canaryscotch · 1 year
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:You really don't like me, do you?
;I don't like your attitude!..
aka where it turns out they actually need each other
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laguna-lesbian · 5 months
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not this popping up on my pinterest... um do you want me to commit a crime
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annasmidnights · 1 year
Anna… Anna… oh Anna… I love u❤️
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feralsupercorp · 3 months
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mitchsen as sonic the hedgehog scene from scott pilgrim takes off
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annakendrick47author · 6 months
Merry Pitchmas @gaytrashgoblin! I'm your Secret Santa! I hope you have a great Christmas and enjoy my gift for you!
Let me know if you have an AO3 account so I can gift it to you!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Pitch Perfect (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Beca Mitchell/Aubrey Posen, Chloe Beale/Chicago Walp Summary:
The Holidays are here, but Aubrey can't bring herself to be as cheerful as she'd like. She's been trying to have a baby for almost a year with her wife, Beca, to no avail. Maybe there's something the little brunette can do to cheer her wife up.
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I've been in a Mitchsen rabbit hole lately and I haven't done these in forever so here's a birthday post on Beca's birthday with some married Mitchsen 🥰♥️
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lgbtkendricks · 10 months
mini social media au: the one where beca, her girlfriend aubrey and her best friend jesse are in a rock band.
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gen z college students at barden. beca uses her dad's house, where she grew up, for band practice. aubrey joins the band because she has a crush on beca. jesse names them rock nation because he thinks he's funny. beca thinks he's stupid.
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definitely planning on creating a fic out of this !
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bi-badass-geek · 1 day
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"Birthday" by @thatmitchsentho
Check it out : Ao3
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Aubrey didn’t say anything; Beca had planted a seed, and she had to admit that now she was interested in seeing it bloom. Or, Beca and Aubrey have a quickie in a secluded area of Disneyland; 
( ao3 | ffn )
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Rating: T
One Shot
Pairings: Mitchsen
Summary: It’s difficult to watch the person that you’re crushing on flirting with someone else, but Aubrey’s about to learn that getting drunk is probably not the solution...
Some ridiculous and soft Mitchsen today because they hold a secret place in my heart that I didn’t know existed fdkgjdflkg
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Hello beloved pitches!
We’re just here to tell you that IT'S TIME! It's time to vote on the prompts you wanna write, wanna read, wanna make edits, videos, songs about... Ok sorry, we got a little too excited there 😅
But the voting for the prompts is now OPEN, and these baddies right here are your options! Please send us in your votes for your top three choices before November 13th 2022 at MIDNIGHT GMT, either via an ask or DM to this blog. Anonymous votes cannot be counted as we want to keep the voting fair and each person only gets one vote.
We hope you like them, and vote for your favourite three! Voting is open until the 13th of November, so LET'S GO!!!! If you want to lend us a hand, please reblog this post to make sure it’s seen by as many of your rare pair loving friends as possible! 🥰
- A message brought to you by the Rare Pair Week crew! 💖💖💖
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avulle · 1 year
New Chapter! Featuring no sex, but f e e l i n g s. Also some steamy sexual tension! Also a smidgen of Vampire stuff.
A teeny, tiny smidgen.
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annasmidnights · 1 year
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wandaswigglywoes · 2 years
Mitchsen or Staubrey—-with a vampire Aubrey.
no idea what this is nik, but i appreciate you immensely. i am v rusty and if everyone seems as ooc as i feel like they are im also v sorry about that jslkfjlksfjlks here ya go~
Beca wakes very slowly, her thoughts jumbled like a word scramble. At first, she doesn't remember falling asleep, or what she had even been doing before falling asleep in the first place.
And then it hits her.
She sits up with a jolt, only to grab at her head and groan, eyes slamming back shut.
"Careful," Someone lilts, sending a surge of panic through Beca. "I had to give you some of my blood, but you're still going to feel out of it."
What? Blood? Why blood? Beca keeps her eyes shut as she works to bring up her last memory.
"Here, drink this," The voice says. It sounds oddly familiar. Beca finally forces herself to open her eyes, only to gasp at the person that greets her. "Hello, Beca," Aubrey Posen says, smiling lightly in amusement. "Welcome back to the living–or, I guess in my case, the living dead."
Beca just blinks owlishly, unable to really process the fact that Aubrey is sitting next to her, holding out a glass of water. What's more astonishing is the fact that after nearly a decade of being a missing persons, she looks the same as she did that last day that Beca saw her.
"It's been a while." Aubrey says, when Beca still hasn't said anything.
Finally, Beca numbly takes the glass from Aubrey's hand, muttering a: "Yeah, no shit." She takes a slow sip, allowing herself a moment to unscramble her brain. "You–everyone thinks you're dead." Beca finally says, voice cracking with some mixture of emotion and disuse.
Aubrey cants her head slightly. "I am dead, technically." It's then that the puzzle pieces start to fall into place. The Blood, the fact that now that she's paying attention, Aubrey is a little more paler than she remembers.
"You're…" Beca can't seem to finish the realization out loud. Vampire. The creatures of the night had only just made themselves known five years ago. People still had very mixed views about it. Beca herself was still on the fence.
"The night of my disappearance, I was attacked by a vampire. I don't think I was meant to turn, originally, but–I did, and my Maker was forced to take me under her wing." Aubrey reaches out and traces over the side of Beca's neck, no doubt where a pair of fang marks reside. "Speaking of, what exactly were you doing in a vampire bar, Beca? You're lucky I came across you when I did. That vampire would have drained you dry." Her voice goes cold as she says it.
Beca swallows, eyes dropping down to the glass in her hands. "There was an offer online–blood for money. I needed--" Her throat constricts as her eyes burn with unshed tears. "I needed money to get out." She chances a glance at Aubrey from her peripheral, noting the frown on her red colored lips.
"Get out of where?"
"Just… out." She mutters, closing herself off.
Aubrey is quiet for a long moment, studying Beca's profile. "Are you… in trouble? You must be, only a desperate person would submit themselves to an unknown vampire for money." Beca remains silent, the muscles in her jaw working. "I can help you," Beca snaps her gaze to Aubrey who grins, the glint of unnaturally white teeth shimmering in the low light of the room. "For a price."
Beca's back goes rigid at the drop in Aubrey's voice, something swooping low in her belly at the sound. "What do you want?" She hedges, something close to fear prickling her skin.
Aubrey's grin turns coy as she scoots closer to Beca on the bed, her fingers reaching out to trace along Beca's jaw. "It gets rather lonely in this big house," She croons, cool fingertips moving down her neck again. "I merely ask for… companionship."
Beca exhales sharply, repressing a shiver. "I–Uh…"
"You could live here, there's plenty of room. You could have your own room and come and go as you please, but–I need a day person."
"What's that?" Beca asks, curiosity seeming to override her anxiety.
"While Vampires can go out in the day, it's very taxing and leaves us vulnerable. I need someone to be able to run errands during the day should I require it. And of course, spend time with me. Do you think you could do that, Beca? I know we weren't very close, but we were starting to be towards the end, weren't we?"
Beca considers her options–which weren't really much. Spending time with Aubrey seemed more appealing than going back… She could trust Aubrey, right? They had been on the road to becoming good friends before she'd disappeared. After another long moment of contemplation, Beca finally nods. "O-okay."
Aubrey grins. "Fantastic. Tell me, then… Whom or what are you getting away from?"
Beca glances away, finding the lukewarm glass of water in her hands much more interesting. "Jesse…"
In an instant, the air seems to change significantly, something angry and charged. When Aubrey doesn't respond right away, Beca finally forces her gaze back to her, only to find her unnaturally still, face expertly blank, but her eyes shining a red hue. She blinks once, and the color is gone. "I never liked him. I suppose my instincts were spot on, then?" Her voice sounds strained, like maybe she's trying not to lash out.
"Yeah. He's uhm–he's changed a whole lot over the years… Not for the good."
Aubrey reaches over and gently squeezes Beca's arm. "I won't ask you to go into details. All that truly matters is that you want to leave, and I'm going to help you do that. For now, you should get some more rest, and we can talk more tomorrow morning, before I must get some sleep myself. Okay?"
Beca nods numbly, still unable to fully process the events of the night. "Okay."
Aubrey stands and straightens out a few nonexistent wrinkles on her white dress. "I'm across the hall should you need anything. Goodnight, Beca."
Beca sets her glass on the nightstand before falling back against the pillows. "Night."
Pausing at the door, Aubrey turns back. "You're safe here, I hope you know that."
And with that, Aubrey leaves Beca to wonder exactly how her choices in life had culminated into this moment. Only time would tell if the choice to take Aubrey's offer would be one of her better ones.
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chubby-maimaki · 2 years
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Title: I always feel like somebody's watching me
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Day 3 of Pitch Perfect Rare Pair Week
A private investigator (kinda), a snowstorm, and a red Volvo on the corner of her house = A way to Aubrey's heart. Wait, what?
Read the story on AO3
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Manda had another Mitchsen dream so turning it into a fic again ♥️
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