pretty relentless teasing about it. matt both finds it amusing and a hell of a turn on how easily he can get you off, how he can make you just lose yourself like that.
~ "hey, matt, can you get that over there for me?"
~ "don't you mean daddy?"
~ "you are the worst."
~ mello is someone who enjoys being in control during sex. so when you moan that in this pathetic, trembling voice, pleading with tears pricking the corners of your eyes for him to keep going, it's really such a rush for him. the brief moment of surprise at the unexpected title is quickly swept away by the surge of pride, almost arrogant in its nature. you've fully surrendered yourself to him; your pleasure is in his hands; you've acknowledged his power over your body. he'll probably get rougher in the moment, and later on in future intimate encounters he'll outright make you say it, denying you any release until you do, over and over and over.
~ although near does usually prefer it when you both are equals during sex, he can't help the swell of satisfaction in his heart when you call him that. after all, he has an ego like every other man on this list, and near gets something out of being at least somewhat in control, even in your sexual encounters where he does normally prefer not for anyone to be dominant. it's not like he needs to hear you say it every time, but near certainly doesn't mind when you do. besides, it means you like what he's doing and he's making you feel good, which is what he wants most.
~ he probably spends the most time being surprised out of anybody else on this list. he doesn't have anything against it- besides, it would probably kill the mood if ryuzaki paused mid-sex to ask about it and what brought it on- but he just is somebody who likes having answers. so he may or may not literally interview you about it later- did he do something different? is that something that might happen again? what prompted you to call him that? he must know, even if you can hardly even sit up or form a full sentence yet.
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mysicklove · 4 months
wish i was big enough to manhandle yuuji
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dn-imagines-in-2023 · 6 months
Is pretty open to whatever you want to do. If you ask him to choose, he'll go with the classic dinner at a nice restaurant and maybe go to a museum or something.
He's a very good conversationalist. He loves to learn so he's very easy to talk to; he remembers details.
'Oh, they hate this color, I better pick a different tie.'
If you're doing something fun, he'll have a good time. But he's not a fan of the 'lay around on the couch' kind of dates, they make him feel unproductive.
He LOVES the lay around on the couch type of dates. They're a good safe option for him when it's not safe for him to be in public.
When it is safe for him to be in public he's completely shameless. All of his habits and quirks are out on display for the whole world to see and he does not care if he gets judged for it.
So if you can't handle the secondhand embarrassment of your boyfriend having his bare feet out for free, you're going to have a bad time.
If you do go out, he likes quieter, more private dates. A library, a park, places that aren't too crowded or chaotic.
Cafes and bakeries are always a win for obvious reasons.
She really goes all out. You have to schedule your dates with her, because they can be like 6 hours long.
She's a big fan of classic romantic dates. The 'dinner and a move' kind of thing.
I think she would absolutely love to take you to a masquerade. A chance to experiment with fashion and dance with you all night? She'd be all over it.
She would also like shopping dates. She loves to pick out clothes she thinks would look good on you and will let you pick out things for her too.
Takes lots of cute pictures through the night and displays her favorites in her room.
Mello *NSFW mentioned*
He’ll only go on dates with you on his off time- work always comes first. He has to beat Near by any means necessary, that means his love life comes second to that. In another world where everything was resolved neatly, he would likely be more willing to engage in romance.
Mello loves an adrenaline rush. His favorite dates are always a little risky and you always end up sweaty and out of breath (in a good way.) 
I imagine he would like taking you out for drinks and going dancing- probably to raves rather than nightclubs. 
The dark is a nice excuse to hold your hand- so you don’t get separated of course. 
When you’re so exhausted and dizzy you can’t see straight, he’ll call you both a cab and you’ll do everything short of have sex in the back of it.
The real fun starts when you both get upstairs ;)
Matt loves relaxed stay-at-home dates. You hop on multiplayer on a really relaxing game like stardew valley or minecraft and just lay in a snuggly pile of blankets together. 
I think he would also like dates where you make something together- trying a new recipe, or making an art project. It might not turn out great - he doesn’t have a sophisticated palette or a lot of artistic skill, but he would have a lot of fun.
He doesn’t mind going out once in a while, but he doesn’t like dressing up. He hates wearing ties. He’ll do it occasionally for your sake, but it’s not his favorite.
He doesn’t really do specifically set out *dates*. You both just… end up in each others company.
It’s never a case of ‘Let’s set aside this Saturday at 7 for a date night.’ Usually, you just end up in his room while he’s working, you distract him, and you two end up spending the next six hours talking.
I imagine he would like that type of date, where you sit and have a really, really good conversation for hours and hours.
Especially since you’re one of the only people in the world who can really keep up with him.
He might bring out something for you two to work on together, some of his toys, puzzles, models, etc.
He likes meticulous, detail oriented work. Introduce him to knitting/crochet and you two can sit and knit together for hours. (embroidery would also work for this.)
Silly goofy guy.
He likes new experiences, he’s willing to try just about anything once. So if you have a really wild date idea, he’s probably down with it.
If he’s the one to come up with the date, he tries to put some thought into it and make it personal to you. But he has trouble coming up with new ideas so he tends to stick to what he knows - you two have a dedicated date night restaurant you both like.
I have no idea why, but I imagine he would love live theater? Like specifically musicals. Take him to see Hairspray, he’ll have the time of his life.
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magicaii · 1 month
Ok maybe this has to do with me being demisexual but I don’t really like any of my enemies/rivals to lovers ship in the “we fuck cause we hate each other and it’s hot” kind of way. I like enemies to lovers in the ideologically opposed, unreachable, trust issues, crumbling facades, fighting over Kira like a toy, I’m supposed to hate you but now I’m grasping for straws kind of way. In the I’m the only one who sees right through you and I don’t know what to do with that power kind of way. In the you’ve been handed everything I ever wanted on a silver platter, show some emotion near damnit, am I the only one getting eaten alive on the inside, the I don’t know how to tell you I secretly care, imagine what we could do together mello, why do you always leave before I figure it out kind of way. And only after all that maybe they can fuck if they feel like it. But enemies to lovers is only good to me when the crux of it is a complicated, messy entanglement of fear and phantom hatred and resisted romance.
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All alone, I'm All alone in here
Based on Sajan Rai's art for 2 Mello's album "this year I lose my mind" (lyrics from 01: points at head)
Not saying which comic this is a panel redraw of because I don't want to spoil it. If you know, you know.
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lasinlawliet · 2 years
Mello x Reader - Catching Up
Synopsis: After graduating from Wammy's House, you set off to find Mello, but it takes you several years. Once you finally track him down, you two have a lot to catch up on...
Word count: 3.2k
CW: biting, knife play, reader giving and receiving oral, use of pet name 'slut', slight mention of blood, praise, swearing, missionary position, choking, creampie, afab reader with no set pronouns, virgin!reader, sub!reader, dom!Mello, slight angst (unresolved feelings and mention of Near)
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You stood before a dark, dingy door. You took a deep breath in. There’s only one way to find out if he’s in there. You brought your fist up to the door and confidently struck it three times. No answer. You rose your fist once again, but the door swung open. Before you stood a tall man dressed in a brown suit. He looked you up and down hungrily. You backed up slightly, heart hammering against your ribs. Maybe you shouldn’t have come here, maybe you should’ve just let things die in the past. Mello probably didn’t want to be found.
The man dragged his eyes over you again, and you tried not to quiver in fear. 
“What is your business here?” His voice was gruff. 
“I-I um, well, I’m looking for someone…” You squeaked. The man chuckled.
“Yeah? And who’s to say we’re not looking for someone like you? We could use a pretty thing like you around here.” You tried not to wince at the man’s words.
“I’m looking for Mello!” You exclaimed confidently, heart in your throat. 
“And just who are you?” The man scoffed, towering over you.
The man’s eyes went wide for only a second before narrowing. “Well then, I suppose your welcome is overdue. Get in, now.” 
You entered the hideout, trying not to make it obvious that you were scanning the area for Mello. The man led you down a flight of stairs, and your breath grew shaky. It’s not too late to turn back. It’s okay to leave. No, no, you have to do this. You owed it to Mello. The man opened a door and beckoned you into a barren bedroom. There was a bed, a nightstand, a few chairs, and a dresser. 
“Wait here for him.” The man smirked as he left you alone in the room. You supposed you shouldn’t be too nosy, but maybe taking a peek or two around the room wouldn’t hurt. It had been so long, after all. Your eyes glanced over at the nightstand, noticing a pocket knife. You noticed a few half-unwrapped chocolate bars atop the dresser and decided to check them out.  As you were walking towards the dresser to investigate further, the door flew open and slammed closed before you could turn around.
“Y/N…” The man trailed off. You froze. That voice… it had to be Mello’s.
“Why have you come here?” There was anger in his voice, and you heard the shuffle of his feet as he moved in closer to you. You turned around. He looked nearly the same as he did at Wammy’s. His hair was still the same beautiful blond. It had gotten a bit longer. His blue eyes bored into yours. He was wearing a black leather vest, black leather pants, and a rosary. He looked so good now. Looking at him without thinking of what you two had done together was difficult.
“I needed to find you, to see you again.” Your voice meek, your eyes trained on the ground. Mello moved closer to you, until he was within reach of touching you. You could feel yourself growing hot. You hadn’t been this close to him since… well, five years ago. And even though it had been so long, the effect he had on you was the same. Your heart pounded and you felt your tummy fluttering. You ached for him. He reached out a gloved hand and yanked your chin up to meet his gaze. The grip he had on your chin was rough, and it was taking everything in your power to look directly into his eyes. 
“You did? Why wait five fucking years?” He was angry, and his grip on your chin grew tighter, to the point where you were scared he'd leave bruises.
“It was impossible to find you until now! Besides, you’re with the mafia, Mello…” You started to feel nervous again, and Mello removed his hand, leaving only a ghost of a feeling on your chin. 
Mello backed away from you and sat down on the bed. You leaned against the wall nearest to him. Mello balled his hands into fists, and his arms began to shake. 
“Do you have any idea what it’s been like for me here? Why show up now? It’s the middle of my investigation.” His voice wavered. 
“I’m sorry. But it’s been so hard to find you! Did you know what I had to do in order to get information on you? Also, having to learn you were in the mafia? And finding the location of a fucking mafia hideout?!” You shot back. Maybe you shouldn’t have gone looking for him, after all. 
Mello stiffened. “What the hell did you do?”
“Take a guess. The only other person from Wammy’s House that knew about–” You started, but Mello cut you off.
“Near.” He hissed.
“He wasn’t the only one who helped me. But it shouldn’t matter!” You knew that mentioning Near’s name was enough to rile up Mello. And part of you did it on purpose. Mello could be hot when he was angry.
“Yeah, sure. Near just happened to help you.” He sneered.
“Mello, I came here because, well… I didn’t want there to be any unresolved feelings between us.”
“Feelings?” His voice was a bit softer.
“I’ve missed you… in more ways than one.”
Mello eyed you, and then promptly got up from the bed. He pinned you against the wall with his body, his breath hot against your ear.
“To be honest, I think about you every night… about what we’ve done together.” His voice was low. You squirmed against the wall. You could feel desire pooling in your panties. He traced your lips with his gloved thumb. Without thinking, you began kissing it desperately. You longed to have it in your mouth again.
“Suck.” Mello ordered, shoving his thumb hard against your lips. You parted your lips and vigorously circled your tongue around his thumb. It tasted like a mixture of chocolate and salt. And also iron? You weren’t sure, but it had a distinct metallic taste. You moaned against his thumb, causing Mello to smirk. You had missed doing this.
“Harder.” He commanded and you were even more enthusiastic. He laughed before removing his thumb from your mouth. He wiped it on his black leather vest, eyeing you the entire time. Your pussy was fluttering. He pulled your hair away from your ear and gently grazed your neck with his teeth. You let out a moan in shock. It felt nice. Mello took that as a sign to keep going - he sunk his teeth further into your neck before sucking on the spot. His tongue traced the letter ‘M’ on your neck before he bit you again. You were sure to have a hickey there by morning.
“M-Mello!” You huffed as he pulled away.
“Everything alright?” He smirked.
“Yes, yes, don’t stop.” You sighed. Mello abandoned your neck and pressed his lips to yours. You were quick to kiss back, sharing a needy kiss. You pulled him in closer by tugging on his rosary. You rested your arms around his neck, fingers tangling in his hair. Mello’s left hand fell down your body, landing on your right breast, while his right hand was cupping your cheek.
He squeezed and rolled your nipple in his gloved hand. You felt like you were on fire, you were sure that by now you were dripping wet. And all he had done was kiss you and touch your breast. It had been a while since you’d done anything sexual, though. You needed to know what his fingers felt like now… without the gloves. You broke away from the kiss, a newfound passion ignited in your eyes. 
“Mello, can you take off your gloves?” You asked, looking away from him. Once again, he had grabbed your chin and tilted it up so you were looking at him.
“If we’re going to continue this, you aren’t to look away from me. Understood?” He hissed. 
“Understood. So, the gloves?” You tried again. Mello took the gloves off with his teeth, then threw them on the floor. 
“I really want to touch you.” He whispered and you rubbed your legs together.
“Please do.” You whispered back, and he took off his vest and rosary, leaving him topless. He slid your shirt off and struggled with taking off your bra. You giggled, causing him to grab his knife from his nightstand and promptly cut your bra off. Your bra fell into a heap at your feet. Your chest heaved, and you were even more turned on. Part of you was scared. Everything happened so fast, but god, it was hot. You wondered what it would be like if he used the knife while fucking you. He must have sensed the thought in your eyes, because he looked between you and the knife. 
“You nasty slut. You actually want me to use this?” Mello seemed shocked. 
“Yes, but please be careful.” 
“I’m saving this for later, then.” Mello returned the knife to the nightstand. He roughly took your breasts in his hands. His hands were long and skinny, but still soft. It felt like they were made just for you. He pinched your right nipple, eliciting a moan from you. You couldn’t remember the last time you had felt this good, this turned on by someone. Mello continued twisting your nipple, and he dipped his head to suck on your left breast. His tongue swirled around your nipple, and he bit down after a while. He continued sucking it, his tongue left no place untouched. You pressed yourself even harder against the wall, further entangling your hands in his hair and softly tugging it. Mello smirked against your breast.
“I bet you're soaking, am I right?” He whispered into your neck, his hand trailing down towards your pants.
“Please… please…” You huffed out.
“Please what?” He teased. 
“Touch me.” You felt embarrassed.
“I’ve been doing that, slut. Be specific.” He snickered. You felt bold, so you pulled your pants off. All that you were left wearing was your panties. Mello’s eyes flashed down towards them.
“Touch me, here.” You said as you dragged his hand towards your covered area. He started gently stroking your folds through your panties, and you could feel your slick. Mello could too, and you noticed a slight pent in his pants. 
“Holy shit, you’re seriously already this wet?” He rubbed harder, and you pulled him into another kiss. It didn’t last long before you were moaning into his mouth. Mello dipped his hand into your panties and immediately massaged your clit. His fingers kept a steady pace and he kissed you harder. The sensation was overwhelming, you thought you could cum on his fingers right then and there. You pulled away from the kiss and moaned his name - loud. 
“Someone will hear us, keep it down.” Mello warned. His pace suddenly got faster, but he soon stopped. You whined, and before you knew it, he was kneeling before you. He slid your panties down, looking up at you with those pretty blue eyes. His tongue darted out, licking at your juices. He took his time, flicking his tongue lightly along your outer folds before working his way up to your clit. He slowly worked a finger into your pussy, twirling it around until he found your g-spot. You let out a moan, and he continued to lazily finger you. His pace was too slow, you needed him to be faster. 
“Mello, f-faster, please!” You begged, gripping his hair so hard that your knuckles turned white. Mello continued to hit that spot. He added another finger. He quickly finally pumped his fingers in and out. You were in heaven already. He continued to lap at your clit, and you could feel your stomach begin to tighten. You were close. So close. All you wanted to do was cum.
“Mel… Mello if you continue… I’ll-” You cut yourself off with another moan.
“Well then, we’re done here.” Mello’s voice vibrated against you. He immediately pulled his fingers out and stopped pleasuring your clit, and your release began dying down. Damn him!
Mello’s eyes met yours, and you looked at his pants.
“I want to return the favor.” You announced, and Mello chuckled at your forwardness.
“So do it, slut.” He sat down on the bed and you joined him. He pulled his pants down, leaving only his boxers on. His boxers were wet already, the tent in his pants had only grown larger. You palmed him through his boxers, earning a small moan from him. You didn’t want to waste any time, so you pulled his boxers down and gripped his cock. You saw the precum dripping from his tip, and smeared it over the rest of his cock before spitting on it. You wanted nothing more than for his cock to be inside of you - mouth or pussy, it didn’t matter. You took him in your mouth, twisting your tongue around the tip and using your right hand to move up and down the base.
“Fuck…” Mello moaned, his head dropping against the headboard. You moved your hand faster and started to bob your head, taking in as much of his cock as you could without choking. You moaned against his cock, batting your eyelids up to see him smiling down at you. Before you knew it, he had pushed your head down to his stomach, and you choked on the sudden intrusion. You let go of the base. Mello gripped your hair and guided your head as you blew him.
“What a good slut.” He mumbled. You ran your tongue along the underside of his cock, trying to keep up with the pace he was setting. You continued to suck his cock even though tears formed in your eyes. You were sure you looked pathetic, but all you heard from Mello were soft moans. This spurred you on, and you held your legs tightly together, trying to get some kind of friction.
“I really want to cum, fuck.” Mello spurted and his grip in your hair grew tighter. “But I want to cum inside you even more.” 
You let his cock slide out of your mouth and you looked at him. You two hadn’t ever gone that far before… and you still hadn’t gone that far with anyone. Truth be told, you wanted your first time to be with Mello. And you were so glad you waited. 
You straddled Mello, his cock near your entrance. You began kissing his neck, and he gripped your arms. You sucked just below his left ear, and he groaned. You sat up on him, his cock once again grazing your entrance.
“I haven’t done this before.” You said. Mello smirked.
“I suppose this’ll be fun then.” He replied as he flipped you two over. You were trapped underneath him, and he reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the knife. He held it tightly, making sure the blade wasn’t in a position to cut you.
He rubbed your outer folds again, and you whined. You really wanted him inside of you, you couldn’t stand how long it was taking.
“Come on, please!” You begged and Mello’s eyes flickered to the knife. He gently traced it along your collarbone, and you gasped. You thought you should be ashamed of a knife feeling that good against your skin, but hell, it turned you on even more. Mello sensed your excitement once again, and traced the knife ever so gently against your neck, then underneath your left ear. He finished it off by tracing the letter ‘M’ in between your breasts. 
“Stay still.” Mello commanded. He held the knife up to your throat, and pressed down with the face. The edge was mere centimeters from your chin. Was he seriously going to fuck you like this? You didn’t mind; in fact, you welcomed it. 
“What? Is it too much for you, slut?” Mello asked. You shook your head ‘no’ as much as you were able to with the knife nearly choking you.
“Good.” Mello chuckled. You were in agony, your pussy was aching. You needed him inside you. And you were sure he needed it too. 
“Please, Mello…” You said as you wrapped your legs around his torso. 
“Please what? You need to stop being so vague, slut.” Mello responded.
“Fuck me!” You cried. 
“Heh, if you say so.” He pumped his cock a few times before pushing past your folds and into your pussy. You whimpered in pain and Mello stopped. 
“Keep going, please…” You hummed. Mello pushed further inside of you, his tip nearly reaching your cervix, and you could feel yourself tightening around him. There were fierce stings of pain, but only momentarily before pleasure washed over you. You could feel him throbbing inside of you, and you smiled at Mello. He began thrusting, each thrust becoming harder than the last. His grip on the knife never wavered, so you allowed yourself to sink back into the pillows. 
“Mello, fuck, oh my god.” You cried. His pace picked up, to the point where the bed was creaking. His cock was stretching you out, filling you up. You were so glad you had waited for him.
“Fuck. You are so fucking wet.” Mello groaned. God, his moans were hot. You were nearing your orgasm, but suddenly the knife on your neck disappeared and was thrown onto the floor. You missed the sensation of something being held against your neck.
“Can… Can you…” You trailed off as Mello softly rubbed your clit, and you pulled him in closer to you. 
“Can I what?” Mello asked, annoyed.
“Choke me?” You squeaked. Mello smirked and wrapped his other hand around your throat. He applied an even harder pressure than the knife. Sounds of your moans filled the room, and it seems you had both forgotten to be quiet. But you didn’t care, you doubted the mafia would give a shit. You had never been in this much pleasure before. Mello gripped your throat even harder and rubbed your clit intensely. Your legs began trembling around Mello. Your stomach was tightening. Your release was only growing nearer. All you wanted was to cum on his cock. And before you could tell him either of those things, you orgasmed so hard that you folded into the pillows. Your legs fell to the sides of Mello, and he pushed them away as best as he could. You could tell he was close, his face was scrunched up and he was swearing under his breath. Mello kept fucking you through your orgasm, and moaned your name as he came inside you. You were thankful that you were on the pill. He collapsed on top of you, cock still buried deep inside. Some of his cum was already starting to leak out. You instinctively wrapped your arms around him, pulling him even closer against you. 
“Holy fuck.” He muttered.
“That was amazing.” You responded and Mello turned to look up at you.
“We should’ve done that long ago.” He said and you giggled. 
“I’m so glad I finally found you, Mello.” 
“...I am too.” He gave you a small smile. You wrapped your arms even tighter around him, content to finally be in his life again. You hoped that nights like these would happen more often now.
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Do not repost this content. I do not own any characters mentioned.
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
📺~ hello, all! i hope you have all had a lovely day<33 today i have some fluffy death note headcanons/scenarios so enjoy!!
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asking them “can i kiss you?” ft. light, l, near, mello, and matt!
ᥫ᭡ he’s silent for a bit just after you timidly ask, and it makes you think that maybe you shouldn’t have said anything. but just when you’re beginning to feel embarrassed, he gently takes your chin and presses your lips to his.
it’s a short but sweet kiss, and he isn’t too rough. he thinks it’s cute how you blush and avert your eyes after your lips break apart. light also really likes the fact that you asked- even though he would have been just fine if you’d kissed him without a warning.
l lawliet
l is actually caught off guard. he isn’t even totally used to the idea of having a partner yet, let alone physical affection. still, he nods slowly, and he’s completely in love when your lips touch his. he does his best to kiss you back properly- not overly rough but not too tender.
there’ll be a few seconds of silence afterward with the both of you blushing like crazy and avoiding each other’s gazes. but soon, l will turn back to you and ask if he can kiss you again. the second kiss will probably be longer than the first.
“…you want to kiss me?”
he will also not be expecting it, but he was really quite anxious to kiss you. near just doesn’t know how to initiate something like that- so he’s really glad that you asked; now he won’t feel so strange about initiating physical touch later.
his eyes will drop down to rest on your lips for a half a second before he moves in to place his lips on yours as carefully as possible- he doesn’t want to accidentally be too rough. it’s not long before near pulls away though, but it’s just to take you in before he kisses you again more deeply. there might be a hand on your cheek or jaw this time. he finds he really enjoys kissing you and doesn’t really want to let go.
if he hadn’t kissed you himself already without being prompted, i would be surprised. but when you ask, it’s pretty clear he’s been waiting for the invitation for a while. mello did try to be patient for you.
he won’t go as hard as he usually would for any other kiss, starting out gingerly enough. but when you show no sign of wanting to pull away, he’ll kiss you harder, losing much of his restraint. mello probably will put a hand on your face or neck. he does pull away eventually, smirking some when he sees the flustered look on your face and your attempts to conceal the smile spreading across your lips.
“i thought you’d never ask!”
matt is eager to kiss you and happy that you asked; he definitely finds it cute. his demeanor is cool on the outside, but his stomach is doing cartwheels. someone as attractive as you asking if you could kiss him??
he doesn’t waste any time in pressing his lips to yours. if you’re standing, he might also pin you by your shoulder against a wall to keep you still while he kisses you. feeling you smile against his lips makes his entire day. when you pull away, you both feel like it wasn’t enough.
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mysicklove · 5 months
feel like megumi wouldn’t know how to play fight. first would be so awkard about it, stiff as a board while you throw weak punches. but when he slowly gets into it, his ass is 100% taking you out — pinning you to whatever surface you have, and holding you there with no room to escape. holds the biggest grin on his face that only pisses you off because why are you so happy?? this is what makes you smile this big??
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grimalkinmessor · 3 months
I once read a fic that had a throwaway line about Mello having a branding tattoo on the back of his neck because Wammy's pulled him out of a trafficking ring and that's why he keeps his hair long and I've never been able to get it out of my head it's canon to me now
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"Sit on my face"
Fandom: Death Note
Pairing: Mello X Fem!Reader
Request: "Hi h!i:D May I request for the event, Mello pleasuring reader to help them forget about their extremely exhausting day with prompt 14 “Sit on my face” " ◜By lovely anon!◞
Genre: Smut
Format: Fic
Warnings: Explicit smut, Dom!Mello, Sub!Reader, Praising, Face sitting, Dirty talk, Cunnilingus, MDNI
Word Count: 1.6K
A/n: Face sitting with Mello? Eye eye captain!
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There was nothing more relaxing than getting a massage from your boyfriend after coming home, having an extremely exhausting day at work. Your mind was going numb with the way his hands were gently roaming around your body, massaging the fatigue away; and he was definitely aware of that.
"Feels good baby girl?" He said quietly, fingers reaching for your puffy cheeks to squish them from behind. All you could see was the pillow under your face, but from his calmness you knew that a soft smile was flaunting on his face.
"Mhm honey, feels amazing. Honestly, how can your hands be so professional at this? They always focus on the right spot"
"Especially when I'm fingering you~"
His remark made you chuckle and look back at him from your shoulder, to meet a gorgeous, proud smirk, sitting so perfectly on his face.
"Of course, especially when you're doing that"
You were waiting for him to say another dirty thing so that maybe he could earn a tiny bit of blush from your face, but a tiny bit turned into a dozen when his hand slowly went down on your entrance, leaving your hips untouched. Your breath got hitched in your throat as his fingers started teasing your entrance, coming up and down on your slit to make you shiver slightly and close your thighs around his hand. That didn't stop him from going further though; now it was his fingertips poking your hole, remaining close to your clit but not making sensible contact with it to make you go wild.
"Mello..." Your shaky voice and the hints of frustration hidden in it made him raise his head to look at your figure from behind, admiring how your hair was scattered freely on your back.
"What? You're not in the mood?"
"No, it's just that... I don't think I can move around so much... I'm worn out from all the hard work I did earlier..."
He nearly frowned when he thought that he needed to let this chance slip from his hands; but suddenly, an idea popped into his mind that made him beam hugely, thinking about the compelling outcome.
"What if you don't have to move around at all?"
His interesting comment made you sit up and look at him curiously. He didn't seem to be messing with you, even though his playful grin hadn't left his face.
"What do you mean? How are we supposed to have sex when I'm not doing anything?"
"Well there's no need for you to do anything! You just have to remain still, that's all"
Your widened eyes showed that you were kinda getting it, but he couldn't miss the opportunity to witness your stunned expression when you hear about his tempting offer from his own mouth.
"Are you... Are you trying to say that..."
"Sit on my face. That's what I'm trying to say"
Your heart slammed itself hard to your thorax.
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"I'm not sure about this. We've never done this before"
"Which is exactly why we should give it a try"
Mello's abs looked even hotter when he was lying down on the bed. And you? Looking insecure, unsure, and nervous, sitting beside him; you weren't really matching each other at that moment.
When he saw that you were still caught up in your thoughts, he sighed and took your hand to pull you near him gently. You didn't resist him, but you still weren't certain if this was a good idea. It was literally written all over your face, with how you were sulking and looking at your boyfriend's gorgeous face, imagining how it was going to get crushed by your thighs.
"C'mon girly, what are you waiting for? It's going to be amazing"
Yeah, you didn't have any doubts on that one. Of course it was going to be amazing. It was Mello and his damn tongue, for fuck's sake.
"I don't know babe... What if..."
"What if what?"
What if you look ugly sitting on his face like that? What if you suffocate him with your weight? What if...
Mello knew what was going through your mind. It wasn't his first day of meeting you.
He shook his head with a small smile before pressing your hand reassuringly, his other hand reaching for your left cheek. His voice was as firm as ever, not even a tiny bit of doubt floating in it.
"You'll be fine, gorgeous. I wouldn't have suggested this if I didn't know whether it was going to work out. Just trust me on this one, ok?"
Well, there couldn't be any arguments left on your mind when he puts it that way.
Slowly, you let out a deep breath before raising you foot to place it next to his head. You were remaining on top of his face, still not attempting to sink down fully. He rolled his eyes at your uncertainness and grabbed your hips, pulling you down with force. Your clit suddenly slammed against his lips.
Look at you! He hadn't even started yet and you were already moaning.
Trying to cover your excited smile with your hand was useless. Mello had already seen it.
"So now you're giggling? You were acting a bit different earlier"
"Oh shut up! Let's just get this over with"
"So bold talking to me like that. Let's see how long you can keep up with this attitude"
He spent a few seconds staring at your face, his heart warming up by how you looked so entrancing from his point of view. If only you could see yourself through his eyes...
Just when you wanted to ask him what was taking him so long, his lips met with your cunt. A low pitched moan left your mouth as his tongue started playing with your clit. It was unbelievable how skilled he was at eating you out, how his damn tongue made you lost your mind and try to grind against it harder. But this time... It felt better, closer, deeper. His tongue was warm, and so was your pussy. The only difference was that there weren't any tasty liquid coming out of his mouth.
It was like his mouth had mistaken your folds for your lips. He was going deeper and deeper, closing his eyes to enjoy the taste of your arousal. He had to grip your hips in order to make you stay above him, though it wasn't easy since you were squirming around so much. But tonight was all about you, so he could put up with that, just for now.
"O-oh! A- Oh my god!"
"Right?~ Told you it was gonna be fun"
Your entrance was aching a bit, but the pleasure was too much to give up on. You could only grip the mattress under his head to keep yourself from falling, and of course binging your core nearer to him as it wasn't literally on his face already. Was he protesting? Heck no, not when he could enjoy the view of your back arching so prettily above him.
His tongue was moving around everywhere, your walls, the surface, your hole, anywhere but your damn clit. No matter how much you pressed yourself against his face, he wasn't gonna give up on the teasing.
You totally forgot about how you were worried to suffocate him.
"Mello! Stop teasi- Ah!"
He finally did it. The second you started talking, he sucked on your clit so hard that you nearly saw stars. A loud moan, almost close to a scream escaped your mouth, but it didn't stop there; as his mouth didn't let go of your clit.
Now your sensitive flesh was fully in his mouth, his tongue moving up and down on it. The tip of his tongue pocked your hole then came up again to the apex. His talent in French kissing was a blessing and a problem at the same time, making you moan so hard you were sure that complains were coming at your door tomorrow morning.
"Shit shit shit! Right there! Please! Oh shit!"
One of his hands left your hips and came down to your pussy, rubbing on your way in and pushing inside. You couldn't see clearly anymore, all you could feel was the heat coming from your core filling you up, and his mouth fueling your body, dragging you closer to your release.
But apparently, it wasn't enough; since you started grinding on his tongue wildly, letting out lewd sounds. Weren't you tired of moving? That didn't really cross your mind at that time.
Thankfully Mello played along, keeping his tongue out for you to crush yourself on it. You tasted too good, so he was willing to let you smother him with your cunt if it meant he could have more of your arousal.
"Fuck! Oh my fucking go- Ah! Mello! I'm- I'm-"
And it happened. You started shivering harder than usual, screaming as your hot cum filled up his mouth. He placed his tongue on your entrance, unwilling to lose even one drop of your arousal. Your hole twitching above his muscle felt really nice.
Your scream was finally over, but your panting for breath wasn't. You took a deep breath before looking down at your boyfriend, finally seeing how red his face had became.
Poor guy. You knew he was going to have a hard time down there.
But you didn't feel that guilty, since he didn't seem to be upset.
Mello smiled when he spotted your eyes on him, stretching his arms out to run his fingers though his hair.
"Well, thanks for the meal"
Yeah, thanks for not refusing to eat your meal.
Reblogs are wildly appreciated! :>
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kitafox · 2 months
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Mellodramattic College AU pt1
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koishiro · 1 day
Can you do one “dating mello” please?
Dating Mello <3
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=͟͟͞͞ ⌧ : hopefully this is okay! :3 (…peep dawn and hyuna)
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