#Mind-Tales - Good Advices & Sweet Stories
mde-creative-video · 8 months
Improving Sleep: Tips for Better Sleep Quality and Sleep Hygiene
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mysterycitrus · 5 months
i know you've been talking about jason lately so i'll ask about smth different... robin jason (sorry)
idk idk lately i've been wanting to take a peek at his robin comics for the sake of writing fic (ofc...) but i'd like to hear what u think before that, a summary of sorts if u may (i also wanna contrast what u say with what i get out of it so yeah)
i feel like his robin days are so muddled by his identity as red hood later on, and even before that it was his death. u had people constantly blaming jason for dying in text (or else they'd have to admit bruce can make mistakes and everyone in dc is allergic to doing that) and painting him like someone reckless and violent (classist editorial u need to DIE), and then people in fanon painting him like a sweet fella who would do nothing wrong and as well as being bruce's Only Actual Son etc etc for the sake of making the situation around him all the more sadder (yeah yeah pathetic meow meow we've all seen it)
and i'm just curious bc i rlly wonder what the actual comics say about him, most likely something in the middle of this? exams are killing me but my god i'll come back to life after im done just to read jason robin's days... have a good day !!!
the difficulty with reading about jason as robin is that there are three primary periods that all differ fairly dramatically from each other — pre-crisis jason todd is a strawberry blond acrobat who’s almost adopted by dick grayson before becoming robin; post-crisis jason todd is a kid from crime alley who steals the wheels off the batmobile before becoming robin; and post-crisis, post-utrh jason todd is a very angry, very violent kid who becomes a cautionary tale after he gets himself killed (something he is often blamed for).
we can walk the line here. pre-crisis jason isn’t particularly relevant because so much of robin!jason’s stories depend on his reinvention after the reboot. all the crucial factors leading up to death in the family — growing up in the alley, both his mothers, his relationship with the robin mantle, his developing relationship with dick grayson, his slow schism from bruce, his relative isolation from other superheroes — are all crucial to who he is, especially after his death.
fanon about jason is annoying because there are valid criticisms that can be made about how he’s written with regressive, classist stereotypes, but as always it pivots way too far in one direction. jason wasn’t the “happy” or “angry” robin in the same way that dick wasn’t the happy or angry robin — they’re both characters that possess more than a single emotion. it’s true that jason was later written to be more explicitly violent (to contrast him with dick) but also like… they’re both pretty similar characters that differ in interesting ways. dick created robin to be a symbol of hope and joy. jason carried that on when he took up the mantle. they can both be angry at stuff without the world falling apart. it’s not that serious.
the dialogue about dick being a child soldier but jason being the true son makes me want to tear my hair out. jason became robin because bruce missed dick and was afraid of being alone. they’re both his gd kids. acting as though bruce wayne doesn’t love dick grayson so much that extra-dimensional beings can clock it is so fucking stupid. it once again ties into fanon’s obsession with each character only getting to be “one” thing. tim is smart, which means he’s the smartest. jason said robin made him magic, which means he’s happy all the time. dick chased after zucco in a grief spiral, which means he’s the violently angry one, with no other character traits. dick can’t have been nice to jason because he’s nice to tim, etc. seems a little silly, no?
i think i’ve only read jason’s brief run as robin once, though ive gone through a death in the family + a lonely place of dying a bunch of times, so ig my advice for reading him is to keep in mind the context in which he was created. dc comics was reeling from losing dick grayson as robin, and were really throwing anything at the wall to get something to stick. many, many negative tropes are baked into his introduction, and thanks to writers like jeph loeb and scott lobdell they have compounded over time. jason’s updated backstory is, with actual critical intent by the writer, a really good examination of how poverty and class will affect how someone views the world. his death was not his fault — and removing sheila haywood from that warehouse purposely makes his story less tragic. he was a good kid! and he was angry for a good reason. if jason had lived, i believe he would’ve carried on the robin tradition and left bruce behind once their differences became insurmountable.
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crows-home · 1 year
hey! i hope you don’t mind me asking, but do u have any fics you recommend reading? (specifically sonic fandom ones)
im so sorry anon but im probably the worst when it comes to fic recs. I just started using the bookmark function on ao3 like last month. There's probably tons of fics that i've read and absolutely loved, but never saved and are just collecting dust in my history ToT
i'm going to shout out a few of my favorite authors whose works i absolutely adore and some fics under the cut!
There's definitely more authors and fics i missed, but this is what i was able to come up with!! in general, the sonic community is full of so much talent and i'm just really happy to be here :)
@cozyqueerchaos - I love every single piece they put out honestly and these fics are the reason i dipped my toes more into the sonic fandom years ago. they're THAT good. love them all.
@phantomruby - another wonderful fic writer that everyone should check out. "Slipping Away" makes me cry fr, although i haven't caught up on the latest updates. everything just makes my heart go oshfdsfhd
@chaoxfix - sonic fics are wonderful sonic takes are top notch i dig everything. the understanding of the characters and archie is just phenomenal.
@teamxdark - fell in love with the Tales of Avalon series and fell harder in love with the team dark Boomtober fics and dynamics and aaaaaa, wonderful writing and style.
@rubyiiiusions - every fic is a joy to read and every story really just gets your attention and keeps it till the end. i've bookmarked a few of them since last week :)
I went digging through my history and here are some of my personal favorite Sonic fics!
radio silence under a yellow sky by chaox Summary: Sonic finds out Tails is missing. And more importantly, that no one's been looking for him.
A gen fic about Sonic finding out Tails was MIA during Forces it's so so good i think about it a lot
falling by sonosuke Summary: Shadow likes a boy
sonadow during SA2 I'll cry. so angsty but it makes me :')
Birds of a Feather by SonicaSpeed123 Summary: Sonic has been trapped in Camelot for three years, but he's started to make a place for himself that he can finally be comfortable in with his beloved Lancelot Something has been bothering him, though: If all the people of this world look like the people back home, where is Sonic's lookalike?
Lansoni. Part of a series of SatBK mini fics that i really love, but this one especially because it answers the question of 'what about the Sonic doppleganger?'
you can hardly swallow your fears and pain by chaox and sketchjii Summary: Shadow is usually better at putting up that cold, unfeeling front, isn't he? Or maybe that's him. (or: sonic doesn't need to be in touch with his feelings if he pretends they don't exist in the first place)
One of my all time faves i love it so much i dont think i have the right words. shadow tries to give sonic mental health advice. it does not go well. takes place some time after Forces.
the time has come again for stars by rubyillusions Summary: (five times someone notices sonic and shadow are in love and one time they do something about it)
sonadow, Teen. obsessed with how the characters are written here and the way all of their friends interpret their relationship it's just so cute and sweet and shit and i love it a lot.
against every odd by eggskie Summary: "We're friends?" Nine asks, small and timid, and oh, doesn't that break Sonic's heart. "Of course we are. We always have been. Or we always should have been." Or: Nine isn't used to being cared about
wanna see how hard i can cry? Gen, Sonic Prime fic about sonic and tails and what they should have been.
Dreams Don't Come True by Skyblaze Summary: Short, mildly humorous fic with sonadow flavouring. It also takes the mickey extensively out of the Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Next Gen game. Warning: not to be taken seriously.
This fic is just really silly i like it a lot :)
A largely platonic cave by mousewritings Summary: "You know I uh, love hanging out with you and all, but do you think we could go somewhere that's not a cave for once?" Shadow stares at him. "What do you mean, go somewhere that's not a cave? Think you're too good for caves?"
Sonic Boom Sonic and Shadow (pre-slash sonadow) my beloveds <3<3 this fic is so funny they're so insufferable
Also, uh. I know you said only Sonic fics but i'm going to add a few more fics that i really really love from different fandoms because i reread them a lot, i hope you don't mind! ^^
Our way by shpeeper Summary: Overall, the mission was pretty simple. Sniper was instructed to track the spy for a week, figure out his daily patterns, then put a bullet in his brain when no one is around. No one told him there would be a kid. An AU in which Spy raises Scout alone, and Sniper is hired to kill Spy.
Oh my fucking god i could go on about this fic. Sniperspy, Teen, TF2. filled with action and danger. Every time a new character would get introduced, i would have fun piecing together who they were in my mind. the first chapter already had me emotional, it's been in my brain for YEARS. And don't even get me STARTED with the twist at the end. holy shit.
Desmodontinae by Romiress Summary: Kirk wakes up in a Gotham that is not his own. A what-if, where Gods and Monsters Batman winds up in the DCU. Originally intended as a short oneshot, and expanded out into a small story, exploring the differences, struggles, and conclusions. Focuses primarily on Kirk Langstrom (G&M Batman), with a side or Hernan Guerra (G&M Superman), Damian Wayne, and Bruce Wayne. Guest appearances by various other Robins, Clark and Jon Kent, and several others.
The Gods and Monsters DC team means so much to me and oh my god this fic was made with so much love and care for the characters. It's been a while since i read it, but i remember this fic had me staying up literally all night, eagerly going through all the chapters, one at a time. i was in bed kicking my sheets quietly irl lmao.
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Bond Stories: Jude Jazza (1-4)
Jude: "Curiosity can get you hurt, princess. Wait, why am I even giving you advice? You really like to get hurt, don'tcha"
Jude: "Oh, it's you. No wonder I smelled something sweet."
Jude: "As you can see, I'm reading. What do ya want?"
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Bond Story 2: What do you want to know?
Jude: "Hey, get outta the way, commoner. What do ya want from me? You didn't make an appointment, did ya? We're closed, so scram."
Choice 1:
Kate: "Why are you so potty-mouthed?"
Jude: "Isn't it your job as a writer to think about that?"
Choice 2:
Kate: "When would be a good time?"
Jude: "I dunno. In your dreams, I guess?"
Choice 3:
Kate: "Do you have a yakuza curse?"
Jude: "What the fuck is that? My curse is the 13th fairy."
Jude: "Arrogance, ruthlessness, vengeance一well, I can think of a few things that come to mind, but I don't care about curses."
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Jude: "Hey, you're done. Now back off before I kick yer ass."
Jude: "Pretty sure Viktor told ya to ask for my personal information."
Jude: "You were brought here by force, so why do ya have to do this ridiculous job so diligently?"
Jude: "Well, if you want to quit and run away, I'll at least help you negotiate with Viktor."
Jude: "For a fee, of course."
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Bond Story 3: Dining Together
Jude: "*munch* *munch* Staring at people's mouths like that is disgusting."
Choice 1:
Kate: "It's not disgusting."
Jude: "Hmm. Then tell me how ya were feeling when you were watching it."
Choice 2:
Kate: "People who say that are more like that."
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Jude: "You think I'm more disgusting? Heh, I didn't know that. Can you tell me what's so disgusting about me?"
Choice 3:
Kate: "Sorry."
Jude: "What are ya honestly apologizing for? You're making it hard for me to eat."
Jude: "*sigh* Of course, you'd be uncomfortable having dinner with me."
Jude: "You really are a young lady who never got blood on her hands."
Jude: "If you were in a castle like this, you wouldn't have to wait a month to get eaten."
Jude: "Well, whatever. Hm? Open your mouth."
Jude: "You've been looking at me like a glutton because you want to eat this. I have no choice."
Jude: "Tasty? Really? Then you owe me a slice of peach. I'll think carefully about what I'm gonna ask you in return."
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Bond Story 4: Hobbies
Jude: "Tch. As you can see, I'm reading. What do you want?"
Choice 1:
Kate: "You like to read?"
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Jude: "Don't look so surprised. Rude. You can't make a lot of money just by being ignorant."
Choice 2:
Kate: "What are you reading?"
Jude: "Erotic novel. *sigh* What's with that face? There's no way this stuff is kept in the palace library. You're a simpleton, aren'tcha?"
Jude: "Physics, engineering, and astronomy papers. We need to get the best researchers before others do."
Choice 3:
Kate: "I'm just doing my job as a fairy tale writer."
Jude: "No need to be so serious. Did they ask you to do some research? Ha? You wanna know the hobbies of the whole Crown?"
Jude: "What's next? You're gonna start checking the color of my underwear?"
Jude: "Take your time. I'll go back. I'll have Ellis take a look at the authors of the papers on the list."
Jude: "For what? It's none of yer business. Are you that bored?"
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Jude: "Here, read this if you have free time. It's a story about going to the moon."
Jude: "When you finish reading it, bring it to my room along with the rental fee. It's my stuff, ya know."
Jude: "I don't like it. They draw silly pictures as if they were real."
Jude: "It's just enough to make you think yer not crazy."
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Masterlist╎Bond Story 5-8
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75 starters. CW: cussing, sexual themes. Coffee Talk is a visual novel game developed by Toge Productions. Feel free to change words and pronouns as needed!  [PART 1]
"Different isn't always good."
"It's a neat concept, but you need to handle it carefully and gracefully."
"He needs to learn how to communicate his thoughts nicely though."
"Let's not make the mountain even higher."
"What we have here now is more than enough for me."
"I'm taking a break from work. I need to work on a few personal matters."
"I'm curious... How did you guys meet? If you don't mind me asking..."
"Now, will you let me continue without interruptions?"
"And without even thinking about it, I punched _____ in the face."
"Yeah, I landed that one punch... And he beat me to a pulp. Easily."
"How was she doing? She hasn't returned any of my calls or texts..."
"I'm sick and tired of my family."
"Why would you say that?"
"Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be an artist. I love drawing and creating art."
"_____ is the only person that can make me feel alive."
"I have no problem leaving my family, you know. I would happily leave them for the both of us."
"I never thought of it that way before."
"There's nothing to feel bad about!"
"It's easy for you to say that now, but you don't know what the future holds."
"You know... Love is like a flame. It might burn fiercely at first, but over time it will die down, if you don't maintain it."
"Life is full of storms."
"Marriage, it will not survive on love alone."
"There are consequences... It shouldn't be taken lightly."
"Perhaps a hot drink will give you some inspiration."
"Aren't vampires supposed to be... you know... tough?"
"Just because I'm a vampire, it doesn't mean I know kung-fu."
"Thanks for not leaving me on the street, _____."
"He might be an annoying asshole, but he's not a thief."
"What a stroke of luck, the universe sending me a guardian angel in my time of need."
"Hey, I took you to breakfast! Don't tell me that counted for nothing."
"I have to say, it wasn't my proudest moment."
"_____... I'd prefer if we skipped that part. I'm sorry, but I don't want to go into any details about it."
"Thank you for sharing your story with me. I didn't expect such a tale from you."
"I've no interest in flirting with you. I've got high standards, you know."
"Please don't forget to take a break. It's easy to get carried away by work when you're on a roll."
"That's not even a word, _____."
"Are you trying to squeeze the story from me?"
"I saw you from afar when you left the coffee shop a few days ago. So, hello! My name is _____. You could say I'm a regular here."
"Wow... It turns out pervs exist everywhere in the universe."
"You're quite dense, aren't you?"
"People often mistake me for someone who gets around a lot."
"All this information is too much to process in one evening..."
"Oh, showing some concern now, are you?"
"My, my... You really have a knack for starting trouble..."
"That sounds dangerous, liking someone without knowing the reason..."
"You really need to be more careful, _____..."
"So... Umm... How are things going in the office?"
"I want to say please don't forget to rest, but I'm sure it won't be easy for you and the team."
"I wish I could help you. Or at least say something to boost your morale. Sadly, I'm not the right person to give you advice about that."
"Getting used to unhealthy working conditions shouldn't be a norm."
"Every game has its own market, you know."
"You shouldn't waste your time on me! Relax, or something!"
"I'm coming with you! Whether you like it or not!"
"I think I should celebrate with a special drink. Something sweet."
"You are sorry... I don't have anything to be sorry for."
"Please just go home after you finish your drink."
"I know _____! He's not a good person!"
"He hasn't changed much... And even if he has, it wasn't for the better."
"You're just being paranoid!"
"What's next?! You'll lock me in the house because you're afraid of the air I'm breathing?!"
"You're just too young to understand!"
"Then make me understand! Because this is definitely not helping. There are better ways."
"TRY HARDER! Because right now, you're not helping anyone! Not me, not you, no one!"
"It will take time for me to learn. But I am learning."
"_____, are you out of your mind? You've been out of touch for so long."
"If I take things slow, I'll lose all my momentum."
"Of course I heard them. I just chose to ignore most of it. It's none of my business, is it?"
"Sometimes we don't even realize what we're capable of doing."
"And I thought I was the only one who brought bad news..."
"You've never looked like someone who needs help."
"I'm sorry, _____. I'm not really in the mood for this sort of conversation."
"You're still trying to get laid?"
"That sounds like the best plan you've had since you got here."
"It's nothing. We're just friends, you know?"
"It was a slip of the tongue, okay! I'm sorry!"
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hum-suffer · 9 months
Hey! I don't know if you take requests or not but can you write a short anecdote on Nakul and Karenumati?
Anywhoo, you're an AMAZING writer!
Hello!!! Thank you so much, you're so very sweet, love! And of course, I'd love to write for these two dorks.
Three clues of falling
1. Nakul never expected to fall in love with his second wife. Karenumati and he had several differences, their respective ages being the most glaringly obvious. With years and bruises of the forest dwelling ages, he had mellowed, and he had been afraid that a young wife would not understand him.
But he didn't know how wrong he had been.
The first difference he learnt by himself, is that Karenumati dog ears all the books she reads. Nakul has never, in his life, ever read for pleasure. The medical books he reads, he keeps them meticulous and as clean as a recently written book would look. She reads for pleasure and the tales often dance from romance to courage to pain to horror.
The first time he found her in their bed chambers, face down and sniffles loud, he had almost panicked himself to death. The book lying beside her was of no concern to him as he touched her for the first time in three months and held her hand, kneeling on the ground to ask her what was wrong.
She'd leant into the touch and sighed,"I wish love didn't have to be so filthily mocked." Even more questions had darted in his mind and fear gripped his body faster than an arrow— had he seen wrong? Was she unhappy with their union? Did she love someone else?
Panic that coloured him spilt on her too. She read his face and protested,"No, my lord! This story, this story I was reading, it did not have an... amenable ending and I was upset about that fact, is all!"
The sigh of relief he had let out should have clued him about something.
2. The other difference between them was more subtle and took too long to catch up but Nakul is nothing if not persistent.
She abhorred the colour red.
Her wedding outfit was the only one that was ever red in her closet and Nakul wouldn't have noticed the fact, if not for her enthusiasm when she told him of every outfit she bought. A plethora of pinks and yellows, more mellowed blues and greens, starker whites and even glittering blacks. No reds.
"I brought this for you, Renu," he'd said to her, gifting her a golden hued scarf that had her name shakily handwoven. He'd tried his best but medical needles are way better suited in his hands than sewing needles. The scarf had been stark gold enough that a bright red of her name stood out— he blamed this on Panchali, she'd mentioned that the colour scheme would look good and he, as always, followed her advice blindly.
Karenumati took the scarf from his hands gingerly and fingered her name. "Thank you, my dearest," when my lord changed to my dearest had always been a question to him but he did not need an answer to that. She'd been changed from my lady to Renu. "But it is incomplete."
Her hand, so much smaller than his, enclosed around his wrist as she pulled him to sit on their bed. "How is my name ever complete without yours beside it?"
That night, she told him why she hated red. Because it reminded her of everyone her father had executed, because she had been forced to watch those executions, because blood had never been a sight welcome.
That night, he apologized to her, hand in her scented hair. "I'm sorry, Renu," he said, all the formalities forgotten,"I'll sew our names into another cloth. With another stitch."
"No," she'd murmured, lips pressed to his shoulder,"I've started liking this red in your light."
The way he removed almost all of his red clothes from his closet, should have clued him.
3. The third and the biggest difference between the two of them was that while he had mellowed over the years, he became eccentric with her.
An excursion well onto the middle of Indraprasth should have been a good example for them. Anything that Karenumati picked up with a thoughtful look and later put down, Nakul kept a line of. Every shop they went to, every thing she called beautiful, he knew. A memory that never faded was extremely useful in his endeavours, for he intended for his wife to have everything she liked.
The gold cummerband that she'd gifted him last year on his birthday made an obvious click with his every step and he yet wore it everyday to see her laugh. He suspected she'd gifted him that mainly to let her be aware of his presence since he had developed a habit of surprising her.
He had been so engrossed in paying attention to his wife, who flitted from place to place like a butterfly, her green and blue saree marking her the queen of butterflies, that he did not pay attention to just where she'd been leading him. The sight that greeted him when the sun was about to tumble to his own abode was as beautiful as a nymph.
His wife, his young wife who he'd been worried would never understand him, took him to a field of tulips, none red. His favourite flowers danced along the breeze and the orange of the Sun looked nothing as beautiful as rows and rows of the flowers. And none of the flowers looked as beautiful as his wife.
Karenumati grinned at him,"A very happy birthday to you, my dearest."
"Thank you, my love."
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wait i didn't see that you reblogged that!!! 💎 for layla with either oc you'd like to answer with!
"Layla. Layla. Its always interesting to hear of another Dhampir - especially a female one. We are already a rare breed- but us daughters even more so."
after all, it is we who suffer the sins of our fathers the most, us who must hide the monstrosity they gave us just to please them.
"I heard tales of her while working independently, a ghost haunting a village, then a girl haunting an estate. Then the fire. I was curious, i hate to admit. Such an interesting story. I didn't have the time to do more than a brief... investigation, just a few casual questions in the right ears, but i saw enough of the picture to be fascinated.
it hearkens the mind back to another burning estate, another daughter, another death.
Still, it didn't take long to strip past the rumors and lies to see that she truly treasured her grandfather. I must confess I grew bored after hearing that, she had the fire but she ran. its all good not wasting effort on tearing them down, but some bloody revenge is good for the soul. If i was in the area i may have given her some advice, pass on the good deed that was done to me, and all that.
she could have been glorious, she could have made them all suffer. i could have helped her, helped her make them all suffer
Still, they didn't catch her, and five years is a long time to run from a man with his connections and wealth, and she proved that underestimating her inner strength of will was a dangerous mistake. Those fools always see a pretty face and a sweet smile, ignoring the- in our case, dear sister of circumstance, literal- fangs underneath."
i could have had someone who understands me. who understand the fire and the hate and the need to burn it all down. someone who understood the masks and the fake smiles and the bitterness
"Her face may be very pretty and her smile may be sweet but she has steel under there, and as disappointing it is that she follows that whimsical goddess of butterfly's, anyone would be a fool themselves to think that make her a brainless one. There's method in most madness's and a seemingly unpredictable enemy whose fighting for a cause is more dangerous than a simple sell-sword looking for coin,"
she found joy while i found apathy, she has something to fight for, what do i have? an exhaustion that drives me to find a place to rest, an itch that forces me to use my mind and skills, and nowhere to do both in this chaotic world
"I've seen others cross her followers and those like them- people often forget that those who appreciate joy the most are normally the ones who have suffered its lack and therefore know its value- and its not a pretty sight, those who fight for a cause and care about those they fight alongside always have a dangerous edge hidden from view. After all, their fighting to make a better world, and maybe that world doesn't have a place for the likes of you."
i don't want to fight you and see the desperation in your eyes because you have something to fight for and i have nothing. i cannot face you, you who survived and you who made good out of misery, because im a coward who can look in the mirror but can look at someone who made good out of a life like mine
"Maybe in her eyes that world doesn't have a place for me, but for all I'm disappointed in her choice, she has some measure of respect from me, and her chaos in the face of nobles is a delight to hear about. As much as i would enjoy a battle of wit's, i think in this case, fences make the best neighbors."
we are similar, but you chose another path. as much as i wish i had company on this lonely road, this kinship bids me to wish you well on your own
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gentlenekomata · 11 months
A deep dive into this petite priestess ღ
thanks to Ree for this interesting insights!
NAME: Lady Sakura Ichinomiya
height: 4’9” (150 cm)
strength ★★☆☆ - not her major characteristic, but thanks to the training with her brothers, she did manage to acquire some muscle;
dexterity ★★★☆☆ - quite agile and delicate in the movement, but she certainly is a bit clumsy too, sometimes;)
health ★★★★★ - probably due to her healing abilities, she has become quite resistant in every aspects, despite her slim and apparently fragile silhuette and body (eating is a big help and she does have an excellent taste in cooking);
energy ★★★★☆ - she's very energetic, especially during the early morning hours and she always hopes to spread her energy among the others;
beauty ★★★★☆ - she's a natural cutie, doesn't like wearing make-up (what is that, anyway?), but she deeply cares about her appareance, especially her hair: she likes brushing it every night before bed and she usually likes decorating it with any kind of accessories;
style ★★★★☆ - she has got her own style and she sometimes likes to create brooch or ornaments with flowers;
hygiene ★★★★★ - very attentive and tidy, even her room and all the ambience she hangs out are very clean and ordered [plus, she really enjoys bath moments, since she usually plunge herself in waters full of petals of the flowers she usually likes to pick up during her strolls in the nearby woods or plains].
perception ★★★☆☆ - she has got a good eye and a goos sense of perceiving things, even from afar or when they are hidden, but when it comes to hearing, she's a bit deaf - or simply doesn't want to listen);
communication ★★★★★ - she's a great talker and likes to hang out with new people and old friends: she's especially good in communicating, but also understanding the meaning behind a certain communication;
persuasion ★★☆☆☆ - despite her charming attitude, it's not in her nature to persuase people into doing somthing or saying something, even when it comes to her safety and security - she simply doesn't like being that way with people.She would rather find another way around to deal with it;
mediation ★★★★☆ - a better solution than persuading! she's very capable of listening and likes helping others through the help of mediation (such as, advices, different suggestions, empathy, etc.);
literacy ★★★★★ - she's very passionate about poetry, fables and tales of any kind! she sometimes dabbles herself in writing small portion of stories or even short poetry);
creativity ★★★★★ - she's super creative and utterly likes playing with crafts and drawings (she, for example, draws all the herbs and flowers she pick up during her botanical searches, as to keep track of evry species she finds);
cooking ★★★★☆ - super creative even in the kitchen! but most of all, she's very keen on sweets and cakes, since she's a huge sweet tooth;
Tech savvy ★☆☆☆☆ - she doesn't even know how to properly install anything at all, since she isn't really into logic stuff... she prefers simple things;
combat ★★☆☆☆ - she's more into healing than into fighting, obviously, but when it comes to help someone, she doesn't mind and puts all her effort to be helpful even in this kind of situation;
survival ★★☆☆☆ - not really a competence she has mastered, but at least she learnt the very basics of surviving, just in case she happenes to get lost in a wood;
stealth ★★☆☆☆ she is a bit goofy at times, so she isn't exactly the best for being stealth, especially during special missions or even to not get caught when in the act of stealing some sweets from the kitchen utility room - never happened, but just in case you want to picture her in some realistic situation;
street smarts ★☆☆☆☆ - being part of the nobility didn't really give her the opportunity to learn something useful from the streets, but she's kind and candid enough to politely ask for help, in case of necessity;
seduction ☆☆☆☆☆ - please, she's a cutiepie, not a seductive succuba (。•́︿•̀。);
Luck ★★★★☆ - she considers herself very lucky, especially when it comes to finding lost things or getting occasions in the perfect timing;
Handling animals ★★★★★ - she's very loving towards animals and really likes taking care of them, not really minding the origins or the dangerousness of them (she adopted a baby wyvern, for exemple);
pacifying children ★★★★☆ - she's very good with kids, since she used to take care of some orphans during her staying in Hoshido: she kept some of them at the castle and she used to deal with them and their argues everyday - she always did her best to keep them calm;
Intelligence ★★★★☆ - not super smart, but she does have a great memory and a pretty interesting method to catalogue things and tasks: if we count even the emotive intelligence, then we can say she's quite a smarty girl;
Happiness ★★★★★ -most content girl in the monastery probably! but let's say that sometimes, she does feel lonely, because she kinda miss her family… but luckily for her, she can cope with it quite easily;
Spirituality ★★★★★ - she's deeply connected with the world of spiritualism, especially the one connected with plants and nature; she's also quite bond with the realm of death, since she can sense her mother's spirit through nature;
Confidence ★★★☆ ☆ - not so confident in her capacity and in her resistance, but she puts all her effort to be sufficient in all she does;
Humor ★★★☆☆ - not a great sense of humor, but she appreciates the humor of the others and she does laugh a lot - her laughter it's quite contagious too;
Anxiety ★★★★☆ - it depends on the situation, but she can be quite nervous and anxious when it comes to situations regarding certain portion of her past life;
Patience ★★★★☆ - she learned to be patient through her wor with kids, especially regarding the necessity of being calm in certain situations;
Passion ★★★☆☆ - she's passionate but in a tender way, not as she's striving to do or to say, she's just very attentive, yet cautious;
nice         ★★★★★     mean - always nice and amiable **♡( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )
brave       ★★★★☆     cowardly - she always puts herself in first line, as she learned from her brothers;
pacifist     ★★★★★     violent - definitely a kind soul who only wants everyone to be happy and safe (。•́︿•̀。)
thoughtful ★★★☆☆    impulsive - let's say she tries to think before act, but sometimes it just happens, without thinking through;
agreeable ★★★★☆     contrary - she finds an agreement most of the time; if not, she tries to negotiate;
idealistic   ★★★☆☆     pragmatic - she's a very dreamy girl, but as times passed, she learned the hard way that she had to stick to reality if she wanted to keep going (even though, she still keeps dreaming);
frugal        ★★★★☆     big spender - she doesn't like spending money when she doesn't neeed to - she likes to keep it simple;
extrovert   ★★★☆☆     introvert - she's a bit shy at first, but soon becomes a chatter when you get to know her better;
collected   ★★★★★     wild - she's very gentle and well educated due to the strict education she received when she was a little child;
ambitious / possessive / stubborn / jealous / decisive / perfectionist
charisma ★★★☆☆ - she's nt very charismatic, but she does have some cute appeal - can we call it like that?
empathy ★★★★★ - she's probably the most caring and affectionate human being, feeling the emotions of the others and doing her best to alleviate the suffering from the others; she's quite the empathetic type of person and regardless her well-being, she always puts the others over her;
generosity ★★★★★ - whenever she can, she does help with the canteen organisation, she helps the church with donations and she offers her aid as a 'nurse' too;
wealth ★☆☆☆☆ - she doesn't value money a lot, but she does know the value of being rich: this way, she knows that being rich certainly alleviate many problems, but she always tries to find another way around to be happy;
honest   ★★★★☆ deceptive - she is most of the time honest, but sometimes a white lie doesn't hurt anyone if used correctly;
leader   ★☆☆☆☆   follower - definitely not a leader, as she doesn't like being at the center of the attention; she rather listens to what other have to say, instead of commanding people around;
polite     ★★★★★  rude - very very polite since she was little! she was taught that way, so she has always behaved like this;
political ★★★☆☆  indifferent - she doesn't like politics, but sometimes she has to deal with it, since her duty as a princess requires that, in some occasions.
higher power ★☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ - she doesn't like power in general, so;
fate/destiny ★★★☆☆ - she isn't completely oblivious to fate, but she likes to believe that there is some sort of connections between people;
magic ★★★★★ - she's a magic user, so she definitely has a preference for that kind of world (as a matter of fact, she started to study magic after her mother passed away, as a way to connect with the afterlife);
soulmates ★★★★☆ - she a romantic girl and she does hope to find the love of her life through some sort of deeply connection; she does believe in soulmates, but she has never found one;
good and evil ★★★★☆ -obviouly a strong believer, but she doens't like talking about a strict division: there is a single entity that bears both sides and depending on how good or how bad humans behave, the entity is afflicted by the consquences of actions of each individual;
luck ★★★☆☆ - not so lucky, nor so unlucky; she simpy doesn't believe in it.
family ★★★★★ - the most important thing in her life and she couldn't do nothing without it;
friends ★★★★☆ - they held a special place in her heart, right beside her family;
love ★★★★★ - she believes in love and she thinks that it is like the engine of each relationship: without love, you can't really have a relations (of any kind) with somebody;
home ★★★★★ - she's very homesick at times, but she hides it quite naturally and easily: she learnt to be strong and brave enough to be awya from her home, but at the same time, she feels it in her chest, as if it has been there the whole time since she trasferred at Garreg Mach Monastery;
health ★★☆☆☆ - not her health, the health of the others;
praise ★★★★☆ - she takes compliments in an awkward way, but a praisal is something different for her: it's like having achieved something important and receiving the good amount of love for this;
justice ★★★☆☆ - she doesn't it as something quite relevant in her life: she likes when things are fair, but she doesn't like to interfere if something is going wrong;
truth ★★★★☆ - the truth always reveals the right path and the right choice to make;
power ☆☆☆☆☆ - not liking it in her brothers and father, she tried to deviate from this alignment, being much more participative in beneficial projects;
fame ☆☆☆☆☆ - not her interest, at all;
wealth ☆☆☆☆☆ - she's not really materialistic and the most amazing wealth she could take, is the one related to the soul;
others’ opinions ★★★☆☆ - she values the opinion of the others, but she obviously discern it from the important decisions: she usually asks for assistence for understanding something new, caring about the opinion she receves, but learning to distinguish them from the ones made with malice.
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goodqueenaly · 2 years
Hi again! I had another question I wanted to ask you, about the waif’s origin story that she tells Arya in AFFC. I was wondering if you would mind explaining the significance/meaning of it? Sorry for such a broad question. It stands out to me, because it reminded me of some fairy tales especially Cinderella/Three little men in the wood. Thank you! Have a great day!
Prefacing this discussion with the caveat that we don't know for certain what is true about this story, since Arya and the waif had already established the precedent of the lying game and since the waif herself said both that there was "an untruth" in it and that she "lied about the lie". For these purposes, however, I'm going to assume that it is more or less accurate (including Arya's deduction that the House of Black and White took two-thirds of the family wealth, not all of it).
You're certainly right that GRRM loves his fairytale tropes: it's barely scratching the surface to say that he has drawn inspiration from stories like Beauty and the Beast (in the stories of both Jaime and Brienne and Sandor and Sansa), Snow White (in the story of Cersei and her fear of the younger, more beautiful queen), and Little Red Riding Hood (whose story beats get twisted in Sansa and Sandor's meeting during the Battle of the Blackwater), among many others, for ASOIAF. Indeed, he uses Cinderella's basic plot points for Falia Flowers as well - the daughter of the household treated as a serving-maid by her father's wife and the woman's daughters, only to triumph over them when she "marries" a king - but, as he does with many other tropes, plays with and subverts them, having Euron reveal his truly evil nature in his treatment of Falia afterward.
The waif's story, in that sense, also borrows elements from the classic (at least, to a western audience, appropriate given GRRM's own background as a member of this audience) telling of Cinderella. The waif's father's second wife fits the Wicked Stepmother trope all too well, and if the woman's daughter isn't strictly a wicked stepsister (she seems to be the child of the waif's father as much as the waif herself is, and we get nothing of her character in the story), there is certainly a sense of prioritizing the daughter of this second marriage over the daughter of the first. Perhaps GRRM was also thinking of the Grimms' more violent (second) telling of the tale (certainly compared to the Disney film), in which the wicked stepsisters are initially mutilated (on their mother's advice, in order to fit their feet into the all-important slipper) and later blinded as punishment for their treatment of Cinderella; certainly, the woman's literally poisonous attempted murder of the waif, and the father's willingness to have the woman murdered in turn reflect a distinctly non-sanitized take on fairy tale tropes. Again, because nothing is one to one between ASOIAF and its sources of inspiration, not all of the story beats of Cinderella are found here: the waif does not live happily ever after as the bride of a prince but is almost poisoned to death before being forced to spend the rest of her life working for a cult of assassins, and she seems to have none of the sweet, kind, unfailingly good nature of the fairy tale heroine.
In universe, the story underlines just how different the waif is from Arya; indeed, they are almost polar opposites in their family upbringings. The waif was "born the only child of an ancient House, my noble father's heir", her sole sibling eventually being a stepsister and rival for her dynastic place; Arya may also have been born to "an ancient House", but she grew up in a happy, relatively sizable family of five siblings, mixing the children of Ned and Catelyn with the (ostensible) bastard son Jon, and as the younger daughter had no worries about being prepped to inherit Winterfell. The waif speaks of never knowing her mother, who died when she was young; Arya, by contrast deeply loved and misses her mother, hates that she could not save Catelyn from the Red Wedding, and even seemingly named herself after her mother when prompted for a false identity in Braavos. The waif was subjected to the murderous ambition of her stepmother, who sought to drive the waif out of the family inheritance in favor of her own daughter, yet I tend to believe that the Stark kids, happy to be reunited with their loved ones, will resist factional attempts to pit them against each other for control of Winterfell (with the obvious reminder that there is, you know, an apocalypse coming). The father of the family has no problem seeking murderous revenge in turn against his second wife, though this could not be farther from the truth about the relationship between Ned and Carelyn; indeed, Arya so much believes in the love between her parents that she angrily defended it to Edric Dayne and included the same sort of parental love in her invented backstory as Cat of the Canals. Nor could we ever believe that Ned would sacrifice his daughter to a cult of assassins for the sake of revenge; rather, we saw Ned's willingness to renounce his firm beliefs about the succession and condemn himself to life imprisonment (and, though he might not have known it at the moment, death for himself) so that his daughter might be kept safe.
All of these contrasts emphasize that the House of Black and White is not the place of Arya of House Stark. This is a place which not only profits from dissension, infighting, and murderous ambition and revenge, but indeed depends on these to form its "market", so to speak - a far cry from the happy home of Winterfell and its Stark inhabitants. Where the waif treats the implosion of her family life as merely a new entry in the lying game, Arya has never stopped remembering, or missing, her life among her Stark family members. Arya cannot give it all up, as the waif did (or, rather, as the waif had it decided for her that she would); she belongs back with her family and back in Winterfell.
Of course, the waif's story is full of ironies as well. In the end, the grand fortune of that "ancient House" the second wife might have hoped for her daughter to inherit all but disappears into the coffers of the Faceless Men; only a third is left, less even than what the second marriage's daughter would have gotten had the inheritance been divided equally. The father is left back where he started, dynastically speaking - the single parent of a single daughter - yet poorer for it, arguably no better and perhaps worse off than he had been before (only limited by our lack of insight into his personal view on the matter). If the father's goal was to murder his second wife in revenge for what she had done to his elder daughter, his actions simultaneously took that daughter's life as well; the waif was forced to spend the rest of her days forsaking her entire birth identity and murdering others in the name of an assassination guild, legally and spiritually if not bodily dead. (Nor, of course, do we ever get any insight as to what the waif herself, the actual target of that attempted murder, thought of either the contracted murder of her stepmother or her own permanent confinement in the House of Black and White; in an act of revenge ostensibly taken in her name, the waif has no input and no agency.) Likewise, while the father had his second wife murdered, he seems to have done nothing to disinherit the child of his second marriage. This daughter was in turn left precisely where the waif was, her father's only heir and perhaps too young to remember her dead mother; the stepmother's ambitions posthumously won out, as her husband's elder daughter was effectively killed off and her own daughter was set to inherit. All of these ironies add to the waif's characterization, making her an outlet of narratively rich writing as opposed to simply an NPC Arya interacts with in her new environment.
On a practical level, too, the story provides more insight into elements of the Faceless Men's business model. The Faceless Men aren't out to completely beggar their clients - hence asking for two-thirds of the man's wealth instead of all of it - but they do ask for a considerable sacrifice, at least within the means of the requestor. The father in this story was probably a wealthy man (the head of that "ancient House" in a society which has historically valued trade and commercialism over feudal land ownership and agriculture), so the price was high in monetary terms - but because the father was also a man in the midst of a succession dispute, the price included the previous guarantor of his dynasty, his elder daughter (with, again, the implication that it would be the child of his targeted wife who would succeed him). Perhaps this pricing model was intended to imbue this killing with the divine approval of the Many-Faced God: if this man were willing to have his wife killed knowing that by his actions he would disinherit his older daughter and impoverish himself to some extent, then truly this request must be the will of the Many-Faced God, and not simply human vengeance.
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Dark Forest Resident: Redbloom
Tumblr media
Aliases / Nicknames: Redshriek, Anger Issues, Yelling warrior, Heartless Foxheart
Gender: she-cat
Sexuality: hetero-demisexual, demiromantic
Family: unnamed mother, Birchstar (father), several unnamed younger littermates
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, Wrenpaw (apprentice)
Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: deputy, warrior, rogue
Characteristics: threatens the deputy into doing her bidding using his daughter
Number of Victims: 4
Number of Murders: 2 
Murder Method: neglect, influencing battle
Known Victims: Wrenpaw, Owlstar, two unnamed warriors
Cause of Death: killed by Owlstar
Cautionary Tale: ??
Redbloom had always been a troublesome, anger-fueled cat. Often, she got in trouble with her mother for hurting her siblings-- which wouldn’t have happened if they played the games she wanted to! In addition, she got in trouble for causing fights at a gathering as a young apprentice.
But her apprenticeship was never delayed, and she even got the honour of becoming the deputy. Some claimed it was because her father was the leader and played favourites, but they were just jealous. 
Redbloom took pride in her position. Maybe she took a little too much fun in making the warriors she didn’t particularly like wake up extra early or go out extra late, but that was all just, well, in good fun!
Besides, with Birchstar being such a push-over, her more aggressive energy was a good balance for the Clan representatives. The other leaders were less likely to threaten them, at least the cowardly ones were.
But then Birchstar retired, but not before demoting Redbloom and replacing her with Sweetbranch. 
Redbloom gave her father the cold shoulder. How could he do such a thing? He didn’t even give a reason! The last bit of hope she had of Sweetstar making her the deputy was drained away when she chose Owlflower.
Owlfower over her!
The weak-minded pipsqueak, who was an even bigger pushover than Birchstar!
That was the good thing about such a cat, wasn’t it? Pushovers are meant to be pushed-over.
Redbloom was at a lost for an idea on how exactly she could do it without being seriously punished. Then sweet, sweet, Sweetstar appointed Wrenpaw as her apprentice. Owlflower’s daughter!
Owlflower was shocked, of course, to hear a fellow Clanmate threaten their apprentice, but he agreed. It was basic stuff. Every time he had to make an important decision, he would come to privately ask her, and if he didn’t, or if he didn’t follow her advice, Wrenpaw would have a poor accident. 
When he got brave, she would push a little more. Let Wrenpaw get scraped up, at least a little bit, to get him to quiet down. He didn’t do it much, basically only when some useless Riverclan warrior died in a battle Redbloom influenced. 
But then Wrenpaw actually had an accident. Redbloom didn’t mean for it to happen! She just.... sent the inexperienced less than half-trained cat out to hunt on her own. 
Owlflower snapped. He shouted louder than Redbloom ever had, stating that their arrangement was over, that he never should have listened to her, that she’s a heartless foxheart, and yaddayaddayadda.
He was still too much of a coward to explain the situation to Sweetstar-- which would mean to explain he, the deputy, let a simple warrior manipulate him, threatening the good of the Clan, so he and Redbloom remained Clanmates for many more moons.
Those moons consisted mostly of Owlflower forcing her to go out on early patrols and late hunting parties. Fleapelt! 
She shouted at him many times, and in many others tried to threaten him with the knowledge that he followed her every word, but neither got the grieving father to back down.
Finally, Owlflower became Owlstar, and the first thing he did was reveal Redbloom’s deeds to the Clan before exiling her from Shadowclan territory. She fought, of course, holding one random warrior down and threatening to kill him, but Owlstar shoved her away before she could slash her claws across the tom’s throat.
For the next several years, Redbloom seathed with rage. She passed her time getting insulted by rogues, followed by shouting at and clawing them into shrieking cry-babies.
Then one familiar cat padded up to her. It was non other than Owlstar, apparently Owlflower once again, who, like Birchstar, had retired after entering a late age. He said something about living a full life, having nothing to lose, inability to move past Wrenpaw’s death, and other boring stuff. 
He put up a good fight, Redbloom had to give him that. But he collapsed to the ground before the blood finished flying. 
Satisifed, Redbloom began to pad away. Stars, she was so tired. Owlflower really did put up a good fight, huh? 
She collapsed not one tail-length away from his body.
Additional Information:
--Birchstar was likely told by someone, either the medicine cat or possibly his mate, that he needed to demote Redbloom because she would make a terrible leader.
--Redbloom has massive anger issues. She can seem like a very calm and collected individual, but will scream bloody murder at a drop of a hat.
--I imagine Starclan told Owlstar at his warrior ceremony to, quote, “get that bitch out of your Clan already.”
--Very fluffy in a spiky-floof way.
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red-fuzz · 2 months
My dearest friend Eloise,
I doubt this will surprise you, but this wonderful morning Dmitri gave me quite a big quantity of klubeks again!! Do you know what it means?? It means that I have to deliver another anonymous present to the Grand Budapest hotel and go on a little "vacation" there!!
And do you know what it means?? It means that I will see that amusing man, Igor, again!! Isn't it awesome?? I'm so excited to go there; maybe I even won't be able to sleep for the next two nights!! Maybe I'll start packing my suitcase tonight. I can't wait for the day when I get on the train!!
But the reason I'm writing to you is a little different. I was wondering if you and maybe Vivien would like to come with me?? I will be looking forward to your reply, just in case!!
Sending much love,
To our darling Jemma
Oh dearest this tale keep us updated and our needs for lovely stories satiated! This has been the most riveting news for us all day and night this week.
Why yes Vivien and I may be so inclined to pack right away! If not merely to be spying on the two of you with hawk eyes. But it's best you forget what said right away won't you doll?
She won't mind being dragged out of yet another of her genius projects I am assured, something for a newly rich industry manager of sorts. Ah those poor sweet blue eyed people who waste this newly acquired wealth faster than you can say 'scoundrel'.
I will be on the get go packing up our things, including plenty of scandalously ravishing dresses as you know me! The alpine air will do our good for our mutual friend Vivian, as she always glows so very much in it! Like a big pine tree covered up in snow.
Your dearest and cherishing
Eloise von Mayer, Viscountess of Germany (Magnificent that I remembered this time around)
PS, advice from Vivien
Don't feed all of you to a dog who can bite, unless you find it true love.
PS PS from Vivien
That Gothic towering bastard isn't any good. I can make you jewelry or dress with 'special addition' if you'd ever like to get that scarecrow of a man away.
0 notes
ninasbookshelf · 8 months
catching up
hi all! it's been awhile since i did a chatty post. i figured i'd share some casual life & reading updates.
lately i've been taking my sweet time with the books i read. i think for awhile i rushed through reading so that i'd have more to post about at the end of the month. i find that practice draining and of course hard on my eyes, and as much as i love to read, i want to work on balancing my hobbies. anyway, i'll never read every book in existence, so what's the rush? i'm interacting with literature the way i used to, before i started keeping track of what i read or feeling like i had to keep up with anyone. i like doing it this way. it's intimate. i'm really enjoying the books i read and i'm slowly digging deeper into topics i care about. it's organic and inspiring.
as a result, i am toying with cancelling my fairyloot subscription. i really enjoy receiving the box each month and checking out the new releases they send (and of course the fun extras), but i'm at a stage where i want to focus on reading books that i intentionally pick out. i tend to feel obligated to read the fairyloot books right away, since i know another one is coming soon and i've paid for it already, and i don't want reading to feel obligatory. i prefer to read according to my mood and current interests. that being said, it is fun to read something i never would've picked up... so i don't know! maybe i'll keep it, and force myself to get comfortable letting the books sit on my shelf for awhile. i keep going back and forth. it's a silly problem to have.
i'm currently reading Ruth Ozeki's novel All Over Creation. i mentioned in my mid-year book freakout post that i'd like to read the rest of Ozeki's work. A Tale for the Time Being is one of my favorite books which i return to every couple years, and i loved The Book of Form and Emptiness when i read it recently. my goal is to finish All Over Creation and My Year of Meats by 2024.
in terms of writing, i have a few casual blog posts in mind that explore the topics bouncing around in my brain over the past few weeks and months. one post is on environmentalism in books/media, and one is to share the written media i've been enjoying outside of books (think specific newsletters, substacks, magazines, etc). i'm also working on a (more structured/formal) book recommendation post that i think people will like. if you're a sally rooney fan, that one's for you. they're all in the works. it'll be awhile.
on another note, here's a big life update: i'm strongly considering getting my master of library and information science degree. this would allow me to work as a librarian! there are tons of online courses available, so i've been digging into the options and trying to come up with the best one for my situation. exciting!! if any librarians/library science students out there find this post and have advice to share, i'd love to hear it.
oh, one last thing! i'm thinking of doing NaNoWriMo next month. i've been in NaNoWriMo-adjacent friend groups my whole life but i've never actually sat down and committed to doing it. i have a very vague idea for a story and no real plan, but isn't that what first tries are all about? i might as well do it. it doesn't have to be good.
i hope everyone is doing well! autumn always helps me make changes in my life, and it also encourages me to appreciate the small things, like the cool comfortable weather, colorful leaves tumbling through the air, crunchy leaves on the sidewalk, my favorite fashion season, and good food. as Anne Shirley says, "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."
i'll have more posts for you soon. thanks for reading. 📖 🍂 🍁
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rangeminmax · 9 months
Good copy chapter 3
Chapter 3: The Serpent's Gambit - Il Velenoso Reptilio
Growing up, people always told me I had a thing for girls. I can't forget the way they spoke about it, as if it was a spell I cast on them. My mother, with her words always wrapped in a motherly tone, often recounted how I fearlessly approached girls and kissed them, often without any prior introduction. I held no reservations; I was the fearless explorer of affection.
My playground of choice was the vicinity of Footscray Primary School. Here, on the benches beside the school's sturdy fence, I forged my early friendships with girls. There, the seeds of companionship were sown, and the whispers of childhood secrets filled the air.
One day, an adult, perhaps motivated by their own mysterious wisdom, imparted a curious piece of advice. They told me to emulate the existence of a prison inmate, to walk the path of confinement even though I was within the school's bounds. "Cut laps," they urged, as if it were the key to evading the relentless bullies who tormented me. Oddly, their counsel worked like a charm, casting a mystic shield around me. The bullies, like shadowy specters, retreated into the depths of their doubts. The other kids noticed me; it was as if I had harnessed a magical incantation.
Despite my newfound alliance with the boys who once eluded me, I remained drawn to the girls, my first comrades in this bewildering world. They held a unique allure, and even as popularity among boys beckoned, my heart still gravitated towards those first friendships.
Then came the incident that etched itself into my memory. A game among children, innocent yet tinged with mischief, led to a girl's skirt being lifted. She, in a daring manner, urged me to elevate it further. I complied, like an unwitting accomplice in a childish caper. Suddenly, like a thunderstorm on a clear day, the teacher descended upon us, her words striking like lightning. Her sternness forced me to confront the gravity of my actions. Even as I returned to my terrace residence, greeted by approving adult men offering a barrage of congratulatory dead arms and affirmations of "Well done," my mother wore a somber expression. She banished me to my room, a form of silent reproach, and possibly a suspension.
Fast forward to a different chapter of my life, and we find ourselves in the bustling market. As I stood there, it became evident that the Don had orchestrated an elaborate jest with a Chinese or Vietnamese family. Their daughter was cast in the role of Eve from the timeless tale of Adam and Eve. With her Asian features, raven-black hair, and a pristine white dress adorned with a ribbon in her hair, she exuded an ethereal charm. A tiny brown dot, not a mole but a beauty spot, adorned her cheek. She was the epitome of grace and allure. In my mind, I bestowed upon her the name 'Karma' since her true name eluded me, and I sensed this name would hold significance as our story unfolded.
Karma, with an apple in hand, called out to me, mirroring the age-old temptation in the Garden of Eden. The bats fluttered overhead, their dark wings casting eerie shadows that seemed to whisper ancient secrets. My old teddy bear, a steadfast companion, remained firmly clutched in my hand, as if it were a guardian in this enigmatic realm.
The market enveloped us in a sensory symphony. The air was saturated with the intoxicating aroma of fruits, their sweetness tantalizingly potent. Amidst this olfactory dance, a faint whiff of overripe fruit lingered, teasing the senses with a hint of decay. The shadows, cast by the rhythmic dance of forklifts, assumed identities as varied as the pages of a surreal playbill - the Phantom's Embrace, the Midnight Waltz, and the Dusky Minuet.
My hesitation to accept the apple was not born of ignorance but rather an awareness that this was another of the Don's jests. I knew the Don and the families were hidden somewhere in the complex, orchestrating this elaborate charade, perhaps laughing heartily at my expense. In the end, I did take the apple, yet I couldn't bring myself to eat it. There was an undeniable symbolism in that moment, a weight I couldn't ignore. If fate had destined me to eat an apple, it would have been a different one. The destiny of that particular apple remained a mystery, lost in the labyrinthine shadows of the market.
Another week had passed, and the opportunity to visit the market had presented itself once more. The mere prospect of going filled me with an electric excitement. Stepping into the market was like entering a realm where possibilities knew no bounds. It was a place where I could almost reach out and touch the elusive shadows that wove their intricate tapestry, a dance of silhouettes and shapes that defied definition.
As was my custom, I perched upon my trusty crate, staking my claim on the familiar spot. From there, I observed the Don as he conducted his rounds, a master orchestrating his clandestine symphony. The buzzing in my veins grew stronger, an unspoken yearning to be a part of this enigmatic world.
Bolstered by a newfound confidence, I leaped off the crate and approached the Don. With a determination that bordered on audacity, I offered my services. I was willing to work for him, to undertake any task he deemed fit. However, his response caught me off guard.
He brought up the incident from our previous encounter, the moment when I inadvertently snitched on him. I stammered, pleading ignorance, but he dismissed my concerns. His enigmatic demeanor hinted at a mysterious plan in motion.
Undeterred, I pressed on, eager to prove my worth. I mentioned my ability to handle John's job, driving the forklift. I regaled them with stories of how John had taught me during lunch breaks, performing reckless wheelies across the car park where the morning truckloads awaited. Laughter erupted from the Don and his companion, the one in the Raiders cap, an enigmatic figure in his own right. He wasn't an employee but more of an aide, exempt from the obligation to wear the high-visibility clothing that marked the others.
The Don's amusement resonated through the market, echoing in the shadows. And then, the Don, with a twinkle in his eye, proposed a daring challenge. There, beside us, sat a forklift, its forks pointing towards a pallet laden with apples, a mere ten meters away. He challenged me to pick up the crate and transport it to another section of the market, a task that appeared deceptively simple.
Fuelled by ambition and a touch of recklessness, I clambered onto the forklift, eager to prove myself. In my haste, I neglected to adjust the forks, leaving them perilously close to the ground. I revved the engine and, with my feet barely reaching the pedals, I lurched forward. The forklift bucked like a wild stallion, and I, standing with my head practically touching the ceiling wheel, clung to the controls.
Chaos ensued as I lost control from the very start, the forklift careening into the stack of apple crates with a resounding crash. Apples tumbled out of the shattered boxes, littering the floor like fallen soldiers on a chaotic battlefield. My head took a bump as it collided with the steering wheel, but I played it cool, brushing myself off as I dismounted from the forklift.
The market now had a new spectacle: a heap of apples scattered across the floor. But instead of anger or reproach, the Don's laughter echoed through the market. He laughed, hearty and unrestrained, joined by the Raiders cap-wearing companion and a few other onlookers who had witnessed my escapade.
As I glanced at the apples strewn about, I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to this situation than met the eye. The Don had declined my offer to pick up the fallen apples, suggesting that others would handle the cleanup. In this world of shadows and subterfuge, even a mishap like this could serve a clandestine purpose, a layer in the intricate tapestry of money laundering and covert operations.
The night, like a vast cloak of obsidian, descended upon the market, casting its dominion over all. Dawn lingered on the fringes, a distant promise yet unfulfilled. It was a realm betwixt worlds, and as I stood there, I could feel myself teetering on the precipice of dreams. But then, a presence materialized, emerging from the very shadows that clung to the market's periphery. It was the Don, a figure draped in an air of enigmatic authority, his presence amplified by the man with the Raiders hat who stood beside him. Together, they brought with them an eerie gangster vibe that seemed to pulse with the heartbeat of the night.
The Don's voice, sharp as a dagger's edge, cleaved through the night's stillness, an imperious demand for my attention. "What brings you here? Do you still yearn to work for me?" His words lingered in the air like tendrils of mist. Without a moment's hesitation, I replied, my resolve unwavering, "Of course, I stand ready. What task requires my hand?"
In response, the Don gestured for me to follow, initiating a journey that wove through the labyrinthine market. We traversed alleys veiled in shadow, the very essence of secrecy and intrigue. Our path led us toward the market's outermost fringes, to an exterior shed concealed beyond the confines of the car park. Here, barriers akin to colossal concrete sentinels stood sentinel, fortifications that we nimbly vaulted over. Each leap felt like a dance with the night, evoking the prowess of a seasoned outlaw, all while my Raiders hat-clad companion marveled at my agility.
As our daring escapade unfolded, I found myself revealing a hidden facet of my identity that sent ripples through the night's tapestry. The Don, his curiosity piqued, delved into my family history, prompting me to disclose that my father bore the name Michael Kelly. I uttered it with reverence, and their reactions mirrored a profound revelation, as though they had glimpsed a spectral figure from days gone by.
The Don, in an attempt to connect the dots, mentioned a certain John as my father. With a sly grin, I corrected this misunderstanding, asserting, "I am James Kelly. Michael Kelly is my father." Understanding descended upon them, and I seized the moment to beseech the Don, "Can you help me locate my estranged father?"
Approaching the twin door sheds, our odyssey led us to a cryptic threshold. Here, the Don produced a jingling set of keys, like a sorcerer revealing his arcane implements, and with practiced hands, he removed the heavy padlock barring our way. The gate swung open, granting us passage.
The shed loomed ahead, a realm veiled in darkness and steeped in the pungent aroma of decaying fruits and vegetables. The scent, a cocktail of spoiled produce, hung in the air, a reminder of the sort of cargo one dare not carry on public transport in Vietnam. Within these shadowed confines, discarded remnants of food created a haunting tableau, where bags and beans intermingled with the ghosts of culinary delights.
My mission was laid bare before me — to recover a bag concealed within this sprawling abyss. To reach it, I had to navigate a treacherous path, where broken pallets and bins laden with rotting fruit lay strewn like the wreckage of forgotten dreams. Following in the footsteps of past explorers, I ventured forth, guided by a faint trail. Yet, before I embarked on this perilous journey, the Don issued a chilling warning, one that invoked the very essence of the shadows we navigated.
He spoke of infamous snakes, guardians of these forsaken bags. Their venomous bite was a dire consequence for any who dared to trespass upon this kingdom of discarded delights. It was a treacherous haven, where rats, mice, bandicoots, rabbits, and bats were drawn to the promise of nourishment, only to face the wrath of these serpentine sentinels.
Undeterred, I ventured deeper into the abyss, my senses attuned to the shadows that enveloped me. The bag, a repository brimming with bricks, beckoned, its weight a testament to my commitment. As I shouldered the burden, it felt like an unspoken pact forged in the very heart of the night. With the bag in hand, I retraced my steps through the eerie shed, emerging from its depths like a lone wanderer returning from the abyss. My mission was complete, and I presented the bag to the Don, its contents a mysterious secret held in the palm of my hand.
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saint-siren · 3 years
A Pearl/Geyser
“I fell in love with a war, nobody told me it ended”/“you’re my number one — so I’ll keep turning down the hands that beckon me to come”
A self indulgent fic about stealing some poor dead woman’s man helping Claude grieve the loss of his beloved.
Sorta based on the songs A pearl and Geyser by Mitski, listen to them if you haven’t. It’s not necessary for the story, they’re just good songs.
Content warnings: NSFW
Claude’s own feelings for Diana were rather clear. They were intense and all consuming. They were reckless. They were all that existed, painful or pleasant. Wanted or unwanted, helpful or unhelpful. Whether it morphed into hatred and pain didn’t matter, his love for her was fate. It was a curse, a punishment for the blood he’d spilled — no, for having been born at all.
But there is no such thing as fate.
Meeting you proved that. You were not the kind of woman who could be ignored. When you first came to the palace, when you first reached his eyes, he didn’t want to observe you; yet he ended up taking in every single detail. You were graceful, but not in the way a dancer is. You reminded him of a fairy, possessing a quiet grace, as if you didn’t want to be seen by the wrong people. In stories, fairies would hide from all but the pure of heart. A silly folktale like that came to mind when saw you moving as though walking on air itself, cradled in a canopy of flower petals.
Your eyes were bright, sparkling with great curiosity in the world but they were also guarded, part of you was hidden. You made yourself very hard to know. Claude had only been able to notice from watching you for a long while that your default expression, a soft smile, eyes wide and innocent was a front. A look meant to placate others. A mask definitely but not necessarily a shield. Another thing Claude noticed, was your ability to give others what they needed. When you found someone, upset or in need of certain words, you always found them. You always gave them what they needed. When you said the words they longed to hear, it was never an act or performance detached from yourself. It was made purely from your own life’s experience, your own hard earned musing, grief and painful conclusions. It was the closest thing to the true you he’d ever seen when he secretly listened to you soothe someone with a tale of your own thoughts. Your face softened, you wore no mask. Sometimes he could hear the genuine sadness in your voice.
If Diana was like the warm and bright sun, you were the moon, mysterious and alluring. And all too captivating.
You were very intelligent, more than once had your calm advice saved many people their heads. When the answers didn’t come easily, you could work out different options for hours before carefully coming to the right one. The way you looked, deep in concentration, made something in Claude’s heart soften…He didn’t like it. He was inside a sticky jar of honey, sinking deeper, drowning in sweetness, slowly crystallizing. And yet all he could do was live in awe of its saccharine taste, not sparing any concern to his head going under, his lungs filling with honey.
You lived as though in awe of what a beautiful world we inhabited. You stopped and looked up at the sky several times a day, you basked in rain, wind and snow joyfully like a child. ‘How idiotic.’ he thought. But still, he watched you every single time and scolded you when you got sick. You took it in stride every time, smile at his insults as if you could see through them.
You accepted him for what he was. Even when he killed, your gaze never changed. Never flickered with fear. You never thought of him as a monster or tyrant or even ‘his majesty’, just simply “Claude.” You never thought of him in terms of saints or sinners, to you he was only a man. He found it hard to believe at first. He tested you. He showed you how dark of a person he could be but took it all in and accepted it. You had no defense or claim that would make him innocent, you simply accepted all of what made him. If part of Claude was evil and immoral, then that’s what it was.
You…you felt ephemeral. Too intelligent, too innocent, too accepting to exist in this world. Too good to be real. He feared that you would leave this world one day, abandon him for the beautiful place that must be your real home. Nothing gold can stay. Everything he cherishes will vanish simply because love cannot belong to someone like him. He should have known better. Should have known that loving you would be enough to make you leave. His only fear now was that you would cease to exist. What made him all the more anxious was your behavior. You always looked at beautiful things in a certain way, a desperate way as though you might not be able to see them again even if they were common things like the sunrise and sunset. You looked like you were trying to take as much beauty with you as you could. And yet, he knew that you also accepted the temporary nature of your own existence. It made him angry. He didn’t even have you yet and still he was going to lose you. You had no will to stay. He tried not to care, to write you off as insignificant so that it wouldn’t hurt when or if you left.
But after you fell in love with him, you started to look at Claude this way too. It was a bittersweet feeling. He was one of the beautiful things you were desperate not to lose.
He had been cruel at first, hoping to ward off his own feelings for you, trying to protect what little sanity he had left. But how could he not love you? How could he not come to accept your love? He could he refrain from kissing and touching you?
He had thought that he and Diana were fate, that Diana was the one and only love he’d ever have, the one. He was wrong. There was no fate. He knew that now, because if there was, it would have led him directly to you. He was angry at her, he hated her for putting him through so much. She was reckless, selfish. But you could only hate someone that much if you had loved them first. His love for her had been born out of years of pain, loneliness. He never knew love until he had her and perhaps then he could have loved anyone who had wanted to truly love him in return. He wanted to forget Diana only because her death brought so much pain. Her death felt like intentional abandonment. The death that he had refused to speak about for so long was now a deep ache muted by his new capacity for affection. He still remembered what you’d told him “When I’m in pain over something, I turn it over in my mind until doesn’t hurt anymore — until I can accept it.” Maybe that was what he had done with Diana. He hadn’t truly accepted nor forgiven Diana until he met you.
He would keep his love Diana inside him because of how it had scarred him but his love had changed, naturally. His love for her was like a pearl, something born out of suffering and the pain he had experienced thus far. Her love had if only temporarily, filled a hole in him, it gave him something he had lacked since he was a child. It was an ulcer born of all the pain endured in his life, in the form of a beautiful souvenir.
His love for you was like his garden, lush, ever-growing, evergreen and carefully tended to. He was still afraid to lose you, desperate to keep you, even more so than he was with Diana. Your presence was precious.
"Say it" He said against your slightly sweaty skin. You were writhing under him, Claude holding your twitching hips. He had stilled just short of your peak, denying you an orgasm. You gasped for air, barely able to even think, let alone process what he'd just said. He rutted sharply into you, drawing out a desperate moan. "Say it" He repeated. His voice was firm but not commanding, it was more like...he needed you to say it, he was asking for it. And you, even in your desperate haze of arousal, were more than willing to give it to him.
"I-I'm yours" You hiccupped. Claude, pleased, showed you that arrogant and sexy half smile and began to thrust again. Your clit throbbed as you brought his hand down to it, silently begging him to rub you. He obliged you, moving his expert fingers deftly over your sensitive clit. He loved to see that face you made, eyes rolling into your head and mouth opened. You always wanted him to touch you there while he was inside you but it was always too much for you to handle. You always cried out in both pleasure and pain. 'This greedy woman...Did I tease her too much?' He thought, smiling wider.
He loved to touch you. It made him feel so close to you, so close you could never simply disappear from him. Cognitively, he knew you were real and yet it was always slightly surprising for him to touch your soft skin and remind himself that you were human. Not fairy, angel, spirit, nor imagination. You were real.
"Claude!" is all you managed to call out. You didn't even know why you whined his name, maybe you had just wanted to hear his voice in respond. "Y/N" He simply replied in a breathless but calm voice meant to soothe. His hair was in his eyes, his body was lightly covered in sweat. He thrusts lost their rhythm, becoming sloppy and harsh. His expression was no longer composed, his teeth were gritted as he built up to his own released. The sound of your tortured moans, the way you gripped his arm as he played with your swollen clit, the tears in your eyes, they were all just too much. Along with the feel of your warmth and smell of your skin which, even while you were sweaty, was so arousing.
He sped up, rutting into you harder. The room was filled with the vulgar noises of him inside your wet cunt. With each thrust, you felt more of your wetness dripping on to him. The beautiful moans finally slipping from his lips made you happy even if you could hardly focus on anything besides your own impending orgasm. Your pretty lips parted slightly and your brow furrowed. Claude let out a short laugh. He knew what you wanted. He leaned in to kiss you, slipping his tongue into your mouth. You sometimes liked to have something in your mouth as you came, you wondered if you were developing an oral fixation.
You came just before Claude, moaning and whining into his mouth. The orgasm was almost painful, overwhelming, you wanted to scream but instead you held tightly onto Claude as you rode out your release. Feeling you squeeze and tighten around him, pulsating as you came, felt divine for him. His breathing was harsh. He twitched inside of you and shuddered as he finally spilled into you with a low groan, looking down at the lewd sight of you. Your clothes were half undone to expose your breasts, panties off, skin glowing slightly, lips slightly swollen, eyes half closed and glassy.
How beautiful you were. You whined a bit as he pulled out of you. Ah, he wanted to stay inside but he knew you needed to rest. Your eyes fluttered closed and Claude leaned to kiss them. He smiled softly at your exhausted face. "I love you, Claude" You said, suddenly. "I know" he said, they weren't easy words to say for him. They never had been. What he felt for you wasn't love anymore. How convenient it would be if all of his emotions and thoughts about you could be categorized and generalized with the word "love." No, what he felt was surely not what others meant when they said love. This wasn't what he felt for Diana. This wasn't simply love. It was exponentially more powerful but also much more painful, something desperate and impossibly sweet.
You opened your eyes again. Again...again you were looking at him with the same expression. That of one trying to drink in the last bit of light from a beautiful sunset. Of one trying not to forget. Somehow, it soothed his heart a bit, in a bittersweet way. You were afraid to lose him too. Not having a word for this feeling somehow made it feel exclusive. This feeling was only for the two of you. He could never really leave you and you would never truly leave him. The feeling that connected and likened you, made sure that neither of you would ever truly leave the other; whether or not you were worlds apart.
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
One Piece men with a Latina S/O
me and @thatbadbruja had this idea after a conversation we had, about how our guys would react meeting our families and getting to know our culture (Mexican and Brazilian) ❤
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Family is very important to Ace, so he’d love being part of your big family and going to the gatherings with you. Drinking with your uncles, brothers and cousins would be something he would do too. They would make him feel loved and at home.
Also, Ace would try all the food. Your grandmother would love it, and would keep filling his plate with every different dish. Bring more of the Menudo (if you’re Mexican), or Feijoada (if you’re Brazilian).
Would try to learn the language, but would end up saying something with a completely different meaning. You’d laugh, but would find it very cute. He’d eventually learn how to say “I love you”, in Spanish or Portuguese. Would 100% start watching telenovelas because he saw your family watching it once.
The culture clash would be real. Izou is very traditional, and quiet; so meeting your large family, who is also pretty loud, would make him feel a little out of place, but of course, he’d try his hard to bond with everyone.
When Izou tried the food, he didn’t imagine it’d be that spicy, poor guy needed lots of water after that. Also, he probably wouldn’t drink like your cousins and tios do, but he’d have a few drinks, just to bond. Meanwhile, your tias and grandma would start commenting, saying how they found him very cute, and would comment how polite he is.
I believe Izou would carry an evil eye stone with him all the time, because your family said it was good for protection, and would try all the teas they recommended.
He’s a very quiet man, and might not look very friendly at first, so your family would assume he was a bit rude. He’d have a hard time actually opening up and talking to everyone, but it’d only be at first. I see Law would like being with your family, they’d make him feel very welcome, inviting him to drink and play cards with them.
The worst part is that, Law is a doctor, so when your grandma mentioned that Vick Vaporub or tea can cure pretty much everything, or that he could have some herb tea if he felt sick, he went on a debate for hours.
Your grandma probably would complain about him in Spanish/Portuguese, saying he might be a doctor but he doesn’t know what older people know.
Marco would have a bit of knowledge about the culture, especially after you two started dating. So he’d know the basics, but you’d find very sweet that he was trying to learn so he wouldn’t feel out of place during the family meeting.
When your family offered him Tamales, or Churrasco, he already knew what it was, because again, he researched it. So he went on telling about the story of the dish, and how to make it because he saw the recipe online.
He’s a doctor, but he’s more open minded, so he wouldn’t argue when your tia said that boldo tea can cure his stomach ache in a minute, and he wouldn’t take any medication. Would probably do some research about it later. Would also give medical advices to your tios and tias.
Now, Mihawk is Latin and you can’t change my mind. So he’d feel like part of the family very quick. Your tias, cousins and grandma would find him very good looking and would keep telling you how you got lucky finding this very handsome man. They’d also probably dance with him, and would win their hearts as soon he said something in Spanish/Portuguese.
The tios wouldn’t be jealous, and keep saying he isn’t that good looking anyway, that it’s only about the mustache. But they’d all drink together anyway.
Being older and very wise, Mihawk would tell you a lot of tales, and explain some traditions that you probably didn’t know about. He’d totally believe that limpia con huevo, or bathing with rock salt could get rid of bad karma, envy and bad energy.
That man wouldn’t be shy when meeting your family, he’d already act as if he was a part of it too. He’d greet everyone and would quickly be friends with the tios and cousins. They’d be drinking partners, and Shanks would be drinking Tequila or Cachaça, and wouldn’t get drunk easily. And he also would learn how to do The Grito, or play Truco with your family.
He’d also want to try everything, from Pozole to Churros, or from Cuscuz to Brigadeiro. Shanks would ask for the recipe, but would say it doesn’t taste as good as your grandma’s food. Then your grandma would love him already.
Would learn Spanish/Portuguese, and would greet your family in that language. Would call you “querida” or “mi amor” all the time after learning what it means. The tias would teach him how to protect himself from el mal de ojo or mal olhado. ღ
tag list: @pure-kirarin - @lofi-coffee - @vemuabhi - @undercoverweeeb
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Are there any specific BL shows you would recommend to someone just getting into the genre?
Hmmm. This is always a hard one for me! Because there are so amazing ones but so many of them should come with warning and also if I start on the really good ones what happens when you finish those and realize the rest aren't that great?
Also, how do I give advice without knowing who I'm advising and their taste? That's the biggest issue for me with an 'intro course' because you never know what people like and don't like. There are people who hate every. single. show. I've recommended here.
Now, to clarify, I started on what I call the Netflix route. I watch The Untamed and then SOTUS and then found Viki and watched Love By Chance and that got me into the fandom. Would that work for everyone? Not a chance. But it just goes to show you that anything can get someone into a fandom if that's what they like.
So this is a list of BL shows i feel show the best of the industry... and a few on the list that are there because they show you what MOST of the industry is like as well. Take a sampling. Try a few shows. Don't limit yourself to any single country or genre. Sample.
There's SO much out there. You never know where your taste may take you. Search BL on My Drama List. Ask multiple people for where to get started. Look at gifsets on here and see what appeals. My taste may not be your taste, my idea of amazing may not be yours, my idea of the best of the best may not fit in with what you like.
So... ANYWAY. Disclaimer out of the way! Here's my list of where to start based on what I think is a good intro to BL itself through amazing shows and also trope-filled shows.
1. A Tale of A Thousand Stars: The story of a rich young man who needs a heart transplant, gets it from a young woman who was a volunteer teacher in a poor village and falls in love with one of the soldiers in the village. Absolutely lovely. Just fantastic. Gorgeous characters, amazing setting, fantastic story. Seriously. This will spoil you for a lot of lesser shows but if you start with it you'll know how good the genre can get.
2. Cherry Magic: Adachi is an office worker who considers himself awkward and boring and not very good at anything... until he turns 30, gains the power to read minds from being a virgin and discovers that the top worker at his office, Kurosawa, has a huge crush on him. The softest, sweetest, most gentle BL and just fantastic. Highest of the high recommendations. Seriously. A great place to start.
3. He's Coming to Me: Mes is a ghost. He's been dead for a long time. And Thun has been visiting, and seeing him, since he was a child. When Thun is going to University, he ends up taking Mes with him and their real adventure begins. Warning for death but holy shit is this one good. So good. Absolutely amazing and wonderful, plot-driven, a need to watch show.
4. Until We Me Again: WARNING: SUICIDE AND DEATH. In and Korn were forbidden lovers 30 years ago. Dean and Pharm dream of them every night and recognize each other on sight. Fate brings them together but can fate really lead to true love? An amazing show, absolutely beautiful, deep characters, deep plot, filled to the brim with emotion and highly recommended but heed the warning, okay?
5. Be Loved In House: I Do: When Shi Lei's new boss, Yu Zhen, takes over the jewelry store and introduces a rule that everyone working there must be single, Shi Lei is ready to throw hands for his friends. So what happens when he slowly finds himself falling in love with that strange man? This is just such a soft little show, filled with joy and softness and idiots. Absolutely a great place to start yourself on Taiwen BL.
6. All the Korean BL movies: I know that this is just a label but, like, literally all of these are soft and short and a great place to start to just get a feel for the shows coming out of Korea. Not as trope-y but just generally... good. ALWAYS watch the movie version.
Wish You: Tiny musician catches the eye of someone working for a record label
Where Your Eyes Linger: Bodyguard and the boy he guards
To My Star: Puppy movie star (who's more neurotic than he lets on) meets stiff chef (who's softer than he lets on)
Color Rush: In a world where a portion of the population can only see in shades of grey until they meet the person that lets them see in color... and are considered dangerous for this... a mono meet a probe. The best of the bunch!
Mr Heart: A marathon runner has stopped winning and another young man is hired to help him get back to winning. Honestly the weakest of these in my humble opinion.
Nobleman Ryu's Wedding: Historical Idiots being historically soft and historically stupid. That's is. Young man dresses as a woman to cover up that his sister ran away from an important marriage but the groom ends up loving him regardless.
7. Light on Me: A student who's never had a friend is convinced to at least give it a try and joins the student council where he meets a sweet young man, a jokester and an awkward and confrontational young man... and there's a lover triangle because what else would there be? Oh, this one is SO good and so soft and very emotional and sweet and has a fantastic love triangle and introduces you to tropes very smartly. Definitely a good place to slip into the genre and see how the tropes get played.
8. Ingredients: A chef lives with a musician and takes care of him every turn. Yes, it's an extended ad series. But it's also soft BL filled with every trope imaginable and it's a good place to just let yourself get used to Thai BL and how it feels.
9. Oxygen: When a rich young man who can't sleep finds himself at a coffee shop in the middle of the night, there's no way he expected to meet the love of his life. But when the barista offers him warm milk to help him sleep? He's lost. I put this one on here with a few reservations because there's a side pairing that is just horrible (skip all scenes with the doctors and the coffee shop coworker for your own good, okay?) but the rest of the show is just so good and so soft and I love it so much.
10. My Engineer: A sassy freshman meets a senior engineering student who is SERIOUSLY into getting sassed. A quiet introvert meets an extrovert who refuses to give up. One friend has been pining for years and has decided friendship is good enough. This one, again, goes on with reservations. It's a good start for getting into most of the more typical Thai BLs. Gives you the regular tropes, gives you the more typical relationship and friendship things... This is a good place to start if you want to be prepared for most of what you're going to watch, frankly.
There. I'll stop there. I think that's a good set. @absolutebl may have some more ideas? I kinda went basic on this list, no denials. And maybe a bit weird as well. No denials.
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